- 4 years ago
- 43
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I was still standing right outside Gabriella’s front door when Sean came running back towards the house. His quick steps worried me, what had happened, was something wrong? He probably saw my worried look because he hugged me close with one arm when he passed me, and pulled me into the small house. His other arm was occupied, carrying a brown paper box.
Sean put the box on the kitchen table, turned towards me and pulled me into his arms. He stood completely still, the full length of his body pressed against mine and as he leaned his head on top of mine, I realized that he was almost a head taller than I was. I also realized our previous hugs, and kisses, had all been given and received sitting down. I wanted to kiss him right there and then, but his arms were wrapped around me tightly, keeping me safely secured to his body, and it felt like he didn’t want to let me go.
I pressed myself willingly against him and thought about the way his strong arms made me feel secure where another man’s would probably have made me feel retained, captured, controlled… and afraid. Somehow it felt right, like coming home after a long trip, as if I had finally reached safe harbor. I wanted to keep holding him forever, because his presence made me feel calm, safe, happy… and loved. I closed my eyes and stopped worrying, stopped thinking that my feelings were too strong, that everything was happening too fast, and let myself lean on the powerful man in front of me, mind, body and soul.
Gabriella interrupted us a few minutes later with a loud clearing of her voice and we slowly parted. I looked up at Sean and saw my own feelings mirrored on his face. He nodded and kissed my temple before he turned the both of us towards his aunt. He grabbed my hand, nodded towards the paper box and started talking.
‘Mary’s found everything we need and it’s time to do what needs to be done! So, I’m heading back to town as soon as possible, and I was kind of hoping you’d come with me?’
I appreciated that he asked us to come with him rather than just tell us to do so, I was pretty sure that a direct command would still have me pulling all the brakes, even after our close hug and my silent acknowledgement of the feelings I had for him. Now, since he asked and looked at us with big, pleading eyes, I had to hold myself back to not throw myself at him screaming ‘I’ll go anywhere with you’. In my mind I saw how he struggled to stand straight and keep upright as I came running, waving my arms ecstatically, basically climbing his tall shape, and a small giggle passed my lips. I held my hand over my mouth and shook my head when Sean looked at me with a question in his eyes. Then I remembered that I had promised myself I’d convince all of my friends to come with me to Mary’s house.
‘Mary wanted us to go to her house, where she said she could keep us safe. It’s the least we can do for her, I thought?’ I told them softly.
‘Well, I have to get back to work,’ Gabriella said ‘but you should go!’
‘You should both go,’ Sean said ‘I guess I might be needed in town…’
I looked at them and saw that they both had their stubborn faces on, and their facial expressions were so alike, it was a wonder I hadn’t seen their family resemblance before. It almost made me giggle again, but I kept a straight face, set on convincing them to come with me.
‘You see…’ I said pleadingly ‘Mary has done all this hard work for me, for us, and she’s so wonderful and strong, but so afraid that we’ll get hurt – and I really didn’t want to use this form of persuasion, but could you please do it for me? Please… pretty please?!’
I looked at them with ‘pretty please’ written all over my face, and Sean nodded a single fierce nod before turning towards his aunt. Gabriella looked at me, at Sean and then back at me again before she started laughing. She kept laughing as she walked up to me, tousled my hair and gave me a quick hug.
‘Rose, you really need to practice on your sad-puppy-dog-look, you need big, wet eyes AND trembling lips, otherwise it won’t work on me…’ she said, still laughing ‘luckily Sean knows just how to do it… so yes, I’ll come with you…’ she paused and then added ‘but I need to go home and pack a bag and then I have to go to the shop, to take care of some things that can’t wait until next week, okay?’
I nodded and smiled, then turned towards Sean again.
‘You have to come,’ I told him ‘and you have to make sure Edward and Alfred come too! I need all of you to be safe!’
Sean laughed, nodded, gave me a quick hug and walked out of the house to ‘make a few quick calls to some of his friends on the police force’. Gabriella busied herself in the kitchen, making coffee and sandwiches for us to eat before we left. She sang a slow, soft song as she poured the water in the coffee-maker and cut the bread, a sweet song that I had never heard before, but that somehow reminded me of my childhood days. I opened my mouth to ask her about the song, but it looked like she was caught up in memories, so I walked away to give her some space.
