- 4 years ago
- 24
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Gabriel banged on her door for about five minutes. She’d locked him out.
‘Abigail-god-damn-it,’ he yelled at the door.
‘Give her time to cool down, man,’ Rafe said behind him.
‘Shut-up. This is all your damn fault,’ Gabriel snapped pounding the door three more times. If it weren’t because he had three broken ribs, a busted leg, and a barely healed collarbone he’d have busted the door down by now.
Michael leaned against said doorframe, eyes flashing in irritation. ‘Would you calm the fuck down, you idiot. All you’re doing is making things worse.’
Gabriel glared at him, trying to get his ragged, infuriated panting under control. He had a point.
Gabe gripped his crutches with knuckle-whitening intensity as he directed his hostile stare at the door accusingly.
She’d gone to him. Daniel. When she’d texted him back that she was at the Montenegro estate he’d almost sent his phone through the glass doors of the downstairs game room.
Trying to keep a grip on his volatile temper, he immersed himself in music.
At Michael’s insistence, they’d worked on the first song he’d written for Abigail. He’d pretty much spilled his pathetic guts in that song. Christ. Mike was right. He had it bad, like never before.
And then she tells him she’s at Daniel’s house.
Knife straight to the heart, kick to the balls.
He didn’t need to look behind him to know the rest of the guys were standing there, witnessing all the drama.
How he hated drama.
Taking a deep breath, ‘Erica, get me the ring of keys I have by the fridge up in the kitchen.’
Dainty footsteps sounded up the stairs.
Michael’s quasi-unibrow almost touched across the bridge of his broken nose. ‘Seriously, Gabe. What are you doing?’
Gabriel gave him a calm face, despite his roiling inner emotions. ‘I’m gonna talk to my girl.’
Behind them, Angelo snorted.
One of Mike’s brows rose a bit. ‘Talk?’
Gabriel pursed his lips. ‘Yeah, talk.’
They stood there staring at each other. Mike didn’t believe him, but he’d show them he could handle this. It wasn’t going to be like the time…Gabriel frowned, trying to remember a time when he’d been able to remain cool.
Michael’s brows rose a bit more.
‘Well there’s a first time for everything,’ Gabriel hissed.
Erica skipped over with the keys.
Gabriel found the right one and unlocked the door.
Turning, he glared at the guys. ‘Privacy, please.’
They stayed right where they were, Rafe leaning against the pool table texting his buddies currently sitting around the outdoor lounge area waiting for him to give them the signal things had calmed down inside, Angelo sitting on the pool table even though he knew Gabriel hated that, Erica standing near Mike, who was still leaning against the doorframe with his bulky arms now folded over his chest, dubious expression still irritatingly fixed on his mug.
Gabriel entered her room…and almost stepped in puke.
He wrinkled his nose. ‘Shit.’ She’d gotten sick?
Healthy dose of guilt now beating him up from the inside out, he hobbled over to where he heard water running.
Abigail leaned over one of the double sinks, splashing water in her face. She looked pale, eyes closed and breathing open-mouthed.
He did that. To her. The girl who’d made him glad he opened his eyes every morning.
Grabbing a face towel and tossing it over his shoulder he made his way to her.
She finally straightened, their eyes meeting in the mirror.
He offered her the towel. Without turning to face him, she took it, mumbling her thanks and then dried her face.
So many things he needed to say. He didn’t know where to start. He was still pissed she’d gone back to the mansion in Laguna Beach. Scared of her reaction in knowing he’d had her living in his beach house with the pretext of being a housekeeper to some secret person. He really didn’t want anyone to know his secret hideaway. Just the guys and his grandmother. Now Rafe had brought a bunch of people over via the bay.
‘Tell me what you’re thinking,’ he said, needing to know.
She blinked, her teeth nipping her lower lip. Her gaze darted away from his, disconnecting from him.
Not good.
He crowded her, blanketing her back with his body, lips almost brushing her ear. A violent shiver went through her.
‘Abigail,’ he breathed out, the heat of her already making him hard. ‘I was going out of my mind knowing you were him.’
Her eyes snapped open. He slid his gaze back to the mirror to see how wide her pupils were. He affected her too. It wasn’t just his blood flowing like lava through his veins right now.
