His Pregnant Lover Ch. 12 free porn video

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‘Well it’s happened at last, the state authorities are going to send someone down to investigate you and your harem.’

Matron was on her mobile. ‘Madison just rang me. She is one of the group that will report back after their enquiries.’

‘Don’t worry,’ Dave said. ‘We are not doing anything wrong, if we are we’ll stop. If we’re not, then there is nothing they can do to stop us.’

Matron assured him that his island met Council and State government town planning and building requirements, even though their island had not been included under the relevant legislation.

‘We have had visits from council health inspectors and every health professional interested in public health. Our fish processing and crab cooking areas meet the highest health standards.’

‘We don’t pollute the waterway. Our septic system is not overloaded. We pump our own water and have had it tested by the city council.’

‘They told me that because it is pumped up through 40 foot of sand and our pipes and tanks are brand new, it is to their mind better than town water.’

‘Look they are not interested in those physical matters they are interested in you. Madison says they will ask you to answer questions under oath.’

What sort of questions?’ he asked.

‘Personal questions. They will ask very personal questions about your wives and the babies that live here. She thinks it will be a good idea if you let them inspect our living quarters, and let them attend one of our family meetings.’

‘Better still,’ Dave suggested, ‘Why don’t we invite them to stay a few days and see how we live.’

Dave poured himself a mug of coffee and wandered out on to the beach. He did not tell the others that he was worried about the visit by the government officials. It will be a bloody disaster if they try to stop us living together he thought as he ran his minds eye over what he had achieved.

Granny joined him as he sat under the Moreton bay fig tree. They sat quietly looking out over the rising tide. She startled him when she broke the silence. ‘Its jealousy you know. Their bloody jealous that one man can have twenty women live with him.’

‘They hate the idea that you might make love with a different woman every night. Their lives are so devoid of genuine spontaneous love and affection that they hate you for the love in your life.’

Dave did not answer. Each consumed by their own thoughts, they sat watching the tide until dinner

Matron joined them as they sat down to dinner. She told them to listen while she read from a media statement. ‘The government has appointed a district magistrate Miss Hazel Green to investigate the Haven. The manager of the women’s shelter and a police officer from the local station will assist her.’

‘The shelter manager, that’s Madison isn’t it?’ Dave asked.

‘Yes and the police woman is the one you met on the houseboat. Senior Constable Sharon Marriott.’

‘Madison will be helpful. She has been over the moon because you have encouraged women from the shelter to stay up here.’

‘If I remember correctly, you invited the policewoman up for a visit.’

‘According to Chloe she appeared to be willing to become another of your conquests. If Chloe’s right, she won’t be a problem.’

Matron spied Dave staring at her chest where a button had come undone providing him with an unobstructed view of her breast.

She straightened her clothes. ‘Stop leering like that,’ she laughed. ‘You will have to learn to behave and concentrate your energy on winning over the Magistrate.’

A few days later after a hectic clean up of the site and a series of lectures from Matron on how he should behave Dave stood on the beach. He watched as the first of his government visitor’s Senior Constable Sharon Marriott jumped ashore. She waved and greeted Dave with a smile.

‘When you invited me to come up and visit,’ she grinned, ‘I didn’t think it would be an official visit.’

He kissed her on the cheek, ‘you’re welcome what ever the reason,’ She blushed when she caught him running his eyes slowly over her trim figure.

Donna and Betsy waved and strolled over their babies on their hips.

Both were topless, their breasts tanned from days in the sun. ‘You won’t need your uniform on the island, most of us just wear casual gear,’ Donna said as they led her off to her room.

Once inside Sharon slipped out of her uniform. She studied herself in the mirror as she decided what to wear. She ran her hands up under her breasts and tweaked her nipples. They are a bit small but not bad, she decided as she discarded her bra and slipped on a shirt.

She smiled to herself as she recalled that the men at the police station called her ‘legs.’

They really are my best feature she thought as she pulled her tiny shorts up over her long tanned legs.

She undid another button on her shirt and studied herself in the mirror before strolling outside. Right oh, let us see if Dave shows any interest, she though.

Dave was unaware that Sharon had gone to great lengths to seek his approval. He greeted her with a smile, ‘give us a hand to get the boat into deeper water,’ he cried as he struggled in the dropping tide.

