Life’s Little Curves Ch. 01 free porn video

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AN: First I would like to thank my editors GentWithHandcuffs and curi0us7r4n for being so supportive. This is my first submission, so I would like to have as much feedback as possible. And I hope you all like it.

‘Attention everyone. For those of you still awake, this is your captain speaking. I want to inform you all that we are fifteen minutes outside of the Long Beach Airport. I recommend buckling in, and thank you for flying with American Airlines.’

The Captain ended his spiel. Everyone around Vince started to throw away their trash and gather their things ready to get off. Vince just sat there taking deep shallow breaths. He was finally home after serving eleven months over in Afghanistan. Eleven months away from everything he loved including his home, his friends, and his wife had really taken a toll on him. Vince was supposed to be home earlier, but there was an incident that kept him gone two months longer, he hadn’t had the means to contact anyone during his extended stay. That was all behind him now. He was about ten minutes away from holding his beloved wife in his arms.

Vince wondered how Neveah changed or if she was exactly how he remembered. Their last conversation had been a brief and sad one, Neveah talked about wishing he was home and how she was always lonely because she didn’t like being without him. She had even gone as far as to joke that it was his fault she was losing sleep every night.

It had been the same way for Vince, impossible to sleep without her warm body lying in his arms. Vince had the unfortunate luck of getting a seat in the back of the plane. He waited anxiously in his seat as everyone in front of him took forever to gather their things in their sleepy haze.

Walking out of the plane to the luggage carrousel, Vince passed plenty of little novelty stores that were still open despite it being after one in the morning. He didn’t really notice any until out of the corner of his eye he caught the sight of a blue orchid in the window of a floral shop. It must have been his luck, considering how he always has to order them far in ahead whenever he buys them. He stopped in the little floral shop where he ordered an arrangement of blue orchids and white roses.

As he walked, the scent tingled his nose, he couldn’t wait to see the look on Neveah’s face when she saw the arrangement he picked up. Vince kept imagining the smile that would cross her face when she saw him sans her favorite flowers.

At the luggage carrousel it took some time for the workers to start getting all the luggage on the machine. Vince grabbed his camouflaged pack and exited the hovering crowd. He looked around for Neveah, but he didn’t see her anywhere.

Then he heard her voice, the sweet voice he’d known since sixth grade. He followed it to the other side, but the woman he saw didn’t resemble his wife, or at least the back of her didn’t.

The Neveah he knew was always slightly plump with long braids hanging down her back. This woman wasn’t fat or skinny she seemed to have curves everywhere. In place of the braids were tight brown ringlets that hung a few inches past her shoulder. Everything else about her was right though: her skin color, her height, the way she talked on the phone, even the shape of her butt, it was worth a try.




Damn, she was running late. It would take him some time to get off the plane but she had wanted to be there ahead of time. Neveah had wanted to check herself before seeing him again. The problem was, she hadn’t expected the traffic to be that backed up heading into downtown at this time of night.

Neveah had spent lots of time making sure she looked good when he came through the terminal. She had spent months working out hard and eating better, ensuring that her body was fit and tight compared to the chubby state he had left her in. When Neveah had been on her trail dying and wanting to stop, she just pictured the look on Vince’s face when he walked through the terminal to see her slimmed down form. That’s all it took for her to keep at her strict regimen.

Vince would probably wonder what had happened to her braids as well. Even as little kids he had only seen Neveah in her long micro braids. For once she wore her natural brown ringlets out, they had spent all that time ‘hibernating’ in her braid, and had grown all the way down to the middle of her back.

Neveah wondered if Vince had changed at all during his time gone. He always came back a little more tan than usual, skin weathered from being in the heat, his body harder from all the weights he did while bored.

She adjusted her shirt as she speed-walked across the terminals. She could see the American Airline symbol hanging over the baggage claim. She pulled her phone out off her pocket and dialed the first speed dial. She kept running, ignoring the stares of people who didn’t get why she was running.

Neveah looked through the crowd wondering where Vince was. He was so tall, she should have been able to see him over everyone. God, her heart was beating a mile a minute as she anticipated the sight of him.

