Dianna Ch. 02 free porn video

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Hi, I am happy to be writing again. I hope you enjoyed the first part of this story, now sit back and enjoy the next part.

I want to thank the following people who helped me create this fantasy: LaRascasse, my editor, Kalamazoo707, for being willing to keep me on track, Donalde, for simply being there, Mostera1 for encouraging me to stay on task, and finally, Mokkelke for being the best beta reader ever,

Any mistakes found throughout this story are my own, and not a reflection on any of the people who help me with this.

At this point she had made it to her house. She got out of her car and went inside thinking about the handsome man at her job.

That night she decided to give Bryce a chance. She would arrive at work early so she could talk to him the next morning and let him know about her decision.

The next day at work, Bryce had made a complete one eighty degree turn around. He decided to stop his romantic pursuit of Dianna, giving her the space she demanded, and treat her as he would any other colleague.

Dianna arrived at school early to set up for her students. Today the classes would rotate in two hour blocks and she would meet the other children she was responsible for teaching. She was unsure what to expect from the students.

Even though day one with her homeroom class had went well, she was meeting the other students for the first time today. Even though, she tried to ignore negative remarks, a few filtered through concerning some of the older students.

When Bryce arrived at work, Dianna walked to his room. The first thing she wanted to do was apologize for running out, and then she needed his advice on how to approach the upcoming day.

Dianna made it to Bryce’s door and knocked.

‘Come in.’ Bryce called. His heartbeat accelerated when he looked up and saw her enter the room, but his face remained impassive.

‘Good morning Bryce, I wanted to-‘ Bryce stopped her abruptly.

In an emotionless, cold voice he stated, ‘Good morning Ms. Bouvier, you stated that we should maintain a professional relationship and I agree. I will no longer attempt to approach you or converse with you in any way that can be deemed inappropriate.

While we are at school we will address each other with our surnames and strive to work together and keep any personal feeling about each other under wraps. I apologize for coming on too strong to you yesterday, and I assure you it will not happen again.’

Dianna was shocked. She felt as if someone had ripped her heart from her chest and stomped on it. His word cut her to the quick. She’d just built up the nerve to tell this guy, she’d like to give him a chance and he cut her off at the knees. She was hurt, but hid it behind an angry outburst.

‘Well, it seems you are capable of comprehending simple directives. I am glad you finally get it. I would have hated to take a complaint of harassment to the principal which I had considered doing. Since you seem to get it now, I will try my best to not allow my dislike of you to cloud my time here at Armstrong.

Have a nice day, Mr. Yearly. I will see you this afternoon when we meet to discuss my students.’ Dianna then turned and marched stoically out if his room.

Bryce watched her walk away and it felt as if his world had ended. He knew he had just made a fatal mistake. He heard her angry words, but he also heard the pain she was struggling to hide behind them. He saw the tears as they gathered in her eyes. He never meant to hurt her and he’d find a way to earn her forgiveness.

Dianna had to get away from him for a moment. She walked into the teacher’s lounge where she spoke to a couple of people that she passed and marched quickly into a restroom stall, locking the door behind her. It was then that she allowed the tears she’d been holding back to fall.

He hurt her. Bryce Yearly, hurt her and he didn’t even realize it. She never should have allowed herself to begin to care about him. I can’t believe this, I finally, … Well….. Forget it. Momma is right. She wiped away her tears and went to the mirror to fix her makeup.

Mrs. Towers came in. She could tell something was wrong. ‘Ms. Bouvier, what’s wrong?’ She queried.

‘Nothing,’ Dianna answered, ‘Just being reminded of a lesson my Momma taught me. I’m fine.’ She smiled at Mrs. Towers. ‘Now let’s go face these new students today.’

The two women exited the lounge and walked back to their classrooms.

Mrs. Towers had been at Armstrong for many years, and she knew a falsehood when she heard it. She felt that Dianna could handle whatever it was that upset her and decided not to press. But she was curious as to what upset the young woman.

Dianna made it to her classroom door and prepared to greet her students: Summer, also stood in her door, as well as Mrs. Towers and Bryce. A part of

Dianna wanted to look at Bryce and see if his expression or demeanor had changed, but refused to acknowledge his presence. She did give in and sneak a peek at his door, and saw him staring back at her.

