Shackled Ch. 05 free porn video

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Note: Trying to make the chapter’s longer for those of you that wanted them.

Chapter 5

Emma’s mind was reeling, trying to grasp all that was going on. Still trying to gain her bearings, she squeaked in alarm as he not too gently hoisted her up and then knocked the breath out of her. With a soft grunt, she balance on his shoulder, her hands shoot down to grip the back of his shirt. She lost the hat, her long wet hair tumbling over her head and blocking her vision. All she could see was his ass and what an ass it was. But it was no time for ass staring, she was sure of it.

She managed to get out a soft ‘uh huh’ as he bounced her on his shoulder, surprised that he was able to carry her so easily while sprinting ahead. Where was he going?!

‘Enjoying our first date?’

She laughed breathlessly at that. ‘I’m not bored.’ That earned her a true chuckle and strangely enough it warmed her. Unfortunately all too soon, she heard the shout of the men. Heavy foot falls echoed in the empty building, the jingle and clanking of equipment as they charged in.

‘I think we have company!! Put me down, I can run!!’

The world spun and then she was being lowered. Her feet hit the ground as she tossed her head back and pushed her hair away. Liam seemed to instantly have a hold of her wrist, pulling her along. She willed her legs to move took off with him. ‘Tell me you have a plan!’ She pleaded as shouts grew louder behind.

‘STOP! FREEZE!’ came a loud command, both of them ignoring the yells as they focused on the door, getting to the door. To her dismay their outlet burst and more special forces came running in, armed with intent to kill.


He couldn’t help laughing, even though he could hear the cops behind them.

Hansen flipped her from his shoulder and she landed on her feet. He still had his gun in one hand and he grabbed her wrist with the other and pulled her along.

She exclaimed. She sounded nervous. He couldn’t blame her.

I’d be nervous too.

He smirked to himself.

If I wasn’t so good.

They weren’t far from the door, but the footfalls behind then indicated that the cops had entered the building.

‘STOP! FREEZE!’ came the command from behind them.

Hansen dragged Emma along with him for a couple more steps, but then the door in front of them burst open and four SPF’s came through it with weapons raised.


He pulled up and Emma bumped into the back of him.

‘Shit,’ he said loudly to the one who appeared to be in charge. Hansen had a grin on his face and continued talking to him. ‘Lucky you guys are here. This bitch nearly got away from me.’

He pushed Emma away roughly so that she was in front of him. He looked directly into her eyes for a few moments, and then looked sideways. Three SPF’s had followed them in and there were four in front of him.

Seven cops.

One bullet.


‘What’s the reward?’ he asked. ‘And remember guys, I got her first,’ he said with a wink.

Please, Emma, understand what I’m trying to do, he thought, because even I don’t know. I just need to buy time.

‘Step away from the girl, Hansen,’ said the lead guy. ‘Now, and do it slowly.’

Hansen started to move his arms. He heard their weapons cock.

‘And drop the gun.’

He’d forgotten about the gun. He made a show of very slowly placing the gun down on the floor while running his left hand up his leg, his fingers dipping into the pocket of his jeans and extracting the explosive that Carl had thoughtfully provided.

He looked at Emma as he got rid of the gun, his eyes staring straight into hers. He blinked and then kept looking straight at her. He knew it wasn’t his fault, but he felt apologetic all the same.

You’ve got brown eyes, Irish, er, I mean Emma. I hope I get a chance to look more closely.

He raised himself up from his bent over position and turned to look at the cop. He ran his hand through his short hair and tried to smile.

Think of a fucking plan.

‘This must be a mistake. You see, I was supposed to catch this bitch and then claim the reward,’ he said waving his hand towards her. ‘Now you guys are trying to muscle in. That’s not fair. Plus, I was just about to give her a quick one, if you know what I mean.’

He winked at the cop. ‘No reason you can’t mix business with pleasure, I say.’

What’s your plan?

‘Hansen, we don’t want the girl any more than you do. We want you,’ said the cop. ‘Now step away from her.’

There was only one reason they would want Hansen and the girl separated. They were going to kill one of them, but wanted the other alive and didn’t want them in the line of fire.

Which one?

What do you fucking care, as long as it’s not you.

