Lacie Ch. 12 free porn video

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Chapter 12: Lacie’s Preparation

For the next two weeks, Lacie did her best to cope with handling her tasks around the house. Her ankle was still swollen six days after her injury and bruised for a week beyond that. Heather worked with Lacie every day, restoring flexibility and strength to the damaged ankle, rubbing creams and applying cold and heat packs to reduce the bruising and swelling. A few days after the injury, Lacie was able to stand on it, but moving with any semblance of speed was out of the question.

Since she was completely unable to help in strenuous activity, Lacie did her best to help out Ana and Tara with their tasks around the house, while Lindsey picked up as much slack at the farm and in the greenhouse as she could. Lacie was getting impatient for her ankle to heal, but overall, Lacie felt it was worth the trade. Not only were the other girls safe, but Lacie saw Master more and more frequently. While he never seemed to have the time to pick up where they had left off in the medical suite, he was around enough that Lacie was able to enjoy his company.

Two weeks before the ‘big event’ as the house had come to call it, Lacie was called in to Tara’s room. Limping in, Lacie saw Claire standing off to one side of the room as Tara measured Master for clothes. Hobbling over to Claire, Lacie asked her what was going on.

‘Tara is working like a madwoman. Master asked her to make us some new outfits.’

‘Us?’ Lacie asked, confused. ‘I thought he was taking me and Lindsey.’

Claire sighed.

‘He was. I asked him if I could go in her place. I want to be there. I want to see those bastards walking around laughing. I want to watch them as their world crumbles around them and they don’t even see all their work burning to ash.’ The cold look of anger in Claire’s eyes unsettled Lacie. Putting her arm around her friend, Lacie smiled at her.

‘We will watch as it burns.’ Lacie said, watching as her smile spread to Claire’s face.

‘Ok, Lacie, come up here please. I need to take a few more measurements for your dress.’ Lacie hobbled over to the stand that stood in front of Tara’s mirrors, but Tara waved her away. ‘You don’t need to stand there. I can do this just as easily with you on the floor and you won’t have to strain that ankle getting up there.’

Sighing in relief, Lacie stood as still as possible while Tara took a few more measurements. When she finished, Lacie limped back to Claire, though she was disappointed when Tara called out that it was Claire’s turn. The disappointment rapidly evaporated when Master took Claire’s spot, sitting on the edge of Tara’s bed next to Lacie.

‘How’s your leg?’

‘Better. Still not as good as I want it to be, but better.’

‘Good. Any improvement is good. I’m amazed it wasn’t broken.’ He said, gently running the fingers of one hand absently up and down the ridge of Lacie’s spine.

Lacie shivered with pleasure at the gentle contact as she responded.

‘I got lucky. It still hurts though.’

‘I’ll believe it. Still, I don’t know if we’ll be doing much dancing at the big party.’

‘What kind of party is it? Is it… a.. slave party?’ Lacie asked hesitantly.

‘No.’ Master answered quickly. ‘No, this is going to be an actual party. Food, drinks, music, dancing. A lot of old men in nice suits talking business. That kind of party. Not a slave party.’

Lacie breathed a sigh of relief. Slave parties had been a growing fad around when Master had first bought her, and the horrors of the ‘parties’ made Lacie’s skin crawl. They weren’t really actual parties, just places where groups of slave owners got together to abuse and violate each other’s women. Lacie had only that morning realized that she didn’t know what kind of party Master was taking her to. Now that she knew, Lacie found that she held a strange kind of excitement regarding the party. She knew that there were going to be horrible people everywhere, people who made their living off of the pain of women, and that fact put a huge damper on Lacie’s excitement. Still, she was going to be getting all dressed up, made as pretty as possible and she’d actually get to leave the grounds, not to mention the thought of dancing with Master.

As much as she loved the mansion, things were getting slightly stale. She had talked to Bridget about it, and the older girl had assured her that the feeling of restlessness would pass. Lacie had actually had a long talk with her friend, going over all the odd facets of life at the mansion that Lacie had never expected could exist. Lacie had even gone into why she had felt alone for a few weeks, talking about how she felt as though she had yet to find a place she truly belonged amongst the others. Bridget had hugged her and told her to ‘give it time.’ She had further explained that it was something that every single one of Master’s girls had gone through, and all Lacie needed to do was to wait.