Mrs. Towers noticed the subtle exchange and finally realized part of the puzzle as to why Dianna was crying early in the morning.

Dianna continued working that day and not allowing the thoughts of a certain man dominate her brain. She would find herself glancing towards his door hoping to catch a glimpse of him

Sitting at her desk, Dianna began to questions herself, What is wrong with me? I’m gone over some man. I know he’s fine, but he’s not worth all this stress. I’ll just have to stop thinking about him.

Another class was lined up and ready to enter Dianna’s room. These students were Mrs. Thyme homeroom class, and Ms. Thyme had already told her about two of the boys in her class.

The class entered her room quickly and quietly, all except the last two boys.

As soon as the boys arrived at her door, she stopped them. ‘Excuse me, gentleman,’ Dianna said standing in front of the young men.

‘Are you serious? Do you really think I am going to allow you in my classroom behaving the way you are?’ Dianna asked the young men sternly.

‘Dang! Shorty, calm down.’ Marcus replied. ‘What’s got you all hot and bothered? I can help cool you off.’ He added winking at Dianna lewdly grabbing his crotch area.

Dianna was annoyed. Even though she had been warned about their outrageous behavior, she didn’t think little boys would really be that bold.

Keamon thought that his buddy was hilarious and fell over from laughing so hard.

Giving both boys a stern look and saying in her most serious voice, she let it be known that such lewd and lascivious behavior would not be tolerated in her class.

Keamon calmed down immediately, however, the Marcus became belligerent and aggressive as he angrily approached the teacher.

Bryce heard a commotion in the hall and came to his door, immediately. As soon as one of the boys became overly aggressive, Bryce interceded and called for security.

Taking out his phone, Bryce called for the resource officer. At this point Mrs. Towers and Ms. Thyme had stepped out to investigate the disturbance.

‘This is Mr. Yearly, on the sixth grade hall, we need Officer Thigpen immediately.’ Bryce said into his phone.

Upon hearing this Marcus decided fight. He swung at Bryce and Bryce grabbed him in a secure hold. Marcus’ movement actually frightened Dianna and she yelped.

‘Ms. Bouvier, please stand in your door to witness this until the resource officer arrives. I want to make sure, Mr. Bright here does not try anything and fabricate these events into his favor?

The rest of the day progressed and finally ended. Dianna exited her classroom and met Summer in the hall. Summer had heard about her altercation involving the two boys from her class and was concerned.

‘Ms. Bouvier, are you alright? I saw some of what happened with Mar
cus and Keamon.’ Summer asked. She was terrified of the two boys and couldn’t imagine how she would handle a situation where they became overtly aggressive.

‘I’m fine. Fortunately, Mr. Yearly came out and helped to get the situation under control.’ Dianna explained as she breathed a sigh of relief.

The two women were walking past Bryce’s room when Bryce called out to them. ‘Ms. Thyme, Ms. Bouvier, will you come in please? I need to speak to you.

Both women turned and walked into his room. When Dianna’s eyes fell on him, Bryce’s heart rate increased. He wondered if she could hear the thumping that was so loud it seemed to roar in his ears.

He toned down his desire. She’d been more than clear that she wanted nothing more than a professional relationship with him, and he’d honor her wish.

Dianna and Summer entered his room. He asked both women to sit down and offered them bottled water. They then proceeded to talk about the events that occurred that day.

Both women learned that Marcus Bright would be transferred to Carver Alternative School for the rest of the school year and Keamon Battle, was given a four day suspension with strict supervision upon his return.

Both Dianna and Summer were relieved. Although one of the young men was going to comeback, he was not the more violent one. The three teachers continued to recap the day and address any concerns the novice teachers had.

Eventually they all headed home. Summer was being picked up by her friends leaving Bryce and Dianna alone.

‘Well, Ms. Bouvier, I certainly hope the day’s events haven’t made you want to leave our profession.’ Bryce said jokingly.

‘No, I met tougher characters at the detention center. That young man is in for a surprise when he gets there.’ Dianna added chuckling.

Bryce looked across the parking lot, then at Dianna. ‘Look, this morning, I was out of-‘.

Dianna waved her hand to silence him.

‘Don’t worry about it. It’s OK. I told you I wanted a professional relationship and you just reminded me of the parameters I put in place.’

