Little League Mom free porn video

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Cal walked through the sweltering night air filled with bugs falling down from the huge lights which hung over the ball fields. It had been a long afternoon, taking pictures of the tiny ballplayers and getting their parents’ requests for picture packages – dealing with the mothers about pictures was almost as bad as coaching the young players and dealing with their over-competitive fathers.

He decided to catch the last couple of innings of the 8- to 10-year-old game. This was his favorite age, because they were still young enough to coach, yet old enough to put into practice what they were learning.

Cal wandered past the nearly full stands and out toward the right-field foul line, leaning on the waist-high fence as he watched the action. He liked right field, because that is where he had gotten his start the first two years of his youth baseball career. Right field was where the coaches tried to hide their worst players when they had to substitute in the late innings, fulfilling the obligation of playing everybody in every game. His father had not known the game and Cal had to learn the hard way – by experience and lots of practice on the sand lots.

Those first two years he had made a lot of mistakes and had taken a lot of abuse, mostly from adults, but sometimes from other youth. He had finally learned how to play the game, however, and was all-district in high school two years in a row before graduating.

Now, as he watched the home team take the field for the top of the sixth inning, he watched the young right-fielder trot out to a spot, turn around to look at his coach, and then back up several yards before stopping. The child watched the game in front of him intently, but Cal’s experienced eye told him the child was totally unsure of himself on the field.

With two outs and two runners on base, an opposing batter lifted a soft fly to right which should have easily been caught. The youngster overran the ball, however, allowing it to roll almost to the fence – three runs scored erasing the home team’s two-run lead and putting the visitors ahead by one. An out later Cal heard the catcalls from an adult in the stands and saw the child hang his head as he trotted in to take his place on the end of the dugout bench. None of the other players stopped to talk to him, though the coach came over and spoke to him in what seemed like an encouraging manner for a minute or two.

Duncan, for that was the name on the youngster’s uniform, came to bat in that inning with a runner on and two outs and struck out swinging on three outside pitches. Poor kid, thought Cal, he evidently did not have anyone to teach him the game. He would learn, if he kept at it, but Cal doubted that he would as he watched the young man trudge back out to right field.

The child glanced up at him guardedly as he moved into place for the left-hand hitter who was due to hit first, and Cal gave him a friendly smile.

‘If it comes on the ground, keep your glove all the way down until you feel the ball hit,’ Cal instructed in a voice that could only be heard by him and the boy. The young man threw him another glance and then nodded. ‘Make up your mind where you are going to throw it once you catch it,’ Cal added. ‘That way you don’t have to stop and think about it.’ Another nod, though this time the boy kept his eye on the batter.

Two batters later a ground ball was hit in the hole between first and second and the youngster scooted toward the ball, stopping at the last second and practically burying the glove in the dirt. The ball hit the glove and bounced back toward the diamond, allowing Duncan to pick it up and throw the ball in a wide arc toward second base, holding the runner to a single.

‘Attaboy,’ Cal called out softly, ‘couldn’t have done better myself.’ He was rewarded by a shy smile before the child turned his attention back to the diamond. After the third out, Duncan turned slightly and waved at the older man before scampering back to the dugout, showing more enthusiasm than he had a few minutes earlier.

The home team did not score in the last inning and lost 12-11 due to Duncan’s three-run error. Cal shrugged and walked toward the snack bar to see if there might still be some food so he wouldn’t have to drive all the way home on an empty stomach.

The lady at the snack bar – who Cal had flirted with a couple of times until he discovered she was married – didn’t have any hamburgers or hotdogs left, but dished out a plate of French fries for him. He slid a dollar across the counter and picked up an almost full bottle of ketchup, just as he heard a disturbance and turned to see its cause.

A large man was speaking loudly and gesturing in the face of a very determined young woman, who stood defensively clutching the shoulder of her young son – Duncan. On the boy’s other side stood a younger version of the mother, maybe 12 or 13 years of age, whose determined face echoed her mother’s love and concern for the lad. Standing slightly behind the younger woman was a child of about five or six, with large frightened eyes that flew from face to face with each word.

