Is Winning Everything? free porn video

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I am nobody. I used to be somebody. Two months ago in fact. That seems so long ago. In June things were wonderful. I am Kyle Anderson, a 5’11’ slender kid, who looks like a stiff breeze would knock me over. I was a junior in high school and the captain of my chess team, captain of the quiz bowl team (like jeopardy but with a team), and second chair on the debate team, with a solid 3.94 GPA. I had friends and a small social life, laser tag on Fridays baby! Yes, I was a nerd. Today I just celebrated my 18th birthday with only my mom, grandma, and my gift, a plate of hamburger helper. Things really have changed.

What happened was my father left. I don’t just mean divorced my mom and went to a new city. No, he kissed my mom good-bye and left for work as he always did. He went straight to the bank, emptied the bank account, went to the airport, bought two tickets, and he and his secretary flew to Fiji, permanently. He left my mom, who dropped out of school to marry that asshole when he knocked her up, with no money, no job, and the rent due. After mom figured he wasn’t coming home, we left the only home I knew in Minneapolis for the panhandle of Texas, and grandma.

After the move, mom got a part time job as a maid in a fleabag motel and grandma is getting social security, which means we are broke. I did my part and got a bus boy job at the local diner. Not much, but it’s something. Every night I’d come home to my mom crying, with grandma constantly yelling in her ear. ‘I told you that son of a bitch was a no good bastard from the very beginning!’ Grandmas, though ornery, always want to be right.

It is now the first day of school and I am nervous and excited. Nervous to be at a new school but excited because the last six weeks were tough with just my mom, grandma, and a part time job to keep me busy. I barely made it to all my classes on time. I just sat at my desk and thought, time to earn my scholarship. I started reading the syllabus and taking notes for every class. By the end of the day I realized two things. One, I would need my own Texas thesaurus. Really, what does gully – washer and pole -axed mean? Two, Football is huge. Every conversation I heard was will we when conference, regional’s, or states this year, or something about how great Coach Adams is, or can he bring us our twelfth title this year. I feel I am in way over my head.

After classes let out, I walked around the school grounds. I was tired of being lost. Maybe I didn’t want to hear grandma bitching at my mom. Nah, it was because the football team and, more importantly, the cheerleaders were practicing. They both have talent. After watching them do a couple cheers, I decided not to be a pervert on the first day of school and headed to the library. I started studying and lost track of time. It was going on 6:30, and mom was going to be pissed. I collected my things and left for home. I decided to cut through the park to save time when I heard some talking by a cluster of trees. I glanced over and made the outline of a man in a hooded with a cheerleader on her knees.

‘That’s it, take it all in. Good girl.’

I smiled faintly. Who wouldn’t want a good blowjob to get through the first day of school? Wish that was me.

I took a few more steps and heard the girl say ‘Please stop… No… I don’t want…’

The man interrupted. ‘Please Stop.’ Then he gave a chuckle. ‘I’m going to have you every which way I can. By the time I’m done with you you’ll be a certified whore. Hell, I may just leave you tied to this tree so anyone can have you.’

I froze. I thought about my options. One, I walk away, she gets away. Not likely. Two, I walk away, she doesn’t, leaving us both haunted for the rest of our existence. Three, do what I can. Option 3 sucks. I sprinted toward the man as fast as I could and completely surprised him when I dove at him, knocking both of us down. I wish I could say I fought the good fight but this wasn’t chess or debate. We tussled on the ground for a moment before getting back up. I swung. I missed. He swung. He swung again, and again, and again. I was doing great at stopping his punches with my face. I keeled over to the ground. I looked up and saw the cheerleader grab her bag and run. I smiled.

The man looked right at me, then at the girl, then back at me. ‘Who, the fuck, do you think you are?’

I smiled wider. He then proceeded to lift his leg and kick me hard in the head. Lucky for me he was wearing steel-toed cowboy boots or this confrontation would’ve lasted longer.

