Go Cody free porn video

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Ron Barr runs a trucking company in rural New South Wales, Australia, where his drivers like to race other trucks, drink till they drop and chase fast women when not too tired and they are still half sober.

They spend their money so quickly that Ron unilaterally decided to place half of their weekly pay into the bank account of their mothers, or if they live with a woman, into that female’s bank account. The drivers consider they had no option but to sign consent forms because they knew what would happen to their job if they didn’t cooperate.

As a result of that social engineering, Ron always has replacement drivers on a waiting list, many of the initial applications appearing to have been made in women’s handwriting.

Ron had started out as a 17-year old in the trucking company owned in those days by his father. He didn’t drink liquor but chased fast women and that’s how he met Kathy whom he later married against his parents’ wishes. They had picked out the Rev. Blake’s daughter for him, thinking she’d tone Ron down.

Truckie Ron later entered management and eventually ownership of the firm knowing every trick in the book as well as some not yet known to run-of-the-road drivers and would sooner fire a driver gone bad than argue with him. If the guy wanted to fight to vent his anger on Ron he could try but probably would regret that decision.

A tough guy is Ron.

The years went by and Ron and Kathy (who turned out good) sent their kids to Sydney to university. Ben with a build and dark bushy eyebrows much like his father, completed an accounting degree and had been appointed general manager of his dad’s business while blonde and deeply blue-eyed university graduate Cody had won a scholarship to the United States to complete her studies with a one-year accelerated MBA in Health Administration.


Before heading to the Midwest to her university, sweet-smiling Cody stayed in LA for a week to have a good look around. On the day she headed out to shop in Rodeo Drive her motel room was broken into and her two travel bags and all her unpacked possessions were stolen.

She had to report the theft to the police to get a travel insurance payout. Motel management denied any responsibility although admitting their security surveillance system had been out of action for more than a month. Cody looked dangerously menacing when told about that so management added its own compensation to pay Cody off from going to the media.

Cody called home to report her loss and her dad answered the phone.

He listened. Cody could almost feel his rising anger.

‘You come home right this minute, do you hear? I’m not having you alone in that den of antiquity called America.’

‘You mean den of iniquity dad.’

He roared, ‘I know what I mean and so do you.’

With years of practice, Kathy wrestled the phone from her husband and said patiently, ‘What’s all this about dear?’

They discussed the issue and her mom said. ‘You’re going through with this advance in your education and that’s that.’

She asked, ‘What was Rodeo Drive like?’ and her frustrated husband went out to kick two or three palings off the fence surrounding the homestead.

‘What do you suggest mom?’

‘Move into a quality hotel and buy replacement stuff and keep all receipts for insurance purposes. Catch your plane on schedule and go to your university and stop thinking what had happened to you. What happened to you could happen to anyone in any city, perhaps even here in Australia. Um even here in Australia.’

‘Yes mom. How are the fowls laying?’

At the university Cody found she was sharing a room with a fairly shy and watchful young woman off a ranch who was studying for a health support qualification.

‘I had been dubious about being paired with you,’ Sarah Carter smiled. ‘I was half-expecting a fat black young woman with a nude kid on her hip.’

‘Oh you have seen pictures of Australian Aboriginals? I guess I could have expected you would like a an Indian squaw.’

Sarah laughed. ‘I’m ignorant aren’t I? You look like one of us and sound much like a West Coaster.’

‘Yeah well wait till I say g’day or fish.’

‘What was that last word?’

They laughed.

Sarah pulled a jug of fruit juice from the fridge and poured two glasses.

‘This is freshly squeezed. I regulate the intake of nasty stuff because I come off a ranch and am used to eating wholesome food.’

‘Oh god, you watch what you eat too. How wonderful.’

Sarah looked pleased. ‘Our ranch is almost 8500 acres but it includes a mountain.’

‘Wow,’ Cody said politely.

‘I think you have bigger ranches than that in Australia, even larger than ranches in Texas?’

‘Well yes, but there are lots of people with only 100 acres or even less.’

‘Want to come for a swim? We have a wonderful sports complex here.’

‘I know. I’ve played the video many times and that was one of the reasons I competed for a scholarship here. I’m really big into health and sport and your MBA in health admin here is pretty top-notch and I didn’t want to go to a big city university. This looks and feels my kind of place.’

At the pool Sarah introduced Cody to three other girls and a couple of guys appeared from nowhere and asked to be introduced to the stranger.

