Hope Ch. 01 free porn video

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* * *

Savage pains tore across Lisa’s mid section and she sank to the floor in agony, desperately trying to breathe rhythmically through the contractions. Eventually, the pain faded away again and she reached for the telephone to dial Ellie’s number. She didn’t think she had much time now and the hospital was a good half hour drive away.

‘It’s coming,’ she managed to gasp when Ellie finally answered the call.

‘Don’t panic, I’ll be round straight away,’ her friend said hurriedly.

Lisa didn’t reply. She dropped the receiver onto the floor as another vicious pain held her tightly in its iron grip. By the time Ellie had burst in through the front door, Lisa could hardly move.

‘Come on Lisa, we need to get you in the car. Where’s your bag?’

Lisa pointed towards the kitchen and continued to pant heavily. She tried to stand, but once more a contraction hit and she closed her eyes tightly, as the sweat poured down her face.

Ellie rushed and grabbed the small holdall, throwing it over one shoulder lightly. Frankly, she was worried that they wouldn’t make it in time. The speed with which the contractions were coming suggested that this baby’s arrival was imminent.

She took hold of Lisa’s arm gently and steered her towards the door. ‘Not far, sweetie,’ she said encouragingly. ‘We’ll soon have you nice and comfy at the hospital.’

‘Good,’ gasped Lisa, clutching her swollen belly again. ‘All I want is to have this baby out now.’ For a fleeting second, her mind flitted on to him, but she automatically dismissed the thought as soon as it arose. He had made his decision and they both had to live with the consequences.

* * *

Ellie sat in the corridor, staring at a poster of a photogenic baby. Nurses came and went, but nobody seemed to have any news. The magazine was lying open on her knee and went unread. It was impossible to concentrate on anything — she was too worried about Lisa and the baby.

By rights, it shouldn’t have been her sitting here, waiting. But what choice did she have? She could hardly have let the poor girl deal with this alone. Lisa had nobody else. She had no family and the baby’s father was not around. Not that Ellie really knew much about what had happened. Lisa had stayed tight lipped on the subject, merely saying, early on, that he wasn’t going to be around.

As much as it was none of her business, Ellie couldn’t help but wonder what kind of man walked away from a woman who was carrying his baby. She just wished she could tell him what was happening. Maybe if he knew Lisa was in trouble, he’d show up and everything would be okay.

‘Are you the woman who brought Lisa Jackson in?’

Ellie jumped, startled from her grim thoughts by the tall man standing before her. His white coat indicated he was one of the doctors and his grave expression suggested all was not well. Her heart began to thud painfully in her chest. Please God let everything be okay…

‘Yes, I’m Ellie Donnelly,’ she replied quickly. ‘How is she?’

‘Could you come with me, please?’ The doctor didn’t wait for her to answer — he turned and strode off down the long corridor and Ellie was forced to jog after him. He reached a door and pushed it open, indicating for Ellie to go into the room.

She spun round. ‘Please, tell me what’s happening?’

‘It’s not good news I’m afraid. As you’re aware, we had to perform an emergency caesarean. Unfortunately, there were unexpected complications, and despite all our efforts, we lost Lisa.’

Ellie heard the words, but she didn’t quite believe them. Surely this man was joking! Women didn’t die in childbirth in this day and age, did they? She sat down abruptly, the shock knocking the stuffing out of her completely.

‘What about the baby?’ she croaked. She could hardly comprehend that Lisa was gone. It seemed surreal. She should be standing beside Lisa’s bed now, cooing over a baby while Lisa beamed happily. Instead, she was having this bizarre conversation with a man who was telling her Lisa was dead.

‘The baby is fine — Lisa had a little girl.’ For the first time, the Doctor allowed a faint smile to briefly illuminate his tired features. ‘Which brings me to my next question – do you know who Lisa’s next of kin are? We’ll need to contact them.’

‘She doesn’t have any.’

The doctor looked slightly taken aback. It obviously wasn’t the answer he was expecting. ‘What about the baby’s father?’

‘That’s a difficult one,’ admitted Ellie. ‘I don’t know much about him.’ She racked her brains, trying to think if Lisa had given her any information over the last few months. The trouble was Ellie hadn’t known Lisa when she was seeing that man. She’d only moved into the street after she was pregnant and the relationship was over.

