A King and His QueenChapter 19 Gift
- 4 years ago
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This is another romance that will probably not be to everyone’s taste. That’s life. This story is about courage and love, so please, if you want to criticise it, show a bit of courage yourself and don’t hide behind the ‘Anonymous’ tag. CM
The first time I saw Imogen it had a profound impact on me. ‘Hey Simon, come here.’ Scott should have been working on his computer but was instead looking at YouTube. I got up from my desk and walked over to his. ‘Have you ever seen anything so amazing in your life?’ I wouldn’t have gone that far, but it was pretty intriguing. She sat on a high stool that had a back support on it, her waif-like body barely creating any contours on her thin floral dress, in place of hair she wore a bandana tied around her head, and her thin legs were held from the floor by her sandal clad feet on the foot rest. That image was intriguing enough, but what really attracted me was her voice and the song she was singing. In a clear but soft voice as if the effort of getting through the song was almost too much for her, she sang a slightly altered version of the Gloria Gaynor hit, ‘I will survive’. It was no longer the disco hit that the original was, it was no longer about a woman getting over the man who was cheating her. In her now folk version, it was an illness that she was fighting. I willed her with all my heart to finish the song, and the final ‘I will survive’ soared clear and pure and abruptly stopped. There was no fade out, no giving in to the inevitable, she was strong to the end. There was a moment of silence, and just before the image dissolved, the guitar seemed to slip from her hand, it was only the hand holding the neck that prevented it from falling to the floor, and she stood for a second or two, holding the stool for support.
‘Who is she?’ I had never seen such a gutsy performance.
‘I don’t know, but what I do know is that this is going to go viral. In the twenty-four hours it has had nearly a hundred thousand hits.’
‘We have to find out who she is, this could be one of the best human interest stories of the year.’ My mind was already on my fame and fortune, if I could find her before anyone else could, I could jump on to her publicity band-wagon, possibly even lead it. My job, if you could call it that, was to spot new talent for a community FM radio station that played mostly Indie bands and singers. We had a good following and each year we put out a CD of the top acts of the year. I was one member of the selection panel for this project, and the CD always sold well. We were not a commercial station, and relied heavily on CD sales, public subscriptions and donations to keep us in operation.
It took time and perseverance, but Scott and I managed to track her down. She lived in a small cottage at Leura in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney. She answered her phone on the fourth ring. ‘Hello.’ The voice had the same clarity as the video, but there was a quality about it that worried me, it was quiet, almost weak.
‘Miss Ferrier, my name is Simon Porter, I’m with OriginFM in Sydney. I’m ringing because I saw your YouTube posting and I’m impressed with what I saw and heard. I’d like to come and talk to you about it. Would that be possible?’
‘I don’t think so.’
‘Please, hear me out. I’m not so much interested in promoting your song, you seem to be doing pretty well on your own, and it’s just that I think that there’s more to this than just the song. Don’t worry, while I’d like to do a story on you, I will not publish anything without your prior approval. It could be a great human interest piece and, I could be wrong, but I’m thinking that you have a motive behind your posting of the video on YouTube, you want it to be seen as a message of hope to other cancer sufferers.’
‘How did. . .’
‘So you are suffering from cancer, I wasn’t sure, although the bandana should have been a dead give-away. This makes it even more imperative that I meet you, I believe that I can help you to really get that message of hope out there.’
It was a typical winter’s day in the Blue Mountains, it had been trying hard to snow, resulting in a steady drizzle of bitterly cold rain pushed along by the strong wind, layering the roads with the last of the soggy late autumn leaves. The house was set back from the road behind a garden full of English flowers (not so many flowers, they had given up until spring) and shrubs, its weatherboard facade newly painted. The impression that I got was of an ordered existence. She had, at first, sounded reluctant to let me come and interview her, but on my promise of not publishing anything without her approval, she relented, and here I was. I mounted the front steps and pressed the door bell. ‘It’s open, come in.’ That small voice just managed to penetrate the door. I pushed it open and stepped into a darkened room. I could just make out her shape seated one of those old over-stuffed sofas, with a rug over her knees. ‘You’ll have to forgive me for not getting up, and for the darkness of this room, but the light hurts my eyes.’
