Smoke Ch. 05 free porn video

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and jim crowell

all rights reserved, 2011

‘The advantage of owning your own apartments,’ Greg thought, ‘is that you didn’t have to punch a time-clock so you could start your day whenever you wanted.

‘The disadvantage of owning your own apartments,’ Greg realized, ‘is that you didn’t have to punch a time-clock so your day never ended.’


At noon, Greg put away his shovel, showered and drove back to the college to bring Cindy home. Turning off the radio, he listened to his new tires hum on the hot asphalt. As he made the right turn from Rosecrans onto Crenshaw Boulevard, he passed several store-fronts getting new paint and another with a ‘For Lease’ sign in the window. He wasn’t sure if the traffic on the street was enough to keep all these small businesses open without something more likely to draw a crowd. College students never had any money and except for a few sandwich shops, the sidewalks were empty. ‘How many furniture stores can you have, anyway?’ he wondered.

The light turned red and he stopped as four co-eds crossed the street, their ponytails swishing in unison as they headed toward one of the small shops to eat.

‘Maybe,’ he hoped, checking his front pocket for the ten dollars he had set aside, ‘we can go to lunch.’ After waiting longer at the corner light than he wanted, he circled the long block twice more hoping to find her. When he finally saw her sitting under some shady eucalyptus and waved, though, the light had changed and he had to drive around again. It seemed to take forever and he could feel his heart beat faster as he lost sight of her. By the time he was back, she was standing on the sidewalk by the bus stop, talking to some goof wearing a high-school athletic sweater. He knew she was pretty and it was bound to happen, but it bothered him, just the same. ‘Who the hell wears a high-school sweater in college?’ he wondered.

He was surprised, though, when she brought him over and said they were giving him a ride home. She slid across the front seat and was sandwiched between the two of them.

‘Greg, this is Steve,’ Cindy said, cheerfully. ‘He’s studying history.’

‘Hi, how are you?’ Greg asked, attempting to be hospitable, hoping a lunch date was still possible. His mouth watered in anticipation and wanted to take her to the pier.

He looked closely at the boy, seeing him as another decent high school athlete not good enough for college football and still living in the past. The beginnings of a paunch betrayed the fact that he was eating too much for his new lifestyle.

Greg heard no response as the boy brazenly stared at Cindy. Without asking, Steve reached over and turned on the radio. Greg turned it off, giving the ‘goof,’ as he thought of him, the evil eye. He was met by a smirk. ‘What the hell is it,’ he thought, ‘with these morons and their smirks.’ He remembered what happened with Joseph and Martine and that smirker and the divorce that it caused. Well, he had no plans on letting it get that far, seriously considering pulling the car over to the side of Rosecrans and kicking the boy out whether it upset Cindy or not.

‘As I was telling your daughter…’

‘She’s my fiancé, boy,’ he said forcefully but didn’t care. Greg knew Cindy had to have told the boy who he was. ‘So, still live with your parents?’ Greg asked. He pulled the car over to the corner. ‘Here’s the bus stop, boy, better get out before you miss it.’

Greg’s sport coat opened and the boy’s eyes widened as he saw the gun. Greg’s Colt seemed to stare back at the boy. The boy quickly left, slamming the door and then running down the street. Greg laughed under his breath, he had all but forgotten about the gun. After the attempted murders that crazy night and their head-long flight north with Martine in tow, he had taken to wearing it whenever he left the house. The police lieutenant, Klein, had even helped him get a ‘concealed’ permit.

He said nothing on the way home… neither did she. The tension in the car sat between them, keeping them apart, he was angry and she was embarrassed. Whatever good feelings he had in the morning waiting for her were lost as soon as he saw the boy fawning over her.

How to deal with the situation, though, he had no clue and neither did she, he guessed. He couldn’t beat the crap out of the kid, that wouldn’t look good. It would have definitely driven a wedge between Cindy and him. She couldn’t explain even to herself what possessed her to talk to that boy in the first place, let alone offer him a ride home.

He put the car away and sat on the patio, just staring at the clouds moving by toward the beach. He was between the proverbial rock and a hard place so he pulled his hat down over his eyes and tried to take a nap. ‘Maybe, it’ll take care of itself and blow over,’ was his last thought before he fell asleep.

