- 1 year ago
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Hallo to all,
Just a quick note to explain a term in this chapter for those who have not come across it before, Smoko. A term often used to describe morning and/or afternoon tea break as smokers use it as a smoke break, hence the term Smoko.
The ring of her mobile phone interrupted Janey and she frowned as she glanced at it. Seeing the familiar number but not being able to place it, she shook her hands dry and reached for the phone.
‘Hallo. Janey speaking,’ she said as she looked at the potatoes she was supposed to be peeling for tea.
‘Hi Janey. How are you and Nicky doing?’ The deep voice was instantly familiar and Janey frowned for a moment before placing the voice.
‘Brad!’ Janey glanced around the kitchen nervously, she knew he wasn’t allowed to contact her. ‘Is something wrong? You’re not supposed to call me remember!’
‘Your brother the cop, he took it on himself to get some changes made to certain AVO’s.’ Brad said sounding very pleased, ‘ Now I can ring in reference to Nicky. So how is Nicky?’
‘Nicky’s fine, he’s good. Give me a moment, I’m going to go find my brother and kick his butt for not telling me about this!’ Janey said and headed through the house looking for Robby.
Janey found her brother in his bedroom with their mother checking the tape on his ribs, which had been injured the previous week at work.
‘Robbie! You should have told me what you were doing with Brad’s AVO!’ Janey exclaimed as she walked into the room.
Robbie looked towards the door startled, a slow smile grew on his face and he shrugged lightly.
‘Janey, hey Janey!’ Brad called in her ear.
‘Yeah what?’ Janey asked with a slight frown as he distracted her.
‘Your brother hasn’t only made things better for me but has made things a lot more comfortable for Ren, Matty and Brent as well,’ Brad said calmly.
‘Robbie!’ Janey yelled at her brother in happy exasperation forgetting to take the phone away from her face and treating Brad to a loud yell in his ear. Realising immediately what she had done she held the phone out from her face and grimaced at it before putting it to the side of her face once more.
‘Err, sorry Brad,’ Janey said ruefully.
Brad chuckled even though her yell had been quite loud in his ear, ‘Please try not to do it again.’
‘Okay. So what are you and ‘Tanaya doing?’ Janey asked as she walked away from her brother’s room. She realised there was no use in trying to talk to Robbie while she was on the phone to Brad as she would probably only end up yelling in Brad’s ear again.
‘At the moment we are sitting back celebrating,’ Brad said with a smile in his voice.
‘Would it be okay if Nicky and I came over to visit?’ Janey asked.
‘That would be great. Where is Nicky by the way?’ Brad asked.
‘Nicky is outside helping his Aunty Caro water the garden. Translated he is trying to catch the water as it comes out of the hose,’ Janey said with a laugh.
‘That’s my boy,’ Brad laughed in admiration.
‘I’ll just get our things together and come on over right away if that’s okay,’ Janey said.
‘If you want, you can stay the night. I’d love to have Nicky,’ Brad said quietly.
‘Okay then. But if he wakes up in the middle of the night you’re getting up to check on him,’ Janey laughed softly knowing Brad would welcome the chance to have Nicky sleep over.
‘It’s a deal,’ Brad said laughing.
With a few more words they ended the conversation and Janey headed outside to find her sister and Nicky. She found them near the veggie garden. Caro was showing Nicky the butterflies that had found one of the many flowering bushes.
‘Hi, how is it going?’ Janey asked as she walked up.
‘Nicky are you going to tell Mummy what we found?’ Caro asked the little boy.
Nicky turned his head towards his mother – his eyes were wide with wonder. ‘Fufferf’y! Fufferf’y!’ Nicky said softly in awe.
‘Have you found some butterflies?’ Janey asked gently.
Nicky nodded his head vigorously before turning his attention back to the butterflies.
‘Who want’s to see Daddy?’ Janey asked.
Nicky turned towards his mother eagerly and lifted his arms up to her.
‘Is Adam back? I thought he said he’d be away from a few weeks,’ Caro said as she watched Janey pick up Nicky.
‘Dadam! Dadam!’ Nicky chanted excitedly.
‘Nicky, Daddy, not Dadam. Daddy,’ Janey said slowly. She watched as her son frowned for a few seconds then let out a delighted cry.
‘Daddaddaddad,’ Nicky began calling excitedly.
