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I had a professor who always said ‘if being a college student doesn’t give you enough material to write about, you’re not paying attention’. I remember that because of Dani, who had it written across the front of her notebook in our first year. Dani is the one I think of first, and last, out of all of those years. When I first met her, she had this kinda cutesy short haircut and freckles, she was short, and she always wore t-shirts that looked a little too big on her. I think she finished high school early, so there was a little bit of an age gap that might have made it harder for her to fit in. Which wasn’t her fault, and she could hang with the smart kids, for sure – she and I made up part of the regular front row in one of those giant lecture-hall English classes in our first year, and she was always the one with the smart questions during class. It always gave me a smile when she took the seat next to me and we got to catch up before class. She was a sweetheart. And hey, I was a college-aged guy, I’m sure I fantasized about ripping those jeans and t-shirts off of her body, just like I did with every other girl on campus. But I thought of her as more of a little sister, and probably treated her like one. Which means I should have been paying more attention.

There was one morning before class, when we were talking about how we’d spent the weekend. Nothing exciting, but I thought she was being a little vague. With a little prodding, though, I got it out of her that she and a friend had spent the weekend doing with fanfiction. She had that sheepish look people get when they’re not sure whether they’ll have to explain their hobbies or defend them, but I tried to give her my best ‘knowing smile’ and asked what her fandom was. I’d had a few friends who were fanfic people. If I remember right, she and her buddy were writing a crossover fic between Dr. Who and another show I’d never watched, so the conversation didn’t go too deep. But I think she was relieved that she’d finally outed herself on that hobby, without losing any points with her cool, older college friend. Cute, right?

Before long, she was regularly emailing me stories she was working on, and she took the seat next to me every day in class so we could talk about them. It’s great, when you’re a college student and everyone is just trying to look cool and bored all the time, when somebody has real excitement for something, and doesn’t mind sharing it with you. I knew Dani was a good writer already, but I liked getting in on her imagination, too – there was something almost intimate about getting to peek at those hints of personality that showed through in her writing. She said herself that you can do things in fiction you’d never do in real life.

One Friday, she sat down next to me with a look I couldn’t quite place. Smiling, but definitely nervous about something. She hovered next to me without sitting down.

‘Hey, Dani.’ I smiled.

She blurted out ‘did you get the last thing I sent you?’ and she was literally biting her lip in anticipation. I had to think about it. ‘The one you emailed me Wednesday?’

‘No, this morning.’

‘Oh, then no. I didn’t check my email yet.’

She relaxed by a few degrees. ‘Oh, you don’t have to.’ she said. ‘I just… I dunno. It is what it is. Thought you might want to read it.’

‘I will! I like your stories.’ I was trying to be reassuring, but not sure what I was reassuring, exactly, so I was out of the loop.

‘Hey, Dani, want to sit down?’ I smiled. She gave a little laugh and, finally, un-tensed a little. The room was filling up, and I took out my phone while Dani got her notes out and got ready for class. There was her email.

‘Weightless in your arms, and hungering…’ it started. ‘…will you kiss my feet when I have walked on fire…’

A wiser man would have played this differently, I know. Just believe me that I hadn’t connected her nervousness with the fact that she’d emailed me, probably on an instantly-regretted impulse, a love poem. I was as oblivious to crushes as any young guy, so I just didn’t get that the situation was delicate. ‘Is this a poem?’ I asked her. She turned, saw me reading off of my phone, and blushed bright red. ‘I didn’t know you wrote poetry, too.’

Maybe there was a second where I could have turned it around – either given her the reaction she wanted, or played it cool. But whatever she needed from me then, I didn’t have a clue. ‘You really don’t have to read that.’ she said, almost in a whisper. ‘It’s stupid.’ She looked like she wished she could have sunk into the floor. I don’t think she let herself look in my direction for the rest of that class period, no matter how many times I tried to catch her eye. After the lecture, I had to run to catch her on the way out of the building.

‘Hey, Dani?’

She shook her head, embarrassed. ‘Just forget it.’