‘If there isn’t anyone that can teach him the game then you should think of the other players and take him off the team,’ the red-faced man said loudly. ‘You are not helping him by making him the laughingstock of all his friends. Hell, he can’t even walk across the outfield without tripping on a blade of grass!’ Duncan refused to lower his head, but his face showed how uncomfortable he was with the situation.

Cal picked up the ketchup bottle and looked at it speculatively as he heard the attractive young mother answer in a measured voice, low enough that Cal could not hear the words, but he did hear the warning tone in her voice indicating she was not going to allow her boy to be abused by this man any longer. Cal dumped the entire bottle of ketchup on the little pile of fries and, catching the look of consternation on the snack bar lady’s face, pushed another dollar across the counter.

‘That’s for the ketchup, will you take care of this for me for a minute or two?’ he said quietly, handing his expensive camera to the woman, then turned toward the argument, but not before the lady saw a look in his eyes that brought a slight frown to her face.

Cal walked across the beaten earth taking in the entire scene. The team’s coach was trying to act busy collecting bats and balls, the other players and their parents were standing slightly apart from the man, his family of five, and Duncan’s mother and family. Some of the men looked embarrassed about the situation, but no one seemed willing to step in and stop the attempt at intimidation.

‘You better do something before the next game, because . . .’ the man never got to finish his threat because at just that time Cal pretended to stumble and pitched the plate of ketchup and fries right into the larger man’s chest, splattering ketchup over his expensive polo shirt, golf shorts and hairy legs.

Time suddenly stood still at Little League Diamond #9, as everybody froze, mouths half opened in astonishment.

‘Well, now, pardon me for that, I guess I tripped over a blade of grass,’ Cal said icily. ‘Strong grass you all got around here.’

The two men stood face-to-face – for Cal had moved between the mother and her children and their verbal assailant. Cal, 45, stood at 5’10’ and 155 pounds, while the other man, easily ten years younger, was clearly over 6 feet tall and approaching 200 pounds, with the slightly oversized paunch and muscular legs of a regular weekend golfer.

Cal knew that the next words would come from the other man, because he had learned at an early age that silence is a tool that can be used to good advantage in most situations. He stood casually, both hands resting lightly on his hips, a hint of a smile on his lips, his eyes never leaving those of the other man. Few men are able to hide their intentions from their eyes in a tense situat
ion, and Cal wanted as much advance warning as possible when dealing with someone so much larger than himself.

‘You just ruined a good set of clothes, asshole,’ the larger man hissed through clenched teeth, breaking the half minute of silence. His face had turned from beet-red to a ghostly white, and his eyes spoke volumes to Cal. They were filled with indignation . . . mixed with indecision.

‘Well, I’ll just let you keep the fries to go with your ketchup,’ Cal said evenly, his eyes still locked on those of the other man, the smile still whispering across his lips. ‘I had already lost my appetite.’

‘This is none of your business, unless you have a child on this team,’ the other man challenged.

‘To the contrary, Duncan is a friend of mine, and where I come from, people are willing to fight to the death for their friends,’ Cal replied, allowing his eyelids to droop slightly, leaving him with the half-hooded expression of a snake ready to strike. The ploy worked, he saw a glimpse of fear join the other emotions in the man’s eyes.

To those witnessing the confrontation it seemed like ten minutes before the larger man spun athletically on his heel, pushed his wife and children toward the parking lot and marched stiffly away. Really the confrontation lasted just a little more than a minute.

As the other man walked away, Cal turned briefly to the young mother and her wide-eyed children.

‘Are you okay?’

‘Yes, thank you,’ she said with a nod. Before she was able to say anything else, Cal had turned to walk slowly back to the snack bar. The smiling woman behind the counter already had his camera ready, and was dishing up another plate of fries. He nodded his thanks and reached for another dollar.

