Smoke Ch. 07 free porn video

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copyright by calibeachgirl and jim crowell

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Elliot was nervous, his hands shook enough his forkful of food slipped back onto the plate. He set it down. Things were not going well for the FBI agent.

Sophia looked at him, a wry smile on her face. ‘Something wrong, dear?’ she asked. ‘You seem a little… pre-occupied.’ She toyed with her husband… a cat playing with a mouse.

‘Uh… no… well, yes,’ he said. ‘I’m sorry that I asked you to go with Angie that evening. It was the biggest mistake possible.’ Just thinking of it made him shudder.

‘You’ve already said that, dear. Why is it still bothering you?’ ‘Yes, indeed, dear husband, what’s on your mind?’ she thought to herself.

‘You said on the phone…’ ‘Something truly scary,’ he knew.

‘Yes?’ ‘Yes, tell me, dear Elliot, what’s on your mind.’

‘You said that Angie wanted to do something.’ He took a sip of water. His mouth had suddenly become SO dry.

‘Is that the only reason we’re going to dinner? Doesn’t seem so romantic, when you look at it, that way…’ She put down her own fork, still laden with halibut. The tartar sauce dripped away like her enthusiasm for the evening.

‘No, no, no… it’s not like that. I just didn’t want you to feel… neglected, that’s all.’ ‘Was it always this hot?’

‘That’s all? Thanks a lot, Elliot.’ She folded her napkin and slowly set it on the table. ‘I’d like to go home, now.’


‘But, what?’ She started to get up.

‘Please, please, let’s stay. I’ll make it up to you. I’m sorry… Jesus, it’s just this case has really got me worked up for a lot of different reasons, that’s all.’

Still not mollified, nevertheless, she still sat back down. She knew how important the case was to him.

‘Sophia, not only is this case important for the country, but for us, as well. We’d get to stay here, permanently. You know that.’

She stared at him, still angry… at both him as well as herself. That evening had frightened her, how easily she had fallen into a single-woman’s frame of mind. How easily she enjoyed that man’s attention. She tried to remember his name but couldn’t… ‘did it really matter?’ she wondered.

‘Sophia, what can I do to make this up to you?’

The magic words every woman wants to hear tumbled from his mouth before he even understood the import of what he said.


Angie opened the post office box and took out the flimsy blue air-mail letter from Italy. The colorful Vatican City stamps would have gladdened any collector but she was more interested in what was inside the letter. Why her handlers didn’t use regular US mail was beyond her. They could have mailed it from the Washington area if they actually thought about what they were doing. Overseas mail was always going to stand out, no matter where it came from and the beautiful stamps were going to attract attention from everyone who saw them.

‘If Ivan is becoming such a hindrance, eliminate him,’ the letter said later as she decoded the message. ‘We expect a plan to be put into effect on the American holiday of Halloween for the greatest impact. Make it work.’

She shuddered. As annoyed as she was with Al for his bungling trip to Las Vegas, she had no desire to kill him. If nothing else, he was an acceptable lover. He filled her insatiable need when she was too tired to go bar-hopping looking for someone more interesting.

Besides, from what she understood, there had been enough death in and around the apartment house already. Another mysterious killing or disappearance would bring too much attention from the local police.

‘Maybe,’ she wondered, ‘I could say he went back East for something?’

She was beginning to have second doubts and third thoughts about her role in America. If she could find a way to stay and disappear, she wondered, could she forget about Russia and become a ‘good’ American? Would Al, or Ivan as she continued to think about him every time he made a huge error in judgment, go along or would he hinder whatever plan she could come up with? Would she have to kill him in the end, after all?

Restlessly, Angie waited for the small safety-deposit box to be unlocked. Finally, both keys were turned and the little door swung open. ‘Would you like some help with that,’ asked the teller.

‘No, I’ve got it, thanks,’ Angie said, pulling the long, slim metal box out.

‘All right, then, just let me know when you’re ready and I’ll be back.’

Angie took the box into the small, adjoining room and closed the door. Quietly placing it down on the wooden shelf, she unlocked the small padlock and lifted the lid.

Passport after passport after passport… each carefully taken and checked…. American dollars… Canadian dollars… British pounds… French francs… cut diamonds and emeralds in little cotton bags…

A plan began to form in her devious little mind… a plan to stay in America, in warm Southern California far away from the snows of Moscow and Mother Russia.