Bridget’s convictions had lifted Lacie’s spirits and, armed with new confidence, Lacie had set out to learn anything she could about what was expected of her during the final stages of Master’s plan. Surprisingly, Lacie’s role was actually a very small one, but it had massive implications. Now that Lacie had a moment to discuss things one on one with Master, she grabbed the opportunity to ask what effect, if any, Claire’s presence would have on the plan.

‘Actually,’ Master answered as Lacie leaned her head on his shoulder, ‘I wanted to ask her to come with us, but I didn’t know if she could handle it. Her presence will throw them even more off balance. As far as I know, most of the executives believe she’s dead. Her previous owners certainly do. The board of directors are asking me to try again with their business deal. They asked me to say a few words after their fancy dinner. They think I’ll be graciously announcing my support and how I look forward to a lucrative future together as their new financial backer. I have another speech I want to give in mind. Having Claire by my side as I give it will make the moment all the more perfect. Especially since, by then, Bridget and Callie will have sent out the falsified data package that will spell doom for their company. Once I’m done speaking we leave and never go back. Honestly, the hard parts are already taken care of, we just need to be there to distract them and throw them off balance long enough for the data to get out to enough people. If we can manage that, by the time I get up to give my speech, the data will be too widespread for them to stop, and they’ll find themselves under electronic and financial siege by the time we walk out the door.’

‘That’s it?’

‘That’s it. Otherwise, it’s just a regular party. Relax, have a few drinks, enjoy your food. Do some dancing. Find some other cute guy to make out with.’ Looking down at her, Master laughed the expression on Lacie’s face. At the mention of another man, Lacie screwed up her face, scrunching up her features as if she’d just bitten into a sour lemon.

‘Other guy? What will you be doing?’ Lacie asked, playfully smacking him on the shoulder.

‘Hopefully paying attention to what he needs to be doing and not getting too drunk.’ Tara mumbled around the tape measure she had folded between her teeth as she measured Claire.

‘Oh, come on. You know I never drink off the grounds.’ Master nudged Lacie with an elbow. ‘Makes me too susceptible to the considerable charms of the pretty young ladies I’m with.’

Lacie rolled her eyes, but was secretly pleased by the compliment. She had to fight to keep her smile off her face. Tara finished measuring Claire and banished the three guests from her room, stating her need to get back to her ‘mountain’ of work. Master headed back to his offices at the north end of the mansion while Claire and Lacie decided to pop down to the kitchens and help Ana finish prepping lunch. Walking to the staircase, they actually caught Ana just as she was coming up the steps,
a big plate and a bottle of cola in her hands. Explaining that the food was so that Tara could ‘keep at the workings’, Ana asked them to wait just a minute while she dropped off the asian girl’s lunch.

Once done with her quick task, Ana skipped back to the waiting pair, and the three headed back to the dining hall. Lacie appreciated their company, as both girls slowed their pace so that Lacie and her injured leg could keep up. They fell into easy conversation about the upcoming coup, and both Lacie and Claire admitted to a growing nervousness. They knew it was to be expected, but that didn’t change the fact that they knew they were walking into a very dangerous place, with very dangerous people.

They knew their reasons were sound, and the plan was good, but it didn’t mean it wasn’t without risk, however small. Still, as the trio walked into the dining hall and saw the rest of the household there, minus Tara and Master, their nervousness was quelled for awhile. The camaraderie of the house and the slowly changing seasons were the primary topics of the smoothly flowing conversation, and for the time being, Lacie was able to forget her worries over upcoming events.

The next few days passed quickly, her bruises fading to almost nothing while Lacie was able to move on her ankle better every day. After Tara had done some work on Lacie’s outfit, she called Lacie up to her room every other day or so to check the fit and length. Despite having been at Master and Claire’s first fitting, Lacie never actually saw their outfits, which left her with a strange sense of excitement and expectation.

