- 3 years ago
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Remember how it was for you? Living alone, eating alone and sleeping alone… just being alone? Well that’s me. After work I came home after stopping at my favorite burger joint drive through, and ate alone. No television and no radio turned on and after dinner with clothes changed I sat at the computer and read the news. I even checked out the ‘strange news’ while occasionally sipping what was left of a large coke. No dishes to wash because I did them yesterday. No clothes or bedding to wash, I’d done those the night before. There was no cleaning to do and no one’s been over or coming over I suppose. Anyway it’s clean enough for me and the trash is gone.
I’d found and started a tutorial online last week and so I finished it tonight. No telephone calls because my Internet use blocks the telephone line, but no one will call anyway. I played with some stuff for work and planned my effort for the next week and it was still only nine in the evening. I don’t drink so my wits were about me. Finally, I visited my online Messenger and looked around. I’d been there before and had no luck, I don’t know why I kept coming back. Its human nature not to give up I guessed. Anyway, I’d searched for ladies my age that will talk or that may be interested in a male’s conversation. I’d been going through the listings again and reading profiles. I recognized many that were still here and looking but I’d either tried before and they hadn’t been interested or I’d not been interested. You may wonder how a guy with no prospects can be selective, and I can’t answer but I am.
I’d been through many pages tonight and still nothing. I was about to sign-off when I see a new name and she’d just joined Messenger. I located and read her profile and she sounded interesting. I noticed too that it said she’s on-line right now. Why not I thought as I composed a short welcome and asked about her? I sent it off and waited, but nothing. I shut down and headed to bed feeling worse than before I’d found her.
It was much the same the following night. I was in a lonely apartment with a lonely mind. I cleaned the bathroom including the shower and head and then washed the basin and put things away. I carried out the trash and then returned and turned on the computer. Again the news, and again nothing else as I accessed Messenger again. Wait! Can it be? I have mail from someone at Messenger? I ask to read it and the computer seems to go on a journey like Van Winkle, but finally opened the mail. It’s her! She apologizes for not answering last night and says she didn’t know what to say. But after thinking about it all day she’d decided to take a chance.
She’d included and I read small details of her life and then sent off my own response. It was only moments before my screen wrote her second reply. She was there and willing to talk. Now what to talk about? I was tongue-tied, but finally answered with small facts about myself. She says she is interested and so I asked more of her. Soon we are carrying on a comfortable conversation and I find that I like her… at least what I know of her. She’s says that she is a big girl, but so what. I like large ladies and always have.
Many people don’t understand much about how it feels to want someone to call your own. Not to literally own or control, but to share with. The problem is doubly aggravated when you are large or homely or have anything but averageness or beauty of mind or body or prowess. Even nerds are shunned and they are the thinkers in the crowd in most cases. I’m not a jock, not a nerd exactly, not average in anything and I’m definitely manifest opposite the listing of beauty. I try to explain about my interests, my concerns and my own self image. Suddenly my screen says that I’m invited to view her webcam. I’m insane and this can’t be happening but I answer that I do want to see her cam. It takes way too long for my monitor to display an image but I’m enchanted by the screen and wait.
It’s her and she is smiling and she is beautiful. I mean I know guys that wouldn’t necessarily think so, but that doesn’t include me. The microphone is next and finally I hear her soft voice asking if I can see and hear her. Yes I respond and study her image. I can’t help myself as I type out what I see and thank her and admire her and want to know even more of her. She is almost eight years younger than I am, but eighty years more beautiful. She thanks me and doesn’t believe that I feel that way. I really do and tell her again. She is pleased that I think so and then on a whim, she pushes away from the camera and stands up. I can see most of her now as she steps back and then turns slowly and my eyes watch intently.
