- 2 years ago
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It was ten minutes to close and most of the student body had left due to the weather. The automatic cue of the library announcement from the overhead intercom was a welcomed reprieve of what had been a very long night due to upcoming finals. She made her way around the second to the back aisle. Her hands were full. She eyed the titles in earnest, looking for the correct placement of a certain book. She caught a glimpse of them through an opening between the books. Before her mind could comprehend what she was witnessing, Marissa’s ears honed in. She could hear the ragged, heavy panted breaths. She became excited by the drawn out moans of ecstasy and excited grunts. The smell of perfume, cologne, sweat and musk mingled heavily in the air. The foggy windows which showcased the evening’s rainstorm were the perfect backdrop to the emerging scene. She saw a discarded t-shirt upon the marble floor. The woman hunched over a small table, long blonde curls awry. Plaid mini skirt pulled up to her lower back. Marissa couldn’t tear her eyes from the normally desolate corner of the library.
She watched in silence. Her mind numb, half in disgust, half appalled at her own depravity in watching them. She watched the well-toned back muscles of the young man coil and release as he thrust inside the petite perfectly tanned blonde. His brown hair showed signs of sweat, swaying with every movement. The blonde’s white blouse showcasing her ample breasts heaving, strained to get out of her bra from the pounding her body was receiving. Marissa caught her breath, unconsciously licked her lips. Anticipation washed over her. She stood there unabashedly watching. As she watched, her body tingled. She caught herself chewing on her bottom lip. She wondered what it would be like to have been in the young woman’s place. She wished to feel a hard cock thrusting in and out of her. Feel the tight coiling in her loins. The suppressed heat of two bodies joined together. She felt it starting, a need growing deep within her. She had repressed it for years now.
She saw the young man’s thrusts quicken and still behind her. His grip on her hips tightened. Marissa heard the guttural cries of the young woman’s release moments before the man’s growl of accomplishment. His grip loosed upon her hips. He silently pulled out of her. The young woman straightened herself upright. The man leaned forward and planted a sudden quick kiss to the back of her neck. He looked down at his watch. He picked up his t-shirt from the cold marble floor. Watched him stretch it over her arms and head letting it drape precariously over his strong shoulders, cover his pecs and hide the washboard abs from sight. She watched as he leaned in close once more. His near silent words were barely audible to anyone but the woman he was fucking. She watched his tongue snake around the woman’s earlobe. The young woman shuddered as he pulled away.
Marissa’s mind went into a daydream like state as she wondered what it would feel like to be so sexually attractive to someone. The images that flooded her mind were intense. Marissa sighed. Her grip relaxed. The books crashed to the floor. The sudden noise, caused her to jump as reality quickly came flooding back. She instinctively dropped to her knees and began picking up the books which were in disarray. She collected the books back into order the young couple had finished reassembling their outfits and were proceeding to leave as they stopped at the end of the aisle she was in.
‘Did you enjoy the show?’ the young man smirked as he let out a superior snicker. He turned to leave. His hands entwined with the young woman’s. He began to gently pull her along.
‘Well, did you?’ The woman remarked snottily. Her superior tone, unabashed glare and quiet derogatory sound in her laughter unnerved Marissa. The couple was the elite rich kids, whose fathers’ wealthy contributions kept the library open.
‘C’mon babe, Let’s get out of here. Leave the heifer to her work.’ His words were hushed, cruel and biting. The male’s voice was low and intimidating. Marissa refused to allow them to get to her. They were privileged. She was here through a scholarship she had won. The little bit she made through work-study afforded her a way to eat among other expenses she incurred at the campus.
The couple walked confidently down the aisle to the elevator that was reserved for staff and handicapped only. The elevator opened up to reveal the janitor with his cart full of cleaners mops, brooms and garbage pail. Few words were exchanged as the janitor pointed to the stairs. The young man’s face reddened. His forehead furled with wrinkles at having been directed to the stair case. Marissa chuckled at how arrogant the couple was while walking begrudgingly down the steps. A few minutes later the intercom broke the silence with its automated announcement that the library was now closed.
Marissa smiled contentedly as she waved good night to the head librarian. The door closed shut with a heavy bang. She jumped at the sudden echoing silence as she watched the pelting sheets of rain continue to pour down obscuring the view. She nervously eyed the deserted aisles. Her heart beat rapidly. She was alone finally. The idea made her wet just thinking about it. She filled the return cart with the last load of books as she pushed the heavy metal rolling cart effortlessly towards the elevator.
