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Spring Green

Things are never what they seem

Let a star be just a star

And a woman — just a dream.

Dreams Are Best | Robert Service

Oh yes, life is change…because as Yeats’ said — ‘things fall apart,’ and the fall can be brutal and direct — or — such change may arrive softly, with the coming of a breeze. Sometimes change arrives on vast columns of marching men playing dark anthems, yet too, there are those few times when change comes as gently as the night, in the form of a woman, perhaps, if you’re lucky. Our own cycles of life remind us — or they try to, anyway — that ‘nothing lasts forever,’ that we are here but for an instant and life will move-on dry-eyed without us after we leave. Still, for some people the very idea of change is foreign, the idea isn’t welcome, it takes a while for the idea of change to take root and grow. Call these people slow learners if you like. And while you’re at it, you’d better lump me in this last category. Slow, as in: it took me quite a while to figure out what was going on, and what it all meant.

So, to begin a recounting of these events — something unexpected comes along and bang: you’re in the middle of a big life crisis? Okay, like that’s gonna make headlines? Hold the presses? Film at eleven?

Not a chance. No, the change I’m thinking of resides in memory so deep you might think of it as, well, almost a genetic thing. This kind of change is easy to miss because the process is so incremental — change is small, slow, almost undetectable over a lifetime — and it almost always happens out of sight. This kind of change doesn’t jump out at you, rather it’s faintest outlines begin to emerge in memory. And although this is my story to tell, I couldn’t begin to do so without tracing a few of the faint outlines of my own ‘genetic’ memory. I’m hoping you might see parts of a greater story this way, because maybe, just maybe there are echoes of greater memories at play in the night, evidence of some larger process at work.

And I’ll have to begin this story by describing the most unlikely hero imaginable. I want to paint a picture of an older man, a man getting on in years but not yet so withered and worn down by change that he has stopped wondering about time, and the meaning of it all. I’d have you picture a tall man, say around six feet tall, and stocky in a muscular way that reminds you of youth. He had hair on his head once upon a time, but now all that remains is a thinning silver fringe around the sides, and when you see this man in your mind’s eye the one thing that will stand out most is his eyes. Cool and grayish-blue, the whites clear, they feel distant in a way but the closer you get the more you feel a certain penetrating warmth: you feel a contentedness in his eyes, perhaps an echo of this in his easy smile. You might see eyeglasses on the man as he reads a newspaper, but let’s visit him in our memory as he was before our last trip together. Let’s visit him in his office.

You’ll see him wearing an expensive, well-tailored suit, clothing that seems a natural extension of his body. He stands behind a large mahogany desk, beyond him is a wall of glass and far below, the lights of a large city shimmer in golden glory. This man should be, in your eyes at least, the very picture of success. He is Homo-Americanus and quite proud of the fact, and though he is but mortal flesh, in his own way he is unchanging, unyielding — immortal.

This man happens to be my Uncle Chuck, or Charles Wentworth Addington, Jr., and I use the word ‘unchanging’ advisedly, because for Charles change meant nothing at all unless he was the one in charge of it. Unless he’d massaged and shaped change — and beat the ever loving crap out of it when it didn’t perform as expected. Any other change was trivial, mundane, something to be dealt with by associates down in the Minor Bullshit Department. The type of change I’ve been alluding to, all that genetic hooey, tends to make a mess of things — and Uncle Chuck didn’t do messy — at least not that I was aware of. That kind of change is unpredictable, and Charles Wentworth Addington, Jr. just wasn’t an unpredictable, or even a spontaneous man. Spontaneous is combustion, often shocking, energetic and — always messy. Uncle Chuck was the polar opposite, he was glacial, as cool as they come — and as stonily deliberate and predictable as any glacier you’ve ever walked on.

Maybe he was too cool for his own good, because in the end he didn’t embrace change. Very few do, especially men like Uncle Chuck. Change, like time, is a predator. Change is patient, steady, waiting and ready to line you up in it’s sights — and pull the trigger — whether you happen to be ready, or not. Maybe that’s why, I think, he tried to hide from change. Because unlike most of the things I associate with life, change rarely misses it’s targets. Not even when men like Uncle Chuck get in the way, or protect the people they love from change.

