Susie Ch. 11 free porn video

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I am Susie O’Connell and I asked Howard to add this story about Colleen to his story of Trish. I was going to write about part of this story but thought it best to have Howard tell the whole story.


My name is Howard Duncan. I am 19 and am about to begin my second year at the local community college. This is the story of Colleen Murphy and me.

I met Colleen through her friend Trish. I had met Trish while ‘skinny dipping’ with a bunch of guys and girls from the math club. When I met Colleen, I was taken by her beauty. She is really tiny with a pale, heart shaped face with the most amazing oval, pale blue-green eyes framed with very light eyebrows and lashes. Her hair is light red hair which reaches just past her shoulder blades. A sprinkling of light brown freckles covers the bridge of her nose and cheeks. Her skin is almost white with a pink blush on the cheeks.

For some reason Colleen seemed attracted to me too. I’ve never thought I was very attractive but she took the initiative with me. She didn’t ask me out but made it clear she was interested. Despite being very attractive she had little experience with boys because her parents were very protective. She even accepted a scholarship to State College to be close to home and lived at home rather than a dorm. She invited me over to meet her parents before she would go out with me and I accepted.

Sunday at Colleen’s

Colleen came by my work at an oriental place in the mall food court and we spent my break talking about things we liked to do. I knew that Colleen was a high school champion diver and was attending State on a swim team scholarship. I hadn’t known that she was also a gymnast. ‘I’m too small to be a fast swimmer but my size is an advantage in gymnastics and diving,’ she told me. She had been taking gymnastics lessons since she was 7 and had been taking diving lessons since she was 10. She had a pool at home with a high dive board and practiced diving every day. Every Saturday morning she took gymnastics lessons. ‘Gymnastics helps with my diving,’ she told me. I thought about seeing her lithe body in a tight gymnastics body suit with cameltoe or a form fitting bathing suit like they wear on the swim team.

I told my parents that I was going over to Colleen’s place on Sunday. They seemed surprised and pleased that I had another girlfriend. I told them that Colleen was a friend of Trish’s and that we really seemed to hit it off, ‘more than with Trish,’ I said. I also told them that Colleen’s parents insisted on meeting her dates. ‘She’s really really pretty,’ I added.

‘Didn’t you say Trish is really pretty too?’ my mom asked.

‘They’re both pretty,’ I said. I thought a bit and told her, ‘But different, Colleen is really tiny and delicate with red hair, Trish has brown hair. They both have really nice figures but I think Colleen has the prettier face and eyes. Colleen is easier to talk to.’

‘Well I’m happy for you to have such lovely girl friends. I assume they know about each other?’

‘Oh, sure. I met Colleen because she’s one of Trish’s friends. Trish knows I am going over to Colleen’s. I think Trish wants to date other guys so she doesn’t mind me going out with Colleen.’

‘That’s best at your age,’ Dad said, ‘get to know lots of girls.’

When I arrived Colleen’s mother answered the door. ‘You must be Howard,’ she said. ‘Colleen has told us a lot about you. In fact you are almost all she talks about. She’s out by the pool. Do you want to put on your suit before you go out there?’

‘Thank you,’ I said, ‘but I think I’ll let Colleen know I’m here first. Oh, these are for you, Mrs. Murphy.’ I handed her a bunch of flowers I had purchased at the grocery on my way over. Mom had suggested it.

‘Why, thank you, Howard. When I saw you holding them I assumed they were for Colleen.’

‘You are welcome, I got them for you, for having me over,’ I told her.

She led me to the pool. As soon as Colleen saw me she jumped up, ran over and planted a kiss on my cheek. We hugged. She was wearing a bikini and I could really see how spectacular her figure was, with wide, freckled shoulders, a really narrow waist and wide round hips. Tiny as she was, wide shoulders and wide hips are only relative and ‘narrow waist’ means really narrow. I bet I could touch fingers and thumbs with my hands around it. Her body skin was as light as her face.

‘Let me introduce you,’ she said.

There were more people there than I expected. Colleen had three brothers and two sisters. Her parents, an uncle, and aunt and three cousins: two girls, one boy, were there along with her grandmother. One of Colleen’s brothers was a Junior in high school. Another brother was going to a local college and her older sister worked at an office somewhere in town. I think I remembered her being a senior when I was a freshman. Her other brother and sister were younger and in middle school and grade school. Her cousins were all younger too.

