Diavolo Ch. 04 free porn video

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She couldn’t sleep. Abigail tossed and turned, every once in a while she’d glare at the phone Gabriel had given her accusingly. After closing the photo gallery earlier, she’d set it on her nightstand.

She hadn’t expected him to call her soon, but it was already past midnight. How far away did he live anyway?

Can I call you tonight?

His deep gravelly voice haunted her, the memory of his lips and hands sent a cascade of goose bumps over her skin and an uncomfortable clenching throb low in her belly. Abigail hugged herself, clenching her thighs against the ache with a frustrated moan.

‘Oh, what have I gotten myself into,’ she huffed, reaching for the phone again.

As soon as she touched it, it flickered on. With a sigh, she drew her finger over the screen and tapped the gallery again.

Slowly, she scrolled through the pictures until sleep finally did claim her.

Gabriel came to her like the wet dream he was. His mouth clamped over hers as he pressed his body into hers. Again, she felt that obscenely large bulge he had in his jeans press against her abdomen. His kiss tasted like salt water and she gripped his hair to push him away.

Gabriel stared down at her in the darkness.

‘Why are you all wet?’ she asked as he dripped seawater over her.

His cold fingers traced the contours of her cheeks before moving away from her.

She watched in confusion as he straightened, realizing he was truly soaked down to his biker boots.


He looked sad, the dim moonlight illuminating half of his beautiful face.

Without uttering a single word, he turned on his heel and walked out through the open glass doors of her terrace.

‘Gabriel,’ she called following him out.

Thick fog rolled across the terrace, enveloping him until he was nothing but a barely distinguishable silhouette.

Fear gripped her for him. Where was he going? Why was he soaked to the bone?

‘Gabriel, please. Come back. Gabriel?’

Her bare feet descended the terrace steps, but instead of encountering soft grass at the bottom, she winced when her toes touched asphalt.

Through the thick mist, she heard the faint rumble of Gabriel’s motorcycle. She could almost make out the shape of it as well as him sitting astride. The headlamps glowed through the fog like a beacon. Loud music cut through the fog.

‘Gabriel,’ she called out again.

As she approached, she heard the sound of another vehicle speeding closer.

He just sat there, his bike idling, as if waiting for her.

There was so much mist, the other person wouldn’t see him in time.

Abigail began to run. Or, at least she tried. Her legs felt sluggish.

‘Gabriel,’ she cried out, ‘get out of the way. There’s—’

The vehicle smashed into him. Abigail watched, horrified, as the bike skid across the road, sparks flying, and then he sailed over the guardrail in slow motion. She screamed, did her best to reach the now broken guardrail.

The debris the Harley had left behind littered the steep incline. Furious waves pounded the rock a few scant feet from where Gabriel’s body lay, twisted and broken.

Abigail sat up in her bed with a terrified gasp. Her heart was pounding against her ribs as she cupped her throat and tried to get her frantic breathing under control.

The sky was already brightening with the first rays of sunlight visible through the glass doors of her room.

She pressed trembling fingers against her mouth to stifle the little sob that was threatening to bubble up her throat.

It had only been a dream.

The sound of loud rock music made her yip in fright, her eyes darting to the phone on her nightstand.


She knocked over a glass of water in her haste to answer it. There was a picture of Angelo, eyes wide and tongue lolling out of his mouth on the screen with the word Retard underneath.

Abigail frowned and tapped the green phone symbol on the screen.

‘H-hello?’ she answered shyly.

There was silence for a few seconds.

‘Well, shit. Abigail, is that you, sweetheart?’ Angelo’s gruff voice slurred.

She swallowed. ‘Um…yeah.’

He muttered under his breath and Abigail could make out the sound of rustling bed sheets. ‘Well I hope I’m not interrupting anything, but tell that horny son-of-a-bitch he’d better call his granma before she has another heart attack.’

Abigail’s adrenaline shot back up as she shifted to sit at the edge of her king-sized bed. ‘B-but I don’t know where Gabriel is,’ she blurted.

Angelo moaned, as if stretching. He sighed out loud. ‘What? Baby, put that idiot on the phone, will-ya.’

‘Angelo, Gabriel isn’t here with me.’

Again, silence for a long while. ‘Why do you have his phone?’

Abigail stood, her hands trembling again. ‘He said he wanted to call me, but I don’t have a phone. He gave me his, but he never called me.’