‘You already paid for these,’ she said with a wide grin. ‘The ketchup was on the house. I’m sorry we don’t have any more though, until tomorrow.’ Cal smiled, poured salt on his fries and turned back to the crowd, which was quickly dispensing, but not before several people stepped to the young mother and her son to speak words of encouragement. As Cal approached, she turned to speak to the team coach.

‘ . . . I can’t promise anything,’ Cal heard her say as he came within earshot. ‘But maybe some of the older boys in the neighborhood can help Duncan understand the game better.’ The coach nodded, flashed an interested glance at Cal, and walked away.

Duncan stepped forward past his mother and reached out a hand, which Cal accepted, shaking it firmly and feeling the firm response. Someone had taught this youngster something about being a man – he guessed it was the beautiful, shapely young mother who stood beside him.

‘Thank you, sir, for helping us out,’ Duncan said, his voice quavering slightly.

‘If we’re going to be friends, you gotta call me Cal,’ the older man replied.

The boy shot a glance at his mother, discerned her slight nod, and smiled. ‘Thank you, Cal, for helping out here, and for helping me in the field.’ The mother looked from her son to the man, a question in her eyes.

‘He . . . Cal . . . gave me some advice out there, that is how I caught the grounder in the last inning,’ Duncan said, smiling at his mother’s surprise.

‘So, you know something about this game?’ she asked, and for the first time Cal noticed a very slight accent. He nodded.

‘I don’t suppose . . .’ she started and then looked at Cal again carefully. He could almost hear her thoughts, ‘Is this just someone else who wants to get in my pants and is trying to use my son to do so?’ He smiled widely, then, openly, as if caught in the act.

‘I would love to work with Duncan some,’ he said lightly, ‘especially if it meant getting to spend time with three beautiful women.’ He saw an instant smile on the older daughter’s face and a grin on the little girl’s face, but the mother just continued to look levelly at him.

‘I’m hungry enough to eat a horse,’ he said, breaking the silence, ‘so, why don’t you let me take you all over to Lombari’s for some Italian food and we could discuss how I could help Duncan without compromising your need to protect your children.’

The three children looked quickly to their mother, saying nothing, but waiting with bated breath for her reply. She glanced at them and then at Cal’s friendly smile.

‘I guess I’m outnumbered,’ she said smiling back. ‘We know where it is, we’ll be there in about 10 minutes, okay?’ Cal smiled and nodded, waved at the children and walked across the park toward his pickup. Just before he moved out of hearing he heard the little one speak in a sweet little-girl voice.

‘Do you think he really eats horses?’ Cal heard the loving laughter shared by the family and was jealous of their closeness, and hopeful he might become part of it.

Over dinner he learned that Alice, 34, was originally from Canada, had married an American lumberjack, moved to the Ozarks with him, and then lost his love to a waitress in Minnesota during a six-month logging gig he taken shortly after their last child was born. Alice worked six days a week so she could get off early each day to be with the children when school was out. Trish 13, served as a surrogate mother on Saturday’s and they stayed inside doing homework and cleaning the house until their mother got home. Cindy, 5, the little one, was astonishingly precocious, with a mind that never stopped. Duncan, 8, was the shy one, like his mother, while Trish had the outgoing personality of her father.

Duncan had signed up for little league at school at another child’s encouragement, but had not been able to pick up the game very fast since the coach, who worked for the loud-mouthed banker who had confronted them that evening, spent most of his efforts working with the older boys on the team. Brad Stillett, the banker, had paid for all the uniforms, the equipment and the weekly refreshments. His son was the first baseman for the team and one of the best players. They were already talking college scholarship for the 10-year-old.

Alice and the children had a tradition of taking turns deciding what they would do together each Sunday, the mother’s only day off from her job as hostess at an upscale restaurant in town. The following Sunday was Trish’s turn, and she suggested they have a picnic at the park and invite Cal to work with Duncan on his baseball skills. The girls could wear their swimsuits and work on their tans while the men played ball. Alice and Cal agreed to the idea and they decided to meet back at the little league park by the back practice diamond at 10 o’clock the next Sunday.

