6.THE PA. Pt A free porn video

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6.THE PA. pt A
She sat mouth agape, she knew the offer was genuine and that he was not in any way k**ding, she had never had such an outrageous offer before in her whole 36 years.
He sat coolly regarding her with grey unmoving eyes, a millionaire a few times over Ted Longfellow [Sir Edward Longfellow of Trentham to give him his correct title] he knew that the offer he had made was one that would upset a lot of the applicants, in fact the last had flounced out in disgust, the one before had cried and the one before that had smacked his face! This one was the fourth today and he was well aware the other three had wanted his money and not a lot more, this one the blond, was different. Yes her mouth was open, but she had stayed rooted to the seat and she was obviously considering his offer.
Her name was Sarah Margaret Shmit known as Maggie, she stood 5ft 6inches tall, a 32b chest a32 waist and 33 hips, not curvy but a handsome woman by any standards, pretty of face, with a soft womanly face, a gentle smile and a way of talking that was beguiling.
He had liked her from the start, and she had answered all his questions without hesitation or a trace of shame, “yes she had been married, No there was no one now, yes she was a capable office manager, and was good with money, working with a team” and so on and so on.
The question that had thrown the spanner in the other girl`s works had been, “would you enjoy pain and would you be against being used by me or anyone I designated both sexually and severely?”
Up till then he had not mentioned salary, duties or any other details in the hope of finding a really genuine PA.
Her answer, when it came was measured and he thought sensible, he liked that. She said “she had no objection to sl**ping with him, or anyone else for that matter, even enjoying some pain if the salary was worth it but she would not do it for nothing and as she hated surprises would only consider it if she had input as to what was to happen to her.”
His smile was broad, as he said “she could have the job if she was happy with the contract which she had 24 hours to consider.” He passed her a hefty folder then set off for the door, calling for his driver, “Peter take this lady to wherever she wishes and then you are finished for the night “ he shook her hand goodbye feeling his strong grip, reassuring, a man you could trust, “till tomorrow then six pm Peter will collect you.” Then he swept out leaving her without a second glance.
After a sl**pless night she appeared at his suite door sharp at six, he was sat, his face impassive as she approached the huge intimidating oak desk.
“Well?” He said have I a PA or are the duties just too onerous?”
She smiled sweetly then said “that if he accepted that any pain would be orchestrated by her and it would leave her without permanent damage she would accept his most generous offer thank you sir” and added that she had signed the contract with that as an added extra which she wished him to countersign.
He began to laugh, asking where did he sign and “welcome to his world miss efficient”
“You will join me for dinner” not a question more of a command, he pressed a button on a hidden consul and the bookcase swung open to reveal a table laid for two in the next room.
He led her to the table, “from now on when alone I am Edward and with you it is Maggie,” and he kissed her hand.
Maggie noted the lay of the table, concluding that this self assured bastard was arrogant enough to believe she would not refuse and wondering if she would have been invited to dine if she had refused his job
They dined well waited on by a butler who he introduced as “Barnes” who he said would help her to settle in tomorrow, again the arrogant assumption that she would start the next day, she later knew it would have been a case of him having investigated her circumstances and would have been assured of her lack of other work, now it just seemed arrogant.
The meal was quiet each appraising the other, once over he led her from the table, “come” he said
They walked through the marvellous old house, to the west wing, where he opened a door into a large bedroom complete with four poster bed and a balcony, she smiled at him and quietly said “she didn’t think she was to start till tomorrow”
He smiled at that …“you misunderstand Maggie, this is yours and this the only key`s” he said handing her the bunch, he led her into the room and opened the side door, leading to a fabulous on sweet bathroom beyond her wildest dreams, a Jacuzzi, shower a walk in wardrobe, dressing table, the whole nine yards, he opened another door, a living and sitting room dominated by a huge TV, leading to a kitchen diner small but useful and a tiny office alcove complete with PC.
“You may have visitors should you wish them, just tell Barnes and he will arrange food for you, our chef will normally cook by the way when you`re not dining with me he will deliver it to you here.”
“Duties start at 9 sharp normally breakfast together at 7.30 Monday to Friday and we will see about a car for you tomorrow, you can drive” it was not a question.
He swept on showing her first the swimming pool, and then the gym, the kitchens, the billiards room and the conference room. The last place he swept her into was his own rooms, palatial, was an understatement, he led her to the private lift, which descended them to a below basement cellar, they stepped out into a fully equipped dungeon low lights, softly illuminated the equipment, a bar fully stocked at the end and a set of benches along the wall told whatever happened here it was a spectator sport, he stood awaiting her reaction to this his personal fetish.
She looked about, noting the racks of whips, chains and the like, his face telling of his pride of the place, hers unmoving, as he pointed out the recording and filming gear, the fact it was all sound-proofed, the lifting gear and the bondage kit, the whipping horse and the pillory, the list was endless and she silently licked her lips, perhaps nervously or perhaps in anticipation, giving nothing away, he couldn’t tell not having known her enough to make a judgement …yet. He explained that it was “a few friends only and now her that knew of the place and it was to stay that way,” she promised that it would be her secret as well now and he nodded his happiness at that acknowledgement, before he steered her back to the lift, muttering “not tonight my sweet” under his breath as they were whisked upwards.