She bit down on her lip as she squeezed her way through the crowd. She couldn’t find him. He wasn’t answering his phone either.

‘He couldn’t possibly be on the plane could he?’ she asked herself.

She walked out of the crowd looking at all the tall heads and again none of them were him. She sighed heavily and dialed his number again. She was so into looking for Vince she didn’t feel the presence of someone towering behind her.

‘Hey babe,’ she spoke to the voicemail. ‘I’m not sure where you are. I had been running late, but I’m here now. And, I have looked everywhere and can’t find you. If you can call me and let you know where you are that would be nice.’ Her voice sounded a little nervous. ‘I love you. I can’t wait to see you.’

She hung up and hurriedly turned around, bumping into the brick wall of a man behind her.

‘I’m so sorry sir. I–,’ she noticed the Marine-issued boots. She blinked back the tears that burned her eyes as she scanned up until she was able to look at a pair of familiar green eyes.

The squeal that had left her mouth couldn’t have possibly been stopped. She wrapped her arms around his tall neck and pressed her mouth tightly against his, in the process squishing the beautiful arrangement that he had bought her.

Vince didn’t hesitate to kiss her back, he had felt so bad hearing how sad she sounded as she left the message on his dead cell phone. He had been nervous about seeing her the entire plane ride. Vince wanted his wife to still be in love with him.

Over the course of being gone, he had heard so many stories about what wives did when their husbands were away. He just hoped that she hadn’t fallen prey to anyone while he was gone. Like those other guys, they had their share of problems before he had left. That further ignited the little bit of doubt that was surging through Vince’s mind.

Holding Neveah in his arms was the most perfect feeling. It had been almost a full year since he was able to hold her, and it made his heart soar.

He pulled away wanting to get a chance to really look at her.

‘Wow, sweetheart… you look… God! Nene, you look freaking fantastic!’

His fingers cupped her slimmer face.

Sure they Skyped when she didn’t have a busy schedule, but with the quality of video they had, he was never able to see how much of a transformation there had been. She had been perfect before, but now he couldn’t think of any words to describe how beautiful she was. His hand slipped down to the middle of her back.

‘You look so great. I like everything. You look beautiful Nene. I mean you’re so slim now.’

He was now able to wrap his arm fully around her body.

‘I still have a long way to go. Thank you, though. You, on the other hand, look amazing.’

She stood on her tippy toes gi
ving him a peck on the cheek. Neveah looked over his body. She forgot how tall he was. Vince was only four inches taller than she was, but with his arms wrapped around her she felt completely dwarfed.

‘No, you’re amazing. I feel like you should have some model standing next to you.’

Neveah looked into his beautiful green eyes to make sure he really understood her.

‘I don’t want a model. All I want is my hero. Let’s go home,’ she said as she pulled him toward the exit door.

Her eyes ran over his tan skin, and she couldn’t get past how he looked. He was so tan, and he was a lot more ripped. He hadn’t been lanky when he left the house, but there was a definite difference. All of a sudden a broad grin appeared over his face and he started laughing. She couldn’t help but furrow her brow, like she always did when she was puzzled.

‘What’s so funny?’ She didn’t attempt to keep the curiosity out of her voice.

He wrapped his arms around her shoulder.

‘No, I was just thinking, ‘Damn, you’re home.’ I mean I’m back home, I got my wifey on my arm,’ he told her before his full lips kissed her forehead. ‘Honestly, I’m not sure if it is possible to be any happier than I am right now. I am on cloud nine.’

She smiled too.’That’s great, babe.’

They were finally getting into the night air. Vince grabbed the keys that were hanging out of the back of her tight jeans.

‘Sorry, Nene.’ He looked at her apologetically,’ I miss driving you around everywhere.’

Before Vince had to be gone all the time he would drive her everywhere, just because she hated it so much.

‘That’s fine. Trust me, I don’t mind at all,’ she said as a slow smile graced her face.

Vince couldn’t resist those lips and found himself pulling her close to him. Her lips were so full and soft, almost like new pillows. His tongue traced her upper lip trying to part the two of them and gain entrance.

‘Mhm, Vince–Baby–Baby, Mhm,’ Neveah was finally able to pull away from his lips. ‘How about we wait till we get home for all of that.’