‘A scholarship from Australia eh?’ said Burt. ‘Don’t they have a university there?’

‘They have several. I did my BA at Sydney University and it has more than 30,000 undergrads and 16,000 grad students.’

The students around her appeared impressed.

‘Then why come here?’ Lauren asked.

‘My home town has 9,200 people and that’s big enough for me. I found Sydney was too big for my and I chose to apply for a scholarship to this university because it’s a valuable scholarship and the university is located in a smaller state and it offers the educational opportunity I also required.’

By the time she’d finished saying that no one was listening.

The guys watched the girls swim two lengths and then Al said, ‘Burt and I can see you have the style of a coached swimmer Cody. Come on, race us.’

‘I don’t wish to show off.’

‘It’s the American way,’ one of the girls said and Sarah said, ‘Go give it to them Cody.’

Cody creamed them and Burt said as they dried off, ‘Cody would you mind if I tell Coach White about you?’

‘She wrote me, having seen my performance times in my CV when the scholarship was awarded. I’m here on a swim scholarship.’

‘Omigod and you told me you are an elite long distance cyclist,’ Sarah said.

‘Look guys could we please get off me. I’m only an Aussie.’

‘Only an Aussie,’ Al laughed. ‘And cute.’

Cody dated Al for just over a month before she dumped him, finding he’d been with Annie the previous night. Annie took up to three guys at a time.

Although the breakup with Al had been pretty private, it had been overheard and Cody found herself with guys practically lining up.

She went home with Sarah whenever invited, turning down other invitations because she and Sarah had become very close.

Cody had transformed Sarah, taking her in to get her hair cut to a more modern style and had give her advice about make-up and how to apply it and guided Sarah when she purchased some new skirts, getting the hem length up a good six inches. Within a short time Sarah was enjoying a significant increase in popularity and knew she had Cody to thank for that.

The two young women felt a developing affinity and in moving around the confines of their small apartment often lightly clad and falling into the habit of drying each other’s hair, neither of them pulled back when they had their first sexy kiss and that same night Cody invited Sarah to come to bed with her. Sarah turned out the last light and arrived in the bed nude and they went
slowly and enjoyed the touching and finally the petting gave way to desire and they repositioned into a sixty-nine.

* * *

Looking over the kitchen bench Lisa Carter saw the dust plume and said, ‘They’re coming.’

‘Christ two more women in the house,’ her 26-year old Max snorted.

His dad John reading that morning’s newspaper pushed up his glasses and growled, ‘Watch your mouth when talking to your mom or any female for that matter son.’

The 14-year old twins Meg and Jess had already raced to the front porch.

‘Dad why did she have to bring home someone, especially a loud-mouth Australian? You know we like being just family.’

‘I think it’s about time you ventured out into the real world son and learned manners and how to communicate with other folk. Sarah said this girl is pretty.’

‘Yeah well if she only looks like Sarah that ain’t pretty. Far from it.’

John rattled his paper and sighed.

Lisa came in looking rather excited, wiping her hands on her apron and she said, ‘Out on to the porch you two lumps to welcome home Sarah. It’s weeks since we last saw her.’

The family peered when two blondes got out of the small Ford. Their Sarah had left home with almost auburn hair and both these young women were very pretty.

The twins had it sorted first. They yelled when the driver waved.

‘It’s Sarah, now blonde,’ yelled Meg and Jess yelled, ‘Mom can we go blonde? Please.’

Lisa was too stunned to reply, not that it mattered because the twins would already know the reply would not have been yes.

‘Jesus dad Sarah’s all grown up in just a few months.’

‘Yeah and look at the babe with her.’

‘Wow dad, that’s really top shelf. Sarah said she was new to the university but already was the female swim champ over middle distances. She has the face of a beauty queen and the body of an athlete.’

‘Yeah and probably the manner of a shrew. I know women son.’

‘Oh yeah, and where did you get such refined experience dad? You’ve rarely been more than ten miles from this ranch.’

‘Make that fifty and I might agree with you. I watch videos.’

Lisa was hugging her daughter hugely and the twins were jumping up and down and casting shy glances at Cody.

Finally Meg said bravely, ‘Are you able to speak English?’

‘Ah woogle dum seehill foxy mibilow,’ Cody teased and the twins darted behind their mom.

‘Mom this is my very best friend ever,’ Cody Barr from Australia. ‘You spoke to her briefly a couple of times on my phone.’

