Rattling Snakes Cage 3 Ch 02
- 2 years ago
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All the characters have their part to play in this romantic crime thriller.
Will Patrick escape from Snake and will Rachel go with him?
As with all my stories there is not always a nice tidy happy ending for everyone — life is just not like that.
Rachel stared up at the man standing over her, the empty wine bottle in his hand. He was like her worst nightmare come true. Dark black eyes stared down at her with a mad kind of enjoyment, a cruel parody of a smile on his face did nothing to reassure her. His open black shirt under his well cut suit showed the lurid tattoo of a snakes head on the left side of his neck, the hissing tongue of the snake curling up towards his ear. The fingers of the man that held her still bit into the upper part of her arms, and she knew in that moment that she and Patrick were not going to get out of this alive.
And before that this evil looking man was going to rape her and hand her over to the other two men.
She glanced over at Patrick where he lay on his side on the floor, blood flowing from the cut on his lip, curled clutching his stomach where the mans foot had connected and tears started to flow in earnest from her eyes.
‘Want to watch Patrick whilst I fuck your woman. Show her what a real cock can do to her?’
Laughing Snake walked over to the table and turning the bottle in his hand so that he held the top of it, smashed it suddenly so that it broke leaving a jagged sharp end to the piece left in his hand.
The sudden violence of the move made Rachel’s body shudder and she stared at him with a cold dread.
Jerry stood nervously outside the block of flats, his heart pounding in his chest, staring up the road waiting for the arrival of Darwin and his men. Every minute that he waited he knew that Snake was handing out retribution to Patrick and the girl, and each and every minute seemed to be taking an hour.
Suddenly a car screeched around the corner and to a halt in front of him. Four black men climbed out almost as it stopped, and Darwin shouted, ‘Where is the fucker, let me at him…..I’ve waited two years to get the bastard…..just let me at him.’
Shouting out and pointing to the entrance to the flats, Jerry told him, ‘Second floor, flat on the right…..there are three of them….’
The men swarmed as one towards the entrance of the flats, leaving the doors open on the car, and Jerry raced up after them, hoping they weren’t too late.
Snake held Rachel over the back of the couch, her face was hanging over face down, her skirt hiked up around her waist, Snakes hands pulling down her panties. Patrick’s scream mingled with the screams coming from Rachel as she was held down and he lurched from his place on the floor towards the man holding the woman he loved in position to fuck her.
The henchman both made a grab for him just as he got to Snake and he felt a punch in his side, bruising his already bruised ribs, but he still struggled, roaring his anger as he watched Snake unzip his flies and pull out his cock.
‘Nice arse love, lets see how much of my cock it can take…..’ and he started to move forward to push it into the squirming and screaming woman.
Darwin’s men swarmed into the flat, taking in the scene in front of them, knives already drawn, and Jerry took in the sight of Patrick held by the two henchmen and Snake standing behind a bent over Rachel, ready to rape her.
‘YOU FUCKING BASTARD.’ And he launched himself at his old employer, jumping on his back, pulling him off a sobbing Rachel. ‘YOU FUCKING BASTARD, YOU FUCKING BASTARD.’ he kept screaming as he held on for dear life around Snakes neck.
Snakes hand reached out for the broken bottle that lay next to him on the back of the couch, and then Darwin was in front of him with a knife and finally dislodging Jerry from his back Snake and Darwin squared up, one holding a knife out, the other the broken lethal sharp glass remains of the bottle.
Jerry leant over and helped the sobbing Rachel up as the fight between the two gangs went on, pulling down her skirt. There were screams and blood and lots of noise and movement as Jerry guided the dazed and shaking Rachel towards the broken front door. Patrick lurched to his feet following whilst holding his stomach that throbbed with pain, and then catching up with Jerry and Rachel snaked his arm around her waist, as Rachel turned and hugged him.
‘Its ok babe…..everything is going to be ok.’ He murmured as they stood arms wrapped around each other on the top landing, the noise of the intense fight emanating from the flat behind them.
‘Get a fucking move on.’ Jerry urged, looking behind them, ‘let’s get going.’
The two lovers, holding hands, ran down the stairwell behind Jerry and out the entrance into the daylight, a stream of evening rush hour traffic started to wend its way down the street, past the trio of dishevelled looking people, one with blood streaming down his chin, another with a tear stained face.
‘Where’s your car Jerry….?’
