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Pucker Up By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 3 There he was suddenly being positioned in line just like every other girl in a big dress, all made up. It was all he could do not to piss his panties as he crossed his legs under the ball skirt, hearing nothing but the dizzying sounds of women cackling as they spouted orders to their daughters as they hurried from behind the curtain and rushed towards their seats. It was like the calm before the storm for just a minute as the room grew quiet as he noticed girls patting at their dresses, staring at their nails and twisting their hair nervously. "You're so quiet. So calm," said a girl looking back at him. "No, trust me I'm shitting bricks," said Paul in his softest voice. "You? Seriously?" The girl shook her head. "I wouldn't be if I looked like you. I'm Brandi." "Oh hi. Paul.. a. Paula Anne," Paul said awkwardly. "I mean just call me Paula, and thanks. But no way. You look awesu... I mean you look really pretty." "Thanks Paula, and I love that color on you," said Brandi, looking over as the music began playing. "I guess we're all nervous even if you don't show it, so good luck." "You too," replied Paul, hearing the applause as the contest was beginning. "Ok ladies! Listen up," said Gianna, snapping her fingers. "Remember the five big Xs on the floor are your stations. Make sure you stop at each one and the moment they announce your name, do your stuff out there girls!" As the first girl strolled through the curtain, Paul had never felt so uncomfortable in his life. He had never gotten pre-game jitters in hockey, yet this feeling of angst was more overwhelming than he could have imagined. He kept telling himself that not a single girl had noticed anything different, and that in reality all he had to do was make sure not to fall, smile and just follow the others. As the line dwindled, so did his courage, growing shakier as his turn grew closer. When Brandi was called by Gianna that she was next, it was like the waters grew calm as he watched the girl before her and noticed how easily she strolled around the stage. Once Brandi was out there, there was nothing that could break his focus, as he took notice of her every step and noted every little wiggle. "Ok honey. You're next," said Gianna, touching his elbow to push him closer. "Smile! You look beautiful and you're gonna do great." "Ladies and gentlemen," said the announcer. "From Columbus, Ohio, let's hear it for Miss Paula Anne Carbonelli." As she patted his back for a brief second, the moment had arrived and yet it was like time stood still. Before his leg even flinched, he thought briefly about all the things his family had done for him, and then this just felt like a dream as this really wasn't who he was anyway. As the flashbacks of his family's sacrifices for him faded in his vision, his sister's support and pleading resonated in his mind, only serving as further motivation, psyching him up as now his stage name echoed in his mind. He had trained his mind to never let the moment get the better of him in difficult situations like shootouts or during pressure packed shots, and now he had to twist that mindset to get into character. Every instruction on mannerisms raced through his brain as he immersed himself unconditionally, taking that first step through the curtain as Paula. When the "oooooohhs" and "aaaaaahhs" filling his ears were followed by instantaneous applause, the next few steps into the spotlight were a cinch for him. His focus on following the path that Brandi had just taken was apparent as he made his way towards the first station, picking up the X on the floor and then twisting his hips as he smiled warmly. On his next move towards the front of the stage, his concentration was pinpoint with each step of his heels as he strutted with some attitude. His mind was controlling his muscle, like he was stick handling from forehand to backhand yet instead it transmitted a girlish wiggle through his hips as he glided towards the audience on the far left before pausing. He had memorized exactly where to stop at the X's, twisting to show off his dress and then turned heading across the front of the stage. He made sure to smile and make eye contact with the judges as he sashayed slowly past them, and then stopped posing to be judged. He felt no pressure at all now, turning left and then right with the most graceful movements he could muster, and then turned waving and blowing a kiss to the audience before again beginning his walk. At the right edge of the stage, he took notice of his sister with her jaw almost dropped to the floor, and then winked at his mother, who had tears in her eyes. When he turned towards the back, it was like weight had left his shoulders as he knew he had passed the test, and the rest didn't matter. The last elegant wave and big kisses felt exhilarating as he exhaled, feeling unexpectedly emotional pausing on the last X. It took only but a brief moment to compose himself before he made his way to the line, standing next to Brandi side by side with the other girls, just like he belonged. It was hard not to glance over and see his mother looking so choked up as he nonchalantly lifted his hand, slightly nodding, as he gave her the thumbs up and mouthed, "It's fine and I'm ok," without speaking a word. He'd parade with everyone daintily around the stage as a group once every girl had been announced, and then one by one they had a turn standing front and center once again. He was almost used to being the center of attention, so a few poses with his hands on his hips, smiling out at the audience, gave him that same little rush, like his teammates mobbing him after a goal. He loved feeling worshiped, except that his skates had been replaced with heels, or the cool ice with bright hot lights, as he blew a few last kisses. Regardless of being the leading scorer, or an adored diva, it felt exactly the same as the one thing that he was at home with, being a star. "You did amazing, Paula," squealed Marcy, hugging him the moment he got off stage. "Girls practice years and aren't this good," yelled Danielle, as they all took turns hugging him. "So impressive, Paula." "Really?" replied Paul, extremely relaxed as the first time on stage was easier than he thought. "I thought it was pretty easy." "Well, there's much more to do as you progress, honey," said Marcy as they hurried down the hall into his dressing room. "Hurry, let's get you out of this dress, change up your hair and do a few other things." "Still? Most girls shake like a leaf," said Ginger, impressed. "But you were cool and so collected" "And she's not even a girl," said Roberto. "Well, maybe that's the secret here, ladies," said Lillian, walking in with a smirk. "Now that's thinking out of the box, Lillian," giggled Roberto. "Maybe we should think of it like we've just increased our pool to pick from next year." "How many skinny, long haired boys with great balance do you think are out there to choose from Roberto?" Teased Marc,y shaking her head as they all shared a good laugh. "Ok, ok everyone.... Darlings, that was one act of many to come. Let's get focused again please," said Lillian, getting bossy clapping her hands and rolling her eyes as she flipped one of his curls. "Our beautiful little princess boy did well, but I'm certainly not worried about next year. The future is now, so prepare her for her next look and let's not take the slightest thing for granted. We all know the competition's just beginning, and going to get harder with each change. I expect no one to let their guard down, understood?" The simple joy of passing was suddenly out the door as Lillian meant business and managed her staff that way as well. "It looks like none of you did?" said his mother, as she entered with his sister. "I can't believe it. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it at all." "Why not, she looks just like you?" said Lillian. "And you told me you used to compete?" "Holy shit, Lillian. I did, and I was crowned a few times, but this is crazy!" sighed Kristen. "How's that, Kristen?" said Lillian with a huge smile, walking over and putting her arm around Kristen and Bridget. "Maybe the only thing crazy is what wonderful genes Miss Paula inherited from her mother. That and the kid is a natural in front of a crowd. That you can't coach." "Well I guess he's always had that winning thing, but knew it would translate," said Kristen, throwing up her hands. "Is it translating? I don't even know what to think? "All you need to think is that my little sister did better than expected," said Bridget with a grin. "Crazy or not mom, I think she did." "But look at him!" said Kristen, growing upset. "He's just a boy in a dress." "But all we did was hair and makeup," Lillian pointed to her chest. "The rest is inside. The desire to win. That's innate. That's inside." "Yeah, inside my dress," said Bridget, rolling her eyes as she touched the dress and then picked at the ends of his hair, circling him. "And look how pretty his hair came out mom. You wouldn't let me dye my hair until this year, and look at how good his looks already. I might have one last year if I had done a few more things to stand out." Not only now was he wearing a dress meant for his sister, but he now had the treated hair she had begged her mother to get a few years back. "Please Bridget," said Kristen, trying to keep it together. "Let's not go backwards please. Don't you think we have enough to deal with right now!" "I didn't ask for any of this, Bridget," Paul said annoyed, picking up the ends of a curl with his fingers. "All this was done for you, and I still barely know what the hell happened as it happened so fast." Just feeling the sticky heavily sprayed curls was incredibly weird, but even more so doing it with square, soft pink based white French tipped nails. With his mother and sister around, he had let his guard down for a minute, dropping out of character as it made him think of his ridiculous situation, until Bridget took his hand, softly rubbing his fingers to calm him right down. "You're right," said Bridget, hugging him. "I love and support you no matter what. Don't worry, because I'll help you through every second of this that I can. Sisters support each other." "Stop, girls," said Kristen, getting emotional again hugging both Paul and Bridget. "You two are going to ruin my makeup again, and I just fixed it. I love both of you so much. I'm so proud of you both." "Ok, well I hate to break up the love fest, but we need to dress Paula, please," said Lillian. "Yes, sorry," said Kristen, wiping her eyes struggling to keep it together as she stared at her son swaying in his big dress. "Thanks," smiled Lillian, pointing to some chairs for them to sit down. "Sit and relax ladies." Paul stood there facing his mother and sister as quickly Roberto unzipped his dress and held his arm, helping him step out of it. He stood momentarily as Ginger took off his jewelry and Danielle pulled the rosette from his hair, self-consciously standing there in only his panties. "Wow," sighed his mother, seeing his shoes. "I thought he was in flats under there. I'm even more flabbergasted now." "Really, mom?" said Bridget, as they slipped on his robe. "You know grandma set up that dress for three inch heels. No way could he wear flats in any of the dresses." "Oh my Gawd," yelped his mother, raising her brows. "I almost forgot. That was even more amazing then, and it explains a lot of why his walk had such a perfect little wiggle." "Mom please," said Paul, looking over as he sat down in the big salon chair. "You know I can hear you right? And remember I'm on thin skate blades all day right?" "Ladies?" said Lillian, looking over at them getting annoyed. "Please, or I'll have to ask you to leave." "Sorry," smiled Kristen, waving her hand in a zipping motion across her mouth. "We'll shut up. Please proceed like we don't exist." It was actually much more uncomfortable seeing his sister and mother watching them touch up his face and work on his hair, as he noticed how intently they watched every little thing. He turned his face slightly, as it was easier staring at a plastic container filled with dark and light bobbi pins as he watched Danielle remove a good dozen or so and place them between her teeth. Every once and awhile having her step in his line of sight with a mouth full of pins really was a welcome distraction, as it was much nicer staring at her busty chest than it was seeing his mother gawk over at him. "Close please, Paula," said Marcy, as she dipped her little applicator in to her shadow palette. Just being in the dark for a while didn't hurt either, as the soft brushes felt nice re-crafting some of his eye shadow, yet brushing through some of the hairspray bonds delivered quite the opposite experience. When he opened his eyes, it was hard not to wince, feeling the extreme stretching of some sections of his hair in front and then he felt more pins again go back in. It was like his head was their pi?ata being batted back and forth as he experienced his first teasing and then sharp scratching at his scalp. Between the constant twisting and pinning, it seemed never ending as they tag teamed his hair. The curl iron going in and out wasn't even too bad, and he watched Marcy fill her hands with huge globs of gel before experiencing it glob against his scalp. From behind his forehead and then from the neck line up, she slobbered it on like an oil slick and then combed through it with some force like she was raking through sand. All this was another new uncomfortable sensation, as he wasn't used to all the pulling and twisting, but finally they took a hairdryer, setting the gel. It took two more rounds of soft setting and hairspray as he could feel the hardening and heard the crinkling. When he glanced over seeing the bin that was once filled with so many pins just about empty, it seemed they were satisfied and finally it was over as Marcy redid his lips. It was hard not to see his mother again get glassy eyed as Marcy tapped him to stand, and then he knew the drill, taking a few steps towards Ginger as off came his robe. Taking Ginger's hand for balance and stepping in to the huge sea of crinoline were already engrained as he looked over at his sister and mother watching him being zipped into her dress. "Damn, grandma did some amazing work on that," said Bridget, coming over and inspecting. "If you weren't my sister in my dress I'd be spewing venom on you just seeing anyone else in my dress." "That one's not exactly yours, Bridget," said Kristen, getting up as Paul stood as they fastened a huge necklace over his chest. "What do you mean, mom?" Bridget asked, slightly agitated as a thick sparkly diamond bracelet was fastened over his wrist. "I mean it's a dress grandma made a long time ago," replied Kristen as a tear slid down her cheek. "It's incredible?" Bridget was amazed. "But she couldn't have made it too long ago. It seems to fit him perfectly now, and if it were too old, then it wouldn't have never been sized right. Even the pip-squeak sis has had a little growth spurt this year." "No I didn't mean like a year or two ago. I really meant a long time ago, Bridget and the dress is unmistakable, honey. She certainly modernized and updated it, but It's truly a one of a kind," said Kristen, wiping her tear. "You see your grandmother sewed that for me when I was a Junior Teen Miss, and I got crowned in that dress." "You mean I'm not wearing one of my sisters dresses, but now I'm wearing one you wore in a beauty pageant when you were a little girl," said Paul, stunned while huge earrings were attached to his lower studs. "I'm afraid so," smiled his mother. "I knew grandma said she had a surprise for Bridget, but I didn't realize this was it." "Is that allowed?" asked Bridget perplexed. "Yes, actually," Lillian was amused by their shock. "They just need to be custom and one of a kind. Reusing part of an old custom dress and modernizing is perfectly fine, and in our business actually good luck." "And hopefully even better luck since your mother was crowned in it. Be still one last minute, sweetie," said Marcy as he felt the weight atop his head as she worked pinning. "Well, that may not be the big crown someone will be getting when they win, but that dress was definitely made to be accessorized with a tiara," said Lillian, reading her ipad and then spinning it for all to see. "The results are in and you're in eighth right now, but I think you're going to score high and move up in that dress." "Are you kidding?" screamed Kristen. "Eighth! That's not bad for