‘First, though, a few hundred to take care of some shopping…’ There were some beautiful high heels and a dress she had seen in Beverly Hills, just in time for Cindy’s wedding.

Watching Greg work around the apartment house and then running to the beach every few days or so had explained Cindy’s reluctance to go bar-hopping with her. If she had Greg waiting at home for her, she wouldn’t be out looking for a quick pick-up, either.

Angie pushed the coffee cup across the table. ‘You have to go… don’t you understand? If you stay here, they’re going to kill you. I’ve shown you the letter, what more can I do? I can get you ten thousand and you can move to another town, another state. They’ll never find you, this is a huge country and they don’t have all the records and controls like… like home.’

He wasn’t happy. He liked Southern California, even if he always had a scowl on his face. Admittedly, his huge error in Las Vegas had precipitated the situation further than he ever thought possible, but still…

‘If you take a bus, there’s no record and you’re not wasting money on a car or you can get a used car for cheap. Please, Ivan, listen to me. I know I’ve been giving you a lot of grief but this is why.’

Three days later, taking his false documents with him, he bought a three-hundred dollar car from a used-car lot in San Pedro and headed north toward San Francisco. Somewhere, he hoped, there would be a small town he could settle in with the American dream. The workers’ paradise would have to happen without him.


Elliot knelt on the rug, his wife’s legs hanging over his shoulders as he kissed her once again. Sophia crossed her ankles, pulling his head forward between her thighs. He tried breathing through his nose as his face pressed against her but was forced to just open his mouth and take a big gulp of air before she could force his head down, again.

Her moans filled the bedroom as her hands grabbed his hair. Sophia’s thighs squeezed against his ears and all he could hear was the rapid thump-thump of her heart as she shook once more.

‘Stop… stop… stop…’ she finally said, releasing his head from her grip. Her arms came back and collapsed onto the bed. He got up and moved onto the bed next to her. Her nipples were still solidly erect and he touched her left breast with his fingertip.

Sophia’s nipple immediately tightened and became even more erect, something he never thought possible. His tongue soon replaced his fingers as he mouthed it, slightly sucking, gently touching with his teeth.

His left hand moved down between her open legs and caressed her gently. Sophia’s hand moved down onto his and pushed it roughly against her body. ‘Aaaaah,’ she cried out in delight. She pushed two of his fingers deep inside and swirled them around. ‘Huh… huh… huh…’ she whimpered.
Elliot moved onto her and slipped his body between her thighs. She grabbed him as he held himself against her, slid up and down twice and slid deeply inside with an ‘ooof.’ He waited only a moment before rocking back out and then plunged down, again, again, again.

Her legs now locking him in, he pushed quickly, trying to rub against her enough to bring her off once more. ‘Just do it,’ she sighed.

He could feel the pressure build and as the heat coursed through him, he pushed one last time as far as he could as he felt the thick liquid surge five, six times into his wife.


Cindy looked out the window and quietly yawned. Her hand moved to her lover and caressed his face. ‘Mmffff,’ he mumbled, still asleep. She smiled. In less than a week, she would be Mrs. Gregory Knott. She was looking forward to the honeymoon. Although they had been sleeping together for months, the idea of a honeymoon made her grin from ear to ear.

Silently, she slid out from the warm covers and headed barefoot into the chilly bathroom. Looking into the mirror, she searched for wrinkles around her eyes. ‘Nothing, so far,’ she happily thought and turned on the shower. Soon, a foggy heat enveloped the room and she stepped in. Cindy slowly moved the washcloth on her body, eyes closed, pretending it was Greg touching her. She felt herself building to a climax when a shadow moved against the glass door and he stepped in.

‘Let me help you with that,’ he said, huskily. He took the cloth from her and dropped it to the wet floor. Taking his hands, he used the soap to glide his fingers across her skin. She shivered under his touch.

‘Oh…’ she started to say.

‘Don’t speak,’ he said, continuing to touch her. He moved behind her and reached around her waist, his hands moving higher on her body until he cupped her breasts. He carefully pulled her against him so she could feel his excitement.

‘Can you feel the heat?’ he asked.

She reached back to his neck and pulled his head down. ‘Kiss me,’ she said.

‘Where?’ he asked and then laughed. ‘I’ll go to the ends of the earth to kiss you.’

‘Shut up and kiss me.’

‘You’ve got to go, now? Can’t you call in sick, or something?’

‘You know I can’t do that. Besides, I’ve got the rest of the week off. If you drive me down, I’ll get you breakfast.’

