Lesbian Best Friend free porn video

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Author’s note: This is the first story I’ve published. I’ve had the idea one Sunday morning and spent nearly all day writing it out. Over the following two weeks, I couldn’t leave my hands off it and started moving parts around, adding things and removing others, until it eventually became what it is. I’d like to give my thanks to Selkiegone who helped me straightening out the plot and my characters, as well as my good friend Zafrumi who proofread the piece and encouraged me to publish it. I’ve made some further changes after my two editors have done their magic, so any mistakes you’ll find are mine and mine alone ,) I hope you’ll enjoy. Please leave comments, both good and bad.

‘I … beg your pardon?!’ I stuttered, the shock evident in my tone. I replayed the sound of her voice in my mind, trying to find the part where my brain could have played a trick on me and made me mishear her. I couldn’t find it.

‘You heard exactly what I said,’ Sam said, trying to keep her voice firm.

I had overcome my initial surprise. ‘Well, I did hear something, but right now I’d rather call the office of paranormal affairs and have them search this place for a glitch in space or time that might alter sound waves than believe what I thought I heard.’ Oh, me and my speeches. You’ll get your ear full of them throughout this story.

‘Why do you make me say it again? Do you enjoy seeing me suffer?’ she asked as she tried to keep her composure. She didn’t fool her friend of seventeen years.

‘Excuse me?’ I blurted out. ‘I think repeating yourself will be the least of your problems considering what you’ve just asked for – if you’ve actually asked for what I think I heard you asking for.’
‘There is your easy way out, Sam. Please, take it!’ I thought to myself.

I could read the emotions in her big, intense, chocolate-brown eyes like it was in plain writing as she prepared herself to repeat what she had said moments earlier. There was shyness and shame in them – something I hardly ever saw in Sam’s eyes.

‘Fine,’ she said and took two deep breaths before continuing, ‘I want you to …’

‘Lalalalala,’ I started chanting and plugged my index fingers into my ears, desperately trying not to hear what I was going to hear. Or rather what I thought I was going to hear.

‘For fuck’s sake, Leon,’ Sam said in a tone of resignation, ‘you’re thirty-three years old – stop acting like we’re still in high school.’ It wasn’t the first time I heard that – she called me incorrigible on a weekly basis.

I tried to be mature. ‘Sam, you’re …’ I stopped, looking for the right words.

‘Repulsive?’ she mockingly tried to complete my sentence, tilting her head slightly to the side and giving me her best smile.

Repulsive? Sam was the material of every man’s wet dream. Five foot seven, flawless olive skin so soft that it begged to be touched, light-brown wavy hair with natural highlights, an angelic face, incredibly long lashes, those big, pretty, chocolate-brown eyes, full lips that always look slightly pouting, C-cup breasts on her slender frame, an hourglass figure that seemed unreal, a tummy and bum just as tight as if she was still sweet sixteen, impossibly long and slender legs, and delicate feet usually wrapped in slutty three inch heels.

Sam was the opposite of repulsive, and that went for both genders.

My resolution to act mature left as quickly as it had come. ‘I was going to say gay. There, I said it. I know this comes as a shock to you, and I held back for seventeen years, but now seems the right time to tell you the truth. You’re gay, Sam. You’re into women. The kind with boobs and pussies. The kind that bleeds once a month. In case you haven’t guessed it until now, I have a cock dangling from between my legs, and if I bleed it comes from a physical…’

‘Shut up, Leon. Just shut the fuck up for once,’ Sam interrupted, again with that tone of resignation in her voice, ‘Don’t you realise how hard this is for me?’ Her eyes turned slightly sad now, frustrated, and still ashamed.

‘I’m sorry. I’m being an insensitive bastard, aren’t I?’ I asked in a low, apologetic voice.

Her lips twitched as she prevented a smile. ‘You’re not a bastard, you know your parents. But I think tosser would be an accurate description.’

‘Come here, pal.’ I said, reaching out for her. She moved over the sofa willingly, sat onto my lap and leaned against my chest as I placed my chin on her shoulder and looped my arms around her.

‘Now … Do you mind explaining to me why you need me to fuck you?’ I asked.

It was quiet for a long time after I spoke. The silence lasted so long, I started to toy with the thought that she changed her mind so we could drop this subject and continue as we used to be.

