A New Taste Part 40 Sweat and Swallow
- 4 years ago
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Twas in another lifetime, one of toil and blood
When blackness was a virtue, and the road was full of mud
I came in from the wilderness, a creature void of form.
‘Come in,’ she said, ‘I’ll give you, shelter from the storm’
Bob Dylan
Hi, my name is Michael James Henson, Mike to my friends. I’m six feet, three inches tall and weigh two hundred and twenty-five pounds. I have dark brown hair, blue eyes and have been told by more than a few women that I was good looking.
I have no memory of my father, as he ran out on Mom and me when I was just six months old. Still though, with a lot of love from Mom, life was good and when I was five, Mom met a man named John Edwards, whom she eventually married.
John was very good to me, and was always a positive influence on my life, not to mention that he was an excellent male role model for me to follow. He was a Green Beret who served for three tours during the war in Vietnam, and taught me a number of things, including not only how to fight, but how to survive in harsh environments, making me a better, more confident man in the long run.
I also knew that he loved Mom very much, because I never saw her happier than she was after meeting him, and even I grew to love him as a father. I mean, hell, he was really the only father I ever knew so, why not?
Sadly, he and Mom were never able to have any children together and maybe that’s why he lavished so much of his attention on me. And solely by the grace of God, it was John who indirectly saved me from…Oopps, I’m getting ahead of myself.
Chapter One
I went to college after high school at a university that was well over seven hundred miles away and this would be the first time I’d been away from home by myself for any extended period of time. It was the fall of 1975 and the war in Vietnam had just ended the previous spring, and the moment I arrived on campus I felt as though I’d been transported to a place that existed on a different dimension.
We, as freshmen, were required to live on campus and that was okay, because my roommate was a great guy named Jeff Donnelly. Like me, he was an engineering major, and we immediately hit it off and soon became fast friends. As a matter of fact, he played a role in what you’re about to read, but I’m getting ahead of myself again so, I’ll get back to the story.
After the first couple of weeks on campus, I began to catch on to the routine of collegiate life fairly quickly. Of course there were the fraternities, none of which interested me in the least. I refused to become one of the many obnoxious jerks that belonged to those supposed brotherhoods…brotherhoods my ass…jeez, what a bunch of jerk-offs.
The sororities were just as bad, if not worse in many ways. I mean shit, the things that they made people do to gain entrance was total bullshit, hence the reason Jeff and I both scoffed at the absurdity of such an idea.
It was during the spring semester of 1977 that I met, and was immediately smitten by, a girl named Wendy Hughes. She stood five feet, six inches tall, weighed a hundred and fifteen pounds, and had long auburn hair with riveting sky blue eyes. Her skin was the color of fine porcelain, her body measurements were proportionate to her height and weight, and I thought she was a living doll.
‘Holy shit, Jeff,’ I said, when he and his girlfriend, Elaine, introduced us, ‘She’s gorgeous…’
She seemed to be as taken with me as I was with her, or at least she acted that way. Imagine my surprise when she told me that she’d seen me on campus during the previous fall semester of that same school year, and been wanting to meet me ever since. And when I asked her to marry me a year later, we did so right after we graduated.
Two years after Wendy and I married she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl whom we named Isabella. She was the most precious and beautiful thing I’d ever seen, and when they laid her in my arms for the first time, I cried my eyes out. Still though, I thought my life was now complete, feeling that God had truly blessed me with everything I’d ever wanted in life.
All of that went to hell in a hand basket when I came home early one afternoon to find little Isabella crying in her cradle and Wendy laying in the middle of our living room, dead from what the medical examiner said was a brain aneurysm.
Isabella, or just plain old Izzy, which is what I called her, was ten years old now and I was raising her on my own. We did okay by ourselves, and because of not only my parents, but also Wendy’s family, there was more than enough love to go around where Izzy was concerned. I missed Wendy very much, but I knew that she would always be alive as long as Izzy was around, because she looked just like her mother.