‘Nothing at all? If the baby’s biological father is not on the scene, we’ll have to call social services.’

‘Look, let me see what I can find out.’

The doctor nodded. ‘Okay, but I’ll still have to set things in motion.’ This was not the outcome he expected. To lose a patient was tragic enough, but to find out the baby was effectively an orphan, was the worst-case scenario.

He left Ellie sitting in the pale green room, still in shock. Days like this made him wish he’d studied art instead of medicine. Abruptly, his pager went off, alerting him to a fresh problem. Pushing the image of the dead girl from his head, he dashed back down the corridor.

* * *

Michael silently washed the dishes as he stared unseeing out into the garden. The water was scalding hot, but he barely noticed. For some reason, he’d been thinking about Lisa again. Despite the months that had passed since they parted, he hadn’t really forgotten about her. Once, he’d tried ringing her mobile, but the number was no longer in use.

He guessed she had met someone else by now, she was too pretty to be on her own for long. This was one of the reasons he hadn’t tried contacting her when things changed — the thought of finding out she’d fallen in love with someone else was too painful. No, he had to accept that he’d blown it big time. It had been his own fault — Lisa had given him every opportunity to choose her, but he’d been unable to do it. In the end, she’d given up on him and their relationship.

At the time, it had felt like he had no choice but to cool things off for a while – Helen’s tearful announcement of her illness had rocked him to the core. To abandon his wife in her hour of need was not something he was capable of. He may have been a lousy husband, but even he wouldn’t do something so callous.

By the time he had discovered Helen’s betrayal, it was too late. He had desperately wanted to contact Lisa, but she had moved house and changed her job, thus, effectively cutting him out of her life. As much as it killed him, he realised that staying away from her was probably in her interests. He had hurt her enough and he didn’t want to cause her any more pain had to respect her decision

He never intended to hurt Lisa, but he couldn’t give her what she needed. He had to be there for Helen. Michael gripped the edge of the sink tightly, as he thought about Helen and how he’d been duped. He still found it difficult to forgive her for what she’d put him through. She was lucky he hadn’t killed her when he’d found out.

Thinking back to that final time he saw Lisa, he wished he’d known then what he knew now. He would have held her and never let her go again. But he hadn’t. Instead, he’d lost the woman he loved.

‘I’m sorry, Lisa,’ he had said sadly, as they stood beside his car the last time he’d seen her. ‘I love you, but I can’t leave her now. She needs me.’

‘I need you too, Michael,’ she replied brokenly.

Her pain cut him to the bone. It was his pain too. Silently, they held each other one last time.

‘Maybe when things are different…’ he tried
to say, but it was no use. He was clutching at an invisible straw and they both knew it.

‘Goodbye, Michael,’ she said sadly, a lone tear sliding down her pale cheek. Without further ado, she walked away and climbed into her car. Before Michael could stop her, she was gone, forever.

* * *

Ellie unlocked Lisa’s house and walked in. Dirty dishes were laid in the sink and she noticed a vaguely stale smell lingering in the air. For a while she stood in the hallway, listening to the sound of silence. It was still difficult to comprehend that Lisa wasn’t coming back. Everywhere Ellie looked, there were reminders of her friend.

A copy of Parents magazine was open on the sofa, a half drunk mug of tea congealed on the table. Ellie perhaps imagined she could hear the radio playing pop tunes in the kitchen and Lisa would appear at any moment, grinning as she produced a packet of chocolate biscuits for them to eat.

But Lisa wasn’t ever coming home. The house would soon be cleared and offered to another tenant and all traces of Lisa would be gone. Apart from the baby she’d left behind. Ellie had been to see the baby that morning. She was tiny, a little doll in an oversized stretchy suit. It almost broke her heart to see the infant in the crib, happily sucking away on her thumb as she slept, obliviously unaware that she was an orphan.

Which was why Ellie had come back to the house – she felt certain there had to be something here that would give her a clue as to the whereabouts of the baby’s father. Irrespective of what had gone wrong between them, Lisa would have wanted him to know about the baby now that she was gone. The thought of Lisa’s baby ending up with foster parents, when she had a father somewhere, felt wrong. Ellie was determined to do all she could to help.

