- 3 years ago
- 24
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It was damp, foggy and cold as Rayne and Javonnie made their way through the dark, quiet streets of London to Lionel’s townhouse. They had each brought only a small valise with a couple of changes of clothes. There would be time tomorrow to have the remainder of their belongings transferred from the ship to the residence and anything else they required could be purchased. They were both exhausted and wanted nothing more than to find their beds and get some sleep. Javonnie as well as the crew members from The Eclipse had kept well out of Rayne’s way since the interlude with the Scarlet Flame as his temper had shortened with each passing day of the journey. Even now, Javonnie noticed, Rayne had a scowl on his face. He was just wondering if it was the task of sorting through his grandfathers business and the round of social events that would be mandatory for him to attend or more likely he was still smarting from the ‘you-don’t-impress-me’ attitude of the femme fatal from the Scarlet Flame. That thought brought a smile to Javonnie’s lips as he thought once again that it was high time his friend Rayne got his comeuppance from the opposite sex. He had never seen a woman refuse Raynes attentions and he thought this was absolutely priceless.
The carriage rolled to a stop in front of the townhouse and Rayne climbed out leaving Javonnie to pay the driver. They climbed the steps and rapped the doorknocker loudly. Needless to say as the hour was extremely late and no one was expecting them it was quite some time before the butler arrived to let them in. The sleepy butler, startled into complete wakefulness at seeing Rayne standing on the doorstep, apologized profusely for the long wait. Rayne waved the mans apologies away and disappeared up the stairs to the master suite while Javonnie calmed the man down and assured him that it was quite alright, they had not sent word ahead and that he couldn’t be expected to know of their arrival. The poor butler was beside himself with worry, as he had been witness to multiple arguments between Rayne and his grandfather. The little man most assuredly did not want that ferocious temper aimed at him. He hurriedly promised he would have the staff assembled for instructions at the Dukes convenience. Javonnie wryly informed the butler not to expect either the Duke nor himself before lunch. Having finally convinced the man he was not about to be drawn and quartered, he took himself up stairs to the guestroom where he crawled tiredly into bed.
There was a pounding in his head, or was it the door? Javonnie cracked an eyelid and turned his head toward the bedroom door, which was swinging open. ‘Are you planning to lay abed all day long?’ Rayne demanded.
Javonnie glanced sleepily at the clock on top of the chest of drawers, which showed the time to be 9:00, and from the sunlight streaming in from the nearby window, he knew it was morning. He turned a disgruntled gaze on Rayne before gracing him with a response. ‘Have you any idea what time it is Rayne?’
‘Well of course I know what time it is. Time for lazy lie-abeds like yourself to be up and about.’
‘It would seem you are finally in better spirits. Of course, you weren’t the one left standing with that ninny last night while he whimpered and whined because he was afraid you were going to wring his scrawny neck because he hadn’t the foresight to know you were going to arrive last night.’
‘Oh, Rupert always was a whiner. If he weren’t so competent at running this house I’d hand him his walking papers. But, he might as well stay around and earn his keep! Come on Javonnie, get up, we’ve got things to do. The crew’s waiting at the docks to dispose of our cargo.’
Javonnie lay with his arm over his eyes trying to block out the sound of Raynes voice, but knew it was useless. So, he finally agreed to get out of bed and meet Rayne downstairs for breakfast. An hour later Javonnie, freshly shaved and dressed with his blonde hair still glistening with dampness appeared at the breakfast table where Rayne sat finishing up his own breakfast. ‘Nice of you to finally join me’ he said with mock irritation as Javonnie helped himself from the sideboard.
Javonnie, being still just a little put out at having been awakened so early after such a late night, retorted, ‘No problem your Dukeship! It was my pleasure to get out of bed to come down here and look at your ugly face.’
‘Ah, but you are about to be thanking me for dragging you out of bed.’
‘Hardly likely.’