After washing my face and shaking my head at my lake-soaked hair in the mirror, I walked back into the guest room, set on tidying up before we went back to the city. I made the bed and then stood there, once more taking in the calm atmosphere of the room, hugging one of the pillows with closed eyes, to make sure I remembered everything about the room and my days and nights in it, surprised that the image of the tiny, giggling princess still made an appearance. I closed the door with a sigh, it was time for a new chapter, it was time to start walking towards that better, brighter future.
We were all surprisingly silent when we sat down at the table and started eating the breakfast Gabriella had made. It was a tense silence, as if we were all worried about what that day would bring, or as if we were trying to build some extra strength for what was to come in the very near future. The sound of a phone interrupted the quiet and had me almost jumping off my seat. Sean fumbled with the phone before he managed to press the right button to answer it. Once again I listened to the conversation, wanting to know who the caller was. It didn’t take too many words before I figured it out.
‘Hello, what? Yes, we’re still here… having breakfast,’ Sean answered somewhat annoyed ‘how did you know? What? You can’t do that, or at least you can’t tell me you’re doing that! Our plan? We’re all going back to the city, I’m going to hand over the papers and then I’m going to get Edward, Rose and Gabriella are going past Gabriella’s place and then to the beauty parlor, then to that mysterious house you’ve never told me about… ok, yes… I’ll let you talk to her…’
Sean handed the phone over to Gabriella and a new, even more strange conversation began.
‘Hello? Well yes… that’s the address…’ she started, surprise on her face ‘If we have far to walk? No, we’ll park in the garage and take the elevator up… yes it’s protected… we’ll be safe. We’ll be there in about 45 minutes… see you soon!’
It didn’t take a genius to figure out that it was Mary they’d both been talking to, she had a whirlwind way about her sometimes and I could see the Mary-effect on both of their faces. I couldn’t hold back the giggle that their stunned expressions generated inside of me. Something was definitely different about me, I didn’t usually walk around with laughter bubbling out of me all the time. Sean looked at me, smiled and took my hand. I could almost read ‘you should laugh more often’ in his eyes, and I was happy he didn’t just blurt it out, because, well… there hadn’t been too many things to laugh about lately had there?
We all helped clean the kitchen, and just ten minutes later we were on our way, Sean in one car, me and Gabriella in the other. We had decided we would all meet up at the beauty parlor, and the parting kiss Sean gave me before we left kept me occupied for at least half
of the ride back to the city. After shaking the dreamy-eyed feeling off, I started thinking about the future again. The fact that we were moving, that we were finally doing something made me feel oddly excited. The fear was still there, but under a layer of decisive stubbornness. My husband wasn’t going to get away with what he had done, and I was going to get a happy end to the story of my life!
When we reached the city I saw Sean’s car turn right and seconds later Gabriella turned left. We were separated, but hopefully just for a short while. I stared after Sean and felt a strange, upset feeling inside of me that I didn’t want to acknowledge, it wasn’t like I wouldn’t ever see him again after all, was it? I let my teeth worry my lower lip as I tried to sort through my thoughts, by intelligently studying the facts and ignoring my feelings. Strangely enough, there were a lot of facts that had surprising similarities to emotions, so I gave it up, sighed and stared out the window.
After parking the car in the garage below the apartment building, Gabriella showed me into her ‘city home’, as she called it. She told me she had moved to that apartment just a year ago, deciding that she didn’t need a large place anymore, especially since she had her real home by the lake to go to.
Gabriella’s rather modern flat was small, clean, orderly, but kind of impersonal. It was as if the house on the countryside held her warm heart, and her ‘city home’ was just a place to sleep and perhaps eat a few bites in. Gabriella told me she needed a shower, and then she’d start packing. She invited me to look through her closet for some clean clothes before she laughed at my gaping mouth and closed the door to the bathroom. It didn’t feel quite right to go through another woman’s things, so I walked into the kitchen, surprised when I found that room as impersonal as the rest of the place. There were no cook books, no flowers and no memory items in there, and it didn’t feel as inviting as any of the more recent kitchen areas I had been exploring. I sat down and stared down at my hands thinking that if I had a kitchen I would definitely need a few cook books, and flowers, and then the memories would probably start making themselves?
A loud buzzing sound had me jumping once more and I ran to the door, and looked out the security peephole to make sure it was really Mary who was standing out there. It was, but she looked annoyed and seemed to be muttering something to herself. I opened the door, and she was still grumbling something about ‘low level security’ and ‘even a novice could break in’ and ‘let’s-just-chose-the-cheapest-contractor stupidity’. She gave me a quick glance and then walked into the apartment scanning all of the rooms before she settled down in one of the chairs in the kitchen, dropping another brown paper box on the table in the process.