Caro shook her head but knew better than to say anything more. Janey had already made it very clear to her that Nicky would continue to see his father who Caro believed was a no-hoper thug.
* * * * *
Brad was waiting on the front veranda when Janey drove up, she smiled as she saw the excitement on his face.
‘G’day!’ Brad said as he came around to her side of the vehicle.
‘G’day yourself. You look mighty pleased with yourself,’ Janey said with a wide smile.
‘Being able to ring and check on Nicky makes a huge difference. I don’t feel like I’m in his life on sufferance any more,’ Brad said as he lifted Nicky from his car seat.
‘Dadam! Dadam! Dadam!’ Nicky called loudly.
Brad glanced at Janey with a frown, she gave him a grimace of apology and shrugged.
‘My sister inadvertently said the ‘other’ word and Nicky got the wrong idea,’ Janey said sounding none to pleased.
‘Hey Nicky,’ Brad said as Nicky focused on his face.
Nicky immediately launched into an animated and excited chatter as he grasped Brad’s face in his little hands.
‘Oh you’re here already!’ ‘Tanaya said as she walked out of the house and out to the car.
‘Yeah. Nicky had not gotten hold of the hose for once this afternoon,’ Janey said as she got both her overnight bag and Nicky’s from the car.
‘Tanaya noticed the way Janey kept trying to glance around unobtrusively and smiled.
‘Ren’s out in the garage with Brent and Matty, they’re doing an oil change on the 4wd,’ ‘Tanaya told her.
‘Oh. Okay,’ Janey said trying to sound casual.
‘Let’s get inside. It’s starting to get cool.’ ‘Tanaya said as she reached for Nicky.
Brad glanced at Janey to see how she was reacting to ‘Tanaya holding Nicky but she was busy juggling overnight bags and Brad reached to help her.
‘So exactly what are the changes Robbie had made to your AVO?’ Janey asked as she followed Brad towards the house.
Brad quickly and clearly outlined the changes Robbie had suggested and the judge had agreed to. He also outlined the changes to the orders for Matty, Brent and Ren.
‘Looks like Robbie has done something helpful for once,’ Janey said happily.
‘Your brother a bit of a problem usually?’ ‘Tanaya asked curiously.
Janey glanced at ‘Tanaya and noticed the way Nicky was cuddling into the other woman’s body and laying his head on her shoulder.
‘You got your ‘Nay have you Nicky?’ Janey asked with a smile.
‘Naynay,’ Nicky said fondly as he wrapped his little arms around ‘Tanaya’s neck.
‘Can I cuddle too?’ Brad asked as he stepped close. He put his arms around both ‘Tanaya and Nicky but when he went to rest his head against ‘Tanaya’s Nicky frowned and pushed at his father.
‘No! No! My Nay!’ Nicky exclaimed and burst into tears.
‘Hey Nicky, it’s alright little Buddy,’ Brad tried to soothe his son but Nicky would have none of it and clung to ‘Tanaya as he sobbed loudly.
‘Nicky’s just tired Daddy,’ Janey said with a rueful smile but made no attempt to take him from ‘Tanaya.
‘Why don’t you go see how they’re going out with the vehicle and Janey and I will see if we can get some food into this little fellow before he falls asleep,’ ‘Tanaya said calmly as she patted Nicky’s back
‘Okay,’ Brad said nodding somewhat stunned by his son’s behaviour and headed out towards the backdoor.
‘Tanaya carried Nicky into the kitchen and glanced around helplessly for a few moments.
‘The vegetables are cooked and ready to serve. And there’s some savoury mince keeping warm in the oven,’ ‘Tanaya said and collected a plastic plate out of the cupboard with one hand.
Janey checked the food on the stove and when ‘Tanaya handed her the plate she dished up a small amount of food for Nicky.
‘I can dish up more if he eats it all,’ Janey said as she carried the plate to where ‘Tanaya had seated herself and was trying to get Nicky to sit in her lap.
Nicky sat on ‘Tanaya’s lap and allowed her to feed him. Half way through his food he turned his head away and buried his face against her chest.
‘He’s not going to eat anymore,’ Janey said watching her son.
‘Has he eaten enough?’ ‘Tanaya worried as she put the spoon down and wiped his face with the face cloth Janey got from the rail by the sink and dampened with water before handing it to her.