Cal arrived at the park early to make sure there would be no one practicing on the out-of-the-way diamond. He did not want a lot of attention as he took the boy through the basics – nor did he want anyone scaring away the boy’s mother if she actually did show up in a swimsuit.

He saw their minivan cruise slowly through the parking lot a few minutes before ten, stopping a short distance from the practice-field backstop. As he approached, the family was unloading the van. He helped them carry the cooler and other supplies to a spot in left field where the women spread out two old ragged quilts.

Cindy was already running around in a pink two-piece suit with angels on it. Alice was dressed in a beige tank-top and khaki shorts, and Trish wore a spaghetti-strap sundress which showed the straps of her swimsuit tied around her neck.

‘Can I play on the playground, just a little while?’ Cindy begged her mother, who smiled and kissed the child.

‘Trish, I want you and Duncan to take your sister to the playground for a while before we begin the baseball, okay?’ The children nodded agreeably and each grabbed a hand, skipping the child across the parking lot to the playground.

‘Can we talk?’ Alice asked pleasantly as she seated herself on the quilts. Cal nodded, grunting slightly as he lowered himself carefully to the ground. His body just was not responding like it once
had. He looked at the attractive young woman and allowed himself just a thought of what it would be like to take her to bed. Maybe his body would be creaky there, also. After all, it had been more than a year since the last time he had made love to a woman. No problem, though, it would probably be that long before this one would give him a chance anyway.

‘I want to talk to you about my girls,’ Alice said, looking into his eyes so he would know the seriousness of the conversation, and watching for any sign of improper thoughts. ‘They have not had a man around for a long time and they need some male attention. I am trusting you with them today, and hope you are the type of person I think you are.’ She stopped then, watching for a reaction. Cal just looked at her, waiting for what she might say next, deciding no reply was better than the wrong one.

‘The little one just needs a man to pick her up, hold her in his lap every now and then, and let her know that she is valuable to him. Kisses and hugs are acceptable but you don’t have to if it embarrasses you. Trish is different, however. She is becoming a woman and desperately needs a member of the opposite sex who she admires to recognize that. I can’t tell you exactly what to say, or do, but I can tell you she does not want – or need — sexual contact or suggestion . . . she already gets enough of that from the little boys in her school. What she needs is a real man she can trust to affirm her womanhood and reaffirm her sense of value to members of the opposite sex.’ The woman stopped then, and Cal realized as he watched her that she was very nervous about turning her girls over to a stranger for male affection.

‘Alice, I raised two girls and know what you are saying,’ he said quietly, looking her squarely in the eye. ‘I will treat your young ladies with the utmost respect and will be a gentleman in every sense of the word . . . with both them and you.’ They looked at each other quietly for a minute or two before the mother looked away toward her children. She then rose and waited as he slowly got to his feet.

‘I take you at your word, Cal, but know that I have done so before and been greatly disappointed . . . a couple of times. Please don’t break our hearts.’ Instinctively he reached out, taking both of her hands in his own.

‘I won’t,’ he said simply, smiling at her for the first time since they had begun to talk. She hesitated, and then smiled in return. He let go of her hands and they walked toward the playground.

‘Why don’t you spend a couple of minutes with Cindy and then I will let the three of you go play ball? I think Trish wants to go with you big kids.’ He nodded and caught the running child as she streaked across the woodchips covering the playground, tossing her into the air and catching her into a hug.

‘Just where do you think you are going at such a high rate of speed?’ he asked teasingly. ‘Don’t you know there is a speed limit around here?’

‘You mean like the one Mama broke and got a ticket for?’ the child asked, laughter bursting from her mouth and eyes at the same time. Cal looked at Alice and she gave an exaggerated shrug.

‘Busted,’ she said, then turned to your youngest child. ‘But, Little Lady, you don’t have to tell Cal everything you know!’

‘Hey, I’m starting to like this conversation,’ Cal laughed. ‘Come on, Girl, let’s go try out the swings and you can tell me some more about your Mama.’ The man and child walked off to the swing sets hand-in-hand, the child chattering like they had been close friends all their lives. Alice sat on a bench by the monkey bars as her two older children joined her, getting who-knows-what motherly advice she had to share.