We were Sam and Leon. Leon and Sam. We teased each other, we toyed with each other, we flirted with each other, but it was always clear that that was it – and apart from a dare that got her twenty quid, which she split equally with me, we never even kissed. You might think that I felt like the luckiest bloke on the planet because I was the only man to ever have his lips on Sam Wilson’s, but I didn’t. Not back then, and not now.

Sam was my pal, the best I ever had. I was long past her physical attraction, and I enjoyed the human being inside the beautiful shell. I felt safe with Sam. I could tell her about the girl-trouble in my life, get the female perspective on things which very often is exactly what you need, without having that little nagging voice in the back of your head that maybe, just maybe, the girl in front of which you pour your heart out is also a potential sexual partner and therefore you should watch your tongue. Not Sam. Sam was just Sam to me.

The silence continued, and I reached over to take a sip of diet coke.

‘Because I want to have a baby.’

That diet coke tried to make its way out through my nose. At least I had managed to keep my mouth closed and hadn’t sprayed the nasty black liquid all over Sam and the sofa. She giggled, but handed me a fresh tissue out of the pocket of her jeans.

‘You want what?’ I eventually managed to gasp, still cleaning myself with the tissue, only to remember her earlier words, ‘Oh, never mind, I heard you, no need to repeat yourself. Sam, I … I don’t think I want kids.’

‘I don’t expect you to raise it. I can raise a kid myself, Leon. I have a good job, a good income, and there are many single moms out there, it wouldn’t be anything out of the ordinary.’ she countered. It came out like a prepared speech.

‘But it would still be my kid. It might get my ugly visage, might suffer my fate to gain three pounds by only looking at chocolate, my overflow of body hair I have to take care of way too frequently, my …’ I paused – why exactly were we having this discussion?

‘Come on, Leon, you turned out pretty handsome and you know it. But more importantly you’re intelligent, funny and you have a big heart. And I don’t feel much of those additional pounds right now. You used to be a more comfy cushion.’ she said with some amusement in her voice.

Sam always overdid it when she described me. I hadn’t fallen from the ugly tree, but I wasn’t a hunk either. I was six foot tall, had dark hair, blue eyes, wide shoulders and a relatively athletic body that was the result of countless hours at the gym and just as many sacrifices when it came to food. I showered and brushed my teeth daily, had a standing appointment at the hair dresser every three months and a generally well-groomed appearance – something that comes with working in the City of London. According to Sam, women should practically eat me alive. Only, they didn’t. I wasn’t completely unsuccessful and usually spent three to six months every other year in a relationship. I figured I just hadn’t found the right one yet.

‘Then you’d have two people in your life who don’t know when to shut the fuck up. You
sure you want that?’ I exhaled. ‘Sam, where is this coming from? You never wanted kids. We’ve talked about this so many times…’

‘I just feel my biological clock. It’s one thing to say no if you have the option, but when you feel the option slipping from you, it’s much harder to stick with your decision.’ she mused.

‘And you …’ I paused.

Sam finished my sentence, ‘… wonder if this is everything life has to offer. Chasing bitches for a bit of pussy, only to get my heart broken because they eventually discover ‘Oh, I’m into dicks after all’. I’m a woman, Leon. There’s a big part of my body that is made to conceive and give birth to a child.’

‘What about test-tube fertilisation?’ I asked, not sounding very hopeful. Sam and her doctor phobia.

‘To get a stranger’s baby? The baby of a complete tosser? Besides, Leon, you know how it takes me a month to mentally prepare myself just to make the appointment at the gynaecologist’s. That guy only takes a sample out of my vagina and I’m frightened to death. Guess how I feel if he actually puts something in there!’ She sighed.

‘So you rather have sex with me? I’d pick major surgery over sex with a bloke!’ I countered.

‘Well, I wouldn’t.’ Simple enough response.

‘Why me? There’s a lot of other fit blokes out there.’

‘Because you’re my best friend? Because I trust you? Because the other blokes can hardly keep their tongue in their mouth when they see me? Because they might have STDs?’ she argued. Oh yeah, Sam’s strongest argument against having sex with guys were STDs. I guess if you’re afraid of doctors, it makes sense to be afraid of anything that could make you go to a doctor.