‘I understand. I’m Simon Porter from OriginFM, but you already know that.’
‘I’m Imogen Ferrier, but you already know that.’ I could just make out a smile on her face.
‘I asked for that, didn’t I? The reason I wanted to speak with you was about your YouTube posting. It really moved me, seeing you there singing that song, it looked as if it took a great deal of emotional as well as physical effort just to get through it.’
‘Yes it did, but I had to do it. If you’ve done your research, and I assume that you have, you will have already discovered that I have Leukaemia. My doctors have given me six months, so I decided to put what little time I have left to good use. I wasn’t going to lie in bed and allow this to sap my physical as well as emotional strength, I am going to fight it every millimetre of the way. When I eventually go, I want to be still fighting, I will not surrender to this.’
‘I know you won’t. I could see that in that video of you singing ‘I will survive’, that was the voice of a fighter, and I made the decision that I just had to help you fight and survive.’
‘The survive part of this isn’t going to happen, I’m resigned to my fate, I know that there is no cure for me, but my fight is to help those who come after me to survive and hopefully allow me to live on through them.’
‘I think that I can help you there, I know that I can help you. What I want to do is to help you set up a charity, you can mention it on your Facebook page, we’ll set up a Web page so that we can put your song out for people to download, and we will play your song as often as we can, and mention the charity each time we play it. With a little luck we can raise enough money towards Leukaemia research to help find a cure.’
‘I don’t want to limit it to Leukaemia research, I want the money to go to research into all forms of cancer. For some reason cancer seems to run in my family. My mother died of breast cancer three years ago and I came here to live with my aunt. She died six months ago from cervical cancer, and now I have this. I was diagnosed just before Aunt Celia died.’
‘How has your father taken all of this?’
‘I don’t know, I haven’t heard from him for the past ten years.’
‘I’m sorry to hear that. What gave you the idea for the video?’
‘Would you believe it was seeing all of those talentless fools becoming famous on YouTube, I figured if they could do it, I could. I wasn’t trying for sympathy, although a little of it won’t hurt, I just wanted to do something to help others in my situation. Believe me it’s not something that I’m looking forward to, but if I can not only do something, but be seen to be doing something, then the pain won’t be so bad, I hope.’
‘What you’re trying to do is a wonderful thing, and I promise that I will support you in any way that I can. This is going to sound funny, but I don’t feel sorry for you, don’t get me wrong, I fu
lly understand what it is that you’re going through, but you are too strong to need my sympathy, that’s a negative attitude and you don’t need negativity at this time of your life. I promise to be strong for you no matter what it takes.’ I had moved over and sat next to her, and took her hand in mine. ‘You are tougher than I could ever be.’
‘No I’m not, that’s just a front to stop me feeling bad about myself.’ She squeezed my hand.
‘Can I make you a cup of tea or coffee?’ I asked to change the subject.
‘I’ll make us a cup of herbal tea, I seem to drink a lot of the stuff but I have to warn you, it’s an acquired taste, you mightn’t like it.’ She stood and I followed her to her kitchen. The sunlight penetrated the thin fabric of her dress and I realised just how desperately thin she was. She filled the kettle and switched it on and then spooned leaves into a plunger. When the kettle boiled she poured the water in. ‘It takes a few minutes to steep, would you like something to eat, I have muesli cookies, I make them myself and I think they taste nice.’
‘I’m sure that they do, thank you.’
She pushed the plunger down and poured the tea into a couple of mugs and handed me one. I sipped the liquid and my mouth almost rebelled at the taste of it. ‘It may take a while before I acquire a liking for this, and I’m sure that it’s doing me some good, but, yuck.’ I took a cookie and bit into it in an effort to rid my mouth of the taste, Imogen was laughing at me. I took another sip, it wasn’t that bad while the taste of the cookie was still in my mouth. ‘Actually I could even get to like it.’