Angelo let out a foul word under his breath. ‘Listen here, baby-doll. I’ll call you in a few minutes, okay?’

Abigail nodded before realizing he couldn’t see her. ‘Yes-yes. Please. Please call me back.’ She left out the fact that she was scared

The phone went dead and she stared at the screen with a frown.

There were four missed calls. Heart pounding, she tapped on the missed calls symbol.

All four calls were from Mamá. His grandmother?

Abigail looked around her room. It was only half past six in the morning. She’d never be able to go back to sleep. She had planned to go into the nearest town and find a nice church she could attend, but with this mess with Gabriel…she’d have to do it later when he turned up.

He was fine. He had to be.

She went into her bathroom, taking the phone with her. Jumping into the shower, she cleaned up quickly. Wearing a simple white button-up blouse and a pair of faded jeans with black flats, she was in the process of pinning her hair into a bun when the phone sounded again.

It was Angelo.

‘Did you find him?’ she blurted.

‘Eh…no, sweetums, but I’m on my way to pick you up. You decent?’

Abigail snatched her glasses off her bureau and slipped them on. ‘Uh, yes, but where are we going?’

‘We’re all meeting up at Mike’s place.’

‘Okay,’ Abigail said already grabbing a purse. ‘I’ll be out front.’

‘See you in a few minutes. I’m almost there.’

She hadn’t eaten, but doubted she could down anything with her stomach tied in knots as it was.

There wasn’t much movement within the house, just a few of the cleaning staff moving about, dusting, and placing fresh flowers in the vases.

Abigail rushed through the front doors, making her way up to the driveway. The air was cool and crisp. The slight breeze rustled the trees in front of the mansion as she neared the end of the driveway. Farther down the road, she spotted a black Audi Q7 approaching.

Her eyes strained, searching for the familiar red Ferrari, but the SUV stopped in front of her instead.

Angelo got out and approached. ‘Hey, sweet stuff,’ he said grabbing her in a bear hug before leaning back.

Today, he wasn’t his usual smiley, flirty self. Abigail bit her lower lip as he proceeded to open one of the back doors for her.

Her eyes widened when she saw the elderly woman pictured with Gabriel sitting near the other door.

‘Hey, Abs. This is Gabe’s granma, Ana Maria. Ma, this is Abigail. She’s Gabe’s new girlfriend.’

Abigail felt her face flame with shame at the lie. She wasn’t Gabriel’s real girlfriend, but the woman’s eyes welled up, her gnarled hands were already reaching for Abigail as she climbed into the vehicle next to her.

‘Oh,’ the woman cooed in wonder, ‘but you’re so beautiful. You look like such a sweet girl.’

The tears spilled over softly lined cheeks from startling blue eyes.
Abigail was pulled into a warm embrace before the woman pulled back to look deeply into her eyes.

‘Gabriel gave you his phone, yes?’

‘Um…’ she nodded, unsure what to say.

The woman smiled and wiped her tears with a nod.

Abigail noticed another man in the vehicle. It was the dark-haired, slim guitarist. He reached a hand back to her, his dark eyes piercing. ‘I’m Rafael Diangelo. Nice to meet you.’

Abigail nodded as he squeezed her hand in his larger calloused one.

The SUV was already moving. Abigail strapped herself in just as the sound of a phone chirped merrily through the sound system.

‘Mike, what’s up,’ Angelo said after tapping a button on the steering wheel.

‘Got a call from Diamond. Head to over to Kaiser,’ said a very deep bass voice over the speakers.

Abigail stiffened, her eyes going round. The hospital. Next to her, Gabriel’s grandmother closed her eyes and made the sign of the cross.

Abigail reached for Anna Maria’s hand. She gripped it tightly, giving Abigail a tight-lipped smile.

‘He is a strong boy. I have faith he is fine,’ the woman said with conviction.

Abigail just nodded. Good-God, what had happened?

The call was cut without another word, Angelo accelerated, turning off Park Avenue onto Third Street, and then onto Laguna Canyon Road.

All was quiet during the drive. Anna Maria rested her head against the back of the seat. She was a delicate woman with fair complexion. She wore a light blue dress with a cream-colored sweater over it. Square-toed loafers in beige matched the little coach handbag tucked next to her. She hadn’t let go of Abigail’s hand.

‘How did you meet my grandson?’ she suddenly asked, looking at Abigail.

Abigail swallowed before answering. ‘At Ariel’s house.’

