Castaways Ch. 10 free porn video

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This is a fictional account. If you haven’t read the others, you might want to start at the beginning. Hope you all enjoy this final chapter.

‘I’ve only got eyes for you, babe,’ John professed.

‘You better say that,’ Em concluded, watching the topless girl disappear behind the bar area. ‘Too bad we didn’t bring our suits, at least the bottoms. We could really give these hotel patrons something to watch.’

‘You’d bare yourself on a nude beach?’ John queried happily.

‘Well, only on top. I’m kinda used to it, remember? And that rescue plane pilot saw me so I guess what’s the big deal,’ Em reasoned.

‘I guess so,’ John agreed.

They finished one drink and ordered a second. This one they took in hand and walked down along the beach holding hands. They passed several more topless women but they were all older and not as attractive. Further down the beach they spotted several more nude couples off in the distance. They elected to just turn back at that point. Their drinks were done and the beach was starting to feel too hot in clothes despite the nice breeze.

It was getting close to dinner so they took a taxi back to the hotel. As they were getting out of the taxi several reporters recognized them and rushed forward from near a parked TV van. Somehow they had figured out that Em and John were staying here. Maybe they had canvassed most of the better hotels. John had a microphone shoved in his face and camera flashes popped away as they tried to continue to walk to the hotel entrance. It was a little intimidating for people not used to the spotlight.

‘Mr. Morrison, tell us what it was like on the island for all those months,’ one reporter yelled.

Another yelled, ‘What did you eat for all that time?’

A cameraman shouted, ‘How about a shot with the young lady?’

‘Meredith, we hear you lost your mother in the crash. Is that true?’ one man said drawing a hostile stare from John.

They kept moving towards the front door, fighting their way through the reporters and camera crews. When the bellmen spotted the situation they rushed to help. They had many dignitaries before and were trained to help out.

‘When are we going to hear your story,’ another reporter shouted.

‘You can read about it in the New Yorker,’ John replied loudly as the bellmen and now security swarmed in to aid.

The reporters were blocked by the bellmen and security but Em and John were allowed to slip through and rush to the door where Penny Morale’ stood.

‘So sorry, ma’am and sir, it won’t happen again. We will be better prepared next time,’ Penny Morale’ avowed, holding the door for them to enter.

After the commotion, John and Em crashed on their bed once inside their room.

‘Wow, that was crazy,’ John exclaimed.

‘Sure was,’ Em agreed. ‘Now I know how Britney Spears feels.’

‘Yeah, right,’ John laughed sarcastically. ‘You’re a big time celebrity now.’

‘What … you saw how they reacted. Just like what the stars have to deal with everyday,’ Em proclaimed.

‘Yeah, but fame is fleeting, my dear. Unlike Britney Spears, we’ll be old news in no time,’ John explained.

‘You think so? They’re hungry for our story. You going to wait to tell them until you write it?’ Em questioned.

‘I think I may have to write a short version first for the New Yorker. Nick said my editor wants to talk with me as soon as possible. I’m sure he is going to ask me to do it. I can write the book after that,’ John stated.

‘What about me? Don’t I get any say in this?’ Em queried.

‘Sure. You want to go out there and tell those reporters the whole story?’

‘No … not that way. Maybe on Oprah or something,’ Em offered.

‘Go ahead,’ John challenged. ‘But you might hurt our book sales.’

‘No … I’ll hold off. I’d be too nervous anyway. Besides, I don’t what to hurt the book sales by giving the story away,’ Em reasoned.

‘Good, I can probably wean a big advance out of my editor at the New Yorker if we hold off talking about it until after they publish the article. They’ll pay big for an exclusive. Besides, what would you say about us?’ John asked.

‘What do you mean?’

‘Would you say we slept in separate huts? The Coast Guard guys know that’s not true. How would you explain our living arrangements?’

‘Well … I don’t know. I see your point. Maybe just tell the truth. How are you going to do it?’ Em questioned.

‘I’ll probably just tell what happen. Stick to the truth,’ John claimed as well, thoughtfully. ‘They don’t need all the details anyway, just the facts about how we fell in love. I’ll make it a romantic tale.’

‘A romantic love story,’ Em responded questioningly by leaning into him, smiling, and tickling him.

‘Yeah,’ John stated, fighting off her playful hands. ‘A real heart-throbber.’