He kissed her hand saying she had a day or two to be ready to start, Peter would see to moving her and he would be away till the next weekend, she was to be ready to start on the Monday following, he waved her goodbye and Peter whisked her to her meagre flat asking when she would be ready for collection before he left her, her mind awhirl.
The next few days were a dizzy rush of logistical items, stopping mail, milk, and her domestic power supplies, telling friends of her new job as PA to a millionaire, leaving out the sexual duties, and giving her mobile number, then lastly arranging the flat for renting out.
Peter and a gardener named George moved her personal items to her new home, and she was soon busy arranging her nicknacks around the wonderful flat, by the Saturday she was in and found she could take breath again.
On Sunday she caught up with Barnes help on the computer so that by the Monday she was little miss efficiency and on top of her job…she hoped.
At 7.30 sharp he swept into the dining room, dressed in PJ`s and a dressing gown and hungry as a hunter, over the food they caught up not mentioning anything to do with non domestic items, to her surprise, he did however say she could “go buy a car!”
She asked, not wishing to overdo things what she could spend to which he replied “Peter knows all about it” and the subject was closed.
After the morning meeting at 9, Peter collected her setting off into the nearby city swishing through the traffic in the Bentley obviously on his way to a specific garage.
They came to a halt in front of the grandest garage in the high street and the ever helpful chauffeur led her into the palatial showroom. Before she could argue a cream Mercedes sport was ordered paid for off a credit card and she was back in the Bentley on her way back to the house, only having been consulted as to the colour of the upholstery, the sound system and the type of roof.
Her old e****t would have to go now, though she was reluctant as she had loved the little car, but it was out of place here on the great estate.
The days passed, a week, a month, she was now part of the team, and efficient slick well dressed, never a hair out of place, constant companion to Ted, who never once put a finger on her the whole time.
She began to think the question about sex and pain was just to frighten her at the interview, but then she would remember the lift and the dungeon, she knew in her heart of hearts that it was no figment of her imagination she knew one day the day would come.
The PA pt 2
Things changed a little on that Saturday, Sir Edward Longfellow of Trentham arrived back from a working lunch with a business man from Leeds, he called her to his office and introduced her to his guest a swarthy man of about 60 summers, named Mike who`s eyes lit up as he saw her.
Sir Edward introduced her as “Maggie my P.A.” and went on to say “I need to have her myself for a brief moment in the other office so enjoy your coffee and she will be back in a few short seconds, she will look after us this afternoon though”, with that he swept out taking Maggie with him as he went into the outer office.
“Maggie this is where you need to do whatever it takes to swing the deal for me. Now this is a multi million pound deal so give him anything and I mean anything he wants and there is a room for you which Barnes will show you too, oh and he is into anal and being dominating, here`s the contract I need signing and promise him the return visit if you feel that`s what will swing it, we will chat at dinner tonight”
He returned to Mike leaving her to sort out herself and her thoughts, which after a moment or two she did taking in with her the contract and a folder which she gave to Ted telling him it was urgent and would he also go and answer a long distance call from Hiram on his main office screen.
She felt like she was about to prostitute he body as she sat and began to converse with Mike.
It was obvious from the get go that he knew what he wanted and that he was willing to agree to the deal for it but wanted the best he could get before he signed, it was just a case of doing whatever it took.
“Let`s cut the nonsense pretty lady”, Mike stood and took her hand
“I want your fantastic arse and I won`t sign any contract till I have it, now we can chat for a while, we can go round the houses playing hard to get, you could even slap my face and say no, how-ever not if you want to keep the job, or of course we can go for it, I get to have you, sign up to that contract and you can then deliver me to the teatime train so I can get off back home. Which is it to be?”
His forthrightness made her smile, she stood took his hand and silently led him out to the corridor where Barnes waited to lead them to the room reserved for such liaisons, a huge well appointed room in the style of a Shakespearian bedchamber, unsubtly dominated by a four poster of epic proportions.
The contract was placed on a dressing table and Sarah Margaret Shmit, began her life as a sex worker, by a long smouldering kiss.
Mikes hands were everywhere at once, buttons flew like leaves in autumn, as he tore the dress from her back, kisses raining on her neck, her shoulders and her throat.
She began to re-act her nipples swelling within the black platform bra, she began removing his clothes, revealing his firm body, and his stiff good sized penis, by now her bra was on its way to the floor his teeth finding the stiff nipples alternately as their bodies fell back onto the fantastic bed revealing to their mutual surprise that it was a water filled mattress.
She felt rather than she saw her knickers being dragged down her long legs, they soon joined the bra, skittering across the floor like a black cobweb.
Their eager mutual need soon turned to ripples of joy on the water bed, he was soon deep in her body his seed spewing into her belly with an urgency that spoke of long deprivation of sexual release, regardless of her needs he rolled from her body leaving her just on the verge desperately needing to climax.
She knew that she needed to allow him to do as he would, so she said little as he rolled her onto her face and slapped her backside, laughing at the way her body rippled with the undulations of the water filled mattress.
She felt his fingers scr****g his slime from her now filled pussy, wiping the slippery cream against her puckered ringpiece.
She knew there would be no subtleness, no finesse, and definitely no gentleness in the next act, and she was oh so right.
First the fierce finger thrust into her back passage with no care of her cry of pain as the knuckle f***ed its way past her sphincter, the little lubricant inadequate, hot, tearing raw and piercing it went into her in just one movement.