She is still talking to me as she resumes her seat at the computer and I begin to gush my thoughts. I’m honest in everything I say and she is smiling. What can be more pleasant than a lady’s smile? I’m not reading and when I finally glance at what she’s written she is asking if I have a camera, too. I do, but I tell her that she really shouldn’t see me. She insists and so I finally give in. Without much to say, she finally asks me to stand and turn around slowly. I do. She writes back that she is quite impressed. With me? Now that is almost too much. A woman has never said anything like that to me before. She is too kind.
I like her and why not? She is a lovely woman that seems to like me and I certainly like her and it has only been part of an evening. I ask about her work, her family and her likes and dislikes. I ask her height and find she’ll fit comfortably under my arm. I ask more including her approximate location, but she is reticent and I finally apologize for asking. She thanks me for my interest but prefers to stay private. I can’t blame her because in today’s world all ladies must get hit on by every guy that sees their name.
We talk a bit more before making a date to meet online again tomorrow night. She will be busy the following night but I mention my interest in meeting again whenever she has time. We will skip night after next, but will meet again the following night. I thank her again and tell her of my pleasure as she closes her webcam and then signs off. I go to bed with my spirits lifted for the first time in a very long time. My arousal accompanies me as I crawl naked beneath the sheets while still thinking of her.
This night I dream of her in a short white satin gown, wearing nothing beneath. This is part of my dream:
I love the way the white satin gown seems to caress her breasts, her thighs and her beautiful ass — it’s very sensual. I slowly approach her from behind and wrap my arms around her and cup that warm fullness in each hand. I feel her respond and love the pleasure of slowly fondling, kneading, and stroking their soft warmth until I feel the warm nipples rising to attention beneath. I love squeezing, rolling, kneading, pulling and softly pinching those two wonderful nipples as I nibble and kiss the nape of her neck. From memory I visualize her and imagine the beauty of each breast, each nipple and that wonderful ass rising off the bed and facing me. I slowly turn her and run my tongue along her neck and up to her mouth and moist lips and gently kiss her and tease her tongue with my own. As she responds I kiss her deep and firm
Slowly I slide one hand down across her soft tummy until it rests against that gentle rise between her thighs. I stroke and slowly increase the pressure and then bring my other hand down to gently raise the hem of her gown and allow me entrance. When I have her warm, I kneel and stroke her pussy with my tongue and gently squeeze my hand between her thighs to fondle her full pussy. I cup her labia and slowly stroke across two wonderfully moist lips. I gently spread them as I insert one finger, stroke, insert two fingers, and stroke, and continue until she softly whispers enough and begins to move under my hands.
With her building passion, I stand again and raise one hand to release her gown and let it slide over her smooth skin and int
o a pile at our feet. I slowly drop to one knee, inhale her aroma and use that same free hand to gently nudge apart her thighs until there is room for my face and tongue to enter. I begin a slow lave along her lips and into her pussy. As my lips raise the hood over her clit my tongue and lips enter and draw it into my mouth. I use my tongue and lips to further raise her passion as I kiss and fondle her with the flat of my tongue. I feel it respond and grow firm as I slowly draw a soft suction and caress it. As she presses back against my face, I spread her thighs further and crawl under and turn to face her and insert my fingers to find her g-spot. I insert my tongue and make love to that pleasure spot.
As I feel her respond and begin to climax her knees weaken and I lower her slowly to the floor on knees atop me. I watch her bend forward me and take me deeply into her mouth and begin to make love to my cock. I feel her hips rotate as her climax nears and I feel the increased pressure of her pussy against my face. Before she can cum, I wrap both of my arms around her thighs, hold them so that she can’t move them, and use the fingers of each hand to spread her pussy and reach in to again caress and rub her clit. I feel her stop the effort on my cock as I arouse her, and then as she reaches climax and peaks I feel her cum from both sensations at once. I taste her juices flowing from both g-spot and clit into my mouth and across my face. I feel her tremble and feel her body tense and her hips thrust as she peaks. I watch again and she slowly bends forward to catch and taste the warm reward from my cock. I kiss her and let the taste mingle as I revel in the sweetness of our juices.
