Spiral Into OblivionChapter 3 Conclusion
- 2 years ago
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Hi, I am happy to be writing again. I hope you enjoyed the first part of this story, now sit back and enjoy the next part.
I want to thank the following people who helped me create this fantasy: LaRascasse, my editor, Kalamazoo707, for being willing to keep me on track, Donalde, for simply being there, Mostera1 for encouraging me to stay on task, and finally, Mokkelke for being the best beta reader ever,
Any mistakes found throughout this story are my own, and not a reflection on any of the people who help me with this.
At this point she had made it to her house. She got out of her car and went inside thinking about the handsome man at her job.
That night she decided to give Bryce a chance. She would arrive at work early so she could talk to him the next morning and let him know about her decision.
The next day at work, Bryce had made a complete one eighty degree turn around. He decided to stop his romantic pursuit of Dianna, giving her the space she demanded, and treat her as he would any other colleague.
Dianna arrived at school early to set up for her students. Today the classes would rotate in two hour blocks and she would meet the other children she was responsible for teaching. She was unsure what to expect from the students.
Even though day one with her homeroom class had went well, she was meeting the other students for the first time today. Even though, she tried to ignore negative remarks, a few filtered through concerning some of the older students.
When Bryce arrived at work, Dianna walked to his room. The first thing she wanted to do was apologize for running out, and then she needed his advice on how to approach the upcoming day.
Dianna made it to Bryce’s door and knocked.
‘Come in.’ Bryce called. His heartbeat accelerated when he looked up and saw her enter the room, but his face remained impassive.
‘Good morning Bryce, I wanted to-‘ Bryce stopped her abruptly.
In an emotionless, cold voice he stated, ‘Good morning Ms. Bouvier, you stated that we should maintain a professional relationship and I agree. I will no longer attempt to approach you or converse with you in any way that can be deemed inappropriate.
While we are at school we will address each other with our surnames and strive to work together and keep any personal feeling about each other under wraps. I apologize for coming on too strong to you yesterday, and I assure you it will not happen again.’
Dianna was shocked. She felt as if someone had ripped her heart from her chest and stomped on it. His word cut her to the quick. She’d just built up the nerve to tell this guy, she’d like to give him a chance and he cut her off at the knees. She was hurt, but hid it behind an angry outburst.
‘Well, it seems you are capable of comprehending simple directives. I am glad you finally get it. I would have hated to take a complaint of harassment to the principal which I had considered doing. Since you seem to get it now, I will try my best to not allow my dislike of you to cloud my time here at Armstrong.
Have a nice day, Mr. Yearly. I will see you this afternoon when we meet to discuss my students.’ Dianna then turned and marched stoically out if his room.
Bryce watched her walk away and it felt as if his world had ended. He knew he had just made a fatal mistake. He heard her angry words, but he also heard the pain she was struggling to hide behind them. He saw the tears as they gathered in her eyes. He never meant to hurt her and he’d find a way to earn her forgiveness.
Dianna had to get away from him for a moment. She walked into the teacher’s lounge where she spoke to a couple of people that she passed and marched quickly into a restroom stall, locking the door behind her. It was then that she allowed the tears she’d been holding back to fall.
He hurt her. Bryce Yearly, hurt her and he didn’t even realize it. She never should have allowed herself to begin to care about him. I can’t believe this, I finally, … Well….. Forget it. Momma is right. She wiped away her tears and went to the mirror to fix her makeup.
Mrs. Towers came in. She could tell something was wrong. ‘Ms. Bouvier, what’s wrong?’ She queried.
‘Nothing,’ Dianna answered, ‘Just being reminded of a lesson my Momma taught me. I’m fine.’ She smiled at Mrs. Towers. ‘Now let’s go face these new students today.’
The two women exited the lounge and walked back to their classrooms.
Mrs. Towers had been at Armstrong for many years, and she knew a falsehood when she heard it. She felt that Dianna could handle whatever it was that upset her and decided not to press. But she was curious as to what upset the young woman.