‘You should have seen the look on your face when you first tasted it.’
‘Yeah, well, I wasn’t expecting it to be that bad.’ Another sip and my mouth gave up its protest and I settled down to almost enjoy it. ‘Getting back to your singing, it would seem that you’ve had some musical training.’
‘Yes I was studying at the Con, (Sydney Conservatorium of Music) but I’ve had to give that up, the commute was getting too much for me.’
‘Have you recorded any other songs?’
‘Yes, I’ve done a few, they’re mainly classical pieces, ‘In Paradisum’ and ‘Pie Jesu’ from Faure’s Requiem, Gounod’s ‘Ave Maria’, stuff like that, but people don’t want to listen to that, it’s too morbid.’
‘But that’s the thing, it’s okay to sing I Will Survive, but that smacks of denial, those other pieces are beautiful in their own right, but they also show that you are at peace with what lies ahead, a reality check if you will.’
‘I never thought of it that way, I look on them as my admitting defeat.’
‘That reminds me of a joke I heard, ‘I’d like to go in my sleep like my grandfather, not yelling and screaming like his passengers.’, I have no fear of death, and like you, I want to live as long as possible, but I would like to think that I can accept that, when my time comes, I will know that I need to give in to it and go in peace.’
‘You amaze me, first you tell that joke and then come up with that deep philosophical outlook on death.’
‘It’s not all that deep, it’s just a rationalisation on life. Birth, amazing as it might seem, is the first step in the journey of life. This journey takes us through many different phases in our lives, our first love, the birth of our first and subsequent children, the death of a loved one, until, finally we reach the final phase, our own death. This can take many forms, it can be as the result of an accident, of war, of disease, whatever form it takes, no matter how long it takes, it is inevitable that it will happen. I would like to think that, if I were in your shoes, I would have the courage to resist that inevitability, and make the most of the time that I have left, before I go with as much dignity as I can muster. I just hope that I will not surrender and lose all dignity. Having said that, I don’t know how I would react if I had been diagnosed with cancer, I’d probably fall to pieces.’
‘I don’t believe you would, you seem to be a strong man.’
‘I have lived a sheltered life compared to you, my strength is yet to be tested.’
‘Enough!’ She stood up and took my hand and led me back into the living room. ‘Sit.’ She switched on her TV and the DVD player and the screen burst into the same light as her YouTube video, this time she was singing the ‘Pie Jesu’, her clear voice reminded me of a boy soprano singing ‘a Capella’ in a cathedral, the sound seemed to have the same acoustic quality.
‘Wow.’ What else could I say, I was blown away by this woman’s obvious talent and the emotion that she could impart in the words sung without accompaniment of any kind. This song was followed by the ‘Ave Maria’ in the same acoustic tone, this time with a softly strummed guitar backing. It would be a heartless bastard to not be moved by this, and I’m not one of those. I sat beside her with tears streaming down my face.
She leaned over and kissed them from my cheeks. ‘Now I know that I want to work with you. Until a couple of months ago I had a boyfriend who, when I told him what I wanted to do and achieve, didn’t get it and left. I was shattered, and it took a while to get over that.’ I wanted to hug her but didn’t, fearing that I’d break her, she sensed my reluctance and hugged me with surprising strength. ‘Don’t be afraid to hug me, I’m not that fragile.’ I hugged her, tentatively at first and increasing the pressure in response to hers.
‘You have an amazing voice, were you born with it or is it something that you’ve had to work on?’
‘I seemed to have been blessed with it. I do have an inspiration for this style of singing, but without the voice I’d have no chance of emulating the sound.’ She walked to a cupboard and extracted a vinyl album which she placed on a turntable. Soon the room was filled with a voice not unlike hers singing a similar arrangement of the ‘Ave Maria’. ‘This was one of my mother’s favourite albums from the 70’s.’ She handed me the album sleeve, it was a self titled album from someone that I’d never heard of, an Australian singer, Kerrie Biddell. I could understand Imogen liking this album, it was brilliant and when she got to Carole king’s ‘You Need a Friend’ I was hooked, it was nothing like the music that I listen to day after day.
