Jenny Ch. 07 free porn video

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This story is a re-post of one of my first stories. It has been re-edited for punctuation, grammar and other errors. I hope you find it a better ‘read.’

When Vinnie didn’t show up for work on Thursday morning, Tom phoned his apartment. The phone rang several times before a barely audible voice answered.

‘Vinnie! Are you all right? Are you sick?’ Tom asked in a worried voice.

‘Yah, sort of,’ he replied weakly.

‘What do you mean, sort of?’ Tom asked more assertively. ‘What happened Vinnie?’

‘Tremblay and one of his goons paid me a visit last night,’ he said in a halting voice.

‘They said they wanted their money by the end of the week or it would get worse.’

‘Stay there Vinnie. I’ll be right over,’ Tom ordered.

Tom called Robbie Delgado and told him that he had to leave and that Vinnie wouldn’t be in today. He asked Robbie to visit all three jobsites during the day to make sure everyone had their task list, starting with Vinnie’s crew.

He then jumped into his truck and made the half hour journey to Vinnie’s apartment. When he arrived, Vinnie was sitting in a large recliner in front of his TV. Tom couldn’t see any marks on his face, but it was all Vinnie could do to turn his head to welcome his older brother.

‘What did they do, Vin?’ Tom asked with a worried frown.

‘Mostly ribs and gut. I can hardly move right now,’ he replied in a pained voice.

‘Bastards!’ Tom spat. ‘I’ll make ’em pay for this.’

Tom paused for a minute and then asked his brother, ‘Have you got a phone number for …’ Tom stopped again.

‘No, never mind. I know what to do,’ he said to no one in particular.

‘You stay here and sit tight, Vin. I’ll look after this guy and the debt,’ Tom ordered.

‘Tom, be careful. You can’t trust these guys. He’s got some friends,’ Vinnie warned.

‘So have I, Vin … so have I,’ he said menacingly.

‘Stay here and don’t answer the phone. If it’s me or something important, let them leave a message and you can get back to them. Whatever you do, don’t talk to Tremblay or Marcia, understood?’

‘Yeah, understood,’ Vinnie answered in a soft voice.

‘Hey Tom,’ he called faintly as his brother had turned to leave. ‘Thanks.’

Tom nodded and looked at his wounded brother with a wrinkled smile, turned and walked out, closing the apartment door behind him.


On the way back to Vinnie’s jobsite, Tom made a couple of phone calls, one to Peter Dennison at Orca, and another to Steve Inhalt. He had a plan, a risky one, but at least it was a plan. He chose not to share it with anyone, especially Jenny.

When he arrived at Vinnie’s site, Robbie was there and they spent a half hour discussing what needed to be done. Tom asked Robbie to remain there for the balance of the day, and he would cover for him at Robbie’s site as well as his own. He knew Robbie’s crew would be fine on their own for a day or so, and his own project was a smaller renovation that wasn’t proving to be difficult.

By eleven that morning everything was under control, and he could spend some time thinking about what he had to do with Mr. Martin Tremblay. He was waiting for a return phone call from both Peter and Steve that would let him know what his options were. He was becoming increasingly nervous and decided to head home for lunch, something he almost never did.

Jenny would be at the store and Nikki in school, so he would be alone. He needed some time to think through what he wanted to do. First, he had to calm down. He realized how angry he was this morning when he discovered his brother had been beaten. He wasn’t just angry at Tremblay, but also at Vinnie for bringing this on himself. He sat at the kitchen table nursing a beer and mentally planning just how he hoped this one and, with any luck, only meeting with Tremblay would go.

Tom was distracted for the rest of the afternoon while he waited for the two phone calls. Steve Inhalt called first, just after 2pm. He confirmed that the arrangements Tom had requested were in place. He was curious about what Tom planned to do, but Tom politely put him off and suggested he would give him the whole story later.

Peter didn’t call until nearly 4:30pm, but he had obtained the important information that Tom needed prior to meeting with Tremblay. He too was curious about what Tom planned and warned him against anything illegal. But in the end, he could only wish Tom luck after extracting the promise from him to tell him what he did. With the information in hand, Tom began to feel a bit more confident.

Jenny arrived home with Nikki at their usual time, just after 5pm. They briefly kissed and asked each other about their day while Tom gave Nikki a hug and a kiss. Nikki skipped off downstairs to begin her homework, and Jenny poured Tom and herself a glass of wine before she began to prepare their supper.