‘Yes and a very warm welcome to Starlight Ranch Cody. It’s so lovely having you here.’

‘Wait till you get to know me before you make expansive judgments about me,’ Cody grinned and the twins gawked. ‘May I kiss you? I’m missing my mom greatly.’

‘Oh darling,’ Lisa said, holding open her arms and Cody rushed to her and began crying.

‘It’s okay girls,’ Sarah said. ‘Cody began talking a lot about her folk on the trip here. She’s at little homesick, that’s all.’

Copy wiped her eyes and sniffed, ‘Do you have poultry Mrs Carter?’

‘Yes dear,’ Lisa said, knowing what this was about. ‘Your mother has hens and knows them by name, doesn’t she?’

Cody nodded.

‘Well come and see them and give them some wheat and I’ll tell you their names.’

They walked off around the house, the twins following.

‘Jeez Sarah,’ Max said, hugging his sister and thumping her on the back. ‘You’re brought home a real cry baby.’

He was ignored and Sarah hugged her dad and was kissed.

‘That Cody has fixed you up real good.’

‘How did you know it was Cody dad?’

‘This is your fourth year at that university and no one else bothered that much about you in that time. I don’t like you coloring your God-given hair but it’s your decision at your age. And I think you now look real pretty.’

‘Thanks dad. And you Max?’

‘Oh you look okay I guess.’

‘Thanks Max. Get our bags to my room Max.’

‘Aw can’t Miss Weepy sleep with me.’

‘Get fucked Max and do what you’re told and don’t overly-bother Cody without her consent and you’ll get a shotgun blast up your butt.’

Both men grinned and looked impressed with the now assertive Sarah.

‘Has Miss Weepy toughened you up?’

‘Yes Max and if you value you teeth I would be careful about bad-naming Cody to her face. She has been trained in modern martial arts.’

‘You’re kidding me.’

‘The bags and our other stuff Max. Chop, chop.’

Max walked off, glancing at his sister uncertainly.

Her dad placed a hand on her shoulder and squeezed affectionately. ‘I think you suckered him real real good.’

‘She’s incredibly good at anything physical dad and probably can fight. She told me she grew up with practically all boys. But she’s no Superwoman dad. She has a soft core and now mom is attending to that. Pity she’s far too intelligent for Max eh?’

‘Yeah right.’

Dinner was a merry affair with Cody regaling them with stories about her tough-ass dad and how he met and married a Go-Go dancer, her mom, and his parents went almost a year before talking to him again although they lived nearby and they all worked in the same business. Then during the 7-year floods (the drought near the Outback is broken about every seven years by heavy monsoon rains from the north) his mom’s sister Aunt Judy who was heavily pregnant, was scheduled to go to hospital at Dubbo for a caesarean birth to avoid complications because that hospital had the specialist support required.

All routes into their city were cut off and there were no helicopter services Outback in those days. Cody’s father swam and waded for four miles to a roadwork’s camp that had been abandoned ahead of rising floodwaters. He drove a grader back that four-miles to his astonished parents and uncle. It was the only vehicle built high enough that could have made it through floodwater that deep. Aunt Jess was loaded on a stretcher and tied to the grader with her husband and brother-in-law watching over her as their son/nephew, now a hero, drove them back through the floodwaters where Judy was loaded on to a truck and taken to Dubbo. Her boy was born safely and Judy insisted he be named Ron after Ron his heroic uncle.

‘Tell us more stories,’ Meg begged.

‘Well when I was fourteen, your age, I was considered pretty good at swimming and cleaned up everyone in my age group, boys too, within 200 miles and at Dubbo I won the 400-yards swim and that meant I had to go to Sydney for the state finals but rather than swim in my age group I insisted on swimming in the open group. God I could have dog-paddled and won my age event but I learnt my lesson about big-headedness in the finals. The race was won by a 16-year old who left me for dead in fourth place and a couple of years later those two top girls were swimming for Australia at the Olympics and both won medals.’

‘The big buildings and the sprawl of Sydney had me bug-eyed but nothing like that winner who swam the pants off us. She was so incredibly awesome. So after I returned home mom listened to my plea and drove me almost two hundred miles to Dubbo each Saturday for six months of the year until I was old enough to get my driver’s license and get myself there in dad’s spare pickup.’

Hugely impressed Meg said, ‘Your mom drove your 400 miles each Saturday?’

