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A good number of years ago, there was a bar that I hung out in most nights, when I wasn’t working. It was sixty miles from my house, so when I went there, I always got a motel room across the street. The bar was a small place compared to most in town but it was home. It had country music from a four-piece band every night except Sunday, when they were closed. The people were friendly and the beer was cold, what else could you ask for?

Most of the people that were regulars there, including myself, were working people. Middle class, I guess you’d call them. Being a country place, you had a few that dressed the country western part, although I doubt if any of them had ever spent much time on a horse. If the truth were known, that included me as of late.

I lost my love for horses, riding fences for my Grandfather, in my early teens. He had a string of south Texas range ponies that were working stock. One inch taller and they would have been a horse, one inch shorter and they would have been called a pony.

In actual fact, they were rawhide, stretched over coil springs. All whip leather and bad temper, get off one to drive a staple in a fence post and it was a rodeo to get back on. They were mean and they were tough but they got the job done.

I wear my Levi’s and western shirts, my boots and my hat, not because I want to be a cowboy, but because that’s what I was raised wearing. That’s what I’m comfortable wearing.


This particular Friday night wasn’t any different from most any other until around nine PM. That’s when she walked in. I was standing at the bar as usual and for some reason I was looking at the door, that’s how I know. She stopped a couple of paces inside and just stood there, looking around.

I figured she was looking for someone she knew or was here to meet. I knew I had never seen her before. I would have forgotten my mom before I forgot her, that’s for sure. Long and trim, every inch a women from her black Ropers to her white Stetson. Those Levi’s were painted on and the white silky, long sleeved blouse covered everything but still let you know there was something good hidden there.

Her eyes traveled the room and rested on me as I stood there staring. She held my gaze for a second and then her eyes moved on.

The girl seated next to me, tapped me on the shoulder and asked for a light. I lit her cigarette and turned back toward the door to find the woman gone. Now it was my turn to search the crowd. My eyes scanned the room several times, but she was nowhere in sight. With a shrug, I turned back to the bar and ordered another beer.

I turned back around to find her standing right in front of me. I froze like a deer in a pair of headlights and just stared at her. Her jet-black hair was shiny and brushed back to hang straight down her back. Sparkling blue eyes stared back at me and a soft smile played around the corners of her full lips.

It took me a moment to shift my mental gears and to engage the clutch on my mouth as I found myself saying, ‘Hello.’ Yeah, I know it’s not real inspirational but it was the best I could do under the circumstances.

The smile finally blossomed forth as she replied, ‘Hello.’

My mind shifted gears again and I asked, ‘Can I buy you a drink?’

‘Sure,’ she said softly, ‘I’ll have a beer.’

Jokingly I asked, ‘Any particular flavor?’ She looked at me for a second as if she didn’t understand so I added, ‘What brand would you like?’

She smiled again and said, ‘I’m not sure, you choose one.’

I turned to the bar and ordered her a Coors Light. As I waited for the bartender to bring it, I looked around at her, she was standing sideways to me looking toward the band and the dance floor. She looked even better in profile, with all the curves showing in all the right places.

When the bartender brought her beer, I tapped her on the shoulder and handed it to her. She took a small sip, looked at the label, and then took another sip. Smiling she said, ‘Not bad. Thank you.’

‘Is this your first time here?’ I asked, making conversation

She laughed and replied, ‘How did you know?’

I grinned and answered, ‘First of all, those clothes are new. Second of all, you weren’t sure what beer to order. And third, and most of all, if you had ever been here before, I’d definitely remember.’

Her eyes drop and she smiled shyly. ‘Not bad for a country boy,’ she said softly. A little louder she continued, ‘You caught me. This is not my usual type of place, but I’ve always wanted to see what it was like.’

I nodded and asked, ‘Well, what do you think so far?’

She grinned and looked straight into my eyes as she said, ‘So far, so good.’

About then the band started back up. I grinned and asked, ‘Do you dance?’

She glanced at the people on the dance floor as they circled in a two-step for a second and then replied, ‘Not like that.’

