Flower Ch. 03 free porn video

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Nervous excitement filled my entire body as the following Thursday approached. I was beginning to doubt my ability to hold all of my feelings sealed behind my strict and appropriately haughty, but still always smiling, demeanor, but somehow the days passed by without anyone confronting or correcting me. It was a busy week with elite socializing, and I kept smiling, hugging and kissing my way through any number of people. I could tell that my husband was especially preoccupied, and I guessed that there was something critical going on at work. At one point I also accidently overheard my father-in-law yelling at him, but I couldn’t hear enough to be able figure out was going on. I was just happy to be let off easy, without having him take all of his frustrations out on me, one way or the other.

I still had moments of doubt, where my body seized up in absolute panic when I thought about the small bit of subterfuge I was planning, but most of the time I found myself certain of the way that lay ahead. I was hoping that that last piece of the puzzle, how to get my friends away from my husband’s vicious claws, would somehow come to me as everything else had almost magically done. I now had two people to turn to for help, and perhaps if I talked to them some more, we could come up with a plan for my friends. Or perhaps the class I was taking would actually give me ideas, as well as mental strength and courage.

I hadn’t gone back to visit my neighbor – Edward – and Alfred, the sweet dog, hadn’t come to see me again either. And that was just as well, as I was still shaken by what the old man had said and what he had offered.

My spirit was high as I walked towards the beauty parlor, but just as I was about to cross the last bit of road, I was pushed violently out into the traffic, just barely managing to avoid being hit by a car that came to a screeching stop. I managed to stay upright, but had to fight to get my balance back. What in the world?

I turned around to see who had pushed me, but could only see a darkly dressed man some distance away, could it have been him? Or was I mistaken about the push, did I in fact only stumble on my own two feet? I waved the thoughts of someone purposely trying to hurt me away, it was probably just my overwrought mind playing games on me.

When the man who had stopped for me drove away with an annoyed bleep from his horn, I continued walking towards my goal, to get some gloss on my exterior before strengthening my interior, a well-balanced effort indeed.

I was greeted at the door by a smiling Gabriella, who quickly brought me into her room and pushed me down into the chair, excitedly talking about the class I was taking, telling me that she’d make sure I was on time. She looked at my face quickly and nodded to herself before sitting down to take care of my nails. I don’t think I had ever seen her move quite as quickly as she removed my nail polish, filed my nails, fixed my cuticles and applied two layers of new polish. She skipped the whole bathe, sooth, moisturize and pamper part of the hand and nail treatment, but that was just fine with me. Whilst the nail polish was drying she even cleaned and moisturized my skin, basically giving me the important parts of my usual treatment in less than half the time.

With a wide smile she opened the door for me and I walked off, her money safely secured in my purse, planning to enjoy every second of the free time she had given me. As my steps took me closer and closer, I bit my lip nervously, worrying about the people I would meet, just then realizing that there might be a chance, although a small one, that I would meet someone I knew.

One of the smiling women from the exhibition was there to meet the small group of people that were the participants of the class and as I scanned the people around me my relief was great as I saw that there was no one there that I knew. I paid the weekly fee and was led into a room painted in warm colors, where a smiling man was waiting for us to get settled on chairs that stood in a semi-circle around him. We were a group of twelve women, and as we introduced ourselves it became obvious that we all had our own set of difficulties to overcome, but that we were all joined in a strong belief that this class would be what we needed to kick start our journey towards a better life.

When it was time for me to introduce myself and list what I expected the class to help me with I struggled with the words, and in the end I found myself describing the high stress levels and the constant tension in my body, telling the class that I needed help with stress relief and relaxation techniques. It was as close as I felt I could go towards describing my life, having not yet dared to tell anyone about it, not my closest friends, nor Gabriella or Edward. Perhaps I would be able to tell someone about it someday, I just wasn’t sure how many weeks filled with strengthening exercises that would take, hundreds?

Those first two hours passed really quickly and after the introductions and general description of what was to come in the next few weeks, we only had time for one short relaxation and breathing exercise. Still, I felt both calmer and stronger as I walked out of there, as well as stuck in thoughts about when and where to use the exercise we’d been taught, perhaps when I took my daily walk in the garden?

