Snake, Chapter 13 free porn video

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Snake - Chapter 13 By Beverly Taff There was to be another development in the family however and that involved the three older boys. Carl's three sons were nine, seven and five and unfortunately endowed of Carl's macho nature. When he had been a man and a father, Carl had reared them in the same mould as himself so even at an early age, the three boys already saw girls as nothing more than targets; victims to be teased and bullied whenever the opportunity arose. The arrival of a helpless pair of tits in the form of Sissy was quickly deemed a splendid opportunity to indulge their domineering macho natures. Almost immediately after her arrival, Sissy realised that she had seriously blundered in her previous fatherhood duties as Carl the macho sheriff. Her new vulnerability and subsequent 'hyper-aware' feminine sensibilities had instantly detected her own sons licentiously eying her transformed body. The boys sniggered amongst themselves for they seemed irredeemably programmed to become total jocks. Sissy, once the confident domineering father, now felt desperately uncomfortable around her sons. In the first few months however, Sissy and the twin baby sisters needed constant attention. During this early phase Sarah was always about and the boys had no opportunity to abuse the splendid tits. They simply gaped wondrously as their baby sisters enjoyed the bounty of Sissy's magnificent breasts. The baby sisters' infantile helplessness did not endure for long though. As the twins grew into toddlers, they became more dextrous and eventually discerned how to open Sissy's bra for themselves. The boys started to become a little envious. The little girls seemed to enjoy all the advantages and privileges in the new family arrangements. They accessed Sissy's 'milk bar' whenever they felt like it simply by freeing the bra cups and taking their pleasure. At first it did not dawn on the boys that Sissy had absolutely no way of preventing the toddlers from suckling on demand. Her feeble infantile arms could not even reach around to protect her tits let alone prevent any determined assault by the twins. The twins now having learned to free Sissy's nursing bra cups, simply released the twin reservoirs of delight whenever they felt like a drink. The boys of course, still had to wait until Sissy had been 'milked' and the delicious liquid stored in the fridge. All the family knew what Sissy's milk tasted like for they used it like ordinary cow's milk. Even after the twin's regular feeding, Sissy continued producing a daily excess of milk that had to be used up. This meant Sissy still had to attend at the milking stall in the basement several times a day where she regularly produced up to three or four litres daily. Sissy felt that she really had turned into a human udder. Already she had noticed how she settled inexplicably into a bovine stupor every time she entered the stall for milking. The delightful, erotic, rhythmic sucking of the pump and the ticklish squirt of the abundant milk out of her nipples and down the tubes seemed to send her into a hypnotic trance. In her more lucid moments she questioned Sarah about her condition. Sarah explained that Sissy's hormones had done just exactly what Sissy was describing. She had been turned into a virtual milking machine. Sarah explained that all nursing mother's bodies adjusted to the essential function of feeding the suckling child so that the mother became more passive and contented. It was just that Sissy's body had gone that little bit further. Sarah described that it was due to Sissy's excessive production of milk over the longer period. Sissy was worried. Her passivity during the milking times had become overwhelming. In her more idle fantasies, she suspected if a manger of hay had been placed in the milking stall, she would have been tempted to chew it. The whole family liked Sissy's milk. It was richer than full fat Jersey milk and considerably sweeter. Sissy had been told her body was genetically programmed to respond emotionally and physically to the maternal duties and her milk now carried extra fructose and lactose enzymes. This made it excellent for milk shakes because the sugary, fatty cream made it froth readily without needing additional sucrose or other artificial additives. However, the milk didn't keep very well and would not last more than twenty-four hours even in the fridge. This new development made Sissy's human milk unsuitable for supplying to hospital maternity wards. When she had previously been a communal member of the Gaia herd, Sissy's milk contained less sugars and it was acceptable to maternity units but now she had to abandon supplying the local maternity unit with her precious yield. The upside was that, whilst it was not suitable for hospital storage, it now made excellent yogurt. The three older boys had developed a strong liking for the sweet milk. Technically it was a mild addiction for after a few months of regular consumption, they could now hardly do without the sweet addictive compelling taste. The sweetness and creaminess of the milk made it virtually irresistible. Once their younger sisters had learned to 'open Sissy's milk bar for themselves', it didn't take long for the boys to realise the advantages to this convenience. They started to get jealous of their younger