At first it was very hard on me having to be reminded of Wendy every time I looked at my daughter, but I knew I had to swallow my pain because another little life depended on me…just like my heart depended on her.
Bob and Sue Anderson, our next-door neighbors and good friends, had a daughter named Amy who was the same age as Izzy, and they had been best friends since their first memories of one another. They were so very kind to us and allowed Izzy to stay with them on the nights I had to go out of town, or on one or two extended trips abroad, as well as looked after her when she got out of school until I came home from work. And when the girls began to seek the wisdom of womanly matters, Sue, God love her, was right there to take on the responsibility of informing my daughter of the facts of life.
It was not too long after she turned thirteen that Izzy came and cuddled up next to me on the couch right before going to bed, just like she’s always done since she was little.
‘Daddy,’ she said, ‘Can I ask you something?’
‘Of, course, sweetie, ‘I replied, hugging her, ‘You can ask me anything you want, you know that.’
She sat straight up, and looking me in the eyes, asked, ‘Do you miss Mommy, and does it hurt when you think about her?’
‘Yes,’ I truthfully answered, ‘But it doesn’t hurt as bad as it used to.’
‘ You loved her very much,’ she sadly asked, ‘Didn’t you?’
‘I still do,’ I replied smiling, ‘But as long as I can look at you, I’ll always have a part of her here with me. I’ve always told you how much you look like her.’
‘I know,’ she smiled, ‘Uncle Bobby and Aunt Sue say the same thing, too.’
Then she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and purred, ‘I love you, Daddy.’
‘I love you more,’ I teased.
‘Nope,’ she giggled, ‘I love you more.’
‘Okay, you win this time,’ I smiled, hugging her, ‘Now march your little self down that hall and get to bed, girlie.’
‘Okay,’ she continued giggling, ‘Nitey-night, Daddy. I love you.’
‘I love you, too, sweetie…’
She went to bed that night, content with information that she had apparently been seeking and didn’t mention my relationship with her mother any further, well…at least not for another two years…
After Wendy’s death, I clung to Isabella like she was a precious gem, of course I think she is, regardless, but anyway, we basically grew up together, Izzy and I. And in the time went spent living around one another for what had now been fifteen years, I’d say we knew one another quite well, at least as much as a father and daughter could know one another. It didn’t matter though.
We had come in from a day at the beach one evening, and after we’d both eaten supper, which I had become a very good cook by this time, Izzy looked at me from across the table and matter-of-factly- said, ‘Daddy, I think you need to start dating.’
‘What the hell,’ I swore, having b
urned my lip on the hot coffee I was drinking when she suddenly decided to cast her little opinion about my social life, ‘Where did that come from, young lady?’
‘From me,’ she impudently replied, her little bottom lip beginning to tremble, ‘I don’t want you to be alone, Daddy, and I don’t think Mom would have either.’
‘Is that right?’ I zealously, almost sharply asked, ‘Let me point something out to you, Isabella, (I only called her by her full name when she had pissed me off) first of all, you never knew your mother, and secondly, my social life is none of your concern. Do I make myself clear?’
‘No,’ she suddenly cried, ‘It’s bullshit,’ and then she jumped up from the table and ran down the hall to her room.
‘Shit,’ I said, after hearing Izzy’s bedroom door slam shut.
I hadn’t meant to be so sharp with her, and it wasn’t Izzy’s fault that she spoke the truth. For about a year or so now, I’d been experiencing sensations that demanded my attention, and I was just now beginning to masturbate again, finally being able to give in to the feelings of sexual release without feeling guilt. To tell the truth, I longed for the feeling of being held in the arms of a beautiful woman. Maybe my daughter was right, but the first order of business was to patch up things between Izzy and me…and I knew just what to do.
I used to make her chocolate shakes when she was little and I knew that it always made her smile when she was feeling blue. I only hoped that it still had the same magic as before when I knocked on her door with a shake in each hand.
‘Izzy, honey,’ I gently asked, ‘Can I come in and apologize…please?’
‘It’s open,’ she sniffled.