‘Yes. She loved it. She’d never done so much shopping in her entire life.’

‘Oh here’s a story I love about mom. We had gone for a bit of a hike and were about a three-day walk away from our city when she was bitten by a snake and became sick very quickly. I had cut open her leg in a cross and tried to suck out the venom but obviously was too late or my technique was faulty.’

‘She was losing consciousness and of course I was worried sick. When she’d become delirious I knew it was only a matter of time. We had CB radios with us f
ortunately and I called the flying doctor service. I’d killed the snake with my bush knife so was able to give them a good description of it. But now they had to find me. It was summer and so dry that if I started a fire it could take off and then with a wind change perhaps come back at us. The guy was looking at his map and me at ours and he identified a landmark I could see, a rock the size of a house on the side of a small hill. It was an hour’s hike away. I really didn’t wish to leave mom but had no choice. I knew I had to save her life and take the risk I’d be back with the serum in time to save her.’

‘The aerial drop was successful and I raced back to mom, sweating like a pig and almost delirious myself saying over and over again, ‘Oh please God don’t let me be too late, Oh please God.’

‘I raced into our camp and found mom sitting up, looking a bit groggy.’

‘She said where have you been Cody? How many times have I told you not to go walking off on your own way out here?’

‘I threw myself at her bawling my eyes out and she asked what was wrong, had I hurt myself. She then said thanks for bandaging her leg, she didn’t recall jagging her leg on a stump. I told her what had happened and she was most surprised and said she seemed okay now. I called the Flying Doctor service and mom conversed with a doctor and it was decided she didn’t need to be injected with the serum. Mom said to me, ‘I wouldn’t have let you inject with a big needle like that. You’d be too rough.’

Everyone just loved the ending to that story.

Later Max asked Cody did she ride and she said yes.

‘Come up Mt John with me tomorrow. It’s really only a super big hill with a riding track up it.’

‘Well thanks but it depends on what Sarah wants to do.’

‘No you go with Max. I don’t like riding much and you can see our entire spread from up there. I want to work on mom’s hair and her makeup’

‘Okay Max, it sounds good. Could we set out at dawn?’


‘The weather is settled and dawn is the best time of day.’

‘Jesus, well I suppose.’

Max came into the twin-bed room when it was still dark.

‘Hoping to grab a breast while I was still asleep eh?’

‘Er no.’

Cody got up from the chair, full dressed and ready to go but as they left the bedroom she said, ‘Could you grab one of your mom’s or Sarah’s jackets for me. It’s cold and although it’s spring I saw there’s still snow up on the tops.’

‘Have you ever seen snow?’

‘Not until I was flying from LA to South Dakota. It was really something.’

‘What about boots? They’d be better than those sneakers.’

Max fitted her out and then jammed a woolen cap on her head.

‘Thanks sweetie, now I feel I could take on anything.’

‘What about sex?’

‘Perhaps when it gets warmer, you’ve been a good boy.’

The light reflecting off Max’s teeth was enough to get them outside where two saddled horses were tied to the gate.

‘Oooh, really good boy Max. Obviously you know how to get your ass into gear when necessary.’

‘We leave as early as 4:00 when we pack out to the far pastures.’

‘Don’t you guys run a truck?’

‘No we use tractors and trailers for hay.’

‘You could cart horses out at perhaps 30 miles and hour in a float bolted on the tray of the truck compared with riding perhaps at 5 to 6 miles an hour for a day’s ride. Do the math Max.’


‘Never get tied to all the old ways Max. Some are good for your health and good for living but others rightly belong to the horse and cart days.’


Cody smiled and guessed she knew Max’s favorite word of surprise/exclamation.

They reached the top of the gently rising high hill that Cody thought probably only the locals called a mountain. It was a fine day so the air wasn’t too cold on the summit. She gamboled in the snow, much to Max’s amusement.

He then pointed out the boundaries of their ranch and having named distant landmarks he set off eagerly to the lower slopes for lunch and anything else on offer.

‘No blanket?’

‘No sit on your haunches to eat or sit on a saddlebag.’

‘Don’t we need a blanket for comfortable sex?’

He looked at her keenly. ‘Do you really mean you’ll have sex with me?’

‘Yes you have been considerate to me and girls like sex too Max.’

He appeared to accept that as new information.

‘We can do it up against that tree.’

