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Copyright Oggbashan October 2013

The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.


I was looking forward to a few weeks with my brother and his wife. I used to visit them at least once a year, whenever I was in the UK. They have a rambling old house in the South Hams of Devon. I needed to rediscover my roots and perhaps put some real ones down somewhere. While I was with them I would be a part of the family. They had their own lives to lead and might be missing for a few days. If they were, I’d fend for myself.

Last year’s summer holiday after the car crash in Africa had been the last strain on our marriage. Maria had helped to nurse me after I was discharged from the hospital. My left leg had been the worst damaged, and I now had some metal pins permanently holding it together.

It didn’t matter to Maria that the accident had not been my fault and I hadn’t been driving. She did what she could for me but my temporary dependence was too much for both of us. We had been drifting apart for years, while maintaining a front for the rest of the world. Our enforced proximity brought things to a head. We went for a weekend break. After the first night alone together Maria flew into one of her increasingly frequent rages. This one was different. We said things to each other that never should be said.

Maria and I agreed to separate. We went to a local African lawyer and made an agreement dividing our property. She would keep the part share in the Safari Park and our other African assets. I would have the London house and our assets in the UK. In theory her share was larger than mine, but mine were possibly more stable, less likely to grow perhaps, but also less risky.

Some people might describe us as wealthy. If we didn’t overextend ourselves we could live adequately as self employed people managing our assets. Maria would live better than me on a large African estate with servants and staff. That was possible where she lived, but not for me in England.

Two months ago I had returned to the UK. I had lived in various hotels until the current tenants vacated the London house. I had then employed builders for a couple of months to redecorate and improve the house, adding handrails etc. to help with my temporary disability.

There was now no one, except my brother and his wife, and their home help Janet, left to care whether I lived or died. They didn’t compensate for the loss of my wife nor the children we never had.

The taxi driver carried my battered suitcase along the flower-flanked path to the house as I limped beside him leaning on my cane. The medics said I would need to use it for another couple of months and might be nearly as fit as I had been by Christmas or early next year.

‘Ian!’ Angela flew out of the front door, wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. That was a great welcome. Even if she is my brother’s wife and therefore taboo, Angela is a woman I love for who she is.

Alan followed her and gave me a hearty handshake and his arm around my shoulder. I feel like the ‘little’ brother whenever we met. Alan is ten years older and six inches taller. Angela is four inches taller than me yet I am only a couple of inches short of six foot.

In the doorway stood their ‘daily’ Janet. She smiled at me. Janet makes me think of clotted cream and pasties. She isn’t plump, just gently rounded in the right places on her trim frame. She has the true Devon burr and seems part of the land. Her family have lived locally forever. Janet kissed me as well. She had never kissed me before. I enjoyed that kiss. It seemed to say ‘welcome home’ in a way that no one else had yet said. It reminded me that Janet is an attractive woman.

I had noticed that before but dismissed the thought. Each time Marie and I had visited we had been fighting each other and trying to hide it from Alan and Angela. We had been so involved with our arguments that I hadn’t considered Janet’s attractiveness, or our surroundings. Before I had married Marie, Janet had shown me around some of the local countryside while Alan and Angela were busy with their children. I might have considered her as a possible partner, but Janet was married. Our only ‘sexual’ contact was an occasional hug and a peck on the cheek.

‘Ian,’ said Angela, ‘We are pleased you arrived when you did. We have to collect Sarah’s girls in a few minutes. We should be back in about half an hour. Janet will look after you.’

Angela turned to Janet.

‘He’ll be in the Lavender room. Make him some tea, please.’

‘The Lavender room? Are you sure that’s wise?’

‘Of course it is, Janet. The guest bedrooms are being decorated. They’ve taken longer than planned. We didn’t expect the ceilings to be so bad. We thought the painters would be finished before Ian arrived, but they’ve been working on some outside jobs. The weather has been better than usual. They will take a few more days.’

Angela and Alan drove away in different directions. Cecily is twelve and at ‘big’ school. Phoebe is ten and itching to join her sister.

Janet took my case. I followed her up the stairs towards the attic. I could tell that she wasn’t happy.

‘What’s this about the Lavender room, Janet? Is it damp or something more sinister?’