‘Yeah, well I don’t think the fucking reward was worth it anyway,’ he said and turned toward the door they’d come in. ‘Keep the fucking bitch, but I’m going to complain to your superiors. This is fucked. I did all the work.’

He started to walk.


Hansen turned around and folded his arms.

‘What?’ he said, standing with his arms folded. ‘You want me to arrest her for you as well. You can’t fucking do that yourself?’

Emma was just standing there, looking at him. He didn’t know what she made of all this, but he hoped she understood he was buying time, to think up a plan.

That I don’t have.


All the guns were pointed at them. There was nothing he could think of that they could do.

The lead guy walked a little closer to him. He took another smaller gun out of his holster.

He pointed it straight at Hansen’s head.

Sorry, Emma. Sorry, me.

He stared straight at the cop’s black helmet.

The cop pulled the trigger and a jolt went through him. It felt like a rock had hit him on the side of his neck, but he was unhurt besides a sting.

Fuck! What the fuck was that?

‘That’s a restraint device, Hansen,’ said the cop. ‘If you get more than fifty meters away from me, you’re dead. Your head will blow off, not that it would be much of a loss. Consider yourself warned.’

At least now, though, Hansen knew something. They wanted him alive. That meant they wanted the girl dead. He watched as the soldier walked up to Emma and pointed the gun at her. Then he shot her with whatever the fuck it was.

‘If either of you move further than fifty meters away from me or each other, then you’re dead.’

Hansen looked at Emma.

Brown-eyed Emma.

He looked up and pretended to sigh.

At last. I have a plan, Emma, he thought, just hang on.

In the row of windows above them, he saw a shadow. It was a big shadow. The shadow moved across till it was between the two sets of SPF units that had them hemmed in. There was something in the shadow’s hands. A gun.

A motherfucking big gun.

He grabbed the explosive in his hand more tightly and looked at Emma. A slight smirk crossed his face.

Good old Carl.


If he hadn’t been for that wink, Emma could have reached down and clobbered him. She already felt sick and panicky inside, unsure if she wanted to start screaming hysterically or throw up. Either one didn’t seem very brave, so she swallowed the bile that rose in her throat and clenched down on her teeth. If she died, everything died with her. A hope for a cure would be gone, more innocent people dead. The thought made her eyes sting with unshed tears. How could she have been so stupid, so gullible! 10 fucking hears of her life gone and nothing to show for it but a decent place to lay her head and food in her belly. No great love, no kids, not even a real life. God she was pathetic!

Liam’s voice broke through her thoughts and strangely enough, soothed down her growing fears.

The men in black weren’t buying his l
ittle charade. This couldn’t be good, but Liam didn’t seem to be giving up so easily.

Weapons cocked and her spine stiffened, her fists clenching. She watched him move, unable to keep her eyes on them. Instead she watched him following orders, his gaze locking with her own. She just wished she could read his mind. All too quickly he broke contact and began to bullshit again.

She heard him droning on, talking in circles she was sure. He didn’t have a plan, did he? He was just buying time and then the unthinkable happened. The cop raised a gun to Liam’s head and everything inside her shuddered with dread. She let out a small scream of panic, smothering her mouth with her hands as he pulled the trigger. Sweat broke out on her forehead and her eyes squeezed shut, unable to watch, but when the cop began to talk again, she opened them. He was alive!

‘That’s a restraint device, Hansen,’ said the cop. ‘If you get more than fifty metres away from me, you’re dead. Your head will blow off, not that it would be much of a loss. Consider yourself warned.’

She stood stock still as the cop reached her and pointed the gun, trying not to cringe or flinch, but squeezing her eyes tightly shut. However the shot did make her flinch. But why hadn’t they just killed her? What were they going to do?

‘If either of you move further than fifty meters away from me or each other, then you’re dead.’

Looking over at Liam, she watched the wheels in his brain turning. She could tell he was up to something, and thought BINGO! as he slanted her a smirk. All hell was going to break loose. Her body tightened again, ready for the fight or in her case, the flight. After all, they were now literally stuck together.


‘I’m telling you,’ Hansen yelled, ‘If I don’t share in the reward money, then you fuckers will be answering to your boss.’

The lead cop walked over to him.

‘You can stop the game, fuckwit. We’re taking you and the girl away,’ he said. He turned around to his men. ‘Take them outside. If they do anything, shoot the girl. To kill.’