‘That could almost be the theme for your charity, if you’d like I’ll contact the Copyright holder and see if we can get permission to use it.’
‘I sort of thought of it but didn’t want to go through the hassle of getting permission, but if you can, I’d appreciate it. You and I, we’re on the same page on this, aren’t we?’
‘I’d like to think so, I thought that there could be a connection between us from the very first moment I saw that video. What I would like to do is to work with you to produce an album, the radio station could produce and release it, unless you already have a recording contract, I’m sure you’d sell well.’
‘I don’t know if I have the strength to do this.’
‘We’ll take it slow and not overtax your strength. I won’t let anything happen to you.’
‘I know you won’t, your motivation is not all about money and fame and fortune, it’s about me and my plans to help people like me.’
‘Look, I have to get back to work and it’s a bit of a drive, so I’d better leave. Work’ll be wondering where I am.’
‘Come back soon, please.’ She put her arms around my neck and kissed me.
‘I’ll be back and soon, trust me.’
If it wasn’t for work I would have spent the whole weekend with Imogen. I was knocking on her door at eight on Saturday morning and she was ready for me, opening the door and, no sooner was I inside the house than she had her arms around my neck and was kissing me. ‘I’ve missed you so much.’
‘It’s only been three days and we’ve spoken on the phone every night.’ I saw the look on her face realised that I’d missed her too. ‘I’ve missed you too, do realise how much of an effort it was to get here at this time in the morning after having spen
t most of last night listening to second rate garage bands who all think that they’re the next good thing?’ I kissed her to stop her responding to that, I realised after I’d said it that she would have had to make a similar effort to be ready for me. ‘That was insensitive, wasn’t it?’
‘Yes it was, but I forgive you, after all this is a new experience for you.’
‘I’ve been giving some thought to the album, I think it should be called ‘Imogen’s Gift’ and the charity should have the same name, after all your voice is your gift and you are using your gift and giving it to those less fortunate.’
‘That sounds perfect. I’ve been working on another song, listen to this.’ She placed a DVD on the player and her image lit up the screen. She sang an arrangement of the Beatles’ ‘Help’ that amazed me and it fitted so well with what we had planned.
‘What we should do is to record each of the songs, and I’ll send them all to the copyright holders with a letter asking permission to use them and requesting that they waive royalties on the understanding that all proceeds go to the charity. They can listen to your treatment of all of the songs and realise that you have a strong and cohesive project and not something that has been cobbled together. The letter will have a short bio of you and a run-down of your plans. How does that sound?’
‘Sounds good, you’ve really been giving this a lot of thought.’
‘That’s not all.’ I took a folder from my bag and spread the contents on the table. ‘What do you think of these, we need to choose which one we’ll use?’ She looked at the designs I’d done of letterheads and business cards and even the title page for a newsletter that we’d use to send to those interested parties. The newsletter had an article that I’d written giving a short bio of Imogen and outlining her dreams and aspirations.
She read through the article. ‘I don’t know whether I can live up to this hype.’
‘It isn’t hype, it’s you and as long as you stay ‘you’ it won’t be a problem. Another thing, I’ve been talking to a friend who’s a music producer and shown him your YouTube video and he’s interested in producing an album for you and, here’s the good part, he’s doing it for free, and,’ I paused here for dramatic effect, ‘he’s arranging for some friends of his to provide whatever backing you need as well as the use of a studio with the Sound Engineer thrown in. What do you say to that?’
Imogen didn’t say anything for a long time, her lips were otherwise occupied. She’d thrown herself at me and I found myself sprawled on the sofa with her on top of me and I could feel her tears of happiness on my cheeks. She removed her lips long enough to say ‘I love you’ before resuming her kiss for several seconds to the next ‘I love you’. This went on for several minutes until she stopped. ‘Simon, I want you to make love to me.’ Her hands had found my hard cock. ‘He wants you to make love to me and my moist pussy wants you to make love to me.’
