prego nurse wife feigns for dr bbc
- 4 years ago
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Thanks to Private_Label and Black Tulip for the suggestions and their time.
July 1916
I knew how much time I had left to enjoy before I went to France. I had what remained of this day, tomorrow and the two nights that separated the daylight hours. That was it and then I’d be off to God knew what. Feeling pensive I stood at the side of the track and looked down at the houses crammed together side by side, the town of my boyhood, the town where I was born. I looked down at the grey sided buildings, with the tiled roofs and myriad chimney pots and I thought back to summers gone by. I grinned despite the leaden feeling in my tummy and thought fondly about those summers past, those times without care or woe, how I wished for them now.
Nearly all my pals had gone off to the front before me, they’d beaten me to it and had sailed out on the crest of a joyous wave of patriotism, surrounded by flag waving and cheers. All except poor Samuel Bragg and he didn’t count seeing as he wasn’t a pal, he wasn’t quite ‘right’. Poor old Sammy couldn’t even keep his britches on, showing his dick to the girls as simple minded as he was and was the butt of all the kids’ jokes, but right then, right at that very moment I envied Sammy’s life. At least he wasn’t going off to probably get killed, to have his napper shot off by old Fritzy boy. Oh no, Sammy would more than likely be trotting round the town in his clogs and bare arse for the next sixty or seventy years – lucky bugger.
I shook off my cloak of glumness. I had to act happy at least, even if I did feel like the world was about to end, which was a very real possibility at least as far as my individual status within it was concerned. I sighed once and set off down the familiar old track towards home.
My boots clattered harshly on the cobbles as I walked up past the pub. I cussed at the damned things since I wanted only to be in amongst the familiar surroundings of our little terrace and the bloody noise of the segs and hobnails meant that I attracted attention from within the pub.
I was greeted by smiling faces, every one wishing me well, and all of them ruddy with the warmth of the day and the pints of ale they’d been supping.
‘Ah lad, thah’ll be off soon, eh lad?’ the common greeting.
I nodded and smiled nervously, still trying to put on a brave face and taking several long pulls at the earthenware jug of tepid ale that had been thrust into my hand. I wasn’t used to drink, being scarcely eighteen and I soon felt the effects of the stuff furring the edges of my consciousness.
As I drank I felt the sharp edge of fear and foreboding become blunted and as those anxieties lessened they were replaced in direct proportion by good feeling towards my friends in the bar. It was while I was in the grip of this fleeting good humour that I found the courage, albeit Dutch, to speak to Josephine, the landlord’s daughter.
I’d known Josephine all my life. Apparently we’d been friendly as infants, not that I could recall of course, but in later years all throughout school I’d been tongue tied and awkward in her company. Each time our paths crossed and we had any reason to speak I would be overcome by a feeling of oafishness, then with the subsequent embarrassment that I felt since I was sure she must regard me as an idiot. Josephine was to me the embodiment of feminine beauty, a jewel amongst the muck, fair haired and apple cheeked. I’d thought she was lovely for as long as I could recall and the feminine curves that were only hinted at beneath her long skirts and bodice had the power to overwhelm me totally.
Until I was bolstered by the drink that is, until the penultimate day before I set off for war.
‘I’m off soon,’ was my opening gambit as Josephine passed by on some errand. ‘To have a go at the Hun,’ I added to impress.
‘Aye,’ the ambiguous reply from the angel in response to my callow boast. ‘I can tell by the uniform an’ all.’ I was too bleary to see the glint of amusement in Josephine’s eye as she teased me. ‘But…’ she continued in a low voice, ‘you do look smart in it.’
I watched open mouthed with surprise as Josephine moved quickly away. I wasn’t sure I’d heard right, and I was just as unsure about the quick flush of her cheeks as well. I wasn’t allowed the luxury of deliberating too long before I was drawn back into the fog and the noise of the bar in general, with a return to the backslapping and toasting of my fellow townsmen.
I managed to dodge the next couple of drinks. It was my second to last night at home and I didn’t want to waste it in an alcoholic haze. The men meant well, but they just didn’t understand and I took the earliest opportunity to escape the smoky atmosphere and the din of the bar. I went out the back door and blinked at the sudden brightness of the late afternoon sunshine.
