Lacie Ch. 07 free porn video

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Chapter 7: Lacie’s Mansion

Lacie decided to wander the halls for a while, strolling through the hallways of the mansion’s first floor. Poking her head through doorways at random, the young brunette teen enjoyed her time alone, reveling in the stately pace at which she let herself amble along. Ever since she had arrived at the mansion, it had seemed like Lacie was always rushing, dashing from one place to another, always racing the clock. Now that she had some time to herself, Lacie simply wandered. Most of the doors she peeked through led to other hallways, or were closets containing various odds and ends.

Eventually, Lacie entered a massive foyer, seeing a pair of huge oaken doors and a gently curving pair of staircases that swept up to the second floor, the gently curving steps swept to either side of the foyer, framing the room. Realizing she was in the very front of the house, Lacie was able to re-orient herself. Turning around, Lacie decided to head to the north wing of the house and investigate the huge glass walled room that she had seen next to the greenhouse. Lacie’s sandals made soft slapping noises as she walked the beautifully decorated hallways. Lacie looked down and discovered marble flooring underfoot, the polished white stone gently reflected light, making the hallway bright and warm.

Lacie wandered a bit, opening doors that seemed like they might lead somewhere interesting. Lacie found a few conference rooms, each one tastefully decorated, but otherwise uninteresting. Finally, Lacie turned around a corner and saw a metal and glass door. Immediately Lacie recognized the doorway as the one that had lead into the locker room and showers. Slipping through the doorway, Lacie took her sandals off before carefully making her way through the showers. Emerging out of the other side of the tiled room, Lacie saw another metal and glass door. The smell of chlorine was strong, making Lacie’s sinuses tingle.

Pushing the door open, Lacie felt a blast of warm chlorinated air hit her in the face. Looking inside, the eighteen year old thought she had stepped into some South American jungle. Huge trees ringed the room in waist high gardens full of moist black soil. The dirt was contained by tiled walls of tan colored bricks. The outside of the brick was patterned, the dark browns and tans of the dirt and trees mixing with the vibrant greens on the tiling. The colors emphasized the jungle atmosphere. Palm trees, acacia trees and dozens more that Lacie had never seen before stretched ten feet tall or higher, their leafy fronds adding to the tropical feel of the room.

A large, asymmetrical pool sat in the middle of the room. The glimmering sunlight coming in through the glass that made up the entire northern wall seemed to make the warm, rippling water shimmer. A small tiled path wound behind some trees in the far corner of the room and the glass near that corner dripped with condensation from the steam that rose out from within the trees.

‘I see you found the atrium.’ A melodious voice called out.

Looking around, Lacie couldn’t see anyone. Then a dark skinned hand started waving out from behind the trees that hid the far corner from sight.

‘Gimme just a sec, ok?’ The voice called out again.

Lacie identified Tara as the asian girl’s arm vanished back behind the trees. Moments later, Tara emerged from her hidden alcove, water dripping off her body. Tara was clad only in a red and white striped bikini. Tara adjusted her top as she approached Lacie, waving to the new girl as she skirted the edge of the pool.

‘I couldn’t see you back there.’ Lacie stated, sidling up next to the dripping girl.

‘The trees are spaced oddly. Hard to see into, but there’s a few spots you can see out of pretty well. Nice if you want to be alone for a while, or if you want to have a private conversation while relaxing.’

‘What’s back there?’

‘I’ll show you. Come on.’ Tara said with a smile.

Tara turned around and headed back to the hidden corner. Lacie followed slowly, trying not to slip on the wet, tiled floor. Turning around a small bend in one of the raised gardens, Lacie saw four wide, tiled steps curve around a sharp corner. Following the bikini clad girl around the corner, Lacie beheld a beautiful, ten foot high, man made waterfall, designed to look like a small river flowing straight out of the wall. The water gracefully poured straight into a massive semicircular hot tub. The mist rising off the hot water tickled Lacie’s nose as she looked at the beautiful, tiny alcove. She could see that the glassy surface of the smooth waterfall hid a small ‘cave’ that had been built into the wall.

‘Wow.’ Was all Lacie could say.

Tara slipped back into the water with a slight hiss.

‘Yeah. It’s kept pretty hot though.’ she explained. ‘Feels great on tired muscles, which is why I’m here. I just finished my workout with Heather in the gym.’