‘Whoa there! While I admit that you have turned me on, do you think this is a good idea?’
‘I think it’s a wonderful idea. Let’s face it, when you have only a short time to live shouldn’t you live it?’
‘I can’t argue with logic like that, but I’m afraid of breaking you.’
‘You won’t, and do you know how I know that you won’t? Because you are you and I know that you won’t hurt me, you’ll never hurt me.’
‘Are you sure that you’re twenty-one?’ She had straddled me and I was admiring her almost pre-pubescent breasts that seemed to have doubled in size under my gentle caresses. My cock was deep inside her and I could feel her tensing her muscles and squeezing it.
‘Do you want to see my Birth Certificate? Of course I’m twenty-one.’ She bent down and lay on top of me and I could feel her warmth along my body. ‘I’m not a virgin, as you’ve probably realised, and I know that I like making love, but with you I love making love. I am giving myself to you, totally and unconditionally.’
Thanks to over one hundred days' hard work, extra help from her professors, tutoring from Hermione and other classmates, frequent use of the time turner and not a little talent, Imogen had virtually completed fourth year in her chosen subjects - potions, transfiguration, charms and defence against the dark arts. In this last subject, she was in fact rather ahead of her peers —other than Harry— for her classmates' education in this subject had been quite neglected in their first and second...
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IncestHello, All, Indian Sex Stories readers. How are you all. Thanks for your huge and overwhelming response for my first sex story. I am happy that many of them read my sex story and informed about your satisfaction. Thanks to the Aunties and girls who invited to their house and mutually satisfied with new positions and new things and looking forward to satisfying you all to my best with the confidentiality. All your feedback are welcome. You can email me or chat with me in and will reply ASAP to...
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Hi, friends kaise hain ap sab log nd umeed karta hu ki thik hi honge.jessa ki ap jante ho i m rahul nd my sweet sister palvi. ap sabne meri stories jo iss per publish ho chuki hain ko bahut passand kiya or muje mail kiye jinne read kar main or meri didi palvi bahut khush huye or unmain se kuch mere frd bhi bane jessa ki ap sab jante hain ki main or didi ek dusre ko bahut like karte hain or hum sex bhi karte hain hum dono apne is sex se bahut khush hain or chahte hain ki hum sada karte rahain....
Your birthday party had been great fun. We’d met some friends in our local. We’d had a good laugh, and maybe drunk a little too much. But hell it was your birthday. I hadn’t known what to get you for the occasion; I wanted it to be something memorable. But what? Clothes? I would choose wrong. Perfume? You had a dressing table full. Underwear? To easy. But what? Then your eyes had lighted onto something in the pub and I knew! I knew what I could give you, that would make you smile, make you...
A young girl stood still, her trunk on the ground next to her, an owl cage in one hand as she looked about in mystification, her face betraying her confusion. The girl's hair was as blond as blond could be, long tresses done up in twin pigtails that would have been suitable on a younger girl, but not on a young lady of about fifteen years of age or perhaps older, the muggle clothing she wore not designed in any way to hide her shapely figure. Her owl, Olwyna, screeched at the noise and...
After the feast, the prefects of each house called for their first years to follow them, and to mind that they did not lose their way. "That's right," said Ron to the youngsters in his charge. "A few years back a couple of firsties didn't do as they were told and wandered off - never did find them, I don't think..." "Oh, knock it off, Ron!" said Hermione, exasperated. "It's scary enough for them as it is." She turned to address them. "Just follow me - everything will be just...
This happened when I became officially major – completed 18 years of age. A brief on my family before the story: I am Vinod, only son of my parents – mom Soniya, age 41 years and papa Sanjay, age 46 years. We have been well-to-do family, running a profitable business in a suburb of a major Indian city. I was sent to another town to complete my graduation – to stay with my aunt, younger sister of mom. Her husband used to be abroad on a job and she used to stay alone. This is where the incidence...
