Denise Part 1 free porn video

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For a second I felt quite awkward. ‘Yes, I think there was a compliment in there somewhere’ I said, ‘it just wasn’t obvious’. ‘Do you want to try again’ she said looking at me demurely. ‘Ok’ I said, straightening my tied like it was an interview. ‘I don’t normally chat women up who buy microwave meals’ I said grinning. ‘But I thought in your case I would make an exception, its just that I’m failing miserably’. She laughed. ‘And who said you are failing? Perhaps I might like a coffee?’ I have to admit she was clearly making this easy for me and confidence returning I replied. ‘Well if you are asking me for a coffee I won’t say no. Where do you want to take me?’ I said giving her my cheekiest grin. She stood looking at me for a second, returned the meal to the shelf and walked away. ‘Aren’t you coming?’. We both laughed and leaving the store we introduced ourselves and walked across the road to a coffee shop where I ordered drinks as she sat at a table.

Over coffee we chatted about our work and she told me she only lived around the corner. After mentioning that I was a part time Personal Trainer we chatted about exercise and nutrition. ‘I could do with some exercise’ she said looking suggestively. I looked at her cheekily. ‘Oh I think of several things I could do to help you get fit’ I said smiling. ‘I bet you do’ she answered coyly. For the next thirty minutes the conversation increasingly became more sexual and she commented that she thought I would be extremely demanding when I train someone. I sat looking at her intensely and told her to drink up. ‘Why?’ ‘Because I thought we could go back to yours and I could give you some one to one training’. I sat straight faced as she sat looking at me wondering if I was being serious or not. ‘And why would I do that?’ she said. ‘You wanted some advice on fitness and now is your chance. A one to one full body workout… and it won’t cost you a thing’. She looked across at me dubiously and smiled. ‘Yeah right, like you aren’t going to want something in return’. ‘Well if you’re offering’ I said letting the sentence hang in the air, smiling. Standing up I gestured to the door and after some hesitation she shook her head in resignation and walked to the door, giving me a really suggestive smile as she did so.

She wasn’t joking about living round the corner and I had to laugh when we went three doors down from the shop and she put a key in the door and led me up a flight of stairs to her flat. No sooner had we got in the door and entered the hallway I saw her bedroom door and stepping up behind her, pulled her onto me and kissed her neck. She turned her head to face me and our mouths locked passionately. Grabbing the bottom of her short sleeve top I pulled it up as she lifted her arms allowing me to take it off and throw it across the room. Then in one movement I pulled down her leggings and she audibly squealed as I did so. ‘Kick off your shoes’. Bending down she thrust her bottom against me as she reached down, unclasped her shoes, kicked them off and then lifted her feet from her leggings as I pulled her back into me. ‘Stand still!’ ‘What?’ I told her again. ‘Stand still I want to look at you’. She stood and looking over her shoulder she had the most seductive look on her face as I stood back admiring her perfectly round bottom with the back of her G-String just visible before disappearing between her cheeks. Slowly I walked around her. Her matching bra hardly contained her massive breasts. She looked supremely confident in her body, pure excitement and adrenaline in her eyes. We were literally on the precipice, both of us aware of the intensity, the kind of tension you feel you can cut with a knife. I stood in front of her devouring every single inch of her body. Nothing was said. I could see her cheeks flush. She bit her lip and I watched her breathing deepen. We stared into each other’s eyes and then reaching up, she unclasped her bra and discarded it onto the floor before bending down and removing her knickers.

Now naked, I walked around her admiring her nakedness. I was still suited and booted which made the contrast between her nakedness and me being fully dressed even more erotic. All the while she stood absolutely still. She made no effort to move other than to turn her head to follow me as I walked around her, looking, devouring every inch of her body. Then I told her to stand in front of her bed, placed one hand on her stomach, the other on her back and bent her forward. Bent over at the hips, she placed her hands on the bed to steady herself. She stayed motionless, while once again I admired her nakedness. In this position, her massive breasts hung heavily. Bent over, her bottom looked so round and her hips so wide I wanted to kneel behind her, part her cheeks and lick every single inch of her flesh. However, I held off and contained my excitement. Finally, after long seconds just looking at her beautiful round bottom, I stepped forward and stroked her cheeks. I heard her draw breath as I continued to caress and stroke her cheeks and slowly running my hands between her cheeks. She loved it, rocking her bottom from side to side and looking over her shoulder, clearly enjoying every minute.