Izzy was fifteen now, and the older she got, the more she grew to look like her mother. And seeing her sitting there at her vanity combing her hair reminded me of not only the fairness, but the innocence of youth, bringing a smile of paternal pride to my face.
‘Hi baby,’ I smiled, ‘I brought you something.’
‘Thank you, Daddy,’ she smiled, looking at me in her mirror as I sat her shake down in front of her, ‘I’m sorry about what I said earlier, you know, when I said the word bullshit.’
It was all I could do to keep from laughing, but I knew she was trying to be sincere so, I relented and said, ‘It’s okay baby.’
Hell, let’s face the truth…my daughter has had me wrapped around her little pinkie finger since the day she was born, but I think she was coming to realize it by that age. Still though, I was not about to be manipulated by a fifteen year old, regardless of how mature she was for her age.
‘I want to ask you something, Daddy,’ Izzy said, ‘And I want you to tell me the truth. You promised me when I was a little girl that you would never lie to me, remember?’ I nodded my head as she continued, ‘You’re going to be forty soon, and I think you should find somebody to love. After all, I’m going to be leaving the nest in a couple of years ya know.’
I couldn’t help but laugh this time and that’s exactly what I did. ‘You silly girl,’ I chuckled, throwing my arms around her, ‘I’m only thirty seven and you’re fifteen. I think it’s gonna be a while before you leave the nest, my little sweetie.’
‘I know,’ she giggled, ‘But I meant what I said about not wanting to see you alone.’
‘I’ll tell you what,’ I replied smiling, ‘I’ll start thinking about it, alright?’
‘Okay,’ she smiled, taking a sip of her shake, ‘But don’t take too long.’
The following year was very prosperous for my business to the point that I was able to make my old friend from college, Jeff Donnelly, a full partner. In doing so he brought in some major business from overseas in the United Kingdom, primarily Ireland.
His grandfather’s brother, who was also a builder, Jeff’s great uncle Aedan Donnelly, had just landed a major contract to build a high-rise office building in downtown Dublin, and he wanted to employ the services of Henson & Donnelly.
And after many hours of negotiations over the phone, Jeff and I were invited to come over to Ireland for a few days to take a look at the sight and discuss designs with his great uncle.
After fourteen hours in the air, we finally touched down at Dublin International Airport in Dublin, Ireland. We were told before departure that a driver would greet us at the airport, and after meeting him, his name was Sean O’Neill, we were taken down Harcourt Street to our guesthouse, which was being leased by the Donnelly family, a place called Harrington Hall.
‘The house staff will carry yer luggage to yer room,’ Sean smiled, with a wonderfully thick Irish accent, ‘Mister Aedan himself is waitin fer ya now, lads, And I’m supposed to drive ya to him.’
‘Are we going to his office?’ Jeff asked.
‘More or less,’ Sean laughed, ‘But ya can see fer yerself when ya get there.’
It took no more than twenty minutes of driving before Sean pulled up and stopped in front of an old Irish Public House with a sign atop of it that read: ‘Sullivan’s Pub’.
‘I thought we were going to Uncle Aedan’s office,’ Jeff inquired.
‘He spends most of the day doin business right here,’ Sean laughed, getting out of the car, ‘C’mon, lads, himself is waitin fer ya.’
‘Top o’ the morning to ya, gentleman,’ Aedan Donnelly smiled, standing to greet us as Sean brought us to his table. Then placing his arm around Jeff’s shoulder, he proudly smiled and said, ‘Glory be, lad, but my, haven’t ya grown up to be a strappin young man. It’s good to see ya.’
‘You, too, Uncle Aedan,’ Jeff warmly replied, then continued as he introduced me to his family, ‘Uncle Aedan, I’d like you to meet my best friend in the whole world who just happens to also be my partner, Mister Michael Henson.’
‘It’s nice to meet you, sir,’ I smiled, extending my hand, ‘I look forward to working with you.’