Tom told her he had a meeting at 8pm in the city with a prospective client, and would be out for a couple of hours or so. He told her nothing of Vinnie’s beating, or his contact with Peter or Steve.

It almost came unglued when Robbie called with a progress report, and had a brief chat with Jenny before handing off to Tom. Luckily, he said nothing about Vinnie’s absence, and Tom breathed a silent sigh of relief.

Tom drove through the dark late-October evening to the address that Peter had given him. He would not be phoning ahead to give Tremblay any advance warning of his visit. When he had parked entered the outer lobby of the fifteen story apartment building, he followed Peter’s suggestion.

He pushed ten or twelve buttons, begin careful not to push the one for Tremblay’s apartment. As the various tenants picked up and inquired, he simply said Fed-Ex and waited for one of the unsuspecting tenants to push the electric lock. Sure enough, within seconds, he was at the elevators and on his way up to the ninth floor.

As he exited the elevator on nine, he began to look for apartment 921. He paused in the hallway to slow his breathing and remember Peter’s instructions. He held a clipboard in his hands and stuck a pencil behind his ear. He stepped to the door of 921 and knocked firmly three times.

He heard a TV inside and then an accented voice called:

‘Who is it?’

‘Security,’ was Tom’s one word reply.

The door had a peep hole and Tom was sure Tremblay would be using it to check him out. After a few seconds, the door began to open. Tom pushed hard against the edge of the door, and the man inside went sprawling backward on the carpet. Tom closed the door behind him, walked over to a surprised, medium sized man, grabbed him by his shirt near the collar, and dragged him to his feet.

‘Are you Martin Tremblay?’ Tom asked in a menacing voice.

‘What the fuck! … Who the fuck are you?’ the man spluttered. ‘Who the fuck do you think you are to come in here and push me around, asshole?’

‘Let’s try this one more time. Are you Martin Tremblay?’

‘So what’s it to you if I am?’ he sneered.

Tremblay never saw it coming. Tom’s hand moved barely one foot in distance before the heel of it hit the smaller man in the sternum. A violent whoosh of air came out of Tremblay’s mouth and his eyes went wide as once again he was on the floor looking up. Tom stood over him, saying nothing, waiting for the man to regain his breathing and pick himself up.

‘Allow me to introduce myself,’ Tom said coldly. ‘I’m Tom Blanton, Vinnie’s brother.’

‘You think you can come in here and beat on me, asshole? I got friends to look after guys like you,’ he spat, once again trying to take back the initiative.

‘According to my information, you’ve got one friend. That would be the guy who worked over my brother last night. Do you know where he is right now?’ Tom asked in a calm voice.

Inside, Tom was a bundle of nervous energy, but he fought to
maintain control of his emotions. He had a job to do.

‘He’s hangin’ around waiting for me to call him,’ Tremblay said warily.

‘Hmmm … probably not,’ Tom said quietly. ‘You need to be more careful with your hiring policy, Martin. Your boy, one Mr. Ranjit Singh, is a parolee from Federal Prison, and if I’m not mistaken, he is right now answering some questions about an assault that took place last night. The RCMP may or may not let him go, but I’m told his parole officer is very unhappy with his behavior lately.’

‘You think I can’t find someone else to look after business?’ Tremblay sneered as he began to gain back some bravado.

‘Possibly, but that’s not why I’m here,’ Tom began. ‘I understand my brother owes you some money. Care to tell me how much?’

Tremblay stopped and looked at Tom for a minute before answering.

‘He owes me seventy five grand,’ he stated, somewhat hesitantly.

‘Bullshit!’ Tom said evenly. ‘He borrowed fifty five thousand. Even at your crooked interest rates that doesn’t make seventy five.’

‘I said seventy five and I mean seventy five,’ Tremblay said, again trying to assert some control.

‘Here’s how it’s going to happen, pal,’ Tom said with a cold stare. ‘I’m going to write you a certified check for sixty seven thousand and five hundred dollars and that is going to be the end of it. The debt will be retired and you will never have any contact with me or anyone else in my family … understood?’

‘Fuck you … seventy five thousand and I mean it!’ Tremblay tried again.