‘I don’t think they’d like me to tell you, Ian, but I think I should. Come down to the kitchen. I’ll make you a cup of tea and then I’ll tell you.’

She put my suitcase on the bed and left. I hung my two suits and my now redundant uniform in the curtained alcove. I looked around the room. Apart from the uneven floorboards, the walls that weren’t straight, the tilted window it looked perfectly normal. For a room in Alan and Angela’s house it was normal. The walls and ceiling were plain white. There was no lavender colour anywhere so why was it called the Lavender room? It looked out over the back garden to the sea in the far distance. No lavender out there. The only lavender flanked the front path.

The kitchen was as I remembered it. This was Janet’s domain. The washed stone flagged floor, the scrubbed pine table, the gleaming Aga, all looked timeless. The kettle was just beginning to whistle as I sat on a wheel back chair by the table. I felt happy here. It wasn’t my home but this kitchen was as closer to a home than anything I had left.

‘So, Janet, what is the mystery of the Lavender room? You had better tell me soon. They’ll be back shortly.’

‘No they won’t. They always underestimate how long it takes to collect the girls. Even today they’ll stand around and chat. They have to take them home to Sarah. They’ll talk to her and admire the new baby. I don’t expect them for an hour from now.

‘I think you are stalling, Janet. What about the Lavender room?’

Janet poured the tea and sat down at the table. She looked serious.

‘Alan and Angela think I’m a silly old fool,’ she started.

‘Old isn’t true, Janet. I don’t think you are silly or a fool either.’

‘Thank you, Ian. You have always listened to me as if what I said was important.’

‘And why wouldn’t it be?’

‘Never mind. About the Lavender room. I know it is haunted…’

‘By whom or what?’ I asked.

‘By one of my ancestors. Well, not exactly an ancestor, because she didn’t have children, but she was the sister of the man who was one of my ancestors. Dorcas died before she had children.’

‘Who was Dorcas?’ I asked.

‘Dorcas was one of the maids. She was twenty-three. Her first intended husband had been a fisherman lost at sea. She was going out with Josh, one of the farm workers.’

‘What happened?’

‘Josh was caught smuggling, not for the first time. He
was trying to get enough money to marry and set up home with Dorcas. He was offered a choice. Either he would be prosecuted and convicted or he could enlist in the Army. It was the time of the Crimean War. He knew that he faced a long jail term so he chose to enlist. He came to tell Dorcas. She told him that she was pregnant. They spent the night together and Josh left just before dawn, joining his regiment at Plymouth. He promised to come back before he sailed but couldn’t because as a reluctant recruit he wasn’t allowed out of barracks for the first three months. Before he could visit Dorcas his regiment was on the ship which left within hours. He never knew that Dorcas committed suicide by drowning herself as soon as she knew he had gone. He was killed at Inkerman.’

‘A sad story but not uncommon. I suppose she lived in the Lavender room?’

‘Yes. It is called the Lavender room because Dorcas used lavender as a perfume. She kept dried lavender heads among her few clothes and used lavender water on herself. The lavender plants are still lining the front path.’

‘Janet. This is interesting but what about the haunting?’

‘Josh told her he would return before he sailed. They hoped to get the vicar to marry them before he left for the Crimea. When he didn’t visit before sailing Dorcas knew that she would have the baby before Josh came back. She couldn’t face the disgrace. She went to the point to watch his ship depart and then threw herself into the sea. Although she could swim, she couldn’t while wearing all the clothes a Victorian woman wore at that time. The Vicar and the Coroner at the inquest took the charitable view that she slipped, and her death was an accident. All the locals knew that it wasn’t.

It is said that Dorcas’ ghost is still waiting for Josh. Most of the time the Lavender room is perfectly normal. But when a man stays there…’

‘I’m not Josh.’

‘Dorcas doesn’t know that.’

I decided that this story was just one of those traditions that still live in the countryside. I’d let Janet warn me of the dangers and ignore them. I couldn’t see that the ghost of a maid was likely to frighten me.

‘OK,’ I said. ‘Assume Dorcas thinks I’m Jonas. What happens to men who stay in that room?’

‘It is serious, Ian, not a joke.’ Janet had detected the sarcasm in my voice.

‘Then you had better tell me the worst, Janet, so that I’m prepared.’