Tara finished her statement and waved her hand at the eastern wall. Lacie suspected that was the general direction of the mansion’s exercise room.

‘How was it?’ Lacie asked, curious.

‘Well, we skipped our workouts yesterday cause we were showing you around, so she was… well, not exactly gentle today.’ Tara said. Lacie could see the smaller girl massaging her calves under the gently roiling surface of the water. ‘You’re welcome to join me if you want. I have to do more chores later today, but I was gonna soak for a while then go have a bite to eat.’

Lacie shook her head gently.

‘I don’t own a swimsuit. Plus, I kinda want to explore the mansion a bit. I have no idea where anything is, really. I don’t want to get lost later, when I have to be somewhere important. I appreciate the invitation though.’

‘You’re welcome. And don’t worry about the swimsuit. I can make you one if you give me a few days. Besides, anytime water gets involved most of us consider this place to be… clothing optional.’

Lacie grinned at Tara’s nonchalance.

‘I figured as much. None of you seem all that body conscious, really.’

‘When you’ve seen as much of each other’s bodies as we all do, it kinda becomes a non issue. About four months ago, Master was working this business deal with a bunch of local building contractors. I have no idea what it was for, that’s why he has Bridget. But,’ Tara explained, ‘they had a lot of face to face meetings. Master usually prefers teleconferencing, but these guys were local, so that option would have proven too expensive in the long run. At least, that’s my understanding.’

‘What does that have to do with anything?’

‘I’m getting to it,’ Tara replied. ‘Since these guys were local, they came to the mansion a lot, and invariably, they crossed paths with us from time to time. As far as everyone outside this property knows, Master is just some reclusive rich guy with tons of cash and pretty slaves everywhere.’

Suddenly, something clicked into place for Lacie.

‘So, you all had to dress up in slave outfits, when they were here, that way they wouldn’t catch on that Master actually treats us like people.’ she stated.

‘Exactly. Outside the grounds, what I’m wearing right now could be considered conservative for a slave.’ Tara added, waving one hand over her body to indicate tiny bikini she had on.

‘So I’ve heard, but why the charade?’

‘Appearances.’ Tara shrugged.

‘Umm, I don’t quite follow you.’ Lacie said, leaning against the rough bole of a tree.

Turning more fully to face Lacie, Tara slid backwards into the water, floating on her back as she looked at the young brunette.

‘I’m not really sure what he does on the business end of his life. I know its all ‘merger’ this and ‘hostile takeover’ that. If my understanding is correct, most of the time it’s pretty cutthroat stuff.’ Tara said, dunking her head under the steaming water before surfacing and flipping her hair back, sending a cascade of water
droplets streaming through the air. ‘I do know, though, that a lot of is dealing with some people most of us would rather avoid.’ she said, wiping the water away from her face.

‘Like who? Gangsters?’ Lacie asked, unsettled by the realization that she had no idea how her home was financed.

Tara laughed. ‘Master? Gangsters? Yeah right. He’d take all their money so fast their heads would spin. No, honey, I mean companies, CEOs, boards of directors and all that. Wall Street types. Entitled rich boys with dozens of slaves that they treat like dirt. A lot of them own companies that sell some pretty nasty products for ‘punishing’ slaves.’ Tara explained, wiping water from her face as she waded under the waterfall, letting the heavy stream drum across her back, massaging tired muscles. ‘That’s why he needs the illusion of being a heartless, cruel taskmaster. Any hint of conscience among people like that is like blood in the water.’

‘So why does he work with them? If he wants to protect us from that kind of stuff, why does he work with people who make stuff like that?’ Lacie asked, confused.

‘That’s more a question for Bridget, or Master himself. Like I said, I don’t know that side of his life very well. The closest I get to that kind of stuff is ironing his business suits. I can tell you that he does what he can for women. Even those he doesn’t own.’ Tara grinned. ‘He’s one of the few good guys left.’

Lacie nodded, lost in thought. ‘How did he come to own you?’ Lacie asked. ‘I’m sorry if that sounds crude, I just can’t think of a polite way to ask that question.’ Lacie spread her hands helplessly, a small self conscious grin on her face.