‘Now you’re being silly,’ Tom smirked. ‘Let me tell you why I think that. First, you are a small timer with no contacts in this city. You’re from Montreal, and you thought this city would be a pushover for a guy with your smarts.

‘Trouble is, this is one tough city to play in. You try and muscle in on someone else’s game here and you can be found face down in a ditch, or floating in the harbor. You and your girlfriend Marcia had to play small time because that’s all you could be without getting in someone’s way. You just had the bad luck to pick the wrong family to play against.’

‘You don’t scare me,’ Tremblay continued with his attempt at bravado.

‘No, I’m sure I don’t. However, some of the people at Canada Revenue might want to know more about your income sources. They would want to see records and interview clients, you know … the usual audit procedures,’ Tom said with a wry smile.

‘I’m not taking no cheque, that’s for sure …,’ Tremblay tried again. ‘This is a cash only business.’

‘You will take a cheque all right. It’s the only way you’ll get paid, and my family always pays its debts,’ Tom said firmly.

‘If you think I’m going to hand you cash so you can come back later for more, you’re even stupider than I thought. That cheque will be made out in the amount of sixty seven five and it will be made out to you personally. If you try anything funny, the evidence will all point to you. In my business we call that insulation.’

Tremblay turned away from Tom and walked to the living room window and stood there for a few moments.

‘When do I get the cheque?’ he asked without turning around.

‘You’ll have it tomorrow before noon. It will be delivered by courier to this address, another bit of insulation.’

Tremblay remained looking out his window and finally turned back and walked over near Tom.

‘You can count yourself lucky, Blanton. Nobody fucks with me! You got away with it this time,’ he snarled in his most threatening voice.

Tom’s right hand swung in a flat, short, tight arc as it slammed into Tremblay’s ribcage. A sharp cry of pain and once again he was on the floor. This time he wasn’t getting up. Tom thought he heard a crack when he hit the man, but it didn’t matter. Tremblay was doing everything he could to breathe through the pain, and was in no condition to continue the debate.

‘On the contrary, Mr. Tremblay, you can count yourself lucky,’ Tom said coldly. ‘I was able to control my temper tonight. Nobody harms one of my family or friends and gets away with it. Nobody … do you hear me?’

Tremblay couldn’t look at Tom, but nodded his head almost imperceptibly.

Tom walked to the apartment door and let himself out. By the time he reached his truck, he was visibly shaking. It had been like a scene out of some B movie. He had been playing a role completely foreign to him, and yet he had pulled it off. He sat in the truck for several minutes trying to compose himself before he started it, and began to drive home through the dark, wet streets.

At halfway, he changed his mind and turned toward Vinnie’s apartment. He let himself in with his key and found Vinnie unconscious in the same recliner he had been in that morning. He went to try and awaken him and noticed a deep red stain in the crotch of his pants. It was blood. He quickly picked up the phone and punched in 911.

As the ambulance took Vinnie away to the emergency room, Tom began to feel the tightness in his stomach and the headache that had been coming on since he had left Tremblay’s apartment. He looked at his watch and realized it was after ten. He called home and Jenny answered.

‘Hi Jen. Sorry, I got tied up and I’m just heading home now.’

‘You sound different. Are you all right Tom?’

‘Yeah, it’s been a weird night. I’ll tell you all about it when I get home,’ he said in a tired voice.


It took a while for Tom to explain the full events of the day to Jenny. She was genuinely horrified when he told her of Vinnie’s beating and Tom’s subsequent call to 911 after seeing the blood. The ambulance paramedic said he had passed blood in his urine and he was too weak and in too much pain to get out of the chair to reach the phone.

There was less blood than it first appeared, and it was likely a bruised rather than ruptured kidney. He had regained consciousness before they wheeled him out on the gurney to the ambulance. Tom had given him a pat on the head and squeezed his hand as he left.

Tom then told Jenny of his calls to Peter and Steve and his meeting with Martin Tremblay. Jenny was wide-eyed and almost in shock as Tom relayed the events of the meeting.

‘How could you do something so dangerous?’ she demanded.

‘I had to get it solved, Jen. I had to bring it to an end,’ he explained. ‘I had good advice and a decent plan. Besides, the guy never stood a chance against me,’ he concluded.

‘What do you mean? You could have been hurt or even killed!’

She was nearly in tears as he continued his story.