Mary’s movements were unusually edgy, almost twitchy and when I looked at her hands I could tell they were shaking. Steady, dependable, always able Mary, shaking? I stared at her hands and all sorts of thoughts ran through my mind, was it just because she was tired, or because she was worried about us, or… did it have something to do with those scars she had shown me? I opened my mouth again to ask her all of the questions that were tumbling around in my head, but she stopped me once more with a shake of hers.
‘I’m worried because I’ve found evidence suggesting that your husband is still in the city. I’m happy that you’re coming to my house, but the hours between now and then is the real worry. If I could I would go with you to the beauty parlor, just to make sure everything was ok, but I have an important… meeting, that I can’t miss. And I haven’t been able to get a hold of a good security team, at least not a team that is… good enough… so I’m worried…’ she said, her hurried words turning into a soft whisper as she ended.
I looked at her nervous appearance and felt I needed to reassure her.
‘Sean, Edward and Alfred are all meeting us there,’ I said, my words perhaps a bit more confident than I felt on the inside ‘and there will be a lot of people in the parlor, he wouldn’t want to make a fool out of himself or his family, I’m sure of it!’
‘I hope you’re right, but I have this weird feeling that I’ve missed something important, that I haven’t seen the full picture. And that that missing piece of the puzzle is what will make this whole thing blow up in our faces!’ Mary said, this time ending her speech in a slightly hysterical tone.
She closed her eyes and took a handful of deep breaths before opening them again. She seemed to calm down as she looked at me, and it made me think that she might actually be helped by fully concentrating on what was before her. The ability to focus so completely must be a useful superpower, but then again, perhaps I was just searching for quick fixes to my own anxiety problems. She leaned back in the chair, more like the Mary I was used to, and smiled her usual, full smile. Her smile turned slightly wicked as she lifted an eyebrow and her eyes started glittering.
‘So you and Sean, huh?’ she said nodding ‘It’s a good fit, that’s for sure. Have you tested how well you fit physically yet?’
My cheeks turned flaming red and I shook my head, not really surprised at the question, she did tend to ask the difficult questions, in a very straight-forward manner.
‘So a no on that question,’ she said with a small laugh ‘with a small, secret ‘I can’t wait to try him out’ added to it. Good, I’m happy for you!’
She wrinkled her forehead and looked down at her hands shortly, as if she was trying to find a way to tell me something but had a difficult time finding the right way to do it. She looked up at me with a serious expression on her face and I held my breath, anxious to hear what she had to say.
‘Well, the thing is, when I’m worried, sometimes I say things that don’t fit with my fundamental beliefs, and those things come back haunting me for quite some time after I’ve said them. In your case I did it this morning…’ she said, keeping her eyes fixed on mine.
I nodded to get her to keep talking, thinking that I couldn’t remember that she’d said anything that was bad or wrong.
‘I told you to let Sean help you get through it all, in a sense I basically told you to ‘lean on the big, strong man, because you’re just a weak woman and you need the protection only a man can give you’, and it didn’t sit well in my mind. You’re a strong woman and you don’t really need a man, even though Sean is a pretty decent one, all things considered. I just want you to look at what you’ve endured, the strength it has taken to hide all of it from your friends, the strength it has taken to break free. And I want you to keep that in mind, that you’re stronger than all of us. Remember it, because you’re only as strong as your thoughts…’
She took a deep breath and I wondered if she ever took a breath in mid-sentence, I didn’t seem like she did, she just kept going.
‘You’re going to need support to get through this, that is true, but you’re going to have to do all the mental heavy lifting yourself. You’ve been living in fear for so long, probably reacting by freezing up, or by running away – at least mentally, so freezing, hiding and running are probably natural reactions for you when something or someone scares you, or when you’re worried, stressed out or feel uncertain about something. But here’s the thing, it’s not your mind and your thoughts that control you, even though it might feel like that most of the time. No, you’re in charge. Instead of reacting automatically in stressful situations you can stop yourself, check your emotions and make conscious decisions. And when you get to that point, when you’re truly in control, that’s when you grow stronger, that’s when you don’t have to live in fear anymore!’
I tried to process everything she’d been telling me, one question standing out, needing to be posed.