‘We need to get Ruby down to the maternity hospital. The girls say we will have another addition to the family before nightfall.’ They worked together holding the houseboat. When Ruby was safely aboard, he called to Sharon. ‘Come on you can drive. The doctor will meet us at the hospital.’

Sharon could not help being amazed at how calm and relaxed Dave made her feel. She watched as he moved to settle Ruby down. Cuddling her small body in his arms, he lifted her up like a baby, kissing her while he spoke quietly.

‘I won’t let anything happen to you love. I’ve been down here with Annabelle Betsy and Donna, three times in the last few months. I’m becoming quite a professional father and I know from experience you are in good hands.’

He wiped her face with a warm cloth, ‘Trust me, the people down at the hospital are just marvelous. You already know the doctors and matron so you will be with friends. Sharon and I will stay and wait to see the baby. If there is anything you want, if you need me, just call and I will be there.’

At the hospital, Doctors and nurses greeted Dave like an old friend. ‘Back again,’ they laughed, ‘you are becoming our best customer.’ I will be back again, in a couple of weeks,’ Dave announced. ‘Ruby is number four and we have one more that’s due shortly.’

Dave took the time to explain to all who would listen why he seemed more excited than usual. ‘Ruby is a young aboriginal lass who has had a hard life. I want this to go well for her. She really is a lovely young lady.’

Sharon and Dave had time to talk while they waited. He learnt that her father had left her mother before Sharon was two years old. ‘Mum did it tough, she had to work and look after me. It was only when I grew older that I realized what a hard life she had. How much she sacrificed for me.’

She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him lightly. ‘She would have really appreciated someone like you to provide her with love and affection when I was a baby. I nearly cried when I watched you with Ruby, you’re wonderful, no wonder all those women love you.’

Dave tried to lighten things up. ‘Well I couldn’t supply the love and affection when you were a baby but I’m available now,’ he said as he squeezed her hand and cuddled her close.

A nurse came into the room while they were kissing. Laughing she called to Sharon, ‘Watch him, he can be dangerous,’

‘I’m not scared of him. He is just a big cuddly pussy,’ Sharon responded.

‘I think that may be the problem,’ the nurse replied. ‘Women around him become clucky and want babies. He brings out the mother in them.’

Dave pulled Sharon up on to his lap. ‘A cuddly pussy eh?’ He whispered a
s he kissed her. She did not reply she just wriggled deeper in his lap and kissed him back. As they continued to kiss Sharon felt Dave’s erection grow against her thigh.

My god I have turned him on she thought. She smiled to herself. He is not the only one that’s becoming excited. Her nipples were tingling and she felt her heart beat faster.

The nurse returned interrupting them. ‘It’s a boy. He`s very tiny like his mother. Both are ok.’

‘Ruby is calling for you.’ Dave struggled to hide the lump in his pants. She laughed, ‘Just go in, I’m sure she has seen you with one of those before.’

Within minutes, Dave turned the ward into a riot of fun talking and flirting with Ruby and the other mothers. Matron finally called a halt, pushing him out the door. ‘I have to settle the ward down,’ she whispered. ‘A maternity ward is not a place for larrikins like you. You create too much excitement.’

Dave invited them all, mothers babies’ nurses and doctors to come up to his island before they made their way back to the houseboat.

Sharon took charge of the wheel as they pulled away from the jetty, leaving Dave to tidy up the mooring ropes. When Dave finished, he came and stood behind her, placing his hands on her hips.

They stood motionless as they motored up stream. Sharon took one hand from the wheel and placed it over his. ‘This is nice,’ she whispered.

‘Yes,’ he replied as he leant forward and kissed her on the back of the neck. ‘It’s nice to get away from it all. The houseboat gives me comfort and privacy.’

Sharon thought about Dave as he spoke. His lifestyle was a major topic of conversation in the local community. Stories of his life with a number of pregnant wives had become so exaggerated and fanciful that the State Premier had ordered an enquiry.

The attitude of the majority of officers down at the station had changed when the sergeant told them of his wife’s experiences with the woman’s shelter. ‘The shelter committee thinks he’s a saint. The battered wives who have been up to the island love him.’