Dianna made it to her classroom door and prepared to greet her students: Summer, also stood in her door, as well as Mrs. Towers and Bryce. A part of
Dianna wanted to look at Bryce and see if his expression or demeanor had changed, but refused to acknowledge his presence. She did give in and sneak a peek at his door, and saw him staring back at her.
Mrs. Towers noticed the subtle exchange and finally realized part of the puzzle as to why Dianna was crying early in the morning.
Dianna continued working that day and not allowing the thoughts of a certain man dominate her brain. She would find herself glancing towards his door hoping to catch a glimpse of him
Sitting at her desk, Dianna began to questions herself, What is wrong with me? I’m gone over some man. I know he’s fine, but he’s not worth all this stress. I’ll just have to stop thinking about him.
Another class was lined up and ready to enter Dianna’s room. These students were Mrs. Thyme homeroom class, and Ms. Thyme had already told her about two of the boys in her class.
The class entered her room quickly and quietly, all except the last two boys.
As soon as the boys arrived at her door, she stopped them. ‘Excuse me, gentleman,’ Dianna said standing in front of the young men.
‘Are you serious? Do you really think I am going to allow you in my classroom behaving the way you are?’ Dianna asked the young men sternly.
‘Dang! Shorty, calm down.’ Marcus replied. ‘What’s got you all hot and bothered? I can help cool you off.’ He added winking at Dianna lewdly grabbing his crotch area.
Dianna was annoyed. Even though she had been warned about their outrageous behavior, she didn’t think little boys would really be that bold.
Keamon thought that his buddy was hilarious and fell over from laughing so hard.
Giving both boys a stern look and saying in her most serious voice, she let it be known that such lewd and lascivious behavior would not be tolerated in her class.
Keamon calmed down immediately, however, the Marcus became belligerent and aggressive as he angrily approached the teacher.
Bryce heard a commotion in the hall and came to his door, immediately. As soon as one of the boys became overly aggressive, Bryce interceded and called for security.
Taking out his phone, Bryce called for the resource officer. At this point Mrs. Towers and Ms. Thyme had stepped out to investigate the disturbance.
‘This is Mr. Yearly, on the sixth grade hall, we need Officer Thigpen immediately.’ Bryce said into his phone.
Upon hearing this Marcus decided fight. He swung at Bryce and Bryce grabbed him in a secure hold. Marcus’ movement actually frightened Dianna and she yelped.
‘Ms. Bouvier, please stand in your door to witness this until the resource officer arrives. I want to make sure, Mr. Bright here does not try anything and fabricate these events into his favor?
The rest of the day progressed and finally ended. Dianna exited her classroom and met Summer in the hall. Summer had heard about her altercation involving the two boys from her class and was concerned.
‘Ms. Bouvier, are you alright? I saw some of what happened with Mar
cus and Keamon.’ Summer asked. She was terrified of the two boys and couldn’t imagine how she would handle a situation where they became overtly aggressive.
‘I’m fine. Fortunately, Mr. Yearly came out and helped to get the situation under control.’ Dianna explained as she breathed a sigh of relief.
The two women were walking past Bryce’s room when Bryce called out to them. ‘Ms. Thyme, Ms. Bouvier, will you come in please? I need to speak to you.
Both women turned and walked into his room. When Dianna’s eyes fell on him, Bryce’s heart rate increased. He wondered if she could hear the thumping that was so loud it seemed to roar in his ears.
He toned down his desire. She’d been more than clear that she wanted nothing more than a professional relationship with him, and he’d honor her wish.
Dianna and Summer entered his room. He asked both women to sit down and offered them bottled water. They then proceeded to talk about the events that occurred that day.
Both women learned that Marcus Bright would be transferred to Carver Alternative School for the rest of the school year and Keamon Battle, was given a four day suspension with strict supervision upon his return.
Both Dianna and Summer were relieved. Although one of the young men was going to comeback, he was not the more violent one. The three teachers continued to recap the day and address any concerns the novice teachers had.