Walking away she added, ‘I won’t forget and cross that line again.’

Bryce stood and watched her walk away. He felt sad, as if he just blown a fantastic opportunity.

The rest of the week went by uneventfully. The teachers taught classes and had faculty meetings as usual.

Finally, the weekend came, and it was time for a short break. Dianna had been depressed about the events that occurred earlier that week, particularly, her conversation with Bryce.

Dianna decided to simply, let it go.

It was a Friday night and she wanted to get out of the house. She called her friend, Jamarkius, and asked if he was busy.

Jamarkius met Dianna at the local club. Tonight a local deejay was spinning records and air was buzzing with energy.

Dianna wanted to forget about her horrid week, so she spent a lot of time on the dance floor.

Summer came in with a group of friends and the two women exchanged pleasantries. Summer spoke to Jamarkius, even though he made her a little uncomfortable. But Dianna liked him, so maybe he wasn’t so bad.

Dianna had a few drinks and was beginning to feel tipsy. All of a sudden the deejay popped in her favorite dance hit. Dianna grabbed Jamarkius’ hand to dance, but he waved her off.

She went on to the dance floor alone, where Summer joined her in the fun.

Trey Songz’s voice boomed out of the speakers to a hip hop beat.

Bottoms up, bottoms up.

Hey what’s in yo’ cup.

Gotta coupla bottles, but a coupla ain’t enough.

Bottoms up, bottoms up.

Dianna and Summer were deep into the dance dominating the dance floor surrounded by scores of people. Everyone was gyrating, bucking, and engrossed in the music.

Bryce walked into the club. He had decided to just go out to try and get over a stressful week. As he entered the club, he bumped into someone.

‘Excuse me,’ he said then looking up. He looked straight into the angry eyes of Jamarkius.

Jamarkius didn’t like him because he recalled how he watched Dianna the last time they were here.

What really bothered him was the fact that Dianna watched him back. He didn’t mind the man checking out his woman, but he knew that for her to notice him, that meant she held some feelings for him.

‘Hey, son Bruce, right.’ Jamarkius greeted the competition glaring at him with cold dark eyes..

‘Actually it’s Bryce’ Bryce replied squaring his shoulders to show this man he was not intimidated.

‘Hmmmm! Whatever.’ Jamarkius responded, ‘Dianna is here with me. Unlike last time, if I have to leave, she leaves with me. You understand, teacher man.’ Jamarkius addressed Bryce in a derisive tone while patting him on a shoulder.

Bryce glared at the pompous jerk standing in front of him. The stare down lasted until a young lady interrupted the two men as she passed by them on her way to the restroom.

Bryce walked away from Jamarkius and up to the bar to order a drink. On his way to the bar, he noticed Dianna and Summer in the middle of the dance floor. The two girls were having a great time.

He did not miss how relaxed and happy Dianna looked while she danced. Just for a moment, he hoped that one day she would look at him and smile that way.

But this week, he’d messed up royally. His little speech earlier that week definitely blew any chances he had to get next to her.

Dianna felt her skin begin to tingle while she was dancing. Slowly she looked around the club. She saw her date, Jamarkius, flirting with a cute blonde that had just walked in. She saw Summer friends each laughing and having a good time.

Then, the music stopped and as she and Summer were leaving the dance floor to take a short break, her eyes strayed to the bar. Sitting in the center of the bar was Bryce, the man that starred in her fantasies. He was nursing his drink, so she quickly looked away so he would not think she was staring at him.

She returned to the table where she and Jamarkius was sitting just as her date returned from flirting.

‘Well, did you get her number?’ Dianna asked Jamarkius jokingly.

Chuckling as he sat down, he replied ‘Girl, you know I only see you. I ran into teacher boy earlier and had to put him in his place.’

Dianna perked up. ‘You talked to Bryce.’ Squinting her eyes and glaring at him she asked, ‘What did you say to him?’

Leaning back and becoming slightly irritated Jamarkius stated. ‘What did I say to him, Damn girl. You didn’t ask about what he might have said to me?’

She didn’t really want to argue with him tonight. He was her friend after all and she did invite him out. ‘You’re right Jamarkius. I should have asked. But I know you have a temper and I really don’t need the headache. But, hey. Let’s forget about him and enjoy the rest of the night.’