‘Dani. Really. It’s okay.’ But she clutched her notebooks to her chest and marched off into the parking lot. She wasn’t in class the next day. For all the good it did, I emailed her just to ask if she was okay, and I got a response a day later (unusually long to wait, for her,) saying she was embarrassed, but fine, and could we just forget the whole thing. I still saw her in class, that semester, but she didn’t take the seat next to me any more. She had other friends, and I guess I did, too. I don’t think Dani and I had a real conversation for the rest of the year. Then, the class was over. We went our separate ways.

I know it really could have ended there. But college is full of second chances, isn’t it? You don’t have to be psychic to see that if you take a first-year class with someone, you’re probably going to cross paths again in four years. About a year after that English class, there was a Spring semester when I couldn’t get into a class I needed, but I still needed 3 more credits to keep my scholarship, so I took the last resort and enrolled in ‘self-guided fitness’: You show up at the gym for 2 hours a week, and get your A. So, I spent that couple of hours a week on a treadmill, trying to be subtle about checking out all the spandex asses on the girls working the stationary bikes. There are worse ways to spend your tuition. And then, one day, I saw Dani again.

She was walking out of the gym while I was just working up a sweat, and I think we both noticed each other at the same time, because I caught her smiling at me before she even remembered to be nervous or shy or anything.

‘Dani! How’ve you been?’ I asked, distracted for the moment from the treadmill. Her cheek curled up in a half-smile, and she said ‘I’ve been okay.’ She looked happy to see me, which was a bigger relief than I thought it would be.

‘You got stuck in fitness too, huh?’ I said.

She laughed a laugh I hadn’t heard in a long time. Something about it, just for a second, made me forget about all the yoga pants and halter tops in that room. Dani had grown up a little. She’d let her hair grow a little longer, and in a sweaty tee at the end of a workout, she sure didn’t look like a kid any more. But there was still plenty of that cuteness I remembered. Still those freckles across her cheeks. But she looked – I don’t know. Like she was more comfortable in her skin, somehow. Her gym shorts showed off her hips a little, and she was doing a little stretch that brought out all of her body’s curves. Maybe I stared too long.

‘Yep. Last resort fitness, right?’ Then she gave me a wave, and said she’d see me around.

The next week, our schedules aligned again, and this time I ran into her on my way out of the gym when she was leaving, too.

‘Good workout?’ she asked as I caught up.

‘Hey, good enough. How’s yours?’

On the walk down the stairs from the gym, we got to catch up a little. She’d had a busy year with classes, she’d moved onto campus from her parents’ place, she’d done some traveling over the summer. We walked down the walkway past the basketball courts, and into th
e hallway that eventually split off into the locker rooms. I was just happy hearing her voice again. Before we parted ways, I told her so.

‘It’s nice getting to talk like this again.’ I said. ‘I missed it.’

She gave me a smile, and said she had, too. ‘Things got weird. I’m sorry.’

‘Don’t be.’ I told her. ‘Really. You don’t have to be.’

She glanced down, maybe trying to decide how much history we wanted to dig up.

‘No, I’m sorry I kinda stopped talking to you. I jut felt like I was doing so well, and then it was just this… train wreck. I think I just wanted you to like me.’

‘I always liked you, Dani.’ I said.

She didn’t mind hearing that, but it didn’t change the look in her eyes, either. ‘You know what I mean.’ she said. Then, ‘I didn’t want you to think of me as a kid.’ I didn’t have anything to say to that.

There was a drop of sweat working its way down the far side of her eye, and she wiped it away. ‘Anyway, things shouldn’t have ended up like that.’

‘Yeah.’ I nodded. ‘I feel the same way.’

Neither of us could think of a thing to say, but I just didn’t want her to leave.

‘How’s the fanfic going?’ I asked, half joking.

She gave me a sentimental smile. ‘Okay.’ She answered. ‘Not spending as much time with it, lately. Maybe I want to be having more adventures in real life, you know?’

She swayed just a little to the song playing on the radio over the PA system. The yellow cotton shirt she wore to the gym still stuck close to her body, and there was a sheen of sweat on her bare legs. I couldn’t keep my eyes from tracing the curve from her ribs to her hip bone and down through her legs. This was the same girl who’d written me a love poem. How had I sat next to her all those mornings, and never seen how gorgeous she was? And how had I let her just disappear?