I laughed and said, ‘If you can count to two, it’s easy. Come on and I’ll show you.’ I extended my hand.

She grinned, sat her beer on the bar next to mine, and took my hand. ‘Okay, I’m here to try new things and there’s no better time to start than right now.’

After a couple of false starts, it was only a few steps or so until we were up to speed. She was smooth and light on her feet and just before the song ended, I tried a turn, which she executed perfectly, hat and all. I grinned as we headed back to the bar after the song ended.

‘You did that really well. See it wasn’t that hard. We keep it simple so everyone can have a good time, even country boys with two left feet.’

She laughed and shook her head. ‘I think you protest too much. You dance very well for a big guy. Anyway, you are a very good teacher.’ Now it was my turn to laugh and shake my head.

We stood watching the room for a while, she was standing right up next to me, only an inch away. I swear I could feel the heat off her body. She grinned up at me once and I casually put my arm around her shoulders.

When I did, she leaned against me and put her arm around my waist. I couldn’t figure out what I did to deserve this but I wasn’t complaining at all, in fact I was thanking every deity I could think of.

A slow waltz started and she looked up at me. I sat my beer on the bar and took her hand, she smiled and followed as I lead the way toward the dance floor. This time there was nothing to teach, as she came into my arms and we held each other tightly as we slowly moved across the dance floor. She was very warm and inviting as our bodies slowly rubbed together.

By the end of the song, she had her arms up around my neck and I had my arms around her back and waist. We were no longer moving around the floor, just standing in one spot and swaying against each other. The music ended but it took us both a few seconds to realize it.

Over the next couple of hours, we drank beer, danced, and talked. Her name was Carol, she was thirty-five, and that’s about all she wanted to say about herself. She kept turning the conversation back to me anytime I tried to find out anymore than that. I did know that she liked my arm around her and she liked touching me. I sure had no objections to that.

The last hour the bar was open, the band played more songs that are fast because the crowd got younger at that time of night. The older folks had mostly gone home. During one such song, Carol took my hand and led me toward the dance floor. I think I surprised her as I tried my damnedest to keep up with her. By the time the song ended, we were both winded and laughing.

As we started to leave the floor, the band started a slow song. Carol turned and came into my arms, cuddling up tightly against me. I caressed her back and held her as we swayed and slowly moved toward the center of the floor. She lifted her head from my chest and tilted her head back, looking up into my eyes.

I could tell she wanted
to be kissed. As my head moved toward hers, her arms tightened around my neck. I had intended to just brush my lips across hers but she wasn’t having any of that. I was soon lost in a world of just the two of us as the kiss went on.

The sound of loud fast music is what finally broke us apart. We both looked startled and looked around to find ourselves in the middle of a completely different dance than the one we had started out in. I grinned at Carol and she laughed as she took my hand and we headed for the bar.

Our beers were empty but a quick glance at the clock told me we didn’t have time for another, so I asked Carol if she would like breakfast.

‘Sure.’ She replied. With my arm around her, we headed for the door.


When I unlocked and opened the door to my old truck, Carol asked, ‘Do you think my car will be safe here?’

I chuckled and told her, ‘A few drunken cars are always left in a bars parking lot. It’s a law of nature or something and the local cops are pretty good at keeping an eye on them.’

She laughed and said, ‘Well, my car’s not drunk, although I do have a pretty good buzz going.’ She leaned in and lightly kissed me before she continued, ‘I’m really enjoying myself and I hope you’re in no hurry to get rid of me.’

I laughed as I handed her up into the truck, and then said, ‘Do I look crazy? The only hurry I’m in right now is to beat the rest of the drunks to the café so we can eat. As for getting rid of you, I’m trying to figure out how to kidnap your heart.’

She grinned at me through the windshield as I walked around and got in on the other side. As I started the truck, she slid over and cuddled up next to me, laying her hat on the seat.

‘Be careful what you wish for,’ she whispered.


The café I like is out on the East end of town. As I drove out that way, I found I was more sober than usual. I figured it was the good company and all the dancing. There were only a few cars in the parking lot so we had beat most of the drunks.