‘Great. If I keep eating at Raymond’s, I’m going to weigh two hundred pounds.’

‘Oh, I don’t think there’s any chance of that. I’ll give you enough exercise.’

‘You’re funny.’ He checked his watch. ‘I think there’s time for some push-ups.’

‘You’ll have to be quick, then. Just drop your pants and come here.’ She hopped up onto the kitchen table.

‘Hey!’ he laughed. ‘That’s the… I eat…’

‘I’ll give you something to eat… c’mon, give it to me.’

The table rocked enough that anyone would have thought a West Coast earthquake had rolled through the kitchen. ‘Ah, Jesus… whatever you do, don’t stop.’

Pulling into Raymond’s parking lot with minutes to spare, Greg laughed as Cindy ran into the restaurant. Walking more slowly, he went in to have a very late breakfast. When he was done, he put a dollar down for Barbara, the waitress, waved at Cindy and left. Martine would give her a ride home, as usual.

He, on the other hand, was going to the pier to do a little fishing. ‘What a life,’ he said to himself as he drove toward Redondo.

A short while later, he was fighting a barracuda, hoping the line wouldn’t break, when Elliot walked up and leaned against the railing next to him.

‘Hey. How’s the fishing?’

‘Not bad, if you like barracuda. I was hoping for something else but these guys put up a good fight. What are you doing here?’

‘Speaking of something else, have you seen Al?’

‘No… I thought it was your job to keep an eye on him?’

‘Yeah, well… somebody screwed up and we lost him.’

‘Are you going to pick Angie up, now? You better or she’ll be in the wind, too.’

‘I know but she hasn’t really done anything.’

‘So what? Grab her up and worry about it, later. If you don’t…’

‘Yeah, I know, she’ll be gone. Do you think she’ll stay for the wedding?’

‘She said she’d be there, but maybe that’s just talk. Wait a minute…’ Greg grabbed his pole and wound his line in, finally pulling the aggressive fish up the side of the pier and against the railing. ‘Watch out, Elliot, those teeth are nasty. Get that net, will you?’

With the fish now on the pier’s deck, he baited his hook again and cast out into the water. ‘I’m hoping for a nice, big halibut for dinner. Maybe, I could invite Angie over and sound her out, how’s that?’

‘Thanks. What’s wrong with this fish?’

‘For some reason, you get really sick if you eat them. Why don’t you and Sophia join us, too? I’m sure Cindy won’t mind. I’ll give her a call when I get home.’

‘You looking forward to Friday? Getting married is a big step for anyone.’ Elliot looked out to the bay.

‘Yes, although I’ll admit I’ve been enjoying it for a while.’ Greg smiled.

‘Don’t let that spark disappear, my friend. It’s interesting. Women, sex and love… it can be so damn confusing.’ ‘How true,’ he thought, realizing Sophia had controlled their love life ever since that night at the restaurant.

‘God, I hope not… life is crazy enough as it is. Hey! I got another bite!’ Greg yelled. He worked the line, playing the fish. ‘Oooohooo! It’s a halibut and a big one, too! Get the net! Get the net! Don’t you dare let it get away!’

A minute later, dinner was cooling in the ice chest.

‘I’ll see you, tonight, Elliot. Thanks.’

‘Honey, we’re having guests for dinner. Can you bring some stuff home?’

‘Guests? I was hoping for a quiet…’ Cindy’s disappointment was evident.

‘Trust me, this is important,’ said Greg, carefully.

‘All right… what do you want me to bring?’ She sounded mollified.

‘Everything but the fish. I got a big ole halibut at the pier.’

‘Wait a minute… Yes, how may I help you? Table for three? Yes, please follow me.’ He could hear the handset put down and the noises of the restaurant. ‘OK, I’m back,’ she said. ‘I’ve got an idea. I asked Joseph and he said it would be all right if you brought the fish over. He’d cook it for you and we’d bring the whole thing home afterward.’

‘Yeah, I can do that. Great… I’ll be over as soon as I can.’

Whatever fatigue Cindy had vanished as soon as she walked into the apartment. ‘Greg, the food is downstairs. Please bring it up. I’m going to take a shower and no, you can’t join me, I’d never get anything done around here.’

Greg went downstairs and started bringing up the hot dishes. He put them into the oven to stay warm, the chopped salad into the refrigerator and began to set the table. It had been a while since they had company for dinner and it would be a first with Elliot and Sophia.

Eight o’clock arrived soon enough with a knock on the door.

