Middle Aged Folly
- 4 years ago
- 21
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I’m sorry this chapter was a LONG time in coming. (No pun intended ^_~). It was very difficult to write since the sex is different than anything I had done thus far.
Fair Warning: This chapter contains very light bondage (no pain, only pleasure), masturbation, and fun with a dildo. If none of this appeals to you, then don’t continue! On top of everything else, it’s self-edited so there will be mistakes!
Otherwise, I hope you enjoy this chapter and remember that I LOVE honest feedback and voting!
Honoria was tempted to fan herself, but refrained for fear of giving away her thoughts. The memories were making her hot and wet. Instead, she stood up and went to the little fridge behind the bar hoping a bottled water would help cool her rampaging hormones.
At the poker table, the men were placing their bets. Gabriel threw in his chips while keeping an eye on the woman at the bar. He was angry with her: angry she did not readily give her name when she freely stated her name to all three of his poker friends, angry she would flirt with other men while they had an agreement, angry she did not understand she belonged to him. He did not want to be in the room playing an idiotic poker game. All he wanted to do was drag the infernal woman to his room, tie her to the bed…again, and not let her go until she understood she was made specifically for him.
He quelled the strong, primal urge within. It took a Herculean effort to force his attention back to the game. His friends thought it would be fair to make Honor part of the winning pot. Each wanted her for their selfish needs. Gabe would be damned if he let her fall into their hands. He had claimed her, she would be his wife, and damn the rest for thinking otherwise.
The water did not cool her lust. She could feel Gabriel’s eyes on her, had a hope he was pissed. Honoria suppressed the little nagging hope. She had run from his bed and she had not laid eyes on him in twenty-four hours. She did it purely for self-preservation. It did not matter how much she hoped he cared for her, the fact remained they had an agreement. Illicit, no strings sex in the evenings as long as her vacation lasted. He was not press for her name, and they would part never to see each other in the future after it was over. It all went up in smoke the moment he started demanding information from her and she started to have feelings from him.
There was a sudden stabbing pain in her heart at the thought of never seeing him again. It was a ludicrous feeling since she had absolutely no idea who he really was. They had not spent their time together chatting and getting to know each other, they had been too busy rolling around in bed. Well…some of the nights rolling around in bed.
Maybe it was because her body was at his mercy. He was a master at making her body sing, her mind go blank, and her senses come alive with just a look. All of which he had proven time and again, even going as far as to torture answers out of her. The man could make ordinary things seem sexual to the extreme.
Honoria could feel her cheeks grow warmer, the blush traveling down to her breasts, making the nipples tighten in awareness. She would never be able to eat strawberries in public again. Not after what he did their second night together. Honor realized her dilemma the morning after their sinfully erotic night with strawberries and syrups.
Three days ago…
Gabe had kept her awake till early morning hours, Honor guessed they finally dropped from exhaustion around four. Who knew you could do so much with strawberries? He had taken his time doing all sorts of wicked things with the deliciously sweet fruit, putting them in places they would not normally go, mixing them with her own flavor…making her taste herself mixed with the naturally ripe sweetness. By the time he was done they were both sticky in strawberry juice and two types of syrup.
She had been exhausted, barely able to move a muscle just like the morning after their first night together. Gabe had insisted they needed a shower. Honor could have cared less. She was so satiated all she wanted to do was cuddle and sleep, sticky mess be damned. Unfortunately, or maybe that is fortunately, Gabriel would not listen to her protests. He picked her up as if she weighed nothing more than a feathered pillow, and marched to the bathroom.
The shower in his hotel room was sheer heaven, and still held the power to impress her even though she had taken a shower in it the night before. The ceiling of the shower was at least eight feet high, four feet wide with gold veined marble tiles. There was no showerhead. Instead, the water rained down from the ceiling as if a wayward rain cloud had lost its way. The extravagance of the shower paled in comparison to Gabriel’s splendor, an angel whose wings had been clipped.
It was with irritation and a heavy heart when Honoria’s internal alarm woke her at six in the morning. Gabriel was so tired he had not even stirred as she left the bed.