When I parked the truck and killed the motor, Carol sighed and reached up for the back of my head, pulling my face down for another of those long drawn out, only couple in the world kisses.

We were both really into it, with no sign of letting up any time soon, when there was a thump on the hood of the truck. Startled, we jumped apart. One of the guys I knew from the club had slapped his hand on the hood and stood there grinning as we parted.

‘Get a room.’ He yelled with a laugh. I shot him the bird, which made him laugh again.

As he and his girlfriend headed into the café, Carol said softly, ‘Maybe he has the right idea.’ With a grin, she ran her hand over the large bulge in the front of my Levi’s.

When I started the truck up, she asked, ‘Where are we going?’

I grinned and replied, ‘To my room, where else?’

Laughing, she asked, ‘And what about breakfast?’

When I grinned at her, she laughed again and said, ‘Oh, okay, but I’ve never been breakfast before.’

I laughed at that and said, ‘Then it’s something new you should experience.’ With a big smile, she cuddled back up to me as I pulled back out on the highway.

As I made the turn into the motel parking lot, Carol glanced across the street at the bar we had met in. ‘This is rather convenient isn’t it?’ Looking into my eyes she asked, ‘Where you expecting to need a motel room tonight?’

I grinned and then chuckled as I parked in front of my room. ‘I live across the state line in Texas, about sixty miles from here. After even a few beers, I’m not crazy enough to make that drive on a weekend night, so I always grab a room here. As for expectations, my wife died a number of years ago and I went through a few bad relationships after that, so I’ve become rather picky in my old age.’

I paused to look into her eyes and then continued, ‘I come here to drink a little beer, to dance, and to unwind after working thirty or forty days straight. If I should meet someone then so be it.’

She sat looking at me closely for a moment and then smiled softly before she said, ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to jump to conclusions.’ When I just smiled, she added, ‘I guess the crowd I normally run with has me a little paranoid.’

I leaned over and kissed her softly before I said, ‘Sorry, I’m afraid in my crowd, what you see is usually what you get. For better or worse, it’s usually pretty straight forward.’

‘I’m beginning to find that out,’ she said softly.

I got out of the truck and held out my hand to her, as I said, ‘Are you sure about this?’

She grinned, looked at me for a second, and took my hand, as she answered, ‘Never more sure in my life.’

She came out of the truck and into my arms. As I slammed the door, her lips brushed across mine. ‘Come on cowboy. Let’s move this to somewhere more private and I’ll show you how sure I am.’

When I paused to fish the room key out of my hip pocket, she ran a hand lightly over my butt, a grin on her face. I opened the door and we stepped inside. Before the door had shut completely, she was in my arms, and we were kissing, passionately. I let my hands roam over her back and butt. Hers were doing the same thing.

When I cupped a Levi-covered ass cheek in each hand and pulled her tightly against me, she whimpered softly. I pulled back and looked into her eyes for a second. She smiled back at me as she reached up and took off my hat, tossing it on the table.

Her hands then went to the front of her blouse and undid the top button. My hands came up to undo the second button. She dropped her hands to my hips and continued to look into my eyes.

When I had the blouse unbuttoned, I leaned over and lightly kissed the junction of her neck and shoulder. Her hand came up to my neck and held me there, so I licked up her neck and kissed my way back down and out along her collarbone.

She pressed herself tighter to me and a shiver ran through her. Her fingers were in my hair as I kissed back up her neck, to lick and nibble along her jaw line, until I was once again kissing her lips.

After a moment or two, she pulled back and grinned at me. ‘Just what part of breakfast is this?’ She asked huskily.

I grinned back and said, ‘Oh, this is just to warm it up.’

She laughed and pulled my hand around in front of her and pressed it tightly between her legs. The heat coming through the cloth was fierce.

‘If you’re not careful, you’re going to burn it.’

I rubbed my hand slowly up and down as I replied, ‘Then I guess I need to get it unwrapped so I can serve it, what do you think?’

When my hand had started to move, her eyes had closed and she chewed on her lower lips. A quick nod was all the answer I got or needed.