‘Good evening, Elliot… Sophia. Thank you for coming.’ Greg was surprised. While Elliot wore dark slacks and a light blue shirt, Sophia was dressed very stylishly in a white blouse and an ankle-length black skirt with a ‘harder’ look to her face. ‘Something,’ he realized, ‘has happened. But, what?’ ‘Something to drink? I’ve martinis,’ he asked, smiling.

‘Yes,’ Sophia said, ‘I’d love one.’ She left the two men standing near the door and walked to the window. ‘Your view is so much different up here. You can see the ocean.’

‘That’s why I like it. If something opens up, I’ll keep you in mind.’

‘Thank you.’ She turned back to the window and looked toward the night-darkened beach a block away. ‘A martini would be just right.’

Cindy happened to walk in just at that moment. She was wearing a dark blue cocktail dress that reached just below the knees. The two women assessed one another. One, the now-w
orldly older woman from the capital greeted the other, an ingénue still surprised by the world despite her checkered past. If Sophia really knew Cindy’s history, though, her appraisal would be much different. When it came to sex, it was Sophia who lacked the hard experience that Cindy had endured.

‘Good evening, Sophia. How nice of you and Elliot to join us. I hope you like halibut. I understand that Elliot helped land the fish.’

‘Oh? That’s interesting, he didn’t mention that.’ Sophia looked at her husband, wondering what else he failed to mention. ‘Halibut will be wonderful. Greg, may I have another martini, please.’ She handed him her empty glass.

Surprised, Greg made her another.

‘My God, this fish was fantastic. However did you do it, Cindy?’ Sophia asked.

Cindy looked at Greg. ‘Well… I had it done at the restaurant. It was easier.’

Sophia looked at the younger woman. ‘So much smarter, too. Congratulations. I’ve come to realize that a woman needs to face life and decide what SHE wants, not just some tired convention that seeks to hold us back.’ She took a look at her cocktail glass. ‘Greg, dear, could you get me another? I seem to be empty.’

Greg looked at Elliot for guidance but then thought, ‘what the hell, they live just downstairs, it’s not like they have to drive home.’ ‘Of course…’

There was a ‘ding’ as the kitchen timer finished counting down.

‘I’ve got homemade chocolate chip cookies with ice cream,’ Cindy said, trying to change the tenor of the table. ‘What is going on?’ she wondered as she brought the hot cookies to the table.

‘These,’ said Sophia, ‘are really, really good. Did you change the recipe?’

‘Yes, Martine and I fooled around with it until we got this. We’ve been baking cookies and taking them to an orphanage every other Monday. It makes my heart cry to see all those kids with no parents. I suppose the nuns are filling in the best they can but, just the same…’

‘That’s too bad. Are there many children, there?’

‘There’s about sixty, I think. I’ve never actually counted. They don’t hold still long enough.’

‘I wanted to have a child…’ Sophia suddenly said, ‘…it just never seemed to happen. Do you think I could come out there, sometime… with you?’

Cindy was shocked. ‘I suppose so. I’d have to talk to Martine. They like to keep the children from being put on display like it’s a circus or something. It took a while for them to accept me.’

‘Thank you, I’d appreciate that,’ Sophia said, wistfully. Elliot looked at his wife, mystified. She had never mentioned wanting a child. He wondered how he could be so oblivious of his wife’s desires.

‘Wow!’ Greg said, later as he helped wash the dishes. ‘That was one crazy dinner. Boy, is she mad at him for something.’

‘I know. It’s too bad. After you said they were coming for dinner, I was hoping for a nice time, but, like you said, ‘wow’! You could feel the ice…’

‘C’mere, baby. Whatever he did, I promise I’ll never do.’

‘Oh, yeah? You better find out what he did before you go making promises, sweetheart.’

‘I don’t care. There’s no way I’m getting you that mad.’

Cindy walked out of the bathroom, dropped her nightgown to the floor and pushing him back onto the bed, pulled his pajama pants off. ‘Let’s see…’ she said, reaching out and touching his already hard arousal. ‘Mmmmm,’ she moaned, taking it to her lips and running her tongue around.

She opened her mouth and took him in, then, taking a deep breath, pushed her head down until he was touching her throat. She began to move her hand on it until she could feel the tension and then the warm liquid pulsed down her throat.

‘Good night, baby.’

‘Good night, Cindy.’