I was torn from my thoughts by someone tugging at my purse before I was pushed hard from behind. I screamed and fought to stay upright, but another even harder push sent me flying into the street, still clutching my purse, but not much helped by that, since it wouldn’t precisely protect me from the cars that were flowing down the street. I closed my eyes and braced myself for impact, when I was suddenly yanked hard by my clothes back onto the sidewalk. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes to absolutely nothing. I turned around and saw a police officer running after a darkly dressed man, guessing that I had found both my assailant and my savior.

My breath and ability to think came back to me all at once and I sat down hard on the sidewalk, probably bruising my butt in the process, but not really capable of caring about that. One push into the street could be accidental, but two? My ability to breathe left me again as my body went into instant panic mode, was somebody trying to kill me? I wrapped my arms around myself as my body went from frozen solid to shaking uncontrollably. There was only one person that had any interest in me dying, wasn’t there? I turned my face to the side quickly and proceeded in being violently sick, on the sidewalk, in the middle of the day, in the city I had lived in all my life.

‘Are you ok, miss?’ a deep voice asked me as I dried my face on a corner of my expensive jacket.

‘No, I suspect I’m not…’ I mumbled before I looked up to see a tall, dark shape looking down at me, the police officer had returned.

I looked behind the tall, dark-haired man and although I wasn’t surprised he hadn’t caught the bad guy, I can’t say I wasn’t disappointed. Perhaps if he had been caught I could have gotten some answers?

Two strong hands took a hold of my arms and pulled me upright in one fast movement, giving me no time to react with either surprise or fear. I stared at the man in front of me and saw him running his eyes over me quickly, probably in an attempt to see if I was injured. His eyes were a warm, golden-brown tone, that somehow grew increasingly colder as he took in my appearance.

‘You know, you have to be careful, there are thieves everywhere. And if you walk around in designer clothes and jewelry, you’re bound to be targeted, no matter what time of day. This time you were lucky, but the next time…’ he said, his generous mouth tightening around the almost angry words that were pouring out of him.

‘You better get your pretty self back into the limousine where you came from!’ he continued before turning around to walk away.

I’m not s
ure what made me reach out and grab his arm, but when he stopped and turned back towards me there was something about the way he looked at me that spurred my anger.

‘You have no idea what you’re talking about,’ I whispered ‘you judge simply by what you see, but you know nothing about me, absolutely nothing!’

I let him go and walked away, angry tears running down my face. The flow of tears was still going strong as I walked back into Gabriella’s office and even though I told her about the way I had been pushed into the street, I didn’t tell her about the police officer, I just didn’t know how to explain my explosive reaction to his behavior.

With the help of some vodka and a cold, wet towel I was able to pull myself together enough to tell Gabriella I’d be back next week, before straightening my clothes and walking out of the beauty parlor, intent on making it home on time. I forced myself to think of nothing except taking step after step towards our house, walking being my preferred choice of traveling the short distance I needed to go.

As I opened the door to my home I wondered if my husband would be surprised to see me that afternoon. I took a deep breath, straightened my back and closed the heavy door to my prison, intent on letting no signs of what had happened show on my face or in my actions.

– – – – –

I spent a nervous week, waiting anxiously for my husband to confront me about my secret activities. Every time I left the house I also waited for something more to happen and kept glancing over my shoulder every time I went near a street. By the time Thursday came rolling along again I was a tense, nervous wreck, in deep need of some relaxation and I didn’t hesitate more than a few seconds before I left Gabriella’s office.

Week two had us lying comfortably on mats on the floor of the classroom as we were guided into a meditative state and then walked through a house with different-colored chambers. Some of my rooms were empty, some had things in them and many of them made me feel slightly sick to my stomach. When we were asked if we wanted to share anything from our first meditation experience I shook my head and stared down at the floor as the other women started describing what they had seen.

I jumped up from my position on the floor when the class ended, but was stopped from running out of there by the calm voice of Josh, my teacher.

‘Rose,’ he said ‘could you stay for a little while?’

I nodded and stood waiting as the room emptied, one excited woman lingering to tell our teacher something with happily waving arms. Josh nodded, smiled and gave her a small hug before saying ‘see you next Thursday’ and sending her on her way. I had already noticed that smiling, touching and hugging seemed to be a natural part of the way Josh communicated with everyone around him and I was hoping he was perceptive enough to see that that wasn’t really a good way of approaching me.

I took half a step backwards as he came walking up to me and a quick frown covered his open face before he stopped a few steps away.