Seconds later the tearing pain of the rapid removal again causing her to scream to his obvious joy, the ring of fire feeling staying for only a moment as she felt him f***e the head of his now reenergised prick into the void. Again came the fire of the violation as the invading member thrust into her very soul, tears came as she bit her lip to save her-self from a full bl**died scream as he soon began thrusting himself deep and with feeling into her very bowel. She found herself unable to resist beginning to enjoy the mechanical feeling of sexuality and of just being used though mercifully he did not last long, his seed again spewing forth into her guts the second time in perhaps twenty long minutes, still she had not climaxed as he withdrew, stood and began to dress as she lay still on her front his seed dribbling onto the bedspread her backside a sea of internal pain.
He grunted “clothes” from which she deduced she was to dress presumably then to take him to his train.
She fitted her bra, he taking her panties as a trophy she did what she could with the dress, button-less as it was. With a smile he signed the contract, which she whisked away to the office to be copied and returned.
In under two and a half hours she had been his P.A. been prostituted defiled, become a secretary and now was chauffeur to this man she had never before met. She was now on the way to the station exposed in a loose fitting dress and sat on a wet patch as her knicker-less body drained its used self into the leather seat.
As he removed himself from her passenger seat he tweaked her breast in full view of the now grinning station porter, pushing a small bundle of notes into the lacy bra and blowing her a kiss. She did manage a smile, a dutiful one, of necessity not one of joy which dropped from her face to a glower at the leering porter as she drove off removing the filthy money of her erstwhile lover.
She felt a mixture of dirty, wanton, and excited, frustrated and desperately in need of an orgasm in equal measures as she drove back to the house.
She was met by Barnes before she could slip away for a shower and a spruce up telling her that his lordship wanted to see her immediately she arrived back. Unable to do a lot about her dishevelled appearance she was ushered into ‘his’ office, wondering what sort of reception she would receive.
As she walked in to his office he stood and smiled, she was very relieved as he said she had done well. She began to explain what had happened but he raised his hand stopping her he thanked the ever available Barnes then dismissed him telling him not to disturb them.
She began again but he again stopped her explaining that he had seen it all on the CCTV system, her jaw dropped open as she realised he had seen her every move, he said now wanted her himself, so she was to remove her clothes and bend over his desk.
It had been an unusual day of changes, of frustration, of excitement, she now had no modesty left, she loved her job, the car, the power but she was now so in need of a climax she did not argue and resignedly though fairly eagerly shed her dress, cast her bra off and dutifully d****d herself over the desk to await whatever was his fancy and she no longer cared what it was she just desperately needed a climax at any price.
She was expecting him to be sadistic, brutal, and sexually savage, what she got was gentleness, tenderness and the most sensuous sex she had ever had, his member sliding into her almost with a greased slither that filled her completely, hands slipped over her back smoothly, caressing her breasts with a touch like silk, her nipples so tenderly and gently worked that she found herself building towards a climax in seconds.
She knew it would be a big orgasm she could feel it building as he took his time, she felt it was not for his enjoyment, it was about her, he was understanding of her every need, her innermost feelings, realised the second she began to begin to rise to her climax, she knew she was madly in love with this masterly employer.
As the wave broke she felt him quicken his stroke, her guts turning to jellow, her legs shaking with the effort of keeping her hips back against his pelvis, regardless of the recent near **** by Mike she had never felt more filled or fulfilled, his hot seed flooding her entrails as she passed out slumping onto the huge desk like a wet sack.
Moments past, the lovers parted both spent he staggering to his chair, she slithering to the carpet sitting dazed and recovering slowly a smile on her face that said she was totally satisfied, “thank you I needed that,” she finally managed to gasp. He smiled replying that “he knew, and was glad to be of service!”
His steady grey eyes surveyed her in a deep penetrating look, eyes that held her entranced only seconds before, now held her in a hypnotic trance like gaze, she would do now whatever he desired they both knew she was like putty in his hands now, she was besotted.
“When I watched you absorbing the pain this afternoon I believe you were beginning to enjoy the situation,” he stated,
She began to slowly nod, it was true as she had begun to approach her climax her body had betrayed her, and he knew it.
“On Monday night after dinner I will be taking you to my dungeon” it was a statement not a request, “Don`t book anything at all for Tuesday for either of us, I shall be tired and you will need to recuperate from your wounds” the last statement made her shudder and her bl**d run cold. She reminded him that she had agreed only if she could have input as to what happened to her body.
He smiled, that gentle cruel smile of his, as he said “true but he would be whipping her secured body with a whip of her choice, was that not enough?”
She haltingly asked him how many strokes, and he said that a minimum of ten would be allowed but she could choose that as well as it was her first time, and she could choose where the main of the strokes would land.
She stood and he kissed her goodnight, holding the door for her.
she walked naked , her ruined dress dragging from her hand, through the long carpeted corridor luckily meeting not one member of staff, knowing in her heart of hearts he was not joking, equally she knew she would submissively give herself and that she could not expect mercy in any form.
She licked her lips in anticipation as she reached her flat door.
The PA pt3
Sunday morning passed quietly not a word was said by Sir Edward at breakfast, nor at the main meal of the day it being Sunday served at 1pm, attended by the four key members of the household, his silence on the subject and his ability to compartmentalise things, somewhat unnerving Maggie.