‘My wife won’t hear a bad word about him,’ the sergeant had added. ‘From my own point of view, if all those women up on the island are sleeping with him, he is a bloody lucky bugger.’

Sharon had listened to the briefing given to the Magistrate down at the station. The inspector had made his position clear. ‘Check out if any one is forced into sex. Does he blackmail them to have his babies? Is there any drugs?’

‘Is there any rorts as far as government funding is concerned? Is he having sex with underage girls? Are they breaking any laws? Give us any concrete information, no matter how small. Your report should finally scotch the rumors and innuendo floating around the community or prove that where there’s smoke there’s fire.’

The last few hours had confirmed Sharon’s suspicion that Dave was just a loveable big softy. There was no doubt in her mind that he was decent and honorable with no hidden agenda.

He had a way about him that made her want to mother him. She wanted to grab and cuddly him. Her nipples tingled as she decided that she would love to sleep with him.

Dave was unaware of Sharon’s thoughts. He had stood silently behind her as the boat struggled against the tide. Without thinking, he had let his hand run down over her tight round bottom.

Freeing his other hand, he ran both hands around the front over her hard flat stomach. He felt her relax back in his arms her body pushing back. Pleased that she had not objected, he tried to run his hands lower. Her shorts were too tight to allow his hand to slip down inside.

If I cannot go down, I will go up, he thought as he slipped her shirt loose from her shorts. Within seconds his hands found her breasts, they were smaller than those of his pregnant wives.

She must have read his mind when she whispered, ‘they’re only small.’ Dave now stood close behind her his breasts in his hands. ‘They are a very lovely handful,’ he whispered in her ear.

They stood close together his fingers rubbing and pulling her nipples. ‘Let’s pull out of the channel,’ he whispered.

‘Why?’ She groaned.

‘I want to kiss you. You can’t steer and watch the river traffic when we are kissing.’

He turned her body to face him. ‘This is the most privacy you and I are going to get over the next few days.’

Responding to his words Sharon turned the houseboat to port and headed for the shallow far bank.

Taking that as agreement Dave moved closer behind her. He moved his hands around to open the buttons down the front of her shirt and peeled it away.

Sharon was still struggling to hold the boat off the sandbank and drop the anchor when his mouth swept down on her nipple.

‘Behave,’ she groaned. ‘You will have to go out and drop the back anchor so we don’t swing up high and dry.’

‘I am not going out there without my shirt, I’m a senior police officer. I can’t be seen topless on this boat with you.’

‘Oh shit, hurry up,’ she growled when his teeth nipped her nipple

Dave dropped the rear anchor and locked the door. ‘We don’t want the water police dropping in to see why I am anchored over here,’ he announced with a grin. Before she could answer, he picked her up like a baby and headed for the bedroom.

‘I’m going to strip off those shorts. I have wanted to see all of this luscious senior police officer since the first day you came aboard this boat.’

Sharon let him lay her back on the bed and watched as he dropped his trousers. She wet her lips when his cock sprang free.

‘Oh my Donna was right you’re big.’

‘She exaggerates,’ he whispered as he slid her shorts down and pulled them off.

He stood back and whistled. ‘You’re beautiful, I love your long sexy legs they go on forever.’ He grinned as he slumped down on the bed beside her and ran his hands up over her knees. ‘I can’t keep my hands off them.’

‘Other things will welcome your hands,’ she whispered as she pulled his head down so they could kiss. Dave loved to kiss.

Running his hands over a woman while they kissed created the most exquisite feeling. His heart beat faster. His cock grew harder. His breath sounded louder in his ears. Kisses turned him on.

Sharon watched Dave as he slid way from her kisses. He is going to go down on me, she thought. She felt her pussy grow wet in anticipation.

She held her breath as his lips ran over her breast and sucked on her nipples.

She was not surprised when he did not stop. She wanted his lips on her pussy. Nevertheless, she shuddered with delight when his lips moved on to lick and kiss her stomach, she groaned when his tongue tried to enter her belly button.

She pulled a pillow over under her shoulders so she could raise her body and watch his lips and tongues progress. She groaned aloud when he continued past her pussy kissing down her thigh and legs to her knees finally reaching her toes.

