Chemistry Ch. 02 free porn video

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I hope you read part 1. This won’t make any sense if you haven’t. This is basically a true story. The names have been changed to protect the guilty. Enjoy.


For the next week after the hospital visit I couldn’t think of anything else. Karen called and let me know she’d been released from the hospital. Then she began to tell me how Carol couldn’t stop talking about me and asking questions.

‘What did you do to my sister?’ she asked me over the phone one night. ‘She won’t shut up about you. She’s driving me crazy.’

I laughed.

‘Maybe you should ask what she’s done to me.’ I replied. ‘I can’t stop thinking about her.’

‘Well, Matt and I are moving next weekend and if you come lend your muscles, maybe you’ll see her.’

My heart rate went through the ceiling. ‘See Carol? I’ll move your whole family if she’ll be there.’

We made arrangements to meet up the next weekend. Dave was also to be part of the expenditure of labor. I could hardly wait.

The next weekend dawned sunny and clear. Dave picked me up and off we went. I can’t remember the last time I was so nervous.

We arrived at Karen’s about nine in the morning. The U-Haul van was already parked and open with Mark carrying boxes into the back.

We said our hellos and Karen came out wearing some cutoff jean shorts that showed her legs off nicely and a tank top that showcased her boobs. She was still nice to look at, but somehow she looked a little less awesome today.

‘Where do you want us to start?’ Dave asked.

The rest of the morning was filled with moving furniture, sweating, swearing and a slowly filling truck.

Karen’s parents were there and we all got along pretty well. Around noon I couldn’t take it anymore and asked Karen.

‘Where’s Carol?’

‘She couldn’t get rid of the kids so she decided not to come.’ Karen said. She could tell I was disappointed. ‘If you behave I’ll call her at lunch, and you can talk to her, maybe you can change her mind’ Karen smirked at me and bounced off to help her dad carry a table out to the truck. Soon enough, the truck was filled, and off we went to the new condo.

Dave and Mark had seemed to really hit it off well and they drove the moving truck, Karen’s parents drove their Bronco and Karen and I drove in her car. All three vehicles filled with the contents of their apartment.

Out of nowhere Karen just launched into this ‘if we weren’t both married’ speech that left me with my mouth hanging open.

By the time we reached the new place I knew everything she had thought about me from when we first met. For instance I very well could have fucked her that first day after pulling her top off. She told me she was wet as a river when I walked out of the room.

When I grabbed her ass in the red snakeskin pants she told me almost came and that if everyone else weren’t right behind us she’d pull off somewhere because she really wanted to know what my dick tasted like. She said that sex with Mark was kinda vanilla and boring to her. We got to the house a little in front of everyone else and started to unpack the car.

Somehow Karen seemed even less interesting to me after that. I don’t know why but somehow the idea that she wanted to blow me after being married less than a year diminished her in my eyes. I mean I could understand if she weren’t happy, but to listen to her she and Mark were great except for the sex part. (PARAGRAPH)

I knew from Chad that Karen liked some spice in her lovemaking. She liked being put over her man’s knee and spanked. She liked a bit of dominance to her sex, a handful of her hair in her lover’s grasp, being forced to her knees and her mouth full of hard dick, being bent over a table unexpectedly and having her panties yanked down or being made to spread her legs while his fingers spread her lips. Things like that made her obscenely wet and poor Mark just didn’t get it.

Everyone else arrived and we got the truck unloaded. Lunch was picked up and we found places to sit down and eat. I hadn’t forgotten Karen’s promise to call Carol and I brought the subject up to her. Her mother overheard and slid over next to me with her cell phone against her ear.

‘Ya’ll talking about Carol? She on the phone right now.’ She said. Was it my imagination or did she look right into my eyes with a little smile as she said that?

I asked to speak with Carol and she handed me her phone.

‘Hello Baby girl.’ My voice just naturally dropped a couple of octaves as I spoke to her.

‘H-H-Hi’ she actually stuttered. Mentally I could see that flaming red blush spread across her face.

‘Why aren’t you here?’ I asked, then continued before she could answer. ‘I gave up my Saturday and consented to work my butt off for your sister only because she told me you’d be here. Now you’re not.’

‘You really did this because of me?’ She asked. ‘Not because my sister asked you?’

‘Well, I probably would have done it anyway because she’s my friend, but the thought of seeing you again made the idea a lot more pleasant.’

‘But I look a mess. Mike didn’t take the kids with him and they’ve had me playing with them all day. You really wouldn’t want to see me looking like I look.’ She said.