‘I already told you. Mikayla called me.’
He closed his eyes, turned his nose to sniff at her fragrant hair. How he wished it were unbound so he could bury his face in the golden mass.
‘Abigail, I love you.’
She made a strangled sound in her throat.
He turned to look at her reflection again. Her eyes were closed, glittering wetness flooding her lashes.
‘You lied to me,’ she got out through clenched teeth.
‘About who owned this place?’ Her eyes snapped back open, full of hurt, anger, and accusation. ‘I try to keep that information secret, Abigail. I didn’t want anyone to know this place is mine. I was going to tell you. We just hadn’t gotten around to talking about it. I was scared you’d leave and go back to Laguna.’ Just thinking about it made him want to go ape-shit.
She let out a pent up breath, her eyes focusing on the silver faucets in front of her.
‘I was going to get a job, a little apartment,’ her voice sounded small. ‘I was finally going to stand on my own two feet.’
Gabriel frowned, not understanding. He’d given her a place to stay. His home. Their home. And he’d given her money. She didn’t need a fucking job.
Her eyes rose to meet him in the mirror again. He didn’t really like what he saw in them. ‘I need to leave, Gabriel.’
No. Time to change tactics.
His face fell. ‘You’re going to abandon me? When I need you most?’
The deep tone of his voice, so soft, made goose bumps rise on her arms.
‘You’re hardly alone, Gabriel.’
His lips pressed together, green eyes full of hurt and disappointment. ‘Mike has his hands full with Erica and her condition. Ariel is a manic depressive, drunk most of the day, asleep the rest. Rafe? I don’t want Rafe here with his shit. Who does that leave? My eighty-nine-year-old grandmother? No way am I making her have to tend to me. She’s done enough for me. Sharmane takes care of her. Diamond?’
Abigail winced. Oh-God, not that woman!
Gabriel snorted humorlessly, ‘Yeah-no.’
He stared at her through the mirror until he turned away, head down. ‘Yeah, Abs. I get it. You need to get on with your life. Don’t worry about me. I can get through this alone.’
He made his way slowly toward the door, his right crutch catching with the throw rug in the middle of the stark white bathroom. After a bit of a wobble, he continued slowly, head down, just tearing her up inside with guilt at the sorry picture he presented. Before she could stop herself, she darted in front of him. Half-shuttered green eyes bore into hers, his face blank, black hair tumbling in loose waves around his face.
Her tongue froze, her eyes drifting down over his naked upper torso. Tattoos decorated his pecs and arms. A tribal sun in sharp black ink circled his belly button, set within the rock hard six-pack of his abdomen. His heat called to her. She felt herself swaying forward, a fuzzy memory of touching and tasting most of that glorious male flesh tantalizing her.
He licked his lips and turned his head away a bit, eyes focused on the white tiled floor.
‘I…’ she began. ‘I guess I can stay and care for you un
til you get better.’
His gaze slid back to her, face still adorably pouty. ‘I’ll be fine alone. Mike can sneak by every once and a while. As long as someone leaves some water and crackers nearby, definitely a lamp on. If I need to go take a piss I can always crawl outside and aim for the edge of the dock. Hopefully I won’t fall in.’
She frowned at him, despite her alarm at his words. ‘Oh, Gabriel. Stop being so dramatic.’
When he refocused on the tile again with a soulful sigh, she couldn’t help reach up and stroke back his thick hair. It only spilled forward again over his muscular shoulders.
He needed her. He’d been wrong to trick her into living in his house and fill her bank account with money, but the bottom line was he really needed someone to stay with him. He could hire a full time nurse, but then he’d run the risk of his privacy being invaded. The person might tell someone and before anyone knew, there’d be a horde of fans swarming the house.
‘I’ll stay, Gabriel.’
He looked at her again. ‘Abigail, are you not still my girlfriend?’
She blinked at him. Somehow, she’d never really thought he’d been serious. He’d said twice now he loved her, but they barely knew each other. Didn’t they?
‘Are you?’ he whispered.
‘I…I thought it was just pretend.’