Halloween Friday finally arrived. Raymond’s was closed and the Wayfarer’s Chapel overlooking Catalina was full. Frank Lloyd Wright’s Glass Church, nestled above the Palos Verdes bluffs was the most romantic spot Greg could think of, even if it was over an hour’s drive back to the South Bay beach towns.

The distance involved changed Martine’s plans of using the restaurant and so they rented one of the large meeting rooms there.

Martine stood behind Cindy and stared into the mirror. She put her hands on the girl’s shoulders.

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“Hey, Maggots, I’m here for school,” Stephen said while strutting into the office. His mother was forcing him to be there and he was not happy with it. School was endless tedious hours of boredom and he was tired of it. In an attempt to end this travesty that was called education, Stephen planned on being obnoxious. “The name is Magus.” “That’s what I said — Maggots,” Stephen said. He smirked. Most people would have found the smirk on his face particularly irritating. Magus ignored...

3 years ago
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And sharing a man

Wow! A vision, Megan stood in front of Jon, in his eyes she looked like a goddess. Her blond hair hung down around her shoulders, her skin seemed to shine, perfect, her tiny tattoo standing out like a landmark. Her stockings stood out against her skin, fine, black and real. Stockings this time, not hold ups, the suspenders outlining the curve of her thighs and buttocks some of her finest features, along with her calves straining under the pull of the jet black impossibly high heels. The...

Group Sex
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Thank you, WolfGirl *Betrayed* At some point during the early morning hours, I felt Danny slid in behind me on the bed. I slowly turned around in his arms and faced him. Poor baby, he looked so tired. "Morning love." I whispered as I kissed his chin. "Goodnight, hmm morning.." He mumbled as he softly rubbed my back, pulling me closer into him. "You wen't on patrol didn't you?" I asked rubbing his neck softly. "Yes and I just got back." He whispered...

2 years ago
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The Nights Not Over Yet

I felt the limo slow and I glanced out the window; almost there. The driver curved around a garden bed and parked. I had arrived at the front steps of the community hall in a long, sleek limo. I stepped out, my polished shoes crunching on the gravel beneath. I stooped my head to avoid bumping it and making myself look like an idiot, then straightened my jacket and adjusted my tie. Picture perfect and flawless. I was eighteen years old and ready to have the night of my life: The Debutante...

First Time
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HARD at work1

I work as a professional in the education system and have done for many years. I am fortunate to have my wife, Jane, a very lovely and beautiful lady work in a different area but still the same location. I consider myself lucky as I get to see her a lot. Our relationship has had its ups and downs but is all the stronger for the downs and I believe could withstand anything. We have worked hard at being honest about everything which has on some occasions and from both sides has proven to be very...

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“Is my Beast resting, dreaming of dark desires for his prey? Are your dreams: taunting, teasing, mocking you?” Anna walks through the darkness, barefoot on soft earth. “I whisper your name ‘Allan’, from a distance. The faint smell of Anna’s heat drifts through the air. The scent stirs and hunger, that can’t be sated. “you feel me. My breath on your skin. You can’t find me. You know I’m here. You’re searching. Your body is cold, it aches” Alone in the darkness stands Allan the Beast....

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Togetherness MChapter 3 Planning for 2

Andy had been current on schoolwork before Marilyn sequestered herself, and he’d buried himself in his books in an attempt to forget her absence. He finished the work for Wednesday, when she returned to the apartment. He then started on reviewing PDE. He was careful not to suggest a break until she clearly had had enough. Once in bed, though, all her attention was on him again. She writhed in his arms. When he moved over her, she was eager for him. After a long, slow session, she writhed...

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Tourist Girl part II

I woke up to the most pleasant sounds: that of a woman being fucked. That, I thought, had to be Jason, but the girl does not sound familiar, must be somebody new. I lay there for a while, entertaining a thought of going and joining them, and then decided against it. When I am fucking a new girl, I want her to be all mine. I don't mind getting sloppy seconds, but there's time for threesomes and gang bangs, and there's time for good old-fashioned fucking. My name is Hassan Mustafa. I was born and...

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A small price to pay

When James was 17 years old his Father Trevor Talbot was killed while trying to rob a bank. Apparently Trevor had lost a very large sum of money gambling, to pay his debt he borrowed money from a Russian crime boss who charges very high interest. Trevor did pay his gambling debt but now he owes money to the Russian crime boss, Trevor tried his best to pay back the money but the interest was too high. Trevor never told Helen and James about his gambling debt and that he borrowed the money from...

