The Adventures Of Ben Tayler. Part 2 free porn video

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Introduction: Bens doing some serious grooming THE ADVENTURES OF BEN THALER. PART 2

The next afternoon I wanted to increase her exposure to porn and this time I put on a three-some film with a little bit of anal play. Ella quickly fell into the role of copycat and jerked me along with the action. Before long I was on the brink of coming so to avoid it I slid onto the floor, knelt in front of her and spread her thin white legs to expose her tiny bald orifice. What are you doing? She asked nervously. Just what the man on the TV is doing. I explained gently and I put my tongue to her hot vulva and tasted her sweet little pussy, Ooooh, she said, that feels strange. Do you like it? I asked, looking up and she nodded vigorously so I lapped away before putting my tongue inside. Thats tingly. She squealed, but instead of pushing me away her hands went to my head and pulled me in encouraging me so I also put a finger just inside her warm lips.

When it came to the anal licking I took the lead as she watched the action and she squealed again and wriggled as I licked her tiny rose. That tickles she said but didnt stop me. As the guy put his finger into the butt in front of him I wet my index finger and very gently followed suit. Oh, oh gasped Ella, her bottom arching off the settee, and I stopped and asked if she was OK. Yes, its OK, its just that nobody has ever done that to me before. She relaxed and smiled and I explored a little deeper. That makes me tingle like when you put it in my kitty. she continued and I pushed gently in and out.

The three actors didnt do anal sex but after the man had come went into a lesbian scene with his come passing from mouth to mouth. Do girls really do that? she asked. Some I answered. Some girls have girlfriends as well as boyfriends.

I know that silly, Ive got girlfriends. I meant kiss like that. I suppose some do, I dont know, Im not old enough to know everything either.

Mrs Morgan had taken the Friday as a holiday and she and Ella took a beach hut for the weekend so I hung around with friends and played football. By now I had quite a bit of spare cash so I treated them to a movie and a pizza.


Monday began as usual and I arrived a few minutes early at the Morgans. She said hi and I watched as she gathered her things for the afternoon. Usually she would be in her supermarket overall but today she was in a string-strap top and shorts and looked really, really cute. No work today? Shall I leave it till tomorrow? Ill be out of your way in a minute honey, Im on a training course this afternoon.

She bent to check the contents of her bag and I could see down her top to her left breast and its small pointed nipple. Her whole tit wobbled slightly as she pushed things around. When she looked up I was too slow to react and she realised what I had just seen but didnt say anything. What she hadnt spotted was the bulge in my trousers hidden by the edge of the table.

She left and I asked Ella what she would like to do. Lets sit out back au naturel and talk about the kids at school. she suggested and we went out to the porch and stripped before sitting on the settee. We chatted and I made her use as many French words as she could remember to describe school, her teachers and friends.

I had developed a semi as the warm breeze wafted over my cock, when suddenly I became aware of a shadow falling across the settee. Looking over my shoulder I saw Mrs Morgan with her hands on her hips. My heart hit my boots, or would have done if I had been wearing them and I sat bolt upright.

So this is what you get up to when I am at work is it? I bent to retrieve my clothes. Stay right where you are, Ben, your already embarrassed so you had might as well be totally embarrassed. she ordered. My face was burning and my cock was suddenly very limp.

We thought you were on a course. I said weakly as she sat on the edge of the easy chair in front of us.

I knew something was going on. Last week when I was in the bath with Ella I noticed shed almost lost her tan lines and then Thursday you left a DVD behind in the player.

My mind whirled back to Friday and I gave a slight inward sigh of relief when I remembered that it was the softest of the films, which we had watched again.

Im sorry, Im sorry, I blurted out, my panic raising the pitch of my voice. She rose from the high backed chair and sat beside me.

Calm down Ben, Im not that mad at you, but you should have asked me first before you did anything like this. Im OK with Ella being naked, and you for that matter, its natural after all. Her dad and I did that lots in Europe and loved it, but what else have you been teaching her, shes kind of young for that kind of movie?

She said she had seen you and your husband in the bedroom so I was trying to explain to her about making babies and that was the only film I could get I lied.

I think you did a bit more than that Ben, Ella told me some stuff at the weekend.