Finally, it was only a week to the big event, and Lacie’s tension was starting to creep back up. Master and Marie took Lacie aside every day to give her a few lessons in ballroom dancing, just in case someone asked her out onto the floor. It wasn’t likely, with someone as imposing as Master lurking nearby (and he had promised Lacie he’d never be far away) but Lacie was adamant in wanting to help as much as possible.

At first the lessons went slowly, seeing as Lacie was still having movement issues. But as the final week passed, Lacie grew more and more confident, though she still blushed furiously anytime she took to the floor with Master. The lessons ended up taking more and more time out of her day, and Lacie was astounded to find that she seemed to have natural skill. Master was happily surprised, teaching her more and more complex dances, even going so far as to practice a few fast paced tangos and some salsa dancing.

The last few days passed in a blur as Lacie spent almost all of her waking hours in fittings, working, in dance lessons or working with Heather. Finally, it was the day before the event, and Master pulled Claire and Lacie aside.

‘Look, I want to thank you both again for doing this. I know you’re not happy about it, nor comfortable with it. So take the day, do something fun. Relax, sleep, eat something.’ He said jokingly, poking both women in the belly. Lacie and Claire both glared halfheartedly at him. Heather’s exercise regimens had quickly rid all of the girls in the house of any excess weight, leaving all the girls incredibly trim and sleek. Wrapping his arms around them, he pulled the two women close, kissing them both atop the head as he simply held them.

Neither girl could resist his tender embrace, and leaning into his chest, returned the gentle hug. Lacie closed her eyes and simply breathed, luxuriating in the feel of his arms around her. Inhaling deeply, Lacie could smell his soap and skin, the musky but clean aroma made her belly flutter and tremble with a twinge of desire. Long before she wanted him to, Master relaxed his arms and stepped back. Placing one hand on each girl’s shoulder, Master gave a gentle squeeze before heading up for his final fitting.

Lacie sighed and sat down in a nearby chair, feigning disinterest in doing anything else to cover the fact that her knees refused to support her weight. Across the hall from her, Claire did the same.

‘Any ideas?’ Lacie asked wistfully.

‘On what to do?’ Claire asked.


‘A few. None that you’ve been interested in before though.’ Claire answered impishly, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

‘Ha, Ha.’ Lacie rolled her eyes. ‘You know I don’t swing that way.’ It had become surprisingly easy to talk about her sexuality around the other girls.

‘Still, you’ve been here several months without so much as a heavy petting session. Isn’t that getting to you?’

‘First off, I’ve gone eighteen years without one, so a few months isn’t a problem. Second, it’s none of your business what I do, or with whom I do it.’ Lacie said, turning her head to the side and tilting her chin up imperiously.

‘Or with whom you’re not doing it.’ Claire stage whispered, grinning at Lacie. Lacie tried to maintain her aloof mask, but Claire’s joke and her absurdly large grin broke through Lacie’s defenses. A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth before her resistance crumbled entirely. Covering her smile with one hand, Lacie swiped at Claire as if to smack her, though the other girl was several feet beyond her reach.

‘Gotcha!’ Claire crowed triumphantly.

‘Shut up.’ Lacie muttered, still smiling. ‘Help me get up. Let’s go see what Callie’s up to. I haven’t seen her much lately.’

Claire stood and helped Lacie to her feet. Lacie started to head towards the motor pool, but Claire gently snagged her sleeve.

‘Hold up.’ Claire said, looking at the clock on a nearby wall. ‘I think she’s just finishing up with Heather. She’ll probably head to the atrium.’

‘I could use a soak. Lets go.’ Lacie said enthusiastically.

It was a bit of a walk, but Lacie’s ankle barely twinged as she and Claire made their way to the north end of the mansion. Slipping into the small locker room, Lacie pulled the swimsuit that Tara had made her out of one of the lockers. (she had decided it was easier to keep it there than having to trek all the way up to her room every time she wanted to swim.) Lacie and Claire both stripped down quickly, Lacie studiously avoiding looking at Claire and her scars, despite knowing that the bisexual girl was eyeing her body up thoroughly.