I couldn’t resist it. Drawing back my hand I gave her bottom a light slap. ‘Mmm’. ‘You like that?’ I asked. She bit her lip and waved her bottom from side to side encouraging me. Another light slap and once again she murmured her appreciation. I stroked and caressed her and then another slap, only this time slightly harder. She kept motioning her bottom from side to side as I slapped the other cheek before caressing the point of impact. For several minutes I continued, first one cheeks, then the other before caressing and stroking her bottom. Every couple of slaps I increased the intensity until I felt a definite sting on impact and heard her groan in pleasure. More caresses, more slaps, always stroking her in between the slaps became increasingly hard until slight red patches appeared and her groans became even more incessant. Denise was clearly loving this I found my own response surprising as my cock was now rock hard and throbbing making my strokes even more intense. As I watched the redness increase I not only caressed her bottom but stroked her gently between her legs running my fingers slowly along her pussy. She gasped and I was really surprised as how wet and inflamed her pussy felt. I heard her moan quietly as I continued to gently probe her pussy and using my other hand, I continued to give her bottom another hard slap. Obediently she remained bent over making no effort to move as I delved a finger into her now very wet pussy and continued to slap her bottom. For some minutes I continued my onslaught, never slapping her hard enough to make her yelp or signify pain but clearly enough that she was now breathing heavily, her pussy pulsing against my fingers. Simultaneously, I slapped her cheeks and thrust my fingers deep inside her as I felt her pussy contract and moaning loudly, her orgasm took her. Her legs seem to buckle as I continued to stroke her, caressing her bottom until finally I stood, took her arms and lay her fact down on the bed.

Then kneeling on the floor, I parted her thighs and continued my assault on her, pulling her cheeks apart I repeatedly licked and sucked her anus and pussy until she was thrusting her bottom into my face and moaning loudly. I turned her over and reaching up she tried to remove my jacket but I resisted and told her to lay back. Reluctantly she let go and pulling her legs apart I once again knelt between her thighs and reaching up, massaged her breasts as I took her clit in my mouth and brought her off again, this time fingering her anus as well sending her literally thrashed around the bed, begging me to stop. Reluctantly I stopped sucking her and softly licked and caressed her pussy lips as we calmed down and standing up I sat on the bed next to her and stroked her gently. In all the time that I had been licking and sucking her I had made no effort to undress or indeed touch my cock even though the front of my boxers bore testament to my excitement. Once again, I experienced a tremendous feeling of power at not letting her touch me or fucking her. She seemed confused at my reaction but I told her I had to go back to work. She asked for my number and I left, never really thinking I would see her again.

Three weeks later she called and invited me round for coffee. Within minutes we took off where we had left off and she was soon naked as I stroked, caressed and kissed every inch of her body. However, this time was different as she made several repeated attempts to take off my clothes. I resisted and for a minute we wrestled each other as I held her wrists and refused to take off my clothes. She struggled repeatedly to tear off my tie and jacket until I was left looking dishevelled and the more we struggled the more immense my cock pulsed and throbbed for release until I threw her on the bed and pinned her down. Within seconds I slid my fingers into her as she surrendered her fight, lay back and allowed me to do anything and everything I wanted.

Several weeks passed but I hadn’t heard from her so I called her and asked if she wanted to meet. ‘Only on my terms’ she said. ‘Really! And what terms are those?’ I replied indignant. ‘If you want to come back to mine it has to be different’. I laughed dismissively. ‘Ok, don’t bother’ and the phone went dead. I expected her to call me back but she didn’t. After ten minutes I relented and called her back. ‘What?’ she said sharply. ‘I wondered where you had gone’ I said implying that the phone must have got cut off. ‘I hadn’t gone anywhere. I cut you off’. ‘What!’ I couldn’t believe it. ‘why?’ I asked. ‘If you want to see me it has to be on my terms’. I was taken back by her confidence. I tried to laugh it off but she was so dismissive of efforts that I started to believe she was serious. ‘So?’ she said abruptly. I was completely caught off guard. I was so confident that she would just agree to see me that I felt a little insecure and my confidence crumbled at her tone. ‘Ok’ I said quietly. ‘Ok, you are going to take me shopping and what ever I buy, you are going to have to wear it’. Without really thinking about it I agreed readily and to be honest I was intrigued. Fifteen minutes later I pulled up outside her flat and drew breath as she walked to my car. She was wearing a white blouse with a black waistcoat. I wouldn’t have thought it possible but they accentuated her breasts even more than normal which just didn’t seem possible. She wore a short black shirt, what appeared to be stockings, high heals and I couldn’t help notice the stares of several men’s she told me to park in town and telling me to wait as she walked off through the high street. Ten minutes later she appeared carrying a black carrier bag and gave me a very suggestive smile as she told me to drive to hers. I asked her what she had brought but all she would say was that I would find out very soon.