An hour later, she brought him a cheese and baloney sandwich and quickly retreated back up the stairs into the apartment.

That afternoon, a penitent Cindy approached him with a single tear flowing down her cheek. ‘Honey, I’m sorry…’

He couldn’t bear to see her like that. ‘It’s all right,’ he said, reaching out for her arm. ‘I know you didn’t mean for it to happen. But…’

‘Yes, I know.’ Another tear flowed down and then she started crying.

Greg stood up and put his arms around her. He needed to get his suspicions under control, every time he felt good, something like this happened. It wasn’t like she was asking for it, she just seemed to attract the wrong type of crowd. ‘Is that what life would be like married to her? Can I live with that?’

He thought back to the incident at the beach. He was ready to kill that guy. Without realizing it, Greg’s hands made an angry fist. He didn’t understand it. ‘All these years’ he asked himself, ‘without any anger showing itself and now this? Am I that insecure about her? I better get myself under control before something bad happens.’

Deep in his subconscious, buried under years of loneliness, was the profound loss he still felt about the first woman he fell in love with. Right next to it was his hatred of the Church that had stolen her from him. It now had surfaced at the most inopportune time and built upon everyman’s insecurity seeing his love with another man.

Cindy noticed, though and knew that she had skirted another dangerous moment in their relationship. She looked up to kiss him, desiring that complete acceptance that only lovers could know.

She wished she had Martine. With the woman’s scowling presence, the boys left her alone and she was able to go home unmolested. ‘That’s a good word,’ she thought, ‘unmolested. Time to put things back on track…’

She took his hand and silently led him back into the bedroom, kicking her shoes off as they walked. The time for talking was over… it was a time for doing.

After removing his clothes for him, she had him lie on his stomach and close his eyes. Sprinkling baby powder over his back, she straddled his back and began to massage his muscles, still tight under his skin. After a while, she could feel him loosen up and relax and she moved to his neck, moving her slim hands over his shoulders and then back to his head, caressing the side of his face. Leaning down, she whispered, ‘How’s that feel?’

Greg moaned a little and Cindy continued touching him. She couldn’t see it but she was sure he was aroused. They had lived together long enough that she knew his mannerisms… she could read him like a book… her favorite book… she had him memorized.

Without another word, she tugged him to roll over and as he did, she slowly lowered herself on his face, moving her hips as she did. When she had time to take off her own clothes, she didn’t remember and didn’t care. Suddenly, they were just gone.

One hand reached for the headboard and the other back to hold him. It was as hard as ever and a
s his tongue caressed where her thigh met her body, she shifted enough that it slipped right into her wetness. ‘Oh, God,’ she tried to think but never got past that one thought as he pushed his face up into her.

His hands found her cheeks and caressed them, pushing her down on his face. His tongue entered and retreated each time she rose and fell against him. Even though the late afternoon Santa Ana winds had not started, she was covered in perspiration and could feel the sweat run down her skin. Up… down… up, again… she could feel it coming and tried to stop it, wanting to make it last longer but couldn’t and her thighs clenched down on his head. His tongue went wild, moving rapidly trying to bring her off even faster.

Greg was trying to hold his breath as long as he could and worked his tongue even faster. One… he felt that first one quite well and then it was hurriedly followed by several more, each one more violent than the one before it.

She ground herself even harder against his face, glad that he had shaved just before going to the college and his tongue traded places with his nose and back again as she moved back and forth looking for that last, great rush. This time, it started deep within her, scorched up to her breasts and then sped downward to her groin as she let out a wild moan and held both hands onto the shuddering headboard.

After she stopped moving, Greg put his hands on her sweat-dampened waist and gently moved her over and down onto her back, taking a much needed breath. Then, rolling back onto his back, he lay on one arm over his eyes and smiled. He was still erect and willing but she had fallen asleep.

‘Old man, huh?’ he said to himself and laughed as he looked at the sleeping beauty next to him.


The following day, after an intense morning of love-making, Greg took Cindy to an early breakfast at Raymond’s before driving her to El Camino for her two classes.

She was embarrassed… actually, she was a little worried. Offering that silly boy a ride home was a huge mistake and she knew Greg was probably still upset about it. The fool had disrespected her lover, her fiancé, a very stupid thing to do, she knew. If Greg had no compunction about killing four men, beating up a cocky idiot wouldn’t faze him at all.