‘So the only reason you’re not here is because you’re not dressed up?’ I asked.

‘Yeah, pretty much.’ She answered. ‘I look like crap. I have been at the park with them all morning. My hair is a mess, I don’t have any makeup on, I’m dressed in just whatever. You deserve better than that.’

‘You want to talk about what I deserve?’ I asked. ‘What I deserve is to see you. Makeup, or not. Hair done or not. Don’t get me wrong, I love the way you look, but it’s more than that. I want to see you.’ I put every bit of feeling I could into those last few words. It was as close as I’ll ever come to begging.

‘You really don’t care?’ She asked.

‘Come see me.’ I said again. ‘Put the kids in your car and come to me.’

‘Ok, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.’ She was clearly nervous, but she agreed to come.

About a half hour later, this mini van pulls up and she gets out. Sure enough, her hair is pulled back and held with one of those clippie things women wear. She had on no makeup, wearing some Capri pants and a tank top. She looked absolutely wonderful. I felt my breath catch as she saw me and smiled.

She came in and hugs were exchanged. Mine was a little longer and she plopped down on the sofa next to me, her arm linked through mine.

For some reason, this simple gesture made me happier than anything my wife had done to me or for me in the last couple of years. That damnable feeling of being drunk or stoned was back. How could a simple touch do this to me?

After the break we went back to work. Only now Carol was there. Moving has never been so distracting. Watching her bend over to pick something up, see a wonderful pillow of an ass stretch her pants tight would stop me in my tracks. She’d look back and see me staring and just grin.

The day was hot, we were working pretty hard and the power wasn’t on in Karen and Mark’s new place so no A/C. Soon everyone was soaked through with sweat. Carol’s tank top was plastered to her body and there was a ring of darkness at the waist of her slacks. Why do some women look so desirable all hot and sweaty?

At one point we were passing in an upstairs hall. She was carrying a box of pictures bound for one of the bedrooms and I was coming back from bringing up the bed rails. She stumbled and I was there to catch her.

‘Whew! The heat is starting to get to me.’ She said, brushing her sweat tangled dark bangs back off of her face. She was red with effort, breathing hard, flushed from the heat and at that moment I had never seen a more beautiful woman.

This woman I had met less than a week ago, to whom I had spent less than two hours talking to, had me completely crazy. My dick w
as so hard it hurt. I could see her nipples making little points trough her blouse. She saw where I was looking and when I looked back up to her face, it was a mask of pure lust.

I snapped. No excuses.

I reached out pulled her to me, turned her back to the wall and covered her mouth with mine. From the moment I reached for her she started making a little whimpering sound in her throat. When our lips met it turned into a growl I could feel all the way to my toes. Her arms went around my neck and my hands buried themselves in her thick wet hair.

I pulled her head back and licked her from her collarbone all the way up the side of her neck. She put her face into my shoulder to muffle the wail that seemed to be torn out of her soul as her whole body shook.

I reached down and got a handful of that soft ass I had been ogling all afternoon and pulled her hip tight up against me. When she felt my dick right up against her mons she raised her head, looked me straight in the eye, grabbed the back of my bald head and pulled my mouth back to hers. This time I growled.

I don’t know what happened to me. I was always the gentle lover, never overly aggressive or rough with my women. Suddenly the there was a part of myself I had never seen. But in all of a moment I was this raging monster. I pulled loose from her arms, grasped her by her shoulders and turned her around pressing my rock hard dick up against her ass so hard it pushed the fabric of her pants into her ass crack.

My right hand found it’s way down the front of her and cupped her overheated mound, the other still tangled in her hair pulled her head back so I could kiss her again.

‘Mmmmmm!’ she moaned into my mouth, pushing her ass back at me for all she was worth.

Suddenly just groping and kissing her weren’t enough. I wanted to own her, mark her as being mine. I tore my lips off of her mouth and sank my teeth into her neck.

‘Oh Jesus!!’ She wailed. And I swear the woman came right there in my arms. She shook so hard only my hand holding her pulsating pussy kept her upright.

‘Well! I see you two are getting along alright.’ I turned my head to see Karen standing there, her face flushed and her lovely chest heaving.

It took a second to get the words out of my throat. ‘How long have you been there?’ I asked in what I know was a very shaky voice.

‘Oh long enough believe me.’ She said. ‘I’ve never seen anything so hot in my life.’

She looked at her sister trembling in my arms.