I sighed. ‘Speaking strictly hypothetically, we’d shag, you’d get pregnant and that’s it?’ I asked.

She turned her head to look at me with that shame in her eyes. ‘It might not be a one-time thing.’

I was lucky not to have diet coke in my mouth this time. ‘What? You think you’d fall for me, we’d marry and be happy ever after?’

‘No, silly,’ Sam said in a tone as if I had just claimed the world was flat. ‘I might not get pregnant from a single shag, it could take a few tries. Plus, studies show that chances of conception are increased if the woman has an orgasm, and as much as I love you, I don’t find you very arousing. No offence.’

‘None taken.’ I answered. Believe it or not, but the feeling was mutual.

‘So, you might end up shagging me several times, stud.’ Sam tried to tease, but I could tell it wasn’t her usual tease. She was way out of her waters.

I did what I always do best – I shoved the emotions out of my head and clung to the numbers. ‘The chance of getting pregnant is around thirty percent per cycle for a healthy female aged twenty-eight. That’s the highest it ever gets. At thirty-three, you’re probably in the twenty-five percent area. You’re looking at an expected value of two to three tries.’

Sam rolled her eyes first – she always did that when my minor in statistics got the better of me – but then gave me a confused stare. ‘How come you know so much about getting women pregnant?’

I tried to look nonchalant – I remembered very well why I knew that. ‘I looked it up once.’

‘And why would you do that? You, of all people, who doesn’t want to have kids?’ she pressed. Of course she would. Sam knew me just as well as I knew her.

I sighed. ‘Well, again speaking strictly hypothetically, what if I ever ended up in a situation with a drunk girl who was actually willing to do me, and I realise the only condom in useful distance is in my wallet, has been in there for about three months and shows obvious signs that it’s no longer to be trusted. Let’s further assume that said girl is not on the pill, her period was roughly two weeks ago, but she urges me to do a coitus interruptus, which I fail to do because I’m drunk and horny beyond believe. So, just in case I ended up in this situation, I’d find it interesting to have an estimate of the probability of having just conceived a baby or gotten an STD.’

Sam raised an eyebrow at me. ‘You’re not as smart as you seem to be, are you?’

‘I was young, horny, daft, and incredibly lucky.’ I admitted.

‘Who was the lucky girl?’ she asked.

Oh lord. See, already things had changed. Fifteen minutes ago I would have enjoyed sharing that story. Right now, Sam was on my list of potential lovers, even though I hadn’t accepted her proposal. Wasn’t going to accept her proposal. But that impossibility was out of the way. And you just don’t share stories of past lovers with potential future lovers.

‘Carla Higgins.’ I eventually admitted.

‘You did Carla? The big breasted I-shall-wait-until-I-marry Carla? When was that?’

‘About three months after we graduated high school. You have no idea what kind of joy a man can get from the simple words ‘I just had my period’.’ I relived a small amount of the relief I felt all those years ago.

‘And that HIV test did come back negative, right?’ she checked.

‘I’m clean and healthy as a horse. Not that it should matter to you, because we’re only speaking hypothetically.’ Sam gave me a frustrated, yet longing look. I backpedalled a bit. ‘Are we?’

‘I’ve been thinking about this for over a year, Leon. You cannot even begin to imagine how much courage it took me to ask you this question.’ Those chocolate brown eyes, the very eyes I couldn’t deny anything, started to tear up while staring into mine. ‘I’m not in a relationship, you haven’t been seeing anyone in six months, and I don’t even mind if you do other women beside me. I’d just be a friend with benefits until we succeed.’ Sam paused again and took a deep breath. ‘Would you do it?’

I sighed and tightened my hold around Sam, turning her around so her back was against my chest. It wasn’t fair if she looked at me like that, and I needed to think straight.

‘When was your last period?’ I asked eventually.

‘Monday,’ Sam replied, ‘Saturday next week would be a good time to start.’ Indeed – it would be high season for her fertility. Sam had done her research, just like I had after doing Carla Higgins.

It was quiet for a long minute and I tried to think. I couldn’t imagine Sam laying a hand on me in a sexual way. Cuddling? Yes. Anything beyond that? No.