Janet looked at me as if unsure whether I really wanted to know. She sighed, sipped her tea, and said:

‘First there is a smell of lavender in the room. Then Dorcas climbs into bed with the man…’ Janet paused.

‘And?’ I asked, ‘this does sound interesting.’

‘Dorcas makes love. After several hours she seems to realise that he isn’t Josh. She tries to kill him with even more energetic sex. If she isn’t satisfied with his performance she drowns herself — again, with realistic and grisly sound effects. The man is exhausted. Dorcas is an enthusiastic lover. The next morning the man usually needs assistance to get up and the room is strongly scented with lavender. One night is enough for most men. During the First World War a sergeant was here recovering from a gas attack. He was found dead.’

‘With a smile on his face?’

‘You are incorrigible, Ian!’ Janet protested. ‘Yes. He was smiling.’

‘Then I don’t think I have much to fear from Dorcas. Apart from my leg I’m very fit. I know that an active woman can wear any man out but at the moment I’d welcome such an encounter. I have a year or so’s abstinence to make up for.’

‘What about Maria?’ Janet asked.

‘What about Maria?’ I repeated. ‘We haven’t been in face to face contact for months. I suppose we will divorce when we have been apart long enough. In the UK it’s three years isn’t it? I don’t know and I’m haven’t bothered to find out. Marie said that she would make enquiries in Africa to see whether it would be easier there. I don’t have a lover hidden away waiting for me, or anyone who cares about me. ‘

‘That is sad, Ian.’

‘Yes, Janet, it is. Once we meant something to each other but we grew apart and the accident broke the fragile tie that was left. Now there is nothing. I need to start again. So does she.’

Janet said nothing as she refilled my cup. She shook her head as if trying to remove something unpleasant.

‘Be careful, Ian,’ she said at last. ‘Alan and Angela love you. I wouldn’t want them hurt by your unhappiness. You are an easy target for a man-hunting woman and there are enough of them around here. Watch out for mantraps.’

I laughed. The idea of me being pursued by women broke my sombre mood.

‘The only mantrap I see around here is you, Janet. I could do far worse than court my sister-in-law’s daily.’

‘Don’t say things like that unless you mean them, Ian. Did you know that I am single again?’

‘No! What happened?’

‘He found a younger version in Plymouth. He left me three years ago. My divorce became final a few months ago.’

‘I’m sorry, Janet. He was a fool not to realise what he had.’

I hobbled round the table to her, put my arms around her, and kissed the top of her head.

Alan and Angela returned with Sarah and the granddaughters, Cecily and Phoebe. Sarah said that the granddaughters wanted to see Great-Uncle Ian. I doubted that. Cecily and Phoebe rushed off to see Janet. I heard them rampaging around the house as we drank coffee. They did pop their heads around the door to give their aged relative a suspiciously jammy peck on the cheek but then they were off to run around the house again.

Sarah and the girls left shortly before dinner. All four of us sat down for the meal. Janet explained that she had sometimes stayed with Alan and Angela while her house was being finally decorated. She and her husband had sold the old large house and split the proceeds. Janet had a nearly renovated house that had been extended from an old cottage. Her husband had bought a terraced house in Plymouth.

After dinner we sat around drinking. I drank far too much of Alan’s deceptively smooth old Port. When I reeled upstairs at the end of the evening Alan had to prop me up. After a quick wash I fell into the bed naked and passed out.

I stirred. I was still half-asleep dreaming of making love to Janet. She was slightly soft and cuddly and our love-making was slow and sensuous, unlike the frenzied energetic coupling that had been the norm with Maria.

What had woken me was someone climbing into bed alongside me. An arm reached across and stroked my chest. There was a strong scent of lavender.

‘Dorcas?’ I asked.

‘Yes, Josh, who else would I be?’

Her Devon burr was much stronger than Janet’s but she sounded similar. I could easily believe she was one of Janet’s relations. Dorcas was heavier built and skin on her hands felt slightly rougher as they wandered over my chest.

Dorcas slid between me and the mattress.

‘Come on, Josh,’ she purred, ‘Show me what a man can do.’

I kissed her. Her mouth opened and her tongue slid into mine. I could feel the bump of her pregnancy, not yet large enough to impede lovemaking, but too large to hide.