her first time." "Really?" said Paul, not knowing if that was good or bad and counting all the contestants in his head. "Eight?" "Easy sis! There are 36 girls out there," Bridget stated, rubbing his shoulders. "It's only one round of judging separated by tenths of points. The girl's not used to losing anything. There's plenty of pageant and judging to go." "That's not what I meant," Paul defended his comment but Lillian loved his competitive spirit. "Oh its fine darling and time to get out there," said Lillian, beaming as she enjoyed seeing him get slightly pissed. "Hug mommy and your sister and we need to let them take their seats." "You look so beautiful sis, and you're a winner just for doing this for me," said his sister, giving a quick hug. "Yes and i love you," said his mother emotionally, touching her old dress as she exited. They hurried now to take their seats as Paul turned, staring himself down. Minor changes to his makeup seemed major to him though, as Marcy added a distinct glow to his cheeks with a hint of bronzer, and darker dimension to his lids, with a blend of burgundy into charcoal. His lips now popped off his face in a bright cherry color, and the ultra-shine gloss twinkled in every direction. Thick caramel curls now sat in distinct unwavering coils, having been pinned in three high teased layers behind a small yet intricate rhinestone tiara. It was an elaborate multi-tonal, unique coiffed style like you'd see only in prom or bridal magazines, as the front of his hair appeared so much darker, delivering a stark contrast as it was tightly pulled back in a part, less gelled style. At each side selected honey colored loose twisted strands swung as the only tresses that graced his shoulders, as the sophisticated updo and bright lip transformed him from an attractive, teen into a regal pageant princess. Massive chandelier earrings and a large tear drop crystal pendant around his neck only added to his royal appearance, but what would certainly be most unforgettable to the judges was his extravagant dress. He already donned an amazing gown that looked fabulous on him, but this time his grandmother had taken it to the next level. He was in corvette red now, in a dress that skirt's may have been double the last one as he took a step or two, amazed by its Cinderella style and size. Underneath, he could feel the layers of underwire almost springing as he walked, and the under layers swishing against his thighs. The strapless bodice of the dress was a distinct sweetheart shape, and absolutely gleaming in every direction with the ruby beading and crystal bejewels surrounding the bust and sash-less mid-section area. He looked down, almost blinded by all the elaborate bling, realizing this time his flat chest looked more padded, and that the dress fully exposed his shoulder blades and half his back. Beneath all that, the huge floor length skirt was covered from top to bottom in what must have been hundreds of silk red rose buds, as he almost felt just as ready to be on parade in Pasadena on New Year's day. Adding to it's delicacy, a sheer top layer of glittered crinoline protected the rose buds and contained some sporadic accent rhinestones. At the back, the crinoline dragged just a little like a small faux train and the entire look was finished off by matching satin red elbow length gloves. Like it or not, he was ready again to be back on stage, except now he knew what to expect, but realizing that in what they had put him in that he'd better be careful not to break his neck. "It's time, my pretty princess. Mind your posture and walk tall, young lady," said Lillian, noticing him move gingerly as her phone's timer beeped and she turned, looking into his eyes. "We'll be working harder tomorrow, and unless you fall on your face, I'm confident you'll move up before then. Now let's go, do mommies dress proud, Miss eighth place Paula." Immediately Lillian knew that pushing that button would drive Paul to compete as she could see a hint of inner rage, followed by determination in his eyes. When they called his name this time, his smile was bigger and his mannerisms were more delicate. Every strut and every girlie wiggle just seemed natural in his dress, as he barely needed to glance at the Xs on the floor, as his mind had already choreographed every feminine movement. He was focused on being flirty with the audience, yet composed and classy with the judges. He gushed with confidence from start to finish, and his stage presence was undeniable. He seemed to blow kisses just a touch longer and bat his pretty lashes at just the right time. Every wink and gleam from his lips exuded confidence, and he seemed to light up the stage. He felt brash and bold in red, and somehow it felt like his mother's dress was really meant to be his. When they handed him a bouquet of roses as he stopped for his last pose center stage in the pageant procession, it somehow felt like he received an MVP award for the season, as the flash bulbs popped non-stop. He couldn't stop smiling and waving softly with his right hand, as he cradled the roses against his body with his left until just the little prick of a thorn scratched right through the delicate bodice beneath his rib cage. The tiniest startle jerked him forward for just a millisecond and magnified the little strain at his scalp from the tiara and heavy earrings, as he tilted his head down. It was probably nothing that the judges could see with his back to them, or even enough of a flinch that the audience could pick up, but the tiniest gravitational pull at his most tender spots perfectly destroyed his intense concentration. This tiniest scare only served to remind him of his crazy situation, like a check into the boards, as it shook out the cobwebs, momentarily sending him back to the reality of his situation. Had he made a fool of himself or drawn unwanted attention his way he wondered as he fretted what the hell he was doing as he returned to the pageant line. He needed a minute to calm his nerves as he fanned the hot flashes from his face, and felt his first tear as they got ready to exit the stage. Quickly he switched hands holding his roses to wipe a tear as the girls were stopping in line with their bouquets next to him as they finished the day. It took him a moment to regain his composure as they walked from the stage, as he had barely kept it together. "You ok?" whispered Brandi. "You did amazing?" "I just don't want to let my family down," whispered Paul, letting out a deep sigh. "You think they saw that?" "Saw what?" said Brandi. "I've been watching, and all I've seen is you kicking ass." "I pricked myself and I thought my tiara was going to fall off," whispered Paul. "Relax, I've pricked myself for years, and believe me these little tiaras go nowhere," said Brandi with a little smirk. "I'm sure it'll take them a half hour just to get all the pins out." "You're right!" said Paul, trying to slightly wiggle his head and realizing it was going nowhere. "Thank you for being a good friend." "Yeah, you say that now. It's the first round," said Brandi, giving him a wink as they turned to walk out. "But by Sunday, you'll be pulling my hair out to get that sash." "You've got the wrong girl on that," giggled Paul. "Not from the strut I've seen," replied Brandi. "See you after dinner at the party my new BFF." Off the stage they went, as his team couldn't stop hugging him as the session ended. Quickly he was whisked back to the dressing room, where his mother and sister hurried in, practically mugging him as all three converged in hugs. "Ho - llyy shit, Miss Paula," yelled Bridget. "You are in it to win it! I'll fucking kill you if you come in higher than me." "Mom said you're already in second place," said Paul with a laugh as they helped him out of his dress. "So obviously not, but thanks for the vote of confidence. I actually thought I blew it." "How?" said Bridget as he held her shoulder, stepping out of it. "I got pricked by the roses, and something came over me," said Paul as they slipped on his robe. "You didn't see that?" "Oh, that happens to everyone," said Bridget, with a grin as he sat down. "But no?" "Me either," said his mother as they began taking down his hair. "But I did see some emotion near the end. I think I saw tears of relief, or maybe tears of joy." "I don't know any more, mom?" Paul