Snakes In Taipei free porn video

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Taipei, Taiwan. March 1997.

"Gentlemen, welcome to Snake Alley!"

The New England preppie strode before his five charges like a drill sergeant, green eyes gazing with intensity and hand gestures accompanying his words. He was a few inches over six feet, in his early twenties and built like a football linebacker. Black hair curled over his brow, adding a slick tone to his Romanesque face. Traffic honked nearby and punctuated his words. The streets were otherwise deserted. Of the five high school seniors lined up before the older boy, all but two were unsteady on their feet.

"The first rule of Snake Alley is: you do not talk about what happens to you here. The second rule is: you do not talk about it. Got that?"

A Japanese youth with noble features directed a frown towards the brown-haired Dutchman standing at his left. "Didn't we all hear of this place thanks to people breaking those rules?"

"You make an excellent point, Yoshi!" Christopher Bradley broke in before anyone else could answer. "I know you will discuss your experiences here. I expect it. However, I still discourage it. Snake Alley must retain some of its characteristic mystique. Wouldn't you agree, Doug?" He looked directly at the other American in the group, the one who stood at ease along with Yoshi.

Doug Ramsay was a stocky kid from East Texas, six feet tall with blue eyes and thick dark blond hair. He wore a polo shirt and jeans, same as everyone else in the group, but he stood out from them. There were several reasons. First was his outgoing nature. Doug had the respect of many and could make friends with anyone. It was daunting to some. There was also his creativity and intelligence, backed by a talent for spontaneous introspection. He was capable of quoting numerous literary works, holding his own in most any philosophical discussion, and finding ingenious solutions to various problems. Early in life, Doug had suffered from shyness and social withdrawal. He overcame that via personal bravery and now wanted to inspire others to rise above their own hardships. At age eighteen, he was just starting out on doing that with his life.

Doug adjusted his horn-rimmed glasses, coughed, and then shrugged. "W-whatever you say," he told Bradley. "Y-you're the one who's been here before."

"Damn right!" Bradley rejoined with a sneer. "Put your accent back on, Doug. Not everyone here will appreciate that stammer."

"Thank you," Doug said. His tone was now even and tinged with a British brogue.

Bradley sized up the rest of the crew. There was Yoshihiro Aoi from Japan, Wouter Staal from Holland, and Lakshmana Maheswari from India. Steve Lin was the only one raised in Taiwan and even he held a foreign passport obtained in Hawaii, his birthplace. Bradley was an alumnus of the Taipei School for International Children, which the other five boys currently attended. Newly graduated from college, he enjoyed hanging with the younger crowd when not working at his father's distributor for Seagram Coolers. Doug and the others were also children of diplomats and international merchants doing business in Taiwan.

"You would do well to listen to me," Bradley addressed them. "There are tons of rumors concerning Snake Alley. Most hold some truth. Not all, though. I will separate fiction from fact."

"This place will get us laid, right?" asked Steve, the shortest of the group. He was the best groomed among them too, Doug judged. Now Steve's nervous twitch was ruining all his careful work.

"Yes." Bradley's voice was condescending. He had already answered the question several times during the past quarter year. "You paid your fee and passed your evaluation like everyone else. You come to Snake Alley a virgin, you will exit a man. Pedro, Garrett and the rest who have come here under my care are testimony to that." The preppie put a hand on Steve's shoulder. "I understand your anxiety. You don't have much luck with the ladies, do you?"

"None of them really like me," Steve confirmed with a nod.

"Get some self-esteem," Wouter advised.

"Easy for you to say," Steve grumbled. "You're a basketball forward with a steady girlfriend. You're better at martial arts than me and on the yearbook staff too. I got none of that."

"You do have your musical talent," said Lak. He was of medium height and frame, his face aquiline with a deep tan.

"Like trombone's going to do me any good here," Steve rejected that claim. "Heck, I don't even know where I'm headed after I graduate TSIC." He pointed at each of his companions. "Wouter, you're going home to join the army. Maybe you'll get into that 'Korps Commandotropen' as a communications specialist the way you want to. Yoshi, you wish to become a chef."