Eventually they all headed home. Summer was being picked up by her friends leaving Bryce and Dianna alone.
‘Well, Ms. Bouvier, I certainly hope the day’s events haven’t made you want to leave our profession.’ Bryce said jokingly.
‘No, I met tougher characters at the detention center. That young man is in for a surprise when he gets there.’ Dianna added chuckling.
Bryce looked across the parking lot, then at Dianna. ‘Look, this morning, I was out of-‘.
Dianna waved her hand to silence him.
‘Don’t worry about it. It’s OK. I told you I wanted a professional relationship and you just reminded me of the parameters I put in place.’
Walking away she added, ‘I won’t forget and cross that line again.’
Bryce stood and watched her walk away. He felt sad, as if he just blown a fantastic opportunity.
The rest of the week went by uneventfully. The teachers taught classes and had faculty meetings as usual.
Finally, the weekend came, and it was time for a short break. Dianna had been depressed about the events that occurred earlier that week, particularly, her conversation with Bryce.
Dianna decided to simply, let it go.
It was a Friday night and she wanted to get out of the house. She called her friend, Jamarkius, and asked if he was busy.
Jamarkius met Dianna at the local club. Tonight a local deejay was spinning records and air was buzzing with energy.
Dianna wanted to forget about her horrid week, so she spent a lot of time on the dance floor.
Summer came in with a group of friends and the two women exchanged pleasantries. Summer spoke to Jamarkius, even though he made her a little uncomfortable. But Dianna liked him, so maybe he wasn’t so bad.
Dianna had a few drinks and was beginning to feel tipsy. All of a sudden the deejay popped in her favorite dance hit. Dianna grabbed Jamarkius’ hand to dance, but he waved her off.
She went on to the dance floor alone, where Summer joined her in the fun.
Trey Songz’s voice boomed out of the speakers to a hip hop beat.
Bottoms up, bottoms up.
Hey what’s in yo’ cup.
Gotta coupla bottles, but a coupla ain’t enough.
Bottoms up, bottoms up.
Dianna and Summer were deep into the dance dominating the dance floor surrounded by scores of people. Everyone was gyrating, bucking, and engrossed in the music.
Bryce walked into the club. He had decided to just go out to try and get over a stressful week. As he entered the club, he bumped into someone.
‘Excuse me,’ he said then looking up. He looked straight into the angry eyes of Jamarkius.
Jamarkius didn’t like him because he recalled how he watched Dianna the last time they were here.
What really bothered him was the fact that Dianna watched him back. He didn’t mind the man checking out his woman, but he knew that for her to notice him, that meant she held some feelings for him.
‘Hey, son Bruce, right.’ Jamarkius greeted the competition glaring at him with cold dark eyes..
‘Actually it’s Bryce’ Bryce replied squaring his shoulders to show this man he was not intimidated.
‘Hmmmm! Whatever.’ Jamarkius responded, ‘Dianna is here with me. Unlike last time, if I have to leave, she leaves with me. You understand, teacher man.’ Jamarkius addressed Bryce in a derisive tone while patting him on a shoulder.
Bryce glared at the pompous jerk standing in front of him. The stare down lasted until a young lady interrupted the two men as she passed by them on her way to the restroom.
Bryce walked away from Jamarkius and up to the bar to order a drink. On his way to the bar, he noticed Dianna and Summer in the middle of the dance floor. The two girls were having a great time.
He did not miss how relaxed and happy Dianna looked while she danced. Just for a moment, he hoped that one day she would look at him and smile that way.
But this week, he’d messed up royally. His little speech earlier that week definitely blew any chances he had to get next to her.
Dianna felt her skin begin to tingle while she was dancing. Slowly she looked around the club. She saw her date, Jamarkius, flirting with a cute blonde that had just walked in. She saw Summer friends each laughing and having a good time.