In truth, she didn’t like the idea of being at Camino by herself now that Martine had re-united with her husband. Along with all the new freshmen and returning sophomores, there were plenty more young Vets returning from Korea and she realized that sooner or later, another was going to make a play for her attention.

Greg couldn’t follow her around all day… that type of mistrust would destroy their relationship but he was human and it probably made him nervous. How could she make him feel self-assured? She was in a quandary and really didn’t know what to do other than show him she loved him and only him.

She watched him take a piece of toast and soak up some of the egg yolk. ‘Honey?’ she asked, hesitantly, and touched his arm.


‘I’ve been calling you for a while, now. Hello?’ She gently tapped him on the forehead. ‘Anyone home?’

‘I’m sorry, I was thinking about something… nothing important.’ He took a sip of coffee, the refill still too hot to actually drink. He stirred another teaspoon of sugar into it.

‘You could have fooled me,’ she said, she knew he was lying. ‘Your face was dark for a moment. It worried me, that’s all. Are you… OK?’

He looked at Cindy. He almost said, ‘The love of my life,’ but every time someone said that, they got divorced.

He crunched another piece of bacon with his fork into his eggs. ‘Are we going to be late?’

‘There’s still plenty of time. Have some more coffee?’ She lifted the steamy pot.

‘No, thank you. You know, I’ve been thinking… maybe, I could take a class or two, myself.’

‘Oh,’ she said, raising a blond eyebrow. ‘What would you like to take?’

‘I don’t know, maybe television repair. There’s got to be a market out there for that. I was reading Popular Mechanics and they had an article about it. It got me to thinking. I know that RCA and Zenith sponsor classes. More and more people are buying them. Someday, everybody will probably have one just like they have a radio.’ He looked out the window at the traffic flowing by on the boulevard. ‘I could do that at the apartment. We’ve got a spare bedroom.’

‘You’d be good at that… I think you’re good at everything you do.’ She smiled, hoping he’d take the subtle compliment, hoping that their problem would just disappear.

‘Thanks, doll, I think you are, too… Damn, look at the time, we better get going. Don’t want you to get a tardy or something and have to stay after class.’


Later the next evening, they went out to dinner at Raymond’s.

‘Hello, strangers… It’s wonderful to see you,’ Martine said to them. ‘When you called, I set aside a special table in the back.’

Ever since Martine had gotten back with her husband, the restaurant’s dining room had taken on a new ‘feeling’. It was more romantic and was now open for lunch. Business increased far beyond expectations as the opportunity for mid-day romance became possible.

‘Remember what I told you. If you want a job here, just ask. I can teach you how to cook, I mean, really cook and you both can eat here for free. You should be able to afford another car, I bet… that is, if you want. I’ll let you two lovebirds talk it over… no rush.’

Martine handed over the menus and walked through the doors back to the coffee shop.

‘Wow,’ Cindy said, ‘wasn’t expecting that.’

‘The prime rib… have you tried it?’ he asked.

‘No, I haven’t, but… the rest of what we’ve had here has been top-notch, so I bet it’s just as good. It’s like down-home cooking, only better… if that makes any sense.’

He put his menu part-way down and looked at her. ‘Would you like to do that? I mean, work here?’ The idea of her working had never crossed his mind. ‘Maybe it was the best thing to do. For one thing, Martine would be riding herd on her and keeping her ‘safe.’ The other, and probably the most important,’ he thought, ‘she wouldn’t get bored sitting around the house, even if I were there.’

Cindy sat there, not saying anything. She knew Steve had angered Greg beyond belief. Even so, he had controlled his temper. For a few moments, she was sure he was going to strangle the boy. She wondered how she would have reacted if their positions were reversed.

With Chris gone and the parking lot incidents finally behind her, she hoped and prayed her future was tied to Greg. He was a good man and she never thought he’d be so jealous… it felt good, though, to have someone jealous about her. She thought Chris had been that someone, before he became a worthless drunk.

Greg made her happy, though. He could have exploded both on the boy and on her and he did neither, even as she knew he was upset. Everything he had done, he had done for her, putting his life on the line and on hold for her. She shivered, remembering the violence and death of that night and the mad dash up the coast, dragging Martine along with them as they hid out.