‘It’s about time you did something about that faggot you married,’ She said. She walked up to Carol, wiped the sweat off her brow, leaned in and kissed her cheek and said, ‘I told you there was such a thing as good sex, but it looks like you’re finding that out.’

Then Karen leaned in and kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear, ‘Be Sweet to her. She needs it.’ Then she turned and went bouncing back downstairs.

Carol turned in my arms still holding on to me because her knees were still shaking. She looked up into my eyes and there seemed to be a question shining in her face.

I had never been in this situation before. I was still trying to figure out what I had turned into there for a moment. I had no Idea what to say to a woman I barely knew, whom I had just practically raped, but the words seemed to come of their own volition.

‘Who do you belong to?’ Came rumbling out of some dark corner of my soul.

Carol looked at me, and a smile began to form on her lips. She stepped into my embrace, hooked her arms over my neck and kissed me.

‘You. I think I’ve always belonged to you. And you to me’ She said.

I didn’t know what else to say, but it seemed something from way deep inside me was doing the talking for me.

‘As long as we both know. I’ve been looking for you all my life. I guess I gave up hope, never finding you. Now we have a very big problem.’ I pulled her back into me so we were almost talking into each others mouth.

‘I know,’ she said smiling as she reached down and wrapped her fingers around my dick through my pants. ‘And I can’t wait to work on it.’

Before I could say anything she kissed me again. The combination of her sweet mouth on mine, and her squeezing hand made thinking impossible for me.

I finally pulled away before she made me cum in my pants. (Would’ve been bad for my image).

‘Your folks are downstairs,’ I said, not wanting her to stop. I reached up and got a handful of her soft damp hair. ‘If we don’t stop this I’m going to have you in that room on your sisters half assembled bed, with My dick in you as far as it can reach. Wouldn’t that be a pretty scene for your mother to walk in on?’

Not that I wanted to let her out of my arms, but I was already trying to figure out how I could keep this woman permanently, and alienating her parents by getting caught fucking their little girl In a house full of people didn’t seem the best way to help my cause, and judging by how vocal she was there was no way we could do this quietly, unless I gagged her. I said as much to Carol.

‘Mmmmmm,’ she murmured into my neck, ‘I can think of what I’d like you to gag me with,’ she said as she gave my dick another squeeze.

When had her hand sneaked back down there? I wondered as I just let her continue. Her touch was just right. Not to hard, some girls almost twist your dick off while they’re fondling. Not too light, just perfect. After her ‘gag’ comment I found myself wondering how she was with her mouth, and just how loud I could make her get with mine.

‘I’d like you to gag me,’ she said. ‘It feels like it’s big enough to choke me. Hmmm? Would you like that? My little white ass on my knees choking on this big black dick. Hmm? I’d like that, I think.’

Hearing her whisper in my ear like that almost made me blow my wad right then.

‘C’mon Cameron. Talk to me,’ she whispered. Her voice was all honey and heat in my ear.

I couldn’t take anymore of this. I grabbed her hand and pulled it off my dick. I reached and caught her other wrist, and pinned both of them above her head against the wall.

‘Oh yeah. I want to see see you on your knees with my dick in your mouth trying to swallow it all. I want you on your back the first time I put it in you so I can watch your eyes roll up your pretty head.’ I had reached down and was rubbing her pussy again. Let’s see how she took it.

‘I want to bend you over and rub the head of my dick from your clit to the small of your back. Let you wonder if I’m gonna get freaky and try to put it up this fine ass.’ I reached behind her and squeezed a cheek.

She buried her face in my neck and started to shake again. I pulled away from her.

‘Oh No you don’t!’ I said. ‘No more cumming for you until it’s with me inside of you.’ I took her chin in my fingers and lifted her eyes to mine. ‘I want to have your legs wrapped around my waist and your arms around my neck when you cum again with me. I want to be able to look in your eyes when it happens. I want you to feel my dick jump in your belly when I cum.’

‘I want you to look into my eyes and know you are mine Carol.’ I know that strange beast was back in control of me just then. I never acted like this with a woman, but somehow it just felt right.

Carol’s eyes roamed all over my face, like she was searching for something. I guess she found it, because she stretched her neck out and kissed me again. This one was hot and demanding like the others but it was something else too. It was accepting and warm, too. I let go of her arms and she lowered them around my neck, and we just stood there as close as two people can get without being inside the others skin.

As funny as it sounds, while the intensity and passion were still there, her kiss actually calmed me. That raging lust began to subside. I still wanted her. God, did I want her, but it wasn’t so urgent.

