Caught Parking Ch. 04 free porn video

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Chapter 04

Alex Moves In

Later that afternoon, after she had made a tension, tear, and yelling filled phone call to her father, Alex and I gathered her personal belongings from her parent’s home. I helped her with the larger things, but Alex wanted to load her personal things her self. While Alex loaded her personal belongings into my pick-up truck, Mrs. Boyd and I sat sipping coffee at her kitchen table. We had a friendly chat about what was going on. Mrs. Boyd then said. ‘You will take good care of Alex, won’t you, Jim?’

‘Yes, Mrs. Boyd. I will. I know it has only been a few days, but I have fallen in love with your daughter. I promise to take good care of her. She doesn’t know it yet, but if she wants to, she will still be able to go to college this fall.’

Mrs. Boyd then kissed my cheek, and said. ‘Jim, I’m glad Alex has found someone like you to care for her. She has had such a hard time during her teen years. By the way, how did you two meet? I mean no offense, but you are somewhat older than Alex.’

I couldn’t help but chuckle at Mrs. Boyd’s question. With a wide grin, I replied. ‘Mrs. Boyd, I’m thirty-years-old, and I met Alex while I was at work. The circumstances of that meeting are somewhat embarrassing for both of us. I think any more information than that should probably come from Alex. I am sure she will tell you someday.’

‘OK, Jim. Just one more request, if you don’t mind. It appears as if we will be seeing a lot of each other in the future. My given name is June. Would you please call me June?’

‘I’ll be happy to, June.’ About that time, Alex had finished loading her things into my truck and came in to join her mother and I. ‘I’m ready to go, Jim.’

‘All right, Honey.’ I replied. June and I stood up from the table and I gave her my card. ‘June, here’s my, I mean our, phone number. Feel free to call anytime you like. We will be in touch. I promise we will let you know if there is anything new happening.

June then hugged both Alex and I. She kissed our cheeks and said. ‘May God bless you both.’

Alex and I then drove home. Alex was much happier on the way home. She giggled almost every time she said something about going to her new home. It seemed as if a large weight had been lifted from her shoulders. ‘I am so happy to be going home with you, Jim. I am looking forward to my new life as your girlfriend.’

‘So am I, Baby. So am I.’

That night we had much more than hot sex. We made slow, gentle, and passionate love. We caressed and explored each other’s bodies with easy tenderness and care.

Over the next couple of months, Alex and I grew closer and our love for each other deepened. Then on a Saturday evening we attended another dinner/dance at my civic club.

Alex was absolutely stunning. Her hair was perfect with not a hair out of place. Her hazel eyes sparkled. Her loose fitting skirt came to just above her knees and waved in the breeze as she moved. Her blouse offered a tastefully brief but enticing glimpse of her cleavage. Though Alex seemed to exude sex appeal, she conducted herself like a lady all evening.

Throughout the night several of my friends asked me the same question. ‘When are you going to ask her to marry you?’

I just smiled in response.

As the evening came to an end and the band played their last song, I danced Alex toward the clubhouse podium. When the music ended, I escorted her up onto the small stage. Almost as if on cue, everyone within earshot stopped whatever they were doing and gave their undivided attention to Alex and me.

I took her hands and looked into Alex’s eyes. ‘Alex, you have been my girlfriend long enough. I think it’s time we changed our relationship.’

Poor Alex looked like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming truck. ‘Did I do something wrong, Jim?’

I then reached into my pocket and knelt in front of the most beautiful girl in the place.

Her mouth fell open.

I took her hand, looked up into her eyes, and said. ‘Alex Honey, you have done nothing wrong. As a matter of fact, you have done everything right. I hadn’t felt really alive since my wife died. When you came into my life, I began to live again. I can’t describe how it fills me with happiness to just be with you. I feel so full of life when you are near me.’ I released her hand, opened the small jewelry box I had been carrying all night. With both hands, I held it up to her. ‘I want to share this happiness with you now and forever. Alex Boyd, will you marry me?’

Alex stood looking down at me and covered her gaping mouth with shaking hands. Tears filled her eyes. With still shaking hands, my beautiful girlfriend reached out and took the jewelry box and the diamond ring it held from me. With a voice just above a whisper, Alex replied. ‘Yes, I will.’ Then she shouted while jumping in place. ‘YES JIM, I WILL MARRY YOU!’