IncestHi readers, This is Vikram from Indore. Ye story mere are mere saali Shilpa k beech ki hai. Story shuru karne k pehale mein aap ko Shilpa k baare be kuch batha du, woh ek chubby figure ki ladki hai age 27 yrs, uska figure kuch 34 32 36 hoga. Jab b uska hips dekhta hu tho gajab ki garmi aa jathi hai badan mein. It is one of the best i ever seen. Jab meri biwi ko pehla beta hua tab se kuch different feelings jaagi Shilpa k liye, hota aisa ki jab b Shilpa mere bete ko mujh se lethi tho mera haath...
Fudge continued to maintain that Voldemort had not returned, with the same fervour of a ten-year old who persists in believing that Christmas gifts do not come from mother and father: an increasingly difficult exercise, requiring him to explain away mounting evidence to the contrary. While Voldemort's power increased daily, the Ministry's ability to defend itself was much diminished, Fudge having dismissed or even imprisoned on various pretexts the higher-ranking Ministry officials whose...
Imogen's return to Hogwarts after the Christmas holidays was in circumstances entirely different from her first trip to the school. Then, in September, she had been a confused and ignorant girl. Things were different now. Thanks to her hard work over the holiday (which had lasted a full three weeks) she was fully caught up in her chosen subjects, easily the equal of most Hogwarts' fifth years, and superior to many. This time on the train she brought with her no trunk, only her owl and her...
That evening in the common room Harry and his friends lounged about in front of the fire, discussing recent events. Hermione, with her gift of almost perfect recall, narrated the story she alone had heard in its entirety from Draco's own lips. The Muffliato charm ensured that a group of third years seated in the far corner and working on a History essay would hear nothing. Ginny and Ron listened with rapt attention as the tale unfolded, the teens drinking the last of the butterbeers...
The next morning was her first experience of the regular routine at Hogwarts. Up early to get ready and dressed, then off to breakfast at the Great Hall. She had slept only a few hours and was utterly exhausted, stumbling down the stairs with the rest of her house. But as she approached the Great Hall, her stomach began to growl. Barely had she taken her seat when a wonderful breakfast appeared on the table - like no other she had ever had. Fried tomatoes - she hadn't known that people fried...
A soft breeze blew across my body as I lay on the beach. It was not enough to cool the hot rays of the sun but it was refreshing. I loved the warmth of the sun on my bare skin. That’s one of the reasons Michael and I loved the clothing optional beaches. I also loved them because I enjoyed men looking at me while I was naked. It was arousing for me to know they were staring at me.Michael was not as uninhibited as me when it came to lying naked on the beach. But after a few attempts he was...
TeenJanuary 30. 2012This is my first Journal entry. Why do people write a journal? Probably because they’re lonely. But I, the great Takuri, or at least that’s what I’m calling myself these days, am never lonely. No I’m writing this journal so that other people can see, can read what great things I’ve done and where I’ve erred. It feels like I’m writing the truth. As a magician I spent my whole life living in illusions, bending the truth both to the audience but also to my humble self, now it feels...
I never thought I can give this kind of present for my son from me on the new millennium. My name is Vijaya. My son Ramesh is working in US and returned home for the millennium. As usual I was very excited to see him. He has been living in US for 5 years now and he comes home every 2 years. He arrived on the Christmas day as myself and his dad went to the airport to pick him. Ramesh was very excited to see us both despite his jetlag and just kept talking. Since we picked him up in the middle of...
IncestImogen picked up another plate from the table in the Burrow's kitchen, and began to wash it, her motions mechanical, her face fixed in an expression a calm she did not feel. Eleven had seated themselves for breakfast: the six remaining Weasley children, Mr. and Ms. Weasley, Harry, Hermione and Imogen. Breakfast had been sombre, with none of the usual raillery associated with the Weasley clan. Imogen finished washing the plate, and passed it to Hermione to dry. "I feel so totally out of...