Bryce watched Dianna and Jamarkius the entire time they were in the club. A little after midnight, Dianna and Jamarkius left.

Bryce noticed how he kept his hands all over her the entire time they were there. He became angry at the thought of her being with that bastard.

Bryce called for his tab, paid it, and decided to call it a night.

Meanwhile, Jamarkius drove Dianna to her house. Dianna prayed that Tasha was home, because she really didn’t feel like fighting him off tonight.

When they reached her house, Jamarkius walked to her door and invited himself in. Dianna went along with him for a minute and made coffee for them as he talked.

‘Hey, Jamarkius, I have to be up early tomorrow to take care of some things. I think you should leave.’ Dianna suggested after listening to him talk for a while.

‘Give me some sugar, baby, and I’ll go.’ Jamarkius replied as he scooted over next to her on the couch.

Dianna kissed him even though she felt like she was kissing a wet rag.
Fortunately for her Tasha was home and she came into the room. So Jamarkius ended his wet, slimy kiss and headed home.

‘Dianna, I don’t like that guy. He’s dangerous’ Tasha told Dianna after Jamarkius left.

‘He’s not so bad. Besides, I’ve known him a while. He just takes getting used to.’ Dianna stated trying to relieve Tasha’s concern, but really she was not very comfortable around her old friend anymore.

Another couple of months of the school year progressed. Dianna and Summer met with Bryce at least three time each week for an evaluation on their performances, to work on their curriculum, and quick Q and A sessions.

Bryce cleverly scheduled a couple of their meeting during their conference periods so that they didn’t have to stay afterschool late more than two days a week.

He rarely spent time alone with Dianna during these few months, but that didn’t mean he did not watch her. He noticed everything she did.

However, they kept all of their interactions completely above board.

One Wednesday at the end of the day a faculty meeting was held. The meeting was extremely long and it was turning dark when it ended. Dianna left the school to walk over to the bus stop when Bryce offered her a ride home. She immediately refused.

‘Dianna, you are not catching a bus this late in the afternoon. Let Bryce take you to your house. There is nothing wrong with allowing someone to help you.’ Mrs. Towers chimed in as she was headed to her car where her husband was waiting.

Feeling like she was on the spot, Dianna reluctantly accepted his offer. Bryce walked her to his car, and held the door for her.

Once Dianna was in the car, Bryce tried to make small talk.

‘So, how are you? Are you still dating that guy? I haven’t seen you at the Club in a while.’

Dianna adjusted herself in the seat. Dianna replied. ‘I’ve been fine and Jamarkius and I are off again.’

‘Dianna, I know I have no rights here, but that guy… Well, I really don’t like him.’ Bryce took a deep breath inhaling the scent of Jasmine that permeated her skin. ‘Will you go out with me? Before you say no, just think about it.’

Dianna’s heart pounded in her chest. Her body betrayed her and her panties became soaked. Her nipples hardened, and she crossed her arms across her chest to hide them.

Bryce noticed her movement and took it to mean that he had annoyed her again. Soon, he pulled in front of her house and helped her get out of his car. As he gripped her hand, an amazing sensation shot through their arms.

Dianna gasped and he noticed her erect nipples poking through the fabric of her dress. His cock throbbed and he knew that as soon as he got home, he’d be pounding his meat raw at the thought of her.

‘I’ll think about it. Going out with you I mean.’ Looking away from his face and blushing, Dianna thanked him for the ride home and rushed into her house.

Bryce smiled as she closed and locked her door. He felt better than he had in months. If her body’s reaction was any indication, she was not as immune to him as she pretended to be.

Whistling to himself, Bryce drove home with a smile on his face.

The next day at school, Bryce made sure he stopped by Dianna’s classroom to speak to Dianna. She looked across her room and saw him standing in her doorway. Smiling, they greeted each other warmly. The rest of the day progressed uneventfully.

Before long, half of the school year was over, and it was time for a winter break. The students were dismissed early and the staff had a pre-holiday party. Gifts were exchanged and everyone went home.

Dianna had several packages to carry so Bryce gave her another lift home. Dianna happily accepted his offer, because secretly she wanted to spend time alone with him again.

While driving her home, Bryce decided to see if she’d thought about going out with him. ‘So, Dianna, have you thought about going out with me?’ Bryce queried.