There was a mischievous glint in her eye he was all too familiar with.

‘Say no more.’

Vince walked to her door opened it, and bowed ever so dramatically, which just sent Neveah into a fit of giggles.

The ride home in their old Corolla was nice and smooth. Everything was so much how it was before, when they were younger and Neveah was still in school.

They rode through the curves and dips of the mountain. Most people are too scared to cut through the Ortega Highway, especially at this time of the night. There are no lights besides headlights, but taking the highway did cut thirty minutes out of their ride. The windows were down letting the breeze flit through her hair. Toward the end of the ride Neveah was getting sleepy, she slowly drooped off, she had had a long day. She worked till eleven, barely getting any sleep before getting home to pass out for an hour and get back up.

When Vince finally pulled into their garage he grabbed his bag out of the back seat before opening the passenger door to sweep up his wife. He had to admit that before Neveah had been quite a bit on the heavy side, but with as much weight as she had lost, it wasn’t a chore whatsoever to carry her up the stairs and lay her in their bed. He laid her down on the bed gazing at the way her hair lay out all over the pillow. Vince couldn’t get over how beautiful she looked.

He lifted her shirt off her body, maneuvering it around her arms. Before he had left, Neveah would have never worn anything remotely close to the skimpy bra that prettily held her goodies. He wanted to salivate looking at the black lace that encased the smooth peanut butter skin.

‘Damn,’ he thought wishing she hadn’t fallen asleep. Vince wanted nothing more than to make love to the beauty who lay beneath him, but even in her sleep it was obvious how exhausted Neveah was, it was etched all over her face.

Not wanting to be tempted more, Vince needed to undress her so she could be comfortable.He knew she needed some sleep . He easily slid her jeans off her slimmer, creamy-colored brown legs. That made it so much harder for Vince to stop ogling her, but he eventually had her under the covers.

Vince went through the process of unbuckling and unlacing all the different straps of his uniform, hearing each part drop to the floor with a loud thud. A shower had never felt so deliciously good. The piping hot water reddened the surface of his skin with all the force it hit him with. Vince scrubbed his body feeling the rough surface of his new loofah wiping all the dirt and weariness from the long travel off his skin. He hopped out the shower feeling all refreshed and clean, it was a great feeling.

He dried off his hair and body, throwing on a random pair of black underwear he saw Neveah had bought him. They fitted tight, outlining both the curve of his ass and the package in the front. Vince looked over himself in the mirror, his green eyes standing out against his tan. A few months home and that tan would be gone. Vince smiled at himself thinking about the course of the day, coming home in one piece, and seeing his beautiful wife. He was lucky, very lucky. He shut off the light to bathroom before walking back to the bedroom. He entered only to gaze at a sight better than the one he had left.




Neveah’s body had no problem sleeping over the course of the trip home. Neveah’s hands flew back working at her two clamps at the back of her bra. Her arms had gotten tangled slightly, but she was able to pull it off pretty easily. Her hands flowed down her body to her hips, where she pushed down the lacy bikini cut panties all the way to the ground.

Despite the shortness of time, Neveah had some ideas of how to make it special. She took two of the orchids he had given her and she spread the petals over her eggshell comforter. She reached for her matching incense and candles setting those up around the room. Hearing the shower stop, Neveah posed on the bed knowing he wouldn’t be long.

Seeing the sight in front of him, his beauty lounged out over the bed, Vince couldn’t help but lick his lips. Her chocolate nipples just seemed to call him to her. Vince shoved down his briefs in a hurry as he crossed the room. Neveah drew his face in close for a long kiss, her lips brushed across his then her tongue was snuck past his lips to stroke his.

‘Are you sure, Nene? Ten minutes ago you were passed out,’ he said as he pushed her back against the bed.

‘Yes I am. I just needed a power nap. Besides, I’ve waited almost a whole year to be with you. I’m not wasting any more time!’ She lifted her head searching for his sweet lips again.

‘God I love you,’ he sighed.

Vince held her wrists together and pressed them against the bed, up above her head. It raised her perky C cups for his eyes to feast upon. He took the little dark nipple of her right breast between his fingers and pulled on it until Neveah was moaning from pleasure.