‘Rose,’ he said softly ‘I couldn’t help noticing that something made you uncomfortable during the meditation today. And I wanted to tell you that if you feel you need it, you can always talk to me about it. After all, I’m here to help!’

I looked at the sincere expression on his face, thinking that he probably meant it. I took a closer look at him, trying to measure if I could trust him or not. He wasn’t the most attractive man I had ever met, with his slightly crooked nose – that seemed to have been broken at least once, his short but shaggy blonde hair and his slightly below average height, but he had wide, strong shoulders and there was something charming about the way he was always smiling happily. But in the sum of everything that was Josh, it was his soft, soothing voice that made me trust him almost enough to tell him about my scary rooms.

‘I… I don’t think…’ I started saying with a shake of my head.

‘That’s ok,’ he quickly replied ‘I’m not going to push you into sharing anything right now, but I want you to know that I’m here for you! If you feel you want to talk about it later on, just grab a hold of me after class!’

With a smile and wave, he let me go and I walked slowly out of there. Suddenly the world was just full of good, caring people. As I scurried back to Gabriella – still looking over my shoulder and all around me on the way back to her – I thought about the way my life had turned just a little bit better, even despite the possibility of someone potentially trying to kill me.

– – – – –

Weeks passed with no further back-pushing, street-stumbling incidents and I started feeling slightly safer. I didn’t stop looking over my shoulder and I kept searching for some sign that my husband wanted to be rid of me, but I really couldn’t tell between the quickly snapped instructions and the standard criticism that was always bordering on ridicule. But perhaps the fact that I was getting older was enough of a reason?

If it had been difficult to mask the thoughts running through my mind before, the storm of feelings I was now fighting all the time made it nearly impossible. I jumped between feelings of sadness, pain and anger and feelings of happiness, friendship and love. And all of those sentiments were intense and somehow frightening, because I wasn’t used to sensing basically anything, except the deep fear that was still my constant companion.

With the weeks passing, a few Thursdays had come and gone and I now had several techniques for breathing and relaxing that I tried to practice every day when I took my walk in the garden. And perhaps I could thank those calm moments for keeping my temper at least visibly at bay.

I met Alfred a couple of more times, but I didn’t walk him home and when I started back towards my house he thankfully didn’t follow me, but stopped and turned before he could be seen. I kept walking, shaking my head with astonishment at the intelligence of animals. Did he feel the tension in me increasing as I kept walking or could he perhaps smell the scent of pure evil seeping through the walls of the house?

Since I didn’t see Alfred home I didn’t get a chance to meet Edward, but I was going to pay him a visit on a day I felt strong enough to really talk to him. And the wild storm of feelings that were tearing through me right then made me feel weaker, not stronger. I kept promising myself that I would pay him a visit in just a few days, but a few days became a week and a week became two and after three weeks I felt shakier than ever.

Gabriella kept talking, laughing and pushing me towards a brighter future and when I met her I felt oddly comforted. She had a caring, almost mothering, attitude and I could easily imagine what it would feel like to be brought up by her. I laughed at her and called her my mother hen and she waved me off towards my class with a ‘sassy girl’ comment and a big smile.

The always caring and smiling Josh kept gently trying to coax me into participating more actively in our group activities and he made sure to ask if I needed someone to talk to on several occasions. He had also started touching me as he did with all the rest of the group, shaking my hand as I came and went, patting my shoulder in encouragement and putting a soft hand on my back to help guide me in the simple yoga program that he was trying to teach us.

It was almost as if he knew that I needed to be gently eased into the world of human touch, and for every time he softly greeted or encouraged me or actively showed his concern I grew less and less tense, until finally one day the only thing I felt at his touch was warmth and deep appreciation. I looked up at him with tears filling my eyes and he nodded, seeming to understand what had just happened. After that moment he even gave me the occasional warm hug, and I sucked up all of his kindness and caring and put it in the brittle treasure chest of happi
ness that I was building in the center of that new, living me.

With my newfound ability to appreciate human closeness came other feelings, forgotten for a long time, feelings that scared me even more. The way a short hug from Josh created bubbles of joy in my stomach and the way an encouraging smile and a softly squeezed shoulder would send tingles of electricity down through my arm and up through my chest. And for every time I met him I would grow more aware of a new and purely physical interest in him. The fact that I hadn’t thought him attractive from the beginning was a complete mystery to me, he may not be tall, dark and handsome, but he was warm, giving and extremely charming, inner qualities that were easier for me to appreciate than the outer qualities that I was surrounded by on a daily basis.

