Diavolo Ch. 12 free porn video

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Finally. Thought I’d never finish this chapter, and I did at three in the morning. I’m dead tired so please excuse the errors. I know. inexcusable, but if i hold it to edit then it won’t post Tuesday or Wednesday. I had Type O Negative’s ‘Love You To Death’ on a loop as I wrote this chapter. its a Gothic-y sexy ballad that kept me in the right mind frame for Gabriel and Abby’s story. Hope you all enjoy it and vote and/or comment. your comments and support (votes) are what keep me motivated to keep writing no matter how I feel. Thank you!


Gabriel helped her down from the sharp rocks that led to the beach from the back of Ariel’s sprawling glass and steel mansion. The full moon lit a silver path over the foaming sea as it surged up the beach. She wrapped her arms around Gabriel’s broad shoulders as he pulled her against him to lift her feet off the rocks. His silken dark mane engulfed her face, blown by the strong ocean breeze.

Abigail smiled, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath of his sexy masculine scent. Her entire front slid slowly down his hard-hard body until her bare toes touched the sand.

He was hard in his jeans, as usual, for her, and Abby wanted to cling and savor the feel of him a bit, but he pulled away, taking her hand with a sweet smile instead.

‘Aren’t you afraid the paps will be around?’ she teased looking up to the star-speckled night sky.

‘I heard there’s a big party in LA tonight. They’ll be busy there,’ he answered walking with her along the water’s edge.

She smiled and slipped her arm around his waist when he threw his around her shoulders. His warmth permeated her very fiber, and his scent mixed with the salt of the sea, a heady aphrodisiac.

It was hard to believe that only a few months ago they’d met at this very house and now in two days time they might get married. He hadn’t brought up the subject of their wedding that weekend again. It really was just too soon, though Abigail didn’t want a big production of it. She was fine with them just going to some courthouse, or having a small private ceremony at some church.

‘What are you thinking about?’ his deep voice purred, making her startle.

Her face grew warm, she didn’t want to bring up their marriage in case he was having second thoughts.

Gabriel chuckled and pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head. She was pretty much tucked under his armpit since he was so tall.

‘We haven’t set anything for our wedding,’ she replied in a small voice when he remained looking down at her.

He stopped and sat down on the sand, pulling her down by his side.

‘You haven’t exactly let me know what kind of wedding you’d like,’ was his soft amused reply.

Abigail wasn’t sure why she felt so relieved with his answer. Clearing her throat and pushing her glasses up her nose, she studied her toes as they dug into the soft sand. ‘I’d prefer something simple.’

Gabriel nodded, looking out toward the silver path the moon painted on the surging ocean.

Abigail studied his profile, the chiseled jaw, lush mouth, sharp cheekbones, and sweeping black lashes over vivid green eyes. He was like an exotic creature with his flowing dark hair and rippling muscles. So beautiful.

He turned to look at her too, and she was ensnared in that heated gaze. His eyes caressed every feature on her face before lowering to smolder even more as they took the rest of her in.

She’d worn a floral maxi that had delicate straps and a crocheted hem that came to her ankles. Pia had made what she called a messy braid in her hair, which was nothing more than a very loose French braid. Wisps of her hair kept whipping her face with the rush of the wind.

Gabriel smirked and Abigail felt her lips quirk in answer.

‘What were we talking about?’ he said grinning.

She laughed and then sucked in a breath when he leaned over and pressed his mouth to hers.

His tongue swept over her lower lip before darting inside to make love to her mouth when she opened for him.

Her toes curled in the sand and her heart hammered against her ribs. Her caveman could kiss her stupid every time.

He sank his teeth gently into her full lower lip before drawing away again.

‘If you could go anywhere, where would you go?’ he asked.

She blinked a few times, clearing her passion fogged brain.

Gabriel waited patiently for her reply.

Anywhere was heaven as long as she was with him, but she remembered the dream she had the night before. They were sitting atop a high mountain, just looking at the beautiful view below. A green forest stretched as far as the eye could see. She’d felt such peace in that dream.

‘The mountains,’ she said with a sigh.

He grinned. ‘Just out on a mountain or like a little cabin up in the mountains?’