I wake and wish I could still be with her.
The next day she is on my mind and I hurry home to meet her online. She is late and I fear she has missed the time or changed her mind, but then she signs in and I’m alert again daring not to breathe until she activates the cam again. She is there and as beautiful as I remembered from last night and my dream. I greet her and can hardly contain my excitement as she responds. She is the sweetest I’ve met on the net, and possibly the sweetest I’ve met. I ask how many guys are pursuing her after reading her profile and she tells me that she received four replies and none of them satisfactory except mine.
Besides my personality she says, she really does think I look nice and that I like her. I ask what we can talk about and she replies that nothing is off limits if I’m comfortable. I ask if that includes sex and she answers again that everything is okay if I’m comfortable. I ask her sexual preferences and she tells me. She hasn’t had much sex but enjoyed it and wants a more. I ask if she’s ever had or given oral sex and she replies yes to both. She loves the feel of lips and tongue on her pussy and has very sensitive nipples. She’s only had oral twice and only one was close to satisfactory. She’s given oral a few times and only let one guy cum in her mouth. She says that it may be a taste she has to acquire and I laugh.
She asks about me and my preferences. I like to satisfy a lady, especially a large lady. If a lady enjoys oral then I want to enjoy her, too. I tell her that it’s true that a woman does taste sweet to me and that I love to try and control her passion. Jokingly I ask if she’d like me to demonstrate and she smiles back and very quietly says yes. I’m instantly aroused and we continue. I’m comfortable discussing sex with her and she is the most honest and open gal I’ve ever met. She replies that she doesn’t know how or why she is comfortable discussing such intimacy with me, but she is.
I tell her of my dream and leave out the most graphic parts, but she asks about them and I tell her. She says that she is flattered that after only one discussion I can think of her that way, but tells me that she hopes she can include me in a dream too. She leaves the chair rather abruptly and I fear that she is upset with me, but she returns in a robe and apologizes that she had to get ready for bed. I ask how she is dressed and she tells me that she sleeps nude and the robe is only for the camera. I admit that her reply has me turned on and that I wish for more and would really like to see all of her. She smiles and tells me that it may happen some day.
She seems pensive before smiling at the camera and asking if I ever play with myself. For a moment I’m not sure I heard her question right and ask what she means. She repeats that she’s sure that I already know what she meant. I swallow twice and respond that I do, and she comes back telling me that she does, too. She then ventures to tell me that she is right now. I notice an arm out of view and ask about it. She tells me that her robe is open below the desk and she has been busy almost since she changed to her robe.
I’m pleased and aroused and ask if I can see. She puts her head back and I see her arm moving below the camera and then I watch a range of emotions on her face. She is totally absorbed for a few moments and then her arm stops moving and a relaxed smile decorates her face. She is silent and licks her lips before she looks down and asks if I enjoyed watching her. Oh yes I tell her and I mean it. She raises her hand and asks if I can see the wetness on it. I can.
I say again that I’d like to see all of her and she smiles and tells me that she may the next time we talk, throws me a kiss and then closes the camera and signs off. I sit for minutes looking at the black window where she was only minutes ago. My mind is racing and I find that I have myself in my hand and my pants are opened. I shut the machine down and go to bed. My dream repeats with the added feature of my watching her masturbate.
It has been a very long two days when I arrive home and turn on the computer again. As I wait for her, I read the news again, check my email, get up and fix my dinner, and wait. Again, I’m about ready to sign-off thinking she couldn’t make it, when a message again appears telling me that she is online. With perhaps too much eagerness I reach for the mouse and open a message window. It is a few moments before her camera comes on and she answers and then asks if I’ve been waiting long. Two days I reply and she smiles.
She says that it has been a long two days for her, too. We talk for awhile and inquire about our respective jobs. She hasn’t eaten dinner yet and I urge her to go fix something. She’s gone for a few minutes and returns with a plate and drink. She asks If I mind if she eats while we talk and my obvious answer is no. I enjoy watching anything she does. I enjoy her movements and her dress and I enjoy movements apparent on her face. She eats shyly and I try to keep the conversation alive.