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Girlfriends surprise

My girlfriend visited me at uni for a week over Valentines Day. The day before she was due to go home I had two lectures with a three hour gap in the middle, so I stayed on campus and left her in my room. When I came back mid afternoon, I found my door locked, so I knocked on my housemates room next door for my spare key. I opened the door walked through and dropped my bag on the floor. The room was empty. It was then that two slim, golden skinned arms d****d over my shoulders and a pair of...

2 years ago
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The Counseling Session

Jack and I had a wonderful ride home. I'm sorry to say that I couldn't help but lean over a few times and suck on him. I don't know what it is about the penis that makes it so lickable. Homo, homo, homo. I couldn't get that out of my mind as I brought him to orgasm a couple of times. Am I the only one ever who wanted to sit on a guy sexually while he was driving? Kind of like jumping up and down like a little girl on her boyfriend's engorged member. Sicko, sicko, sicko, but I wanted to do...

4 years ago
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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolMonday AfternoonEvening Part 2

Allison Allison stepped off the bus, dreading the millions of questions her mother would likely have. She walked up to the door, opening it slowly. She quietly walked inside, hoping her mother wouldn’t hear the noise, and then maybe she’d have enough time to make it up to her room without being seen. That would make avoiding the questions a lot easier. She realized that plan was meaningless when she spotted her mother sitting at the dining room table. “Allison honey ... how was your first...

3 years ago
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forced to Watch and Suck

Johnny had lost the bet and he had to let Billy watch the sex tape of his girlfriend that he always bragged about. As Johnny reluctantly hit play, Billy was getting harder and wetter in his pants as he knew he was about to see the girl he ahd alwys fanatsised about , but never gone near because of his friend, naked.She stripped in front of the camera, her white smooth skin and D cup breasts made Billy's dick throb out of control. "that's enough" said Johnny as he went to press stop "fuck no"...

2 years ago
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The Falling Man

There once was a man who fell in love with the most beautiful woman in the world. And this was as infinite a fall as there can possibly be, for in his determination to reach the most unreachable places of her soul, the falling man recognized no bounds or limitations. The only thing he recognized was that the value of her soul was equal to, if not greater than, the efforts necessary to uncover it. And he was willing to put forth great effort, not because he wanted to claim such a thing for...

1 year ago
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Das Spielzeug des Strflings

Fünf Jahre und elf Monate hat der wegen Raubes, Drogenhandels und Zuhälterei verurteilte Slim bereits von seiner insgesamt zehnjährigen Strafe im Staatsgefängnis abgesessen. In dieser Zeit hat es der inzwischen Dreißigjährige durch seine rücksichtslose Art zum unbestrittenen Anführer der stärksten schwarzen Gang im Knast gebracht. In weniger als einem Monat soll Slim nun wegen seiner angeblich guten Führung vorzeitig aus der Haft entlassen werden. In Wahrheit hat er jedoch seine vorzeitige...

2 years ago
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Surprise Surprise

"How could you?" "How could you do this to me?" I shouted at Karen, waving a handful of printed out emails at her. "This is cheating on me you know." She stared back at me her face white. "James, I..." I interrupted her. "And the things you talked with this man about! I began to read from the latest email she had exchanged with this bastard. "I'm going to use you like the whore you are." "You're going to beg me for it bitch!" "I'm going to make you scream for my cock to fuck...

3 years ago
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I am 25 YEAR OLD VERY VERY FAIR muslim woman my hubby.. Saleem is 34 and we are totally compatible in every way. When Saleem tells me to dress properly and to attract his boss I started to wonder just what he was expecting of me. Before Saleem arrived home I showered and shaved my underarms and legs and thought about trimming my pubic hair but I know Saleem loves my very bushy hair and I didn’t want to shave or trim it unless he approved first. I really didn’t know what to wear so I simply put...

2 years ago
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Mummy Ne Garam Kiya

Hi doston mera naam ayaan hai mai hyderabad mai rehta hun ye story hai mere aur meri ammi ke beech mere family mai ammi yasmeen age 39 abba nehal age 45 aur mai meri age hai 20 ye baat undino ki hai jab ammi ki tabiyat theek nahi rehti thi aur maine unka kitchen mai haath batan shuro kiya tha abba ku jawar ki roti debi hoti hai wo ammi yani yasmeen neechai ek marble ki sil par banati hai. Uswaqt mai bhi kitchen kuch kaam karraha tha tabhi meri nazar mere ammi ke boobs par padhu roti dalne se...