Arriving at her flat she told me to wait inn the lounge as she went to her bedroom and shut the door. Intrigued, I could feel my cock pulse and imagined her calling me to her room and finding her naked. After a couple of minutes I heard her call and opening the door I was confronted by the sight of her still wearing her high heals, her legs clad in stocking and the Basque pulled tight under her breasts, both her blouse and her knickers had gone. I was instantly excited but as I stepped towards her she told me to strip. I hesitated but my previous confidence had gone and feeling unusually unsure I did as instructed as she sat on a rectangular stool in front of her dressing table and lit a cigarette. I stripped and once naked she beckoned to me to step forward and stand in front of her. ‘Kneel and don’t speak!’. Not for many years had I been told what to do and feeling my erection standing hard and proud I felt completely in awe of her and did as instructed. She continued to smoke, it was as if she was oblivious to my presence and my excitement mounted. Finally, she leant down, stroked my cock and remarked that she could tell I liked being on my knees. ‘Don’t you!’ she barked and I nodded obediently. The excitement that I felt at that moment was indescribable. I was in total awe of her dominance and felt that at that moment I would have done absolutely anything she asked or commanded.

She finished her cigarette, she stood up and told me to lean over the stool. For a second I thought I had misheard her but as she repeated the instruction I knelt as if on my hands and knees resting my chest on the stool. She picked up the bag and took out several cords and proceeded to tie my wrists to the front legs of the stool. I didn’t make any effort to resist, in fact, as she tied the cord around my wrists and secured me to the legs of the stool, I felt an over whelming excitement flood through me. Once both hands were tied the feeling of being bent over, vulnerable and at her mercy made my cock throb and precum oozed from my cock and dripped onto the carpet. She then stood in front of me. Her huge breasts hung before me as she parted her legs and started to slowly stoke her pussy. I was already desperate and she knew it, my frustration increased when she bent her knees and squatted until her pussy was just inches from my upturned head. Desperate I tried to lick her pussy as she pulled open her lips and tantalised me with than. I could see how wet she was and I heard myself beg her to let me lick her as she continued to torment me. ‘Please’ I cried until finally she lowered herself allowing me to finally reach her, licking along her pussy lips, tasting her sweetness before she finally pressed herself forward onto my mouth and for a fleeting second I was able to cover her pussy with my mouth and suck her clit.

However, within seconds she stood up abruptly, walked around behind me and started to stroke my cock, pulling it back between my legs and rubbing the precum over my cock head. Already my cock felt very sensitive but she took no head and continued to wank me harder, only stopping intermittently to stop me ejaculating fully.

Then I felt something cold and wet drip between my cheeks and realised with some concern she was lubricating my anus with lube and then spread it over my balls and cock continually massage both until I was literally moaning in pleasure. Suddenly, she stopped and as I turned around to try to see her I heard her open the bag again and remembered her threat that I would have to wear what she had bought me. I caught site of something black and shiny in her hands and became fearful of her intentions as I felt her once again felt her massage my anus. I wasn’t comfortable with her touching my anus but unable to move I felt the pressure increase and then she slid a finger into my anus. I felt startled, wanted her to stop but then as she delicately started tov finger my anus I felt the most intense pleasure that seemed to radiate through my anus and along the length of my cock and surrendered totally. I relaxed and then tasking my cock she began to stroke my cock and slide first one finger and then a seconds into my anus as I pushed back against her as waves of pleasure flooded through me. By now I was almost whimpering with pleasure and within a minute or tow she had to stop to stop me losing control. ‘Please’ I begged but she took no heed and reminded me of what I had done to her. Then I felt something press against my anus only this time I could tell from the size it wasn’t her finger. I tried to see but couldn’t turn round enough to see clearly. ‘I told you I was going to but something for you’. Suddenly what seemed like pleasure turned to a sharp intense pain that had me squirming and gritting my teeth as I asked her what the hell she was doing. She immediately told me to be quiet and In tried to relax as whatever she had was slowly but firmly pushed into my anus. ‘Just relax’ she purred and as suddenly as the pain had started it disappeared to be replaced by the most intense feeling I think I had ever experienced as she pushed inch by inch what I could only surmise was a dildo deep inside me. By now I was groaning and moaning and holding it deep inside me she stayed still until finally relaxed, she started to thrust it slowly in and out of my anus. It was unbelievable and by now I was desperate. ‘Im going to cum’! As soon as the words left my mouth she immediately stopped and withdrew the dildo making me groan and curse in frustration. ‘What the…’ ‘Whatever you do, under no circumstances are you allowed to cum unless I tell you. If you do, you will be punished’! My mind was racing. ‘Punished’? I wondered what she meant but as soon as I began to ask her she told me that I could only speak if spoken to.