Hansen rolled his eyes as if he was exasperated. The shadow had gone. He needed to buy time. He didn’t know which way Carl was going to come in.

Shit. Ten years ago he would have come in from the roof. Too fat now.

Stop joking. This is fucking serious.

What did he know? Their orders were to bring him in alive. It wouldn’t mean they wouldn’t kill him if they had to, but it would make them hesitate. That would give him an advantage.

What didn’t he know? Why did they want Emma? Why was she expendable?

Twenty questions might be better left for later, Hansen, you have the small problem of seven SPF’s with serious artillery pointed at you.

Hansen started to sing.

‘I’ve got you, under my skin….’

The lead SPF walked towards him with the gun pointed at him.

‘Shut the fuck up, Hansen or I swear I’ll shoot you right now. Fuck orders.’

‘….I’ve got you, deep….’

‘Shut.. The.. Fuck.. Up.. I will put a bullet in your head you fucking piece of shit.’

Hansen looked at him.

‘There are ladies here, mate,’ he said. ‘Take it easy.’

‘Not for long there won’t be,’ said the SPF.

‘See, that’s why you’re angry at me,’ he said. ‘You have to sit around and take orders from dumbasses who get paid ten times what you do. And then you get to rough up innocent civilians, including women. You’re a real tough boy,’ he winked, ‘no wonder you’re angry. I always thought it was your little dick.’

The SPF was blew out a loud breath under his helmet, but decided to back out of the banter.

Hansen had bought a few minutes, but where the fuck was Carl? He saw the cops behind Emma move towards her and he felt the prod of a gun barrel in his back.

Where are you, Carl?

A deafening explosion rocked the building. It had come from the pub. All the soldiers dropped to their knees and pointed their guns at the two entrances. Hansen didn’t need an invitation. He pressed the small button on his explosive and let it fall from his hands. Then he sprinted towards Emma at full pace and tackled her. He heard her let out a surprised wail as he knocked the air from her lungs. They flew five meters and he landed on top of her on the hard floor of the warehouse.

‘We really have to stop jumping each other in public,’ he said to her and pressed himself tightly over her.

The bomb went off and then Hansen heard the familiar rat-a-tat-tat of a machine gun, but it wasn’t the SPF’s, it was Carl, his silhouette taking up most of the doorway. He looked behind him. Most of the SPF’s were down, but in the dust and smoke he could see the leader getting up and turning towards them.

He reached down between their bodies and shoved his hand down the front of Emma’s pants.

Shit. He’d had the gun before they entered the warehouse. It was on the floor about ten meters away and he couldn’t reach it….

‘Sorry,’ he said to her, ‘I guess I’m just a lecherous old bastard.’

He started to get up off her, but the SPF was up and pointing the gun at him.

‘You fucker,’ he said through his helmet, ‘You’re not going to get away this time, orders or no orders.’

His finger started to pull on the trigger when another rat-a-tat-tat sounded out. The cop sunk to his knees and fell down helmet first into the floor and lay still. Standing a few meters behind him was Carl with the machine gun. He picked up Hansen’s gun from the floor and threw it to him.

‘It’s only got one round left,’ he said as he caught it.

‘Never fear,’ said Carl who then tossed him a couple of cartridges.

‘Nice work. How did you know?’ asked Hansen.

‘I was watching the operative in the bar longer than you were,’ he said and rolled his eyes. ‘When you left, I got him and stuck explosives down his pants and told him to walk outside or I’d blow him up.’

‘Shit,’ said Hansen. ‘We heard the explosion. What happened?’

‘Well,’ said Carl with an expressionless face, ‘I let him get outside close to his mates, then I blew him up.’

Hansen smiled. Emma was picking herself up off the floor slowly. She looked battered, but at least she was intact.

‘Sorry about that,’ he said to her. ‘Next time I shove my hand down your pants without asking, I really do have to make sure there is a gun in there. I guess now I really owe you dinner.’

‘I don’t want to cramp your style, Liam, but, maybe we can keep the courting for later,’ said Carl. ‘What do we do now?’

‘Oh, let me think about that,’ said Hansen. ‘Oh, yeah. Run. And fast.’

Carl rolled his eyes.

‘Great plan,’ he said. ‘Lucky I’m in such good shape.’

Hansen laughed, grabbed Emma’s arm and they made their way to the exit.