"I'm doing the military to pay for it," Yoshi put in. "Cooking is not my immediate goal."

"Right," Steve said. "Lak, you have a position lined up at a Bangalore technology concern. Doug, what are you doing again?"

"I shall finish high school in the United States," Doug admitted, embarrassed. He had traveled the world with his Italian stepfather and experienced several different curriculums at varied educational institutions. TSIC was to be his second to last grade school, or so he hoped. The final one was Monsignor Kelly Catholic High in Beaumont. Prior to his teen years, Doug had studied in Waldorf, Montessori, Episcopalian and European classrooms. He forced himself to appreciate the diverse portfolio at times, but he never blamed his family for it. Doug's stepfather couldn't help his job moving him around and his mother couldn't stop loving her man and wanting to be with him. She had divorced Doug's father when her son was but a toddler, then married her current husband when Doug was seven. Their courtship lasted four years. Doug's mother was also a bit paranoid, concerned about keeping her family together and safe on a constant basis.

"That isn't your fault," Wouter calmed Doug. "Your mother doesn't want some Chinese missile blowing you away."

"It won't happen," Doug shot back. "Of course, try telling that to Mom."

Threats from the government on the Chinese mainland had prompted Doug's upcoming departure. The leaders of China did not like that Taiwan, their former rebellious province, was becoming a strong trade power with the rest of the globe. Doug's stepfather had repeatedly assured his mother their anger was all a show. Nothing serious would actually occur. Mom was sending Doug and his sister to her family in Texas, though, just in case. Why can't my stepfather tell her the Friendship has everything under control? Doug wondered. Maybe he has and she doesn't believe him.

The Friendship was an ancient Masonic order spread across Earth among people of all walks of life. It worked for knowledge, charity and stability. Doug's stepfather was of middle rank in the secret society and had inducted Doug a few months ago, aided by three TSIC teachers and a local Catholic priest. Yoshi, Wouter and Bradley were also lower-tier Friendship members. Many of the planet's governments had Friends in key positions of influence. China's was no exception. Nor was Taiwan's government or that of the United States, Taiwan's largest ally. Doug was certain the Friendship would never allow a war to break out between Taiwan and its mainland rival. There might be old generals longing for a moment of glory, as his mother feared, but the Friendship could stop them. In ten years or so, China might even want to invest economically in Taiwan.

Mom doesn't think so, however, Doug reminded himself. She's afraid, I have to go. I guess it could be fine. "Perhaps it will be nice to finish out the semester on American soil before I head for the University of Texas in the fall," he voiced his musings. "I will study history there and apply to a local law enforcement agency. After that, who knows what I'll do next?"

"Your future's planned, man," Steve snapped. "Everyone's is here except for mine. I don't like that."

"Hey, your parents want you to establish your own life," said Bradley. "My dad and your GPA got you into USC, you take it from there. I think you have something great ahead."

"Sure, whatever," Steve replied, looking around. "Let's drop it, okay? I want to get through tonight first."

"You will," Bradley promised. "The bus ride is over, it's a weekend, and we're here. I've already quoted the first two rules. Number three: our parents don't find out we did this. Yes, Yoshi, I know yours are open-minded and into manga. I am likewise aware that your parents are swingers, Wouter. Not all our families hold similar interests, though. Right, Steve?"

"True," the Taiwanese youth assented. His parents did not know of the trip and he did not intend to inform them.

Doug remembered that Lak's parents were former free love enthusiasts who had ceased their involvement in the lifestyle soon after meeting one another. His own were not into casual sex at all, although they were conscious that their son would like to be. Doug had begun dating at age twelve, his relationships responding to changing locales and hormones. There was also the influence of people such as Bradley, Wouter, and acquaintances of various other nationalities where promiscuous culture was established on the fringe. Doug had not yet succumbed to lust, but the temptation was there.

"You can tell your parents about this trip if you want," Bradley amended. "I would use caution. Speaking of that, rule four is safe sex."

"We know," Wouter said. "I stopped at the drug store on the way to the bus and bought condoms. My father has checked everyone out this past month." Phillip Staal was a senior doctor at Taipei Adventist Hospital. "Here are the Trojans if anyone needs them." He took a box out of his pocket and passed it around. Lak and Yoshi did not remove balloons from the package, preferring their own brands. Doug was happy to secure two extra condoms and Steve noticeably relaxed when he took a sole condom for himself.