The first, tender threads of infatuation were winding themselves around my heart and it was a shy, mumbling, blushing thirty-one-year-old that wandered into the classroom to listen to the wisdoms of the person who was responsible for all of those warm, tingly feelings. It was in equal amounts awkward and exciting, scary and lovely. I knew better than to actively show my attraction, but perhaps Josh was perceptive enough to recognize the signs anyway, because he seemed to pull back slightly, and I took that as a sign of his absolute integrity, that getting involved with one of his students was against his deeply set moral rules.

And of course that made me like him just that little bit more. And I started thinking about him in the most awkward of times, spinning romantic fantasies about him and me that my usual, a whole lot darker thoughts had difficulties brushing away. My distrustful and cynical side had to fight hard to keep me from throwing myself at Josh, as I went through stage upon stage of some sort of super-hormonal teenage infatuation.

I thought about the t-shirt Mary had once given Sarah – with the text ‘you have to be realistic’ printed in block letters on it. I was beginning to think she should have given that t-shirt to me. If things continued like this, I would soon be even more of a hopeless romantic than Sarah. My own special Mary-t-shirt with the simple ‘in the lie of the beholder’ print, I still hadn’t quite gotten, but then again Mary wasn’t always the easiest person to understand. Nevertheless, I kept that t-shirt well-hidden in my underwear-drawer, and pulled it out when I needed some comfort, because it reminded me of my friends and that I loved them all so very, very much.

I met up with my friends on our regular wine and whine time, but their caring questions and thoughtful expressions almost had me crying, every time. Until Mary had us hysterically laughing at one crazy story or another, leaving me free to breathe and think and love them in silence.

There was no way to hide my inner turmoil from Mary’s sharp eyes and she called me at least once a week to talk for a little while, or rather – to check up on me, as she tended to do with all of us when she felt something wasn’t quite right. How she had managed to miss my miserable gray days I didn’t know, but perhaps I hadn’t sent out any signals she could read in my zombie existence.

All of the hours I had spent thinking of some way to protect my friends hadn’t produced any workable solutions. Besides finding a powerful ally, the idea of removing some of the family’s power, somehow, was the only thing I could think of. And I didn’t know how that could be achieved, or where to start.

And without a high protective wall between my husband and my friends, no matter how much support from my new-found network of friendly helpers, I wouldn’t even try to get away.

– – – – –

Perhaps it wasn’t strange that I wasn’t fully concentrated on staying on my toes around my husband. It was rare that he was home in the middle of the day on a workday and perhaps I had started letting my mask slip a little in the daytime. I’m not sure if it was something I did – a smile at the wrong time or some other sign of happiness – or just something that hadn’t gone his way lately, but I still ended up suffering from a blow to the back of my head that had my ears ringing before he left the house with angry steps. I walked unsteadily into the garden and aimed for my hidden corner, wiping silent tears from my cheeks.

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You Always Sleep with Your Hairdresser Dont You

I sleep with my gardener as well. I hadn't really thought about it much until we moved locally about a mile to our present area. The new garden needed a lot of work and effort put into it to change it from wilderness to respectable. Me - I just like pottering - my wife likes 'gardening' as she puts it. The family joke started when, early that spring, I was doing some of the heavy work Jan can't manage. It was early evening and I was on my own out the front of our plot. It's a reasonable...

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Warmup match Van Persie mass shooting 3 assists

Phoenix Ticker July 20 17: 30,2013 / 14 season, Manchester United 2 games pre-season warm-up match at Sydney’s ANZ Stadium, race, Australia’s star ultimate team beat Manchester United 5-1. The first half, Ryan Giggs and Welbeck has scored assists Lingard. The second half, Australian super star pulled one back, but Lingard, Welbeck both scored twice to expand the score. Substitute Robin van Persie finally scored a goal. Manchester United Asia Tour 2013 This is the second warm-up match, coach...

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Indian Mom Gangbang

It was 2 years back. I was 20 at that time. We are a family of 3. We live in an apartment in Chennai. My father works abroad and comes once a year. So, it is just me and my mother staying here. Our apartment has multiple blocks. Each block has 4 floors. We live in the 4th floor of our block. Each floor has just two houses. The doors of the houses will be facing each other and there is a lift between the doors.We are a brahmin family. My mother's age was 41 when the incident happend. Her name is...