‘Woops,’ yelled Carl, ‘Don’t forget this.’ He reached into the leader’s uniform pocket and pulled out a small unit the size of a battery.

‘What’s that?’ asked Hansen.

‘It’s the main transponder for the restraint device. If you and your lady friend get more than fifty metres away from it or each other, then boom, no more heads.’

‘Fuck me,’ he said, catching the unit Carl threw to him.

When they got to the exit, Carl stopped and spoke to them.

‘I’ll go towards the river, you head into town. That way they should split up, leaving us with only half the cops to cope with each.’

Hansen nodded. He had pressed Emma close to him and could feel her heart beating.

Good. At least you’re ready for action.

‘Thanks, Carl,’ he said. ‘I owe you.’

‘Nothing. If you need to talk, get me through Bonnie O’Reilly. Now let’s get the fuck out of here.’

Carl turned left out of the doorway and Hansen pushed Emma to the right.

Just as they were about ten meters apart, Carl yelled out.


They looked around.

‘What?’ asked Hansen.

‘Next time,
I’m thinking the lady shouldn’t order Irish Coffee in a beat up dive. Doesn’t really keep a cover too well.’

Hansen laughed.

Then Carl turned and started running again.

Hansen tightened his grip on Emma’s wrist, turned and winked at her.

‘Thank God we have some privacy again, Irish.’

They started to run down the alley toward the center of the city.


The silver haired man sat in his armored car. He watched the operative walk slowly out of the bar towards the SPF’s standing outside. They gathered around him and he was pointing at his pants.

His jaw tightened. This didn’t seem right.

Suddenly, the operative and the SPF’s disappeared in a blinding flash and his car rocked, followed by a thunderous boom.

He waited a few seconds to regain his composure and yelled at the driver of the car.

‘Where the fuck is Gray? Has he got back to you?’

‘No, sir,’ said the driver. ‘His comms unit isn’t responding. There should have been eight men in the alley behind the bar, sir. Surely they will have handled Hansen and the girl?’

The silver haired man pursed his lips and let a long breath of air through his nostrils.

‘Never bet against Hansen,’ he said. ‘Now call HQ and tell them to get every fucking available unit out here.’

He sat back in the seat and watched the carnage outside.

Next time I kill him.


Once again Emma wasn’t sure what to think and where to turn, but Liam seemed to have everything under control. He thrived on chaos and challenges, teasing her with his smiles, winks and witty banter. But she had to give him credit, he had gotten her out alive. She wanted to thank Carl as well. The big man sure knew how to move and she promised herself that next time she saw him, she would definitely have to squeeze him tight and give him an extra big tip for his troubles.

Running along side Liam proved to be a challenge. His legs were longer, he was stronger and definitely more fit. While she wasn’t quite soft, she was also used the softer side of life, using her brain more than her body when it came day to day life. ‘Remind me to lay off the pretzels before we start running marathons!’ She breathed.

Hands locked together, she had no choice but to keep up until her legs and lungs were burning. The rain began again and she groaned, sucking in breath after breath. Reaching her free hand to the front of her shirt, pressing it between her breasts to feel the disk. It was still there, crammed between the lush fullness of her breast and protection of her bra.

‘What’s the plan?’ She wheezed out, sorely wishing now that she had thought things out a little better. Saving the world didn’t hadn’t seemed so dangerous and complicated at the time.

His abrupt stop made her collide into the back of his body with a loud grunt and then she was being tugged into a darkened doorway, his body crowding hers again. She clutched at his shirt, panting from excursion, her legs trembling with fatigue. ‘Seems like we’re stuck together for a while, Liam. But, I think maybe we need to establish some personal boundaries here.’ She teased softly, her voice just above a whisper. ‘If I had know the nerdy scientific type turned you on so much, I would have been more prepared.’

Trying to control her heart rate, she dropped her head back against the cold steel he had her pressed against and tried to think of anything but her pending death. ‘Please tell me we can find a spot to think without running. I know people, but I don’t want them involved. Friends and family are out and so are most of my co-workers. My place is a no go for obvious reasons. Damn it…’ She sucked in another breath, blinking back tears of frustration and swallowing hard, ‘Sorry, I’m good. I won’t blubber all over you.’