A few minutes later Cal returned with Cindy perched on his shoulders. Occasionally he would grab a foot hanging down across his chest and tickle it, eliciting a peal of laughter and a quick pull on his hair from the vivacious little redhead. Picking her off his shoulders and swinging her into his arms, Cal kissed the child on the cheek and pretended to throw her to her mother. She squealed with delight and clasped her tiny arms around his neck, holding on for dear life. After a huge hug, she released and he set her down on her mother’s lap.

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The Wrong League

This story I’m going to tell you now, takes place in possibly the most common of common schools for common people in the middle of East London. Now before you run off, I’d best introduce the two main characters. James Rayburn, 15, recently switched schools as his parents bore the brunt of exploiting wealth. Private school in Westminster immediately changes to shoddy public school in Peckham. Let’s not deny it’ll be a challenge! James himself is a rather strapping young lad. He did rather...

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Little League Milf

“Strike two!” shouted the umpire as he watched the pitch fly into the catcher’s mitt, just inside of the strike zone.In the dugout, Jason nodded in approval as he glanced down to mark the count in his coach’s book. Fresh out of his last semester of college, Jason was back home attempting to start his adult life. Graduating wasn’t the only hurdle he had to jump. His mind was spinning, applying for jobs here and jobs there, trying to find the right fit so he could start paying off the mountain of...

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The Company Bowling League

I was 48 years old and working as a mid-level marketing manager in an oil company in Houston at the time of this story. Our company sponsored a bowling league, and there was enough interest in bowling that there were a total of 10 four-man teams, each representing a different department. One of my good friends and coworker, Jason Fuller, was on the men’s team for our department, but I never had much of an interest in bowling so I never tried out for the team. Jason was my age and a really nice...

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The Erotic Combat League

Your heart pounds with excitement as you step into the Erotic Combat League building. After a long and difficult path of tryouts and training, you’ve finally made it as one of the ECL’s newest crop of recruits. You’ll step in the ring for erotic battles with some of the finest sexfighters in the world. You’ve watched plenty of ECL matches before this, starring seductresses like the luscious luchadora La Diabla Roja, the haughty aristocrat Lady Grace, the always unforgettable Champion herself,...

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The Erotic Wrestling League

The EWL (Erotic Wrestling League) is enormously famous around the world. They boast an even larger viewing audience than the WWE! They hold venues globally in fact, and 9 out of 10 households with a television on earth tune in to the EWL regularly! The matches they hold range from erotic pro-wrestling, to erotic street fighting, to erotic mixed matches to downright erotic battles and anywhere in between! If it has to do with sexual competition, it can be seen at the EWL! There are both male...

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The Justice League XXX

I am Superman and The Justice League and I have eliminated all of the villains for the time being. It is a time of peace and we have nothing to do. Now I shall tell you about my fun-filled days of peace. I was walking around my fortress of solitude admiring all of the extinct species and even glancing at the picture of Supergirl while she was a baby. I had thought of her like a sister even, but she was growing into a fine looking female with measurements 34-24-28. Anyway, I was walking and the...

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League of Legends Worlds 2019 Chrissy Costanza and

This story happened back at Worlds 2019 (League of Legends Championship) in France. I’ve worked a long time for Riot and then mostly for the light and sound at big events like Worlds and MSI (Mid –Season Invitational) but I was still just 24. Today had to lead the technics for the song Phoenix (The theme song of Worlds 2019) by League of Legends, Cailin Russo and Chrissy Costanza. That morning I drank coffee with the teams if the songs Awaken and True Giants. After the coffee I went to the...

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Jock TalesPony League

Jock Tales-----Pony LeagueI guess I was just a born jock—I considered myself lucky. You could say, I guess, that I was overly developed for my age. Not real big, mind you, only about 5'8” at 14. But, I already had hair on my legs, and up in the crack of my ass. Had a pretty nice 'bush' in my pits, and was hanging 7 1/2” of dick. To most of the other bois on the baseball team, I guess I was intimidating. Living in East Texas made it pretty easy to maintain a tan, and when it enveloped blonde...