Then, the music stopped and as she and Summer were leaving the dance floor to take a short break, her eyes strayed to the bar. Sitting in the center of the bar was Bryce, the man that starred in her fantasies. He was nursing his drink, so she quickly looked away so he would not think she was staring at him.
She returned to the table where she and Jamarkius was sitting just as her date returned from flirting.
‘Well, did you get her number?’ Dianna asked Jamarkius jokingly.
Chuckling as he sat down, he replied ‘Girl, you know I only see you. I ran into teacher boy earlier and had to put him in his place.’
Dianna perked up. ‘You talked to Bryce.’ Squinting her eyes and glaring at him she asked, ‘What did you say to him?’
Leaning back and becoming slightly irritated Jamarkius stated. ‘What did I say to him, Damn girl. You didn’t ask about what he might have said to me?’
She didn’t really want to argue with him tonight. He was her friend after all and she did invite him out. ‘You’re right Jamarkius. I should have asked. But I know you have a temper and I really don’t need the headache. But, hey. Let’s forget about him and enjoy the rest of the night.’
Bryce watched Dianna and Jamarkius the entire time they were in the club. A little after midnight, Dianna and Jamarkius left.
Bryce noticed how he kept his hands all over her the entire time they were there. He became angry at the thought of her being with that bastard.
Bryce called for his tab, paid it, and decided to call it a night.
Meanwhile, Jamarkius drove Dianna to her house. Dianna prayed that Tasha was home, because she really didn’t feel like fighting him off tonight.
When they reached her house, Jamarkius walked to her door and invited himself in. Dianna went along with him for a minute and made coffee for them as he talked.
‘Hey, Jamarkius, I have to be up early tomorrow to take care of some things. I think you should leave.’ Dianna suggested after listening to him talk for a while.
‘Give me some sugar, baby, and I’ll go.’ Jamarkius replied as he scooted over next to her on the couch.
Dianna kissed him even though she felt like she was kissing a wet rag.
Fortunately for her Tasha was home and she came into the room. So Jamarkius ended his wet, slimy kiss and headed home.
‘Dianna, I don’t like that guy. He’s dangerous’ Tasha told Dianna after Jamarkius left.
‘He’s not so bad. Besides, I’ve known him a while. He just takes getting used to.’ Dianna stated trying to relieve Tasha’s concern, but really she was not very comfortable around her old friend anymore.
Another couple of months of the school year progressed. Dianna and Summer met with Bryce at least three time each week for an evaluation on their performances, to work on their curriculum, and quick Q and A sessions.
Bryce cleverly scheduled a couple of their meeting during their conference periods so that they didn’t have to stay afterschool late more than two days a week.
He rarely spent time alone with Dianna during these few months, but that didn’t mean he did not watch her. He noticed everything she did.
However, they kept all of their interactions completely above board.
One Wednesday at the end of the day a faculty meeting was held. The meeting was extremely long and it was turning dark when it ended. Dianna left the school to walk over to the bus stop when Bryce offered her a ride home. She immediately refused.
‘Dianna, you are not catching a bus this late in the afternoon. Let Bryce take you to your house. There is nothing wrong with allowing someone to help you.’ Mrs. Towers chimed in as she was headed to her car where her husband was waiting.
Feeling like she was on the spot, Dianna reluctantly accepted his offer. Bryce walked her to his car, and held the door for her.
Once Dianna was in the car, Bryce tried to make small talk.
‘So, how are you? Are you still dating that guy? I haven’t seen you at the Club in a while.’
Dianna adjusted herself in the seat. Dianna replied. ‘I’ve been fine and Jamarkius and I are off again.’
‘Dianna, I know I have no rights here, but that guy… Well, I really don’t like him.’ Bryce took a deep breath inhaling the scent of Jasmine that permeated her skin. ‘Will you go out with me? Before you say no, just think about it.’
Dianna’s heart pounded in her chest. Her body betrayed her and her panties became soaked. Her nipples hardened, and she crossed her arms across her chest to hide them.