Emma was trying her best to keep up with him, but no one could have kept up with him the way he was running. He could hear her breathing becoming heavier and he was having to drag her along.

Better stop for a tick or she’ll blow up.

The rain had started again so they had to be careful not to slip. The streets were quiet seeing it was wet and late. They hadn’t come across any more cops, but he could hear the sirens. They were well away from the scene and there would be confusion at least for a while. This gave them the chance to get well away.

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I made home safely, pulled into the driveway, and got out of the car. I noticed two things, right away. First, how incredibly pleasant my asshole felt, as it was stretched and twisted a bit, by the natural movement of my muscles in my hips and rear end. Interesting how you never realize what muscles are involved when you move in everyday normal movements, and secondly, my ass was wet. I looked at the seat of my car, sure enough, a small, quarter sized wet spot was on the seat. I ran my...

4 years ago
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A true father daughter love

(Jack was sweating, panting, his body getting hotter by the mintute. His wife Helen under him moaning with pleasure as he fucked her slowly. He felt her face she was the most beautiful women in the world to him. Her long brunette hair with her deep green eyes that always made him think of a beautiful medow in a distant valley somewhere. He gyrated his hips foward, pushing his cock deeper into her and watching the smile develop on her face. She grabbed his shoulder "Oh baby I'm close finish...

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Yukios Adventures Part 1

Yukio's Adventures - Part 1 I was learning to like living in the U.S.A. Any reservations I had were simply a result of my discomfort because of cultural differences where I had to reason out what was happening in a given situation and try to determine a best course of action. Some of the situations don't require thought, you just go with instinct. The first day of school was difficult for a number of reasons. I was starting in my Sophmore Year. Everyone in my class already knew each...

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The Taking

For the past twenty years or so, I have worked for a global conglomerate that has its fingers in everything from communications to pharmaceuticals. One of the down sides of my employment was that my assignments required frequent relocation. The longest I ever lived in a single place was three years and there were times that I didn't even get to finish unpacking before I had to move again. I wasn't married and had no children, so this didn't especially bother me, although the frequent moves...

4 years ago
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Tales of the eKids Ch 06

Tales of the eKids: E-man Loves Emmy © 2004 by Andrew Wiggin Part 20 The Attorney General of the United States thought that first he’d try the easy way. He had his secretary place a call to (where was it?), Statesboro, Georgia. He thought, ‘we won Georgia pretty easily. Maybe they’ll do what I tell them to do without too many questions.’ His phone buzzed and he picked it up. ‘Whom am I speaking to?’ ‘This is Chief McArthur of the Statesboro Police Department.’ ‘Chief, Bill Ashton here....

1 year ago
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GirlsDoPorn 20 Years Old E484

Your hopes and dreams have been answered, because this scorchingly hot 20 year old has returned for another shoot! As I’m sure you guys already know, when a chick is brought back for a return visit here on Girls Do Porn they almost always push their envelopes somehow, trying out new experiences and stuff just to keep things fresh. Well today this absolute stunner is going to take her first creampie, and is already thinking about that load of cum in her hole lol…well first things...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 13 The Twins

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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HandsOnHardcore Jessa Rhodes Doctors Dirty House Call

Today’s Hands On Hardcore premium porn exclusive stars glamour porn goddess Jessa Rhodes who is being a bad girl with her good Doctor. The stunning all-natural blonde has called upon Dr. Van Wylde to examine her in X-rated ways, and her dirty intentions are made clear when she begins kissing and sucking on the medical professional’s meaty cock. But where she really wants his big bratwurst is deep in her ass and pussy, as she’s been daydreaming about anal sex all AM. See her...

2 years ago
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Renu Aunty Ko Jamkar Choda

Hi friends mera naam hai imran aur mein mumbai me rehta hu aur meri height 5’11 hai aur mere lund ka size 6” hai aur mujhe ladies joki widow aur divorced wali pasand hai aur jaida tar aunty pasand hai aur ye story be meri aunty ki hai, mein unke bhare me batata hu unki age 34 haiaur height 5’4 hai aur figure 36 32 38 hai woh dikhne me tik hai aur unki gaand toh lajawab hai.mera mail id hai chalo story pe ate hai ye 6 months pehle hua tha me aur me aunty ek he building me rehte hai woh 2nd...