said, feeling relief as the tiara and heavy earrings came off," You know I never cry, but i felt a little overwhelmed I guess. I can't explain it." "And you don't need to," Paul was cringing as they stared taking pins from his head. "Ouucchh. Easy please," moaned Paul, being tugged at. "Maybe its all this tugging at me." "Sorry! And I'm sure we're tugging physically and emotionally," said Marcy, breaking the hairspray bonds with her fingers. "But you have to be patent, as I counted 108 pins that I used in your hair to hold that pretty updo, and I'll be a few minutes to get them out. Plus you've got a ton of product in here." "Well, either way you don't need to worry about it until tomorrow," said Lillian proudly as Marcy continued working through his hair. "You did wonderfully, and I'll lend you something cute for dinner. I had Ginger grab a few things, and I'm sure at least one will work." "How about just room service, mom?" Paul asked, mentally exhausted now as Danielle wiped off his bright lipstick. "Not an option sis," said Bridget as they took a wipe to his cheeks. "You may remember every family has an assigned table, and then tonight's the pajama party that's part of the event. It's a fun and a relaxed atmosphere, but it is mandatory for everyone." "Relaxed for you, maybe?" Paul rolled his eyes as his head was being tugged at as Marcy sectioned and pulled. "You think this was like an ordinary Friday night for me?" "Honey, the hard part is over and you already aced the hard part," said his mother as Danielle repaired his lips and looked at the outfit options. "It'll be fun having two sisters at dinner for the first time!" "It will?" said Paul as they tapped his chair to get up. "Definitely, and I love that one." His mother hugged him again and selected a dress. "Now get dressed. I'm starving!" "Let me help you off with your robe, Paula and you'll need a bra now, sweetie," said Ginger, holding a bra in her hands. "You kidding me?" Paul sighed as she helped him out of his robe. "But I didn't need one all day?" "That's because the dress had it built in, and your grandmother sewed in a little padding as well to give you shape," replied Ginger, sliding it on and clasping the back. "It's just a training bra with a little help built in, so no big deal. I picked one that will match your panties, and you'll forget you have it on in no time anyway." "Oh I doubt that," Paul turned beat red as he found himself looking down at himself in only a bra and panties in front of everyone. "It's fine honey, and every girl your age will have one on. Hands up, please," said his mother as she dropped a dress down his arms over his head. "Oh I like that choice, Mrs. Prieto. That's really cute on her," said Danielle, happy with the selection as Kristen zipped up the back and all eyes were upon him. "But we're going to have to address her little problem in certain outfits, so no time like the present or this dress won't work. Roberto?" "I'm on it ladies. One moment, please!" said Roberto, snipping some panty hose with a scissor. "Just about ready! There!" "What's that?" Paul asked, looking down confused as Roberto knelt in front of him. "Oh it's just one of the tricks of the trade we use and please don't mind my cold hands," said Roberto, reaching under his dress and pulling down his panties. "What the?" Paul yelled, embarrassed with his panties dropped to his ankles in front of everyone. "Relax! No one can see. Everything's under your skirt, and I've got what you got so it's no big deal," said Roberto, tapping his ankle to lift. "Step out and then in and after I help you, you'll be able to handle this yourself moving forward." "Handle..whhheewww," sighed Paul, being yanked back, tucked for the first time. "Holy crap." "Yeah takes a little getting used to, but that fades," said Roberto, tugging it up between his cheeks and then tapping his ankle again. "Step in again." "It's like a wedgie," said Paul, stepping back into his panties which were now pulled back up over the make shift gaff. "I can't stay like this." "Oh trust me, it'll stay just fine," said Roberto, sliding his palm across the front of the dress, making sure it was flat. "And I've got plenty of tricks depending on what you're in. We just didn't have to worry about tucking anything until now, as those big dresses you were in could hide an elephant's privates. Looks perfect now ladies." "Wow it does!" said Kristen as she took a moment, straightening the fit. Marcy now stepped in, digging the teeth of a headband across his forehead, pulling it in and out a few times, experimenting. Once she finally had it where she wanted, she pressed down, snapping the little combs into place and then took a few moments lifting the hair onto his shoulders. "That dress was my first choice too, just not with these shoes obviously," said Ginger, kneeling undoing the ankle straps. "These will work, though." "Those look even higher?" Paul stated as he held her shoulder, feeling the difference. "A little, but it's dinner and they'll be on display now with those gorgeous legs of yours," said Ginger, strapping on the second one. "But you'll handle them no problem. Just like you have everything else so far!" "It's no big deal and you'll be sitting most of the time in them anyway," said Lillian, inspecting him. "Remember to keep your legs crossed in a proper fashion Paula, and have a nice dinner, ladies." As Ginger stood back up, she handed him a pocketbook and showed him how to hold it with the strap over his shoulder. A few good night hugs from everyone were at least a reprieve that his day being dressed by strangers was over, and there he was off to dinner as one of the girls. As he turned seeing his image, what immediately stood out was seeing himself with smooth, bare legs now for the first time in a short skirt. He was certainly no different than any other tween dressed to be a step past the cute stage, on her way to a teen fashionista, as he looked like a catalog model in the latest spring fashion. He was dressed appropriately for dinner, in a trendy soft flowing short sleeve baby blue colored dress, with his face made up naturally. The silk collarless dress had a tapered bodice, and simple flat skirt that flared out ever so slightly just above the knee. For the first time the emphasis was no longer on a huge floor length skirt, as instead now he had the appearance of a little budding on his chest in a padded bra. At the waistline, a peach satin accent ribbon was built in, adding just a touch of delicacy as it weaved inside faux sewn in belt loops at each hip, adding to his thin appearance. The same peach accent thinly decorated the edge of each sleeve, and also at the very edge of the hem of his skirt. On his feet, peach peep toed crossover sling backs looked so high to him as he wiggled his painted toes. Seeing himself in heels, looking leggy seemed much too bizarre, as for the first time now his heels were no longer buried under his huge dresses. Even holding the strap of a pocketbook that was suddenly over his shoulder was just as peculiar, as he noticed that his peach hobo bag perfectly matched his shoes. With his elaborate updo taken down, a thin baby blue headband held his hair back off his face before fanning out behind his ears. The pulled back effect resulted in his curls seeming more voluminous and scrunched as they streamed down his back, sitting on each shoulder in a full bodied, pretty look. On his face, the blended eye shadows and molded cheeks were now replaced with soft pink neutral tones, yet a hint of pastel glimmer illuminated from the outer creases. Long lashes and thin liner remained unchanged, and the blue colored dress now wonderfully picked up his blue eye color. His lips also no longer popped with bright color, instead now looking more natural with just a hint of a salmon pink tint under a sheer gloss. "You have to be starving, my beautiful sister," joked Bridget, sliding her arm between his locking elbow as they walked. "I love you so much for doing all this." "I still hate you," Paul replied with a smirk as he knew how supportive she was and that she meant it. "Whether you'll admit it or not, I know you don't," said Bridget, squeezing him in and kissing his cheek as they walked. "But at least for a weekend, I'm going to enjoy having a little sister, Miss Paula Anne."