With me now silent, she once again took the dildo, slowly slid it into my now very receptive anus and started to slowly slide it in and out making me once again grown in pleasure. Once again the pleasure was unbelievable, I had never experienced such intense feeling in my cock and once again, copious amounts of precum seeped onto the carpet. By now I was gripping the leg of the stool, my breathing was so heavy I was sweating and groaning loudly. ‘I want to cum’ I groaned by she ignored me and rammed the dildo hard into my anus. ‘Please’! Another hard push and just as I had made my mind up to cum anyway she abruptly stopped and withdrew it in one swift move leaving me cursing and begging.

‘What did you just say’? she asked sternly. I hesitated. ‘Err nothing’! ‘It didn’t sound like nothing to me’! she purred. Then I saw her walk over to the bag and what she produced made me gasp and recoil. In her hand was a black crop. About two foot long, it had a leather strip on the end as just as I tried to imagine what it might feel like to be hit with it, she slashed me hard across the buttocks making me yell out. ‘Shut up Bitch’ and cropped me again. I had never been a lover of pain and certainly would never of expected to be tied to a stool and cropped. The pain was just enough to make me cry out and strain against the cords but what was really strange was that every time she cropped me, my cock pulsed and strained making me groan with pleasure. Several times more she cropped me, first one cheek and then the other and then I really cried out as she flicked the crop onto my balls making me groan in pleasure. ‘you liked that didn’t you’? she purred. I didn’t answer, I didn’t have to. Instinctively she knew and several more flicks on my balls told her everything she needed to know. For some minutes she cropped my balls, in between each lash of the crop she massaged my balls until once again my cock seeped precum onto the carpet and I was begging to cum.

Now that I was once again begging to cum she picked up the dildo, opened the bag and took out a leather looking harness. She inserted the dildo through a hole in the triangular shaped base then secured the harness around her waist. I had never seen a strapon in the flesh so to speak let alone be tied on my knees and clearly the intended recipient but as I knelt looking up at her any apprehension on my part was far outweighed by the excitement I was now experiencing. I actually felt like begging her to fuck me. She then knelt behind me, once again lubbed me up and then, painfully at first, she slid the dildo into my anus right up to the hilt. I nearly screamed, the force of her next thrust taking me completely by surprise. This wasn’t gentle. Her thrusts into me were hard and fast, held in for a second and then quickly pulled back. Another pause and then another hard thrust. I was begging! ‘More, stop, please, more’! Literally crying out in the most intense pleasurable pain. Then it just got more intense and the pleasure level soon had me begging to cum. Every time I did she would stop, withdraw and then once quiet, commence again. Finally after I dint know how long, she reached around and grabbed my cock. She didn’t do anything more than that but as I gasped in anticipation she slid as deep into me as she could and held it there. I was literally teetering on the edge. Her fingers slid around my cock head and I knew then it was time. She very slowly withdrew the dildo until I thought she was going to fully withdraw, her fingers slid deliciously along my cock and then she slid the dildo very slowly deep into my anus and at the point until I felt her press into my back and said ‘cum’! Immediately I shot a long stream of cum several feet across the carpet, then another, and again, my cry came through gritted teeth as the most intense orgasm I had ever had left me almost whimpering, the sensation was so great.

She withdrew and after some minutes she untied me. Exhausted I stayed slumped over the stool, catching my breath as she removed the harness. However, she wasn’t finished. ‘Come on Bitch’ and cropped me again. I recoiled but she was fast. Violently she grabbed my hair, pulled back my head and tipped me back onto my haunches. At the same time, she straddled the bench, leant back and forcefully pulled me into her pussy. ‘Lick it Bitch’ and I didn’t need asking twice as I feverishly licked and sucked her clit and licked her pussy. It was literally like she was riding the stool and my face was the saddle. She forced my face into her pussy so hard I was struggling for breath. The slight pause on my behalf resulted in the crop across my arse and her renewed force on the back of my head Suddenly energised, I reached up, sucked her clit hard and thrust two fingers into her pussy and started to finger her deep, hard and fast. She started to cry out calling me Bitch, telling me she wanted more. I obliged, licking, sucking, fingering her with renewed vigour as she rode my face. Then with a scream she orgasmed hard and held me suffocating against her pussy. Several more deep thrusts into her soaking pussy had her squirming, her pussy juice liberally coating my mouth and chin until finally her orgasm subsided and she pushed me away.