Dianna was nervous, she wanted to scream yes, but she didn’t want to seem too eager. As she chewed her bottom lip, she shyly answered, ‘Ok, I’ll go out with you.’

Bryce was ecstatic. ‘Really, wow, that is great! So is Tuesday night good for you.’ He’d already made preregistrations at his favorite restaurant Lillo’s. He just needed to confirm.

Same as Dianna Ch. 02 Videos

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My wife is a little shy and I only hear hers moaning during sex. She loves to watch porn movies while we are having sex. She wants to stay in spoon position with many caresses on her body while we are watching those movies. When there are DP scenes or two girls with big cocked man, she moans more intensively without verbal comments. She confess me she loves big cocks, but she has never told me anything about her other fantasies. I think she really has some curiosity about bisexual girls and DP....

1 year ago
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Air Shark

I had learned to fly when I was fourteen. The war started a couple of years later and has slowly escalated. I wanted a change so when I joined at eighteen it was to be a Shark pilot. A Shark was a slim two man hover flyer. It had a mage engine and lift plates to keep it up and moving. It also had short stubby wings that held a single thirty round pod of missiles on each side or a pod of fifteen and another of pod of four heavier missiles for armor. Close to the end and inside the wing was a...

4 years ago
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We Met On A Plane

My commute was a weekly juggernaut from Newark to Milwaukee. The Sunday afternoon flight gets me in in time to leisurely drive to the hotel, check in and then grab a nice dinner before relaxing for the evening in preparation for a set of four ten hour days. Unfortunately, the planes were alway packed, and with my six foot two frame, the flights were two hours of cramped discomfort. Most of the time, my row companions were as big or bigger than me which made the trips doubly uncomfortable. The...

Straight Sex
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Sex Lessons For My Innocent Cousin Aruhi 8211 Part 2

Hey lovely readers. Greywolf here and I am back again to finish the sexiest and erotic story that I started in the previous part. Please note that to completely understand and enjoy this story you must read the previous story first and YES IT REALLY HAPPENED TO ME *NO FICTION*. This story will have plenty of details so it could be a bit longer but it won’t take away any fun. I assure that. So as we have ended with the shitty formalities lets heads towards the story. So, in the climax of the...

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The Weekend

The Weekend DreamThe Rendezvous “These corner bars are all the same.” You say to yourself. The smell of over powering scent of cigarettes is about to make you gag. The latest rendition of Achy Breaky Heart has been sung at the Karaoke stand. The DJ’s sign off for the night and begin packing up. You sit at the bar after talking to your girlfriend. She is over at a table with a young man she “thinks has a nice ass”. You sit sipping on your dreamsicle mixed drink. You have promised to be the...

2 years ago
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an unexpected afternoon Ch 2

===================================== As the morning sun was coming in through the patio doors I slowly woke on the couch alone. Worried that my newly reforming friendship with Mark was totally screwed I got up and went into the bathroom to get ready to leave in case Mark was pissed at me. As I came out of the bathroom Mark said he had breakfast ready for us. Maybe some good will come out of last night. SO I went to the kitchen and sat down drinking my o.j. as I don't drink coffee. A...

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Space Paws

In the typical pornography transaction, the studios and smut peddlers demand money upfront. Today’s offering is such a futuristic example of interactive computer sex that it turns even this expectation on its head. People are throwing money at Taifun Riders, the makers of Space Paws, even though it’s not required. It must be a pretty solid hentai game to attract that kind of attention, so I figured I’d see if it could get me off.Supporting the Art of Furry Sex GamesI didn’t really know much...

Free Sex Games
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My Unwanted First Time

I figured to amuse some people I should post this true story on xhamster. At the time I was 19, now I am 20. A girl who went to my college, who always ignored me if I talked to her, one night got her friends and ****d me. She was kinda hot, white like me and with glasses. Her friends were both redheads and were meh. But, she told me to come to her house because she was having a birthday party. When I entered the room, she hit me on the head with a baseball bat. When I woke up I had a headache...

4 years ago
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The Long and the Short of ItChapter 20

They met as arranged but Tina was accompanied my Merle and Tania. Merle flung her arms round Christopher. "Bend down, you giraffe," she ordered. "You need kissing." He did as he was told and her hands went to his head to hold him still while she delivered a really smacking kiss. "Well done!" Another kiss. "You are the best thing that could ever have happened to her." Another kiss. "I'm so happy for you both." Final kiss. Then it was Tania's turn. She was rather more...