‘It’ll have to do ’cause he’ll be asleep in a few minutes,’ Janey said as she watched Nicky bury his face against ‘Tanaya’s neck and cuddle against her.
Several moments later a soft snore came from the vicinity of ‘Tanaya’s neck and she looked at Janey startled.
Janey sat down in a chair and let out a soft sigh, ‘If you wait a few minutes to put him in the cot he won’t wake up,’ Janey said quietly.
‘There’s fresh coffee in the percolator if you want a cup,’ ‘Tanaya said softly.
‘I’m right thanks,’ Janey said with a half smile.
Janey turned her head and listened as footsteps came into the house from the backyard. Some instinct told her it wasn’t Ren and she turned her head to look towards the door.
‘We got the oil change done. Ren and Brad are checking the spare tire before they come inside,’ Matty said as he paused in the doorway. He grinned at Janey and then looked at Nicky where he was asleep against ‘Tanaya. ‘Oh, Nicky’s asleep,’ Matty said sounding disappointed.
‘Go wash up in the bathroom and make sure you get all that grease off before you wipe your hands on my towels,’ ‘Tanaya warned as she glanced at his greasy hands and forearms.
Janey watched as Matty hurried off to do as ‘Tanaya had told him and then she glanced at ‘Tanaya. ‘How do you make them do as you tell them?’ Janey asked amused.
‘Matty is easy. If he doesn’t do as he’s told I don’t cook him his slices for smoko,’ ‘Tanaya said with a smile.
‘So for Matty it’s true the way to his heart is through his stomach,’ Janey said with a soft laugh.
‘Brent, Ren and Brad are old and wise enough to listen when I tell them to do something,’ ‘Tanaya said as she carefully got to her feet without jostling Nicky.
‘I hope you’re not filling Janey’s head with nonsense,’ Brad said lightly from the doorway. He sent Janey a good-natured grin before turning his attention back to ‘Tanaya.
‘You know Janey, Brad just might not be smart enough to listen to me after all,’ ‘Tanaya said lightly with a wink at Janey.
‘Behave yourself woman,’ Brad said as he walked over to drop an affectionate kiss on her cheek and then look down at his son where he nestled against her neck and shoulder.
‘Let’s put this little guy to bed,’ ‘Tanaya said with a smile at Brad.
‘I had been hoping to have some time with him tonight but if he’s tired, then he’s tired,’ Brad said a touch sadly.
‘There’s a good chance he will wake up just as you want to go to bed when he goes to sleep this early,’ Janey said dryly.
‘Sounds like the voice of experience talking,’ Ren said from the doorway.
Janey glanced his way and blushed when she noticed the way he was eyeing her body.
‘Finished already?’ ‘Tanaya asked as she eased past him on her way to the bedroom.
Brad followed ‘Tanaya from the room leaving Ren and Janey alone.
‘Hey, how you going?’ Ren asked as he walked over to where Janey sat.
‘Great, and how are you?’ Janey asked with a shy smile.
‘Real good. Surprised as hell by what your brother did but good,’ Ren said then lent down to brush his lips over hers lightly.
Janey groaned faintly at the soft contact and opened her lips in silent invitation. She felt his tongue lightly trace her bottom lip before sneaking between her lips to gently sweep across the tip of her tongue before slipping deeper to taste the recesses of her mouth.
Ren broke off the kiss and lifted his head slowly, he looked down at Janey’s face and watched as she opened her eyes reluctantly. He smiled at her and kissed the tip of her nose before straightening up.
‘Are you staying the night or going back to your parents’ place?’ Ren asked softly.
‘Staying. And we … we can…’ Janey broke off what she was saying in embarrassment as she heard footsteps approaching the doorway.
‘I should have know that was why you were in so all fired of a hurry to get inside,’ Brent said as he halted in the doorway. ‘Hi Janey.’
‘Hi Brent,’ Janey said with a slight smile before glancing up into Ren’s face and looking away with a slightly embarrassed smile as he met her look with a smile.
‘Brad and ‘Tanaya got the ankle biter have they?’ Brent asked smoothly.
‘Where’s Nicky gone?’ Matty asked as he appeared in the doorway beside Brent.
‘Nicky fell asleep after eating,’ Janey said with a faint grimace.