Dorcas’ arms wrapped around me. She pulled me up so that my erection was brushing against her pussy’s hairs. She wriggled against me, spreading her legs as I began to enter her. Her hands grabbed my hips and pulled. I gasped as I slid deep into her.

‘You can do better than that, Josh,’ Dorcas said. ‘I’ll help.’

Her legs wrapped around me and clamped against me. I was deeper into Dorcas than I had ever been in Maria. Dorcas and I pounded together harder and harder. My injured leg was throbbing with pain but the sexual excitement transcended it. The pain gradually subsided as the sensation of violent penetration and passive engulfment by a passionate woman overrode everything but our exhilaration. When I was almost on the point of emission Dorcas held back, re
laxing her grip until the point of crisis passed, clamping hard again as soon as the near orgasm had gone.

She emitted faint yells and squeals as she reached her peak time and time again. The noise of our love-making probably couldn’t be heard in the rest of the house, because Dorcas’ excited responses were consciously muted.

I don’t know how long that first coupling took. Once Dorcas allowed me to cum into her I slumped across her body, exhausted. My leg had become a dull ache. I rolled away. Dorcas followed, resting her head on my shoulder with a hand close, too close, to my worn out manhood.

I think I must have slept for some time. I woke to find Dorcas’ hand stroking me to stiffness again. While she was still holding the important part of me, her face hovered over mine before kissing me long and hard.

This time she rode me. My hands sought her breasts, squeezed, stroked and caressed as her movements became more and more frenzied. It seemed as if she wanted to push me right through the mattress when she pounded downwards. The scent of lavender was even stronger as our bodies became heated.

Dorcas arched her back with a final squeal and shuddered. Her lower lips clamped hard around my stiff member, which was now too sore to ejaculate.

‘You didn’t cum, Josh,’ she said accusingly as she relaxed.

‘I couldn’t,’ I replied. ‘I’m too sore.’

‘Too sore? Not man enough, more like. You need to be all man for me, Josh.’

‘I’m not Josh,’ I dared to say.

‘Not Josh? Where is he?’

‘I’m sorry, Dorcas. He’s dead. He died a long time ago. So did you.’

‘I’m dead? Then how can I do this?’

Her pussy clamped hard around my sore member.

‘Ow! I don’t know. But please be gentle…’

‘But I like making love, often…’

‘And apparently you can, but you’re a ghost.’

‘A ghost who can feel you, and you can feel me?’

‘I certainly can, Dorcas. You are wonderfully solid.’

‘If you aren’t Josh, who are you?’

‘I’m Ian, and I’m very pleased to meet you, Dorcas.’

‘If you are so pleased, Ian, why have you stopped?’

‘Because I’m worn out and sore. I hadn’t made love for months and…’

Dorcas’ lips silenced me. She kissed me. As she did, her body squeezed again. Despite the soreness I felt an erection start to return.

‘That’s better. Hold on.’

Dorcas pounded me again and again until I couldn’t hold back. My whole being was centred on my erection that spurted deep into her. I slumped back.

‘That’s it? You’re done?’ Dorcas asked.

‘For tonight? Probably yes. I’d need a rest before I could respond again.’

‘That isn’t really good enough. You aren’t up to Josh’s stamina. He could make love all night long… Well perhaps not all night but more than you have.’

‘How old was Josh?’

‘How old? Twenty-five I think. I’m twenty-three.’

‘That’s the difference, Dorcas. I’m over forty.’

‘Over forty, Ian? That’s really old.’

‘I feel it.’

‘Very well, Ian. I’ll let you rest tonight, but I want more tomorrow night.’

Dorcas asked me about how long it had been since Jonas died, what life was like now, and about me. We chatted for about a quarter of an hour. At the time it didn’t seem odd to be talking to a ghost. Her warm, lavender-scented body was pressed against mine and felt wholly real.

Eventually I admitted that I was worn out. Dorcas kissed me.

‘Sleep now,’ she said.

Dorcas snuggled against my shoulder. Her erect nipples dug into my chest. I was soon asleep.

When I woke up it was daylight. The bed showed the impression of Dorcas and there was still a very strong scent of lavender. If I hadn’t felt so much pain, I could have believed it was a dream.