‘Over there….’ and they started to move as one towards the parked car. ‘Wait…..I’m not going without the money…..’ and Jerry trotted over to Darwin’s car, the door still hanging open and popped the boot to find the briefcase. Picking it up he turned, a smile on his face, ‘Let’s get this show on the road.’
Climbing into his car, Patrick and Rachel hugging each other in the back seat, the briefcase of money on the passenger seat beside him, Jerry turned in his seat and asked Patrick where to go next.
‘Make for my rented garage…..my passport and papers are under the car in the safe…..we can split the cash up there and then I’ll drive straight down to Dover from there.’
The redhead listened as Johnny bragged to her about how he had been the one to find out where Patrick Curtis was hiding out and how he had told Snake where to find him. He had drunk another couple of pints of beer and was feeling good, in full flow, spilling the information to her. Listening, her anger at both this man and Snake burning inside her for what they had done to her she stood up and walked out the pub whilst Johnny was in full flow.
She now had her means to get her revenge. Taking out her mobile she dialled 999 and when the voice on the end asked if they could help her she told them, ‘I’d like to report where the man that kidnapped that girl is hiding out. If you go there now you’ll also find Nick ‘Snake’ Armstrong who is probably killing Curtis about now.’
The voice on the phone asked for her name and more information from the redhead but she refused to give her name, but told them the name of the road in West Dulwich that the police could find the two men and hung up.
In the back of the car Rachel used a handkerchief that Jerry passed back to wipe Patrick’s blood from his face, and the two people sat holding each other, the shock of what had happened in the flat still running through them. Patrick stroked Rachel’s face and kept telling her he was so sorry for what she went through and that it was alright now, whilst Rachel kept asking him if he was hurting and telling him he should go to the hospital Accident and Emergency to have himself checked out.
Kissing her gently he told her, ‘I love you….I need you….come with me….we can swing by your place, you can pack up some stuff and we can leave all of this behind us….be together….say yes.’
Kissing him she started to cry, ‘I can’t…..’
Wiping away her tears with his fingers he whispered, ‘You can…..’
‘No Patrick I can’t….I can’t live your way of life….this last few days have been a moment out of time….but I don’t want to have to always look over my shoulder to check to see who is behind me, and worry about you slipping back to old ways….we would end up hating each other…and I don’t want……’
‘Shhh…I understand.’
and he pulled her into his body tight, his arms holding her as she cried into his shoulder, the car making its way to his spare vehicle and his means of escape.
‘At least come with me as far as Dover…..see me off…..give me that much.’
Nodding she agreed.
Snake lunged at Darwin with the broken bottle in one hand, his knife in the other, the Black man’s wicked looking knife flashing high near his face. He already had received a cut to his left arm, the jacket he was wearing cut but deflecting the worst of the swipe, so that the wound on his arm was not as deep or as vicious as it could have been. The bottle end missed Darwin by a fraction of an inch on the downward swipe and Snake raised his arm back upwards, catching the man’s cheek, slicing open the skin and blood spurted out of the wounded man as he howled with pain and rage.
Moving his left hand up the flick knife in it entered the Manchurians stomach and Snake watched as he dropped down, satisfied that he had won.
Turning his back to the fallen opponent he made for the door, past the fighting men rolling around the small flats lounge, the chaos and noise of the fight loud and brutal, and out of the door just as the bullet entered his shoulder from behind. Staggering forward with the pain and momentum from the small metal missile that had hit him he hit the wall opposite the doorway, barely holding himself up, turned to see Darwin pointing the shooter at him for another shot, the man holding his belly, blood pouring from between his fingers where his hand clutched.
In what looked like slow motion Snake watched Darwin take a shaking second aim on him, then two of the fighting henchmen fell across the bloody aiming man, and the explosive noise of the gun went off. The wall beside Snakes head seemed to explode, plaster and debris hitting the side of his head, and then Snake lurched off down the stairs running as fast as he could and made his escape, leaving behind the fighting men and a mortally wounded Darwin.
Climbing into the car, blood oozing down his arm from the cut and his back from his wound, Snake drove like a madman in the evening traffic to the safety of his home leaving his men to their fate.
The Police searching the park received the call and within minutes police cars, their blue lights flashing, made their way to the road that the tip off had given, and arrived in time to find one of the bloodied and wounded men running up the street. Stopping him they found out the true address in the road and rushed up there to find a dying Darwin bleeding out onto the carpet from the deep knife wound to his stomach and a mixture of badly wounded gang members around the flat.