‘No, he wasn’t going to hurt me. He didn’t have a weapon and I didn’t give him a chance to go get one,’ Tom said matter-of-factly.

‘In the end, I knew all he really wanted was the money, and I just had to make sure I protected us from having him come back for more at a later date. These pond scum are all the same. Once they think they’ve won, they keep coming back for more. I wasn’t going to let that happen.’

Tom told Jenny of Peter’s advice and their agreement on strategy in dealing with Tremblay. While Tremblay relied on fear and violence to produce results, Tom and Peter contrived a plan to use the law and in this case, Canada Revenue to put the pressure on.

It didn’t hurt that Peter’s follow up on Ranjit Singh turned up the information that he was wanted for parole violation. All Tom had to do was let the RCMP know that Singh may have been the assailant on his brother the previous evening, and that would tie up the muscle for at least a few hours, if not for much, much longer.

Tom was very reluctant to tell Jenny about the more violent aspects of his visit. She was a gentle woman and abhorred violence. He feared she would think less of him if she knew he had taken a bit of physical vengeance out on the loan shark. It was also the reason he did not tell her all about his teenage years and his learned p
hysical skills.

Early the next morning, Tom phoned Peter and relayed the story of the previous evening in chapter and verse. Peter was obviously fascinated that Tom could pull this off in such a dramatic fashion. He had been very fearful that Tom might get himself in over his head and it might all go sideways on him.

If most of what Tom told him was accurate, he had pulled off a small miracle. He was convinced that Tom had put an end to Tremblay’s hold on the family, especially with the now traceable cheque and courier delivery. It was just dumb luck that Ranjit Singh was wanted on a Canada-Wide Warrant for parole violation, but sometimes luck was the most important ingredient.

Peter signed off with Tom after confirming that subject to the cheque being cashed, and hearing no more from Martin Tremblay, the contract was concluded. Orca’s bill would be in the mail the next afternoon.

Next, Tom phoned Steve and gave him an abridged version of events. He thanked him for the quick arrangement of the finances needed to produce the cheque, and promised to give him all the gory details over a beer in the near future. He said he had an idea what he might do to help Vinnie when he was out of the hospital, and he’d talk to Steve about that after he’d had some time to think it through.

Tom sat at the kitchen table that Friday morning, sipping his coffee and lost in thought. Jenny walked up behind him and put her arms around him.

‘You scared me half to death last night,’ she whispered.

‘I’m sorry Jen. I didn’t mean to, but that guy had to be dealt with and it couldn’t wait,’ he said apologetically.

‘They gave Vinnie a deadline of tomorrow midnight to pay up. That beating he took probably cracked a couple of ribs and may have damaged his internal organs. Who knows what they might have done to him if he hadn’t been able to pay up.’

‘I know. You have done everything you can for him, Tom. Now it’s up to him,’ she said softly.

‘I think you’re going to see a big change in Vincent Blanton in the very near future,’ she said confidently.

‘I hope so, Jen. If this doesn’t do it, nothing will,’ he said resignedly.


Tom walked into the hospital room later that afternoon and saw his brother propped up on some pillows, reading a magazine. Vinnie grinned as he saw Tom approach.

‘Hey Tom.’

‘Hey yourself, Vin. How you feeling?’

‘Better. I got a cracked rib and a bruised kidney, but otherwise, the doctor said nothing serious.’

‘How long they going to keep you in here?’ Tom asked.

‘A couple more days. Just to make sure the kidney is OK,’ he said simply.

‘Vin, I didn’t tell mom or dad about this, but sooner or later …’

‘Yeah, I know. Let me do it, OK? I guess it’s the least I can do,’ his voice trailed off.

‘I took care of Tremblay. He won’t be bothering you any more,’ Tom stated simply.

‘Thanks, I owe you,’ Vinnie said surprised and looking carefully at his brother.

‘Yeah, well, we’ll work out something …’

‘I’ve been thinking Tom,’ Vinnie began slowly, ‘I’m going to take your offer on the share. I don’t think I’m ever going to be happy always being second best. I need to find something for myself, something I can do.’

‘Don’t make any big decisions yet, Vinnie. Let yourself get better, and then we’ll talk … OK?’

‘Yeah, sure.’ Vinnie looked out the hospital window over toward the North Shore. ‘How much did it cost?’ he asked, looking back at Tom.

‘Sixty seven five,’ Tom said succinctly.