She asks if I like to play with foods and I ask what she means. She replies by opening her robe and selecting a can of whipped cream from out of range of the camera. I’m staring at her breasts with my mouth open and she laughs as she removes the top and points it at one nipple and then slowly circles a nipple with the cream. I decide that I definitely like to play with foods and tell her. She smiles and tells me how pressure from the nozzle tickles and then plays with one finger in the cream. Slowly she brings the finger to her mouth watching me as she cleans it with her tongue. I’m curious and ask her if she can reach her nipple with her tongue and she responds by raising it to her mouth and cleaning it with her tongue as she smiles at the camera.
If a tongue can have a hard-on… my does. She gets embarrassed now and leaves for a moment. When she returns it has been several minutes and she is fully covered again. She seems embarrassed and I ask her. She softly replies that she isn’t sure why she did it, but she’d thought about it all day. She tells me that she’s never been nude on camera before and I believe her, but I try to reassure her that it’s okay. I tell her how very much I enjoyed it and that she has such beautiful breasts. I ask her to show me again before sh
e’s had time to think about it all night. Eventually I persuade her and she is so sexy looking. I want to push my luck and ask for more and I tell her.
She stands and drops her robe and I can see the thong she is wearing. She is a beautiful lady and the word large applies equally to her body and her beauty. I ask and she tells me that she does indeed shave as she returns to her seat without the robe. Now she asks to see more of me and the tables are turned. I really am nothing that a lady can admire. I have a slight tummy and my ass is too small. I try to get out of showing but she threatens to put her robe back on if I won’t let her see. Eventually, and fearing that I’m about to lose her, I stand. She asks me to take off my shirt and when it is almost gone she asks me to drop my jeans too.
I warn her that she has me excited and that perhaps she shouldn’t see all of me. She laughs and insists with even more force. Slowly I unbutton the jeans and she is telling me what to do. I slide my fingers into the waist of the jeans and push them down. My cock is freed and definitely displays my arousal. She whistles and I’m embarrassed, but she apologizes and insists that I finish. My pants hang up in the crotch and when I bend my knees and spread my legs to free them my balls fall forward fully exposed.
She says she likes what she can see and then stops. A moment later she quietly asks if I will hold myself for her. I move one hand forward and enclose it with my thumb and two fingers. She smiles and says no that she meant for me to actually hold it and stroke for her. I take it more firmly and slowly retract. She asks again, but this time she wants my other hand under my balls as I stroke. As I do what she tells me she leans back in her chair and reaches one hand down the front of her thong and my grip and my rhythm increase. Her other hand travels to a breast and kneads it with a palm and then teases the nipple with its fingers. She begins moving almost in time with me and I really want to see more.
I ask her to take off her thong and I stop as she stands and removes it. When she sits again I can see her finger slowly circling her clit as she stares at the monitor. I talk to her now and we begin describing what we’re feeling and wanting. She puts a leg up on the table and brings the other knee up and back on the seat of her chair. Her pussy is open and I watch as she brings her other hand down and I see her stroking herself. After a moment she is talking as raggedly as I am and her fingers enter her pussy while she continues to work her clit.
Watching her has me fully aroused and I fear that I might climax before her and I try to slow my movements. Her eyes are hooded as she watches me and works. She hollers for me to not stop or slow down and her eyes widen, but narrow again as I return to a full rapid stroke. She is wet and I can see it as she works both hands and her entire body responds. She tries to talk and I try to answer, but we are each beyond that point of no return. I try to catch it as I release but openly fill my hand and it runs off to be refilled again. I hear her moan and her eyes are wide at what she sees from me, and she excitedly announces that she too is there and all motion pauses as she climaxes.
