Lacie Ch. 06 free porn video

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Chapter 6: Lacie’s First Morning

Lacie woke to the sun gently shining on her face. Stretching luxuriously, Lacie gently groaned, feeling the soft sheets surround her shift as she moved her flexible young body. Ruffling her hair with one hand, Lacie sat up, her hand brushing something on her neck. Her fingers quickly traced the outline of her choker, making Lacie smile as she remembered the joyous events of yesterday. Looking around, Lacie gathered her bearings, realizing she was alone. The décor of the room was instantly familiar, as Lacie remembered slipping into bed next to Bridget. Nothing had happened between them, both girls having been far too tired to do anything but sleep, and neither of them especially inclined towards nighttime activities with the same gender.

Looking over at the other half of the bed, Lacie found a white robe and towel, identical to the ones she had used yesterday, and a small tented piece of paper resting on top of the soft cotton. Lacie rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she picked up the small folded note that rested on the soft fabric. The paper was written in beautiful penmanship, and was signed ‘Bridget’, the older girl having obviously gotten up earlier. The paper was covered with writing and instructions. A small map detailed how to make it back to the dining hall, as well as a request that she shower and dress comfortably, then meet Bridget there around ten, after finding somewhere she could put her clothes. Glancing to the small alarm clock on Bridget’s nightstand, Lacie saw she had just under an hour before she had to meet Bridget. Slipping out of the warm bed with a wistful groan, Lacie slipped the robe around her shoulders and slid off her panties. Grabbing the towel, Lacie padded barefoot across the room, before picking up her almost forgotten pile of borrowed clothes.

Slipping out into the hallway, Lacie hopped off the cold hardwood at the edges of the floor, walking stealthily down the thick, padded carpeting that covered the middle of the long hallway. Lacie reached the four doors at the end of the hall, knowing she needed somewhere to put her clothes, since she couldn’t haul them around all day, Lacie opened all four of the doors to the unoccupied rooms. The farthest room from Master’s had an aquatic theme, the walls painted various shades of blue in undulating patterns. Everything was tan, blue or white, making Lacie feel like she was at a beach. The feeling was emphasized by her nudity beneath the robe, and though Lacie enjoyed the room’s decor, the blue made the room feel slightly cooler than Lacie liked.

The next room was outdoorsy, decorated as if it were located in the forest somewhere. Greens and soft browns dominated the color scheme, and the fresh air coming in from the open window revitalized Lacie. She spun a small circle, looking up as she did. Giggling to herself, Lacie noted with amusement that the ceiling had been decorated with tiny glow in the dark stars. Lacie liked the room, but it didn’t feel like it was home to her. Deciding to look at the other two rooms before she chose one, Lacie left the woodsy room. The nest room was definitely not Lacie’s style. Cool grey paint gave the illusion of stone walls. Everything was grey or black, or a mixture of the two. There was a mattress in one corner, but it seemed more a cot than a bed. A single lumpy pillow and one scratchy brown blanket lay atop it. Several oddly shaped metal frames decorated the room, giving it a slightly menacing look. Lacie had no idea what their intended purpose was, but the room seemed more a dungeon than a bedroom. Backing out, Lacie stepped on something flexible. Looking down, she picked up the strange, thin rod. A flared leather flap was attached to one end, a leather wrapped handle at the other.

Startled, Lacie dropped the rod when she realized what it was. A riding crop. Looking around her, Lacie realized that this wasn’t a bedroom, and that her earlier comparison to a dungeon was more accurate than she had realized. Seeing the room in a new light, Lacie glanced around again, looking at the metal frames and strange devices decorating the room, guessing at once their intended purpose. It was a dungeon. Not the medieval torture type dungeon, but a playroom, a room for bondage and kinky bedroom play. Giggling nervously, Lacie stepped back out and quietly shut the door.

Shaking her head, Lacie walked to the final door, this one (of the four) closest to Master’s room, and stepped through. Immediately, Lacie knew that this was her room. White drapes and deep purple curtains were drawn back, letting light flood the room. A big bed sat in the far corner, a white comforter and cream colored quilt covering the bed while half a dozen overstuffed pillows decorated the head of the big mattress. The frame was wooden, stained a light tan to allow the natural grain of the wood to shine through. Several green vine-like lines had been painted onto the wood, numerous tiny painted flowers and small leaves decorating the ‘vines’. The dresser had the same motif, the stained wood painted as if the flowers were growing right on it’s sides. A trio of metal baskets hung, one under the other, right next to the empty dresser, small stuffed animals crammed into the hanging baskets.