The meal over Sir Edward swept out and they knew they would not see him again until Monday morning at breakfast. The remaining three, Barnes herself and the driver Peter, were soon sitting in the big lounge at the side of the dining room, with coffee, the two men had been so very helpful when she had first arrived and so much so that now she felt that the three of them were kindred spirits, each keeping the secrets of the house as part and parcel of the duties.
Between themselves had grown a common bond of mutual understanding and discression, so gently she probed them why they had never married. Barnes said that he had never thought about it he had so wanted to get up the ladder he just had never had the time, his life was now so full running the household that though now he regretted it as the nights he said were long and lonely.
Peter on the other hand said he had been married, and had a son in the navy, his wife had died some years ago and like Barnes he found the nights long and empty.
For her part she explained about losing her fiancé in the accident and of her lonely life before this job came along.
She asked as to Sir Edwards love life and if there was ever a lady Longfellow, but neither had ever heard of one or seen a regular lady though Peter said he had fetched one or two from London occasionally, always in the Bentley and returning in the staff van.
She raised an eyebrow at that and he explained it was difficult to remove bl**d from the leather of the Bentley which brought a shudder to her that both men immediately picked up on, Peter explaining that the boss was a sadist, and paid handsomely to use women when the mood was on him, a few of the women enjoying the experience, most just doing it for the money.
She asked about their knowledge of what went on and both men exchanged glances, before Barnes quietly asked “if she knew of the master`s playroom,” she sensed his reluctance to divulge what the master had so far not shown the pretty P.A. She assured him that she knew of the lift and what was deep below their feet, to which they both seemed relieved, she and was about to say more when the butler raised his hand to stop her.
The coffee over Barnes suggested that they all spent the afternoon in the more private surroundings of his study, nodding towards the dining room where they could hear the maids clearing away the dining things. Clearly he wanted to talk but felt inhibited in the present room as, as he said “walls have ears here” which she understood after the Mike affair.
They adjourned to the butlers flat, something the two men normally did on Sunday afternoons and she felt privileged to now be part of.
That flat was both comfortable and snug, the rain outside splattering against the windows as they sat together in front of the fire, her on the couch the men either side in two huge armchairs, sipping brandy from balloon glasses while soaking up the atmosphere of friendship.
It was Maggie who revived the conversation, saying that part of her duties were to see clients went away satisfied.
Peter smiled at that, saying that they knew and occasionally both he and Barnes had been called on to “occupy some of the ladies at times as well” the contented smiles told their own stories.
Yes they knew of the dungeon but had never been present when it was in use, Peter usually doing any clearing up, and Barnes setting it up before each session.
Hesitatingly she asked Barnes if it was made ready for tomorrow, to which he replied that it was, as he had been told the master was expecting a special guest.
Quietly she informed them it was for her benefit, the looks told her they were stunned, she said that the master had explained he wished to whip her and that she was apprehensive but having enjoyed being used and humiliated by the last client she was willing to try the experience if only the once.
They were both excited by the idea, peter saying he wished he could watch and Barnes nodding in agreement, she noted the pair had instantly tented their trouser fronts. She explained exactly what the master had told her, that she would be secured, and then whipped, and that she could choose the whip and the number of strokes.
The effect her words had on the two men was so obvious she placed her glass to one side leant forward and dropped her hands into the two laps, the effect was instant eliciting groans from both men as she gripped the turgid pair of cocks.
Barnes groaned, and Peter asked to see her body, saying he had wished to see her naked ever since she arrived.
In answer she stood and turned so he could reach her zip.
The dress dropped away, to a gasp from Peter and a groan again from Barnes as she stood in stockings and a matching set of light blue undies, the fire crackled in the deathly silent room, as they appraised her lovely body.
She herself began to wriggle the panties down what seemed to the men everlasting legs, the tuft of pubic hair shaved to a triangle seemed to enhance the area of her pubic opening, as she stretched up to remove the lacy bra.
Her newly released breasts swang free at last and both men regarded her in awe as like pendulums the wonderful orbs swung from side to side with every movement.
There was a scramble to kiss a nipple apiece, Peter latching on the right and Barnes the left, like puppies they suckled as they all sank to the thick carpet.
Peter moved to cover the woman, his rigid purple mushroom filling her as he began his dance, it did not last long, hot seed gushing deep into her womb as he groaned his satisfaction in her ear.
She began to climax as he rolled off and was replaced by the butler, who proved to be an expert in these matters, his thick member riding her until together they both came in one glorious gasping heap if intertwined limbs and rapid breaths.
They lay before the fire exhausted and she slept till it was getting dark.
She dressed quietly then slipped away leaving her companions still snoring before the dyeing fire.
Under the door of her room she found a letter she knew instantly it was her instructions
Sat in her room she with eager fingers tore the envelope open it was a note saying he was hoping she was looking forward to Monday evening, it said that he loved to inflict pain as she now knew and that he had never looked forward to a lady so much before, there had been a lot who he had had to pay handsomely for the privilege.
The note explained that it was his joy to whip the buttocks, back and the breast`s, it said that one woman had even allowed him to strike her between the legs, and that he loved pegs and removing them with a whip but that was up to her and it also said that he loved to see the bl**d flow
The note said he would allow her to refuse any of the above as she was not a paid victim so she was to cross out anything she would not permit and return the letter with the other page that he had told her about.