" ... and so that's what happened, professor. I didn't mean for things to turn out like they did, but it just happened." Having finished her rather lengthy story, Imogen lapsed into silence. There was only stillness in Dumbledore's office, as he and Professor McGonagall contemplated Imogen's detailed account of events inUmbridge's class. At McGonagall's bidding, Imogen had gone to see her after dinner, to let her know how her first day at Hogwarts had gone. The Gryffindor head of...
1The Holiday Gift. As she settled into the backseat of the cab for her ride home, after sharing some after work Christmas Eve drinks with some of her female coworkers, Danielle felt a touch of anxiety. This was a distinctly rare occurrence for this usually very self assured young woman. But this would be the first Christmas Eve that she would be spending with Reed, since they had moved in together ten months earlier, and she didn’t quite know how to react. After a surprising number of...
Admittedly, I was rather late getting into the ‘dating game.’ It was just after Christmas Break of my senior year of high school when I had finally fallen in love with someone – a tall, glamorous beauty with a silky voice, eyes as deep as the oceans, and skin as white as virgin snow: Claire Mangelson. Suddenly, I realized that, for the first time in my life, I would need to buy a present for a girl who was not a blood relative I had known for years. The scary thing was that I had no idea what...
RICH’S VALENTINES GIFT I have been racking my brain for weeks trying to think of the perfect Valentines Day gift for my husband Rich. He already has just about every toy for just about every hobby you can think of. It’s been a tough year and our relationship has suffered a little. I often think about the closeness we once shared and want so much to feel that once again with him. Rich is a wonderful man and I want to give him the perfect gift, if any man deserved it, it is Rich. Last night...
This is Nish, I am 27 year old. I married 2 years ago. I am from Delhi, but I stay in Bangalore after marriage. This story happened 4 years back before marriage. It happened on my jiju’s b’day. I came to meet my sister, there I got to know it is my jiu’s b’day. I wished him “happy b’day jiju” Jiju: thanks, where is my gift, you are wishing me without gift. Sis: what she can give. Me: I could have got something if I knew before. Jiju: I was just kidding. Don’t mind. After that my jiju went to...
Imogen – Chapter Two (Please read Chapter One first if you haven’t already!! It will make better sense! Thankyou.) Our love affair was getting harder to hide. I’m always on edge now, careful to keep my darling Imogen a secret. Our relationship is blooming. It has been only two and a half months after our first sexual contact. I have loved every second of it. She is astounding. Our sex only got better and better. So good, in fact, that I found myself dreaming of it. Of her. Of course, being...
Straight SexImogen ate her breakfast in silence, her head slumped over her plate as she mechanically shovelled food into her mouth, while at the same time she tried to finish a note she was writing to her friend, the centaur chieftain Magorian. She drained another cup of coffee, her third, but what did that matter: no one was counting. "That's your third cup of coffee," said Angelina Johnson. "If you keep that up, you'll spend your first class running to the bathroom half the time." "Mumble...
On the wall above Dee's head was a framed photograph with a glass cover, and Draco used it to watch the two men as they worked their way towards the back of the restaurant, one of them making inquiries of the restaurant patrons, while the other stood back, one hand in his pocket, his gaze sweeping the restaurant repeatedly. Draco reached across the table. "I hope you won't mind if I borrow these for a minute," he said, removing Dee's glasses from her face and putting them on his own....
I have been racking my brain for weeks trying to think of the perfect Valentines Day gift for my husband Rich. He already has just about every toy for just about every hobby you can think of. It’s been a tough year and our relationship has suffered a little. I often think about the closeness we once shared and want so much to feel that once again with him. Rich is a wonderful man and I want to give him the perfect gift, if any man deserved it, it is Rich. Last night was girls...