The yellow carpeting was thick and lush, tickling her bare feet and toes as she circled the room. The walls were painted a creamy white, little vines painted along every window and doorframe as well as along the edging where the walls met the floor and ceiling. The closet wasn’t decorated, but had more than enough space for everything Lacie owned, which at that point, wasn’t very much. Realizing she was short on time, Lacie carefully set her clothes down, tossing her dirty panties into the hamper set just inside her closet’s doorframe. Carefully hanging her mother’s dress back up in it’s garment bag, Lacie grabbed a pair of sandals, a pair of hip hugging, knee length jean shorts and a white tank top and bra. Tossing them on her new bed, Lacie grabbed her robe and towel and dashed out of her room.

Lacie had almost reached the stairs down when she heard a door behind her creak open. Turning, towel in hand, Lacie looked back. Seeing Master’s door opening, Lacie began to give a tentative wave, one hand instinctively going to her throat, checking that her choker was still in place, tightening the robe around herself as she did. Master didn’t emerge from his room however. A small, feminine shape silently slipped through the big doors, quietly shutting the portal behind her. Lacie’s jaw dropped as she recognized the slim figure, still wearing her dress from last night.

‘Callie?’ Lacie called out, unthinking.

Jumping, Callie turned around, meeting Lacie’s look of disbelief. Caught red handed, Callie gave Lacie a sheepish grin, adjusting her dress as best she could. Callie’s beautiful hair was disheveled and her cheeks were flushed. Her evident embarrassment at getting caught sneaking out of Master’s bedroom left little doubt as to what she had been doing in Master’s bedroom, especially since she obviously had not gone back to her own room at all last night, not even to change. Straightening, the blonde girl waved at Lacie shyly, an impish grin spreading across her face at Lacie’s embarrassed look. Sashaying to her room, all whilst looking straight at Lacie, Callie turned the embarrassing situation on the new girl, giving her a look that made Callie seem like she was the proverbial cat that had just gotten the cream. Pushing her door open, Callie blew a kiss at Lacie and winked lasciviously at the stunned brunette, just before vanishing into her own room with a throaty chuckle.

Shaking her head at the strange blonde girl’s behavior, Lacie slowly made her way down the stairs to the bathroom. Stepping through the door, Lacie walked over to the frosted glass that enclosed the showers. Opening one door, Lacie discovered that someone had left shampoo, conditioner and a bar of soap in the stall, a small plastic bag hung from the conditioner
with her name taped to the side on a piece of paper. Hanging her robe and towel over the door to the next shower, Lacie stepped inside, turning the water on. Once it was warm enough, Lacie stepped under the spray, letting the warm water wash over her body. Opening the bag, Lacie discovered a small razor and some feminine hygiene products. Pulling the razor out, Lacie put the bag back, since she wouldn’t need the other things for a few more weeks. Lacie began to soap up her body before gently pulling the razor across her skin, trimming away the short hairs on her legs and underarms. Lacie’s slave sellers had used electrolysis to permanently remove all of her pubic hair, save for a small ‘landing strip’. Deciding to leave it be, Lacie put the razor away once she finished with her legs and underarms, before quickly soaping up her hair and body. Once she was convinced she was as clean as she could get, Lacie began rinsing off the suds. Running her hands over her body, Lacie groaned when her fingertips grazed the hard nipples capping her soft, smooth breasts.

Realizing she was incredibly turned on for some reason, Lacie briefly toyed with the idea of getting herself off in the showers, but it was still too foreign of a place for her to feel comfortable with it. Besides, Lacie told herself, she was short on time. Sighing with a brief hint of regret, Lacie stepped out of the showers and began to towel herself off. Slipping her robe on again, Lacie wrapped her hair in her towel. Just before Lacie could reach for the handle, the doorway out of the bathroom opened, revealing a robe clad Callie standing on the other side. Lacie stepped back and waved Callie in, avoiding a traffic jam in the doorway. Callie nodded her thanks and started to open her mouth to utter an apology for her awkward behavior, but Lacie beat her to the punch. A mischievous grin spreading on Lacie’s face, she reached out and gently placed a finger over the blonde girls lips just before she suggestively stroked her hand downwards. Her hand slid over the bare flesh of Callie’s neck and shoulder, her fingertips gliding across Callie’s skin while the astonished blonde simply stood there and shuddered, her eyes rolling back in surprised pleasure. Then, taking a page from Claire’s book, Lacie lifted her hand and spanked the blonde square on her ass.