‘How?’ I said and l
ooked at her.
‘It might sound silly, but the truth is really simple. If you think ‘I’m strong, I’m in control’, your mind is going to respond to that and you’re going to feel stronger and more in control. I’m sure you’ve heard of positive affirmations? Well, it’s the same principle, if you say to yourself that you’re happy, that you’re pretty and so on, you’re going to feel happy, pretty and… whatever…’ her words tuned out as she saw the skeptic look on my face. She laughed and continued.
‘Trust me, I was very skeptical to the whole idea a few years ago, but after having a neuro scientist explain the actual, physical functions of the brain to me, I’ve been converted. You are in control, not your mind. Anyways, all I’m saying is – think about your strength, not your weaknesses, it’s a good start!’
‘Not really a quick-fix then…’ I said under my breath.
She laughed and patted the box she had placed on the table.
‘This is the quick-fix,’ she told me ‘two things that will make you feel safe and make me feel a whole lot less worried!’
She pulled out a cell phone and showed me how to reach her by just pressing one button on it. Then she pulled out something that looked like a tool, or maybe a combination between a tool and a weapon.
‘This is a stun gun…’ she said before handing it over to me.
She opened a browser on the phone she’d given me and accessed a page with instructions, both written and filmed, on how to use it, before she showed me herself with simple movements. She then handed it back to me again and told me to do what she had done. It wasn’t complicated, but it felt strange to hold something that could be used to cause harm. It felt… wrong, somehow.
The box wasn’t entirely empty, but held some clothes, and a rather strange combination of clothes at that. A set of lovely, lacy, purple underwear was combined with simple black socks, a pair of sneakers, a pair of jeans, a tank top and a t-shirt that said ‘the force is strong in me’. I looked at Mary, nodded at the text, and attempted to lift my eyebrow the way my friend usually did, failing the attempt quite miserably.
‘Too obvious?’ she laughed ‘Well, sometimes subtlety is overrated. Sometimes what you really need is a kick in the butt.’
She stood up and stretched, movements once again smooth and controlled, her hands still shaking slightly. She walked around the table and gave me a hug, then showed me how to hide the phone in my back pocket and the stun gun tucked into my pants, under the long t-shirt. It felt awkward, and I couldn’t stop thinking that there was a high chance that I’d manage to stun my own butt with it, probably whilst accidently calling Mary with my other butt-cheek.
I saw Mary out of the apartment and just minutes later Gabriella came gliding out of the bathroom, freshly showered, her hair and makeup perfectly in order. I told her about Mary’s visit, showed her the stuff she had brought and after a short discussion about weapons designed to cause less harm than guns, I walked into the bathroom to take a well-needed shower.
I stood in the shower and repeated the words my friend had told me. It really did seem incredible, even ridiculous, that thinking ‘I’m strong’ would make you strong. But then again, the opposite, thinking that you were weak, seemed logically connected to feeling weak, so why was the power of thinking good things so much harder to believe in?
I washed up, remembering far too late that I’d been instructed not to shower for a handful of days. I muttered a few curses, stepped out, dried off and got dressed in the clothes that were all a surprisingly good fit. There was no need for makeup, so after tucking the phone, the stun gun and the rest of my pitifully few possessions in my jeans and quickly brushing my hair, I was ready for our next stop on our way to Mary’s place.
We rode in silence in Gabriella’s car, each of us caught up in our own thoughts. My thoughts were mostly circling around the sorry state of my lower back, and the hard gun that was pressing into it. ‘Good job, Rose,’ my body seemed to scream ‘great plan, good thinking’. We didn’t have far to go, but still, I jumped out of the car with a happy smile on my lips, sighing in relief. Then the strangeness of the situation hit me, a few sharp pokes in the back for a few minutes, wasn’t really painful in comparison to other painful moments, was it? I bit my lip, sent the memories back behind the closed door and started walking, set on focusing on my future.
Author’s note: This story is inspired by rachlou’s wonderful story series, ‘Show Me Heaven.’ There is nothing much similar about these stories, except the basic premise of a shy girl who is lured from her shell by a caring girlfriend and a patient man. ^ ^ ^ ^ Jane Smith finished filing the last of that day’s work, and neatly stacked the leftover documents in her In box for when she returned to work on Monday. She was particular about leaving work with a clean desk, a trait that extended to...
