Contact Sports Ch. 03 free porn video

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Pain! My head clouded as I felt the layers of unconsciousness slip away. I hunkered down, trying to return to oblivion. Muted voices and noises intruded, keeping me forcefully in the present. Pain! A hand clasping mine gently. I struggled to open my eyes, but the effort was too much as I succumbed to the darkness once again. Terror at the edges of my mind as flashes fought to surface to no avail. Pain! A prick…Sleep…

Waking again, I cracked my eyelids. Soft lighting in unfamiliar surroundings. Where was I? Starting to feel panicky as my brain screamed ‘Too soon!’ But I was awake and images flooded my mind. Turning my head slightly, my body aching at every movement, I could see the beginnings of dawn encroaching through the blinds. And that is when I saw him. Steve, restless in sleep, mumbling unintelligibly, crashed out on the chair pushed next to the bed, holding my hand. A day’s worth of stubble shading his strong jaw. He looked exhausted. More thoughts swirling in confusion around my tired brain, my throat dry and scratchy and sore. A door creaked just out of my line of sight and white crepe moccasins, blue pants and shirt appeared. I realized I was in hospital.

‘How are you feeling? I need to take your vitals and page the Doctor.’

I started to protest but I didn’t have the voice or the strength. I could feel Steve stirring in agitation in his chair as he came awake, still holding my hand. The nurse went briskly about her business, not acknowledging my questioning look, just saying the doctor would be here soon to answer them.

‘Marie, love, you gave me a scare! You’ve been here for over a day, unconscious. This has been the longest twenty-four hours of my life.’ He tenderly kissed my forehead.

‘Hey Steve…’ the weakness in my voice surprising me. ‘I feel like I was rode hard and put away wet. What happened?’

A small guffaw escaped his lips, he had heard the expression before. ‘You were hit by a car as you went to get a taxi. What possessed you to turn around at the airport?’

‘I saw the headlines and didn’t want you to face that alone.’

‘Oh, Baby! And you thought I would be upset?’ At my small nod, he smiled with a genuineness that hadn’t been in evidence earlier. I relaxed at his expression not realizing how tensely I had been holding myself. ‘Whatever I was feeling at that invasion dissipated the moment I got the call about you. You scared me to death. I know the network rang up your parents and they are flying in as we speak. No, you can’t protest! We had no idea how severely you were injured.’

I collapsed against the pillow my inept rebellion over. My body definitely did not want to hear anything about moving. The doctor walked in then and introduced himself, starting to examine me. Anxiety coursed through my veins and must have conveyed itself to him.

‘Young lady, you have suffered bumps, bruises, and a nasty gash on the back of your head and a concussion. You apparently hit your head on the curb. The headache is pretty much non-negotiable, I can adjust your medication, but if you could stay awake for a bit then I wouldn’t advise that.’

Mutely, I shook my head yes. I wanted to stay conscious, I wanted to look at Steve’s face. My love, I thought, I am sorry I put you through this.

‘I realize this young man is not related to you, but he was so forceful and insistent and caused quite a commotion. That it was more prudent to have him here than creating a ruckus.’ With that, the doctor took himself off, but not before lecturing Steve to not wear me out.

Alone at last, I felt a rush of love at his concern and presence. Steve is cute when he worries I decided, the little frown lines around his eyes making him more real to me. Brushing strands of hair out of my eyes he continued to contemplate me.

‘I guess you won’t be playing soccer for awhile.’ He heaved a sigh. ‘I was looking forward to continuing your lessons. But I value you for more than your attempts. Your wit, your gentleness, your intelligence all draws me to you. I thought I had lost you Marie, just when I had found you! Don’t ever scare me like that again, you took ten years off my life.’

Tears started forming in my eyes and rolled unchecked down my cheeks. I wanted to speak, but I was exhausted with the effort to stay awake. Seeing them, Steve’s expression turned rueful as he brushed them away with his thumb.

‘Don’t fret love. It will all sort itself out eventually.’ Looking at his watch, he had an impish grin on his face suddenly. ‘You know, I wanted to get you into bed, this isn’t how I envisioned it happening!’ My eyes widened at his humor and I gave him a small smile of appreciation.