Stepping out onto the top floor of the library with the return cart partially loaded with a few odds and ends. It was time for a break. The sudden sound of thunder rolling through the building made her legs weak. In awe, of the force it took to cause the earth and steel around her to tremor beneath her feet. She slowly walked back to her favorite spot in the library, book in hand. She gingerly ran her fingertips over the embossed hardcover edition of Hemingway’s collection of titles. She turned down one of the middle aisles. There was a small coveted sanctuary. It contained two beautiful lounge chairs, one on each side of the small furniture grouping with a large circular coffee table and potted palms surrounded by massive towering wooden bookcases looming ominously overhead. The clean smell of orange cleaner from the freshly washed tiles floors mixed with the vanilla scented candles wafted up to her. She looked around before settling in on the oversized lounge chair towards the back wall amid some of the rarest collections of books, among the many columns of books. The campus was enshrouded by sheets of unending rain. The words of some of the greatest authors of the early 21st century resounded in her imagination. She could almost hear the authors’ voices themselves, telling tales in her mind. Their written words dripped from her imagination onto her lips like honey. She was mesmerized by the thought provoking words of Hemingway’s novel Man and Sea.
In her imagination, she could almost hear Hemingway narrating the story for her. The tone and infliction of his voice upon his chosen words called to her deep in her mind as she cuddled up in the lounge chair. She fell into the captivating spell of the written word as she devoured every consonant and vowel that made up the classic literature. Hemingway’s words made her warm with desire as she began imagining him speaking to her. She loved the infliction of a deep baritone voice, which she had been told Hemingway had. Her imagination conjured up an image of a debonair gentleman with women hanging off his every word.
The sound of the rain hitting the roof and the windows. Her brain conjured up all sorts of interesting images as the rain pelted the windows and the rooftop with a furious unrelenting stream of raindrops. Tonight was one of those nights that she was glad to be alone. As she sat there quietly amidst the prose she envisioned Hemingway speaking directly to her. She imagined the women swooning over his every word. The idea made her hot. A breathy moan escaped her lips at the idea.
‘If I was you I wouldn’t be so vocal. These halls
have a way of carrying sounds.’ There came a deep resonating male voice with a rich infliction from the other side of the column of books from where she sat. Marissa let out a startled yelp at the sudden intrusion.
Her eyes widened then narrowed. Before she could get to her feet the new custodian came around the corner to empty the trash bins. He was kind of cute for a guy. Rumor had it he was home on leave from the Army. He had been the talk of the library. He made the older librarians swoon. They said he reminded them of a young Cary Grant.
‘I’m sorry. It was just a failed attempt at some library humor.’
‘Oh, don’t apologize. It was funny, really.’ She reddened in the face and took a reassuring breath.
‘You startled me! I didn’t realize you were there.’ She said standing up so she could get a better look at him as he passed by.
‘Hmm… must have been a good book. It’s kinda hard not to hear me coming with the racket I’m making.’ He pushed the rolling cleaning unit a bit further ahead demonstrating the loud noise it made.
‘Yeah, I guess you could say that.’ Her face began reddening even more.
‘I’m… err… Marissa.’ She stammered as butterflies welled up in her stomach. ‘What’s your name?’
‘Hi, Marissa, I’m Brayden. It’s nice to meet someone as lovely as you, especially here.’ His eyes wandered around the lonely library out through the windows of the University campus.
‘With the way you just expelled you’re breathe with that moan on the end I can understand why some men have fantasies about librarians, especially if they look as hot as you do.’
‘Why thank you.’ She said shyly. It wasn’t every day that a guy like him even looked her way let alone complimented her.
‘Well, you have a good night ma’am. I didn’t mean to intrude.’ Brayden said turning to leave.
‘Err… thanks, um… ok, you too. I meant you look hot as well.’ She said as she watched him continue down the corridor.
She collapsed back into the lounge chair and gave a loud sigh of relief. As soon as she was assured he was out of eye sight, she settled back into the cozy lounger. Once again she was transported into another realm. She read on envisioning the man behind the words, the voice beneath the facade. Before long she was totally immersed into the book. Her imagination conjured up sultry images of Hemingway, Brayden and her. Her mind raced with the thoughts of the brazen couple earlier.
