ASMTD Ch. 08 free porn video

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June 23

Our time in Brussels flies by too fast and Zurich is a sleep deprived blur. The only vivid recollection I have is of the Swiss Alps from my bus window. Breathtaking, larger than life snow capped mountains with tiny towns beneath them. I feel like dressing in a wide hoop skirt and singing as I run over the hills.

Leo’s with me through it all, putting up with my crazy, adding some himself. He rarely looks at his phone, only to see if his daughter or ex-wife called, but he’s obsessed with taking pictures. We have a snapshot of almost everything we do, and I’m completely happy and sad about it. I want to remember every second with him, every laugh and touch and new experience. But I also don’t want to remember any of it because I’m so high up that the fall back down to reality is going to hurt. A lot.

‘I’m going to video chat Em while I have wifi,’ I tell Leo, pulling out my laptop and plugging it into the buss’s outlet.

‘Okay.’ He snatches my sweater from my lap and balls it up into a pillow for the back of his head. ‘Wake me up when we get there, kultaseni.’

The computer rings three times before Em answers, her squeal of delight piercing my ears. ‘Rai! Where have you been?’

‘Em! Wait, literally?’

‘Yes, dude. Give me all the details and leave nothing out, not even the color of the freaking sky.’

I relay the last three days, omitting Leo threatening some dude and the wild sex. Her eyes widen when I talk about the waffles, chocolate, and beer. Us foodies have to stick together.

‘Has your Scandinavian hottie left?’

‘Nope.’ I tilt the screen and show her a sleeping Leo. ‘Still here. I have no clue how long it’s going to last but I’m enjoying it while I can.’

‘That’s what you gotta do. But damn, my parents would never let me do that.’

‘Which part? The backpacking or the guy?’


We laugh even as I confess, ‘Mine either. I sort of fudged my program end date.’

She laughs again, snorting in a wholly unladylike way. ‘Only you can pull this shit, Rai.’

Preening, I switch the conversation to Em, ‘So what’s up with you? How’s the summer job hunt going?’

‘I found one.’

‘You did? Oh my God, congrats, Em! Wait, is it one for your Animal Science or Creative Writing major? Or is it for your psychology minor?’

A wry smile tugs at her lips even as she rolls her eyes. ‘Animal Science. And don’t be too happy for me just yet. The pay is shit—I mean shit shit—but I get to live in the farm house for the summer, and they’ll provide all the meals.’

‘What’s the schedule like?’

‘Hell on Earth.’ She sighs and adjusts the laptop across her thighs, ticking her responsibilities off on her fingers. ‘Have to be up no later than three fucking AM to start milking the goats and cows. Breakfast at six. Feeding the pigs at eight. Helping facilitate tours of the farm, picking fruit and vegetables, or other stuff until three. Riding a few mares around four, wiping them down, cleaning out their hooves—stuff like that until six. Dinner. And God only knows what else.’

‘Where was lunch in there?’

She throws up her hands. ‘I don’t even know. That’s the schedule they sent me, and I think it’s ridiculous.’

‘At least it’s a job.’

‘That’s that I keep telling myself.’

‘How’d you find out about it anyway?’

‘My family used to go apple picking every year until my dad died, you know.’

I nod, remembering the first time we met. Second year of college, and we both got into the elite Ann Arbour, Michigan Writers Collective. Two hours into a conversation about finding our elusive muses and the searing pain that is writers’ block, she got a call. Her father had a stroke while driving and crashed into a tree. I could still remember the fear on her face, the tears that flowed freely even as her voice remained steady and strong. She told her mom she could drive herself, that she would meet her and her little brother at the hospital. But she couldn’t stop shaking. I’d taken over, driven, stayed with her, and been the support she desperately needed. We’ve been best friends ever since.

I blink, refocusing on Em’s words as the memory fades to grey. ‘. . . mom’s really close with the folks who run the farm and she was talking to them about me needing a job and it just sort of spiraled out of control. It’s over where I used to live.’

‘Wait, the ranch style house in bumfuck nowhere?’

‘Yep. Now I’m going to live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. I think they said the closest mall was like an hour away.’

‘Good luck with that.’

I salute her, and she flips me the bird, laughing, ‘Dude, I’m going to need it.’


‘This doesn’t look right, does it?’ I say as Leo and I step off the bus and into a dimly lit parking lot with graffitied walls and loiters galore.