‘I wanted her for myself, but she went and picked Gabriel, Ma,’ Angelo piped up from the front. ‘Go figure,’ he scoffed.

Anna Maria smiled and shook her head. ‘Ah, she is a smart one then.’ Gaze going back to Abigail, she added. ‘You did good to stay away from this one. He’s crazy.’

‘Ma,’ Angelo whined, looking back at her with hurt puppy-dog eyes.

‘Keep your eyes on the road,’ the older woman scolded.

Next to Angelo, Rafael chuckled.

Again, they were quiet, except for Angelo who tapped his fingers restlessly against the steering wheel of the Audi.

It took almost twenty minutes to reach the large hospital.

Abigail’s hands began to sweat as Angelo let them out before the main entrance. Rafael pulled on a baseball cap and sunglasses before stepping out and opening the door for Abigail. Angelo helped Anna Maria out on the other side. Overhead, helicopters flew, one seemed to be hovering just over the hospital.

‘I’ll park this and find you guys inside.’

Rafael nodded, but he was already on the phone with Mike.

Abigail took Anna Maria’s arm and they made their way inside. The lobby was enormous and cool. A guard made his way toward them and spoke in a low voice to Rafael.

The uniformed man led them to an elevator toward the back of the lobby after signaling to the attendants at the reception desk.

They went up three floors before exiting. Glass lined one side of the corridors, giving a panoramic view of the city around the hospital. The floors gleamed and the lighting was pleasant. Halfway down the corridor a tall, dark-haired, lumberjack type man started toward them.

Abigail recognized him from the video. He had thick, straight brows that almost touched over his short blunt nose. Piercing golden eyes scanned each of them, pausing on Abigail before finally settling on Rafael. Abigail got a sense of authority from him despite the ponytail, faded Kiss t-shirt and jeans.

‘What happened? Where is he?’ Rafael asked immediately as the big man’s arms swallowed up Anna Maria in a bear hug.

His golden eyes flicked curiously over Abigail again before he looked at his brother and answered. ‘I heard they’re bringing him in right now. Helicopter.’

Abigail’s heart sank remembering the chopper hovering over the hospital outside.

Michael continued, face grim, ‘Looks like his bike skid on the stretch just past El Moro Canyon Road. He went over the guardrail there. They found him about a half an hour ago.’

Abigail’s mind reeled. She’d dreamt about he accident. Gabriel had even come to her. A shudder of fear crept down her spine. As if sensing her distress, Anna Maria patted her forearm where she had it gripped.

Angelo suddenly came up to them, a little out of breath. ‘What the hell happened? Security had to escort me up the back way. Said there’s a veritable circus setting up outside in front.’

Michael frowned at him. ‘Looks like Gabe lost control of his bike past El Moro. Went over the guardrail.’

Angelo was bouncing around on his feet. ‘Shit. Was he drinking?’

‘He had a little wine with dinner at the Montenegro estate, but he seemed fine when he left,’ Abigail volunteered.

The tall guitarist nodded. ‘He isn’t an irresponsible drinker.’ He stuck his big hand out to Abigail then with a tight smile. ‘I’m Michael Diangelo, by the way.’

Before Abigail could say anything, Rafael hit his forehead. ‘Where are my manners? This is Abigail, Gabe’s girl.’

Abigail smiled as Michael’s hand swallowed up hers in a firm handshake.

‘Nice to meet you despite the circumstances,’ he said with a nod.

A very thin girl with bespectacled huge grey eyes and light brown hair approached them.

She held a steaming mug of coffee and had two boxes of Kleenex under her arm. Swaddled in a long, grey sweater, dark blue skinny jeans, and black suede boots, she ambled toward them staring at Abigail with an unsure smile on her face.

‘Erica, this is Gabe’s new girl, Abigail,’ Michael said. ‘Abigail, my girlfriend, Erica.’

The girl’s friendly expression fell, her eyes growing bigger as she quickened her pace toward Abigail.

Her boxes of Kleenex thudded to the floor as she gave Abigail a one armed hug.

‘Oh, I’m so sorry,’ she said before hugging Anna Maria also.

Michael bent over to pick up the boxes of tissues for the girl.

Her enormous eyes went from Anna Maria to Abigail. ‘We’re just waiting for the doctors to come out and let us know what’s going on. Diamond is here somewhere too.’ Erica craned her neck to look around their little group, up and down the corridor.