sisters. One evening, as Sarah was upstairs dressing the twin girls for bed and the two older boys had gone with their mother Wendy, to play in a little league baseball match, William, the youngest boy found himself alone down stairs. As he searched for a ball to go and play in the yard he noticed Sissy lying 'sow-like' on the nursing settee in the drawing room. She was waiting for Sarah to fasten her corset then help her down into the milking stall in the basement. After having given the twins their bedtime feed, she needed to be drained of her excess milk for the night. Sissy's breasts lay exposed as she waited for Sarah to return. They were still leaking tiny droplets and William smiled knowingly. He was fascinated by the two gorgeous pink nipples that glistened with the sugars already crystallising on the leaking tips of Sissy's nipples. All the boys knew about the sugars that precipitated out of Sissy's milk. These sugars crystallised on the rims of the milk containers in the fridge. It provided a particular treat for the boys and they often argued about who should lick the rim of the container. It was akin to ordinary children licking the mixing bowl after granny had made the cakes. Now a special opportunity presented itself to the five- year-old William. Like a moth drawn to the flame his eyes widened as he considered copying his younger sisters' privileges and stealing a special little treat from those gorgeous tantalising pink fountains. Sissy recognised the boy's fascinated expression and squirmed helplessly as she tried to twist over to face the wall and block off his approach. It was a hopeless attempt. Because her corset was still loose, Sissy's back was simply not strong enough to turn over and heave her splendid tits out of reach. Sissy's tiny arms paddled uselessly on the settee and her wide maternal arse prevented any chance of rolling over without assistance. She wiggled and squirmed uselessly as the boy approached. She realised that the final indignity was about to be inflicted. She, the father of her own sons no less, was about to be suckled by one of those very same sons, - and - there - was - nothing - she - could - do - about - it. 'Oh how the world had been turned upside down,' she reflected helplessly. William lightly touched Sissy's sensitive nipple with an extended finger then licked the sticky droplet as he savoured the excess sugar. His eyes widened with delight at the new discovery, especially as he watched Sissy floundering on her side like a stranded beetle. The warm milk direct from Sissy's breast was even sweeter than the cold stuff from the fridge and his mouth salivated unexpectedly as the concentrated sugars excited his tongue. The shock to his taste buds was overwhelming and without delay, his lips greedily fastened onto the nearest nipple. Sissy's squeal of protest died in her throat as the boy's milk teeth unwittingly grazed her sensitive nipple and sent a surge of ecstasy through her twitching frame. For a few moments, Sissy groaned with pleasure then slumped in orgasmic defeat as the boy indulged himself and unknowingly sent waves of orgasmic pleasure through his ex-father's tortured feminised body. As Sissy's orgasm crescendoed through her whole being, her feelings of guilt and humiliation reduced her to a whimpering servile beast. Her last sentient task was to persuade William to release the first nipple and relieve the second one in a like manner. The first nipple was nearly dry and the boy's eyes widened with delight when the second nipple presented a second rush of nectar. The boy quickly realised that each nipple needed alternate attention with short alternate brakes to recharge with milk. William quickly busied himself thus alternating between the forbidden delights and Sissy ascended into a series of convulsive orgasms the like of which she had never experienced before. Her whimpering squeals eventually attracted other attention. Sissy heard the door creak and twisted her tear-stained face to see Sarah studying the scene. Afraid of William being discovered by his older siblings, Sissy silently mouthed her beseechment to Sarah to 'come and get the boy off'! Sarah simply smiled knowingly then turned and crept back upstairs. It was a full thirty minutes before William had satiated himself and even then, he only stopped as he heard his older brothers returning from baseball practice. As William crept out into the kitchen he passed Sarah in the hall and smirked conceitedly. He did not know that Sarah already knew his secret. Through the twins' bedroom window she had heard the two older boys returning, so she had deliberately made a noise by rattling the door to the drawing room to alert William and Sissy. As she passed him in the hall, she glanced to make sure there were no milk stains on William's shirt then she attended upon Sissy. Swiftly, she cleared away what little evidence remained of the boy's indulgence. "You saw what he was doing. Why did you let him carry on suckling off me?" begged Sissy. Sarah smiled enigmatically as she gently eased Sissy's abused glands back into their rightful cups and fastened Sissy's corset to make her 'presentable' for dinner. "Did he empty you?" whispered Sarah. "Yes," whimpered Sissy. "I won't need the stall tonight. He's a greedy little tyke." Sarah continued Smiling and Sissy knew that eventually, an explanation would be forthcoming. When