‘God I missed that sound.’ Vince thought as he dipped down his head and took that little bud into his mouth.

He could see her desire that had started to build up along her slit was now starting to drip down her thighs. Vince trailed his tongue over the sensitive bud, lightly flicking over it with a small amount of pressure.

Neveah’s teeth were in her bottom lip as she felt her hips bobbing up and down, searching for some sort of relief in her aching body. Vince knew exactly what Neveah wanted but he kept on teasing her body. He held tightly to her wrists as he placed one of his muscular thighs between her legs. With that, he returned to suckling her nipples, letting his fingers tracing circles around her dark areolas.

Neveah’s body squirmed underneath his massive form. She needed a release now. If he wasn’t going to give it to her, she would take it. She pressed her wet slit tight against his thigh an
d moved her hips, rubbing her engorged clitoris against him. She pressed herself tighter as she felt the muscles of her mound tighten up.

‘Oh. Oh. Vince… please…’ she attempted to beg him for more of his mouth.

Then she finally came, but she didn’t scream. Neveah’s mouth flew open but no sound came out. She rubbed her clit on his thigh fell from beneath her body, her back arched, pressing her breast deeper into Vince’s mouth. As Neveah lay there panting, Vince sat over her, a satisfied grin spread across his face.

He leaned in and took a long deep kiss from her, leaving her even more breathless.

‘Watching you come should be a pastime. You’re body is so reactive to every little touch.’

He trailed his finger over her slit which made her body shiver over and over.

‘Please. Stop. I’m still sensitive.’

‘Oh really?’

He put more pressure on the finger that rubbed her, and something that sounded close to a cat purring came out of her mouth.

‘Tell me, Nene, how long has it been since you came real hard like that?’

He brushed his lips over her mound.

Neveah just shook her head tiredly, not wanting to give an answer. She closed her eyes and gave a deep sigh of relaxation. Vince always had a way of making her body feel good.

‘Nope, you’re not going to sleep yet. I have a little situation I need my nurse to fix first.’

Vince took his cock in his hand and rubbed it in between her wet lower lips.

Before his deployment, Neveah had loved role-playing with him.

‘We can start your check up right away sir,’ she whispered with a soft giggle her eyes still resting.

She tried to sit up underneath him ,but when her hips lifted off the bed her clit bumped against the head of his cock. She opened her eyes to look up at the hungry glare he had in his eyes.

‘ We do need to make sure everything is working properly.’

Vince let out a short growl as he lined up his cock with her pussy, he couldn’t help but power his cock deep inside of her all at once. He just had to feel her tight canal squeezing around his length. Neveah didn’t mean to, but her nails grasped at his shoulders and back as he thrust into her. It had been almost a year since anything had been that deep inside of her and she was unprepared.

Vince could feel the way her whole body seemed to still underneath him. He held still for a moment not wanting to hurt her. It was a moment before she relaxed her body and she constricted her muscles on his cock. Vince leaned in for soft kissing, hoping she was ready for him to continue.

He slid out easily and drove his cock back in. This time he stayed in deep to savor the feeling of her muscles clamping down on him, he eased in and out of her tight pussy trying to get a rhythm going. Neveah lay underneath him, her head thrown back against the pillow, her eyes shut tightly and her mouth opened in a perfect O. Her legs were wrapped around his waist, trapping him in this position. Her arms wrapped their way around him and her fingers pressed into his back, her fingernails threatening to bite into his skin.

Vince trailed his hands down to her waist so he could get a better hold onto her body. He shoved into her harder and harder, his cock pressing against her inner wall. At one point Neveah had been able to keep up with his thrusts, staying in time with him, but the way he moved in and out of her made it difficult. Vince felt her muscles really gripping him as if they didn’t want to let his cock go.

‘You gonna scream for me sweetheart?’ Vince laughed cockily as his hand shifted over her mound to her clit and rubbed it vigorously.

Neveah legs twisted underneath him. The scream that built up in her throat was released as the dam broke and the waves of her orgasm crashed over her continuously. Vince marveled at the way her body shook as she came, but after a few seconds of her pussy squeezing him, he too felt the waves of an intense orgasm.