There was no denying he was a well-made man. His hair was tousled, and his face relaxed in repose. The whole picture was all too tempting especially since Honor would be going through the morning on very little sleep.
Something inside her turned soft and feminine. The feeling grew into a need to demand from him so much more than he was willing to give. That scared her more than facing her worst fears.
When she left the room fully dressed, she was determined that she would take a step back. She gave him more than just her body. He managed to ravage her mind until thought was impossible. It was only one step away from claiming her heart and soul. That was something she could not allow. Not if she wanted to walk away from her vacation with nothing more than pleasant memories. At this rate, she would be walking away with a broken heart, broken dreams, and bittersweet memories.
Even though Honor’s mind and body were in turmoil, she still had the presence of mind to leave Gabriel a message at the front desk, sending her regrets about leaving so early and informing him what time she would be at his suite later.
It was eight in the morning, the time Michael insisted they have breakfast. Honoria was barely awake and she hoped having food would help give her enough energy to make it through the meeting. Afterwards, she planned to stumble back to her hotel room and have a long nap sans sexy hard male body pillow.
She blindly stared at her menu, her eyes unable to focus. Setting it aside with a heavy sigh, she decided she would just have waffles, eggs, and orange juice. There was no need to frustrate her fragile sanity by making a complicated affair out of ordering breakfast.
‘Are you ready to order?’ A young waiter, who seemed just as tired as Honor, looked at her and waited expectantly.
‘Ummm…waffles, scrambled eggs, and large orange juice.’ She mumbled the sentence feebly, surprised the waiter was able to understand.
‘You want any type of fruit on your waffles?’ He scribbled furiously on his pad.
The question brought Honor’s tired yet gutter, driven mind back to Gabriel and the strawberries. In a panic, she was barely able to hold back from screaming ‘no’ at the waiter. Instead, she shook her head in the negative. It was safer than verbal communication.
Michael, unaware of Honor’s discomfort, ordered a breakfast fit for a lumberjack and insisted on a bowl of strawberries. After the waiter left with their orders, he smiled at her.
‘Strawberries are good for the brain. I guess you could say I have a superstition when it comes to them. Can’t go into a meeting or decide on anything major unless I have strawberries for breakfast.’ That said, he started telling her about the meeting she agreed to translate for.
He was going over the outline of the meeting, what his company was trying to accomplish. Honoria studiously hoped i
t was something she could bluff her way through because she could not bring her mind to focus on the task at hand. It was firmly entrenched in perverse thoughts.
Her infernal mind kept playing over the events of last night — the most erotic and exciting night of her life — over and over again. The wayward thoughts were already causing certain parts of her body to react. She could feel her breasts swell with the memories. Her were nipples begging to be played with.
Most alarming was the tingling sensation that started to become more and more insistent as she fidgeted in her chair. Her distended clit was hitting the seam of her pants in a way that was driving her crazy. She was starting to become wet, and she feared people would be able to see a moist spot on her jeans if she stood up.
Things were slowly getting out of hand. Luckily Michael’s attention was firmly on the notes in his hands. He kept talking all the way through her ordeal. Honoria became more distressed when the waiter brought the tray filled with their order. He plopped the bowl of strawberries in the middle of the table with a decisive ‘thud.’
Honor’s eyes widened, she could see nothing but the strawberries think of nothing other than the places Gabriel had put them – and sucked them out – the night before. She was breathing hard, her mind firmly entrenched in sexual images, damn strawberries. Her body burned for release, but the object of her desires was nowhere to be found.
Briefly, she looked across the table at Michael. As far as she was concerned, Gabriel never demanded a monogamous fling. Michael definitely had the equipment to ease her ache temporarily. Her mind vehemently rejected the thought.
It was not just the equipment that sated her, it was the way Gabe went about doing it. It was about the way he touched her, the way he licked her, and the way he thrust in a rhythm that was uniquely him. She knew it would have been different with Michael and he would not have been able to satisfy her.