Searching for a word, I said ‘You look confident. It looks good on you.’

Dani laughed again, a little coy. ‘I don’t know about that. I’ll settle for being able to show my face.’ She sighed. ‘You know what a crush I had on you, right?’

I smiled a little sheepishly. ‘I guess I should have put it together.’

‘Well, listen, I’ve got to get my shower and change and get to my next class.’ Dani said without actually moving. We both had to be somewhere, but I wished we could have stayed right there.

‘I guess I’ll see you around.’ I forced myself to say. And I walked into the locker room, and into a long, cold shower.

‘will you kiss my feet/ when I have walked on fire/ when I am nobody’s sister/ when I am nobody’s child’

At one o’clock that morning, I was lying in bed in my dorm, staring into the light of my phone, reading a year-old email from Dani. The poem I didn’t know to handle more carefully. From the girl who, somehow, I didn’t know to fall in love with. Well, I knew it now. Dani had been so close to my thoughts all that day that I felt like I’d been physically carrying her with me. I’d run through a million different versions of that day in the literature class a year ago. The blanket on my bed weighed against an aching hard-on that I couldn’t lose no matter how hard I tried. I didn’t even feel horny, exactly. I just needed to see her face, or hear her voice, to be close to her again.

When I wrote her an email, it was a reply to that poem. Maybe calling it ‘the reply I never sent’ is rewriting history, but maybe some stories deserve to be re-written. All I knew was that I was never going to get to sleep if I didn’t write to her.

Re: A poem.


Thinking about you a lot. Let’s hang out.

When I woke up, I felt a kind of dread about the emails that might be waiting on my phone. Was I toying with things she’d rather forget? Had I missed my chance by a year? I steadied my nerves and switched my phone on, and there was exactly one reply from Dani.

‘Sure.’ it said. ‘Let’s hang out.’

An exclamation mark, an ‘xo’ – it seemed like anything would have tipped that message into something clearer. Something that could have told me what I was dying to hear, that she was feeling the same thing I was that night. But ‘sure’ was all I got. Within a few more emails that morning, ‘let’s hang out’ turned into a plan to take a walk in the arboretum just off campus, with a vague plan to get a bite to eat afterward. I was 21 but she wasn’t yet, which cut down the list of places we could go a little, but it was impossible to focus on the details. I just wanted to see her.

I picked her up outside her dorm building on a Wednesday afternoon. We’d both agreed to skip our afternoon classes. It had only been a couple of days, but it felt like ages. I texted her from the parking lot, and tried to steady my nerves. It was the moment of truth. Why hadn’t I brought flowers? I’d second-guessed myself so many times, I was sick of it. But there I was, in my crappy car and my least-crappy shirt, waiting for her.

Dani stepped out of her building in a crowd of other girls, and looked around the lot for a second before she found me. She wore white denim shorts and a tank top with a see-through blouse over it, with her hair clipped up and a splash of makeup across her face. Glossy lips and something around her eyes. I guessed her roommate was to thank for the makeup, because I’d never seen her wear it before. But who knows what had changed since the last time I’d really talked with her? A band-aid on her shin made me wonder if she’d shaved her legs in a hurry. But she looked perfect. The sight of her let something in me finally relax.

‘Hi.’ I said. She smiled and said hi back. I’d already run through this scenario in my head over and over. A hug, a handshake, a kiss, a compliment. I felt half frozen, but told her she looked nice. (‘Nice.’ What idiot tells a girl she looks ‘nice’?) But she said thanks, I opened the car door for her, and we drove off to the arboretum.

In our emails, we’d both said we wanted to talk again like we used to, but it was clear after 30 seconds in the car together that talking wasn’t first on either of our minds. She filled me in on her classes and what her family had been up to, but without much heart in it. Me, I had a hard enough time just keeping my eyes on the road. When we parked, she let me walk around and open her door for her. She took my hand to get up out of the car, and didn’t let go when we walked off towards a quiet trail. Her palm was warm in my hand. I’d been asking about her trip over the summer, and she was talking about the trains in London when we walked past a cluster of red flowers blooming on a low tree, and she leaned over to inhale their perfume. The movement, with my hand in hers, pulled me close to her, almost spooning. She felt her butt brush against my lap and she turned her head, speechless and questioning with those sweet, pretty eyes searching my expression, and that’s when I kissed her.