She felt the urge to slip her hand beneath her skirt. Slowly letting her hands wander beneath the hem of the skirt’s waistband. The slow anticipation of her fingers meeting the solid sateen of her panty line. She eased aside the thin silky cloth that hid her most private of areas. She eased passed the soft curls that hid the coveted slit beneath. She began caressing the pink flesh below the soft patch which hid the soft lips revealing a small piece of skin which held so many nerve endings. Every time her finger stroked it, she murmured out loud as her body suddenly responded beneath even the lightest of touches.
She sat in the quietness of the library. She remembered the female student, the long hair draping down her shoulders, messed up. How gorgeous she looked as her lover took her there in the aisle bent over a table. Marissa wondered if she would ever feel that gorgeous around any man let alone a lover. With a sigh she pulled the scrunchie from her hair. Fiery red waves billowed softly from the confines, draping softly over her shoulders and down her back. She closed her eyes and allowed her other senses come to life once more. She thought about the images of the couple as she began fingering herself once more. Her breathing began to speed up and her senses became heightened, the thought of only having a few precious minutes to herself made her heady.
Her fingers eased in and out as she brought her juice slicked fingers out to the sacred tip of skin as she began to speed up her fingers circling the nub causing her breathing to hitch as she changed her direction for a bit before rubbing it up and down. She chewed on her bottom lip as she tried to control her breathing as her body began to expend warmth throughout her torso to her limbs.
Every noise now seemed more intense and the possibility of her getting caught here in the library made the warmth she felt increase as she neared the edge of her own release. A soft moan escaped her lips. Her muscles tensed up. She had finally reached climax as her body filled with spasms. Tears of relief flowed unrestrained as her legs convulsed from the tension her body had created as lightning flashed outside illuminating the darkened aisles. She lay panting as she pulled her hand from her skirt, satiated. The sound of rain mirrored the wetness between her legs. A clap of thunder rolled through the campus library reminiscent of how the orgasm left her body reeling in its euphoric delights. She laid there silently unmoving for a few minutes as she watched the storm rage outside through the huge floor to ceiling windows that were on the other side of the staircase.
The campus church bell rang out its hourly chime bringing her back to reality. Marissa looked at her watch to confirm the chiming bell. Realizing that it was after midnight and she decided that it was time to put the book up for the night. Lightning flashed and thunder boomed once more as the lights flicked on and off for a mere split second. Lightning still scared her, and thunder unnerved her. She stood up to straighten herself and flipped her hair out of her face. She put the collective works back on its appropriate shelf.
She hurried down the hallway to the stairwell which led to the lower levels. She got only to the fourth step down when thunder struck close overhead causing the concrete beneath her to shudder in its wake as the lights to the library went dark plummeting Marissa into a world of darkness. The sudden loss of light disoriented her causing her to lose her balance and trip on the step beneath her. Pain welled up instantly in her ankle almost taking her breath away.
She let out a sharp cry. She couldn’t help but scream from the sharp pain that radiated from her ankle. She watched as the lights flickered on and off several times as the generator lights fought to come on. Worried that her ankle was busted she tried to stand up only to have the pain shoot thru her body like a knife. She tried to ease herself back down upon the steps and not do any further damage.
She pulled her cellphone from her pocket and tried to call 911 for help. The cell was dead from the storm. The sudden quietness of the building scared her. As far as she could remember she was the only one left in the building. Out of the darkness of the back of the library came a brilliant white beam that seemed to be jostling around quite a bit as it went haphazardly up and down the aisles coming closer and closer to her.
‘Marissa, what’s wrong?’ Brayden asked above the noise of the thunder rolling through the library once more.
‘It’s my ankle.’ She cried. ‘I’m here on the steps.’
‘Can you walk on it?’ Brayden asked.
‘No, I think it’s busted.’ She winced from the pain still coursing through the tender ankle.
‘Ok stay right there. Don’t move.’
Her scream had not gone unheeded. The unbelievably bright light from the flashlight below had landed on her face acting as a spotlight.
She instinctively reached up her arm to block the blinding light from her eyes. Brayden kept the light trained on her as he somehow made his way up the massive steps to where she was lying unable to move. ‘Ok, Marissa. I want you to wrap your arms around my neck. I can’t have you lying here on the concrete steps like this.’ He commanded. She shook her head that she understood. But she refused to allow him to pick her up.
‘I’ll hurt you if you try to pick me up.’ She was afraid her weight would be an issue for him.