The door opened once again and my parents were there. They rushed to the side of my bed, trying to get to me. Mom had tears in her eyes and Dad gruffly said ‘Hello’ in a choked up voice. Overwhelmed, I just looked at them helplessly. Steve gracefully stepped in and started to soothe them, explaining how he came to be in my life. I could only follow their conversation with my eyes, but it seemed to be turning out all right.

My mom moved closer to my dad so they could hold each other’s waists as they conversed with Steve. He effortlessly chatted, relaying some of the funnier moments of our acquaintance, the meeting in the locker room, our ensuing argument and trying to teach me soccer with the help of the kids. Wisely he didn’t speak of dinner in the hotel room or that I had gotten hit on the way out of the airport versus on the way in. Steve didn’t tell them that we were in love, probably to give me a chance to tell them myself.

Mom’s and Dad’s countenance’s visibly relaxed and they thanked him profusely for his time and consideration. Never once questioning why he was with me in hospital. I felt myself starting to get drowsy again and I could no longer hold on, sinking back into sleep.


Waking several hours later, I noticed all the flower arrangements that had arrived. The network sending a huge bouquet along with Phil’s small offering, a token of apology.

The wildflowers captured my attention, instinctively I knew those were from Steve. He walked in just then, freshly showered and changed. I missed the stubble, it had added character and given him a slightly rakish look. I must be feeling better as I gazed at him mischievously at the thought.

‘What has you smiling so?’ He inquired, his lips twitching in amusement.

‘I was just imagining you with the stubble, reminiscent of a pirate.’

He chuckled at that. ‘Good to see your humor starting to return. The Doctor said you could be released tomorrow. I brought you your dinner tray. Hospital food, clear liquids all, I am afraid. And then afterwards, I have a surprise for you.’

His turn to look mischievous. He adjusted the bed so that I was sitting up more fully and then he did an amazing thing! He started feeding me himself. The room felt less like a hospital room then, a more intimate tone being set. Very carefully he watched me as I took those tentative sips. When the clear broth dribbled down my chin, he dabbed at it with a napkin. Rather than feeling like an infant or petulant child, I felt cared for and loved. No one had ever taken care of me when I was sick. Finally finishing, I looked at him expectantly.

He went over the door and beckoned someone beyond my sight. Olivia and her mum! Way to go Steve, very cool! I thought a smile brightening my face.

‘Marie! Steve said you got hurt and I could help make you better like you did me yesterday! Mum says I need to say ‘thank you’ too. You did a good job. I am all better.’

And then that bundle of energy hopped on the bed and felt my forehead the way I had felt hers yesterday. I looked over at Steve and nodded my thanks, delight evident. Olivia chattered away for the next fifteen minutes relating all her little girl news as I tried to keep up with the conversation. When it was time to go
, she invited me over for a tea party. I looked to her mum to make sure it was okay before saying yes. Then like quicksilver, she was gone.

‘Thank you Steve. I loved my surprise!’

‘I knew you would. And you should see yourself with kids.’ I blushed at the compliment. ‘I’ve arranged to stay at hospital again. It was easy to convince them, especially with you on the mend. But I am a man on a mission.’ I invited him to cuddle with me, not easily done in a hospital bed with an IV attached to my forearm, but we accomplished it without too many complications.

Steve surprised me yet again. He started singing softly and with an amazing voice, a deep tenor that was well-suited to his song choices. I closed my eyes humming along, as I can’t sing without glass breaking. When he was done, he kissed me gently. Savoring the closeness and cherishing his warmth, I opened myself to him.

Quickly losing myself in that embrace. His lips fused with mine, his tongue sweeping my mouth, I sighed at the feeling that I belonged. Heat suffused my face and chest and my nipples responded hardening against his chest, my thighs tingling with awareness. I carefully brought my IV attached arm up to cup his cheek and turned into his body more, seeking more. Despite the present circumstances I wanted this man. I could feel his hard length pressed between our bellies.