I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t kissed her then. She made a moan when I combed my fingers through her hair. Her lip gloss tasted like some kind of candy, and I made up my mind to lick every drop of it off. I wanted those sweet, bare lips I’d stared at all those days in the lecture hall. My arm wrapped up the arch of her back and pulled her close. Dani was an inexperienced kisser, and I probably was, too – not quite sure what to do with our tongues, and occasionally losing our balance at the height of a deep, close kiss. But I held her, and kissed her, until she finally pulled away to catch her breath. The smells of the flowers and the trees poured in around us.

We were both looking for words. Something cool to say. But what I really wanted was more. I wanted to hear her moan. I tilted her head to the side and kissed her neck, as softly as I could stand. She whimpered out a slow breath and dug her fingers into my hair. My hand was under her tank top, trying to stroke her lightly despite the hunger I felt to grab her, crush her body into mine and devour the warmth and softness of he
r skin.

A minute later, I felt her stiffen and tap my shoulder. ‘Someone’s coming.’ She said, panting. A group of four or five people was turning onto the trail from the parking lot, and we stood aside to let them pass. Maybe to Dani, it counted as almost getting caught. I could feel her heart pounding for a minute after they passed.

‘Let’s go somewhere we’re not going to be interrupted.’ I said. I was thinking of my bed, or even a hotel, but she glanced up a narrow trail that led deeper into the woods, and looked back at me with an irresistible ‘pretty please’ in her eyes.

‘Okay.’ I said, catching my breath. We grabbed a blanket from my trunk and half-ran into the trees until we were out of sight from the trail. Then we fell onto the blanket together, before we could even get it spread out on the undergrowth. She laid on her back and cuddled close to me. Her fingertip traced a path down the inside of me arm.

‘Dani.’ I whispered. Her name was all I could think to say. Leaning on an elbow over her, I got to stare into her eyes like I never had before. I felt almost drunk on it.

‘Kiss me.’ she said in a warm breath.

Freed from having to stay on our feet, we fell into a longer, wetter kiss and let ourselves thrill to it. When my fingers slid up her stomach to tease around the edge of her bra, she let out a sweet shudder like nothing I’d ever heard from her before. She moved her hand under my shirt, too, as the kisses ranged farther and farther from each other’s mouths.

Before long, we’d slid her bra straps over her arms and I was hovering at her chest, sucking a nipple between my lips. The fingernails digging into the back of my head told me to keep going. She pulled one of my hands to her mouth to kiss. The soft skin of her chest, wet from my tongue, gave off a scent that I wished I could get lost in. We hoped we were well hidden, but at that moment, someone could have walked over us and we wouldn’t have known it. With my hands kneading her tits, I moved my mouth down over her stomach, on a course for the button of her shorts.

She moaned something unspecific and unbuttoned them herself, then changed her mind, painfully, and held the waist shut with her hands.

‘Should we go somewhere else?’ she asked.

I kissed my way back up her stomach, chest and neck to whisper in her ear ‘I will take you anywhere you want, Dani, but I have to taste you.’ She answered that with a shivering laugh, and wetted a finger under her panties to tease me with. When she put the fingertip in my mouth, she tasted like clear, sweet honey.

‘You are so hard.’ she cooed, feeling that aching hard-on pressed against her through my jeans.

‘And you are so perfect.’

Ten minutes later, we parked my car on a side road next to a lake. Quiet enough for privacy, and I knew we didn’t want the distraction of sneaking into each other’s dorm buildings. It wasn’t far from sunset when we parked. Dani swigged water from a plastic bottle, and I did the same, just noticing how dry the long makeout session had left my mouth.

‘Do you really want to lick me?’ she cooed as we climbed into the back seat.

‘You want to make me beg for it?’ I asked.

She laughed and let me unbutton her shorts. ‘Just making sure.’