He came closer, looming over her. She blinked up at him, eyes wide. The black in his pupils almost swallowed the green of his eyes. ‘I’m not pretending.’
‘Oh,’ she replied with a gulp. ‘Okay then.’
‘I’ll forgive you, because you obviously don’t know about the girlfriend rules.’
‘Oh, yes,’ he replied, one brow arching beautifully. ‘Girlfriends are supposed to take care of their man. I’m your man, Abby, and right now I need you.’
A shudder went through her at his words. Her man.
Her eyes drifted over the masculine beauty before her. All that? Hers?
Wow. Okay then.
Finding her voice again, she asked, ‘are there boyfriend rules?’
His grin was pure evil. Gone was the pouty boy. Now she wasn’t so sure she wanted to know what the boyfriend rules were.
He dipped his head to brush his lips over hers. Movement to her right had her turning to catch Michael in the room hefting handfuls of what looked like sawdust on where she’d heaved.
Embarrassment had her gasping and rushing out of the bathroom.
‘Oh, I can take care of that,’ she blurted.
‘Already got it,’ Mike mumbled straightening. ‘Just let that stuff soak it up a few minutes. Then it only needs to be swept up.’ He looked at Gabriel over her shoulder. ‘I got rid of all those goons Rafe brought over.’
She turned to look at Gabriel who was making his way to the bed. His face looked a little ashen.
‘Good thing I didn’t get attached to this place,’ he replied tightly.
Micheal cocked his head to the side, eyes on Gabe. ‘Already had the talk with him. Let’s just wait and see what happens.’
Gabriel shook his head. Michael just sighed. Abigail wondered what they were talking about. It almost sounded as if Gabriel was considering getting rid of the beach house.
‘Shit,’ Michael huffed. ‘With the practice and drama, I forgot about your meds.’
Abigail’s eyes widened as she saw Gabriel settle gingerly on her mattress before leaning sideways to lie down.
He was in pain.
‘I’ll live,’ he replied, but Mike had already walked out.
It was already nighttime. ‘Have you had dinner?’
He rolled onto his back. She saw him wince, but he remained silent and just shook his head side to side.
Michael came trotting back into the room, bottle of pills in his hand and glass of water.
Abigail turned and made her way out. Erica followed her up the stairs.
‘Everything okay between you two?’
Abigail smiled at her over her shoulder. ‘Yeah. We talked a bit.’ They needed to talk more though. ‘He hasn’t eaten. I’m going to make something for all of us.’
‘Ooh, can I help?’
Abigail grimaced but nodded her head, turning toward the kitchen. ‘Suuure.’
Angelo and Michael helped him back up to the main floor. His bedroom had been unlocked and Abigail had the pleasure of finally seeing it. It was no wonder why he’d had it locked. His scent was everywhere even though, according to Mike, he’d barely ever stayed there. The huge walk-in closet had a few clothes, but there were pictures of his grandmother and another of a very beautiful blonde woman holding a baby, a little boy with humongous green eyes and raven curls. Gabriel as a one-year old and his mother was too precious for words.
She’d prepared some tenderloin steaks and lobster tails, and had Mike cook them out on the grill. Potatoes were in the oven as she prepared asparagus stalks in a huge skillet. Erica set the table to Abigail’s surprise with Gabriel’s white square plates and silverware. In the living room Angelo and Ariel played with the Xbox, shouting insults at one another over some game until the scents of food drew them to the kitchen like hungry children.
‘God, I hate Gabriel so much right now,’ Angelo suddenly exclaimed looking over Abigail’s shoulder.
She looked up at him, eyes wide. ‘Why? What did he do?’ Looking back out into the living room, Gabriel laid sleeping on his inflatable mattress again. It was a shame there wasn’t a bedroom on the main floor.
‘I saw you first, damn-it. You’re gorgeous and you can cook more than Chef Boyardee.’
Abigail rolled her eyes and shook her head. ‘Please go back to the living room and let me finish this.’
About an hour later, they all congregated at the outside dining table. Michael had lit the fire pit and turned up the fairy lights on the deck. The warm breeze brought with it the scent of the ocean and the sounds of the sea. Millions of star winked from a velvet black sky the moon, a sliver of white low in the sky reflected off the shimmering water. The bay was breathtaking, surrounded by the twinkling lights of the glamorous houses around it and fancy crafts of all sizes in its waters.