Abigail smiled at the prospect of shacking up with Gabriel in a rustic cabin.

‘The cabin idea sounds nice.’ The ocean surf drew closer to their feet. ‘Or a deserted island…just the two of us.’ Away from all the reporters, fans, and family.

He leaned in again, running his nose along her cheek. Abigail turned her head and took his mouth this time, reaching over to slide her fingers into his hair. He gripped her around the waist and fell back, pulling her partially over him.

The breeze had her dress up around her thighs, but she didn’t care. Curling one leg up over his groin, Abby kissed him with all the love she felt. Above, from the mansion she could hear ‘Love You to Death’, by Type O Negative playing over Ariel’s fancy sound system. The sexy, slow ballad was the perfect mood setter for the moment.

Gabriel’s hips rose a bit, his erection pressing into her belly, setting her afire. Oh, how she desired her beautiful soon-to-be husband. Oh, how she loved him.

He rolled them over and lifted his head to look into her eyes. ‘It’s getting late.’

‘Let’s go home,’ she sighed wanting to continue this moment in the privacy of the apartment.

Gabriel smoothed back a strand of her air with one finger. ‘How about we crash here for tonight? The guys and I want to work on some music for the album.’

Abigail tried not to let her disappointment show. Gabriel was a musical virtuoso, so gifted. She knew how important it was to allow him to continue to make his music unimpeded.

Gabriel gave her another drugging kiss. ‘Eeyore’s got rooms galore in this place. Just crash in one of them for tonight.’

She let her hands skim over the bulging muscles of his upper arms and shoulders to stop at his firm pecs. She looked into his eyes. The breeze had swept his dark hair over to one side of his face, making her breath catch at how stunning he looked bathed in silver moonlight. ‘Will you join me later tonight?’

Her face heated up in embarrassment at how breathless and needy she sounded.

Gabriel just smiled. ‘You want me to sleep with you?’

They’d been sleeping together since she’d moved into her new apartment, among other things she actually couldn’t believe she’d done with him. Lot’s of almost sex.

She opened her mouth to answer, but he kissed her instead.

After thoroughly melting into a puddle of want on the sand, he moved away, to her disappointment, and stood.

Abigail accepted his hand and let him haul her up from the sand. They were both coated in it and laughed as they swatted each other’s backsides to get the gritty stuff off. Again, he helped her up the steep incline, back up to the mansion.

The guys were in the game room just off the chamber with the interior pool. Gabriel led her to the door and kissed her there. He was somber, his eyes fixed intently on her face.

‘I usually sleep on the third floor, to the left at the top of the landing, fourth door to your right.’

Abigail nodded, mentally stowing away the directions to the room.

‘Later?’ she asked hopefully.

He smiled and just kissed her again.

Abby trudged up the stairs to the third floor. The room was like the rest of the house, sparsely furnished, half of it nothing but glass overlooking the ocean. With a sigh, she eyed her dress and shrugged. She’d have to forgo the shower tonight, though she had taken one just before they’d gone to dinner earlier.

Gabriel had taken her to a little Italian restaurant for a romantic candle light dinner before they’d come over to Ariel’s house.

She snuggled under the covers in the king-sized bed and closed her eyes. They still hadn’t discussed the wedding plans. It really was impossible to get married that Saturday. Didn’t they need to do blood work and apply for a license or something? She had no idea. She never thought she’d be getting married after Daniel had dumped her for her sister. It was probably the biggest favor Daniel could have ever done for her. What she felt for Gabriel far surpassed anything she’d ever felt for Daniel.

Her feelings for Gabriel were so intense. It was more than just passion. They’d gone to a youth center he frequented with Michael where troubled teens went. Abigail had felt so proud seeing him interact with those kids, watching their faces of amazement when he and Mike walked into the center’s music room. Their joy when their favorite rock stars jammed with them and gave them pointers.

Abigail snuggled with a grin into the pillow. She closed her eyes and let herself drift off to sleep, waiting for Gabriel to come to her.


He was on stage. Gabriel’s voice filled the immense arena with its raw power. Women screamed amidst the roaring crowd. He’d taken his shirt off and sweat made his glorious body gleam. Abigail didn’t understand why she was in the audience in front of the stage. There were so many people she could barely move.