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Since I have told you about my wifes first experience with Champ I figure its only fair that I tell you something about her dog. The first real love in her life. We know very little about Champs background. My step dad brought him home from one of his cross country hauls. He was an over the road trucker. He told us he met an older couple in Northern California at a truck stop. They were having to move and they could not take their pet dog with them to their new place. The owner did not allow...

3 years ago
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Interview with an Angel

I sat in my office chair at my computer desk. I sensed someone behind me and figured that my younger daughter was sneaking up behind me to scare me. I spun around and shouted "Ah ha!" After a few seconds of silence, I lowered my pointing finger and closed my wide open mouth. It was not my daughter. Standing in front of me was, an angel. There was no other way to describe him, a flowing white winged figure and he was smiling at me. I said, "Hello." "Good evening. Let me introduce myself, I...

3 years ago
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Father Figure

When I was twenty one, I was promoted but as a result I had to move to a different department. My new boss was a great guy, about forty I suppose, but in his quiet way, you would work twice as hard just to make him happy; it was a gift. After I had been working for him for a few months he asked me to pop around to his house and drop off a parcel. When I did, I meet his wife for the first time. I guess she was a few years younger than him and she had a very full figure; it was difficult not to...

2 years ago
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... After yesterdays debacle I wasn’t looking forward to meeting a Congressman’s wife, Dania I think her name is. After calling J & J‘s security to get ‘Jackie’ a 24 hour security detail I received a couple of phone calls. Willie called to find out what the score was; and, to my surprise, Gino called to check up on me. The call from Gino has me meeting this woman tonight. I guess I will have to pay for Jackie’s security personally. There is a rally tonight at Janet’s Hotel. I’m to meet this...

1 year ago
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Cum On Me Boy

No doubting it is hot. This heat is taking some getting used to, although I have to say you seem to be making more of it than I am, I have never seen you this tanned. It's nice for some, being able to sit in the sun all day while some of us head off to work, at what you keep describing as a fucken ridiculous time to even be waking let alone leaving our apartment! I have woken up next to you, the pair of us barely covered by the single white sheet that has become the only covering we need during...

Straight Sex
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MotherDaughter TwosomeChapter 6

Lani Walker made her way slowly along the steep grade of the path leading from the Chapel down the hill to the Village. Her face was dirty, caked with dust that had mingled with her tears and left dry little rivers running down her soft cheeks. Her beautifully white body was scratched and bruised from the lashings of tree branches and undergrowth that had torn at her completely naked body as she had run hysterically from Moses' cabin after being completely humiliated at the hands of Moses...

3 years ago
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Miko Gets Pregnant and Horny

Introduction: When Miko is not getting what she want from her husband, Betty talks her into going to a sex club. Miko Gets Pregnant and Horny Gang bang – interracial by po469 Miko had married David two years ago. They had met while he was on a business trip to Japan. She was the receptionist at the company he came to try to purchase products from. He thought she was attractive and said that it was his first time there and did not know about anything what there was to see. He asked her if...

1 year ago
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Teaching Mom About Orgasm Ch 1

It was a warm July afternoon. Mom and I were lounging by the pool sipping unsweet tea. She was unusually quiet. Something seemed to be weighing on her mind. I knew better than to press it. After a while she spoke."Rick, are you happy?"I thought for a moment. Even though I was 10 years divorced. My 2 girls were grown and moved away with families of their own. I had 3 grandchildren who I adored but didn't get to see enough of. My job with the MDA was solid and satisfying. Though I didn't have a...

1 year ago
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The Savoy Part 1 Sam the Receptionist

Everyone knew of the Savoy Hotel in London, after all it was one of the most prestigious hotels in the world. What people didn’t know is the sort of things that happened once you were inside. But as the night manager I knew all too well, and it seemed to me that you might like to hear the stories.Where to begin, well I think Sam would be a good start, he was my receptionist; he had worked alongside me since I started. We had learnt the way things worked together. Let me explain, in our...

3 years ago
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Hungry Like the WolfChapter 3

“That’s her apartment?” a still very naked Frankie (she seemed to be in no great rush to put on any clothes, asked me just outside of the top-floor apartment that housed Rosa Fuentes. “She never changed her last name, I notice, but, yes,” I observed. “It’s ... common-law marriage. No names changed in that case. Smart move on her part. On some level, she wisely held back from that last step committing her to his sorry ass!” Frankie laughed as she literally kicked down the door to the...