But now’s the time to get a few other details out of the bag and right up front: this story isn’t altogether about Uncle Chuck, and it’s not just about change, though maybe I should make that Change with a capital C right about now. No, this story is, in it’s own roundabout way, a love story. Maybe love stories, as a matter of fact, layer upon layer of love, the kind that — as long as there is memory — never fades away. Falling in love is often a messy, unpredictable, and spontaneous affair, and falling in love often generates a little combustion of it’s own, leaves a little black soot on your sleeves that’s hard to wash off. I’m sure you get the picture, but if you don’t, well, just remember as events unfold that things Change, and Change almost always comes along when you least expect it, whether you’re ready for it or not.


Uncle Chuck, it seemed to me, lived out most of his life in an office on the forty-eighth floor of what was at one time the tallest building in Boston, Massachusetts. Forty-eight was of course the top floor, and Chuck’s office was the biggest one up there. Real nose-bleed territory, or so my father called it. And to give you proper context let’s add that Chuck owned the building, and the bank in it, the land the building was on and a lot of the land around it. Chuck was rich in so many ways. So many ways no one understood. Not even Chuck.

He had one son, to whom he was devoted completely, my cousin Ham, or Charles Wentworth Addington, III. He was called Ham because he had fat cheeks — that looked exactly like a hamster’s. The image that often comes to mind when I think of hamsters is that they run endlessly in little stainless steel cages, in the corner of your bedroom, perhaps, when you were a kid. I don’t like to say this now, because I find it odd even now, but that’s about all I remember of Ham. He was a hamster in a little cage, running and running and never getting anywhere. If you think about the clicking of a hamster’s little claws as it runs on it’s treadmill, well, that is, it seemed to me, the little creature’s life’s work. That was Ham, always running and never getting anywhere. Something else, too, I remember thinking all those years ago that the hamster he kept in his room was much happier than he was, but I guess some people make their own treadmills no matter where they go, no matter the circumstance.

But, and this is important, more than anything else in the world, Uncle Chuck loved his wife Ruth. She was the light of his life, and while, perhaps, his love for her was just another manifestation of his desire to hold Time in his hands — there was never any to doubt of his absolute love for her. She was beautiful, yes, but so much more than simple beauty shone through, her soul was of a timeless sort, one might even be tempted to call her’s an unchanging beauty, and when I speak of Chuck as we move along you need remember her presence was always in the air about him, even if she wasn’t physically with him. Let me add something in case I’ve c
onfused you: what made her so staggeringly beautiful was the simple fact her beauty was so much more than skin deep. She was beyond nice. She’d come from old money yet she studied sociology, worked in soup kitchens and could always be found on Tuesdays volunteering at a hospital for crippled and burned children. Beautiful, and timelessly so, in so many ways. She was as beautiful on the occasion of Chuck’s fifty seventh birthday, the day she passed away, as on any other day I knew her. Everyone at the party said so, right up until she suffered the stroke that felled her — while she whirled about the room — as ever the perfect hostess. She was his partner, in the best and truest sense of the word.

That was 1969, which I remember vividly as the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius (enter Chorus, stage left — ‘let the sun shine in’). Is it just me? Because I remember thinking the very air that we breathed was alive with change.

Or was 1969, as I now suspect, a vast opera that felt very much like Change — but was instead a shimmering — chimera? Some might call 1969 a period of manifest change, even Hegelian change, but now, after seeing where it all led I’m content to call it a False Spring. The long winter of our discontent has yet to lift, or so it sometimes seems, and the bleak streets of winter linger on.

Anyway, Aunt Ruth passed away that year, but our 1969 was about all kinds of Change: Nixon lying and Cambodia burning, hippies tripping and Led Zeppelin screaming about a Communications Breakdown ( — it’s always the same — ), Barbie and Ken dolls and Kent State falling — and something even happened on the moon, but who cares these days about stuff like that. Music defined my life back then, maybe it still does, but the song that plays in my heart now, as it did that summer, was called Yesterday and Today, by a group called Yes. I can’t think of Chuck and Ruth and Ham without hearing that music passing by one more time.