Bryce noticed her movement and took it to mean that he had annoyed her again. Soon, he pulled in front of her house and helped her get out of his car. As he gripped her hand, an amazing sensation shot through their arms.
Dianna gasped and he noticed her erect nipples poking through the fabric of her dress. His cock throbbed and he knew that as soon as he got home, he’d be pounding his meat raw at the thought of her.
‘I’ll think about it. Going out with you I mean.’ Looking away from his face and blushing, Dianna thanked him for the ride home and rushed into her house.
Bryce smiled as she closed and locked her door. He felt better than he had in months. If her body’s reaction was any indication, she was not as immune to him as she pretended to be.
Whistling to himself, Bryce drove home with a smile on his face.
The next day at school, Bryce made sure he stopped by Dianna’s classroom to speak to Dianna. She looked across her room and saw him standing in her doorway. Smiling, they greeted each other warmly. The rest of the day progressed uneventfully.
Before long, half of the school year was over, and it was time for a winter break. The students were dismissed early and the staff had a pre-holiday party. Gifts were exchanged and everyone went home.
Dianna had several packages to carry so Bryce gave her another lift home. Dianna happily accepted his offer, because secretly she wanted to spend time alone with him again.
While driving her home, Bryce decided to see if she’d thought about going out with him. ‘So, Dianna, have you thought about going out with me?’ Bryce queried.
Dianna was nervous, she wanted to scream yes, but she didn’t want to seem too eager. As she chewed her bottom lip, she shyly answered, ‘Ok, I’ll go out with you.’
Bryce was ecstatic. ‘Really, wow, that is great! So is Tuesday night good for you.’ He’d already made preregistrations at his favorite restaurant Lillo’s. He just needed to confirm.
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IncestWhen Connie called, I was about to go out. She and Gary had been my neighbors for more than 12 years. We had become good friends. When I was away, they took care of my house and when they were away I reciprocated. Connie and Gary wer in Vegas. She was afraid that she hadn't turned the air conditioning up to 80. I told her not to worry that I would take care of it. I fetched my key from the cabinet in the hall and headed across the yard. We both had nice lawns with perennial gardens. ...
Karen Stark awoke at the sound of her boyfriend, Joe, gargling in the bathroom. He’d been up for the better part of an early morning hour while she slept to the sounds of his preparations for leaving. They had been seeing each other for nearly a year. A mutual friend had brought them together because, as she had said, “You both have such exciting careers.” Joe was an airline pilot and Karen was a private investigator. At least, Karen thought, her friend had been...
This is a sequel to Swim Lessons Get Sexy (linked below). I suggest you read the first one before reading this one. Enjoy. “I said. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?” Jason was stuck frozen to his spot. There he stood naked on the edge of the pool deck. To his left knelt an equally naked and very hot Aubrey Jones, the mother of a student in his swim class. The spotlight twinkled on Aubrey’s large breasts where a small bit of Jason’s cum still lay. Across from him stood Jason’s friend and coworker...
Straight SexIn my pursuit for sexual satisfaction i was looking for some fun and tried a local dating forum, i was advertising myself as a sexy cross dressing sub who is disabled, i had a few hello’s and some who were curious about me and my disability, i had 3 pics on the site, one of just my high heel boots and the two others of me in my spandex leggings,boots and gloves and fetish hood.I had a couple of messages from this guy called simon he was a straight guy nice and slim, and he wanted to have fun...
His older sister, Janessa, was already sitting at the table, and his mother, Kim, was making breakfast. Like Jason, neither of them were wearing anything. The only one dressed was their father, but that was because he was going to leave for work pretty soon. "Mom, I think I'm gonna invite my friend over this afternoon," Janessa said. "The new girl that I've been training at the restaurant. I've been talking to her lately and I think she would like to meet us." She looked at...