Honoria stood up, bumping the table with her knee. The unexpected pain did little to help her desire, somehow it managed to mix with the sexual throb to make it more demanding. ‘I have to go to the lady’s room!’ Without an answer, she turned and nearly ran to the feminine haven.
Luck was with her. There was no one in the room when she entered, and she pleaded with any deity who would listen that no one would enter while she was otherwise occupied. Honor went into the farthest stall, made sure the lock was firmly in place, and undid her pants, pulling her underwear down along with them.
Masturbation never worked before, but she had never been so worked up. She had never felt the heat radiating from her weeping cunt. Her underwear was soaked through, thank god the wetness had not seeped into her jeans.
Images of Gabriel flooded her mind. His intensely blue eyes filled with hunger and lust took up a prominent place in her vivid fantasies. She pulled up her shirt and kneaded her breasts, tweaked her nipples. The sensations raced down her overheated body to her quivering pussy.
Her right hand traveled down her body, over her gently rounded stomach, into the thatch of brown curls. She used her index finger to swirl around her clit before pressing it. Honor’s breath hitched at the sensation. If only Gabe’s talented and agile tongue could replace her finger.
Honoria spread her legs as far as her restraining pants would allow, then plunged two fingers into her awaiting cunt as far as they would go. Her sob of need echoed in the empty bathroom. At that moment, she wished she had something bigger because her fingers were barely able to assuage her need. She desperately needed Gabriel’s cock, hard and pumping into her with brute force. She needed his strength to overtake her, his scandalous words to drown her in pleasure.
Her fingers managed to find the magic button her lover was so adept at locating. She bucked off the bathroom wall with the force of her reaction. Her left hand reached up to the top of the stall, she needed help standing or she would have fallen.
The images of a sensual man with knowing blue eyes and a body as sleek as a jungle cat’s spurred her wild, untamed passion. Her fingers furiously pumped in and out of her, making sure to hit her g-spot every time. The thumb was working her clit to add fire to the stimulation.
She could feel the explosion building, the abyss leading to oblivion drawing ever closer. Biting her left arm to stifle her scream of completion, Honoria swore an atomic bomb detonated inside of her. She lost track of time as she slid down the wall of the stall onto the floor, a boneless mass of partially satisfied woman yearning for a blue-eyed devil in the guise of a sinfully illusive angel.
Honor’s excursion into the bathroom had given her some semblance of control, though she kept her sights firmly on her plate, and did not stray to the strawberries still sitting at the center of the table. If Michael found her actions questionable, he said nothing and she was happy he kept a discreet air about him. Did he know what she did in the bathroom? Did anyone walk in on her?
The thoughts of the possibility only served to threaten her control, so she firmly kept her mind on the meeting. She was immensely happy when they were finally ready to part ways. After a quick farewell and a promise she would be at the business meeting the next day, she ran straight to her hotel and sought refuge in her room.
Gabriel read the note four times and was amazed at the audacity of the woman. She snuck out of his bed without his knowledge. That had never happened to him since his high school days. After he learned the art of seduction, practicing his expertise every chance he got, not one woman had left his bed. He had always been the one to leave theirs.
It was unsettling knowing he did not have any control over the woman he intended to marry. Gabe crumpled the note in his hand as he continued on to the lush dinning area of the hotel, anger making his steps swift.
If he had not made a prior engagement with one of his poker friends to meet for lunch, he would have sought out his wayward bride-to-be to drag her back to his bed where she belonged. He was a man used to having a woman always at his disposal.
Gabe’s fiery eyes scanned the casino of the hotel, skimming over each woman that came into view. He could have easily propositioned any woman to see to his morning needs, but he knew it would have been empty, like it had been so many times before.
His nighttime sex bunny had — astonishingly enough — been able to engage all his senses, shatter his massive control. She was a type of woman he had never encountered, a sexual novice. That fact had only proved to heighten his undying interest in her. She would be easy to mold, to teach what he liked in a bedmate, to constantly crave his touch because she knew the expert touch of no other feminine connoisseur.
Her enthusiasm and willingness to learn was an added bonus. She may not have been skilled, in fact there was a lot for her still to learn, but she was very willing to please him. That, above all else, was what pleased him most…it also puzzled him.