Tara laughed, ‘It’s ok Lace. It’s a pretty common question with new girls. Master actually saw me when I was around sixteen. He was doing a tour of my dad’s construction sites. My father is one of the biggest land developers in Oregon.’ Tara said proudly. ‘I was on site with my mother while Master was there. Master was doing an inspection, apparently he was one of our primary investors. To make a long story short, he saw me laughing and hanging around with my mother as we waited for my dad. Made an offer there and then. It was a little unorthodox, him making the offer that early, but I guess he saw potential.’ Tara half joked, a note of definite pride in her voice.

‘And your dad was okay with that? At sixteen?’

‘Well, he wasn’t about to turn the offer down. It was almost twice the going rate for a girl of my ‘qualities’. Besides, Master said right off the bat that the purchase was provisional until I became of legal age. So basically, I was on layaway till I hit eighteen.’ Tara laughed at herself. ‘I was pretty happy with it anyway. I was sixteen and he was a handsome, young, jet setting investor with a mansion and a limo. I was instantly infatuated.’ Tara giggled. ‘When I found out I was gonna be his maid, well, most daydreams after that consisted of me prancing around in some black and white frilly little French maid costume complete with duster, starring him as some lust crazed, shirtless, muscled giant that gently tore my clothes off in every room the mansion had.’

Lacie laughed at the mental image of Tara running around the mansion dusting old bookshelves in a French maid outfit.

‘Pretty ridiculous I know, but it was an okay job once I got past the disappointment of realizing that he had purchased me to do actual work and not just dance around looking pretty. Then came the laundry. That wasn’t so bad, but I kept having to mend this outfit, then that one, then adjust the dress that was the wrong length, et cetera et cetera, and before I knew it, I was pretty much making half the clothes that Bridget, Heather and Master were wearing. And I found out how much I loved it, so I got Master’s permission and I started doing it as my actual job. Still do some cleaning here and there, but most of us share the random housework.’

‘You seem to enjoy it. You’re good at it, from what I’ve seen. Any chance you could make a few things for me?’

‘Thanks.’ Tara grinned. ‘Any ideas on what you want? I’ve got a few projects I’m working on right now, but nothing critical. I should be able to get a few things made for you if you give me a few days, maybe a week or two depending on what you want.’

Lacie and Tara sat and talked for a few more minutes, discussing fashion and clothes. Finally, Tara sighed and stood up, climbing out of the hot water, explaining her need to get back to work after grabbing some lunch.

‘You said you were exploring, right?’ the half asian girl asked.

‘Yeah.’ Lacie responded, walking with Tara to the locker room door.

‘Well, then you’re on the wrong floor for the fun stuff. Most rooms down here are like this, stuff that makes sense to have on the bottom floor. The gyms are just over there,’ Tara said, pointing again at the east wall of the atrium. ‘The kitchens are just south of the dining hall, through the double doors. You remember where the dining hall is?’ seeing Lacie’s nod, Tara continued. ‘There’s really not much else on the ground floor that’s of interest. A few meeting rooms, but that’s about it. Most everything else down here is pretty utilitarian. All the fun stuff is on the second floor.’

Waving, Lacie turned around after thanking the smaller girl. Walking towards the eastern doors, Lacie slipped out of the atrium, rubbing her nose as she walked down the hall to remove the clinging scent of chlorine. Lacie passed by a long glass wall as she walked. Looking into the room, Lacie saw Heather and Callie inside, the blonde girl running on a treadmill, her ponytail bouncing behind her as she jogged. Heather was standing next to the girl, watching a small display on a device attached to a strap wound around Callie’s upper body.

Knowing her intrusion might not be welcome, Lacie simply watched for a few minutes, looking into the glass walled room at all the silent machinery inside. Groaning in expectation of her workout the next day, Lacie turned away and began to walk down the hallway, wanting to pop into the kitchens for a quick snack before heading upstairs. Lacie got lost twice before she found her way to the dining hall, both times she only found her way when she stumbled across the foyer by accident. Finally orienting herself correctly, Lacie managed to make it to the dining hall on her third attempt.

The hall was empty save for the table and chairs, but Lacie could hear loud clanging sounds coming from the doors into the kitchens. Pushing her way through the doors, Lacie stopped when she beheld the sheer size of the kitchens. Four separate ovens were in use, over a dozen different foods sat half prepared on countertops, while pots and pans simmered, sizzled and bubbled on the stovetops. In the middle of the culinary chaos was the tiny Russian girl Tatiana, singing to herself in her native language as she stirred a large bowl, her back to Lacie.