Sharon pushed herself higher on her elbows to watch. No one had ever gone past her pussy to concentrate on her toes before. Dave threw her joggers aside and took her big toe in his mouth sucking it and biting it lightly. A shudder ran through her body she felt a dribble of moisture leak from her pussy. ‘My god, that’s making me hot,’ she cried as he kissed and licked her feet and ankles.

He continued working his way slowly up her legs to her knees. Easing her legs wider, he licked and kissed the inside of her legs working higher and higher. Sharon became more agitated every minute. She nearly screamed when she felt his hot breath on her pussy lips. ‘Do it,’ she urged, ‘do it.’

When it became apparent that he was not going to kiss her pussy she could stand it no longer. Grabbing a handful of his hair, she reefed his head up so she could look him directly in the eye. ‘Fuck me,’ she cried. ‘Stop teasing me, fuck me.’

Dave had planned to kiss and make
love to her pussy.

He could smell her arousal. He could see moisture glistening on the hairs of her pussy. Her stomach was heaving, her legs pushing further apart. She was ready. He could not deny her any longer. He pushed her back on to the pillow.

Sandra gave a moan of pleasure as he slid his arms under her legs and raised them up on to his shoulders. Looking down he could se the lips of her pussy pushed out seeking his cock.

Sharon could not wait. Her hand found his cock and pulled it forward until he felt the moisture of her now fiery pussy, ‘Put it in,’ she moaned. ‘Come on put it in.’ Her hand fed him into her pussy mouth. He pushed forward to sink his cock deeper and deeper.

Sharon groaned as he started to move. She was no virgin. She had been sexually active over the years. Dave was filling her as no other man had done. ‘Oh, oh, that’s lovely, that’s it. Harder love harder. Oh, yes keep going.’

Words spilled out of her mouth. Her body jolted and jerked trying to push up at him. She slipped her legs from his shoulders bringing them down around his waist. They held him tight pulling him closer

‘Come on you big pussy, fuck me, make me pregnant if you can.’

Dave could not believe how Sharon was reacting. She hardly stopped talking. She was noisy, yet quietly determined. Wild and yet somehow, gentle. She was a chameleon changing colors, changing from a wild cat one minute to a pussy the next.

She looked up at him her eyes blazing her face angry. Pulling his head down she changed completely. ‘Kiss me you big fool,’ she murmured. She ran her hands along his chest and tweaked his nipples. ‘Your wives are right, you’re fucking wonderful.’ She cried as her body shuddered and shook in the throes of a gigantic orgasm.

Dave had struggled to keep up with Sharon. He lost control when her pussy contracted, tightening around his cock, forcing him over the edge. He came with a rush. His body jolted time after time as his sperm spurted into her welcoming pussy.

He pushed his arms out straight. Then he struggled to hold his body away from hers so he could watch her face as they came. Sharon’s eyes rolled in her heads her mouth wide-open emitting small moaning noises

Finally, he slumped down on her body gasping for breath, she took his head in her hands and kissed him. ‘No wonder your wives love you. That was awesome.’

Madison met them as they ran the houseboat up in the shallows at the island. ‘The magistrates here,’ she whispered. ‘Annabelle has taken her to her room so she can change and freshen up.’

Dave told Sharon to go and look after the magistrate. ‘Tell her to come down when she is ready and we will gather the family together to meet her.’

Hazel Green changed into a very conservative blouse and slacks. She knew little about Dave other than what she had read in the documents supplied from the minister’s office and the briefing from the local police superintendent. He`s either a sex fiend or a saint, she thought.

She finished unpacking and joined Sharon. ‘Why don’t I get Dave to show you around?’ Sharon asked as they made their way to the beach. ‘That’s a good idea it will give me an opportunity to learn a little about him and his Harem.’

Dave studied the magistrate as she walked out to the beach. He jumped up and went to meet her. She is very tiny he though. Probably only a little over five feet. He found it hard to estimate her age, finally deciding she was no chicken.

They shook hands studying each other, exchanging first names.

Dave took the initiative. ‘You are here to find out how we operate so let me start by showing you around.’

‘This was an old army igloo from the war. I bought it years ago as a base for fishing during the winter months. It is just over one hundred and sixty foot long. The roof is forty foot at the highest point.’