They arrived at the garage and Jerry stopped the car near the end of the line of old decrepit structures. Getting out he ran over to retrieve Patrick’s key from under its hiding place, the stone pavement slab that he had replaced it under when he was here before.
Patrick was sliding out of the back of the car when he returned, a grimace on his face from the pain of movement from his bruised stomach muscles. ‘Here……need any help?’ Jerry asked him.
‘Nah…..the exercise will do me good.’
Patrick walked over to the garage door and unlocked the padlock, opening wide the doors with the light blue peeling paint. Inside was a ten year old, non-descript unregistered car. Rachel who by now had gotten out of the car watched as Patrick lent down and retrieved a set of keys from inside an old paint pot laying on its side amongst a small pile of paint pots and got in the car, and using the key started it and backed out of the garage. As soon as the car was completely clear of the garage he stepped out of the car and went back in pulling aside the flattened out cardboard box that was covered in oil stains and dirt and had been under the car on the floor to reveal a safe recessed into the concrete. Taking the key that Jerry had gotten from his flat and given to him from his jeans pocket he opened the safe door that faced up towards him, and putting in his hand, pulled out a plastic folder full of papers, documents, a couple of credit cards and two distinct passports.
During this time Jerry had retrieved the last packet of cocaine from his car and bending over dropped it in the safe, which Patrick re locked. Putting down the carpet of cardboard to hide the safe, Patrick looked at Jerry. ‘Time to split the payload.’ and the two men walked over to Jerry’s car, opened the boot and then the briefcase. ‘No time to count it,’ Patrick told Jerry, ‘We’ll just split the bundles evenly between us.’
And that’s what they did.
Patrick took his and stuffed them around the spare wheel under the carpet trim in the boot of the car.
The two men manfully hugged each other, a smile on Jerry’s face, ‘Look after yourself Patrick……have a good life.’
‘Yeah…you too…..look after Megan….and thanks for everything….especially saving my life.’
Laughing Jerry replied, ‘Don’t mention it. It was a pleasure working with you.’ Then turned and got in his car, and drove off without a second glance.
After locking up the garage again Patrick turned to Rachel who stood there a strange look on her face watching him.
‘I told you it’s what I did……’
‘I know….its just…..’
Stepping forward he kissed her hard before she could finish the sentence, then drew back, ‘Come with me to Dover and see me off….give me time to get over to France, off the ferry and well on my way and then contact the police to come and get you. Give me a chance to get away.’
She nodded and the two of them climbed into his car and started the journey down the M20 to Dover. Once they hit the motorway Patrick rolled down the window and threw out the safe key and the garage door key onto the fast lane.
He held Rachel’s hand all the way down to Dover not wanting to let go of her for a second.
Jerry drove to Megan’s parking the car as close to the flats as he could. Running up the stairs two at a time he opened the door and called out, ‘Megan babe, you ready?’ Emerging from the bedroom she threw herself at him, ‘I’m ready.’
‘No regrets leaving here?’
‘No Jerry no regrets….lets go.’ and together they started to heft the three suitcases full of things down to the car. Once they were sitting inside of the car Megan gave one last look at her home that she had lived in all her life, blowing a kiss to the memory of her mother and then they swung out into the traffic, Jerry asking, ‘Did you remember to bring our passports?’
‘There in here,’ patting the large handbag on her lap, ‘Along with a couple of rounds of sandwiches for us in case you’re hungry.’
Leaning over Jerry kissed her cheek, ‘That’s my girl.’
Megan smiled and said, ‘Damn right Jerry.’ a twinkle in her eye, and a smile on her lips.
Down at the ferry terminal Patrick parked the car out front and they walked into the terminal and up to the window to purchase the ticket on the next ferry to Calais. Rachel stood next to him, her heart beating in her chest, aware of the sight they probably made, Patrick still with the bruise by his eye, and the split lip, her looking dishevelled, her eyes red from crying.
The girl behind the counter looked at them as she prepared the ticket for the ferry, telling him they had half an hour to wait for the next one. Last night she had watched the news and had seen the photos of the missing woman and the man that the police were looking for, and these two people looked suspiciously like them. The man had bought the ticket under the name of Phil Stewart, and only a single one. Wondering what to do as she didn’t want to look silly if she was wrong she handed over the tickets and then watched as the two people stood close together, the woman with her arms around the mans waist, his around her neck, and then saw them kiss and hug.
Maybe they weren’t the
two wanted people.