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This is my story about my experience with twins; we were all 16 when this happened, Josh and Ben were identical twins. But Ben had gone through a growth spurt, and was a few inches taller than Josh and looked a bit older. They both had blonde hair and blue eyes with Josh’s hair a bit longer than Ben’s. Ben had come out of the closet to a few friends including me. The two of us were talking one day, just us two, no one else. It was then that he admitted that he thought I was hot, at that...

4 years ago
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RebelChapter 82 A Doubtful Tale

Not Credible "See this here place, this area," the lieutenant said pointing to his map. I nodded. "Somewhere in these woods there's a home guard bunch that has been raising hell with the Redcoats," he stopped and looked at me. "You ain't busy are you?" "No sir," I said, not wanting to lie but having enjoyed several days of inactivity. "Go find out who's leading 'em. Tell 'em we're getting ready to retreat again. See if you can get this bunch to join up." I nodded and...

3 years ago
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A TV in the Shoe Store

A TV in the shoe store I work at a ladies shoe store at a large metropolitan mall. My name is Jillian, though my friends all call me Jilly. Those same friends also say that I am blessed with a beautiful face, and an athletic body! Pretty heady for a 30 year old woman whose ideas of athletics never got beyond sports illustrated and Cosmo! But friends tend to flatter, that is why we are still friends! I tend to dress with a flare towards teasing. You see I always wear my skirts...

1 year ago
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Dirty night

It was a usual deal. No strange houses or people. All Heather wanted was to buy some really nice weed and a good high as a parting gift. She left for her friend/dealer Katie's house around 8 pm, thinking it would be a routine thing. When she got there, however, no one came to the door. Knowing Katie, Heather thought nothing of it and entered the house as per usual. Something was different this time though. The dogs were outside (unusual) and Katie and her fiance Josh were not in the main room....

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Ally Cooper It8217s Inappropriate To Watch Me In The Shower

I keep watching my new stepmom Ally. I watch her when she’s doing laundry, I watch her when she’s making dinner and I watch her when’s she in the shower too. Apparently, the latter is “inappropriate”. My incredibly sexy stepmom confronts me about my extra-curricular spying while she’s just wearing a towel. Thing is she can’t help herself either & her lecture turns into “OK… maybe this one last time.” My stepmom sucks my dick nice...

2 years ago
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Small People

The doorbell rang. I answered the door. We live in a peaceful suburban neighborhood where that’s what you do. So I did. A horde of small brown people rushed in and slammed the door behind them. Now, when I say ‘small’, I mean I don’t believe any of them could have measured five feet tall. When I say ‘people’, I mean they were plainly Hominid and clearly of two separate genders, since they were all naked. They had clearly trained, as a few of them covered the windows with their bows and a few...

2 years ago
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Working late again

Jenny was working late again. She was getting quite used to it. As Executive director of her department she had a lot of responsibility. She often spent 10 even 12 hour days at her office working long after the rest of her department had gone home. She didn't mind staying she was well payed to make sure her department had done their job and she had a good crew working under her. At 26 and just a few years out of college she had done quite well for herself and if she kept going the way...

3 years ago
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My nephew is so good

Hi My name is Ram.I am living in my uncles house as i am studing my collage in chennai.My uncle has a daughter “MEENA” who is about to finish collage.She moved with me like a friend.She is medium height with corret body.She always wear saree.She have stiff boobs.Her mother and father are working.They usually depart at 9:00 AM and return at 6:00 PM. I enoyed seeing her boobs as she is wearing saree.When ever i am standing in side of her i can see her boobs.She always used to sweep her hous at...

3 years ago
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Honey sweet Honey pt II

Honey had just finished releasing her ecstasy, covering my face with the evidence of it. My husband, Tommy had emptied his hot seed on my ass. Reaching behind me, I wet my fingers with my husband’s cum. I rolled off the bed and kneeled in front of Rob’s enormous cock. I wrapped my moistened fingers around his shaft and sucked the bulbous head into my mouth. If he couldn’t cum by his own hand, or by the pounding he’d delivered to Honey, I was going to make damn sure he came by mine. I pressed...

1 year ago
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BeCumming Barb

I began dressing to attract my dad. My mom was a beautiful and classy woman. Her style of dress was impeccable. She always wore pencil skirts or dresses of modest lenght, 4" heels, and always sheer fitted nylons and either a 6 or 8 strap waist cincher. Pantyhose had become quite popular by then but she did not wear them. I had witnessed my parent making love many times. They had a "date" night once a week and mom would look her best. The date always ended with them making love. I would peek...

3 years ago
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hello campers

It was spring time and my wife fancied a holiday a bit different. " Lets go camping " she said" Do we have to " I said" It will be fun "Anyway after some debate my wife gets her own way and we plan to go to Devon.We packed the car with tent etc and head off for the week.After pitching up the tent we go to the local pub for a drink , we have a laugh and a few drinks and after a while we are totally trashed.When my wife has a good drink she gets really horny , and starts to fondle me under the...

Wife Lovers
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Belle Dawson

Belle Dawson was bored. She was 36 years old and had been a widow for over 3 years. Her husband, Don Dawson, had been a very loving man and had taught Belle to really love sex. However, he'd kept her in the dark about men. She thought all cocks were the same size. He also told her that she had lovely tits. He explained to her that old women had breasts, but young women had tits. He never did explain when a woman's tits became breasts. After Don had been killed in an auto accident, she'd...

4 years ago
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Equal Shares Ch 39

‘Where, Anne?’ asked Stan, mildly. But he was anxious, twisted up inside. ‘Is it far?’ ‘No, Stan, not far. I’ll commute. It’s about an hour each way, about sixty miles or so up the motorway.’ ‘So you’re going to stay with us?’ asked Denise, looking and sounding troubled. ‘Yes, of course!’ Anne answered, sitting up straight. ‘Thank God!’ muttered Stan, and Anne took his hand in both of hers. ‘I wouldn’t leave you, silly!’ she told him. ‘Good! ‘Cuz we’re not planning on letting you go!’...