He hikes his backpack higher and stands closer to me, slinging a protective arm around my waist. ‘It does not. Let me see the map again.’

I hand him my cellphone and watch as he looks at the screen. After a minute, he hands it back to me. ‘Think you have the wrong information.’

‘No shit.’

Instead of standing around like the easy targets are, we follow the buss crowd to the parking garage and into a train station. Leo manages to get service and plots us in the direction of the Koala hostel. An hour and a half later we arrive, exhausted from an extra half an hour trip spent walking around looking for the hidden place. It’s inside of a courtyard filled with tiny Italian cars that we weave around.

The clock shows nine above the photo collaged receptionist’s desk. All young, smiling faces of different ethnicities, genders, and age groups all posing around various parts of what I assume is Milan. ‘Bonjourno,’ I greet the receptionist when he lifts his head from the computer and smiles solicitously at me. ‘English?’

Leo snorts and I elbow him in the ribs as the receptionist’s smile strains. ‘A little.’

‘Great,’ I saw slowly, pronouncing the words carefully. ‘I have a reservation. Raiqah Muhammad Hussein.’

His fingers fly across the keyboard before his hand dips under the desk and produces a key. ‘Yes. You will need to pay the remaining balance.’ I dig for my wallet as the receptionist turns to Leo, ‘And him?’

‘Leo Pananan.’

The receptionist pulls up Leo’s information while he tells me the cost. I pull out a few bills as the man next to me does the same. Leo asks about a mixed room for two. There aren’t any and I’m trapped in an all girl’s room with him in a mixed one.

‘It’s only two nights,’ I say as he walks me down the hall to my room. Unlike the hostel in Brussels, this place is filled with color, every door painted some sort of neon shade. The floor is carpeted with something coarse and blue, and hand drawn pictures of Milan hang on the wall between doors. ‘Then Rome.’

‘Where we’re meeting your friend, right?’

‘I wouldn’t call her a friend,’ I dither, tossing the brightly painted key between my palms as I stop in front of a door with the same color. ‘We met in Cork and she was going, so I just decided to plan my trip so we’d meet.’

He nods, obviously too tired to say anything else. Before I can anticipate his next move, his large palm wraps around the back of my neck, drawing me close, tilting my head the way he wants. His lips find mine, soft at first, then firm the next. Hungry.

Lemon. I’m near him and I always taste and smell lemon. The man is obsessed with the citrus. Popping lemon-flavored hard candies, taking a wedge of it in his water, squeezing it over his fish.

He draws back, but the flavor lingers on my tongue. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’

‘Yeah.’ I watch him walk down the hall and unlock his own door before I close mine and whisper softly like a lovesick fool, ‘Goodnight, Leo.’

June 25
Milan passes just as quickly as Brussels and Zurich. We happen across the World’s Fair, take tours of castles and museums, go inside the Duomo, and eat our weight in gelato. The only thing we don’t do is fuck, and 48 hours is apparently Leo’s limit.

We arrive in Rome from Milan by train around noon, and thankfully the walk to the hostel is not nearly as far or complicated. We place our bags in an elevator that doesn’t even look big enough to house a twin bed and climb the three flights of stairs to the top. After snagging our bags, we walk through an apartment door that I’m pretty sure can’t house a hostel, but it does. The narrow door births a wide entrance with a triangular receptionist’s desk set off in one corner. The decor is Ikea chique, though the furniture they’ve chosen is more warm than industrial. Check in breezes by quickly and efficiently with the receptionist speaking perfect English. Leo somehow manages to finagle a private room for the two of us and we climb another set of stairs to the third floor. The electronic key card pings as I turn the knob and enter the room, Leo close on my heels.

A real, honest to God queen-sized bed winks at me from the center of the room set beneath open windows that stream in light. It’s not a big room, but with a bed and a shower all to ourselves, it might as well be a palace.

‘Living in the lap of luxury,’ I sigh, throwing my bags down and flopping back on the mattress. Magic.

‘Get. Undressed.’ The words are guttural as the door bangs shut ominously.

Leaning up on my elbows, I watch as Leo yanks his shirt over his head and tosses it in a corner. His pants and briefs fall next, hitting the floor with an audible thud. He’s rock hard and sweaty, cock flat against his stomach, balls strung up so tight I’m surprised they’re not blue.