"Grab a spare," Bradley ordered. "You're an enthusiastic teenager. I am certain you might need it. Let's do full disclosure. Besides me, no one here has any real fucking experience, right?"

"I have masturbated several million times," Lak corrected. "I have no plans to ever stop masturbating."

"It pleases me that can you admit that." Bradley gave the Indian an encouraging smile. "Anyone who says they don't masturbate is a liar, a moron or both. Masturbation doesn't count for much outside your own mind, though. Am I right, Yoshi? You're a virgin, like Lak and Steve here. Doug, what's in your portfolio?"

"There's only heavy petting at this point. Opportunities have been presented and I've turned them down. I worry about leaving behind something important."

"Come on, buddy," Wouter complained. "You're with Jodi Lee Nichols. She's one of the biggest sluts at TSIC. I know she does that other Australian chick she hangs with often. You've dated her too."

"Tanya's Kiwi and Ukrainian, Jodi Lee's Australian." Doug sighed. "I would love to screw them. I can't. I'm leaving Taiwan in two weeks."

"Dude, they may want to say farewell." Bradley grinned. "I know Jodi Lee's older sister wanted to tell me that when I left to start university."

"And now she's a confirmed lesbian," Doug said. "Tanya may be one also. Jodi Lee has warned me of the possibility. She tells me to grab Tanya while I still can, while she's figuring herself out. I want it and yet —"

"You're green," Bradley interrupted. "I understand. Well, after tonight, you will no longer be a rookie. How about you, Wouter? What base are you and Nadine at?"

"Third," the Dutchman answered. "I will be her cherry. I don't want her as mine, though."

"She's not the most dazzling woman in the world, huh?"

"No, to me she looks fine. It's her high expectations."

"Whatever. I picked all of you for this trip based on your novice sexual skills. I have my ear to the ground and I observe human behavior. That's how I knew. From this journey, you will gain entry into a new world and find traits you did not previously possess. Maybe then, Doug can find comfort in accepting female advances; Wouter will be able to satisfy his girlfriend, and so on. Forget your dreams, everyone. What happens here will outshine them. That's rule five."

Bradley went on to mention three additional rules. Their initial encounters in Snake Alley would probably be unique and they all needed to accept that. No one was to visit Snake Alley without the cooperation of Bradley or another veteran. Their supervisor would take point and they would follow his instructions. Finally, after receiving assent from everyone, the older boy led them down the crooked lane. Incense from a temple they passed wafted over them and all but Bradley coughed.

They had visited the area on previous occasions, just never late at night. Snake Alley was one of the more popular open-air marketplaces in Taiwan's capitol. Hawkers had stalls that sold all manner of goods from fast food to clothing and electronics. Doug purchased one of his more dependable backpacks from a Snake Alley vendor his freshman year and Yoshi used the peddlers as aids to his Christmas shopping. In the late afternoon and early evening, crowds of adults and children alike wandered the vicinity and sampled its wares. Once a certain hour approached, however, they retreated and Snake Alley took on its more notorious function.

"Mamba venom!" a merchant cried. "Straighten your spine. Raise your fortitude. Improve your performance with the opposite gender! Come, try some!"

"No thanks," Bradley declined as he and the others walked past.

Doug recalled that traditional Oriental medicine had many uses for the bodily fluids of reptiles. There were ways to neutralize or limit the harmful qualities and enhance the legendary attributes. Most practitioners of the art were in contention with Western science, however. They were sometimes unlicensed despite their training and faced official opposition. Their ways were often difficult for Westerners to appreciate. Doug consumed ginseng as a memory vitamin and also enjoyed other delicacies such as shark fin soup, but never wanted to go further than that. His mother would be unhappy. In addition, law restricted some forms of Chinese medicine.

"Ah, welcome, foreign youngsters!" said another stall proprietor. "Would you like some rhino powder or tiger meat?"