I blushed deeply and said nothing.

So lets try and keep this as normal as possible for her. Ella would you go and bring three cokes from the fridge?

Ella scuttled from the porch and Mrs Morgan looked at me. I suppose you thought you were doing right but you really should have asked me. I could have helped.

Ella came back with the drinks, eager to please and pacify her mom. I suddenly had an image of mother and daughter together in the bath but blocked it as was arousing me.

We took a drink in a long, strained silence then Mrs Morgan took a deep breath and surprised me by saying Ella, you and Ben are both naked, can I join in?

Y-yes. stuttered Ella and my jaw dropped open. Mrs Morgan stood and lifted off her top, naked underneath it. Her tits were indeed small with short nipples and not much sag for a twenty eight year old mother. They had a slight sheen of sweat to them from the afternoon heat and her pale skin contrasted with her shoulders and arms where they had caught the sun.

Kicking off her shoes she unbuttoned and dropped her shorts to reveal a tiny thong, which she bent to pull down and threw aside. As she stood I got my first full view of a real adult pussy, shaved to reveal beautiful long outer lips and a proud hood covering her clitoris.

She smiled as she saw me looking at her bald pussy with just a tuft of dirty blond hair above as a reminder that she was an adult. Like her daughter she had a gap between her thighs all the way to the top and from where I was sat gave me a thrilling eye level view of her most intimate part.

God, its years since Phil and I did this, Id forgotten how good it felt. she said cheerfully and fluffed her small patch of hair. Ella smiled proudly at her mom.

She leaned back against the porch railings, had a swig of cola and held the cool bottle to her forehead, her eyes closed as she enjoyed the chill then sat down beside me. Ella, on my left, piped up innocently Look mom, Bens happy. Sure enough I was at full attention and before I could react Ella reached out with her cold hands and grasped my boner making me jump.

This makes him tingly she said laughing, trying to sound all grown up, then stroked up and down, finishing in the down position with my foreskin peeled right back and my swollen purple glans on show.

Hell, what have you been teaching my daughter, Ben? she said, trying hard to keep her voice level.

She just copied the people on the film, Im sorry, I didnt know what to do. I lied.

And you werent going to stop her or say no, were you? She responded with a big hint of sarcasm. Shes a kid, Ben, very impressionable, you should have thought more first. Youve not, you know, hurt my little girl have you?

Certainly not. I wouldnt, shes only a girl.

Thank God, thats a relief. You had me really worried there. She said with a sigh and looked down at her innocent naked daughter with a half smile on her face.

Well how far have you gone? Has she seen you climax?

Yes, I couldnt stop myself. But thats all. I said in an embarrassed whisper.

Shes watched the whole film? I nodded. Several times.

Ella wasnt listening to our conversation and began to slowly wank my rigid organ with one hand, watching my swollen head appear then disappear in my foreskin.

Damn. You cant walk around with a boner all day and Ive not held a cock for nearly 2 years. Mrs Morgan said and whetted her lips.

Her hand reached out and joined her daughters and together they swiftly brought me to a terrific climax, hot spunk splattering my chest and belly and dribbling down their hands. Life, I thought, cant get better than this.

Now lets get cleaned up and have a bite to eat. Said Mrs Morgan in a stern matter of fact tone. And, Ben, from now on you had better call me Gail.

She and Ella went upstairs and I used the downstairs cloakroom before sitting at the kitchen table to watch Gail put out sliced meats and bread for sandwiches. When she bent towards the table to butter the bread her tits swung and jiggled to a rhythm of their own and when she walked to and from the walk-in freezer her thighs framed her bare pussy beautifully. She was aware that I was watching her every move but said nothing, just glanced at me occasionally as she chatted about nice food and treats to follow.

Taking our drinks out onto the porch we sat and relaxed watching the breeze send waves through the pasture leading down to the stream enjoying the peace and tranquillity.

Gail went inside and returned after a few minutes with a beach towel, cushion and sun cream and laid them out on the lawn.

Its ages since I had a tan. I dont want to burn so will you two put some sun block on me? She asked as she lay down.

