Lacie Ch. 08 free porn video

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*In the arc of this story, (which I consider to be a romance story overall, hence it’s category)there are, by necessity, a few darker portions. One cannot create a beautiful, realistic painting without using some pretty dark colors. This chapter contains some of those. They are not ‘real time’ with the characters, but are very dark nonetheless. Just a bit of forewarning. as to the why of it being ‘romance’, as I said, this story is an overall arc. In fact, the actual steamy bits are glossed over entirely until the last chapter. I didn’t write this story as erotica intentionally, I wrote it because it was a story I had always wanted to write. So please, sit back and enjoy the rest, if you choose to do so.*


Chapter 8: Lacie’s First Month

The days seemed to pass in a whirl of activity for Lacie. The young woman quickly settled in and after a few days passed, she fell into a routine around the house. Lacie quickly became close friends with Ana, Callie and Lindsey, spending as much time with them as possible, when she was not otherwise occupied. True to Bridget’s word, Master seldom spent any time around her, barely acknowledging her at times. It didn’t seem to Lacie as though he was intentionally avoiding her or ignoring her, he just somehow rarely seemed to be around wherever she happened to be. She saw him every evening for dinner, which was always an amazing meal, but he was so busy at all other times of the day, Lacie never really got to spend any time with him. Oftentimes the only occasions she did see him was when he stopped in to see one of the girls Lacie happened to be working with that day.

The first few times were quick in and out occasions, scarcely enough for Lacie to even notice his presence, (though every time he showed up, her heart began to hammer and her knees seemed like they were made of rubber.) once or twice though, Lacie got to see him for a little while, and it was very easy for her to see how and why the other girls loved him so much.

The most memorable time, Lacie had been in the kitchen with Tatiana, and Master had swept in. He had ghosted up behind Ana while the tiny girl busied herself at one of the stovetops. Wrapping his arms around her, he had pulled the tiny blonde girl into his chest, humming some tune that Lacie couldn’t recognize. Ana knew it well though, as she smiled and started humming along with him. He reached out to a small music player he had brought in with him and turned it on.

Soft classical music began to flow from the music player and he spun Ana around as the Russian girl giggled. Spinning her until she faced him, he pulled her close to his body and began to waltz the smiling Ana around the kitchens. Finally, as the music slowed to it’s end, he leaned down, his fingertips gently lifting the suddenly blushing Ana’s lips to his. The two shared a fiercely passionate kiss before he gently pulled away. Picking up the music player, Master thanked Ana for the dance, in Russian, before slipping back out the doors to the kitchen. The flustered girl was left dizzy and panting, her knees so weak from the kiss, she had to hold onto the countertops for balance while she recovered. A brilliant, glowing smile lit up Ana’s face as she looked at the door that Master had left through.

It was obvious that his visit had been solely for Ana’s benefit, and both Ana and Lacie knew it. Lacie wanted him to do something like that for her so badly her heart literally ached. She watched Ana for the rest of the day, noting how just that one tiny interlude with Master seemed to make Ana’s entire day wonderful. Her friend’s happiness from that short visit was obvious to Lacie, as Ana spent the rest of their time in the kitchens with a goofy smile on her face and a dreamy, faraway look in her eyes. More than once Lacie caught Ana humming the tune of the music that Master had brought with him.

Lacie quickly got used to the mountains of work around the house, often spending the day working alongside Lindsey. The submissive young woman helped the other girls out as much as she could when Master had no need of her outside the mansion’s grounds. Lacie would get up around seven or eight in the morning, shower, and go to eat breakfast. She was greeted there every morning by Bridget, who handed out her tasks for the day, as well as telling her when her training sessions in the gym would be. Lacie rapidly acclimated to the chores and housework, especially enjoying her days in the greenhouse and farm with Marie and Claire, respectively. Just before lunch, most days, Lacie would join Heather in the gym for her daily workout session, lifting weights and running while the redhead monitored Lacie’s progress. Following lunch, Lacie would head back to work, where she would spend the rest of the day until just before dinner.

Once Lacie cleaned herself up, she would join the rest of the household for dinner in the dining hall. It was a sit down meal every day, and the girls always enjoyed the wonderful food that Ana prepared for them. After eating, Lacie was given liberty to do whatever she wished around the house. Sometimes she would go enjoy the pool, swimming leisurely in the atrium, or soaking in the waterfall hot tub.