Aedan Donnelly was a man in his seventies and looked and dressed as though he’d just stepped off of the screen from the John Wayne movie, ‘The Quiet Man’. While he was very friendly, I sensed a keen and savvy businessman behind the red hair, green eyes and friendly spectacles he wore.
‘It’s good to meet ya, young Michael,’ he laughed, as we shook hands, ‘Me great-nephew has told me a lot about ya.’
‘I hope it was all good,’ I chuckled.
‘Most of it was,’ he smiled, ‘And the rest was a load of shite.’
Both Jeff and I laughed and were then urged to take a seat, and, as Aedan said, ‘Enjoy a bit of the drink.’
I got a good feeling as we visited with Jeff’s Uncle Aedan, but for some reason, he seemed a little overly interested in my personal life. I didn’t worry about it, as Jeff had already informed me that he’d told his Uncle a lot about me, including the fact that I had become a widower at a very young age. However, I didn’t fault him for it, as I knew he’d always had by best interest at heart.
We sat with Aedan for another three and a half hours before not only the strength of the drink hit us, but the jet lag as well, making us bid him farewell to catch up on some much needed sleep.
‘Get yer rest, lads,’ he heartily grinned, ‘We’ll get started in the mornin.’
Harrington Hall is one of Dublin’s original Georgian Townhouses and was meticulously refurbished to retain its former splendor of the Victorian era. The staff is renowned for the individual and personalized attention they offer their guests, which ensures that the guests have a comfortable and enjoyable stay in its calm and relaxed atmosphere, and this day was no different either.
The moment we walked through the front door, a very kind and polite older gentlemen, who introduced himself as Kevin Flanagan, smiled and said, ‘Yer beds have been turned back fer ya, gentlemen. Get some rest and we’ll wake yas fer breakfast in the mornin.’
‘Thank you, Kevin,’ I wearily smi
led, making my way up the stairs and into the suite I was informed was mine. Then once I was inside and in the bedroom, I took off my clothes, climbed into the bed and covered up, and then the moment my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.
As I slept that night, I felt myself being gently catapulted backward to a time long gone. I found myself riding on horseback, with a long blade secured in a scabbard to my waist, and a long deep dark green cloak tied around my neck and shoulders that flew like a cowl behind me as a rode across the land.
Everywhere I looked I could see people building thick stonewalls that ran up and down the hillsides. Suddenly a dark wind blew and the last thing I remember was hiding my face from it before I woke up from the dream. Of course I was happy to find myself in bed, in my suite, with the sun shinning its warm and gentle morning rays, easing my transition from dream to reality.
I had no sooner put on a pair of blue jeans and tee shirt than there was a knock at the door. I opened the door to find a kindly Kevin standing there with a coffee service tray in his hands and a smile on his face.
‘Top o’ the mornin to ya,’ he jovially grinned, ‘I hope ya slept well, Mister Henson.’
‘Please,’ I smiled, gently taking the tray from him as he followed me to the coffee table in front of the couch, ‘You can call me Mike. Why don’t you sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee, no, I’m sorry. You folks in Ireland drink tea, yes?’
‘That, and a bit more, lad,’ Kevin lightly chucked, pulling a small metal flask of what I’m sure was probably some good old Irish Whiskey from within the confines of his coat, he looked at me right before he tipped it up, and said, ‘To your health, Mike,’ and then he took a short swig, releasing a gustful exhale, smiling as he did so.
After a very nice breakfast, which was filling, but not too much so, Jeff and I were picked up by Sean and taken to the offices of Donnelly & Son Construction Company.
‘So, what do you think about the designs we’ve shown you, Uncle Aedan?’ Jeff asked, near the end of our meeting with Aedan and his son, Jeff’s second cousin, Kieran.
‘Very modern,’ Kieran replied, ‘Don’t ya agree, Da?’
‘Yes, very modern,’ Aedan agreed, ‘But I want more, somethin different, somethin that’ll stand on its own, but not take away from the Dublin skyline.’
‘How about this?’ I asked, pulling a rough sketch from out of my briefcase and laying it on the table in front of everyone.