Ella bounced off the settee and squatted beside her mom, picked up the sun cream and squirted it onto her moms back. Gail squirmed as she felt the cold liquid splash onto her and Ella and I drew patterns with it before rubbing it into her back and arms.

Ella squirted more onto her bum and down each of her moms legs and it became a little bit of a race to see who got to her toes first. Ella won but I pointed out that she hadnt done a very good job so we then went slowly up each leg to rub it well in.

As we reached the top of her legs she opened them a little wider, somewhat unnecessary given the gap already there, but allowing us both a full view of her cunt. We rubbed close to it but then went up her buttocks to finish, I then grinned at Ella and pulled her moms cheeks apart as if part of the sun cream process, displaying her brown eye. Ella grinned back, got some cream in the palm of her hand and slid it down her moms crack and onto her cunt.

Mmmm. murmured her mom unaware that it was her daughters hand and Ella slowly wiped back and forth over her open pussy before stopping at her bum hole where she rubbed in a little circle around it and then ever so gently but firmly pushing her finger into her moms arse. My mouth opened in surprise.

Mrs Morgan jerked and tried to close her buttocks, which I held firmly open. Wherever did you learn that Ben? she asked with closed eyes. Thats very, very naughty, you know.

Ella and I both stifled sniggers and Ella pushed her finger a little deeper before pulling it out and taking a sniff at it.

All done I said and Gail turned over. Once again Ella picked up the cream and squirted it onto her mom who lay with her eyes closed against the glare of the sky. We both spread the sun cream over her sweet titties before massaging it in, the nipple I touched was hard and I rubbed a finger over it and traced my fingernail over the surrounding darker areole before using both hands to cup and massage it as Ella watched and copied me.

Boy but your doing a good job on them, that feels sooo nice. Gail sighed softly.

Our hands move south and we spread the splotches of cream over her stomach and Ella poured more over each leg. This time we started at her feet slowly spreading and massaging the cream into her smooth skin whilst all the time I couldnt take my eyes from her vulva which was now obviously moist. I made sure I arrived there first and took a good puddle of cream onto my fingers and began rubbing her mound, hood and lips. Gail was becoming aroused and let her legs fall open which I took as a signal to continue and I ran my forefinger deeper between her hot wet lips which made her groan.

Now I became bold and pushed a finger inside her, which brought a gasp and I began to steadily finger fuck her. Ella twined her fingers in and out of her moms little tuft of light brown pubic hair feeling its wiry softness.

Involuntarily Gails leg bent and lifted to give me even better access and her breathing began to shorten. My middle finger curled and rubbed at the slightly rougher skin on the front of her vaginal wall with a slight sucking sound. This sent Gail into overdrive and with three or four thrusts she panted and reached an orgasm, moaning loudly, her body flooded with pent up sexual emotion.

As her breathing slowed she opened her eyes blinking in the bright light. Damn but I needed that. Thank you, thank you Ben, you just made this lady very happy. She closed her eyes again with a light smile on her face.

I removed my sticky fingers from her sopping vagina and sucked them clean. Ella ran her hand down and put her finger into her moms vagina. Gail realised that it was not my finger and her eyes shot open. Ella? Its OK, mom, I just wondered what it felt like when you are happy. Gail relaxed back onto the towel. Ella tasted her fingers.

Bens happy too mom. Ella said and Gail looked at my erection. After a pause she licked her lips and looked at me. Shes seen the whole film? I nodded again. Well lets see what we can do about that then shall we. Lie down Ben

I did as I was told and Gail took a splash of sun cream onto her palm and began to rub it into my cock as she masturbated me.

Ella knelt at my side and asked, Mom, can I do that, I know what to do?

Gail stared intently at her daughter before taking her hand away and Ella began the easy up and down motion she had learned, watching my engorged head emerging then disappearing. She stopped and applied more cream making everything even more slippery before returning to her task with fierce concentration.

As I tried not to get excited too quickly Gail shuffled round and put her knees either side of my head making me almost squint at her arsehole and pussy they were so close and inhaled the strong smell of her fresh orgasm.

Do you know what to do, Ben? she asked.

I think so I replied and my tongue began to lick her swollen pussy lips. She move forward and backward very slowly so that I licked all the way form her clit to her anus, which I paid special attention to pushing at it as hard as possible to open.