Someone had their hand on her arm and was shaking her.

‘Wake up.’

Light blinded her, like the sun.

‘Geez, woman. She sleeps heavier than you, Eeyore.’

Abigail blinked up into Angelo’s face. Stubble covered half his face and his blond curls were sleep-tousled.

She felt disorientated as she clutched the covers to her chin and looked around, realizing she’d been dreaming of Gabriel on stage.

The scene of a bright blue sky and turquoise ocean greeted her through the floor to ceiling panes of glass that made up two sides of the corner bedroom.

Turning to her left, she saw the sheets on Gabriel’s side undisturbed.

He’d never come to bed.

As if sensing her disappointment, Angelo said ‘Gabe has a surprise for you.’

Abigail blinked up at them from beneath the covers.

A surprise?

The night before Gabriel and she had talked very briefly about their wedding. She had no idea how to plan for one, or exactly what she wanted. Abigail didn’t want anything extravagant. She doubted much could be done on such short notice anyhow. It was already Friday anyway.

Angelo and Ariel refused to answer her queries on Gabriel’s whereabouts and barely gave her time to get ready. They ushered her out to a black limo that was waiting in front of Ariel’s home and got in as Angelo waved indulgently at the few photographers waiting around to snap their pictures.

She couldn’t get a word out of them as to where they were going, or what Gabriel was up to.

She tried calling Gabriel, but he wasn’t answering his phone.

The limo whisked them off to the airport where they boarded a private jet.

She followed their lead, all the while her eyes wide in shock as she wondered what her boyfriend, soon-to-be crazy husband was up to for the hundredth time.

At first she thought he was having her taken to Vegas for a quick wedding, but as the flight lagged into its third hour, she knew they were not headed to Vegas. It wasn’t that far.

Abigail was treated to champagne, chocolates, and a foot massage. Angelo and Ariel talked about their escapades during tours and evaded her questions about Gabriel.

They flew over cities and open plains, until clouds covered most of the view below. Hours later, they landed.

‘Where are we?’ Abigail asked walking out into a wall of stifling heat on the tarmac.

Another black limo awaited them a few yards away from the plane.

‘South Carolina,’ Angelo answered.

‘What?’ Abigail sputtered, coming to a halt halfway between the plane and limo. ‘Why are we in South Carolina?’

‘Secret,’ Ariel answered putting his hand at the small of her back to urge her forward.

Abigail didn’t budge. ‘Okay. You’ve both been very loyal to Gabe in keeping me in the dark, but I’m not taking a single step until you tell me what’s going on.’

Ariel huffed, looking frustrated behind his black sunglasses as the slight breeze ruffled his thick, black waist-length curls.

Angelo, who was waiting by the open limo door, stalked back to them, and before Abigail could stop him, he picked her up and flipped her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Her indignant cries fell on deaf ears.

Inside the limousine, she dialed Gabriel’s number again and left him a stern message about kidnapping and crazy long-haired rock stars.

Sometime during the long drive in the limo, Abigail fell asleep.

The sunlight warmed her face as Ariel nudged her arm.

‘We’re here.’

She blinked up at the tall bass player before looking past him and gasping.

There was a quaint, little, white cottage surrounded by lush landscaping. Everywhere she looked, she could see mountains. The view was breathtaking.

‘Oh, my god,’ she breathed as Ariel helped her out of the limo. ‘Where are we?’

‘It’s called Red Horse Inn,’ Angelo supplied. ‘The main building is down through there. Gabe got you a private cottage.’

She walked up the steps to the cottage as if in a trance. The entire interior was in shades of white, cream, and soft grey. There was a sitting area, which consisted of two wing chairs set before a fireplace. Toward the back corner of the room was a king-sized canopied bed, draped in gauzy white curtains. The sunlight poured in through the large windows that lined the wall next to the bed, showing a spectacular view to verdant green mountains.

‘Oh, my God,’ she huffed in awe. Gabriel had set her up in a little cottage by the mountains.

But where was he? Where was he gorgeous soon-to-be husband?

After gaping at her room for a long moment, she spun and shouted back at Angelo and Ariel just as they were getting back into the limousine.