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Carabella Ch 03

Her hand behind his head, bringing him once again to her starving mouth cut the cord to his common sense, and he devoured her, pressing her into the cushions of the sofa, rolling his hips between her spread legs, feeling her heat. He could feel her heartbeat against his mouth and hands, and he was sure she could feel his, too. He struggled to think through the heat of her, through the sweet taste of her, and failed utterly. ‘Does this mean I can stay all night?’ he whispered harshly against...

1 year ago
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Wet VR! There is a lot of wetness in porn scenes. There’s just something sexy about that glistening moisture, and maybe it has something to do with the fact that humans are mostly made of water. Yeah, we’re just a bunch of water balloons, running around and fucking each other in every orifice imaginable. Of course, I think it’s a more specific kind of wetness they’re talking about over at is a really new virtual reality porn site. It’s a wild new frontier of 3D smut, with a lot...

VR Porn Sites
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Male Escort Ne Dih Free Service

Hey dosto meh aapka raj firse hazir hun apni ek sachii kahani leke joh abhi kuch din phele ki hai meh surat se hun aur all india service deta hun aap mujhe mail kar sakte hai for escort service any where in India mera email id hai Abhi kuch din phele mujhe jaipur jana tha waha mujhe 5din alag alag ladies k sath escort service deni thi so meh nikal pada par chutiyo ka season hone k wajah se mujhe reservation nhi mila so maine surat se jaipur tak ki ac sleeper bus ticket book ki aur nikal pada...

2 years ago
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Shy wife shared pt2 long version

The next morning we woke up and my wife started making breakfast I told josh to gointo the kitchen with her while I went down the street to get the newspaper, When I returnedhome we ate and then me and josh went out back to clean up from the party, He told mewhen I left he walked into the kitchen and up behind my wife and placed his hands onher hips and said good morning sexy. He said she just shugged her shoulders and said she was so high last night and she shouldn't have led him on like she...

3 years ago
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My Teacher Teaches Me Anal

It had been weeks since Mr. Denton had spanked and fucked me. I had put it from my mind. He had showed no further interest in me and I had stayed out of trouble for the most part. I had a new boyfriend, and one afternoon we were fucking behind the stairs in the basement of the gym. He had is hand in my bra and was fucking me really hard. I couldn’t stop my moans of pleasure. He was grunting and thrusting into my wet cunt and almost ready to cum. Suddenly I heard a sound. I looked up and Mr....

2 years ago
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Sisters Love HorsesChapter 2

Bonny Harper was still a virgin, but that was a condition that the girl fully intended to terminate at the first opportunity. She was practical about it, with no desire to save her cherry for marriage or for the right man. She simply wanted to get laid. Any guy would do, she figured, as long as he had a big, hard cock. If she had lived in the city, Bonny would probably have been screwed by this time, but in the isolated countryside the selection of eligible young men was scant and although...

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Nipples Clits

This is what really happened, most men through out there life meet a number of women that really impress them. That has certainly been my case, and of course I married one of them. The girl in this story is one that would make an impression on anyone. Her name is Louise Carson. Who is she you ask? Well when I was in puberty, Louise was Marys younger sister. Mary was my age 15 and Louise was about 14 at the time. Mary was the one, all of us geeky boys lusted after, she was the looker, but...

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Horny wife dogging

I was out one night with my wife Dee in the car and we pulled into a secluded country car park. We sat there talking and smoking a cigarette each. She was horny as hell and asked me if there will be any guys that she could suck and or fuck. Of course, I didn't know if anyone would turn up and, if they did, whether they would be wanting to play. After a little while a car pulled in with a coloured chap in it, he parked quite close and kept looking across at Dee. After a few minutes, as we lit...

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In Your Room Part 2 Mom is out of town

A few days after the incident in your room, your mom has to travel to Dallas for work. I'm sitting in the living room, watching the game, having a couple of beers. After the game is over, I flip through the channels and I come across some soft-core on Cinemax. It's about teens...of course. I've got a bit of a buzz going, so I let myself think about you, asleep in your room, and how I watched you last Saturday night. How I stroked my cock while I looked at you, how I nearly came all over you.I...

2 years ago
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Morning In The Park

Besides her hot body and her exuberance under the sheets, the thing that I found most attractive about Joyce was her long hair. She wore it straight down nearly to her waist. When she was naked it flowed down past her shoulders and if she moved just right you could see her perky young nipples poking through her shiny blonde strands. I loved the way her hair engulfed my whole head and teased my face when she bent over to kiss me while I lay on the bed. Most of all I loved the way her golden...