She watched them as they walked further into the terminal hand in hand towards the café and then turned to her colleague sitting at the desk behind her. ‘Hey Patricia can you come here a moment? I need you to have a look at something.’
The young woman, her very pregnant belly preceding her, walked up to stand next to her, ‘Did you see the news last night on TV.’
‘Can you go over to the café and have a look at the couple sitting down at that table there.’ And she pointed to where Patrick and Rachel sat, holding hands and talking. The pregnant woman stepped out of the ticket office through the security door and over to the café, trying not to be too obvious she looked at the couple that Melissa had asked her to look at. A hot flush ran over her as she recognised the couple, and she rushed back to look over the counter and excitedly told Melissa, ‘It’s them….its definitely them…..what should we do….do you have the hotline number to call….we should call it.’
Melissa bit her lip, ‘By the time the Police get here he’ll be on the ferry. Strange thing is he bought a single ticket in the name of Phil Stewart. The woman is not going with him, and look at them, they’re kissing and cuddling. She doesn’t look like she’s frightened of him.’
‘Let’s tell the security people, let them sort it out. If we’re wrong, so what. If we’re right……’
Melissa picked up the phone and dialled security, explaining the situation.
Patrick looked into Rachel’s eyes as she told him, ‘You should get a move on…..’
‘Just five more minutes….let me hold you for five more minutes….it’s got to last me a lifetime.’ and he reached for her, holding her fiercely his face buried in the crook of her neck, ‘I love you…..life without you will never be right…..there will always be a empty space in my heart that is yours.’
Holding her he felt her body go rigid and still, a deep gasp left her and he sat back looking at her eyes which were staring up behind him, the look of shock on her face. Turning around he saw the two security men and a Customs Officer who stepped forward and said, ‘Patrick Curtis, please will you come with me.’ And he leant down to take hold of Patrick’s arm, the handcuffs in the other. ‘Miss McCormack please can you come as well.’
With the whole terminal staring at them Patrick was handcuffed and escorted across the wide terminal floor to a door that said Private — Staff Only. Behind him he could hear Rachel crying.
He knew he was looking down the dark tunnel of a long jail sentence and he closed his eyes as the door opened and he stepped through to face the rest of his life.
To be continued…….Epilogue to follow
Patrick and Snake fight. Who will win? Love is worth fighting for, but will it give Patrick the edge? * Patrick slid on his bottom over the front of the car and into the front door as quietly as he could, Jerry followed. They crept stealthily down the hallway and towards the room that the voices were coming from. There seemed to be lot of shouting, loud deep voices kicking off, and the two men pushed the door that stood ajar to the room more open and slipped inside. The scene that was in...
This is a romantic crime thriller which contains some romantic sex, some non consensual sex, some male on male violence, and a lot of very interesting and interacting characters, with some twists and turns in the story. I have tried to keep things as tasteful as I can, keeping in mind some peoples sensitivity. As with all my stories there is not always a nice tidy happy ending for everyone – life is just not like that. * She woke up slowly her head pounding, her eyes feeling as if they were...
This is a romantic crime thriller which contains some romantic sex, some non consensual sex, some male on male violence, and a lot of very interesting and interacting characters, with some twists and turns in the story. I have tried to keep things as tasteful as I can, keeping in mind some peoples sensitivity. As with all my stories there is not always a nice tidy happy ending for everyone – life is just not like that. * Rachel felt very woozy as she looked down at the now nearly empty...
This is a romantic crime thriller which contains some romantic sex, some non consensual sex, some male on male violence, and a lot of very interesting and interacting characters, with some twists and turns in the story. I have tried to keep things as tasteful as I can, keeping in mind some peoples sensitivity. As with all my stories there is not always a nice tidy happy ending for everyone – life is just not like that. * Jerry walked leisurely down the road from where he had parked his car...
This is a character driven romantic crime thriller that tells the story of Patrick and Rachel, Jerry and Megan, and their enemy Snake. It follows on from the original story Rattling Snakes Cage that can be found in Novels and Novella’s. Will Patrick and Rachel get back together to resume their love affair? * Patrick walked out of his cell onto the landing of D Block still buttoning up the light blue prison shirt and tucking it into the regulation darker blue trousers. The noise of a hundred...
At last the final chapter in the saga of Patrick, Rachel, Jerry and Megan, and not forgetting the villain of the piece, Snake. Will he get his revenge or will the lovers manage to escape the mad man and live happily ever after. Read on and enjoy. The story Rattling Snakes Cage, part 1, 2 and 3 have been copyrighted and any reproduction or adaptation in any media form must be with the permission of the author. * The last of the customers had left, running out into the dark wet night, and...