Slipping into the atrium, Lacie walked around to the hot tub waterfall, peeking around the trees to see Callie sitting in the steaming water, her eyes closed as she soaked. Lacie knocked on the bole of a palm tree and called out.

‘Mind if we join you?’

Lacie and Claire shared giggles as Callie squeaked in surprise and spun rapidly, scrabbling behind her for something. Lacie flushed crimson when she realized that Callie was reaching for her bikini top. Looking over at Claire, she rolled her eyes when she saw her companion was practically drooling. They gave Callie a few moments to make herself presentable.

‘sure… Sure! Come on in!’ Callie called, a slight flush coloring her cheeks. Both of the newcomers stifled giggles as Callie surreptitiously adjusted her top under the water. Sliding into the hot water across from Callie, Lacie hissed at the near scalding temperature. Claire simply sat at the edge, near the wall, dipping her feet into the bubbling water, lifting her arm to let her fingers dance in the smoothly arcing waterfall.

It wasn’t long before the trio were deep in conversation, mostly concerning the events of the next day. Callie expressed her optimism and concern, before gently changing the course of the conversation, sensing the other girls were already nervous about it. Claire brought up Callie’s workout with Heather, which naturally, led to some good natured grumbling from Callie. Claire, never one to miss an opportunity, began massaging Callie’s shoulders. Apparently Heather had decided Callie’s upper body strength was below where she wanted it to be, and had been particularly ruthless to the bubbly mechanic. Lacie studiously avoided noticing what her companions were up to. It wasn’t long before she had to excuse hersel
f however, since Claire had slipped into the water directly behind Callie, and had most definitely given up the pretense of a relaxing massage. Lacie could hear giggles and soft moans coming from behind the trees as she headed back for the locker rooms.

Despite herself, Lacie felt a twinge of jealousy at how easily most of the girls around the mansion seemed to be able to simply go with whatever felt natural. Shaking her head, Lacie slipped her swimsuit off and began to shower the chlorine off her body. As much as she wanted to deny it, Claire’s earlier comments had struck a nerve. Lacie was lonely. She still had yet to find a place she belonged, (which bothered her more than she wanted to admit) and still hadn’t worked up the courage to ask anyone in the mansion to stay in her bed with her. Lacie held no illusions that she eventually would, but it was far too frightening for her. Lacie had yet to be with anyone, and the horror stories of the pain and brutality she had heard of her school friend’s first times had absolutely terrified the brunette. Lacie knew that Master would never intentionally hurt her, but Lacie didn’t know what it would be like, and that ignorance frightened her.

Without even realizing she was doing it, Lacie began to think about Master and those weeks ago that she had seen him shirtless by the pool, when his gentle hands had lifted her, so easily, and how his warm body had been so close to hers. Before she realized what was happening, Lacie felt her body responding to her memories. Clenching her fists, Lacie snapped her back straight as a rod, trying to clear her head of the images, though she could still feel a growing warmth, a soft trembling in the pit of her stomach. Spinning in a circle, careful to avoid hurting her ankle, Lacie snapped the handle on the hot water all the way off, leaving the cold at full blast. A few seconds later, Lacie was deluged with a frigid spray of water.

‘AAH!!’ Lacie yelled, hopping sideways to escape the icy water. Reaching out, she turned the warm water back on, testing the spray before stepping back under, chasing the chill away. ‘Okay, bad idea.’ Lacie said to no one in particular. Rinsing herself off one final time, Lacie slipped out of the showers and redressed, after drying herself off with one of the ever present white towels.

Deciding to do something to keep her mind off the upcoming events, Lacie slipped into the library and picked up a new book. Flopping down into her favorite chair, Lacie began to read. It only seemed like a few minutes before Lacie realized how late it was. She had almost missed dinner. Dashing downstairs, Lacie caught up with the other girls outside the dining hall. Puffing her apologies, Lacie walked in with the rest of them. Dinner was a tense affair, conversation being short, undercurrents of expectation and nervousness permeating the air as they ate. Finally, dinner was over and Lacie decided to head upstairs to bed.