I then stood, took the ring from its box, and slipped it onto the third finger of her left hand.

After looking at the ring on her finger for several seconds, Alex threw herself at me and proceeded to smother me with kisses.

Our friends gathered closer around us to offer their good wishes. They cleared away as the band played one more song just for Alex and me. Our friends cheered and applauded us as we held each other tight and danced alone. When the song ended, we made our way toward the door. Again, our friends surrounded us and continued to offer us their good wishes. They offered congratulations to me and jokingly, I hope, condolences to Alex.

When we finally reached our car it was a little past midnight. Alex laid a lip lock on me that was born of a hunger deep within her being. Before scooting over and putting on her seat belt, Alex whispered in my ear. ‘I love you so much, Jim. When we get home, I’m going to go wild and screw your brains out so you will never forget this night.’ She grinned from ear to ear and said. ‘Oh yeah, I need to call Mom.’

‘Alex Honey, it’s after midnight. Do you really think you should call your mother at this time of night?’ I asked.

‘Hell yes! We promised to let her know if there was anything new didn’t we? Besides, the worst we can do is wake up my father. Who the hell cares?’ Alex then dialed her mother’s number.

When June groggily answered, Alex turned her phone’s speaker on and excitedly yelled into the phone. ‘Mom, I’m getting married. Jim asked me to marry him tonight, and I said ‘Yes!’ Mom, I love him so much. I know I will make him a good wife.’

‘Of course you will, Alex.’ I could hear June Boyd yelling for joy through the speaker on Alex’s phone. I also overheard June yell at her husband. ‘Shut the hell up you asshole.’ It appeared there had been some changes made in the Boyd household.

Alex continued. ‘Mom, I’ve got to go now. We’ll be home soon and I intend to screw Jim senseless. Be sure to tell Daddy that his daughter is going to be screwing her brains out tonight. We love you and will talk to you tomorrow. Bye.’

‘Bye Alex. Try to take it easy on Jim. You will have a lifetime to wear him out.’ I could hear June laughing as they hung-up.

As I pulled into the garage, Alex jumped out of the car and ran into the house. By the time I had secured the car and garage door and walked into the house, Alex was standing in the living room completely naked. She ran across the living room and leapt on me. Her arms clamped around my neck and her legs wrapped around my waist. She lavished kisses all over my face while I held her up by grabbing an ass cheek in each hand.

‘Jim, will you hurry up and get out of those clothes. I want you! I want you pounding my pussy with that beautiful cock of yours. I want you in my throat. I want you to eat me while I suck you. Hurry Jim! I can’t wait any longer.’

Alex released her legs from around my waist and I let go of her ass. She lowered her self to the floor. As I unbuttoned m
y shirt, she loosened my belt and lowered my pants and shorts at the same time. While kneeling to pull my pants down, Alex kissed the head of my erect cock. I kicked off my shoes and stepped out of my pants and underwear. My shirt soon joined them on the floor. Except for my socks, I stood naked before my fiancé.

Alex took my hand and we practically ran to our bedroom. Alex did her best to follow through with her promise to screw me senseless. She was one horny girl. She was nearly insatiable that night. We engaged in wild sex until almost dawn. Every time I softened after cumming, Alex would suck my cock until it hardened again.

Wow! What a night. She was right. I will never forget the night of our engagement.

The next morning I awoke to the aroma of fresh coffee brewing. As I gingerly staggered into the kitchen, Alex served me ham and eggs along with my coffee. We both laughed at how sore we were.

With a broad smile, Alex said. ‘I’m, so sore, I don’t know if I’ll be able to walk upright for a week. I think the next time we do something like that we should do it after we’re married and on a night we don’t need to get up the next morning.’

‘Baby, I don’t know if I can ever do that again. I may not be able to get it up for days. ‘ I joked with her.

Over the next two months Alex, June, and I planned our wedding. Or rather the women planned, and I agreed to whatever they wanted to do. Like most guys, I tend to feel that all a guy has to do at a wedding is show up at the appointed place and time and say ‘I do’.