‘Listen to me Marissa. I’ve picked up
bigger men, heavier men than you during a line of fire. You’re not going to hurt me one bit.’
‘I’m not?’ Her eyes were quizzical. She stared at him in disbelief.
‘No, you’re not.’ He said handing her the flashlight and positioned himself to scoop her up gently into his arms. Her arms went around his neck on instinct. She used one hand to shine the light on the steps so he didn’t trip. From there he carried her back to the lounge chair she was at earlier. He lit the candles that were on the coffee table. He gently placed her on the chaise lounge but Marissa was hesitant to let go of him.
‘I’ll be right back. I’m going to go get some more candles, look for a first aid kit and some pain reliever.’ He said as he helped her detach her arms from around his neck. He took the flashlight and disappeared into the inky blackness. Thunder rumbled through the empty building echoing in its wake as lightning flashed throwing around shadows off the books, paintings and hideous stone carvings of gargoyles that watched over the hallowed grounds of the University Library.
After what felt like an hour alone in the darkness she saw the flashlight coming up the stairs once more. Moments later Brayden was sitting in a chair he dragged over next to the lounge chair. He opened a garbage bag and began placing the found items on the coffee table. A few more candles, a bucket with ice, a plastic bag which he filled from the bucket, a bandage, couple of towels, a bottle of red wine and two glasses. He popped the cork on the wine and poured Marissa a glass.
‘It’ll help with the pain.’ He said as he handed her the glass. She took the offered glass and sipped the bitter red wine. Brayden took off her shoe. Examining it by candle light, he gently wrapped her ankle in a towel, applied the bag of ice, and bandaged it up.
‘Well I’m happy to report it’s not broken but you do have a nasty sprain.’ By the time he finished Marissa had finished her glass of wine. He poured her another glass as well as himself one.
Marissa took another sip and hurried to wipe off her lips before the pungently bitter wine could run down. She murmured contentedly.
‘Thank you,’ she stated. ‘How long do you think before the lights come back on?’
‘I’m not sure. We are locked in here till they come back on.’
‘I can’t even get a signal for my cell phone.’
‘Mine neither. Give me a sec. I saw a phone on one of the columns earlier.’ Brayden got up and quickly headed in the direction of the column. He was back a few minutes later.
‘Apparently the storm has knocked out a phone line. The landline is dead.’
‘Now what do we do?’
‘We wait it out. I guess we can always find something to read.’ He smirked. Marissa saw the indent of a dimple in the corner of his mouth. She couldn’t help but stare. The candle light mesmerized her, casting its soft glow upon Brayden’s rugged features. She admitted to herself he was very handsome. Her eyes focused on his lips. She watched him take a languid sip of wine. Her eyes followed the contours of his lips. They were perfect for kissing.
She felt a bit warm and unbuttoned her blouse a bit more. Marissa attributed it to the wine. She glanced up at him and found him looking intently at her. Heat radiated through her cheeks. Lightning crackled outside illuminating the library in a blinding light for a mere second or two. A moment later thunder boomed. Marissa was startled. Her heart jumped into her throat. She caught herself trying to hold back a scream of panic. Brayden leapt to Marissa’s side trying to comfort her. He gently pushed back the fiery red waves away from her face. She reached up guiding his hand from her hair. Slowly brought it down, turned her head exposing her cheek to the warmth of his hand. His hand seared her cheek with his touch.
He pulled his hand away. Trying to distract himself he topped off her glass once more and refilled his. To keep himself occupied he stood up with the flashlight in hand and walked over to the columns of books. He wasn’t there long before selecting a hardcover book. Marissa felt embarrassed. Maybe he wasn’t into her. Maybe she had misread his signals. Maybe it was the wine.
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The headmistress of this school believes that only with the strictest corporal punishment can wayward schoolgirls be brought to behave like young ladies.Take From : [url]http://www.photosbdsm.com.ar/[/url]
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Monika(wife)-26. Aniket(me)-29. Mai aur meri wife ka love marriage hai.Usse pahale hum 6 sal best friend the bt realize nhi kr paye the ki hum dono ak dusre ke liye bne hai.Aj mai pahle hmare shadi ke pahle hum kaise hai ye btayenge uske bad apko pta chal payega ki humari bonding kaisi hai? Hmare clg friends same the jadatr aur wo jante the ki hum akdusre ko har ak bat btate hai. Jadatr friends hme couple hi manne lge the par hame pta tha ke we are friends.Aisehi ak din hum soniya aur rakesh se...