‘Ask nicely, Mr. Bossy Pants.’

‘Rai.’ That’s all the warning he gives. Maybe I’m just stupid or the heat melts my brain, but I don’t move. Just eye him as he stalks toward the bed, grabs my ankles, and drags me to edge. Leo flips me over with the care of a chef flipping a pancake and pushes my leggings and panties down mid-thigh.

‘I can’t be gentle,’ he says and I hear the tear of foil and strained grunts as he rolls the condom down. I can’t guess how long he’s had that hidden, but I’d bet it’s since we entered Rome.

‘Am I complaining?’

‘You never do.’ He aligns himself.

‘You never give me anything to complain ab—’h

He slams home, so sudden, it knocks the wind out of me and makes the bed hit the edge of the windows with a squeal of metal against metal. My toes curl in my tennis shoes, thighs spasming in the leggings. He’s completely naked and I’m still dressed. The thought turns me on.

Then I forget—to breathe, to think—as he rears back and thrusts hard, jack-knifing into my pussy. I try to move but he pins me, kicking my legs apart as far as they’ll go, forcing my bent knees into the side of the bed. I’m on my tip toes meeting his thrusts. He curls a fist around my hair and holds it so my back arches and my breasts press into the mattress.

I lose my shit.

The room fills with heavy breathing and the wet slap of flesh against flesh. I want to moan and scream and say the nastiest things, but I’m afraid it’ll break the moment. Leo’s fucking me like all the oxygen he needs is inside my body.

Thrust in. Inhale.

Pull out. Exhale.

The sun and clouds move, patterning shadows against our bodies as his movements become frenzied, breathing erratic.

Moments pass before the shrill sound of his ring tone pierces the air. I jump, startled, and tighten around him. He hisses and tugs my hair in warning. ‘Leo, your—’

‘Ignore it.’

‘It could be your daugh—’

‘Ig. Nore. It.’

His other hand releases my hip and searches for something above my head. Second later, he’s shoving a pillow under my hips, lifting my ass higher, spreading me as open as I’ve ever been.

The man leaves me raw.

The ringing stops, then picks back up. Same tone. But he gets in a rhythm, one hand in my hair, the other kneading and gripping my ass. I can feel his eyes on me, seeing every part of me despite the clothes. ‘You’re so…’ his words immediately switch to Finnish, tumbling out of his mouth in a steady stream. I have no clue what the hell he’s saying, and I don’t give a damn as long as he keeps pumping.

My orgasm hits me from left field, making me scream. He’s with me a second later, jerking his hips into mine, holding himself still. Leo’s hand snakes around my hips to flick my clit as he slowly rocks inside me.

I come harder.

Fuck, I see black.

Close my eyes so tight it hurts—he hurts—this whole trip is hurting me because I’m falling madly, impossibly, deeply—

I don’t let myself finish the thought, just force my own hand down my body and press our combined fingers into my clit, sending me into a second orgasm that leaves me in tears.


‘Thank God, you got my message. I called the number you gave me a dozen times,’ Mac says from across the table as she twists spaghetti around her fork with the help of a spoon.

‘We were so exhausted, we collapsed as soon as we got to the hostel,’ I lie easily, devouring my steak like I haven’t seen a piece of meat in months.

‘I did that the first night I got here,’ Joe, Mac’s Canadian hostel friend, comments around a puff of cigarette smoke. I glance between the two and wonder if there’s anything there. Joe’s cute in the nerd-trying-to-be-bad-boy type of way, but the smoking puts me off entirely. I thank my lucky stars Leo is one of those weird Europeans who doesn’t smoke, so our kisses always taste like lemon and the remnants of too much alcohol. A meal just isn’t complete without half a bottle of something.

‘How long have you been here?’ Leo asks, pilfering a slice of my steak and stuffing it into his mouth.

I fork a bite of his salmon and we have a silverware battle as Joe answers, ‘Three days. I leave tomorrow.’

Leo gets one more bite of steak before I concede defeat. ‘Us too.’

‘That’s why we’re doing a bar crawl tonight,’ Mac jumps in. ‘You’re coming right?’

‘How much is it?’

‘We’re coming,’ Leo interrupts, shooting me a look that says wanting to know how much things cost is just rude.

I raise my brow and turn back to Mac. ‘Sorry, I didn’t hear that number. Someone interrupted.’