‘I didn’t pack anything. You didn’t tell me I should pack.’

Angelo and Ariel looked at one another and shrugged.

‘I don’t believe this,’ Abigail huffed shaking her head.

Angelo pulled out his phone and began tapping on the screen.

Frowning, Abigail made her way down to them again.

Angelo looked at her when she was close enough and said, ‘he says to check the armoire.’

Abigail frowned at them, ignoring the irritation she felt that he answered their texts and not hers. ‘Okay. Where are you guys off to? Are you leaving me alone here? Is Gabe coming to join me? Where is he?’

Ariel and Angelo shared a secret smile that was already getting on her nerves every time they did it.

‘We’ll be close by. We got the cottages farther down the road,’ the blond drummer replied pointing to another little cottage further along the circular road.

‘Where is he?’ Abigail demanded stomping her foot.

‘He won’t say where he is,’ Angelo answered holding his palms up, ‘honest.’

When Abigail scowled at Ariel, he just shoved his hands into his pockets and began rocking side to side on his big feet like he always did when he was nervous. ‘Don’t look at me. I don’t know either.’

With a frustrated huff and roll of the eyes, Abigail trudged back up the steps to her cute cottage and close
d the door.

It was so beautiful, she couldn’t stay annoyed very long. The armoire caught her attention and she walked over to it before exploring the rest of the cottage.

There weren’t many items within the armoire to her surprise, and everything had a handwritten envelope pinned to it. The one on the white terry robe read ‘open me first’.

Taking the little envelope, Abigail opened it and pulled out the small note within.

Her heart clenched and eyes misted over when she read the first words.

‘Hey, baby,

First, I want to tell you how much I love you, but there are no words to encompass the wealth of feeling inside me for you. Thank you for coming into my life. You’ve given it new meaning. Given me a new reason to open my eyes in the morning, brought a new melody to my heart. I’ve never been happier. I know right know you’re probably wondering what the heck I’m up to, but I promise you, it’s a good surprise. First, I want you to take a nice soak in that claw-foot tub in the bathroom. Use the bubble bath and products I told the staff to have for you, and then slip into the terry robe because I have someone coming over to give you a full spa treatment. Relax and enjoy yourself today. I’ll see you tomorrow.’


Disappointment zipped through her. With a little pout, she looked at the other garments in the armoire. A white maxi with a tag that read ‘for dinner’ and a long satin nightgown with its cover whose tag read ‘dream of me.’

She was supposed to spend the whole day until dinner with the terry robe?

The bubble bath was soothing, especially when she found an iPod with romantic music set up for her by Gabriel. Her favorites were the love ballads by Diavolo. She would never tire of hearing his voice. Not having him here with her made her feel lonely. She dialed his number again and became sadder when it went into voice mail again.

‘I don’t know what you’re up to, but…I miss you, baby. I’m taking that bubble bath you told me to do…wishing you were here with me.’

Her face heated up at her bold statement and she hung up before she said something else inappropriate, only to realize she hadn’t told him she loved him or thanked him for her little retreat.

The water was so warm and wonderful, she was almost tempted to take a nap inside the tub, but the thought that someone was coming over had her leaving her frothy sanctuary. Emptying out the tub, she switched on the overhead shower to wash her hair and rinse off the bubbles from her body.

No sooner had she tied the sash around her terry robe, there was a knock at the door to the cottage.

Adjusting the towel she’d wrapped around her head, she padded out of the bathroom and opened the door to a pleasant faced older woman dressed in a powder blue long dress that matched her friendly eyes.

The lady, whose name was Miranda, gave Abigail an all over waxing session. Followed by a full body massage that lasted a little over an hour. Abigail received a relaxing facial and then Miranda did Abigail’s hair and nails.

Food was brought to the cottage and Abigail nibbled on the various fruits and cheeses laid out on platters.

After Miranda left, she changed into the maxi. The limo was waiting for her when she stepped out of the cottage—ridiculous, because she could have just walked to the main building for dinner.

Angelo and Ariel were waiting inside for her with grins.