Gail leaned forward supporting her weight on her hands and lower onto her elbows and continued to slide her pussy over my face only a little faster now and I could feel her hot breath panting on my belly and cock. Then I felt her lips envelop it and her tongue scraping against the sensitive skin thrilling me immensely.

My right hand had explored up the back of Ellas thigh and onto her vagina, the remaining sun cream keeping her lips part. I couldnt resist inserting half a finger.

Despite cumming only 2 hours earlier there was no way I could wait any longer and my bum lifted as I prepared to ejaculate streams of seed. As I did so Gails lips engulfed my cock head and her mouth filled as I spurted uncontrollably.

I collapsed back down but Gail wasnt finished, she sat back up and rubbed her cunt harder on my tongue before putting a hand to her clitoris and bringing herself off in seconds, groaning in pleasure, watched closely by Ella.

Panting she rolled off and I saw a line of spunk up the side of her face, which must have escaped before she got her mouth round me.

Ella lifted herself from my finger and used her forefinger to push the spunk to her mothers lips, which opened to receive it and then put her spunky finger in her innocent mouth. I love you mom. She said and hugged her tight before lifting her face and kissing her full on the lips. Pulling back slightly she said, I like it too, give me some mom and pressed her mouth back. Gails eyes opened wide but her lips parted slightly and she pushed an inch of her tongue slowly into Ellas mouth and with it any remaining cum.

Its not yukky, is it mom? I thought it would be yukky. Do you really like it?

Gail smiled, Yes darling, I do. Now lets go in, it will be dinnertime soon. Ben, whats happened is just between us right, you understand? I nodded seriously.

I showered and dressed before leaving. My last memory was mother and daughter side by side in the kitchen, naked, preparing their evening meal. The image was quite enough to help me to a third cum in bed that night.


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It was the sound of voices and the familiar smell of bikes that woke Ben up. Oh, shit. The Leathernecks got us. His whole body hurt and it was hard to think, but something in that equation didn't seem right. Why are we still alive? He felt a damp rag press against his forehead, and the light touch of a woman's hand brush against his jaw. It sent his addled brain reeling in confusion, but after a moment he came to the sleepy conclusion that if some one was tending to his wounds, then they...

3 years ago
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Ben Nancy Ch 08

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy ‘I think Mr. Morris is a hunk, don’t you?’ Trish Wilkins whispered to her friend, Dawn Dillon, as they sat in study hall during school. ‘I guess so,’ Dawn replied. She did think Mr. Dillon was good-looking, and really liked him. Hearing her friend talk about him like that made her angry, even though she wasn’t sure why. ‘I bet he’s awesome in bed,’ Trish continued. ‘He’s probably hung like a horse. Can you imagine what it would be like to have him...

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Uncle BenChapter 2

Ben made a quick phone call to his office to tell them that he wouldn't be in and to see if anyone absolutely needed him for anything. With that out of the way, the three sat together on the bed and enjoyed their breakfast. Ben and Helen were naked and Penny had on her pink Baby Doll nightie. "I really enjoyed sucking you and having you come in my mouth Uncle Ben. Did you like it? Did I do a good job?" "Thank you, Penny. I enjoyed it very much. And, yes, you did a very good job. If you...

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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 13 Behind the Lines

"I don't know what to tell you, Ben." Maury said apologetically. "Your bike is a piece of shit." It was the next morning. Despite the fact that he'd had almost no sleep last night, Ben hadn't felt this well rested in years. Spending the night with Lara had been ... He frowned. No time for that now. There were more important things at stake. Ben groaned. The last time his bike had been trashed, Mo had been able to fix it right up, better than before. Hmm. On second thought, Ben...

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ben 10 and gwen

They have to stop to take some break.evrything was fine until "Dr. Animo escaped. Calling for backup to stop him.” the message was broadcasted on the radio of Grandpa Max's RV. It took not even a second for Ben to ask Grandpa Max to catch Dr. Animo. Grandpa Max switched to the turbo mode .The RV went half way when it broke down. “You can transform to XLR8 Ben and catch-up Dr. Animo”, said the grandpa. With a pass of a second Ben transformed into XLR8. As he was about to leave...