‘Will you make me out to be beautiful?’ Em asked longingly but smiling.

‘That won’t be too difficult given it’s the truth,’ John praised and turned into her.

‘You might think so but not everyone will,’ Em espoused.

‘By the time I’m done describing you in the book, they’ll think you’re Helen of Troy,’ John claimed.

‘Mmm … I can’t wait to read that,’ Em said jokingly but then passionately kissed him. ‘If I promise to keep the author happy while he’s working, will I have even greater beauty in the book?’

‘Couldn’t hurt,’ John said musingly.

Em got up on her knees, pulled off her shirt, undid her bra, and then, with breasts swaying, settled between his legs. She smiled at him as she worked the belt of his shorts open and then the zipper down. Her small hand fished through the open slit of his underwear and extracted his cock. It was not yet hard but beginning to expand.

‘I better start now then,’ Em kidded as she took him into her mouth.

‘Oh, god … good idea,’ John exclaimed with a pleasureful groan.

Em sucked on John’s cock until he was good and hard. She could have easily taken him all the way with her mouth but he stopped her and pushed her back. He worked her clothes off and finished undressing himself. He teased the entrance to her cunt with his cock and slapped it playfully against her excited sex.

‘Mmm … stick it in me please,’ Em growled.

John complied and easily entered her wet pussy. He pushed slowly but steadily in until his big dick was nearly buried inside her. He withdrew equally slow, and then fucked back inside her, which caused Em to grunt and gasp even more.

‘Oh, that’s good,’ Em stated merrily.

‘Yeah … I’ll say,’ John echoed.

John slowly picked up the pace until his cock was slamming into her pussy for all he was worth. Em stuck with him stroke for stroke and came twice. They were delicious little mini-cums that only added to the building pressure inside her for the main event. John pounded into Em’s cunt which was soaked from her two climaxes. Wet and squishy sounds filled the room as they fucked like rabbits on the huge soft bed.

John was nearing his limit. His cock felt like a bar of steel as he fucked Em with abandon. Despite Em’s slick cunt it was still incredibly tight around his big cock and the wonderful friction was bringing him to a rapid end. Em too was building to the pinnacle of her orgasm. The first two had merely been the opening acts in the play and the finale grew rapidly nearer. Em clung to John as he hammered away into her pussy. They both grunted and groaned with each new thrust and the blissful pleasure that followed. Their bodies worked as a practiced pair to bring each to their final end.

‘Fuck!’ Em shouted a bit too loud as her orgasm hit first.

Her pussy clamped down hard on John’s cock as her orgasm erupted inside her. The pleasure that radiated out from her groin consumed her like a wildfire. It spread rapidly to every corner of her being and fused the thoughts in her b
rain. John pushed hard into her quaking cunt enough to reach his own crescendo. A few hard pushes and his dick exploded inside her like a fire hose. Em could feel the heat of his seed as it painted her throbbing pussy inside.

‘Oh, god!’ Em growled.

‘Fuck,’ John now said as his balls pulsed and forced load after load of sperm into her already pregnant womb.

They kept it up until John’s cock stopped pulsing and all energy drained from them. He slowly pulled out of her soaked twat and immediately a rush of white cum ran from her cunt to the sheets below like a mini-river. It made a small puddle where her ass cheeks depressed the sheet. John flopped down beside her heavily breathing body on the bed. They panted together until both could catch their breath.

‘Wow … that was wonderful,’ Em exuded.

‘Sure was,’ John agreed with a gasp.

They curled together and dozed for about an hour before they got up to shower and dress for dinner. They decided to eat in the hotel to avoid any further confrontations with the media. They found a wonderful restaurant with both inside and outside seating. It was a glorious night with a slight breeze. Despite Em’s thin sundress, they chose to sit outside and enjoy the weather. It was warm enough but she had to be careful, as they walked to their table behind the maitre de’, that the wind didn’t blow her dress too high. She only had a thong on underneath.

They had a delightful steak dinner which they both thoroughly enjoyed and their taste buds did too. Not eating seafood of some kind was a decided thrill for a change. Em saved room for dessert afterwards and they each ordered something. John got butter pecan ice cream while Em ordered a chocolate truffle which came embedded in a brownie with chocolate sauce. It was deliciously decadent and they shared mouthfuls of each.