Calling out, Lacie caught Ana’s attention. The skinny blonde girl jumped, before setting the bowl she had been stirring down. Leaning over a countertop, Ana pressed one hand to her chest and gave Lacie a weak smile.

‘Please, be sneaking up on me no more, Lacie.’ she gasped. Lacie had obviously startled the distracted foreign girl.

‘Sorry.’ Lacie weakly apologized, ‘I wasn’t trying to scare you.’

‘Is fine, just next time, be using other doors please. Easier to watch people in for coming to kitchens.’ the Russian girl said as she straightened, waving a wooden spoon at another set of doors between a large set of ceiling to floor cupboards.

‘Gotcha,’ Lacie said with a smile, ‘I didn’t know how else to get here. I just wanted a snack.’

‘There.’ Ana said, waving absently towards a small cupboard by a large stove with sizzling strips of meat in a large skillet. ‘Please no touching of any thing is cooking. Most things here for dinner. Free feeling to look and be smelling food though.’

Smiling at her Russian friend’s inexpert use of
the English language, Lacie took Ana up on her offer, gliding around the kitchens after pulling a small, soft granola bar from the cupboards. It looked to Lacie like Ana was preparing Mexican food for dinner that night, and she was able to identify half a dozen ingredients for fajitas scattered around the kitchens, all of them in various states of preparation.

‘Mind if I hang around a bit? It smells great in here.’

‘Thank you Lacie, but I is having to lot of things be making for dinner.’ Ana responded, turning to a sizzling skillet and stirring it gently, tossing a splash of oil in top of the sliced peppers and onions she was sautéeing.

‘I’d probably just get in your way then. Ok, thanks Ana. When are we eating?’ Lacie asked, backing towards the doors as she dodged ovens and pressed herself to the wall, narrowly getting out of the small girl’s way as Ana rushed across the room to pull a bubbling pot off of a stovetop.

Wiping her sweating forehead with a rag she had over her shoulder, Ana gave a smile of apology to Lacie as she responded. Lacie smiled when she saw the streak of flour the rag had left on the Russian girl’s forehead.


‘Gotcha. Thanks again, Ana.’ Lacie said, pushing the large double doors open with her butt as she backed out of the larger doors from the kitchens. Ana muttered a response that was lost amongst the sounds of the busy kitchens.

Turning, Lacie found herself in a slightly familiar hallway, Lacie turned a corner and found a short staircase leading to the second floor. Remembering Tara’s comment about the ‘fun stuff’ being one floor up, Lacie grabbed the banister and started to climb. Upon reaching the second floor, Lacie immediately strode off, opening doors and looking in. The first two were closets filled with boxes of papers and files, but the third door she opened revealed a treasure that made Lacie’s jaw drop to the floor.

A gigantic library spread out before her, bookshelf after bookshelf, soft cushy chairs, couches, dark wooden tables, softly glowing lamps, even thin metal spiral staircases leading up to the next level. The library was so large it extended upwards, into the third floor. Lacie wondered if it took up the entire south wing of the mansion. It certainly seemed like it could have been big enough. Lacie doubted if she read a book a week for the rest of her life she could finish all of the novels tucked away in the grand library. Reaching out, Lacie brushed her fingers over the spines of the books on the nearest shelf. Her fingers felt the cool gilded lettering on the spines, and as she leaned in closer to read the titles, Lacie saw they were Mansfield Park, Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice. All three titles were written by Jane Austen, one of Lacie’s favorite authors. Realizing she would spend all day in the gigantic library if she let herself, Lacie turned around with a wistful look at the shelves lined up behind her.

Ducking out of the library, Lacie continued her explorations. The next few doors she opened were all bedrooms, tastefully decorated, but fairly sparse. They looked more like hotel rooms than anything and Lacie wondered if they served as guest bedrooms. There really wasn’t much else on the southern end of the mansion, till Lacie opened up a doorway that was hidden in an alcove. Walking inside, Lacie had to round a wall before she could see inside the massive room. Like the library, this space was as tall as it was wide, but it served a very different purpose. Two dozen plush recliners decorated the tiered floor. Lacie saw that each chair had speakers wired into the headrests, and a small pouch to the side of each chair had a black rubber cable sticking out from it. The western wall of the room was entirely covered by a massive white screen. Sitting in one of the chairs, Lacie reached into the side pouch of her seat and pulled out a remote control and a video game controller. Lacie whistled in amazement when she realized she was sitting in a literal ‘home theater’. She laughed when she imagined how some of the boys she knew would drool over the idea of playing video games on a screen that large.