3 years ago
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My neighbor Pete

Pete and his wife Shelia,both in their mid 50's,had been my neighbors for about a year.Not great friends,Pete and I drank beer across the fence,talked football and sex.One summer day I caught Pete leering at me as I tanned.Wearing a small thong I let him leer.They'de both met a couple of women I date but took no notice to the men who visit.At that point I was servicing several older,married men needing the same thing,regular blow jobs.Pete and my friendship took a turn one afternoon as I said...

1 year ago
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Family Life Ch6 Mother Daughter cum toget

David and his father were at the table eating their meal, Mary was busying herself in the kitchen, taking any opportunity to stand behind her husband so that she was looking directly at David. She was blowing him kisses and David was having difficulty not to laugh but when she raised her skirt to show him her naked cunt he almost choked on his food.“I wonder where Laura is,” Mary said, “she’s not usually late unless she had somewhere to go but then she would have told me, her meal will be cold...

3 years ago
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Off The Beaten Path

Off The Beaten Pathby Miss AnonnaDuring a quick visit home one summer I found myself in a little poor town and I wasn’t sure where I was. I did know that I had gotten off Interstate 81 onto US 11 and thought I was headed back to the highway. There was no way to know for sure so I decided to consult a map that I had in the glove box. When I came upon a vacant parking lot, I turned in and parked facing the road. Immediately I unbuckled my belt and leaned toward the windshield to get the map and...

3 years ago
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8 Inch Dick And Two Pussies

Hi, this is Yash again. I am 23 currently living in Pune. This is the story of two girls Yashashvi and stuti being fucked by stuti’s boyfriend priyanshu.I got in touch with them through Indian sex Stories. Yashashvi and stuti are classmates. They are both aged 18 and both like to get fucked. Both have a figure of 34-28-34. Stuti has very well shaped boobs, firm and round while Yashashvi has an ass to kill for. Both are besties and share everything with each other, even their boyfriends. Let’s...

1 year ago
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The House of Pleasure

INTRODUCTION You are about to participate in a story that will involve you in intrigue while at the same time offer you an opportunity to experience, if you so desire, a variety of erotic encounters. The narrative takes place in Paris, France. It is during the late 1800's, a time which will come to be known as "La Belle Epoque"---an era when Paris overflowed with artists and writers, actors and singers, bourgeoise and nobility, financiers and landowners. Although the characters at the maison...

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BoundGangBangs Zoe Sparx Dirty Pig Whore

Hot young teacher Zoe Sparx is in hot water with the Board of Education because she’s been posting lewd nudes online. The Board decides they have no choice but to make an example out of Zoe and they call in for a meeting. Zoe apologizes profusely and agrees to submit to whatever punishment the Board demands in order to keep her job. They tell her to write on the chalk board that she will not post nudes online. While Zoe writes, they discover she’s wore a glass butt plug to work...

3 years ago
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My Wife Melinda Takes Two Plus Eats Pussy Part 8

I stood, hard, and in awe as I watched my wife eat her first pussy. She lapped up all of the cum that ran down from Sara's gaping anus and to her pussy. I was so aroused as Sara and Melinda reached orgasm and bucked against each other's mouths and probing tongues.Dante and Jerome looked at me stroking my cock and laughed. "This poor bitch motherfucker is the only one of us who hasn't cum yet. Let's give him his turn," chuckled Dante. Dante as usual directed the action, "Since your bitch...

3 years ago
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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 4

Gabby started by squatting down across from where the boy was standing so she could speak to the boy without shouting, and to look him in the eye. She started with the old stand by in trying to communicate with the pointing to herself and saying her name and then pointing to the boy. It didn’t take long for the boy to catch on. The boy pointed to himself and said, “Gort.” From there Gabby moved on to Clara’s name and then mine. Once the boy had repeated those, Gabby got into the really...

4 years ago
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Pg Wali Horny Bhabhi Ko Kiya Kaaboo

Mein us samay M.B.B.S kar raha tha aur ek pg mein reh raha tha. Pg mein niche makan malik ki family rehti thi aur upar hum 4 log rehte the. Niche Pg ki malkin ki family. Makan malkin apne bete aur bahu aur unke 7 saal ke bete ke saath rehti thi. Aunty he pati kaam ki wajah se dusre sehar mein rehte the aur aunty ki beti apne husband ke saath rehti thi. Dekhne mein toh aunty ki beti bhi kisi heroine se kam nahi thi aur use chodne ka maza hi alag tha. Par is bare mein hum kabhi aur baat...