Dashing out of the open bathroom door before Callie could react, Lacie heard the stunned blonde’s surprised squeak turn to a hiccup. Lacie laughed outright when she heard Callie’s grumbling curses, laughing harder when those same curses were interrupted by another hiccup. Still giggling to herself as she slipped into her room, Lacie looked around, finally spotting a clock over the door. Seeing she only had five minutes, Lacie hung her robe and towel on the hooks that were attached to the back of her door. Lacking time to do anything fancy with her hair, Lacie simply pulled her long locks up into a ponytail, using a white scrunchie she had borrowed from Marie the day before. Slipping her clothes on, Lacie dashed from her room, then turned around and headed back in, realizing she had forgotten her all-important map. Without it, Lacie could get lost for hours in the massive house.

Hurrying down the stairs, Lacie dashed past the bathroom, hearing the sounds of running water and the occasional hiccup drift out of the partially open door. Grinning to herself, Lacie dashed through the house, making her way back to the dining hall. Lacie was forced to stop only once to use her reference map, mostly relying on her memory of last night to guide her. Despite her rush, Lacie was still a few minutes late in getting to the hall. Still, she was proud of her growing knowledge of the house and how to navigate it.

Opening the door, Lacie slipped into the dining hall. Gone were the fancy embellishments on the table, the multiple place settings and the lacy tablecloth. In their place sat a number of small platters, again covered by the metal tray lids. Lacie looked around and saw Bridget out on the patio, watching as the older girl typed something onto a small electronic tablet. Looking behind her, Bridget saw Lacie and smiled, removing her sunglasses.

Standing, Bridget slipped back inside, quickly embracing Lacie and releasing her. Lacie looked at the older girl appraisingly. Bridget could have passed for a Wall Street CEO back around the turn of the millennium. She wore a simple white collared blouse and blue pinstriped slacks. Her sunglasses sat atop her head and simple golden earrings dangled from her ears, jingling as she moved. Her hair was done up in a professional looking bun, and one of her wrists had a small golden bracelet. Her shoes were dressy, but still accented her femininity. A golden chain hung around her neck, the thin links sporting a small golden cross, in addition to the ever-present black and ivory choker.

‘Ready for your first full day?’ she asked cheerily.

‘I hope so.’ Lacie replied with a grin.

‘Good. Master wants me to give you an orientation of sorts today, so we’ll be touring the grounds, talking to some of the girls. You and I will be discussing what you’ll be doing, what’s expected of you, and so on and so on.’ Bridget said, looking back to the small tablet she carried. ‘Grab a tray and eat, then we can get going. While you eat, I’ll talk, just so we can get the ball rolling.’

Lacie realized she was a little hungry, and quickly snatched some silverware and a tray off the table, carrying it outside once Bridget okayed it, then dashing back in for a glass of juice. Setting her breakfast on the table, Lacie swept the lid off her food, inhaling deeply as she gazed at the feast before her. Scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, pan seared mashed potatoes, a small pancake and a large bounty of fresh fruit sat on the tray. Lacie unwrapped her silverware and dug in with relish, moaning at the warm food, enjoying the delicious flavors.

‘Ok, first thing.’ Bridget sat down next to Lacie as she ate, filling Lacie in on what she needed to know. ‘Punctuality. Being a few minutes late here or there when you’re working with the other girls is fine, as long as you don’t make a habit of it.’ Seeing Lacie’s nod, the blonde continued. ‘Being late for any appointment with Master, however, is a completely different story. Never be late for Master. Ever. We don’t always know what he needs us for, and keeping us on our toes helps us serve him better, and allows him to better rely on us. Once, Heather was a mere two minutes late, and it almost cost us more than you know. Master was in a teleconference, negotiating a business deal. Half of his fortune rested on her being there at the right time, with the right information. Had she been another few seconds later than she was, Master would be financially ruined by now, and none of us would have this safe haven. Never. Be. Late.’ Bridget pressed.