Jane Smith finished filing the last of that day's work, and neatly stacked the leftover documents in her In box for when she returned to work on Monday. She was particular about leaving work with a clean desk, a trait that extended to her private life as well. She lived by the motto, "a place for everything, and everything in its place." Her little house was neat as a pin, without a bit of clutter anywhere. Nothing was out of place, and you eat off the floor in her kitchen; that's how...
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Just before the Summer ended my master Hank vanished on me. I was his slave and his nature trail bitch. We'd meet at the same park every day it was sunny and then go fuck in the woods. (Actually he'd fuck and I'd hold still) One day in late August he introduced me to Gary. It was so awkward for both of us. To this day neither of us knew what Hank was up to. He always came to the park alone except for the last day we met. There was no sense asking Hank what was up. He wasn't much of a...
Your name is John McQuaid. It is something you remind yourself everyday, for it is not your name. Not your real name, anyway. You reach down the lunch hamper you brought with you, your fingers seeking the comfort you always find in your gun.
I was fifteen years old when my father was killed in a car crash. Losing him was a horrible experience for me, but it was much worse for my mother Sarah -- she was utterly devastated. Even after a year and a half, she was unable to overcome the grief and put her life back together. My name is Julia, and I am her only child. Watching my mother suffer was breaking my heart. Before Dad's accident, she was a sexy, vivacious woman of thirty-five, with long red hair, a delicate and beautiful face...
IncestThis Story is made with characters that are all explicitly 18 years old or older, if you like this story or want to suggest anything please do leave a comment on it giving your feedback, I hope you enjoy it as this is my first story. On the Continent of Magic, Peongi, there is a small and cheerful village named Mellmen nestled in a valley, everyone knows each other and people walk about with smiles on their faces, even on the quietest days beautiful music drifts through the air like a cloud,...
FantasyMary sipped her coffee as she sat at the breakfast table. She was reading the newspaper, finding out what happened last night. As usual there was nothing very interesting, and she moved to the ‘Help Wanted’ advertisements. She had been looking for work since she lost her job, last week. She had been working as a waitress, but the business wasn’t doing as well as it could so they cut back. She had just graduated from high school, and although she wasn’t overly intelligent she did end up with a...
Rebecca Volpetti and Ivi Rein are doing their homework together, but Rebecca is really bored of school. Getting up, she offers Ivi a massage. There’s nothing platonic about the way Rebecca rubs Ivi’s titties down. As the girls begin to make out in earnest, Ivi’s stepbrother Nikki Nutz walks in on them. They pull their shirts down and separate quickly, switching gears to gossiping about Nikki. Rebecca decides she wants to see Nikki’s dick. Nikki comes out of his room...
xmoviesforyouJean felt a little scared. It had been two years since she had started dating black men exclusively. Now her boyfriend had talked her to into taking it one step further. She was going to a school to learn about as he said "the culture." "This will complete you," Bill, her boyfriend, said. Jean's lover was a six-foot, four-inch black stud that Jean had been living with. She left her white wimp husband two years ago. What Jean especially did not miss was her ex's four-inch pecker. She blinked and...
Jennifer Jacobs and her mom Ariella Ferrara are getting things set up for the fourth of july. They always have a great time, but Jennifer’s stepdad is always a little too much with his jokes. Oh well, she will just have to make the best out of it. As the burgers start to get grilled, stepdad pulls away for a moment to go let Brad in! But who is he? He’s Jennifers stepbrother of course. Both mom and daughters jaws drop at how hot this stepbrother is. They both want him, and independance...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: . . . and so the fuckfest continues. When Richard came downstairs, Lisa was at the stove wearing nothing but her black sheer robe, matching heels and diamond-studded choker. She was putting the finishing touches on a plate of steak and potatoes at the counter. He swaggered toward her, the air cool on his hot naked flesh. His spent cock swayed between his thighs like a slumbering serpent. Sex and seasoned meat hung in the air like smoke. I made you a drink, stud. She nodded at a...
Hi friends this is kanna from Chennai. I m a big fan of this site, I really love stories in this site, i would like to share one of my story in this site, this is actually a real incident happened to me. First let me explain about me I am a 23yr old dark, 5.9’ chubby boy with all girl assets, especially my big aunty like ass and my fleshy tits. Though I m bit hairy, I love all those curvy swellings in my body. I was also treated as girl in my boy’s high school during my school days. Except...