Groaning in pleasure at the exciting things his mouth and body were doing to mine, I felt myself dampen. Hearing my whimper was a signal of sorts as Steve turned up the heat even further. One hand working it’s way to the outside of my thigh, he caressed me there. He carefully moved my leg onto his as he was lying sidewise with me. Opening me up, I felt his groin against mine and it was a delicious feeling. His hand traveling across the top of my thigh to rest on my mound. A hiss escaping his mouth as he felt how ready I was becoming. I shivered at the contact dampening even further, my thighs slick with heat and passion.

He flicked his thumb against me, rubbing, massaging the nub between two fingers, it felt so glorious. Slow buildup of pressure, I couldn’t help myself as I let him take over. My movements still restricted, I carefully squirmed half onto my back his fingers and mouth staying where they were, so my other hand, unencumbered by paraphernalia could brush against him.

Oh! He is bigger then I thought as I cupped him for the first time through his jeans, running my hand over his length repeatedly. He flinched moving towards my hand, heat emanating from him. We explored, we tasted, and we loved. Euphoria taking over as that first orgasm swept through my system. Coming apart in his arms I felt Steve shaking as well with his. Such a sweet release and surpassing all of my expectations. I pulsed and throbbed coming down slowly. I opened my eyes to stare into his.

‘I love you Steve.’ I breathed. ‘I love you.’ I would never tire of saying it to this man. He had conquered my heart, mind, body and soul. No conquered is the wrong word. He treasured them and I worshiped his in return.

‘I love you Marie.’ He enunciated each word clearly with a kiss. Our breathing modulated to the other, we fell into sleep, wrapped in each other’s arms.


When next I woke, I was alone. Steve had slipped out. Feeling bereft and slightly depressed, I stared out the window. Indecision and pain mixed with tears were reflected on my face. So many things still needed to be sorted out and I was uncertain of my future with Steve. Yes, we had spoken our feelings, but would it be that easy? I would need patience in the days to come, something I had a short supply of to start with.

Poking her head in, Mom came in, followed by Dad. I was glad to see them, even if the tears were still welling. Mom sat in the chair abandoned by Steve and Dad stood next to her. I could see questions abounding in their eyes and knew that the time had come to have a conversation about my future with them.

‘Marie, you look much better than yesterday. How are you feeling?’

‘I am feeling better, thanks. I never want to be a patient in hospital again though, I can tell you that much!’ I smiled tremulously at them both.

‘We know Ri.’ Using their pet name for me, Mom spoke again. ‘And we have spoken with Kim and the boys and Chris. All send their love. They wished they had been able to come too, but were relieved to hear you are doing better.’

‘I am sorry. I never meant to cause anyone worry. I am not sorry I came though, I never would have met Steve otherwise.’ I stated simply.

‘That is one of the things we wish to discuss with you. We have always told you that whomever you chose, we would welcome him into the family. Your Steve is delightful. He took Dad and me out to lunch today, which he didn’t have to do.’ Mom beamed.

‘He is very special to me, even though we have only known each other for a couple of days. I was going to quit my job and return. I am glad you like him.’ I hesitated. ‘I know that might come as a shock, but it feels right.’

‘Ri, you know we support you. It’s not how we would have liked to have met Steve, nevertheless we are happy for you both.’

‘Thank you. I love him. I can’t explain it, but I know that is true.’ I grinned impishly, despite feeling a minute amount of pain at exerting so many facial muscles. I guess I wasn’t as healed as I wanted to be. Hopefully my convalescence wouldn’t be as long as it felt it was going to be.

‘We are going to let you rest now. I will leave the number for the hotel on the nightstand. Steve had offered us his apartment here, but we didn’t feel right about that. Don’t hesitate to call if you need anything.’ They both kissed my forehead and left.

Well, one hurdle was crossed. Having my parents’ blessing certainly made my decision easier. The rest would sort itself out the way it was meant to. Besides, there wasn’t much I could do from the hospital bed I mused, why add worry to what was already occurring?

Closing my eyes, I drifted off to sleep again, happy thoughts reigning once more.