4 years ago
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The Girl Stories Uncle Ben 2

They talked a lot during the ride, and joked around. Ben was some way more relaxed then usual, happy even. They had a late lunch in a diner in which Lilly still pretended to be a boy and even went to the boys restroom. They were both treating it as a game, and a shared secret which nobody knew apart from them. Finally they arrived at the lake and started to unpack. Ben did the tent, and Lilly prepared the rest, including sleeping mats and sleeping bags. After that Ben sat with a beer given to...

3 years ago
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Ben Nancy Ch 14

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Chapter fourteen The affair between Ben and Marya Archer, which began the night after Ben referred Trish to the school psychologist, continued, even though both of them tried hard to stop. Despite their best efforts, they couldn’t stay away from each other. Ben was so wrapped up in Marya he had stopped seeing Tosha and Evelyn, leaving both of those women extremely unhappy. The only good thing about the affair was that nobody in school had an inkling...

2 years ago
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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 12 Making Plans

After a brief eternity, Lara and Ben had parted. It would have been easy to stay lip locked and see what developed, but the uncertainty of the situation as well as the limitations of their fleshly shells had gotten in the way. Sooner or later, whatever Leathernecks from Bastard Squad had survived were going to come back, and it was best if Ben and Lara weren't there when that happened. It was extremely difficult for Lara to stay awake right now as she helped Ben tinker and cannibalize from...

3 years ago
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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 3 The Brawl

"You heard of a guy named Gunny?" Ben yelled to the bartender in the Horny Bull over the cacophony of the live music. God knows how, but they had hauled in a live band to play tonight. They weren't bad either. The leader singer was a dark haired chick in a black leather mini skirt and she and her band were dishing out a kind of retro bluesy-rock. They were inside a plexi cage that showed signs of extreme wear with explosions from hurled bottles and mugs and various stains caused by beer,...

1 year ago
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My friend Ben chapter 4

Subject: My Friend Ben chapter 4 Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction and not to be read by you unless over 18 so read your comics instead. Copyright 2011: not to be copied or changed without the owner’s permission or consent. MY FRIEND BEN CHAPTER 4 and final chapter Summer camp is ending soon. The boys were enjoying their summer camp and only a week was left before the boys headed back to their homes. All the gang had so...

1 year ago
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Ben and Marsha

Ben and Marsha I met Marsha in the spring of my senior year of college. It was a blind date set up by my roommate and one of Marsha's girlfriends. For me it was love at first sight. I am not sure what was going through Marsha's mind. I suppose you could call her feelings for me love, though of a very unusual variety. We did the usual undergraduate dating ritual; a movie followed by a pizza. I did not have a car at the time so Marsha drove. She drove a new BMW, and it did not...

1 year ago
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Ben 10 And The New AlienChapter 1

Ben Tennyson groaned and twisted around in his chair so he could watch his cousin Gwen as she typed something into her laptop as she read it out of her spell book. "I can't believe Grandpa left us here in the rustbucket while he went to get some parts," Ben groaned as he looked around the RV. "Considering how advanced this thing is you'd think it wouldn't break down as often as it does." "Shut up, doofus," Gwen said without looking up from her spell book as she stumbled over the...

3 years ago
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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 11 The Biker Chase

Despite their best efforts, Ben and Lady Grace didn't get out of the city till after 9am. They had been in line since before six, but had spent hours sitting around while the customs officials had 'lost' files and had to 'verify' their records. If it had gotten to Lady Grace, Ben couldn't tell. Despite the fact that she hadn't had a square meal or a decent night's sleep in over 48 hours, she looked as polished and as calm as a fashion model. Figured. He both looked and felt like crap,...

2 years ago
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Ben Nancy Ch 21

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Nancy monopolized the conversation as she drove to Ben’s apartment. She prattled about her daughter, her work, everything but what he wanted to talk about. When they got to his apartment he asked her if she could come in for a few minutes. Nancy was delighted by Ben’s invitation, but wasn’t sure what to do. She wanted to go in, but was frightened to. ‘Ben, I…I really should get back to the hospital,’ she said. ‘Dawn must be wondering what happened to...