‘So it got a little too much for you in there?’
I was startled by the unexpected voice, my temporary blindness in the bright face of the sun meant that Josephine’s presence in the yard was a surprise to me.
‘Aye,’ I replied and my mind went suddenly blank as was usual in the company of Josephine.
‘The fresh air should help.’ Josephine laughed at my expression, no doubt I was looking a little fuddled with the combination of her presence, the sunshine, and the ale sloshing in my belly.
I finally focussed on the lovely lass when my eyes grew used to the outdoor glare and I felt my breath catch in my throat. I don’t know if it was the beer, but Josephine looked even sweeter than she normally did. I’d never seen her looking so beautiful and although I knew I wanted to say something to her, I just couldn’t find the words. She laughed again, unfazed by my gormless face and dull wit and I felt myself redden with the embarrassment of appearing so thick yet again.
‘When do you leave?’ Josephine asked abruptly serious.
‘Day after tomorrow,’ I replied as her reminder swept the alcohol induced cheerfulness away.
Josephine must have read something in my face because akin with my own feeling of foreboding I saw her smiling face darken. The corners of her oh-so-kissable mouth dipped and some of the earlier mischievous brightness faded from her eyes.
‘Are you… scared?’ she asked and reached out and placed her palm against the rough khaki serge of my tunic.
Scared? Scared isn’t the word that best described what I felt. In truth I didn’t really know what the heavy feeling was myself. What I did know was that I felt the hot sting of the tears that threatened when I thought of the possibilities lying before me. My stomach felt like a weight was lodged inside as though it were some sort of balloon filled with a heavy gas, nothing solid or even definable, just a sense of dread coiled in my guts.
Josephine’s blue eyes moved as though she was examining my face. Her expression was one of concern and her flawless brow furrowed with concern.
‘If you like…’ she faltered. ‘If you like, I could write to you.’
A blush coloured her cheeks and decorated the softness of them with a glow that fascinated me. The longer I spent in the girl’s company the stronger the attraction of her became. The blush on her cheeks and the shy way with which Josephine bowed her head slightly with embarrassment caused my chest to tighten. From far away I thought I could hear a roar like the sound of the waves breaking on the beaches away over on the Solway and it took me a moment or two to realise that the rush of sound was inside my own head. Josephine was offering to write to me! My heart hammered at the realisation of such a prize and all immediate thoughts of war were banished.
‘Don’t you want me to write to you,’ Josephine asked in response to the protracted silence from me. ‘I shan’t if you don’t want me to.’ Her expression changed to huffy at my clueless quiet and I saw the prize being pulled from my fingertips.
‘Yes,’ I blurted as the realisation eventually d
awned. ‘Yes, that’d be grand, champion.’
She looked at me a little uncertainly and I was stung by the hurt in her clear eyes.
‘Are you sure?’ she asked, her face still questioning at my imagined affront.
‘Aye, absolutely.’ I smiled weakly in an effort to convince Josephine of my sincerity, the weakness of the smile due to the close call I’d just had when Josephine almost withdrew the offer.
Then with an unexpected shift of mood, which I was beginning to see was characteristic of Josephine, she asked me outright if I’d like to go for a walk with her.
‘Just along the lane,’ she clarified. ‘It’s a shame to waste the sunshine,’ and then with a sideways look at me, ‘and you’re away day after tomorrow.’
So a few minutes later I was walking alongside Josephine along the very track I’d so recently trodden alone. This time I was walking in the opposite direction and it appeared that my fortune had taken an equal turn. What a changed man I was, where I’d walked so glumly earlier that afternoon I was now as happy as I could be. I was in the company of the coveted Josephine, a prize I had thought was beyond my awkward grasp and the hours I had left at home suddenly brightened with promise.
We walked up to the spinney and Josephine led the way over the drystone wall via the stile and eventually settled her skirts and sat down.
‘Sit here,’ she said and patted the grass next to her. ‘Come and talk to me, you never talk to me.’ I reddened at the reminder of my awkwardness around the girl/woman but I sat next to her nonetheless. ‘Why?’ Josephine asked once I was sat with enforced stiffness caused by my khaki suit.