Swallowing, suddenly realizing how tenuous her place here could be, Lacie nodded.

‘I won’t be.’


‘What did he do?’

‘Do?’ Bridget asked, confused.

‘What did he do to Heather, to punish her? For being late?’

Bridget hesitated. ‘He said that he was disappointed in her.’

‘That’s it?’ Lacie raised an eyebrow is surprise, her egg laden fork pausing halfway to her mouth.

Bridget set her tablet down and sighed. ‘If you’ve ever seen the love in that man’s eyes, if you’ve ever seen how hard he works or how much pressure he puts himself under to keep us safe, knowing you’ve let him down is the most heartbreaking thing in the world. He said that since he couldn’t trust her, or rely on her, he would no longer need her services as his assistant on that business arrangement. He refused to look at her, speak to her, interact with her. For a full week, she was drowning in guilt. By the seventh day, she looked terrible. She couldn’t sleep. She barely ate. Finally, she broke down. She tried to run away. Master stopped her though, just in time. She started crying and she just sort of slumped into his arms, unab
le to stop crying, sobbing that she was sorry, over and over. Master leaned down and kissed her. He hugged her and held her as she cried her poor heart out. He just kept telling her to stay, and that an apology had been all he had wanted.’

‘That was it? Why didn’t she apologize earlier?’ Lacie questioned.

Bridget thought about her answer before replying, a faraway look in her soft blue eyes.

‘I’m not sure. Pride maybe. Maybe she didn’t think it would do any good, I don’t know. It changed her though. Almost all of us have disappointed him at one time or another. I never want to have to see that pain in his eyes when he looks at me ever again.’

Lacie had the good sense not to pry.

‘Any other rules?’ Lacie asked, changing the subject.

Bridget smiled briefly at her before continuing.

‘Yes actually, thank you for getting us back on track. First, Master will never give you an order that you must carry out, other than in times of extreme need. If you do not wish to follow any one particular order, you can always refuse, but if that’s the case, you should try and find someone else to do it. Try trading jobs if you end up with something distasteful. If it is an emergency, he will add a phrase to the end of his statement or request. The code is ‘that’s an order, Pet.’ Remember that well. That phrase means to do what he said, and do it immediately, without question. He’s likely trying to save your life or otherwise protect you, or us, when he does say that, so if you’re a smart girl, and I think you are, you won’t ever hesitate.’

‘Gotcha.’ Lacie answered, gracefully accepting both the warning and the compliment.

‘There are all things we have to do that we don’t like however, but in comparison to where we could be, none of us complain about the trade off. I’d recommend you find that same outlook concerning tasks you dislike.’

Lacie nodded, chewing on a slice of fresh apple as she listened.

‘For now, you’ll be on a rotating basis between a few of the girls, just helping them out. Kind of a resident jack-of-all trades. If you find a task or niche that you enjoy, we can certainly put you there, provided the spot is open. We did that with Tara and Callie for example, Tara was brought on as a maid, and is now our tailor, and Callie was Master’s driver for a while, when he had to travel a lot. Now she’s our mechanic slash fix-it-chick. Her term, not mine.’ Bridget smiled when Lacie turned her head at the odd phrasing of ‘fix-it-chick.’

‘Speaking of, glad you could join us this morning Callie.’ Bridget called out, looking over Lacie’s shoulder. Lacie turned, having just bitten into another piece of her breakfast. Using the back of her chair to hide half her face, Lacie peeked inside the house, seeing a casually dressed Callie glaring at her. For a few moments, the thin blonde’s imposing glare frightened Lacie, but then Callie’s concentration broke when her belly jerked with another hiccup. Squeezing her eyes shut, the frustrated girl clenched her hands into fists and stamped her foot, looking for all the world like a little girl having a temper tantrum.

‘Dammit!’ Callie cursed, before a long suffering, defeated look came over her face and she slunk away to the table to eat. Lacie almost choked on her bite of egg when she started laughing.

Bridget raised one eyebrow at Lacie questioningly.

‘Do I even want to know?’

Shaking her head as she half laughed, half choked, Lacie pounded her chest before taking a drink from her glass of juice.