A couple of times, Lacie had an embarrassing moment or two when she went to soak in the steamy water, and accidentally walked in on some of the other girls having a steamy moment of their own. Lacie was invited to join them a number of times, mostly by Claire, but she always politely declined. Other times she joined a group of the other girls in the theater for popcorn and a movie. Sometimes Lacie simply wanted to lose herself in a book, and she curled up in her favorite squishy armchair, tucked away in a quiet corner of the library. More than once Lacie drifted off in the comfortable chair only to wake up in her own bed the following morning, still fully clothed. When she asked Bridget about it, the older girl gave Lacie a knowing look, and whispered one word to her.


Lacie grinned at the thought, knowing that he cared enough to make sure she returned to her own bed every night, even going so far as to carry her if he had to. Lacie began to think of the mansion as home in only a few weeks, and even bad days were heaven there, compared to the alternatives. The other places where Lacie could have ended up would never have been anything like the mansion, despite Lacie still not knowing where she would have gone had Master not gotten to her first. Lacie never quite worked up the courage to ask Bridget that question, wondering if she was better off not knowing. Still, Lacie figured she had time, and if it ever became too important, she knew Bridget or Master would tell her if she asked. Still, sometimes she wondered.

As much as Lacie loved the mansion and her new friends, something about her life seemed… off. One day Lacie was walking from greenhouse to lunch, seeing Heather and Callie giggling together as they approached from the other direction. Entering the dining hall, Lacie saw Tara, Claire and Ana standing in a group, laughing at something the Russian girl had said. Everything about all of the other girls seemed so… right. They seemed to belong. That was when it hit Lacie. She knew why part of her felt alone, empty. She knew why some part of her didn’t feel like she belonged among the other women. Each of them had found something she loved, something she could do better than the rest, something that set her apart. Lacie hadn’t.

The realization hit Lacie like a thunderbolt. Rather than comforting her, the knowledge of why Lacie felt alone only made her feel worse. Over the next few days Lacie sought ways to set herself apart, but found, to her disappointment, that although there were tasks she was good at, she did not truly love doing them. Resigning herself to the idea that she might never find something that could set her apart, Lacie went about her life, day after day, slowly sliding into a depression. The other girls noticed, but La
cie was too ashamed to tell them why she felt so poorly about herself. Master’s absence only made things worse. Then one night, something happened that almost made Lacie completely forget her problems. She woke to screaming, a bloodcurdling shriek of absolute, pure terror.

Lacie was ripped from her dreams by the loud, piercing scream. Immediately, Lacie’s heart began to pound in her chest. Throwing her sheets off her body, Lacie dashed to her door, tossing it open as she ran out into the main hall to investigate the terror filled screaming. More shrieks rent the air as the girls appeared in doorways, all in various states of night dress. Lacie looked down the hall as she attempted to locate the source of the ear piercing screams. The girls all rushed towards the sound, finally realizing the non-stop screaming was coming from Claire’s room. Joining the headlong rush to her door, Lacie arrived later then most of the other girls and was unable to see into the screaming woman’s room.

A light flicked on at the end of the hall and Master sprinted towards the assembled women, Looking over towards him, Lacie saw that he was barefoot and shirtless, wearing only a dark blue pair of silken pants. The look in his eyes frightened Lacie, the grim look on his face prompting her to step away from the crowd around Claire’s door a second before his mouth opened and a single command boomed out into the hallway.


Lacie grabbed Lindsey and tugged her out of Master’s way as he dashed headlong into Claire’s bedroom. Letting go of Lindsey’s arm, Lacie slipped into the room behind Master. Someone behind her flicked on the lights. Master reached Claire’s bed and literally tore her sheets away, throwing the covers halfway across her room in his haste. Reaching down, he grabbed Claire’s thrashing shoulders and shook her awake, yelling her name as he did. Claire’s eyes snapped open with a gasp. Immediately, the terror stricken woman threw herself at Master, clutching tightly to him. Her eyes wide with remembered fear, Claire held on to him as if he were a rock keeping her from drowning in a raging river, as if he were the only thing anchoring her to the present, keeping her from being swept back to whatever dark terrors had filled her dreams. Master wrapped his arms around her and began stroking her back, murmuring into her ear as he held her tightly, while she sobbed into his shoulder, her eyes wide and unfocussed.