‘I’m really, really sure I want to lick you.’ I said, pulling her zipper open. A faint thread of soft brown hairs peeked from the waist of her cotton panties. Maybe crossing the point of no return, finally, I pulled her shorts and underwear down her smooth legs and into the floor behind the passenger seat. I got between her knees. Kissing the inside of her thigh, I let my fingers flick over her damp, mousy-brown fuzz and tease her lips apart. I hadn’t been with many women at that time, but Dani’s pussy was shockingly sweet – short, puffy outer lips and tight pink insides glistening wet. I could only tease her for a few seconds longer. She positioned the wadded-up blanket behind her neck to get comfortable, and I closed my mouth around the mound of her pubic bone, finally taking a full, wet mouthful of her pussy.

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Dani from the Antique Store II

Dani was the very cute twenty-two old College co-ed that filled in for her aunt at the antique store next to my office. We had become friends after I had agreed to give her access to my office Wi-Fi account so she could chat with her friends and do school work from the antique store.Dani had friended me on social media and I could tell by the photos she had posted on line that she was a party animal. Meeting her in person, she seemed so very quiet and church-like, except for the small heart...

4 years ago
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Dani and Danny Part 1

Danny and Dani shared the second story of their home. During the school year Danny had the whole floor to himself. His and Dani’s rooms were connected by a Jack and Jill bath. Each had a lavatory in their rooms with doors connecting to the bath with tub, shower and toilet. While Danielle was away at school, Danny had the floor to himself and would frequently walk around nude.. Danny was building muscles and was turning into quite a good looking young man. At his age, his hormones...

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As a matter of record, she is not a blood relation. We met at the reception when my uncle married his long lost high school sweetheart. She was the daughter of my new aunt's sister and we wound up sharing a table with her older brother and my younger ones. I was immediately taken aback by her stunning good looks.Long dark hair fell past her soft shoulders and that was an immediate turn on. While most of my buddies were obsessed with the blue-eyed blondes, I always preferred the dark-haired...

2 years ago
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Dani Home Alone 2

continued from part 1:Dani lowered herself onto his cock slipping it into her pussy. She let out a soft moan as his cock reached her womb. She grabbed his head and moved in for a kiss. She then started moving herself up and down his shaft. He started kiss her all over eventually reaching to her breasts and back up them. He then reached around and put a finger inside her anus and started fingering her. Dani started squezzing his cock tigher until they both came. Dani could feel his cock pulsing...

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Dani and the Bull Ch 15

Author’s Note: While I was getting this chapter ready for submission, I realized that Nick had invaded my computer and turned Dani and Bull’s world upside down. When I found the part where he was using his evil to make things worse, I consulted both Dani and Bull and they realized that she would have never allowed such a thing to happen. So I made sure that was made clear in the story. Sorry no rushing ahead, but you’ll know when you get there. I also knew I had to make up for what Andre was...

3 years ago
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Dani Meets The Beast

There she was, a 5’4” red-headed goddess standing on the other side of the strawberries and I was completely captivated. She had her eyes closed after she had popped the top of the plastic container and I watched as she leaned in closer to the fruit and as she took a deep inhale, I noticed my own intake of air match her own as if I were smelling them as well.It was as if the whole world went into slow motion as she slowly opened her eyes and I could take in the pair of the brightest and most...

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Dani and Danny Part 51

Dani had become plenty aroused watching her brother’s spurting dick and feeling Brie's pulsing orgasmic contractions as she fingered her. She was still wet and gooey now in her room now alone with Brie. Dani and Brie had seen each other nude many times since they were young, and in fact, they often compared their development as they reached puberty. Dani had developed breasts a bit earlier than Brie, but once Brie’s came, they outgrew her friend. They weren't sure what to make of...

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Dani and the Bull Ch 04

Author’s Note: I just want to thank you all for reading this and to ask a favor, please be sure to vote and either post comments or send me feedback as it progresses… thanks, and peace darkstone57 * It was late in the morning when she woke. From the sounds drifting in her open window, she got the idea that the guests for the party were already arriving. She was glad Mike and Kate had made it home for the party, and while she was sorry she had made her dad worry about her, she was a little...