‘Come-on. Let’s go into the waiting room before someone recognizes us,’ Michael muttered, gesturing to the left.

They shuffled into a smaller waiting room with gleaming bland, off-white floors and beige seats.

‘Diamond?’ Angelo grimaced. ‘Who called her?’

Michael huffed out a breath, shoving his hands deep into is pockets after setting the tissue boxes on a seat next to them. ‘She actually notified me first. The police called her to let her know they’d found Gabe. Someone reported the accident at one of the gas stations along the road. They had to fly him out via helicopter here.’

‘Do you want some coffee?’ Erica asked, looking hopefully at Abigail and Anna Maria. The older woman declined but Abigail accepted.

‘Mike, take this. It’s too cold anyway,’ she said handing the still steaming mug to Michael.

Abigail frowned at the steaming cup of coffee. Michael just shrugged and began to sip it gingerly. The girl looped her arm through Abigail’s as if they’d been best friends for years and led her to another alcove with coffee machines and snack dispensers.

After a few minutes, they both had fresh mugs of coffee and were back on their way to the third floor waiting room.

Abigail made herself comfortable next to Gabriel’s grandmother. Erica handed her hot cup of coffee to Michael and excused herself to the restroom.

Minutes turned into an hour. Abigail couldn’t help noticing how nurses kept walking past the loun
ge, staring curiously at the band members of Diavolo. One particularly young nurse skittered in and asked for autographs. She giggled and gushed, staring nervously over her shoulder until a stern-faced older nurse appeared and glared at her. The young girl, called Heather, snatched her sheet of paper, and scurried out, head ducked in mortification. The older woman, obviously the head nurse, apologized to the band members for the girl’s impropriety.

The guys chuckled to themselves after she left, except Michael. He shoved to his feet and stalked out of the waiting room. Rafael and Angelo looked at one another before heading after him too. Just as they were on their way out, Ariel sauntered into the room, looking like he’d just rolled out of bed.

‘Just got the message. Where is he? Is he okay?’

‘I think Mike’s gone to find out,’ Angelo said grabbing the bass player’s arm and dragging him in their wake.

Abigail twisted her fingers in her lap. Erica hadn’t come back from the rest room, and Anna Maria was very quiet, her eyes on the flat screen in the corner of the room.

Abigail finally gave the television screen her attention and gasped. They were showing an aerial view, apparently, of where Gabriel’s accident had occurred. There was a tiny picture of him in the corner of the television. The rest revealed a steep, rocky incline, pieces of motorcycle scattered everywhere. Just like in her dream.

Abigail blinked back her tears and gave a sideways glance to the woman next to her.

Anna Maria reached over, her eyes never leaving the television, and patted Abigail’s hand. ‘He’ll be fine. You’ll see,’ she said softly.

A tall blond woman swept into the waiting room, her hazel eyes fell first on Anna Maria, and then Abigail. Her smile looked forced as she glanced back at Anna Maria and rushed over to greet the woman. Behind her, the rest of the band members of Diavolo followed.

‘Anna Maria. So good to see you. You look wonderful,’ the woman said enthusiastically.

‘My grandson?’ was all Anna Maria said.

‘He’s resting. The doctors have a few papers for you to sign. I tried to convince them that I could sign too, but they insisted it had to be a family member.’ The woman shook her head and laughed bitterly. ‘So ridiculous. We’re all like family anyway.’

‘No doctor has spoken to me about my grandson yet.’

‘Well,’ the woman smiled, ‘I’ll go get one for you.’

Anna Maria stood. ‘No. I want to see my grandson. Now.’

The woman sputtered, her eyes darting to Abigail coldly.

‘Diamond, this is Abigail,’ Michael stepped in. ‘She’s Gabriel’s new girlfriend.’

If anything, the woman eyes grew colder. Her eyes flicked over Abigail dismissively. ‘Really?’ She laughed, looking back at Michael. ‘Seriously, how could you guys bring Gabriel’s flavor of the week here, and with Anna Maria present.’

Abigail felt her face go hot. About to excuse herself, and sit back down, Anna Maria gripped her arm and glared at Diamond. ‘Do not refer to my grandson’s girlfriend in such a disrespectful way. Now, tell us where Gabriel is.’

A tall man with sharp grey eyes and a thin nose walked in. The nametag on his pristine white lab coat read Dr. Klein. He approached them immdiately, the overhead lighting glinting off his swinging stethoscope and bald head.