“Can your nanites actually heal, or is it purely stopping these beasties doing their thing?” “Now there you have me, Numa. I don’t know how effective these little machines are in that way. Any bruises and bashes and other injuries, they seem to be geared up to heal, but fighting off active bacteria in a body ... I am at a loss to know.” “There is only one way to find out, John: go to them and do what you can. Promise nothing, but offer them the chance of healing from your touch.” “Must I...
Here it is: the next exciting chapter of ”Don’t Miss,’ He Said.’ I highly recommend you read the first two chapters of this story before continuing. If you don’t, it’s like dividing by zero: either your head explodes into many little logical fallacies, or your eyes turn black. The following takes place about three days after Alphonse and Elena moved in together. So, here we go. Alphonse, they’re all yours. ************* ‘If life ain’t just a joke, than why am I laughing? If life ain’t just a...
After we both went into the room, the first thing I did, was call home to explain why weren't going to be home until morning. "Hey Dad—this is Jerry," I started. "Where are you two?" he asked. "We're still in Visalia, there's not a problem, it just seemed too late to come home. It was quite the wedding..." I explained most of the events that had happened, Dad concurred then asked, "So where are you staying?" "At a Best Western a couple miles away from where the wedding was,"...
Victoria answered the knock on her door and her face lit up at seeing James but then took on a questioning look knowing that he was on exercise with Mark who was not due home for another three days. "Come in, James dear. Why are you here? Has something happened to Mark?" James nodded. He had a lump in his throat and found it difficult to speak. "He's been very badly hurt and is in hospital at El Adem. They think he'll live but he's going to be pretty poorly for some while," he...
Mike didn’t know what to do with himself. At 48, this was the first time in decades that he had nothing to do on a weekday afternoon. Mike was the Executive VP of Sales for a mid-sized tech firm. He just returned to Chicago from London where he closed the biggest contract in his company’s history. If all went according to plan, the company would make hundreds of millions of dollars on the deal, and Mike was in line for a high six figure bonus. As a result, the Company president said the least...
A three-floor penthouse apartment in New York was filled with decent jazz music. Live jazz music, notably. Guitar, bass and piano, all electric so that the instruments could be properly amplified to fill all rooms, at least those on the top floor, where the salon opened to a grande terrasse. The apartment was located in Manhattan, of course. No place more cosmopolitan in the whole universe, was there? And no hipper place either. And, of course, the apartment was not located in Hell’s Kitchen....
Friday 2 October 2043 We awoke in the morning in a pile of bodies and even later than we usually did. At least it was warm in the house as the programmable thermostat had raised the temperature in the house to the morning setting at 6:00 that morning. The Sisters sat up, sniffed, and made a distraught face at the smell. "We need to shower!" they both informed me before throwing the blanket off and dragging me out of bed. The exposed sheets were a disaster of dried areas of cum and pussy...
Demi Diveena is having a tough day. She go rear ended in her car and it was nearly totaled, and to top it all off she ain’t got no insurance and ain’t got no money. Lucky for her, our trusty Roadside XXX mechanic was willing to pay her bills for a piece of that ass. She had no problem getting down on her knees right there in the garage and gobbling his cock, then spreading her wet pussy and letting him fuck her on the workbench. After an amazing facial, she cleaned up and got a ride...
xmoviesforyouIt was some months before i went out alone, I was tired of masturbating and not having any fun. so i decided to go visit Horse Dick Harry(Charlie's Uncle Harry). I was thinking of the last time I was there and the little skinny chick whose cunt I was forced to eat. As I walked up to the door of Harry's home, I began to ask myself if I was hooked on big cocks or if I just like to be abused while having sex. I stepped on to the little stoop and the door flew open. There stood Harry, with a robe...