Lak shot an upraised middle finger at the trader and he changed his tune. "It's just alley cat meat, not real tiger. My rhino powder is not real either. You buy anyway! Please?" Everyone overlooked him and continued on their path.

Snake Alley had legal trading by day and illegal by night. When the crowds withdrew, the more daring vendors emerged. A few of their shops offered pirated videotapes while others displayed imitations of various well-known consumer items. Dice rolled in the shadows and money changed hands. There were no narcotics sold other than the Oriental medicines, as trafficking in cocaine and heroin carried the death penalty throughout much of Southeast Asia. Marijuana was a lesser offense and was still available in some places, but it did not hold public interest. Bradley and his charges were after a different type of debauchery that night.

The older boy spoke with a shifty Malaysian magazine retailer. The merchant whispered something and then Bradley said thanks. "Stay behind me," he told the others. "Keep your hands in your pockets."

Doug locked eyes with a grungy man brushing close to him. The would-be thief backed away, his focus darting about his surroundings. Doug tossed him a fifty New Taiwan dollar coin, equivalent to two United States dollars at current exchange rates. He then ambled after Bradley without bothering to check if the mendicant retrieved the coin. One day my compassion may be my undoing, Doug conjectured. I will consider it a treasure until then.

"Do you think we might get into a fight tonight?" Lak asked Bradley. "Garrett told me he was mugged when you took him here."

"They'll be sorry if they try that with us," Wouter told Lak with a smile. "I know karate and kung fu. You and Yoshi are my best sparring partners. Bradley has instructed us. Steve can take punishment and fight back. Doug's been into the same stuff since before he came to Taipei."

"Yes," Doug agreed. "I haven't gotten into a real battle, though. None of us have."

"What about that summer camp bully?" Wouter inquired. "You told me he got you interested in martial arts."

"I don't count that. It was over too quickly." Doug recalled that the jerk made a snide remark, grabbed and yanked Doug's arm, and then Doug's fist split his lip. In the ensuing melee, the offender sustained a wrenched groin, two black eyes and several other contusions. Doug had mere slight bruises around the knuckles and knees. "Natural combat ability," he explained to the two counselors who pulled them apart. The next day they placed him in a camp karate program that was part of Chuck Norris's Kick-Start school. He was thirteen years old and had gained much expertise from then on. Despite it all, Doug preferred verbal debate to violent aggression. He had practiced that since kindergarten. "I don't like fighting anyway. You know that."

"We shouldn't have to fight anyone if you all do as I say," Bradley replied. He acquired further directions from a shoe salesman and then led his charges to a cul-de-sac that stood apart from the main thoroughfare. They went around numerous corners and stalls as they approached, waving off more eager merchants. Several rough Asians stood near the entrance of the dead end and looked over the boys. Bradley waved at a large Filipino who seemed to be in authority and received a welcoming laugh. The rest of the gang backed down.

"All right, everybody let me do the talking," Bradley said. "Trash your gum, Lak. Doug, where's your book?"

"I left it at home."

"Damn. I see you with one all the time. I didn't even notice."

"I do put it down when appropriate." Reading was Doug's favorite hobby, novels his steadiest companions. He aspired to become a writer himself one day.

"So I see. Wouter, fix that posture. Steve, your shoelace is untied. Gotcha! Your fly is unzipped, though. Ha, gotcha twice. Yoshi, as usual you look almost perfect. You might want to put on more Chap Stick. Good." Bradley suggested a couple further improvements and then nodded when everyone was spic and span.

The boys looked at each other one last time before heading into the alley. The time they had awaited was close and there would be no further chances to make ready. At last, they followed Bradley to a small plaza where the dead end terminated. Run-down apartment buildings flanked the street. More thugs gathered in the center. Hissing and snapping sounds echoed from within their lines.

"Sounds like an animal," Doug remarked. Curious, he edged between two Taiwanese bruisers for a closer view. A large king cobra stood in the ring formed by the group, squared off with an agile mongoose. Both animals growled as they circled one another and displayed obvious hostility. Their trainers barked commands while the spectators waited in expectation. A sly-eyed Vietnamese man of middle age turned to face Bradley's group.

"What do you think?" he asked. "Will the serpent or the mongoose triumph?"