I woke up in the ER with a massive headache and no recollection of how I got there.

The nurse by my bed asked ‘Hey Sunshine, how are you feeling?’

The only thought I had was the girl. ‘Did she get away?’ I desperately implored.

‘Not sure what you mean. Your dad, mom, and sister are waiting out there for you. I’ll send them back, okay Sugar.’

Dad, here, and when did I get a sister?

Suddenly I heard a big booming voice from the hall. ‘Go check on your brother while I talk to the Doc.’

I was trying to sit up when I saw her. To say she is beautiful is an understatement. She stood about 5’6′ and had flaming red hair done in a ponytail with white and gold ribbon that matched her cheer outfit. She wore a pair of black rimmed glasses and had a bear paw face painted on her right cheek, covering a few of her freckles. Go Bears. But most importantly I knew it was her.

‘How are you? Are you okay?’ I asked very concerned.

‘I’m fine, thanks to you.’ she responded with a smile.

‘What’s going on here?’

‘I’ll tell you more as soon as I can, but your name is Brandon, my parents are your parents, and they’ll be in here in a minute.’


‘Quiet. I hear them coming, I’ll explain it as soon as I can. By the way, my name is Ash. Thanks again and just go with what is said.’

The doctor and her parents came in. Her dad was at least 6’8′, big and muscular. Just the look of him terrified me. Ash’s looks came directly from her mom, definitely Ash 20 years from now. I sat back as I heard doc tell my dad I had suffered a minor concussion and I should be more careful next time I decide to climb a tree. I was free to go and the doctor left.

Ash’s dad said, ‘Get your things…’ then leaned over and whispered something quickly to his wife. She whispered back then he finished, ‘Brandon.’

When the car door shut, Earl, Ash’s dad, first asked where I lived. I told him and he headed the car in that direction. It was now time for my scolding.

‘Do you know what we had to do to keep this quiet? You can’t just come down here and get involved in our lives! You need to understand what life is down here!’

My head was spinning. I looked at Sandy, Ash’s mom, and she sat there solemnly. I glanced at Ash and her eyes were looking at her knees. ‘I’m sorry, but was I not supposed to prevent the rape of your daughter, sir?’

He slammed on the brakes, looked right at me and harshly said ‘If you know what is good for you, you’d go back where you came from!’

The words shocked me. But the look, the look surprised me. At face value it was anger, but in his eyes was fear. They dropped me off at 11:30. As soon as I shut the door, Earl sped off, as if to disassociate with me as soon as possible. Mom came running out of the house. She had been crying. She started to scream something, and then stopped, seeing the bandage on my head. She gave me a big hug.

‘Where were you? What happened? Your grandma and I have been worried sick. It’s not like you to be so late.’

‘I was at the ER.’

‘I called there!’

‘Did you ask for Brandon?’

I went on and told her both stories, the one I most recently heard about falling out of a tree and the one I was sure happened with the hooded man and Ash. She didn’t know how to respond. I excused myself to go to bed, determined to go to school the next day. I needed to f
ind Ash and hope she can explain why I was in the ER for something I did but apparently didn’t do.

I made it to school at 6:30. I wanted to give myself time to look and ask around whom Ash the cheerleader was and where she might be. I ran into my sixth period English teacher, Mrs. Johnston, and inquired. I found out her name was Ashley Jacobson and she had the same sixth period I did. I guess I was just too busy studying yesterday to notice her. I decided my best option was to wait after class, for what I wanted to know couldn’t be summed up in a quick talk before hand. Between the lack of sleep and the slight headache I still had, the day was brutally long.

Sixth period finally came. I tried to hurry but I was still the last one to get to class. I took my seat and looked around. I saw Ash get up and come over to me, looking as radiant as ever. She whispered in my ear.

‘Can I come over to your house tonight?’

Damn. ‘I would really like that but unfortunately I have to work 4-10 tonight.’

‘When do you take your break?’

‘I take it right after the dinner rush, at 8:30.’