‘Morning folks,’ he said shaking everyone’s hands before focusing on Anna Maria. ‘I assume you’re Mr. Brink’s family member. Michael told me you’re his grandmother.’

Anna Maria nodded and Abigail could see the worry she’d manage to squelch until now surface in her eyes. ‘How is my Gabriel?’

‘He’s doing fine considering he fell from a cliff.’

Abigail’s heart stuttered before racing in terror. As the doctor continued, she hung on to every word.

‘He was lucky the tide was receding and landed on the beach below. We have him sedated right now. He’s suffering from a concussion, as well as various fractured ribs, collarbone, and his right femur. We put his leg in traction for now and have him resting in his room. He seems very confused and doesn’t remember what happened, but hopefully he’ll regain his memory soon.’

Anna Maria closed her eyes. ‘He has amnesia?’

‘It’s a symptom with concussions. We x-rayed him from head to foot and he doesn’t have any skull fractures. The helmet he was wearing apparently saved his life otherwise I don’t think he would’ve survived the fall.’

‘Can we see him?’ Michael asked.

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I just stayed in bed and locked my door. Good thing there were nobody else in the house or else they might notice that something was wrong with me. I didn’t notice it but I fell asleep, and I was awakened by the noise of my mobile phone, when I picked it up, I saw 40+ messages and a lot of missed calls from numbers that I don’t even know. Then I realized from reading all the obscene messages that these were from the guys from yesterday. One guy said that he’ll pick me up tonight and fuck me...

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The Randomiser part 2

############# Author's note ############# This is my first work of fiction. I hope you like it. English is not my first language, so I apologise in advance for all typos and the wobbly grammar. I am happy to receive comments and suggestions. This story comes after "The Randomiser". You should read that first. I want to thank all the people that left reviews on my first story. You have been of great help and gave me the motivation to write more. I hope this second part will stand up to...

3 years ago
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XXXecils Three Hundred MillionChapter 9

Something was in the air. Though stud-slaves were not routinely informed of... anything, I could tell for several days that something big was happening... there was one word I heard whispered among the gossiping workers as they went about their errands, casually mimicking the sexual fantasies of their captives. One word... Judgement. I wondered if my cerebral implant was working properly, because each alien I overheard during the next few days seemed to anticipate this coming event with...

4 years ago
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Home Again Home AgainChapter 3

I watched Mum's car pull away and returned to her bedroom and retrieved her panties from the basket, holding them to my face and breathing in deeply. Even though it was only about half an hour since Mum's hand job I was still hard as soon as I got a deep whiff of her feminine smell. Taking them with me I sat in front of my computer and fired it up and the first thing I did was start a new Hotmail Email address and then I wrote to Mary-Anne. "Hi there Mary-Anne, As you can see I've...

2 years ago
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The young girl awoke to dank aroma of mold and sweat, the smell drenching her senses. She felt her stomach in knots, and although it coiled madly she dared to open her eyes and gaze at her surroundings. She grimaced as she sat up on what appeared to be an engorged slab of stone and looked down at herself. Bewildered, as she realized that she was only clad in a sheer black gown, that clung feverishly to her shapely frame in the coolness of dingy room. She did not recall how she got into such...

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Husband and wife get the knott

This is not my story I am just reposting it.If this is your story and would like me to take it down just let me know and I will do so.Bernardzoophilia b********y masturbation oral couple Let me make it absolutely clear before I start with this true tale, I am not in anyway gay. I have never wanted to be fucked by another man or even thought about getting intimate with a member of the same sex. Sure, I love watching two women going at it, in fact, I derive great pleasure from seeing a couple of...

3 years ago
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Fullfillment of Love

It really only took a couple hours to get back, so they got there early in the morning much to the delight of the townsfolk. All relieved to find out she’s still a virgin. Anika gets back to her house and goes about her regular day. Night comes around and Anika was getting ready for bed, what Kantar had told her earlier continued to play thru her mind, she was planning on pleasuring herself tonight, to the thought of him. They said no sex, but nothing about masturbation. So she gets herself in...

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Spontaneous public nudity some highlights Part 2

As I have said before, I often walk naked in the streets in the early hours of the morning, risking being seen, but taking precautions to reduce that likelihood. My senses are never so alert, the feeling of vulnerability intense, and occasionally an encounter can result in an exceptionally rewarding experience. My aim is not to confront, but to enjoy the thrill of possible discovery.Some twenty or so years ago, I took part in a golfing tournament on the mid-north coast, about three hours drive...