Cindy reached across the table and pushed his menu all the way down. ‘Greg, if you want me to do it, then I will. You’re going to be my husband and I’m going to be your wife. It’s our life together that matters, nothing else. I just wanted to learn how to cook for you, that’s all.’ She started to cry.

‘Babe, don’t cry. Would you want to do it?’ he asked. ‘It could get you out of the house and you could spend time with Martine, again… and, you could get a car… maybe not a new one but we could find a good used car for you, maybe a convertible.’

‘Ohhhh, could I?’ she asked, excitedly. ‘My own car? That would be fantastic!’ She jumped up and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him.

The people there l
aughed… old married couples remembering the excitement of their own love.

Later, Martine came back and asked if they wanted any dessert.

‘I’ll take the job, that is, if you were serious about it,’ Cindy said.

‘Wonderful… are you going to finish at Camino?’

Cindy thought about what happened. ‘Better to leave it alone,’ she thought and said, ‘No, I’ll be available, tomorrow if you want, I’m quitting school.’

‘Great, you can ride with me. I’m sure that Greg has had a lot of things he’s needed to do around the apartments and can use the break. Say, about eight-thirty?’ Martine was glad. She had forgotten how hard it was running the restaurant and she missed her young friend.

‘I’ll be at your front door. What do you want me to wear?’

‘I’ll have something for you, don’t worry about that. What size do you wear?’

‘An eight.’

‘OK, I’ll have a couple of uniforms ready. I’m going to teach you the business from the ground up. By the time I’m finished with you, you can take over for me. I’m going to have a baby.’

Cindy jumped up, again. ‘Oh, my God, congratulations!’

‘Oh, ho! Wait a minute… I’m GOING to have a baby, not… I’m HAVING a baby. We’ve just started working on it.’ Martine giggled like a schoolgirl on her first date.


Cindy looked at the light pink and green-trimmed uniform Martine was wearing. ‘Well, I’m ready,’ she said.

‘Good, get changed and we’ll go.’

When Cindy came out of the bedroom, there was a bright flash. Martine put her camera away. ‘There, now you’ll have a souvenir of your first real job. You said you did a little waitressing in high school.’

‘Yeah… at Squealer’s, the bar-be-que place over on Sepulveda.’

‘I’ve been there… good baked beans… decent ribs… coleslaw could use some work… too mid-western creamy for my tastes.’

As Cindy walked to the car, Martine locked up the house and then reached the automobile. Soon, they were driving east on Rosecrans toward Hawthorne Boulevard. ‘What I’m going to do,’ she started to say, ‘is train you in different aspects of the restaurant. I’d be lying if I said it is going to be easy but you already know that. The biggest difference is that we have a much larger menu than Squealer’s so eventually you’re going to have to learn it but really, that’s why we have menus. Just write it down correctly and you’ll do fine.

‘You know, I was thinking about going into catering. How about it? Want to be partners?’


‘Good afternoon, welcome to Raymond’s. My name is Cindy. Our special today is pot roast with steak fries and mixed vegetables. It comes with your choice of apple pie, vanilla ice cream or chocolate pudding, all for two dollars seventy-five cents. If you would like a baked potato, then it’s fifteen cents more.

‘I’ll give you some time. Oh, yes, what would you like to drink?’ Cindy blushed, she almost forgot the most important part of her spiel, getting the customer something right away so they wouldn’t sit there with nothing.

‘I’ll have a Manhattan. What would you like, dear?’

The woman looked up from her menu. ‘Martini, please, dry.’

‘Yes, miss. Thank you.’ Cindy walked over to the bar and placed the orders. It was a little slow after the lunch crowd left and for that, she was grateful. She had worked harder in the last four hours than she had in the last two years. Of course, she realized, the last two years had been spent as a housewife, in one form or another.

She carefully carried the two drinks over to the table.

‘I’ll have the sirloin, medium rare, baked potato, no vegetables, pie,’ the man stated. He looked at his date. ‘Louise?’

‘I would like the Spring Chicken dinner, please… vanilla ice cream.’

‘Thank you,’ Cindy said and after placing the order, brought over a basket of fresh bread.