They were tired from the day’s activities and decided just to go to bed. The next day John completed the paperwork on the bank deposit for the one hundred thousand before they walked through town and did a little more shopping. They managed to avoid the press and made it back to the hotel unscathed for lunch by the pool. Both John and Em were enjoying their non-seafood meals immensely. They both had burgers and fries for lunch.

After making love again in their room and lounging in the oversized tub, they dressed for dinner. They ate again at the hotel and went dancing in the club. John surprised Em at how good a dancer he was and in no time they were moving like a couple that had practiced for a long time. They got stares from some of the other patrons but John wasn’t sure if it was their dancing, how beautiful Em looked in her elegant new dress they bought, or if they were recognized as the couple from the Coast Guard Cutter. Either way didn’t matter. They enjoyed the evening and retired to their room exhausted from all the dancing. Sleep took both of them as soon as their heads hit the pillow.

The next day they were to leave so they packed in the morning for their flight. After a quick breakfast, they headed to the airport for the flight to New York. Nick would be picking them up and would drive his father’s SUV to the airport to get them and the luggage. The flight was on time and once in the air John noticed Em hadn’t said much since they boarded the plane.

‘You’re quiet. You nervous about meeting Nick?’ John asked.

‘Truthfully, yes. What if he can’t stand me, John? What if he doesn’t understand? You know it wasn’t that long ago your wife died. He might not be ready for you to be with someone,’ Em poured out all at once.

‘It’ll be fine. Nick is pretty mature for a guy. Besides, who couldn’t love you?’ John said jokingly.

‘Be serious. He might view me as all wrong for you. Might think I’m after your money or something?’ Em worried aloud.

‘Money, ha! What money? Sure I had a few bucks before, but I wasn’t rich by any means. In fact, the two hundred thousand we got will add nicely to our little nest egg, babe,’ John informed.

‘But how’s he going to feel with you having a girlfriend the same age as his?’

‘I don’t know. Maybe he’ll like the fact that you have so much in common. His girlfriend might even be glad to have someone close to her age to talk to,’ John explained.

‘I hope you’re right,’ Em stated.

‘Don’t worry about it, babe. Let’s just see what happens,’ John offered.

‘Okay,’ Em agreed.

The flight to JFK went through San Juan, Puerto Rico. They changed planes there and six and a half hours after leaving Guadeloupe they landed at JFK. It took forty-five minutes to make it through customs where their bags were opened. The customs agents were searching for drugs, of course, but Em and John gave each other a thankful look they had safely deposited the money in the bank rather than try to get it back through customs.

They found their way through the airport to the exit and traffic lane where Nick was supposed to meet them. They only had to wait a short time before he pulled up alongside the curb. Nick waved with a big smile on his face and jumped out of the car. He ran around the side and John and he hugged for a good minute. Em was beginning to feel left out when they parted and John introduced her to Nick. Em could see the family resemblance in Nick’s handsome face as she shook his hand. She returned his pleasant greeting and smile and began to feel her concerns were unfounded.

The drive to the house took forty minutes with traffic. They talked mostly of the trip back, the plane crash and life on the island. Em and John purposely avoided any reference to how they had slept. It was about three-thirty in the afternoon as they pulled into the driveway. The house looked much as John had left it other than a few more weeds in the front beds now that the occasional winter snows were gone.

‘Not much has changed,’ John commented jokingly, as they climbed out of the SUV. ‘The traffic is as bad as ever and you still hate weeding.’

‘Yeah, well, it’s been hard to keep up on Mom’s gardens with work and school. I’m lucky if I get time to mow the lawn,’ Nick claimed.

‘I love gardening,’ Em chimed in.

‘That’s good,’ John agreed looking lovingly at Em.

They carried the bags into the house and were immediately greeted by Nick’s girlfriend. Mandy seemed genuinely glad to see them and hugged both John and Em briefly. She had a cute face and a great smile. Her teeth were perfect, John thought as he watched her greet Em. Mandy’s hair was long and a beautiful brown with waves. She was shorter than Em by a couple inches and slim. Her breasts were small but her body looked tight and athletic.

‘Please come into the kitchen,’ Mandy said. I thought you might be hungry. You know airplane food these days. I’m making an early dinner but it’s not ready yet. I do have a few appetizers and some white wine being chilled though.’