Double Date by Vickie Tern (So this year doesn't end without my posting even one new story on FM, here's one of many not yet finished, finished in time to post it this year! I hope.) You know how it goes, that long-dreaded moment. Your wife walks in unexpectedly and sees she isn't married to a man but instead to a wannabe woman. Or something like that, a sex freak. She studies you and determines it really is you though you seem to be someone else. Someone not her husband...
Namaskar adab mai akshit ludhiane ka rehne wala ek sidha sadha insaan. Vaise to meri girlfriend hai but usse kabhi chudai nhi ki. Kiss karna fingering krdeni ue sab am thi bt wo kabhi sex ke liye nhi mani. To bina time gvaye mai apni apne bare mein bta doo fair 5.9 height aur lund ka size 7.5 inch. Meri padosan ka naam seema hai vaise meri padosan ka ek bacha hai jo ki 12th class mein padta hai. Seema ka figure aisa hai ki koi bhi usse dekh ke ba chodne ke liye tadap uthe uske motte motte boobs...
Emma was a "good girl". At eighteen, she had been around people her age who messed around, but had never felt the urge to participate in that kind of behavior.She was more into observing and reading about life than actually living it. As a result, she began to have fantasies. The main fantasy she had was about Bryan, who happened to be her best friend, Jana's, father. She had known Bryan for four years now and had always thought he was nice looking...for her best friend's father.When she turned...
Hi, I know its some time since I posted my new update. For the people who don’t know me, I am rajesh 35 male Bangalore and I am a bi-sexual. I love having sex with both men and women. This incident happen to me just a day back on 20th march 2015. It’s a quick gay sex. I was kind of horny from couple of days and my wife was in periods and our maid was on leave due to some reasons. I was deprived of sex for last 4 days and I was more than Horny. I was driving back home just when I thought why...
Gay MaleThe next morning, I awake with anticipation about what will be ahead for me today. I can’t believe all that happened our first day at our home yesterday. We have gotten off to a rousing start to our new life.After our morning bath, you take me to the changing table for my first clean diaper of the day. But after you have taken my temperature and recorded it, you begin to lube my asshole good. Oh yes, you are keeping your word, and the next up plug is pressed into me. As I lay there as you...
FetishThe anticipation was eating me alive. My girlfriend, Aubrey, a strikingly sexy, gorgeous, blonde, polyamorous, bombshell grad-student and I had been living together for about three months. She had taken my virginity and was the dominant one in the relationship. She had been fucking another guy, Scott, every other weekend for about two months, and I had finally asked if I could be there in the room next time he fucked her.She sat there, pensively deliberating. Her adorable eyebrows were...
CrossdressingThis chapter was kindly edited. Great job. Thank you Mike. ***** On the drive home Sunday after noon Ashley and Tiffany talked a mile a minute not stopping for one second to praise Todd to the skies what he had achieved Saturday and Sunday morning. Tiffany was driving the first 20 minutes and Ashley and Todd were making out in the backseat, and the last 20 minutes Ashley got at the wheels and Tiffany was also the beneficiary to have his overused cock gently soothing in her warm, wet mouth. He...
Haley’s turn: I’ve heard that when you introduce a new member into a closed community, it takes a while for the hierarchies to realign and reestablish themselves. New member. Diminutive, dark-haired, big-eyed, tawny. Camila. Property of Dave. He paid two hundred bucks for her, and we’ve chided him for not getting a receipt. Fourteen. Headline stories abound about human trafficking and sex slavery and such, and our new sister Camila’s right there for real to show us that it happens. No,...
The story picks up where Part II left off… Mattie has been hired once more as an escort by Simon. This was after they had spent an amazing night together a few weeks previously. Tonight was the launch of a new business venture for him. She was very impressed by him and looking forward to seeing him again, as was he her. We join them as they are about to enter his hotel suite and they both suddenly realise that they are a little nervous… (Whilst you don’t have to read parts I and II, it will...
I would like to share my latest cross-dressing experience. Like many cross-dressers, I dress up part-time. I am married and my wife does not know of my fetish of warning woman clothing. My dressing need stems from my enjoyment to the attention I received from admires. I am new at this cross-dressing having only started dressing five years ago. Many cross-dressers started their fetish when they were young, preteen or in their teens. As a cross-dresser, I now pay more attention to woman's...