After studying it for a moment, Aedan looked up at me from the table smiling and said, ‘Saints be praised, lad, I think you’ve done it, young Michael.’
‘How long will it take fer ya to get yer blue prints back here?’ Kieran asked smiling.
‘I haven’t got them drawn up yet, as this was something I’ve just begun,’ I explained, ‘But it shouldn’t take any longer than three months to have them complete.’
‘That’s good then,’ Aedan heartily replied, ‘Because its gonna take that long fer that lazy lot I’ve got working on site to have it ready fer ya.’
‘Jeff will be back with them in ninety days then,’ I grinned, ‘So, do we have an agreement, gentlemen?’
‘On one condition,’ Aedan grinned, ‘I want you here to supervise every phase of construction, Michael.’
‘I can handle this, Uncle Aedan,’ Jeff smiled, ‘Trust me.’
‘Oh, I don’t doubt ya one bit, lad,’ he smiled, patting Jeff on the shoulder, ‘But this is Michael’s design. Besides, I’ll up your company’s end another two million pounds if ya do this fer me, Michael.’
‘I’ve got a fifteen year old daughter to raise,’ I objected, ‘And this is at least a two year job. I’m very sorry, sir, but I can’t be gone that long.’
‘Don’t worry about it, lad,’ Aedan chuckled, ‘We’ll work somethin out.’
When we got back to Harrington Hall, Jeff and I sat down in my suite for a discussion.
‘I simply can’t stay here for two years, regardless of how much money your uncle throws us,’ I told him, ‘I just can’t.’
‘Why can’t you bring Isabella here,’ he smiled, ‘For the money we’re going to make from this job, you can hire a private tutor for her, Mike. Besides, I think being here will do the both of you a world of good.’ I went to speak but he raised his hand to silence me and said, ‘Just think about it after we get home. We’ll talk about it when it’s time to come back, old friend.’
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It was a hot, late summer morning. The breeze from the gulf stream, rose off the cliffs at Polbain just taking the sting out of the sunshine. This part of Scotland was beautiful at this time of year, as the red deer grazed on the edges of the woodlands and the occasional Golden Eagle drifted over towards a distant eyrie. It had been a while since Lisa and Holly had had any proper girl time, and right now seemed perfect with the British Open Golf completed and the next competition a few weeks...
Group SexDonna and Nellie’s Tits I arrived at the pub late one evening after a tense day at work. I found Donna sitting at ‘our’ table with Nellie who was wet eyed and sad looking. I enquired what was the matter. ‘I’m going to have them off,’ said Nellie. I was not clear what she meant. ‘My tits,’ she said, lifting them pointedly. ‘Nobody ever remembers Nellie the charming barmaid, just Nellie with the big tits. Nobody at work says, “take it to Nellie the first class secretary,” they just say give it to...
LesbianHow long can I stare into my closet? Long enough to find something a little sexier than I normally wear to work....I can't believe I am doing this. Ok, white lace bra and matching panties, well you can call them panties but its more like a couple pieces of string and a patch of lace in the front. This morning in the shower I made extra sure to trim my patch of light blonde hair so those panties would cover everything. Next my light grey skirt, a little to short for the office normally and the...
Jack Surprised 2 off 3Continued from Jack Surprised 1 The whole day long Jo shows no signs of this morning play. I try to follow her example. However, I have to adjust myself whenever she glances my way. That night I slept like a log, even to the point of sleeping in. Eventually I slip naked from my bed. With just a towel around my waist I nip into the bathroom opposite by bedroom door. I take a luxurious hot shower. I’m feeling alive for the first time since my wife’s death. As I start washing...
“I don’t know when to stop talking, do I?” I asked. You smiled and kissed me again. It took my breath away. I closed my eyes and let myself get lost in the feeling. It was like nothing I’d ever imagined, nothing I’d ever felt before, nothing I could imagine living without. Your fingers moved just the slightest bit. I nearly came, my cock straining hard against the white satin thong. Your hand was warm on my thigh, your palm and pinky resting on the lacy tops of my stockings, the other fingers...