And 1969 was also the year Ham left us, to fly helicopters in Vietnam. He returned, a decorated war hero — in a flag-draped coffin — a few weeks before Chuck’s 57th birthday, a few weeks before Ruth passed. I think that was Uncle Chuck’s first real experience with the spontaneous combustion Change can release. There was more change coming, of course, more than any of us knew, as it turns out, but let me say that Uncle Chuck came undone in the weeks before that birthday. So too did Ruth, and yet they seemed to be pulling out of that free-fall when…

But let me take another tack just now, show you a few other pieces of this puzzle before we get to the meat of the matter.

Ah, yes, my father, the missing part of this equation. My dad was the exact opposite of Chuck, his polar opposite. Chuck was Beacon Hill, Dad was The Cape. Chuck was Wharton, Dad dropped out of Harvard to go to Paris because it sounded like the thing to do. Chuck met Ruth at Penn and married her after a brief courtship, Dad was painting hookers on the Boulevard de Clichy one morning when an English girl happened by and, admiring his work, asked if he’d like to join her for tea at the Crillon. They married later that afternoon, or so the story goes, a large quantity of Pernod rumored to be a factor in their well-considered decision to tie the knot. But more on my mother in a moment, I need to talk about the dynamic between Chuck and my father just now.

These two brothers, it turned out, were more than just a study in contrasts: they were, rather, poised as mortal enemies, opposite particles of matter and anti-matter held apart by all the forces nature could muster. Their parents failed at the enterprise completely, by the way. I’ll spare you the details. But, and this might be important, the root of the idea of genetic memory I alluded to earlier was buried deep within this fertile soil. What grew between them blossomed and reached for the sky, then as suddenly withered and died — only to be reborn again and again, as though this cycle of hope and despair was the product of vast and inexorable influences between the moon and her tides. Once I asked my father about the difference between hate and love, he had no answer, and I think that summed up those two men.

My mom, on the other hand, has always been a rather contrary creature in and unto herself, a study in contradictions in her own right, so much so that her mere presence unsettles even the most well-adjusted people and, on more than one occasion, she was known to make Uncle Chuck consider a swan-dive from the top of his building — just to get away from her. I’m not going to waltz into the DSM-IV and say she’s bi-polar or has Multiple Personality Disorder, I will say that right up to this very day she’s doing her very best to keep half the psychiatrists in London quite busy. Mad as a balloon, as Douglas Adams said more than once, but lovely nevertheless. She seems intent on living forever too, and as she believes this possible I won’t be in the least surprised if she pulls it off.

Dad, on the other hand, punched out early. He’d had his fill of life by the time he was thirty, or so he told us one and all during one of his regular periods of self-examination, regardless, he was a free-spirit and died in his own free-spirited way, skiing in Chamonix. He was 59 at the time, and by then a decent if not very serious architect, when he passed I was in college and he’d just received word of Ham’s death in Vietnam. Mom was, God bless her, still at his side. He soldiered on into the great void with a smile on his face even if he did cry a little. He was wondering, Mom told us later, if they served Pernod in heaven, and was apparently quite put out when she said she wasn’t sure.

Dad’s main vice, aside from my mother, was the sea, and that pure love of the sea was the one thing both my father and Uncle Chuck had in common. They both reveled in the mere idea of being at sea, they breathed the sea and I’m sure salt water ran in their veins, but there was a perverse quality to their lust. On reflection it took perhaps twenty years of passive observation to figure out exactly what had so distorted their sea-fever. And yes, it has something to do with genes and memory and yes, change. And this is where I came to play a small, supporting role in the unfolding drama of their lives.