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Sunday League 0 Slutwife lost count

Last year we visited an old friend of mine, we went to school together. As we grew up we up we went drinking together and played Sunday League Football for the same team. Eventually, as you find, our lives had moved apart as we had families and jobs but we always kept in touch. We'd met up sometimes and our wives got on well too so when they he invited me to watch our old team we looked forward to having a few drinks and catching up over old times.Then next day his wife had a bit of an...

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New League of Justice Chapter One

New league of Justice Chapter 1 By Pussywillow Copyright 2001 The woman, whose beauty had never arrived, screamed with her legs askew, waving in the air, "I am the great OSAMA, do you hear, do you hear," as we watched the man on top enter her and begin his piston like movements. Visible on the great OSAMA were the jiggles of beautiful melon like breasts, topped by large, strawberry like nipples surrounded by nearly plate sized areoles suitable for hard working teats. Then...

2 years ago
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Cavalier League 1 A Weapon in the Arsenal

"Young Justice: A Chivalrous Sprite", this story does reference an event or two in that story. This story is not a sequel to that story. It is probably more collateral in nature, although it does happen after the events of that story. There may be additional stories along this line. I have ideas for at least two more. But a lot of that remains up to you the readers. In an odd turn of events, my antagonist of the piece was going to be an original character. However, after a little...

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The Company Bowling League

I was forty-eight years old and working as a mid-level marketing manager in an oil company in Houston at the time of this story. Our company sponsored a bowling league, and there was enough interest in bowling that there were a total of ten four-man teams, each representing a different department. One of my good friends and coworker, Jason Fuller, was on the men’s team from our department, but I never had much of an interest in bowling, so I never tried out for the team.Jason is my age and a...

4 years ago
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PterisChapter 22 The Crossroads Justice League

Five adults, one carrying a baby, stepped into the spread and welcoming arms of the tall, slim, and clearly pregnant red head. The absence of stink was intoxicating! More so was the relief that Annie was with them. Moira could not resist applying passionate kisses to her returning spouses before turning to Katja and Annie and exclaiming, “I greet you Damsels of Cassandra. I suppose I’m not surprised that there are two of you.” She rubbed her belly suggestively. “Pēteris tends to do almost...

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Late For DinnerChapter 2 The Junior League

Kathy jumped in the car as soon as it came to a complete stop in front of the school. "My, you're excited," her mother smiled. "It's Junior League night, Mommy!" Kathy exuded as she kissed her cheek. "Oh, I almost forget how much you've been looking forward go going to Junior League with me," Mommy tried to act interested while stifling a yawn. After all these years, her charity work had become a little... routine. Perhaps having Kathy as a partner would liven thing up, she...

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Interstellar Defense LeagueChapter 17

Two Ghalerans walked down a sidewalk, heading towards a massive structure in the center of the Ghalera's primary city. The structure was the headquarters for the so-called Interstellar Defense League, a cover for a group of conquerors. Inside the headquarters was a prototype singularity generator, developed using stolen technology. "So what precisely do we do when we find that generator?" one of the 'Ghalerans' asked to the other mentally. "We initiate a micro-singularity and destroy...

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Batman had been in the Batcave for hours putting together what happen. " It can't be". If this is true, it will be the end of us all. I have to call a emergency meeting the whole League must hear this. While at the same time Wonder Woman and PowerGirl were having the same dream of a sexual nature. The dreams were always the same. Wonder Woman would be fighting some super villain when out of nowhere a mysterious powerful black man would appear. He has a black grayish beard, white robe and white...

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Fanfiction Lesbian Fighting League

Once again, the Fanfiction Lesbian Fighting League, or FL² for short, was up and running. Tonight's episode was their anniversary celebration and the arena was packed. The crowd was filled with excited lesbians ready to watch yet another marvelous display of sex and violence for their pleasure. " the most watched show after dark!" came the voice of FL²'s play-by-play announcer, Kyu Sugardust, a pink-haired love fairy from the world of HuniePop. "As always, we've got a packed arena...