2 years ago
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I sent her an email detailing what I had been doing.and told her how her friend Irena phoned and asked me for dinner with her and her ten-year younger toy boy. The next day I received a return email from my lady Julie. ‘Very pleased you enjoyed your sexual tryst with Irena and Ben. I set that up for you with Irena and Ben on the proviso I give Ben a blow job while Irena licks my cunt lips. Would you like to watch baby? And I am pleased that you confirmed Ben is bigger than you, more than...

3 years ago
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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 5 The Code of the Road

Ben hurt. His side was on fire from Gunny's hit and ... something else. That was a bruised rib if nothing else. He groaned and tried to open his eyes. Bright light flared and he tried to raise his arm to block it out. More pain flared. He squinted and the light became bearable. A blurry form blocked out the light. a face? This all seemed too familiar. "Mo?" he asked in a voice that didn't sound like his own. Where was he? What had happened? "No, not Mo. Lara." A cool feminine voice...

2 years ago
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Sarah and Ben Ch 02

My husband has told his part now it is time for me to tell mine. I have been in love with Ben forever. Well, since I have known him. We had been a very happily married couple. I had some friends and he had some of his own. We also had a few friends together. June was one of my friends and I had been a bit jealous of her for a long time. June was one of those girls who looked sexy in anything she wore. I had seen Ben look at her in ‘that’ way more than once. I had also noticed him looking at...

3 years ago
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Ben Nancy Ch 24

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Chapter twenty-four Ben Morris, dressed in a tuxedo, was standing in Nancy Dillon’s living room, in front of the glass sliding doors that led out onto the deck behind the house. He was more nervous than he’d ever been in his life. Next to him, on his left, stood Nancy’s oldest son, Mike. On Mike’s left stood Nancy’s second son, Bill. In front of him stood Reverend Albers, the pastor of the church Nancy attended. Behind them, seated in folding chairs,...

1 year ago
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Sarah and Ben Ch 03

I have been stripping for about six years. In that time I have learned how to make a real good income. I then invested wisely. Now I dance and turn tricks on the side for my pleasure. I met Sarah one day through a mutual friend. We hit it off real well. Soon I was dropping by her place quite often. Her husband Ben is one hot stud let me tell you. I had the hots for him for about a year before I finally tried to get him to take me. I discovered that he was a very rare breed of man. I couldn’t...

3 years ago
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Ben Nancy Ch 16

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Ben was wakened by early the next morning someone pounding on his apartment door. He had a lot of papers to read and some tests to correct, and had to do all of it after Marya left, so it was late before he finished what he had to do and got to bed. Bleary-eyed, he looked at his clock. When he finally managed to get his eyes to focus, he saw that it was five a.m. ‘Who the hell is that at this hour?’ he muttered as he got out of bed, slipped on his...

1 year ago
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Angelas Night Ben Tramer

Ben flipped Angela's invitation over in his hands a few times. He couldn't understand why she would invite him to her party. Was it some kind of trick? Maybe Angela and her whore roommate were planning some kind of revenge? No, that couldn't be it. If they wanted revenge they could have had it a long time ago. After all, he was fucking Gitane, the whore roommate. God, that girl did know how to fuck too. Ben flipped the invitation back up and smelled it. It smelled like Angela. He missed fucking...

Straight Sex
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Ben 10 And The New AlienChapter 3

"More chili Ben?" Grandpa Max asked as he dished out a third helping for Gwen before adding more to his own bowl. "No thanks Grandpa," Ben said as he grimaced at the spoonful of chili. "I think one bowl is all I can take." "All the more for us then," Grandpa said as he grabbed a slice of bread from the dish in the center of the picnic table. "At least Gwen likes my cooking." "Yeah, it's great Grandpa," Gwen said as she grabbed some bread for herself and took dunked it in her...

3 years ago
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Ben 10 And The New AlienChapter 4

This is so boring," Ben moaned as he tried to peek out through the curtain without actually showing his face. "Ben, get away from the window," Gwen hissed as her cousin tried to ignore her, "Grandpa said this was a bad part of town and he wanted to stay in the rustbucket and not let anyone see us." "I know," Ben said, pulling his head away from the window and slumping back into the bench next to it. "I remember what he said just as well as you do, Gwen. He said this was the bad part...