Gabriel still had a sleepy face when she put his plate before him.
He rubbed his eyes and frowned. ‘Who ordered take out? Smells fucking good.’
Mike smiled at him. ‘No take-out, man. Abs made it.’
Gabriel looked at his plate again. ‘Jesus-christ, woman.’
Abigail bit her lips, wondering if there was something wrong.
Everyone ate almost in silence for a few minutes, nothing but the sounds of appreciation with every bite.
Gabriel watched her with every bite he took, his serious stare making her nervous. What was going through his head? At one point he reached over and took her hand, pressing a lingering kiss over her knuckles, eyes so intense, she felt herself blush from head to toe.
Everyone conversed, tales of the outrageous things that happened to them on their tours or at shows had Abigail gasping in shock or laughing until her sides hurt. One their first shows before a big crowd had ended up rather abruptly when the entire stage had collapsed. Another time some woman kept accusing Gabriel of being Bret Michaels incognito.
‘Fucks-sake,’ Gabriel groused. ‘I look nothing like the dude. I’ve got green eyes and black hair. Real hair-mind you.’
Abigail smiled looking around the table. ‘Who’s Bret Michaels?’
Angelo’s white wine sprayed from his mouth as he choked. Ariel snickered and Michael shook his head in dismay. Gabriel just stared at her in concern.
‘He’s the guy from Poison,’ Erica giggled. ‘Total eye-candy when he was younger, not too bad now either actually.’
‘You know,’ Ang began, wiping his laughing mouth off with a napkin, ‘Now that I look at you, Gabe, I kind-a see it.’
Gabriel scowled at the drummer. ‘Eat me.’
‘Look! You see?’ Ang exclaimed, jabbing a finger in Gabriel’s direction. ‘It’s those hooker lips of you
rs, and those big fuck-me eyes. You’re a dead ringer for him. All you need is the blond hair and eyeliner, man.’
Even Ariel laughed, which was probably the first time she’d seen him show his teeth. Gabriel looked down shaking his head, but he chuckled too and then he yawned. The medication made him drowsy.
Erica shoved her cell phone under Abigail’s nose.
‘Bret Michaels.’
Abigail blinked as she took the proffered phone from the girl despite Gabriel’s protest. She looked at the video of the handsome blond man and smirked.
‘Well, maybe the nose and the mouth.’
Roaring laughter sounded around her. Gabriel just rubbed his face with his hands in defeat.
‘Seriously, Abigail? You too?’
She giggled. No. Gabriel was way better looking than the pretty blond man in the video singing about roses and their thorns. For one, Gabe gave off a pure masculine vibe that made her toes curl. So-what if his lips were what Angelo accused them to be. They were surrounded by manly scruff at the moment.
He gave her a slow blink, looking like he was ready to nod off at any minute.
Michael stretched ad stood. ‘Rafe, help me clean up. Ang and Ariel, help Sleeping beauty here to the bath. It’s getting late.’
Angelo scoffed. ‘What? I am not helping a man bathe. What-the-hell!’
Ariel just shook his head sipping at his beer.
Gabriel looked at Abigail.
Her eyes widened. Who would bathe Gabriel when Michael couldn’t come over?
‘I can make it into the bathroom, but I definitely need someone to give me a hand in there.’
‘He could slip and kill himself,’ Michael added without a hint of a smile.
Abigail cupped her throat in horror.
‘Think of me as your patient,’ Gabriel added slowly getting to his feet as Rafe handed him his crutches.
Every eye was on her.
Well, he was her boyfriend, and he was hurt enough to need assistance and who better than she?
‘Okay,’ she said, her voice a horse whisper.
She left the guys from the band cleaning up as she followed Gabriel into the bathroom on the main floor behind the kitchen.
It was not as big as her bathroom downstairs, but roomy enough for both of them to fit without bumping into each other.
Gabriel still had no shirt on, just a pair of black drawstring pants. When he leaned against the sink, Abigail turned and began fixing the water.