‘Why what?’ I asked disingenuously.
‘Why don’t you talk to me?’ Josephine asked perplexed at my apparent stupidity.
I mumbled and shuffled my backside uncomfortable at her directness.
‘What?’ Josephine persisted.
‘I… I… I don’t know,’ I managed feebly. My face burned with my chagrin, how could I tell her that I found her beauty daunting? I wasn’t any Lord Byron, I couldn’t flatter her with prose or sweep her off her feet. Until I joined up I was a farm labourer, a hired man, what did I have to offer a delicate girl like her? She wasn’t brought up to a life of robust work such as a farm wife endured, she was worth more in my limited view, much more and I just didn’t have the wherewithal to provide the comfort Josephine would need.
Josephine sighed and shook her head. ‘Are you frightened of me?’ I heard her laugh, a huge laugh of delight and humour that caught me completely unawares. ‘You are, aren’t you?’ She shifted her position so she was looking right into my face. Her eyes studied me intently but I could still see the smirk of amusement on her lips.
‘No!’ I almost shouted and then added in a calmer voice, ‘Not frightened, I just… I just…’ I struggled briefly and then just blurted it out – sod it. ‘I think you’re beautiful.’
Immediately the words were out I regretted what I’d said. Idiot, I thought. Why tell her that?
‘Really, Robert, do you really think that?’ Josephine’s expression was swiftly serious.
I nodded. I had no inkling of what that revelation would bring, I fact, I’m sure that what did follow was probably the last thing I would have catalogued if I’d been given a pencil and told to write my list.
The kiss was sweetly undemanding. Josephine simply leaned forwards slightly into me and placed her lips against mine. She lingered briefly and then the butterfly winged brush of her lips was gone.
I was stunned by Josephine’s boldness. She’d kissed me, kissed me on the lips! If I hadn’t been smitten before I was now and I looked into her bright, mischievous eyes as Josephine gauged my reaction.
‘Well,’ she asked audaciously, ‘aren’t you going to kiss me now?’
Without really giving me the chance to recover and indeed even begin contemplating kissing her in return, Josephine pushed her body up against me deliberately and kissed me again. This time there was more urgency in the pressure of her lips upon mine, Josephine’s mouth pressed against me with a vitality that was well beyond my very, very, limited experience, but a greater shock was still to come. As she kissed me, Josephine’s mouth opened and I felt her tongue wriggle between my lips and then squirm inside my mouth.
The shock was huge and immediate, my mind was a whirl of emotion, and the confusion I felt was increased by the sudden, powerful and insistent throb of my cock when it grew stiff under Josephine’s offensive.
The unfamiliar, hot surge of lust that coursed through my body caused me to moan. My vocal reaction to her kiss must have given Josephine some kind of signal because her immediate reaction was to take hold of my flushed cheeks in her palms and kiss me harder still. As she kissed me, Josephine began to make tiny mewling noises in the back of her throat. She was becoming more demanding and insistent and was beginning to cause me some concern.
Remember, I had no experience of women, my attraction for Josephine and my shyness around her in the past meant that this was the first time I’d ever kissed a woman outside of the chaste kisses of female relatives, and of course this was definitely not a chaste kiss.
Suddenly, I found myself on my back with Josephine fully in control. I had recovered a little and was beginning to use my hands against the ripeness of Josephine’s curves. The feel of a woman under my hands gave me a sudden power and I managed to lever Josephine over and roll her onto her back. Now I was in the dominant position and after taking a brief moment to study Josephine’s animated face I bent to her and kissed her.
‘Robert…’ Josephine gasped, her face flushed and her hair awry. ‘I’m so sorry,’ she sighed and looked up at me from below. ‘I shouldn’t have gotten carried away like that… what you must think of me, but…’ Josephine obviously had something on her mind but was struggling to find the words. ‘Oh God, Robert,’ she whispered and pushed me from on top of her body. ‘I don’t want you to go… I like you so much…’ I was shocked to see Josephine’s eyes brimming with tears. ‘Why didn’t you ever kiss me?’ she asked, suddenly vehement. ‘You stupid boy…’ The fat tears rolled slowly along Josephine’s cheek and splattered unheeded onto her bodice. ‘Why did you never try?’ The question was delivered with a sigh and a soft shake of her head
The tears appalled me, I had no idea how to respond. I could only sit woodenly as Josephine rose quickly to her feet and almost ran to the stile. Before I realised what was happening, Josephine was over the wall and away leaving me staring open mouthed at her as she hurried down the lane towards home.