They were just as tight-lipped about Gabriel’s whereabouts as they had been that morning, but Abby was so relaxed and feeling so beautiful in her pretty white dress, she didn’t care anymore. She couldn’t wait until Gabriel saw all the lovely curls framing her face compliments of Miranda’s talented hands, or the delicate French manicure the woman had done on her fingernails.

Dinner was delicious with southern dishes. Afterwards, Angelo and Ariel kept her company a while at her cottage.

The sun set behind the mountains as Abigail listened once more to Gabriel’s romantic playlist over the sound system in the cottage.

Her phone began to ring.

She made a mad dash for it when she realized it was Gabriel’s ringtone.

‘Hello?’ she almost shouted in her excitement that he’d finally called. Tears sprang to her eyes when his deep voice purred out a greeting. ‘Oh, Gabriel. Where have you been?’ she choked out.

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“I haven’t eaten since I got here, but I think I can keep up,” I told Tina. “Maybe. You look a bit big to do parkour gracefully and not to bust your ass,” Tina teased. “I guess we will see, won’t we?” You didn’t get the memo, I see. You’re challenging a grandmaster in all martial arts to do some jumps, flips, rolls, walk narrow ledges, and bounce off walls. I would freak out the Ninja Warrior people. I went to my apartment here to find some workout clothes. It wasn’t hard to find a pair of...

3 years ago
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Be Careful What You Wish For

"Be Careful What You Wish For!" It had started out so simply, I couldn't believe what was happening to me now! My mind reeled as Cindy, Ted's ex-wife drove the car along as I sat silently on the passenger side. I'd rented a nice apartment, one of several that Ted Watkins owned. By accident he came by for an inspection to look around one afternoon. I'd forgotten all about it. He had a pass key and let himself in and caught me swishing around the house in a dress, looking like a 50's...

1 year ago
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Our First Date

I met him at the library, in my writers group.  It is hard to find good men, and that is a problem that only gets worse as we get older.  All the good ones are taken, one way or another.  He is older than I am, but that's okay.  A mature man is probably good for me.  Goodness knows I've had my share of losers over the years.  I wasn't blessed with a good eye, when it came to picking men.    My high school sweetheart was killed by a drunk driver when he was 17.  I was devastated at the loss.  I...

Love Stories
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A Bird in the Hand

The war is finally over. The lady dressed in black bows her head as your King signs the last slip of paper, signing away her freedom and that of her people. Her proud features struggle to conceal signs of a broken spirit and she shakily rises to leave as she is dismissed. Yes, the war is over, and it is now time to celebrate your hard-fought victory. You grin as euphoria washes through the room filled with soldiers and nobles.

3 years ago
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Going To Night School

If you've read my Journal you will know that I'm not a very big person (well, the features that you can see when I've got some clothes on) and that my face is quite young looking. Just before Christmas 2000 I'd lost my part-time job as a hairdresser when the building that the salon was in caught fire. Just after Christmas 2000 Jon decided that I would go back to school. At first I was a bit horrified that he wanted me to spend days sitting through boring lessons, but after a couple of...

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Daddys Visit

Kat was gone.She and I had rapidly put together a plan to hide the truth of her pregnancy from the world. She'd go back to G____ University, where she had deferred her admission two years prior, and resume her studies until she began to show. It wasn't a perfect plan. It would be assumed that the baby was conceived at school and would likely arrive a month early. The doctors wouldn't be fooled. They would require a different cover story.It was a tearful decision for both of us. I had to send...

3 years ago
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Finding Her Heart in Portland

Introduction: A Southern blonde finds a submissive brunette in a club Finding Her Heart in Portland I sat there on my barstool, twiddling the straw in my drink, a fantastic blend of rum and fruit juices, wondering if Id find anyone who caught my interest tonight. The hotel concierge had recommended this club, a secluded venue named Jolt, tucked into an out of the way Portland neighborhood. I loved my new dress, a form fitting bit in a deep and dark purple that clung to ever single curve I...

2 years ago
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A Rainy Night in ParisChapter 13

"Alexander, you old fraud," Monique said as he bent down to kiss her cheek once she was settled into her chair. Greg was already moving around to the driver's side as Alex steered Monique to the front of the restaurant where Samantha and Rachel had so recently entered. Alex had watched them go in from a discrete distance while watching for Monique's car. They had arranged it so that Samantha would get seated and comfortable before Monique made her entrance. The restaurant was Monique's...