2 years ago
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fantasy and desires 2

Hello everyone I come again with another story part two of asking for fantasy desire....if you've been keeping up with our stories stories between NPHW and my self.. you know our history what happened how and when where the before and after.. so to continue with this story in this case titled “ THREE IN ONE ” involving my my “ NPHW ” hubby, Shelley and my self.. as you all know they had something going when he was very young such as we did and do now.. well as you know she came looking for him...

3 years ago
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TRC Oni and the Farmer Ch 6

"Umm… What?" Ikuno smiled but didn't lift her head off his shoulder, "I'll explain later, take me to bed." Kal started walking again, "Sounds like there's going to be a lot of that, like how you ended up overloaded with magic." Kal walked into the mouth of the cave, Ikuno snapped her fingers and a ball of light formed before them, leading the way into the darkness. Ikuno was thoughtful, "I have an idea…" "KAL! IKUNO! Are you alright!" came Perra's voice. They could tell from...

1 year ago
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A Top Class Businessman Rams His Cock Into His Exlover

Avinash was one of the top class business men in town. The rich-guy tag attached was enough to lure all the women. He had an athletic built body, 6’1” tall, deep brown eyes that could pierce any eyes deep within. It seemed like God had carefully structured him; his sharp nose like that of a Greek god and hair perfectly trimmed that touched the collar of his shirt making him look edible and desirable. He was standing at the one of the bars with a shot of tequila in hand, looking all around, and...

2 years ago
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It was on a Thursday mooring when I got a call from grandson asking if he and a friend along with my granddaughter could come over and spend the night. I have n ever turned them down and I side shure come over. When they got there I could not stop looking how nice his friend was, he told me his name was Jim I introduce myself and extended him my hand when our hand met I got a jolt in my paints Jim was 17 and looked so good, as we healed hands I haled it for a long time witch he did not pull...

3 years ago
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Wife In the Dunes ndash Another Fantasy

I have been watching the videos of naturist couples playing in the dunes, especially at Maspalomas. I have been trying to get my wife to go to the naturist beaches near us but she is not interested but I do fantasise about her lying naked on the beach with lots of guys walking past and looking at her nudity. This is just a fantasy but wish I could make it a reality.My wife and I are on holiday and we have tried out the regular local beaches. On the first day I suggested we drive to the very...

4 years ago
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Tommy Pt 1

I had been out of Uncle Sam’s Air Force about three months. I had a job, making a little money. Had an apartment, and a rattle-trap Ford to get me around. This particular Saturday morning I was ready to do some shopping but the Ford wouldn’t cooperate. The battery was dead, I hadn’t left the lights on so I knew it was just flat dead. I was sitting there wondering what to do when a Ford pickup pulled in behind me and a large (fat) guy got out and asked if I had a problem. ‘Yeah, dead batt.’ I...

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MenagerieChapter 24

“Sweetie, it’s time to wake up.” “Just five more minutes’ sis,” I muttered as I tried to bury my face in the pillow. I snapped awake as I realized that wasn’t Hope’s voice. I jumped up, hit my head against something soft, and saw Scarlett falling back into the other seat as I remembered I was on the plane. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry Scarlett! Are you okay?” “Well your head hit my breast and knocked me off balance, but they’re soft enough that I doubt we did any damage,” she said with a grin....

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AllGirlMassage Chanell Heart Sabina Rouge Meditation Class

A meditation instructor, Chanell Heart, is preparing to do a guided meditation with her students, but little do they know, this meditation session is going to be unlike any they’ve ever had before! Feeling mischievous, Chanell moves behind each student, helping them straighten their posture and steady their breathing, although it’s just an excuse to feel them up. However, none of the students seem to notice or be bothered as they continue meditating like normal. Not getting a rise...

2 years ago
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Trying to be Naughty

I was trapped in a conversation I did not want to be in. I was at work with two girls sitting in the break room trying to enjoy my lunch, however that was interrupted by Lisa and Haley.Who are they you ask? Well that's simple.Lisa was a seven on that wonderful 10 scale us men rate girls on. She wasn't the most beautiful woman out there, but she was pretty. Her hair had been dyed one too many times so I couldn't quite tell if she was blond or a brunette, but she was tall, had a nice body, and...

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