She took me in and showed me the bathroom where I could change. She gave me a hanger for my clothes and told me I could hang them in the coat closet. She kissed me full on the lips and said, ‘I am so glad you came.’ And whispered shyly, ‘I wish I could stay and watch.’ Then she flashed one breast, walked out and closed the door. That breast was just hand sized and beautifully round with a bright pink aureole and nipple. The sight was burned into my brain. As she departed I noticed she had two shallow, perfectly round dimples in the small of her back on either side of her spine, just above her butt. She was a fabulous beauty! My penis started growing and I took a couple of deep breaths hoping it would relax a bit. From what I knew about Colleen’s parents it wouldn’t do to have my penis making a show of itself.

I had a great time splashing and playing with the rest of Colleen’s family in the pool. Everyone was so easy to talk to. I talked about my grades and colleges and the math club and the B-17 bomber. I remembered Susie telling me that parents would be impressed with me. It hadn’t made much difference to Trish’s parents who seemed more interested in Trish, ‘having a really good time,’ than anything else but it did seem to matter here. Colleen frequently went up on the high dive and made some spectacular dives, twisting and turning her hot body before hitting the water vertically and barely making a ripple.

I didn’t really think about it but while talking about the RC airplanes I just blurted out, ‘I was hoping Colleen could come and watch us fly some Saturday soon.’ I had been planning to ask Colleen first, not blurt it out in front of her whole family. I would need to apologize to her for this.

Her father said, ‘I think that would be fine.’

I looked over at Colleen and she was smiling broadly. I took a chance, ‘Would you mind if I took her to lunch first?’

Her father asked, ‘Would you be alone?’

I wasn’t sure what to say. The guys didn’t usually meet for lunch beforehand. Sometimes we had pizza together afterwards. I stated the facts. ‘Well, yes sir. The guys don’t usually meet beforehand but sometimes we have pizza together afterwards. If you prefer, Colleen and I can just join them for pizza.’

Colleen’s father was about to say something and her mom jumped in, ‘Of course it would be okay for you to have lunch before. And pizza afterwards ‘with the guys’ too.’ She took Colleen’s father’s arm and they went in the house talking. Colleen was beaming. She gave me another kiss and whispered, ‘That was awesome! Now I don’t have to ask them.’

‘Why did your mom take your dad away?’ I asked.

Colleen said, ‘I think he was about to tell you we couldn’t go to lunch. My mom is explaining why it’s okay.’ She kissed me again.

The food was great and I got to rub sun block on Colleen’s back. She says she can’t tan and burns easily. The back of her body is as spectacular as the front. She has a slight depression
that runs the length of her spine from the base of the neck to her butt crack and there is a light sprinkling of light brown freckles that seems to have been sprayed upward from her butt crack all the way to her shoulders. And then there are those two adorable dimples. I rubbed the sun block under the swimsuit bra strap and slightly under the band of the bottom so I could feel the top of her perfectly round butt. I also caressed each dimple a bit more than necessary. She sighed as I did so.

Monday at School

I was surprised when Trish met me in front of the community college student union.

‘I wanted to talk to you first thing this morning. How did things go at Colleen’s yesterday?’ she asked, somewhat seriously.

‘They went great!’ I exclaimed.

‘Good!’ she said, ‘Colleen really likes you and I don’t want to be in her way. If things went well yesterday then she will be really happy. I want you to know that I approve of you two being together.’

‘I’m happy to hear that,’ I said, ‘I was a bit worried that you would be jealous.’

She reminded me that she was still ‘playing the field’ and also told me she didn’t think we would work out as a couple. ‘I think the sex is all that kept us together.’

‘Trish, I really like you but I was thinking the same thing. I don’t think either of us enjoyed the dance that much and the sex in your room and at the motel was spectacular but it was, well, just sex.’

She looked really sad, ‘That’s what I thought too. I was hoping for more.’

‘Trish, we have plenty. We can still go out. I will miss having sex with you so I hope we might still do it.’

She replied, ‘I’m not saying, ‘no’ but I’m not saying ‘yes’ either. Let’s just see how things work out.’

As she left, she smiled and waved to someone behind me. I turned and saw Colleen. I rushed to her and asked, ‘Colleen, shouldn’t you be over at State?’

‘My first class isn’t until noon,’ she said and led me to one of the common area tables.

She started right in, saying, ‘You really made a hit with my family on Sunday.’

I responded, ‘I didn’t do anything. I just came over. I had a lot of fun. Maybe we can do it again sometime.’