She began to hunt through drawers in the dresser, trying not to think too much about how only a day earlier, Lisa had sat in this very room, excited about the impending birth. It still felt unreal.

When she found nothing of interest downstairs, Ellie moved on to Lisa’s bedroom. Now she felt really uncomfortable, like she was prying, but she kept reminding herself of the fact there was nobody else to look. Ellie was the closest thing Lisa had had to family.

There was a shoebox on the top shelf of the wardrobe. Standing on a chair, Ellie managed to reach it and she carefully lifted it down. Inside, there were several letters, cards, and photographs. As soon as she glanced at them, she realised she’d found what she had been looking for.

The first photograph showed a smiling Lisa with a tall, dark haired man. He had his arm draped around her shoulders as they stared into the lens of the camera. The picture appeared to have been taken a while ago because Lisa looked younger, her hair was much longer than it had been in the time Ellie knew her. The man appeared older than her friend, but they seemed happy in the picture.

The next picture showed the man smiling as he sat beneath a huge tree. There were a couple more of him at the same place, then a final one of the two of them, arms wrapped round each other.

Whoever he was, it seemed that it had been more than just a casual relationship, that much Ellie was certain. There were three valentine’s cards carefully placed in the box, each one, cute and sentimental, no name inside, just a scrawled M and a few kisses.

There were also a few hand-written notes, love letters for want of a better word. Ellie glanced at the words, it felt like an invasion of privacy to read such personal stuff. Since there was no real information in them, she started to put them to one side. The last sheet of paper caught her eye. It was a print out of an email conversation. From the content, it looked like it was one of the final pieces of correspondence between Lisa and Michael.

He appeared to be justifying his reasons for not ending his marriage in order to be with Lisa. Ellie realised, then, why Lisa had not wanted to discuss it. She’d been having an affair with a married man. Judging by the date on the emails, they were sent nine months ago, which suggested Lisa had ended the relationship around the time she fell pregnant. Had she even told him about the baby? It seemed now that there was a possibility she hadn’t.

The only positive side to these emails was that he had sent the messages from his work account. This gave Ellie a starting point to finding him. She now had his full name, Michael MacArthur, plus his company name. Assuming he hadn’t changed his job, she should be able to contact him. Just what exactly she was going to say to the man was something she hadn’t yet considered. Nevertheless, she felt she owed it to Lisa and her baby to try to find this Michael. If he truly didn’t want to know for whatever reason, then at least she’d done her best. Thereafter, it would be up to Social Services.

* * *

Michael replaced the receiver on the phone and realised his hands were shaking. His whole life had just shifted on some invisible axis and nothing would ever be the same again.

‘Would you like a cup of coffee, Michael? I’m just…’ Jenny, his PA, stopped dead when she saw his demeanour and the rest of her sentence was left hanging.

He took a deep breath and tried to compose his thoughts. Judging from Jenny’s continued look of concerned curiosity, his attempt to look normal wasn’t working.

‘No, I have to go out. Can you hold all my calls and cancel that meeting with Rod James? Tell him I’ll reschedule for later in the week.’

‘Sure, no problem,’ Jenny said carefully. ‘Is everything okay?’

‘No, not really,’ Michael said as he began to pack his briefcase hurriedly. He doubted it would ever be okay again.

Jenny waited for him to elaborate on this intriguing statement. When he said nothing more, she gave up. ‘When will you be back?’

‘No idea,’ he said. ‘I’ll call you later.’ He swept out of the office, oblivious to the discreet glances from the staff. The only thing on his mind was the news he had just been given.

* * *

Ellie sat in the coffee shop wondering what the hell she was going to say to this stranger whose life she had just upended with the most catastrophic news. She supposed that she should be pleased he had even listened to her. For the first few moments, she had expected him to hang up — but he had been willing to listen when she mentioned Lisa’s name. For that she was grateful.

She recognised him as soon as he strode through the door. He, on the other hand, had no idea who she was, so she stood, feeling a little self-conscious, and waved at him.

Michael sat down and faced the petite dark haired woman who had just dropped the biggest bombshell of his life on him.