He knew her kind well. Her kind did not hop into bed with just any man because their emotions were firmly attached to the physical act of sex. He stopped at the threshold to the restaurant section of the hotel.
She might have come to him looking for an illicit affair, something to pass her nights while she was enjoying Los Vegas, but things had changed since their first night together. That first night had been fast and heated. Nothing more than two people squelching the lust that flared readily between them. Lately, especially last night, the sex had been meaningful, deeper.
Last night had not been sex, it had been making love. He craved and enjoyed coaxing the sighs, squeals, and screams from her kiss s
wollen lips. Watching her as he had given her a new experience was something he treasured. It was a novel gift she unknowingly gave him.
Could it be he harbored some deeper emotions for her, something that transcended the blissfully sexual? Gabriel had always expected to find a potential wife he would lust after, constantly want, and never tire of. He never expected to have such tender emotions, something beyond respect and honorability.
Gabriel continued his journey to the restaurant, mentally filing his thoughts and realizations into the back of his mind to be pondered at a later time.
Honoria felt refreshed after a three-hour nap. She was in search of Jasper for their lunch and theater date. There was an excited thrill at seeing him again. It was not the desirous thrill she felt with Gabe, but a tame desire to spend time with a good friend. She would not trade Gabe’s sexual experience for anything, but there was a lot to be said about a good friendship.
Friendship was something she would never have with Gabe. He was only interested in women as objects for his pleasure and nothing more. Currently she had no problems with his view since she was the one reaping the rewards, but it was also sad there would never be more between them. If only…
Honor shook the ‘what ifs’ out of her head, there was no point dwelling on things that would never happen. She had to appreciate what she had and be happy about it. Great sex, pleasant friendship, and extra money to spend on her vacation, those made her vacation more than she had originally planned. All she ever expected out of her vacation was a bit of fun, relaxation, and an empty wallet when she returned home.
Jasper was patiently waiting outside the restaurant. He looked a little nervous, shuffling from one foot to the other as if he could not keep still. They had only just met yesterday, but he seemed to be behaving oddly. Honor approached him as if he were a cornered wild animal.
‘Hi, Jasper,’ her smile was warm and sunny, the tone of her voice was amiable. ‘Are you okay? It looks like your having trouble standing still.’ She winced inwardly, that was too straightforward. Subtlety was never her strong point.
He looked momentarily taken aback, as if she had spoken another language. ‘No, no, nothing at all. Are you hungry?’ In a gallant gesture, he offered his elbow to her.
Honor’s stomach took the opportunity to rumble its own answer. Her left hand patted her stomach in an attempt to temporarily appease it. She took his elbow with her right and flashed a sheepish smile. ‘My neglected stomach says yes.’ Of course she was hungry, for the past few nights she had been engaging in marathon sex with a man who seemed to have endless stamina.
They ate a hearty lunch, Jasper commented on her exuberant appetite. To which she told him she had been so impressed by the workout facilities at her hotel she could not help but exercise the night away. She hated to lie to such a nice man, but told herself it was close to the truth.
For two hours they sat at the table learning about each other. Jasper was amazed at her aptitude for knowing odd facts. He also appreciated how smart she was. Whenever he steered the conversation towards intellectual topics, she had a ready opinion and substantial arguments to back up her stances. He could hear the chiming of spectral wedding bells.
When it was time to meander to the magic show, they did it arm-in-arm. The magic show, though the tickets were noticeably cheaper than those of a headliner magician, was surprisingly good. They ‘oohed’ and ‘aaahhed’ after every magic trick, they wondered at the mechanics of the illusion they had just witnessed, and they raised their hands to volunteer for a trick, disappointed when they were not picked.
After the show, they slowly walked out, both a little depressed to see the magic end. Honor had stars in her eyes, and Jared still heard the sound of wedding bells.
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I hope everyone enjoys this story. It came out of nowhere when I was trying to finish a chapter of another story. Please tell me what you think of it, constructive criticism is appreciated. Remember to take a second or two and vote! –~~– Honoria Balcolmbe chewed nervously at her manicured fingernails. For the millionth time, she wondered how she found herself in her current situation. She was in a posh poker room at some ritzy casino on the Vegas strip, sitting off in the corner while her...