1 year ago
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Neighbor Girl Needs Help Part 2

I finally regain my senses and pull her to me, our lips connecting for a long, slow, sensual kiss, our tongues dancing around each other as my hands slide down, cupping her ass, grabbing all that I can get my hands on. As I squeeze her ass cheeks she moans in my mouth, wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling me even tighter to her, forcefully rubbing her tits on my chest. Finally she breaks the kiss, coming out for air. Breathing heavily, she looks at me with lust filled eyes, grabs her...

1 year ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 92

It took a while to get a crop to the point of harvest. Since it was winter and the nights got close to the plant's dormant temperature, we relied on several clear plastic water tanks running along the edges of the green house to maintain the overnight temperature. Passive solar, the man who sold me the system said. We also started the pot in a climate controlled area in one of the green houses. When the seeds sprouted and took hold, Hannah carefully replanted them into the beds in one of...

2 years ago
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THE STORY The story is about John Tracy a high school student who lives in a small town with his mother. John’s mother Jennifer is a schoolteacher at his high school and her main subject is science and biology. One day a very unusual accident gives John powers that he soon relies he can use to subdue anyone he wishes. With his newfound power he begins to explore a world of endless possibilities. MAIN CHARACTER INTRODUCTION John Tracy (Our protagonist) Age: 18 Height: 5,10ft (178cm) Weight:...

Mind Control
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A Memorable Time With A Matured Facebook Friend

Hello friends, I have been a reader of ISS since I was in my early graduation days. Now I’m working as a consultant in an IT company in Hyderabad. This is my first ever story here. It is going to be a little lengthy one, please excuse. I’m 32, married, average looking south Indian guy. I have a good romantic life in marriage. But the desire for more to experiment in sexual life keeps me looking for more. I find myself more attracted towards married women and women who are elder to me even with...

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Conclusions Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The conclusions were all wrong of course, but all I could do was sit there and listen as that pompous boss of ours stood there and spouted what he had to know was just plain trash. He lived by the supposition that all women, regardless of their skills, would always cave in to a man, and always during the times when there was the slightest bit of tension. That was his credo, and not once had I ever heard, or seen him move from that...

3 years ago
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A Rising Star

[Author's note]: This is a brand new story detailing your journey as you become a porn star. Obviously this story is going to have plenty of adult content, so be warned. The story takes place in a modern setting in a generic city where diseases aren't an issue. Diseases suck, aren't sexy and I think we currently have plenty of them already; so in this fictional setting diseases (sexually transmitted or otherwise) just aren't a thing. Also, if there is enough interest I may make a male branch as...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Mature Sushila Ki Chudai Bathroom Main

Hello Friends, yeh meri pichi kahani Mature Sushila ki Chudai ke age ki kahani hai. Jo ise pehli baar padh rahe hain unke liye bata dun ki Sushila mere ghar main kaam karne wali 40-45 saal umr ki naukrani hai. Yeh mere aur uske beech ke sharirik sambandh ki kahaniyan hai. Anyway, pehli baar ke experience ke baad mujhe laga ki yeh to pat gai ab zindagi main maze hi maze, par aisa kuch hua nahi. Agle din se na to waisa koi mauka hi mila na hi Sushila ne directly mujhe koi indication diya. Ek do...

3 years ago
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Wife fucks friend on the way home

We had just been out to a strip club with a couple of friends. We brought our mini van which has a lot of room inside. This actually came in hand. We dropped one friend off at his house, and my wife and our other friend (a coworker of hers) climbed into the back and started making out. I could see them in the mirror. They were feeling each other up and ended up stripping down naked. I could see glimpses of them kissing and letting there hands wander. Shortly I saw her giving him a BJ and she...

4 years ago
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TalentChapter the Thirtieth Schools out

As is customary in such circumstances, the meal that the school put on probably cost as much as they hoped to recoup from the patrons' subscriptions. There was more metalwork on the table than in the orthodontic restraints of most of the lower school -- which is saying a lot. Maggie and I were treated to a very well-served dinner of many, many courses. The event obviously considered by the school to be a way of showing off to themselves and a way of getting the wallets open. The service...

2 years ago
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Satellite Installation 2 by loyalsock

He caught his breath then suddenly felt a pang of guilt. "Shit, I'm sorry...it's...ummm...all over you."Amy smiled, then shrugged, wiping the cum from her eye. "It's cool...I don't mind."Mickey grinned, then laughed "I wish my girlfriend was that accommodating." Amy frowned. "What? She doesn't let you...umm...cum on her?" she asked.Mickey sighed. "To be honest, she doesn't really like...you know...giving..." he felt uncomfortable using the word."Blowjobs?" Amy completed his sentence again,...

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Dees StoryChapter 7

I've done a lot of stupid things in my life. We were staying at the home of the lead singer, front man of band that Mom was 'with' at the time. The previous night's party had faded with the darkness, everyone was sleeping, Mom too, though I didn't know who with. I liked the dawn, the peace, nobody around, not even security, not there at the house. The swimming pool was mirror smooth, the water warm as I sat on the diving board swinging my legs and watching the sun's reflection on the...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Friend For The First Time

Hi friends this is Ravi from Hyderabad (name changed),this is my first really happened sex story which had taken place recently.And my friend’s name is Ramya name changed,she has a perfect figure. Coming to story on day night time I was going through my facebook there I have seen a photo in my friends friends list and it is a ramya and she looks dam hot in that photo without late I have sent a friend request,after two days she has accepted my request and she has sent me a message saying “Hi” I...

1 year ago
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In Just A Mans Dress Shirt

In Just A Man's Dress Shirt She looked outstanding in just a man’s dress shirt. Only two buttons had been attached, just under her breasts. It was new, it was white, and it was stiff as if it had been starched. The collar had been turned up in the back, the tail in the front was open just slightly, and I could see a hint of her pink panties. Julie said, “Please come in.” I said, “Your husband wanted to discuss my business proposal.” Julie said, “And just what business...

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My Pet TeacherChapter 3

The pictures came out great and were perfect source material for more masturbation fantasies. After finally expending myself half a dozen times, I drifted off to sleep with a contented look on my face. This year was turning out to be the best year ever. Wednesday morning came all too soon as I roused myself out of bed and prepared for another day of school. Checking my schedule, I saw that I didn't have Ms. O'Hare until second period in the afternoon. That was fine with me as it would give...

2 years ago
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Morning Surprise part5

I was driving home and after the past amazing week I was now setting speed records from the station to my home. The excitement of just walking into my house, had my pulse racing. I pulled into the garage and received a text message from Joan. “Steve on the radiator in the passage is a blind fold put it on and knock on the kitchen door”. What has she got planned for me now, I was thinking. I was always in a state of arousal these days. I could feel the stirring in my pants. I...