‘And Brad gets to look after him if he wakes in the middle of the night,’ Ren said with a grin as he heard Brad and ‘Tanaya walking towards the kitchen.
Brent and Matty moved into the kitchen heading for the coffee pot as they heard the others approaching.
‘Not taking my name in vain are you?’ ‘Tanaya asked as she walked into the kitchen ahead of Brad.
‘He’s just volunteered you and Brad for babysitting duties if the ankle biter wakes up in the middle of the night,’ Brent said with a grin. ‘Guess he has plans of his own,’
‘Ankle biter? Nicky isn’t an ankle biter! He’ll be a knee capper,’ Brad said with a laugh.
‘Nicky will be the perfect little gentleman thank you!’ Janey said tightly.
‘That’s right, we wont let you guys turn him into a thug,’ ‘Tanaya said with a grin.
‘Just as long as you pair don’t turn him into a wimp or a Mummy’s boy,’ Brad pretended to growl against ‘Tanaya’s neck.
‘We can teach him to play footy,’ Ren said as he glanced at Janey.
‘Robbie and James are already teaching him to do that. James’ first present for him was a football,’ Janey said dryly.
‘Good value,’ Brad said approvingly.
‘When are we going to eat?’ Matty asked.
‘Everything is ready to put on the table so everyone make sure they’ve washed their hands,’ ‘Tanaya ordered.
‘Yes Ma’am,’ Brad growled and slapped ‘Tanaya lightly on the arse before heading for the door.
‘You’d want to leave,’ ‘Tanaya said pretending to be annoyed.
Brent and Ren headed for the bathroom as well leaving ‘Tanaya, Janey and Matty in the kitchen.
‘Set the table would you Matty,’ ‘Tanaya said as she walked to the stove and began to check the various saucepans on the stovetop.
Janey quickly cleared away the remains of Nicky’s meal and watched as Matty set the table with ease.
‘Can you pass the salt and pepper and sauces from the sideboard Janey?’ Matty asked as he glanced her way.
‘Sure thing,’ Janey said with a smile and reached for the condiments.
‘Tanaya was dishing out the last of the food when the three men returned. Plates were handed out to everyone and they all sat down at the table and turned their attention to their food.
* * * * *
Janey sat cuddled up to Ren’s side as they watched tv along with Brad, ‘Tanaya, Matty and Brent. The meal they had shared had had a celebratory air and everyone was hanging around
loath to bring the celebrations to an end.
‘We having a b-b-q this weekend?’ Matty asked as he glanced towards Brad and ‘Tanaya.
‘I’m heading off to Sydney first thing in the morning,’ Ren said with a quick glance at Janey.
‘And I’m going too. I haven’t been there for a few years and I want to catch up with some people I know,’ ‘Tanaya said brightly.
‘When will you get back?’ Janey asked Ren softly.
‘I’ll be in Sydney for a week not counting the day to drive down there and a day to drive back,’ Ren said, ‘ so we’ll be back next Thursday evening,’
‘You won’t be here this weekend?’ Janey asked disappointed.
Ren pressed a quick kiss to her lips before raising his head to watch her face as he answered, ‘No I won’t be here, will you miss me?’
‘Of course I’ll miss you!’ Janey exclaimed and buried her face against his chest.
‘You’ll still bring Nicky to visit me won’t you?’ Brad asked as he glanced at Janey and Ren.
‘Yeah, Nicky enjoys his visits,’ Janey said with a faint frown.
‘Good,’ Brad nodded, ‘With ‘Tanaya gone for over a week I’ll be climbing the walls,’
‘Who’ll cook my cakes for work?’ Matty asked with a worried frown.
‘Trust you to worry about your stomach,’ Brent said with a laugh.
‘I’ve done up an extra batch of cooking for you guys and put it in the deep freezer,’ ‘Tanaya said as she settled herself comfortably on Brad’s lap. She put her arms around his neck and pulled his head down for a long kiss, when he finally lifted his head he reached up above his head to turn the room’s light out.
Ren lowered his head and nuzzled against Janey’s cheek. She turned her head and his lips brushed against hers several times before he opened his mouth slightly and covered her lips with his.
Janey opened her mouth as his tongue traced the seam of her lips, she felt him shift slightly and he gathered her into his arms more snugly as he tasted her mouth delicately. A soft sigh of pleasure left her lips as Ren took his time kissing her gently.