‘I’ll pick you up 5pm on Saturday, and you’ll be home again by Sunday night. I’m not saying anything is going to happen, okay? But it’ll give us both some time to think about it, and enough opportunity if we decide that it’s a good idea after all.’ I turned her around to look at me. ‘No promises Sam, except that we will share a hotel room and I won’t bring condoms.’ Those promises were innocent enough – after all, we had done exactly that a number of times before. Right?

Sam rolled her eyes, before the smile broke wide on her face.

Oh God, what a mess have I gotten myself into this time?


‘How fucking stupid am I?’ I said out loud for maybe the two-thousand three-hundred-and-forty-seventh time since Sam had left that night. I hadn’t been myself the entire week, and I had another five days of this anticipation ahead of me. That mixture of fear, fright, that feeling of being uncomfortable – and what confused me most, lust. I lusted over Sam Wilson, my best pal of seventeen years. All it took her was a couple of words, a couple of looks into my eyes, and she had opened that Pandora’s Box I had managed to shut tightly and shove away deep down in my brain.

My male friends had made fun of me countless times on how gay I was that I didn’t want to fuck Samantha Wilson’s brains out. I usually answered that I wasn’t completely cock-driven like they were, and it was true back then. I had never felt lust when I saw Sam.

‘Course, that was all out the window now. My cock literally hurt from all the wanks I had with Sam staring in my fantasy. Her lips sucking me senseless, her nipples in my mouth, my tongue
up her pussy – and her swaying hips impaled on my shaft with her gorgeous body for my hands to explore in the dim light of a romantic hotel room.

That was earlier this week. Today, my mind engaged in anal sex with Sam. Tomorrow, it might be tit-fucking and I guessed a nice deep throat session was on the agenda for Tuesday. The rest of the week was reserved for threesomes with a couple of her ex-girlfriends. And then, Saturday… oh … Saturday.

But there was also another picture of Sam in my brain. It was a happy Sam, a Sam with a smile so wide even I had never seen her so happy before. Her hands were on her tummy – make that belly – which she caressed absent-mindedly. She was huge. She still looked gorgeous, almost glowing. Sometimes I appeared behind her and put my hands onto her belly, too. Sometimes she was alone.

The worst part was that I still hadn’t made up my mind about what I should do this weekend. Could I trust myself around her? Should I really go? Could we ever go back to the way we were before, or had something already changed permanently? And: Who did she think she was that she put me in this awful position to begin with? Was it her right to risk, make that sacrifice, our friendship, the best thing we had in our lives, only because she wanted something for herself? Because she wanted a child?

I couldn’t come to a conclusion because my body and my mind had different goals. My mind desperately clung to the easy-going, trusting friend that Sam was to me. My cock, however, had gotten the memo loud and clear that suddenly this gorgeous creature was available, and the two fought an atomic war inside me which left me rendered useless between wanking and being depressed. The only slightly meaningful thing I had done this week apart from work was refreshing the statistics of conceiving a child. What can I say? I’m a numbers guy.


To say that the week dragged on was an understatement. It would be similar to say that a journey to Pluto was dragging. If I had had the alternative to participate in a five day Sex and the City marathon, I would have gladly taken it.

Pat called me Thursday night. ‘So, what are your plans for the weekend? We’ll go to the pub Saturday night.’

‘Yeah, I won’t be around.’ I’m going away for a night of mad sex.

‘Is there some secret party you’re going to?’ Pat asked surprised. I hardly ever turned down a night at the pub.

‘Nope, I need to catch up with work this weekend. Sorry.’ I need to plant a baby inside Sam Wilson. You know, the usual.

‘You can even bring Sam along, especially if she brings a few of her bi friends!’ Pat pressed. Why would he even mention Sam? Was he a bloody mind-reader?

‘No idea what Sam is up to, I haven’t spoken to her all week.’ At least the second part was true.

‘Alright, mate. If you change your mind, you know where to find us.’

Actually, I’ve change my mind. ‘Sure thing. I gotta get back to work. Enjoy the weekend.’

I checked the weather report, and although it was only May it was supposed to be quite warm. I decided to book a nice hotel down south at the beach. It wouldn’t be crowded yet as the main season was still over a month away, and we could work a bit on our tan. Because nothing was going to happen. We would get there, be uncomfortable around each other, watch a pay-per-view movie, enjoy the restaurants, hang out at the beach and check out women’s racks, get drunk and chat about how fucked up the world is. Um. Cross that. I wasn’t getting drunk around Sam. Not this weekend, anyway.