2 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 22 Six Flags Over Georgia

Wednesday, June 9, 1971 I looked at my watch, it was just after midnight. We were moving, but I had no idea how long we had been moving. Or where we were. I remembered crashing on my bed, still fully dressed, when we arrived back onboard the Rowena from our visit to the State Department. I was undressed now, and under the covers. I scanned to check on everyone. Penny was in her room, asleep. Kip and Karla were in the Dining Car, talking. Nicky, Amy, Vickie, and Ileana were all asleep....

3 years ago
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Across the Universe

My wife, Sue, and I had recently moved to Millville, but I was already rethinking our decision. The house we bought was located in a nice neighborhood and the weather in Florida was fantastic. Why, then, was I concerned that we had made a mistake by moving? In the three weeks since we relocated, two neighbors had been gruesomely murdered. Before we purchased, I had taken the time to look up the crime statistics for Millville and found nothing which concerned me. There had been a murder a few...

2 years ago
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Rebel 1777Chapter 84 Indentured Girl

I had lost sight of the wagon Corporal Freeman was driving when the girl came running out of the woods like a pack of demons was chasing her. She scrambled up to the driver's seat, grabbed my arm and cried, "Don' let him take me back." I clucked at the horses and shook the reins a bit, enjoying the feel of her soft, young body against mine. She wore a gaping dress of some coarse material, ragged at the hem and flapping about her bulbous chest, al its buttons missing. "What's going...

1 year ago
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Virtual Slavery Ch 07

7 Brad ‘A pleasant domestic scene,’ I said, ‘You look good that way.’ She was sitting on the edge of the bed naked, one foot on the floor, one drawn up so she could reach her toenails, which she was painting while I watched. I had no systematic plan for ever increasing dominance over her. We both knew that had been totally established in Saint Louis. There was simply this wonderful freedom of having a beautiful intelligent woman to whom I could do whatever I wanted. When I noticed on her...

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Disaster ReliefChapter 11

I packed my stuff and headed for the airport. One of the benefits of living in a small town is you can get through airport security in a reasonable period of time. Then, when you change in Atlanta, you make up for the quickness, but it's more pleasant behind the security screen than out front. When we flew out of Atlanta, I booted up my laptop and read about a hundred emails that described the anger in the fire ant hill I was about to enter. The company was moving to a performance-based...

3 years ago
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Die Tchter des Botschafters

Die fetten Jahre der Balkan Gang, einer Verbrecherbande, die sich seit der Auflösung von Jugoslawien zu einer mächtigen Organisation hervor gearbeitet hatte schienen langsam gezählt. Friede war in den Teilrepubliken eingezogen und die Bevölkerung wandte sich nun gegen das organisierte Verbrechen, welches man jahrelang geduldet hatte und sei es nur um günstig an Waffen, Alkohol oder sonstigen illegalen Dinge zu kommen. Auch die Politiker die die Organisation lange gedeckt hatten kämpften nun...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 22

I was right, there was no one as cool as Lieutenant Bullet in the Motel lounge that Saturday night. I really might not have been in any shape for a new man anyway. I sat gingerly and tried not to squirm in my seat. In other words my rectum was a wreck. I went to bed after my lounge walk through, even though I had only been awake a few hours. Again I slept like I had been drugged. Hell who knows with that crowd, I might have been drugged. Sunday morning when I woke up it was all better. My...

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Photo Shoot

You look good my darling slut, standing in the corner with your hands on your head, dressed in your old school uniform. Even at the grand age of twenty-seven it still fits your slim figure beautifully. My cock is already so very hard. The flash goes off, and I give you an order, "Lift the skirt slut" I watch as your hands slowly and teasingly lift up the skirt exposing your ass and white school knickers. The flash goes again. "Over the chair slut" I watch you lay across the chair, before I walk...

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DL on the Chitlin Circuit

“Again. That’s so awesome, sweetie! I’m so proud of you,” the long-term partner beamed.“Thanks, girl! I couldn’t do it without you,” remarked the gravelly voice.“Are you happy?”“Hell yeah! My first tour!”“I know. It’s amazing!”“Let’s go out to dinner tonight.”“Sure! Where?”“You pick!”“Mexican.”“Bet!”“I gotta get back to work, love!”“Alright. Bye!”Kaleena Edmonds felt good when she ended the call. She had been dating D.A. for a little over seven years now. She supported his dream of being an...

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A Fathers Fantasy 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am a single father raising two daughters and a son. My oldest daughter, Becki is still living at home as she commutes to collage. She is very beautiful, 5'4", long dark red-brown hair, about 100 lbs. and she has big tits. I know I shouldn't notice that about my own daughter but it is hard not to notice. I try to be a cool dad, open minded as well as I try to give her as much privacy as possible. I wouldn't say she is slutty but she does seem to go...

4 years ago
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God knows, it’s been decades since I’ve believed that Karl was faithful to me. For all he’d claimed that his vasectomy was to “take the burden off me,” he hadn’t minded putting the burden of contraception on me back when we were having more frequent intercourse. I suspected then that some mistress had given him a scare. But the last straw was when I figured out that he was enjoying his doxies in my bed. I hired a detective. Porter shadowed Karl and a student to our house, but told me that this...

3 years ago
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RunChapter 24 Another Chance

The man removed his mask, a casual smile on his face. "It is wonderful to see you alive, Mrs. Polanski. You have no idea how much trouble I've gone through to rescue you." He motioned towards Hannigan. "Please, put down your weapons. I only wish to talk." Tamara shook anxiously. Hannigan eyed the armed men a moment, then lowered his pistol to his holster. Victor looked past her, said, "you too, my dear. I know only too well how nervous that trigger finger has been in the past ......

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(Disclaimer: The following story is purely fictional of Victoria Justice and Madison Reed. Any similarities between reality and this fantasy is purely coincidental and unintentional.) Nice tits, @VictoriaJustice - one tweet read.I want to lick those bumps on your nipples - said another perverted tweeter.Quit lying, you took the pics you little whore - a middle-aged man tweeted.What a whore @VictoriaJustice is – another troll tweeted.After the massive hacking of celebrity pictures on August 31,...

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Mashed Potatoes and Garlic Bread

Ellen stood at the butcher’s block–that also served as an island–peeling and quartering potatoes for dinner. She nervously glanced at the clock. 4:15. Her husband would be home in an hour. The thought made her smile and feel giddy. Nearly ten years of marriage and she still trembled at the mere thought of him. After the potatoes were quartered and washed, she added them to the pan of boiling water, generously sprinkled in a few seasonings, and checked on the roast. When she cut into the chunk...