Janey blinked dazedly when Ren lifted his head and turned his attention back to the tv show. She licked her lips and looked at the screen without being aware of what was happening in the program.
Ren watched the show for a few moments before turning his head to kiss Janey once again. He felt her lips part eagerly beneath his and he had to force himself not to lift her onto his lap.
‘Want to go to the bedroom?’ Ren asked softly as he nuzzled just below her ear.
‘Yes,’ Janey’s reply was a breathless whisper.
Ren got to his feet and held a hand out to Janey. She didn’t hesitate as she placed one hand in his and let him help her to her feet. He kept hold of her hand as he led her towards the hallway.
‘I thought you said you wanted to watch this program,’ Brad said as they walked past the chair he sat in with ‘Tanaya on his lap.
‘I bet you weren’t exactly watching it either,’ Ren said with a hint of a laugh in his voice.
Brad grunted softly but made no further remark as Janey followed Ren up the hallway to his room. She stopped just inside the room and watched as he closed the door behind them.
‘Do you want the light on or off?’ Ren asked softly as he paused with his hand on the light switch.
‘Can you turn the bedside lamp on low?’ Janey asked as she glanced towards where the bed stood. The lamp sat on a small bedside unit on the side she usually slept on when they were in the bed together.
Janey stood still in the dark room as she listened to Ren move to the bedside, there was a faint click and a soft light broke the darkness. She glanced at Ren’s dark form beside the bed but with the light behind him she couldn’t make out his expression.
‘Shall we?’ Ren asked when Janey was motionless for several long moments.
Janey nodded and moved close to him. She slid her hands up his chest and across the top of his shoulders. He lowered his head and their lips met as she stood on tiptoe, he kissed her deeply as he gathered her in his arms.
Ren groaned against Janey’s mouth as he felt her press her body against his. He was already painfully aroused and the soft press of her breasts against his chest only served to send another rush of blood to his groin.
‘How about we take this to the bed?’ Ren asked huskily as he pulled his lips from hers.
Janey gasped for breath as she tried to make sense of what he had just said. She didn’t resist when he gently urged her towards the bed and hurriedly turned around to crawl onto the bed when she felt the mattress press against the back of her legs.
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My second submitted story - this is a complete work of fiction, definitely a fantasy. I guesss it's up to you to decide whether it's a fantasy for the man or the woman . . . Larry had moved into the neighborhood three months ago. The house was rented because he wanted to get comfortable with the area before buying. But there was an option to buy with this lease and so far, he thought it was going to be a distinct possibility. The house was modest, only 6 rooms and a garage. But...
BDSMElla I pulled off my helmet as I parked in my driveway. I could smell the human across the street, although he was far away from my vision. I breathed in carefully or else I might just run after him and take him then and there. My blood was boiling, but a smaller part of me knew that doing that wouldn't fix anything. Who was 'blue eyes'? Hell. Why did I even leave? I didn't understand why I had receded to my hiding place. Going through my liquor cabinet, I found a bottle of wine. Taking a...
SupernaturalThanks for the responses and the love for the last part, and also your valuable suggestions on what you want. Trust me it helps me to gauge what you want with such suggestions. The entire night we had sex with regular intervals. We hugged each other and slept in each other’s arms and had a great nights sleep. The next morning I turned to an empty bed beside me. I saw that beauty whom I had sex with last night with my shirt on and nothing underneath sip her cup of tea. Trust me nothing turns a...
“Damn, that’s absolutely beautiful!” I commented as we all watched Paige have her way with Heather. Paige rubbed her juicy twat continually against Heather’s, tribbing her with a vengeance right then. They also kissed each other very hard on the mouth, tongues dancing together as their bodies writhed together in a serpentine manner. Their sweaty flesh wove seamlessly with each other’s, their legs shot up in the air, and their buttocks mooned us all in turns. One minute, Paige was on top, the...
This all started at a nightclub in Florida back in 1994. I was 25 at the time, and I was with my girlfriend Johanna, my cousin Stephanie and her boyfriend Tom. My name is Nick. I am 6’1” tall, blonde hair and blue eyes. It was an after-hours rave, and it became pretty obvious we were the only sober people of the more than 500 at the club. It’s not that we were straight-laced or anything, we had been to a couple raves before and partied until dawn. There was no alcohol being served, but we did...