The entire Friday and Saturday, I waited for Sam to cancel. She had done it plenty of times to go on a last minute date with some hot chick, or she had a bad hair day – on those days I’d just go over to her place rather than going out. Surely, she must have come to her senses by now. Surely, this must all be a practical joke. Maybe she had forgotten about it, since we hadn’t spoken since she left my apartment last week. Like I’d get that lucky.

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Lesbian Sex With My Mature Boss Kusum

I am lata,35 years lesbian.i am in corporate world at a very high position.i am fair,beautiful,self dependent single woman,having a good curvy figure of 38D-28-38.i am a sexy and naughty women but keep my secrets with me.I am a full lesbian and don’t need invitation by male.so males stay away from further from me and girls and women enjoy my story and make yourself wet.i am writing a very hot and sexy my real life lesbian experience that happened between me and my boss on a tour.you can also...

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Lesbian partner took me by surprise Lesbian Stories

I recently moved to New York from Kentucky. They geographical chance as well as cultural was immense. Adjusting to the new place and culture were not the only challenges though. I am Verona, and I am lesbian. It was not the best experience to come out of the closet in my teenage years in Kentucky. Coming from a very conservative neighborhood and family, I was always looked down upon by everyone. So much so, I even started dating guys to calm down the gossips instead of trying to find a lesbian...

4 years ago
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Lesbian Day at the Beach

“Let’s take a holiday this weekend and go to the beach!” Monica declared. Candice, the little vamp that she was, jumped into Monica’s arms with her feet wrapped around her waist in glee. “Yes, yes, yes, yes!” the diminutive girl exclaimed, and locked the woman in an intimate embrace. Their tongues intertwined as Monica grasp the suspended girl’s ass holding her close to her. In Darwin, Australia, lesbians were not totally uncommon, and it wasn’t easy to find one’s soul mate with just the...

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Lesbian Magic Part Three

Rose was led to another room, and then downstairs by a beautiful black woman with bronzed skin. Her black hair fell to her shoulders and was a little wavy at the bottom. She was tall and had a strong but kind face.Her eyes were dark brown and hinted at the fact that there was something misleading about her face. The girl was good when she wanted to be and would never hurt anyone but she liked corrupting young girls. She had a talent for spotting a girl's hidden desires and twisting them around...

2 years ago
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Lesbian Pussy

Lesbian Pussy (proofread by Red) Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Kelly. I'm a nurse. I work full time and have two children. I'min my early thirties. I have a nice body--at least that is what I'm told. Ithink I could stand to loose a pound or two. The power-lifting I did when Iwas younger still makes my body look very muscular. So, you get the idea--I'm in fairly good shape and very busy. One day while I was trying to get some rest one of my friends came over.Her name is Victoria....

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Lesbian MILF Seductress BrideChapter 7 The Bachelorette Party the Le Chateau Club

Susanne was petrified of what Maggie and Bree had planned for her bachelorette party. But she also felt that as long as she was with other friends she would be fine. She had to be impervious to Bree's charms. Susanne insisted on the full agenda of the evening's activities. Maggie gave her sister the plan that was very tame on paper ... yet each stop was all part of an elaborate plan. The first stop was supper at the upper class Rizzo's, which set up the plan to have Susanne get all...

4 years ago
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Lesbian Sex With My Mature Boss

I am posting an another sex story. this time is a Lesbian story , so i hope you will enjoy Reading.I am in corporate world at a very high position.i am fair,beautiful,self dependent single woman,having a good curvy figure of 38D-28-38.i am a sexy and naughty women but keep my secrets with me.I am a full lesbian and don’t need invitation by male.so males stay away from further from me and girls and women enjoy my story and make yourself wet.i am writing a very hot and sexy my real life lesbian...

3 years ago
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Lesbian Sex With My Mature Boss

Hi to Everyone . Another sex story i will post.This time is a lesbian story i hope you would enjoy Reading.I am in corporate world at a very high position.i am fair,beautiful,self dependent single woman,having a good curvy figure of 38D-28-38.i am a sexy and naughty women but keep my secrets with me.I am a full lesbian and don’t need invitation by male.so males stay away from further from me and girls and women enjoy my story and make yourself wet.i am writing a very hot and sexy my real life...