Surprise, surprise! Alex’s father was not the preacher who would be officiating at our wedding. He had expressed a desire marry us, but Alex refused his request. Though he didn’t like it, he was beginning to accept the fact that Alex was no longer under his control. His only roll in the wedding would be to walk Alex down the aisle and give her away. Alex and her mother had selected a neighboring church to host our wedding and its pastor to marry us. The wedding would take place on the second weekend of July. I too had arrangements to make. Without telling my bride or anyone else, I made air, car, and motel reservations for a two-week honeymoon. June and I secretly made plans for additional surprises for Alex upon our return. I gave her a key to my house so she could complete her part of the plan.

As expected, my only real wedding preparations included the rental of a tux for myself and my groomsmen and showing up at the church on time with my part of the wedding party. My friends from the civic club were more than happy to fill roles as my best man and groomsmen.

Finally, the fateful day in July arrived. My groomsmen and I arrived at the church with time to spare. We may have been a bit hung over due to the previous night’s bachelor party, but we were there, properly dressed, and on time. As we stood at the altar awaiting my bride’s appearance, my friends continued to quietly joke with me and harass me about how my beautifully young bride deserved better. They suggested a much younger man marry her. A couple of them volunteered for that duty. They also offered me their support in tending to Alex’s youthful needs. After all, they said. ‘You aren’t getting any younger. Besides, what are friends for?’

Then suddenly the bantering stopped when the first few notes of the Bridal March filled the church. All eyes turned toward the end of the center aisle where Alex and her father stood.

Alex practically radiated beauty. Her dark brown hair surrounded her beautiful face which was practically glowing. Not a hair was out of place. Her hazel eyes seemed to sparkle as she walked toward the altar and me. The neckline of her white bridal gown was cut just low enough to give a glimpse of the upper slopes of her breasts. The gown hugged her slender torso and flowed over her hips. The full skirt of her gown billowed out around her legs and hid them from view. For some reason, Alex reminded me of Barbee in a wedding dress. Of course, Barbee wasn’t nearly as beautiful as my Alex.

Even her father had a smile on his face as he walked my bride down the aisle and brought her to me. The smile somewhat faded as he and I made eye contact. He dutifully said his line giving his daughter away then quietly took his seat next to June.

Alex was shaking like a leaf in a storm when we held hands at the altar. The wedding went off without a hitch. To help sooth her nerves, I whispered in her ear. ‘Baby, you look good enough to eat.’

Alex giggled, squeezed my hand, and replied. She whispered in my ear. ‘Good! I’m not wearing panties and I’m already getting wet.’

Finally the preacher said to me. ‘I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride.’

We enjoyed a tender and romantic kiss. When we broke the kiss, Alex giggled and whispered. ‘My pussy is soaking wet. I can’t wait to get you in bed.’

She giggled again as we turned to face our wedding guest and I softly replied. ‘You’re liable to be dripping from your toes before we get out of here tonight.’ I teased her.

The reception did indeed last well into the night. Everyone, including Alex and I, had a great time. Finally, about midnight, speaking for Alex and myself, I expressed our thanks to our guests and explained why we had to leave. Alex had a shocked look on her face when I told our guest we had to get up early to make it to the airport on time to catch a flight. Looking into her eyes, I informed Alex and our guests of our destination. ‘We will be honeymooning for the next two weeks on Oahu and Maui in Hawaii.’

‘TWO WEEKS IN HAWAII? REALLY?’ Alex screamed. She then smothered me in kisses like she had the night I had proposed. ‘I’m going to. . . .’

I interrupted her. I whispered in her ear. ‘Whoa, Honey! I wouldn’t if I were you. Do you want to sit on a plane for over eight hours with little rest and a sore pussy that’s full of cum?’

She blushed then giggled. ‘OK, Jim. Just wait until I get you to our room in Hawaii.’

We then made our way past numerous well-wishers and escaped to our car and went home. Removing her wedding gown was a slow and careful process. Neither of us wanted to damage such a beautiful dress. ‘Our daughter may want to wear it at her wedding some day.’ Alex said with a dreamy look in her eyes. She asked. ‘Jim, can I stop taking my birth control now? I want to give you a son or daughter as soon as I can.’