Two and a half years have passed and Patrick, Rachel, Jerry and Megan have settled in the Florida Keys believing Snake is dead. However he is alive and well and still harbours thoughts of revenge against his old friend. Please read on and I hope you enjoy this concluding part of the romantic thriller to its climatic end. The three part story Rattling Snakes Cage is in copyright to the Author and any reproduction or adaptation of any kind must be with her mutual agreement. * Florida Keys —...
Davy is trying to get hold of Patrick and Jerry to warn them that a revengeful Snake is coming their way. This is a romantic crime thriller in three parts, and this chapter is the penultimate chapter before the explosive climax. Who will come out of this alive… Rattling Snakes Cage Part 1, 2 and 3 are copyrighted and any reproduction or adaptation in any form needs the permission of the author. * The flight into Miami was a long one, with a stop off at Heathrow for an hour to change...
The final part of the escape, but will they make it? I hope you have enjoyed the story and if you want me to write the third part of the story of Patrick, Rachel, Jerry, Megan and Snake and what happens next, let me know. * Patrick felt the movement of the van change as it seemed to be going over a rough area of ground, suddenly it stopped and he felt the engine turn off. All the people in the van stood up, Rachel holding onto Patrick, her arm around his back, Jerry and Davy standing...
This is a romantic crime thriller which contains some romantic sex, some non consensual sex, and some male on male violence, plus a lot of very interesting and interacting characters, with some twists and turns in the story. I have tried to keep things as tasteful as I can, keeping in mind some peoples sensitivity. As with all my stories there is not always a nice tidy happy ending for everyone – life is just not like that. * The passenger door suddenly opened on the car as Rachel sat at...
Love means gambling your freedom against the need to rescue the one you love. Patrick goes to liberate Rachel from Snake, whilst Tony, John and their friends storm down to the lab to set free the redheaded girl from the basement. Will they succeed? * Davy banged his fist on the wall that was between the inside of the van and the driver’s cab where Danny sat driving it slowly in the heavy traffic. He glanced behind him at Jerry and Patrick who sat balanced on the overturned motorbikes staring...
This is a romantic crime thriller which contains some romantic sex, some non consensual sex, some male on male violence, and a lot of very interesting and interacting characters, with some twists and turns in the story. As with all my stories there is not always a nice tidy happy ending for everyone – life is just not like that. * Jerry picked up the ringing phone, ‘Where are you? I’ve got everything ready that you asked for.’ ‘I’m down at the old unit outside of Lullingstone, the one that...
Snake has Rachel, whilst Patrick dreams of the escape from jail his friends are planning and being reunited with his love. Tony dreams of rescuing Maria from the basement of Snakes coke lab, and Nash dreams of getting his hands on Patrick in revenge for being put in solitary. The plot thickens in this romantic crime thriller. In this chapter is some non consensual sex, but I have tried to keep it as tasteful as I can for those that prefer not to read stuff too hard core. * The panoramic...
This is a romantic crime thriller which contains some romantic sex, some non consensual sex, some male on male violence, and a lot of very interesting and interacting characters, with some twists and turns in the story. As with all my stories there is not always a nice tidy happy ending for everyone — life is just not like that. * The area was deathly quiet, it was near on two in the morning and the only noise Jerry could hear was his own breathing and the occasional rustle of some animal in...
This is a romantic crime thriller which contains some romantic sex, some non consensual sex, some male on male violence, and a lot of very interesting and interacting characters, with some twists and turns in the story. As with all my stories there is not always a nice tidy happy ending for everyone — life is just not like that. * Johnny ‘the slice’ had a dilemma, he now knew where Snake could find Patrick, and he needed to get hold of Snake to tell him where he was and get the reward. But...
For those of you who have requested a follow up on my original story about Patrick, Rachel, Snake and Jerry here it is. Chapters 1- 12 can be found in Novels and Novella’s or just click on my name, Shandal, and go to my complete list of stories.. If you are of a sensitive nature please be aware that there are in this multi part story some graphic scenes of romantic sex between male and female lovers, some non consensual sex, male on male violence, oral sex, and scenes of male masturbation. ...