3 years ago
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Angels Story Chapter 75

I go through the bags, wondering what she's got. Lasagne? I can make that... I start to prepare things, putting extras away when I feel a hand caressing my ass. "You are just too gorgeous when you're nervous." Chrissy says kissing my neck. "So damn hot!" I blush brightly. "P.. please..." I gasp. "I need to get this ready!" "Of course," she says stepping back a little. "Let me help, I know where everything goes.... though why Thorne doesn't get a place of her own amazes me, she...

1 year ago
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Operation Bella

Operation Bella By Sophie Michelle We all knew why we were called into the schools assembly that morning. It was not the fact that the girls had not been called, only the boys. We knew because we had all seen the news the previous day. "Today in Parliament finally passed the 'Re-alignment of the sexes act' by a majority of 4, and moves are already afoot for Operation Bella to be launched in schools tomorrow." This new law had been argued about in parliament for months, if not...

4 years ago
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Hiking Sister

My sister asked to go on a camping and hiking trip with me. At first, I had no intention of taking her with me --- she was totally inexperienced and would very likely be a total drag. I felt kind of sorry for her, I guess. I decided that it might be fun to have her along, though I knew that she would slow me down. At first she decided that she would pack too much --- and I told her that make up and a few other items simply weren't going to be necessary. It was difficult to show her how to...

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Kathleens House of Excitement

I was laying in bed thinking about the things I had done with Kathleen, and soon realized I was still very horny and wanting more. It was 12:30 a.m., and although I knew I should just try to get some sleep, my hormones were begging for release. I took a shower, put on some shorts and a polo shirt, and headed over to Kathleen's house thinking about how warmly she responded to my first late-night visit. I coasted into her driveway to find the house dark, and the garage door closed. Fishing her...

1 year ago
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Priya Journey of a Shy Girl

Priya was getting ready for the marriage party of her elder sister Rajani. She was alone in her room and was inspecting her naked body in front of the mirror. She couldn't but help admiring her beauty. She had begun realizing her youthful sexiness by the fact that men had started ogling at her nineteen-year-old-body; especially her firm tits and her broad ass. Her girlfriend in the university had started teasing her on the attention she was getting from the boys of late. For the evening party...

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BlacksOnBlondes Ava Sinclaire 09272022

When Lawson gets invited to stay at his old army captain’s house he had no idea what he had signed himself up for. Seems Captain Tile’s white wife is one hell of a nymphomaniac. So much so Lawson is recruited in to join them in the bedroom as she needs double penetration to achieve maximum orgasm. What the fuck is that Lawson thinks? You want me to fuck your wife at the same time you are? Well god gave women two holes for a reason. It was for double the pleasure – double the...

4 years ago
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A Birthday Gift From My Wife Pt 2

Here is part two. Again any criticism good or bad is welcome. Hope you all enjoy. I leaned against the shower wall, as my slave lapped at my balls with her tongue, ensuring she removed every last hair when she shaved the returning stubble from on and around my cock, while also having the entire length of my meat shoved down her throat at the same time. This girl was amazing. She had been sucking me no longer than five minutes before I could feel that familiar tingle of my orgasm setting in. My...

Straight Sex
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Lucky Date

Ron heard noises coming from somewhere in the house. Noises loud enough to wake him from a fairly sound sleep. He pushed away the covers and tried to make as little sound as possible in case it was a burglar he would have time to call the police. He didn’t bother putting on a robe since he was wearing boxers. As he opened his bedroom door, the thought of his wife, Dora, returning from visiting her sister crossed his mind, but he knew she didn’t like to drive alone at night. Straining his eyes...

1 year ago
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Two couples in the summer cottage

It was the beginning of the second week at the cabin that belonged to Sheila’s family. It was in June, and Sheila and Don had scored the use of it for the whole month and had invited Jill and myself to share it with them. Both broods of kids were still in school, so the slightly cooler days of June were the price we paid for having the place to ourselves. We had three more weeks to go, free except for the simple food we ate, and the beer. The lake was a bit nippy, the water was still high, but...

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Rattling Snakes Cage 2 Ch 06

Time is moving towards the escape, but now there are complications. Will Patrick and Rachel be reunited, or will Snake manage to continue to make their life hell. I hope you are enjoying this multi part 2 to Rattling Snakes Cage and the many colourful characters whos paths cross in this romantic crime thriller. * The noise in the D wing shower room was overpowering, with the roar of twenty or so showers thundering water onto old white tiles, and the deep cadence of naked prisoners talking...