When we finally pulled apart she caressed the
side of my face, took a deep breath and spoke. ‘There. A little better?’ She asked. She had this impish grin on her face.

It just blew my mind. She had done that on purpose. Calmed me down using the same thing… A kiss… that had wound me up. How the fuck? I knew right then that I had to find a way to keep this woman.

Karen’s voice interrupted us staring into each others eyes, ‘Hey you two lazy bums. The truck isn’t empty yet,’ she yelled up the stairs.


I hope everyone enjoys this as much as I have. Chapter 3 is in the works. Please vote!!

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1favoritepet’s tale        She comes home from work unlocks the door and steps inside.  She does not see her Master so she makes her way to the bedroom where she changes into the house clothes that He has laid out on His bed.  It is a simple outfit, the color matches her skin tone, it slips over the head, has no sleeves or neck only a thin elastic band to hold it to her body.  The top is connected by a single thin strand from the cleavage to the waist with a very short rippled skirt.  The...

1 year ago
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EuroTeenErotica Candy Red Redhead Teen Crammed In Cowgirl

We all know that college hottie Candy Red loves to get kinky so it’s no surprise that she’s caught masturbating once again by her man Mugur. But this time the raunchy redhead is also covered in whip cream when she’s found splayed out, fingering her wet pink gash. The Romanian man doesn’t hesitate to lick that delicious whip cream off her little tits while working his way down to enjoy her slit with his tongue before pummeling her horny hole with his giant stiff shaft....

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ReconnectingChapter 17

The penultimate chapter. Enjoy! When the time was right, I slowly removed my fingers from Erika’s sopping. velvety clutch, repeatedly affirming to her how beautiful and sexy she was. Looking over, I saw that the blindfold had returned to Mom’s eyes, and my father had migrated down between her widely-spread legs ... his mouth firmly planted at their juncture. Mom sighed lustily as he began to worship at her finger-fucked quim. I briefly caught his eye and shot him an encouraging wink. He...

2 years ago
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Mothers Submission Chapter 18

"Why did it hurt so bad", he wondered to himself as he sat on the bed. It wasn't like he didn't fuck other women and he'd honestly thought of letting his mom fuck another guy. But, when he'd walked in and caught them together, it felt like she'd been sneaking around and cheating on him. And, if he was honest with himself, the fact the she was with his dad, the same man who she had so much history with, made it feel like she would rather go back to the way things were, before she and...

4 years ago
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Shrink Job

Shrink Job By Tanto ([email protected]) It could be worse. That was my opinion on just about everything that's happened to me recently. I stood on Jessica's dresser as she meticulously combed her auburn hair, carefully brushing out any imperfections and dealing swiftly and ruthlessly with her ultimate enemy- split ends. It often took her more than twenty minutes just to complete to her satisfaction what I considered a simple chore. Still, watching the most...

3 years ago
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My introduction to a new lifestyle V

While we were watching the game Jerry said he missed me. I told him I was trying to repeat what we did at his home, but it didn't feel the same. Squeezing my leg he said, why don't you ask if you can come over for a few days. I'd like that I exclaimed.When we made it to my house I asked mom if I could stay at Jerry's house for a few days. After her and Jerry talked mom said I could. I hurried and packed a bag. When I came back from my room I heard Jerry telling mom he'd have me home Sunday...

1 year ago
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Grad Trip

"Oceanic flight 815 bound for Honolulu, Hawaii. we are beginning boarding at this time please form a line in a calm orderly fashion." My friends and I waited for the line to die down before we went to line up "I'm trying to stay drunk the entire time were there" one of my friends, Oscar said. He was a brown haired wanna be hick who lived in town. "fuck ya" my other friend Liam chipped in. Once the line died down we got up and got in line. I was distracted since this was my first time...

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Hentai King! So many hentai sites just straight up rip off creators and fuck people over to deliver content to you horny weebs for free. There’s no real sugar-coating that shit. Most free hentai sites have something kind of shady going on, but that doesn’t put you in the wrong for jerking your dick to that content. Still, I wanted to find a site that would let you conscious fappers rub yourselves raw without any sort of guilt. Well, unless you’re blowing a load to some fucked up shit already. I...

Hentai Streaming Sites
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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 22

NOV 1940 HUNGARY AND ROMANIA JOINS THE AXIS “When Švejk subsequently described life in the lunatic asylum, he did so in exceptionally eulogistic terms: ‘I really don’t know why those loonies get so angry when they’re kept there. You can crawl naked on the floor, howl like a jackal, rage and bite. If anyone did this anywhere on the promenade people would be astonished, but there it’s the most common or garden thing to do. There’s a freedom there which not even Socialists have ever dreamed...