Lacie heard an odd hiss coming from her Master as he leaned over Claire. He was holding himself in a kneeling position at the edge of her bed, allowing Claire to simply hold him. Looking down at him, Lacie saw thin trickles of blood running down his back. Claire was clutching so tightly to him, her fingernails were digging into his back and going so deep they were drawing blood. Stoically saying nothing, Master ignored the pain and stayed almost motionless, only moving his hands, trying to comfort the sobbing, fear stricken woman.

Slipping one arm under her legs, Master lifted Claire as if the girl weighed no more than a feather. Holding her tightly to his chest, he moved towards the doorway. The girls parted before him, giving him the space he needed to pass by. As he did, Lacie got a good look at Claire’s body. It was the first time she had seen Claire without clothing covering her lower back and legs, or water obscuring her body from view. Lacie gasped in horror as she beheld the marks that seemed to cover half of Claire’s body.

Deep, jagged scars criss-crossed Claire’s legs and back. The long, ragged lines cut across each other, some of them partially obscuring her tattoos. The flesh along either side of her ribs was pitted with small circular burn marks, likely from lit cigarettes that someone had pressed to Claire’s skin. The skin along her upper back had a large number of small, shiny patches of burned skin that had healed into tiny teardrop shaped scars. Lacie had seen scars like that before, when her father had burned himself with exposed wires when at his job as an electrician. Someone had tortured Claire, burning her with electricity, over and over again.

Running from Claire’s room, Lacie rushed down the stairs, knelt over one of the toilets in the bathroom and vomited. Tears filled her eyes as she heaved over the porcelain. Lacie absently heard someone enter the stall behind her. A gentle hand began to rub her back as Lacie vomited again, the mystery girl’s other hand holding Lacie’s hair back as she heaved. Finally, Lacie’s roiling stomach quieted and she leaned back, panting as she wiped the tears off her face.

‘How… how could… anyone be that… cruel?’ she asked.

The mystery girl behind her squatted next to Lacie, and pulled her head into a gentle embrace. Lindsey’s voice filled her ears as she responded.

‘There are a lot of very evil people out there. I see them more than most of us here. Claire’s second owners were horrible, cruel, evil people. Sadists of the worst kind. The kind of people that make you want to run as far away as possible, as fast as possible. She was kept restrained for two years while they tortured her for fun. That’s why she ran when she got here. She thought she was being moved to a torture facility, or a testing site for new devices. I hate them for what they did to her.’ Lindsey stood up and opened one of the cupboards under the sink, pulling something from underneath.

‘Who… Who were they?’ Lacie panted, still kneeling over the toilet.

‘It doesn’t matter, Lace. It’s Claire’s story to tell, and I’ve already said more than I should have. Here. Rinse your mouth out.’

Lindsey handed Lacie a small Dixie cup with a small amount of translucent green liquid in it. Lacie detected the strong odors of alcohol and mint. Tossing her head back, Lacie poured the mouthwash between her lips, swishing the stinging liquid around before spitting it out into the toilet bowl. Panting, Lacie struggled to her feet, nausea still gripping her stomach. Weak kneed, Lacie stood and shambled out into the hall. She grimaced as she leaned over, holding the banister beside the staircase as a strong wave of dizziness swept over her. Lacie absently noted the sound of a toilet flushing, and she heard Lindsey move up behind her as Lacie took deep breaths, trying to calm her twisting stomach and frayed nerves.

Lindsey wrapped an arm around her and led the slow moving Lacie back upstairs. Cresting the top of the staircase, Lacie saw the other girls gathered in a group outside the open door of Claire’s room. They appeared deep in quiet conversation, but most of them stopped talking when Lacie appeared. Heather walked out from the group, pulling her robe tighter around herself as she headed towards Lacie.

‘You okay sweetie? You look a little pale.’ she said, concern in her voice.

Lindsey responded for her.

‘She threw up a bit. We washed her mouth out, but she’s still feeling a bit nauseous.’

‘Take a few deep breaths Lace. You’ll feel better.’

Lacie sat down and leaned her back against the doorframe of her own room. Fresh tears began to pool in her eyes as Lacie lowered her head. Wiping them away, Lacie choked out two words.