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MasturbationNote: This is a work of FICTION! Although the areas this story takes place in are real, all of the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you are NOT REAL. As you read this story, try to remember: This is a Novel 86. Fun and Games. Fred and Sharon entered the bedroom finding the four girls by the headboard with pillows behind their back. Before Fred could reprimand them, Sharon asked, ‘Why aren’t you in the appropriate...
Note: This is a work of Fiction! Although the areas this story takes place in are real, all of the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you are NOT REAL. As you read this story try to remember: This as a Novel 122. (Tuesday, December 17) Final Wedding Preparations Julia held Sharon by her right arm as they toured the wedding facility. She wanted to make sure that Sharon did not feel like a fifth wheel, as she did when...
Note: This is a work of Fiction. Although the areas this story takes place in are real, the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you are Not Real. As you read this story, try to remember: THIS IS A NOVEL. Subtext: As many of you will remember, there was a problem with Chapter 8 being displayed on Literotica. Although they finally got it right, after I submitted an edit, I believe it was much too late for those who read...
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Note: This is a work of FICTION! Although the areas this story takes place in are real, all of the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you are NOT REAL. As you read this story, try to remember: THIS IS A NOVEL 70. Day Dreaming Stephano was sitting by Patty’s side, when he felt a hand touch his shoulder. He believed it was William, and stood up to give him his seat. As he turned, he thought he was dreaming, his...
Note: This is a work of FICTION! Although the areas this story takes place in are real, all of the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you are NOT REAL. As you read this story, try to remember: This is a Novel. 79. Planning If there is one place a man does not want to be, it is in the middle of a bunch of women planning a wedding. In this case we have three well-to-do men, marrying three totally different women....
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Note: This is a work of FICTION! Although the areas this story takes place in are real, all of the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you are NOT REAL. As you read this story, try to remember: THIS IS A NOVEL 74. Where The Girls Go To Play Michael Free called Stephano to ask how Patty’s tests were coming along. Stephano replied, ‘So far, Michael, Patty is driving her neurologist crazy. She had the hospital shut...
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There I was flat on my back with Ashley kneeling between my spread thighs, rubbing my cock between her heavy tits. She was in her final days of pregnancy and our doctor, Kelsey, said that Ashley had to wait a few weeks before she could get my dick in her pussy again. Poor Ashley had ballooned up in the last months of her pregnancy. What’s this with women and fat? She was miserable—but... “Ahhh,” I breathed as intense sensations overwhelmed me. I was in a place without words, without images....
Note: This is a work of Fiction. Although the areas this story takes place in are real, the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading are NOT REAL. As you read this story, try to remember: ‘THIS IS A NOVEL.’ The author retains all rights to this story. * 13. Hidden and Found What are the chances of two graduate students from the University of Massachusetts, in Amherst, running into one another, in a city of over 8 million...
Note: This is a work of fiction! Although the areas this story takes place in are real, all of the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you are NOT REAL. As you read this story try to remember: THIS IS A NOVEL! 118. A Shot In The Dark The operating room was massive. The walls were lined with inch thick lead and there were signs and lights on the outside that warned people not to enter without the appropriate...
Note: This is a work of FICTION! Although the areas this story takes place in are real, all of the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you are NOT REAL. As you read this story, try to remember, this is a NOVEL! * 18. Winners and Losers and Winners ‘He is losing too much blood, we have got to get him to the hospital.’ ‘Bull shit, William, your primary job is to get Stephano, the girls and yourself out of here, and...
NOTE: This is a work of FICTION! Although the areas this story takes place in are real, all of the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you, are NOT REAL. As you read this story, try to remember, this is a NOVEL. The author retains all rights to this story. Chapter 1 1. In the beginning Laura Garrett was a 20-year-old Manhattan College student, who just finished her junior year. She worked as a server, at an Italian...