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Kims Business Trip Reimagined

Having cross dressed for years, I find my inhibitions have reduced over that time. At first, just dressing in my own room with the door closed and curtains drawn was scary. It took years before I could wear a nightgown or sexy nightie to bed and actually get any sleep. But over time, I got used to it, and now I can fall asleep in the sexiest silky nightgown in no time at all. But as the inhibitions lessened, the desire to do more grew. Going out of my bedroom into the house lead to...

2 years ago
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BurningAngel Joanna Angel Adira Allure Joanna Angel8217s Dungeon Furniture Emporium 8211 Episode 1

Furniture collector Dante Colle is browsing around the dungeon furniture emporium when proprietor Joanna Angel checks on him. They chat about a particular piece of furniture, but Joanna quickly decides that she doesn’t like Dante’s attitude and scares him off. No sooner has Dante fled than Adira Allure walks into the emporium, looking to find a desk for her dorm room. Joanna notices how hot Adira is and gets an idea, telling her that she can give her a lot more than a desk. In a...

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Mistaken For Chanda People

Hi this is Suraj going to narrate a real incident. While in College final days I used to roam with my Area friends. They were not studying in college but used to do other stuffs like helping their father in shops. My close friends were Bapi and Dinesh. Dinesh used to roam around full areas and used to collect all sorts of information. He used to collect Chandas also for Pujas. So oneday we were drinking and discussing about females , Dinesh told that he had seen a Hot Aunty at some function. He...

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Persona Enf

( All characters depicted in this story are 18 or older) I am thou and thou art i. The human Mind is a playful thing, and what we may percieve as reality, could be nothing but the how our cognition interprets what we can see, making for some insteresting conflicts when what we believe contrasts with what is real. Whatever be it facing the reality of our own mortality, accepting a hard truth about one's person, or learning to overcome the chains of oppression in society, a persona is born, the...

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Molly Curt Naked In SchoolChapter 7

About the time President Carl Garrett was pondering the pressures of his office in the relative quiet of Camp David, Bert saw his mother heading for the master suite and hurried to speak to her. "Mom, I don't think you should come to my room tonight. I mean, I love having you next to me, but I'm worried about you and Dad." "You're right, Honey. You gave me what I needed last night, and that was so important to me. Thank you." She punctuated that with a quick kiss. "Tonight, I need...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 1Cast

Brian Frost: Sophomore; not quite sixteen, 5'6" tall and physically fit; one of the oldest in his class because of his October 5 birthday; always the littlest guy in class, his friends still tower over him, but they trust him more than anything. Joanne Barnes: Next door neighbor of Brian's; dark blonde and blue eyes; 5'9"; 17 year old model who has left school and is being tutored in Europe; always Brian's guardian angel and fantasy; originally Brian called her Heaven, now that is...

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Just Another Day At The Office

“Come in,” Danny called without even bothering to look up from the papers on his desk. Although he heard the door swing open, he didn’t acknowledge that someone had entered his office. He was a managing partner…whoever it was could wait until he finished what he was doing. After almost five minutes of playing the waiting game, Carnie finally spoke up. “Mr. Givens? I’m from network support, and I need to…” Danny was outraged; he could not...

2 years ago
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Half a Virgin

*Thoraopagus - the most common form of conjoined twin, comprising 35-40% of all conjoined cases. Dana and Diana didn't get out of the house very often. Even growing up, they'd never gone to school like other kids, instead having professional private tutors. They were both brilliant, high IQ's, very talented, very creative. College was a possibility now that they'd turned eighteen but that seemed unlikely for them. Dana wanted to study engineering and Diana wanted to pursue fine arts....

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My fourth nigh as a sex slavepart one

John messaged me and told me he wanted to meet the upcoming Friday. I said ok and asked where. He told me that he had a surprise for me and he had plans for me, but that it had to be done at his house. This would be the first time we met up at a non-neutral location. I wasn't worried though. If he wanted to keep me or seriously harm me he had plenty of chances to do so already. He told me to dress like a slut, not just slutty but like an actual prostitute. A cheap one. He said no underwear,...

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Games The Gods Play three

Even if I took a Wraith as a host I would still need to use the sarcophagus, the Wraith don't age and as long they feed they can live forever but Goa'uld symbiotes have a lifespan of 2,000 years. Unlike Human hosts I could keep the same Wraith host forever plus if my Wraith host feeds on a Human and kills him or her I can place that Human in my sarcophagus where that Human will be ressurected and rejuvinated and my Wraith host can feed on him or her again and again and again. Sitting on my...