‘Her… body…’

Silence filled the hallway as all of the assembled women looked at each other, sharing looks of care, concern and helplessness. Master’s door wasn’t completely shut and they could still hear Claire’s terrified sobs drifting out into the hallway. Long minutes passed while they stood in silence, each of them feeling deep compassion for their sister, torn by their own helplessness. It was Tatiana who moved first. Wiping her own tear streaked cheeks, she moved quietly down the hall, squeezing arms and whispering words of comfort to the other girls in the hall. The women all followed her, occasionally casting glances towards the half open door at the end of the hallway. Finally, Ana reached Lacie. Kneeling down beside the teary brunette, Ana gently took Lacie’s hand and helped her to her feet. She leaned in, givi
ng Lacie a strong hug, which Lacie returned fiercely. The Russian girl whispered in her ear.

‘I am now wanting the some hot chocolate. Are you for joining us?’

Lacie nodded silently, gripping Ana’s hand tightly as she slowly walked back down the stairs. Eventually, as they moved off, the sounds of Claire’s sobbing grew quieter and quieter, until they couldn’t hear it anymore. A somber mood filled the group, and they moved in slow silence. Sniffles and sighs were the only things Lacie heard all the way to the kitchens. Walking through the large double doors, Lacie wanted nothing more than to forget what had just happened. Needing something to do in order to take her mind off Claire, Lacie quickly moved about the kitchens, helping Ana put some milk on the stovetop, gently stirring as the Russian girl set out mugs and began to melt small bricks of chocolate. Once the milk began to billow steam, Lacie took it off the stove and added the chocolate that Ana had in her double boiler. Gently stirring the thick liquids together, they poured hot mugs for all of the assembled women. Heather muttered something quietly. Lacie couldn’t hear her, but Bridget asked Heather to speak up before Lacie could.

‘I said, ‘I had hoped she was over the nightmares.’

‘So had I.’ Lindsey said, staring into her mug.

‘You mean this has happened before?’ Lacie asked.

Callie lifted herself onto a nearby countertop before lifting her mug into her lap, slowly sipping the hot drink.

‘Not for a while. It used to be a lot worse.’

‘When she got here it was much, much worse. She had nightmares like that nearly every night.’ Tara agreed.

‘I’m sure you can understand why.’ Heather said. ‘Poor woman had it worse than the rest of us combined.’

Bridget looked up at Lacie. ‘It got better eventually, but for a long time she had to sleep in the guest wing. She kept waking the rest of us up.’

‘Did something change?’ Lacie asked. ‘To make it better?’

A small smile graced Lindsey’s features. ‘Yeah, something did change. Me.’ Lacie’s perplexed look prompted Lindsey to elaborate. ‘Master bought Claire a few weeks before me. I was raised by my parents, then sold to Master when I was old enough. His parents were friends with my parents before his family died when their house burned down. My parents asked him to buy me, since they knew he had the money. They knew I’d be treated well here.. We’d actually been childhood friends till his parents died. So when he bought me, I already knew him.’ Lindsey sighed. ‘I’d only discovered a year earlier that I…well, liked girls, if you follow my meaning, and I was nervous being around so many attractive women.’

All the other girls sipped at their drinks slowly, half listening to Lindsey’s story. It was obvious most were absorbed in their own thoughts, only half paying attention. It didn’t seem as though a single one of them even tasted their drinks as they sipped. They only drank so they would have something to keep their hands and minds occupied. The alternative was… unpleasant. Lindsey had a faraway look in her eyes, telling the story for Lacie’s benefit as much as for everyone else. It drowned out the memories of Claire’s screaming.

‘Well, I had a bit too much to drink my first night here, because I was so nervous, and I misremembered which room was mine. It was one of the rare nights Claire was sleeping in her own bedroom.’ Lindsey shrugged at the memory, an apologetic smile on her face as she looked across the room at Lacie. ‘I was drunk, stumbled into her bedroom, lay down next to her and passed out. I don’t recall much that happened that night, but I remember the next morning well. When I woke up, still clothed, mind you,’ she said. ‘The sun was shining and I was laying in a bed that wasn’t mine with a sleeping girl in my arms.’ A full smile blossomed on Lindsey’s face at the memory. ‘She was so beautiful, just laying there. I remember I moved back a bit, trying to get a better look at her face. She made the cutest little whining noise and pulled my arm back over her. I laid my head back down and scooted closer, just holding her. Then she smiled in her sleep. She was absolutely beautiful. I closed my eyes again, and I was out like a light.’