‘Guess who’s having a ball tonight in honor of their nieces upcoming nuptials?’ Rayne asked with obvious smugness.
Javonnie, now just a tad wary, gave Rayne a questioning look as he reached for another slice of smoked ham.
‘None other than the esteemed Mulholland sisters’ Rayne announced with merriment dancing in his sparkling blue eyes.
Javonnie felt like the floor had just tipped out from under his feet, leaving him dangling from the dining table. ‘Veronica is getting married?’ he asked totally stunned. He was trying to adjust to this unexpected turn of events without much immediate success.
‘So it would seem. If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a million times that girl wasn’t going wait forever’ Rayne said shaking his head in mock sadness.
‘Who’s she engaged to marry?’ Javonnie asked with amazing calm, especially since he was seething inside. He had actually thought she would wait until he got through roaming the seas and decided to settle down. Damn women, couldn’t they ever be just a little patient?
‘It says here she’s engaged to Lord Steven Finch.’
‘Good Lord, not little Stevie? He walks with a mincing step and he dresses like an absolute fop. What can Veronica be thinking of? He couldn’t begin to satisfy a woman with Veronica’s appetite uh, that is to say, that he’s not very manly’ Javonnie finished somewhat weakly as he saw Rayne slowly raise one black brow in both question and surprise.
‘Do tell Javonnie, and just how would you know exactly what it would take to satisfy Miss Veronica Mulholland?’ The last half of the sentence was spoken with deadly quiet.
‘Now Rayne, don’t you go giving me any lectures about Veronica’s virtue. How many women have you seduced? How many times have I had to save your hide from an irate husband?’
‘Exactly, husband. I never compromised an unmarried lady of Veronica’s caliber. Veronica doesn’t have a husband, and she was still virginal, at least I believed her to be until now. Are you telling me you took her innocence thereby compromising her?’ Rayne demanded.
‘Well, you don’t have to make it sound like I raped her or anything. It was not planned, it just sort of happened and it was by mutual consent’ Javonnie hated the way Rayne had him on the defensive. Although the memories of that date brought a smile to his lips and a warmth to his heart, as well as to other places he would prefer not to think of just at that moment.
‘And when exactly did this take place?’
‘The last time I came to take care of your business with your attorney for you. But she saw me off with a smile on her face and assurances that she would be waiting for me when I returned. I had no idea she would up and marry anyone before I got around to asking her myself, much less that popinjay!’ Javonnie was now realizing just how much he did not want Veronica to marry Stevie, or anyone else for that matter. He just couldn’t figure out what that peculiar ache was in the vicinity of his heart. Must have been the darned kippers he had just eaten.
Rayne sat watching his friend and wondered how long it would take him to figure out that he was in love with Veronica and put a stop to this nonsense about her marrying that little twit Stevie Finch. ‘I’m going to send a response to this invitation and accept for the both of us. As soon as you’re done with breakfast I suggest we leave for the docks and on the way we can discuss a few of the other invitations I’ve received.’
Javonnie ju
st nodded dumbly as he was still thinking about this new turn of events. It looked like they had returned home just in time.
Once on the way to the docks Javonnie at least made a pretense of being jovial, with pronounced lapses of silence that had Rayne chuckling to himself. Boy, he was glad he wasn’t suffering from that affliction called love!
Several hours later the cargo was being unloaded and a bolt of brilliant sapphire silk caught his eye and he had Red pull it out and put it in the carriage. Whenever he had first caught site of the fabric he had had a mental picture of his mysterious piratress in a low cut gown that hugged her curvaceous body made of the sapphire fabric. He almost called Red back, it wasn’t likely he would see her anytime soon, but as he was already opening the door to the carriage to put the bolt of fabric in, he refrained from calling him out to him.