As it turned out, they both enjoyed racing sailboats, and they seemed to enjoy racing against one another. When they were both out on the water, which was often, and when they were in reasonable proximity to one another, it was like watching Athenians and Persians at the Battle of Salamis. Splinters and shouted insults between boats, shaking fists and trembling lips, and then — me. The little kid huddled just out of sight — taking it all in. I was, it turned out, the last witness to their continuing war, to the unending, everlasting fratricide that defined our family’s life. In the end, Dad stopped racing his own boat because he couldn’t get insurance anymore, and that was the end — for a time — of my life on the water. I’m certain this was all a prudent choice on the insurers’ part, as apparently sailing was just another venue for their little war, for them to tear each other to shreds, yet their tactical inexactitudes were not what the underwriters had in mind, still, while I was impressed at the time, you shouldn’t be. Destroying sailboats in random displays of filial hatred is a game best left to addled children, and, who knows, maybe all this was just another genetic issue working it’s way to the surface.

But even all that Death there was more Change in store for Chuck and myself, the sea kept calling us and eventually I returned to sailing, for you see, I too loved the water.

After Dad passed my sailing fires slowly burned down to embers, yet it was about that time Uncle Chuck caught the cruising bug, I would — on the other hand and in short order — become interested in girls — and cars. Yet the sea was always there, and I soon found myself thinking about Dad and his boats. Soon I wanted to sail again, sail al
l the time, and Chuck provided both the means and, unexpectedly, the end.

And I think our coming together again was as inevitable as it was unavoidable, and Uncle Chuck and I discovered we both missed my dad far too much to let go of one another. Soon I discovered Chuck’s ‘hatred’ had simply evaporated, and I have to admit it never dawned on me that what they had endured all their lives was a peculiar form of love.

Because frankly, I didn’t know Chuck very well, had not the slightest idea what made the guy tick. Dad had always painted an impressionist’s landscape of his brother: like a Seurat it made a peculiar sense from a distance — but the closer you got all form dissolved into blurry chaos — and while clearly in the noise there was color of a sort, in my vision of Chuck the truth was not so easily discovered — without a little distance, anyway. Yet I accepted this landscape without question, and accepted these distortions as our collective Truth.

I had so much to learn, and the world’s worst teacher as my guide.

After college I took a year off and wandered through France, my grandfather’s homeland — and I did so on foot mostly, but spent a few weeks on a canal barge — and while I might have been following Dad on his Parisian idyll, there were deep familial roots in France’s ancient soil, and I had yet to feel them before that trip. After father’s death I understood I needed to feel these roots, these connections. And I say ‘need’ intentionally, like we need air to breathe, like without exposure to these influences we might as well shuffle off this mortal coil. Anyway, call France an ‘Elective Affinity’ on my part, Goethe wouldn’t give a damn and it’s as close to the truth as words can take us. Besides, I found after graduation I had this complete and inexplicable desire to paint landscapes and eat snails drenched in garlic-butter. Boston offered little to satisfy these urgings and Mom decided to move back to England as well — so off I went.

But I note here that Chuck wanted very much that I come work in the bank, follow in his footsteps, and oddly enough it was this impulse more than any other that set me off on my wanderings. There is, you see, a certain gravity to the footsteps we follow. Uncle Chuck was a little miffed and I’m sure Dad was laughing his ass off while arm wrestling Toulouse Lautrec over a bottle of absinthe in the Parisian whorehouse that must surely be his heaven.


I had been around enough docks and boats by that time to know that families are like tides. There’s an ebb and flood to our anguish and joy, dangerous currents swirl around the rough edges of their need. But there’s a sort of inevitableness within these cycles, change is predictable within a certain range of movement. A family’s pain is often most apparent after a bad storm — but time heals all wounds, doesn’t it? — even if, after all is said and done, a little pain remains. I suppose it’s just our nature to go with the flow, so in time Chuck got past the desire to control everything and accepted my departure. You might say he was learning to accept change. Or perhaps the gravity of which I spoke flowed more deeply through our veins than even I suspected.