‘How do you like the temperature?’
‘However you like it,’ he purred.
She ignored the sexy growl and shoved her trembling hand beneath the warm spray of water. This bathroom was tiled in natural stone and had a walk-in bathing area. Niches were tucked in the corners stocked with soaps, sponges, towels, and bottles of products of every kind. There was also a sturdy metal and plastic chair she guessed Gabriel used when he showered in there.
‘Well, I made it warm, but not too much. It’s a cool night…’
Her words died on her tongue when she turned.
He was in the process of stepping out of his pants. He wore noting else underneath. Her jaw dropped, her eyes gaped, her face grew hot as well as every other part of her.
Sweet-baby-Jesus, the man had the body of a pagan god, mile long legs, exquisitely muscled, and dusted in a layer of fine dark hair that matched the treasure trail leading from halfway down his tight belly to the nest surrounding his half erect cock…his half erect monstrous cock. Good-lord, it was another limb practically. As she stared at it, it grew longer and thicker.
‘This is going to get really embarrassing if you keep looking at me like that, baby.’
She wrenched her eyes from his groin to his face, and then closed her mouth to keep from making the famous fish-face that turned him on so much. Why? She had no idea.
‘You’re naked,’ she blurted.
‘Well, I am about to shower.’
‘You could’ve worn underwear at least,’ she continued to protest, doing her best to keep her eyes on his face. It didn’t matter though. Her eyes were focused on his face, but she could still see that serpentine beast pressed against his abs. It was like another person in the room.
He wrinkled his nose. ‘Well, how the hell am I supposed to wash my jewels wearing underwear? Come-on, Abs. We’re both adults here. Seriously?’
Her face felt like it was on fire, and why not? She’d just seen her first completely naked man…and he was…there were no words.
‘Baby, the shower’s running.’
‘Yes! Oh-my-god, yes! Sorry.’
He chuckled darkly. ‘My little Poptart.’
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If you read chapter one then by all means keep on reading. If you haven’t read chapter one, I suggest you do as I am writing this in a book type format. To get a feeling for this or following chapters, you will need to know what occurred in chapter one. * After a couple of months of living on my own I recognized that I was lonely, angry, and yes, even lost. Sue had been my life and I couldn’t stop thinking of her. She called me every day asking how I was then after getting my small and very...
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MoneyHi guys, I’m Manisha this is the sixth part of my sex story, I am really delighted by the feedbacks that I had got from you guys on my previous chapters, so if you guys had not yet read my previous ones, I’ll advise you to read those, so that you can enjoy this part. And one more thing I want to add is that my stories are not real it is an act of fiction , so any one wanna give me more story ideas or share some fantasies, please mail me along with your feed backs at Let me give you guys a...
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Vicky chatted with Karen before joining Scott to watch the Falcons game against The Kingston Frontenacs. “I’ve got really mixed feelings about tonight. Brad is like a son to me and Peter is my step son, and they’re playing on opposite teams. I don’t know who to cheer for.” “I guess you cheer for both and just hope they each have a good game and don’t get injured,” Karen replied. While Brad and Jake changed into their hockey uniforms, Wendy sat in the arena seats between Dan and Karen....
[After showers, we ‘summoned’ Mary and Jamie, and got treated to a VERY erotic show, that left all of us in need of another shower!] In the morning, we awoke at 6:30, then had breakfast at a Denny’s, right next door to our hotel. The weather was looking rather dreary. Just as we arrived at the airport, the skies opened up and lightning was striking everywhere. Our flight was delayed for over an hour, while the storm raged on. I knew I was going to miss our meeting with Stan. It was almost...
11:40a.m. (at home) Saturday The next morning I woke up to extremely sore. It felt like I’d been riding a horse all day long and slammin’ my pussy against a rock or something. I felt like I was walking bow legged. I could hardly sit down. Thank god it was not a school night. I fixed myself an egg and went back up to my room. The phone rang and I answered it. “Hello” “Jori?” Sarita called. “Yeah, what do you want.” “What’s the matter girl?” she questioned. “I talked to Black this morning after I...