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Hello, Dosto me iss ka regular reader nahi hu, but ek aisa incident mere sath hua jise batane ke liye me aaj yaha hu. Mera naam manas he.Ye baat tabki he jab me college me tha,meri age 20 saal ki thi. Mere bare me bata du ki mai ek gud lukin guy hu..Mera face chocolaty boy jesa..Colour fair & clean he. Body slim n fit, six pack abs, 5ft7inch hieght he..Mera men like attitude mujhe jyada atractive banata he.Seniour year me aane ke baad first year me hamare juniours aaye the. Mai apne 2 friends...

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Megan the Nanny

“Great, she’s asleep, maybe I can make some dinner now” I think to myself as I rock my baby daughter in my arms. Just then, I hear the doorbell. “Now what?” I mutter to myself. I glance at the security camera and see a teenage girl at the front door with some papers. Against my better judgment, I find myself heading to the door to answer it. “Hi, I’m Megan” she says quickly lowering her voice upon seeing the sleeping baby, “and I am letting people in the neighborhood know that I am available to...

2 years ago
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He Makes Her Laugh

He was tall, good-looking, and in his early fifties — the kind of man who had attracted women all his life and certainly had the attention of the woman he was seated with. She was what might be called a looker — forty-one, tall for a woman with jet-black hair (thanks to her hairdresser), and with a pair of striking blue eyes. The eyes would get you every time. They certainly got me twenty years ago. As the saying goes, that was no lady; she was my wife. As I watched, he leaned over and...

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Sea FenciblesChapter 12 Good News and Bad News

The frantic search for Elizabeth Maynard continued for the next days until the militia men were on the verge of mutiny. They had found neither hide nor hair of the young woman, but finally her wedding dress was discovered on the beach of a small cove. Hearing of this, Colonel Maynard returned to his house and locked himself in. Mrs. Fowler had already left Morton Hall and was now living in the Mermaid Inn, claiming that her brother-in-law was beside himself. Rumours from Morton Hall claimed...

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Although I was almost ready to go to university, I still was a virgin. I Have always been shy, so even though I had had girlfriends, I had never really managed to score yet. I compensated by masturbating and had a good collection of porn magazines to help me. Summer came and with it a trip to the countryside, to a ranch our grandparents had in the mountains. It was a fruit ranch full of orchards. I liked to go as some of the laborers were young women, and I was always hopeful to finally score....

3 years ago
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SamuelChapter 3

Feeling refreshed from a good night's sleep, Samuel woke when his alarm clock rang at six in the morning. He got out of bed and began his normal morning routine. While the coffee was brewing, he performed his morning exercise regime that included fifty sit-ups, push-ups, deep knee bends, toe touches, and other exercises. It was a typical prison cell exercise program that didn't require equipment of any kind. Once he had finished his exercises, he drank a cup of coffee. Seated at the table,...

1 year ago
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Brookes Tale Part D

(Synopsis : Brooke, an ordinary college girl with a hidden submissive side, is enslaved and raped when she goes to a party. {part A}. her hidden desires eventually lead to her making love to her roommate Carla before her mistress tina walks in on them and uses them for her pleasure. {part B}. However, tina is removed from the picture in a twist, but the gas station guy’s friend comes calling, raping her and taking her on the worst road trip of her life {part C}….read on……) Goth girl and her...

2 years ago
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Frat Boy Master

I go out to the bars once in awhile. Usually it’s a waste of time but sometimes I get so horny I’m willing to throw away a few hours for the chance at some hot sex. This was one of those nights. I took a shower and checked myself out in the mirror. I thought I looked pretty damn good for 35. 6’2′ and a lean, hard body. A nice thick cock and big, hairy balls. Six pack, long hairy legs. Hell, I was starting to get hard just looking at myself. I turned around to check out my ass. It’s always been...