‘Rai,’ Leo warns in that voice he sometimes gets when he wants to coral me.

In response, I slap a hand over his mouth and smile at Mac. Leo covers my hand with his and nips at the fleshy part of my palm. ‘You were saying.’

She smiles, shakes her head at us and gives me the price.

‘You’re kidding.’ My eyes bulge. ‘For what?’

‘Not sure. The flyer’s in Italian.’

Leo nips my palm again, harder this time. I remove my hand.

‘Well, when in Rome.’ I’d been wanting to use the phrase all day.

Mac laughs and throws up her hands. ‘Right! When in Rome. This is like the best time to say it too.’

‘Super appropriate.’

We laugh as Joe finishes off his cigarette and Leo his fish. Twenty minutes later, we pay the bill and walk around the neighborhood. There’s still a few hours until the bar crawl so we hit up a delicatessen and buy things that look too good to pass up. We follow it with coffee, gelato, and a bit of strolling before we all head back to the hostel to change.

‘See you in thirty minutes?’ Mac asks.

I swallow as Leo’s hand curves around my ass. ‘Make it an hour.’


The bar crawl turns out not to be a real crawl, but two bars far from each other. We hop off the train to spot a guy who waves us over and begins leading us through winding streets and down the stairs of an Irish pub. The irony isn’t lost on me.

u get free drinks for the first hour,’ the bouncer says, taking our money and letting us pass.

It’s sweltering hot with no room to move, let alone breathe. Mac, Joe, Leo and I grab our drinks and squeeze past people to the back of the bar where a few tables are set up. I spot four chairs at a table with two people and I easily walk up to the pair and ask if we can sit.

‘Of course,’ the woman says in accented English.

We all take seats and introduce ourselves. Signe and Valter tell us they’re from Sweden and I have a moment of panic when Leo says he’s Finnish. There’s a bit of humourus jabbing, but nothing that raises red flags. The conversation inevitably turns to what we all are doing in Italy, especially Leo and me.

‘We met in Ireland,’ he explains, slinging an arm around my shoulders in that possessive way I lo—like. Like a lot.

‘I was going backpacking through Europe,’ I chime in, ‘And he decided to join.’

‘Just like that?’ Signe asks.

‘Pretty much,’ I say around a sip of my gin and tonic. ‘We’ve been together for what? Four weeks now?’

‘Just about.’

‘Wow. That’s so cool. I could never do something that . . . spontaneous.’

What she wants to say is crazy, impulsive, dangerous. My smile pulls tight and I draw deeper on my drink until I’m sucking in air.

Holding up the empty plastic cup, I rattle the ice inside. ‘I’m grabbing another drink before our hour is up. Any takers?’ Mac offers to come and Valter and Leo pass me their cups with a hopeful smile and a drink order.

We shuffle out, two at a time and grab the empty cups. The crush has worsened since we’ve been sitting and I literally have to rub against several inconveniently placed men to get to the bar.

‘Fucking pigs,’ Mac says, flagging down the bartender to order.

I stare at the row of leering Italians who thrust at the next girl squeezing by. They make lewd gestures as she finally makes it away and hits the bar with us. Her lips pull tight and we share a commiserating grimace.

Our drinks arrive, and Mac and I walk back, but not before some asshole grabs my butt. I jump, spilling the drinks. ‘Oh no you did not just touch my ass,’ I seethe, looking behind me at one of two men who could have done it.

The one on the right waves and says something in Italian before switching to English when I don’t respond. ‘Bella, you need a man to make you smile. I make you smile big con il mio cazzo.’

His friends laugh crudely while I stare down my nose at him. ‘How small’s your dick got to be for you to act like this much of an asshole. Baby carrot?’

The laugher cuts out abruptly as I make my way past the men and to my group. But just as I’m approaching the table a hand bands around my arm, yanking me to a halt. It’s the same, stupid, small dicked asshat. ‘You will see how big my dick is, cagna.’

Leo’s between us on my next inhale, shoving the man hard. The Italian stumbles into a pool table while Leo shoots him a death glare. ‘The hell’s wrong with you? You don’t grab a woman.’

The Italian rights himself and takes a step toward Leo, his rubbing buddies moving behind him. He spits something in Italian that Leo apparently understands. If anything he tenses further and takes a menacing step toward the man. ‘Call her that one more time, and I swear I’ll strappare il vostro cazzo di lingua fuori.’