I stepped back and pulled the blouse out of her Levi’s. She wore no bra and the promise of earlier was well justified. Her breasts, while not large, were perfect round mounds, topped with small dark circles, and hard erect nipples. I slowly licked across first one nipple and then the other, her hands were back on my neck, and a loud moan escaped her lips as she arched her back.

I stepped back and looked at her as I unbuttoned her cuffs. She remained, as she was, almost a perfect statue, except for her heavy breathing. I slipped the blouse off her shoulders, kissing each one as the cloth revealed them.

I tossed the blouse on a chair and reached for her belt buckle. With it open and the snap on her jeans undone, I slowly lowered the zipper. Her hands were on my shoulders as I worked the tight jeans slowly down over her hips. When they were below her ass, I cupped it again and kissed her softly on the lips.

She whimpered again as I massaged the twin globes and pulled her to me. Her kiss held hunger and passion as I slid my hands slowly and lightly up along her back to her shoulders. I held her there, lost in the kiss.

Soon, we
had to come up for air. When we did, I sat her down on the edge of the bed and pushed her gently back until she was laying on it. I stood there a second or two, just taking in her beauty before I reached down and lifted her foot.

I took only a moment to remove her boot and sock. I pulled the pants leg down and she lifted her foot out of it. I kissed her knee and then the top of her thigh as she put her foot back on the floor. I removed her other boot and sock and then slipped the Levi’s off, tossing them to the side. I kissed her ankle, her shin, and then the inside of her knee.

I bent to kiss and lick my way along her inner thigh. Her breathing was sharp and gasping as I paused at the sheer material covering her sex. I knew that as soon as my tongue touched her there, she would come.

I slowly stood up and took off my shirt. I took my time taking off my boots and socks. When I looked back at her, her eyes were open and she was watching me intently. I started to take off my jeans. At the sound of the snap opening, her eyes dropped to my hands.

I lowered the zipper and slowly worked the jeans off my hips. I wasn’t wearing underwear, so my hard manhood was soon visible, a smile flashed on her face for a second, and then her eyes came back up to my face. As she saw my smile, hers became a grin.

I dropped the Levi’s and knelt down between her knees our eyes still locked. ‘Hmmm, I think breakfast is ready to be served,’ I said softly as I let my eyes roam over her beautiful body.

I leaned over, kissed the top of her thigh, and then licked up along the inside of it up to her treasure. There was a catch in her breathing as I paused and let my warm breath blow over the damp sheer cloth covering her.

I wondered for a second how I should remove her panties and then I reached up with both hands and broke the thin elastic band on each side of her hips. She inhaled sharply and her hips rotated upward. My tongue came down to meet her with a long lick right up the middle of her sweetness. The sharp breath became a gasp and then a moan as my tongue swept over her clit and circled it.

Her hands found my head and her hips quivered. I ran my tongue back down and dipped it into her liquid, fiery center. Her legs came up and wrapped around my shoulders, her hands pulling my head and mouth tighter to her.

As my tongue and mouth worked at her, her ass started to bounce and roll as she pressed herself tighter to me, the moan was now loud and continuous. My hands came up and cupped her ass as I took several long licks from her anus to her clit. Her hips were now almost fluttering against my face, so I sucked on her clit and flicked it hard with my tongue.

Her legs locked around my head, as she yelled, ‘Yes! Yes! Yes!’ and ground her sex against my face.

When she finally started to relax, I moved down slightly and feasted on the flood of her juices as they ran down the crack of her ass. Each time my tongue touched her anus, she jerked as though it were electric. I slowly worked my way back up to the source of this flood and delved deeply into it. Her hips were moving slowly in lazy circles now. I lowered her ass back to the bed and stood up.

I moved over, lay down on the bed next to her, and looked into her eyes. She took a deep breath and grinned at me. ‘Well, how did you like being breakfast?’ I asked with a grin of my own.

‘Fabulous,’ was her answer and then she added, ‘I didn’t know breakfast could be such a stimulating meal. Everyone is usually so sleepy and grumpy at that time of the morning. This could bring a whole new meaning to starting your day with a bang.’ She ended with a short chuckle.