‘Could’a been worse I guess,’ Vinnie said philosophically. ‘You can take it out of the share sale, OK?’

‘OK, Vin. Don’t worry about it for now. It’s all looked after,’ Tom said.

‘Did you whack him?’

‘Yeah, couple times,’ Tom said simply.

‘Thanks. What about his pal, the East Indian guy,’ Vinnie asked curiously.

‘Mounties got him. Parole violation. He won’t be a problem.’

‘How’d you do this?’

‘I got friends in low places,’ Tom laughed.

‘Same friends that found out about Marcia and the other stuff?’


‘You owe for that?’

‘A bit …no big deal.’

‘I’ll cover it,’ Vinnie said simply.

They were having one of those compact conversations that had become part of their teenage and early adulthood patterns of speech. It seemed to have ended in the past year, but here it was back again as if it had never left.

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My first Shemale stepmom encounter

My name is Hunter, I'm 28, skinny and not too tall. I've never had much luck with girls, in fact I never dated one and I used to spent my days playing games on my computer and watching porn. Shemale porn. Dominant shemales fucking men. I wish i could be one of those men on the videos, that turned me on so easily.I was alone one day jerking off watching a scene of Yasmin Lee dominating a tied up guy when something unexpected happened: my stepmother arrived early from her job, entered the house...

3 years ago
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AssassinChapter 9B

Kyra lifted her top to expose her breasts and then donned a bra. "I guess we'd better be seen downstairs." "Yeah." I moved to the computer and disconnected the controls. "Here you are Mark. I'd better put on a display with Kyra for your folks." "Beverley isn't our folks," Kyra snapped, "and Michelle's just a brat." "She can't help what they turned her into." Mark gallantly stood up for their young sister. "She didn't seem too bad," I cautiously suggested. "Oh, she...

4 years ago
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Between WorldsChapter 4

Toronto, Ontario, late evening Sienna was cold. She pulled the scarf tighter about her head as she ran from building to building. Why didn't she wait at the Moslem culture centre until her brother picked her up? She knew why. When her three hour class was cancelled, she did not want to set outside the building, and she did not have money for a bus. She knew the way home. What she did not know was what kind of neighbourhood the way home took her into. She heard the men behind her and could...

2 years ago
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A European Beauty

I’m just a guy who of course like any guy that adores so many parts or things about women that I wouldn’t or don’t know where to begin if I had to describe what it is about a woman that I like most. Okay, yes I do. It’s her smile. A smile lights her up. A heartfelt smile will do so many things to a woman’s “being” that it can tell a story about her in ways a man can not easily describe. However, with that smile a man may not and does not see all the other portions of a woman, excluding the...

3 years ago
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Sylvias Mother Ch 25

The sudden, wild joining they enjoyed in the library left both Jason and Sylvia’s mother sweaty and sticky, which meant they wound up in the shower together after all. And, inevitably, as they showered, they grew aroused and made love, although with far less intensity than they’d shown earlier in the den. After they finished their shower and got dressed again, they went downstairs and had lunch. ‘I don’t know how I’m going to survive after tomorrow,’ Karen said, laying her hand on Jason’s as...

1 year ago
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Ann finds love

Nineteen year old Ann Hetherington was fat and blond. She tried every diet she could find but nothing worked. Maybe that's why boys weren't interested in dating her. Ann found her own way to satisfy herself. She went to her bedroom and played with her pussy. Then she looked around the room for something to stick in it. She was tired of using her fingers. She found a hair brush with a long rubber handle. Ann smeared some cold cream on it and shoved in her cunt. It was wonderful! It was the size...

First Time
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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 66 Moving Forward Step by Step

October, 1983, Chicago, Illinois On Sunday morning, I let Jackie know I was going out for my run. We kissed and she headed for her room so that she could shower and I headed outside. When I got back I showered and made my usual call to Karin, then went downstairs to make myself some breakfast. Our Sunday afternoon discussion was fairly tame, as nobody seemed up for any controversial talks. Jorge, Charlie, and George were there, though Jamie was absent as Jackie had predicted. We discussed...

4 years ago
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Night Turns Sex Party

Hello, my dear ISS readers. I am Sidharth, few months’ back I had posted my story sex at my friend’s birthday party for which I got good reviews and I also got few personal E-Mails. Few ISS reader who sent me a personal mail requested me to upload some more stories. So here I am with a new story and the continuation of my previous story. After the Birthday party night we started going out and used to be together most of the time. We didn’t get much privacy to do something but whenever we got...