3 years ago
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A Stitch In TimeChapter 6

If we'd had an impartial referee, I have no doubt that the contest would have been declared a complete and total mismatch and never allowed to begin. As it was, it was nearly over before I even realized that it had started. In one corner, you had a sophisticated high school senior, a seductress who had spent the last three years navigating her way through the complex social webs that connect the various groups at a suburban high school. In the other corner, a ninth-grade naïf who had no...

2 years ago
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AjaChapter 11

Jason sat at the kitchen table beside Aja. In the center of the table was a covered Dutch oven, serving bowls and a basket covered with a cloth napkin. “We wait until Uncle O says grace before we touch anything,” Aja whispered to him. “I know the protocol for Sunday dinner,” he whispered in reply. Phyllis stepped in. “Jason -- would you like some iced tea?” “Yes, please.” From her refrigerator she took a large glass pitcher and filled a tall glass from it. “Aja?” “Please,...

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Lesbian Sex With My Aunt

When I heard of this website I got a feeling that I should also share my story. But I was afraid if someone came to know that I am not virgin. Well I thought it’s alright. So this is a story about how I got to have lesbian sex with my aunt. Well Im 18 years old and I never had a boyfriend because I was not able to find a nice guy. But I wasn’t a lesbian always. My aunt’s name is jayashree. She is 45 years old and she looks fair and she is a bit fat but she is sexy for me. I became a lesbo...

2 years ago
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Become Gay Because Of Friend

Hi, my name is Zeenat. For contacting me my planet Romeo id is ” gandmarvaneayahu “. This is my first-time experience of becoming gay and after this, my whole life changed. It’s an incident after which my friend became my boyfriend. So without wasting time let’s get into the story. So this incident happened when I was 18. I and my friend were at his home his parents were not at home so we decided to meet at his home. So we were watching the movie. That was a boring movie so I told him that its...

1 year ago
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The Chauffeur 42 Extortion

By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 Before Dakota came down from the office, Amy came scuffling out of her bedroom. Apparently, she was up late watching movies. The one I saw before going to bed was only one of three that the gang watched. I sat her down and gave her the update about what had happened. She looked like a lost puppy because this was not something that we had discussed as a means of security. She asked if she could go take a quick shower and then help on the phones. I...

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My Cheating 8211 Part II

Hi guys and gals, thanks for liking my previous story – My Cheating – Part I Everything that happened messed me really bad and I did things that i despise.I do not encourage this sort of behaviour so please understand..What I did was an act of desperation. When i began writing it this story became so long i had to split this story into two parts next part i will tell later. As i wrote earlier my girlfriend smriti cheated on me with two of my seniors ali and azhar,we were supposed to get...

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Chapter 1 "How did I get myself into this mess?" Carole asked herself. She tested the rope again that held her wrists together. Even the ropes that secured them behind her head and to the chair back wouldn't give a fraction of an inch. The ropes that bound her ankles and legs together didn't give either, and her legs tied to the support bar of the chair kept her feet immobile. Other than moving her head, she was completely immobile. "If I hadn't been so damn arrogant and stubborn, I...

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Tales of Culverin HillChapter 34 Bill Molly and Sarah

Present Day “So, when is Grandma getting here?” asked Toby. Jessica shrugged. “Sometime this morning, I guess. She’ll get here when she gets here.” “Yeah and pinch our cheeks when she does.” commented Andrew. He reached out and grabbed his brother’s cheek between thumb and forefinger and squeezed and jiggled his brother’s head. In a high falsetto, he claimed “You boys keep getting bigger and bigger!” Toby’s hand shot out and grabbed his brother’s face as well. “Bigger and bigger!” he...

4 years ago
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Putting a Mouth to Work

This was a first date after all. She didn't want to ruin expectations, or to be too 'easy', either. He was an older man, old enough to be her father, really. What do men like that want? She picked nerviusly over for small, delicate frame. She was only just 21, and he 47. But, after an hour of more deliberating, she huffed to herself and walked out the door. Clutching her purse as she stepped out into the cool night. Her perfectly manicured hands instantly waving down a well timed...

4 years ago
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Vacation in Latex 2

KNOCK-KNOCK! "Room Service!" "Oh goodle!" Margot giggled. "I'm starved!" She drew a sash around her negligee and started to the door. "Margot," I cried. "Wait!" "Why, what's the matter, Dear?" She looked down at me, scrunched down on the floor with my arms trapped and my ass hanging out. I couldn't see her too well through the satin nightgown over my head, but the tone of her voice spoke volumes. She was not just amused at my plight -- she was turned on by it! I'd always known...

2 years ago
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Horny wife

I have read so many stories on the net and now that I too have enjoyed so much I want to give back some. It is not that I am a nympho but when the husband doesn’t satisfy one has to look out of the marriage. Men tend to think everything is going on fine if they fuck once every week for 5 minutes till they have shagged in the women. I was once the cum dustbin for such a man. I was married 10 years ago to a consultant engineer who would be traveling all the time making the money for us. The time...

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Satans Pal

You’ve lost everything. Your girlfriend, your job, even your house. You had nothing to live for, so maybe that's why when you were driving across a bridge, you swerved hard to the right and drove straight off. The saddest thing is you didn't regret the action for a minute. You died instantly, only you didn't. You woke up in a place you had only imagined in your dreams. "Welcome." Boomed a voice. "You're dead, but I have so much more planned for you." "Where am I? Am I in Hell?" You cry out. You...