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The Princes Momo

If anyone has read ‘The Little Prince’ by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry then they might understand this story better. I wondered what happened after/if the little prince went back to his planet and this is just my little experiment that I went with. I wrote it all in one breath, and I hope it makes sense. I’m posting it on here to see what people think of it, and if you guys like it, I’ll continue it. Any and all comments are very much welcome. I hope you like it! ———————————————– She was born...

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New Jock Tales Chptr 1 Pony League

I guess I was just a born jock—I considered myself lucky. You could say, I guess, that I was overly developed for my age. Not real big, mind you, only about 5'10” , maybe 125 lbs on a wet day :). I already had hair on my legs, and up in the crack of my ass, and a pretty nice 'bush' in my pits, and hanging 7 1/2” of dick. To most of the other guys on the baseball team, I guess I was intimidating. Girls came at me like crazy, and I was smart enough to detect a few glances from the guys...

2 years ago
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League Of Domination My Step Mistresses

Chapter 1 I stood in the living room, looking out the window to the front of the house. It didn't take long after the divorce for my dad to find someone else. He's a good looking man and has never had trouble with women. Maybe that's why my mom was the one he chose to marry. She's a beautiful woman who isn't easily taken by the charms of men. It's probably why my dad pined after her. She was different. An enigma. But I'm getting ahead of myself, lets start at the beginning. My...

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Guess shes not out of my league

"Another day in this miserable hell hole." I said to myself. This is my life. I’m John 23 and working at the biggest real estate agency in the country. I make a 6 figure salary and more benefits than I can handle. But still this place tortures me day after day. It's all because I’m infatuated with a married woman. Her name is Vanessa. I have wanted to fuck her brains out since the day I started here 3 years ago. She is about 5'5 no more than 130 lbs. Full lips. She was some what...

1 year ago
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Out of His League

When Justin was a young 17 year old sophomore in high school he had the same urges any boy his age is expected to have. Unfortunately for him, he hadn’t had any luck with the ladies. A bit overweight with glasses, and always a little late to social trends, he wasn’t the most attractive kid. He was a shy, intellectual with plenty of friends, many of whom were girls. They felt they could open up to him, but it always stopped short of romance. Those brother-sister like relationships were cherished...

4 years ago
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Fuck the League

As a child, you always admired the figures of your idols- the hottest champions from the league. You studied every inch of flesh that they showed, memorizing their cleavage and midriffs until you could picture them in your sleep (which you often did). When you grew up, you knew you had to be a Summoner. Ahri, Akali, Ashe, Caitlyn, Cassiopeia, Diana, Elise, Evelynn, Fiora, Irelia, Janna, Karma, Katarina, Kayle, Leblanc, Leona, Lissandra,, Lux, Miss Fortune, Morgana, Nami, Nidalee, Orianna,...

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League of Lewd

(For those of you that don't know, League of Legends is an extremely popular MOBA game on the PC, game knowledge won't be required to enjoy the chapters but all of the characters will be pulled from that universe. Also type in the comments what champions you'd like to see, any pairings, or situations are greatly appreciated.) You are a summoner. A powerful being who has mastered the art of calling upon Champions to do your bidding, and with these powers comes a special little perk. An orb that...

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Teen Titans vs the Justice LeagueThe Judas Contract

{Titans tower, San Fran, United States of America, Earth-1, Universe-Positive} You were a recent addition to the Teen Titans, they were your Parole after your failed stint in the GL's and your Uncle refusing to take responsibility for you, they were your only option, as they were the only ones willing to take you in. So with not much Choice in da matter you moved into T Tower, and Got to know a few of your teammates. You especially liked Raven, besides which after Deathstroke's Coup'd'etat,...

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League Of Lewd Legends

The Institute was running in circles, battles meant to mitigate warring kingdoms and minor disputes were no longer working as effectively, nor definitively. Battles with no true risk caused the great champions that fought for their countries to become lax in their skills, becoming less like the polished gems and shining pillars of their homelands... and more like dented bronze. The Tribunal came up with a solution, lessening a hero's restrictions and allowing more freedom for everyone but Jax....