"I know she's going to bitch, but fuck it," I whined, grabbing my laptop. "Maybe a little time with Mommy's Girl will make me feel better," I said, setting it down next to me.I went through the videos and found my favorite one. "Yes, 'Closer to Home' with Jill Kassidy and Kendra James, that should get me off, again," I giggled.I watched it and immediately let my right hand into my panties. "You might be a beautiful woman with blonde hair, but you're not my mom, Adria. You might love...
TabooQuinton James, a city councilman, arrives at the massage parlor and tells the owner, Vanna Bardot, that he’s there to shut it down since he’s been getting complaints about unsavory activity there. She offers to give him a massage to prove that her business is legit. He agrees. They proceed to the massage room. She takes off her clothes and his eyes widen at the sight of her naked body. But, pretending not to be interested in her, he shakes his head and looks away. He takes off his...
xmoviesforyouLuna Corazon is a mouth-watering brunette Latina with natural tits and puffy nipples. The leggy hottie has a small ass and absolutely mind-blowing body. Her full red lips and seductive brown eyes make you grow an instant boner in your pants the second you look her straight in the eye. She knows how to make a man do whatever she wants within seconds! Today’s 4K Hands on Hardcore episode is brought to you by the one and only DDF Network. Renato joins that sexy bombshell in the outdoors for...
xmoviesforyouCopyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered “Fiction” although it has its basis in “Fact”. This is not to be considered a true tale of underage sex, statutory rape, or molestation, as these...
Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: "One thing Mom has always been clear about was a desire for, well, me. When Dad proposed, the idea of eloping at the courthouse evidently had some charm. There were a lot of reasons in favor, but both my parents can be pretty traditional. Dad evidently suggested a small wedding on the grounds, with a reception in the ball room. It was a small wedding that made the New York Times Sunday Magazine. Best laid plans, and all that. "Anyway, Mom and Dad...
Test Prep By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter Six It actually might have felt even worse than almost sucking off Layton or even kissing countless guys, as Chelsea air kissed him on each cheek and left the bathroom. He'd suddenly been anointed as not only gay, but the boy desired by other men who were doing gawd knows what as they stared as his picture. He wondered how he'd ever shake the thoughts of guys desiring him as his male self, and even worse, he'd lost out on...
Hello all, I am going to share with you the night about when I introduced my hot white girlfriend to my best buddy. My name is Rohit. I am 23 years old, somewhat fair skinned, 180lbs 5″9 with a fairly muscular body at around 18% body fat. This was around the time after I had graduated from the University of California and before I decided to go after an MBA. I had moved from Kolkata after I earned a scholarship to go to US. I had been very good friends with Arun, my childhood best friend. We...
Before Elaina left the house to go back to school, Andrew warned her of the consequences if she told anyone, other than Kyleigh about what really happened while she was supposedly sick. Alex had told Elaina to tell Kyleigh he would pick her up at 6:30 Friday evening for a date and she had better be ready. Also, she was to wear a nice short skirt and blouse. Elaina was anxious for lunch period to come so she could meet up with Kyleigh. When it finally came, she grabbed her lunch and headed...
Synopsis: Colin and Nahdya have been reunited in Delhi and her recovery has allowed the sex to resume as exciting as ever. Resulting from the work, Nahdya has been elevated and Colin is set to become the next Grand master of Lille. There are some challenges to Nahdya’s status and Ceres begins to suspect that the couple have more than just a working relationship. Colin prepares to return to Lille. Now read on. Part 13 – Relaxation and Responsibility Authors note: As this is written in the UK any...
Erotic FictionI remember like it was just yesterday but really it was 2 weeks ago. I awoke to the sound of silence which is unusual in my house on a week day. Everyone is up at the same time getting ready to go to either work or school. School was where myself and my younger sister would be headed but something was different about this morning. I got out of bed and decided to look out my bedroom window and that's when I got a wonderful surprise. You see, the ground was covered in about 16 inches of snow....