4 years ago
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Lesbian Leanings

"We were so--" Abbie paused, searching for the word that would best embody her thought--"naïve." Behind her, the sea, blue-green to the far horizon, rolled in, white-capped and foaming, to break upon the golden sands of the deserted shore.Rocks, seemingly stacked, one upon the next, formed jagged, jumbled pillars, against a cloudless sky of radiant blue.A low rail guarded the platform that overlooked the forested mountainside and the meadow, bright with wildflowers, far below.A trail,...

3 years ago
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Lesbian Ecstasy

Hi readers, JJ is back after a break with a lovely lesbian tale. We had been through the hostel, teacher student friends etc etc with the lesbian action. This submission below is of a narrative in nature where I as a outsider or a candid viewer will go deep into what happens while two lesbian lovers close the door behind. All fun and actions are given in a third person expression. This something new to me and have tried my best to give you a arousal of 2008.In another way the readers can also...

1 year ago
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Lesbian Pussy

Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Kelly. I’m a nurse. I work full time and have two children. I’m in my early thirties. I have a nice body, at least that is what I’m told. I think I could stand to lose a pound or two. The power lifting I did when I was younger still makes my body look very muscular. So, you get the idea. I’m in fairly good shape and very busy. One day, while I was trying to get some rest, one of my friends came over. Her name is Victoria. I’ve known her for about three...

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Lesbian Love And My Finest Hour

I now held my tongue inside her as now she gently pushed back on my tongue as we fucked. Her ass was fucking me in the most dirty way. Nothing in the world has ever lured me into this type of sexual activity as this lesbian ass that was fucking my mature and loving tongue. Now was the time I remove her shorts and underpants completely. Now was the time I tongue fuck a cunt, or more precisely - time for a cunt to fuck my tongue… Lesbian Love And My Finest Hour! I don’t always have any such...

1 year ago
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Lesbian Friends

Mandy and I had been the best of friends since we were in nursery school and we had been through just about every sort of experience imaginable together, the beginning and breakdown of relationships with boys from the sixth through to senior high school and the physical changes that had somehow happened at the same time for both of us. Now, both nineteen years old it was time for us to try something else; something that we knew our strict Catholic parents would not approve of if they found out:...

2 years ago
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Lesbian sister and her girlfriend

My sister, Jane is a 18 year old with a sexy figure. I bet any man would want to fuck her, well her own brother(me) wanted to fuck her but she was a lesbian. She even had a girlfriend, Em, she was 19. Had a nice ass. Definitely fuckable. Now coming to the part where i fucked them. Now i didnt knew at the time my sister was a lesbian. She never disclosed it because my family was religious. Now i would often see Em come over for a sleepover. Me and Jane used to live together. At first it didnt...

3 years ago
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Lesbian Sex With My Aunt

When I heard of this website I got a feeling that I should also share my story. But I was afraid if someone came to know that I am not virgin. Well I thought it’s alright. So this is a story about how I got to have lesbian sex with my aunt. Well Im 18 years old and I never had a boyfriend because I was not able to find a nice guy. But I wasn’t a lesbian always. My aunt’s name is jayashree. She is 45 years old and she looks fair and she is a bit fat but she is sexy for me. I became a lesbo...

4 years ago
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Lesbian Dream

Hi to all, I’m “Cross Dresser and Lesbian from Bangalore and I served so many lesbian in my life time. Most of them are my friends and they telling their story in these stories I am sending you the following stories and this is one of my real story which took place at Shimogga Koppa. I and Ashu are the two close friends from our collage days. We are in different class. But we meet daily and chat till to end of the school. She is at hostel and I am coming from home day by day our friendship...

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Lesbian Eats the Futa8217s Creampie

A fresh musk filled my nose. Something squirmed atop me. A hot mouth engulfed my dick, sucking hard on me. My cock pulsed in the hungry mouth. My eyes fluttered open. I groaned, this heat rippling through my body, my cunt clenching. I had a cock? My groggy mind struggled to work through that question. My eyes opened and stared at the pussy inches from my face covered by a fine down of strawberry-blonde hair. The slit was tight, beading with juices. I shuddered from the mouth sucking hard on my...