3 years ago
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Party House

Years ago there was a fun party house my friends and I use to hang out at. A mutual older friend owned the place. It was a drafty old farmhouse secluded in an urban area. Almost every night someone would buy a keg of beer and people would just seem to show up. It was a great time in my life I was young and carefree now I miss those days.I first met Dave at the party house and at first glance I found him rather unappealing. He was just an average looking guy, with not a lot to offer. I...

2 years ago
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Babysitting 04

At the same time I was with a few of the girls from school and we were preparing one of my girlfriends parents house for our graduation party. Her parents were overseas on business and had given my friend , Claudia, an only c***d, permission to use the house, but not to have any alcohol or any sort of d**gs, and no boys. We promised to behave like ladies and they trusted us. However, one of the girls, Jill, found the liquor cabinet and thought that it would be cute to make some punch and pour...

1 year ago
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FamiliesTied Abella Danger Dana Dearmond Devious Dana DeArmond Trains Her StepDaughter For Anal Whore Service

Busty slut Step-Mother Dana DeArmond is pacing around the house in a panic. Her Step-Daughter’s claim to the property and trust fund is being challenged by a distant relative from Spain. Juan Lucho is rich, arrogant, and handsome: a very dangerous foe to a starry-eyed teenage girl like Abella. Dana stuffs her luscious tits in a tight dress and tries to prepare Abella for war, but her tight-bodied teen only wants a ride on Juan’s hard dick and her Step-Mother out of her hair. Abella...

1 year ago
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Confessions to My FianceChapter 3

“You said you knew all along I was in love with him. And that he was with me. I might have been able to go along the way I was with him for a long time. Eventually we would have fucked and probably kept on fucking. But I realized that I loved you so much and that you and I were the real thing. But I had to be sure. I told him in very certain terms how I felt about you. I told him I was thinking you and I could be totally serious and maybe even make a lifelong commitment. He completely...

1 year ago
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Harry Potter That Need Part 9 10

"Hermione," Ginny said, "You know your knickers are history now, but I want Ron to take them off . . . using only his teeth." Ron flushed crimson, not so much at Ginny’s command, but because his cock moved quicker than he did, making Ginny giggle at him. But being the good sport that he was, Ron got up on his knees as Hermione laid back on the bed, lifting her hips for him just a bit. Ron quickly found that he rather liked the task Ginny had set for him and made a mental note to thank...

1 year ago
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Jake The PIChapter 3

We were putting in a lot of hours checking all these phone records. Sally was zapping files left and right on the two computers. We were hoping that we wouldn't have to tap into his office computer. Too many flags are raised when going into business computers. Lots of spyware and anti-virus bugs. We would probably get detected and, since we were supposed to only be investigating Jenny, it sure would look suspicious. A couple of days later Roger called us and asked us how our investigation...

1 year ago
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Who doesn’t love teens at Team Skeet? They’re fresh, ripe, and just figuring out all the amazing things they can do with those perfect bodies. I’m particularly fond of the kinky girls, the ones with daddy issues or burgeoning cases of nymphomania. You know, the kind of girls who make the best porn sluts. There are a lot of places you can watch these nubile young things get nasty, and TeamSkeet.com is one of the better ones.I know what some of you are already thinking. Yeah, Team Skeet is a...

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PublicBang Medusa Medusa Loves it in Public

This week, we are joined by the beautiful Medusa for some fun public action. First, she shows us her perfect body just long enough to get us all turned on. This chick has a perfect pair of tits and an amazing ass tog o with it. She’s the total package. From there, she goes on a quest to find Potro De Bilbao to get dicked down. They decided to fuck on a random stairway in the middle fo the woods. Her pussy is stretched in several different positions leaving her begging for cum. Which she...

3 years ago
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pados ki ladki ko pata ke romatically choda

hey friends i m varun. me gujarat ke surat city me ek company me job karta hu. i m 24 years old.me bada hi romentic hu. ye meri first story hai ummid karta hu aap sab ko bahot pasand aayegi.nw i direct come to my story. ye bat 8 month pehle ki hai jb mene new room sift kiya. me ek kiraye ke makan me rehta hu. mere pass wale makan me ek family rehti hai jisme ek uncle (mohan-contractor), aunty(geeta-housewife), aur unki do ladkiya(somya(21), maya(14)). me har roj apne daily rutine me rehta hu...