‘I’ll see you at 8:30 at the diner then.’ She turned and walked away.

I immediately tried to piece this puzzle together. Why couldn’t we talk after school? How and why does she know where I worked? And most importantly will she be alright getting home tonight? I have too many questions.

She arrived right at 8:30. I punched out for my break, grabbed 2 Cokes, and sat with her at a booth.

‘I know you must have quite a few questions. I’ll try to answer them all but first let me say thank you once again. It meant a lot for someone to stand up to him, especially for someone like me.’

‘Wait a minute. You know who it was? Did you go to the police? Why is there a cover story?’

‘Whoa, slow down. Yes I know who attacked me. It started two decades ago. This town doesn’t have much. I’m sure you’ve noticed. The one thing we do have is high school football. We are a great team, now. We had never won anything until Coach Adams arrived. Now we’re a powerhouse. After his first title, he started having an affair with a cheerleader. Next year it was with more of them. As soon as they would hit 18, he would give them a birthday present. After a couple of years, he decided he wanted more control. He first let the football team do whatever they wanted, gaining loyalties. After they graduated, he would use his influence to get them into public offices. Mayor, judge, sheriff, school board members, etc. They do whatever he wants. The rest of the town just loves him because he brings them hope with the championships, a reason to have pride. They never had that before. Then he started taking over the selection process of the cheerleaders. Anyone that would catch his eye that would be 18 by October was selected for the team. If someone he wanted wasn’t of age until later, he would have them fail and hold them back a year. Mrs. Myers, our cheerleading coach, puts us all on the pill and encourages us to support the team in any and every way we can, especially the most important member of that team, Coach Adams. We’re not even allowed to talk about what happens. The whole town knows, but if it’s not discussed, its okay, just swept under the rug. It is considered our duty to the team. I didn’t even want to be a cheerleader, which most girls consider an honor. I was handpicked. I didn’t even tryout. I had to do it. If I didn’t, I would never graduate, be stuck in this town, and be treated like a leper, banished into solitude. But more importantly, I needed to do it for my sister, Mary Anne.’

‘You have a sister?’

‘She’s four years older than me. When she was in school she wanted to be a cheerleader in the worse way, not knowing this was going on. She worked at it every year. Freshman, sophomore, junior, she just couldn’t make the team. Finally, her senior year, she made it. She was ecstatic. After her birthday, it was implied what she must do. She thought it was a joke. Coach didn’t. He came up to her first chance he got. She got away and went straight to the police. They took her story, congratulated her on getting away, and even gave her a ride home. The next day at school, she was arrested. She was charged with raping a football player who was 6’6′ 245lbs and built like Arnold Schwarzenegger. She was my height and 120lbs of nothing. It went to court. She wasn’t even allowed to testify. They bought the football players story and she went to prison. She’s still there. Worse yet, we don’t even know where she is. We can’t contact her. I am supposed to make it up to the coach for the embarrassment it caused him. He even told my parents he could get her an early parole if I cooperate. He surprised me on the first day of school. I turned 18 just the day before. I thought I would be ready, but I wasn’t. I know what I have to do, but I’m really scared. He called my dad and told him what happened, blaming you. He said he’d give me another chance because I didn’t run until you showed up. After I started running, I turned around and saw you lying there. I called the ambulance and then my dad. He told me to lie about what happened and give you a false name so he can take care of the expenses.’

I just sat there a moment, trying to take it all in. I was horrified for her, her family, and everyone else caught in this web. After a few seconds, I responded. ‘How did you know where I worked?’

‘Everyone knows. It’s a very small town, Kyle.’ It was the first time she said my name. I smiled.

She looked up and saw my manager staring at us with his arms folded. ‘I feel we should’ve done this somewhere else. I don’t think your boss likes me talking to you.’

‘Can I see you again?’ I asked hopingly.