I was released the following day to Steve’s care. A small bandage still apparent and I was wobbly (without the heels this time), but I was leaving hospital food behind. A grin on my face as we exited the lobby, I wasn’t prepared for the flashbulbs. I was instantly blinded and started to trip (did I mention I am a klutz?). Steve gripped my arm preventing me, which was a good thing, because I was afraid I’d spend my life in the hospital at this rate! Steve tried to be as diplomatic as possible as we plowed through the photographers to his waiting car.

He sped away with decorum and I just giggled, watching them scramble to try and get into their vehicles. We arrived at his townhouse and he parked underneath. Whisking me up the stairs, I entered more simple elegance, soaking it in. Stark white walls interspersed with tasteful art, groupings of family photos in black and white, plush carpeting in muted tones and clean lines to the furniture. Sunlight spilled in everywhere. It was warm and homey and I felt at ease immediately. Steve continued to lead me through the apartment to the bedroom, citing that I should rest, but he was grinning mischievously.

Everywhere there will throw pillows, mostly on the bed. Steve swept most of them to the floor, strewing them all over. Taking our shoes off, we slid under the covers and Steve enfolded me in his arms, shushing me to sleep. He was so warm and giving, I couldn’t resist placing my lips against his pulsing throat and tasting him there. Steve rubbed his arms up and down my back, pulling me closer. Oh, now I was definitely awake. Banked embers flared to life and we started exploring with more excitement, clothing disappearing as the pillows had.

Steve pulled me on top of him to sprawl lazily. Framing his face, I placed butterfly kisses over his lashes, his nose, cheeks and mouth. Then I started nibbling the bottom of h
is ear, as I moved against him sinuously, showing him without words how damp and ready I was. Steve’s erectness was dancing against me as well, becoming dampened by my rising passions. Sliding back and forth in an easy rhythm, teasing and tempting him, I just took him inside my entrance. Watching the play of emotions cross his face, I would move up and down a bit, taking more of him in each time, until he was finally seated deep inside of me. I added a rocking motion, holding his hands all the while, continuing to lock my gaze with his.

Expanding and contracting my muscles, I could feel Steve grow harder inside of me. Gentleness abounding, we created an atmosphere ideal for our mutual release. Resting, breathless for a few minutes. I moved down Steve’s body, despite his murmured protest.

Ending up between his quivering thighs, I just watched his groin and then I played. My lips and tongue reaching out to tease him some more, I felt our mingled juices. Sliding my tongue down his length and back up a few times, I took him more fully into my mouth. Working up and over him, he soon had grown tumescent in my mouth. Sensing his growing excitement, I kept at it, my head bobbing up and down, my hair brushing against his thighs. Soon Steve was spilling into my mouth and I was lapping up all the juices. Moving back up his body, I encircled him in my arms drifting to sleep, with Steve mouthing ‘thank you’ against my forehead.

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Story by Phil PhantomI married my high school sweetheart and moved to the big city three years ago. Pam has grown more beautiful each year. We met in the pre-schooler's Sunday school and married in that same church f******n years later. I learned a good trade in the heating and air business. I landed a great job with a company that stays busy and pays well. After a year with AAA Heating and Air, Pam and I decided to start a family. Unlike many of our peers, we remained virgins until our wedding...

2 years ago
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Short Story after the Sport

When he awoke the bedside next to him was rumpled but empty. Still sleeping, he wondered what day was today and where his wife could be. He quickly remembered, 1. Sunday and 2. Jogging. For some time, she had always something to suspend their figure and now meant to have to change something with regular exercise on this condition.He had a very different opinion. He found his wife just right after ten years of marriage and mid-forties as she was. Curves in the right places and in bed still...

2 years ago
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Vanessa Now Transformed Makes Some Sport

Vanessa now transformed, makes some sport It was a total scandal when I told my mother everything about my new aspirations. Obviously, I never said anything about my step sister Elena; that would have to remain a secret. After a while, my mother accepted the fact that I would never become a real man: seeing me dressed up as a slut everyday certainly helped her to understand the situation. She finally made peace with me and even started to give me some suggestions. My outfits were way...