‘With its round slopes it gets down to less than twenty feet high at the sides. I think it was a scaled down version of an aircraft hangar used for boat storage. Its construction is wood and steel mostly galvanized iron.’

‘My wives and a local draughtsman drew up plans for the rooms. We now have it fully lined and sealed with carpet in every room. Because it’s over 50 foot wide the draughtsman was able to make provision for enough large bedrooms to satisfy my family and leave room for a few more.’

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pregnant and horny pt 1

David sat staring at his computer screen, trying to will the machine to complete the boot operation. The desktop showed up on the screen and he was just about to let out a whoop of triumph, when the screen turned that unmistakable bright blue and the machine shutdown."Pig fucking piece of shit!" he said, his hand sweeping out to destroy the carefully built stack of Mountain Dew cans. Outside his window the sky was black. How had that happened? He let out an exasperated sigh and looked at his...

3 years ago
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His Pregnant Lover Ch 14

Dave was tired. He had hardly slept all night. He lay on the bed with Delfina and Betsy recalling their night together. He sat up and looked at them both as they lay sleeping. What a contrast. Delfina, a camera operator for the local TV station had only joined them yesterday. She was a swarthy Middle Eastern Italian woman with big boned shoulders and hips. She murmured in her sleep as he ran his hand over her extra large breasts. He pulled her nipple, deciding her nipples were the largest he...

1 year ago
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Pregnant And Lactating White Wife Fucked By Black Neighbors

There can be huge cultural and social differences in being brought up in the Deep South, as compared to the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. My husband, Ed, and I were born and raised in a mostly white, suburb of Jackson, Mississippi that has a very low African-American population. Our families and friends are racists, and always preferred to be segregated from black people. It was only natural that we would grow up thinking the same way, but that is a source of shame for us now.My...

2 years ago
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My wife wanted to become pregnant

First, before the story: English is not my mother tongue. When working on this story there were occations when I could not find the exact words I was looking for - but I guess you'll get the general idea.My wife Helen is a petite blonde beauty. We started dating when she was 16, ten years later, when this took place, she still acted like a teenager from time to time. Maybe because she still looked like being a teenager. People who did not know us could assume we were closely related. We are...

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His Pregnant Lover Ch 04

Dave lay in bed watching Helen move around the houseboat in the nude. His prick stirred as he watched and remembered how hot she had been last night, their first night together. He toyed with his prick as he studied her fit muscular legs and the round cheeks of her arse. As Matron of the Maternal and Child Welfare Clinic she was constantly on her feet giving her legs that athletic look he loved so much. As his prick grew harder in his hand he thought back to how he had met Helen when he...

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Doctors Incestuous FamilyChapter 9 Pregnant Mommy and Sis

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Jenny Wilson I pressed my face into my mother’s sweet pussy, her thick labia rubbing on my lips while her ticklish pubic hair caressed my cheeks. It was so wonderfully naughty to do this. Just this morning, I was so angry at her, hating her for calling me a slut and a whore and a hussy for the last few weeks. Ever since she found out I was pregnant, she had acted like a real cunt. And then it turned out she was fucking my brother, too. And she...

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Pennys Promiscuity 17 Pregnant Pause

'Pregnant! Oh my God, no!'The effort it took to keep behaving normally in the face of this entirely unexpected and completely unwelcome news deserves an Oscar. The shock and horror almost made me faint; my blood ran cold and a strange buzzing noise came into my ears. For a moment I thought I was going to pass out; thank goodness I still had the presence of mind to slip the test with its dreadful news into the pocket of my dressing gown before my daughter could see it.Izzy didn’t notice but she...

1 year ago
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My Pregnant Stepmom

When I was still young my mother died in an accident, and my father brought me up, until he finally met another woman.Her name was Beth, she was a very pretty brunette, pretty fit, and younger than him, only thirty, where as my father was in his early fifties, but they seemed to like each other a lot, and with in two years were getting married.Now I was in my late teens as this was all happening and felt as long as my father was happy, then so was I, but secretly from the moment I met Beth i...

2 years ago
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Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 3

Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 3Yolanda finds out about sex toys, nasty men's lewd fetishes and gives her first blowjob. Jim discovers what her husband is doing with her panties and a lesbian takes her heart.Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 1 https://xhamster.com/stories/retard-wants-to-get-pregnant-pt-1-701970Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 2 https://xhamster.com/stories/retard-wants-to-get-pregnant-pt-2-702218====== OPENINGYolanda smiled mischievously at him as she slid the big 12 inch black...