Patrick and Rachel love each other and want to be together, but are things conspiring to keep them apart, or will the lovers be able to be together. Jerry and the men plot an escape plan to get Patrick out of jail. This is a character driven romantic crime thriller telling the story of Patrick and Rachel, Jerry and Megan, and their enemy Snake. * A couple of nights later Nash sat in the cell that prisoners were sent to as part of his ten day solitary confinement as punishment for attacking...
Explosive emotions and desperate need of the men in prison collide together as Patrick makes his try to escape, causing one of the main players in this romantic crime thriller to lose their life. Character driven this story is moving towards its conclusion. Will Patrick succeed in escaping to go and rescue Rachel? * Nervous tension ran through Patrick’s body and he hadn’t slept a wink all night. He and Ritchie had whispered long into the night laying on their bunk beds, going over the escape...
This is a romantic crime thriller which contains some romantic sex, some non consensual sex, some male on male violence, and a lot of very interesting and interacting characters, with some twists and turns in the story. I have tried to keep things as tasteful as I can, keeping in mind some peoples sensitivity. As with all my stories there is not always a nice tidy happy ending for everyone – life is just not like that. * He sat watching her as he pretended to read a book he had found in the...
This is a romantic crime thriller which contains some romantic sex, some non consensual sex, some male on male violence, and a lot of very interesting and interacting characters, with some twists and turns in the story. I have tried to keep things as tasteful as I can, keeping in mind some peoples sensitivity. As with all my stories there is not always a nice tidy happy ending for everyone – life is just not like that. * Snake opened the door to the men that he had invited over, each of...
The escape plan is building up, and Patrick dreams of getting out and being with Rachel, whilst Snake plans his revenge on Patrick. Jerry misses Megan and they talk dirty to each other over the phone, whilst Snake torments Rachel. This is a romantic crime thriller full of characters. Please be aware there are scenes of violence and non consensual sex within this multi part story. * The buzz was going around the prison about the fight on Friday afternoon between Manning and Hartwell, and men...
This is a romantic crime thriller which contains some romantic sex, some non consensual sex, some male on male violence, and a lot of very interesting and interacting characters, with some twists and turns in the story. As with all my stories there is not always a nice tidy happy ending for everyone — life is just not like that. * The two lovers stood in the small shower cubicle together, the water streaming down their bodies sluicing off the lather that they had rubbed over each other,...
Concluding the story of Patrick, Rachel, Snake and Jerry. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. * Patrick sat in the courtroom dock looking across at the members of the jury that sat to his left. He scanned them trying to access whether they looked like they were likely to find him guilty. There were a couple of older woman who were looking at him as if he was something that had crawled out from under a stone, and one younger one that had been appraising him as if...
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SAVING AMY PART 6: THE CAGE Tiffany wanted to scream, but knew she couldn't. Not properly anyway, with a ring gag in her mouth that held it open, gaping obscenely. All the same, she let out a whimper as she felt yet another pulse from her trapped cock. She wasn't sure exactly what was in the pill that she had been forced to take, but she knew all too well what it had done. It had sent her into a state of frantic arousal, every nerve in her body aflame with desire. Her sensitive...
Coming to in the cage was a big shock. I had been shopping and had got in a cab. I couldn’t remember what had happened after that but I had woken up in the cage. It had a cloth of some sort over it so I couldn’t see out but it was a definite metal cage with a door. I wasn’t bound or anything but I couldn’t stand or even kneel up in the space available to me. I couldn’t lay out either and the floor was mesh so was uncomfortable anyway. I was naked. I rattled the doors but they were locked with a...
Yesterday my lovely key holder dropped by to do a unannounced inspection of my manhood, securely encased in a chastity cage. At least unannounced to me.She strung me up in our front room. She suspended me by my wrists and with my toes barely touching the floor. Then she had my wife sit in the couch before me and watch the unveiling. After the chastity cage was removed, not only my manhood but my entire naked body was examined.Things my key holder did to me I am ashamed to admit turned me on. My...
Following is a transcript of the email conversation between Nathanial and Eve as is customary before any specially planned or lengthy ?play date? scheduled between the too.From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: This weekendHello my Slave,Patience has paid off and our special weekend is upon us. Needless to say I have a surprise for you that you won’t soon forget. I’m going to pick you up tomorrow between 6 and 6:30 pm, I’m sure you already have but make...
The Learning Cage Debra Darling Sam was a submissive TV. Mistress Monica was a dominant he had just recently met. They had had two sessions together thus far. Both had involved cross dressing, bondage and some whipping. Both times he had been ordered to relieve himself with a stocking over his cock while he masturbated into a black patent high heel pump with an open toe. When Mistress suggested he might like to attend a bondage party she sponsored...