‘You better. Here’s my number. I’d be careful though. Now you know you’re going to be under a microscope. Because your new, he might forgive you for yesterday, but don’t count on it. Don’t forget to call me, hero.’

‘Hey, I got my ass kicked and you didn’t get raped. I can live with that and anything else if it means you’re safe.’

She smiled and left. I had a few minutes left and I just sat there thinking of all the horrors I now know. Then my thoughts drifted to Ash. What could I do?

After work, I couldn’t wait. I had to call Ash. We talked for a couple of hours. It was nice to talk to her without a cloud of doom hanging over us. We had so much in common. Before we knew it, it was 3:00. We said our goodbyes then I went to sleep.

I’m late. Classes started ten minutes ago and I was just at the school entrance. I was walking quickly, heading for first period when I saw a football player heading toward me. When he got close, he drove his shoulder into my chest, sending me hard into the lockers.

‘You’d better watch where you’re going Yankee!’ He said as he walked away.

I finally arrived at first period. Mr. Palmer gave me a dirty look. ‘I don’t allow tardiness in my class.’

‘I apologize, Mr. Palmer.’

‘No apology needed. Here’s your detention slip. Go to room 106 after school.’

I took my seat. Two minutes later the football player walked in. ‘Hey teach.’

‘Good morning Jack. We’re on page 8.’ Mr. Palmer then continued on with the lesson.

During my first day, only a handful of people said anything to me. Today, no one did. The teachers even ignored me when I raised my hand. Any time I walked by anyone, I was referred to as a ‘No Good Yankee’. In the halls, I was open game. I was blatantly hit, shoved, books knocked out of my hands, feet stomped at, and more shoulder blocks were steadily given to me. I felt like a pinball at one point. I got bumped by one into another. Who shoved me into a third. Who spun me around into a fourth. Who tripped me to the ground. Tilt. The only thing that got me through was the thought of seeing Ash in sixth period.

When I got into class, she wasn’t there. My mind flooded with terrible thoughts. I took a deep breath when she finally arriv
ed, albeit 30 minutes late. She did not look well. She was pale and looked as if she was about to cry. She gave Mrs. Johnston her office pass and sat down. 30 minutes later, class was over. I got up and immediately went to Ash. Before I spoke, she started crying.

‘I’m so sorry Kyle.’

I went to respond but I was interrupted by Mrs. Johnston.

‘KYLE ANDERSON!’ I jumped a little bit at the force of hearing my own name. ‘Don’t you have detention right now in room 106?’

Yes mother, I thought, but went with the more conventional ‘Yes Mrs. Johnston, I’ll be there in a minute.’ I turned back to Ash.


I took a couple steps and glanced back at Ash. ‘I’ll call you after work tonight.’

‘I’d like that.’ she said with a smile.

I walked into room 106. There was no one here. I took a seat, assuming someone will be along shortly. 15 minutes passed and I was just getting up to go to the office to verify I was in the right room, when a man entered. He was in his late 40’s, about 6’4′ 225lbs. and toned. He carried with him a binder and a whistle and wore a white and gold jacket with the inscription ‘Coach Adams’ on it. He picked up a chair and put it in front of the desk. As he sat behind the desk, he made a pointing gesture to the other chair, encouraging me to sit there. As I walked over, he was staring at me, like he was sizing me up. As I sat down, he shook his head and gave a short chuckle, as if to say I can’t believe this is the no good Yankee who’s fucking with my universe.

I started. ‘Is it just me in detention today?’

‘This isn’t regular detention. This is your detention. Now let me ask you something? How was your day? Was it rough?’

‘It was good.’ I lied.

‘Oh, really, huh.’ He paused. ‘I want you to know I pulled your transcripts. 3.94 GPA, not bad, that A- in honors calculus cost you that 4.0 though. Yeah, I also talked to a Mr. Cambridge up there. Does that name ring a bell, Yankee?’

‘He’s the computer lab director at my former school.’