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Spell bound. Mocs. Laid out on the couch, it had been hours since Allie's husband had moved. She came home after work, and found him lying there as if he was in a deep sleep. He was breathing, but would not respond to any sort of stimulus. She had tried multiple things, such as kissing him, rubbing his feet, and finally trying to arouse him by reaching into his pants. Nothing seemed wake him. Pondering what to do next, Allie was interrupted by a knock at the door. She peered...

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Rain in the Park

© Copyright It was at the park when I first noticed her. A woman in her 50s I guessed, sitting crossed legged on her blanket, eating her picnic lunch, reading a book and enjoying the warm July summer sun. Like most days, now that school is out, I sit at the park, feed the birds and enjoy reading my Danielle Steele novels when I'm not working. I landed a nice summer job for the town I live in as a painter. My job was go around town and repaint all the town's fire hydrants. That's it!...

4 years ago
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Beautiful Shy Aunty

Hi, there was a aunty near our house. I have been watching her for last 9 years. 1st time I saw my cock cummed inside my pant. I thought uncle was so lucky she lived near our house in Hyderabad .Then I was 23years old. I used to watch her & spent sleep less nights. After nine years one day I gone to her & gave paper with my mobile no. She asked me if she has to call I said yes. I was afraid if she might make issue out of it. She called me and asked my name & told her name & asked how I know...

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Even Single Women Need Attention 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone! Hope you all are doing fine? Sorry for the long delay in writing. Finished my studies and now seeking a job. So yeah, that was the reason that I was away from ISS. About me, I’m Banner, 25 years old, from Hyderabad. I’ve published a few stories already on ISS, erotic with uncontrollable lust. I write fantasy stories to make all my readers feel good. They can enjoy the day with a free and fresh mind as we know in some way stories here actually reduce the stress. I’m a huge fan of...

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Kaam Me Maja Aaya Ki Nahi

Mai app sabko apni baat bta raha hun. Mai Allahabad se B.Sc. karke delhi wapis aa gaya tha. Mai gmail par chat karta hun. Mujhe ek mail aaya – Maine socha ki spam hoga par socha chalo uttar likh dun.Maine mail likh kar bhej diya usme apni age aur feeling likh di. Usi samay jawab aaya ki gmail chat par add karo, Maine turant use gmail friend chat par jod liya. Turant ek message aya ki kya tum kam samay me paisa kamana chahte ho ? Maine bola – Jarur ! Usne bola aap apna naam bataye ! Aur mai...

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Doctor Mausi Ke Saath 8211 Part 1

Hello, My name is Akash. Main Latur se hoon. Meri age 24 hain. Meri height 5’7″ hain aur main roj exercise karke strong and fit hoon. Maine abhi M.B.B.S. karke Pune me PG ki taiyari kar raha hoon. Pune me meri Priya mausi hain, wo aur uske mister Dhiraj dono doctor hain. Unke saath rahkar main padhai kar raha hoon. Mausi ki age mujhse 7 saal badhi yaani 31 hain, lekin wo 26-27 ki lagti hai. Wo roj gym/yoga karke khudko fit rakha hain. Wo bahut khubsurat hain, uske baal madhuri jaise hai, aur...

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Saving Amy Part 4 Schools Out

SAVING AMY PART 4: SCHOOL'S OUT "Nancy, can you come in here for a minute?" The young woman saved the file she was working on and got up from her desk. As she walked into her father's office, she couldn't help glancing at the amazing view of the city it commanded. They had been in these new premises for a few weeks now, but she was still struck every day by both the opulence of the furnishings and the stunning location. They were a testament to the astonishing success of the family...

2 years ago
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My Step Mom Ch 1

I knew things would be different when I moved back home. Here I was, a college drop out, moving back home into my dad and step mom's house. My dad worked a lot so he was never really home, so it was mostly just my step mom and I at home. Erin, my step mom, was gorgeous to say the least. She's a short woman but don't let that fool you. She can be a major bitch at times and she knows how to get what she wants, from anyone. I mean, that is how she got my dad. A few days after I moved back home, my...