Mind Control
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A Night On The Beach

I was on vacation in California for the first time, staying in a small motel right of the beach. Well, I guess I should come clean about it. I’m in the Army and my vacation is actually just medical leave as I recover from injuries sustained overseas but anyhow I had been kicking around for the first few days visiting the sights and all the other natural tourist stuff. That was getting boring quick. I had three weeks of recovery time to kill.Being right there on the beach, I spent part of...

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Was it only a Dreampart 2

Continued from Was it only a Dream…..part 1 Shannon and I got into my car, she scooted over to sit right next to me as we drove the short distance to her house.. neither one of us spoke on the drive over.. she just quietly held my hand. Once at her house she pulled me into her bedroom, shut the door and turned around. she had a dreamy sort of smile on her face. she slowly walked over to me and put her arms around my neck,  As she did this I was grinning like I had Just won the Indy 500 /...

2 years ago
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Learning AssistanceChapter 24

After a day at sea, we docked in Cartagena before we woke. We had coffee on the balcony while watching the people below us work. We couldn’t wait too long because we, along with Elena and Marco, were going on a morning walking tour of the walled city portion of the city. Karen’s folks and Missus Marisol would take a coach ride. Annette warned us to wear good shoes and prepare for heat. The four of us left with Isabella watching over us to the SUV for the trip to the start of the tour. We...

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The TarotChapter 12

The next afternoon, after Terry had left for work, Angilee sat drinking a cup of coffee, railing at herself. How could I have come up with such a lame excuse? she wondered. When Terry had crawled into bed last night, he had actually awakened her and tried to initiate sex, something he rarely did. She had begged off, claiming she was just too sleepy, when, in reality, every orifice of her body was so sore she could not have endured any form of penetration, even Terry's small offering. That,...

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Weight Loss ProgramChapter 5 Spending the Night

I finished my beer, and went back to the living room. The two girls were still sitting there, oblivious to anything unless I talked to them directly. "Wendy, take me to the Room of Truth." "OK." "Do you love me?" Wendy shook her head. "No. I hardly know you." "You are willing to exercise naked in front of me." "I've done even more risqué things at parties in college," Wendy answered. That was interesting, but that was off-topic. "Would you fuck me?" "You could get me...

2 years ago
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Fucking a Tight Virgin Ass in My Car

I am going to share a story that happened about one year ago. I hooked up with his young girl(18) 2 or3 times but just kiss, nothing sexual. One night, I was drunk and wasn’t really in the mood to hook up with her at this party but she wanted saying she was alone at home.I thought, Fuck it. We went to her house but she didn’t have a key and I was far from my house. We got in the car and I parked in this dark area and jumped to the backseat. She came to the backseat. We started kissing and I...

4 years ago
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I will be sumiting our true advetures as a life l

This is the first ever time which has led to a vulnerable situation.WE HAD BEEN OUT ON THE TOWN and this was a summers evening Emma and I had been drinking quite allot, and through to the early hours in the clubs and bars we decide about 3:30 am to make our way to the taxi rank to get us home, we spent ages waiting and one thing led to another playing, kissing and fingering, we had a few admiring glances and one guy came right up to us and gestured he would like to help out he looked a way to...

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Weekend at the LakeChapter 2 The Lake

The next morning the alarm clock woke both James and Molly. James was forced to roll out of bed immediately to turn off the dratted thing otherwise it would keep beeping at them for more than thirty minutes. Molly rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. James let her sleep as he went out, got himself some caffeine in the form of a Dr. Pepper and then headed to the garage for a morning cigarette. James sat in the garage and wondered how the day would go. He was sure Molly and Shawn were...

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Blackmailed by my realtor

I was already irritated, and having to drive all the way over to the house just to cancel an appointment just made it worse. My wife and I were supposed to be taking a last look at a house we wanted to buy and had an appointment to meet our realtor at the house. We weren't going to buy it after all so I tried calling Sandra to cancel but unfortunately I wasn't able to get hold of her so ended driving out here to let her know. She'd been great throughout the whole process and I felt bad that she...

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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 52

I had a very nice day in school today. Next week would be a school holiday, so we had been having some fun today in school and there were no classes. However, when I got back home, I was home alone again. My mother was still in Brussels, to sign her new contract and to check the place where she would be living until she found something of her own. And my sister, well she had decided to stay with our dad for a day. My mother and sister would return home tomorrow the earliest. So, here I was...

1 year ago
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Pussy for Rent

My husband and I had another couple over for several days. They are really good friends that we have known for a long time. Jane is a good looking woman about 5.6 feet tall, nice "c" cup titties, dark hair and about 115 lbs and 32 years old.Her husband is a good looking guy named Jack. my husband Ron and I took them to the country club to golf. It was the middle of the week and we thought the course would be deserted. We started drinking heavy and we were really getting a good buzz on. Jack...