EroticAgain, just like the first part, everything is true except his name.Back when I was 18, my best friend growing up, once seduced me during a sleep over. It was the first real sex I had ever had. I had gone out with girls in high school and still love women, but I never had the opportunity to go all the way with them and with Steven, well, the curiosity was just too great. We had spent last summer sleeping over at each other's house every weekend on the guise of playing video games or watching...
School was so exhausting. The hours passed excruciatingly slowly, you had designs for later, plans which wouldn't leave your head for a moment, the excitement was torment, driving you to madness throughout the day. You watched the clock tick with bated breath, the seconds burned off the final class, each second turning your lip upwards into a berserk smile. Your hair stood on end as the final second ticked away, precipitating the bell ring, causing you to scoop up your bag and fly home.
IncestI truly felt like a fish out of water when it came to travelling. Maybe it wasn't so much to being in a different place, it was just the moving around, not being able to do anything which I would consider constructive. I hadn't really wanted to go on this stupid training course but my boss had nagged at me to go on this thing. I'm convinced he felt that sending me on one of these things was to do me good and not just for the good of the business. The rooms we were given were really...
It was the day before New Years Eve. Mia, my co-worker I shared an office with, was on late shift, while I only had to work till 18:00. But I came back around 19:00 to keep her company. It was a calm night, not much to do. Our talk soon turned to very kinky topics. I started to massage her neck, but my hands soon wandered down her neckline. I maybe should mention that she had big breasts and liked to wear low-cut shirts to show them off. So from my point of view, looking over her shoulder...
"You are mine tonight. To do with as I please. Be good and obey and you'll enjoy it. I promise you an orgasm that you'll feel for days. Fight me, and you will regret it severely," you coo in my ear. "Understand?" Your words are playful and soft, but I can sense the stern tone behind them. "Yes." "Yes, what?" you ask. "Yes....mistress," I reply hesitantly. "Good boy." I barely have time to fathom what might be in store for me later before I feel something warm and...
I stop at the gift shop and am thrilled to find that they do indeed stock corsages. I pick up two. Alex and Beth were both ready and waiting when I get to the room. My only suit was laid out and pressed. "Thanks!" I hop in the shower and wash as fast as I can. But while I'm in there, a thought occurs to me. I come out still drying. "I've been a complete dick today haven't I?" "It's cool." Alex shrugs, "You the Dom." "Stop that." I hate it when he says stuff like that. "Look,...
IntroductionThe central character of this episode Iqra is borrowed, with permission, from a series of stories by her starting here: https://xhamster.com/stories/hijabi-to-whore-part-1-virgin-no-more-10031261Iqra is continuing her descent from a good Muslim girl into the perfect cum loving whore, acting out her most intimate fantasies.For information on the sexbot family, mum, dad, the twins and their special dual-sex guest Suchi, please see: https://xhamster.com/posts/10031086 and...
Alan could hear Hopix calling him, damn, she was so far away! Fighting with every fiber of his being, Alan started to claw his way to the surface. Finally he opened his eyes seeing a look of love and worry on Hopix’s face. “Alan my love you need to drink this, you are far too weak, please my love.” Hopix held a cup with a foul smelling brew in it. ‘I’ve smelled that before, ‘ Alan thought, ‘when was it? Ah yes back when he’d been on the Fairixie’s sister world.’ Alan tried to drink it as...
Happy to make it back home in one piece I turn the heating on, seeing as it was a cold winter's night and the kitchen windows had been left open all evening letting the heat escape. I could see the light snowfall slowly drifting around in the air from the kitchen window, happily watching each snowflake plummet to the ground, melting. A companionable silence had developed on the way back from our drive around. You place yourself next to me and both staring at the drops of rain streaming down the...
LesbianIt's Game Day... Sir has decided that we will host a Game Day party. The details have all been decided: the food, the guests and the pre-game, half-time and post game entertainment. The last of the hot food is ready and set out buffet style, the beer is cold and in the fridge. I've dressed as directed and will greet our guests as instructed. My job is to serve: the food, the drink. I'm also to make sure everyone signs up for the Pool. There are prizes for each quarter, and the final...