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Fucking Pregnant in the Forest Preserve

My name is Sue, and at the time of this story I was thirty years old and my husband, Ed, was thirty-three, and we lived in a northwest suburb of Chicago. I am an executive for a large insurance company located in downtown Chicago, and Edias a production manager for a manufacturing company near O’Hare airport. We have a nine-month-old daughter who I was still nursing, and I was also four and a half months pregnant with another child.I knew from discussions with my OB/GYN doctor during my two...

3 years ago
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Pregnant girl

*************************************************** I am a simple man, carpenter by trade. I specialize in making furniture and especially beds. I never thought that the day I delivered a particular bed that I would be so thankful for the fruits of my labor. I pulled up to the house of 7777 Lucky Lane, an interesting address to say the least. I wondered if lady luck just so happened to live here as I rang the door bell. When the door opened I was happy to see that I hit the jackpot. Standing...

4 years ago
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A guy helps his neighbor8217s pregnant wife out when she reveals that her husband won8217t have sex with her while she8217s heavily pregnant

Neighbors. Everyone has them. Sometimes they get along with them, sometimes they don’t. My wife and I are fairly lucky. We live in a suburban neighborhood full of tract houses. Front and back, our house contacts four others; our two next-door neighbors and two that adjoin our backyard. We’ve never had any major problems with any of them but our relationships with each vary. On the right rear we don’t know the people. On the right, next door, we’re cordial with them,...

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making them pregnant pt 4

The next dayWhen I got up the next day Dad had already left the house for the office. Mother was having tea at the table and my breakfast was waiting for me. I sat down after kissing mother good morning.Mother started the conversation with, “We need to talk about what protection we plan to take after my period, if I have one this month at all, I hope I do have one. I really should go on the Pill with the amount of semen you shoot when you reach orgasm.”“Mother, I really want to make you...

2 years ago
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Pregnant Workout

"Are you nuts? You want ME to lead the pregnant women's class?"Harold, the owner of the fitness club where I work, shrugged and leaned back behind his desk. "Fred, you know that Mimi went in to have her own baby last night. Her students will be here in half an hour and there's no one else." He pointed to the door. "Go on, get ready. It's only for a few weeks, and it won't hurt you."Fuming, I stalked out of his office and headed for the instructors' locker room. Damn! A roomful of pregnant...

3 years ago
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Becoming pregnant

Hi, my name is Sucheeta, I originally hail from Gujarat. I have settled in Bangalore after my marriage. I got married early at my age of 23. My husband is running finance business along with his family members. Ours is a joint family of 6 and financially healthy. My marriage is a happier one as everybody would respect and care me well. But this didn’t continue for long. After two years of our marriage we lost of peace of mind inside the family the reason behind is that i could not get pregnant....

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My Best Friends Pregnant Wife Part 1

OK, a little background:My name is David, I'm 27 yrs old single and I continue to play the field. My best friend is Brad he is also 27 yrs old and his wife is Cindy, she is 26.Brad and I have known each other since high school so we go back at least 10 yrs and did the usual like hang out, drink, and chase girls. The girl chasing continued right on until about 5 yrs ago for Brad.Brad was dating Cindy then he decided to make it permanent and they were married about 3 yrs ago. We both knew Cindy...

3 years ago
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Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 5

Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 5Yolanda is taught about enemas and plays as a daughter for her new Mommy. Cherri watches on the new hidden cameras as Yolanda's husband Jack messes with Beth.====== OPENINGCherri started talking to the young girl as soon as they got in her car to drive home. The woman wanted to bring out the youngster's sexuality and make her more comfortable with having and doing sexual things. Especially with Cherri."Yolanda baby I want you to be my girlfriend and I'm going to...

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Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 1

Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 1Jim meets a married couple who want to have a baby to get more welfare. The young wife, Yolanda, is very immature and somewhat retarded but very horny.They are both a bit mentally challenged, neither one can read nor write very well. Jim winds up fucking Yolanda a bunch of times and knocking her up. Her pervert husband, Jack ,never finds out that it was Jim that got her pregnant.====== OPENINGIt all started when Jim needed to get his carpets cleaned and had...