Samuel the Gamekeeper watched from his hiding place as several deer trotted delicately into the sunlit meadow; an eight point buck, four does and three fawns. Seeing the healthy, bright eyed creatures always filled him with satisfaction knowing his efforts on their behalf were successful. Placing food and salt licks about in the winter, clearing brush and discouraging poaching had enabled the herds to prosper unmolested; all in anticipation of a hunt by the royalty in Castle Vard. All at once...
Sex has always been high on our list of priorities, this story is a true version of one of our sexy sessions. My wife and I are in our fifties but we see no reason to stop experimenting with sex. Jac asked me out of the blue one evening what I thought about being dominated by her during our sex games; I am willing to try anything I replied.A little while later she called me over to the computer to show me a sex toy site she had found. She had compiled a list of products, she asked me if we...
AnalI have written some true stories about our adventures, this is an account of a recent event.Jaq had gone to the pub a lunchtime with a work collegue, the two ladies had attracted the attention of two guys and were flirting with them. When it was time to go back to work Jaq slipped her phone number to the guys. Later on in the day Jaq got a text message from one of the guys asking to meet her after work, this was arranged.Jaq rang me from work to let me know that she would be home a little later...
Wife Lovers1. Tell him why you want to place him into a chastity cage. For example ”I want you to always be your Horniest around me’ or “ I hear all the time from women how this will greatly improve our Sex Life” or “You Know I want total control of your erection my love.2. Start Cheap. I recommend a cheap device from Ebay. Search for Male Polycarbonate Chastity.3. Put it on for him. Be careful and extra gentle, the first time takes a while. If he has groin hair down there, leave it. He will discover he...
The time I got on the phone I was asked the normal questions of getting hired for any other job. But though it all went my way and I was accepted. I was told to come in first thing at 8 o'clock to see what needs to be done each day. The night passed and I woke up early to take a shower. Thoughts came through my mind of the sexy female wolfs that live there. I've always had a thing for animals, though I never had the chance with anything. As I stand in the shower I was getting hard the...
After first noticing my pubic hairs and swelling breasts I began wondering what the "Real Thing" would be like. Even before that, I played with myself whenever I had the chance and experimented with fingers, hairbrush handles, cucumbers, fantasizing about having a real cock in me. But I never--never--thought my fantasy would be fireworks. All us girls were into boys now...sharing stories and giggling over this boy or that...how "hot" he would be...but it was just talk. We were...
His tongue rasps on her throat, and finds the soft juncture between her neck and shoulder. She sighs deeply and runs her nails down his back. Wrapping her legs tightly around his waist, she nuzzles his ear; he licks and kisses more on her neck, running his sharp teeth over her vein. She knows what he wants. But she won’t let him have it, not yet. She pulls his mouth back to her, kissing him passionately, sucking his lower lip into her mouth and nibbling on it. He groans, and she swallows it...
Supernatural“Are you going to get up some time today?” My wife questioned.It was a Saturday morning and I was sleeping in as usual after a hard week before. I started to rouse as she plopped on the bed next to me and softly rubbed my back, attempting to revive me from the long night sleep.“Come on I have a gift for you and I want you to open it,” she spoke with a hint of excitement in her voice.“What is it?” I yawned not yet completely to my senses, but still wondering if I had missed a key date such as an...
“Still no contact from the Landslide?” Korbaz asked, leaning over the holographic table as she examined the crawler’s last known location. “No, Admiral,” the Crewmaster replied. He seemed on-edge, his tail whipping back and forth behind him as he shifted his weight from foot to foot. She had to admit that recent events had shaken her own confidence, too, something that she had previously considered to be unwavering. “Vitza,” she continued, the engineer straightening when he heard his name...
My other business concluded, I took the time to visit Nicola's cage. I hadn't really noticed before what an excellent job had been done welding the bars to the frame of the cage, how neatly the hinges on the door had been finished, how solidly the steel rods were set in the concrete floor. The grey steel burnished to a dull grey smoothness impressed on those within it, or without, the strength of the construction. The lock on the cage's door, its key plate in polished brass, confirmed that...
“Enough is enough! I ’ave ’ad it with these motherfuckin’ trouser snakes on this motherfuckin’ plane!” Chas—only her mum called her Charlotte—spat the words out in a spray of cum the moment the tenth cock in as many minutes slid from her mouth. Its owner slumped, as limp as their spent member, legs splayed to bare the dribbling cunt beneath.“That’s cultural appropriation!” Dave called from the other aisle once his mouth was also cock-free. “I’m the hot black man—I should get to say that!” The...