GayHelen sat in a corner chair of the pavement café, watching the dance studio opposite. She had taken just a few sips of her cappuccino as she watched the comings and goings of eager students taking their next step towards fame and fortune. All of them dance students, and all of them, she would have thought, familiar with the musical drama ‘Fame’.Every time a door opened, she wondered whether the person exiting was his new lover. She picked up the cup and took a sip, her stomach clenched tightly...
Love StoriesEvelyn Claire has the looks of a super model and the sex drive of super slut! She loves her men “tall, dark and handsome”, so today, she’s making her Dogfart Network Debut with none other than super stud Jax Slayher! What starts as a passionate, love-making session turns to an all-out fuck session! Watch as Jax puts the beautiful Evelyn right up against the wall to bang her brains out! She returns the favor, riding his over-sized dick until she orgasms, over and over. Speaking...
xmoviesforyouI didn't make a noise, I just stood there staring at my Mother there like any healthy pubescent fourteen year old boy would do, when he was spying on any grown woman, Mother or not. Mum, was and still is a very beautiful woman. She is a better mate than any of my friends. I can say or do almost anything to her. It all started when I was in bed playing with my erect cock under the blankets, when Mum came into my room. I quickly stopped all the motions that I had been making with my cock. I...
Kneeling in front of Megan, I took her foot in my hand while the crowd around the dance floor began to cheer and chant. I looked up and met her uneasy smile with my own. The mob that encircled us was obviously anxious for her to uncross her legs and for me to begin the ritual. I stalled for time, allowing the bridesmaid the opportunity to gracefully part her legs – if she chose to do so – without appearing to be eagerly slutty. I shook my head and grinned as I carefully slid her shoe off and...
Straight SexIntroduction: Encounter With Wifes Boss and His Wife I had known about Sues office escapades for several months now and still kept it a secret. I had seen Bill and Michelle several times and no one acted strange in any way, although I secretly had a massive desire to have sex with Michelle. We were invited to a cocktail party at Bill and Michelles house, with some of their friends and neighbors. Sue was the only person from the office invited and the party was a semi-formal get together that...
She stumbled out of the taxi door and almost face-planted into the snow. I sighed and hoisted her up by one arm and walked her into the house. Joss, our babysitter was sitting on the couch with three passed out toddlers. Thank god, at least they were out. She began to turn off the TV but I shook my head. “Could you stay a little later? I’ve got to get her into bed.” Joss, a gorgeous girl with high cheekbones, a wide smile and willowy ballet dancers figure nodded. “Sure. I’ll get the boys...
There are all kinds of beautiful girls in the world of porn. Those who watch a lot of adult content are most likely familiar with many different actresses and models. In a way, we can't get enough of these beautiful ladies.Today, I'm going to talk about a beautiful woman with short hair, which drives me crazy.I know that men with weak egos tend to be scared of women who are more dominant than them. I've seen so many dominatrixes and attractive gals on BDSM shows that I learned to like them.This...
Twitter Porn AccountsHi, Maddy here back again with another hot MILF fantasy story of partner swap. This happened after a 46-year-old MILF named Leela (name changed) replied after reading my previous story, A brief about myself, I am a 25-year-old handsome guy from Bangalore. I have a special attraction towards sexually attractive MILFs. I believe not in jumping in bed with all and will make out only if we connect well. I do treat women with great respect and make them be in their comfort zone. Coming to the...
To say he felt nothing while his hips were held still by strong, firm hands, would have been a lie. Despite his sudden need to just push his ass against the owner of said hands, his conscience told him to straighten up and assume a rather frigid countenance, as he turned to face lord Lucas. “Good evening, sir,” he bowed politely, his eyes traveling from the man’s chin along the black silk shirt to find a rescue point in the subtle black diamond tie needle, one of the few embellishments the...
Follow me at- www.instagram.com/mrraqm/Genre- Fiction, Anal, Ass to mouth, Authoritarian, BDSM, Domination/submission, Exhibitionism, Fisting, Group Sex, Hardcore, i****t, Males / Female, Males / Females, Spanking, Toysntroduction:Hayley and her sister Chloe go back to the brunette's apartment, with a few extra firendsThe walk back to the girl's apartment was short, but not uneventful. The tiny brunette, Donna, had 'recruited' along the way. Three more guys had joined her brother John and his...