‘Honey, why don’t you continue taking it until we get home? There’s no sense upsetting your system on our honeymoon.’

My wife and I made tender love that night. I ate her pussy to two gasping orgasms before bathing her cervix with a large load of cum.

Leaving my car in long term parking at the airport early the next morning, we were soon winging our way across the country and out over the Pacific. We landed on Oahu later that evening.

That night we sipped some wine as we looked out over the Pacific from our Waikiki motel room. It had been a long day. As we climbed into bed Alex snuggled up to me and began stroking my cock. She then whispered into my ear. ‘Jim, I want to give you my cherry tonight.’

I chuckled and said. ‘Alex honey, it’s a little late for that isn’t it? I thing I took your cherry that first weekend you stayed with me.’

‘Yes, you did. That was the first time for me to make love. You were also the first to get your beautiful cock into my throat. You even fucked my tits one night. Now, I want to give you my last cherry. I had made up my mind to give it to you while I was in the shower that day before my father pissed me off and I smashed my cell phone on the floor. The way you soothed me, your caring thoughtfulness, the pretty things you brought me, and the dinner/dance you took me to, all convinced me I really wanted to give you my virginity that night. Now, I want to give my husband my last cherry. You have teased me there before. Jim, will you please take my last cherry? Will you put it in my but
t tonight?’

‘Alex honey, are you sure? It will probably hurt.’

‘Yes, Jim. I’m sure. I know it will hurt. I still want you to fuck me in the ass.’

My beautiful bride then rolled over and got up on her knees with her head and chest resting on the bed. She wiggled her ass back and forth and giggled. ‘Here’s my cherry Jim. Take it if you want it. Please take me now!’

I patted her ass and began stoking my finger through her wet slit. I reached over to the nightstand and grabble a tube of sunburn cream that was lying there. That particular brand has both lubricating and numbing properties. I put a generous gob of the cream directly on her tightly puckered asshole.

She jumped and giggled. ‘That’s cold.’

While I continued to finger her pussy and clit, I began pushing the index finger of my other hand slowly in and out of my bride’s ass. The cream was spread around and into her tightly clinched asshole. Slowly her sphincter began to relax. I removed my finger from her ass, applied another gob of cream, and reinserted my finger along with a second finger.

Alex moaned and pushed back against my fingers. She reached under her belly and started fingering her own pussy and clit freeing my hand that had been occupied with her pussy.

After generously coating my cock with the sunburn cream, I removed my fingers from Alex’s ass and placed the head of my cock at her rear opening. Placing my hands on her hips, I pulled her butt back and shoved my cock forward. ‘Get ready Baby. Here it comes.’ I warned her.

Alex’s tight sphincter resisted my entry for a few seconds more. Then, my cock’s well lubricated head slipped past her sphincter and into her tight ass.

‘Uummph!’ Alex gasped and grunted but held her position.

With another thrust forward, I fed about half my cock into Alex’s virgin asshole.

‘Oh!’ Alex exclaimed. ‘It hurts a little but not that bad.’

With a firm grip on her hips, I gave her one more hard thrust. I buried my cock into my wife’s tight asshole.

‘Aiiiieeeeee!’ Alex cried out.

‘Do you want me to quit, Honey? Hurting my wife is no way to start a marriage.’

‘No!’ Alex exclaimed. ‘It hurts, but I want you to fuck my ass. I want to give this last untouched piece of me to my new husband. Please Jim, fuck my ass like you mean it.’

‘OK, Baby.’ Slowly I began stroking my cock in and out of my wife’s devirginated asshole. I gradually increased the speed and force of my thrusts.

In a short time, Alex was pushing back to meet my thrusts. She soon arched her back to give me a better angle into her ass and cried out. ‘FUCK ME JIM!’

I tightened my grip on her hips and began rapidly and repeatedly thrusting my cock deep into my wife’s tight hot asshole. She returned each of my hard thrusts with one of her own. Her tight ass soon had my balls ready to explode. With one final and deep plunge, I buried my cock in Alex’s asshole and pumped a load of cum deep into her bowels.

Alex, rapidly thrusting her hips back to take my cock deep into her ass, begged me to continue. ‘Oh God, Jim! Keep fucking my ass. I am going to cum!’