MILF‘He held her, arms captive behind her back, her naked breasts pressed against his chest. Her nipples hard as stone, was that from the cool water or his hot body? It didn’t matter, he would take her here…’ “There is Cayo Lobos, just up ahead.” Brian’s voice squawked in my headset. I closed my tablet where I had been writing and looked ahead. I could see the small island with sandy beaches lined with majestic palms, there were several large buildings surrounded with a wide assortment of...
Love StoriesSNAKES ALIVE (Just as the state animal in Montana is the road construction horse, so too, the state animal in Texas is the road kill armadillo.) From Texola to Armadillo, there are so many 'used to be' places on the way across the Texas Panhandle. When questioned about the existence of a place historical, the whittler might say: "That used to be over there." "I swear, I can remember when we used to go dancing at the 66 Roadhouse over there." "Why, yes. Mildred used to have the...
Shishio: Unconditional victory? Houji: Yes. Unconditional victory. In this battle against Himura, Saitou and Sagara, we have ten men, counting Lord Shishio, against three. So, we have a clear advantage in both numbers and skill. Yumi: That's great. So what's the problem? Houji: But when the enemy is the best of the best... If we fight them now, even among the Ten Swords, any one of lesser strength than Chou will be destroyed. Thus, we should chose only our best fighters. These three will...
It had been a stressful week at work and now he was stuck in traffic getting more frustrated. At least the working week was over and he had the weekend to look forward to. They had no plans and he was looking forward to spending a quality weekend with his wife.Eventually, he arrived home and pulled his car onto the drive. He got out of the car and picked up his suit jacket off of the back seat. His mouth was beginning to water at the thought of a nice cold beer, which was waiting for him just...
The traffic seems to take forever but I finally get home. I go in through the garage. The house is empty, there is nothing in the living room, the dining room, or the kitchen. I make my way back through the house to the bedrooms. I open the door to our room and there it is. He has pulled out his kennel and added the carpet to it. I smiled. He left my collar and some handcuffs out on the bed. I strip, head to the bathroom and buckle my collar into place. Placing the small lock on...
Hi my fellow sexizens,I hope you all are doing well, and enjoying your sex life to the fullest. This is my first story on this platform. And I hope you guys would be kind to me since this is my first time. lol.Actually, I am an immigrant who came to the States to study. I am from the land of Kamasutra (India). Before I start, the U.S. is the greatest country on the earth and you guys should really consider yourself lucky to be part of this wonderful nation. You have freedom to express yourself...
InterracialTaipei, Taiwan. March 1997. "Gentlemen, welcome to Snake Alley!" The New England preppie strode before his five charges like a drill sergeant, green eyes gazing with intensity and hand gestures accompanying his words. He was a few inches over six feet, in his early twenties and built like a football linebacker. Black hair curled over his brow, adding a slick tone to his Romanesque face. Traffic honked nearby and punctuated his words. The streets were otherwise deserted. Of the five high...
Doctored Into a CageByJackpotHere are all the usual disclaimers. You must be over 18 to read this! This story is pure fiction! You have been warned! This is for adults only! ?This woman has been in there for almost twelve years now,? Melody said while sipping some more of her zinfandel wine. ?It makes little difference to me.? Timothy Forbes said with a grimace in his face. She is a psychopath and a serial killer. I don’t want you anywhere near her?you got it?? ?You don’t...
Caged For Paul, by Sissy "Good morning, Paul." "Good morning." "You're in early." Paul nodded as he signed the register. "I suppose I am." A court order required Punishment Officers--in Paul's case, Malcolm--to keep the keys to chastity devices, signing them in and out to their true key-holders, victims. Like Paul, of adultery, cuckoldry, domestic violence, spousal abuse, voyeurism, rape, or any of a dozen other sexual offenses. After inspecting the columns into which...
10 July, 1686 Afternoon Claire's auction was even more rowdy. Now everybody wanted a white slave. Like her sister she was also clothed in a dress principally designed to display her female figure and feminine assets to there fullest and thereby increase bidding, in dark blue with a sexy, tight fitting halter bodice, fully accentuating Claire's curves and then gently flowing into romantic wisps of sculptured uneven chiffon. She was made to walk up and down the plat—form several...