Getting out of the shower, Lacy wraps a towel around herself and putters around the room trying to find a good outfit for a third date. She’s seriously trying to impress Michael so picks out a short and low cut dress and the tiniest silk panties she can find. She puts them to one side and starts to dry herself. The feel of the towel grazing against her nipples really turns her on so she fumbles around in her toy box and lies back in bed. She lubes up her dildo and pushes it in slowly before...
Ever have the feeling of adrenaline before you do something impossible or daring? I live for those. In fact, evenings after work are becoming times to be decadent & unravelling your innermost thoughts. Mine go to the hoard of leather clothing, boots & gloves that I collect with an addictive impulse. It keeps me centred, almost to a point of calm. I don't do the conventional Mon-Friday. Instead, I do long 12 hour shifts in media which leave a lot to the imagination. Some things best left...
The concert was everything Leah was expecting, the usual good time with her best friend Veronica, some tasty drinks, music she liked, and hot band guys. The band played their usual crowd pleasers, and as usual Leah had pulled Vee to the front of the stage, placing them right in front of the bass player, Chris. He was 5'7 or so with dark, dirty blond hair. His eyes were a light brown and he had a strong, thin face with a chiseled jaw line and pink, pouty lips. Leah, like so many others, believed...
Straight SexIt was going to be a long week, and it hadn't started off well. The conference room my company would be using for management meetings was booked for a wedding reception, so I couldn't get in to set up until ten o'clock. The hotel staff said not to worry, they had all of our requirements and I'd been over the layout we wanted with the assistant manager a dozen times. But it wasn't their ass that would be on the line if it got screwed up. So I spent two hours supervising their crew and...
In front on her house and lined up on her driveway were several cars. I put on the brakes just to count the cars as a car pulled aside me and honked a horn. I was blocking the right of passage it seemed as a younger kid of about eighteen was wanting to deliver pizza to Diane’s house. I moved the car up a few feet giving him room. My mathematics skill kicked in as I counted the number of pizza carry-out boxes. It appeared to be four large ones. They surely weren’t watching Dancing With The...
A few days later I went to the airport as Bohica, and an Air Force jet was waiting on the tarmac for me. An Airman (Airwoman?) helped me load my luggage, and led me inside. It was a small aircraft, 2 engines and seating for 8 passengers. She gave me the standard pre-flight talk, then took a seat next to me and we talked as we took to the air. Apparently this was known as the C-21, but in the civilian world it was known as the Learjet 35. The Air Force had bought several dozen of them, and...
She had just had 19 years, after her evening of birthday we are in her room(), shein tucked up her skirt on the stomach, in removed its panties and asked me of the good to lick her I did well him to wet, then it came to impale itself on me I had the impression to go into a block of butter,, she enjoyed practically immediatement, I still remember her glance and its lips which she bit not to shout! She said to me then that she had never been taken in 4 legs and that she wanted to make me this...
Pete and Samantha were going to an away football game one Friday evening and they'd let their parents know precisely where they were headed. Pete and Sam would always laugh to themselves as they ensured their folks knew where they were, but, of course, their folks didn't know that their son and daughter were madly fucking each other like two little horny bunny rabbits. Pete found that he needed to get fucked at least 3 or 4 times a week minimum, and he'd also come to know that Samantha was...
Copyright© 2005 She closed her eyes as she lay on the large bed of her hotel room in the luxurious Moulin Sur Mer. The beachfront hotel was built on a sugar cane plantation around the midthe mid-18th century... She was here on a business trip, checking out a new factory to be built. It was part business and part pleasure, Lyn having thehaving the weekend before returning home, her business finished, a free weekend with no distractions. The sun was shining in the window, window; Lyn was naked...
Gregorio stood on the hill watching the British civilians walking towards the great stone circle. The druids chanting as they moved clearly in the middle of religious fervour while their chanting built in crescendo. Gregorio gripped the hilt of his Gladius as he watched the people bringing forward a youngish woman. He tightened his Lorica Segmentata as he prepared to rescue the woman. The old druid at his side gripped his staff as he knew what was coming. The rear of the procession was brought...
Fantasy & Sci-FiCopyright Oggbashan January 2004 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* Editor’s Note: This is the fifth chapter of the parts expunged from the published Gulliver’s Travels. Chapter Five — Griselda conveys me to the...