He settled next to her not wanting to crush her body.

‘Wow,’ he whispered, pulled her over so she could lay on his chest.

‘I’m not sure if that’s giving you enough credit. That was amazing. Indescribable!’ She giggled as she let him roll her body onto his.

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LifeSim: Breeding Expansion by Fidget Chapter 1 Kenneth was living the suburban dream. He had a happy marriage, got along great with his neighbors, and, aside from the occasional spat with his HOA, loved his neighborhood. He had many of the qualities of the stereotypical nerd, though he had been more drawn toward the accounting side of things than the computers side. Even so, he still enjoyed the casual computer game from time to time, and simulation games had always been a favorite of his...

1 year ago
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Salla and Savva crouched low as they worked their way through the jungle flora. The waist high bushes provided perfect cover along with the camouflage of the leopard fur shorts and bras the duo wore. The two long brown haired jungle women would not easily be seen. The tribal explorers moved stealthy and silent as a jungle cat. They edged toward the strange sounds. If the sounds were voices they were not like any voices they ever heard. These voice-like sounds had a deep tone. Never before while...

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Want to see some interactive porn at Life Selector? Looking for some "choose your own adventure" porn? Simply watching porn is great, sure. But don’t you ever wish you could be right there in the action calling the shots? Of course, you do. Who the fuck doesn’t? Now, I can’t fly you out to the best porn studios to have you take Emma Hix in the ass, but I may have the next best thing. Remember those choose-your-own-adventure books as a kid? The ones where you flipped through the pages based on...

Best Porn Games
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SwingLifestyle! Do you live the Swing Lifestyle, or have you ever considered swapping partners with other horny local couples? Before the Internet, it was hard to find like-minded swingers to fool around with, but we’ve come a long fucking way since the days of awkwardly asking your coworkers if their wife would be DTF. Why risk a sexual harassment accusation or an uppercut from a dude who takes it entirely the wrong way when you say you’d really like to bang his old lady? Today, we’re going to look...

Hookup Sites
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Beautiful Curves

In hindsight, my divorce, combined with a new start in a new city, had probably left me somewhat emotionally vulnerable by the time I first met Lisa and her husband, Cameron. But whether or not that vulnerability was in some part responsible for the nature of our encounter, I'm not sure. In the end, I'm just glad it happened. It was a beautiful and exotic introduction to a new chapter in my life; a sexual re-awakening that I will always cherish.  Sometimes a single act can change who you are....

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Taking care of mom and her curves

Not long ago I went skiing with my mom. She had promised me the trip if I took my driving license before I turned 19 and if I not started smoking, promises I did fulfill. Until the last day it was an absolutely fabulous trip, but Sadly mom fell on the last day and broke her right hand and strained the left one heavily. She had both hands bandaged leaving just some of the fingers on her left hand out, but still with very limited mobility. Luckily for her I still lived at home and could help her...

1 year ago
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Sow and ReapChapter 15 Smoke and Mirrors and Blind Curves

Mokuba's handgun design turned out to be a drawing pad full of small caliber weapons. I made a few suggestions but overall the designs were well thought out and easily marketable. "You and your brother are seriously into guns, aren't you?" one of my classmates asked me as I looked through the pad. "It is the family business." I reminded him. "Isn't it violent, though? I mean, don't you worry about all the people who die because of you?" Someone at a press conference once asked...

4 years ago
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The Littlest Witch

The Littlest Witch By Anon Allsop When they told me that the Covington family had volunteered to be my foster family, I was pretty happy, that was until the guys began to tell me about them. It seemed that the family had been around almost as long as the town had, in fact, the original member of the family had been burned at the stake for witchcraft. There were many who still held that belief to heart. The funny thing was that I didn't really have a problem with them, they...

1 year ago
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My new ladyboy LittleLi Part 1

It was nice to meet my new freind littleLi. I met her at the library at college one day and was immedietly attracted to her. Her long dark hair and big brown eyes, with a lovely sweet smile. She was wairing a little cropped T shirt with a hello kitty picture on it, showing off her smooth honey coloured tummy, cut off denim shorts, white frilly ankle socks and black patent pumps. I thought to myself, only an asian girl could wair little frilly laced ankle socks and mary janes and get away with...