After having concluded the business of the dispensing of the cargo Rayne and Javonnie stopped at a local hotel for lunch and then continued on to the well-know establishment of Xavier & Xavier. Rayne had used the tailors at Xavier & Xavier since he been old enough to purchase his own wardrobe. He like the simplistic lines of elegance that was a long tradition of this establishment as well as mirroring his own taste in clothes. He shuddered to think of the outlandish clothes some of the men of London sported. It was all the rage to dress the part of a dandy in chartreuse, pink, canary yellow, stripes and plaids. If he wanted to look like a peacock, he would just purchase some feathers. As the two gentlemen entered the establishment Freidman the head tailor approached them with a smile of greeting on his face.
‘Ah Mr. Rayne and Mr. Javonnie. It has been ages since you have gifted us here at Xavier & Xavier’s with your presence. What can I help you two gentlemen with today?’
Both Rayne and Javonnie were well acquainted with Freidman and knew that whatever they required would be fulfilled in the most efficient and timely manner possible by this exuberant tailor.
‘Freidman, we have only arrived in London late last night, and find we are to attend a ball this evening. As you are aware, I’ve been traveling abroad in much warmer climates and I’m sadly lacking in the appropriate evening apparel as is my friend here. It most important that Mr. Sumner looks especially dashing this evening. So, do you think you can help us out of this spot we’re in?’
Freidman knowing full well that he would be handsomely rewarded for pulling off such a feat was already mentally ticking off the suits in the gentlemen’s size range he had available for alteration. ‘Of course it will be difficult, but as usual, if it can be done, I can do it!’ Freidman said with his usually enthusiasm. Javonnie had stood listening to the entire exchange between the two men with a look on his face that clearly let Rayne know he knew he was up to something. As Freidman scurried off to pull together two evening ensembles he and Rayne sat in the private viewing room sipping coffee.
‘Okay, what are you up to? ‘Mr. Sumners must look especially dashing this evening’? Don’t even try to tell me you’re not up to something.’
‘Oh, I just thought by now you would have come to your senses and realized that you’re about to let a perfectly good woman get married to a man that hasn’t a clue how to be a man. Now, you tell me could you live with yourself if you allowed that to happen?’ Having said that, Rayne sat back to see what Javonnie would say.
He looked incredulously at Rayne before asking ‘Just what do you expect me to do? I mean this ball is to announce her engagement. Don’t you think it’s a little late for me to do anything about it now? Don’t you think I haven’t thought of every conceivable scheme that I could come up with to stop this? But nothing I come up with is believable.’ As Javonnie ranted on and on Rayne wondered what Javonnie would say if he could hear himself. Yep, the guy had it bad. Rayne, feeling badly for his friend, wanted to put him out of his misery so he simply said, ‘Abduct her.’
Javonnie stopped in mid-sentence and said ‘What?’
‘Simple, abduct Veronica.’
‘Oh yeah right, like that’s gonna work.’ But Rayne could see he was giving the suggestion serious thought. ‘Just how do you propose I accomplish this abduction?’
Rayne hadn’t thought that far in advance, so he was silent for a few moments before suggesting, ‘Aren’t you familiar with the Mulholland’s gardens and house?’
‘Well of course. I’ve been there dozens of times.’
‘Well then, I suggest you attempt to get her alone and try to first talk some sense into her. Tell her you love her. If she chooses not to believe you and you feel like it’s gonna take you longer to convince her than time permits let me know and I will manage to get her into the garden near the back gate. We will have the coach waiting there and we can whisk her away before she or anyone else is any the wiser’ Rayne finished with a wide smile amazing even himself with this spur of the moment plan.
Javonnie just stared at him like he had taken leave of his senses. ‘You really expect me to believe this harebrained plan of yours is actually going to work?’ Javonnie rolled his eyes heavenward and leaned back in the chair. But Rayne could see the wheels in Javonnie’s mind turning and knew before the night was out, his ‘harebrained’ scheme would most likely be a reality.