Maybe I’m supposed to melt or blush, but I’m mortified. I will not be that girl. Slamming down the nearly empty drinks, I step between the men and look at Leo. ‘You, go sit. And you,’ I whirl on the Italian, jabbing a finger at his pudgy, sweaty chest. ‘Leave. Now. Or I call my uncle, Barack Obama, and make sure you never set foot in the U.S., watch another American movie, or even look at another American girl.’

He looks down at me, trying to see if I’m bullshitting. When I whip out my phone, he finally moves away. The room’s gone quiet, but picks up with far more noise when I sit down. Mac’s looking at me like I’ve grown another head. ‘Obama? Aren’t you Moroccan?’

I hold up my hand. ‘I’ve been mistaken for Black, Latino, and Native American.’

‘I can’t believe that worked.’

‘How many more times do you think I could do it before getting caught?’

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There was one girl in his 4th period class that he took an interest in. Her name was Lany James. She was his best student but she was very shy. She rarely raised her hand during class or even talked to anyone in class. When they'd have a group assignment she'd be the quite one in the group. Mr. Ayden would have to always come over to the group and help her contribute to the group, often she did. It was a Friday today and Mr. Ayden was getting ready for his first class of the day. He had...

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Banged A Hifi Prostitute In Open Balcony

Hi to all ISS readers this is Varun back to share my another experience and for those who don’t know me I am Varun 23 years old guy from Chennai 6 feet tall average body and have a 6 inch tool and I thank you for all your response for my last story. Any ladies can contact me through This is my experience of me fucking a prostitute. Now coming to the story I have always had a desire of fucking a high profile prostitute in a nasty and a forceful but I feared it was risky but finally decided to...

2 years ago
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family Loving The day I gave my Dad a handjob

'There, no one will see them now'. I turned and looked into the mirror, the transparent adhesive tape formed a cross on each of my nipples, to stop them sticking out.Mum had a smile on her lips, her awkward eleven year old was embarrassed by her bodies growing pains, 'You are becoming a young woman Mariel', she said trying to reassure me, 'these changes will become more evident as you grow older'.I was still studying myself in the mirror, my breasts were small, so small I was yet still to wear...

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Spellbound Part Five

[Note: This is another story written long ago, and forwarded to my by my French friend Avaro. For those who remember, C.C. created the world of Clinton Crayle. He asked me to write a story in a Raymond Chandler hard- bitten detective style, and this is it. So enjoy. And for the details on the whole "She-Devil" thing, check the reviews. TOXIS.] Spellbound - Part Five by TOXIS The California coast cuts in and out, sometimes high cliffs and in other places beaches. God...

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GirlsWay Maya Kendrick Lacy Lennon Lola Fae Closet Kissers

Lola Fae loves her step-sister, Maya Kendrick, but Maya can be VERY clingy sometimes. So clingy, in fact, that Lola had to take Maya with her to the last party of the year as high school seniors. Considering that Lola has a specific goal in mind for the party, the last thing she wants is for her annoying sister to get in the way… When they arrive at the party, Lola is immediately smitten with the hostess, Lacy Lennon. Truth be told, the whole reason why Lola wanted to be at this party in...

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late for work0

Normally I would stand there and wait until someone waited on me. But, I wasn't in the mood for that. I had so much fucking shit to do, that I didn't want to waste one minute. "Sure thing, follow me." The lady said as she picked out a table for me. I sat down and lit a cigarette. I blew the smoke out of my nostrils and sat back in the chair. The smoke felt good as it went into my lungs. But, coming out was another story. I coughed so damn hard, I was actually wishing that I wasn't...

4 years ago
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College Kids First Time With An Older Man

I was twenty-one and in college and could not stop thinking about cock. Specifically older men's cocks. I couldn't help but be attracted to older men and wanted to service and please an older man. I was dating a girl and was enjoying that lifestyle but knew something was missing.  I started watching a lot of gay porn specifically with an older man being sucked by and a young guy or an older man fucking a younger guy. I wished I could find a man to be with but was stuck at a conservative...

Gay Male
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Tramp In the Camp

The following happened several years ago, in the summer. Some friends and I went camping in Tofino, which is on the West coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Great surfing for those who like that sort of thing, but my friends had gone for another reason: Tofino was the official summer get-together location for potheads. Pot smokers from all over the world came to Tofino to get drunk and high in friendly groups. While I was not a pothead myself, I had gone the previous year...