Dismissing the incident, Bridget turned back to the porch’s other occupant.

‘Ok, I’ll take your word for it. Next rule. Do not leave the grounds. Ever. There are thick forests and an electric fence around the property to help keep slave poachers away. We can keep them from nabbing you because they can’t really get in, but we have no way to protect you if you go out. So, don’t go out. We have other security systems in place around the property, but they’re not relevant at the moment, so I won’t bother going into them. The exception to this, obviously, is anytime you’re being escorted by Master, or if he sends you on an errand. He doesn’t do that much and will always ask for a volunteer, since it can be risky. I can only think of two times since I’ve been here that he’s done that. Most of the time his money is able to bring things to us.’

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George Isolde and the Brass Ring Polka Band

Dedication This dedication is long and necessarily so. The book has taken me three decades to write, mostly because I didn’t start actually putting pen to paper, so to speak, until I had all my background ducks in a row. Putting ducks in a row is like herding cats, patience becomes the primary virtue. This book is Tom Woolfolk’s fault. Well, actually, Tom’s and Sheila’s jointly. We three commuted to work together for a few years in the early eighties, and during those long and boring rides,...

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Learning CurvesChapter 57

Hailey paced around the deck wishing Phil was back. The others had grown increasingly drunk and boisterous. Even the usually reticent Katelyn was talking loudly and growing increasingly coarse. Hailey decided since Phil wasn’t here to babysit them it was her responsibility. She sipped ginger ale while the others imbibed a mixture of cocktails that seemed to have more and more alcohol each time. She regretted not getting Phil’s keycard before he’d left. She could go down and be waiting for...

2 years ago
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Lust for Bareback

I was introduced to a lot of new things when I was in my late teens, many of them through my girlfriend at the time. I had led a largely sheltered life until I met Amber. She was a spunky little blonde that appeared innocent, but was really a naughty girl. She was about 154 cm with shoulder length blonde hair, a thin waist, and 34B tits.We were very much opposites in a lot of ways, she also hung out with a different crowd than I did. Till that point I had abstained from most all the vices...

4 years ago
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As Good As It Gets 8211 Season 2 8211 Episode 3

Hello readers…This is Anand Back. Let me get back to the story straight. I helped Priya up holding her hand around my shoulders and I held her hip. She couldn’t take the pain and started crying. Still, she was unable to walk . So, without a second thought I raised her by her thighs and held her on my arms. I carried her inside. I couldn’t misuse the situation but I was happy to feel her soft thighs. Rani: what happened? Me: oh…nothing…just a cramp. I put her down on the couch.I took her leg...

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Bowling for HeartsChapter 57

I woke up during the night and realized I was on the sofa. I felt bodies next to me. Marie was still snuggled up to me and Lena had her head on my lap. I glanced at the floor where Tamara was asleep with Stephanie and her friends sprawled out. The TV was still on. I rolled Marie off of me. She turned to the arm of the sofa and went back to sleep. I lifted Lena up and moved out from under her. She moaned a little and continued to sleep. I turned the TV off, scooped Tamara off the floor and...

3 years ago
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Fun at the beach pt3

Anna stepped right up to Angel's unsuspecting backside and placed one hand on the girl's waist. With the other hand she delicately teased the girl's lips. She gently guided the girl to the position she wanted. Finally, she touched her cock to the girl's aching pussy. Angel sucked a sharp breath as she felt the tip touch her pussy. Realizing something was amiss, Angel whipped her head around just in time to see Anna's rock hard cock disappear into her pussy. Angel's head reared back as she felt...

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Dragon WytchChapter 4

The following characters are identified in this chapter: Tualvungi Female Dragon, Mandara’s former Mistress, a dark Blue Dragon, she protected Kreuzfeur when he was injured Kreuzfeur Male Green Dragon, wounded and lost an eye during the raid on the Demon-lands Over the next nine days, we made time each day to go flying. This was in addition to the studying that we continued to do. Book 6 just seemed to go on and on. New pages continued to appear each time I neared the end of what was...

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Loire Valley Chronicles Dane the Merchant

He had been born Dane of Normandy. He was not particularly small but his features were fine and what would be concidered beautiful by some, but too slight to be handsome by Norman standards. He like his brothers and sisters were blessed with golden blonde like the rays of the sun that came down from the heavens. He was often teased by his brothers as Dane the Beautiful, Dane the Slight, Dana, and many other jokes at his expence. Even his sisters and the girls of his town treated him more...