1 year ago
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When Your Hormones Go Crazy Part 6

My step-daughter started bringing friends over regularly just after she turned sixteen. I never had a complaint, being a guy, because I'd get to silently watch these cute girls walk around in short shorts, t-shirts, sometimes leggings, and wearing almost nothing else. I could tell at times some didn't wear bras, and really didn't seem to care. I'm not sure because of my reputation as a cool laid back step-dad, or because they just didn't give a shit.When my step-daughter had three or four girls...

2 years ago
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Seeing my first hard cock

Hopefully this is OK, we were both u******e. Not quite sure how it started, but my friend Tommy wanted to show me his cock. He was nice and hard. Now I know he was quite small. I was 13 and and he was was a bit younger. We spent the summer showing each other our cocks. I would jack off for him. We would look at stolen girlie magazines. We lived in a small town and our parents would leave us to fend for ourselves in the summer while our parents were at work. I even attempted to cook breakfast...

4 years ago
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Monster 3

It was early evening when I arrived at the crappy little house, a three bedroom shithole with half the siding off and a sagging front porch. I could hear children crying, and a muffled, but loud voice yelling as I walked past three Harleys toward the front porch of the battered place. As I walked across dead grass and weeds, two oversize men – one with a wild head of shaggy dark hair and a matching full beard, the other bald as a cue ball - in “Purple Pranksterz Motorcycle Club” jean vests...

2 years ago
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Secret Fantasy Part 2

Wed been married for about ten years when I discovered my wifes secret fantasy, she fantasized about being raped and in fact wanted to be raped. I conspired with Rick, a maintenance worker at the facility to rape my wife, but not to hurt her. Everything went exactly as we planned, on the day wed arranged, Rick showed up early at the house to repair a plumping problem, Meg was dressed only in a bath robe. Rick raped her right on our living room rug. Although I expected her to tell me about being...

1 year ago
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Blow Buddy Blowout

I had to be in San Francisco for a week last month, for business meetings. The meetings were started at 10 am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, but on Wednesday the meetings were late night. Most people had to be their from 7 until midnight, but my department wasn't expected to be there until 9. It had been years since i had been to Blow Buddies and I planned on making a day of it. When people asked me what i had planned. I responded, " well you know me, always the foodie, when i get to a...

3 years ago
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Freshman year third quarter

His fucking got to be somewhat painful and demanding too. Last week, he had gone out drinking with his ROTC friends and came back extremely wasted. I was reading in bed when he walked through the door. "Bro, want to fuck around? I'm feeling lit right now!" he growled in his husky boy-man voice. The ROTC men were always so funny to me. They were everything resembling a rugged Brawny man, but so boyish and sophomoric, barely mature beyond a high-schooler. "I don't know man, I'm a...

4 years ago
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More Than A StretchChapter 29

Miguel and I spent a few minutes studying the lights on the Stretch maintenance console and the Reaper console, and I asked Steve, "What was going on in this program?" "Well, several things. First of all, it's all running out of the fast memory, and using it for data storage as well. Beyond that, the Stretch program is reading from the fast tape and storing that data into the fast memory. Finally, I'm using the new programming technique that Sarah showed us last month to use more...

2 years ago
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My Sister8217s Friend Helping

Hi I am Anubhav 25 from Jaipur. I am a businessman and I used to wander in India most of the time. I have already posted my past experiences this incident is about a journey which held at Mumbai any female from Jaipur can contact me on my id This was the time of November in last year when I was supposed to go to Mumbai for some business tour. as you know that I love incest so I and my sister used to have sex at home without interval even she had been pregnant two times but now we are much...

2 years ago
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The Little Slut

The Little Slut Reuben wasn't much for dancing and drinking. He drank very little, hardly at all and did not fancy the dance club scene with the loud thumping music and the drunk sorority girls trying to hook up with the drunk fraternity guys. It was a rare occasion that would bring them out to a place like this and tonight was one of those occasions. The party was for a couple getting married the next weekend and since they were good friends, he had relented and joined the party. Chloe however...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Punished for Jerking Off

After leaving high school I did some triathlons and the leg that scared me the most was swimming. I was an OK swimmer but not great and not confident at the kind of distances required in the longer triathlons. So I spent a fair bit of time swim training at the local aquatic center. The pool was a city run center with a fifty meter outdoor olympic sized pool, grand stand area and huge change rooms. I had some naughty experiences in the change rooms with some random hookups and I would often...