1 year ago
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Small Town Small StreetChapter 6 Number 9 and 11

I'm writing this sixth chapter with some reluctance, because it involves myself. Earlier I have told that I lived in number 11, but as you shall see I couldn't very well write the story about number 9 without involving myself, and to tell you the truth, I'm not too proud of my part in that story. In number 9 lived the younger of our two vicars with his wife. He was a tall, skinny and somber man, and from official records I knew him to be 46 years old. His wife was 8 years younger, and to...

3 years ago
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Kelli Mike and FriendsChapter 12 Forth Friday

Kelli arrived the following week and was greeted by the father with, 'Did you not get the message, we were about to leave to visit my mother and are taking our daughter with us, so we don't need you to baby sit tonight. We are going to stay overnight there and return sometime late tomorrow afternoon.' Kelli said 'No I must have missed it, are you all going.' 'No our son is staying as he said he needed to study for some school work for Monday.' Kelli said 'ok, no problem, I'll...

2 years ago
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Twins in a Vineyard Insertion

So we’re back with part two of The Twin’s in a Vineyard trilogy. We previously left off at part one after Ariel gave her brother a blowjob and got cummed in her mouth. Part Two continues with Aaron lying back on his bed. His head filled with new thoughts about his sister. Again, if you find incest stories disturbing, do not continue reading. If you have yet to read part one: Ariel’s Discovery, please do as this story continues from that one. Once again, I thank you all for reading and I hope...

2 years ago
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Best friend makes me a sissy

I waited nervously at arrivals. His flight had landed 20 minutes ago so I guessed he would be through quite soon. He wasn't expecting me, but I wanted to catch him by surprise, and also thought if I relied on a normal venue I would back out………. let me explain.My life had fallen apart over the past two weeks. I had always hidden my perversions from my wife (her description, not mine). However once too often I had decided not to go on a night out with her which had raised her suspicion. I left...

2 years ago
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Fun With A Hot Colleague

Hi All, Thanks to all for such a wonderful reception of my last story. Based on the feedback I am back with another story. This is a true story about how my teammate and I had fun with each other in the office. First, let me tell you about the lady, her name is Sonam. She is one of the hotties in the office and almost every guy in office has a crush on her and have fantasized several times about her. She has a very sexy figure of 34d 30 36. And it looks very nice when she wears a western...

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Brownies and Milk

The old woman sat in the kitchen taking tentative sips of her tea. It was still too hot to drink. The only light spilled in from the living room. The family sat, lay, or sprawled over the furniture only half watching the television. This was her favorite time of night. The dinner dishes had been cleared up; the whole family was in the house. "A world within the home and a world without." as her grand mother used to say. She sat with her tea, inhaling the scent of citrus rising from the hot...

3 years ago
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Vidhi8217s Trip Just Made Right

Hello all, this is Vaibhav and I am back with another story of how I made love to Vidhi (name changed). About me, Well I am 22 years old college student from Rajasthan. I am 6 ft. tall and have an athletic build. If you like the story below or want to have a chat you can contact me through mail or hangouts on This is a story of my encounter with a girl by the name Vidhi who is a resident of Delhi. She is 21 years old and currently studying in Delhi University. She has stark black hair, long...

2 years ago
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Her breasts are almost perfect, I was thinking as she took me back into her mouth. I could see them disappear and reappear as she worked her head back and forth on my cock. They held my attention more than the magic that she was performing. That fact hit me like a slap, while she was blowing me. I almost stopped her at that moment. I wanted to look at her face. I love a pretty face and Janet was beautiful. No, she wasn't beautiful, she was fucking beautiful. There are degrees of beauty. Janet...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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A Young Girls Introduction To SexChapter 5

Let's see," Donny said, "I met Manny in high school. We didn't go to the same high school, but met at an ice cream place. We were both looking for girls, and struck up a conversation. We didn't meet any girls that day, but we became friends and hung together. Are you sure you want to hear about this?" "Yes!" both Ellie and Margie hollered. "Okay, okay," Donny said, "Let's see - we, that's Manny and me - met Richie and Paula at the movies. Turns out, Richie had picked her up in...

4 years ago
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July 3 Why I booked my flight for the day before the Fourth of July, I’ll never know. Every single seat on the plane is filled, and I swear half of them are just obnoxious babies. It takes forever and a day to finally get off the plane and make it through the terminal. Despite my six hour nap, I’m jet-lagged to hell. A quick stop in the bathroom shows my bun resembling something of a bird’s nest and my eyes fighting to outdo raccoons. There’s a crease on my cheek from the airplane pillow...