I hated winters because I spent more time in a gym, or working out during warmer hours of the day. Only bad things was I sort of felt chagrin for thinking it, nothing bad and fun would ever happen while out late at night running. I lived in Utah for god sakes! I had been on early medical leave for almost a year now. I missed the action the rush of adrenaline that hits your system making you feel so alive when you're in danger and fighting for your life. I missed being on the teams, I...
Note: This is a work of Fiction! Although the areas this story takes place in are real, all of the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you are NOT REAL. As you read this story try to remember: THIS IS A NOVEL. 107. Strangers in Paradise When Dycke was told about Harold and Callie’s situation, he put his fleet of aircraft into action. Payne’s aircraft would have solved their problems, but it had been sent east as part...
Note: This is a work of FICTION! Although the areas this story takes place in are real, all of the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you are NOT REAL. As you read this story, try to remember: This is a Novel End Chapter 20 Unit no. 85 Saturday, October 16, 7:26 PM …There she was, lying on their bed, waiting for him. He had seen her naked, hundreds of times recently, and she always took his breath away. Today, her...
Note: This is a work of FICTION! Although the areas this story takes place in are real, all of the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you are NOT REAL. As you read this story, try to remember: This is a Novel 82. A Dress Rehearsal It was bound to happen sooner or later, but with Patricia’s wedding quickly approaching on October 16, and Sharon’s wedding planned for December 18, the wedding gowns had to start coming...
Note: This is a work of FICTION. Although the areas this story takes place in are real, the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you, are NOT REAL. As you read this story try to remember: THIS is a NOVEL. 15. A Meeting of the Minds ‘Stop pacing around the house like a caged dog, Alan, or leave. You are getting me nervous.’ ‘It is too early to leave, and I do some of my best thinking, while I am walking. I am trying...
Note: This is a work of FICTION! Although the areas this story takes place in are real, all of the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you are NOT REAL. As you read this please remember: This is a Novel * 96. The Reaper Claims Us All Bruno and Victoria Valentino were walking down a path at the Fort Polk Joint Use Base that they had walked many times before. It was a pleasant fall day in Louisiana. The summer heat had...
Note: This is a work of FICTION! Although the areas this story takes place in are real, all of the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you are NOT REAL. As you read this story, try to remember: THIS IS A NOVEL 65. Sex and the Single Girl After Stephano and Patty discussed what she had in mind for Sunday, he asked her if she would let him take care of it for her. Patty’s eyes glazed over at the thought of giving him...
The wheels screeched as the C-130 touched down on the runway. The jolt of the plane pulled Duncan back to reality. He was finally home. After a tour in Iraq and three tours in Afghanistan, he was done. He had decided not to re-enlist. He knew part of him would miss it, but there was a tremendous sense of relief that it was over. Once the plane stopped, he retrieved his things and followed the rest of the unit out the back of the plane. The sunlight warmed him and he took a deep breath of...
Straight SexCopyright© 2006 by Wine Maker The doorbell chimed cheerily. I frowned at the front door. It was after 10 PM - a bit late for company. I clicked off the TV and dropped the remote onto the couch. When I took peek through the peep-hole I cursed under my breath. Standing in the hall outside my apartment was my sister-in-law, Grace. What the hell did she want? The two of us could barely tolerate one another with my twin brother, Tom, playing referee. I couldn't imagine why she'd think I'd...
Debriefing took place in a modified auto-doc, a medical center in a drum. I didn't know how long I was in debrief until someone told me. It could have been just fifteen minutes. I could have been in there fifteen days. While in the auto-doc all restraint, all internal censorship is removed. Does it all come out as babble, which must be filtered and processed for sense to emerge? They had my report to compare against the stuff produced by deep interrogation. Unfortunately for me, auto-doc...
Understand this: slavery is prohibited in civilized space. No human is permitted to own another. I had worried that Concubine Yums would be unable to live independently. I believed that slavery was all that Yums had known. When I found out that Concubine Yums was really Agent English, that removed a great weight from my shoulders. Agent English could fend for herself and didn't need me. Or so I thought. I kept making incorrect assumption after stupid assumption. The morning after getting...