Making her way upstairs, Lacie unexpectedly found herself following Master. Immediately, Lacie felt a sensation of heat wash over her body, feeling butterflies fluttering in her stomach as she watched him slowly move towards his room. A warm feeling began to grow in the pit of her stomach, making Lacie twist her fingers with indecision. Lacie bit her lip as she raised one hand towards him, fighting her own feelings as Lacie battled the frightening sensations within her. She opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out of her suddenly tight throat.

Silently frozen in the middle of the hall, Lacie watched Master’s retreating back till he vanished behind his huge door. Finally, Lacie’s body seemed to thaw, and her shoulders slumped as she let out a breath she hadn’t known she’d been holding. Lacie bit her lip as she ducked her head into her bouncing tresses, her heart hammering in her chest as she pushed the door to her room open. Lacie’s knees shook as she pulled in shuddering breath after shuddering breath. Her legs too weak to support her, Lacie leaned against the back of her door, nearly hyperventilating as she thought about what had just happened.

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Joel comes home very upset looking for his wife. Earlier they had gone to his mother’s funeral and she just up and left. Angry and hurt he soon hears her happy voice coming in the front door with a huge stranger. As any husband should be, Joel is rightfully upset and demands to know how she could disappear on him during this most painful of weeks. Especially at his mothers funeral when all of the family and friends were around. Unfortunately for Joel, his wife immediately lets him know...

4 years ago
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Zs Sophies Revenge

I was different now. After the physical pain and mental panic and the feeling of helplessness wore off, I began to feel a confidence I had never before known. I don't know where it came from, but from some deep, resilient core within my soul I radiated assuredness. And so I started to plot my revenge. At first, I contemplated telling my father, who would confront Mr. Smythe. But I had to be realistic, my father was a normal-sized man, middle-aged. He was strong from years of farm work...

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My Sweet Sister Sapana

Hi, I am sabot and this is my first story to ISS. I read all the story of the ISS and I liked most of the story. From this I have got the courage to submit my real experience to you. This is between me and my sweet lit sister Sapana. I live in a medium family which consist of mom, dad, bro and two sister. One is my own sister and another small one is my uncle daughter. In my house there are many rooms. this happen when I was in 12. My room is at the end of the house. So only few people know...

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Aarti Bhabhi Ki Hawas Mitai

Hello frnds ths is raj ( not real name) from delhi ye meri lyf ki sacchi story h is story ko mei aap k sath share kr rha hu agar aap ko pasand aaye plz mujhe reply jaroor krna this is my email id. Ab mei aapka jyada waqt na lete hue sidha story par aata hu mei meerut se hu or delhi me rent par rehta hu mei jis makan me rehta hu waha ek bhaiya or bhabhi unka 8 saal ka ladka or un ki saas or sasur rehte h mera room upar hai or bhaiya or bhabhi niche rehte hai. Ye story 3 mahine pehle ki h, aarti...

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Stein Um SteinChapter 4

Martin got up at six, an hour early, at six thirty he made a call. "Hello mate hope it's not too early." said Martin. Hello mate, yes you're early, about two weeks to my reckoning." The voice on the phone replied. Got someone to get rid of." "Martin smiled at his friends joke, and always wondered what his reaction would be if he said yes. "Er no, not just yet, maybe soon, but in the mean time I am doing something for some friends of Angies, how soon can I have some?" "Today if...

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06 HomeChapter 67

Present – Mira – In their room The ill-tempered triumvirate depart haste of post from our domicile and I continue to acquire sustenance until Alexi complains, "Mira, why must you continue consuming the Meal Refusing to Exit? We could instead partake of Chef Mabel's excellent stew of beef." I smile at him and elucidate, "Alexi, because of my indelicate condition I must constantly provide sustenance to support Ben Blaine's ward." Irinka adds, "Sister I feel Alexi is correct in this...