This was new territory for me. As an adult I had never been dominated and sexually used in such a manner and in some respects, I felt humiliated, embarrassed, surprised even at my submission. Yet, I had never felt so totally spent sexually and the feeling of surrender and submission made the experience exciting beyond words. She told me to get up coldly. Told me to get dressed as she had things to do. I couldn’t believe how cold and detached she was as she sat back, lit a cigarette and waited for me to leave. She walked me to the door and kissed me on the cheek. ‘Now you are my Bitch’ she said with a mischievous smile before gesturing me out and closing the door behind her.


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Denise the submissive mom chapter 6

Yesterday Rocky had made sure that Bev would now be Melvins's femdom , she was in charge in their home. Melvin would be reduced to a skinny , wimpy cuckold who most liked watching his wife having sex with other men & women. Chapter 1 Bev, Denise & Rocky The doorbell rang & Bev answered it . She was wearing nothing but a collar & a set of 5inch spiked heels that her cuckold hubby had been instructed to buy. Melvin was still on all fours in the footstool position . Rocky french...

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An adult novel of sexual slavery and service. Written By Miss Irene Clearmont. Copyright © 1998/1999 Revisions © 2011 Synopsis: Miss Denise Arden Lamont renews her friendship with an old university friend, Kathy. Kathy has always been rather curious in her choice of male friends and indulges herself in training them. As Denise slides into this dark world of sexual slavery she becomes entrapped by the evil Miss Clearmont whose appetites for malevolence and vice know no...

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Denise Milani craves BBC

As the tall, fat, black man entered the room he saw his pregnant, cock sleeve, Denise Milani. Denise Milani was the wife of Jamal's new neighbor. She was voluptuous. Big, round breasts, thick thighs, wide hips perfect for c***d bearing, robust ass and a perfect face. Her sexy white features made her look like the perfect cumdump for black cock.Jamal worked as a Janitor at her husband's job and he frequently jerked off to her pictures he found in his wallet in his spare time. She always wore...

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Denise the submissive mom Chapter 2 One Month Later

Chapter 1-Bill comes over to watch . Eat my cunt slut Cindy was now Denise 's mistress, the 56 year old fuckpig was on all fours with a bitch stamp that read "OWNED BY ROCKY" on her backside. Denise also wore a halter top that Rocky had Bill order specially made that said "Rockys Cumpig " Denise wore the pink halter top & her 7 inch spiked heels and nothing else as she continued munching away on her mistress pussy. Bill was invited to only watch today he hadnt seen Denise for four...

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Denise The Submissive Mom Chapter 18 Midnight Party

On screen Sheila was licking Rockys ass , so Rocky had Sheila jerk him off while they both now watched the taboo scene unfold. Still wacking her son's prick Sheila watched herself sucking Rocky's balls on-screen. It was something she had now done thousands of times. Sheila noticed Rocky was getting hard again as she watched herself giving Rocky head on screen , She deepthroating her son's enormous donkey dong on screen , she was very proud that she had no gag reflex. And her cuckold...

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Denise The Submissive Mom Chapter 20 xxx Party time

Chapter 1 - In the BEDROOM Cindy was collared & leashed, as was her bff Juanita . Cindy was licking her husband's ass while Juanita blew Master Rocky's big meat stick. Denise was hogtied & Rocky had put her in the closet , Nina & Esperanza were leashed,ballgagged & hogtied to each other in the other bedroom . As Rocky got stiffer from Juanita's bj he decided he was gonna fuck both young ladies up the ass , usually he fucked the old bitches anally , but today these 20something bitches ...

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Denise The Submissive Mom Chapter 10 Rocky uses his old hags1

Sheila kept gobbling Rocky's prick , she knew that he had hogtied the others in various rooms and would be using them later. Eat it all up Mom Rocky exclaimed as she quickly ate his man jism before Rocky grabbed her by the leash & led her to the first bedroom where she found Nina Rogers ( her sons mother in law) tied to the bed. The blonde slut was collared , leashed & ball gagged . Rocky quickly took the gag out of Nina's mouth and told Sheila to sit on Nina's face. Quickly Nina...

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Denise and Darnell pt 2

She must have felt pretty excited about it, because she wore these shorts that sat on her hips and emphasized her ass perfectly. Her top was clingy, thin, and low cut. It became apparent that she forewent her padded bras for a thinner cupped one, as her nipples were often on display in his cool basement. I’ll summarize the fun but boring part: we drank and shot pool. Darnell was actually somewhat cool, though he was eyefucking my wife the whole time. Not in an obnoxious way - he couldn't...

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Denise 2

I parked, approached the door and rang the bell. The door was opened just enough for me to enter and as soon as I had entered the hallway it was abruptly closed. It was only then that I realised why. There in front of me was Denise with a black leather bra that more resembled a few leather straps that encased her massive breasts, black pull up stockings and black leather boots that reached above her knee. ‘Your late’! I didn’t think I was but I wasn’t going to answer, besides I was still...