1 year ago
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My date with Ben part 3

I was invited to Ben’s house for dinner Saturday evening and spent the day getting ready. His wife Susie was looking forward to meeting me again and getting to know me better. I was unsure how the evening was going to go, but I decided that I was going to try and enjoy it as much as possible. I spent the afternoon getting ready, and shaved smooth all over, hoping that Ben and I would get to be together again. I moisturized after my shower, and enjoyed the smooth feeling of my body. I had...

2 years ago
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Aunty Dee and Ben

Auntie Dee and Ben Unexpected Ben dropped in to see his Auntie at about 5 o’clock one afternoon. He’d come straight from the beach and was only wearing a towel around his waist, a pair of board shorts underneath. His hair was casually swept back where he’d run his fingers through it, and it was still damp from swimming. His bare chest was chiseled as were his arms back and shoulders, and his stomach while not quite a six- pack of muscle was taut and flat. He was the picture of health, standing...

4 years ago
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Ben Mary

Ben and Mary have been married for 7 years. They dated for 3 years before getting married and Ben loved it. Mary was quite provocative in the way she dressed an acted. After the first two years Ben noticed a big change in Mary as she no longer wore dresses and skirts like she did, now its mostly jeans or shorts. She also stopped wearing hosiery and went bare legged. Ben had been invited to go out clubbing with another couple. He discussed it with Mary and she agreed. He asked her if she could...

2 years ago
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Ben 10 And The New AlienChapter 2

"Hey dweeb," Gwen said as she carried her food to the table in the rustbucket and set her bowls down, "take your feet off the table. Do you have any idea how gross that is?" "How can you say I'm gross when you eat something like that?" Ben asked as he took his stockinged feet off the table without taking his eyes off his handheld video game, he put his shoulder against the wall as grandpa Max took the off ramp just a little to fast. "I mean, who eats sauerkraut and strawberry ice...

2 years ago
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Ben And The Bitch

Julie was a real bitch. About that there was no doubt. Jen, Ann, and Sue were talking in the locker room about who they would like to fuck, when Julie interrupted, "a real lady would never talk about sex." "Oh! I suppose that you don't get off when your boyfriend fucks you," Ann replied. "Scott does not abuse my body in that manner," Julie responded. "So what you are saying is that you just finger fuck yourself, is that it?" Sue asked. "I do no such thing," Julie haughtily...

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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 8 Killing Time

It seemed very odd to Lara that the quintessential biker bar, The Rebar, was in Fulsome, the most paranoid, controlled city in the country. The Rebar was dimly lit and spacious. A long battered bar went along the length of one wall, and an annex held billiard tables and video games. There were various chipped tables and chairs around one end, and a hardwood dance floor. Gang crests, dating back to the legendary Hell's Angels, filled the walls, along with the occasional wanted poster, license...

4 years ago
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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 7 Fulsome Nights

Fulsome was an ugly city, Lara thought to herself as she waited in a long, exhaust filled line to enter it. It was essentially owned by a corporate conglomerate, and they dictated its civic budget as they saw fit. Evidently, their view of public spending did not include beautification or anything beyond basic sanitation. It was surrounded by sixty foot concrete walls that were stained by rust and soot, and the occasional spire of a high rise or smoke stack that poked into view looked equally...

3 years ago
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“We often have threesomes, an extra younger, bi-sex hung man is my preference, though sometimes we have an extra woman. Sometimes even another couple.” By now Zara was hanging on to my every word. “i expect the second man to lick me to orgasm. I expect to cum at least three times. Then I will give the second man a blow job while my man watches. I love the sense of power I have over a man when I am blowing him.” “How doe’s your man feel about you having another man?” “We have rules, no...

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“We often have threesomes, an extra younger, bi-sex hung man is my preference, though sometimes we have an extra woman. Sometimes even another couple.” By now Zara was hanging on to my every word. “i expect the second man to lick me to orgasm. I expect to cum at least three times. Then I will give the second man a blow job while my man watches. I love the sense of power I have over a man when I am blowing him.” “How doe’s your man feel about you having another man?” “We have rules, no...

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