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Bhabi Ki Gand Chataie

Hi dosto, Mera naam akram hai, mai Banglore ka rhene wala hu aur 25 age ka hu. Maine bohot sari sex stories padi hai unhi se impress ho kar mere bhi dil me khayal aya ke mai bi apni sex ki kuch dastan apko sunau. Mai engineere hu aur KANPUR kea k MNC company me job karta hu, Kanpur me mai ak PG me rheta hu, aur meri sex ki kahani wahi se shuru hoti hai. Jaise mai ne aap ko bataya ki mai 25 saal ka hu,lekin maine apni virginity 2 saal phele he khodi hai, mere virginity ki kahani mai aap ko baad...

1 year ago
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Milfed Casca Akashova Massage table Milf

Casca is on the couch in her bikini, trying to rub her clit when her wealthy husband rudely interrupts. He bought her a massage with Robby to compensate for his philandering. She is annoyed by his transparency, but she also takes the opportunity to have a little fun. She flirtatiously touches Robby as he tries to set up. When he asks what areas of the body she wants him to focus on, she undoes her bikini and unleashes her giant, fake tits. He oils up her body. She takes his hands and moves them...

3 years ago
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Fucked Hot Sis In Vacation 8211 Part 1

Hello all ISS readers! This is my first attempt to pen down my real life experience with you all. Let me describe you myself: I am JAY from Ahmedabad, Gujarat and the heroine of this story is my cousin sis, Bittu. She is my Fia’s(my fathers sister) daughter. I am 27 year old now with good body build to make any girl fell in love with me. And I have completed my graduation with good degree. Lets come on the main point, THE VACATION FUN. Yea guys you are right this incident took place in...

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Enslaved In Misery

Enslaved In Misery Part 1 ? ????The house stood back from the residential street behind a well trimmed hedge and wrought iron fence.? It was in an affluent and exclusive part of a Boston suburb.? Gene and Edward had lived in the house for over 25 years.? While a gay couple was not exactly met with open arms in this conservative bastion, they were a fixture here, and widely considered harmless.? Gene was a major GOP contributor and was always a hit at the neighborhod fundraisers.? ????Gene and...

2 years ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 16 Who Doesnt Like Mondays

There was something different in the locker room the following Monday morning before practice. Tim could almost feel it in the air as he entered. The normal early birds were already getting ready for first-period practice and, as usual, Tim was the first freshman to arrive. He was not alone for long, though. Others would begin arriving in a few minutes. After gathering his locker basket and changing into his workout shirt and shorts, Tim heard the main door to the locker room slam against...

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Perversions with Margaret and Alan

Debbie and Tony were going on holiday, they were going to Portugal. They went every year and always went to the same villa in Lagos.It had 6 months since we had met and they had Introduced me to their "private society" of friends.Remember previously when I had the threesome with Debbie and Margaret, well I had yet to meet her husband Alan.Margaret and Alan were comfortable money wise, Alan owned a successful property business and their house was, according to Debbie, amazing. It had a small...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 89 BlueBEARry Picking

Author’s Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-88”. *** Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now… I was visiting my father. I...

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Sex With Married Housewife

Dear Readers,I am Vijay born and bought up in Tamil Nadu and I have been working in MNC for the past 7+ years. I did not had any siblings so I had grown alone. So I always feel shy in the presence of girls though I like them. I got rid of my shyness when I was doing my PG as our class was more of girls. After joining MNC, I was so happy to work with such beautiful girls and moreover they are very friendly. But as days goes on, my lust for sex keeps on increasing even by the friendly touch and...

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Brotherly Love Part II

Note : This story is completely fictional! Working on her lower back and still merely gracing her ass, I decided to move around her hips, now gently brushing her inner thigh. Another thing that had always enticed me was her beautiful legs, and when I tired of massaging her hips, I formulated a plan to nonchalantly work my way into feeling her thighs up. I leaned over and started rubbing her feet. Over time, I worked my way up and onto her calves, and eventually I passed the knee line. I was...

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Fixed IdeaChapter 6

Chance is the first one up and the first place he heads is the kitchen. It was his stomach growling that woke him in the first place. He debated making some kind of breakfast and serving that breakfast in bed to his sister. Rory did after all put on one hell of a show for him. But then he thought about how weird that might be. She did run off after that strange experience. He doesn’t know what the hell it was or what it meant, but from Rory’s reaction she didn’t like it. So in the end he...