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Denise The Submissive Mom Chapter 9 Rocky continues his adventure1

Chapter 1- Rocky , Cindy & Sheila Sheila was spreadeagled on the bed wearing only a black collar ( that said Rockys Slut on it ) & leopard skin heels ,she was being eaten out by her daughter-in-law Cindy who was completely nude except for a pair of 5 inch black hooker boots. Cindy licked away at Sheilas clit and stuck a couple of fingers up the 50something wet pussy . Dont stop Cindy Sheila mumbled that feels so good as Cindy added a third & then fourth finger. Then the fun really...

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Denise Milani loves BBC

Naked and alone once again with a black, female bull again...The black mistress ordered her on all fours onto the bed and she happily obliged in seconds. She brought her hosrecock to bear upon her womanly portal that smelled sweet and begged for her shaft to once again enter her."Get on all four's, SLUT!!" She ordered Denise Milani."Yes, Master!" She quickly complied to her demand."Fucking slut needs my black horsecock in her puss, huh!?!""Yes, Master! Feed me that big rod of pleasure!!!! ****...

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Denise and Darnell pt 3

The three of us sat on the couch in Darnell's basement, me to my neighbor's left and Denise, my wife, draped on his right side. His arm was around her, with his hand cupping her ass. Denise's skin was lightly tanned but it was still in contrast with his medium brown complexion. Her breasts, untouched by the sun, were very white and pressed against his side. I loved the difference in color between their bodies. Denise and I both watched at her right hand, which was touching his meat: his...

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Denise The Submissive Mom Chapter 15 Mothers Day

Sheila was deepthroating her son's magic wand , & after nearly 2 years of obedience had no gag reflex. Nina , Cindy's mom licked away , was his best asslicker & she would never stop until she was told to. Rocky decided it was time for the next step so he withdrew his prick from Sheila's mouth & untied his wife. She took over filming from , Denise . He told Denise to lick Sheila's butt , which she did , Once Sheila was lubed , Rocky shoved his wang up his mom's ass , she screamed...

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Denise The Submissive Mom Chapter 71

Inside the apartment Rocky was enjoying his new mind controlled lady , Esperanza Sanchez, A colombian married 52 year old slut he had met thru her daughter Juanita who was a cheerleader like Cindy . Wearing a gold colored bikini she was dancing for Rocky as he jerked off. Nina knocked & Rocky told Esperanza to answer the fuckin door. Nina was suprised to encounter the 5ft 10 Esperanza at Rockys place. You two know each other obviously , Nina today the 3 of us will have some fun as Rocky...

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Denise He meets a beautiful woman and takes her

Fear is such a strange thing.This story only happened because of fear, the fear that I'm sure everyone has experienced at one time or another. The Fear I speak of is the fear of rejection.When this story happened I was 19, I was in the Army and I had become a very self-assured young man. Kind of strange for me because of the fact that I had been a fat c***d. I mean a 12-year-old-fat-k**-being-told-he-may-not-see-13-unless-he-lost-some-weight fat. Ah, but the Army had changed that hadn't it? I...

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Denise Part 2

She said that she had to give Carly a bath and put her down. While she was bathing Carly we talked. She said she had mentioned to one of her friends about having anal sex.She said her friend had never tried it. Her friend said, " I can't believe you did that. Did it hurt?" She told her that it felt different and it may have hurt a little at first, but she liked it. Her friend had said "I heard it hurts a lot, and besides, it's dirty."Denise told me she had explained to her that I let...

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Denise The Submissive Mom Chapter 12 Rocky Celebrates New Years Eve

Once Rocky was satisfied , he shoved his fist up mommy's cunt , as always Sheila was embarrassingly wet and it didn't take long for the middle aged wench to achieve her first orgasm , the taboo couple were now french kissing as Rocky kept fist fucking Sheila . She reached a second climax .So Rocky stopped , mom he thought had to go to the club and she had to be alert for dads business partners he smirked. Chapter 1 It was 9pm mom had just left , he had his fun with her , and he would...

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Denise the submissive mom Chapter 4

Chapter 1- Denise and Nina with Rocky Cindy was away at cheerleader camp for the next few days. So before pre-season football started Rocky decided to have some fun with his old bitches . Both had told their cuckold hubbies they wouldnt be home for a few days cuz Master was keeping them over at the frathouse.. Nina Rogers was giving a makeover since she chose to be a submissive just over a month ago, Her hair was now dyed raven black and it was short & spikey.She had a nose ring & nipple...