2 years ago
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Headmistress Favorite Sport

Headmistress' favoritesport By 2NN Authors note: Be warned: Thisone is more than a little extreme. This story shouldnot be shown to, or be read by, minors. It is strictly adult material. Prologue The twins Joannaand Jocelyn watched their older brother, Dennis, with contempt. They boththought that he was a complete wimp, a weak little sissy. Being related tothe useless creep was embarrassing. Not only was he small and weak, his tinyhands and feet combined with his very fine features made...

2 years ago
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Golf Is Such A Wonderful Sport

Golf is a wonderful sport. Being outdoors, being able to drink a beer while playing. And there's meeting a wonderful man.Yes, that's right. Paul and I have been dating for seven months now. I met him while volunteering at a local golf tournament, checking tickets, and acting as a liaison between the country club and the caddies.Paul was a caddie and I noticed him right away, his tall six-foot frame and athletic build from what I gathered was from swimming and running. I quickly daydreamed...

2 years ago
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Killing Angels For Sport

Oh death, why has thou forsaken me? My name is Anthony Dhaliwal Adewale, and I want to die. The problem is that I can’t. And that, my friends, is a problem. Anyone looking at me would see a six-foot-one, lean and athletic young biracial man with light brown skin, light brown eyes and curly black hair. I was born in the City of Imphal, in the Manipur State of the Republic of India, to an African immigrant father and Punjab Indian mother. I lived in the Republic of India for most of my early...

4 years ago
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Bored after sport

(This story is ficiton, but i hope you enjoy!) A few days back me and a few of the lads had just finished a great game of football. We won 4-2 and we’re sweating like dirty pigs, as normal we heaeded back to get changed and shower. In the shower our goalie Jason kept looking at our dicks and asses, until he was wanking none of us realised, his dick seemed to triple in size instantaniously, at this point everybody apart from me was wanking. I was washing my hair, suddenly i feel a warm...

3 years ago
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Spectator Sport

There was a huge difference in their ages, but that didn't seem to bother either of them. Molly was twenty one and straight out of university, whilst bookish Nick was in his sixties, though he was secretive (even to her) about exactly which part of the sixties he was currently in.Up to now it had been a platonic friendship, albeit laced with overt flirting on both sides. They had even talked about going on holiday together.Over a quiet supper in a local pizzeria, Nick had decided to up his...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Bored after sport

(This story is ficiton, but i hope you enjoy!)A few days back me and a few of the lads had just finished a great game of football. We won 4-2 and we're sweating like dirty pigs, as normal we heaeded back to get changed and shower.In the shower our goalie Jason kept looking at our dicks and asses, until he was wanking none of us realised, his dick seemed to triple in size instantaniously, at this point everybody apart from me was wanking. I was washing my hair, suddenly i feel a warm sensation...

3 years ago
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Water sport

My throat burned from all the cigarettes I’d smoked, and shots of whiskey I’d drank. Sitting at this bar for the last several hours was beginning to bore me. I had seen several interesting-looking men, but just didn’t seem to have the motivation to approach any of them. I figured I’d spend another night at home alone, jacking myself lazily, was what I had to look forward to. I was wrong. I stepped up from my barstool and headed to the john to take a last piss before I walked down the block to...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 21 No Balls Makes the Best Sport

February, 1985, Chicago, Illinois Things went along smoothly until I remembered that in addition to the Penguins game, Thursday was also Valentine’s Day. I’d completely forgotten about it until Wednesday evening, and by then it was too late to do much about it. I called Bethany on Wednesday night because it would be tough to call her on Thursday with work and the hockey game. She was forgiving and told me to have fun at the game. I promised to make it up to her when I could, but I couldn’t...

2 years ago
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Good Sport

Copyright © 1997, Phil Phantom, ALL Rights Reserved I married my high school sweetheart and moved to the big city three years ago. Pam has grown more beautiful each year. We met in the pre-schooler's Sunday school and married in that same church fourteen years later. I learned a good trade in the heating and air business. I landed a great job with a company that stays busy and pays well. After a year with AAA Heating and Air, Pam and I decided to start a family. Unlike many of our...