‘You must be Ellie,’ he said, for lack of anything better to say.

‘And you must be Michael,’ Ellie replied with a ghost of a smile flickering across her face. ‘I’m sorry to have to be the bearer of such news,’ she apologised, ‘but I felt you had a right to know.’

Michael looked down at the table and studied the scratches in the worn pine surface. He sensed her sympathy, but he wasn’t sure he deserved it.

‘How did you find me?’ He was still mystified about that.

‘Lisa had kept some letters amongst other things. There was a print out of an email you’d sent her and I found your telephone number through the company details. Can I fetch you a coffee?’

‘No, it’s okay. I’ll get it. Would you like another one?’ Michael needed a moment to collect his thoughts. This was all too much.

Ellie shook her head. ‘No, thanks,’ she replied. ‘Too much caffeine is bad for me.’

He stood and joined the queue for drinks. For some reason, this reminded him of the many times he’d met Lisa for coffee at lunchtime. When their affair first began, they had spent many hours talking over coffee. Short, stolen, blissful moments, all fitted in between meetings. The local coffee shop had been a refuge
from all that was wrong with his life.

‘Can I help you, sir?’ the blonde girl behind the counter repeated with an expression of irritation on her pretty face.

Only then did he realise she had been impatiently waiting for his order. He hurriedly asked for an espresso. Once he had paid for the drink, he returned to Ellie and sat down again.

He sipped the scorching hot coffee. ‘How was she…before she ‘ He broke off abruptly. The words just wouldn’t come, no matter how much he tried to spit them out.

‘Lisa was good,’ Ellie said softly. ‘She was happy and looking forward to the baby’s coming.’ Tears welled up at the corners of her eyes. She fought to contain the tide of emotion that threatened to spill out from behind the carefully built wall of control. This wasn’t about her, it was about the child.

‘I didn’t want things to end the way they did,’ Michael said slowly. He wasn’t sure why he was justifying himself to this stranger, but he felt he had to explain. ‘She never told me about the baby.’

Ellie reached out impulsively and covered Michael’s hand. It felt cold despite the warm day. ‘That’s in the past now,’ she said gently. ‘I’m not here to cast blame on anyone. I’m only trying to do the right thing for the baby.’

‘What’s her name?’ he asked hesitantly, grateful for Ellie’s empathy. ‘The baby, I mean.’

‘She doesn’t have one, but Lisa liked the name Hope. She said it was fitting for her baby.’ Ellie wondered if she’d had some kind of premonition.

‘That’s a nice name,’ he said. ‘Can I see her?’

‘Yes. If you want you…’

He knew there was no way on earth he could NOT see her now. She was all he had left.

* * *

The shadows lengthened in the dark room as night fell. Still, Michael continued to sit, immobile in his worn leather armchair. A glass of scotch sat untouched on the table beside him. He was too lost in his memories.

Helen had rung earlier, ostensibly to chat about things, but he knew it was her way of checking up on him. Even from three thousand miles away, she still felt the need to control his life. As he listened to her familiar voice echoing down the phone line, it was on the tip of his tongue to tell her everything. But self-preservation prevented him. It could wait until she returned to finalise their divorce in a few months time. He had no desire to open Pandora’s Box too soon.

Not that his life was any of her business anymore. Once he’d kicked her out, she had decided to travel and take some time to decide what she wanted from her life. In her own inimitable way, she had calmly stated that she no longer needed him and now she wanted her freedom.

He sometimes wondered why he had ever thought it was possible for things to change. How naïve he had been. Duty and a sense of misguided loyalty had prevented him from seeking happiness with the woman he loved – and for what exactly? Now he was the one left with nothing.

Well almost nothing, he silently corrected himself. He had Hope.

If only Lisa had told me, he thought miserably. Maybe then things would have been different. But she had said nothing. She had simply walked away from him that day. Of course, now he knew why. She must have known that if she had told him of her pregnancy, he would have felt utterly torn.

He could still picture her face during those final moments, as she shook her head with sorrow. How he wished he could turn the clock back. If he knew then what he knew now — would it have made any difference? They would never know. He had made a terrible decision and the die had been cast.