3 years ago
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mom in bus

Hi friends I told in the last story how I and my friend planned and fucked our mothers now I like to share the thing which made me to fuck her. Actually my mom is an highly traditional person even she will not speak to the near by person to our house but at one time she to last her control it had happened while iam studying 10th std at that time my father had gone for an out station for an contract work and he been there for a year which made my mom too hot by that we were in madras and we...

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Chapter Four Patience And Sensation

It is silent now, in this room where I am suspended.All I can sense is the breeze that gusts now and again through the sheer curtains and cools my skin, creating waves of goosebumps on my body. Are these little shivers revealing my anticipation at what may be ahead?I come to realise that once again I am being taught a lesson: patience and how to listen to the heightened awareness of my desires, needs and sensations.My newly pierced nipples are throbbing now, not too intense, but enough to take...

1 year ago
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Lost bet

It all began as a bit of a joke really. We'd all been out clubbing in some raunchy nightspots and were still high on the atmosphere. As the night wore on and morning was quickly rearing its bright and beautiful head, the group began to dwindle until only three of us were left. My husband Phil, my best mate Lisa and of course me. My name is Helen and what follows is a story that we three will never forget. Lisa lived far away so, we invited her to stay at our place. She readily agreed but...

She Males
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Batrice les dbuts

B?atrice : les d?butschapitre 1 : R?solutionsJe m'ennuie. Plus je reflechis et plus j'en arrive ? la meme conclusion, vraiment je m'ennuie.Et encore cela ne traduit pas ma pens?e brute, ce serait bien plus grossier.Je traine mon ennui partout ! en classe, bien que j'y aille de moins en moins ? cause du sport.C'est vrai que je me d?brouille pas trop mal au tennis et que j'obtiens quelques resultats qui fontque plusieurs personnes ont mis?s leurs espoirs sur moi. Drole d'id?e et droles de gens.Eux aussi m'ennuient ...

3 years ago
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Sex During The Office Audit With A Sexy Lady

This is Shiva with an exciting experience I had few months ago. I wish to narrate this incident in a short and crisp way. I am a part of an external auditing team who audits public service entities. That is my profession. I work across Southern states. I am a great fan of this site and do read when I get horny and reads the stories. Please drop me your feedback at About me, I do have a built up body as I do take push-ups and go for regular walking. So, I have a physique that is good as said by...

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The Lustful Labyrinth

Christ, you think, can't believe he made an easy job a shit one. You were walking home after work, finding yourself incredibly irritated by your boss, who seemed to have a knack for forcing you to do more work than you would usually have to. Today, for example, he ordered you to help him fix the water dispenser in the office, yet you found yourself being the one having to be on the ground looking at its inner workings to find a solution. Your boss didn't even thank you when you finally got it...

1 year ago
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A tale in Marrakech

Work is over and people by the thousand pour out onto the square; grains of sand flowing into the beating heart of Marrakech. They play mad music. A beat of drums, of wooden soles and friendly arguments. A chant of crooked bartering, of laughter and motorcycle exhausts.A million stars burn into your eyes. Blinking neons held in absurd contraptions, candles suspended in red glass, tall men spitting fire and the minaret of the Koutoubia mosque, wandering the sky like a lost sun. The smell of...

4 years ago
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Cheerleader Coven

Cheerleader Coven By Trisha Max and Stuart watched them from the top bleachers, pretending to talk to each other, but in reality totally transfixed at the spectacle below. Stuart was particularly anxious, but Max wasn't far behind him in excitement. They were in the gymnasium. Down below, on the basketball floor, the cheerleaders were practicing their routine, jumping up and own, thrusting pom-poms out from their chests, and forming elaborate human pyramids. There were six of them,...

2 years ago
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My Special Weekend part 3

my Special weekend Part 3 Monday I can feel myself waking up but I just can't seem to clear my head, Im aware that Im in a hospital or someplace like tat as I can see and IV hanging over me. My body feels like a lead weight and I just can't seem to move, my face hurts, my throat hurts, my chest, hurts, my waist hurts, heck even my buns hurt! but I just can't seem to clear my head I suddenly see Mistress's face in my field of vision. She says to me just go back to sleep everything is...