I kept slamming my cock as deep as I could into my bride’s asshole. I was not going to leave my wife wanting on our honeymoon.

‘Oh God yes, Jim! I’m cuming!’ She gasped. Alex mauled her tits with both hands as she shuddered through an orgasm. When her orgasm ebbed, her knees slid out from under her body and her hips were lowered to the bed. My cock stayed buried in her ass until it softened and I slipped it out.

‘Oh God, Jim. I didn’t know it was possible to cum from getting fucked in my butt. Yeah it hurt, but we will have to do that again real soon.’

‘Yes Baby. We will. I always thought you were a great piece of ass. Now, I have proof.’ I patted her ass and told her. ‘Ass, pussy, or mouth you are a fantastic lover. Life with you will be a wonderful adventure.’

She giggled and we cuddled until falling asleep.

Over the next two weeks we did everything a tourist would do on Oahu and then Maui. When we weren’t being tourists, we were making love in our motel rooms. We avoided making love on the beach. That damned sand gets everywhere. By the time we boarded the plane to fly home, we were nearly as sore as we were the night I proposed to Alex. I had married a girl that loved to fuck. I was one lucky man.

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Caught Belladonna Michael Von Rothe slipped his black, sheer nylon covered feet into his 4 inch heeled white pumps and walked towards the full-length mirror by the door to his hotel room. He smiled at his handiwork while he took in his self-feminized reflection. On his feet was a pair of pumps decorated with crystal embellishments he had purchased specially for the trip. Michael resituated his pantyhose covered legs. The two layers of pantyhose he was wearing concealed the...

2 years ago
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Caught By Daughter

This is a repost I hope you like it as much as I do. Eric Dorrmann was in heaven. Or a sort of heaven anyway. After months of flirting with one of the trainers at the gym, a short, toned 20-something with dyed black hair named Nadia, he had bit the bullet and went for it. He walked right up and asked her if she might like to see his house sometime. She knew he was married but she did not give a damn. He was just over 40, kept himself in great shape, and she thought marriage was a joke anyway....

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Eric Dorrmann was in heaven. Or a sort of heaven anyway. After months of flirting with one of the trainers at the gym, a short, toned 20-something with dyed black hair named Nadia, he had bit the bullet and went for it. He walked right up and asked her if she might like to see his house sometime. She knew he was married but she did not give a damn. He was just over 40, kept himself in great shape, and she thought marriage was a joke anyway. If his wife wasn't hot enough to keep him interested...

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Caught! Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I had been dressing up since I was about seven, always very careful not to get caught, and I was successful. Until I turned 14. Then he saw me. My best friend in the whole world had simply walked in the house, opened my bedroom door, and saw me standing there, completely decked out, from makeup to dress, pantyhose and low heels. My hair was tied up in a high ponytail, which exposed my clip on earrings. You could say that we were both...

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Caught Fucking Mom

Caught Fucking Mom I had been fucking my mother for almost six months when we got caught. In the beginning we were extremely cautious and took every precaution so as not to get caught. Then we sort of tested the waters on getting caught by becoming more daring. That is, Mom would let my fuck her while she was bent over the kitchen table holing on and while Dad and Penelope were upstairs getting ready to go to school and work. It all started one day when I burst into Mom’s bedroom...

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Caught by mom

This is a true story about when mom caught me masturbating, the first time, and two other stories about how things have been after that. Only thing that is not real is the names. Im going to focus on the times mom has caught me in this story, but I have been caught by sis altso a few times, and I have more stories about mom altso, so if someone want me to write about that too, just let me know=) I remember the first time i got caught masturbating, by mom, about 6 months ago. After...

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As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies (lol) - you choose which you think they are! Names are real in the hope that the people involved will read about themselves and get in touch, (except where because of reasons that should be obvious, it could cause the person to be put in an embarrassing situation)If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail...

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Caught! By Jerri Lea When that feeling comes over me, I know I'm going to dress up and go as far as possible. Last night I went further than I had ever gone before. My wife works nights, so I have a fair idea of what time she'll get home, but it can vary an hour or more. The thought of getting caught adds to the spice. So last night I decided to push getting caught as far as possible. Knowing that there would be no way to explain a hairless body, I shaved everything. The feeling of...