1 year ago
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Nazayz Sambhad

Hi all of you first of all I will thanx to ISS jis ne har kissi ko apne sath hue incident ko share karne ka mauka diya.aur mein iss ki regular vistor hoon. mera naam pooja(name changed) hai mein Punjab ki rehne wali hoon aur apni ik sacha incident batane ja rahi hoon jo mere sath hua jis se meri jindgi hi badal gayi, mene ajj tak kissi aur ko touch bhi nahi karne diya tha apne hubby ke bina meri age 34 ki hai ,gud looking hoon rang goora aur fig size 38-34-36 ka hai mein aur logo ki tarah juth...

3 years ago
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Submissive Femdom Anal Slave Dark Fantasy

You walk in and put a collar around my neck and attach a leash. You force me to my knees and shove your pussy into my face forcing me onto my back. You grab the cock chastity device to put on me, so I cannot cum or play with myself without your permission. You smother me with your dripping wet pussy and sweaty asshole. You use my tongue to clean up all you’re cum and juice from your holes. After squirting and dripping all you’re cum and fluids in my mouth and face you stand me up and walk me...

2 years ago
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Dr Kelly Breast Milk Exper

I was just pulling my car into the trailer park. The dust from the gravel came up over the top of my hood. I looked around. There were quite a few trailers as I pulled around to the last one on the left. It had pink siding going down the double wide. I can't believe I spent 6 years going to college, just to make house calls or should I say trailer park calls. I had no degree. The money ran out before I got kicked out. I had a few jobs ever since. I just happen to stumble upon this one. You...

3 years ago
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The Red Fang Ch 2 Pt 2

Introduction: Human Meets Vampire Yes, this part of the story has sex in it. And thanks to everyone who has continued to read the story, even the parts that were not sensual in nature. Hope you enjoy this next part. It took me four days to dig myself out of the bunker, Stealth said quietly. His head hung down in defeat as he told his story, but now he raised his head to look at Requiem. Ethereal sat enthralled by all of this. She knew that vampires often had companions but she had never known...

2 years ago
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A Fantastic RingChapter 5

The sound of that shouted "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" was like the toll of a bell announcing the end of the world. It was obvious that I had just finished fucking Hazel, and Sally and Ann were still locked in a very passionate 69, so there was no doubt what was going on. Mrs. Mason then startled us all by asking, "Is there room for one more?" Hazel was the first of our group to speak, "Oh, Mama, you scared the Hell out of all of us! What are you doing home so early?" "You know my...

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Eporner POV

There’s nothing like being right in the action, leaning over as some babe’s perky tits bounce while you grip their hips and plow that pussy. It’s a daily experience for me, but I know most of you, cucks, haven’t ever felt the pleasure for yourselves. It’s alright. Your time will come. I walk around seeing absolute dime pieces kissing the ugliest, fattest bastards out there. You can rest assured that there’s some chick with poor taste just waiting for you to bend them over for a few seconds...

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3 years ago
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Wills new old home Part 13

Hayden stood still in the doorway, as she walked slowly into the bedroom, shedding her tight tank-top and shorts. Her c-cup breast stuck out, her light brown, silver dollar nipples poking out of her perfectly rounded breasts. She slipped out of her panties, which left little to the imagination, and threw them in the corner before she revealed her beautiful and pure looking twat, not a signal hair could be seen above or around it. Feeling his cock erect, he smiled as Hayden walked over...

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Luellas Libido

Luella’s libido had reached dizzying new heights over the last week. The myth of the female sexual peak in the early 30’s shouldn’t necessarily be scoffed at. It began on her 30th birthday, she’d been having a roaring time, out with the girls, all dressed up, dancing, drinking bright blue cocktails. Then it hit her, a full on, slap your face, arousal that left her cerise knickers sodden and with an overwhelming urge to touch herself. The obligatory snake of the Ladies queue made her restless....

1 year ago
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Me n My Friends

After a night of drinking, we came home to smoke. One thing lead to another and before I knew it, Sue and Maria were not anywhere I could see them. I went to see if everything was OK, and make sure that if me and Sue’s boyfriend Miguel started to fuck, we wouldn't get caught. ( he was already sucking on my tits and had my underwear at my ankles) I walked into the bedroom where I heard some noises and saw what I never would have thought. Sue was laying on her back with her legs wide open and...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 256

Compliments of sbrooks103 A woman walks into church totally topless and sits down right in the front pew. The Minister goes up to her and quietly say, “I’m sorry, but you can’t be in her like that.” She exclaims, “I have a divine RIGHT to be here!” He says, “You have a very nice left, too, but you still can’t come in here like that.” ✧ ✧ ✧ This compliments of squaddie117 The Assumption Song (It’ll make an Ass out of U and Me) There was an old farmer Who lived on a rock He sat in the...