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Another time I was watching Judge Cooke Judge Cooke series 2

Introduction: Please read Spanking and Sexual Awakening first, so that you will understand the relationship I had when I was young,with Judge Cooke. I have changed the names to protect the family. Please comment, PM me or email me [email protected] It excites me to read your comments As I have written in a previous story, Spanking and Sexual Awakening, most of my sexual education came from being in the home of my friend Sharon, whose Father was a Judge. This is a true account of another time I...

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Cumberland Falls

Author of Another Yard and Driven Lust presents: CUMBERLAND FALLS Chapter 1 Jesse Cumberland was a simple man. Born and raised in Kentucky, he was an outdoorsman by nature. He served in the military after graduating high school to earn a living and learned the brick layer’s trade from his tour of service. He applied that trade after his tour of duty with a construction company that built new homes. At $25.00 an hour, he could make a decent living and live a comfortable...

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UniversityChapter 5

It was intermission at Mozart's Magic Flute. Rachel was bubbling over the singing and the production in general. "I love the whole fantasy element! Those puppets are wonderful! Oh! Over there, the chap in a green shirt..." "Yes?" "He's in my myth course!" "Well, you can talk to him tomorrow or the next day." "Yes. It'll be a start. But, what did you think of the Queen of the Night?" "You mean her voice or the costume?" "The white costume, I thought she'd be in black or...

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Halloween Party

I had about given up on an invite or a costume party this year. No one had asked me for the last 3 years since I had accidentally scared some little kids while going to one with my wife a few years ago as a Dracula. No one had recognized me as I had used theater paint and some rather realistic looking teeth and clothing. Most of the people there were in a very loose relationship and I did not see any of them except on a once or twice a year basis. I was resigned to staying at home and working...

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History 8211 Chapter 4 8211 The Party

Chapter 4 continued. “Baby you seemed bit strange, are you alright!” He stopped with his lucky adventure of deflowering her pussy lips, when she replied that she is bit tired and lied by his side. She got deeply engrossed in something else. “You are very lucky lady that you got a husband who loves you so much and in addition to it he has a very lovely cock. So long and having such a thickness in its girth! I was hypnotized by it when I saw it for the first time and I should also mention that he...

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The Tales of Jezebel Ch 6

Jezebel Jones looked on her phone. It was midday in San Antonio, Texas. Her phone had a message that said:Johnny: Hey, baby mama, thinking of you.Johnny sent a picture of his impeccable frame that teased his manhood to her. She liked it. She liked it very much. She bit her lip, wanting to see more. She would always love Johnny as her child's father, but they broke up after they graduated. Right after they graduated high school, Jezebel got pregnant. Now, Johnny was going to the military, while...

1 year ago
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TeensDoPorn Jesse Lynn 19 Years Young

When they look that ripe and young, its always a good idea to double check their ID. Luckily, Jesse was 19 and ready to fuck. She got into porn to pay for college, which we can respect, but does she truly enjoysex??? Hell yeah she does. She masturbates every night thinking about the pressure of a firm cock up her tight twat. She showed us a glimpse of how she plays with herself, and we almost creamed our pants. She began to suck our producers cock like an ice pop, savoring every lick. Her...

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Girlfriends Viking fantasy

Well i was having a bath in this room and this woman was washing me and making sure i was clean . Then you walked in and made the lady leave. You made me get out and dryed me off and put some furs from the bed on me then made me turn around a put a big gold necklace on me. I then kissed you to thank you and took off all your heavy furs and armour. I joked about ur dirty hands so you slipped them under my furs on my body. We started kissing and tlked how long i hadnt seen you.. You threw the fur...

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From a sophisticated mom to a cheap dirty slut A desi story

Introduction: This is the story of a sophisticated mom who turns into a nasty slut. This is a desi story and my english could be awkward for some people. Hi All. This is Dilip back with another hardcore story. This is a hardcore sex story and has many extreme sexual themes like incest, watersports, scatplay and also bdsm. If you dont enjoy these things, I would say this is not a story. Send in your comments to [email protected] It was 2 years back. I was 20 at that time. We are a family of 3....

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Primus PilumChapter 5

Lady Emogen stood in the accused's box facing the Judicator. Her chin was held high, but her eyes betrayed the anger and resentment she felt. The Praetor sat in the high throne, watching the proceedings, not speaking. His eyes ever moved over the assembled crowd. They were here to witness the trial, to see a noble brought low. Such was great entertainment for the commoners. Even if that noble was one very popular with most folk, always some few wished to see someone else's...

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A Game of InchesChapter 8

I woke up the next morning to the sound of rain pounding on the roof. I looked over at the clock, it was almost eight in the morning. I sat up in my bed, suddenly the night’s previous conversation came rushing back to me. It was going to be very awkward to be around Ashley from this point on, that was for sure. I got up and made my way to the kitchen, I could smell the coffee brewing. Ashley was already seated at the table when I walked in, she was still in the short robe from the night...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 155 New Guy in Town

I woke up on my back with one arm around Whitney and the other around Rose. Somehow we'd all managed to get our shirts up under our armpits and I had four beautiful breasts pushed up against my skin. I knew it was early, but I heard someone stir and Rhonda smiled down at me. "So pretty," she mouthed at me and nudged my feet to get me to part my legs. Then she lay down between them with her cheek right against my hard cock. It was the exact same position Rose had been in a few months ago...

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Pakathu Veetu Annan Sabir

Naan kalluri irandaam aandu padithu varugiren, enaku aangal endraal miga pidikum. En veetil ennai aangaludan pazhaga vida maatargal. Enaku ippozhuthu thirumana vayathu aagi vitathu, 20 vayathile kuzhanthai petru kola aasai paduven. Naan pengal kalluriyil padithu varugiren, palliyum pengal matum padikum palli enbathaal aangal vaasame en meethu padathu. En veetil naan oru pen matum thaan, athanaal ennai pothi pothi valapathaaga en thanthai ennai kodumai seithu kondu irukiraar. Naan mana...

1 year ago
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MomsOnMoms Christie Stevens Dee Williams London River ParentTeacher Confrontation

Christie Stevens rings the doorbell to a residential house. When the door swings open, she’s greeted by two women, Dee Williams and London River. When she sees both of them side-by-side at the doorway Christie looks a little uncomfortable and flustered, but polite. Hello, she must be Christie?, London says brightly. Yes, and they must be Dee and London?, Christie says cordially, adding that it’s very nice to meet them. It’s nice to meet her too, London says sincerely. Hello,...

1 year ago
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Daddy watch your girl become a woman1

''Like her mother,'' he thought, modest, timid, yet dignified in her way. Father had eaten an early lunch and was taking a respite from the heat outside. She thought she heard the sound of voices approaching and wondered if it was the neighbour with some news, hopefully not bad like the last time. There was an uneasiness in the air, she couldn't put her finger on it, perhaps it was her lack of sleep. But there was definitely someone approaching the house. She got up, and moved...

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