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The International Mixed Wrestling League 2

Let's start the mixed wrestling life in International Mixed Wrestling League(IMWF)! Introduction>First, you make the wrestler and registration to option "Roster" .There is no care about original wrestler or celeblity, but please write name and gender, nationality.Include physical features and figure of wrestlers together. Way of the match>You made wrestler, start the match along with guideline and template thread.If you make match,enter the following sentence whichi no.3 to no.5, "Option"...

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The League of BiCurious Gentlemen Part 4

When Lauryn roused Jonathan from bed the next morning, saying that it was time for them to go strapon shopping, she did it with the smug air of someone certain they were calling someone else’s bluff. So she was slightly surprised, but very pleased, when he readily agreed. They were almost out the door when she turned to him and said, more than a little incredulously, “So you’re serious? We’re going to do this?” He grinned. Leaning forward, he put a hand at the small of her back and put his...

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The League of BiCurious Gentlemen Part 3

The rest of reading week passed in a bit of a haze for both Jonathan and Lauryn. As she promised—or commanded—they did in fact fuck twice more that first night, and he woke up the next morning from a vague sex dream to find that she was languorously sucking his cock. They spent the better part of the day in bed, alternating between talking, fucking, and going down on one another. He was amazed at how insatiable she seemed, and when he tentatively said something to that effect, she sighed,...

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ivy league

IVY League Ch 1 I found this story on lineRebecca Palmer was concerned about a couple of boys her son, Danny, has been hanging around with. Being on the PTA (Parent Teacher Association) board at his high school she knows a lot about the reputations of the students, so it concerned her when he hung out with the well-known trouble-makers. Danny is such a nice boy and didn't need those kinds of influences in his life, but it was so hard for her to prevent it.Mike Brantley and Ben Thompson were the...

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Suicide Squad Fuck The Justice League

Meet the Squad: Amanda Waller put a file on the table: "This is the squad I talked to you about. Do you think you can handle them?" William Butcher picked up the file from the table: "Well, let me see what kind of Cunts I'm dealing with." William opened the file and began to read it " 1.Harleen Quinzel AKA Harley Quinn: Ex girlfriend of The Joker Former psychiatrist and Professional Crimnal 2.Floyd Lawton AKA Deadshot: Professional Assassin and Mercenary 3.Jason Todd AKA Redhood: Ex Robin Rogue...

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League of Legends swap

Having enough being stuck in the game and used by the players the champion of LoL you are playing decide to swap bodies with you. You suddenly found yourself stuck in the body of your and champion in League of Legends. What will you do ? You are a ...

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No Ones Out of Your League

It had been a long, rough day ... eh, week ... no, month and year at my job! I don't quite know how I got suckered into getting a job at a jail, but I do know why I was being kept there. The paycheck was nice, and in an economy such as the one that our "Great White Hope;" ex president G.W.Jr has put us in, being with out a job isn't an option. (I'm sorry to sound racist in that last statement, but sometimes the truth just falls out of my mouth when I talk; but that's not the reason that...

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Justice League of America World War Three

THE WATCHTOWER The Watchtower, headquarters of the JLA (Justice League of America). It was a large space station that was parked on the moon. The station was made of promethium and its technology based on a mixture of Martian, Kryptonian, Thanagarian, Earth as well as New Genesis and Apokolips. Inside the Watchtower was the Monitor Womb, the heart of the Watchtower. This was where the JLA monitored everything that happened on Earth, with its vast computer/communications/sensors network. As...

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The Brass RingChapter 2 Out of My League

A couple of years later, I was still single, but the business was now really big. We had just finished moving to a new warehouse and office building on the edge of town. We employed thirty people, give or take, and the money was really rolling in. I was still the finder and idea guy, while Pop looked after running the whole show. That's what presidents did. We'd sold the house and bought a new one not far from the new warehouse. It wasn't huge, but it was new and it was nice. Marla nearly...

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