"The snake," Doug replied without hesitation. Lak said the mongoose and the others shrugged. The Viet shouted at the trainers, who released their competitors. The cobra raised its head to bite. Before it could strike, the mongoose leapt forward and seized its opponent's neck in its fangs. There was a brief struggle and then the cobra collapsed in defeat. The mongoose's trainer retrieved it and put it in a cage. A witness cut the dead cobra open with a knife while another collected its blood in a glass jar.

"You must all drink," the Viet said when he took the jar. "It is tradition."

"Do it," Bradley concurred. He accepted the offered jar and consumed a quick swallow, then passed it to Yoshi. The Japanese youth followed Bradley's lead and then handed the jar to Lak.

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Hi my name is Preet I belong to Punjab and I belong to reputed family. I am 23 year old married and running own office as a overseas consultant. Since my school time I am interested in sex and this is all I want. I am a sex freak and big lover of ISS. About my tool, well it’s just 6inch long and 2.5 inch thick and got a black dot on it hahaha. I have fucked so many girls in my life but the best sex I had was with a girl working in my office. Her name is Kammy. She is 22 years old beauty and...

3 years ago
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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 42

XLII The teacher taught They found Elspeth sitting up in bed, bare-breasted but not caring, looking dazed but definitely conscious, and radiantly happy. Laura ran up to her and grasped her hand. ‘Elspeth, are you all right?’ Elspeth appeared to have trouble focusing on this difficult question. She blinked. ‘Laura? So it was you earlier?’ ‘Yes, I was in here before but I didn’t think you were awake.’ ‘I was. I could hear you but I couldn’t move or speak, I just felt so lovely all over. I...

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Private Veronica Leal Proves Gravity With Her Huge Tits

After an apple fell from a tree Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravity and excited by his new discovery he wanted to share the news with anyone around. Fortunately for Isaac that happened to be the stunning Latina Veronica Leal and after seeing her big tits it only helped solidify his findings and the two took the opportunity to celebrate… Watch this scene of Private Gold, Newton, Genius and Stud as Veronica gives an amazing titfuck after a nice sloppy deepthroat blowjob and then...

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WITH THE MOTHER OF MY GIRLWe went to Madrid to a trade fair at Ifema and then dinner with my brother-in-law in Foster. We accompanied a couple that she was my girlfriend University classmate, ultimately left me alone with my mother-in-law.Thank you all for your comments and for reading my stories. I tell you a special session that my mother and I, had in Madrid, on the floor of my brother-in-law, left us alone.It was Friday, in the morning we took the car, my mother-in-law, my girlfriend and I,...

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Meri Kahani 8211 Part II

Hi to all ISS readers aapne meri pehli story ko like kiya thanks. Uncle meri chudai karke aram karne lage papa aur arun veena aur rekha ke boobs se khelne lage papa rekha ke boobs muh me lete hue uncle se bole rekha ab Chudakad ho gai hai aur sayani bhi, iske liye koi ladka dekha hai ya nahi uncle hanste hue bole ghar me mardo ki kami hai kya jo bahar walo ke chodne ke liye iski saadi karoo. Fir meri chut me ungli karte hue bole komal bhi to jawan ho gayi hai iske bare me tumhara kya khayal hai...

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Contract To Exchange Wife And Husband

Hello friends my name is Manik. I am from Madhya Pradesh, India. This is a real story which happened in my house a few years before. It was the time when I was doing 12th Standard from a boarding school. My father is a Contractor by profession. My mother works as an Accountant for a company in Madhya Pradesh once he happened to get a contract from very wealthy people who offered my dad 2 to 3 scores for the contract. My father asked those people to come home for dinner along with their family...

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April and AugustChapter 1

Fifteen year old Jason was returning early from his fathers shop in the dusk of a cold December day, when he spotted the two children crouched in the entryway to his fathers home. “What are you children doing here?” he inquired, as he approached. “Master, may we go inside for a few minutes?” the closest begged him from the darkened entryway. “Why are you not at home? It is past time for children to be indoors in this weather,” Jason told them. “We no longer have a home, Master,” the...