Hi everyone….This is Dr.Akshay again. I am big fan of ISS since 3 yrs. Without wasting time let me introduce myself, I am Dr. Akshay from Pune.I am 30 yrs old having good looks and pretty good height Of 5’9”. And athletic body. I am doing my own Medical practice. I am very fun loving guy and I thought sex is the world’s most beautiful thing,and I am very passionate about sex., and you also agree to me.,otherwise you were not here… Coming to the story,let me introduce the heroin of the story,...
My Christmas Gift By Julie O Edited by Amelia R. Chapter 1 Where to start? Well, I suppose it started way before I was even born. My mom came from a wealthy family; rather, make that a filthy rich family. Her father, my grandfather, Randal Harper, was an investment banker and everything he touched made money. However, he also believed in the Andrew Carnegie model of making a fortune and then giving it back. My mom and her sister were given starter funds, and he then gave the...
"I have to admit I have no idea what this is," said Hermione, staring at the odd arrangement of shelves before her. She and Imogen were in the boy's dormitory. The school's founders in their wisdom had protected the girls' sleeping quarters from the intrusion of any boy, but the boys' dormitory, in their view, was in need of no such protection, and so the two girls accompanied by Neville, Ron and Harry were able to climb the stairs to the fifth year boys' quarters and admire Imogen's...
The dangers attendant on the Forbidden Forest had one advantage, for they made it an excellent place for a secret meeting, and no place inside the forest was better for a meeting than that section of the Forbidden Forest which itself was forbidden, the territory of the centaurs. The centaurs had taken much of the forest as theirs in ancient times, their territorial claims long accepted by the other inhabitants of the forest. These other creatures had no choice; quarrelling with the semi-human...
Dawn was still some hours away when thirteen students exited the school. With Dumbledore still motionless in the infirmary, and Dolores Umbridge missing and unaccounted for (officially, that is; Harry and his friends knew that at very moment the poor women was being subjected to horrors that were both unspeakable and richly deserved), it was somewhat easier for students to engage in illicit activities without fear of detection. The squib Mr. Filch was long gone, and his animagus mother was...
A gods gift to women I've always loved women, Large women, petite women, butch women and pretty women. It doesn't matter to me. I love them all. Sometimes I have to admit I am also a little jealous of them as well. They get to wear pretty clothing and just be more open then men are allowed. I sometimes just wish I could find a woman who would enjoy me being a woman as well. It's a Friday night and I have nothing planned for the weekend. I hurry home as I planned on getting dressed...
"What a pretty tiara," said Ginny, picking up the crown from where it lay on the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. It was dinner time, and the enchanted ceiling mimicked the black, cloud-filled sky. The tables were lit by numerous candles, and the jewelled tiara sparkled in the warm glow. "I'm sure I look charmingly regal," continued Ginny. "What do you think?" she added, turning to Harry as the others at the table smiled at her indulgently. "You look great," said Harry. "You...
The burrow was every bit as wonderful as the books had described it, thought Imogen. She had been there for several days now, along the Weasley family, Hermione and Harry. Sirius too was staying with them, and every nook and cranny of the convoluted home had a bed, cot or mattress to accommodate a family member or guest. Imogen knew that everyone was 'supposed' to stay at Grimmauld Place, at least according to the books imbedded in her memory. But it was perfectly obvious to her why this...
“It’s good to see you again, Paul,” Lady Alexandra said, her gentle voice contradicted by the black leather bustier she spilled out of and the matching high, laced stiletto boots accentuating her long legs. She held a black riding crop she held in her hand and black cap perched on her blonde head. Her bound, gagged masked and leather-clad husband moaned something in sympathy. I understood. Sadists are not unnecessarily cruel, and most pain has nothing to do with pleasure. “I had to get away...
BDSMI tell you from starting. We both belong to Bhopal and we study in college away from Bhopal. We both belong to different branches. We always used to go back or college together. I. I tell you Shalinii’s so much sexy, hot and looks beautiful even without make up. She is around 5ft and has a perfect body. Our story started in 2nd year and we did sex 3rd year. It all started in 2nd year in the train back to our journey to Bhopal. Our journey is generally more than 30 hours and we traveled always...