3 years ago
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Puppetmasters Revenge w my old HS Teacher

"So you only went to Springfield Community College?"That question was what resonated loudest from my latest failed job interview. I thought it was going smoothly up until that moment. And from there it went downhill, just like the other dozen or so interviews I had gone to this past month. It seemed like a pretentious thing to hold against someone, but I was aiming high in my career while lacking the prestigious university degree on my resume. I would settle for even the small respectable state...

3 years ago
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My First Julie Experience

Julie and I had been dating for a little while and usually we were hundreds a miles apart, but tonight Julie had been visiting her friend, Suzanne, who lived in the same town as I did. Even though it was late I wasn't surprised by her phone call. We would talk at all hours of the night because my job was not a normal 8-5 job. This time something had upset her, however, and she wanted to talk. So who was I to say 'no.' When I arrived, she met me at the door in her nightgown... not even...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 35

Johanna's Turn: I walked out of the classroom with a definite spring in my step. I had several reasons to bounce, you know. Let's see. That test paper I laid on the GA's desk was, to the best of my knowledge, close to perfect. Stoney was home waiting on me. The semester was almost over and for the first time in my life I was not packing up to go spend winter break with Mom and Dad. The test. How ironic that I was testing at the end of a class on the history of Europe since 1945. I smiled...

2 years ago
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Strapon Wrestling 8211 Part 1

Hey all, I am kinkyAB. I am new to the Indian sex stories community and I hope I get some love from all of you as this is my first story. I love bdsm, dominatrix and role playing. This is NOT GAY, so please don’t think that. The story is how a couple starts fighting and then wrestles. The best part is the punishment of the loser. Let’s begin… I was once dating a chick who was pretty tall and we had a lot of arguments. She was a little tom-boyish in nature. She was around 5’10” and with a decent...

3 years ago
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The First Time I Cheated Part 2

I remember the next day vividly. I woke up naked in bed to two missed calls and several texts from my boyfriend. He wanted to get together and see a movie. I instantly felt guilty about what I had shared with Damon the night before on the phone. There were two more texts from Damon on the phone as well. I ignored them and took a shower and got dressed. After the shower I called Ryan and told him I'd slept in because I was tired and that I'd love to go see a movie. He asked if anything exciting...

1 year ago
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Otomi Games

OtomiGames! Well, smack my ass and call me Senpai because I’ve found a fantastic website for you weebs to drool over. Otomi Games is one of these dimes a dozen websites that I’ve been reviewing lately, and you know my policy on that – if a website brings something new to the table, then it’s worth reviewing. And if it’s a copy-pasted version of another website that’s already been established, I just give it a pass, or at the very least, I tell you not to bother checking it out. Otomi Games...

Free Sex Games
2 years ago
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Bare AssetsChapter 5

Saturday morning all of the girls were energized, wanting to get out and do all forms of activities. They wanted to take a hike, canoe, swim in the pool, swim in the lake, play volleyball on the sand courts by the rec room, and have a picnic. Like I said, they wanted to do everything. We did what I wanted to do first. We ate a huge breakfast. We had sausage, bacon, eggs, biscuits, gravy, and fried potatoes. The girls all said they would get fat eating stuff like that, but I felt like I would...

2 years ago
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"Michael," she said, "We didn't have sex." Her gaze shifted to somewhere over my right shoulder. "Not really." "Not really?" I stared at her. I was standing in my own living room, a crumpled note clenched in my hand, asking my wife a question I couldn't believe I had to ask. She stared back at me, and I watched a debate go on behind her eyes. "You have to understand," she said. "I did it for us..." Her voice trailed off, and then she found it again. "For the baby." I...

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SEEMA MY AC VENDOR Summers in Mumbai is very humid and one needs to either have an ac or an air cooler as having just a fan might not be very helpful. So on insistence from my parents i called a known ac company. My parents had given me a budget and accordingly I had prepared speaking to the sales person across the phone. As I called the company I was greeted by a female voice which got me very excited. We started with basic pleasantries. 2 mins on the conversation and I already knew her...