I found it difficult to get out of bed. My injured leg was stiff and sore. It took me a long time to wash and dress, hobbling around with my cane. I came down the stairs very slowly. There was no one around but there were noises from the kitchen. I went in.

‘Hello Ian,’ Janet said. ‘Ready for breakfast? The others are on the school run…’

She turned to look at me as she spoke the last few words. She pulled out a chair beside the kitchen table.

‘Sit down!’ she ordered. ‘You look dreadful. What’s wrong?’

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Non Local Girlfriend

hi friends this is prabhu kumar back again with other story. Ekkadi nundi na story telugu lo rastha, pls me feedbacks naku encouragement esthundi na experiences share chesukodaniki pls write it down to So story lo ki vasthe as u knw nenu non local of vizag naku ekkada chala thakkuva friends so nenu ma loacity lo unna andaritho max friendly ga unte, ala o roju o ammaini chusa tanu roju nannu chusi navvedi nenu smile back chesevadini. Oneday nenu office nundi return vasthunte same ammai ni...

4 years ago
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Dog LoversChapter 10

Carol lay as if she'd been raped... though she knew well enough that she hadn't... or at least, if there'd been a force on his part in the beginning, it very soon hadn't been necessary. Her susceptible young loins throbbed with the unfulfilled desire he had satyrically incited, then sniggeringly walked off to leave tormenting her. He'd known it, but that might well be a part of his cruel sadistic satisfaction. She wanted to cry, to spill out a pailful of tears, but there wasn't time...

2 years ago
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Watch Out

Watch out who you run into. Ryan Harper was walking through the halls of the Mall being cranky. The job interview he just had went bad and he didn't get the job. So when a man bumped into him, he began cursing and said, "He man watch were you're going." The man looked at him with a frightening glare which fuelled Ryan's rage even more. He took a step in the man's direction and raised his fists. The man made a gesture with his hands and chanted: "Until you have had the holes filled...

2 years ago
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Something Strange In Iowa Part Three

Ellie jumped off his lap and fumbled through her clothes on the table. She found her jacket and slipped it on. While she was doing that, Cain watched her pretty bottom and back, the thin waist between the two, and her long, lean legs below. She was sixteen years old and had taken dance classes for a fair number of those years. Living two thousand miles away from each other, Cain and his wife had never been to see her young cousin dance, but they had seen video on Facebook. Cain had found her to...

4 years ago
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I m amit 25 yrs old lives in jaipur.this real story is about my draem lady whom I fucked a lot. Kahni ko hindi maa batata hu. Baat un dino ki hai jaab mein apne b com ke exam de kar result ka intzar kar raha tha.mein from the 10th standar se he masturburate karne lag gaya taha aur har bhar kuch naya theng se maturburate kar tha tha.mein do takiyao ko milkar us mein hole bankar mastuburate kar tha kabhi khat (bed) jis mein niwar ka hole hothahia use hotha hai us beich mein apne lund fassa...

3 years ago
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jims wanking gets him in trouble cum uppance

jamanda kneels in front of her husband ben and starts sucking his cock'i know what you have been doing' ben says amanda lets bens hard cock fall out of her mouth 'um doing ? not sure i know what you mean''get your mouth back on my cock and keep sucking ' ben grabs her head and pushes his cock into her mouth 'i know what you have been doing to our son jim , and i don't mind that he's a lazy cunt and deserves everything that happens to him , eating his own cum and other peoples cum even some of...

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An Ill Wind

"It's an ill wind that blows no good." I'm Manfred Ito. An uglier crossbreed I dare you to find. I'm scrawny, have lanky straight dark-red hair that I wear to my collar and bright blue eyes. I've got a nose that looks like the business end of a two pound ball-peen hammer, and if I could control my ears I wouldn't need canvas to sail a skiff--all I'd have to do would be to stand up straight and move the tiller with a foot. I'm a quarter Japanese, a quarter Caddo Indian, a quarter...

2 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 64

Liz wasn’t smiling when we made our way through the airport terminal. The photographers had followed us from the hotel and several people had stopped and pointed as we walked into the airport. Liz was taking a charter flight back to Nashville. Brian and I were flying commercial to Dallas. Liz and Dom accompanied us as far as security would let them before she threw her arms around my neck and gave me a firm kiss goodbye. “I’m going to miss you,” she said. “Take care of what you need to take...