5 years ago
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Lisarsquos Mom Meets the Other Woman

(Note from the author: I would give a synopsis of the previous stories but it would be better if you just read them for your selves with either a bottle of lube or a partner of your choice.)Cheri had a lot to get done while her husband and daughter were out. She had originally planned on revealing her nymphomaniac self to her husband on Wednesday night which had been the only night of the week that she allowed him to have sex with her. It had always been as unpassionate event as she could make...

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My First Boyfriend

I couldn't stop smiling, my hands were shaking and I started to sweat. I ran from my bedroom into the bathroom to brush my teeth for what must have been the third time. I ran my tongue over my smooth teeth. I sighed a little at my reflection, pushing my short hair out of my face and grinning. Practising my smile. I took a deep breath to steady myself, and as I washed my hands, the doorbell rang. I legged it down the stairs and put my hand on the latch. "Ok," I muttered to myself, "one... two......

Love Stories
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diary of 2018 my nitemare continues2

Jan 15th and she gets the call , this time he fucks her in the back of his sisters tahoe and she is claiming she didn’t come..PFFttttt !! Yeah right then that’s the first time... Anyway she says he owes her now of course... to be continued Jan 20th and she is back there right now getting what he owes her. That’s right her friend is in town and it’s a Saturday night and still she drops everything tonight to get served up. This comes after lastnite when he was trying to get her to go...

3 years ago
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My WayChapter 5

As it got later Victoria did get tired and when Elizabeth and Billy went out to the porch swing, Hank went back to the bunkhouse, so Victoria asked Jamie to take her upstairs. He was more than glad to lift her into his arms tonight. He had wanted to put his arms around her all evening. When they got to her room, he set her on her bed but didn’t want to leave. She didn’t really want him to leave but she just didn’t know what to say, so he said it. “You really looked pretty tonight. Not that...

2 years ago
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I Have No IdeaChapter 18

I have never been grabbed by my father while I had been naked. I’m more than certain this was true despite the blackouts. As a baby, my father would’ve had held me. He would not have lunged for my shoulders and yanked me. He had done that once. I had nearly stepped into New York traffic, at age 9. I had been dressed then, even wearing my Rangers windbreaker over a sweater and another shirt. No, this was a new experience. “When? When did you take these pills?” He growled. “Who? Who would give...

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Life Buoy for an Amputee or an Amputee Who Is a Life BuoyChapter 4 First the House Second the Wedding and Naturally Kids

If Wendy had been an ordinary two-legged woman, her chance to be my wife would have been zero. I completely lacked trust in all women, but Wendy was outside this ordinary group because of her amputation. That's why she often tells me how glad she is of being handicapped, as that was her key to gaining a good husband and two smart, beautiful and healthy kids. Naturally, she tells this to me as if it was a joke, but her humorous comment has some truth to it at the core. We laugh when she...

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Coed cutie offers to make my cock cum for a ride

I boarded the plane, I wasn't looking forward to the flight. It had been a long week. I had just finished up acquiring investors for the insurance company I work for, and was ready to leave Phoenix forever. As I sat down in my seat, the only thing I could think of was putting my cock between my Tammy's c cup tits. Little did I know, Tammy's wouldn't be the only tits I would be putting my cock between.I was one of the first to board and had been sitting for about 10 minutes and was trying to...

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Damsel in Distress

The knock came late at night.Three nervous taps on the flat door, followed a few moments later by three taps that are more urgent.Well at least that proved that it wasn’t k**s playing “Knocky hi-door”.I got up from the computer and headed for the front door, a little nervous and to be honest not a little unafraid.I peeked through the spyglass and to my surprise saw standing outside my next-door neighbour Annie Booker, she was hopping from foot to foot and had a light coat tightly clutched about...

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Mob Boss

ONE ONE Matthew Winton struggled to keep his eyes from fixating on the huge tits sitting across the desk from him.? Katherine ?Kit? Marshall, his star reporter, was staring back at him, daring him not to look in her eyes.? This was not too difficult for Matt since Kit had beautiful dark green eyes that accented her blazing red hair.? Still the humongous orbs that projected from her chest were topics of intense discussion among all of the male employees at the Tribune.?  Kit knew this and...