This is the story of the first time my wife ever had sex with another man while I watched and joined in. I know the story is a bit long, but I wanted to give you the sense that "you were there". I also hope that many people, who are just thinking about trying something like this, might be able to relate to how we felt as we went through this and maybe they can gain some courage from our experience to try this for themselves.My wife, Brandie, and I, had discussed the possibility of having a...
It was a sunny July day when I was able to take my first full-time job. I was 19 at the time and as a young boy it was incredibly exciting for me to finally be able to spend my own money. I was hired as a cleaner in an office building. My first day at work was supposed to be monday at 4 p.m. As befits an exemplary employee, I appeared on time. The building was spectacular, standing at the entrance I felt so small.The first person I met was a young woman, eye-catching before the age of 30. She...
Patient Zero ElrodW A man on his deathbed reveals a deep dark secret, one that had profound implications for the world This story goes a little different direction than my previous efforts. I hope you'll understand that this is a new venture for me, and be kind in your criticisms. ********************************************************************** Patient Zero This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative Commons...
Visit my channel on xhamster:GayStoriesPLBelow, you can read the story "Adventure in the school toilet"(Przygoda w szkolnej toalecie PL), I wish you a pleasant reading.Adventure in the school toiletLast lesson at school was coming to an end. I could not wait to leave. The bell rang and everyone ran out of the class. I went to the cupboard for a jacket, and along the way found that ascend to the toilet. I did not expect that anyone I meet there; this time no one at school was not. I started to...
SRU: Bodystocking By Paul G. Jutras As Lesley sat down at her computer to get back to the book she was writing, she stared at a blank monitor. She needed to give her publisher a progress report at the end of the week, but writer's block had gotten her stumped. All day she watched television, did laundry, vacuum, dishes and anything she could think of to avoid the computer. Since it was too early for her roommate, Bob to come home from work, she couldn't use cooking as an...
Lindy' Tale After several years of being Milo's friend Lindy had grown quite frustratedwith him. She had thrown out signals and made overt comments to him every opportunitythat she had. Much to her chagrin, he had never once made a move on her despiteher encouragements. Tonight would be different. She knew that he was attracted to her and thathad it not been for their disparity in their ages that he would have made advances.She respected the fact that at forty-0ne years of age he did not want...
Hi.. friends, Mera naam karan hai aur mai ISS ka purana reader hu. Meri age 26 year height 5′.11″aur mere Cock (lund) ka size 8 inch hai. aur mai Karnal se hu. Dosto jaise maine ISS ki bhut sari story read ki hai jinme kafi story milti julti hai… Meri ye ISS par ye pheli story hai.. yeh story ek vastvik jise pad kar aapko sex ka pura aanand milega… Dosto aapko bore naa karte hue mai Story par aata hu Ye baat us samay ki hai jab mai MBA ke exam hone ke baad mai job ki talash mai Delhi aaya mere...
Megan slipped back to her room and fell asleep. This time she didn't wake until morning. Robby too slept the sleep of those who were exhausted doing fun things and sleep hard. Valerie, her stomach full of her son's warm spend, slept peacefully as well. All three woke refreshed the next morning. The atmosphere in the house was subtly different too. Valerie, knowing she had an outlet for her raging lust, felt better prepared to deal with it. The same was true of her children, both of whom...
Maddy May leads her regular massage client, Jessica Ryan, into the studio. She asks Jessica why it’s been so long since her last visit- is everything going okay? Jessica sighs and explains that she recently broke up with her girlfriend and decided to focus exclusively on work after that. In fact, all this mental exertion has led to Jessica feeling incredibly stressed and creatively blocked. She knows she needs to do SOMETHING to relax, which is why she’s come back to her...
xmoviesforyouNana Ch.3.txt Mother and son continue….. After Greg and his Mon arrived home things progressed smoothly. When he had explained to his Mom what had happened between himself and Nana, he then took her to her Mom’s bed and proceeded to seduce her. This was all while at his Nan’s home. They knew that they belonged together. They both had work, Mom at the Agency and Greg with his studies at University. This went on very calmly until about 6 months into the year when Greg met a young lady at Uni. He...