2 years ago
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The British Sea WarChapter 4

Command Headquarters In London the next morning it was as usual a cold wet morning as Second Officer Angela Nash made her way into the underground war room in Central London. She made her way carefully down the concrete steps, under a shop, that had formerly been a wine store, to the cellars well below ground. She showed her pass to the Royal Marine sentry at the bottom of the stairs, who checked her identity carefully, then she made her way into the map room. This was her place of duty for...

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Chapter 1My story begins when my fam ily visited my aunt and uncle’s house over the summer. I was going into my senior year of high school and it was time for our fam ily’s annual visit to my Aunt April’s house. She was my mom’s s*s ter and they had always been very close always making sure to keep in touch and visit. It would most likely be my last fam trip for awhile since I was going off to college the following year. I didn’t mind going at all, we usually had a good visit and I always...

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Erste Erfahrungen mit Cousine 02

Sofort sprangen wir auf, jedoch nicht ohne uns noch einmal zu küssen, und liefen zurück zum Liegeplatz meiner Eltern. Dort sahen wir, dass alle schon umgezogen waren, jedoch war meine Tante gerade dabei Kaffee einzuschenken, denn eine alte bekannte von ihr war zufällig zu ihnen gestoßen. Das hieß für mich nur eines: ausgiebig duschen, um mir damit die Zeit zu vertreiben bis meine Eltern und meine Tante mit dem plaudern fertig waren.Hanna und ich gingen also zu zweit duschen. Die Duschen waren...

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Slut born to Tease Part Four

Slut Born to Tease (Part four).Steve and I climbed out of the car, with our lips still brushing each others. Standing on our drive way, I was wearing only my high heels, PVC Waspie, quarter cup bra and black seamed stockings, which now had a little splash of spunk mid thigh. Steve’s semi erect cock was limply hanging from his flies as we kissed passionately, whilst hubby’s shaking hand tried nervously to open our front door. As the door swung open Hubby switched on the hallway lights which lit...

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Exchanged Chapter 26

Thanks again for all that have patiently waited for each chapter to be posted. The comments on the reviews are always appreciated, even if I don't get to each one with a response - I always read them! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 20 Security

June 29, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, I need to speak to you, Elyse, and Julia RIGHT NOW!” Cindi said. I got up from my desk and followed her to Julia’s office. “I just heard from a large medical practice that I’ve been courting for months. You are not going to believe this!” “What?” “They raised the IIT cheating scandal, and your and Charlie’s involvement.” “What?” “Yes. And they know about the paternity suit. And about your harem, so-called.” I thought about it for a minute. “I...

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Oh God What Have We DoneChapter 7 Moiras mothers diagnosis

Moira had ended Medical School and her hospital internship and residency, and as it had been all her student life, her qualifications were at the top; she was a natural for a gynecology practice, most probably inherited from her father, and she had matured personally, sexually, and psychologically at the same time. She was no longer the immature girl or young woman had had her first sexual adventure with Valerie, her first year mentor. She wasn't the rebel girl of her teenager years either....

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 40 Babies White Castle The Facts Of Life

October – Year 1 I made love to Erin for a very long time, both soft and slow and hard and fast, with the occasional helping hand, tongue, nipple, and pussy from Lynn. In the end I took both of Erin’s tits, squeezed them and sprayed myself with milk as I came. Lynn did her best to clean me up, but I needed a shower. I asked my wives to join me and I stood in the water as they cleaned me. I knelt in front of Erin and pressed my face to her little pregnant belly and kissed it. I turned to Lynn...

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How Does Your Garden GrowChapter 18

“Where is he? Where’s that big, bad devil? Where is Father Murphy? Where is Sister Lisa? Where are Sheriff Warner and Mayor Kalamatas? Where is Chief Moskowitz? Where is WGTO? I want coverage! I want the whole fucking community to witness me put several bullet holes in this motherfucking demon, so they know to fear me, and not him or his human handler, partner, whatever you call that prick?” Big Joey Massena, the capo for this particular town, demanded. The sweat pouring profusely off the...