‘I’m sure my family would like that,’ she said. ‘After you left, my mom and dad were talking about you. They really liked you, especially my mom. She said that you are a perfect boy for me. But my Dad said that even intelligent boys with good grades are still boys. I’m not sure what he meant by that but my mom said it was way past time that they start trusting me to do what was right because I’m over 18 and in college. She said I would do what I wanted anyway and that they needed to support me and help me do what is right.’

I told her, ‘I think what your dad meant by ‘intelligent boys still being boys’ is that all boys, especially teen aged boys want to have sex with girls.’

‘Well girls want to have sex with them too,’ she said. The look in her eyes made it clear she had a particular girl and boy in mind.

I told her, ‘Colleen, what your mom said about trusting you was about sex too. She is saying that they need to trust you to make the right choice. She probably believes the right choice is not to have sex.’

‘I am sure you are right,’ she said with a hint of sadness.

‘I think that we should show your parents that they can trust us. That means we shouldn’t have sex, at least not right away.’

‘But you had sex with Trish, I thought maybe you liked me more than you like her.’

‘I do like you, and I definitely like you more than Trish.’

‘Then why would you have sex with her but not me?’

‘Partly because I do like you more but also because her parents seemed to want us to have sex, they even expected it. You know her dad. He told me flat out that he expected me to have sex with her. And when we had sex in her bedroom she was so loud everyone heard her and then her dad gave me a ‘thumbs up’ when he saw me. And, Colleen …,’

‘What?’ she asked.

‘It was probably a mistake for me to have sex with her. We didn’t really know each other and at the dance you were all I could think about. After the dance we had sex but it was not nearly as much fun as when I am with you. I don’t think it would be good for us to have sex right away. We will be thinking about sex instead of having a good time together and, more importantly, we will lose the trust of your parents.’

‘Oh,’ she said sadly. ‘I was hoping to have sex soon. It sounds so enjoyable.’

I admitted, ‘Well, it sure is for me and Trish seemed to enjoy it too.’

‘Oh, she did, she really did!’ Trish said, ‘She goes on and on about it sometimes.’

‘But, the enjoyment comes at a price. I don’t want to pay that price with you. I want to see if we have something that will last longer and is based on deeper feelings. There is also the possibility of you getting pregnant. Trish is taking birth control pills. Her mom arranged for that. I suspect you aren’t doing anything like that.’

‘No, my mom and dad would never allow it. Can’t we use a condom?’

‘Condoms aren’t very effective. I care about you and wouldn’t want you to get pregnant.’

‘Oh! So can we go steady?’ she asked.

I thought about it. ‘Colleen, I would like that but we haven’t even been on a date yet. Maybe we should at least have a few dates?’

‘Well then, ‘Are you going to ask me out?’

‘Well, I’ve already asked you to lunch on Saturday and to come watch us fly our airplanes. Maybe you would like to come by and watch us work on our B-17 on Wednesday. Susie O’Connell almost always comes and is a big help. You could meet the ‘fly guys’ and help too.’

‘I’ll have to ask my parents,’ she said.

‘Do you want me to talk to them?’ I offered, thinking they were really strict if they wouldn’t even let her stop somewhere after school and wondered if she ever did anything on her own.

‘That would be nice,’ she said.

‘Can I drive you home?’ I asked, forgetting that she would be at ‘State’. ‘ We can talk to them right after school.’

She thought a moment and reminded me, ‘I’ll be at State with my own car. Maybe I can pick you up.’

We arranged for her to pick me up at my house after her last class. ‘I’ll see if you can have dinner with us,’ she said as she left.

Susie’s Suggestions

Later in the day I saw Susie and went over to her. She was always a good source of advice about women. I told her about Colleen and how she even asked to ‘go steady’.

‘That was fast ,’ she said. ‘I thought you were with Trish.’

‘Trish and I never hit it off,’ I explained. ‘Colleen and I found we had lots to talk about. I hadn’t planned to ‘go steady’. We haven’t even had a date yet so I put her off, but she seems so anxious and I really do like her.’

‘So, what are you going to do?’ Susie asked.

‘I’m taking her to the RC airport next Saturday. She will probably also come with me Wednesday after school to work on the B-17. Will you be there?’

‘Of course, I’m always there. But those don’t sound like much of a date.’

‘Her parents are pretty strict. I’m not sure they will let us go to anyplace where there aren’t a lot of others around.’

‘Well the two of you could take a walk alone in the park across the street from the RC airfield.’