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Lesbian Mind Control Incest Chapter 3 Daughters Taboo Reward

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Three: Daughter's Taboo Reward By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “That's it, work that tongue into my ass, Lily,” I moaned, kneeling on my bed beside my wonderful, eighteen-year-old daughter Janet. She had a look of rapture on her face, mirroring my own, as Alison, her older sister and my eldest daughter, rimmed her ass. “You love my ass, you lesbian slut.” “I do, Mistress,” Lily...

2 years ago
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Lesbian Ultrasound Tech

For my first job out of Junior College, I was lucky enough to land a position with a successful Medical Company as an Ultrasound Tech. I specialize in doing ultrasounds on pregnant women in determining the sex of the expectant child.I thoroughly enjoyed my work as I got to view semi-nude women and have access to their bare abdomens. As a lesbian, this gave me thrills that I would not have otherwise experienced. I would sometimes let my hands stray near or actually touch pussies. Sometimes...

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Lesbian mother in law 5 taken from behind

Part 5 of a series. The order is at the end of this story.I had been sleeping with my partners mother for a few months and I was loving sex with both. Adam had a big cock, and his mam Eve could lick me to orgasm better than any man I had ever slept with. And she also had a good collection of toys when either of us wanted penetration.I had recently found out that Eve had started sleeping with her ex husband Joe. She said he could give her something I couldn't. I bet that something was between...

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lesbian desires

Written by my mom.Carrie felt the hand tighten around her neck, so she struggled harder. If she didn’t get free soon she knew what was in store for her. Everyone at work had told her that Jess was a lesbian and that she would hit on her and she scolded them and tried to befriend her, which lasted for about two months worth of being ogled like a piece of meat. She had not talked to her in a while when Jess had called her out of the blue with an apology, a peace offering and a chance to make...

5 years ago
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Lesbian teen mom8217s lust

Hi all enjoy this lusty story. Susan’s pager beeped its distinct tone as she came out of a business meeting in Zurich, signaling that one of “her girls” had left a message on the hot line she set up in case they ever got in trouble, or needed help. Once back in the hotel she immediately made the call. “Hi Susan, this is Kara. I’m all right,” the message on the machine back in California began. Smart Kara – to state that important fact first, so that Susan would not suffer unnecessary anxiety....

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Lesbian Magic Part Two

Sarah felt herself being pulled away from her friends into another room. She didn’t know why she went so easily but a strange voice inside of her head told her to go. She felt uncomfortable being around these lesbians from the way that she was dressed and feared that it would encourage them to try something.She was wearing a tight pink crop top that barely covered her breasts and had one of the four buttons undone to make her breasts more visible. Her breasts were the perfect size to attract...

4 years ago
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Lesbian Sex In Hostel Room

Hai all. This is jennifer back again with another real story. This incident happened last week. This is my second story here. I am posting this as I got very good response to my previous story. I am sorry if there are any mistakes. Drop a mail if you have any suggestions and complaints. Thanks for the overwhelming response to my previous post. I hope this one is better than my previous. Boys, get ready to shake your cocks, girls get ready to rub your pussies. Coming to the story, I am a 20 yr...

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Lesbian Teen Dream

When my parents announced that we were to go on holiday to France and stay on a campsite I was not very impressed! The also told me that my cousin Tabitha and her parents were coming too. I didn’t like the sound of that either. I didn’t really know my cousin as I had only met her a few times, usually at weddings and the occasion family party. My opinion changed rather quickly once we arrived at this brilliant lively campsite which had a swimming pool complex, waterslides, shops, bar, and loads...

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Lesbian Desire 2

Carries continued defilement by a group of lesbians continues and we now join our poor heroine about to be subjected to even more lesbian perversions. Krizzy Carrie lay trembling her tears rolling down her cheeks, her anus and pussy burned with pain from the rapes inflicted upon them earlier, she had tried all night to loosen the padded cuffs that held her pinned to the mattress,”Please God help me to get out of this disgusting mess alive…I promise that I’ll do whatever you want,just...

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Lesbian Fun Party

Lesbian Fun Party Lesbian Fun Party Chapter 1 Maria, C?line and Sharon were three young women. They had a gathering because they had all graduated and decided to throw a little private party. Maria was the proud hostess. Despite music and alcohol, the party lacked ambiance. ?The party is a bit dull,? C?line admitted, ?What can we do to make it more interesting??  The girls looked at each other and sighed. Sharon looked away from C?line and stared at Maria. For no apparent reason Sharon reach...