4 years ago
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Out in the Cold

"I'm very cold," said Millie as she was walking in the Arctic, Joel next to him. They had been walking over the Arctic polar region, after Millie had known him since they had met the last evening when they were boarding the helicopter. Millie and Joel were both Jamaican, both 16, wore "YOUNG EXPLORER" t-shirts and they were black. They had secretly developed a crush on each other while in the helicopter. "I like the polar region," said Joel in reply. He was wearing one layer of clothing, and...

Quickie Sex
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We were both young, recently married and attending different colleges. We shared the car, both being able to drive. Sometimes I took it; sometimes Pam did, usually when we knew I could get a lift home. One evening Pam was a little later in than expected. “Oh, a student meeting. You know how it goes and Bike is so involved in student politics you get caught up in it.” “Bike?” “We call him that. He cycles everywhere.” We followed our usual routine, bit of study, bed, but no sex. She was...

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The PuzzleBox Discoveries

What happens when Robbie has problems adjusting to her new life with the PuzzleBox. The PuzzleBox: Discoveries By Talonhunter It had been about a week since Robbie had solved the PuzzleBox, and both he and Sarah and many discussions about their future and that of the PuzzleBox. During the week Robbie learned what it meant to be female. Although given the ability to chose and form what she wanted, she was still not quite comfortable about the nuances of being a woman. Sarah...

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Stranded DaddiesChapter 11

The girls were, in fact, talking about their boyfriends, but it wasn't along the lines that Dave thought they were. "What do we do now?" asked Denise, when they got to Cindy's room. Cindy was checking email, anxious to see if she'd missed anything on their unplanned, and unintended vacation. "About what?" asked Cindy, distracted by the list of messages that had built up. "About THEM, you dope!" squealed Denise. "About our daddies!" "They're our fathers," said Cindy. "What...

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Feeling great

Hi all, this is Ananth Kumar again. I got a very good response for earlier story. Thanks to all those who shared their views and suggestions.Here I am going to narrate another beautiful story (which happened 3 years back) I enjoyed with my office friend Sangeeta. The moment I recall her I get my manhoaod harder.Let me describe Sangeeta here. She looks more like a model. She is about 5ft. 5in. In height, and aged around 23 with very hot body stats of 34 24 35. Generally she wears Indian style...

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Failing Math class gone good

It all started at the end of my freshman year, final report cards came in. My mother has an upset look on her face, as she reads my report card. I have usually had mediocre grades, but this was worse. I had a few B's, many C's, but the grade that stood out was the F in Algebra I. This meant I had to retake algebra as a sophomore. Summer came and go, with those football practices and bullshit, and before I knew it, September came along. I walk into my 3rd period Algebra I class, I'm...

1 year ago
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The Road To Amazing

EARTH-2 (LOOM WORLD), UNIVERSE 2, GREAT WEB OF FATE For millennia The Weaver, as its name implies, weaves the Web of Life and Destiny, it works with the Gatekeeper to choose and create Spider-totems. Spiders are predators by nature and thus, the living avatars for this specific animal spirit must have something that could make them a killer. An instinct, or immense negative emotion like hate or anger. “This strand of the Web is interesting, this 1 has potential…after all…there are not many of...

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Fortieth Reunion

The world seemed in never ending turmoil as the decade of the 60's drew to a close. Vietnam was an ongoing war and the peace movement was in full swing. Woodstock was fresh in everyone's memory having provided our generation with the hope that as we graduated high school we could actually affect change in a world of unchanging politicians and nineteenth-century morals our parents had grown up adhering to and tried to force on our generation.After receiving the diplomas we'd work twelve long...

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715 Train

She checked the giant clock on the wall of the train station for what had to be the hundredth time. 7:15. His train was due to arrive at 7:18 PM. She ran her fingers through her long blonde hair and flipped it over her shoulder. She reached into her purse to pull out a mint, the last in the roll. An entire roll of Breath Savers in less than half an hour. She was so nervous and excited she couldn’t keep still. She had known him for nearly two and a half years and had fallen in love with him long...

3 years ago
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Coitus Copious Familius 2058Chapter 3

A week had passed since my talk with Father. We were all together on the couch watching a show on the telly. I noticed some motion over on my father’s lap. Cassidy sat on his lap facing the telly, but obviously paying little attention to it. Instead, Cassidy was on Father’s right leg, straddling it like a horseback rider with her back against his chest. She was slowly pushing forward, then pulling back. She was spreading her legs even wider, apparently to increase the pressure of her pussy...

2 years ago
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Hot and Steamy at the Local Caf

         They first met at the small local corner café’. The two of them sat at a table in the back. They looked almost like every other person sitting there. But they weren’t. They were there to talk about sex. And not just sex but “any-and-everything” sex.          Before Ayden had arrived, Tiffany was writing in her journal. Her thoughts – desires and fears and hopes. Anything to clarify in her mind and heart what it was Tiffany hoped to accomplish in this upcoming meeting.        ...

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Carries Story

Carrie's Story by Marci Manseau Chapter One - In the Beginning My name is Charles Ankersby. Well, at least it used to be, and this is the story of my life. It tells the tale of how I came to be Carrie Miller. No, you're wrong. This isn't just another autobiography of a transsexual. I'm a transgerderist and, if you're not aware of it, that's a whole different thing. It's an almost true story. It happened just the way I'm going to tell it to you. I have changed some...

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