Several days had passed without Greg mentioning the fiasco at Camino and Cindy felt much better. Working at the restaurant had brought her a new look at the world. When she was a teenager working for tips, waitressing was a welcome change from high school but now, working with older women who needed the money, there was an inherent drive to work as hard and as efficiently as possible. She was the youngest there by at least ten years.

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Love when my boy exercises

This story happened already longer time ago, I was that time 26yo and my friend David 5 years younger. We both were bi and were meeting each other once a while. One day I finally told David about thing what arouses me so much. I knew David like to exercise and also saw him few times after hard exercise, all tired and sweaty. I even masturbated few times while imagine petting his sexy body while he is all sweaty and finally once told him what I want to try with him. David wasn't against so we...

2 years ago
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Seduced By The Horny Boss 8211 Part 2

Hi lovely readers! Before I start the story, I want to thank you for showing so much love on my previous story. I was overwhelmed by reading your comments and since many of you wanted to connect with me personally, I have mentioned my email address at the end of this story. About me: I am a 27-year-old single woman living in Mumbai. I am a very sexual person and I love sex a lot. I have been single for the last 7 years because I enjoy having a wide range of options. I have an average height...

3 years ago
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Claras Catastrophe

Clara Ridings, a girl of exceptionally good looks and stunning figure. She was flirty, humourous and could make any boy drool. Most girls would hate boys constantly staring at her body, but not Clara. If anything, she craved it. The attention made her feel good about herself, making her body confident and happy with how she looked. She had a small group of friends, which she didn't mind a bit. She might have liked the attention she got, but wasn't very good in terms of social ability. Also, her...

2 years ago
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Friends and Lovers

Tracy Robinson had a hard and fast rule: Do NOT, under any circumstances, never, ever, ever fool around with a married man. She’d been married and cheated on and she remembered all too well the pain it caused her. In her mind there was no valid, justifiable reason to date someone who she knew was going to be a liar from the very beginning; she had enough respect for herself to not date someone else’s man. Because she was bisexual, the same theory applied to women as well. Women were...

4 years ago
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The Lure

William, known as Billy, was very successful. He was a brilliant stockbroker and had the Midas touch. He was a big and strikingly good-looking man. At the age of forty, he had everything going for him. He was married to a stunning woman and had two teenage kids, two beautiful homes and everything that would make ninety-nine per cent of the population turn green with envy. Billy, however, had a deep dark secret. He was bi-curious and loved hot encounters with other men.Naturally, in his...

Gay Male
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The Exhibition the Candle

Sammy woke up in her cage as usual. "Must be morning," she thought to herself. She rolled over, and felt her tummy grumble at her. "I wish I knew what was wrong." The last few days, Sammy had been fed less and less, with last night's dinner being only a small can of shake Annie had rolled in front of the cage from the storage room door. Sammy'd been locked in the cage a lot more than usual as well. She had gotten used to spending most days curled up on the floor of the work room while...

3 years ago
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Erotic Day With My Crush

Hello, everyone. I am here to narrate an experience I had some time back with my crush. Hope you all will like the story. Hoping for your feedbacks. Pls write to or can send your feedbacks through hangouts. Coming to my crush, we both study in the same college in Bangalore. I met her during a badminton tournament and the moment I saw her I had a crush towards her. She had the greatest assets I have seen. 36 size boobs, with heart, shaped ass, and curvy sexy body. She has a fair complexion and...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 87

This joke makes sense if you live in Ontario Canada A platoon of soldiers was marching north of Kandahar when they came upon an Afghani terrorist, badly injured and unconscious. On the opposite side of the road was a Canadian soldier in a similar but less serious state. The soldier was conscious and alert and as first aid was given to both men, the Platoon Leader asked the injured Canadian what had happened. The soldier reported, 'I was heavily armed and moving north along the highway...

2 years ago
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I have not shared our sexploits in a few weeks. As a reminder, we are open in our affairs and share each other’s adventures and fantasies. My hubby Joe has a huge foot fetish and I, from time to time, would enjoy being with another woman.I am going back about 20 years or so to a time when our son was in high school and involved in the baseball program. I was able to attend all the home and away games and Joe would try to make as many as possible. There was a couple, Suzette and Ken that also...