3 years ago
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Ebima Remembers

Introduction: Soooo, its been a while! Yeah, Im sorry… Theres just been a TON of stuff going on in my life, moving across state lines, getting evicted and moving again, burying a dog, moving again. The list goes ooooon and oooon. Anyways! I wrote another chapter in my Ebima saga XD This one isnt as sexy as the others have been, and its a little short, I didnt want to give to much more of the story until I gave a bit of a back story. How does Ebima know Chris? Who is the demon that attacked him?...

4 years ago
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Kayla Part 1

The words struck me like a ton of bricks, and when I took a double take over what I had just heard, they hit me again with twice the intensity. I searched my mind for a response, but I couldn’t find the words. All that I could muster out was: “But Alyssa…why can’t...” I was at a loss of words. I finally was able to say, “Why can’t we still be together? I mean…I love you…” I stared at her waiting for a response for what seemed like forever. “Daniel, I don’t think that a long-distance...

2 years ago
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Mommys Darling 2 Playing Dressup

Mommy's Darling 2: Playing Dress Up - By Billie Lovelace At twelve, I was deeply conflicted. On the one hand, I was a normal boy. At school I liked sports, roughhousing, and teasing girls. On the other hand, mother hated masculine aggressiveness. So at home I was more girlish. I played the piano, did housework, and spent hours with mother -- brushing her hair, polishing her nails, and helping her in and out of her high heels. It was so confusing. I wanted to be like other boys....

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Adventures of a Greenie Off Planet Vol 2Chapter 27 Forbidden Forrest

Lamax system was only 61 lightyears distant to Faysummit system. Meaning the superfast Colt reached Faysummit only 136 minutes. Roy was getting more anxious by the moment. The closer he got the more he felt convinced that his mother was close and that she was in great peril. The Colt was brand-new and by law, it was his ship. The Phantasian who piloted the ride was an employee or more precise a contractor. Tanya was right, this passenger cabin was not big enough for Partner, but then this...

1 year ago
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BigTitCreamPie Nina Elle Busty Secretary Nina Ella Gets Creampied

Nina Elle is doing super great in her new job and is congratulated before she is left alone. She finds her new boss in a porn movie and is in shocked. She continues to watch it and joins in the fun as she masturbates. Charles Dera walks back in and finds her mid orgasm. He stays behind her to enjoy the show before he confronts her to now give her a bonus. He asks if she liked what she saw and after saying yes he had her on her knees. She sucks him off and uses her big tits for a good tit fuck...

3 years ago
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Shameful Thing To Do

In 1968 I was a young man of 20 years and I did not amount to a hell of a lot. I had been extremely well educated and had, stupidly, wasted my chance at further education. I had learned a bit about life in those couple of years of college after leaving school, or, at least, about the 'Having a good time' side of life anyway. Following a variety of jobs I finally bowed to family pressure and found a 'Career' with prospects. This brought me back to the city that had been my 'stamping...

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The Protector the Strength of MemoriesChapter 9

Jonas was sat panting on the bench in the garden beside Joe. Jonas was shocked and stunned. He had just lived another man's life. He had been shot numerous times and killed a man. He had just died. It took him a few moments but Jonas finally got control of his emotions. He looked at the little white haired man beside him that seemed so frail. A sweet smelling vagrant breeze lifted a wisp of Joe's long hair from his neck then let it settle back to rest. Jonas met Joe's concerned gaze for a...

1 year ago
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After splitting up with my last girlfriend due to my admission that i was a raving homo, she caught me looking at gay porn and also what had started as a little fantasy (Her fucking me with dildos and a strap on whilst i told her i wanted to be her little faggot and service groups of men) so she was't surprised and actually helped me get my first cock!Anyway i had a fantasy of being dominated and fucked hard by 2 masculine black guys.I joined a no of gay dating sites and after a lot of trial...

1 year ago
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PervMom Natasha Starr The Boner Bouncing MILF

Tatted MILF Natasha Starr wants to make sure that her loving stepson is not too torn up about his girlfriend breaking up with him. To console the guy, she sucks his dick at the breakfast table and then spreads her legs for him to penetrate her MILF pussy. Later, Natasha shows off her beach ready body, getting her stepson rock hard in the process. She bounces on his cock for another orgasmic bone session! A couple days later, Natasha jiggles her big titties and lays on her back while her stepson...