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Denise The Submissive Mom Chapter 11 Rocky his harem

Sheila was now giving her son his birthday bj as Denise licked her ass & Rocky and Esperanza were now french-kissing . Nina Rogers had just arrived and untied her daughter Cindy and was now sitting on her face as Cindy licked her moms clit wildly . Sheila was now riding cowgirl as she took Rockys 11 inch dink up her cunt as Esperanza & Denise sucked on her breasts. Rocky was still stiff as he slammed full force into his moms cunt. Nina reached orgasm as she got off her daughters face &...

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Denise The Submissive Mom Chapter 8 Rocky gets married to Cindy0

It was a quaint bungalow at the end of dead end street of a small town . Except what was going on inside was definitely not ordinary . Ernie , Cindys stepdad was leading Cindy down the alley in the basement/ sex chamber . He was leading her by her collar & leash as Cindy walked wearing her leopard skin bikini , 6inch spiked heels & white wedding veil.Ernie was proud as , was Nina , who would officially welcome her master into the family. Cindy now stood by her bridesmaid Juanita who had on...

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Denise and Darnell pt 1

We were on a cul-de-sac that backed up to a few acres of trees. We only had 2 neighbors: one was a married couple in their late 50s. The other couple was a bit more peculiar. Well, the wife was pretty nice, but we rarely saw her. Her husband, Darnell, we saw a bit too often. He was a strange guy. He was in his early 50s and had been in the Army. He was about 6'4, muscular but lean and still in pretty good shape. He was often out in his backyard, which was separated from ours along that...

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Denise The Submissive Mom Chapter 14 Introducing Rhonda Moms Friend

Party At Moms Bernard is the bar stocked for tonights orgy Sheila asked casually "yes it is dear " responded Rocky's father , well you are after all the bartender & photographer .Bernard was a cuckold , & Rocky had now been dominating his mom for a couple of years now . As Sheila went to the bedroom to put on her bdsm wear Bernard wondered who would Rocky bring tonight. Just then the doorbell rang , Bernard opened it & Rocky smiled & said hey Pops as Nina Rogers , Denise & his new...

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Denise The Submissive Mom Chapter 13 Rocky takes Nina to swingers club1

Sheila was in her regular spot on her knees blowing her master/son Rocky , on the living room floor the cocksucker was getting her mouth hammered by the massive dong , slobbering and choking on the prick Rocky was giving Sheila her first skullfucking of 2018. His wife was in the kitchen cooking dinner but first Sheila was going to have dessert followed by champagne Rocky laughed, GGGGrrrrr uuuuughh was all Sheila could say without biting her perverted sons dink. Last night she had gone to...

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Denise becomes Brandy Crush

Denise:I was so happy with my dad and I respected him even more for his understanding. I didn’t want to disappoint him so I made sure to remember everything he had told me about my mom and her mom’s failures. He had never hid the truth and it helped to know it or I may have ended up pregnant when I was only 11 years old. My clit was hard and throbbing as I rubbed it in the shower and masturbated with the shower head until I came. The news was exciting and it made me so horny to know that I...

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Denise is back

Denise is back, Hi all, After five years far from our last home on the East Coast my mother and I decided to return there, all because of two reasons. One was that we were always moving, my Mom always suspected that people will know that I was not a real girl. And the other was that my aunt landed to my Mom a very good job. Normally my mother would be paranoid about returning, but she had not seen my aunt for a very long time. To all that don't know who am I, I just will...

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Denise The Submissive Mom Chapter 21Rockys Mom Sheila Parties

Chapter 1- For the First Time Master Rocky Takes Mom (Sheila ) to a Swingers Party The last time Rocky took one of his ladies to a swingers party it was his mother-in-law Nina & that was when she ate black & asian pussy. This time though he was taking Mom/ ( Sheila ) to get fucked by other men . Of all his sex slaves , only Denise was used & gangbanged by other men & that was when he first met Dee & she was his fraternity slut when he was in college. As they got into the back of the...

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Chapter 1 Sheila & Cindy sat on either side of their master . It was breakfast time, both sat in their chairs , totally nude except for their buttplugs & collar & leashes , Rocky was currently drinking his coffee as he held both leashes of his wife& mother . As they ate their hearty breakfast , Rocky was getting a big hardon from watching their tits jiggle . Once they all had finished , Rocky led them both to the master bedroom where both put on their spiked heels . Instructed to get down on...

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Denises Growing Porn Career

I was nearly ready to orgasm when the first few men touched me and removed my dress, then I found myself on my knees, working multiple cocks with my mouth as one man after another stood around me waiting for their turn. I sucked cock after cock before I was lifted onto the table and the onslaught began. I was worked hard at both ends as stiff pricks slid into my mouth and tight slit, pumping my vagina and throat. I had never in my dreams took on so many men at one time, but now I was being...