‘Yeah, he seemed to like you a great deal. Told me you were always helping your teachers with various projects. Even on weekends if need be. You also offered tutoring to other students who needed it as well. As if that wasn’t enough, you found time to lead your quiz bowl team to a state championship. Damn son, you’re the Yankee patron saint of the Great Lakes State.’

Land of a 1000 lakes, I thought, but I let it go. I wanted to know where this was going. He now leaned forward and seemed to peer right at my soul as he continued.

‘This Cambridge fellow also told me you were his assistant on several computer projects. That if needed, you were able to be real creative with a computer. What do you think of that?’

‘I don’t know what to say sir, except why am I really here?’

‘Ah, straight to the point, I like that. Walk with me son.’

We walked out the classroom and then outside. We were heading toward the football field.

‘What was it like to win that state title?’

‘It was good.’

‘C’mon. It was more than good, wasn’t it?’

‘Actually, I was elated. I walked taller and prouder for at least a week.’

He smirked a little, knowing he broke down my defenses for a moment. ‘I know how you feel, you see, we’ve won a few state titles here as well, and I expect another this year.’ We stopped at the 50 yard line and he watched his team practicing ahead of us, his assistant calling out the drills. ‘You see son, this is where you come in.

‘Seriously, I know very little about football.’

‘Yeah, I know you don’t know much about football but you do know computers. I want you to get me the playbooks from my opponents. I also want you to break into the other schools computers and change grades for certain players, making them ineligible.’

‘What? I can’t do that.’

‘Can’t or won’t?’

‘I don’t want to be a part of this. I won’t do it!’

‘So you could.’

‘Well… It doesn’t matter, I won’t.’

‘Do you like Ashley Jacobson?’

‘What? Why?’

‘I know she likes you. Only Lord knows why. Do you know why you had detention?’

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Winning Over the Football Team

DISCLAIMER: I'm English, so for those of you in the US, *Football* is Soccer.Sweat laced my athletic figure as I pushed my body to the limit. I was the only girl in an all-male football team, which brought a number of obstacles for me to overcome. My footballing talents set me on par with the boys, but physically it was tough.The boys threw their weight around. Knowing I was better than them, they would try to bully me into submission. My presence in the team threatened their masculinity, they...

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Winning Team

Bukkake StoriesI was shocked when Christie asked me to be a center of a bukkake party. She had told me a little bit about it before and I admit I was really interested in it since I love cum. But I never actually thought I'd be a center. She gave me the details about what was going to happen and what was expected of me. And of course not to worry about a thing because Marl would be there. It was for their football team, if they won. Part of me wanted them to win and the other part wanted them...

4 years ago
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Winning The Gamble

By : Jonesreagent Hi this is Jone here and I am 19 years old good looking male. I had many affairs in school life I had my first girlfriend in 4th ok friend’s I will tell you my true experience which I had in my 12th standard. I and my friends organized a trip to Shimla in our summer vacations of which my cousin was also a part. Her name is Niharika and is so sexy that you can’t resist yourself from touching her here and there. Few days of trip went very smoothly and we all enjoyed a lot! I and...

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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 1 Hot Harem Opportunity

Chapter One: Hot Harem Opportunity By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Corey Derrickson – Saturday, July 4th I opened the front door of my Saturn Ion. It was an older car, my first. I kept it in great condition, the red body freshly washed this afternoon. The day was warm and looked to be a great Fourth of July. I smiled as my two sex slaves slipped inside. “Master,” Aleah Buckley said, her auburn hair, gathered in a pair of pigtails, swaying about...

2 years ago
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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 2 Headmistresss Naughty Desires

Chapter Two: Headmistress's Naughty Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic School! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good canidate for starting Corey's harem. Tania...

2 years ago
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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 4 Schoolgirls Submissive Lesson

Chapter Four: Schoolgirl's Submissive Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic School! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good canidate for starting Corey's...

2 years ago
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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 6 Locker Rooms Genie Surprise

Chapter Six: Locker Room's Genie Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic School! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's harem. Tania...