Tomorrow, he would go and see his daughter. Despite the desolation he felt by knowing Lisa was gone forever, a small flicker of hope burned deep within the barren wasteland of his heart. He had to be strong for Hope. She needed him.

* * *

The nursery was empty but for the crib in the corner. Michael walked across the room while Ellie stood near the door and watched. She still wasn’t sure if this was going to work. What if he rejected the baby? Instinct told her he was a decent man, but who knew for sure.

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Introduction: A teenage girl takes for granted the life she has at home and when she runs away, she is thrown into a world of rape and torture. After the birth of my new baby sister, life at home had not really been a life at all. By the time I was sixteen years old, I decided I wanted to run away from home. I was having trouble living my own life at home and no one really paid attention to me anymore. I had started saving money since I was 10 and I now had $500. I also help that the yesterday...

2 years ago
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While Hubbys Away Part 3

My sister-in-law Georgette had texted me complaining that her husband Ron was not giving her what she needed in the bedroom. Her words were exactly, "He wanted sex and I allowed him to enter her and he lasted 15 seconds." She also said that she had spoken to a doctor about our relations and the way she was feeling and that she thought it was wrong but she felt a need to satisfy her hunger between her thigh and her doctor told her there was nothing wrong with the way she felt, She said she had...

4 years ago
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Crossdressed in public

hi ppl i m rohit….i m 16 yrs old and i live in delhi…i love to crossdress when i m all alone. i hv been doing this sicne i was 13 yrs old.i used to wear my mom’s clothes n gaze myself at mirror. though i was not a gay but i wanted to try gay sex once by turning to a women. it was in d month of june when my parents had to go to noida for some work and i was left all alone at home for a week. one evening i thought i should try crossdressing and go out to enjoy in public n tease some ppl.i...

Gay Male
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CL Memories 1 Crossdresser True Story

I used to get a lot of fun out of CL. I'll post some short stories about some of my experiences there. I sure do miss it. This happened about 10 years ago. I was divorced and living alone, and playing whenever I got the hots and had a good opportunity.I checked CL one weekend night to see if there was any fun to be had, and found a post from a crossdresser visiting a nearby city and looking for company. She (I'll use that pronoun here) had a room in a local motel for the night. I responded to...

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Setting Her Up

Merrie was a cheerleader and the most beautiful girl in the school. In the town as far as I was concerned. I was the quarterback and captain of the football team. It was a match made in Heaven. Nine years later I looked on it as a match made in hell. Merrie was as gorgeous as ever even after having two kids, but she had turned into a stone-assed Bitch. That's right; bitch with a capital B. About three years ago she started being moody and began drinking heavily. I tried dozens of times to...

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sharing my ssbbw with a close friend part 1

This is the first of a few times sharing my ssbbw wife with a friend. I am posting this via my cell phone so please forgive any mistakes that I might make in my gramar.A hot summer day a few years back the in-laws calle us and asked if we wanted to go out with them on their house boat for the day. We had partied the night before and had a friend (chuck) spend the night since he had 1 or 15 too many. He was happy to join us for yet another full day of booze and fun.We started the hour long drive...

4 years ago
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Karen My School Teacher 15

Karen, My School Teacher - Part 15By HosieryQueenPart 15I saw that we’d went to the mall. We parked the car and walked inside.“Where are we going?”There weren't a lot of people because it was still early.“You Victoria, are going to a hairdresser, to get your hair done. It's at the other end of the mall!”We kept walking. And I saw men looking at me and Karen. Even men with their wives and baby’s were checking us out. Mmmm, I’d never been out in daylight like this before - only late nights - but...

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GFS Bestfriend pt4

Charmaine woke up the next morning at 9, head hurting. Danny woke up with her, feeling ok. Feeling great, in fact. He was 5 hours or so removed from fucking his dream woman!Charmaine went into the spare room to awaken her friend. Liz woke up, a little hurting herself. They talked briefly before Charmaine headed for the shower. As soon as Danny heard the shower, he went straight for the spare room, wearing only a T-shirt and boxers. When he saw Liz he was hard instantly.The blankets were thrown...