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Dani and the Bull Ch 06

Granny Maylene’s lesson on demons: She told this to Bull when his was first awakening and she sensed the inherent evil in it. ‘Demons are in us all boy, we are born with them, we will die with them, and the events and paths we follow in life determine the vision of life our demons show us. I see your demon causing pain and hurt, not to all, but to women, hurting and abusing them in ways not tolerable to this family. I don’t know how this happened, the events are cloudy, but I also see a woman,...

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Dani and the Bull Ch 03

To her surprise, it was Zach who apologized to her the next morning. ‘Guess I’d forgotten that you grew up too kid.’ He handed her a steaming mug of coffee, picked up his own and leaned back against the counter. ‘You know, Annie ain’t so bad, not at all what I remembered. She sure has grown up.’ Was Dani imagining things or had her big brother not stopped smiling since the other night and his reunion with Annie? She was tempted to ask if it was love or lust but she held her tongue. ‘Everyone...

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Dani and the Bull Ch 14

Authors Note: I think it was Andre who suggested this chapter to me, and I think he was jealous of all the attention his brother was getting. Sometimes younger siblings learn the most about life by being able to observe their older sisters and brothers. I know in my own family the thoughts of my youngest have been greatly influenced by his older sister and brother. I was the same since I had three older sisters and an older brother. Most of my personal views have been formed by them and not...

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Dani and the Bull Ch 07

Bull came awake and felt like he had just run a marathon around the prison track, his heart was pounding, his body hurt and he could barely catch his breath. She had been so beautiful sitting there in the sunshine. Behind her the crystal blue of the water, the sounds of happy voices and joy in the air. Her voice had been so soft, it had been like a musical note to his ears. They had been talking, that was all just talking but he had felt like he had known her all his life, and her eyes…The...

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Dani and the Bull Ch 12

Authors Note: So here I am back again, after three crashed hard drives, and two computers, I finally got to the stories I thought I had lost forever and believe me it will not happen again. I will be doing my best to do some more work on them and A Ride to Heaven and Back Part 2 in the near future. You’ll also find that Dani and Bull decided to pull some twists and turns on me that needless to say I was not prepared for but that will come clear in a later chapter. Not only do they have to...

3 years ago
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Dani and the Bull Ch 02

She woke just as the sun was coming up. Still dressed, her book open on the bed beside her. Lying on her back, she stared up at the ceiling of her room, and counted the cracks she found. Ten this time, same as last. The house was old, and run down. A far cry when it had been one of the finest in town then. Not that any of the towns better citizens ever stepped foot in it. Her distant relation had been a gambler from New Orleans who had settled here not long after the Civil War. The combination...

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Dani and the Bull Ch 10

Author’s Note: Sorry it’s taken me a while to get this story up, been some events in my life that have distracted me. One of them was learning that someone has taken some of my stories and put them on another site without my permission. Now I have met some slime balls in my life, but to take some one elses hard work and basically try to pass it off as their own is about the lowest a person can go in my opinion, and if i could catch the person doing it, well lets just say they would not like...

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Dani and the Bull Ch 09

The three girls ran down the dark path to the center of the park, more than once they tripped over vines or branches but none of them wanted to stop. All felt revolted, sickened by what they had seen. When Jane went down hard and had trouble standing back up, Helen and Sylvie helped her up and they stumbled back into the brightly lit picnic area. Helen found her father standing with the sheriff and several other adults, and began to blurt out what they had seen, only to find herself needing to...

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Dani and the Bull Ch 13

Author’s Note: I just want to thank everyone who has sent me feedback and all the great comments over my time away. I meant to do it sooner but to be honest, since the dam had broken on my writer’s block, I have been working like a fiend, not only to get pages ready to submit but on new stories and hope nothing comes along to plug the hole of creative energy I seem to be experiencing. I have also been working on my grammar and punctuation that seems to bother a lot of folks, but I don’t think...

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Dani and the Bull Ch 01

(Author’s Note: As you will have noticed this is the edited version, when it appeared in the story section and i read through it, i found several things i thought i had already fixed but hadn’t. I also want to address a couple questions in the comments page. The original story was 20 plus chapters and while it is a romance story it could also fall under the category of supernatural. All the characters are human, and i hope you will enjoying meeting them as the story progresses. Peace ...