2 years ago
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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 7 Virgin Deflowered

Chapter Seven: Virgin Deflowered By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's harem. Tania Buckley:...

1 year ago
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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 8 Submissive Genies Cherry Love

Chapter Eight: Submissive Genie's Cherry Love By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's...

1 year ago
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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 9 Harem Masters Naughty Consequences

Chapter Nine: Harem Master's Naughty Consequences By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's...

4 years ago
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Winning It All

Copyright© 2005 Soronel Haetir Sweetness and Lace were working on the laundry, seperating the clothes into many small batches and running them through the cleaner so that none of the colors ran. As each load was completed, one or the other would fold the garments and separate them as to where they belong. Lace looked up from one particularly nice silk slip and asked "would you like to hear about how I first met Master?" "Don't tease me, of course I do." "It was the last day of...

1 year ago
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Winning Championship gets me triple teamed by girlfriend and friends part 1

State Championship. 20 seconds left. My buddy, Ray Bone shooting a free throw. 64 – 64. Ray puts it up. Shit he missed. The other team rebounds and fast breaks and gets a dunk on the other end. 15 seconds left. Ray gets the inbound and dribbles up the court and passes it to James he doesn’t have a shot he throws it cross court to me with 5 seconds left and my defender tight on me I go through my legs one way then spin move the other and shoot up a 3 pointer to win it. SWISH. I raise my arms and...

Group Sex
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© February 2002 As I sank the eight ball and won the third frame in a row, I felt a hot flush of pleasure course over me and not just because I'd simply won the match. Sitting at the bar was a rather pretty local lady - she'd been the object of the 'winner take all' bet - and I'd just won! It had started earlier in the evening. I don't shoot pool all that often - after all I'm a Brit; our game, on a table that is, is snooker. Bigger table, ball, cues and more balls, but I'd...

2 years ago
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“I can’t believe my mom is wearing that.” said Nate pointing to his mom wearing a skimpy two piece. “At least she let us all come over and use the pool.” I said. “Great, here she comes.” said Nate. “You had an amazing game Jason, two dunks, and they said white men can’t jump!” said Nate’s mom. “Thanks Mrs. P!” I replied. “What about me mom, how did I do?” said Nate disappointed. “You did good too honey.” She said still staring at me. “Thanks for letting us use your pool.” I said. “Any...

3 years ago
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Winning the Worlds

A field of golden grass. A tree at least a hundred times the size of anything you've seen before. A woman's voice. "You are chosen." This is everything our hero sees, hears, feels. "Take this gift." The woman appears. Her glows with an earthy green. Her eyes as dark as the forest but full of life and love. Her golden, sun-kissed skin shines with radiance. Her name resonates through your head. Gaia. Mother Nature. The goddess who created the earth and all life on it.

1 year ago
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Winning Her Heart

The stage was set. Tonight was the night. He lit the simple candles on the table and set out the china that had been a wedding gift nine long years ago. The delicate flowered plates were rarely even pulled out of the buffet table anymore, but their bone color and lilac pattern brought back memories of the early days of marriage. He sighed, both in fond memory and regret at the loss of such simple times. The oven timer went off. He checked his watch: right on time. The smell of roasted potatoes...

2 years ago
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Winning takes a lot of sacrifices extended

When I turned 18 I left home. I went to study to a big University in a big city 300 miles away from my hometown. Until then the only sexual pleasure I had was masturbating secretly in my room with the constant fear of getting caught. From the age of 12 I knew I was different. I liked girls I fell in love with one but when I masturbated I had various fantasies. I always loved women feet and shoes. I thought ok it's a fetish everyone has them. One day, on my way home, for the first time, a...

2 years ago
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Winning the Bet Part 5

MondayDating someone from work is strange. We see each other every day around the office, but we work in different parts of the company so we don't spend much time together. We've hooked up after work a few times now (and one memorable time at work), but we've only been on a handful of actual dates.Our company has an all-hands meeting every Monday morning. The conference room we meet in isn't quite big enough for everyone. Extra chairs are wheeled in, and people lean against the walls or even...