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in mywildest dreams

now this is some shit thats hrd to belive never could i ever imagined what was going to happen to me as i lay therelost in a dream filled with differentwoman in front of me somewere black somewere whitethe majority looked like white but as i stared getting to know each one it was clearthat race didnt really appear wellat least 2 me it didnt becausetheonlything i saw were nice shaped bodys notthe way u would think…but niced shaped in a way that appealed…to me… the roundest of tits the thickness...

3 years ago
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Satisfying Mom8217s Earge

My Mother Vidya, Sri I had a crush on my mother, Vidya Sri.I am 24 now but my lust on her started at a very young age. I wanted her and I had a thought of giving even my life to get her. I don’t want to give her some sleeping pills and get her in sleepi wanted this gorgeous women in bed with her full presence and involvement. With all her interest and satisfaction I wanther to enjoy what I have for her I want her to know how much I want her,How much love I have on her And how much desire, lust...

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Nothing I Can Do About It NowChapter 7

Look, maybe I wasn’t thinking straight. Actually I know I wasn’t; I was pretty pissed-off with the world and a lot of the people in it. Eventually the idea of disappearing off to the South Seas seemed to be some consolation to me. Actually dropping out of normal society really had begun to sound like a good idea to me, although I had no idea how far I would eventually take it. Maybe by that time, I was even getting a little annoyed with Jenny and Dog as well. Yes, they were both...

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The yellow Hornet in the rain

Introduction: A true tale from when I was a teenaged slut This is a true story, from back when I was a teenaged slut. Hey what can I say, it was the 80s and I liked to screw. Is that so wrong just because I was a girl? Its not as embellished as the other true stories here, but I wanted to keep it as close to thecomplete truth as I possibly could. Theres time enough later to write fantasy fiction. It was 1984 , I was barely 17 and it was a summer day, yet pouring down rain. I was cruising ...

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Hail the queens of lesbian love

Hi all, this is your JJ and this time around we are going to enjoy a long hard lesbian feast. It’s a hot Saturday educational institutions closed for summer vacation. Roads wear a deserted look and everyone happy to be indoors to escape the torrid heat. Raheja Towers 9th floor AIG Life Insurance, the security guard on duty trying hard not to doze off and cursed the Operations Director for visiting office on a holiday. Kavika sat at her desk watching the clock, hoping for it to speed up so she...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 16 Deals and Promotions

September 21, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “Uhm, sorry!” Molly said, quickly recovering. “I shouldn’t have said that! It just kind of slipped out!” Sensei Jim laughed, “Steve?” “I’d say her reaction was warranted, Sensei. We did use an unconventional testing method!” “Steve is going to take this and have Kara stitch the dojo name into it, similar to his. Kara will use his as a template.” I had checked with both Ailea and Mitsuko, and neither of them did any needlework, nor did their mothers....

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Trick or Treat 3

Trick or Treat 3 By: Enigma Author's note: For new readers, you really need to read the first two parts of Trick or Treat. This segment does not stand on its own at all well. For those of you who read and commented on the original two parts, I really need to apologize for this taking so long to publish. What you see below was actually finished just a few months after part 2 was posted. It did not come out the way I had originally intended. That, and some pointed comments by my...

3 years ago
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Kill or Be KilledChapter 9

I was stunned as everyone turned and looked toward me for my answer. I almost stuttered as I asked, "Who made me the boss?" The answer was either — "I did!" or "ME!" depending on who you were listening too. Everyone started to laugh and giggle as they realized just how quickly and finally they had spoken. They did this without even having a discussion about it. Roberta stood up and calmly said that it was obvious that I was a natural leader, since everyone felt the same way without...

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Cowboy WayChapter 3

In my senior year of college at UEC, I developed bone spurs in the vertebrae of my neck. I wasn't really surprised because dad and one of my elder brothers suffered from the same condition. It wasn't ordinarily a problem but I quickly discovered the muscles I used to throw a football pulled on my neck enough to prevent me from throwing the long rifle like passes spectators loved to see. The medium to short range passes still looked good and we won games but about two thirds through the...