‘Wow, thanks,’ Em extolled.

‘You guys didn’t have to go to so much trouble,’ John offered.

‘Mandy’s idea,’ Nick explained. ‘She wanted to welcome you home properly.’

‘Well, thanks, Mandy,’ John expressed.

‘Yes, thanks,’ Em added as they entered the kitchen.

They were greeted by a nice aroma from the stove and the table was set for four. The wine was chilling on the island counter.

‘Nick, how about opening the wine while I get the appetizers,’ Mandy suggested.

‘Sure, sweets,’ Nick said, taking the bottle from the ice.

Em offered to help Mandy but she said she had it under control. John observed the proficiency with which Nick opened the wine bottle.

‘I wasn’t aware you were into wine,’ John asked with fatherly concern evident.

‘Mandy and I like a nice white wine with dinner sometimes,’ Nick explained.

‘And just how do you get it?’ John pressed again.

‘Dad, I’m in college, remember?’ Nick explained with a smile.

‘So that’s supposed to explain how you get booze?’ J
ohn asked a little louder and more ardently than he had actually planned.

Nick didn’t answer him right away and John glanced from his face to Em’s. She was looking at him with a pained looked. John switched to Mandy and she looked startled too. John realized he was coming on too strong.

‘Sorry, Nick. I guess I’m just suddenly aware how I haven’t been here for you or part of your life for these last months,’ John professed.

‘It’s okay, Dad,’ Nick replied with a smile.

John looked back to Em and she smiled at him giving her support too. John glanced back to Mandy and she had already returned to setting a cookie sheet of assorted appetizers on the counter. They were obviously from a box but looked good none-the-less. Nick popped the cork and poured them all a glass of wine. He handed the first one to Em.

‘Thanks, Nick,’ Em said taking the glass.

‘Dad told me you go to Northwestern,’ Nick said.

‘Well, I did. I’m not thinking about going back there now,’ Em explained.

‘Oh, what do you plan then?’ Nick asked innocently.

‘Well, I was thinking about going to school out east here,’ Em said, stealing a glance towards John.

‘Really?’ Nick questioned, and then added. ‘Well, you might think about Hofstra.’

‘I might just do that. I hear it’s a great school,’ Em offered.

‘It’s not Northwestern but it’s still pretty good,’ Nick explained.

‘How’s the journalism department,’ Em asked, drawing a questioning look from John. ‘I’m thinking about changing my major.’

‘Wouldn’t know. Not my thing. Mandy, you know anything about the journalism department?’ Nick asked.

‘This girl I knew from the dorm was a journalism major. I think she liked it but I don’t know how it rates,’ Mandy stated.

‘I might want to help your dad write a book on our stay on the island,’ Em further explained, smiling at John.

‘You’re planning on writing a book, Dad?’ Nick queried excitedly.

‘Yeah, I might start with a short version for the New Yorker but I’m planning to put it into a book deal too,’ John expressed sipping his wine.

Mandy put a tray with the appetizers on the counter where John and Em took seats and Nick stood on the side. They helped themselves to the egg rolls, Mexican wraps, and the tiny hot dogs in pastry. Mandy had sweet and sour, salsa, and mustard for them to dip them into.

‘These are great!’ John claimed trying a hot dog and waving his hand before his face to indicate they were hot.

‘Oh, nothing special,’ Mandy allowed. ‘I’m an okay cook but these are just so good and easy.’

‘They’re great to people that have lived on fish for months,’ Em announced.

‘Yeah, that had to be tough,’ Nick agreed.

‘It sure was,’ Em continued. ‘I didn’t even like seafood when we were stranded there.’

‘Oh, gosh. I would have starved before eating fish every day,’ Mandy confessed.

‘You’d learn to adapt,’ John offered.

‘Tell us what it was like,’ Mandy queried and Nick seconded it.

John and Em explained the trouble with the plane and the crash landing. They explained what the papers hadn’t said about others surviving too. John explained how there were drug runners, who were very unsavory people. After swearing them to secrecy, John and Em explained what had happened.

‘Holy shit!’ Nick gasped.

‘Good grief!’ Mandy exclaimed.

‘You killed all three of them, Dad?’

‘I’m afraid I had to or they would have killed us or at least me with other ideas for Em,’ John informed.