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Lost Wife III

Since I wrote 'Lost Wife' I've been thinking about the stories my wife told me all those years ago. Now I think there was more than a grain of truth in all of them. So after I wrote the story about the three guys in the Supermarket car park, I set about thinking about the one involving her boss. Again this was told and re-told a number of times and it changing every time. Once again I have spent some time on this particular story and have put all the elements together and come up with what I...

2 years ago
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No Turning Back Ch 02 Peter and Sam

Peter and Samantha ‘How was your weekend?’ Samantha asked, coming into the kitchen. She was wearing a light summer skirt and a lacy blouse, her black hair pulled back from her green eyes. ‘I never got the chance to ask last night or this morning.’ ‘It was fine,’ Peter answered, non-committal. He wasn’t sure how he was going to tell her about his experiences with Eric. They had an open, comfortable relationship, but their promise to each other was it all had to be open and honest. He’d now...

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Lesbian Obsessions of an Office Girl Part Two

I was wearing a very short skirt and that morning had decided to go without panties. My flight attendant was a very sweet and hot red head with the most amazing body. When we were up she leaned over and asked me in a half whisper, “Hi, I’m Chris, I’ll be your flight attendant. I know you aren’t old enough, but would you like a glass of wine? I smiled and her and said, “That would be fabulous, a pink Shiraz please, “ I said, as I spread my legs wide, to draw her beautiful brown...

1 year ago
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First time with best friend

My name is Chris. I started having bisexual feelings when i was around 18 years old. This was walking around, maybe looking at guys in the street and wondering what it would be like to be with a guy. Anyway.. I have a friend called paul, who was a friend since we learn in school. We had grown up together. My story starts one night, we were having a sleepover as we usually do. We were sitting watching a film, talking about girls and eating crisps, as we would usually do. Even though we would...

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Friends Hot Wife Burrowed1

Chapter 1Martin Johnson was a shattered man, his idyllic married life in tatters with the sudden death of his beautiful blonde wife in a car accident. Night after night, he sat in his empty apartment, with no sounds of life other than his own breathing. He had taken up heavy drinking that was so out of character for the previously one glass of wine a night man.As he sat, night after night, in the semi darkness for hours on end, he wrestled, not only with the loss of his wife -- the love of his...

3 years ago
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43 AD. Britannia. While gazing at the flickering lantern beside him, Legate Vespasian shuddered, though not from the cold. He glanced down to watch the slender, pale fingers of another’s hand trail down his scarred, olive skin and slither beneath the silk sheets that draped across him. The tender fingers encircled his now-limp shaft and gently stroked another shudder from his weary body. Rolling over, into a bundle of red hair, he stared into his companion’s green, enchanting eyes. Undeterred,...

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Biker gangbang

Last year in the middle of all these sexual adventures with my wife and her ex boyfriend Keith she asked if he could take her to the Hog Rock River Rally in Illinois for the weekend. As much as I was cool with them playing I thought 2 days in a tent was a little too much time away. She had the idea that her and I can go together and camp in the same area as Keith and his friends. I did like the idea of seeing all the hot chicks and the weather that weekend was going to be beautiful. I agreed...

2 years ago
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StepsChapter 8

Sure enough the telephone rang shortly after three. Rupert answered it. "Hello?" "Rupert?" "Yes." "How are you?" "Well, thank you, Marty." "May I speak to Samantha please?" "Wait a minute, please." He put the telephone down. Samantha was already coming. He held up his hand and put a finger to his lips. He gave a thumbs up sign with a questioning look. She nodded. He smiled at her and ostentatiously took a deep breath. She smiled back and copied him. She picked up the...

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Back when I had room mates, the house would be empty during the weekends and then everyone would show up again to start the new week. Usually we'd all arrive roughly around the same time, other times, hours apart. One night I got there early. I went in to the apt, knowing no one was there. I was hungry but figured i'd wait in case anyone else wanted dinner when they arrived. Just sitting there I watched some tv to kill time. After half an hour a knock finally came at the door. Yes.... I...