‘I’m hoping to do that. I think it’s important that her parents trust us together so I don’t want to do much that might cause problems. I do like her.’

‘Well, if she’s as interested in you as you say then you shouldn’t have to worry about her rejecting any invitation. There’s movies and football games and dances. If she goes to State, I bet there are loads of events over there you can go to. Ask her about what she wants to attend.’

That afternoon Colleen picked me up at my home. I could tell she was nervous. ‘What’s bothering you?’ I asked.

‘I’m a little worried about what my parents will t
hink when I come home with you. They might not like me being alone with you.’

‘We’ll get to your place so quickly after school that there’s no chance we could have been doing anything untoward. Besides, I will be driving you on dates. Don’t you think they will trust us that much? Don’t they need to trust us that much? We could always go off on our own without their knowing.’

‘Well, probably.’

‘Colleen, you need to talk to them about both of these things. They need to trust you. And I guess they need to trust me too. If not, then maybe we need to forget about going out.’

‘You don’t want to go out with me?’

‘Colleen, I like you and I love talking to you and I want to do things with you. So, yes, I want to go out with you. But it’s okay if we don’t announce it to everyone.’

She parked in front of her house and we went in. Her mom was in the kitchen. ‘Hello, Colleen.’

‘I picked up Howard, mom,’ Colleen said.

‘I hope that’s okay with you Mrs. Murphy. I wanted to ask you if it would be okay for Colleen to come with me Wednesday and help us build our B-17. I thought it would be simplest for us both to come together.’

‘I suppose that will be okay. Who will be there?’ she asked.

‘Susie O’Donnell will be there, Mom,’ Colleen said before I could add anything.

‘Susie’s a nice girl,’ she said. ‘Are there lots of girls there?’

‘Susie’s the only girl that comes,’ I said. ‘her boyfriend, Corey, is sometimes there too. He attends Cal Tech and usually can’t make it during the school year. We meet at Travis Larkin’s house. He has a nice, large workshop. His mom is always there and chases us out in time to get home for dinner. I’ll bring Colleen right home.’

‘That sounds okay,’ she said.

I thought a bit about what Colleen had said and decided to broach the subject. ‘Mrs. Murphy, I don’t want to do anything to disturb any trust you have in us. Will it be okay for me and Colleen to get together without checking with you?’

She seemed a bit taken aback and hesitated, ‘I think I will need to talk to Mr. Murphy about that.’

I thought a bit about whether to bring up the subject of sex or not. I failed to resist. ‘Mrs. Murphy I assure you that I will not do anything with Colleen that you might disapprove of. I like her too much to risk that.’

I think it took a while for her to understand what I meant. Then she said, ‘thanks for telling me, Howard. I suppose if you two wanted to ‘do something of which I might disapprove’ you would find a way do it.’

I added, ‘Mrs. Murphy, if there is anything I can do or provide to help you know that I can be trusted with Colleen, let me know. Maybe you can talk to Mr. Murphy about that too.’

‘Okay, Howard, we will discuss it.’

Out of the blue Colleen said, ‘Can Howard pick me up after gymnastic lessons on Saturday before lunch? I think he’d like to watch me practice.’

Her mom said, ‘I guess that will be okay.’

I could only think about Colleen in a tight gymnastics suit.

Colleen showed me out and stopped on the front porch to kiss me. ‘I start gymnastics at 9 and we’re done at 11. It would be nice if you would come and watch.

I couldn’t get the picture of her in a gymnastics suit with cameltoe out of my mind. ‘Sure,’ I said, ‘I’ll get there at 9.’

‘9:30 might be better,’ she said, ‘After my dad has dropped me off.’

‘Rosie the Riveter’

The next day Colleen came by my work after school. She looked down. ‘I gather things didn’t go well with your parents last night.’ I said.

‘You’re right,’ she said. ‘They really didn’t like me only going out with you. They told me I need to get to know lots of boys. I told them I like you and not any other boys but they said I was too young to be attached to just one.’

‘Like I told you, we don’t need to ‘go steady’ yet.’

‘I know but they clearly expect me to date other boys. They probably won’t let me go on any more dates with you until I go on some with others. I don’t even know if other boys will ask me out.’

‘Let’s just go along,’ I said, knowing there would be no problem with other boys asking her if she didn’t always turn them down. ‘Things will work out.’