Grinning I said, ‘Swing you sweet self around over here, and I’ll show you what that saying really means.’

She glanced down at my swollen member and grinned, as she turned around long ways on the bed. I moved over next to her and gently kissed her on the lips. When I lifted my head, she licked her lips and giggled.

‘I think I made one hell of a mess on your face.’

I rolled her over onto her back with me on top and said, ‘I loved every minute of it. You serve a great breakfast, hot, sweet, and juicy.’

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It was just starting to drizzle as Todd made his way across the street. The wind was picking up, signalling an approaching storm. As he neared the curb on the opposite side of the street he noticed what appeared to be a small diary or notebook lying on one of the metal rungs of the street drain. Picking it up, he quickly realized that most of the contents had been blown away, along with the front cover. He scanned a few of the remaining pages but found no name or any thing to identify the...

3 years ago
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Leather Love

My darling wife, Janice, is a petite brunette with an olive complexion reflecting her Portuguese heritage. She has small pert breasts and fantastic legs. She gets stares from men and women alike when we go out because she is a beautiful, classy lady. We have much in common: we are both 33, we like the same music (classical), Italian and Portuguese food, leather clothing and ass fucking. As to that last item, she likes getting fucked in her small, well-formed tail as much as I enjoy fucking...

3 years ago
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Of Roses and Lace

Today was just another ordinary day summer day for Leigh Tracey, hot, no work since she was a teacher she had the summer off to enjoy doing whatever she pleased. Her beloved rose bushes had been trimmed and watered, her washing of panties, bras and sheets hung on her line. Exhausted, she sat in the shade of her prized cherry tree and watched as the crisp white fabric fluttered in the cool breeze. Laying back in the soothing grass she closed her eyes. As the grass tickled he bare legs, she...

2 years ago
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Elevator And Lace

Let's be honest, let's just be honest. You are trying to revive something that is already dead. She was thinking to herself while she was watching her face in the mirror preparing it to do her makeup. On the other side of the room, you could see a bed lined with expensive lingerie she bought just for this occasion. Nice black corset that perfectly fit her waistline and made her boobs even perkier, sexy pair of lace panties which would make access to a certain body part easier and a pair of...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Leather Armchair

Julia wrote: Becky, my pussy is so warm and juicy this evening. Don’t you wish you could be here with me? I’d instruct you to make me a cafetiére of hot, strong coffee and bring it to me with a slab of dark chocolate. I’d sit in my brown leather armchair with you kneeling at my feet. Hold on. I’m going upstairs to change. You must stop reading this e-mail for 5 minutes and wait for me. Start timing now, no peeking. Hi. I’m back now. Look at the pictures to see what I’m wearing. Hasn’t the...

1 year ago
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A Nightmare in Silk and Lace

A NIGHTMARE IN SILK AND LACE Book One (One) "Do keep up Gemma," snapped Dean Prentice as he exited the courtesy car with his struggling secretary in tow. "You're slowing me down and in the cut and thrust world of high finance I can't afford to lag behind. Fortune favours the fleet of heel after all." "I'm sorry, Sir, but I've got the laptop, the files and all our luggage." Gemma had only managed to pile half the bags onto a hotel luggage trolley before Mr Prentice had set off...

2 years ago
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Introduction: Woman gets her first anal experience Tamra has seen him in the leather store before. He scares her, because of the intensity of his gaze. His eyebrows are dark and thick above eyes that are so brown she cant see his pupils, and when he looks at her, she has trouble meeting his eyes for long. And yet, she would be disappointed if he werent there when she went in. When he looks at her, she feels a tingling deep in her belly like the nervousness of a roller coaster ride, and her...

3 years ago
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Irons And Lace

Cynthia Donahue watched snow flakes flit like jewels against the street's brilliance. Low hanging clouds cupped the light like a hand, pressing it firmly down against the flawless snow winking iridescently across the sidewalk and lawn. The low irregular masses of azaleas bulked against the whiteness, crowned with grotesque wigs of fresh snow, their shadows ink dark and dense. Cynthia could feel the bitter cold radiating from the window to her skin but the warmth of the bedroom enfolded her...