1 year ago
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BlackCocksMatter Lexi Foxy Lexi Will Never Forget That Black Cock Experience

Lexi Foxy has always enjoyed a beautiful large black cock to fuck. She remembers so vividly the first time she ever got to hold one and always craves the next one that may come along. Lucky for her, her boss Isiah is in need of a helping hand so Lexi takes it upon herself to fully fulfill any errand he has; even if its just stroking that large black cock of his. She gets his cock in her tiny hands and wants so badly to feel it stretching the walls of her pussy. Isiah is just the man to fulfill...

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My teacher

I smile as i see the clock on the wall hit 3 o'clock, meaning that school is over. Everyone else is packed and ready to leave for the day, but not me. I have decided to stay back for supported study, and i look to be the only one. I sit in the chair in my uniform which is black jeans, white shirt and black tie with black vans on my feet. I stand at about 5ft9, with short blond hair and green eyes. I am kinda skinny but have an athletic body and slight abs from sports. I blush a bit as i see my...

1 year ago
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2ChicksSameTime Chloe Scott Jill Kassidy 22843

Chloe Scott and Jill Kassidy are celebrating postgame with ballplayers Charles and Damon after their big win, with some drinks, dancing and a little playtime! But when ol’ boy Chuck’s wife comes home and finds him getting a little too frisky with Jill, she strikes his ass out, and benches him for the rest of the day! Jill’s left to her own devices, frustrated while watching Chloe get down and dirty with Damon. But her horny friend takes notices of this, and invites Jill to join them for a...

4 years ago
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In The Pillbox

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” my man Evan asked me. It was a fantastic location. A veritable desert strand of a beach, a beautiful headland, and nearby a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), or Safleoedd o Ddiddordeb Gwyddonol Arbennig (SoDdGA) as they say here in Wales! The tide was out, but the salty smell of the ocean was still in the summer air, and the song of the gulls echoed all around. Rather incongruously, there were a couple of concrete pillboxes along the beach....

Gay Male
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He ran into her in the elevator

Just a little something to tide everyone over until the third installment of the Meeting Derek and Jackie series is complete. As always this is a true story. Jay was having a rough day. Working in IT for a large midwestern bank often had headaches. Today was more like a migraine waiting to happen. The day started with the company issued mobile phone ringing as he stepped out of the shower. Still dripping wet he looked at the display and saw it was his boss. Jay hit the green answer button and...

4 years ago
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My First Sexual Male Partner

Well, not really my boyfriend. More like a friend of the family. He was casual and friendly, enjoyed being naked and sunbathing. I used to stop in and see him when I was frustrated at home or couldn't find any friends my age to hang with. It wasn't about sex, just hanging out and rapping about life, work, girls and cars. I knew he liked guys. I had met some of them. I think my dad and he used to do it. As a matter of fact I'm sure they did. Still, he was great to just hang with. His...

2 years ago
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The Septimus Child

Today is born the seventh one Born of woman the seventh son And he in turn of a seventh son He has the power to heal He has the gift of the second sight He is the chosen one So it shall be written "Seventh Son of a Seventh Son", Iron Maiden Darra slung her purse over her shoulder and stalked out of her lawyers office. "What a bunch of bullshit!" she thought. Her soon-to-be ex-husband was trying to bully her again, through the courts this time, but almost as awful just the same. This...

4 years ago
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Sharons first dogging experience

I have reposted this because it was not showing.This story will probably take me longer to write than it took to do.I had been fucking Sharon for about 18 months and in that time I had introduced her to the shared experience. I was still at university and we were meeting two or three times a week. Her marriage was in trouble as her husband knew she was getting fucked somewhere else but he didn't know where. She had really gotten into being very submissive and often went home marked. I will try...

1 year ago
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Taming Tamara 2

She knelt in the darkened corner of the room, her wrists enclosed in leather bracelets, and her black,studded collar chained to a ring in the brick wall. She was for Him to use as He saw fit. That was what her training hadtaught her. Taught her to the point of her knowing that it was all she wanted. This is what she had been born for. The pain that she had been conditioned to receive was now her life force. An entree' in the feast of His desires. As she faced the wall, she was aware of the...