For whatever reason, my son, Jason, wanted this night to be very special. Two of the young men that he trained with his local jujitsu club had a decided that they were going to stay overnight. I made sure that they had all the usual assortments and goodies to snack on while they were watching the fights. And then decided that I was going to go take a hot shower. As usual, my husband was working so I would be spending the night alone. It was difficult to focus on enjoying the shower, when...
Chapter Two ~ Saved by an Angel Three days after our escape from Bryce, Kasey and I were staying in a women’s shelter. I was given nourishing food, clothing, and a place to sleep. I had also been given much needed essentials to care for Kasey, including clothing, diapers, and other infant neccessities. I also didn’t have to give the shelter a lot of information, only that I had escaped my abusive husband and needed some help. Little Kasey was thriving. She had grown so much since she had been...
hey everybody today I’d like to tell you guys about a fantasy and a few actual events that happened in the last few weeksSo in the last few weeks Raesaah and I have been having some incredible sex and I have been enjoying how sexual and kinky she has been acting and enjoying the attention she has been getting from other men especially when we go out .. and the hot conversation we have had when we came back home and fucked has been unbelievable and it has been suck a turn on for me.So seeing...
It was the middle of the night when Adam awoke for some reason. He glanced at the other occupants of the bed and they all slept soundly – except Shelly on his right. She looked up him with a half-smile. Adam's hand was resting on her pert bottom and he gave the cheek a squeeze. Because of the minor surgery on Monday, she was wearing panties – but nothing else. Shelly's smile widened. "I'm horny," she whispered. Her hand lifted off Allie's butt and found Adam's dick, not far...
Bang! Bang! Bang! "Anna!? Are you in there?" "Huh?" Oops. You weren't supposed to actually answer him Sweetheart! "Open the door! Now!" Doug seemed cross. I couldn't begin to imagine why. It was Monday morning and having put him and Ma on the alert after openly displaying our feelings, Anna and I had slept the whole night through after she had once again snuck into my bedroom. I picked up my boxers, noticed Anna's PJs and threw them to her before hopping across the room with...
2:37am is that time of the morning where your either already in bed sleeping heavily, or up and partying. For me it was the first, soundly sleeping next to my wife. Out of the fog of sleep I began to make out the thumping bass of music being played somewhere near my house. Seeing as I was now somewhat awake, I went to investigate. We live in a pretty middle-class neighborhood in Florida. The homes are nice and the schools are good. This kind of music was rarely heard in the area, and certainly...
Miss Angela Lansdown was a 23 year old first year English literature teaching assistant. She had beautiful waist-length blonde hair and a magnificent all-over tan to go with her sparkling brown eyes. One day during discussion of Macbeth, she slipped a note into my hand that read "C me after u'r last class." I walked back to her classroom after school and found the room deserted, I thought. Then I heard her call from the storage closet. When I walked in, she was pretending to check out the...
I was had posted on CL that I was looking to meet some new friends in the area with some possible benefits. I was 32 at the time and had been divorced for about 3 years. I guy named Guy replied back and sent me his cell number. We texted back and forth for a few days talking about different interests and things to kind of break the ice. He was 21 years old and had a house near campus were he attended school. WM 5'11" 185 with nice cut cock was his stats in the first text. It was Thursday night...
Johnny caught her hand before she moved away. "Where are you going, Mom?" "Oh, honey," she said. "I'm just going to the bathroom. I'm not leaving the house." She felt good that her son wanted her to stay with him, in his presence.Her husband had never reached for her like this. She squeezed his hand, and tried to pull free. But Johnny held tightly, a white moustache of milkon his upper lip. She pressed her thighs tight as the urge to piss grew. "Honey," she murmured, "I've got to go. I...
The morning after going to see the Closing Night Performance of WEST SIDE STORY, in Santa Fe, was uneventful. All of us stayed up so late talking and starting to plan Karol and my Wedding, we all slept in rather late. Knowing that hell week started tonight for the Union Avenue Community Theatre production of MY LIFE WITH MY FATHER, caused me to groan, which alerted my fiancée Karol awake. "Daddy, what nice morning wood you have for me today," Karol said. "Karol," I said. "The mind is...
There’s something about a funeral that makes Lexi Luna really horny. She puts on the requisite black dress, but she makes sure it makes her tits look good. The short skirt is a plus, too. When she steps out of the room, her stepson, Alex Mack, is blown away. He can’t help but comment about how pretty Lexi is. They leave it at that for the time being so they can go to the funeral, but neither of them is really finished with the other. When they return, Lexi can’t help but ask...