4 years ago
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Caught by All Part 1

Caught by All Part 1 By Kathi B. Johnson Joseph awoke early on this sunny Saturday. His mother was out of town on business until the following Tuesday, so he had the house all to himself. This was the final weekend before he started his sophomore year of high school. He planned on spending an entire weekend dressed in his feminine best. He was a cross-dresser. Slowly rising from his bed, he quickly went to take a shower. After washing and shaving his body completely, he exited...

2 years ago
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Caught By His Mum Twice

Caught By His Mum, Twice Tim ran the scarlet red lipstick slowly across his lips. He paused for a moment before gently pressing them together, the way he had seen his Mum do countless times before when applying lipstick. He stared directly into the large mirror which dominated one wall of the front room of his house and allowed himself a moment to reflect on his transformation. He had certainly taken things quite far. As well as his beautiful lipstick he had applied a light layer of...

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Caught in a New Life Pt2

(Hello everyone, this is a story that has been on my Patreon a while now. It's written for a very special patron of mine and currently on part 3 on Patreon. Part 4 will be posted there shortly. If you like this story and my other stories I would certainly suggest checking out my Patreon. It has a ton more content than what is freely available. Some tiers even offer having me write a story like this for you. ) Chapter 3 While Monroe was having...

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Caught Out Chapter 1

Caught but….Jim sat in front of his computer. He loved Saturday mornings because it gave him the opportunity to think, think about things that were his and his only to think about. During the week it was go, go, go as he hurried to prepare for work each morning rushing around making sure the kids were getting dressed and fed. His wife Amy picked up most of the work of course because he had to meet a deadline so she cooked breakfast, prepared the lunches, and made sure that the kids packed their...

1 year ago
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Beth was sitting on her front steps, reading through one of her text books for school. She would look to her watch from time to time. Alex was late. He should have been there ten minutes ago. Finally the blue ford focus would turn the corner and move down the street. A smile fell to Beth’s lips as the car stopped before her house. “You gave me the wrong directions. I should have known something was wrong when the gas station was on the left,” Alex taunted with a smile on his lips. “I am so...

3 years ago
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My husbands parking

One night on my way home from a meeting I pulled into a local beauty spot, very shortly after I had arrived a sports car pulled up along side me, I looked across and saw a young couple who started kissing and stripping each other off, seemingly oblivious to the fact that I was sitting watching their every move. As I watched the front seats went back and the guy put his head between the girls legs, she moved forward in her seat and spread her legs then looked over at me and smiled, put her hands...

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My husbands parking

One night on my way home from a meeting I pulled into a local beauty spot, very shortly after I had arrived a sports car pulled up along side me, I looked across and saw a young couple who started kissing and stripping each other off, seemingly oblivious to the fact that I was sitting watching their every move.As I watched the front seats went back and the guy put his head between the girls legs, she moved forward in her seat and spread her legs then looked over at me and smiled, put her hands...

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Fast forward ten years from where part two of 'Parking' left off........Our children are grown, we have a grandchild and our lovemaking had plateaued. LF was finally able to focus on enjoying sex again - all the years with children had been difficult for her to let her hair down and enjoy like she once had.I have always enjoyed sex with LJ - she has a side of her that doesn't come out often but that is truly wild. In the last few years we had experimented with rope bondage on her breasts and...

4 years ago
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caught in the web

Jake had not joined the elite Ranger Corps to protect the worlds of the Stellar Federation or explore new alien worlds. He had joined because the white Star Ranger uniform with its green and purple piping looked really cool and caught the attention of women throughout galaxy which could open the way for exploration of more interesting and intimate alien vistas and curves. Passing the exhaustive tests and exams to enter the Star Rangers had been easy for Jake. It had also helped that he was...

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Caught Wet Handed Chapter 4

Chapter Four by Simon Fear My name is Stacy Powell. I’m 18 and a senior at the High School in the town where I live, and I live with my mom and dad and two oldest twin sisters who are 20. I am 5 ft. 2in. at a 105 lbs. with red hair to my neck, perky 34b cup tits, and a nice round and firm ass. I have fair skin with a pinkish tint to it. I now have a girlfriend whose name is Jill. She is 19 and works as an exotic dancer for the K.T.’s Gentlemans Club 5 miles out of town. I had...