When I came back from France I started at The Fletcher School, at Tufts, and was taken with the grand idea that I might turn out to be a decent diplomat. So, I set my sights on working for the State Department, and Uncle saw this as well within a range of acceptable outcomes and gave up on the idea of my working on the 48th floor, soon he was inviting me, and an endless if stately progression of girlfriends, out for a spin on the Bay on his old racing boat, and then almost every weekend, too. Then it was every weekend. On Thursday evenings in the summer it was soon a given I’d crew during the informal races that took place in the waters off downtown. We soon developed, you see, a little gravity of our own, for I needed him as much as he did me.

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Spring Break Part 1

It was late on a Thursday night around 11. I was texting my best friend Brandi about the guys off of SuperNatural. That's when she asked if I wanted to hang out with her on Saturday through next Saturday for spring break. "I'll have to ask mom but in sure it's fine" I just turned 18 the month before and this was going to be our last spring break together before the summer and I go away for basic training. I head down stairs and ask my mom if it's alright me and Brandi hang out for spring break....

4 years ago
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Spring Break

Spring Break is, ideally, a gigantic powwow of not-yet-adults baring their bodies and rubbing their skin together as it drips with clear ocean water like they are in a Gatorade commercial (and maybe they are), while muffled hip hop surrounds their souls like an ecstatic Stockholm Syndrome and colors flash in the sunlight that never goes away as beer cascades through the air in slow-motion. But that isn’t what my spring break was like, exactly. By the time my bud Dirk and I arrived at the beach...

Group Sex
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Spring Break Part 1

__________ It wasn’t exactly how I’d been dreaming I’d spend my spring break, but then again, it was better than anything else I had planned. Adjusting my nametag with “Lara Baines” spelled out in bold letters, I hurried after the group of students beginning the opening tour. The college I’d chosen to attend, crazily enough, was having a three day “college days” event and they had invited the local high school seniors to attend. The purpose was to get them familiar with the college, the...

3 years ago
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Spring Break 05

Spring Break of sophomore year was going to be amazing. This was the year we were doing the whole party in Mexico thing, like you see on MTV. Holly and I and Stephanie were going, flying down for a four day party. Sandy wasn’t going because she had a weird major requirement that wouldn’t allow it. We all had tests the day before our flight, so mid-terms and the studying for them, really made a dent in our normal activities. The exhaustion from sex gave way to exhaustion from studying, but...

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Spring Break Corona Style ndash Part 8

This is a Re-Post of a Story from my last Profile, Jessy49. I have changed the title and up-dated it to reflect Current Events. I hope my Consistent Readers will enjoy my attempt a Dark Satire.DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction; I do not condone any of the actions described in this story. All aspects related to real life persons or events is strictly incidental. Attempting the following Inc(e)stual Acts in real life is Ill(e)gal and Immoral… unless you wish to spend the rest of your life in...

3 years ago
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Spring Break With Mommy

Stacy's tits were bouncing violently. Her father's cock was smashing her pussy as he rushed to finish and cum. It was early morning, still dark out, just before sunrise. Stacy hadn't had time to even wipe the sleep from her eyes before her dad had spit on his cock and slid it into her waiting snatch. He had walked in, kissed her awake, then led her by the hand and leaned her over her bathroom sink and began pounding her harder and harder. It was the last pussy he was going to get for the...

3 years ago
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Spring Break

WELL make another check on the Fuck-it List, see pictures "Spring Break"Beautiful spring morning sun was warm wind was calm my cock was itching to get some rays. Laying nude in the sun has always been a turn on for me. Filling the warm rays of the sun relax my cock and balls. WOW it feels so good to nude bathe. Ray called and asked if I had any plans for the day. I told him that I was doing it right now "nude bathing". He said "sure like to see that". Told him "cum on". Shortly after Ray call...

2 years ago
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Spring Break at the Beach

It was spring break, and I had gone to the beach with a few of my college buddies. It was very cold at the beach so we didn't do much but just chill in the hotel and walk on the beach looking for chicks.By the third night I was there I was getting kind of bored with the regular routine and I decided to go out on the beach by myself at around 3am in the morning. After walking along the beach for about a mile I spotted some other spring breakers all obviously drunk and walking along the beach...