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Daphne Puppy

Daphne was in the kitchen washing the dishes from our dinner when I walked in behind her. She was wearing an old t-shirt of mine and nothing else, and I watched her slight movements for a minute - her legs flexing when she placed dishes in the drainer. Her ass was hidden from my view, but knowing it very well I could imagine its motion. Her blond hair was tied up off her neck, and I admired it's graceful curve. I came up behind her and closed my left hand around her throat. I heard her breath...

3 years ago
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VeronicaChapter 9

Veronica's journey through the capital had led her from Hampstead to Southwark and now, after a somewhat bibulous sojourn in the heart of the Square Mile, she was making her barefoot and ever more exposed way towards Shoreditch. Many complimentary, if somewhat earthy and obscene, comments had been passed in tones loud and clear enough for her ever burning ears to apprehend. It was nice to be approved of, she reflected, but the terms in which that approval was expressed left much to be...

1 year ago
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brenda needs renards big black cock and i still lo

My wife and I are both in our 40's, we had always beenfaithful to one another. We had sex once or twice a week and I wasvery happy and satisfied with our life together. As was my wifebrenda.... or so I thought.It all started when she went with a friend to a lingerie party, youknow the type of thing where they sell vibrators and stuff as wellas sexy underwear. Well she heard all the stories, multiple orgasms,affairs BLACK COCK VS white dicksThat night in bed, she was telling me all the details...

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Joy of Their YouthChapter 12

The first of the evening had been one hot lusty experience for all four members of the family when Sue had announced that she was going to be having a baby. And when her son Tim had come around the table to where she was sitting and began to strip her and fuck her right there on the table, the daughter-in-law, Cindy, had also announced that she was pregnant again with her second baby and her father-in-law Chuck had proceeded to fuck her right there as well. It had been one of the sexiest...

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Heat of Summer A Bleach tale

"Who are you calling an idiot!" He stopped to shout back at her. "You, you idiot!" She huffed disappearing in the direction of the retreating hollow. Bitch. Ichigo mumbled to himself running after her wiping sweat from him brow. It was so damn hot and taking this hollow down was taking way too long. He wanted to take his soul candy or use his Substitute Shinigami Badgebut Kon was no where around and it had taken a few hours to find his body when he had tried to hide it last time. So...

1 year ago
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family ties

“Let’s get this straight, Lucy,” Tom said as he closed and locked the door behind him. “You ARE going to do this!”“And I told you I am NOT, you sick, perverted bastard!”Tom’s hand flew out and grabbed the nightdress of the girl and pulled her roughly to him. She struggled but he was far too strong for her and , although she twisted her head, she couldn’t stop his rough, unshaven face pressing against her young, smooth cheek as he kissed her. She struggled but he had too firm a grip on the...

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The Curator Ch 18

Sue shook her head reflectively trying to clear the images from her mind. During the last throes of her most recent climax, as the circuits popped and the lights went out, she experienced a brief episode of being elsewhere, as if she was driving a car, looking out through the windshield on a dark, snowy night. When the car started to slide towards a snowbank, everything suddenly went blank as the windshield was buried in snow. The images were vivid, but vision wasn’t the only sense affected....

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The newspaper advertisement Part 3

The newspaper advertisement(Part 3)ForewordHello dear readers.My story "Die Zeitungsannonce" now appears with its 3rd part.Parts 1 and 2 previously appeared on in November and December 2018.If you do not already know Nadine's story, you may want to read the first two parts first, because then you're probably in a better position to delve into the third part of the story.I wish all others much fun and lust while reading.The author.IntroductionThis story tells the dark, sexual...

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At the Pool Part Two

As Matt got into the front passenger seat of my car, I unlatched the ragtop and flipped the convert switch. There was a whirr of small servos and the roof gave way to bright sunshine and the rustling of branches and sparkling green leaves. We were in the parking lot of the community pool, it was mostly empty as most of the summer swimmers were at the National Fair that was in town. I looked over at Matt, my heart clenched with excitement, my stomach with butterflies and my manly cock twitching...

2 years ago
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The Clothes Make the Woman

The Clothes Make the Woman By Paul G Jutras From the very start I knew I was different. Even when my mother was potty training me I found that I preferred to go sitting down over standing up. Mom would yell at me that it wasn't the way men went, but I didn't care and couldn't understand why mom was complaining. It wasn't until I was six that I truly knew I was different from my male friends. Mom had her complaints when I bit my small feet in mom's heels and went around the house....