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NFBusty Nikki Delano Platinum Blonde

Puerto Rican hottie Nikki Delano wakes beside her Latino lover Bambino. The blonde bombshell can’t help but smile as Bambino strokes her large breasts and teases her nipples to hardness. Using his mouth to suck Nikki’s nipples, Bambino slides his free hand down to slip beneath her panties. As Bambino’s big hand cups the heart of her desire, Nikki squirms and moans in an effort to control her passion. Dipping his head to replace his talented fingers, Bambino licks a path up...

3 years ago
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Our Anniversary1

Last week was my wife's and I anniversary 12 years and still going strong. I asked her what she wanted and she said something different. I told her I had a nice fantasy for both of us to share if she was game.She agreed as long as it wasnt too wild. I started my plan, I put a ad on craigs list for a young guy (under 25)who was hung. After sorting thru bullshit emails I found Greg. He was 19 a sophmore in college home for the weekend. I sent him a pic of my wife and Me and he...

4 years ago
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 27 The Voice of Betty

Wendy has been having a rough time since she had been fucked so much on Saturday. On Monday she was forced to be naked all day and fucked over and over again by everyone in school, including the teachers. She was taken shopping and forced to be naked out in public. Her Mistress made sure her mouth was full of cum all day Thursday and then forced her to drink piss all day on Friday. Things are getting so bad for her that she is beginning to think about telling her parents all that has happened...

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Hall of Heroines

In this game you would play as the guildmaster for this region's hero's guild and have full control of your guild and its heroes. All of the heroes under your employ are women of varying backgrounds and classes. You assign the heroes their quests based on their skill sets and send them off for days to weeks at a time where they travel and try to complete quests. If a village is under attack you would send a fighter and if a town had a plague you would send the healer. If a place is cursed you...

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The Steam Bath

The steam bath looked to be empty. It’s just about dinner time, so most of the hotel guests should be off making arrangements for supper. My husband and sons are on a snorkeling trip, and won’t be back until later in the evening, so I have all the time in the world to relax. Wrapped in my towel supplied by the resort, I walk past the spa and towards the steam bath. I’ve just come up from the beach, and I’m looking forward to some ‘me’ time in the steam bath. It’s wonderful! The steam is so...

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A Very Special Friendship

A Very 'Special' Friendship             A new beginning. Jena woke to find the sun streaming through the curtains and she found herself almost singing because she felt so good. Yesterday she met up with Ben after many years separation. They had only been in touch by phone for so long with an occasional visit every few years. They had had a wonderful lunch and a very in-depth review of their lives since they had seen each other. Both of them had come through divorces without too much damage....

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He was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. Don’t get me wrong, he was not one of those androgynous men, those who look like little boys or those who you cannot tell if they are a boy or a woman. No, he was fully male, but with the looks of an angel. He reminded me of the cherubs you see in some religious art, all grown up. He just sat there in a corner, looking around the club with eyes that looked like they could see your very soul, but with a slightly bored look on his face. I guess you...

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My Sisters Girlfriend Part 3

Excitement and exhaustion from losing my virginity to Kelly, instantly turned to panic. Kelly jumped off me and quickly put on her bra and panties, slipping her white lace top back on, too. I leapt off the bed, scrambled around for my clothes and, without putting them on, quickly ran next door to my room and closed the door. Seconds later, I heard Tina climb the stairs and enter her room, greeting Kelly, who had stayed in there, with what sounded like a kiss and a giggle. That was too close, I...

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The Phantasm in the Fog

The Phantasm in the Fog by Tegeli The mountain weather couldn't make up its mind. Despite the nights still remembering the wet cold of the past winter, the only dampness under the scorching evening sun was the sweat on my skin. The desolation around us was tranquil, now that I could no more remember acutely the stench of smoke. Asailki was lagging behind again. Even though I had discreetly tried to take all the heavy baggage, Asai had still managed to weigh himself down. Despite...

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The JAG Crew Gets It OnChapter 20

A.J. Chegwidden had asked Jennifer Coates to come over to his quarters that night, and when she got there, they didn't spend much time talking or doing anything except having sex. The Admiral had always had a healthy sexual appetite and libido but since he'd been fucked by Mac, he found his sexual appetite had become almost insatiable. Now he wished that he was still in a relationship with Meredith Cavanaugh so he could take her to bed and really fuck her high class brains out. He knew...