Sissy sat down for the evening meal she could not look her youngest son in the face. Naturally of course, William was well entrenched in his father's mould and that night, he could not resist boasting about his 'adventure' to his older brothers Michael and James. It was only a matter of days before all three boys were indulging themselves. Sissy had hit rock bottom in the humiliation stakes. She did not realise however that there was a cunning twist the situation but at that time, only Wendy, and the house helper Sarah were aware of it. Wendy had become tired of the constant complaints about her son's behaviour so Sarah had enlightened her about a special treatment that could be applied to Sissy's metabolism to modify her milk still further. Once Wendy, learned of this effect, she enthusiastically agreed with Sarah about the next step. A few days later Sissy fell unknowingly into a deep sleep after her supper was drugged and the necessary injections where administered. Within a week, her milk, unbeknown to Sissy, was modified. The boys were now allowed to indulge their newfound treat quite openly so each evening they would greedily attack Sissy's nipples to 'drain' her of any excess milk before going to bed. Very slowly the effects of Sissy's milk began to take effect. The inevitable changes became gradually apparent, but only to Wendy and Sarah at first. The boy's behaviour started to change very slowly. Sissy still didn't know that her warm milk now contained certain enzymes that had the same effect as female hormones on males. If the milk was left to cool in the fridge, the hormonal enzymes in the warm milk immediately decayed and the effects of the hormones were negated. This made the milk safe for normal domestic consumption. However, male abusers who suckled directly from Sissy's udders would slowly suffer the full effects. The cold of the refrigerator effectively pasteurised the milk but if it was suckled from the breast, the hormonal enzymes passed directly from one warm body into another. The body heat protected the enzymes and they could continue their work without interruption. The three sons started very slowly being feminised as they continued abusing the milk supply. Sarah and Wendy, who knew about the hormones, anticipated this effect. At first the boys didn't realise what was happening, they failed to notice the slow change in their natures as they became more sympathetic to the local girls. Whenever a gender issue arose amongst the local children in the neighbourhood or at the school, the three boys started finding themselves siding with the girls. After a while, the other boys began to notice and teased the three brothers about their girly ways. The brothers became confused about their own behaviour but found that they could not help themselves. For a few brief weeks as their mental transitions crossed the basic gender thresholds, the boys became alternately angry and frightened by their own behaviour but eventually they came to accept it. At first they were strong enough to defend their behaviour. When the brothers sided with the other girls, they were well able to hold their own physically against the other boys. Eventually however, the physical effects of Sissy's milk kicked in and eventually, the three brothers found themselves slowly dropping down the testosterone 'pecking order' amongst the boys. After a series of individual fights, the three brothers found themselves reduced to tearful defeat and soon their reputation local toughies, was lost. Eventually the other boys came to regard all three brothers as real sissies who could not even take a knock during any rough games. The bothers' constant tears became a real drag and the other boys stopped inviting them to join in their games. Inevitably Michael, James and William drifted over to the girl's side of the playground and simply hung out with the girls all the time. This behaviour eventually started to get noticed so to avoid social complications, the family moved away. They were prompted to move the first time after the boys started getting strange looks from a couple of the more alert adults in the town. The boys began to walk like girls and seemed to favour girlish stretch, elasticated jeans to boy's heavy-duty denim. The youngest, William, even chose to occasionally wear a short-sleeved blouse and this coupled with his long hair caused him to be occasionally mistaken for a girl by strangers. The situation was becoming strained so the whole family left town before any serious questions started getting asked. Wendy and Sarah knew that it was essential to keep a low profile and drop out of sight before the mental and subsequent physical manifestations became too obvious to others. During those crucial times they moved several times. Each new town was simply a 'way-station' as the boys' appearances became gradually more girlish. The family started taking long 'vacation breaks between moves to help hide the boys developments. It was during the third 'vacation', that Michael finally noticed that he was changing, 'down there'. One evening after he had bathed for bed, he crept self- consciously to his mother's bedroom and tapped anxiously on the door. "Who is it?" Replied Wendy softly. "It's me, Michael." What do you want darling?" "Can I see you?" "Of course. Come in" Michael silently opened the door and peered furtively down the corridor to