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Introduction: A NIGHT IN FOR ME We had just got home from our night out. My husband James open the door and went to the kitchen to get some drinks as I welcome our new friends into our home. We had met Stacy and Brandon at the bar and had became friends rite away. Stacy was a beautiful woman about five foot three beautiful red hair down to her but and a very slim girl. Brandon was a very fit looking guy tall brown hair and a nice build to himself. James came out from the kitchen he had got a...

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A New Life For My Mother Chapter Two

We were still locked in each other's arms when we woke up in the morning, the first thing I saw was her eyes, big, blue and wide, smiling at me.“Morning,” I said and kissed her cheek.“Morning handsome,” she smiled. “You’re hard again.”“I’m in bed, naked with a beautiful, sexy woman,” I laughed. “Of course I’m hard.”“Go and have a shower while I see to that little monster downstairs,” she laughed and pushed me off while she scrambled out of bed. I watched her sexy little bottom wiggling as she...

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Dad and Daughter play together

This town is new to me. Only last month I lived in Florida. Now I live in North Carolina in a small town 15 miles north of the university. My friends were surprised that I bought a tiny house of 500 sq. ft. instead of a traditional 2000 sq. ft. one. But they shouldn't be since unlike my friends I have no mortgage or car payment. The freedom to invest or travel or to do whatever I want to do with my income came about as a result of choosing to live below my means. Everyone in my subdivision has...

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Why I Became Me Part 4

Why I Became Me – Part 4I made my way back to the house, my body aching from the punishment Mr West had meted out with the crop. My shoulders, the small of my back and my buttocks stung from the beating I had taken, and the sense of shame and humiliation I felt in his rooms had not yet left me.As I entered the boot room it was approaching 6.30. The lights were off as I sat on one of the benches and started to take off my shoes. I heard a movement and looked up.“Good, you're back. Mr West phoned...

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The Receptionist Part 2

I turned the letter over in my hands a few times. The postage stamping looked like it had been returned to the school with my apartment address incorrect at least once. My hands were shaking as I opened the envelope. I noted distantly how easy having long nails made that particular task. Inside, I found a short note and a couple of folded pieces of paper. The note read simply: "Hey Paul, Mom and dad here, Surprise! We got the Antarctic research fellowship we have been wanting for...

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My Unwanted Butterfly Tattoo

Divorce can be hard for a single Mom like me. Especially if you’re a practicing Catholic. But I felt like I had to do it, given that he ran off with one of my best friends. I’ve been trying to keep it together for my eighteen-year-old son. I’ve gotten a lot of help from my support group and the parish priest.Yesterday I was just relaxing by the pool for a while before I had to get dinner ready for Jeff and I. He wasn’t home from marching band practice yet so I figured it was ok to put on a...

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My Evil Landlord

This is my 2nd true story of my transexual life and the things that have happend to me in it. I moved into my own flat when i was 17, i needed the space away from my mum who was always drinking and getting fucked by strangers who she would bring back after a night out, many a time id hear the bed banging in her room and her screaming out a different mans name at night. Id find wet cum stains on her bed during the day or a pair of her panties lying somewhere that she had thrown and forgot about...

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More Fun and Games

Dan held my head with me gently nursing on his cock for several minutes and Ted and Mitch just watched in excited fascination. This all happened way before porn videos even existed so none of the guys had ever seen anybody suck cock. True, I had been sucking Ted's cock for several weeks before but it's different viewing someone else getting their cock sucked. It's also different seeing a naked guy on his knees with his mouth full of cock. So it took some time for everybody to gather their...

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A Tortured SoulChapter 8 Amanda

It was after ten o’clock when we got to The Union—the building owned and operated by the Student’s Union. Situated on the eastern side of the university’s Grand Plaza, with the university library on the Plaza’s northern edge, The Union was a ghastly nineteen-seventies concrete and glass monstrosity. Oh, sure, they’d tried to disguise it with various signs and banners, and it had had more than its fair share of coats of paint, but it was what it was—and it was hideous. At least, it was from...