3 years ago
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Spring Break in Mexico

In the Spring of 2004, I had the unbelievable gift of going to Mazatlan , Mexico with my stepdaughter. As most, if not all stories on Lush are fantasies or at best, some one’s dreams, this is a true story in every detail. Hope you enjoy it. We had parked my car on the Arizona side of the border. My stepdaughter and I were on our way to Mazaltan. She had won a bikini-contest the spring break before, and having no current boyfriend, asked me to go with her. I was somewhat...

2 years ago
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Spring Break

Jason stood back and watched the group of girls enter the hotel bar. Spring break was in full swing and the hotel was filled with young, beautiful, scantily clad females and boisterous, horny young men. At thirty-three Jason remembered clearly the excitement, the complete casting off of inhibition that transpired with spring break. Though it was a waste of his time and he resented it, Jason Kourkoulis had been dispatched from his home in South Beach to keep an eye on his half sister while she...

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It was a bright spring day, the sun was shinning and it was going to be warm without being hot. We had gotten up early that Saturday and I had made you breakfast in bed after we had made love. Spring was in the air, we were in love and all was right with the world. We had planned to go to the mall that day, in particular, to Victoria Secret to look for a sexy bikini for you. And I figured that while you were looking for a suit, I'd see what other kinds of sexy things they had and buy a few of...

3 years ago
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Spring Awakenings

I get up to the front door and find myself stuck in my head. Do I ring the doorbell? Should I knock? How many times? Do I say Hi first? STOP! I shut out my nervous thoughts and just knock on the heavy mahogany door. No response. Did I not knock loudly enough? I knock again. Again, no noise from inside the house. I raise my nervously shaking fist to knock a third time and- “Sorry about that!” I hear the cheeriest voice say from my right side. I lean back from the door and see you coming...

3 years ago
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Spring Break Fun Charlies Adventures 40

Once we were back in Texas, Michael and I continued to sneak around Ali, little touches here and there, but we both became extremely busy. Michael with his law firm and me with preparing for college. I had gotten into the University of Texas and was ecstatic, along with Ali, who would be going to the same university. Eventually, the “talk” came and Michael and I decided that although our lust for each other would never cease, we couldn’t go on like this. Not with me leaving for university and...

2 years ago
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Spring Break in Jake

My university had just gotten out on spring break, so my friends an I decided to make a road trip to Florida. After the 14 hour drive to Panama City Beach, we were long past tired and ready to pass out at the hotel. We checked in and made our way to the room. We stood in the lobby as we waited for an elevator that was going up. A boy that looked to be about eleven or twelve years old walked over and waited with us. It looked like he had just gotten done with a day at the beach as he was only...

2 years ago
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Spring Break part 1

“Sean! How was the drive?” I walked up to Aunt Lisa, gave her a huge hug, and said, “Great. I was too excited to see you guys. Am I the last one here?” “No, actually. Jessica, Ed, and Courtney are on the way here still from the north shore, so it’s just me, Uncle Dave, and Stacy and Alice.” “Wow, I haven’t seen Stacy or Alice in forever. It’s been what, three years?” “Yeah, come say hi!” “Where can I put my stuff, Aunt Lisa?” “Downstairs, by the door to outside. You got the sofa...

3 years ago
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Spring Break has never been so much fun

With an early flight directly to LAX from Charlotte, I managed to get home at 12:50, and finally got off at 1:05 thanks to me being at the rear of the plane (flights are so damn expensive these days). I walked into the bright sun shining through the giant glass of the main terminal buildings and looked out towards the runway and then went THUD into someone walking in the opposite direction as me. I quickly apologized after we butted heads and after I saw stars I opened my eyes to see someone I...

4 years ago
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Spring break at the Beach

By the third night I was there I was getting kind of bored with the regular routine and I decided to go out on the beach by myself at around 3am in the morning. After walking along the beach for about a mile I spotted some other spring breakers all obviously drunk and walking along the beach with a video camera and generally screwing around. As I walked up to the group one of the guys offered me a beer, so I gladly accepted and joined them in talking about random nonsense. It was about...