3 years ago
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Iron and lace

His bed was perfect for it – cast iron head and foot board: intricate, and strong. He thought I needed to get more in touch with my dominant side, and he wanted to just kick back and enjoy my explorations. Not thinking, not planning, just experiencing, and letting me use him. He wanted me to take control, to be the aggressor. So, with his encouragement, I tied him, spread eagle and naked, to his bed. When I was done I stood there, considering ... still dressed in my black garter belt, black...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Irons And Lace

Cynthia Donahue watched snow flakes flit like jewels against the street's brilliance. Low hanging clouds cupped the light like a hand, pressing it firmly down against the flawless snow winking iridescently across the sidewalk and lawn. The low irregular masses of azaleas bulked against the whiteness, crowned with grotesque wigs of fresh snow, their shadows ink dark and dense. Cynthia could feel the bitter cold radiating from the window to her skin but the warmth of the bedroom enfolded her...

2 years ago
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November 16,is my birthday. A week before my birthday,my mom asked me what do I wants for my birthday and I have give her an envelope what I want for my birthday and place it inside her purse.I am turning 18 on my birthday, and my mom will be 42 years old 3 weeks after my birthday. I am the only one son . My father passed away when I was 14 years old. My mom is an old fashioned individual , and believe only 1 marriage . She never go out socializing with her friends .Works, buy groceries and...

3 years ago
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Leather, with her pale white skin and jet black hair that matches the leather she wears, pushes me up against the wall, the back of my head colliding sharply with the cold plaster- board behind me. Now that I’m shackled to the wall, Leather can have her fun with me. She runs her hands down my arms, over my shoulders right to my feet, causing my already totally turned on body to shudder in anticipation. Running her hands back up my body, she stops at my shoulders and leans in, kissing me as she...

3 years ago
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Leather Book 1Chapter 4

Sarah was lying naked on the bed, watching Kip dress. "Typical male," she pouted. "You get what you want and then you leave." "Sorry luv I've got to open the garage before my other mechanics show up. I'll give you a call when your car's ready and come pick you up." He grinned at her. "Would anytime be more convenient than some other?" "No," she grinned back. Sarah escorted Kip downstairs wearing only her birthday suit and kissed him goodbye at the door. "Call me when my car...

1 year ago
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Leather Book 1Chapter 5

An hour later the front doorbell rang. Sarah awoke with a start. She shivered. The sticky goo that had pooled under her butt and in her crack was cool against her skin. "Maybe its Kip?" she hoped. It rang a second time, waking up her rapist, lying next to her in a dry part of the bed. "What? Oh, that must be my cousin," he said. He jumped out of bed and pulled out more nylon stockings from her drawer and returned to stand next to the bed. "Open your mouth bitch." "Why? What... ,"...

1 year ago
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Venus My Mistress In Leather and Lace

I enter the room and get undressed, neatly folding my clothes and placing them in the corner. I remember the first time I was here, how angry my Mistress was when I just tossed my clothes to one side. Now I am more careful. Once undressed I stand in front of her, my Venus: my Mistress in leather and lace. Hands on head, eyes straight ahead, and legs apart. I am so nervous: my heart beats so fast. Will I be getting dressed and leaving? Will I stay and serve her? I stand, exposed, waiting for her...

3 years ago
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Stalkings and Lace

The trade show was over. Long Beach had been a blast. Who knew there was so much fun to be had once I lost the shy, quiet me? Oh my, oh my...the sexy stories I can tell. I cannot wait to see what possibilities await in the land of surf and sea. So, San Diego, here I cum! Well, fingers crossed at least.At the rental desk I waited patiently while the associate helped the man in front of me.  He kept glancing at me and smiling, then glancing again.  "I'll be with you in just a minute."Laughing, I...