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Fruite Of The Vine

Yeah, that was much better. She'd been so hot and the cool air on her tits felt so good. It made her nipples hard. It made her feel sexy. It was so nice of Carl to find somewhere nice and dark for her to lie down. She wasn't used to drinking so much. Hell, she wasn't used to drinking at all. She was glad Carl had turned off the lights, because watching the room spin made her dizzy. For a brief moment she wondered where her bra was. Then she moaned as her nipple was caressed by a pair...

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First Time With KathyChapter 5

I was back to work, and my partner and I were hanging out at Big City General Hospital, awaiting our next run. Medic 8 pulled up, and disgorged their patient. Once they were done, and cleaning up their truck, we wandered over to chat. One of the crew was an old partner of mine, Athos. “Hey!”, he greeted me. “You been talking to Cletus?” “About what?” was my response. “Your girlfriend. He asked me, and I quote, if you were still seeing ‘that nigger bitch’. I asked him if his momma was still...

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Storage Room Blow Job

My wife worked at a book store every summer when she was in college. The store was in a mall about a mile from where she lived. When she was a junior, she went to the book store one weekend in April when she was home to let the manager know she would be available to work that summer. There was a new manager she didn’t know, a guy about 28 years old. She told him she had worked there the previous two summers and wanted to work again that coming summer. The manager told her he would only be...

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A quick check along the street to see if anyone was around, then I turned the door handle to the shop and we stepped inside. I quickly locked it, then we walked through the gloom to the bottom of the stairs. As arranged, I went up and Anne stayed there. I had to tread carefully, as my eyes adjusted to the dark. Thankfully, the first floor room was partially lit by the street lamp outside. We didn't want to attract a patrolling cop by switching on the light. He was, just as I'd stipulated, sat...

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Mary Deannas Jubilumsfick

Prolog Wie viele Ehemänner hatte ich schon lange die Fantasie, meiner schönen Frau Mary Deanna zuzusehen, wie sie von einem Schwarzen gefickt wird. So lange ich mich erinnern kann, hatte ich davon geträumt, dass sie einen großen schwarzen Schwanz lutscht und von ihm gefickt wird, während ich sie beobachtete und sie vielleicht sogar mit ihrem schwarzen Liebhaber auf Video aufzeichnete. Ich hätte nie erwartet, dass sie sich jemals von einem anderen Mann als von mir ficken lässt, aber einer hat...

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My Night In The Sun

I've been working for a large corporation for the last ten years. I started out as a junior executive straight out of college and finally worked my way up to middle management as the head of the marketing division two years ago. My work requires me to travel frequently, I've lived in nine different cities so far during my career. Perhaps that's partially why I've never found the "right" girl to settle down with and marry. Another contributing factor - maybe the biggest factor - is that I'm...

4 years ago
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We were not really a swingers but it happened to be as we were married for six years & Sarika my wife she is small but full of sex our sex was never dull because she is hot at her age of 28 she has lots to give me we are a social animals & we have few close couples which our good friends we often have party’s so we enjoy one couple that is Dinesh & Annu were very close actually Annu is very close to my Sarika & one night we were watching a blue film in it there were two couples who were have...

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The Girl Within Me

After the evacuation of the Vietnam war, my grandparents arrived in America as refugees. Several years later, my mother was born and grew up in the states. She received a good education and would become a successful architect. My mother then met a white American boy, my dad, and got happily married.Sadly, I remember little of my father, who tragically died in a motor vehicle accident when I was seven-years-old. Although she infrequently dated after, that she never remarried.Given my mother’s...

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Football and the First BJ I Gave bimale

In the late 1990s I went over to my friends Josh's house to watch little football. Josh was 35 and I was 30. We had become good friends at work and now that I was divorced we were spending a bit time together. Well were just chilling one day and watching football at his house. The game was a blow out and about halfway through the 3rd quarter he said he had subscribed to a hot porn channel and asked if i wanted to watch. I had a few beers in me and said "yes and it sounded like...

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Frat Boy Games Ch 2

The door shut with an audible click. Anna was now alone with this stranger, this man, Number One in the contest. She was about to lose her virginity. His upper face was covered by a black mask, leaving his lower face exposed. His grin was twisted as he looked off the side of the bed. Anna looked to where he was looking and saw a timer, in bright, big red letters. She watched as it counted down from 8. ‘Five, four, three, two, one. You’re mine!’ His hands grabbed her breasts roughly, pulling...