4 years ago
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Seasonal Daughters Book 2Chapter 7

We went home as we came. Just the four of us were in my car. Each girl had been handed into my car by their guy. Laura reached for my hand while we rode home. Once home and inside, I said, "Go change and then join us in our bedroom as soon as the door is opened. I want to hear what's going on." We went into our room and closed the door. As Laura and I removed our clothes, she asked, "Paul, are you worried?" "I don't know whether to be worried or what. That does worry me." "My...

1 year ago
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My Neighbor Aunty Pussy

I was a kid, when this incident happened. There was a aunty who lives next to my house, she was very kind to me so I often used to go there and play in her house. She was married and her husband is doing some business, and she is a home maker. To tell about her, she is very beautiful, even the old man’s who is living there near her house had crush on her I came to know this later when I grown up. She recently got married and living with her husband next to my house. And she had a big boobs and...

3 years ago
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Affair With Bangalore Housewife Part 1

Hi, every sex story readers. My name is Rohan and I am from Delhi basically, but working in Dubai as a business development manager. As a part of my job, I keep traveling between India, Saudi, Dubai, and few other places. Ladies who would like to have sex chat, phone sex or an NSA relationship may contact me at I have been reading stories on Indian Sex Stories for a long time now. This is my first submission though. This is a true story, although I have spiced it up by adding some fiction to...

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The Dark Lady Ch 01

Author’s Note – A tale in many parts of a single mother and her son and their adventures in the great Southwest. Part 1 – A Strange and Tangled Beginning Ted had several math problems to work on, and was moving as soon as his phone chimed at him. When he got to the kitchen, his mother was standing in the dim light fixing hot milk to take to bed with her. Ted and Kim were night owls, but she went to bed late, and he got up early. There was an elaborate espresso machine on the counter, which...

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Wife asks me to give her mom oral Part 4

Read other 3 parts first. I sat in my driveway at home for a few minutes before going inside. Guilt had began to overcome me, even though I had stuck to the deal and not actually had sex with her mom. But I knew that was going to happen eventually the way things were progressing. And hell, if she knew any of what we had done to this point, I thought for sure she would be done with me. But then I thought more about it, and decided that this was in fact all my wife's idea in the first place. And...

2 years ago
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Malibu Beach House

I meet Sherilynn yesterday at small restaurant in town, we shared lunch and some light conversation. When we parted I invited her to come out to the beach house. The ride in the car had stretched her undergarments into odd positions. Sherilynn peeked around to make sure no one was looking, and then bent over to run her hands over her silky stockings. She checked them for any runs then hiked her skirt up and tugged the stockings back into place. She checked her garters and then pulled her...

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Slaves of the Amethyst Part Six

*See part one for the preamble to this series) Chapter Sixty One.It was hot on the square in Mathom village that afternoon and Alice was grateful for the shade of the big parasols in the front beer garden of the Mathom Arms. She didn’t want to have to face Lady Mathom sweating like a factory girl after all. She looked radiantly pretty today in a white, yellow and blue floral print dress and a pair of new elegant blue shoes that were pinching her feet something rotten. A...

1 year ago
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Dream Come True With My Neighbour Rima

I’m in the US and this happened with me when I had visited my home town.   So in my society from a different block, there’s this lady named Rima. We knew each other since longtime as the family knew each other and her brother was my friend. Rima every day used to go for a walk and I used to walk past her every day when I was on my way from my friend’s house, we had eye contact back to back. During initial time when I was in India never had a bad intention about her, but after my visit to the US...

2 years ago
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One Simple Trick

Before you get the wrong idea, I really respect my dad, a lot. He worked hard for me and mom when I was a kid. He did all the right dad things, threw a football for me to catch and helped mom raise me well. He always made sure there was food on the table and a roof over our heads. For that I respected him – he knew what was important. But, and you can tell there is going to be a ‘but’, sometimes he could be really really stupid. He never worked out that the only easy way to be a...

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