4 years ago
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Dirty under lace

She walks into the bedroom in her tight jeans, hugging her beautiful round juicy ass. I watch her as she takes off her jacket wearing a tight see through shirt and I can make out the size of her full, round breasts. Blood rushing to my cock, throbbing from excitement, of the thought of having my way with her. She sits at the edge of my bed. I watch her eyes glance at the bulge of my pants and she knows I'm going to fuck her. She slowly reaches over and grabs onto my pants and brings me close to...

1 year ago
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Pledging Tau Geta Delta Part 7 Boxers or Lace

Pledging Tau Geta Delta - Part 7 - Boxers or Lace By Farleven Waking up in my own bed was its own kind of rude awakening. All by myself, alone with my thoughts. I had so much to think about. I'd gotten used to the breasts and the emptiness between my legs. My new anatomy still felt strange when I thought about it, but my mind was on other issues today. Today was the last day of my initiation week, my last day as a girl before the fraternity president would turn me back into a guy...

2 years ago
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Leather Biker Initiation

My head hit the wall and the wind was knocked out of me, He had his hand tight round my throat and I was struggling to breathe. He savagely thrust his tongue deep into my mouth and crushed my balls with his free hand. My head was spinning as he sucked the breath from me. Then he removed his tongue and bit my lip sharply and I felt blood trickle down my chin. He licked it with his tongue and pressed his lips on it to taste more then he stepped back saying 'Be careful what you wish for'. Then he...

4 years ago
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Leather, with her pale white skin and jet black hair that matches the leather she wears, pushes me up against the wall, the back of my head colliding sharply with the cold plaster- board behind me. Now that I’m shackled to the wall, Leather can have her fun with me. She runs her hands down my arms, over my shoulders right to my feet, causing my already totally turned on body to shudder in anticipation. Running her hands back up my body, she stops at my shoulders and leans in, kissing me as...

1 year ago
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And yet, she would be disappointed if he weren’t there when she went in. When he looks at her, she feels a tingling deep in her belly like the nervousness of a roller coaster ride, and her knees tremble with a need she can’t name. Tonight is the western-themed party at her husband’s office, and though she hates western wear, hates offices parties and at times hates her husband, she is here in the leather store to buy an outfit. She had originally gone to a western store and flipped through...

3 years ago
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September 1942 Private First Class Virgil George USMC is having a brief meeting with his commanding officer, the colonel cleared his throat gently then he began to speak to the young Marine "PFC George I am going to be brief and to the point, as you know the Japanese hit our ridge defensives last night and they gave us a severe beating a very severe beating." "It was so severe that they almost broke through and got to the airfield, if we lose the airfield we will more than likely lose the...

1 year ago
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Leatherneck Love Story

November 28th 2010 a beautiful Sunday morning the city of Los Angeles California, 35 year old LAPD Detective Robert Sipowicz is on his way to church after a short traffic filled drive. He arrived at his destination, after parking his Ford -150 in a parking place Robert shuts down the engine. Takes off his seatbelt opens the door grabbed his bible off of the passenger seat closed and locked the truck then he went into the church after talking to the pastor his wife and several friends. He...

2 years ago
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The Lovelace

Within this world there exists a powerful force, a force fuelled by passion, pleasure and love. Known as the Lovelace, it grants the world the power of magic and blesses our lives with its presence. Blooming forth from the hearts of the truly happy, the Lovelace exists inside all of us, filling us with energy and happiness. Said to have been born in ages past from the wishes for a shining future, it has ended war and strife, stopped pointless crimes, ended prejudice and brought the races of the...

3 years ago
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Pramila Bhabhi 9 8211 Workplace Or A Fuckplace

Pramila was appointed as a receptionist in a branch of a small company called ‘Girija Traders’. At the table where she worked, two women sat doing the same job. As a receptionist main duty of Pramila was to attend whoever entered through the door. It was regular working day and a man in a suit arrived at the reception. “Good Morning,” he said smiling at the woman at reception.“Good Morning, Sir,” said the woman at the counter while punching some letters on the computer. For a moment there she...

2 years ago
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The Two Faces of Betty Lovelace

This story is difficult to believe in its entirety, but I assure you every word is true and right on the mark, at least to the best of my recollection. I have noticed there are some gaps in my memory bank that seem to be getting a little wider and a little deeper recently. I feel pretty certain it is not that same sickness of the brain that visited my ma in her declining years because I am sort of a youngish fellow with lots of energy and stamina. My suspicion is that parts of my brain is...