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Caught and Captured

Janice had been watching the lady at the bar for what seemed like hours. In reality, it was probably only ten minutes. Ten minutes of intense observation in which nothing went unnoticed. She turned her head only slightly to watch the doorman, standing at the entrance of the hotel in his top hat and tails, opening the fingerprint-free, floor to ceiling glass door for the wealthy couple heading towards him.Janice could hear her therapist’s voice in her head.ooOoo“Don’t think about how you feel,...

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Caught in the Game

David was feeding the baby when Marie came through the door; she was glowing from her morning run. "Look, mommy is home," he cooed to his daughter who was just shy of her first birthday. Marie leaned back against the breakfast bar, stretching. Her Lycra tights and shirt clung to her body, emphasising the curves and crevices of her lithe frame. David leered at his wife's groin and breasts, his eyes devoured her cleft and her nipples encased in the tight shimmery fabric. He was becoming turgid....

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Caught Panty Handed

Caught Panty Handed!bykebbyman©There I stood, like I had on countless other occasions, hovering over my mother-in-law's open hamper, digging for the silken dirty treasures I knew where hidden among her worn clothes. I spied a hint of bright orange and reached in with trembling fingers to pull out an incredibly sexy pair of full cut briefs that I knew had been snuggled against her sweet mound. As I lifted the stained gusset to my nose and took a long inhale of her sweet aroma, they did not...

2 years ago
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Caught in the Storm

I was given a day off from work one random Thursday and decided to go for a morning jog. It was a beautiful, late spring day outside and I hadn't gone for a run in a while. The sun was shining brightly but there was still a slight coolness in the air. There was a nice jogging trail through the woods near the edge of the suburbs where I lived, not too far from my apartment at the time. The trail was flat and wide enough for jogging and wound through beautiful, quiet woods and around a quiet,...

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Caught by Neighbor

Caught by Neighbor- 1 -It was a beautiful warm day, and I had it to myself. My wife Sam was interstate on business for the week, and not due back for another five days. For me that meant housework to be done, but plenty of time to enjoy my own space, and entertain one particular hobby. I smiled to myself, and not for the first time, I stopped in front of a mirror and pulled my tracksuit pants down, admiring the bright pink, silky panties that I'd been walking around in all day.I'd been...

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Susan poured the hot tea into the mug and stirred in the milk and sugar. It was a warm Sunday afternoon. Her husband, John, had gone bowling and daughter Zoe was at the mall with her friends. She was making the tea for her son Michael who was upstairs doing his homework like a good little boy. She would have preferred him to be outdoors too but he was a shy boy and didn’t have too many friends. Still, maybe it’s a good thing he doesn’t go out much, she thought, especially with all the gangs and...

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Caught with Consequences Pt IX

Caught with Consequences Pt IX By Teaser I'm not sure how long we laid there, together, in misery. There wasn't much to measure time by. Either way, it must have quite a while, as the dildo pounding away in my butt had lost some of its enthusiasm. So I guessed whatever battery it was plugged into was running out of juice. Debbie lay next to me. Occasionally she'd rub her hair against my cheek. There wasn't much I could do to reciprocate. I was too busy trying to get enough air...

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Caught diapered This is a story from thanksgiving after visiting family in southern calif. I was driving north on hwy395 on my way to Reno NV. I'm diapered 24/7 after a fall in 84 when I injured my spinal cord I became incontant and must wear diapers. Since I must wear diapers I had decided to make the best of a bad thing and learn to enjoy them. I usually stop at a rest area between Bishop calif. And Big Pine calif. To change my wet diaper but this time I encountered a lady in her...

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CaughtBy               Ed Kilpatrick E-mail:       [email protected]                                                                        It was always my worst nightmare to get caught in self-bondage, especially while experimenting with cross-dressing.  This short story explains how I got caught while enduring in one of my favourite pastimes.My experimentations into bondage cross-dressing grew over the years from a teenager into my twenties and now my thirties.  This story takes me back to...