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My tranny slave uk tv ts and cds apply

My biggest wish is to own a tranny slut a cheap worthless little cumwhore. Is make wear stocking suspenders a short skirt and black lace panties. I would rule her with an iron fist. First I'd make her crawl on all fours like my lil pet I may even keep her on a leash. She would be forced to obbey my every order or face punishment. I would want her to feel worthless like a piece of shit on my shoe. I d make her gag on my hard cock just to watchh the look on her face as my cock is rammed deep down...

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My Little Pony 8211 Part One

Ladies…if you’re looking for someone to sext, I’m your guy. Hit me up if your looking to get wet. Anyway there’s a girl in my class named Priya. She’s short, around 4 ft 10 in. Very fair and slim. The way she walks makes me thirsty because her ass sticks out even though she’s slim, and her breasts look fantastic for her height. She’s very fair and her most attractive feature are her sexy lips, which are very plump and her eyes can stop a man’s heart from a mile away. I see Priya every day at...

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Sexfighting league F

"Bella! Fifteen more minutes and you're on!" came the call from one of the stage hands. "I got it, thanks!" I yelled through the door. I stared at my reflection in the mirror of my locker room. For a thirty six year old woman, I thought I was in good shape. Luxurious dark hair, large breasts, firm stomach, an ass that was thick and firm. Part of it was genetics, I'll admit. Being of half Filipina and Latina descent, I somehow got the best of both worlds. From the first, that sort of Asian...

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A hot July 4th

Only story I have written from the female perspective. Enjoy The day was starting off perfectly, I thought as I scrubbed the soap into my muscles. The sun was hot, the sky blue, and I was extremely aroused. I leaned my head against the shower wall and closed my eyes. The steam wafted up around me in a haze as I climbed from the shower and softly padded my body with the lush terrycloth towel. Checking myself in the mirror I took the extra time to fix myself perfectly, eyebrows plucked, shiny...

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Devlins StoryChapter 49

The rest of the term passed quickly. Tim showed her how to watch Triple-A games on the internet and so she got to see Evan pitch several times; he won three, lost two, and got no-decision in the other two. After school ended her company had her come to Chicago, back to the same apartment as the previous year, but with a different roommate. At least Sarah was a normal gal, whatever that really meant. She had a boyfriend she saw a couple of times a week, she liked the same trashy novels Devlin...

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OVERBOARDChapter 18 Kays Father Learns Shes Not a Little Girl

"Daddy? Oh my God, what are you doing here?" Kay was clearly shocked. "Kaitlyn, you know I don't like you taking the Lord's name in vain. Your mother and I may not be regular church goers but it doesn't mean we don't believe in the Lord and I think you should respect that belief even if you don't believe in Him." She stepped over to him and they gave each other a hug. It was evident though they were holding back some. They separated and looked at each other. "I never said I...

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Becoming a Teenage Lingerie Model

Chapter 1 Melanie was cute; very cute, and she knew it. She wasn't conceited about her physical beauty and the nice figure she'd been given, but she loved showing off her body and her nice full rounded breasts whenever she had the opportunity. As she moved into her final year of high school, her career plans to establish herself as a lingerie model became more and more firmly developed in her mind. She wanted to be one of those sexy young women who pose in various kinds of lingerie and...

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blackman uses me and my wife

We had decided to take a trip to Vegas and spend some alone time together.. We started off with dinner, then went to hit the tables.. My husband was on a winning streak. He was up at least $1500. I whispered into his ear have fun I'll be in that cute little shop. ok? Then his luck ran out.. and before I knew it, he had lost the money we had to get back home.I was so mad that i had to just walk away. About 15min. later I went back to where I last saw him but he was not there.Just as I was going...

2 years ago
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I want to Fuck you Again Pegged

It was hard, but I knew I should be honest with my wife. I told her that I had a fetish for 'chicks with strapon's'.Although it made me nervous, I felt like I had to admit that sexy girls wearing strap-ons got me very horny.She was an amazing woman, so that information didn't faze her at all. In fact, she started wearing a strap-on that I had bought her.She let me take some pictures of her. Those pictures replaced any other porn that I could ever need. I found myself jerking off to the sexy...