Freidman returned with a very elegant charcoal gray evening suite with a pearl gray silk shirt and matching cravat as well as a jet black suite with a white shirt and emerald cravat for the two gentlemen to look at. ‘I suggest that Mr. Sumners wear that black ensemble as he would look most dashing with his golden skin, Adonis-blonde hair and emerald green eyes. Perhaps a diamond cravat pin would be the perfect touch to compliment the outfit? While this elegant charcoal suite will be the perfect foil for your dark good looks Mr. Quinhurst’ Freidman suggest with his usual expert opinion. Both Rayne and Javonnie agreed with the choices and moved into the dressing rooms to try the apparel on so that Freidman could see to any necessary alterations.
Rayne emerged first and Freidman began making the necessary adjustments assuring Rayne it could be accomplished within a few hours and delivered to the townhouse in plenty of time for the evenings festivities. Javonnie emerged looking quite handsome in the elegant black suite, with the cravat making his eyes seem even greener than normal.
‘By jove Freidman, I believe you have succeeded in making my mangy friend here as handsome and dashing as possible’ Rayne joked with a jovial grin at Javonnie who was preening in front of the large mirror. ‘Careful Javonnie, you are starting to remind me of a certain popinjay of our mutual acquaintance’ Rayne said barely able to contain his laughter at the dark scowl he received for his wit.
‘I could never be like dear Stevie even if I tried’ Javonnie snorted, imitating the mincing steps of the referred to dandy and looking quite the fool for his efforts. He soon had Rayne howling with laughter at his antics, that is until Freidman managed to poke Rayne with the straight pin as he was attempting to pin the back seam of the trousers he wore.
‘Good God Freidman, watch where you’re poking that damnable pin!’ Rayne shouted at the now nervous tailor who was desperately trying to apologize.
‘Oh yeah right, make him nervous before he gets a hold of me, why don’t you Rayne’ Javonnie said with mock concern. ‘Guess I’ll feel like a pin cushion by the time he’s through with me from the way his hands are shaking. Now, Freidman, pay no attention to my friend here, he’s suffering from a bad case of rejection from a certain lady of the feline persuasion.’ Javonnie received a glowering look from Rayne for his trouble and should have known it would be wise to let the subject drop, but this was Javonnie after all! ‘Yes siree, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen his Dukesh
ip here receive quite a set-down like that before.’ He leaned closer to Freidman and said in a conspiratorial whisper, ‘You know, the ladies always prostrate themselves at his feet, but not this lady. She flat out refused his advances without batting an eyelash. I fear the Duke here was quite undone by the lady’s rebuff. You know, not knowing how to handle a refusal as it’s never happened before.’
‘Javonnie, I believe that’s enough, unless of course you would like to know what if feels like to have me really take my frustration out on you?’ Rayne said with deadly quiet and a furious look on his handsome face. Freidman looked as if he was a mouse caught between two hungry cats and the look cause both Rayne and Javonnie to burst out in laughter. Freidman managed to get through the rest of the fitting and breathed a sigh of relief as the two gentlemen walked out the front doors of the establishment to the street. These two particular gentlemen could be very volatile but they always made it worth his time he thought as he looked down at the handsome tip he had received. The tip alone was more than he normally made in a month, so he shrugged his shoulders at the nervous tension their visits always brought him.
True to his word, Freidman had the suits delivered to the townhouse in plenty of time for Javonnie and Rayne to dress for the ball. Rayne had been dressed and sitting in the study for almost an hour before Javonnie put in an appearance.
‘Damn Javonnie, you take longer to dress than most women. Why, I bet ole Stevie boy doesn’t even take as long as you do to dress’ Rayne just couldn’t refrain from taking that little jab at Javonnie.
‘Yeah, that may be so, but then Stevie doesn’t stand a chance when I walk in the room either!’
‘My, my, we are feeling confident tonight aren’t we?’
‘Have you spoken to your coachman?’