2 years ago
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Dani Part 2

I was unaware of Dani watching me as I rode away from her house just as I was unaware that her legs were still rubbery from the intense sex that we had just experienced in the shower. I didn't know that once I was out of sight she flew up to her room, closing and locking the door once inside and literally tearing her clothes off.I didn't see her flop on the bed and spread her beautiful tanned legs to allow the slender fingers on her right hand began to circle her swollen nether lips. As she...

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Dani meets Kristen

It was a typical Monday morning, wife just left for work and I’m on xhamster reading erotica and watching porn. Half playing with my cock just because it feels good. I get a text from my FWB Dani saying, “hey do you wanna fuck today”. I know that means she is either horny or that she needs something. Either way I do want to fuck today so I say sure. In an effort to be discreet we agree to meet at the grocery store across the street.She shows up driving a pickup truck that has the older style...

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Dani and the Bull Ch 08

Helen left the supermarket and headed for the car Jack had given her for their first anniversary. Jericho was kicking and she ran her hand over her stomach to calm him. She loved being pregnant so soon after getting married, and the fact that Jack was such a wonderful lover just made it all the better. ‘Hello Helen, you’re looking all pretty today…’ A wave of nausea crashed over her as she looked at the man who had recently been released from the mental hospital. He was more dangerous looking...

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Dani and the Bull Ch 11

Author’s Note: Sorry this one has been a little late in coming, but writer’s block has struck again and I haven’t been able to get my mind to agree with Dani or Bull about anything they suggest…I did however put them up on their own pages on Facebook: They said they were getting bored just sitting around in my head all the time, so there they are. The only thing is now, Reni and Devon from A Ride to Heaven and Back, (in case you haven’t read their story yet) want their own Facebook pages too,...

4 years ago
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Dani Home Alone

Dani is a young asian college student in her early 20's. She lives with her parents and shares a room with her sister. Dani loves to masturbate but it's hard for her to play with herself because her sister is in the same room as her so she usually does it in the washroom or sneak it under her covers. Dani is rather average in height and skinny, she's a 34C. This week she was alone for the entire week because her parents were going on vacation and her sister was going on vacation with her...

3 years ago
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Dani and the Bull Ch 05

Dani felt Bull shift against her head and opened her eyes slowly. She was stiff and sore from sleeping in the same position but she was reluctant to move. It only took a moment to realize if she did, then she would disturb Bull and he needed his sleep as much as she had. Her last waking memory was Bull bringing her out here, settling her back beside him on this lumpy old couch, and stroking her hair until she felt the stress and tension of the night fade from her body, and mind. Now it all...

2 years ago
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     Dani walked slowly across the wide stretch of minimally undulating beach that morning. Her head down in contemplative gaze at the details of the sand having been washed once more on the outgoing tide. She carried her favorite short board cradled against her side. It was a soft morning, as the fog lifted slowly. Her wet suit warmed her against the cool of the morning breeze. She had deliberately left the front zipper low to her waist as it allowed cool niblets of air to surround her taut...

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Dani Marks Her Territory

It was almost spring and I had come to Oregon to explore extinct volcanoes. The Ladies, as they are collectively known, are 14,000 feet above sea lever or higher. The air up there can be thin and I was a bit wiped out, so I decided to relax and have a drink at a local bar. I hadn't realized it when I walked in, but it was obviously an all girl bar. Sometimes you just get lucky.All the girls inside were inked up with a vast collection of rings, pins, bars, and hoops, etc. I was tired and didn't...

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Dani The First Time Part 1

It started over 18 months ago when they moved in next door. David and Jean and their college age daughter Dani. The parents were a sexy couple and Dani had inherited her parent’s good looks. Over the months I got to know them better and we spend time together at the occasional BBQ and dinner and last summer a few weekends at the beach, so we were all familiar with each other as good neighbours. Then last weekend...I was upstairs in my bedroom late in the afternoon getting undressed for a shower...

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Dani And Mahboob

Hi I am Dani ….18 years old… studying in university…I’m 120 lbs….I have 6 inch uncut cock….I am 100% virgin from both side….sometimes jerking alone…. It was dark but still light enough for me to see as I ran to my uncles house….he is my favourite Uncle…. I had run away from home because my parents were fighting again…. Yelling each other….I couldnt take their fighting…So I decided to go and stay overnight with my Uncle….. As I rang the doorbell my uncle…how was in only a towel… answered...