I pick up my shirt and wipe my hands and she manages what looks like tissue and is wiping herself. As I finish I hear her laugh and tell me how erotic that was. She mentions that she has never watched a man masturbate before and never from watching her. I assure her that I don’t make a habit of it myself, but that it was such a thrill watching her and hearing her telling me what she wanted to see that I couldn’t prevent my own climax. She smiles and thanks me and says that she wishes we could have been together.
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Hi Friend I am ‘prem’ Here i am from Roorki (U.P), meri age 22 hai or dekhne me itna to hu k har ladki pat jati hai or rahi baat hatiyar ki to wo kisi bhi lady ki chikhe nikalne k liye kaafi hai. So meri jo story hai us me maine kaise apni office ki senior ko pata k choda or promotion liya is bare me hai. Story 1 saal pehle ki hai sardiyo ka mausam tha meri ek finance company me nayi nayi job lagi thi or wo kafi acchi or badi company hai mujhe abhi office join kiye hue 2 mnths pure nhi hue the...
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Wednesday night I called Clem and set up a visit to the theater for the next night. I told him that John, Helen and their daughter Mandy were going to join Candy and me there. He stuttered for a second or two before saying fine. "Do you think you can get 15 or 20 men for the ladies?" "I'll start spreading the news as soon as we hang up the phone. A day and a half notice and I should be able to find some trust worthy men." "Great," I replied, "I'm really looking forward to it. Set...
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FemdomMy best friend Diana and I moved into an apartment downtown after we graduated from college. We had both gotten good jobs so we were able to get a unit in the 14th floor of a killer high rise with wall to wall windows. The problem was that the only unit they had left was a one bedroom. we decided that would be ok because Diana had a queen size bed that was big enough for both of us. For the first few weeks everything was normal between us and we both loved being out on our own. As the weeks...
LesbianChapter 1: ‘The Grand Lesson’ It was a warm and sunny day on the trendy shopping district of Whyte Avenue in Edmonton, Canada. This part of town was always busy, especially on warm spring days, like this particular Saturday. Two people milling amongst the crowd of shoppers were two long-time friends, who regularly frequented this part of town. Both of them loved the tree-lined streets, old buildings and unique shops of the trendy and famous Whyte Avenue. The taller of the two women was named...
That summer changed my life financially. It also changed Drew’s life, and not just financially. Janice came to visit him. I knew that Jay had a three-way with them, but I wasn’t so sure I was interested. Two juniors in my number theory class, Melissa and Ted lived together in the co-ed dorm. Over the summer, there was a women’s dorm, a men’s dorm, and a co-ed dorm. We had all become friends, and I spent quite a bit of time with them. Ted and I satisfied Melissa often, one in her mound and the...
Hai sex lovers. This is Krishna Kumar again. Now am going to share my new sex experience with one of my story reader in ISS. This incident happened last week of march. As you all know am currently staying in Chennai. My native is Karnataka. Any aunties, any girls from ,Chennai, Karnataka, Kerala wants a secrete relation , Who wants a sex satisfaction can contact me at HYPERLINK “mailto:” About my reader her name was Dhanya, She is from Palakkad in Kerala state. Currently she is working in...
"All right Tiffany, you're up," Mike said outside a few minutes later. "I figure we can run Ringo and George, and Cumulus if it's all right with Mark." Tiffany shook her head. "No, Daddy. I'd really rather run Ringo with David, and King, if it's all right with Mr. Gravengood." "David and King?" Mike frowned. "Those are about the two dumbest dogs we've got." "Yes, Daddy. But they're also the fastest. I'd really rather take George in the lead. He's faster, but he's not...
"Bambi!" I cried out angrily to my maid, shutting her up. I didn't let anybody talks to my sister like that! Bambi (not her real name - all my maids have pseudonyms) looked over at me, startled and fearful. She was wearing a short, open bathrobe and was standing imperiously in front of where Penelope was kneeling, Bambi's blonde pussy less than a foot from Penelope's face. "This is... Penny... and she is..." my sister? Maybe I'd better not tell her that. "...a guest here and to be treated with...