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The Joshua Diaries Montreal Baths

I went to Montreal for gay pride with a few friends. I was constantly horny with all those hot fucking men around, but was unable to act because I was sharing a hotel room with two of my friends. One morning I woke up at 6 a.m. feeling so horny. I decided to go out and cruise.I got dressed and packed poppers, a cock ring and lube, then took off. I passed a sauna, which I understood to be a gay bathhouse. So, I decided to try it out. Of course, it was early morning so I didn't expect much. At...

Gay Male
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The Training of Jody Part 2 The Seduction

Trying with all my resolve not to stare at his crotch I adopted a casual tone, "Hi Jody, nice to see you again." I said hoping to sound off-handed. Marveling at him, taking him in whole, my first impression couldn't have been more wrong. True he was short(he couldn't have been 5'4"), but he had a wonderfully muscled and porportioned body. Lovely blonde and curly hair, perfect teeth hidden behind a very sesual bow-shaped mouth, very strong looking arms and hands, bulging thighs that the shorts...

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The Suite Orgy a continuation of Dianes life with her black lover

The After Party The Limo pulled up to the Four Seasons. Thomas let Diane out. David had already texted her to come straight up to his suite. She walked through the foyer to the elevators and pressed the button to the top floor. However, it was security locked. She needed a key. She went back to the front desk and asked to be escorted to his room. The valet went with her. She noticed he could not keep his eyes off of her. "How are you tonight Miss..." he asked. "Mrs." she answered coyly." I am...

Group Sex
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When Wendy52 Breaks down by the park

It was a lovely summers day. I had the roof down on my car and was allowing the wind to blow through my air.I had noticed that it also buffeted around the neckline of my blouse and caused it to flap wildly the faster I went.I noticed my nipples were hard and poking over the top of my push up bra, it was at this point I also noticed the flapping had caused a couple of my buttons to come undone, allowing anyone looking at me as I drove past to get a good eyeful of my cleavage.I pulled up at a...

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Threesome Coincidences can be interesting. As I struggled into the hotel lift with my overnight bag, lap top computer and briefcase a couple obligingly held the lift doors open for me. Of course I thanked them. The lit floor button indicated we had the same destination. As they let me precede them down the corridor we found we had adjacent rooms. They returned my farewell smile and I forgot about the incident as I unpacked and showered for dinner. When I walked into the small bar inside the...

2 years ago
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Dream MasterChapter 10 Explanations

"Wow!" Jamie said when we were back at the house. "Remind me never to piss you off. For a nice guy, you really kicked ass back there." "I figured it would be safer if I did it. You probably would have gotten them arrested at the very least." "The very least," she agreed. "Isn't it amazing how easy it is to work with Amber?" "I wouldn't know," I said. "I've never tried with anyone else." "One of these days you'll find out, and then you can tell me. So what now? It's...

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Jackson in HRPGWorld 3 A Sticky Starting ScrapChapter 3

"It's not the end of the game," the slime girl laughed. "You can repeat the same fight over and over." Her face took on a very lewd expression. "Actually, that's kind of the whole point." She slithered towards him. More tentacles budded off her blue body and reached out for his immobilized body. "But first: you came, you lost, now it's time to enjoy your Bad End." Her expression was now really lewd ... really lewd and hungry. Bad End? Jackson didn't like the sound of that at...

4 years ago
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Naked Family Ep 1 The Journey Begins

Dillon slowly opened his eyes as awoke from a deep sleep. It was still dark outside and he immediately sunk his face back into his pillow as he attempted to return to sleep. “Come on Dillon! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!” , the girl exclaimed while grabbing a spare pillow and hitting Dillon on the back. “All right. I’ll get up. Stop hitting me”, said Dillon. Dillon finally opened his eyes all the way and sat up. He awoke to the sight of his younger sister, Florence. She was the persistent...

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The Way it is Now Ch 8

Philip entered the expressway. Sarah, feeling very pleased with herself sat beside him. Holding his right with her left hand on the shared console. The radio playing some music she didn’t know. But she liked it. Knowing they needed to shop. But not for what, with no clue where they were headed. Her display in the Ihop for that girl had her giddy. Sarah knew about exibitionism. She had been put on display for her mother’s “friends” often enough. She didn’t usually enjoy it. But today...