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The 2nd AmendmentChapter 10

We began to feel that the world was going to hell faster than we could keep up with it. This Freedom of Drugs Act was tearing hell out of society. More and more people were being shot so that somebody could buy drugs or shot because somebody had bought drugs. We never thought that we would be ones to promote prohibition of anything, but we were starting to come down harder and harder on drugs. We wished that we could find somebody who was politically inclined and felt about drugs the way we...

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Dolce a la Gondola PeaktoPeak

During one of my recent business trips I needed to spend a weekend in Vancouver, Canada. A lovely city with beautiful sights including the women. On Friday night after my last meeting I headed down to the gaslight district to have a good meal in one of the ethnic restaurants. I found a very typical Italian restaurant and ordered a tasty pasta which I washed down with some good Canadian red wine. Travelling a lot for business, I am acustomed of having dinner alone now and then and I always try...

1 year ago
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First time with a close friend

I was 18 years old at the time. I played bass in a band with a few friends of mine. We had a friend who works as a recording engineer, and he offered to record our demo for us and let us do the mixing. We decided it would be fun to work an all nighter in the studio, but our friend who owned the studio went to sleep. It was just me and another guy in the band who stayed that night to work. We got alot done, quicker than we thought and we got pretty bored. We started playing around with the...

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Head of the Familly

 Head of the family    A Son’s home coming  This is a long multipart story that takes a while to build. First story so constructive criticism is encouraged. As the cab pulled up at the curb I let out a sigh, it felt good to be home and put all the shit behind me. I guess I should fill you in. My name is Sam I’m 26, 5’10 lanky with short brown hair and wear glasses I’m an A typical dork if you ever saw one, and I was coming home for the first time in ten years not just for a visit but to stay.....

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Lisas Confession Sessions Ch 1 Gwen my Babys

1. I was an athletic girl and loved running sports and gymnastics during P.E. at school. The sweat and hard breathing made me feel alive. I was always up for a game of tag-your-it, we actually called it “tagyourit.” I loved being chased around. I loved wearing flowing dresses in the summer. I hated pants so much that I would only wear them if it was cold. At that time, I also hated panties too. I would get into trouble when my mom found out I had no panties on. Once she had my daddy spank my...

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I shouldn't have been surprised that that my ex-lovers' husbands and I got on so well together. My exes all married late enough that they and their husbands took it for granted there'd been others before them, and realized from their own experiences that usually, ex means ex. They could see that I was truly happy for any ex who'd found more permanent happiness. And any woman who'd found me appealing was likely to favor intelligent middle-class guys with wide-ranging interests and a sense...

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Tea and Strumpet Chapter 14

The cab pulled up in front of their home. "Wake up my dear, we are home," he said, gently nudging the sleeping Chelsea. She had fallen asleep on his lap on the ride home. She roused, her disheveled hair falling in her face. "I'm sorry for falling asleep on your lap, Master," she said, brushing her strawberry hair out of her eyes. "That's ok little one - you were pretty tired on the plane. And the whole trip has been pretty hectic. It's only understandable that you would be tired." "Thank you...

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A fantasy part 2

Continue;---------------------------------------------------------I could feel things startet to be more intense. Or, I could see it, and what I saw made me horny as hell. Strange, I thought, why am I getting horny be seeing my wife beeing abused....or is she?....I could not figure out, she seems in control, but yet, the two old men are in control. Is this what it is all about, the strenght of the female sexuality? She is smaller, weaker but yet, if the men are ""normal"", nothing really bad...

2 years ago
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Snowball story writing

If you don't know what a snowball story is, read this: This works somewhat like Image Inspiration Chapters. However, after someone writes a chapter, someone else has to continue that story with another chapter. Try to end each chapter open-ended. Note: Stories with an asterisk * have no stories yet.

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Kimmies New Love

Kimmie's New Love By sissykimmie I would love to hear from anyone who likes this story Hi, My name is Kimmie. I've been dressing now for 5 years. At age 21 I decided that I just wanted to be a girl full time. Now at age 26, I've had hormones for my breasts and hips and I'm fully developed pre-op T-girl with 36" D cup breasts, nice wide feminine hips, lovely brunette hair and a very pretty face. But I was having difficulty finding someone to have a long term relationship...