3 years ago
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I'm not sure exactly why I did it. Well, of course the reason I chose the study topic is obvious: I can only really fill out my B cups when my weight goes up or once a month. But what the study turned into... , well, maybe it was when I saw the applicants. You see, I'm doing post-graduate work in the bio-medical field. I saw those ads for the herbal supplements to enhance your breasts, and I was intrigued. The fact is, I can't imagine letting someone take a knife to me and sticking that...

1 year ago
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Cam Place! If you are one of those folks looking to find a perfect live cam site ThePornDude just landed you on one. Lots of diverse European girls signing up as models on this site each passing day. Find all your fantasy women here whether kinky, red-haired, big tits, assful, small tits or whatever it is you love in these goddamn fucking hot women. They are ready to get down to some nasty action just to keep you busy with a fap. It’s simple, afford the tokens to tip the models and in return...

Live Sex Cam Sites
1 year ago
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Birch Place! Welcome to a place made for all transgender and bi-curious people, the birchplace.com. This place is the best place for you to chat with random people who share your interests and love for a certain naughty act. There will be lots of horny trannies and bi-curious people here, and honestly, I had fun exploring everything they have to offer.A bit confusing at the beginning…This place has been founded in 1995 and seeing as how it still has business, they might be doing something...

Shemale Porn Sites
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Cuckold Place! So, I heard you get off watching your spouse/GF or whoever get rammed by another man? Don’t worry; you are not alone. There are lots and lots of men just like you. In fact, there were so many people who enjoyed this kind of an act that there is now a term to describe it all, cuckold. In case you have never heard about the cuckold fetish, I shall explain it in the best way I know.Basically, a man who gets a boner by encouraging his wife to sleep with another person is called a...

Cuckold Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Silk and Lacey

Silk and Lacey By Cindy Renee' Anderson [email protected] I had gone through quite a dry spell in my love life. I was 32 years old and it had been over a year since I had had any sexual relations with a woman. My last girlfriend and the previous before her had left a sour taste in my appetite for the quest for the perfect woman. I had a decent job for the area but worked long hours and evenings. This is perhaps why they had both been selfish gold diggers...

2 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Lacey

I probably never would have found out if it wasn't for me doing something that I had never done before. I came up out of the basement and went to the laundry room carrying several sets of dirty coveralls. Earlier in the week my wife Lacey had made the comment that I couldn't seem to do anything for myself and I'd be helpless without her being around to take care of me. It stung me. I thought that I was carrying my weight around the house. I maintained both cars, did all the lawn work, and...

2 years ago
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silk and lace

Being 18 I had just moved out from home into my own place along with two other girls, Sara and Andrea. They were both really good looking, Sara being 5,8 ish with light bronze skin, full and round C cups. Sara was really fit and sporty, always wearing cotton jog pants and tops, I always find my self staring at the high top of the thong, the black against her tan always made me hard. Andrea on the other hand was very much a girly girl, dresses, nylons … all of that type of thing, always...

3 years ago
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Iron and lace

His bed was perfect for it – cast iron head and foot board: intricate, and strong. He thought I needed to get more in touch with my dominant side, and he wanted to just kick back and enjoy my explorations. Not thinking, not planning, just experiencing, and letting me use him. He wanted me to take control, to be the aggressor. So, with his encouragement, I tied him, spread eagle and naked, to his bed. When I was done I stood there, considering … still dressed in my black garter belt, black...

2 years ago
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Lacey is a friend of mine, a very good friend. Actually, I wanted her to be more but she always avoided the subject. Right now, she was being a big pain in the ass. I had a rush job getting the data off a dead hard drive and suddenly she wanted to talk about us. When I told her I was busy, she stomped out the door of my small shop and slammed it hard. I jumped at the sound and damned near dropped the hard drive. As it was, I cut my finger on a sharp edge of the case. I sucked on the bloody...

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