2 years ago
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Princes of MannsboroughChapter 5

Jonas must have talked to Holly after he left Marigold's room. A few minutes later, she knocked tentatively on her daughter's door. "Marigold, do you still want to shop for your dress today? I can call Mrs. Copcek and reschedule." Marigold laughed weakly, "No. I think I want to go all the more now." Holly smiled gently, "That's the spirit." Marigold stood up and smoothed out her clothes, "I want Elliot to see what he gave up." Holly's laugh was genuine, "You still thinking...

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The View Outside My Office Window Part 2

There is another studio apartment with four big windows right next to the one where the blonde I posted about previously lives. Again, I have a clear view inside from my work office in NYC. There seem to be several women who stay there on and off, but there’s one college-aged tall, slim brunette who’s there on a somewhat repeated basis. She has long wavy brown hair and very pale skin. From her nose I suspect she might be Jewish. I’ve been lucky enough to catch a couple good glimpses of her from...

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Teacher Ko Choda

Hello everyone, I am Rahul from Punjabi main 22 saal ka meri story tab ki hai jab main 12 mein padhta tha.hamare school mein ik sheena naam ki ik teacher thi jo ke hume chemistry padhati thi.sheena bahut hi sexy thi age 30 saal hogi,aur fig. 38-28-38 thi.yaario kya figure thi uski wo shaadi shuda thi aur 1 bacha bhi tha.wo salwar suit pehanti thi aur usme uske momme bahut bade lagte the. Main uske mumme aur badi gaand ko dekhta rehta khatam hone ke baad main teacher ke saath...

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Dallas Likes Both

Frankie and I have been in an open relationship for about six months now. The big problem we have, is my struggle with my sexuality. Frankie knows he’s gay, but for me, I know I enjoy dick, but I also enjoy pussy. Frankie is always telling me, I need to make up my mind. He says, you either like dick, or you like pussy. That’s easy for him to say, he knows he has always liked dick. Frankie just doesn’t understand how I feel. I can’t help I’m attracted to both sexes. I hear Frankie walking...

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My Slut Entertains My Friends During the Game

you invited your two of your friends to come over to watch the game. you have me a heads up and told what to wear: a short dress and no underwear. you let them in and told them to make themselves at home. you called and told me to entertain you and our guests. as soon as they come in i immediately drop to my knees and i start by unzipping mike's pants and taking out his cock. he's not really hard yet but i can tell his cock is huge. i put it in my mouth and begin to suck as i kneel on the...

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Spending Summers With The Cuzinns Part 1

Intro:I spent most of my time growing up in a remote place where it snowed a lot and it felt like winter year round. For the most part it was just Momm and I living in a small two bedroom house with a chimney. Dadd had his very own international type of business and he ran it almost entirely by himself. He was always super busy traveling the world, he'd come home once a month to stay for a weekend and then he would catch another flight the day after. Every year when schoul let us out on summer...

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Mom Fucked By My Teacher

Dear friends, This is my first story in iss, but I assure you all that I wont let you down. This is a time when I was studying in chennai. I was not a very intelligent student, because of which my parents were frequently called by my class teacher for discussing my studies. My class teacher’s name is aravind he teaches maths, he is in late 40’s but having a good physique with a mustache. Now, let me tell about my mom, her name is kaveri and she is housewife. She is 38 years old, and is having...

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Muscat Mariya Part III

By : Josakl Part ii.. Sheeba yude aadhya muscat yaathraa. Muscat Mariya yude aava-naazhi aaswaadhichu kaanumallo.. yini namukku avalude mootha mol Sheeba yude kanni Muscat yaathra thayar yeduppukal onnu aswaadhikkaam. Varshanghal veagam kadannu poay Mariya yude 3 makkalum (2penn+1aan) valarnnu moothaval Sheeba aduthulla Nursing homil joli yilayaval Sheeja 10il thoattu nilkunnu punnaara mon Shibu padinam yengane yenn ariyilla school cricket teamil shine cheyunnu. Pana-khodhi moothappol Mariyakk...

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Paying the price of success

A story I wrote some time ago which I stumbled across and re edited.None of the characters are based on anyone living or dead. =====================================Paying the Price of SuccessMichelle lay on her hotel bed munching her toast and reading the reviews of her latest concert in the papers her patron had sent her.Her prized Cello lay in it's case and between the critic's sentences and bites of toast her thoughts turned to the events of the previous evening as she waited  for the call...