3 years ago
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Dj Dad And Erika

Our mom died the summer I was sixteen and my sister Erika was fifteen. Dad was devastated, and thought he had to become both mom & dad for us. Well, he couldn't cook for shit, so that naturally fell to us. I say "us" because Erika was one of the hottest babes in school, cheerleader deluxe and a walking wet dream, but she had too many diversions to be able to prepare evening dinner, so I took on the job. I could make roasts, meat loaf, fish, Italian, and anything else in which a little...

1 year ago
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School Uniform

I didn’t think any more escapades could befall me and my neighbour from across the hall. I had gone 10 days now without locking myself out, or flooding my kitchen. I finish work early on a Friday and came home about one, had a refreshing cuppa and then jumped in the shower. I had got the weekend to myself and thought about what I might do as I worked the knobs. I was still not used to the controls, normally either getting scolded or freezing half to death. Eventually I managed to get a pleasant...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Deneuralized Pussy II Fresh toppings

He sat propped up on his elbows, eyes squeezed shut, Jo's tongue in his mouth, alternating between sucking on his tongue and his lower lip. Occasionally a tremor would run through her ample, bare anatomy, shaking her full breasts and causing her to moan. Slowly she drew back her tongue and leaned forward to ease a stiffen nipple into his mouth. He teased it with his tongue and began sucking on it slowly, tenderly while she worked her other breast with both hands. Back arched she...

2 years ago
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Granny leather

While this is not my personal story or experience (but how I wish it was). I had to share this wonderful first experience with the more mature lady was whilst I was sifting through charity shops in my local town,i was looking at the books and whilst engrossed in one particular book, I did not see who was stood behind me, as I stepped back I felt my foot crunch down on something soft and quite a loud yelp in my ear,as I turned around I discovered I had stepped on a ladies foot.......I...

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rother In-law With Benefitsby Mannydcamp ([email protected])***A cute story about a wife and young brother in-law that get way too close. (F/m-teen, exh, ped, rom, inc, 1st, adultery)***A special thanks to Brad who now attends the University of Minnesota for making this amazing evening come to life.My story I guess starts when I met my husband and his brother Brad. At the age of 12 Brad was 13 years our junior. During the two years my husband and I dated I got to know brad quite well. He...

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Wendy college guidance counselor

Wendy is a married college guidance counselor. This is the story of how Wendy gives extra care and guidance to special students. Based on real events.Wendy was thinking about sex as she held a pen between her lips and nibbled on the end. Her marital sex life had become infrequent and passionless. She was in her mid 40’s, 5'6" 129 lbs, 34c-29-35, brown eyes, auburn hair cut short and took good care of herself. Wendy worked out hard for her body. She kept her pussy trimmed and does kegel...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Bailey Brooke You Came Onto Me First

Hey sis, you’re looking really great today… Come on stop What’s wrong? I thought you liked what happened the other night? It was fun, but I think we were both in a bad place.. So you’re saying it was a mistake? No… But I think it was inapropriate and we probably shouldn’t do it again. It’s not like we’ll get caught! You know, you came onto me first, right? Can we just drop it? When my step-sister needs a shoulder to cry on and a dick to fill her...

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Apocrypha Erotica

A library of Erotic fables lies before you. A throb of excitement fills your loins. You don't quite remember how you found this library. Nor can you recall how long you've been delving within this plane of Apochrypha.. Has it been months? Years?! Oh who can say! Its been a long time! A long wonderful and sometimes terrifying time! More importantly a long time since you've thought about sex! To put it blunt you are mad horny as soon as you are reminded of it. The plane of Hermeaus Mora has been...

3 years ago
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The Grantham ClinicChapter 19

Morbius reclined lazily on the bed with Pamela nestled between his legs, eagerly sucking the head of his cock. Her fingers teased the shaft, bringing him incredible delight. In the two weeks running up to Christmas and over the festive period, she happily provided everything asked of her. She'd surprised everyone with how completely she'd immersed herself in her new environment. The phone rang and he reached over to take the call, careful not to disturb Pamela's ministrations. He feared...