‘My coachman will be in front of the estate where he should be. I have made arrangements with Scotty to be waiting in the back alley with the new landau I bought. Just in case your charm and good looks aren’t enough to convince Veronica to call off this engagement.’
Javonnie at least had the decency to look chagrined as he spoke, ‘I know I owe you for this one Rayne. I should have taken care of that little detail by proposing before I left to return to Tahiti. At least then she would have known what my intentions were. I just can’t believe she wouldn’t wait for me.’ Then as if it just dawned on him he looked over at Rayne with a stricken look.
Rayne seeing the very real fear mixed with denial on Javonnie’s face cautiously asked ‘What?’
Javonnie cleared his throat and asked somewhat shakily, ‘You don’t suppose she conceived that one time do you?’
‘Good Lord Javonnie, you mean to stand there and tell me you didn’t have the wherewithal to take the precaution to withdraw before…no, never mind, I can see you didn’t. How could you let this happen? I mean it’s not like this was the first woman you were ever intimate with. I happen to know for a fact there have been numerous women and times. Would you care to explain yourself?’ Rayne exploded.
‘Rayne, I know you’re not going to believe this, but it was like it was the first time. I hate to admit this, but…I totally lost control of the situation and before I knew it we were both there and I spent myself before it occurred to me to pull out.’ Javonnie looked extremely uncomfortable with his admission and tugged at his perfectly tied cravat as if he were suddenly suffocating.
Rayne had never seen his eloquent friend so flustered and he had rarely seen him blush, but he stood before him now with his face a dull red and looking totally miserable with the situation. ‘Javonnie, I have to ask you before this gets totally out of hand. Do you love Veronica? Now hear me out. Are you in love with her, because once you take her from the ball by force, there will be no turning back. Her reputation would be totally ruined and you will have to marry her once the deed is done. Do you understand all of the consequences of your actions if you do this?’
Kat woke with the dawn, despite their activities and the late night. She lay, revelling in the comfort of her husband’s – her lover’s – arms. Her hand wandered and found, as was quite usual, that his cock was standing hard and proud. She could feel herself moisten in response. It was the work of just a moment to lift a leg over him, guide him into herself, and slide down until he was fully inside her. She supported herself on her elbows, never having fully accepted his assertion that he loved...
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As the movie went on, I decided I would make my move, and with my arm already wrapped around her shoulder, I lowered my hand to attempt and grab hold of her right tit. “Not now, Miles”, she said, brushing my hand away. I silently sighed and rolled my eyes, not wanting to agitate her. Carefully, I began to lower my hand again, this time, making sure she would only think of my sudden action as an accident, by yawning, and stretching my arm. Then, after doing so, I let my hand fall freely...
It was New Year’s Day and I knew no one would be at the laundry mat. Last night had been a bust. I had gotten stood up for the New Year’s Eve party and because my date was my ride, the night ended with me toasting myself with the little bit of hard cider that I had in the fridge. I didn’t seem to have much luck in the dating department lately. Don’t get me wrong! I have gone on plenty of dates in the past year, whether they were suggestions from friends or matchups through an online dating...
Quickie SexI’m looking at some of the hottest photos I’ve ever taken and my pussy is tingling with the memories they’re bringing back. Here’s one of my fun-loving friend Abigail and her strong, dreamy lover Pete slapping her neglectful husband Mel’s bare tail. In this other one, poor Mel is naked on his hands and knees. Pete sits proudly and assertively astride his bare back. Abby is sucking Pete’s enormous hard cock and playfully bouncing his balls. With her free hand, she’s tickling her hubby’s ass and...
FetishWhy is it? It takes forever to drive to an unknown destination. Do you drive slower so you can see what's around the bend? Are there sights and sounds, amazing things that grab your heart and overwhelm your mind? If there are you're violating the number one rule while driving ... WATCH THE ROAD, DUMMY. The passengers are your responsibility. Remember ... everyone else on the road is a homicidal maniac ... they want to kill you ... some of them don't mind dying doing it. Manchester to...