2 years ago
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A present for Santa

“You are going to get yourself arrested,” his companion shrieked in a shrill-like voice. “You are just mad.”Mike smiled at his friend and shrugged. “I am not mad. It's Christmas. Where's your Christmas spirit? She'll thank me. Well maybe she won't, but she would if she could and knew it was me.”Rose shook her head and took her glass of wine from the table, looking up at her corybantic friend; even by his standards, his planned night-time delivery for the girl next door was simply a ridiculous...

2 years ago
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Beautiful, relaxing choral music is playing You are naked except for high heels, a crotchless g-string and your favourite perfume I am kneeling behind you I have my hands on your hips I am kissing and licking your arse cheeks Your high heels and g-string accentuate your bum cheeks I alternate from one side to the other I find that very exciting Years ago when I first met you I was attracted by your gorgeous bum. I made a pact to myself that I would kiss it after I had you for the...

2 years ago
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Sardar Lund Ne Kaise Nurse Ko Choda

Hello dosto. I’m back again a news story. Mein aapne dilse iss ka sukriya kartha hu jisne mera story publish kiya hai. My name is Rahul, live in thane near Mumbai. If any mature ladies, aunty and babhi want to contact me you can mail me my e-maild id is Aur ek bath Mumbai or thane ke ladies are most welcome to friedship or chudane ke liye. Thane ke hiranadani, ashar residency or area ke ladies bhi muje contact kar sakthe hai, aap ko mera number chaiye mujse contact karne ke liye toh muje mail...

3 years ago
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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 18 Dinner with the Potential InLaws

Well, my meeting with Chalise's father was drawing nigh. I'd been anxious about it for a while, but now it was approaching. I figured I was pretty safe, as it wasn't likely he'd try anything in a crowded restaurant, but I didn't expect it to be a fun-filled evening either. Cate seemed to have finally revived the girls from their shock over hearing Cate's bad news about my future health. I don't know what she told them, but they seemed to get it together so I wasn't so worried about...

2 years ago
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A Summers Day

“Oh my God,” Tess thought, “I’ve been alone way too long.” She studied the man repairing the barn roof. She could see tanned, broad shoulders, muscles rippling with every THAWCK of the hammer and a tight ass encased in snug jeans. He was on his knees, at the moment, and she was imagining what he would look like, like that, before her. “Get it together Tess,” she thought and shook it off. He had been doing repairs since the storm had come through a week ago and he was almost done. She would...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Lexi Belle Ginger Banks Totally NOT Gay

Two young women, Lexi Belle and Ginger Banks, are sitting on a bed together, gazing at each other. Yet, when Lexi moves in for a kiss, Ginger stops her, asking what she’s doing. Lexi apologizes, saying that she thought she was getting flirty signals… However, while Ginger says she’s not gay, she’s curious, so they try a sweet kiss… Three years pass, and the two girls are now living together and sharing the same bed. They’re girlfriends, but they have a...

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The Life of Giving Chapter 10 Excommunication

Do you know the heavy feeling in your body? It's like your weight is a thousand kilos, and your entire body is numb, you can't feel your legs, and your mind just starts to overwork itself because there isn't a way out of this situation.If you know this feeling, you have either been in some deep unsolvable problems, or you had a nasty accident. Either way, I'm glad you've overcome it and are now reading this.There I was, in my bed, opening one message after the other. They were really bad...

3 years ago
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Adam and Ellie Part I

It was a typical Tuesday; I was off work, Adam was at his store that he opened, and our two-year old was sharing his cereal with the dogs. Days like today made it hard to believe it was only five years ago when Adam found me upset and pissed off in the old bar down the road. How did one chance encounter, hundreds of miles from home, lead to this little family?The only thing different about today was the fact I had news to share with Adam, and him me. We were going out to dinner later that...

Love Stories
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The Beach Ch 01

It is a very small island, no more than 500 feet long by 200 feet across. It has a small very private cabin (with all the modern amenities since both water and power are fed by underwater conduit from the mail island). We rented this small Caribbean paradise as a getaway to ourselves. The island has neither name nor visitors. It is part of a resort made up of a large main island with an airport and more than 2 dozen very expensive private little islands like ours for rent or lease. We have...