2 years ago
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I understand

I Understand .... I understand now. At the beginning, there was within my body not one mind, not one soul, but two. Fraternal Siamese twins, joined at the heart, and although one was male, the other female, they functioned as one so well that no one perhaps suspected the existence of this duality. Then, there came the discovery of the body's sex, that I was male in form, and a conflict began to arise between the two souls, and the boy-soul pushed at the girl-soul, like many a...

3 years ago
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The Clubhouse Part Three

I waited all morning Sunday, thinking about this new chapter in my sexual adventures with Emily. I was a bit nervous about Rene being there, but also a bit excited about someone there to watch us fuck.Twelve o'clock on the button I was walking up to their back door. I was ready to knock when the door opened. Rene was there smiling up at me. "Welcome Peter! I am so happy you decided to let me be a part of this lesson today." He turned his chair 180 degrees and started gliding through the...

1 year ago
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Mucho Hentai is kind of an odd name for a website. It implies they’re going to have Japanese-style cartoon pornography with a certain Spanish or Mexican flair. It’s not something I would have imagined even existed, but some joint downtown is now offering sushi burritos. What the hell do I know, anyway? I feel like something of a porn expert, but these hentai fuckers are always surprising me.MuchoHentai does have some Hentai dubbed in Spanish, but the majority of the site is in English. In case...

Hentai Streaming Sites
4 years ago
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Gharwal And Ode Bhra Di Gharwali

Hello friends: Saryan nu mera jani sonu wallon namsakar, adaf Dosto main iss da regular reader a pishle kujh 6-7 saal to ede vich upload kitiyan kahaniya pad pad ke bot waari muth vee mari te sex vee keeta. Bot kujh sikhiya vee dekho sex har insaan dee kamjori aa te mere vichar anusar sex kise naal vee kita ja sakda a matlab jithe vee mouka mile fuddi lain da bas lai lo chahe koi hove. Or jive ke kahaniya ch dost likhde ne kive ona ne apnia sisters, bhabiya, aunty, massi, mami, saali, cousin,...

3 years ago
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Christmas Holidays

I was halfway through my second year at uni and was looking forward to getting back home for a family Christmas. I was going out with a great girl; a good laugh and great looking but not very filthy. I was hoping to be able to train her up a bit. I’d experienced some very dirty women, including my mate’s mum who I had fucked with my dad. The training would have to wait until after Christmas now though as I was on the train back to Derby.Lorna was the name of my mate’s mum and she’d been...

2 years ago
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Shejarchi Kaku La Mazet Javal Part 3

Hi, this is Sandy me punha tumchya samor maza exprience gheun yet ahe. Khup divsane exprience share kartoy tya sati shama asaavi Tumhi maza shejaril kaku chye donhi part vachle ani tyala khup mast pratisat dila tya sati me tumchya sarvance abhar manto ni mala pude lihinya sati prostahit kelat asaach mala tumhi prem det raha mi asech exprience tumchya samor pesh karat rahl Jar kaa tumhala mazi story avadli tar pls mala maza id var comment kara… Jar koni divorcee mahilela mazashi friendship...

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Snuff TV

It was a Sunday afternoon and my girlfriend Emily was hanging out at my place, watching TV with me. We hadn’t been going out for very long, but it was long enough for the spark to have faded from our sex life. At the moment, I should’ve been fucking her on my couch. But instead, we were just catching up on our shows together. I felt a little guilty about that, because Emily was easily the hottest girl I’d ever been with! Way, way out of my league. She was tall and slim, with perky little...

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Helping out a Classmate Chapter 10

Three weeks pass. You and Danielle haven’t talked to each other, except for the usual ‘morning’ when entering the classroom. Kim has bothered you a lot by sitting next to you and trying to get your attention. You’ve told her that you’re not interested, but she keeps coming back to you. It’s only a week until school’s over and the summer break starts. You’re not going on vacation, so you hope that you and your friends can hang out a lot. It’s Monday and the teachers are preparing you for the...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Friends sis and mom

Hello readers. Sameer is back with a new story. With out wasting ur time let me start my story. As u knows I am Sameer 20 years old. I have a close friend. When I was a child he was staying in my neighbor and I was very free with his family members and I would usually go to his house once in a day. His family consists of his dad, mom, 2 sister, and 1 bro. I was freer with his both sister. When I was 18 years old they left that house and went to the other house in the same town. Their house was...