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Elia war eine wunderschöne zierliche Frau und gerade 21 geworden. Der Männerwelt ist sie bisher trotz ihres Aussehens und besonders netten Wesens nicht besonders aufgefallen,da sie sich immer zurückhaltend und unauffällig kleidet. Seit ihrem letzten Freund vor 3 Jahren braucht sie sich deshalb auch keine Sorgen mehr um Verhütung zu machen. Elia hat heute ihre fruchtbaren Tage,denn in etwa 2 Tagen hat sie ihren Eisprung, was ihr einen besonders rosigen Teint und knospige zarte Brüste verschafft...

3 years ago
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One Night in San Francisco

“Hear now the sentence of the Federation Council,” the President of that Council said in a powerful voice, pausing for a moment to clear his throat. “Because of certain mitigating circumstances, all charges but one are summarily dismissed.” A loud buzz filled the chamber as the eyes of a hundred Federation representatives centered on the seven Starfleet Officers standing before the President’s podium. The delegates had come to know their names well during their deliberations, at least those...

1 year ago
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Ruthie Throws an Orgy Ch 05

On Sunday morning, I woke up as part of a naked heap. My most urgent need just then was to go to the bathroom to urinate, and I crawled out of bed at the foot to avoid disturbing my bedmates any more than I had to. When I returned after washing my hands and face, they were both awake, and took turns using the same facilities as I had. Rather than going down the hall to use the bathroom there, we all preferred the intimacy of using ‘our’ bathroom connected to ‘our’ bedroom, even though it...

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French film audition

James had short dark hair, an athletic body from sports he played in high school. He had a faint set of abs. He was six foot one in height and was very handsome. He had girlfriends in the past but was single. He had always been the sporty type in high school but he had recently wanted to change that. He had a desire to start acting classes. He wanted to be a big actor like you see in the movies. He had an audition booked for tomorrow at 2pm. The movie was a French film. He did not really...

3 years ago
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Bday Gift Ani Chepi Nanu Lanja Laga Vadukunadu

Hi Indian sex story readers, andaru bagunara nenu mi Vinisha Ni, nenu share cheskuna na first story ki response Baga adirindi thankyou all. Chala mails vachayi kani konitki reply ichanu time saripoka. Nenu hyderabad lo untanu nadi recent ga graduation complete aiendi. Naku sex ante chala istam and na structure gurinchi chepkovali ante nenu chamanchaya colour lo unta height 5’7 inka 36-30-38. Nanu contact avali anukunte na mail address Eedi na bday roju aiendi. Nanu lanja Laga marchina Vishal...

1 year ago
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Amnesia Virgin Again

I walked into my apartment for the first time in nearly four months. My husband dutifully escorting and helping me walk, along with my crutches. My left leg was still broken from the accident and the doctors said I would still need them for another week or two. Most of the rest of my injuries had fully healed, only a handful of scratches and bruises remaining, aside from my leg, indicating the horrific car wreck I was lucky to walk away from. I looked around the living room seeking out the...

2 years ago
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Mrs Vandermeers Rules 7

 Miss Spencer. I require your presence on Saturday at 2 pm on the 8th floor of the University Library in the Chemistry section. You are to take a seat at one of the study tables and keep yourself occupied playing with your delightful cunt. Dress appropriately to please. Under no circumstance are you to acknowledge my presence.That was how my week began; a typically terse email from my Mistress that revealed none of her intentions beyond driving me crazy with anticipation as I began to fantasize...

2 years ago
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First Wife Claire Has Her Tits Felt By Everyone

I had been dating Claire for about three or four months, she was a stunning twenty-year-old slim brunette with really massive breasts, 38EE. I guess if I am honest, that's what really attracted me to her. She moved in, and we decided to get engaged, had lots of fun sexually, but I got a bit of a shock one day.I was in the living room and found a tin that had some pictures of Claire in it. They were all of her in various stages of undress. One was of her covering her face while a young lad was...

Wife Lovers
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Mother of Pearl

The sweat trickled down Lillian’s flushed cheeks as she curled her fingers tightly under her thumbs, her small fists concealed by the loose cotton smock as she prepared to punish the drawn face leaning over her. Only inches above the child’s trembling chin, the ten year old bully looked around at the other girls for assurance then turned back and with a sneer born from daily desperation, spit out a burst of venom, ‘ If you don’t believe me, you just ask her.’ ‘I will. I’m gonna tell my momma...