2 years ago
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My Ladyboy LittleLi Part 2

After LittleLi had finished swallowing my cum, she fell back and i noticed she still had on her frilly ankle socks and MJ,s. Now that I knew LittleLi was a ladyboy i could tell her about my collection of stockings, panties, shoes and dresses that i liked to get dresssed in. LittleLi loved the the fact and took off the rest of my man clothes. I got up off the bed in front of her naked and went to my cabinet with all my fave clothes in it. I lay out satin frilly panties, stockings of all...

3 years ago
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Little Sister Pt 05

Author’s note: No sex this chapter. Nothing but politics, business and real estate. Chapter 21 — Deja Vu, but Not What I intended to do had many difficulties. For starters, I was dressed to meet with high priced lawyers. For another, I was not about to expose Shadow to the south side. Most important, I was not about to expose Elspeth to Veronica, or vice versa. To solve two problems at once, I told Elspeth to take Shadow to the garage and return with the Toyota. She did not want to go and I...

2 years ago
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Little Sister Pt 04

Author’s note: Virtually no sex this installment. Siobhan goes into business and gets pulled into politics. Chapter 17 – Office Politics The dinner in White Plains would echo for years. I am very glad I had no true understanding of the importance, because even Dr. Richards might have frozen. That said, it had little impact in Hanover. There is a reason higher education is referred to as a tower, ivory or otherwise. What happened in the real world took its time filtering into our world. For...

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Little Sister Pt 03

Chapter 12 – Storming Hanover After the meeting with the local powers of Siemens, Lars walked me to the car. I had the Mercedes, with Russell driving. Loaning me Russell was the sort of generous gesture I learned to expect from Sheila. I was also glad she sent Christine, who makes a great human comforter. It was good that I did not yet know about Lars’ transfer. I would have worried all the way to the garage in Manchester. God must have been paying attention, because the clerk at the garage...

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Little Sister

Author’s note: This story takes place in the Richard’s Enterprises universe: Kitty & Teddy, LLC, K&T, LLC, [K][T] and Family. At least some understanding of the events of those three books is necessary. This story is about Siobhan. I consider this a coming of age story, even though the main character is in her mid-20s. There is no sex in this installment. Prologue—Moving Out but Not Going Away. I dreaded my return to Hanover. Summer in New Jersey had been, quite literally, coming home. It...

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A little Family Secret

You are in this story the 20 year old Jesse. You live together with your mom(Sandra), your dad(Ben), your little brother(Mark) and your big sister(Julia). you have a happy, good working family. Only there is one thing you never want to to tell your family or anyone else. That is the secret about your penis. See you dont have a normal penis, but a very tiny little mini penis. Flaccid is it just 1 inch long, and hard are just 3 inches. Youve never told anyone about is. Youve always succeeded to...

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LittleMissLipService offers Doug an Apology

Hi all....I have been so bad about posting stories here, I actually enjoy writing when I have the time and have many, many great true stories that I want to share with all of you naughty perverts ;)So watch this space for several new stories shortly.....This is an entry that I wanted to share with you about something that happened earlier this evening when I offered to take a fellow Xhamster writer's fantasy and flesh it out into a story...... They had no interest in doing it and I and several...

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LittleMissLipService gets more than she bargained

LittleMissLipService Gets More Than She Bargained For...So I was having a conversation with a friend on here and we started talking about how sexy our painted toenails and feet made us feel - I started to tell her about one adventure of mine. This friend insisted she wanted to hear the rest and so I ended up having to take my time and type it up because i hadn't really shared all the details with anyone before - and it was very sexy - and I wanted to be able to remember everything years from...

3 years ago
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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part III

I got up and went into the bedroom ,stripped off and snuggled close to Suma, She was sleeping with hands folded across her chest ,turned to left side. I slowly lifted her nightie above her buttocks and gently lifted her left thigh and pressed my dick close to her pussy and lowered her thigh. I didn’t want to disturb her sleep but felt my hungry dick wanted some relief, some warmth. Slowly I inserted my hand in the opening in the nightie and cupped her tit. I just wanted to savour her touch and...