1 year ago
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Helping out a pregnant lady

At 22, I found myself jobless and decided to do anything that comes my way. One day I saw an Ad in the newspaper. "Wanted: Helper for trucker's family. Good pay." I called the phone number in the ad, and a man on the other side told me that he wanted to hire someone for his pregnant wife. Since he has to go on long journeys he needed someone to help out his wife in case of an emergency. The pay had been good, plus lodging and meal. The only negative was that the place was away from town. I took...

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OHGirl Velvet Pregnant Whores

Velvet: There was a knock on the door as I rode Shawn’s giant, black erection. My ass was impaled on his shaft while I rode him reverse cowgirl, looking at the door and waiting for the friends that he had called to come over and party with us. I had arrived 20 minutes earlier and had caught Shawn just as he had gotten out of the shower. He was getting up at his usual late afternoon time, but one thing I never worried about was his cleanliness. He enjoyed smelling good for his ladies, even if...

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Bari Sali ko Chod kar Pregnant Kiya

Hello friend’s mera naam Zeeshan hia aur main Karachi Pakistan main rehta hon, yeh meri real story hia meri age 34 married hon, meri 2 elder saliyan aur 2 younger saliyan hian abhi main app ko apni sab say bari sali ki chudae ki dastan sunaon ga meri sab say bari sali ka naam Nudrat hai uski age 32 years old and with figure 34 26 34 hai married hai uska husband USA Main rehta hia iska koe bacha nahi tha, us kay baad wali Sali Asiya jis ki age 30 married hia figure 36 28 36 hai iska ak beta hia...

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Pregnant SSBBW orgy of 1998

this story´s about my SSBBW M when she was pregnant with me. If you don´t like big women and stories about others folks, you shouldn´t read it. If you want to understand more about who these people in my stories are you´ll have to read my all previous stories from my profile.Story about her getting pregnant´s for other time. it´s as juicy as story i´m sharing now. I´ll tell this story as i´ve heard from them. My folks´ve been swingers from time when they start dating, he loved sharing her big...

2 years ago
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The Mind Control DeviceChapter 24 MindControlled Pregnant Daughters

Vivian Bailey My freshman concubine, Michelle, was happily munching at my pussy. Under the mind-control device, she was thrilled to be my lover. I had a harem of sexy girls. They were all around my loft. My girlfriend, Britney, was having fun on the bed getting fucked by both our mothers. Those two sexy women loved coming by to visit. They got to have so much fun eating out underage pussy, including their daughters. Other girls in the harem were busy doing programming. They had all been...

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OT Pregnant Pussy part 1

It started like any other O.T. session for the 18 year old senor boy as his O.T. came in and he notice that she was defiantly pregnant he was not sure so he did not bring it up. As he was working he would occasionally glance over at her protruding belly. Her name was miss Shelly and was about 31 years old and 4 months pregnant , Shelly was originally from India and her boobs had gotten bigger since he saw her 3 mouths ago when he first notice a belly forming.. Unknown to shell that her student...

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I love fucking pregnant women by PO469

For many years I have loved fucking pregnant women. When I was sixteen I had just finished doing yard work for my neighbors when she invited me in. She was twenty five and more than seven months pregnant and I was almost a virgin. While I was drinking the ice tea that she gave me, I watched her slowly pull her skirt up and spread her legs so I got a look at her pussy. She saw me looking and laughed and told me that I was blushing. Then she asked me if I had ever seen a girls cunt before. I told...

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Hannahs Pregnant Pleasure

Hannah sighed as she pulled her top over her distended belly. Her large breasts heaved against the flimsy material, the closeness of the garment causing her sensitive nipples to spring up in response. She hadn't meant to get pregnant but sometimes these things happen and forced into circumstances she hadn't chosen, she made a brave decision and opted to keep the baby. Seven months down the line though and she was beginning to regret the decision. For one, she...

4 years ago
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My Pregnant Fling

Ever find yourself in a situation completely immoral, yet allowed you to live out one of your deepest, darkest fantasies?I'd been using Tumblr for about 6 months or so, just as a way to catalogue photos of pregnant women that I liked. Somehow, through my lurking around, I found that there were many people, including women, who shared my fetish, and even used the site as an outlet for themselves. I started following a woman who had recently declared herself pregnant and a few weeks later, she...