2 years ago
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Parent Teacher ConferenceChapter 23 The Wedding

The next week was pure chaos. Gone were the banquets and meetings of dignitaries, instead, there were wedding preparations, rehearsals, and learning the customs of the ceremony of Oliver's world. The only comfort I could find was Oliver was working as hard as I was. Helena was having us do a hybrid wedding with the traditions from Earth blending with the traditions of their world. My nights were no better as my shock and excitement had been replace with fear and doubt. Lara slept next to my...

1 year ago
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Master and slave 1

As she laid there naked reading her romantic novel peacefully in the couch she didn't hear him slowly walking up behind her. He sneak up to where she is laying, he grabs her hands and pins them down , slowly works his way where he's in front of her smiling with his fangs showing. She gasps from when he grabs her hands and being pinned down she looks at him with her soft blue eyes then smiles back and ask's "what do you plan on doing mister ". He reply's back to her with just a smile as he...

2 years ago
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Beth Part 3 of 5

Continued from Part 2   CHAPTER 25 - Calling SylviaI felt grubby, so I went and had a shower. The hot water washed away some sadness about my Daddy as well as the dirt. But I still worried that I scared him off. Ah well, what's done is done, and I have to go on. I dried myself, put on a bit of makeup (not sure why) and padded back to the bedroom to get dressed.I saw Sylvia's number and paused a moment, then turned to my dresser to pick out clothes. I checked the weather on my phone and saw it...

1 year ago
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Mrs Lucyna 6

The next day, I was awakened by a strange noise. When I opened my eyes caressed Lady Mrs. Lucy Kate. The former is a beautiful sight. Two comely woman with heavy breasts sucked the pussy. When I picked up slightly to get a better look, but they smiled, and Mrs. Lucy said, and as little zboczku like it. For a moment the two ladies somehow coalesced into a hug and started to rub pussy on pussy. My stick at this point was already at attention. I went to a fight and started banging on my cock. When...

4 years ago
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BethChapter 372

August 6, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, “Are the cops gonna come,” asked Gracey. “I haven’t seen anyone, but someone had to have heard that scream. Shouldn’t we get dressed?” “Wait,” Liya answered. Liya extracted her phone from her one pocket. “Please, all of you stand around her.” [Liya was the only one with a pocket large enough for a phone, so it was the only one we had here.] We quickly complied and Liya took the photo from the angle looking up Heather’s splayed legs at her pussy. Gracey...

3 years ago
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Lillys first

Lilly walked back to her seat at the bar from the bathroom. Tonight she was wearing her favourite black top with the zipper to the front, skinny jeans and heels. She noticed how the men were giving her little admiring looks, whereas the looks from the females were not so admiring. At 39, Lilly still looked stunning. Long auburn hair, dark brown eyes, and a fabulous figure. Lilly knew of course most of the male glances were admiring her figure, especially her firm round ass and her natural...

Wife Lovers
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Best Ever Taboo Sex

Best Ever Taboo Sex By: Londebaaz Chohan Oouuff, the dilemma, the mental burden was immense. It was Christmas time to be jolly and happy but I was quite uptight. I was not sure, if I did the right thing to visit back home.My name is Christopher. I am a Sophomore year, University student; I mean I had just started the Sophomore year. Since the sad demise of my parents in a road mishap; I and my younger sister Rebecca had been living with some relatives and for the last about a year with our...

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A saturday night break up

This story may not be copied, reprinted, or shared online without written permission from the owner, ogieoglethorpe. Availavle on for your reading pleasure only.This is a continuation of a previous story, "My sister,,,"This day sucks! Saturday night, had a night out planned with my GF April, dinner, movie & maybe back to my house since no one would be home for a little fun. You see m y mom is out of town visiting family, dad's at work, Sara is at another girls house, probably...

3 years ago
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Heavy Traffic Ch 12

Amanda let Carol lead her and Wendy through the house, pointing out antiques and other items of obvious pride or sentimental stature among all the furnishings and decorations. Graciously acknowledging the presentations while limiting her own questions and comments seemed to Amanda to be the best way to expedite the tour and allow her to get back to Sean. When Carol led them into the basement of the house, Amanda was prepared to excuse herself in order to bring the tour to an end. However,...