High priest Lodos walked into the office of general Slovan. He had been asked by the general to come to the office in his role as a priest, so he came in his least formal robes. When he walked in, he was surprised to see two women. One was the general's wife, Dalla, a pretty woman, if a bit harsh in attitude and demeanor. The other was a stunning beauty that immediately cause his cock to spring to life. She was a beautiful, HUGE- breasted woman of peasant stock, and she made the priest glad...
Looking back, it probably should have occurred to me some time during, say, the entire month of January, to wonder how Jill got to school. She certainly didn't ride the bus, and I'd never seen her leave the house before Jeanne and I did, even on the days we were driving. I knew she went to school, of course; I'd seen her there. She didn't have lunch at the same time Jeanne and I did — sophomores shared a fifth period lunch with freshmen, while juniors and seniors had sixth period lunch —...
First part of this story ‘Mother Swapping’ was posted in this site on 04 December 2007. I don’t remember under which ID I had posted it. I am a regular contributor to this site. I am Rohan coming back with second part of this story ‘Mother Swapping;. In the first part you read that I have fucked Rubiya , mother of my class mate Akbar. She behaved like a cheap slut and her son Akbar also fucked his own mother in my presence. Thereafter , I succeeded in fucking my own mother in my own house. In...
Rick stretched. He loved the feeling of the hot Florida sun as it baked his naked skin. Reaching for the sun block SPF 30 he squirted and languidly smeared it over his chest and stomach allowing his fingers to lightly ghost over his skin.Adjusting his sun glasses he turned his head and smiled at the similarly nude woman sleeping on their private sun deck beside him. He decided to wake her. He didn't want that luscious body burned and uncomfortable when he made love to her later that evening....
"They're saying it's your fault." Jenkins told Manfredi. "Your inclusion of a supervillain led to this." "They'd be wise to keep their mouths shut." The platinum blonde replied. The back window rolled up. "Reports are less than explicit. Jack doesn't know the meaning of subtlety. I have another theory" "Goblin is dead." "Yes." Sable sneered. She looked back through the tinted glass. The firefighters were doing quick work containing the smouldering ruins of her waterfront...
This is a story of when I met up with Paula, when I noticed her son was watching us.I must have met Paula about a month ago while shopping, she was by herself when she dropped her purse and I went to pick it up for her. We began talking when she told me that she was a divorced mum of two her eldest being a 20 year old daughter and her youngest being a 14 year old son. She told that she had a partner but he was rarely home as he worked up north alot. After talking and flirting with her we...
He was rutting hard against her ass his cock sliding deep to her limits. Jenny was grunting with each thrust biting her lip clenching her eyes closed. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Smith appearing to be wrestling more with his chair. The doc was taking her doggie style on the floor his hands around her waist he wasn't looking over his shoulder instead concentrating on angling his cock high up against her virginal wall. Jenny coughed and grunted his fucking making her all fours...
David had to fumble with the garage door opened, as one hand was busy playing in Brandi's sopping pussy while the other carefully steered his police cruiser. He turned off the engine and glanced at Brandi. Her skirt was up around her waist and she had a glazed look of lust and pleasure on her face as he slid his fingers back and forth rubbing her clit. She was massaging her breasts and was softly moaning almost meowing like a kitten. David withdrew his hand and smiled at her. "We're home,...
It’s 8pm on New Years Eve. I’m standing in front of the bathroom mirror and just finished applying the final touches of my make-up. I’m wearing a long black dress and just hope it won’t offend anyone at the party. It looks like a very simple dress from the front, but the back is cut out very low and with a back like that, there is just no way of wearing a bra. After a final check in the mirror, I walk out into the hallway. Looking at my watch, I realize I have 15 minutes until he will be...