Piper Press brings her stepson Oliver Faze breakfast. While Piper is pouring cereal and milk, Oliver gets a good view at her huge tits. Piper calls Oliver out for staring. Oliver tries to deny it, but Piper gets to her feet and spies the clearly visible erection hiding in Oliver’s jeans. She tells him that his dick is so much bigger than his dad’s and then guides him to the bedroom so she can have her wicked way with him. The door is barely closed behind them before Piper is on her...
xmoviesforyouIntimate Illusions: Barbie Dahl By Juno Reeves "ROBERT PACKER!" Bobby Packer knew from both the tone and volume of his mother's voice, and the fact that she used his full name, that he was in deep trouble. "GET IN HERE, YOUNG MAN!" "What mom?" Bobby asked as he walked into the living room. Eleanor Packer pointed to the stack of magazines sitting on the coffee table. "JUST WHERE DID YOU GET THESE!" Bobby felt the blood rush to his face as he saw his once private, now...
1998.walking to my cell for the first time full of dred.my cell mate's name was ben he quickly started telling me this was his cell and he has rules.he ordered me to strip he wanted to have a look at me.standing there naked in front of him i was embarrassed but sort of aroused.he stood up and walked around me then he slid his finger inbetween my arse cheeks and said touch your toes i obliged he licked his finger and slid it up my arse it felt amazing i couldn't help the erection.he saw my...
Author’s note: This is work of fiction. Since she moved in next door, I’ve always been on good terms with my neighbor Claudia. If I went away for the weekend, she would take care of my dog. If she went away I would take of her cat. She was younger than me, about 35, but in great shape. I gave hints from time to time that I wanted to be more than neighbors, but she hinted back that she was bi. We left it at that and continued a neighborly relationship. One evening Claudia came over quite...
Group SexAs with Helen, Larry’s second meeting with Ian was in complete contrast to their first one. Ian had been quite garrulous the first time they met but this time he was quiet. He also appeared nervous. They met in the same hotel and sat in the same lounge bar with a drink. Larry had come to town to see a client regarding a new contract and fortunately Ian had a space in his diary to meet up for an hour.“So, how’s your week been Ian?” Larry opened.“Hectic,” came his answer. “Work is very busy at...
Cuckold“M-mom?” Jason stuttered as he stared at his mother holding the box containing the last Silver Ring in shock. His stomach felt like it was free-falling and he instantly started to panic. “What are you doing?” “Morning, Jason.” Helen said, giving her son a brief smile. She turned over the box she was holding and Jason saw that it was open as well - the card depicting the combinations of the different bindings was out and resting on surface of the box. “You were fast asleep so I didn’t want to...
The Crazy Chick by DKB I can't stop thinking about her, her hair, her eyes, her kisses. It's driving me crazy. But what else could I have done? What else could I have said? I met her a couple of Fridays back, at my usual after-work haunt. It's a bit of a run down old place, no music or television, just beer. But I like it. I can drink in peace with the other old farts. But that night this girl came in and she was totally out of place. I don't think the old watering hole had...
I don't think she knows quite how much of a thrill it gives me, hearing her describe to me how she's going to tell everybody how worthless I am, how little gratitude I give her, how unworthy of her presence I am and how gracious she is to bother treating me like shit when she could just as easily ignore my every word and I'd still give her every penny. The harsh yet swiftly confident bite of her voice was a sign that she meant every word; you can't fake such sincerity. I adore her punishments,...
BDSMWhen I awoke it was like was just reliving the past day. My mouth tasted like shit and I was alone in the bed. I tried to think what was going on and remembered Mike giving me the “sleeping pill” and it knocked my ass out. I wondered if it was all a dream but when I licked my dry lips I could still taste the cum form Mikes cock and my wife’s pussy. The room’s light was on and the door was closed. I saw that the TV at the foot of the bed was on. When I was able to focus on it I saw that it...
When they had reconnected on Facebook a few months ago it seems as if no time had pasted at all. They picked right back up at the flirty fun relationship they had before. It was always nice to have someone who you just clicked with. Hanging out, having drinks, going to movies and the sex was awesome too. So when they started talking on Facebook it just seemed natural that their sexual sides would play back into the relationship. The first time Mark asked Cindy to make a video of her...