‘Good God!’ Mandy extolled.

‘Unreal!’ Nick professed.

They then explained how they had survived with some rations from the plane and learning to hunt and fish. John explained how they had speared fish, caught crabs, dug clams, and trapped gulls. Em filled in with the things they found on the island like coconuts, edible roots, and bananas. Together they explained how they cooked everything and ate with their hands or primitive utensils.

‘You’re both very resourceful,’ Mandy pronounced.

‘You learn to survive,’ John offered.

‘I wouldn’t have had a clue,’ Mandy explained. ‘I wasn’t even a girl scout.’

‘Well, me either,’ Em agreed. ‘If it hadn’t been for John, I surely would have died on that island.’

‘You’re better than you give yourself credit for,’ John stated.

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Hi, Indian Sex Stories dot net readers, this is Raj again with yet another true sex story, which unfolded last month. For people who don’t know me, I am Raj, a married man, 28 years old, 6 ft tall, well built, dusky skin tone and an 8-inch tool to satisfy. Ladies and couples from Bangalore who wants to bed me for ultimate satisfaction can contact me on Coming back to the sex story, I keep receiving a series of emails from you wonderful Indian Sex Stories readers stating how good my story was...

4 years ago
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I can cum from head now true story

Hello folks, I'm back after a long break from posting. I hope you enjoy and please comment. I don't know why but for some reason I have always been very difficult to get off from a blow job. I absolutely love getting my dick sucked and have been with women who didn't mind a mouthful of cum. Recently as I've gotten older,my dick has gotten more sensitive or the places that are sensitive have changed. Usually I can lay back and get head for as long as a woman can endure giving it to me. It always...

4 years ago
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The Look of Love

Blowing out the match she pauses, smiles, she hears his key in the front door, perfect timing as always, her nipples harden in anticipation. ‘Hi hunny I’m home,’ he announces stepping through the door. When there isn’t a reply he drops his hat, coat and briefcase on the couch as he walks through the living room and down the hall to the bedroom. The door is ajar. Pushing it all the way open he is delighted by the smells: her scent, her perfume as it mingles with the fragrant candles. He steps...

3 years ago
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TSINF 82 The Deal 2

Author’s Notes: Last we saw Steph she was meeting up with Matt to find out what deal she made with him. And now without further wait… ******** Matt boomed a laugh, “See that’s why I’m beginning to like you. Straight to the point. No lolly gagging. No tip toeing around. Going right for the heart of the situation. Alright. They will be here in a few hours. What they would like for you to do while we are signing the contracts is to be laying down on the table with a platter of food surrounding...

4 years ago
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The High Priestess of the Willow

The High Priestess removed her white cotton gown, undoing the buttons one by one until her breasts and her pudenda were revealed in glorious dénouement. She was attended by her Sisters, her breasts anointed with first the lavender and then the rose oil, as she stood in the glow of the nearly full moon. Her raven hair cascaded to her waist and her stately presence brought gasps of awe from those picked to witness the event. The chosen one was brought forward, his hands bound, his eyes staring in...

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SRU My Darling Daughter Reversed Rings

My Darling Daughter Spells R' Us -Reversal Rings For your consideration a tale of fates, two of those people for whom life hasn't quite given a fair shake. It's the story of Marshall and his child, a man desperate to stay with his darling daughter Arial. The old man at the Spells' R US store steps and takes a hand to right a wrong and in doing so gives out a guarantee and his Internet location. Beware. Wizards are easily upset and not to be trifled with! Marshall thought over...

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Jenna from the pool

I met this woman Jenna at a swim club I frequent in the summer months after work. She was working at the snack bar and I spent a lot of time there,so I got to talk to her a lot.I saw a ring so I knew she was married and found out through our talks she had 6 k**s,3 from another marriage and she is 43 years old.Jenna was a plain woman,no makeup,nice slim body and her hair always looked like she just got out of bed.About midway through the summer I started to flirt a little with her just to see...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Dillion Harper Alexis Fawx The Naked Life

After spending the day at a nudist beach, stepmother Alexis Fawx decides to live the naked life and announces the news to her stepdaughter Dillion Harper, explaining that she should get naked too. Dillion good naturedly agrees. And while she’s making breakfast in the buff, Alexis is lurking behind the wall, watching and masturbating. Dillion meditates outside on her yoga mat in the buff and Alexis sneaks around masturbating. Wherever Dillion goes there’s Alexis rubbing her clit....