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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part V

I tapped Suma lightly on the shoulder, she jumped a foot . “Why, you scared me, Why do you have to come like a ghost?” She admonished me. I told her I didn’t mean to and asked her why she was so jumpy. She evaded and we finished breakfast in silence, each lost in own thoughts. She finished her bath, pooja and preparation of lunch in record time. I noticed she was watching at clock frequently. Then on the dot after 2 hours, door bell chimed. I put on a see through banian which showed contours of...

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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part IV

I was startled when the phone rang. I picked up the receiver at the same time Suma picked up cordless in the hall. “Hello” Suma said. “Finally you are awake or did I disturb your sleep again?” Jaya’s teasing voice quickened my heartbeat. “No, I am awake and preparing breakfast. Is Vikas still listening to music?” Suma asked. Jaya laughed ” No, he left, his lady boss wanted some files urgently” Suma also laughed. ” What do you know, may be the boss has opened her thighs like a book and he may be...

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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part I

I am a freak. Well, not exactly, unusual may be a more appropriate word. I can understand what animals,birds and insects talk.Not every time or all the time. The phenomenon is like a Tsunami. I can never predict when I suddenly acquire the skill or how long it will last. Not that I am complaining. I don’t know how Dr.Doolittle managed to live with continuous chatter and cacophony. I gave up trying to find a reason and learnt to live with it. My vague suspicion is that when my wavelength or...

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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part II

The house Lizards are not very well educated,yes,some of them live in schools and collages and may have intellectual leanings. But Charlie and Lillee were not so educated. So, I am not reporting what I heard verbatim but in my own words. Lillee said ” You won’t believe……” Charlie said scornfully ” Try me, I believe humans are capable of doing any stupid thing. Their stupidity is directly proportional to their arrogance and inversely proportional to their intelligence. I think,it has some thing...

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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part VI

Suma cast a suspicious glance at me. “This is the first time I saw him watch an India Pakistan match without making the roof collapse” That brought me to earth with a thud. I realized that Sehwag was nearing a century and I was watching without emotion……………………………………… As luck would have it, Sehwag chose that precise moment to loft the ball over mid wicket fence and gave a lollypop catch. I clutched my head and screamed ” Have you seen it? Why couldn’t he just push it for couple of runs? He will...

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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part VII

Suma’s story (continued) ……….. “Vikas…” I entered the hall and stopped in my tracks. Sitting there on the sofa were Vinay and ……wearing a sleeveless tee shirt and very short shorts, exposing his loads of thick hair was Vikas…….. Both of them stood ,clapped and sang ” Happy birth day to you….” And Vinay said beaming ” Here is your birthday gift …” gesturing to Vikas………………… I was shocked and paralyzed, rooted to the spot. Before I could recover and run back to room, Vinay grabbed me ,lifted me...

3 years ago
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Littles Night Out a Ddlg Short Story

The screen before us flickered as the image changed, but I could hardly pay attention. In fact I was only looking at the screen because Daddy told me to. If I’d had it my way my eyes would be closed, mouth open, moaning low and deep. It was vintage movie night at the cinema, and I’d been really excited to go. Now I didn’t even remember what the film was or the premise, now I could hardly remember my own name because Daddy’s fingers were shoved deep inside my sopping cunt. He’d spank you if he...

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Littles LifeChapter 2

Riana was up early as usual and had breakfast for everyone ready. When she finished eating, she hugged her mother, kissed her baby sister, ruffled the hair of her brother just because he hated it, and left. It looked beautiful today weather wise, and promised to be an even better day when she got to the Mrs. Nomy's shop. On her way, she heard how some young man had taken out Greggor, and his gang but everyone knew it wasn't going to last long. There was also some talk about another set of...

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Littles LifeChapter 3

The keep was a nice large one. The stables had several horses that took Brad's attention right a way. Tim scooped him up so he couldn't get into trouble. Little Ally was sound asleep so Seleena took Madeline to where the nursery was. Little took Riana around. He showed her the library, the kitchen, the main hall, the main dinning room, the stables and the gardens. Then where her little brother and sister's room was as well as her mother's, finally showing her to her room. "Is this...