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Do You Remember The First Time

Do you remember the first time? By Ashtree The following is a work of fiction/fantasy. It is not intended to condoneor encourage forced sex acts between women. All characters and events are fictitious I can still remember the first time I raped another woman, it was a few yearsago but the sexual thrill it gave me is still as vivid now as it was then.You notice I said ?the first time?, the thrill I got I've never been able torecapture with normal sex, so since then I've raped other women on...

2 years ago
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Vixen On Top Ch 04

Marty drove, the next day, to the credit union she’d paid into during the time she worked for the department of corrections and surprised the teller when she handed her a withdrawal slip for all of her savings. ‘Ma’am, are you sure want to close out the account?’ ‘Mmm. Today is a new beginning for me. I’ve been saving toward this day for a long time and I need all the money I have to get started.’ The teller counted out Marty’s savings in a pile of hundred dollar bills. When she finished...

2 years ago
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High School Hell

The Characters: John: A 5'9 140 pnd 18-year-old man with blonde hair and blue eyes his body isn't nearly as muscular as he'd like but he does have an 8-inch cock. Lives with his mother, stepfather and three stepsisters. Doesn't know who his father is just what his mom has told him that it was a mistake but she never regretted having him. After moving around the northwest for years his family has finally settled in a new place. It was supposed to be a new start away from the teasing and daily...

2 years ago
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Skipper Chapter Four

Skipper, Chapter Four - By: Beverly Taff I woke the next morning to a knock on my door as Sissy brought me breakfast. I was feeling deadly. "God you look a mess. You'd better get yourself home and tidied up before Margaret sees you. She'll be here all afternoon doing my accounts." After finishing breakfast, I sneaked out to my car and drove home to clean up and choose a new outfit. This took most of the morning and after I was finally happy about my appearance, I carefully hung...

2 years ago
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My First Sex Experience With My Neighborhood Bhabhi

I am Amit- aged 29 years from Ahmedabad and working with Indian MNC. I am staying with my parents and elder bro and bhabhi and their two kids. We have neighbour who were from north India. They were husband, wife and two kids. Husband was captain in Army and use to come only in holidays. She used to stay alone with two kids. She usually came to our home whenever she felt alone as kids were going to school. Her name was Jyoti and I used to call her bhabhi. I never looked her with those...

1 year ago
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Bisexual Pleasured 3some

This is a story about how I turned my wife into a slut while at the same time fulfilling my own sexual fantasy. My wife Nikki and I have been married for over 4 years now and for the last year or so we had been trying new things in the bedroom. One of which was role playing that she gets gangbanged by me and several other men. The fantasy really turned me on and I told her that I would really like to make it happen. At first she was against it and told me it was best kept as simply that, a...

2 years ago
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Lesbians find out that cock isn8217t so bad after all even if it does belong to their pet

Jennifer came home from work to find Tracy asleep on the couch. Tracy was stretched out with her night gown slipped up over her buttocks, on her belly. Jen could feel the warm tingle between her legs, telling her it was time to get her rocks off. There was nothing she liked better than the taste of her lovers cunt juice. She knelt next to the couch and lightly caressed Tracie’s buttocks, Tracy moaned and let one leg slip off the couch. Jen was looking at her butt hole and this made her...

2 years ago
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Learning to Let Go Part III When Two Become One

They say ignorance is bliss, but that is a lie.Bliss was the sensation of total surrender to passion as he slid his manhood into me and we became one.The Background:Once the barriers of kissing and oral sex broke between Josh and myself, things began to change between us and I no longer had to wonder if I was just a means to an end for him. Up until that point, it seemed like intimate attention was primarily one direction: from me toward him, with him simply accepting it as it was given. After...

4 years ago
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ShilohChapter 43 Interesting Times

After a nice early lunch they all travel to Doña Ana to go to Midday Mass as a group. They all go to Hector’s regular church because all his family go there with him and the others have no concerns about what church they attend. They’re all happy to be going to church together. Hector is happy when he introduces Kyle to the priest as his Patrón when they stop to chat after the afternoon service. The congregation is all of Mexican descent, except for the Anglos in Kyle’s group. The priest is...

1 year ago
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Harvey Summers Getting Boned In His Backyard

That first summer spent going to Harvey's for my sunbathing was largely uneventful and forgettable, but near the end was an experience I would never forget.  It was late August and I had to start using some vacation days or lose them.  When I noticed a random Tuesday was going to be ninety degrees and not a cloud in the sky, I told my boss I was not coming in and told Harvey I would be using the yard.  Showering that morning I decided to lose the tan lines, going full nude that day.  With a day...