2 years ago
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Spring of 39

In the Spring of 1929, Ivan Jones had regained his self esteem when, after a year of unemployment, he was taken on in a new Government incentive to find jobs for unemployed South Wales miners. It meant leaving his beloved home, his mother and father for the first time but it made a lot of sense and also gave him the opportunity for leave the nest and fend got himself, he was a young lad of with teen in his prime and this new opportunity gave him renewed impetus to make something of his – up to...

5 years ago
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Spring Break From BF

Introduction: I was in Europe away from my BF and cheated on him. He is a bit submissve so I make him get off on my infedelities. I was in Ireland for my Spring Break. I met some friends at my hostel and we went out to the bar area in Dublin. We saw some cute Irish guys. They were so charming with their accents! One of them seemed very interested in me. Next thing I know this Irish guy, William, is all over me at the bar. Complimenting my flat stomach and my face and anything he could think of....

3 years ago
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Spring Break Fun Charlies Adventures 4

Introduction: After over a year of not writing anything, Im so happy to be back. I hope you all enjoy, please rate and review! I am definitely planning on reigniting that fire within Charlie. I cant wait to share more of her stories. Please PM me with any fun ideas ,) Enjoy! The night at the ski lodge changed everything for Ali and me. For most best friends, it would be extremely awkward. Thankfully, we were just super giggly after and saw each other in a new light. Michael noticed something...

2 years ago
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Spring Break Fling Lesbian

It was a hot night in Myrtle Beach but that did not stop me from wanting to dance. After a day lying on the beach and swimming and looking at all that man meat, I was ready for some f-u-n and hoping to get laid. It had been month's since I had a cock and I was so horny looking at all that oiled man candy. I had found the ideal outfit while cruising along the Boardwalk shops; a satin-like tank top and matching running short set in a bright aquamarine color that made my sun-bronzed skin seem to...

4 years ago
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Spring Break By Accident

The wife and I had just about enough of the cold winter and crap that accompanies it. We were both stir crazy, overworked, and totally in need of a bit of fun and sunshine. So I decided to be romantic and surprised her with a last minute trip to an all inclusive in Cancun. She was so excited when I told her to pack her bags, and just like that we were off on our adventure. When we arrived at the resort (which was adults only), my wife immediately pointed something out to me. We were definitely...

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Spring Break Part One

SPRING BREAK Part One He started his day at three in the morning. He was now sitting in a chair in the dance studio at his stepdaughter's college. He was watching her in her class finish before spring break. As he watched her and the other girls exercise and stretch before class. He started to remember her growing up. He married her mother when she was just two years old. He can't believe how fast she went from a two-year-old redhead with freckles to an 18-year-old young lady. He sat there...

2 years ago
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Spring Break Cuckold

I got a promotion from the company I work with. Some of the money, my wife spent on cosmetic surgery, implants and so on. Shes a hot lady, 35 y.o. blonde, with a body to kill for. I’m 5 years older and yes still super fit. Our 15 years marriage is fantastic maily because we maintained the dialouge and the sex drive. We are doing great all in all. So when my company promoted me, they threw in a 10 days vacation, all expenses paid. We picked a Hotel at Daytona Beach since my wife wanted to soak...

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Spring Break Footjob

Being a college student, I was so looking forward to my first spring break trip with my girlfriends Maggie and Kelly. We were heading to the Bahamas and I had finished packing that morning when we found out that our plane had been cancelled and we had to take an alternative flight that, for one, was the "red eye" which departed at midnight, a slight layover in Miami, then on to Treasure Cay in the Bahamas. When we boarded the plane, we only had two seats together in the front of the plane and...

3 years ago
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Spring Break 2015

It is Spring Break and I have the house to myself. I put an ad in Craigslist that I have my private gloryhole open. The responses are swift an immediate. I have a nice variety of cocks to choose from. However, one takes my breath away as it is from a man in town on business who sent a pic of his 8 inch cock. In the pic his cock is flaccid but the curve of the uncut cock I like a horse. He says he can be right over.I am waiting in my private gloryhole vestibule which is really my bathroom door...