CrossdressingMy name is Hannah Conrad and I am a pornographic model. I remember how it started. I was offered $1,000 to do this shoot my junior year of college. Money was tight then, so I agreed to it. The photographer told me to just be sensual, so I did my best. Apparently, my breast squeezing and leg spreading was the best thing he'd seen in years, so I was the star of his website. I began doing more and more shoots with him. Soon, people at my school began to recognize me. I was abused and attacked with...
NovelsMy muse is real. Let me describe her. She is "Tinkerbell." If not the original, she is the sister or first cousin of Walt Disney's cute little flitting fairy who spreads fairy dust in her wake. She's only about eight inches tall but is really cute. I can tell you that I wish I were only eight inches tall so I could attempt to a, a, get her in my clutches and kiss her into oblivion. But I digress, as this is an attempt to let my readers know how nuts this miniature temptress is. She is...
Copyright (c) 2001, All rights reserved. Alice Pierpoint gazed up at the jet trails in the air. The air-show had dazzled her, and the sun had baked her skin. Even the flush of excitement in her face was masked by her now bright red skin. Her noticeable cleavage had suffered the same fate because of her low cut tank top. A couple men in the bleacher's behind her tried unsuccessfully to determine just how deep the burn reached. "Why did I have to forget my sun screen?" She regretted aloud...
I'm sitting in my car in the parking lot of my condo building, checking my emails on my phone. I look up and see my sexy neighbor again pulling into the parking spot. She gets out of her car showing off those long sexy muscular legs and as usual some hot sexy high heels. Every time I look at her I get so damn horny. She has her hair up in a bun she gets out of her car bins over to pull purse or bag out and I couldn't help but say hi as I stared at her and nice heart shaped ass. Let me describe...
She stopped and looked in and saw naked bodies moving in an unmistakable rhythm on the screen of Brad's small TV. The grunts and groans of sex flowed out the open door. Sara was not surprised that her twenty-year old son was watching porn movies. She had to admit he was quite a hunk with a firm tan body and a sweet smile that was sure to melt some hearts and lure some hot babes into his lusty arms. She tried to see his bed to see if he was alone, pressing her head against the door and easing...
Amanda It was the tortures of the damned, walking home with him. He was holding my hand but his heart wasn't in it. We walked three blocks without him saying a word. The first thing he did say shocked me. "You did get the shot this morning, right?" "Yes," I confirmed. "Good." "Why is that important?" I asked tentatively. "Well, you know," he said. "Why, do you want to get pregnant?" "Of course not, but if I had forgotten to take the shot today, and I got pregnant, it...
As she got about a half mile down the trail, she heard a sound. It sounded like something running through the bushes on the side of the trail. Megan looked behind her and couldn't see anything and just chalked it up to it being just her imagination. So, she continued to run. Soon, she heard it again and when she looked back, she saw the bushes on the left side of the trail shaking. This spooked her and she started to run really fast. The sound could be heard again but this time it was more...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil merlin teacher kama kathaiyin thodarchiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal kama kathaikul selalam, naan oru vazhiyaaga merlin teacherai usar seithu viten, avalukum en ilamai sunni meethu aasai vanthu vitathu. Aval oothu iruntha proffesorai vida naan evalavo mel enbathu pola irunthen. Ennai valarntha paiyanai pola aval paarthu en aanmaiyil mayangi ponal, aanal ondru matum nichayam avalai naan oru velai oothal avalai ithu naal varai yarume ookathathu pola oopen. Merlin...
My Mother divorced my Father when she found him in their bed fucking a neighbor girl he was eventually sent to prison, ever since then she's been on this anti men kick. When I was 14 I came home from school and saw My Mother rinsing some dishes in the kitchen so I snuck up behind her and grabbed her boobs, she slapped me and said go to your room or else. I awoke the next day ,took a shower, went into my room to get dressed and couldn't find any of my clothes, I knocked on Mother's door, she...
In all honesty, I should have been mortified by the events of the past few minutes, but I wasn’t…I was excited. I walked into our bathroom and set up the steamiest shower that I thought my skin could handle. I grabbed for my body wash, but realized the scent might be too masculine, so I set it back and grabbed my wife’s. It had a slight scent of vanilla and had a couple of butters and oils that claimed to make skin feel like silk…not specifically on the list, but not specifically forbidden...