It turned out Moona was an excellent cook and one that took pride in doing it the traditional way. Using ingredients and preparing the meal from scratch, I was impressed. I had spent the rest of the night in a new bubble room, this one suspended over dense foliage on the land side of the tree. I did not watch the Death Match as planned or did much in the way of relaxing. I had slept on the floor of the bathroom. Just in case the one-way transparency of the walls could be ignored by a...
I stood in front of the door, contemplating, but knew I needed to know. I knocked uneasily three times. I patiently waited for a second, and heard movement. I wanted to run and hide, but stood my ground, and then the handle started to turn. I held my breath for what felt like days but was a mere few seconds until I saw your beautiful face. "Kyle!? What are you doing here?" you said in shock. "Hey....", acting very unsure I continued. "I was wondering if I could come in?" "Of...
Hi to all iss reader I am back with new story; hope you liked my previous story “A lustful day with mommy” This story is all about love between brother and sister. Talking about my family, we are three in our family. Dad age 55, sister age 24 and I aged 19; my mother got expired when I was one and half year. I don’t remember my mother face also. From my childhood my sister is my mother I always use to call her “maa” she is not married yet just because of us. Whenever my dad used to ask her when...
IncestMom came back to the car from the motel office with the room key in her hand. “Last room,” she said “we sure are lucky; the next town is over 50 miles away.” Mom parked the car and I grabbed the two suitcases from the back. The room was OK. Not the Four Seasons but we never had that expectation in the middle of New Mexico. I tossed the suitcases on the bed and started to unzip and open them up. Suddenly it hit me. There was only one bed in the room and it was just a queen or so it looked. “Ah,...
I have a tacit agreement with my man (he is eight-inches and thick) that I can please and be pleased sexually by another man around once a month. We set some basic rules a while back, outer sex only, no intercourse, my man can watch and masturbate. If the second man wants to blow my man I love to watch. Occasionally we have another woman instead of a man to pleasure us both, same rules apply. Something I insist on is the second man must be much younger than me, usually fifteen or...
I used to think that the more love you showed, the more attention you paid, the more you catered to her every wish and desire the woman in your life would realize how lucky she was to have you. I don't think that anymore. Now I believe that all those things just make her take you for granted, they make her think that there isn't anything she can't do that you won't overlook or excuse her for. Sabrina and I met during our junior year in college. We started dating and for the rest of our...
Joanne and I watched Sarah's car disappearing through the trees of Palisade Lake campgrounds as it took her back to the city, leaving the two of us to enjoy our week of isolation. The whole day had been one of discovery, not only of ourselves, but also of a part of us that we never suspected might exist. What had started out that day as a bit of exhibitionism had turned out to be something more intimate, more perverse, and more exciting than any of us would have guessed. We had all...
Hello readers, this is steve. I know that you have been eagerly waiting for my 5th part of the story series ”shirley-my lovely sister”…first of all i would like to thank all my readers for their comments and suggestions on my story.. For the new readers starting with this part, i m providing the below links to read them to get full idea of the plot although each story in itself ll make you orgasm.. Any ladies/ divorced/widowed women who would like to have secret sex chat/ fantasy sex/ wild sex/...
Incest“Hi. I knew that you wouldn’t ring, after last week…I’m sorry too….I know…(laughter)….I was good-wasn’t I! (more giggling)…..I wasn’t THAT good!…. If you say so. (Laughter)..Yes, I’m wearing them…I suppose they might be a little bit wet…No! I’m not fingering myself! …. You know why! …In his office, working on that bloody computer…I wish that it was porn…(laughter)..They are inside my knickers now….yes, it does feel nice…(laughter)…of course it’s not as nice as that…very, very wet!”I couldn’t...
The Thrown Chapter 1 Jayne was in her basement admiring her work again. She had spent months building herself this chair, no chair was not the right word for what it had become, this thrown! It had started quite simply; taking an old dinning chair she had cut a hole in the seat. She had then managed to find someone who would make a motor with a piston movement, they had no idea what they were making it for but she had managed to make sure that it had a variable speed motor and 4 inch...