3 years ago
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PJ and Xiu

Freshman college coed apartment. “KC what do you mean you need a driver for spring break?” There are times that I really hate my twin sister. This is one of them. She wants me to drive her and a few friends to Las Vegas. “PJ you need to loosen up. You've had your head in a book since you were six years old.” Together we say, “How is it that we are twins?” We stare at each other for the longest time. Her cell phone rings. We continue staring. On the sixth ring KC breaks her stare and answers the...

College Sex
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Maddys cuckold story

Introduction: This is my first story. Im not a writer and Im not trying to win any competitions. I just want to give a few readers a little pleasure. I have other stories still being developed so if the response is half positive I will make an effort to finish them. Sunday David, do these guys in the porn films really have such big cocks or are they faked somehow? No I guess theyre real Maddy. Thats probably why they work in porn. But I dont think they all have enormous dicks. But Ive never...

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It was Sunday and i was outside minding my own buisness doing the garden when i seen my next door neighbour shagging the plumber. i thought hey up am having some off this like. so a went inside and got the video camera, AS You DO, then i creeped up to the window and what i saw was unreal she had all her friends round in the dining room watching as they stroked each others pussy's. i thought i was dreaming so i went and got the wife to have a look. a shouted ''darling come and have a look at...

3 years ago
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Poolish Desires

S is an interesting creature, she doesn't quite know herself well enough to understand the effect she has on men as well as some women. Of European decent she wasn't raised with the rigidity of American morals and is an unconscious exhibitionist.One summer day we took a long respite at beautiful and huge public pool at an exclusive hotel in Las Vegas, you'd know the name for its reputation is based on poker.She's 50 but you'd never know it due to a regimen of weight work and running, with a...

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My wife and the gardeners at home

I was suspecting my sweet Ana was cheating on me, because she looked very relaxed sometimes when I came home after work.Something strange was happening and I wanted to know what…I surf the web and finally came across a surveillance camera built into a teddy bear. That was a good idea. My loving Ana loved those nice teddy bears. Then I bought one for her, including the camera inside…She was delighted and told me the toy would rest in a confortable shelf inside our bedroom. Just what I...

4 years ago
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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 15

I sat there in the study for quite a while. How long I'm not sure, because the chair faces away from the only time piece in the room, an old style mariners clock that resides on my roll-top desk. I held the glass of vodka in my left hand, my head in my right; staring out in the direction of the doorway yet seeing nothing but the swirling dissonance of my own thoughts. All the downstairs lights were off, the only illumination was a small nightlight plugged into an outlet halfway down the...

4 years ago
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A Much of a Which of a WindChapter 48

I'd continued to keep my apartment long past my desire to remain there. My lease had been up at the end of February but I simply switched over to month-to-month, and renewed twice more. It was where I'd lived with Susan, and I had this vague idea that if she did decide to come looking for me I needed to make it as easy as I could for her. By May, though, my landlord had enough of that; either I needed to sign a new lease or get my butt out so he could find a replacement tenant. And it was...

2 years ago
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The Magic Pouch First Customers part four

Magic pouch: Part Four Gwen returned home from her day at the office. By now she has been wearing the skirt and heels for an hour or two. She drove home in the heels like it was a normal day. She also seems to have not noticed the breasts that are now straining against her dress shirt. Her nipples clearly erect and sticking through the thin material. She wiggles her way down the drive way toward the mailbox not thinking anything about the neighbors who can clearly see him/her. She...

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Roberts Story Chapter 12

(((Ringing))) (((Ringing))) A loud obtrusive ringing set upon me, I reached for the phone, tangled in naked little girls. “Hello”? “Good morning Robert” Marcus said brightly, “Wake up Erik’s girls and send them on to their Grandfather they have a day of preparing to do, and join me on the balcony for some coffee. We have some logistics to cover”. I kindly nudged and kissed the little angels awake pulling them up from the bed. They gathered their gowns...

4 years ago
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The Truth About Nikki pt7

It was now early January 1998 and I was now “legal tender” as they say because I had turned 18 years old in December. Anna and I both agreed that our new life was almost perfect if you ignored the fact that we were both still whores. It was weird living this way, we had a schedule, so and so at 12:00, another guy at 3:00, dinner and a dick at 7:00. It varied every day; some days were full with maybe 5 or 6 guys to service, others would have maybe 1 in the morning and another way late in...