Office Sex
1 year ago
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Winning the Bet Part 4

We're at the movies, but neither of us is paying any attention to what's happening on screen. The movie is a few weeks old and there are maybe seven other people in the theater. None of them are sitting anywhere near us. The lights have been out for twenty minutes and she's whispering filthy things in my ear. We've been seeing each other for a couple weeks now ever since I caught her masturbating at work. The sexual chemistry between us was intense, but we were still getting to know each other...

2 years ago
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Winning the Bet Part 1

"Remind me again why I'm doing this?" she asked as she leaned against the doorframe to her bedroom. "You lost the bet," I said, taking another swig of my drink. The cheap whiskey in the cola made me grimace as I finished speaking. I was sitting on the sofa in the living room of her apartment, with a nice buzz going. "It just doesn't seem right that I have to parade around in my underwear while you sit there fully dressed." She stood up as she said this, swaying just a little bit. "Hey, you lost...

4 years ago
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Winning Story At Kirtu Contest

Scientist’s Beauty Laxmi Chechi Author: Abhi Parekh Email: Word Count: 4563 Dr.Raghuprakash Nath is a senior scientist at ISRO Ahmedabad, staying at ISRO colony. Laxmi is his beautiful wife, a mallu woman in her mid 40s. She has combination of not only beauty and brain, she is sexy too. Her every curve is luscious. Any man looking at her start look at her flowing curves. For some that may be her bust line, for some that may be her waist line. Some keep staring at her legs and thighs. While...

2 years ago
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Winning An Argument

HI FRIENDS THIS IS RAJ_HOT AGAIN WITH NEW STORY AND FIND NEW LUST AGAIN. SEND ME YOUR COMMENTS AR ANY PERSON WANT ADVICE FROM ME TO HOW TO START A NEW LOVE OR ANY LOVE PROBLEM PLEASE MAIL ME I WILL HELP HIM WITHOUT ANY FEES. It had been a particularly stormy argument. My mother had accused me of stealing from her purse and I was getting pretty pissed about having to defend myself on no evidence whatsoever. I couldn’t believe it. I’d never stolen anything from her in my life and now she comes...

4 years ago
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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 3 Naughty Teachers Wicked Exam

Chapter Three: Naughty Teacher's Wicked Exam By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic School! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good canidate for starting Corey's...

1 year ago
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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 10 Administering the Teachers Discipline

Chapter Ten: Administering the Teacher's Discipline By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic School! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's...

3 years ago
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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 12 Exposing the Naughty Genies

Chapter Twelve: Exposing the Naughty Genies By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic School! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's harem. Tania...

1 year ago
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Winning Numbers

What would you do if you suddenly discovered you had won the lottery? Okay, I know I'm not your typical lottery winner. I almost never played the thing. I only bought the ticket because I was feeling so depressed. My divorce had become final the week before. Hell, we hadn't lived together for over a year, so that shouldn't have depressed me, but it did. I was also having problems at work. I was an electrical engineer and had been working for the same company for five years. My boss told...

3 years ago
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Winning Denver

Las Vegas is America's adult amusement park. I spend two or three weeks a year there to gamble and enjoy the other festivities. I'm never a big winner or loser unless you consider $20,000 a trip big. At thirty-seven, I was in my fifteenth year of Vegas trips, and over the years, I was actually ahead by more than a hundred thousand. I always stay at the same place and gamble there most of the time. As a regular, I get the freebies they offer to generate repeat business, such as lunches,...

2 years ago
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Winning a Bet

Getting a suntan and a strangers cock in a public wood! One of my online friends have dared me to let a complete stranger fuck me, and we have made a bet, I had to make it to a public wood and get some sun and lure a stranger to fuck me. I was allowed to have my husband watch what happened and keep me from harm. The following hot and sunny day we drove to a nearby wood, I had a bikini under my dress and a bag with a blanket, a termo with coffee some sun-lotion. I was both a little nervous...