1 year ago
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Baseball The all american sport

I was sitting in the stands watching and recording each move of a baseball game, keeping a watchful eye on every tight ass on the field - especially the one belonging to the pitcher. As the game drew to a close, I could feel myself getting hotter and hotter. Before I knew it, I was wiggling in my seat! When the game was over I took off for my post-game interviews. My press pass got me into the locker room area where I congratulated the team. When I finally made my way to my favorite player, I...

1 year ago
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Baseball The AllAmerican Sport

I was sitting in the stands watching and recording each move of a baseball game, keeping a watchful eye on every tight ass on the field - especially the one belonging to the pitcher. As the game drew to a close, I could feel myself getting hotter and hotter. Before I knew it, I was wiggling in my seat! When the game was over I took off for my post-game interviews. My press pass got me into the locker room area where I congratulated the team. When I finally made my way to my favorite player, I...

2 years ago
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French Vacation

Travelling with a well known airline it was a fairly long drive in our hire car to the appartment we were renting. Having arrived late Linda had ffered to do the breakfast run down to where ever the local shops were to pick up some essentials.I must have been asleep when she had left as I was awoekn by the smell of fresh coffee being served at the bedside. Linda was wearing a tiny tubedress and heels which made the occasion even more special. I thanked Linda for dressing up just for me. As...

3 years ago
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Lupe The Colombian Guesthouse MILF Entertains

I continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse.I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating from university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.My Uncle Gerry was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was...

3 years ago
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Neighbor Boy And Me

Putting on one of the many football jersey's from my older brother's closet (sports really aren't my thing but they were apparently my crush's) and tying it in the back with a knot that showed the tiniest bit of my lower back and navel, I made sure my blood red hair was flat ironed and swept over at just the right angle to reveal my pixie nose and thin-set lips. how could he pass this up, even if he was straight? I was practically a 16 year old girl, not the 18 year old man-boy I was in...

3 years ago
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Coffee Tea or Me Chapter 5

We started planning our Paris getaway in earnest the next morning. I was able to book us a room in the same hotel complex the Adult expo was being held at. 10 days was about as long as Claire felt comfortable being away from the Cafe, so we reserved one of the luxury suites for the duration. My new documentation, passports and ID cards had arrived recently, so I was all set to travel without too many problems. I also took the liberty of ordering us both a new super high-end luggage set...

3 years ago
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Moms Eye for Sons ToothChapter 3

Chuck failed to be moved. "Mother, how could you?" "hmm?" She responded weakly. Slowly he disengaged his languid member. "Jacking my dick off wasn't sick enough for you, huh? What was I thinking? I never should have put my prick near your wicked lips!" "Ch", she coughed as the fullness in her mouth escaped. "Chuck? I-I don't understand." "You Bitch! You goddamn, COCKSUCKING BITCH!" Chuck struck the side of his mom's face so hard she fell over in her weak state." Dorothy...

2 years ago
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This story is pure fantasy created from my twisted mind when I lusted for my daughter like most human fathers blessed with a beautiful daughter though I must admit I never touched her before she turned eighteen and ironically it was she who seduced me, but that,s true life and this story is not! Katie Ross was terrified of electrical storms, seemed to have suffered this fear from an early age. Living in midwestern USA these storms occurred often especially in early summer. When her parents were...

3 years ago
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Ambers Family Part 11

“I pulled my little panties aside for you already so that you can fuck me quickly before work. Please, Daddy? I need your cum deep inside me before you go.” “Not sure I have time, baby,” said Michael, dressed in his work suit. His cock was slowly growing in his slacks as he looked at her perfect body and back to her hopeful gorgeous face. “Daddy, I know you could use another cum before work,” she said in a pouty tone. She walked up to him and pushed her tits against him. She reached down and...

2 years ago
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Good Old Boys Club Part 1

Introduction: Hi yall! GB here. This is my first story on the site, I hope you guys like it. Leave a comment, Id love to hear some feedback from you guys. This story has sort of a slow build, but therell be plenty of hot sex coming up in later chapters as well! Theres a bit at the end of this one to keep you guys interested and give a sample of whats to come. Hope you enjoy! [1] Ooh, looks like weve got a whale. Candi, one of the more popular strippers at The Dollhouse, surreptitiously...