4 years ago
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DONNADetention with Mr Kite

I had a habit of talking in class and especially in Mr. Kite’s class as he was so dishy, all the girls fancied him. He was quite young probably about 28, slim, the only problem was his girlfriend was 6 months pregnant with his c***d, all us girls were very jealous.It was a Thursday and Mr. Kite seemed to be a little stressed, as he caught me talking and joking with my friends in his class. “Donna stay behind after class and do your homework” now this pissed me off no end, but what could I do.It...

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Ana comes back very very late

My sweet Ana said she would go out alone that night.Before leaving, she warned me that probably, she would bring her date back home… I said it was fine for me.She finally came back after four o’clock in the morning.And the bitch brought her date in, as she had warned me.I had passed out earlier, as I waited for her. But I got up from the bed and crept down the stairs in the darkness.I heard them whispering in the living room, also in shadows... They did not notice me and I could see they were...

3 years ago
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Detention with Mr Sullivan

Introduction: This is my first story. So what can I say? I tried to limit the character descriptions to leave more to your imagination. I hope you enjoy it. c: After a long night of studying, more like cramming, I was sitting in my pre-calculus class trying not to fall asleep. My teacher, Mr. Sullivan, was a tall and attractive man. Between his dark, curly hair and serious eyes he could make even the most unintelligent girls in his class try their best to pay attention and make good grades in...

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The Truth About Swinging

So....You've been thinking about expanding your sexual boundaries.You fantasize about it,youre thinking about trying to get into the "lifestyle," a gentle euphemism for "swinging," or at its basic core..."Wife Swapping.But first,I hope you've asked yourself a few serious questions, before you hop right in there a drag the little missus into something you might not have all the facts on.We've been doing this for over 20 years,my wife and I,and its not all its cracked up to be.In fact,its NOTHING...

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A Stormy Night

No, no she thinks as she suddenly loses power in her car. All the electronics in the cabin flash at her before dying. This can’t be happening, not now she laments in her mind realizing that her car battery had just died. “Perfect,” she mutters under her breath sarcastically as she looks out into the night, seeing the worst storm of the decade lash through the forest of evergreens, swaying them from side to side. The hurricane force winds shaking the car as the rain pelts against the window,...

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My Horny Aunt Beth Part 3 of 4

My name is Sam, I just turned 18 and am still a virgin. I was babysitting my Aunt Beth’s 2-month-old little girl, Jane, while she went dancing with friends. My uncle was working 3rd shift and I was planning to stay the night. Beth was 9 years older than me and a very attractive woman. In fact, she has been my go-to fantasy since puberty and more of a friend than an old aunt. Beth got home a little after 1 and we settled in the living room with a beer. I ended up giving Beth a foot and leg...

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My ability 2

When I wake up, I thought to myself, “Tonight, it’s my turn to fuck somebody”. As I was thinking this, a person popped into my mind. This person, a girl, is one of my closest friends and one of the few people I told about what I can do and she has always has been intrigued about messing around. I called her up, told her what I wanted to do, she said, “yea sure”. My question for her was, how did she want to do this. She said, “Surprise me”. As she said that, I got really horny. When she...

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The Trap 8211 Part II

Hi friends, I am Seema and this time I shall tell you about my second experience of how I seduced Kiran, my husband’s younger brother. Kiran was 26 years and I was 32 years after the jijus experience I thought that it was safer to have sex with some known to you rather than with a stranger. My husband continued his out station trips and I was not interested to simply go and grab some one, though a few smart guys were in our building. One morning I decided that let me call Kiran and give it a...

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The Hidden Video Camera

The sound wasn’t the greatest, but you could clearly hear Ed Ford say to his wife, “Edie, you still have the best set of tits I’ve ever seen,” as he grabbed a handful of her flesh as she walked past his side of the bed!!!” As his hands grew more insistent, she offered no resistance when he pulled her down on the bed and kissed her hard on the mouth, while letting his free hand roam over her voluptuous body!!! Almost immediately she began tugging at his boxer shorts until she had exposed his...

3 years ago
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Forever Remembered

I just had one of the most memorable weeks of my life.I want to write this now while the event is still strong in my thoughts.A few years ago I won an online competition (won't go into details) in-which I was introduced to this amazingly beautiful girl. After talking for some time we ended up becoming good friends. There was never any sexual suggestions from either of us (even though I had definitely been smitten by her) but what made things kinda awkward is that we lived in different...

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