4 years ago
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My First Fan Meet pt 1

It was late June in 1983, I had been married for seven months. My husband photographed me all the time, some he forwarded to various " Readers' Wives"publications, a few of which were published in Fiesta, Razzle, etc. On this morning a large envelope dropped onto the mat addressed to me. After opening it I was a little shocked to find three, quite explicit, letters from guys who had found my photos in the mags and wanted to tell me how much they enjoyed them. One guy called Ted asked if I would...

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Cock Delivery

“That will be fifteen fifty,” Jeremy said as he pulled the large pepperoni pizza out of the “hot bag”. The man was ready with a twenty dollar bill and as he traded it for the piping hot pie he asked softly, “Do you have time for my usual?” Jeremy looked at his watch and replied, “I’m kinda in a hurry, but if we make if a quickie, I guess it would be all right.” “Oh thank you,” the man fairly gushed as he shoved an extra fifty into Jeremy’s hand, “I really appreciate it, I really do!” As he...

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Jennas Gift for teacher part 1

It was everything Jenna could do to keep from moaning. She was practically biting her tongue off to keep from screaming out as her fingers slammed into her soaking cunt. Sitting at the back of her English class she knew no one could see her, but if she let out even a squeak someone would look back and see her huddling over her desk, red-faced and sweaty. Almost every day she found herself caught in this battle to maintain balance. Fore- and middle fingers probed her dripping pussy as her thumb...

4 years ago
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         "Where are we going?" asks Rose. Two years is a long time to get used to someone who kidnapped you but treated you well. Thats somehow what rose felt: Comfort around him because of the way he treated her. Always giving her what she wants, keepin her in good shape. But never letting her out of his sight for even one minute. He was always afraid she'll run away.          "To a club," replies William. His icy blue eyes meet her green ones. She grimaces. Somehow she knew this was the...

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Allison 2 re-writeMy name is Alan Smith, at least I think it still is, so much has happened over the last year, I am beginning to wonder what is real anymore. I suppose it began with my aunt Dolly (moms step-sister, real name Dorothy) aged 37, and uncle Ben two years older at 39, nearly getting divorced, they were constantly arguing, mainly because they had not got any c***dren. Aunt Dolly always wanted a daughter, but were always jealous of my mom and dad who had me. My parents had a varied...

2 years ago
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The Great Eviction Event Unfolds Chapter 4

Charlie/Charlotte-1 Saturday, December 13, 2014,10:31 am. Charlie banged the phone onto the cradle. “Fuck!” he shouted, smacking the can of stew across the kitchen. It was the 20th random call he’d made, and the only one that someone had picked up on the other end. In desperation, he’d shouted “Hello! Hello! Is anyone there?” The line was active. He could tell the line was active. “Hello!” he’d shouted again in a cracking voice. Since 9:24 pm, last night, his voice was an octave higher than...

4 years ago
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Floras WorldChapter 3

I was done with the day, having signed out and headed to my Ford Ranger, when I found myself once more in the strange world that I had left earlier. This time, however, there was no blonde with charming, sensual ways and erotic traditions. Instead, I was deep inside the same forest, looking a stag in the face. He and I seemed to understand each other. I wasn't hungry, so he was in no danger of my hunting him, even if I had a weapon. It was a stare that told each that the other was no...

1 year ago
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Earths CoreChapter 11 Razils Ploy

"Winner, Zax!" Talhera declared. The crowd of spectators stared in bewilderment. The fight might have seemed like it took a long time to conclude, but in truth it was over in less than four minutes after the three began to move. "That's ... That's it?! With the same single move he subdued Woren and simultaneously made Silvia forfeit?!" A spectator murmured to himself. This was the second round, and nothing yet spectacular should have taken place, but the three way battle had three...

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Wolf WivesChapter 7

Karen pulled up in front of the Wells house and shut off the ignition and lights. She patted her hair into place as she opened the door and stepped out of the car. She couldn't imagine what it was that Professor Wells wanted to speak to her about, unless it had something to do with Pagan. He had said that it was important and that he couldn't discuss it on the phone. Well, she'd be finding out in a minute. The phone call from Professor Wells had disconcerted her, particularly since it had...