Group SexTHE HAND JOBSRoni and I were young—thirty years old, maybe—when we visited friends and went skinny dipping in their pool. It wasn’t the first time we’d all been naked together, the ice breaker happened years before when we stripped off at the beach one night after dark. None of us were afraid to bare it all and everyone loved the feeling of swimming nude, so those nighttime pool parties had become something of an infrequent ritual. With their k**s in bed, the yard dark enough for the neighbors...
Annie was bouncing up and down, pulling my arm. "Daddy, they're doing fireworks at Puddle Park." The park wasn't really called Puddle Park. That was a nickname. At the bottom of three steep hills, the park filled with water after any rainstorm. The local weather forecaster would report how much rain we got by how much of the swing sets were submerged. High and dry above the depression were parking lots for visiting citizens. "So, Daddy, will you take us? Pleeeeese?" 'Us' was the...
None of the following are true events! Pure fantasy! It was a typical autumn day. The temperature was still warm but the smell of leaves wafted through the air. It was my favorite smell. I was 17, a senior in high school. I walked into my choir room, yes I considered it mine, as I was there for class twice a day. Not only that, but I was there before school, after school and whenever I could talk another teacher into letting me cut out early. The room was large and spacious. The risers...
Note: This story is 100% true! It happened to me last October. Enjoy.So, I've wanted to try black dick for a few months, now. All my boyfriends all my life have been white. I've never slept with a black guy. I met this really sexy black guy on an adult chat site over the summer, and our chat was really hot. It didn't hurt that I saw some really sexy pictures of him. He had these awesome six pack abs, and this huge cock, that I wanted to wrap my lips around. I've chatted with him, and a few...
This week we order a cleaning service. This hot Blasian chick named Berlyn arrived at my crib. As she cleaned, she was so fucking talkative that I couldn’t wait to shove my cock in her mouth. After cleaning for a bit. I asked her if she would clean in her underwear for a bump on her pay. She was hesitant but eventually agreed after. She continued to clean the house and she continued to talk. Now in the bathroom, I asked her to go completely nude for double the original offer. She now snatched...
xmoviesforyouFaith was a quiet girl. And in Surrey, at the time of our story’s beginning, that is 1828, it was expected of a girl to be quiet. She had recently attained her sixteenth birthday and preparations were underway for a lavish party. There was to be a grand ball, where Faith would be presented to society. It was hoped that Benjamin Gould would be in attendance. He was considered suitable for Faith and Faith’s father had been working hard to assure that Lord and Lady Gould considered Faith suitable...
MasturbationHello frnds, Kaise ho sab. Me Rohan Saxena, Ahmedabad se. Ye meri pehli story hai ISS pe. So galati ho jaye to maaf karna. Ye ek sacchi ghatna hai jo last week mere saath hui.Me ek shaadishuda mard hu. I love my wife. Aur mujhe married female bhi pasand hai. Me Ahmedabad me ek posh area me apni family ke sath rehta hu. Hum log family me 4 log hai. Mere parents, me aur meri wife. (My dick Size is 6 ) Hamare hi flat me ek middle aged couple rehta hai. Uncle ki age 45 aur aunty ki age 42 hai. Par...
This is my first story so be nice. I stand admiring a golden statue as I wait, wearing a floor length blue dress, which cuts low down my back, framing my ass perfectly. My long, dark brown hair is flowing down, lightly caressing my bare back. You smile as you take in my beauty, watching me standing there in the middle of the hotel lobby. The posh hotel in the heart of central London was a perfect choice for our weekend away. My light brown eyes sparkle with delight as I turn and see you...
Straight SexPreparing For a Special Date I have a date to night with a girl called Lucy just like myself another Transvestite who I met on the net over a month ago. She is a little smaller than me with nice little breasts, nice little clitty and brown hair like mine but shorter, she is a little younger and good looking and we get on so well. We have met five times now dressed, mainly in the back of her car and have tasted each other on every occasion, I...