All the men, along with Christina and Linda had a wonderful meal served by naked sluts. As they ate, everyone got aquatinted with each other and found out some interesting facts about the new members. Once everyone had finished their meals, all the leftovers were placed in a large bowl. Then, Linda and Christina were left with the sluts to make sure the area was cleaned and the sluts got something to eat. The two girls took the large pot of leftovers and scrapings from the plates and filled...
"I don't look too casual do I?" Elaine said to her mother as she helped her set the table. She felt underdressed compared to her mother. She was wearing a short denim skirt, denim jacket, and a white blouse underneath. On her feet she had on a pair of high-heeled sandals. Her shapely legs were smooth and still tanned... thanks to an occasional visit to the tanning salon. "Absolutely not. You look cute," Sandra said. She was wearing a sexy black dress that hugged her hips and came down...
Hello all of you!! I have been an avid reader of ISS past many years, and thought of writing about my experiences but somehow I managed to skip that all this time. However today I finally managed to let the world know about one such adventure. So guys and girls, hope that you enjoy my experience written below to satisfy your urge & yes please do not forget to send me your feedback / likes / queries & requests(Girls or Ladies who wish to have some fun with discretion) at I am about to tell you...
The taxi ride home was uneventful. I took a few moments to point out some of my favorite landmarks to Beth including my high school, my elementary school, Clayton's, which was the teen hang out restaurant. When the cab pulled up to the navy blue Dutch Colonial, I was home. Beth paid the driver, we got our bags out of the trunk and walked up to the house. When I rang the doorbell, I felt a surge of anticipation, as we were arriving a day earlier than my parents were expecting us. My butthead...
Xi Pegasi Survey Team One September 15, 2057 “Yamina?” Yamina stirred and opened her eyes. The surroundings were strange to her, and then she remembered. “Roger?” She sat up on the cot Faith had procured for her to sleep in Roger’s sick bay cubicle. “Honey, are you awake?” “I think so,” Roger croaked. “I’m so thirsty.” Yamina stood and walked the ten steps to the dispensary. Opening a cabinet, she selected a plastic cup and filled it with crushed ice and water from the built-in dispensing...
“Hey Rachel, Ray’s washing the fire truck,” I hollered down the stairs. Before I could turn around Rachel came bounding up the stairs and we both ran to the store room where the telescope was waiting. It took a few seconds to get it re-positioned for what we really wanted to see, as we always left it pointing to the rising moon in case Dad or Mom checked it out. Rachel is my seventeen-year-old twin sister and I am Cathy. Although we are identical twins, Mom and Dad decided to raise us as...
Last Night on BaseThis all leads up to my last night on base leaving the military after a number of years. I have to be careful not to reveal to much. You never know who might read this. I have never been what you would consider a faithful husband, then again my wife isn’t what you would consider a faithful wife but not to the point of an open marriage. Names have been changed to protect the not so innocent, with that being said here we go.Hanging out at the NCO Club drinking and dancing the...
Straight SexIn the following days after her father gave her a hard, punishing spanking - and more - in her room, the red, red bruises on Arya Stark's ass had faded and a growing desire in her loins replaced it. At the week's end, her lust-filled mind kept imagining the sausages she and her sister were breaking their fast with were hard cocks and found her tongue snaking around them, sucking and bobbing until she noticed Sansa giving her a queer look. Her sister narrowed her eyes in suspicion and asked,...
I am Punit. Finished my post Graduate last year. Did not get a good job. So, I started teaching at tutorials throughout the city of Kolkata. My subject was Economics for undergraduate students. The first day I entered the so called room, students did not wish me . Rather they thought me as a student as well. Whatever I got introduction of all the students. Among them was Piyali. She looked around 22 yrs, bit dark complexion but fresh – no – spot skin, wearing a blue jeans and white sweeter,...
Petulant Pia Copyright Mind Imperator 2005. All Rights Reserved. Part One "So you Treasure your Nipple?" I have decided to take you for a while to the Château d´Eperonin the region of Reims. The owners are friends there from my time in Paris. They are also in the hierarchyof the commissariat and I share some leisure interests with them. Our car pulls up along the stable-flanked gravel entrance road, in front ofthe oaken main door. Getting out, you notice a fishpond full of large yellowcarp...