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Caught Fire

Caught Fire Part 1By DariUntil now my life had been pretty one-dimensional. I had never had the freedom to make my own decisions; there had always been others who were there to tell me what to do. First my father and aunt, who had done their best to raise me as a pious farmer's daughter. When it became apparent that I was not really suited for this kind of life - being a farmer is kind of the last job that you want to have when you can ignite whole fields of wheat with the power of your...

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Caught in the Act

The first time I was discovered masturbating was when I was eighteen. I was having a bath and had started a “soapy-hands” job. I liked this to last, so I used masturbate to the edge of orgasm, then stop for a few seconds before continuing. The longest I had kept this up was about fifteen minutes but this evening I knew there was no hope of breaking any records. After about five minutes and four near orgasms I let myself go, and a fountain of sperm flew up into the air and landed on my chest. I...

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Caught in My Girlfriends Panties

Bella was wearing a black and white checkered wrap dress.  The deep-v neckline teased her ample cleavage. Without seeing it, I knew she was also wearing a half-slip and lingerie chosen to please me.  I pinned her to the foyer wall as soon as we entered her house. We kissed. I grabbed her soft ass.She had a midwestern look with fair skin, dirty blond hair, and blue eyes.  She was fit, but not slender, with a big sexy ass, smooth thighs, and nice bell-shaped tits.  I took her hand and led her to...

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Caught Xeroxing My Tits

Caught Xeroxing My Tits As I sat at my desk that Monday morning I felt like throwing a party. That weekend would work out well too. My husband would be out of town with his hunting buddies. I could invite probably ten girls. I even thought about inviting eleven guys too but I wasn’t sure whether I would or not. So anyway I gave some thought to my invitation or invitations. Anyway I got the bright idea to Xerox my tits and my ass. I figured that I would need at least twenty-five copies...

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Caught Wet Handed Chapter 3

Chapter Three by Simon Fear I was driving home, with my new purchase sitting in the seat next to me, along with the paper bag with some new surprises in it. Oh I couldn’t wait to get home. I was reflecting on what all had happened in the last 2 and half-hours. My experience with Officer Summers, and now my new and very sexy girlfriend Jill. I hadn’t had a girlfriend or boyfriend for a few months now, and none of them had the sexual experiences I had just witnessed today. My last...

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Caught in the act

Introduction: His wife was supposed to be out for the night… Caught in the act… ~~~~~~~~ The names have been changed to protect the guilty… ~~~~~~~~ It really all started a little over a year ago with a quick message on a social media site. The message was basically a Hey – is that you? kinda message, and if so, lets catch up. As simple as it was, I found that as I read it I had a stirring deep in the pit of my stomach. You see, Geoff wasnt just one of the guys from the old neighborhood...

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Caught out

Following my wife’s confession I found that I was getting suspicious of everyone. Looking back now I realize that I was not coping and was probably on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I even suspected my dad and my brother and my long term friend who just happened to be my cousin.None of it made any sense any more but I found that after a few drinks I felt a lot better about life and my troubles and concerns just disappeared.To make matters worse it was around this time that I caught my wife...

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Caught in the Act Part 3 Sisterly Love

It was Friday evening and Saturday morning couldn’t come quickly enough.If you’ve read the first 2 parts of this story, you’ll understand why.If you want to you can read them here. those who haven’t here’s a brief recap. A few Saturdays back, my sister, Alice had caught me wanking in the bath. To my surprise, rather than running out in horror she sat on the toilet and...

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Caught In The ActOn Purpose

It was Saturday morning and as usual I’d woken up with a tent pole between my legs.The question was should I grab a handful of tissues and go for a quick wank or hang on and hope the house would be empty…or even better, mostly empty, like last week.(For those who haven’t read part one of this debauched tale my sister, Alice had caught me masturbating in the bath. If you haven’t read it, you might want to catch up… So, being a Saturday...

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Caught in my pantyhose outdoors

The other I was feeling frisky after buying some new pairs of pantyhose. It was a gloomy day and cold, so I figured their wouldnt be too many people out. I know of a spot that has some trails. Its usually doesnt have many visitors during the summer months, so I figured their really wouldnt be anyone out hiking or jogging at this time of year. I decided I needed to wear a pair of my new pantyhose outside and take pics and maybe a vid. I put on a pair of pantyhose and a dress. i then put a shirt...

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