Solace Harmon was the engineering officer of the Lightning Bolt. Constance Cormorant was the ship's steward—a glorified cook! They were taking me on a guided tour of the Lightning Bolt, a "class 400" small star ship. Naked, of course. We left the crew quarters and took an elevator to the lower deck. "This is the cargo deck," Constance explained. "As you can see, it is full of supplies right now—and your fighter." Marsh Hare, my fighter, took up the forward third of the cargo deck....
It was official — as official as documentation could make it. I was a retiree. My pension would be deposited annually, just a few thousand credits but enough if I didn't demand too much. I was released from duty — officially. The old-school term was "sheep dipped." I was a deniable asset. My mission, since at least the moment that Minister Sunday passed me a coded message and handed over custody of "Concubine Yums" (aka Agent English, currently going by the name Ashley Londoner), was to...
"Solace, I need a favor," I asked the engineering officer. "It involves wearing clothes." What I wanted were teeth for Marsh Hare, my 'light fighter' spacecraft. Marsh Hare had been demilitarized by removing the weaponry, a missile launcher and a beam weapon. The fire control system was intact, but disconnected. The fire control software was still in the computer but hidden in the directory. All I needed were weapons. There were enough spare weapons aboard the Lightning Bolt. The...
The space between stars is dark and cold. Often thought of as empty, objects as large as gas giants or burned-out star cores can be encountered. Lightning Bolt emerged from jump space 15,000 miles from a comet – those "dirty snowballs" that can be 100 miles in diameter. That comet was only 30 miles in diameter and featured pools of liquid hydrogen, fuel for Lightning Bolt. This comet's core was shaped much like an ice cream cone. Comets have a small constellation of smaller rocks and ice...
When I woke up there were two bald, naked people snuggled up to me, one on each side. Quite a trick in a standard-sized bed! I recognized Constance, eventually. The stranger to my right was the newcomer, Kris. Bald? Why were they bald? Bald or not, I was sexually aroused to a fault—throbbing cock, leaking fluid. I hurt! “Captain Manchester wants everybody on the bridge,” Kelsey announced from my left, standing on the floor and on the other side of Constance. “You have three minutes.” That...
Kelsey Wright had to help me to the shower. My legs were like rubber—foam rubber. I massed almost twice Kelsey’s weight and I topped her height by a head, yet she didn’t show any strain as she walked me into the rain room. The falling water refreshed me. Scented soaps sluiced sweat from skin, then was in turn rinsed. “Total submission,” Kelsey told me. “You wondered why everybody was bald. It’s a Zheeyad tradition. First, the woman is stripped of her glory, her beautiful mane. She is made...
Hi guys and gals … Dis is varun from pune … I m a big fan of iss … But i m sorry to say that most of d stories sound fake to me … Neways fuck it … Let me describe maself … I m 19 … 5’9 a bit fat but attractive … So let me directly go to the story part … Dis incident happened between me and ma aunty … She is fat @ d perfect areas … Has got rally big boobs … 40DD maybe !!! Ya … I m serious … Has got a really fat ass too … Lol … I m getting an erection even while typing … I was 16 @ dat time …....
IncestTo say that Tom was upset was an understatement. Maureen knew he was angry because he had no look on his face at all. He just stared straight forward while he drove. After 5 years of marriage, she knew that when he was visibly angry that was one thing, but when the anger didn’t show… She sat in the passenger seat of the car, turned slightly away from him. Their lovely romantic evening was in tatters. She tried to tell herself that his stupid boorish attitude was to blame, but deep down she knew...
Chapter 1 Angela Yates pulled onto her drive and killed the engine. She was or at least felt extremely tired from lack of sleep and a punishing work schedule. As an IT manager for an on-line law firm, she was on call 24/7 at the moment as new software was being installed. Such was the reason for her homecoming at 10:15pm on this Friday night. She sat in the driving seat and took some deep breaths, hopefully she would have a free weekend with Martin, her son. She was a single parent, Martin...