1 year ago
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The Masked Affair Lust Changes Everything

By M.J Honey August is the most beautiful time of the year. The breeze always feels perfect. It's the time of year in which everything seems to go just right. It could be because I was born in September that I have something to look forward to. It could also be that I simply enjoy the weather. But no, it's more than that. I was married in August. Marriage can be a beautiful thing. Especially when you have someone that you can't stand to be away from. It represents a bond between two...

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Deja Vu a MILF teacher submits to her past and loses everything

Now for the normal disclaimers, no kids (under 18), animals, blood, scat, or other extreme things are in this story. If I haven’t scared you off yet, read on and vote. Chapter 1 Suzanne was finishing another day at school. She was a first-grade teacher, and it had been a very long day. Most days she loved teaching, but today was particularly difficult. For some reason today, her kids, who were normally...

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The End of Everything

“I’ll take the shuttle; you stay on course. If we find something, we can call back.”Only we both knew it would be too late. Even if the last white dwarf survived long enough for our failing instruments to keep our ship on course, there wouldn’t be enough fuel in the smaller shuttle if it went to the wrong energy source.We would have to pick right. Then came the last thing she would ever say before the final two streaks of starlight blinked out of existence. “At least one of us might get there…...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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E is for Everything

Steve and Chris had been married for ten years. Or would be on the upcoming weekend. Steve sat reading the morning paper, as was his want, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee his other companion, as Chris hadn't made her way downstairs yet. They owned and operated their own floral shop. One of the advantages being that Steve was always bringing home beautiful arrays for his wife. Most would think that working day in and day out in a floral shop would lose its allure, but the fact of the matter...

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 27 Everything

September 16, 1983, McKinley, Ohio The week had flown by, which surprised me. I had thought the anticipation of Tasha’s visit would make things drag, but given how busy I was with school, studying, homework, working in the lab, church, and karate, and making time for friends, the time had passed very quickly. Deacon Vasily had called Doctor Blahnik on Tuesday evening, and was obviously satisfied, because Tasha had called afterwards to tell me everything was still on. The only minor glitch...

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It was twenty seven minutes to two. Twenty seven minutes until I’d see him again. I’d deliberated over what to wear all week and even after getting dressed I’d changed three times. I’d done my makeup carefully; painstakingly trying to emanate online contouring tutorials. Letting out a breath, I frowned at my reflection. I was trying too hard. It bordered on ridiculous. I had far more important things to worry about.Like my bridesmaid’s dress. It had arrived around lunchtime but I’d hardly...

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I opened the door to her cell and let myself in, closing the privacy curtain behind me. She was sitting on the single bed against the wall. With the exception of the handcuffs on her wrists in front of her, she was completely nude. I always prefer the girl to be nude and handcuffed on our first meeting. It makes her feel vulnerable and completely available. It makes her very afraid and very easy to connect with on a very deep basis. I think they feel that if they connect with me, I will have...

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  “What do you want right now?” I ask myself out loud as I’m searching for a new story idea. “Coffee” I answer myself like a crazy person, and then I say “Everything, I want everything!” So then I start to wonder, should the story be called “Coffee” of should it be called “Everything”? Then I made myself a coffee and just started typing. I hope you enjoy.   Everything   It’s really hot outside and we’ve been sunbathing. It’s lunchtime and the sun is getting...

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My story about my young neighbour and everything

This is the translation of "Mijn verhaal" which I published here, in Dutch, two months ago...Hello, I am Saskia. I am on Xhamster since last year. I am 55 years old and if you want to know how I look, you can view my photos here. I am on xHamster because I want to chat with other women about everything I have experienced with my young neighbour and his friends. Also, I like to chat with boys off course. And occasionally I meet up with them. This is not always possible because although I live...

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