3 years ago
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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 21 Home again

The trip home was a non event. We all arrived safely. We were met at the space port by Sally and Waush Shaua Chow. Everyone ooh'ed and ahh'ed over the kittens. We had a pleasant surprise, the light rail line was open to Malik Mills town center. We had a short walk from the station to our home. Sally had a party planned to welcome us home. Anu and his set were there. Lake and Hunter Backus had been hired as Wellville Park rangers, and they were there too. Shannon Crosby met and introduced...

3 years ago
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Dog Breath

My friend Lane seems to always have terrible breath in the morning. I wonder why... Three or four times a year Lane and I would go camping in the mountains for a couple of weeks and have a good time fishing, hiking, telling stories and drinking beer. Sometimes we would go with a group of friends but most times just him and I would go. When Lane would fall asleep for the night he would be out cold. I never saw anyone so deep asleep. When we were in our teens we used to do all kinds of...

1 year ago
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Private Angel Emily Enjoys Extreme Anal Pleasure

There are some incredible couples in the world of porn and Angel Emily and Mike Angelo are certainly one of them! Watch them together in Private Specials, Anal Beauties in true private style as they waste no time getting down to business with a nice sloppy blowjob before the fucking begins right away. Enjoy the sight of Angel’s amazing ass be put to good use as she offers up that tight little hole for some intense anal action that has her screaming and shaking with pleasure all the way to a...

2 years ago
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ShockwaveChapter 9

General Langston asked a member of his staff to bring out the contracts for the all the branches of the military. He had a separate set of contracts for the FBI – The CIA had their own contracts. “I’ll keep these and have our attorneys look them over,” I told him and put the stack of large envelopes under my arm. “Mr. Lightfoot, we were hoping to get some of these signed today.” A lower ranking general spoke up. “You can take them back with you unsigned or leave them with me. The choice is...

3 years ago
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Sorcerer the Inner CircleChapter 16

BOB (Saturday afternoon 12/3) Natalie and I shopped for enough food to feed our small army and got back to her place about 2:00. After we got the groceries into the kitchen, Ana told us, "Great! Thanks for doing that. We'll start dinner preps around 4:30, so why don't you two take a break and get some rest." Her raised eyebrow and grin told us what kind of "rest" she expected us to get. Natalie had me grab a six-pack of water, twisted my arm behind my back and marched me off to...

3 years ago
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Different Worlds Ch 01

There’s a lot of build up before we get to the hanky panky, I do get there eventually though, and I hope it’s worth the wait. My eternal gratitude goes to the many people who have had a hand in editing this first chapter, Misternik, NaokoSmith, but mostly north200. ~ Ivy always felt a surge of excitement at the start of a new journey. Her van was her home and she loved living on the road and the freedom it brought her. She was planning to overnight at Stonehenge, watch the sunrise and then...

3 years ago
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The Queen and her Decendant

Running and shouting are heared throughout the forest. A girl and three soldiers all armed with spears and swords run through the forest. "Bandit, bandit!" Is all the soldiers yelled, the girl runs and turns through the endless trees away from them. "Why me, what did i ever do wrong," the girl thought; her life was on long bad event after another, left in an orphanage, tossed out for reasons beyond her control, forced to whore and steel to live, and now she was here soldiers chasing her into a...

2 years ago
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Turning PointsChapter 5

She had fixed his supper hours ago. Knowing he had stayed out late on several occasions just to aggravate her, she was, at first, not overly worried, but as the food was relegated to the oven to be kept warm, prime time on TV coming and going, the first twinges of apprehension began to appear. Finally, as midnight approached, Kerri heard a car drive up and looked out the window to see Kyle emerging from the passenger side and begin an all too familiar stagger toward the house. She had...

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Toms AdventuresChapter 15

As they were walking back Tom was talking to Ben when suddenly a small woman came charging out of a door and almost knocked them both down as she stormed up the street. Tom was so surprised that he didn't notice Ben's hand on his arm to steady him. He turned a curious gaze at the sign over the door to see where she had come from when suddenly there was a man in the doorway watching her stomp down the street. He had a sad expression on his face and made a made a big sigh. Tom's curiosity...