Miami is one of the hottest spots in the world, and flight attendants Serena Santos, Kyler Quinn, and Venus Valkyrie are about to experience it for the first time. They met a passenger on the plane who wants to have some fun with them at his Miami mansion, so they head over as soon as they get off work. They show up at his place and continue to offer the top notch service that only three professional stewardesses can provide. They take out his schlong and realize it is just about as big as a...
xmoviesforyou“Lieutenant Capstan, Ensign Gebel has met with Decurion Omachuck. He is one of the psychologists stationed on Artemis.” Octavia stopped for a moment and took in a deep breath. She was almost afraid of what condition Calix was in. She knew he wasn’t physically hurt but psychological trauma could be even more damaging. “What’s his condition?” “Oddly, his vital signs are steady at their normal levels,” the AI replied. “Pulse is fifty-two, blood pressure is one twenty over seventy, blood oxygen...
When I woke, she was gone. Oh, not far ... just to the galley. Get up, lazybones! Roll up that bedding, reinstate the table, now you can use the head. The rain had cleared and bright sun was peeking through the cabin windows. A mug of coffee materialised in front of me as, dressed, I slipped into the seating by the table. “Thanks,” I croaked, cleared my throat, “Thank you, Clara.” “Porridge this morning?” “That’ll do nicely.” Neither of us mentioned her sneaking into my bed in the...
by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty-Eight: Alice Visit my blog at Giggling, we burst into the Wedding Lace, a bridal shop near my house. It was Tuesday afternoon, and I was here to for my wedding dress's second fitting. The seamstress was finished with the alterations and we had to make sure that her adjustments correct. Her name was Bonnie, and she was a purple-haired beauty covered in piercings. Even her cunt was pierced and I remembered how I...
Friends!I am Swaroop working as Government official in higher cadre.I had enjoyed my life in the official capacity upto this time.I was provided car, bungulaw etc by government.I am aged about 56 now. I got married and having c***dren also.They are settled abroad.I live along with my wife.I used to go over to hyderabad to attend official camps.Coming to the original story, I got love towards gaysex.But in my old days the people never come forward to enjoy gaysex and it is one kind of offence...
Aftermath Confessions: Chapter 2 of 7- Jeff and Allie Author’s note: It was hard picking a category for this one. It’s a wife loving, voyeur, masturbation straight sex story about a man telling his wife about his past experiences with another couple. Send me an email at if you would be interested in an illustrated version. ____________________________________________________________________________ “You tell me yours and I tell you mine. Nothing held back.” She squeezed my cock into her...
Milo was way different from Amill. Milo had brown creamy skin, with more of dark chocolate eyes, blue glasses (they both have on some sexy glasses), and a more feminine body that makes him so adorable. It was Friday after school and Amill and Milo were talking. “Hey Milo we still on for tonight?” said Amill “Yeah were still on for tonight I already told my mom I’ll be spending the night over your house.” said Milo “Cool my parents won’t be home until tomorrow night so we...
I"M Happy that spring is finally her and thegrass is growing fastwich means my neighbors young son well be cominh over tto mow my lawn among othrt things lol.LAst summer when he first started doing, it each weeki would invite him in for a cool drink Drink when he was done on one afternoon I Had been looking at some pictures of hot young naked guys and he saw the pics and commented on how nice the cocks lookedand I saw him get an erectionwhovh made me horny n hard also as i sat in my...
A few days after the installation of my storm shelter had been completed one of those isolated summer thunderstorms came along with its torrential rain, thunder, and lightning, just before full darkness descended. I was enjoying my second SM&BW (that’s sour mash and branch water for those who don’t know) highball when the phone rang. When I answered the divorced Thai lady next door, Lisa, asked if she could run over and stay in my storm shelter with me. I said, “Lisa, this isn’t a severe...
“Mom, are you okay?” Jerry came close and she could almost feel him, smell his scent. She lay still, quietly, not looking at him. “Mom,” Jerry said, squatting down and putting his hand on her shoulder. Debra’s breath caught in her throat as she stiffened up. “Aw, come on, Mom!” Jerry said soothingly. “It was only a hand-job. It doesn’t mean anything.” Debra shuddered, taking a deep breath. She lifted her head and looked into his face. Her hand darted for his crotch. “A hand-job!” she...
You never expect to meet God--or the devil either for that matter, in your office at nine o'clock on a Wednesday morning. But as it turns out, that's exactly what happened to me. It all started when my secretary Nancy went on maternity leave. I was the general counsel for the company I worked at. Human resources arranged a temp to cover for Nancy while she was out, but I couldn't believe my eyes when she showed up at my office that Wednesday morning. Nancy, my regular secretary, was a...