3 years ago
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Down To Earth A SuperHero Fantasy

Down To Earth (A Super-Hero Fantasy) By Dale Ribbons We begin our story with Trent McCoy III. Trent was 30 years old, a multi-millionaire, and head of one of the largest media conglomerates in the world. He was devastatingly handsome, with wavy brown hair, piercing blue eyes, and a tall, well-toned physique that looked great in his expensive tailored business suits. One would think that with all this going for him, Trent would have many romantic liaisons. You would be wrong....

3 years ago
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Lindas Web of Seduction 3

I remember working that day with a smile never far from my lips. The sounds and smells of and tastes from our sex the night before and then again that morning were swimming in my mind and I really didn't get much done at work. When quitting time came I was exhausted, though, and went straight home.Soon after eating dinner my phone rang. It was Linda. She was disappointed that I hadn't come back to her place and teasingly promised to "suck [my] dick" if I hurried over. As great as that would...

3 years ago
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Arie and Brandon Naked In SchoolMonday part 2

As Arie and I and the dark-eyed girl walked away from the cafeteria, it suddenly struck me that, for the most part, I hadn't noticed all day that I was naked. I hadn't asked for relief, I'd barely had a hard-on. Considering the circumstances, that was probably okay. Arie and her stories—me and my stories—were hardly conducive to things getting hot and bothered. Basically the only time I'd gotten an erection all day was during break, when Jane was near. (I wonder why Zach hadn't teased me...

2 years ago
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Work Stress Relief

"Welcome aboard John," the man said, extending his hand out for a shake. "Thanks Mr. Johnson," John replied. It had been a typical first day on the job for John -- boring training videos and even more boring discussions about the company policies and procedures. Even the lady who was doing the orientation told them up front it was going to be boring, but she had to do it anyway. She would do silly things to try to make it all interesting, even slipping everyone some candy here and there....

3 years ago
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Aspiring actress Chelseas story part 2

Anyway mum and dad said their goodbyes and Chelsea made up the sofa bed in the front room for Rob, he hadnt planned on staying so had no overnight stuff to wear and had been given some money for new clothes tomorrow to see him through. Soon enough they were sitting down making awkward small talk, sensing the awkwardness Chelsea made excuse that needed early night and was going to shower and change. She thought she better just quickly check the laptop to make sure she could tell her blackmailer...

2 years ago
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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 4 Summer Camp Initiation

The newly appointed Boy Scoutmaster Rebecca Anderson made her nightly check of all her teenaged charges and made certain they were all wearing regulation nightwear because the tents were coed and embarrassing situations could arise unintentionally if some young lady or young lad accidently went to answer a call of nature without proper attire. Rebecca felt a bit hypocritical about her actions because she usually slept in the raw loving the feel of smooth sheets on her hot female skin. When...

3 years ago
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Princess Charming

"Leave it there, my man." "Very well, Ma'am." (He had to call her Ma'am, it was part of his contract). She stood and contemplated the awful twisted rusty iron sculpture that she'd just bought on the advice of her great friend Rupert. Rupert is a twit who thinks he knows about art and who thinks that his inane wittering will one day gain him entrance to the only gallery he's really interested in. Some hope. The Princess doesn't open the doors of her most private collection for...

3 years ago
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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 18 Mary

I went to Still Waters one Wednesday. I thought Anne would be there, and she was. Out by the pool in the sun. I went and lay beside her on the lounge. "Hi," I said. "It's Wednesday. You usually don't come on Wednesday any more. I'm glad to see you." "I wanted to see you. Talk some." "Anything wrong?" "No, Anne, I just felt like I hadn't been with you for a while, and I wanted to spend some time." "Good. I've missed you." "Have I been away so long?" "Not really, of...

1 year ago
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A Class Reunion to Remember Ch 6

I slept like a newborn baby after my torrid threesome with Anna and Martina. When I woke up the next morning I discovered I was alone. There was a note on the nightstand from Anna, Hey Lover, We are so sorry we couldn’t be there when you woke up but we both had a early flight to catch for our next tournament and you were sleeping so good we didn’t want to wake you. Attached to the bottom of this note you will find a couple of rings. They are the rings that Martina and I were wearing last...

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