BDSMThe continuing adventures of our happy threesome of Dave, Kelly and Lorraine. It's Kelly's birthday soon, a cause for great celebration, so Dave decides a few days holiday are just the ticket. At the end of the week Kelly gets some bad news that will lead to a profound change their lives. Kelly's 16th birthday in a fortnight, I had to figure out a suitable way to celebrate. I had a few ideas, but I decided to ponder it over for a few days. Besides last night had been exhausting, my cock...
Einige Tage lang hatte ich immer wieder die Anzeige gelesen, hatte angefangen, darauf zu antworten - und mich dann doch nicht Einige Tage lang hatte ich immer wieder die Anzeige gelesen, hatte angefangen, darauf zu antworten - und mich dann doch nicht getraut. Nach f?nf Tagen schlie?lich raffte ich all meinen Mut zusammen und schickte mein "Geschreibsel" ab. Danach schaute ich immer wieder meine emails nach, ungeduldig und ?ngstlich auf eine Antwort wartend. Drei Tage mu?te ich war...
A TS Fantasy 8 By Paul G. Jutras (In memory to some family members now gone but not forgotten.) The gang was down at the beach. They were all there: Paul, Jennifer, Katrina, their parents and grandparents. Mrs. Jutras was know as the soup and sandwich grandma since that was what she always served for lunch. "I see everyone is dressed up for church," Paul said as he walked into the screened porch. When he sat down in his gray dress with puffed out ]shoulders and beige queen plus...
Week 1 I had finished the first assignment the temp agency had given me. It was only one day a week, 8.00 ’til 2.00, filling in while someone was on a course for a month, but at least I was going onto another job straight away. While standing at the stop waiting for a bus that would take me to it my mobile rang. It was Heather, my flat mate, asking how I had got on, which was real sweet of her. The traffic was noisy so I walked away from the road to shelter at the side of a building. I...
One call I had almost forgotten to make was to Mario Echeveria, the manager of my hotel in San Antonio, the River Center Marriot. “Mister McCoy! How wonderful to hear from you again! Are you coming to...” “Mario, it’s Jack unless I have done something to piss you off. Anyway, listen, I don’t have time for games today. I will be there in a couple of hours but, in the meantime, I need you to work with a man named Tomas LaGrenade, he is supposed to be contacting you shortly. He will explain...
I have a relatively new girlfriend, who is awesome in bed but frustratingly isn't into anal, which is one of my passions in life. Luckily she loves a facial and in all other aspects is a filthy girl who likes to show off.She loves being drilled hard and is noisy as hell irrespective of neighbours, friends etc being within earshot, in fact I think she gets off on it. She is totally relaxed and confident sexually to such an extent that she has happily gushed all over her bed, my bed and her sofa...
Princess Jenifer had escaped the palace. Well, she liked to believe she had but she knew that while they hadn’t come to drag her back, she was still being followed. She even recognised the ants that were following her. Jenifer thought these guards were really nice and for the past year, they had often been assigned to watch over her. The ant that she gossiped with quite often had told Jenifer that her guard-sisters called her Cutter and her quieter partner was called Blade. Jenifer learnt...
WILD CHILD FROM KRYPTON It was the council chamber in the city of Kryptonopolis, on the planet Krypton, a large, heavy world orbiting a blood-red star. A pretty girl, who seemed to be in her late teens (in earth years) stood with her parents and an advocate, with a guard standing near to prevent any escape and to drive home her situation. She stood with her head bowed, her long dark hair covering her face, as though she couldn't even bear to look at her parents due to the shame she...
Introduction: This chapter is basically an intro. It has no sexual things, but there will be in other chapters. The characters of this story are not over 18. This is purely FICTION! Dont like? Dont read. ALSO, I dont know how this age restriction is going to work so just for precaution Ive changed Tonys age from 14 to 16 Ok Im 16, in the 8th grade. Im 54. Everyone calls me Tony, and knows Im bi, so yeah. On to the story… So there I was sitting in band class, watching as our instructor angrily...