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Kumar Apartment Part 4

Sabko happy new year aur mera bahut bahut thanks mere story ko padne ke liye, aur also thanks for mail replies. Am really glad to know that you all are waiting for the next part of kumar apartment. Kai logo ki ye ray bhi mili mujhe ki mere story me ab tak sex aaya hi nahi, koi bath nahi dosto agar climax movie ke starting me hi dikha diya jaye to kya maza? Aaj ka episode ek aur naye kirdaar ko layega aur iski story bhi bahut badi taboo hai. Ye story rahul naam ke kirdaar ki hai jo teena ka bhai...

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Third Times A CharmChapter 4 Tiennie

Tuesday, one week and one day after Chellie left, Freya had that look in her eyes again. You know the look: 'husband, I need your help with a project, and don't you dare try to say no!' We were sitting at our breakfast table, eating (surprise!) breakfast. I must have sighed because she took it as a personal affront. "What's the matter now? Am I bothering you?" Freya's voice could never be harsh, and her personality could never be shrewish, but when she thought she was being was...

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Market ForcesChapter 52 Rachels Programme

Rachel was laying on one of the couches where I had first seen Brian's family being treated under the electro stimulation programme. She was sedated but conscious; she'd not objected when the Doctor slipped the hypodermic needle into a vein in her arm. She'd asked if Sukie could be with her for the start of the programme. We'd agreed and Sukie was sitting beside her stroking her hair. Rachel looked calm. The Doc lowered the gantry above her and took down each pair of wires in turn,...

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Threesome Sex Trap With Cousin Sister Ashu 8211 Pt 4

Hello everyone, this is Diganth, and I am 24 years old, 5ft 10 inches. I finished my engineering and currently working in one of the reputed companies. And about my structure currently, a medium-built guy with a 6″ size dick. Ashu is 23 years old,5ft 9 inches, and currently studying and about her stats (32c-30-32). About Manu, he is 23 years old,5ft 8 inches in height, and average body with a medium-size dick. About Nayana, she is very beautiful with stats(34-32-34). She often wears modern...

2 years ago
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IntrospectionChapter 14

He watches the horse walking toward him. Casey cannot believe his eyes. No, this isn’t a Mister Ed type of thing. Jessie is standing on two legs. The horse is walking like a man. He could pass for a man if not for the head of a horse and the fur that looks like the Appaloosa that he is. Casey is instantly aroused and mortified at the same time. It could be because Jessie has such a human looking cock, that is already hard as steel, and that accounts for the aroused part. The mortified is...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Chanel Summers Part 2

So if you know who, and what, we are all about then you know we are all about true unknowns and sexual firsts on Camera. Even though today’s exploitee, Chanel Summers, made her sexual debut over at our casting site, we just had to have her after Rick told us just how fucking cute and special this girl is. Yes we bent the rules a bit, but fucking aye if this girl isn’t super hot with a knockout body to boot, who really fucking cares! Now she did do another...

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Sahi Ya Galat Ka Faisla

Ye kahani meri apni kahani hai is me koi bhi baat jhoot nahi hai ye kahani mere dil pe ek bojh hai Jo mai utarna chat a hu . mai kafi samay se ISS ka reader hu . Mai ek professor hu meri age 36 hai achhi naukri achha paisa sab kuch hai . ye ghatna karib 2 saal pehle ki hai jab meri duty exam me lagi thi mai ek sakht professor tha ye baat mere college me bachhe to jante thai par bhahr ke students nh jante thei mai class room me ghoom raja that achanak Maine dekha ki ek ladki parchi se copy kar...

2 years ago
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Growing TogetherChapter 4

As Skyhook sped north through the dark, a little more of the story was told. It turned out that sheer luck or, as the man in the co-pilot's seat would have said, the will of God, had been involved in a big way. Jon and Tanisha found out that this cowboy-looking guy was a master sergeant in the Air Force, well ahead of the average rank for his time in service, which gave some indication of his competency. He was the Public Information NCO at Keesler Air Force Base, and with the public...