2 years ago
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The Sidereus Prophecy Part 9

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Part 9 *** Chapter 67 A week after my break up with Ethan, Lauren and the girls came into my dressing room. Lauren said excitedly, "Abby! You need to put your rider together! You hardly ever ask for...

3 years ago
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Dungeoneering HaremChapter 16

As Liana lies sleeping on the ground with Kaito’s armlet glowing a bright blue color, Elinore and Bonny sigh with relief. Bonny turns away sitting down on the ground and staring off in the distance blushing. “How was it for you?” Bonny asks. “Huh?” “How was having sex for you!?” She yells out. Elinore blushes. “It was uncomfortable at first. But it felt great after a moment, it’s still weird to think about.” “It was kind of humiliating to me, but it still felt good in the end. Even if I...

2 years ago
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Two Teen Lesbian Virgins and a Vibrator

I don’t suppose I’m the only girl whose first sexual experience (other than solo masturbation) was with a member of the same sex. It’s obvious that when you’re having your first stirrings of sexual feelings, even if they are only directed at your favourite pop singer, it’s much easier to talk about them with a friend who is going through the same emotional turmoil. And is it any wonder that talking sometimes turns to physical contact and experimentation?I had a good friend called Julie, who I’d...

1 year ago
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The Submissive Side of Lust Part 5

“Make love to me.” I whisper. “No” “Please, please make love to me, I need to feel you.” You reach down my legs one at a time to undo the leather cuffs on my ankles and rub the skin underneath to bring back the feeling. “Please” I beg, “I want you now”. Your fingers slide under the waistband of my v-string panties and start to pull them down under my bottom. With a little grin on my lips I pull my legs up to my chest to let you slide them completely off. It’s really a quickly thought out idea...

3 years ago
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Returning HomeChapter 2

A few minutes later, after the kids entered the house, Chrissy came out of the house. I was trying to place the look on her face. Not sure if she was mad, confused or something in between. "Jess, did you tell the kids you were going to take them to the zoo?" asked Chrissy. "Yes, I think maybe the Saturday after next. They seemed so happy about seeing the chickens and rabbits that I told them I would take them. Of course, it has to be alright with you and I was figuring you would be...

2 years ago
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Mum and son plastered

I broke my arm after an accident at work; I was plastered from my shoulder to my wrist which was not good because it was my left arm, and that was the most important to me because it was my wanking hand and any one can tell you it is so hard to have a good wank with plaster on your arm, however all was not as it seemed, several days later while having a shower I got the top of the plaster wet which caused itching and discomfort, this is where my mum stepped in to help, after explaining my...

1 year ago
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owyn Book 1 The CageChapter 28 Woman

[Caution: this chapter contains violent and semi/nonconsensual sex.] ... blackness... ... silence... Face down on a cold stone table, Éowyn drifted upward through layers of sleep. No, that’s not true either. Willful denial of consciousness isn’t the same as rest. Registering without emotion the chill that penetrated to her bones, she realized she was shivering. That’s what woke me. Her vision was obliterated by a thick black hood that reeked of sweat and fear. I was only moments from...

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Trophy DaughterChapter 5 The Circle Widens More Players

I had a text the following Thursday afternoon from Megan: 'Is it all right if I come by the house tomorrow night for dinner with Mike and Jon? I bet you can guess about how the night might turn out. Love. Megan.' I immediately replied, 'Cum as soon as you can with your friends. You can also all come to house tomorrow. Love u. Matt." April came in my office a few minutes later with some division reports she'd been reviewing. After I got her comments, I showed her the text...

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The Making of a Fighter Pilots WhoreChapter 8 Moving On

When the squadron moved to Texas in October, Lydia, the kids, and I moved to The Dallas-Ft Worth area where I was to enter an 18 month masters program in January at one of the universities in the DFW metropolitan area. We found a place to live and used the three months before the new semester began to become acquainted with the area. We were moving on and looked forward to new adventures and challenges. In December I mailed the sex tapes to Norm as a Christmas gift and didn't even try and...