Bewildered by what had happened I stood up and wiped my hands on the backs of my legs to get rid of the loose grass. I stood there confused and disorientated as though I had just woken from a slumber, I looked up through the trees to find the sun and noticed that the afternoon was just giving way to evening, there were about four hours of daylight left, according to my estimate, time I was going home. I followed in Josephine’s hurried footsteps, albeit at a less hasty pace and tried to make sense of what had just occurred. Of course at my age I had no idea whatsoever why Josephine had run off. What had she meant about me having never tried to kiss her? She said she liked me, I remembered that bit, but why run away? With my head full to busting with the quirks of the fairer sex, I trudged home.
Later that evening I ended up visiting the pub again in the vague hope of seeing Josephine. Against the rules I went up in civvies. I was sick of the uniform, especially the bloody boots, spit and polish – my arse, and I doubted that there would be any red faced corporals or sergeants up there to give me an ear bashing.
I didn’t have to wait long and my stomach lurched with apprehension when I saw Josephine in the parlour. She looked at me level
ly and then calmly walked to me.
‘Robert,’ she began with her eyes downcast. ‘I’m… I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have done that, run away I mean, not the kissing, I liked the kissing.’
Her face was beet red at this admission and I felt my face grow hot and flushed as well. What a pair we were.
‘Josephine…’ I began, but realised I didn’t have a clue what to say.
‘Let’s go for a walk,’ she interrupted. ‘I promise I won’t run off this time.’
So for the second time in the space of just a few hours I found myself being led up the path by Josephine. I hoped that this time it wasn’t the proverbial garden path though. Inevitably we arrived at the stile and once more climbed it and entered the woods beyond.
Fortunately, the weather was kind and the evening had turned out to be balmy and pleasant. Josephine paused just beyond the treeline. I thought she was just letting her eyes grow used to the dim light inside the wood, but she caught me by surprise, yet again by kissing me tenderly on the mouth. There was no urgency about that kiss, it was just a light brush of affection but the scent of Josephine caused a reaction within me.
The worm turned and I took hold of Josephine’s waist in my hands and pulled her deliberately against me. She uttered a cry of surprise, which was abruptly cut short as I kissed her. There was a tension through Josephine’s body before she relaxed and began to return my kiss enthusiastically.
We stayed in that position for a few minutes, kissing each other with a rising passion. Once more my cock was big and hard, I was sure that Josephine must be aware of my high state of arousal with the bloody thing pressing against her body, trapped between us in the tight clench of our embrace.
‘Robert…’ Josephine whispered during a lull in the battle. ‘Robert… Come on, come further in.’
She took my hand and we went deeper into the shadows. The summer’s night was a short time away. It was creeping in benignly as it does at that time of year, but Josephine and myself were far too engrossed in each other to notice. Josephine sat and almost pulled me down on top of her. As soon as I was next to her she reached for me with a hunger that caught me completely off guard. Before I knew it I was on my back and Josephine’s tongue was twisting insistently in my mouth. She ran the palm of her hand along the front of my britches and gasped with astonishment when she felt my hardness.
‘Oh my, Robert,’ I heard her whisper. ‘May I?’
Without waiting for any reply from me Josephine unbuttoned the front of my keks and had my old fella out in the warm air.
‘Josie…’ was all I managed before the sensation of her fingers tightening around my girth overwhelmed my senses. Never before had I felt such bliss, a woman’s hand on my cock… I didn’t realise just how magic it would feel.
‘It’s so stiff,’ her voice was soft. ‘It’s lovely… it feels so powerful.’
I could only groan as Josephine’s fist moved up and down. I didn’t know how much experience Josephine had with men, but at that time the thought didn’t even cross my mind, I was too far gone to consider the why’s and wherefores as she pumped at me quite expertly.