Gay Male
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Danish Man married a Rural Bangladeshi Woman

I am Dan and 55 years old. I am Danish and married a rural Bangladeshi woman in her 40s. I live in Jessore with my wife in a village. She speaks a little bit of English which I taught her and now she can communicate with me a little. She is of dark brown complexion, wears colorful bright saris and I enjoy watching her, take pictures and film her. We have sex pretty much every night. She has a beautiful face and a curvy body. I cum on her face every day and eat her anus when we have sex. She...

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Danish Grandma

Danish Grandma Ch. 01by Jena121© All characters in this story are 18 years and over. This is Gran story that was sent to me --I am going to try and tell it from Gran's view -- I have been asked to do this on a few occasions. As I don't personally have any experience with this -- it will be a bit difficult. - Please let me know how you like it and don't forget to VOTE and post a public comment. This is a story about a Danish Gran and her grandson Dan -- Hi, my name is Elise, I am a Grandma who...

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Dani At The Gym

“What a day!” Dani muttered to herself as she walked down the busy road. She had finished work just ten minutes ago, and although she could think of a hundred things she would rather be doing instead, she was now on her way to the gym for a workout. Since she had started her new job two months prior, she had resolved to make the gym at least three times a week, and so far she had kept to her word, and each night when she looked at her naked body in the mirror, she knew it was all...

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Danish Man in Bangladesh

When I arrived at the airport all I saw was asses all over the place. Women in burkas and tight abayas that hugged their hips and luscious bums and tight salwar kameez bums just walking past me and around. I immediately wanted to take out my cannon EOD camera and shoot some Ultra HD asses! I was getting too excited about seeing so many women which I haven't seen even in India! I finally rented a taxi and went to my designated hotel. As I was riding through the streets of Dhaka, my eyes were...

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Danis First Cock pt2

The next day was a Saturday. I woke up around ten in the morning and waited until noon to call my friend and tell him to come over. He told me it would be around 3 before he could make it.So I waited. I kept wanting to jerk off but I didn't want to cum and waste a perfectly good load so I edged until he got there. I couldn't stop thinking about his cock pumping into me the night before and how good he tasted.3 o' clock finally rolled around and he wasn't late. We went to my living room and hung...

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Danis First Cock

My friend and I were at a park one night, sitting in his car waiting on our friends to meet us. We were the only ones in the entire park and our friends were going to be a while.We had jokingly made a bet with eachother earlier that day and I told him if I lost I'd suck his dick. Whatever the bet was, I lost, but nothing was said about the terms afterwards.After a while of waiting he asked me "So were you serious earlier when you said you'd suck me off? You did lose." I told him I was and he...

1 year ago
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The sexual adventures of Jake Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! I stared in sheer amazement at my mothers amazing body. Taking it all in. Her slim toned legs. Her nice perfectly shaped ass. The way her breast looked in her white lace bra. So soft looking. For being a 40DDD cup her breasts showed barely any sagging. We both stood there shocked by the sight of one another. I could visibly notice my mother staring intently at my big rock hard 7.5 inch cock. Finally she spoke. ‘I was just going to come talk to you...

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Summertime Maid

It was all in place for Leo Munby. He had sold the company that he had built from the ground up for over 100 million dollars. He had given 20 years to creating that company and now he was going to enjoy the middle years of his life. The deal was signed. He had bid goodbye to all of his employees and returned home from the office for the last time. He exited the building through the servant's entrance as he often did. The feeling of walking under that sign always gave him a thrill. Of...

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My journey into crossdressing

The following story is 100% true. Only the names have been changed.About 11 years ago, when I was 28, I met a 40 year old single mum of 2 called Michelle.We met through a mutual friend. The relationship was purely a sexual relationship. I had just broken up with my girlfriend of 3 years, and she had been single for 7 years after splitting with her violent ex.The first day we met, we ended up sleeping together. As we lay in bed afterwards, we started talking about what we liked and didn't like...

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