3 years ago
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TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 16 Keith Has an Idea

Before either Keith or Gemma could respond to this sudden invasion of their privacy the girl approaching them was speaking again. “Oh, I’m sorry. We haven’t introduced ourselves yet. I’m Jaz. That’s short for Jasmine ... Jasmine Ryder but I hate the name ‘Jasmine’. I just like being called Jaz and this here is Derek ... and that’s just short for ... Derek ... just Derek ... Derek Dawkins.” Jaz laughed at her own joke which made her rather voluminous tits, with huge aerola sections, swing...

3 years ago
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The Best Distraction

My eyes were glued to the screen. I was concentrated fully on my video game with words occasionally slipping out of my mouth. Some were informative to my teammates whilst others were outbursts of anger caused by the players on the other team. I had been playing video games for as long as I could remember but when I started playing online multiplayer; I changed into a different person. I was extremely competitive and cussed a lot more than a lady should do. I had spent hundreds, possibly...

2 years ago
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Harlot SeedChapter 16

Dale wasted no more time. He forced his sister back and down, dropping her upon the couch with her fine legs flashing. Regina saw that her daughter had good, solid tits; they were a bit small but would grow, and their cute little nipples were quivering. Like her mother, Regina thought warmly--give the girl a prick rubbing against her belly, and she was ready for anything, anywhere. Indeed, Monica seemed to have forgotten there were on- lookers, she was so wrapped up in her brother. Her small...

1 year ago
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Good Morning

After a beautiful night out of celebrating their anniversary of one year, George and Stella spent the rest of the evening watching tv and cuddling. Falling asleep in his arms, Stella couldn't be happier. Stella woke up first, the next morning. She got up, started the coffee and then took a shower. She came out of the shower just in a towel, went into the bedroom. She saw George lying there on his back with the blankets down to the belt line, his arms were under his head and his head was tilted...

4 years ago
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Wifes fantasy of threesome

This is a story my wife sent me on deployment.Hey, babe here is the E-mail that you have been waiting for! I hope you enjoy it. It was the biggest game of the season; super bowl XLIX (49 if you find yourself unfamiliar with how Roman numeral work). Everyone had a lot riding on this game money, pride, dignity, and of course bragging rights. This was the biggest super bowl rematch in history Seattle Seahawks vs. The Denver Broncos in a head-to-head battle to claim the infamous Vince Lombardi...

3 years ago
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Feels like heaven

It had been a long time since I’ve seen her. Four months ago we had gone to the beach and I cant still forget the smell of her body. So smooth skin with little fragrance of baby powder. She looked like an angel in her white skirt. Her face so unforgettable that when ever I close my eyes , I could see only her face. I had been around many girls but didn’t feel anything. But as for her, even her voice turned me on. Just looking at her face made my dick harder. .Never felt like that with any other...

First Time
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Top Floor Apartment

Jamie was an old classmate of mine from secondary school - we had kept in touch over the years via Facebook. When these events happened, Jamie was in a relationship with a girl called Emma and they lived in a luxury two-bedroom top floor apartment right in the heart of Canary Wharf on the 29th floor. There was a plumbing issue in my flat, so the landlord asked me to move out over one weekend until it was all fixed.Finding myself requiring temporary accommodation, I asked Jamie if it would be...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Missy Luv Sexy Blonde Cheers Hubby Up

Sexy blonde Missy Luv is here today to cheer her hubby up. Mugur had a hard day at work and comes home to his breath-taking wife. The green-eyed hottie from Hungary knows exactly what to do and dresses up in her hottest lingerie, mouth-watering nylons, and cock-hardening high heels. The moment she opens the bedroom door, Mugur’s dick gets firm in his pants and it only takes a couple of seconds until he’s got a big bright naughty smile on his face! Watch the two make out and enjoy...

2 years ago
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A Common Man From Bangalore 8211 Part 15

Hi, Pramod here. back with another incident. This happened with my colleague who works with me in the spa. She was from a village. She had come to Bangalore to marry a guy she loved and he had cheated her. She was from a village near Mysore. She had a nice body with 32c boobs, 28 waists, 30 hips. Her name is Vani (real name). She had finished her 2nd PUC and was doing a degree when she left home. The guy who loved her was already married and cheated on her. He rented a room and had fucked her...

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