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Trading Places

We sat there on the couch and stared at the small plain package. After ten years of marriage, we had come to a point where our sex life had become all but non-existant. Don't get me wrong, Susan is fucking hot. I would hit that three times a day of I could. She blames me, but I don't see it. She says I try to hard to fuck her and that turns her off. But I went six months without trying last year....subject never came up. Its like Susan just doesn't have a sex drive. A few weeks ago I got spam...

3 years ago
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TammyChapter 14

By the time George got to the bench at the edge of the beach there were five naked swimmers playfully splashing each other. Still rather shy and facing away from the throng in the water, he hesitated when he was down to his last garment, his boxers. Sally, aware of the reluctant removal of his clothing, moved up behind him and snuggled against him. When she put her arms around him, he jumped a little and spun himself around facing her. With a broad smile, she told him, "It's OK. If you...

1 year ago
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Spirit QuestChapter 2

I awoke from the bad nightmare only to find myself lying in tall grass. At first, I didn’t realize that, while the temperature was warm, it was a lot cooler than it should have been for late August, even this early in the morning. I thought that somehow, I had landed clear of the wreckage, and miraculously survived. Having taken extensive first aid training, rather than try to get up, I instead tested each appendage for signs of injury. Fingers and toes seemed pain-free, as did wrists,...

4 years ago
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My Three Ex Wives

I am getting more pussy now than I have ever gotten before in my life and it boggles the mind that it is happening. I have three women who are trying to fuck my brains out. The odd thing is that one time all three of them hated my guts and all three of them, with varying degrees of success, had tried to ruin me. All three of them are ex-wives. I married Helen in 1956 when I was eighteen and stupid and we were married just a little over seven years. The marriage ended when I came home from work...

1 year ago
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Mathews Resurrection II

Scene Three I love denim skirts. I didn’t realize how much I liked them until the day I picked up Kerri to take her to a big family picnic that she had talked be into. Actually, she didn’t “talk” me into it. She “blew” me into it the night before in the parking lot of the bar we had just left. That mouth had amazing power. The side door of her house opened directly into her kitchen and at the far end were short staircases that led up to the bedrooms and down to the family room. It was so hot...

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Cuckold Club Pt2

** I don't claim authorship of this story. It was originally posted on Dark wanderer by Cuck Hubby. Thought it was good.Linda, meanwhile, was not thinking about her husband. At the moment she was standing in the center of the room while her soon-to-be lover, James, sat in an easy chair gazing at the sexy wife who was about to become his. His cock was uncomfortably hard and he couldn’t wait to free it. Or rather, for her to free it. He always enjoyed it when he was a white wife’s first black...

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Flaying Flame

Flaying Flame *** First, the standard disclaimer: What follows is a work of FICTION. If you areincapable of distinguishing fact from fiction, STOP READING. Go tune in tosomething harmless and innocuous. This is NOT FOR YOU. Anyone who seriouslybelieves the author did or advocates these activities is wrong. Second, thisstory features any or all of the following acts: forced sex, brutal torture, andsnuff, all featuring willing (and unwilling) female victims. If this offendsyou, or even...

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Life on the Run in Skirts Epilogue

A year had passed since Derrick's rather eventful birthday party. Heather was stretched out on the sofa, enjoying a delightful glass of very expensive Merlot, when the security guard at the gate house called to inform her that there was a visitor requesting entry. Realizing who it was, Heather ran to the front door to greet her daughter Ariel. They embraced lovingly. "Ariel, I'm happy to see you. This is a surprise though. Why didn't you call to let me know you were...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Alexa Flexy Fitness Babe Alexa Flexy DP8217d After Trading Weights for 3 Cocks

It’s Thursday evening and Alexa Flexy, a young, blonde fitness babe is at the gym for her biweekly workout. Some minutes into the workout, she’s joined but a young stud named Vince, who quickly starts chatting her up. After exchanging a bit of small talk and stretching alongside one another, Vince makes the move and begins fingering her on the ground floor. Alexa is getting her ass absolutely pounded by Vince when the two lovers notice a pair of men watching them from the gym’s pool, which sits...


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