3 years ago
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Karen in the Closet

Karen Jones was upset. She had just hung up the phone on her husband who was away on a business trip for the third time this month. This time it was Chicago, last week it was New York, always some different city. She knew he had to take these trips, visiting his legal clients in all the big cities, but she couldn't help but wonder what he did on his business trips at night. John had been quite a ladies man during their college years, tall and good-looking with dark curly hair and a muscular...

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Doctors orders part 2

Doctors' orders Part two My hands were trembling, my heart pounding as I opened the door and walked it. The doctor looked up from her computer and gestured that I should come around the desk to where a seat had been placed. I slowly walked to the chair conscious of the doctor looking me up and down. I stood in front of the chair, one foot slightly behind the other, trying to look as feminine as possible. The doctor asked me to turn around so she could see all of me. After what seemed...

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A Christmas WishChapter 4

December 20, 2014 "Damn! Why can't I get this thing to look right?" Fitz muttered, as he stood in front of the long mirror in his bedroom struggling with the bowtie to his tuxedo. He just needed to tie his tie and slip on his jacket and he'd be ready to leave for David's annual Christmas party. Fitz untied the mess he's made of his black silk tie, and making sure the ends were even he started again. This time he thought about all the times Naomi had stood in front of him and tied it...

2 years ago
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LoveHerBoobs Nickey Huntsman Teachers Home Visit

Nicky Huntsmen conducts a home visit to one of her problematic students. The gorgeous teacher wants to confront the student’s father about his negative behavior in class. Instead of focusing on the lecture, the said student prefers snapping pictures of the sexy teacher’s boobs and legs. The student’s father, Alex Mack, tries to put the blame on Nicky’s inappropriately beautiful assets. Nicky wants to have a proper sit down with the student and her parents. However, both...

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One of the many sexual adventures of Katy ch2

Chapter 2"Now Katy," the voice continued suggestively, "I want you to take out the lipstick, and write a message for me on the glass of EACH side of the phone booth - the message should be large enough for me to see, I am in a building some distance away and using binoculars and video surveillance . The message should read 'Follow me for a REAL good time' - put the 'REAL' in caps and UNDERLINE it.". Mr. Jones said he would call her in a few minutes after she had finished. Nervously, Katy wrote...

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I become my wifes girlfriend The beginning

My name is Tony and I’m a regular straight guy. This is the story about my life as the part of lesbian couple, and yes, I’m aware of weirdness of this statement. During the first period of our relationship our sex life was fantastic, a man’s dream. At this time I wasn’t aware of my dark fantasies, our sex was very good and I thought of us as a very nice couple. And then, something like two years ago, after one of our sex acts she said something that every man would dream about and never dare...

3 years ago
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Burnt Toast

“Oh shit” she exclaimed as her toast came out of the conveyor type toaster in the Members Airline lounge, “fucking burnt”. I picked it up and said “here, I’ll turn it down and do you two new pieces while I do my own”I was standing next to this tall mature woman dressed in a black business suit. The skirt came to just above her knees and with black stockings and impossible stilettos she looked like sex personified to me. I’d not really seen her face but when she turned to thank me I could see...

4 years ago
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Teenage Adventures 11 Juliarsquos Surprise

It had been over two months since Maria had given birth, and she had not fucked Timothy for another three weeks before then. Between nursing and diaper changes, the last nine weeks had drained her of every last ounce of energy. Now, standing on Ms. Alsover’s doorstep, she could almost feel the boy’s big cock inside her cum-starved pussy when she rang the bell.“Maria, what a lovely surprise!”, Ms. Alsover said, as her housekeeper stepped inside, followed by a pretty teenage girl.Maria embraced...

2 years ago
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Pass the Pussy Please

It was Thanksgiving weekend and I was on break until Monday. I didn’t go home this break I stayed in town with a friend who couldn’t afford to go all the way back to California. It was a great week; we cooked, drank and partied at her house because I couldn't stay in my campus dorm. Saturday her roommate Kelsey came back from Columbus and she cooked dinner for her boy friend Steve. Steve was a jerk but I put up with him for Kelsey’s sake. While she cooked dinner, I helped out here and there,...