1 year ago
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The Molestation

As I am a model and it’s really necessary to be in the news all the time. It’s really important for me to be in news and by that getting some good modeling offers. I always ensure that I do attend all public functions not only for getting some good money to host it but also for getting some good Media recognition. I went to the Party with the owner of my company. He was also my boyfriend. I feel comfortable with him and specially feel relax with his company in such public places. As we models...

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The SissyGirly Game

The Sissy-Girly Game by SissyKimmy1 Chapter 1 - Let's Play Ballerina I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I was still in shock. It was all my little sister's fault. She was always a little bitch but now she had ruined my life completely. I never thought she would take it this far. I couldn't believe she wouldn't come clean and tell our parents the truth. She was following behind me snickering as we approached my new home. My father rang the doorbell. "Dad! You...

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“WILLOW HALL” “It will be fun, just the three of us, plus its all for free, think about it, a whole weekend! Come on Hazel, I was convinced you’d be up for it” Suzy leaned forward in her chair as she spoke. The three girls had been mates well before high school, they all worked together as typists in a large office complex on the outskirts of London, Suzy had seen the advertisement in one of her girlie magazines. “Let me have a closer look?” Lynn enquired taking the...

2 years ago
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A First Date

After weeks of endless torture, seeing him at work, the simple touches, the glances we gave each other I had found myself attracted to him and wanted to explore my feelings. I knew that I might get into trouble with him. It was the first time in a long time that a man made me feel like this. Made me feel like I was something that had so much to offer a man. I had begun to feel like I was only to be a mother to my children. He had asked me time and time again to go out with him. John called me...

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Tranny orgy continued

Debbie, my red haired, large titted, big hipped, cock sucking, golden bushed girlfriend now knew I loved to suck shemale dick and having them fuck me in the ass. Sex between the two us became more intense and we were often joined by the gurls across the hallway. Life was good and shortly Tanya and Bonnie informed us they were having a party that would include Shemales, sissy me and cross dressers. It was to be an orgy! On the night of the occasion, we were the first ones there. I wore a speedo...

1 year ago
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Mind Over MatterChapter 5

Peter walked down into the street and began the same kind of search as he had done with Tanya. He stood by the door of the building and looked at the people walking by. It was getting later in the day, so not as many people was on the street. However, after a few min a likely target came walking towards him. She was properly in her mid thirties, tall, blonde and wore a suit, which suggested to Peter that she was coming home from work. When she walked by him, he put his hand on her shoulder...

4 years ago
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A refreshing breeze entered the hospital room. A girl dressed in a school uniform dashed straight to her grandfather’s side. The girl plopped her young ass into the sitting man’s lap. She kissed his cheek and softly asked, “Hi Pops. How’s Grammy? How long has she been asleep?” Pops smiled and hugged his precocious granddaughter. Katie always brought a joyous thrill to this man’s heart whenever she was near. At 16, the girl was a petite, pretty, and perky handful of infectious fun. ...

1 year ago
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Sisters Solace

I was sixteen and had just broken up with my girlfriend Jill. We had been dating all year and I thought it would last forever. She said she needed to spend time with others and wanted to date other people that summer. None of her reasons were very good. Well, we separated.I was devastated. I didn't understand what had gone wrong.For about a week, I ran through everything in my mind to try and figure out why. It was driving me mad.My older sister tried to help. We talked about girls and...

3 years ago
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FateChapter 19 First Trip Back

At Brouden things continued pretty much the same as the next few days passed. We were making progress and a lot of the weaker employees were nervous about their jobs. They needed to be. They could improve. It wasn't all that difficult to do well at our company. Just took a little effort. I had to bounce the one year plan Dave (head of Marketing) presented. He brought Ann with him in a very short mini skirt and a low cut very revealing top, no bra. She was obviously supposed to distract me. I...

3 years ago
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Guy Makes Hot Delhi Girl Cum Hard During Erotic Phone Sex

I was at a party when I saw this girl walk in. She was really cute and tiny. She was definitely quirky and outgoing. She mingled with everyone and they loved having her around. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. Finally, she walked over and talked to me and we hit it off. The girl kept touching my arm when I made her laugh, and then she grabbed my arm and squeezed the muscle! It sent a shock up my arm and I looked at her and she nodded and licked her lips. I couldn’t believe my luck. I grabbed...

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