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The Convent part 2

After that day, Sarah went to the mother superior to tell her some of her thoughts about her and me. As an heir of the kingdom I was meant to become the king one day and I told Sarah that I didn’t wanted to lose her. She was more than happy to follow me in the outer world but she told me that she could not build a family with me; her destiny was to be my whore and no more.Mother superior was in her cell when Sarah went to visit her. She was a tall woman with blonde hair and still with a...

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catching my husband

It was a Saturday evening after supper my daughter had fallen asleep next to us on the bed. I picked her up to take her to her to her room when my husband said he was going to shower. I tugged my daughter in and then went back to our room. I started going through the channels on the tv to find something for my husband and I to watch. After finding something I decided I would quickly join my husband in the shower. On walking into the bathroom I found him with his cock hard and busy jerking...

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MarlaChapter 1

The pounding was barely audible over the rushing water. Marla ignored it and ducked under the shower head to rinse out her long black hair. Maybe whoever it was would go away. She'd just come off a double shift at the hospital. She needed a shower, food and sleep, in that order. She had to finish her anatomy homework before class the next day. Finished with her hair, she turned up the hot water and let the spray work the ache out of her back. There'd been a ton of emergency flu cases....

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My Sisters Girlfriend Part 1

Throughout my childhood, my parents never went away on holiday. With my father always working, my older sister and myself were raised mostly by our mother. We were both grown up now, my sister being 19 and myself being 16, but it was still a great surprise when one Friday night my mother announced that she and my father would be leaving the next morning for a long weekend away. To be honest, I didn’t really care much, but as I could have predicted, my mum said that Tina would be in charge, so...

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I soon Usurped my own Mother

As a young girl being brought up in a naturist environment, I witnessed the darker debauched side of 'Free Sex', today it would be referred to as 'Swinging', except back then, everyone remained focused on their own needs, and youngsters would just sit around and watch the adults do it.My own mum, was one of the stars back then, she had a huge appetite for sex and most of the men would 'Bag Her', just for the sake of saying they did so. She was a typically tall Scandinavian woman, with a great...

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Woman In The MirrorChapter 6 Closing Shop

Our relationship had changed though somehow intangibly. It never was the same again. Every time I tried to seek out that close intimacy we had before, it was like a fata morgana, always there but always out of reach. A few weeks after the visit to doctor's office, Andrea enrolled in realtor's classes. We hadn't discussed this, but we had discussed a few times about Andrea now looking for work. It did come as a surprise to me that she decided to try real estate. But, if it made her happy...

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In Mexico

Karla was jealous of Claudia, Claudia was taut, dark, long black hair to the small of her back and the tribal design tattoo over her ass, Karla must’ve heard about it from her, one or her friends, because Karla knew who I was and how to find me the day Claudia wanted to ‘break up’ with me.  Karla needed a ride to her friend’s place and didn’t have cab fare, of course, I could help out a lady in a miniskirt, however pale, with long-legs, full booty and distress out.  So we went to Olivia’s and...

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Lingerie Shopping

Shopping...I sighed at my reflection. I desperately needed new underwear, and being recently dumped gave me a perfect excuse.Since Simon had dumped me out of the blue, several months earlier, I'd decided to give myself one big makeover. Two weeks in Spain had given me a beautiful golden glow and it was about time I treated myself to some sexy lingerie.From the outside, the boutique looked like someone's house. The front door was imposing and black, with a doorbell. My friend at work had...

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Blackedmerica A Love Story Ch 03

 The next morning, Thomas woke up a few hours later than usual. Since it was Friday, it would have normally been a school day, but on this particular Friday, school was out in the entire state. Today was Caspar day, a beloved state holiday where people come from all over the country, to celebrate the courageous actions of a black slave and his ragtag group of freedom fighters during the civil war. There had even been a big movie made about Caspar and the slaves who were incremental in taking...

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EvilAngel Summer Vixen Next Gen Gaping Anal

Dirty blonde Summer Vixen dons a skimpy bikini, teasing and stripping to show of her thin, fuckable body. The slim sex freak bends over to pose her booty for the camera, and then whips out her perky tits and diamond-hard nipples. This fresh porn newbie introduces herself to pervy MILF co-director Francesca Le, flaunting the butt plug wedged inside her sweet sphincter. Summer buzzes a vibrator over her twat, the toy snug in her anus. Co-director/stud Mark Wood offers his throbbing cock, and...


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