Here's another of my fantasy, but for obvious reason this takes place in the future anytime after June 2004. Once again I sure I'm not alone. It was a hot July Saturday, so I decided to drive to the beach, when I got there the sand was so hot that it would burn the skin off your feet. I found my spot on the crowded beach and started to take my T-shirt off when I noticed a beautiful blonde staring at me. I actually thought I had something wrong, so I continued to get undressed down to my...
The next few weeks seemed to move at supersonic speed. Kevin worked with Gunny to build modified Remington cap and ball revolvers made of titanium. This enabled them to handle a more powerful mixture of black powder and modern cordite. A fictitious Canadian company was shown as the manufacturer. They were designed to use a small amount of the recoil and escaping gasses to turn the cylinder and cock the hammer, making it more like a modern automatic pistol without a clip. You still had to cock...
Part 1 - The GymI got my stuff together and headed out to the gym. I was feeling incredibly horny this morning, id been chatting online with a few guys and looking at some pretty dirty porn on my phone pretty much most of the morning since I woke up. Its a huge turn on of mine to dress and act like a girly slut when I get a chance to be alone, and a lot of the time I like to wear panties under my everyday male clothes. Today was one of those days. I decided to wear a little thong under my tight...
Here’s my entry into the Winter Holidays Contest, albeit there’s not too much mention of the holiday season in it. Not until the end anyway. I didn’t intend it to be that way when I started, but the thing grew legs and wandered off and went where it wanted. In this one a middle-aged man is seduced by a twenty-something hottie. But the trouble is she’s also a married woman. He tries to resist but is too weak and can’t manage to find the strength to deny him, and her it seems, the pleasure. ...
Jenniferi. The a*****ionJennifer walked slowly back to her dispatch area. When she got back to the office, all of theother runners were out. Jennifer sat down at the table and pulled out her MCAT study guideand began immersing herself in preparation for the upcoming test. Jennifer had alwayswanted to be a doctor. She had already completed a degree in Chemistry with a minor inBiology and was going to become a doctor. These few facts made her feel superior to mostof the uneducated people she...
In Which Purity is reconciled with Innocence, Purity is separated from Chastity, and Purity appreciates the value of Twelve, but is displeased by the association with Chastity. Purity hadn’t seen Innocence for such a long time, and she was very pleased when she heard that she and her sister had left Wonderground. She’d never cared to visit a place with such a poor reputation for racial discrimination, so it was with rather more enthusiasm than might otherwise have been the case she took the...
The door barged open and before I could react, like a drill sergeant, she barked out, “Visiting hours are over… time to leave.” I must have looked like a deer caught in the headlights as I stood pressed against the safety rail of Maggie’s hospital bed pants puddled around my ankles and a very thick and swollen penis pushed through the rail opening so that Maggie could get her mouth to it. Six days earlier Maggie had entered the hospital for back surgery. Though the...
The rest of the weekend went along without me flipping out again. We spent time in clothes out on real dates with food and activities but as soon as we got into the motel door my clothes were off and I was his slave.On one of our outings Slick took me to an adult toy shop. It catered to big women and cross dressers I think because most of the clothes were for larger framed people. We toyed with outfits and he tried to talk me into some roleplaying clothes, school girl or something, I wasn't...
Watching Colleen sleeping, I realized how much I had changed the past, or present, or future ... one of them - if not all three. My first time through I bedded Beth Ann long before I really thought much about Colleen, or Rebecca, other than a stray fantasy involving Beth Ann and a threesome. But then I was Brian, and Beth Ann was my mother. In this iteration I am Carl, which IS me, and I am in bed with Colleen, who I had no idea felt such attraction towards me. It was all out of order, and...