Incest“Ee lass come in and sit down tell thee Uncle Eric all about it,” Eric Ollerenshaw mithered to some stuck up bitch from t’office on third floor. Eric were CEO and in charge of Human Recourses at Ollerenshaw’s Mill. Elanore shuffled awkwardly into the room and sat opposite Eric. “It’s Dan, the lad who I work with, he put his hand up my skirt,” she announced. “Grabbed thee pussy did he?” Eric enquired, “Inside the pants or outside?” “No just touched me.” she said. “You sure it weren’t...
I thought I heard my name so I turned around. Sure enough, there it was again, “Hey, Rodneeey”. I saw Conchita, who would rather be called Connie, waving to me. We’d had a relationship, if you can call banging four or so times a week a “relationship”. A boyfriend had moved in about six months ago and I think she would still have “gotten naked”, one of her indirect ways of referring to fucking, with me but he was the jealous type. When I got close she asked, “Can we talk?”, another euphemism...
It was a regular Wednesday night. I was out bowling while my wife stayed at home to watch her weekly TV shows. I was having a pretty good night bowling. I had already punched out back to back 200 games and was about to start the 3rd game when I got a text message. It was from Carlos. Carlos is a friend of mine that I met through Craig's List last summer. He had posted an ad looking for someone that would give him a blowjob on a regular basis, no strings attached. I answered his ad but explained...
Some time after Sal, I got an infection that required me to go to our GP. I had caught thrush. My cock was itchy/sore the tip of the forskin was swollen and passing urine was unpleasant.I had a thorough examination ant the GP who had been a hospital consultant told me my options and his recomendations. I had to have a course of tablets and creme to squese into my forskin, and once the inflamation had subsided, he would release the forskin so it would retract. He said that it could be done...
New Years Eve- The Temple of Love Towers- Uptown Manhattan Domina Goodhead was a beautiful woman. Stunning in actual fact. Five-foot-eight in her bare feet. Not that she often had bare feet. She usually wore killer heels with designer and very expensive labels. Much like she was wearing now. She liked to screw in them. Always had done. She knew full well that one of the things many men fantasised over were heels and stockings. She wore full fashioned seamed stockings now. Heels,...
I couldn't quite believe this was happening to me. Two months ago, I was sitting on top of the world. I had just received a promotion to project manager and my salary had increased accordingly. I could now afford that truck I wanted, leaving the car for my wife. My debts were decreasing and there was definite light at the end of that particular tunnel. The work I was doing was making a difference in the lives of millions. Things were going great. Then came the morning that I found the funny...
And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground; and he said, “Behold now, my lords, turn in, I pray you, into your servant's house, and tarry all night, and wash your feet, and ye shall rise up early, and go on your ways.” And they turned in unto him, and entered into his house; and he made them a feast, and did bake unleavened bread, and they did eat.~“Momma?”“Yes,...
HardcoreHey everyone! Devil here. So this is the Third and Last Part in Leela the Mystery Series. Please do read and mail me all your Feedbacks, Suggestions and Comments on Coming to the Story.. Raj is the Main Character of the Story. Basically a Law Student from Delhi. So one Night while returning home he meets Leela. Read on to find out what happens… In Raj’s Words: The Clock Struck 1AM and I was on my way home after attending my friend’s Dinner Party. My SUV was in a full speed as I kept driving...
--- Sniffle, Chapter 2 (mf, fdom, mc, nc, impreg?) by Krosis of the Collective --- JJ didn't have any classes with Sally the next day, but at lunch he felt her elbow "accidentally" connect with his head as she went by with her food tray. He was really confused. After school, JJ ran to Sally's neighborhood and waited out of sight until she got home. Then he went up and rang her bell. When she answered the door she immediately became angry. "What the fuck are you doing here,...