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Denise Third Generation Whore

Velvet:I spent most of my time with my newborn baby boy at my own apartment. My mother’s husband had set up my living arrangements in the states and I began fucking in films within only 4 weeks of having my son. His name was Hiriko and I had named him after his father’s great grandfather. I had found out that my son was the offspring of my mom’s husband, when the DNA results arrived, so he didn’t mind paying for my expenses, as long as I stayed in the US and continued to work for him. I was...

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Denise FallonCIA Spy Mob Girl

I’m on a new mission. My assignment was to go undercover, get information, and take down this mob called the Devil Rays. According to the case file, they reside in New York City. They’re not like any of the mobs in The Godfather movies or The Sopranos. They’re not Italian-American, they don’t have a lot of men, not everyone’s related in this mob, they don’t have nicknames, and they do more robbing than whacking. They were a small mob of five men. Plus, they’re an uptown mob. I flew over to...

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Denise FallonCIA Spy Roman Holiday

LOCATION: Rome, Italy MISSION: To seduce and catch a jewel thief and to stop another jewel heist from happening. I arrived at Rome. Other than the mission, I thought of so many things about Rome, like the architecture, the history, the romance, the food, the wine, and the art. My alias was Alyssa Solomon, a jewelry buyer/designer from Los Angeles. I was staying at a suite. I even got a costume to wear for the carnival coming up, a big, flowing, black satin dress with red satin trim with a...

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Denise FallonCIA Spy Royal Desire

LOCATION: St. Petersburg, Russia ALIAS: Miranda Davenport, sex historian from New York City MISSION: Find and retrieve a stolen sex journal belonging to Catherine The Great and catch the thieves. For this mission, I traveled to St. Petersburg. When I arrived there, it was really cold. I came out of the plane, wearing a long black wool coat, a red peasant blouse, and a black knee-length stretch cotton skirt with a three-inch slit on the side and red knee-length faux suede boots. Under my dark...

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 Denise came to visit in 2005. We had never met in person before but I knew everything about her. We met on line years earlier on a message board dedicated to adult spanking. We exchanged e-mails and talked for hours on instant messenger. It was an innocent flirtation. We were both married, she was in Florida, I lived in New York. We didn’t think we would ever meet. She was a shameless flirt. She said she loved to be spanked and she wanted me to describe what it would be like if we met. Would...

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Denises Erotic Porn Star Life

I worked out at the gym the next day, after waking up early and riding my lover until he sprayed his sperm deep into my bald slit. I smoked a cig while I drove down to the local fitness center. I’m sure I looked hypocritical as I finished my smoke outside in the parking lot before entering. I really needed to keep in shape because I knew this kind of lifestyle could be hard on me. I lifted and then ran on the treadmill before I finished a grueling workout on the stair climber. It felt good to...

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Denises Porn Career Takes Off

Denise: Time flew by quickly as I lived my life as a porn star, shooting a film each week and after finishing my sixth film in nearly two months, I was expecting to return to Japan. I got word from my grandmother’s husband that he wanted me to continue as a feature girl for the all black on black film companies with whom I was currently working. I was now living with Ryan, my frequent director and my current steady boyfriend and lover. I had basically moved in with him after staying at his...

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Denise Comes to New York part 3

It was as if we were old lovers. I knew everything that excited her. In our long, anonymous, on-line conversations she had revealed all her desires, all her secret fantasies, special words and phrases that turned her on, things she wouldn't dare tell anyone, not even her husband. Such is the power of the internet. I found it all charming and I told her so. No matter how she tried to shock me, she could not.          I found it all fun.  She was so embarrassed sometimes but I always reassured...

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 Denise came to visit in 2005. We had never met in person before but I knew everything about her. We met on line years earlier on a message board dedicated to adult spanking. We exchanged e-mails and talked for hours on instant messenger. It was an innocent flirtation. We were both married, she was in Florida, I lived in New York. We didn't think we would ever meet. She was a shameless flirt. She said she loved to be spanked and she wanted me to describe what it would be like if we met. Would I...

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Denises Tale 1

I know all about familiarity breeding contempt, so I make sure that nothing becomes too familiar between my husband and I. To keep things hot we explore different some would say unusual areas of sexuality including exhibitionism and, more recently, threesomes with other women. My husband usually joins in these threesomes, though sometimes he just watches, but either way Al really gets off on it. Ill never forget the first time I went down on a woman it was so hot! And Al got to see the whole...

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