‘Josie, please…’ I called out as my lust burst from me. Josephine gave another small cry of alarm when she felt the goo splash against her bare forearm, but that cry turned to a murmur of delight when she realised what had just happened.
‘I did that to you…’ there was wonder in her tone as she spoke. Josephine must have realised the power she had, she could have me almost helpless and begging in her hand if she’d wanted and I think the full realisation hit her in that covert that night.
I lay there on the grass with my cock jutting skyward and my ardour staining the front of my britches. Josephine kissed me again and I could feel her body positively thrumming with her own pent up excitement.
‘Feel me,’ she offered and shifted her position.
Of course I didn’t have much of a clue as to what she meant, but Josephine, guessing I was a novice took my arm and guided my fingers to the spot. The heat and wetness of that place shook me completely. The deep groan from Josephine’s throat when I felt the centre of her body shocked me with its primal need when Josephine lifted her hips up to press her wetness against my fingers. I probed inexpertly but found the opening to Josephine’s body and was rewarded by her moan of appreciation as my fingers tentatively explored her intimate places.
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xmoviesforyouJason sipped his ale and looked around. This was the third year he had attended Comic-Con and he was really enjoying himself. At the far end of the bar was an alien that really caught his eye. She was wearing an outfit that was of thin but metallic silver material. It was a short skirt and the top was deeply cut. She looked like a very beautiful young human woman with a couple exceptions. Her skin was a light gray-green color and mottled. Her firm C-cup tits stood out proudly as did...
This compliments of Budhah It is a response about the chicken joke from yesterday's submission; Enjoy his personal experience Love the Chicken joke. The next really happened, and figured you might accidentally fit it in somewhere. My wife is from the Philippines, and when she came over to marry me in 1989, we would always go out to eat from Sunday dinner after going to the local Newman Center for services ... She had been here for about 6 weeks, and i asked her where she wanted to go ......
Earlier in the evening, David and his friends had a game – and as had become the norm, we went out afterwards to a local bar/club. But that was really the only thing that would be usual about this night. By the time we got to the bar after the game, my husband started complaining that he wasn’t feeling good. He hadn’t even had a drink yet, so I knew it was serious. I was disappointed, but offered to drive him home, get him some medicine and get him to bed. He wanted to wait and see how he...
I looked for Terry out the small window of the huge C-141 Air Force aircraft as it taxied up to the crowd of people. I thought I saw her but I wasn’t sure. After the plane stopped they wheeled those of us in wheelchairs down the rear ramp. There was a little welcoming ceremony for us. We were their men from Miami-Dade County coming home wounded from the Gulf War. I still didn’t see Terry and was getting worried when I saw my brother Mike waving at me. He hurried over and said he had his van...
By : Raj Jha Hi, this is Raj jha from Mumbai. I’m 21 years old and atheletic with 5’6″ height and 8″ long 3″fat penis which girl love it. This is my 5th story in this site. This is true and horny story about me and my elder sis Sonia who is in her late 24, unmarried, having figure of 32-28-30 really hot and sexy. She is doing M.E. 2nd year and me B.E 3rd year that time we both had fun. Coming to the story: we have four members in my family me, sis, pa, mom. Pa and Ma live mostly away from...
IncestThe sunshine from the hospital room window bleeds around the opaque curtains buffering my bed from the morning, waking me from my slumber. I sit up, groggy and unfocused. The vision in my eyes clears as I rub the sleep from my eyes, to reveal the white aesthetics of the small room containing me. As I prepare to lie down again and press anything i can find to try and summon anyone else, a large full body mirror catches my gaze. Stepping out of bed cautiously, I gradually make my way over and...
IncestHey guys. I got very good and positive responses for my last two stories. I hope you will like this one also. Remember guys. All my stories are real incidents. But these are not incidents for me. Only the first one was a imagination. This one is real Well, the story begins when I was in 12th class. There was a maid in my society who was around 19 years old. She was my age only. And she was damn hot. Well, when I saw her. I just wanted to make her my gf. I am not kidding. She was that much hot....