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Littles LifeChapter 4

Little walked into the constabulary office and up to the desk where a bored looking man sat. Little had come into the city looking different, so he could see for himself what had happened to Martin's place. Part of the stables looked like they had been hacked down and someone had tried to start a fire but failed. Martin was now working to get the area cleaned up so he could rebuild, then Little checked on Mrs. Nomy finding her well and working hard. After clearing his throat, to get the...

2 years ago
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Littles LifeChapter 5

Little was getting closer but still could not see his target. In truth, he wanted to take to the air, but feared the men that had Riana and Brad would hurt them so he ran, and ran fast. "Little, are you almost here, I feel strange." Riana said as she was hit with a wave of dizziness. "Little, I... " Then she was gone. Little was so stunned that his running faltered and he fell. He ended up face down in the dirt trying to get his mind and his body working again. Then his mind snapped and...

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Littles LifeChapter 6

Pae was just standing there looking out of their cave. "Pae, what is it darling, what has you out of bed so late?" Sarrone asked as he came to his mate's side. "I don't know, love. I just got this feeling. I cannot really describe it. Something big, important is happening," Replied Pae, continuing to look out of the cave. Sarrone learned years ago that when his lovely wife and mate got this feeling He had better be ready for it. However, he needed more to go on. "Love, just relax,...

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Littles LifeChapter 7

The next afternoon, the little city of River's T saw not one, not two, not three, but four dragons land at the South gate, the biggest of it's gates. Martin, Ray, and the other Elites were waiting, as was most of the town. What they saw first was a young looking women jump from the back of the smallest dragon and wait. Then another slightly older looking woman slide to that ground and waited. The two looked to the remaining two dragons. Seleena was the first to change from dragon to...

1 year ago
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Looking for some tiny Asian porn at Little Asians? Well, gather around perverts. I’ve got something really special for you today. If you like little chicks, Asian chicks, or little Asian chicks, you’re really going to love It’s a porn site, so naturally, the petite babes in question are getting their cunts hammered by dicks that seem way too big.OMFG, They’re So Tiny!I pulled up the landing page and holy shit, they ain’t lying about the little part. Asian chicks are known for...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
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Lifestyles of the Very Rich and Unknown

Lifestyles of the Very Rich and Unknown Introduction This is another of my stories depicting possible real-life situations, no magic, no science fiction, no unknown chemicals, though adult situations of sexual activity, coercion, kidnapping and some limited violence are involved, so consider yourself forewarned. My intent here is to explore the nature of friendships and relationships, and how people respond to events that are verging on the impossible to deal with. And the ending...

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Lifestyles Urban Vintage And Exquisitely Permanent

"Lifestyles: Urban Vintage And Exquisitely Permanent" It was an early fall day in the city. October 1955 as Ted Hawthorne finished his coffee and morning newspaper. He left the change for the check on the table then after buttoning his suit coat and putting on his hat he left the restaurant and began his walk down the city sidewalk. By the time he neared the downtown beauty salon he paused and lit a cigarette. But it was only a few moments later that an attractive woman exited the...

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Grading on Curves

Two words, one sweet command. I went to work, wetting the toy with my tongue. The crotch of Dr. North's pants was starting to tent. I suppressed a smirk, knowing full well he was imagining his cock fucking my mouth instead of this vibrator. "That's good," he said. With a pop of my lips, I released the toy. "Now turn around." He bent me face-down over the desk and lifted my skirt to my waist, exposing my ass. I held the skirt up for him. He ran his thumbs down my slit, buried them in my entrance...

First Time
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Disgruntled Curves

I'm not a big enough creep to stare and drool or follow a nice booty around...but if it happens to be in front of me, of course I'm going to look. But on this fateful day, I happened to be on an elliptical behind the wrong booty (or, I suppose, the right one, depending on your penchant for being objectified by objects). I watch her in her black leggings, stepping onto the treadmill and starting it up with a brisk walk. Halfway through my workout, I'm happy to catch a couple of glances at a...

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