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Prison Punk Gay

I was sent to a max prison, for 10 years for robbery, I was 18 year old, a small white boy with blues eyes, white pale soft skin and a body shape that was more on the female side, then on the man level, already the other inmates had told me, I was going to have problems once I get to prison, some saying "you look like a girl" that I had a phatass!!That black guys like forcing white boy to preform homosexual, I say I will never do thing like a that, I'll fight to my death before I became a punk...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Sofi Ryan Must8217ve Missed A Spot

Sofi Ryan, a housecleaner, is trying to do her job but has encountered a stubborn spot! It’s so slick and gooey, and no matter what she does, she can’t seem to get it off the floor. She gets so frustrated that she gets the homeowner to come check it out, though even he’s stumped about what the mess is. Little does she know, Codey Steele, the homeowner’s son, happens by in the background and overhears what’s going on. He instantly looks guilty as he hides out of...

2 years ago
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Rob Jenkins Part TwoChapter 11

Soon after I got back to the house in Tuscaloosa, I called Dorothy, but got her answering service. Then I called my service and found that I had a huge number of calls. They ranged from condolences from friends like Bill, to meaningless messages from politicians and others I didn't know. I had condolence messages from Governor Wallace, Senators Sparkman and Stennis, and several trade groups, including banking, forestry, radio, television, insurance, and the country music associations. I made...

3 years ago
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The Best Christmas Ever

She used to love this time of year. She had loved it all, from the bustle of people in search of that one perfect item to the music that floated through the air of the department store to the crunch of new-fallen snow on Christmas morning. She had loved it until five years ago. Now, she was just depressed. Mellissa had become Mrs. Walter Schaeffer against the advice of her mother and girlfriends, but she’d known it was right. Her heart told her it was. Walt had been charming. Walt had been...

3 years ago
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Anal FestivalChapter 6

The film was an amateur fuck video involving a family orgy where the father and mother were fucking and being watched secretly by their son and two daughters. The kids, all young, watched mom and dad go at it their mom sucking their fathers cock as he ate her cunt then they fucked doggy style and missionary until their dad filled mom with a load of sperm. While they were watching the son took out his cock and stroked himself in front of his sisters who were rubbing their pussies and tits. The...

3 years ago
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On the road with sis

To save on costs we decided to settle for a 1 bedroom motel with just the single bed. Upon entering the room I couldn't help but notice just how small the room was. Just a bedroom with an adjacent bathroom area, the shower built as an open-plan style, with no partition from the main bedroom. The shower glass was frosted, however it did mean that whoever used the shower would have no privacy when it came to undressing and re-dressing. Janine was first to succumb to the call of the cold...

3 years ago
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4 My first blowjob the journey continues

So, as 18 turned into 19 and then 20 I continued to be a voyeur at adult stores, especially the one with no booths and just multiple rooms of videos with my friend Steve behind the counter who loved flashing me his little dick. I began to touch and jerk guys but never got one off, just watched and really loved to see the guys cum. no matter how they got there, although anal was still something I had zero interest in. just all about dick. One day shortly after I turned 20 I went into this tiny...

3 years ago
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Dot the conclusion

I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to my great grandfather. You have already perused the first four sections of the missive; here is the conclusion. I felt it might hold special interest for you. By now we know that the consumptive young girl known as Dorothea died sometime around 1850 and was replaced by a street urchin, Dick Osgood, who had become her friend and, through a tortuous series of events, had also become her...

4 years ago
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The Wjeel Chair BBBBTS

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....The Wheel ChairI just got home from the hospital. I had some minor surgery on my right leg. They game me a walking cane, to use after a few days of rest. At the moment, they gave me a wheel chair to use. I wheeled myself out to the curb to get a taxi. The taxi driver let me out in my driveway. I used the garage door to get inside my house. I then opened the big doors to my basement. I used my small elevator to get to the 2nd floor of my house. I wheeled...

4 years ago
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How I seduced and fucked Mrs Welder an old retire

Mrs Welders was a petite lady with grey hair and glasses. We used to be teacher colleagues, before her retirement a couple of years ago, We kept in touch because Mrs Welder continued working as a substitute every now and then even after retirement. Her husband had passed away about a year prior to her retirement and I supposed she needed the extra money. We always came a long fine and I always liked her for her gentle personality. She was quite strict and even if she had a sense of humor, she...