Vanakam enathu peyar Arun, vayathu 24 enaku, oru thangai irunthaal avalin peyar meena vayathu 22 naangal iruvarum thanjavuril vasikirom. Enathu kalluriyil naan kadaisi aandai padithu mudithu ippozhuthu master degree padikalam endru kaathukondu irunthen enathu thangai kalluriyil irandam varudam padithukondu irunthaal. Naan pothuvaaga pengal meethu aarvam ilamal thaan irunthen aanal oru naal enathu kaama unarchi vellamaai perukeduthathu. Enathu nanban veetirku vanthu irunthaan naangal iruvarum...
IncestI pulled in. We looked at the appliances, only difference I could see was the name on the front. Sandy and the salesman were deep into a discussion about cubic feet and basket space when I got bored and wandered over to the tools. Fifteen minutes later she was waving me over. "This is it, this is the one I want. Write the check, honey." The one she wanted wasn't an upright. It was huge, a 24 cubic foot chest monster. Literally, it was big enough to hide the body in. That salesman was...
Sophie placed a picture frame on the small table and stepped back to look at the room. She started her college classes soon and that had meant getting her own place. She had been busy for the last few days getting the place just right. Her daddy was coming to visit for the weekend to see that she was all settled in. He was coming alone; her mother would be here the following weekend. Sophie padded toward the kitchen for coffee before making her way to her bedroom. Holding her coffee cup in one...
IncestTeen Eliza Jane is studying for school when stepmother Reagan Foxx comes in. Dolled up in sexy lingerie, Reagan wants her to take a study break while her husband watches football. She slithers all over Eliza distracting her from her studies. Soon the blond teen can’t resist her cuddles and her huge MILF tits. Eliza worries about her father walking in on them. But Reagan is highly convincing and before you know it, the lesbians are necking. Eliza has never gone further than kissing with...
xmoviesforyouDoato mera name rahul he aur me apke liye ak nayi khani le ke aya hu ye khani meri meri taiji ki he meri taiji ka nam sangita he wese dhikhne me to wo kuch khsh sundar nahi he unka rang gehua he aur unka sarir 42 38 48 he aur unaki lambai lagbhag 4 10 hogi.bath ush din ki he jab me apna intarwiw dene jaipur se dehli gaya tha to muje interviw ke bad taiji ka larka lene aya aur me uske sath unke ghar aa gaya jaha wo taiji aur uski wife rahte the unhe waha aye jyada same nahi hua tha kuchder...
This true account is dedicated to Sterling. At the beginning of a long-term relationship, my new girl, Ariadne, joyfully agreed to submit to my discipline. She was a redhead, a big plus for me. I told her I wanted to train her to cum only with my permission and she agreed to accept this training. Suppressing orgasms was particularly difficult for Ariadne. She’s the most orgasmic partner I’ve ever encountered. I could, and often did, make her cum simply by playing with her nipples, or by...
It was the time of the year to travel south. Everyone knew it. It was less than half a moon since Ivory’s village celebrated the Autumn Equinox with traditional solemnity, but the snow had settled at night and not melted, the mammoths were restless, and the sky was thick with flying geese. ‘Tomorrow!’ announced Chief Cave Lion. ‘Today we gather what we need for the journey. Tomorrow we leave.’ Ivory was as reluctant to leave as anyone in the village, but the chief had spoken and the auspices...
Monday morning Dan was at his desk outside her office when she arrived. "Good morning, everyone," she chimed as cheerfully as she could, "Good morning, Dan." When the door closed behind her she leaned against it for a long while, exhausted. She hadn't slept at all. No matter how hard she tried she could find no way out of bringing Beth into this. She was filled with abhorrence at her weakness. She had always imagined that she would put the life of an innocent before her own but now she...
The dull pain that I felt as a lay on my back was killing me but I still managed to remember how I got myself into this situtation. I was strapped for cash so when I saw a ad for a human ginny pig and the money they were paying I jumped on it. Unfortunately when they strapped me into the machine they fucked up and sent me into a video game universe. From what I could remember there was no way I could get back home but I could traverse the different video game universes through portals at the...
It's Friday, and the excitement of her upcoming trip is all around her. She packs up the last of her things, tidies up her house and drives to the airport. Going over everything in her head, she hopes she hasn't forgotten anything. A smile tugs at the corners of her mouth, and her mind wanders to the fact that for the next week and a half she won't be needing much other than her body. She pulls into the parking spot, gets out her bags, and discourages herself from running to the airport...
Quickie Sex