Hai friends, indru kathaiyil neenda naal kazhithu en kathalai thirumanam aagiyum santhithu udal uravu konden. Athai eppadi seithen enbathai indru tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren, vaarungal kathai kul selalam. En peyar agalya vayathu 24 aagugirathu, en kanavan veli naatil velai seithu varugiraan. En kanavan varudathirku oru murai matum thaan veetirku vanthu ennai matter seithu vittu oru maatham matum ulasamaaga irunthu vittu matra 11 maaatham yaaraiyum ookamal iruka vendum. Sexiyaaga...
We start with an unforgettable erotic solo: super sultry Alexia Anders slowly stripteasing out of sexy turquoise lingerie until she’s finally on the couch, legs spread wide open, panties pushed to the side, and masturbating her sweet shaved pussy, all the while looking at you with “come fuck me” eyes. Then Ramon Nomar enters the scene to give XXXtra pleasure to the exotic babe with his tongue, fingers, and monster cock. Watch the Penthouse starlet get fucked until she’s...
xmoviesforyouSharon had got out of bed that morning, and had taken a shower, WITH William. This was one of the few things they could do after George had been born, and it had come to mean so much to them. They finished taking the shower, and, since she had deliberately pulled out all of the stops, decided to give him something to take to the office with him.She checked the crib to make sure that George was still sleeping, he usually woke up around 7:30, and she laid a blanket over the side of it, to muffle...
My Name is Kitten by RH Music Colin gets ensnared by an executive dating service to fill the very particular needs of a wealthy, high-end client. Soon, Colin is giving the client the full "Girlfriend Experience"... Chapter 1: My name is Colin I was new in town and was starting my first job out of University and had met Amy and Todd in a local pub. We fell into conversation about Man United and I discovered they were relatively new in town as well. Amy was a bright and...
Copyright 1999 by Wanda Cunningham. Please do not archive except on Fitionmania or atEROS without my permission. ==================================== Hair Salon Muse by Wanda I'm not sure why I went into the hair salon that day but it became a turning point in my life. The sign said, Hair Cuts, Men $6 - Women $8 - Children $5. That seemed like a good deal so I went in and waited for an open chair. The magazines were an odd mix, Seventeen and Field and Stream, Modern...
My wife Priya told many times about her friend Akansha as my wife got married to me and moved from Agra to Noida. My wife and Akansha constantly in touch over phone.One week end Akansha called Priya said she will be coming to Noida on office work. She will be staying in a hotel but since my house is big ,my wife asked her to stay in our house so that it will be good for to her travel to office as my house is closure to her office too. Akansha works for a adv consultancy. As Akansha said she...
Indian Sex StoryNote: ——I am NOT the author!I am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on hereMy name is Dipa. I am from India. This is the story of how I becamenew wife of my Dad and mother of his baby.Mom died when I was just admitted in college 1st year. One day I camehome from my college that day in late December and found Dad sittingin the living room looking like his world had collapsed. When I askedwhat was wrong, he said nothing. I knew that he...
It was that same afternoon when I subtly glanced at my phone to see who was ringing. We weren’t supposed to use our phones during class, but I had mine on silent-mode in my pocket and it was vibrating madly. It was Jim. He had my number, but strictly for emergencies. Nobody from the store had ever needed to call me before. I got up and excused myself, Mr Davis, my maths teacher, too shocked to even ask where I was going. Nobody ever just got up in the middle of a lesson and left. In the...
I live an almost perfect live, I have a good job and a beautiful wife, Jan, of just three years; the only fly in the ointment is Jan. although she is very beautiful and I love her dearly, she has a very low sexual drive. Not that she ever says no to me, in fact I have a very active sex life with her, but I'm afraid that she doesn't enjoy herself as much as I would like. Things would have continued like this if it wasn't for Tim, he arrived on a transfer from our London office. We hit it off...
The multiverse is a vast place. We have filled it with our imagination. This is not a choose your own aadventure story per se, it is a compilation of stories, a compilation of incursions of the fanged ones in the familiar lives of our prefered shows and movies. Of course I don't own any of the characters, yada yada yada. And of course all the characters are of age. All this being said, let's get to it.