Gay Male
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layby watching

Enjoy this true storyThere was a lay-by (deadend road) that was situated just off a roundabout that i past everynight on my way home from work and was always good for a wank of bj from someone. Plus point was when dark you could see car lights coming but in day light you didnt get much of a warning.This night on my way home a could see a car sitting down the road so feeling randy i turned in and drove down the road, when i went past there were a couple sitting in the car, now this could be 1 of...

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FuckingAwesome Jynx Maze AfterShower Anal Quickie

Jynx Maze Has An After Shower Anal Quickie with Markus Dupree. Jynx is in a hurry to get dressed and go out with her girlfriends but her horny boyfriend Markus has other ideas and begs her to quickly suck his cock. Jynx isn’t happy but she decides to do her duty and she lets him fuck her face with his big dick. This gets her so horny that she needs to feel him inside her tight asshole. Markus puts her legs over her head and drills her tight asshole until she’s gaping. Jynx bounces her big...

3 years ago
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Futile Resistance Ch 03

French woke in the morning to a bright winter sun shining through the bamboo blinds on her bedroom window. Immediately, instinctively, she knew that she was alone in her apartment. Aidan had left. She felt a vague sense of disappointment that he wasn’t there, but she also acknowledged that she needed time away from him to examine their newly forged relationship under the clear light of day. Getting out of bed, French slid into a kimono of jade-green silk shot through with a red, yellow and...

2 years ago
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Cathy and Chris Ch 01

This is the first part of a love story that I have been trying to work up into a novel for ages. Trouble is I keep forgetting myself and my two characters just end up in bed. Hope you like it. * The door slammed as the teenager left the room. ‘Kids ah?’ he said. ‘They drive you mad, no rhyme nor reason, just to piss me off.’ She folded her arms. ‘I get cross with my two don’t worry.’ ‘Oh yours are only young yet, you’ve got years to go until you want to strangle them. I sometimes think...

3 years ago
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He was 18 and worked for me part 3

I moved between his legs and rubbed his oil brown back as i worked my cock in the crack of his ass. I slid my finger in one more time to show him to relax as i entered him. I pulled my finger out and positioned my cock at his hole and applied gentle pressure. I could feel the resistance against my head as i pushed, "relax and let it go," i said. He twitched and groaned as i applied more pressure. I could feel his sphincter opening and closing as he tried. Finally i thrust the head through and...

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Nancys summer diary august

August 5 Dear Diary, Wow is college gonna be fun, my new room mate, Sally is such a dear, and let's be honest about this, she has a wonderful mouth!!! The thing I think I like best is the communal shower area, where it looks like you can get either as much cock or pussy as you need!!! When I told mom about the shower, she got kinda envious and wished she was gonna be able to suck all that fine young cock!!! I don't think I'd better tell Isaac about that part though, he's not exactly the jealous...

2 years ago
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The Inheritance

After a long drive you're finally here, your grandfather’s manor. An old house built in a Victorian style. He left it to you in his will along with most of his estate. You have no idea why, you did not get along with him particularly well. Hell he had a far better relationship with your father and brothers, yet they only received a portion of his wealth. It was in the millions each. Apparently grandpa had far more money than realised and he left most of it to you. This as you can imagine did...

1 year ago
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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 4 ResolveChapter 9

Reaching the edge of the city, just past the market square that she often visited, Suzan and Anita noticed that hardly anyone was around the homes there. Looking around as they reached the edge Suzan could see that something had gone horribly wrong. There were doors that were broken in, overturned stands, and destruction everywhere. Trash and broken items littered the road. Still in shock Suzan asked "What happened here, what is all of this?" "This is what happens when Trolls raid our...

3 years ago
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Mom Fuck Me When She Show Sis Nude

Mom fuck me when she show sis nude By samit My name is Raj(name changed) i understand i dont want to waste your precious time. I am going to narrate the story which happened in my life a wonderfull incident with my mother malani such a homely and sexy lady of 45i lost my father when i was studying 8th std i am the only son i got a elder sister she is not yet married that time she was 25 and me 22 and mother 45 she got marriage in her teenager. We had our provision shop in the same village and...

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Teacher II

For the first time I felt his hand on my dick, his firm but soft hands felt good. I arched my back pushing my hips forward giving him full access to me. Mr. Roberts said " You're so hard, do you like me touching you" My breathing was quick, and My head was spinning. Yes sir I finally said. He closed his fingers and thumb around the tip and slid down sending waves of excitement through me. He stroked me a few times then he cleared his desk and told me to hop up. I hopped on the desk in front of...