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Incest GamesChapter 13

Lorena held her father by the arm, leading him to her bedroom. He went without protest, but in a numbed kind of silence that worried her some. She had been watching his face closely when she opened that door, and saw the shock that crossed it when he saw the stark scene before them. There was his son Glynn, with both hands full of his mom's big tits, and Arlene leaning back, riding the boy's prick that was stuffed up her hairy cunt. Too, there was the wet glistening of Arlene's face, and...

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The Crying Stranger

She was crying. I couldn’t hear a thing, but I could see the tears that slowly ran out of her big, grey eyes and fell down on her red blouse. Se was staring out into the dark night, but her eyes had that frosty, distant look of someone whose mind was far away. I didn’t know what to say or what to do. A stranger was crying right in front of me, silently, as if she didn’t want to disturb anyone. Should I respect that and leave her alone? Should I ask her what was wrong? Ah, the dilemma of being...

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Fine Print

FINE PRINT "Oh my God!" Kimmie covered her mouth and laughed. "You're kidding, right?" "No, I'm not kidding, don't laugh." Jayme scowled at her best friend. "You're serious? How can you be serious?" The two were sitting at a table in the food court at the mall, both suckingon Karberfruit smoothies. They'd come straight from the salon where they'dboth had their hair done in the latest craze. Their hair was now embedded withsparkles so that it shimmered under the lights. Jayme had gone with...

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A Taste of Moiras Gold

The flight had been uneventful for Jack Maloney. He had purchased a discount round-trip ticket on the spur of the moment in a desire to see the land of his forebears before he got too old to enjoy himself. The airport near Dublin was crowded with tourists. The groups of guided tour members and the shrill voices of small children made him happy that he had decided to make up his own tour of the Emerald Isle using only his small guidebook as his compass. At only 35, Jack was not opposed to...

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Succubus Blessing 8211 Part 2 The Awakening

It had been 2 months since I bonded with Mayamohini, the succubus. The process of adapting to her power was hard and painful. My body could modify by the instinct of my need like speed, strength, and comfort. But when I changed any part of me at will, I felt excruciating pain. The next problem was supplies. I did not have a piece of cloth to cover me. I had pretty much-eaten anything edible near the palace. At night, I had to sneak into the village dressed in a ripped shirt and jeans. I stole a...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 79

Brent dropped down next to Emma to make sure she was ok. He had no idea why she was laughing like a lunatic. Bruiser, meanwhile, managed to open a container of white rice and his nose was buried in it. “Em, what’s going on?” Brent asked. It took Emma a few moments to resume her composure. “Oh, God, Brent,” she said, still chuckling. “I had this big seduction planned and I guess I ‘flubbed’ it!” Brent sat down on Emma’s side. Bruiser pulled his snout out to show it coated in white rice. He...

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Loves True ObsessionChapter 19

Ariel was laying on the bed, completely naked except for the ring on her finger and a small necklace around her neck. Her hair was loosened from its braid and cascaded over her shoulders, covering her lush breasts. Her perky little nipples were temptingly peeking out from between strands of her chocolaty hair, like tan buttons on brown silk. His gaze slid down over her breasts, across her slightly curved belly and down to the delectable dark curls that hid her sweet tangy secret spot that he...

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Cherrys extra classes

Hello, my name is Peter and I wrote this story on my cell phone so please excuse any mistakes I made. I was out of the country and did not have access to my pc. Please leave positive comments and messages. I posted this on another site as well. I hope you all enjoy. Cherry´s extraclasses"I will see you after school Cherry" said Mr.Orion sternly as she braced for the dismal afternoon session. Cherry was failing at biology and math and needed extra classes, her parents signed her up to study...

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CD Housemate

This story is about the first time I Fucked a CD. Let me clarify , I still prefer women then couples then couples with a CD. This is just to explain how I started being a Bi-topI had just moved to Canada for my MBA studies. After staying with my cousins for 2 weeks I had found an apartment for myself. It was a 2 bedroom apartment, a nice living area with a balcony and two bedrooms , one with its own bathroom the other room had its bathroom shared with the rest of the apartment. Now the...

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TeamSkeetXJavHub Riko Masaki 11092021

Just as cute as ever sitting on the bed in her schoolgirl outfit, Riko Masaki is just waiting to have her body played with. First her tits are exposed with their hard delicious nipples. Of course they deserve to be pinched and pulled, which makes her panty covered pussy ache to be played with. But before the panties come off she has to show off her blowjob skills. Riko does such a great job she gets her panties off and a powerful wand on her hairy pussy! The only thing left to do is fuck her...


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