2 years ago
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Rape changed me

Part 1: This is about the time when i just turned 18, i was in a car accident. I had a broken leg and fractured arm. I was on bed rest for 6 months. My family worked all over the world which meant they had to go on many business trips. It would have been difficult to take care of me, so they hired an old man to take care of me while they were out on a 5 day long business trip. Now this old man was is in 60s, I called him Jay, had previously worked as a nurse, also knew how to cook and all. He...

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Brains and BrawnChapter 17

"Do you believe it's been ten years already?" Katie lay in bed next to John; listening to the just barely-audible noise emanating from the pub below. It felt good to be in bed at a decent hour, holding the man she adored in her arms, knowing that her new partners were taking care of the business. At Tim's suggestion she had taken on two partners, selling them a minority interest in the now highly-successful business. They both had been long-time employees, one a bartender and the other...

3 years ago
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Bday Gift Ani Chepi Nanu Lanja Laga Vadukunadu

Hi Indian sex story readers, andaru bagunara nenu mi Vinisha Ni, nenu share cheskuna na first story ki response Baga adirindi thankyou all. Chala mails vachayi kani konitki reply ichanu time saripoka. Nenu hyderabad lo untanu nadi recent ga graduation complete aiendi. Naku sex ante chala istam and na structure gurinchi chepkovali ante nenu chamanchaya colour lo unta height 5’7 inka 36-30-38. Nanu contact avali anukunte na mail address Eedi na bday roju aiendi. Nanu lanja Laga marchina Vishal...

2 years ago
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Symphony Part 3

Symphony - Part 3 By Rachel Saunders [email protected] I was running down a corridor, my heart pounding in against the walls of my chest. Each beat sounded like peels of thunder. My hands had a life of their own as they reached for the piping. I swung up towards the ceiling as my body pirouetted away from my pursuer. They barely had a chance to realise what had happened when I dropped down onto them. Just as I was about to land the final blow I opened my eyes. The rush of breath...

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First time naked resort part 3

Late afternoon, riding our bike around in Valalta naked resort... We were never at the Marina so we decided to have a look... We did not expect to find such beautiful boats in a private Marina in this naked resort, so that's a new dream: holiday naked on a boat and on top of it combining with a place where you don’t need to put clothes on when you go to land. After strolling and watching the nice small yachts with the naked sea-captains and their female sailors, we continued our way with the...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Renee 34 Years Old

Paralegal Renee is here today to see if she’s got what it takes to be a star in the biz. She’s 34 years old which is a little older than our typical casting candidate. But what’s that old saying? The older the berry the sweeter the juice, or something like that? That’s absolutely the case with Renee. Renee is what I like to call a freeaaaaak. She knows exactly what she likes, and she’s not afraid to ask for it. It’s a pretty nice change of pace. If we’re being honest, I dropped the ball on this...

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Dear Diary part 16 Glowing in the Dark

Dear Diary, What a whirlwind weekend it was of shopping, dancing, and lots of girl talk with my best girl Marchesa. It had been hot a minute since we've got together so she invited me over to see her place and show me around her new city. When she called me the week before she said she had a couple of things planned for when I get back there but wouldn't divulge any details. She just said to pack a couple of cute outfits for going out. Eeeeek!!!! So I spent that entire week in total...

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After the FactChapter 3

When I picked Dani up the next morning, Sharon seemed concerned. "John, are you OK?" I didn't want to talk about it, so I just told her things were complicated. When she tried to push me about it, I reminded her that what she had said about not wanting to be in the middle of things. She reluctantly let it go. That afternoon, I dropped Dani off with the sitter and reluctantly headed to our session. When I got there, I saw that Jenny had already arrived. As I walked into Bryan's office I...

2 years ago
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Just what the doctor ordered part 2

Just what the Dr ordered part 2: The week passed so fast. I was so horney the entire time. The day arived, I was so excited I had to cum. I pleasured myself for a long time that morning so my trip to the doctors office would last a long time!! The nurse last time told me to wear something black this time. I did not disappoint her at all. I put on my best black short dress with a little skirt, matching bra and panties. I finished off the outfit with a black garter belt, black seamed...

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I must say that the people of Oregon were some of the nicest people I've met in all of my travels. However, during my stay in the capital of Oregon, Salem, I met perhaps the most friendly girl in the state, Stephanie Wilson. Stephanie was reserved but at the same time a bit playful which made her very intriguing to me.It stated when I checked into my hotel downtown for a weekend of visiting with friends. Stephanie was working as a housekeeper and was hanging out at the front desk when I...

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