make sure nobody had seen him. Wendy recognised her son's nervousness and whispered softly as she patted the bed invitingly. "What's wrong my pet?" A short time ago Michael would have cringed at being called 'my pet' but now his whole social attitude was changing. He clambered onto the bed and wriggled under the duvet as he squeezed up to his mother. Wendy knew that the 'old Michael' would never have indulged in such intimacy. This new intimate, tactile, girlish behaviour was clearly caused by Sissy's milk. For a few silent minutes they snuggled close together until Wendy felt her son's chest heaving as he sobbed silently. "What's wrong darling?" she whispered encouragingly as she stroked his long silky hair. Michael lay sobbing a little longer then started hiccupping out words between sobs. "It's my pee-pee. I can't seem to point it any more. Tonight I peed down my leg!" Wendy suppressed a tight knowing smile and invited Michael to show her. "I- I can't," sobbed Michael, "it's rude." "Of course it's not rude my darling," smiled Wendy, as she hugged her feminised son to her breast. "I'm still your mother, and I have to know these things. Just let me have a look and check for myself." Nervously, Michael peeled back the duvet and tugged down the banding of his pants as he sobbed. "I had to change my pants, I wet the other pair. See. I can't even get my pee-pee out through the fly hole." Urgently he tugged and fingered the miniscule bud but try as he may, the little nubbin simply refused to emerge from under it's hood. Wendy peered down and smiled. "Why darling, that's nothing to worry about. It's just grown a little smaller. When you get older, I'm sure it will develop into its proper proportions." "Are you sure mummy?" begged Michael. "I always thought that it grew bigger as boys grew older." "Oh not always darling. You know yourself that you're growing differently from other boys. Just look at those two pretty little buds on your chest. Have they become more sensitive?" As she spoke, Wendy gently grazed the backs of her fingernails across Michael's nipples and he gasped as he squirmed then collapsed with pleasure. "Oh! Ooohh! That's nice! Is that the way girls do it?" "Oh just one of the ways. We girls have lots of special little tricks. Our bodies are much more sensitive than boys. Is your pee-pee still sensitive?" "Oh yes. It's become more sensitive. Especially if I pull back my foreskin." "We don't call it a foreskin darling. If we've got any skin down there, we girls call it a hood." "Oh!" replied Michael as he fingered his nubbin thoughtfully. "Is that what I'm going to have to call mine?" "We'll have to wait and see. I'll speak to Aunty Sarah in the morning and ask her about it." "Michael calmed down at this for Aunty Sarah seemed to be the font of all knowledge. He snuggled affectionately up to his mother as he squeezed his soft rounded buttocks tightly into the curve of his mother's tummy like two spoons in a draw. This caused him to slither up against her silky nightie and he sighed. "This feels nice, your nightie feels all soft and slippery. Can I have pyjamas like this material?" "You can have a nightie if you wish darling. But go to sleep for now and we'll speak to Aunty Sarah tomorrow morning." The following morning, after the two younger boys had gone out to play, Michael, Wendy and Sarah sat down to chat in Sarah's bedroom. Michael realised it was to be one of those special chats that mothers always had with their daughters, but fathers never seemed to have with their sons. 'It was going to be one of those 'body talks' when mummies explained things to their daughters. Now he was going to have one with his mummy and Aunty Sarah.' He felt a strange mixed flush of excitement and fear as Sarah quickly broke the ice. "Take off your clothes darling, we need to see your body." Michael stripped obligingly and shivered partly from cold and partly from anticipation. Sarah invited him to stand in front of her as she studied his ripening curves. 'The boy was right,' she reflected, his penis had all but retreated inside his body.' Cautiously, she reached towards his crotch and investigated the altered arrangements. Her fingers felt a soft wrinkled sheath-like arrangement where his scrotum would ordinarily have been. She nodded knowingly to Wendy as she pushed her fingers deep into the velvety little sheath. At first there was nothing but the buried shaft of a dormant penis, something similar to a dog's sheath but with the dormant penis slightly less rigid or apparent to touch. Next she pushed her fingers deeper behind and around the shaft inside the sheath, until she finally located two little testes. Michael squealed with fright as he finally felt his testicles being squeezed. He hadn't felt his testicles for ages and the sudden re-discovery surprised him. He lurched nervously then felt a surge of relief. He had been thinking his balls had completely disappeared. Only Sarah's knowing, knowledgeable fingers knew exactly where to find them. "Ow oow! Be careful! So that's where they are. I thought they'd gone altogether," he squeaked. Sarah smiled as she nodded to him to reassure his feelings. "Oh yes darling. They're still there but buried very deep. Do you feel that long thing just there?" As she spoke, she pressed three fingers deep into Michael's 'scrotum-cum-sheath' and Michael squirmed with pleasure. "Ooohh, yess," he