“Now,” the short woman said with a smile. “Are you both aware of what a doula does?” The couple glanced at each other. “Yes,” the man said. “You help with the birth.” “Sort of, yes. But not in the way you might think. Where the midwife and the doctors will be there to help with the medical side of things, I’m more here for emotional support. And not just for your wife; I’m here to support both of you, as a couple.” “Oh,” the man said. “That sounds a little vague, I know, but the process of...
Hi this is Puneet. I got the responses from readers that they want the story in Hindi as story in hindhi make them more wild and wet. So i am going to tell you sories in hindi. So baat un dino ki hai jab main delhi mein ek software company main kaam karta tha. Samne waale office mein ek receptionist thee manushka, elevators mein ek do baar hi-hello hui thee . Ek din main office main tha tau yahoo im per ek message aaya “hamesha isi computer ko dekhte rehte ho, kabhi nazar utha kar bhee dekha...
My Mom always wanted a girl My name is Deane and I am a 7 year old boy, but I look like a girl because ever since the age of 3 my Mom has been giving me what she calls my special ‘vitamin pills’, and now I suspect that they are female hormones after talking to the girls at my junior school. I confronted my Mom about this and she confessed that they are oestrogen and progesterone pills. The dosage has gradually been increased as I have grown up and I get teased by the boys at school...
The Chiroprictor (The Beginning)It was a very brisk day, mid December. Snow was blowing sideways across the eastern coast of South Korea. The car windows fogged slightly on their jet black Sonata as the couple sped south on Koreas main expressway. Gina, my Korean born Americanized wife was smiling as we had just completed our Christmas Shopping. She had also just gotten her Early Christmas present, a very popular Gucci purse from a top name dept. store in Seoul. It didn’t matter to me that had...
VoyeurMy story is about my wife and what happened at her high school reunion a few years ago in her words. Well I guess timing in life is everything, my high school reunion was coming up and it just so happened that it came at a low point in my marriage. After almost ten years of marriage I was feeling kind of lonely and not very desirable. Our conversation seemed rare and mostly about our child, while sex had become infrequent and when we did have it, was very short and quick if you know what I...
After lunch Mum suggested that we go for a walk to work off our meal and I eagerly agreed, so we packed a bottle of soft drink, some fruit and a rug in a backpack, and headed off downstream. It was a hot, sunny day and it was pleasant strolling through the trees and undergrowth, listening to the birds and the sound of the running water, and watching Mum's bum working away in her tight shorts. I had grown up a lot in the last few days, as I would never have noticed her in the past. We were...
Hi gurls, bhabhies, aunties, widows, divorced and unsatisfied ladies. Jo mai nah chahta tha wahi hogya, mai ek play boy bann hi gya, actually bann gya nahi banna hi pda, mujhe itne offers aaye aapsab ladies ke, aur kai ladies toh mujhe phone kerke emotional bhi ho jaati hain kyu ki unke pati unhe satisfied nahi kersakte, isi liye mai unhe inkaar nahi ker pa raha tha, aur mai unemployed bhi hu jiss kaaran mai travel nahi ker pa raha tha paiso ki kami ke kaaran, so isi liye mujhe play boy banna...
They hopped into the shower and let the warm water pour over them for a bit “well this is boring” stated bear and knelt down and took wolf head into his mouth sucking as the water poured over his head. “Mmmmmmm” said wolf “let’s take this elsewhere” and with that wolf led bear to the bedroom and makeshift bed that wolf had prepared for them. Bear pushed wolf down and immediately went to work on his cock. He liked round the base of wolf’s head and then plunged the shaft down his throat as far...
SHIT! Almost to work and I realized I forgot my fucking pass, and my wallet! Just what I fucking need not only will I be late to work because I have to go back home to get my card and wallet but my ‘loving wife’ will get another chance to point out another of my many short comings. For some time now my relationship with my wife ‘Darla’ had been very strained to say the least. I could not remember the last time we ‘made love’ we have had a couple of very quick and, in my opinion,...
A Time too Late to Heal by Alan Teauge Bittig Part 1 I saw the tears of the oppressed- and they have no comforter; power was on the side of their oppresors- and they have no comforter. Ecclesiastes 4:1 The world today is a nightmare. It is dark and it is lonely and it is cold. No brightly colored faces stray down the streets, no wild eyed children sing in the parks. Only dead, downcast people walking without purpose from appointed task to appointed task. There is...