1 year ago
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Pam and the Drill Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! The hallway was packed with kids, a thousand of them, from one end to the other. The stairs were crowded with kids going up and coming down. Pam's locker was down that hall somewhere, she hoped. Twice already that day she got lost, and the books were getting heavy in her arms. She hated the first day of high school. She pushed through the crowd. Her locker was on the left side, wasn't it? She had to remember which hallway, the locker number and the...

3 years ago
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The Good the Bad and the MollyChapter 14

Chris and I had driven Molly back from her AA meetings before, but this one was decidedly the most awkward. Molly didn’t even wave as she saw us approach, she just got in the back and off we drove. I tried to make some kind of small talk while driving back, but Chris only responded with one-word answers, which as anyone who knew Chris would tell you, meant you should just stop talking. Molly didn’t make eye contact with either of us. Eventually, we got home and Chris shut the car off. I...

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Fucked at the BBQby sons friends BBC 6

I followed behind my husband and son as they carried Julie, Sam and Alison into the house with the aid of 4 large black men, all the time I could see the black men groping and squeezing the little white girls bottoms and firm breasts, then you could see them pulling and twisting on the much large nipples of Julie, her breasts had to be a 40DD if not bigger, they always looked like a couple of beach balls tucked away in her swimsuit.Paul was there waiting for us and ordered my husband and son to...

2 years ago
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The good doctor part 2

Dr. Dan and I had been having fun for some time usually a lot of flirting and naughty shenanigans I had some free time and he decided to rent a hotel room down by me I didn’t get off of work until 9:00 that evening and he was already there so I stopped by my house picked up a few things and drove out to the hotel. I knew whet room number he was in so I just strolled through the lobby and caught the elevator up to his room. I knocked on the door and the sexy doctor entered he had on a long black...

3 years ago
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Long Hike in the Mountains

I glanced at Devon across from me. She had volunteered to be my partner on the survival phase of forester training. There were another ten in the program and they were all guys. Each pair would be dropped in a remote region of the mountains. We would have to travel two thousand kilometers with nothing but what we brought in a single pack each. I had our two man dome tent and Devon had two liners we would use as blankets. We had knives of course but rail or plasma weapons were forbidden. What I...

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Fun in the Towel Rm

As I have written before I started enjoying cock at a young age first sucking a neighbor Chris while in Jr. High. I was the towel boy for my gym class which allowed me to go in early to get all the towels ready. Well Chris was in my gym class I asked the coach if he could help me so we both went in the shower room together we were alone everybody else was still outside on the playground I got down on my knees and started sucking Chris's cock it didn't take much for him to get a hard-on we went...

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An Aussie Girl Who Loves An American True Story

I buy my ticket and finally, with anticipation, I get to Florida, Tampa Bay to be exact and check myself into the hotel and then I finally start realizing that this is stupid, I can’t believe I’ve done this, he could already be in a relationship, be married, who knows, but most importantly, I wondered, how do I lure him into the bar downstairs and surprise him. Either way, I had to see him. I convince the receptionist at the front desk to help me and she loves the whole set up, thinks its...

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How Not To Write a Sex Story Ch I

It's going to start pretty slowly, because I'm focusing more on story than sex. Also, if you're offended by sex, you should probably not be on a sex site. Criticism is accepted. Just don't be an asshole about it. ------------------------------------ CHAPTER I: Inspiration "She lowered herself onto her lover's throbbing member, her womanhood aching with warm desire and anticipation. She gazed steadily into his eyes as he entered her, and whispered the words she knew he wanted to...

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Adventures in Aether

You stand in the town of Aether, a small town in the countryside. The streets are cobblestone with grass growing in strips on either side of the roads. You can see a few horse drawn carts, they look like they're carrying stock for the local market. You stand in the middle of the town square, it's busy with activity today as the townsfolk explore and mingle around town. The town hall stands proudly at the end of the square, buildings branch off either side to create the rest of the square. It's...

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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 41

Edwin could not believe that he actually had the incredibly beautiful Natalie Kimble nude in a bedroom, and she was available for him to use in any way he wanted. While Edwin was undressing, the sexy divorcee, in her altered state, softly said, “Natalie never had any idea that you wanted to fuck her. She always thought you were a committed husband and father. She would have flatly refused to have anything to do with you, and would have forbid Kaylee from babysitting for her, if you had made...

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