4 years ago
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Adult Movie House Fun

I went to an adult movie house yesterday and I got more than a movie to watch. I had to ring a bell to enter and I heard someone throw a dead bolt for my entry. I was face to face with this nice looking guy who was chatting with the guy who ran the movies. I nodded hello and payed and entered the theater.It was really dark and I found a seat as I felt my way to one on the aisle in the back. I started watching the current straight porn and relaxed into it. After about 10 minutes I heard the back...

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Theres nothing like watching your wife fuck

After dropping hints over a period of time my wife finally cheated on me. I assured her that the thought of her having sex outside of our marriage was extremely exciting to me. She never came right out and said " OK, I'll do it" but as I found out she did in fact allow a close friend of mine to fuck her . I begain to suspect something was up because a couple of times I'd come in from work to find her in a very playful mood. On those days she had been visited by my buddy and after he had left...

2 years ago
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Sisters in Slavery prequel chapter 02 A teenaged slave girl learns her true place

- - I must note before the story starts this is a prequel to Sisters in Slavery that tells the story of the owner of the Sisters Master Robert Sanders coming of age and becoming a master within The Organization leading up to how the Brothel was started. As such there will be some new characters introduced that may or may not be in future chapters of the main story. This also means that all of the established female characters will not be appearing in this part of the story. - - Part...

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NeighborsChapter 6

Reluctantly I let her go home that night when we heard the RV rumbling into their driveway. As I stood in the door watching her go home, I waved at Steve. He walked over. "Sorry about bein' late," he said. "I owe ya one." "Not a problem, buddy. She was gonna do homework over here anyway. So we finished that and watched TV. She's a good kid. Deena appreciated having her around this weekend." "Well," Steve said, "I appreciate it. Her school work's a LOT better, an' to be honest,...

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PenthouseGold Liya Silver Naughty Cop Liya Silver Gets Drilled

Exquisite Russian babe Liya Silver is a busty police officer who can’t resist some naughty sex with suspect Charlie Dean. The Penthouse brunette gets on her knees to give him a blowjob and strips off to reveal slinky red lingerie and big perfect titties. The tattooed vamp rides her stud cowgirl style, his lengthy cock filling her juicy pussy, and then he bends her over for a deep fuck. She moans with pleasure as he squeezes her boobs and drills her pussy until he cums all over her toned...

2 years ago
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Beverly Hillbillies 01 The Remedy

The Beverly Hillbillies 01): The Remedy By Ron Dow75 [email protected] "Out! Out! You charlatan! How dare you come to me under false pretenses! Some doctor you are; you don't know the first thing about a simple thing like Banker's Headache!" Mr. Drysdale slammed his office door in the face of a small, badly rumpled oldish man who was in need of a barber. "Well!" the woman sitting behind the desk in the outer office said about the scene. She rose: "I apologize for his...

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Murphy 4Chapter 4

Bobby and I continued our scouting of the cove. There was something about this little cove that kept me thinking of it. It was only a hundred yards wide, at the widest part, and narrowed down to, maybe, thirty yards at the shoreline. We walked back, along the shoreline, to the main part of the lake, and looked back. I could see the beach from this point, with all the teens, and the younger kids swimming, and playing naked on the sand, and in the water. The adults were either on the beach,...

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Sporting weekend

I was just settling down to work more on my thesis last week when the phone rang. It was Huw, in a high rate of excitement, was there a chance that I could be a substitute for Idris who had had a car accident and couldn't make the rugby tour to Japan ~ tomorrow? Was there? At last the long night finished, I had been so excited that I hadn't slept a wink. Today was it, the trip to Japan. I had been really flattered by the last minute invitation to play for our local rugby club on its...

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The Gadsden Purchase ScamChapter 2

This was really a recon mission, so I left my horse about a mile from where I guessed the mine to be. I did take my carbine and two of the three extra 30-round clips. I also took my canteen and the sandwich I intended to eat for lunch. All of my reading had not prepared me for the intensity of the mid-day sun in NMT. Fortunately, I was one of those people who could adapt quickly to a change in ambient conditions, so, other than sweating profusely, I was able to cope with the heat. As I got...