1 year ago
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Sealed Deal

Kendra sighed as she unlocked the door to the model home she was hosting for an open house that day. She glanced around the million dollar house and up at the twenty foot cathedral ceiling in the entry way. She was feeling a little antsy as she made her way through the house turning on the lights. Her eyes skimmed across the expensive bed spread on a high victorian style bed with posts that nearly reached the ceiling. The things she could do in that bed, if she didn't have people coming through...

2 years ago
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The Second Year and AfterChapter 16

On Tuesday, I used a free period (when I really should have been in the library catching up on the reading I hadn't done at the weekend) to dash across to the bank to draw some cash out, and then went down town after my lectures were over, to look again at the tray purses that I had seen in the shop window. My Mum had bought Dad one for his birthday because she said she was fed up with him jiggling a pocket-full of coins whenever they went out anywhere, and he had actually found it really...

3 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor

It was 1970. I had just turned 17 when we moved to a new town. We had spent the weekend moving furniture and unpacking boxes. Mom and dad had gone to work, leaving me home to finish up, when the doorbell rang. I opened the door see who was there. Before me was an absolute babe! She looked to be around thirty five. Tall, jet black, shoulder length hair, tight blouse, tight slacks, amazing looking rack, killer ass, carrying a plate full of cookies. “Hi! My name is Karen Burleson. I’m your next...

First Time
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Family FunChapter 11

Meanwhile, in the spa room, Debbie and Julie were giving young Johnny a fuck to remember. The boy was on his back beside the tub with his sister's little blonde pussy plastered over his face while Debbie Conroy faced her, bouncing her cunt up and down on Johnny's rigid cock. "Mmmm, that's so fucking good!" Julie breathed as her pussy responded to her brother's tongue with glowing, trembling warmth. "Ohhh, yeahhh Johnny! Suck me, baby! Suck me and fuck Debbie! Uuuhhhh, this is so...

4 years ago
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Ashley part 7

A wide, happy grin creeps across my lips as I dance for the cheering crowd. My face has been made-up with thick stage make-up, making me look a lot older than my thirteen and a half years. My shoulder-length blonde hair has been tied into a bun, and a white, feathered headdress has been pinned to my hair- but none of this compares to my costume. I'm wearing a brilliant white tutu with thin shoulder straps and a stiff net skirt that sticks out several inches from my narrow waist....

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My Favorite Color is Blue

My name is Camille Cartwright and my favorite color is blue. The color blue has been associated with all types of descriptions from feeling down to feeling peaceful. For me, it just depends on what day it is and what I’m going through at the time. Blue is one of those colors that embody complexity – it can be depressed and hopeful simultaneously, like the sky. Its distance is limitless to those of us who wish to reach for it, but at times we feel as though the further we reach the further away...

2 years ago
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Pulling into the space next to his car, I couldn’t shut mine off fast enough. I was out the door and hurrying around the trunk before it was closed. He mirrored my actions, moving swiftly across the seemingly invisible space between us. In a breath, I was enveloped. In his arms, yes, but beyond the physical, simply absorbed. Time melted as our bodies met, my face found a home in the hollow of his collar. I breathed deeply, a scent that I knew as well as my own. His hands pressed me closer,...

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The Beginning Part 13

Breeding the milk cow.I guess my Friday where I call the shots got a little too bit crazy for Karen and I. I did go over the top for Friday. Need to tone it down next time. We did nothing but rest all day Saturday."Honey, am I going to have to compete with you on who gets to suck on a black cock?" Karen asked.Did I just hear a little bit of jealousy in Karen's voice just now. What? She does not want to share a black dick with me? I was just laughing to myself.No sweetie pie. The only reason...

3 years ago
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On My Seventeenth Wedding AnniversaryChapter 9 Saturday Morning

Several hours, I was awakened by giggling, and some turbulence of the bed. I blinked several times, and found that there was another soul in the bed, and Suzie was evidently trying to lick a confession from Marie. At least, if Marie's muffled screams, and the white-knuckled grasp she had of Suzie's dark hair were any indication, Marie was nearly ready to confess to anything Suzie had in mind, if she would simply Finish Marie Off, as she was begging through clenched teeth. Unsurprisingly, I...

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