4 years ago
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The Clockmaster and The Inventor Part 41

Scrap stood in the corner, awaiting my orders. “Scrap time to head home.” In response, the automaton straightened slightly, hissed and clomped toward the door. I opened it, and followed my invention into the dimly lit streets. The streets were half empty, mostly people going home for the evening; every so often a steam car passed by carrying a upper ring citizens or two. As I walked, I became aware of what sounded like a violin from a few blocks away, nearby the clock tower. I headed toward...

3 years ago
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Creating a female slave Part 2

She then used the bucket to have a pee and the sound echoed as her urine stream hit the metal sides and bottom. I smiled and started editing her first session so I could stream it to the other Society members. I finished the editing and started streaming it to the Society members. Feeling exhausted I checked the time. It had been twelve hours since the kidnapping so pointless trying to find any media coverage of a missing person yet and as for my slav, she would already be time disoriented as...

2 years ago
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First Gloryhole

I'm a 43 year old, married white male. I've always been obsessed with idea of sucking a cock since I was in my teens. Well, my opportunity came when my wife had to go out of town on a business trip and I had decided to finally try it. I had been researching for some time about how to meet someone when I came across a site for gay men singles wanting to hook up. I knew it was risky and maybe I should try to explore with a friend, but I didn't know if any of my friends were curious. So I decided...

4 years ago
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Forced to be a Sissy IV

Forced to be a Sissy IV By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction and should not be confused with reality. Permission is granted to down load for personal pleasure only. Down loads of this work for any other purpose is strictly forbidden. If you do not like forced feminization with various punishments then do not read or send negative commentary. Commentary regarding the story plot development and grammar are always welcome. Forced to be a Sissy IV Jacob wanted to wipe the...

1 year ago
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TrickySpa Abella Danger Nocturnal Massage

Abella Danger bounces into the kitchen where Codey Steele is. Wishing him good morning, she asks him how he slept. Codey says that he’s really tired and has a mysterious bump on his shoulder and doesn’t know how he got it. Abella plays dumb and just shrugs saying that’s weird. Can he talk to Abella about something? Of course he can she replies. Ok, he says, he used to have a problem – he’s a somnambulist, meaning he walks while he’s dozed off! What’s...

4 years ago
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1 An Afternoon

I got undressed, spread my legs over the edge of the bed, my hard cock pointing straight up."Get here and suck it."My wife turned, walked over and dropped down on her knees, opening her mouth. I think her knees touched the floor at the same time my dick penetrated her lips and entered her mouth. I didn't have to push, she lowered her head until I felt the back of her neck. She held it there, her tongue snaking around the shaft, the she parted her lips and out it went, cupping my balls, her...

3 years ago
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The Discoveries and Explorations of Richard and Leslie Roe

The television chattered on in the background as my wife got to her knees in between my naked legs and licked my hard dick from base to glans, and used her lips to take me into her mouth. Her lips spread over my swollen head and sucked it in, more of my muscular member disappearing into her mouth and down her throat as I watched. “Yeah, I like that,” I mumbled as her tongue scrubbed the bottom of my shift beneath the head. Her eyes lazily flashed up to meet mine as she switched up what she...

2 years ago
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The Hawk and The ChipmunkChapter 74

Hawk, Marc, and Skyler arrived at the Yarrow Bay Grill a few minutes after noon. The restaurant was moderately busy, but several tables overlooking the marina and the lake were still available. When Hawk explained he wanted two tables; one being a particular table at the window, and the second within easy sight of the first, the host’s attitude was bordering on belligerent. In response Hawk showed the man his black Visa Card and a hundred dollar bill, and asked, “Sir, have you ever seen one...

1 year ago
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Breaking Article 134 Ch 06

The cabin was empty and silent when I woke. Rolling onto my back, I stared at the ceiling and sighed. Vaguely, I recalled waking earlier to the feel of his hard driving cock pistoning in and out of my pussy, then a low groan when he came. The sun was shining brightly, so it was well into morning, and I could hear the lake lapping at the dock. I was a sticky mess of cum, a swim would do me good. Leaving the ruined peignoir on the bed, I sauntered from the cabin, casually making my way to the...

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