3 years ago
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UK Council Estate Slags Vol 1 Part One

The house was like any other shabby old semi-detached building you might find on an English council estate... there had been little evidence of care in the garden with old newspapers and rubbish lying around in the tall, unkempt grass at the front. "Yup", I thought, "you wanted a real slapper, you damn well got one!" Inside had not been any better, as soon as I had stuck my tongue down Kerry's throat for the umpteenth time already that night (and groped her arse again), the stale stench of...

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my sister and her collage friends continued

so with Beth and Debbie now sucking my cock Kate hovers her pussy over my face and tells me to lick her, as he pussy lowers to my face all i keep thinking is i hope i get to fuck her, her pussy now over my face i start to lick , trying to find my way to her clit i push my tongue up and find her hole, its soaking wet hmmm she moans as i flick my tongue around inside her i close my eyes and lick away suddenly her moaning stops and she gets off i open my eyes and now Debbie is hovering over me...

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Billy and Wili Wound Too Tight 5 in STOPWATCHChapter 17

Armadillo, it's South ... it's NOT deep south. Oklahoma should have been straight across the bottom. The panhandle has as much business being in Texas as Mexico ... and Mexico isn't in Texas. As far as latitude, it's about the same as Knoxville, Tennessee ... it has been known to snow like a motherfucker in Knoxville. Knoxville has the benefit of Gulf winds. It gets cold in Knoxville ... but it doesn't stay cold. Armadillo, on the other hand, has nothing between it and the North-pole...

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My unfaitthful Wife

First, I’m writing this out of some fucked up kind of frustration. I’m a little different, I need REAL porn. Or it just doesn’t work. REAL, not staged, not complete BS, not fake tits and fake orgasms, but REAL. Also, I can’t watch/read the same things over and over, if I’ve seen it, it won’t work again. So here I am, putting my true story out there, hoping it will inspire some of my fellow sick friends to post their stories. Some background: I am young, got married young. This, and maybe more...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 24 Curds and whey hey hey

If you ever get an opportunity to visit the Seychelles then seize it with both hands. They are a veritable paradise on earth — rather in ocean — the Indian Ocean to be precise. The islands, 115 of them, are a riot of beaches of pristine white sand, swaying palms, blue lagoons, smiling friendly natives, and a local cuisine which is a fusion of French, Indian, Chinese and African. Gemma and I stayed at the Lotto Hotel complex on Praslin Island, the second largest island of the group, in a...

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Humpet is what she called me, however it isn’t my name. It’s more a term to describe me as a ... species, I guess. I’ve always been kind of lazy but I’ve only in the last year, come to realize it. I say, ‘kind of lazy’ because I often go to a lot of trouble and effort to take the easy way out and do the least actual work. It’s just who I am. I’ve been told a lot that it would be easier to just do things, than to put so much effort into avoiding doing things. We met a year ago. EI was at the...

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Christmas Angel

The harsh, bitterly cold wind blew past the figure of a man huddled on a park bench. Shaking his head he didn't know whether to sit here and freeze or move on trying to survive another day. Taking a large lungful of the frigid air, a sigh escaped his lips, he'd given up hope, his life was in the toilet. Thinking back he decided that it must be his fault, he felt that no matter what, it was his fault. You see, he was a kind and gentle man who always tried to do for others, oh sure he had his...

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The Cruise Gift

Judy and Jack are enjoying their gift vacation cruise after a night of dinner, show, and some gambling. Judy's parents gave the couple a free trip for their graduation from college. They are only dating, but things are progressing to marriage since they are very much in love. The couple thought that Judy’s mom gave them this nice cruise trip, to help this marriage process move faster. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~An upcoming story that I wrote explains how and where Jack and Judy first met...

Love Stories
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Riding Jenny

By Jax_Teller I met Jenny while dancing at a strip club that had both female and male strippers. The club had two different entrances one for the upstairs female strip club and another on the opposite end of the building for the Male strippers club downstairs. Club “V” for Victor ~ Victoria, was a popular place and was located near a major tourist area or trap as we called it. Money from tourism could bend any regulation and make most laws go away and this club was the direct benefit of...

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