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I Joined a Gym

I read an add for a gym that boasted twenty-four hour access six days a week, Tuesday thru Sunday. The price was durable and I figured that at least I would stay in shape, I had noticed that my stomach was beginning to protrude over my belt and I wanted to keep my trim line figure. It was about night time one Tuesday that I entered and met with the front desk clerk. I was giving a set of rules, regulations and assigned a locker after paying for the first week. One of the rules was to shower...

4 years ago
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My Lovely JenniferChapter 2 The Internet

One evening while Jennifer was fixing dinner and I was working at my computer I went on the Internet to do a search for 'Pantine' products but thanks to a typo I ended up with search results for 'Panties.' I saw my mistake and was about to correct it when one of the search results caught my eye. It said 'Upskirt photos of unsuspecting women.' This may seem unlikely, but up until that time I had never gone to any pornographic sites on the Internet. I clicked on the Upskirt' topic with...

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A farm Adventure

They'd been travelling for hours on this back road, which now Ron began to see as a fire trail, something that his sedan couldn’t really negotiate properly. Ron had taken a short cut that he been told about by the service station attendant, which sounded like a good deal. The only problem was that the road had changed from tar to dirt after only 3 kilometres. Then fewer houses were seen as they travelled further along. Ron’s daughter, Susie, was bored and couldn't find any radio channels...

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E116 It Is Now Donalds Turn

Emma wraps her arms around his chest and caresses his nipples and man breasts as she kisses his head and neck.  “Donald, you might resist what is going to happen next to begin with, but I know that underneath, it is something that you do want to experience fully.”Donald wonders what Emma has planned, and just rises when she does and follows her to the living room as she pulls him by his hand.At the couch, he sees the laptop open on the cocktail table, and as Emma sits, with him between her legs...

Love Stories
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Shwetha Enjoying Lesbian Sex With Khushi

Hi, I am Shwetha from Bangalore. I am 28yrs old 5.5 feet tall, fair, a 34 30 36 figure, deep black bright eyes with long lashes and Long black hair ending exactly above my crop top. I have had an inclination towards girls since college.When I look at their face the pink lips the strawberry flavored lip balm, expressive eyes, the body the tshirt dat hugs around their breast the jeans fit tightly around their back n thighs feels like caressing each part that brings pleasure.My fantasy came true...

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Godawful Gothic Girlfriend

Dean Fawkes was a bit of a loser in high school with no friends and especially no girlfriends. This caused him to drift into an outsider and toughens up to fit what society had deemed him to be. His luck changed one day in his senior year when he was visited by a girl during lunch. Beatrix Winters, a very attractive junior girl, saw the tough unwanted boy and sought to show him love and affection. Their relationship blossomed and remained to this day three years later. But it seemed as though...

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The video store

The Video StoreStore oneI checked my suitcase at the storage office of the railway station.'Are you leaving it all day?' asked the colleague from behind the counter.'No just a couple of hours' I replied handing him a ten dollar bill. Just long enough to get my cock sucked I thought. It had become quite a ritual. I would arrive in the city a few hours before my flight, store my baggage at the station and cruise the adult video stores for a couple of hours. There were no shortage of venues but I...

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NubileFilms Gia Paige Dim The Lights

Delectable Gia Paige can’t keep her hands off her small boobs as she waits for Preston Parker to join her in the loft. Lifting her shirt, she reaches down to smack her own ass and caress her mound beneath her thong. Soon she is on the ottoman rubbing her landing strip pussy and working herself towards the climax she deserves. When Preston walks in and finds Gia in the throes of passion, he joins her and offers to give her pleasure beyond her wildest dreams, an offer that Gia accepts with...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 50 A Touch of Envy

April 25, 1984 My girlfriend smiled at me across the lunch table. It was Wednesday, the day of the week when both of us had large gaps in our class schedules in the middle of the day. We had gotten together at our favorite snack bar, and were enjoying a midday meal consisting of the usual nondescript campus chow. "You seem to be in a good mood today," I said to Inez, with a curious grin of my own. "Mm-hmm," she mumbled in reply, not giving anything away. But still, the same smile...

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