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Getting Caught

Hi everyone, it’s great to get a chance to do another story, as quite a few of you have already asked for! So here it goes, story number two. I hope you enjoy it. Not very much time had passed since my story was posted. Writing it though, had gotten me extremely riled up. However, people were home! I couldn’t just masturbate with people around. I knew I was very loud during masturbation, so I thought better than to give it a whirl while people were around. Or so I thought. I stepped out of...

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Good Boy

He was on his hands and knees, like a dog. "Swish!" Even though the miniature whip was only 15 inches long, I knew that it hurt like hell when I lashed him across his bare buttocks. "You'll do what I say, when I say it!" "Yes, Mistress." He whined a little but knew better than to argue with me. "Come over here, I want to go for a horseback ride." He dutifully crawled across the garage until he was sideways in front of me. I threw my leg across him and lowered myself on to his back...

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Falling in love with a complicated woman Shruti

Falling in love with a complicated woman - Shruti (Involves cuckold, voyeurism, humiliation, rough sex and gangbangs)This story involves multiple themes like Cuckold, slavery, bdsm, rough sex and so on. If any of these offend you, please stop reading. It is going to be a very long story. So you will need patience. As with most of my stories, there will be lots and lots of sex involved. I am from India and my English writing skills are not as good as my foreign counterparts. If you are a grammar...

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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 10

'My!' Alana cheerily thought at Tabatha as she looked down at the red-head's bloody, torn torso. 'And that feels good, does it?' Tabatha opened her eyes at Alana's cheerfully intrusive thought and laughed; tried to, anyway, and ended up choking on her own blood. Ong sat up from where he'd been resting and licking her blood from his fingers and nails, concerned at the sounds of distress coming from his new mate. Tabatha lay back and tried to smile, but a trickle of blood ran from the...

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The Journal

Day 1 ... The chopper pulled off after dropping me on the side of a hill. I was standing in a clearing at the base of an Appalachian Mountain trying to get my bearings. I don’t really know where I was and had no way to communicate. I was allowed to look at a map of the area for five minutes and make notes before we left. I only hoped I got at least a few of the features right. As I exited the chopper they gave me a reflective banner to stretch out, if I needed help. They advised me that...

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HotMILFsFuck Stevie Please Oh Please Fill Me Up

So today we have a younger MILF who’s married and is in an open relationship who’s also just here to have some fun. Who doesn’t like to have fun right and this 1:48:11 long video is packed full of it including some ass fingering & rimming, clit vibrating, pussy pounding, DP with toys and a little deep throating fun splashed in because this girl likes to be used as a little fuck doll as a fun time. Did I say this girl is fun? Face fucking fun that is and I bet her jealous husband back home...

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The new me The beginning Part 1

The new me. The beginning Part 1.... By Jessica Kingston At the local golf club which Jane and Gary regular visited and played golf, as well as playing golf the social life became part of their lives as they were down at the golf club most weekends. Over the years Gary and Jane became really good friends with a couple called John and Janet, John played golf regularly with Gary, and Janet was a non-golfer but was always part of the social life, John and Janet had a daughter called...

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Whos looking at Who

We just came home for a wine tasting. The meal's were great, the company was so much fun and the wine was amazing. The focus was blends and I absolutely love blends. During the ride home, as my husband drove, we talked about the night, the couples we met and of course, some flirting about when we got home. As we pulled into the drive, I slipped my panties off and tossed them to my husband. Winked and said give me a few minutes before you come to bed. My husband checked on the kids and I went to...

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SnatchedChapter 33

By the time we were within five hundred or so yards of the Calak I knew something was wrong, and I signaled for a halt. "I can smell sickness at the Calak, and I think it is from wounded men. I even think I could smell that some of them are dead, newly dead," I said. "Can you be sure it isn't some disease?" Shaton asked. "No, I can't be sure, but I don't think that's what it is. Maybe I should go ahead and check to be sure. I will signal you with two quick shots if it seems safe...

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