Hello friends mera naam Amit hai or main ISS ka purana reader hu or main bhi aaj apni ak sachi story share karne jaa raha hu pahle main apko apne bare main bata du main ak tall handsome ladka hu mera lund 8” ka hai ab Main tumhe neha ke bare main bata du Neha 18 saal ki naee naee jawan ladki hai bahut hi khoob surat hai wo or meri sister ki friend hai jyada bore na karte hue story per aata hu baat ab se do saal pahle ki hai jab maine use Pahli baar choda tha 2010 main meri shadi hone wali thi...
Part 1: Self Discovery I was chatting away at a sex chat site I frequented... like usual, playing as a gorgeous young girl that was 5'6" 120lbs. With long blond hair, perfect 36c tits, a slim 24 inch waist, perfect 36inch hips, an ass to die for and very long slender legs... something I was far from. In reality I was a fat loser who lived in my parents basement. I've never been with a girl and I stayed at the house all the time... and whenever I did I left to a friends house to play...
hello friend mai sanjay 20 year old muje bhabhi aur ladki chodne me bada maja aata hai mera lund bahut mota hai aagar koi bhi bhabhi ya ladki mujse chudvana chahti hai to please send me mail on please please i ready to fuck anywhere. mai jyada bor na karte hua tumhe story tak le jau mari umar 20 saal hai me FY B.COM kar raha hu ye takriban 1 mahine pehle ki bat hai mere mummy aur papa dono 1 hafte ke liye bahar ghum ne gaye the to me mere mama ke ghar tha. meri 3 mami hai jo ki bahut hi sexy...
Sara's eyes scanned the running track with increasing eagerness. Would he be here today? For over a week, a tall, dark stranger had caught her eye while jogging the indoor track at the health club. He was ruggedly handsome and she could not seem to prevent herself from following his every move as he jogged ahead of her. She loved his long muscular legs and tight ass; not to mention his well toned body, dark hair and ,of course, those Paul Newman baby blue eyes of his. A dozen or more runners...
Quickie SexThis is a story of giving my wife to another man while I was present. I have had this fantasy about five years now and during this time have talked about it with my wife. Of course, in the beginning she said that this would never happen. Over the course of a few years, during our lovemaking I mentioned his name (I'll call him, Bill) and had her visualize it was he sucking her nipples and pounding into her. She never told me to stop saying his name and I noticed she was breathing heavier and...
Cheating WifesI had to make a business stop in the Ottawa area. My professional duties went pretty well and I was done there around mid-time in the afternoon. This was a nice hot August Thursday but I decided to go out and spend a few time at the Lac Lemy’s Casino in Gatineau.Luck was on my side at the high stakes table. And when you win… time pass by so quickly! But my stomach reminded me that it needed some food so I left the play table for a restaurant one. Upstairs is the Baccara, one of the top 10...
They worked hard the next week at getting the winter de-rigging as far along as they could, and Michelle was out there with them, working hard. They'd already packed the Mustang on Thursday after work, and even had their snowboards strapped to the roof for a quick getaway. About noon, Al came out to the barn and said, "You kids have been banging it out pretty good, why don't you get out of here for a few days?" They didn't need a second invitation; they were gone in minutes. Light was...
It wasn't until much later in the day as mum sat beside me holding my hand that I realised what had been staring me in the face all day and my heart sank. I knew I'd have to be very careful how I asked, so I suggested that we could go for a walk in the corridor, "All right darling" she said quietly, "But you're still very weak so we can't be long" Just along the corridor from the ward, was a smoking room for patients only so we went in and sat down, mum lit two cigarettes up and...