2 years ago
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Driver Seduces And Making Pregnant His Madam 8211 Part III

This is the continuation for my story please read the part I and II first:Madam Inturrupted me and said ‘stop! She then said in a low shy voice by looking down driver. I surrender to you driver please quench the thirst in my body that you have created please do whatever you want I’m your’s. I said ‘you bitch then why did you teas me all these days and showed all those dramas of a loyal housewife. I knew you were easy lay. Madam said no still today no one other than my husband has ever touched...

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CHAPTER 3: ISLAND FUN – THE BOYS“Would you please help us?” I lowered my large sunglasses down my nose as if I hadn’t noticed him. I was reclined on one of the beach lounge chairs alongside the volleyball area. I had a paperback open and a floppy hat on my head. While I had the look of someone engrossed in reading, I had selected the location deliberately. Five guys were playing volleyball. Three on one side, which left two on the other. The two were magnificent specimens of maleness: roughly...

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Triumph Act 2 Hell

TRIUMPH by enduringshades This is the second Act. The final Act is to follow. _____ TRIUMPH (THE COMPLETE STORY) PROLOGUE ACT 1 ROAD TO HELL Our hero borrows a classic sports car and our heroine discovers her new life. Chapter 1 TR3 Chapter 2 Housekeeper Chapter 3 The Plan Chapter 4 Reality ACT 2 HELL Our heroine experiences the good, the bad and the ugly. Chapter 5 Training Chapter 6 Dressing up Chapter 7 Room service Chapter 8 Heaven and Hell ACT 3 ROAD TO...

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Party in Her Puss

I was desperately seeking a new roommate when I found Ami online. She was thirty-two, from Japan, and splitting up with her American husband of six months. She seemed very nice and had the rent in cash and moved in that day. Her English wasn't very good so we didn't talk very much, but she was a good roommate. When she wasn't at work she stayed in her room and was very quiet. Sometimes at night I could hear her crying, which was sad. The first time I showed her my tail I made it seem like an...

Group Sex
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Get to know your girlfriend

Since I have often been asked this privately, I have noticed that it seems interesting to the public how dirt my wife can be... I got to know her when she was 21 and I was 26 and I had just finished a long-term relationship. I was forewarned that in her home town she was called "easy to have" or even a “challenge cup”. But I was just fine with that, I didn't really want anything really long-term. And when she asked me to fuck her ass on the second or third evening I knew there was enough...

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BellesaHouse Nikki Hearts Leigh Raven Real Love

Nikki and Leigh are the first married couple to be hosted at the Bellesa House and they do not disappoint. They both share their side of the story of how they first fell for each other – in the most queer fashion with prolonged flirting via Instagram, traveling a significant distance to meet in person, Leigh going back to Nikki’s place and just… never leaving. Which was obviously the right call because years later, they’re still very much in love and here now to give us...

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Looking Up

This is my entry for the 2017 Halloween contest. This is a semi tongue in cheek BTB story with an occult twist. If any of these things are offensive or not what you are looking for I understand if you stop reading. Any how, here it goes. Dave woke feeling surprisingly well rested. All of a sudden he remembered the reason he was sleeping in this little cottage. It all came back to him. Melissa. Mike. The feeling of that assholes hand on the back of his head as he shoved Dave’s face into...

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Hot Summer Night

I joined Lush awhile ago and met some wonderful friends. Within hours of joining I met a friend who became very close and dear to me. She was my first friend. She has followed me since I started writing. Hello’s are exchanged every day. Chatting happened when we had time. We spent long hours talking about life. We got to know each other very well. We exchanged photos and email addresses. We exchanged story ideas and improved our combined knowledge of writing. She read all my stories and I read...

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Dick in the dirt

My story starts about a year and a half ago. My life took a total dive. I was laid off my job of five years and saw no hope of getting to go back. My wife had lost her job 3 months before me. We had just been hanging on to our house and car when we found out that she had cancer. It wasn’t three weeks later she was gone. Just that fast. I was lost after 25 years of marriage just gone. No insurance, cards maxed out. No where to go or ask for help. Just hit rock bottom. I kept just ahead of the...

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Katies Casting Call Free Preview

Thought I'd share the first chapter of my new book, "Katie's Casting Call" for free on here. If you like it, please pop along to Amazon, download the Kindle app on your phone, and read it!Katie’s Casting CallBy Paul Garland A No Angels Novel All rights reserved by the Author.Contents copyright 2020 © Paul Garland and Cerulean PublishingThis is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a...

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