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Spring Breakers with Selena Gomez Vanessa Hu

written by jerojerome It's my first full story and English isn't my first language...therefore sorry if there are some (or many) mistakes ... I always wanted to become a stage director or film producer since i saw girls like Victoria Justice (my dream girl), Selena Gomez or Vanessa Hudgens on tv (and i can't count how many times i jerked off to them). For that reason i moved immediately to hollywood after i finished school. It was hard to get one of these good jobs for a 19 year old guy like...

2 years ago
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Spring Break

The dorm was almost empty. The few friends I had made during myfreshman year had gone home or to Florida for the traditional springbreak revelry.My room mate in the dorm had gone home to Long Island. Going home toWyoming was out of the question for me since my parents were scrimpingto pay my college expenses and couldn't afford plane fare. My roommate invited me to his house for the week but I declined. His constantarrogance and subtle insults about living on a ranch in "Indianterritory" was...

4 years ago
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Spring Break

Spring Break By Ricky I suppose it's rather trite to say your first time with a woman can sets the pattern sets the pattern for your whole life. I know it was true for me, but the pattern included more than sex, it changed my whole attitude toward women and life. I was 18 and very green, having grown up in a rather conservative family, and had only dated a few times since entering college. Away from home and despite the normal adolescent male longing to find out what was...

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Spring Break

Dale’s Decent Continues – Spring BreakAs I mentioned in my other stories, after catching me sucking off one of my Frat Brothers, my roommate Mark turned me into the campus cockslut. He seemed to take delight in degrading me by having me service ever larger groups of men. By mid-semester, I had fallen into a routine. I usually sucked off Mark as soon as he woke up, followed by 5-6 other ?regular customers? who came by for service before going to morning classes, I returned to the room at lunch...

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Spring Break On A Texas Estate

SPRING BREAK ON A TEXAS ESTATE CH 1 It had been a long tiring week. By Friday evening I needed a rest. The girlswere sweet when I got home. The house was spotless and they had a glass ofwine ready for me. They made dinner while I relaxed. It was nice to sit anddo nothing for a while. After dinner they rushed me upstairs and insisted that I take a long hotbubble bath. They ran down to clear off the dishes. While I soaked in the tub I heard someone moving quietly in my bedroom,and heard a...

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I really like this job! When I first started a few weeks ago it was only a stop-gap money earner until I could find something better. Two days of training and I was named the day manager. I open every morning at 10 a.m. and work alone until the other associate comes in at noon. I go home at 6 p.m. and he closes at 8. The selling of ladies shoes in a mall (no men's or children's) is a very strange experience. About 85 percent of the business is between 1 and 6 p.m. Often I don't ring up a...

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Spring Break

I moved to Fort Lauderdale last winter; it was a great deal for me. I kept working for the same company I was with but now in a much nicer and much warmer climate. I worked from home and bought a small bungalow of the type you see a lot of in Florida. One thing that set my house apart from the others close by was that the former owners put in an in-ground pool, something that I had on my 'must-have' list for a new place to live. It was December when I bought it so I really hadn't gotten to...

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Spring Break and the Starman

Jason took a deep breath and tried to clear his head a little. It didn't work. He looked back the way he had come, over the high sand dunes towards the water of the gulf. He could see the glow of the big bonfire and hear the rambunctious noise of the twenty or so college students. The music from the boombox was loud and all - just like he had - had been drinking and their shouts and laughter were a little more slurred than they should have been, but, what the hell, it was the first day of...

3 years ago
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Spring BlossomsChapter 2

When Melanie flung the door open to their dorm room, Ilsa looked up from where she sat on the bed and her eyes lit up. She leapt up and hugged Melanie tightly and the two girls giggled as they held each other. Both had on their uniforms, and the short red skirts pushed up slightly as they twirled around. They stopped, their faces just an inch apart. "We made it!" Melanie said. Ilsa nodded, and they beamed at each other for a long, heavenly moment. Ilsa nodded happily. She took her finger...

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