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A black man takes advantage on me

One Saturday evening I was home alone and absolutely bored because Victor was flying abroad for three days at least. Bored but… horny…I started to touch myself through my wet thong while watching some porno. I finally came, screaming out in a wild orgasm.I had a shower and rested again on the sofa just naked, touching my swollen wet pussy lips very softly, as I watched now a romantic movie. My cell phone rang. My good girlfriend Laura was also home alone, her loving hubby had gone to visit his...

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The life changer app

On the app store, an app called changes for money seems to have appeared from nowhere. Once installed and opened, it shows a very basic interface with one question and two buttons, yes or no. The first questions are weird, but very tame, and offer not much money. Would you get longer hairs for 10$ ? Would you get blue eyes for 15$ ? Would you let your sister get one inch taller for 10$ ? Would you get a random change in the list bellow for 20$ ? (The question is then followed by few...

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Shoplifter complete story

SHOPLIFTER (Complete story) By Lisa Lovelace ~ ~ ~ PART 1 Back when I was still a boy, I was a grad student in history at State U. Like all grad students, I was broke. I couldn't afford to buy the ladies' underthings I secretly liked to dress up in. So I stole them. Always from the same place: Dullard's, a locally owned, old-fashioned department store in decline. Their security was weak, no doubt due to staffing cuts and lack of investment. They usually had a clerk at...

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The incident that changed my life for the good 3

Ana and I were getting along marvelously. If I wasn’t on duty at the base, I was at her house. We were very close to having guest arrive for the summer and we were about ready. Being about ready meant we had more time to play our little games. I would eat her out and she would pass out. Then when she would join me in this world, she would try to guess where my last load went. As I say, we enjoyed life. One evening, after my balls were drained and her lips had dried cum all over them, and we...

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The long nights

Jan's mom got married again for the fourth time. This time she married a man twenty years younger than her and not much older than Jan. He was good looking and very sexy and Jan could see why her horny mom wanted him. He mostly ran around the house after his shower with just a towel around his hips. He would let it ride way low as if he would love to show his cock to any one wanting to look. Sometimes she could see his hair sticking above the towel. Jan could only imagine how endowed he was as...

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The Battered LampChapter 25 The Servants of the Sultan

Wednesday, January 27th – The Unseen World Aaliyah was held by fire. Zaritha must serve Rashid ibn al-Marid Aliyah realized, fear spiking through her. She was in the clutches of the cruel Sultan of the Djinn. I allowed the serpent to nest in my bosom and treachery was my reward. Her powers had still been tied into the Ifrit, still feeding the witches and powering the magical circle around the school, when Zaritha turned. She had been unable to defend herself. Not that Aaliyah could...

1 year ago
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More Dirty Sex with Tania Part One Hotel Sex

More Sex with TaniaPart One. Hotel SexIt took quite some planning, after our last meet in the lay-by, but at long last we had both been able to get away at the same time. We, well actually Tania, had arranged our meet to be at the Premier Inn at Witcombe, just south of Cheltenham and just of the A46. Tania was arriving just after lunch and myself at about 3ish. We agreed it that way so it gave Tania time to dress and get ready, however it did mean that I would have to arrive dressed as Joanna....

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Husband Begging For Humiliation

People ask me about my other stories, click on my name above, which leads to all me stories, this is completely fiction, idea is to write erotica on different aspects of it, which helps the arousal around, mail me on for feedbacks, please respect girls, I do. It all started with a mail, which read, “interested in a sexy wife”, who would deny a chance, I replied surely, a sexy photo would do, next day what I get is not what I was prepared for, I see a lady in her early thirties, she is in a...

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Zombies Fuck the neighbours

Introduction: A long story with many characters. Some rough, some sweet. It will be a bit violent Adriana I woke up, slowly. I cant&hellip, See.. I CANT SEE! What is that smell? Where am I? ADRIANA! I hear, it seems like it is coming from further away, panicked. TERESA? WHERE ARE YOU? I CANT SEE! I scream back. HELP ME, OH MY GOD HELP ME! Desperation thick in her voice Her voice seemed muffled, like she was behind a wall. Where were we? God why cant I remember? I have to move. Why cant I...

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