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Profile Questionnaire kaspo5

Profile Questionnaire kaspo5 in englishtranslated with google (if something is unclear, please info)Name: Rene PumpenmacherGender: manAge: 69eyecolour: BlueHair color: red; but not really.Size: 179Weight: 76 kgPenis: 20 cm (measure again, if it is not enough, then he comes again on the rack)Marital status: married (and very long)Germany, City: Trierdepending on the mood dominant and submissive (wat is dat actually ??)not sadistic and masochisticsexual orientation is heteroWho would you search...

2 years ago
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Brick House Pt 08 Ch 0910

All content copyright 2012 Ted Szabo This is part 8 of a longer work, ‘Brick House.’ The two chapters included here—9 and 10– have minimal erotic content. They are provided for the convenience of readers interested in the larger story. * ‘Your turn.’ John, one of my next-door neighbors, completed his move quickly, pushing a pile of cardboard chits toward the center of the board as he nodded in my direction. I painstakingly pondered my predicament, eyeing John’s massing minions with...

1 year ago
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Dog Show GirlChapter 3 Passion in the Pasture

In this day and age with hordes of young people, hippy and otherwise, warring against the establishment politically, socially, morally and sexually, there is a great urge among them to try anything at all that's taboo, just for the sake of rebellion. And if the opportunity for a "new kick" presents itself--a kick that's way way out on the deep end of sex experience--a kick that is an absolute no-no to the square world, not only unlawful but unthinkable--that makes it a kick well worth...

1 year ago
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BethChapter 145

February 11, 2018 Dear Ms. Diary, We had nothing to do today other than our weekly housekeeping duties, so ate a leisurely breakfast, cleaned up the kitchen, then attended to those various chores. Even though the house is large and two of the bathrooms are huge, with so many of us, we finished the weekly cleaning around 1 and were waiting only on the last loads of laundry in the two dryers. We gathered on the fresh sheet and comforter we’d recently placed on our bed. As we had been doing...

3 years ago
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Desert Heat Part 27

Desert Heat – Part 27Saturday, Aug. 18, 1985All five of us seemed to wake at the same time, but no one knew why. We got up, fixed breakfast and asked Pepper what she had in mind. She said she wasn’t sure and was open to suggestions. As we sipped our coffee, we looked at each other and I could tell by the looks on their faces that they had ideas, but were hesitant to speak out. I knew it was because of my statement about not getting arrested which meant that it was up to me to make the first...

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Team Players Part 2 of Many

As we left the first part I, Dan, a 38 year old Navy Seal, recuperating from an injury sustained in Afghanistan almost a year ago, to my leg and knee. Right now I am on Desk Duty, since I can no longer partake with my Seal Team members. I act as a consultant for them, when they are deployed in some god forsaken area of the world. I live with my sister in law, although I don’t know what she really is called now, since my brothers death, over 5 years ago. He was cheating on her, and leaving a...

1 year ago
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My first 3some

Steve & Jean lived in Wales and wanted a third to join theiractivities and they wanted that someone to be me. We met on a lateFriday afternoon, I was supposed to be away on business, the initialcontact was very shaky but Jean soon put me at ease, after a couple ofdrinks we decided to head for a hotel room close by where they werestaying. Now the nerves really kicked in, I was excited and scared,wondering what I was install for me or would I be safe.Steve soon put my fears to rest; there was...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 115

What had been planned as a quiet day was no more. Jenny, Lorrie, Marcy and Ching Lee were going to look at Jeanna's new house and plan the video system she wanted. They were the experts with that kind of thing. Marcy was going to play chauffer with her new truck. Vicky and I were going to open the gym. We didn't expect many members to show up today but a few indicated they might. With all the gift coupon-books we had sold as Christmas gifts there might be some coming to check out the...

2 years ago
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Double Barreled Cunt

Mmmm...not really me to go 3 upsomes???Well 1st time I guess for everything?What can you do when in the same eve 2 lovely fellas want to play and you can't say no to either? Well in this case say yes to both!I thought well Mick(hubby) is away again and I was a bit bored with cock about and in an orgasm desert!!!I knew one fella and he was speaking to his Bruv, who was more than curious to see a white Lady 'real Booty like'.The lad I know is about 25 yo, very long cock, not over think and a huge...

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