By : Sexyshree The moment I got down both the dogs jumped at me, when they recognized me, they started licking my feet. I called girls to get down. They came with hesitancy. On looking those dogs turned looking at them. I shouted at them to keep quiet, and I asked them to shake hands with them. First bow them and after repeat order they raised legs to shake hand, though the girls were frightened, on my assurance that once you shake hand they will become friendly they shook hands. Now I...
IncestAmar boyosh 20. Amar boro bou(amar ma) er boyosh 36, choto bou(amar khala) er boyosh 30. Boro bouer ghore dui sontan, 6 bosorer ekti meye, seler boyosh 1. R ase nani abong dadi. Rat 10ta. Ami bisanay shue ma amak dudh disse. Ma blouse khule duto mai-e ber kore rekhese. Tar vor nitol dudu duto dudhe aro var hoye ase. Ami tar boroy bichir moto ekti bota mukhe nie tene tene dudh khassi. Ma chokhe-mukhe tripti nie amak dekhse. Khala ghere elo. Se khater upor amder pase bose amak dudh khaoano...
When we mentioned Jamaica to Rick he talked us into going to a golfing resort in Jamaica, it was in a place called Runaway Bay, and they had a beautiful resort right on the beach with a fantastic golf course. We checked in at the front desk and Rick went to arrange for tee times for us, none of the rest of us really golfed but we figured we would enjoy it for Rick's sake. Julie and Steven went to their bungalow while Shannon and I went next door to our bungalow, Shannon was changed into a...
Living as four bodies and one mind – a tale of love and wife swapping Synopsis: After the birth of the first child, sex life takes a turn for the worse for a young couple in Bangalore. The husband tries to discuss his problems with his close friend. Can the four of them find a new way of life? Can two men and two women live together as shared husbands and shared wives, or will jealousy destroy the ‘extended’ family? Me – 32 years old, married for three years. Wife – 25. One kid, 2 year...
I had been doing this job for over a month now. I was royalty to everyone involved in the business, my work would attract high paying onlookers from all over the country. My wage was at an all time high, and so was my reputation. Even though my identity remained anonymous, this cock-sucking persona I had created was instantly recognisable to those receiving my services. I began wearing a diamond encrusted, royal blue and silver masquerade Venetian mask, protecting my identity from the voyeurs...
"Fuck my pussy, Donald! Unnggghhh! Oh, Christ, what a big, fat fucker! Ahhhh, Jesus! Make me cum on you, Donald! Ram that big cock right up my cunt!" Vivian was on her knees on the living room sofa, naked, leaning over the backrest. Her son stood behind her, naked too. He was clutching her hips as he furiously fucked his prick into her pussy from behind, watching the wet, hair-lined mouth of her cunt grip and suck around his prick. "Fuck my pussy, fuck my pussy!" Vivian chanted. She...
I have been on this site for quite some time now – and some time before that through my husband’s profile. While privacy is very important to me – I go to lengths to preserve my identity – Mauritius being a small country and gossips being a way of life and all – my primary aim now for being on this site is for chats and through this being able to talk about things that I obviously can’t talk on other forums or with my friends/family – namely my sex life. Chatting here about those things,...
Back around 1969 I had medical problems and was sent to a military hospital (which I won’t name) for treatment. While there I engaged in some hijinks with the wife of a member of the military who had been sent on assignment for several months at a remote duty station. After all these years since then I cannot recall her name because at my age my memory is even shorter than my pecker. I will just call her Edna for the purpose of relating our sexual activities together. Edna was from South...
Amanda didn’t care. Exhaustion had finally claimed her. The pain and the pleasure had wracked her being until everything had become a surreal blur. She could barely keep her focus on her twin sister across from her, looking very much like the image of fatigue. Thankfully the itch caused by the salve had finally stopped its lecherous magic and only a sore numbness remained. What she wouldn’t give for a bed right now; better yet, her hammock back home where she could laze under the old...