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Lesbian Sex With Webcam Model Abigail

Dear ISS readers, this is my first sex story and I would like to share my experience; an experience of a 19-year-old introvert girl, attracted only towards girls, interested in their body, struggling to convince them to share intimacy. Any self-respecting, shapely, nymphomaniac lesbian like me would look for an alternate source for carnal pleasures. There was this girl in my junior college who I found to be of my type. When I saw her for the first time in college, I had to rush myself...

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Lesbian Peril Legal

LESBIAN PERIL LEGAL LESBIAN PERIL LEGAL  By Michelle Makens Chap. 1 A preference choice to continue a small but somewhat lucrative law practice with L.P.L Brokerage & Defense (known only to a chosen inner circle as Lesbian Power Legal B&D) easily fulfilled my secular desirers and soon became more rewarding in many ways. With the shared caseloads and practical billable hours, things were less hectic as the overall workweek schedule helped open up my personal time for many other more...

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Lesbian Paradise

Maggie had been deserted, dumped and left high and dry. Her recent split from her marriage of 5 years had left her in the middle of nowhere in life. She had left her job after getting married to Jake as his high paying job meant she needn't lift a finger to get what she wanted. Just when life seemed perfect and she was in her total bliss, things took a tragic turn. She discovered that Jake had been cheating on her since the 1st day of their marriage and everything it stood for was a complete...

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lesbian desires

Upon waking Carrie felt complete and total horror, she was naked, her hand’s were cuffed and pulled to her front, and she was face down with heavy leather straps running around her upper thighs and ankles spreading her legs leaving her private parts visible for the world to see. Basically face down and ass up, Carrie tried twisting to find some sort of escape but there was none ,she pulled against the cuffs till her wrists were raw., screaming seemed to have no effect, as what seemed like...

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Lesbian CoWorker Changes My Life

I work at an Eye Doctor’s office as the Senior Nurse and behind the scenes I run the place. Basically, I’m married to a Navy officer who had “seen the world” so we did some kinky sex now and then. All in all though I am kind of naïve about sex. Well my first day at work I was introduced to Brenda. She was the most muscular women I had ever seen. She had the physique of a bodybuilder. After a few days I was told that Brenda was a lesbian and I thought to myself, no k**ding, like it wasn’t...

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Lesbian twin sister Part 2

Lesbian twin s_ister Part 2The sun was just rising behind the trees lines at the back of the pool when I woke up in Sara’s large king size bed; we were both naked. Her arms were wrapped somehow around me and she snuggled up tightly into me. She looked so at peace and happy and it took me a little while to put everything what happened last night into place. The smile on her face and of course on mine, plus the sticky mess between my legs refreshed my mind rather quickly. The smell of stale sex...

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Lesbian Encounter With Roommate Neelu

Hello everyone. This is Shalini (obviously name changed). I am a huge fan of this ISS Forum for the last 5years where I get too much horny temptations when I go through some erotic stories which make me to masturbate me with my dildo in front of PC only. I am not criticizing other stories by saying that they aren’t erotic and each and every story has its own temptations which boost us to have immediate sex right now. Now let me describe myself guys I am a girl from Hyderabad with 34-26-34 not...

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Lesbian teen momrsquos lust

Hi all enjoy this lusty story. Susan’s pager beeped its distinct tone as she came out of a business meeting in Zurich, signaling that one of “her girls” had left a message on the hot line she set up in case they ever got in trouble, or needed help. Once back in the hotel she immediately made the call.“Hi Susan, this is Kara. I’m all right,” the message on the machine back in California began. Smart Kara – to state that important fact first, so that Susan would not suffer unnecessary anxiety....

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Lesbian awakening part II

Returning home will never be the same Helens wetness grows ever stronger. And all she thinks about is getting fucked .. CHAPTER 2 ..…. NEW OBSESSIONS … After the mornings events Sally called into work and said she had arranged for my self and Gail a closed court visit to familiarise us in the court room and when she got off the phone she explained to us this was normal practice and she gave us a print out with a breaf rundown of the questions management may ask about our...


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