"No, no, nooooooo. I'm a virgin, Please don't do this ... Aaaaaghhhh" My cock pierced her fiercely defended hymen and penetrated that place where no man had ever gone before. Literally. "You're no longer a virgin, babe. You're a slut now." I stated matter of factly. In three stabs most of my cock had entered between those pristine pussy lips, turning red with her virgin blood and I started to fuck her. I found she was damp, but not wet. She thought herself ready to go with the...
Sarah Vandella couldn’t be happier now that she has the perfect family, except that she fears her new step daughter Molly Mae may be sexually active with her son. Sarah has a little talk with Molly about brother and sisterly love but she clears the air that nothing taboo or inappropriate is happening behind her back. Sarah admits she’s a little jealous of all the time Sarah is spending with her son and admits how she wants to offer her a lesson in lesbian fornication. Molly grabs...
xmoviesforyouI'd had any number of people tell me how much their life had changed when they had their first child. This from a friend in high school: "It's amazing. It's like putting a diaper on a boat anchor and carrying it around with you. From the first day, your life changes in expected and unexpected ways. No more grabbing your purse and heading out the door. You almost have to have a checklist even if you were only going to the store. There are times that by the time I've found and restocked...
PREVIOUSLY IN THE SARAH AND GREG SERIES Sarah, Greg, and Lisa have a very non-traditional marriage. Sarah is a pre-op transgender woman, and they have a marriage of three people. ("Lisa Visits Sarah and Greg" and "Lisa Moves in with Sarah and Greg") Although they all believed that Lisa was not capable of having children, she got pregnant anyway, and now the three are parents to a beautiful baby girl, Amy Jillian Booth ("The First Child of Sarah and Greg and Lisa") A FEW MONTHS INTO...
First of all, my hearty thanks to ISS, for this wonderful website, this has made majority of them to share their sexual experiences and fantasies. I had shared my experiences before and now sharing yet another one. Thanks for all those who replied and encouraged me to share more of my experiences. I’m Nish (name changed), aged 28, from Bangalore/Bengaluru. I’m a software engineer by profession and working in an MNC and also an experienced masseur (providing massage) for females and couples. I...
I walked in and sat back down. Her eyes followed my bulge. As I drank my pop she asked, so you have only had 2 girlfriends then? Yes I said as I turned to look at her. Ever had any one night stands? No I haven't actually. Why, she asked. I just never tried I suppose. She adjusted herself and faced me. Her shirt opened a lot and I could almost see her nipples. I could see her little tit mounds on the side and I couldn't stop looking at them. Do you remember the game we use to play, she...
I was just learning to drive hoping to get my drivers license soon. My family and I went on holiday to a beach resort. The first couple of days were not bad. I have to admit that puberty hit me pretty hard and I was horny as shit to get my first cock. I was not having much luck. Then I meet this couple, they were around thirty. He was Fred and very nice looking and well built. She was Emma and also very well built and good looking. The three of us hit it off and had a nice time chatting by the...
This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. I don’t get out much. It isn’t because I am a wild, rampant nymphomaniac whose sole object in life is to fuck anybody and everybody I can lure through the door via the internet and sex lines (although I am sure there are many of you who were hoping I was). Nor is it because I am so agoraphobic that I cannot cross the threshold into the Huge Outdoors without sacrificing three goats, turning round 16...
She stepped off the bed and brought the glass of wine with her. She took a large gulp of it and then, without swallowing, she took my cock back into her mouth and swirled the wine around my mushroom-head which made loud slurping sounds around the room. She sucked and then took another swig of wine from the glass and did the same again. Monica repeated this till all the wine was finished from her glass. Monica looked up and said, “How was that lover? Did you like it?” I looked up and nodded....
Straight Sexapnader kache ektai reqst….ager part ta obossoi pore neben…nahole kintu…e uponnaser asol rosh theke bonchito hoben…r pls comments korben….bises kore jodi kono kakima or boudi r eta valo lage….tahole amay comments koro….tader sathe ami yahoo te kotha bolbo. ebar golpe asa jak… porer din robbar chilo…maa r ami dujonei bari chilam. ghum theke uthe dekhlam maa ranna ghore kaaj korche….amar sathe kono kotha bollo na…amio lojjay bolte parchilam na…..maa er chokh mukh sukno chilo…r fola fola….dekhei...