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Saint LukeChapter 8

I think that if I had not run into Jimmy, I might have ended it. I was convinced that I owed a life for a life and the more I thought about it, the more right it felt in my head. If I hadn’t stumbled onto the attack when I did, I think I might have done it. Instead, during a late-night walk to clear my head, I heard the sounds of a scuffle, the meaty thuds of fists striking flesh and the cries of pain that followed. The voice that cried out was that of someone young. I turned down an alley,...

4 years ago
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Sexy BFFs Chapter 5

"I love you too." She pulled Jenny close for a soft wet kiss. Gracie's hands this time slid up the back of Jenny's creamy legs and caressed her beautiful ass. Gracie's tongue flicked at Jenny's then slid slowly between Jenny's soft, wet plump lips. Jenny's eyes rolled back as their tongues touched and immediately began creaming all over herself. Gracie pulled her sideways and their legs entangled just as their tongues had. Two soft bodies twisted, tangled and writhed around each other...

4 years ago
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Silky Ki Silk Wali Chudai

Hi mera naam Mohit hai me delhi mei rehta hu meri age 18 years hai agar aapko story pasand aaye to reply zaroor karna ab me apni story pe ata hu ye story ek sardarni ki ke baare me hai jiska naam Silky hai wo 20 yrs ki hai Aur uska figure 36 28 38 hai uski gand bahut phuli aur silky hai dekhte hi lund khada karde aisi cheez hai wo mere ghar ke thik samne wali gali me rehti hai uski mom ka hamare ghar kaafi aana jaana hai to wo hamesha apni Mom ke saath aati thi me usko dekh ke bathroom me muth...

1 year ago
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Anal Boss

She slammed her hand on the countertop. “What do you mean, there’s no reservation? Rhianne Fitzgerald, PhD. I made the reservation a month ago.” “Sorry miss,” said the harried clerk behind the counter. “I’ve got one room left with a king sized bed. I can give you a cot.” It was late afternoon, and a few rays of sunlight faded to yellow through the tinted windows of the lobby. Dr. Fitzgerald was flipping through the pages of her pocket calendar. “Here it is… Oh wait.” She turned to me...

3 years ago
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My 11th Prostitute and first car date

The 11th prostitute I saw was cute-as-a-button and in her early 20’s. We had originally planned to meet at a hotel, but things fell through and we ended up doing a car date, my very first car date experience. I was apprehensive about doing this, but she assured me it would all be good. She chose a multi level parking lot in the heart of the city to meet at. At the appointed time I drove downtown. It was a hot summer day, lots of people walking around. I nervously pushed a button and waited for...

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WildOnCam Naomi Foxxx Voluptuous Ebony Hottie Naomi Foxxx Gets Brads Girthy Cock To Fuck LIVE

Ebony hottie Naomi Foxxx loves to tease you with her big all natural juicy tits and is so excited to get Brad Newman with her for this show so you can see just how much she loves to suck and fuck a big cock! She is taken back by the girth of Brad but she does not back down from a challenge taking most of it all down her throat. It doesn’t take long for Brad to make her squirt once he starts fucking that tight pussy stretching her out with every deep thrust! Naomi just loves that big cock!...

3 years ago
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A Surprise Thank You 01

Dan was often aroused by Lisa's closeness and the casual way she touched and kissed him as they worked on the probate application. He hugged and soothed her whenever things got a little teary having to talking about her deceased husband. One time a popup alert came on screen during one of their sessions telling Dan someone had left him a message on a web-dating site. Lisa noticed it and asked Dan about it. He was somewhat embarrassed but told Lisa he had joined the site to explore a possible...

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Trapped in a Fembot

{if start game = true}You slowly open your eyes and wake up. For some reason you are in a dentist's chair, your hands bound in place against the armrests with thick leather straps. It's dark, but not dark enough for you to not be able to see around you. The room is covered in white all over, with a very 'medical' smell in the air. There's a table nearby with a metallic body lying on top, some sort of robot in the shape of a woman. Try as you might, you can't seem to remember... anything, not...

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