2 years ago
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Long Day at Work Part 2

I had my legs opened and my freshly shaven pussy open to him. Without much pause he laid down on the bed and stuck his head between my legs. He started slowly and passionately kissing my pussy, with gently licks thrown in. ‘MMMMM baby’ I moaned. ‘MMMhhhmmmm’ he hummed and giggled a bit. He then started to stick his tongue into my now wet pussy and tickle my clit. Once he started doing that I started to get convulsions throughout my body. I started to shift around a lot and my leg began to...

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Rena my sister8217s daughter

Dear all, I am a fan of ISS. Read lot of stories and really wonder how we Indians have changed a lot. We have lot of sex and fun like the foreigners but we do not reveal the truth to the world. Well, I am from Chennai, Tamil Nadu aged 31 running my own business. The incident I am going to tell you happened when I was a bachelor, doing my degree. I did my degree through Open University system while I was working in private company. I used to go on business tour often on behalf of my company and...

1 year ago
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Cinema visit

"Come on then", grabbing my hand literally dragging me with you. "Why what's up? Something wrong?". "No! I just want to show you something!". As you drag me through the streets we come across some building. "Here it is!", you smile and you look at me as if you found a million bucks. Sort of proud. "This is it? This is what you wanted to show me?". "Yep! Come!". You grab my hand again and slowly shuffle to the door. Sliding the door open slowly. We enter a hallway with movie posters. I'm looking...

3 years ago
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Its A Good Day To Die Chapter 2

“Hey everyone Tazonda here.‭ ‬Here is the second chapter of It's a Good Day to Die.‭ ‬This chapter was written when Hawk had writers block.‭ ‬During the second round of writers block he finished it and resent it.‭ ‬If we had timed it right we could have put it out‭ ‬for Labor day.‭ ‬I know the chapters have been coming out slow but we want to give you,‭ ‬the readers,‭ ‬a great experience and get rid of any loopholes in the plot.‭ ‬This series WILL NOT include any characters from the...

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Hi Im Jane heres the 2nd part of my story so far

Hi I'm Jane and I have been dating Larry for about 3 months now. He's 21 and lives by himself in an appartment. Now before you start to go off with the age thing, he treats me like a queen and never has taken advantage of me. We have never fucked, yet! But, I'm thinking about it believe me. He has been working on me now for a long time trying to get me to give in and let him fuck me. I guess that day at the park where he got my panties off and ate my pussy making me cum was the start of our...

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The Mars Company AnthologyChapter 5

Xi Pegasi Aboard the Wells March 28, 2057 Devin looked up as the admittance chime sounded. “Come.” Manuel Fuentes stood in the doorway. “Got a minute?” “For you, always. Take a seat.” Manuel smiled briefly and pushed off the doorjamb. Devin’s office desk was a smaller copy of the activity room tables, and Manuel sat across the desk from Devin. “What’s on your mind?” “We can’t land on the surface or, at least not anywhere near the survey sites. The ground team says the rovers probably...

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EvilAngel Riley Reid Smells Like Paris

Glam-but-adorable Riley Reid’s bold bikini top features a phallic design. The fun-loving, petite cutie twerks in your face. Kinky director John Stagliano gropes her scrumptious ass, pinches her nipples and squeezes her underarm flesh in clothespins. Sniffing her unshaved armpits, French star stud Manuel Ferrara declares that Riley ‘smells like Paris’! They share intimate mouth kissing. He rips open her leggings for 69: She sits on his face; he eats furry pussy and she gives...

3 years ago
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Prince made me his princess

We got into contact, his name was Prince. He was in his 60s and a retired army man. He needed some help around the house as he recently had an accident. I got the address, packed my bags and went to his house. He was tall, he had white hair all over his body, a hunky build and a bald head. He looked at me from head to toe. The first day was pretty normal, he showed me the house and explained the chores i needed to do. He also told me he needed a massage now i felt weird at this, but i was...

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in dracaria it is ruled by 5 continents, 10 oceans, flying islands, magic, and of course monsters, in the world, it uses a classic classification method of E to SSS which is from the weakest to the abnormally, unmistakably impossibly strong. this is about the lands of dracaria and its many monsters as well as how they might live or behave with a classification of their powers or threat overall. though this will generally focus on monsters it might talk about nations and inner workings or the...


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