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Pregnant teen neighbor

He rarely saw the girl, just her parents, but one day he happened to look out the window of his bedroom that over looked the back yard and saw her tanning herself. She had on a very skimpy bikini, and was laying on her stomach. Jake felt lewd, but kept watching, till the she removed her top and rolled over. It was then he noticed her belly was larger then the last time he had seen her. "Pregnant?" He said as he kept watching. He had always loved pregnant women, yet had never been with...

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A couple meets an unhappy pregnant woman on the beach

I was walking down the beach when I spotted her. I knew my husband had not seen her. He can sometimes be in his own world. I don’t mind. When his mind is off, he is usually thinking of me. He is just enjoying being with me, thinking of what he’d like to do with (or to) me, or thinking of things he can do for me. He is amazingly good to me. I am madly in love with him and would do anything for him. I watched her for a moment. She looked to be in her late 20s early 30s. She had long...

2 years ago
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Horny Pregnant Mom

Introduction: Husbands gone, time to play… Monica was 8 months pregnant. Her husband Greg was an over-the-road truck driver and was usually gone 6 days a week. Monicas hormones were in overdrive. She was so horny, and she really needed to get laid. So, the day she watched her son Jeff as he climbed out of the shower didnt help her much. It was an accident. She had been doing the laundry and was taking a load of clean towels to the bathroom. As she entered the bathroom, her son Jeff had just...

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making them pregnant pt 7

Over two weeks laterI came down to breakfast and both Mother and Cindy were eating. I sat down after kissing Mother good morning. “What are the plans for today?” I asked.“Well, Cindy and I have to go to the Doctor. It seems that she is two days late and we did a pregnancy test this morning and the rabbit died. Cindy must have gotten ****d in the last month.” replied Mother smiling at off-hand comment she had made.I smiled at Mother and Cindy. Cindy glared at me. “When is the appointment,...

3 years ago
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Pregnant Sex

After waking up, Duncan felt his stiff, warm cock on his stomach. He immediately jumped up and ran to the bathroom and released the floodgates. After taking a long piss, he was surprised to see that his cock was still hard. With his cock practically bulging out of his underwear, he went to the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal. As he poured his favorite cereal into the bowl, he heard female voices laughing. Running to his apartment window, he looked out. The...

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Pregnant mom

Monica was 8 months pregnant. Her husband Greg was an over the road truck driver and was usually gone 6 days a week. Monica’s hormones were in overdrive. She was so horny, and she really needed to get laid. So, the day she watched her son Jeff as he climbed out of the shower didn’t help her much. It was an accident. She had been doing the laundry and was taking a load of clean towels to the bath room. As she entered the bathroom, her son Jeff had just climbed out of the shower. She tried not to...

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The InLaws Help DaughterInLaw To Get Pregnant Part Three

Gina was getting more depressed each day.  Her husband was shooting blanks, and their dreams of becoming parents were bleak.  Brian knew that he was sterile but would not come to terms with it. Gina collected a sample and had his sperm checked, and found out he was sterile.  Brian didn't want to adopt.  He wanted a child and prayed to God to grant him and his wife a miracle.  He actively went to church and hoped that God would hear his prayers.Gina spoke to his parents and sadly told them their...

4 years ago
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His Pregnant Lover Ch 16

As dawn broke on the morning of the Islands open day Dave felt Ama shudder and come. He eased his head back from between her legs and savored the smell and taste of her wet African pussy. His mouth had made love to many pussies in the dark that night without really seeing them. He had stroked them, smelt them, kissed them, nibbled them, licked them, fingered them and made love with his mouth to four different jet-black bodies in the dark. Now in the early light his eyes caught a slash of...

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I love fucking pregnant women

If had the choice between the sexiest, most beautiful, hottest teen girl in town and her eight month pregnant mother, I would take the mother. The more pregnant the better. If I ever got a chance to fuck a woman after her water broke, that would be the ultimate dream. I remember when my wife was pregnant with our daughter a couple years ago, I couldn't fuck her enough. The more pregnant she got, the more I wanted to fuck her. The last couple of months of her pregnancy I must have...

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