Hi guys this story happened when i was 21 years old. I used to live in Mumbai as i was studying there but my home town was in Delhi and i used to go there on every vacation. My family consisted of my mom dad and one brother, and there used to be a maid who was working at our place for like 8 years now. She was around 28 that time and married but she still used to work at our place. So it was like i actually didn’t see her for past six to seven years as i was in college and she never showed up...
Spencer Bradley is always getting hurt when she rides her own bike so Charles has her ride around in a little carriage so she will not get hurt! After a fun day biking all Spencer can think about is that large hard cock deep in her tight little pussy! She may be tiny but her pussy can take a hard large cock once those juices start to flow! Spencer is so wet and just wants to please that hard cock any way she can. Charles stretches out her petite pussy drilling into her hard until she takes a...
xmoviesforyouThe world really opened up for me when I went away to college at Northwestern University. I found the "big city" temptations of drugs, orgies, and parties all in the microcosm of the campus. When my sister Diane turned 18 and graduated High School she joined me at Northwestern. I insisted we share a two-bedroom apartment and naturally my parents agreed. It made sense to save money this way and besides I would be able to watch over my virginal baby sister and keep the wolves at bay. Boy...
I don’t know how much more I could take of this. I had been having sex for money for over a year now and it was getting old. Now before you write me off as a whore let me tell you that I am not selling my body on the street like a hooker. I am an adult movie star, my name is Linda Star. I know it’s a corny name but if you think about it how many porn stars have good names? I never minded the fact that I was fucking people I did not even know for money. What I did not like was the men in the...
Andy wasn’t anyone’s idea of an Adonis. He was six-foot-three and exceedingly thin, and at the age of thirty-six it wasn’t surprising he also had a small paunch. His face was long and thin like his body. He had crooked teeth, a weak chin and bushy, black eyebrows.He wasn’t ugly or even homely. If he’d had only one of these negative characteristics it could have been overlooked, but the combination of them tended to defeat any chance of the beauty of his eyes, the luster of his hair, the...
TabooIt was Dave's 35th birthday and he was struggling to get out of bed. He was starting to feel old and his body wasn't the same studly specimen it had been 15 years ago. He lied in bed and daydreamed about how much sex he used to have when he was younger. He recollected how he used to be horny all the time and his boxers were constantly wet with pre-cum as he fantasized about his next sexual conquest. Well, years had past, he got married, had a few k**s and priorities shifted over time. He was...
I continued to suck Jenna for another 5-10 minutes until she came again flooding my face with her hot sticky cream. After I finished eating her out Jenna wanted to suck me off so I laid down on my back and Jenna crawled on top of me and began sucking my cock. As Jenna sucked me off she stroked my cock and played with my balls. I could feel my cock swell with cum and I knew it wouldn’t be long until I was going to cum. Jenna then did something that none of the college girls I had been with...
First time I saw my wife take another man inside her was one evening when we had gone over to another couple's house for dinner. The wife of the other couple had made comments to my wife about how great her husband was in bed, so my wife already had some interest in the husband, and in the past I had noticed him checking out my wife, and I had seen her act seductive around him. My wife and I had a lot of fantasizing about her being with another man, and we had specifically used him in some of...
(episode 30) My infatuation with Mary Beth grew during January of 2008. She was damned sexy and really good looking, plus she had one of planet Earth’s best camel toes. Another great thing about Mary Beth was that she was almost as daring and insatiable as Jennifer. However, as February came along, a few problems did arise. Mary Beth was becoming more and more possessive and controlling, and she would get really pissed off about me going over to Brittany and Jennifer’s apartment to study. ...
College SexIn mid March, 2007, Major Gordon Mannheim is an acting Lieutenant Colonel in charge of the 3rd Claymore, The Rocks, on a mountain climbing exercise in the Darunch Mountains. Colonel Phillips, the Rocks’ regular commander, is to evaluate Gerry’s performance. Technically, the Colonel is outside of the command chain during the evaluation and until they return to the barracks, but he’s able to take back command if he sees the need to. The weather is hot and very dry as it’s been an unusually hot...