I was having fun, just making up stuff as I played with his cock, now going soft, and his fuzzy big balls. Ida interrupted. She, Dulce and Roger were naked, puffing and it looked like they were ready for a little rest. "Sylvia, you are too hot. We are going to rest for about an hour, and then Dulce and I and the boys want to show you what we know about all this DP stuff you are so excited about. Watching you with Woody, I don't think you really need that trick in your kit, but all of us want to...
Hello friends main iss ka bhot bada fan hoon. Maine pehle bhi iss main apni story daali hai aur aaj apna main 4th experience likhne jaa raha hoon yaha pe. So dosto agar koi aunty ya ladki mujhse baat karna chahti ho sex ya phone sex ke liye aur agar mumbai se koi ho so they can mail me aur mumbai se nahi hongi toh bhi mail me at Aur 100% aapki information private rahegi.privacy is my 1st priority So pehle main apna intro dedeta hoon. Main height 5.8 n bhot hi fit hoon main aisa sab bolte hai...
The Education of Heather Part 2 Heather receives oral instruction Saturday arrived quickly. Heather had completed her costume shopping after school Friday evening. She found a cute little lingerie specialty shop and bought some thong panties that were embarrassingly small and a beautiful powder blue silk kimono. When she tried it on, she was surprised that it barely covered here groin, but in modeling it in front of the stores dressing room mirror, she liked the fact the sensuous garment was...
Phil adjusted his shirt as he stared into the mirror, double checking to make sure it was appropriate for tonight. This party would be the first time in four months that he would see his high school friends. Phil had thoroughly enjoyed his first semester at university but was looking forward to catching up with his high school friends. He was especially anxious to see Sarah. Even after four months of being surrounded by college coeds, Sarah still was a frequent visitor to Phil’s wet dreams. She...
Straight SexLike Me , Myself & I ,,,,,, I Like Women With A Few lbs On ,, I'm Not Into That Skinny Ass Type Women WHAT-SO-EVER ,, Was At One Time , My X Wife Was Super Skinny , She Was 5''9 , Blonde , Super Long Legs That Hooked Up To This Little Skinny Bum , 24 to 26 Waist , Very Very Pretty , & Last But Not Least ,, Big Set Of (o)(o)'s .. Her Tits Were A Double BB's borderline CC's ,, Them Tits Looked Huge on a Skinny Frame.. DAM Would She Love To Fu*k , Everyday & A Lot Of Times More Then...
This is the continuation of the previous chapter, please read the previous chapters to fill in any blanks. I appreciate the feedback and apologize for previous and any future grammatical errors. This story contains fantasy/magic within it and has more interesting magical twists to come. Please note that all characters in this story are 18 years or older. If you’re not interested in the realm of seduction, fantasy, action, and adventure then you found the wrong story. I apologize for how long...
Note : This story is completely fictional! After that phone call late in the evening things where set in motion that would change everything. While Dad pumped away inside of me as I continued to eat Mommy's sweet pussy the ground work was being laid. As we finally all climaxed and where enjoying the afterglow, Mom looked at Dad and said. What are we going to do about Carolyn? Dad thought about it for a second and then decided that the best thing to do was to invite her over and to invite her...
IncestHello ISS readers, first of all, I thank you all whole heartedly for your likes but would appreciate some feedbacks and comments .lets continue our journey together on the path of lust, fantasies and carnal desires. We (Tinu and Miku ) met on the summer vacations of the late 2000s .it was scorching heat and humidity which was the trouble maker !! Amidst all these, there was a function in your village, which was attended by our close and distant relatives. Among them was our friend cum elder...
IncestSkirting the Law © 2004 by Nom de Plume Effective January 1, 2004, Assembly Bill 196 amended California's Fair Employment and Housing Act to prohibit discrimination based on a person's perceived identity, appearance or behavior, even if they are different from a person's sex at birth. AB 196 is primarily intended to prohibit discrimination against employees who choose to dress like the opposite sex and or portray the stereotypical characteristics of the opposite sex. Businesses...