Last story I wrote about our first time experience…. We met and had great sex many times whenever we had opportunity… Once we been to Bangalore as she had some college seminar some event.. We planned to book a service apartment and have fun… By the time we had open to each other.. We used to sext each other in night.. Sharing pics..Dirty talks… She had gone two days before to Bangalore…Stayed with her some male friend from her childhood… She went out in night clubbing..She send me her...
Unchained By Swishy CHAPTER 7 Nothing surprised me that morning. I wasn't surprised that I was still Jane, I wasn't surprised that I was in my new bed naked. It didn't phase me that my pussy was a little sore. I didn't even freak out about the cock pressing into the crack of my ass. It all horrified and depressed me but sadly, it didn't surprise me. The cock, which was sporting a 'morning glory' didn't belong to James of last night. It was attached to Marcus of later last night....
The sign read ‘Harpersville – 1 mile’ and just beyond it another sign listed the restaurants and other services available at the exit. I needed gas and there was a Conoco station at the exit and I had a Conoco card so I pulled into the right lane and slowed for the exit. As I filled the tank I looked around and saw that there was a restaurant across the street. It was a little early for supper, but what the hell, I was already stopped. After I topped off I drove over to the restaurant and went...
I was on my knees quivering with anticipation at what was in front of me my legs were together with my caged cock tucked firmly between my thighs.... this made me feel sooo naughty and always made good viewing for anyone with a view of it.... The gents cock was stood proud in front of me with occasional bounce as if it were a caged a****l trying to get loose! I sat and looked at it for a few moments with lust in my eyes and couldnt help but smile out the corner of my mouth as i gently wrapped...
Life is what our experiences give us, for me it’s full of sweet experiences, of which I am going to share one with you. It’s about me and my aunt, our love, our intimacy and our child. Back then I was 19 and she was 28, a beautiful lady, with fats at the right places, and a shape of 34-30-36, not slim but not at all fat, a happy mother and a happy wife (that’s what it seemed to be). One Sunday I got a call from her, (I was bit close to her) she: Alok can u come over here? Me: OK but is it...
Incest‘Ok, why are we here again?’ ‘Because it was time to move Jasper. We still own the house, and pay the taxes, but with Charlie dead, Bella needed to move out of Forks.’ Alice shook her head at Jasper. They had been over it time and again. ‘That I get,’ Jasper said looking at the bland landscape that surrounded them. ‘But why did we have to move to England? I, for one, didn’t want to leave the states!’ ‘Because silly,’ Alice replied with a soft peck of a kiss on her husbands lips. ‘Its new for...
sold By stephanie winner as he opened his eyes he couldn't see anything. total darkness around him. he tried to move but realized that he couldn't move his hands either his feet. he was tied! he moved his head around and saw that he was caught in a trunk. he felt the trunk moving. 'must be a car-trunk,' stephan thought. then he felt the car stopping, moving backwards. he tried to say something but his tongue was like a big woollen scarf in his mouth. he must have been...
I stand on a small hill over looking my home, it was once a trading hub for various worlds. Now it's little more than a junkyard world our former glory now left decaying and rusting under the sun. I turn away from the sight of my once great home and hold up my Keyblade. I toss it into the air as plate armor forms around me, the blade itself changes into a pair of wings and attaches itself onto the back of my armor. With one final look at my home I take off into space using old space lanes to...
Up in the attic I turn on the standard lamp, unlock the Chubb lock and open the trunk. Nadine is out for a few hours so I can take my time and fully investigate the contents of the trunk. There are layers of skirts; blouses and lingerie all neatly folded. I take one of blouses out of the trunk and try it on. I'm not really surprised to find it is a perfect fit. I fumble with the buttons because they are on the opposite side to the buttons on my men's shirts. Similarly when I try on a...
Having failed my German language mock GCSE, I ended up going to a private tutor twice a week. Frau Gunther is about twenty-eight and attractive. I’m nearly seventeen, I’m fit and like to go to the gym, so I was unhappy about two more evenings spent on school work, but my dad insisted. I was punished in part two and was then comforted by the two girls on the same course after Frau dismissed the class.Last week I was spanked nude by Frau in front of Lisa and Marie, and it hurt, both the spanking...