sighed as his knees sagged and parted slightly. "Well that's your wee-wee. Don't worry, it's still there, but it only comes out when it wants to play. Just like a doggies' OK? It won't come out for a pee-pee though. For that, you're going to have to sit just like us girls." A small frown crossed Michael's brow as he considered Sarah's words. "What you mean all the time. I won't ever be able to stand to pee?" "No, not any more. Don't worry, the same thing will happen to your brothers, so you wont be alone in this. Oh, and those pants will be no good because the front opening fly will be useless. You may as well get used to wearing knickers darling, and while you're at it, I think it's about time you wore a training bra. Those little buds are growing all the time aren't they?" Michael nodded sheepishly as Sarah ran her fingernails over them just as Wendy had shown him. A tingle of delight sent flashes of lust down to his sheath and Sarah smiled as his 'pee-pee' started to emerge. Sarah smiled encouragingly as she took the little shaft gently between her fingers and Michael squirmed in helpless rapture. Sarah studied the damp shining tip then 'spoke' to it. "Well hello little fellow. Is this your first appearance since the changes?" Michael's eyes closed as his lids became heavy and he nodded his head hypnotically to confirm Sara's suspicions. Sarah gently manipulated the organ still further and it continued to extend from the sheath. Wendy gaped with surprise as the shaft continued to grow and stiffen. Eventually it was bigger than a well-endowed man's and Wendy felt an embarrassing twitch in her own loins. She swallowed self-consciously as she struggled to put her own obscene incestuous thoughts behind her Sarah took her skilful fingers away and Michael sagged as he thrust forward searching for more sensation. His eyes widened with disappointment until Sarah handed him a pair of silky panties and directed him to his own bedroom. Then she suddenly realised that this was probably Michael's very first orgasm and it was no better time to get him accustomed to silky sensations. She snatched the frilly article back then opened the waistband and invited Michael to step into them. Michael studied them for a few seconds as he tried to make up his mind. Eventually, his girly feelings got the better of his boyish reservations. 'The frilly delights were just so attractive and pretty.' As Sarah held them open he delicately raised his leg like a ballerina and carefully slipped one foot and then the other into the frilly leg holes. Sarah slowly drew the panties provocatively up his smooth girlish legs to exaggerate the sensations and Michael shuddered with pleasure. When the silky material embraced his rigid shaft he let out a squeak of surprised delight then suddenly convulsed. The bulge in the front of his panties jerked several times involuntarily and Michael looked down with surprise. Then his face crimsoned with shame as he looked down to see the spreading stain up the front of the panties. Sarah smiled sympathetically and quickly reassured him with a kiss and hug before directing him to the bathroom with a few encouraging words. "Don't worry darling. It happens to every little boy. Yours is just a little bit special. Now run along and clean yourself up." With his erect 'pee-pee' straining embarrassingly large within his new panties, Michael walked gingerly to the bathroom, thankful that his brothers were not around to see his newly discovered condition. Unfortunately, Sissy happened to be coming out of the bathroom as Michael approached and she let out a gasp of surprise at his appearance. Before her stood nubile young female body sporting a spectacular erection. Just like Wendy, the effect on Sissy left her feeling damp inside her corset crotch. She swayed vulnerably on her heels as she pressed herself against the wall to let her oldest son waddle past in red-faced embarrassment. As the bathroom door closed, Sissy teetered into Sarah's bedroom. "Did I just see right? Did that young lady have an erection?" Sarah and Wendy nodded confirmation and Sissy's jaw sagged. "But it- it's huge. It's like a man's and then some!" "Don't worry Sissy," observed Sarah. "When it subsides there will be no sign of a penis; just wait and see." Sissy flopped onto the bed and sat facing the door to await Michael's return. Eventually the bathroom door opened and Michael returned self-consciously. "I- I couldn't help it. It just sort of came!" he pleaded. All three women smiled compassionately as Sarah reached out to draw the boy towards her. As he fell into her arms she gently slid her fingers under the waistband of Michael's panties and tugged the stained front panel down to expose Michael's flaccid condition. The mighty shaft had completely retracted into its sheath and there was nothing to show but a tiny hooded bud that was identical to thousands of millions of other women. Only the lack of a vagina and labial lips behind the bud, gave any clues about the real sex of the owner. Sissy's jaw fell slack again as she peered at the deceitful arrangement. "But from the front he looks exactly like a girl!" Sarah nodded and smiled as she withdrew her fingers and the waistband of Michael's panties flipped tight against his curved slender waist. "They feel uncomfortable like this," pleaded Michael. "Can I have a clean pair?" Wendy nodded and fetched a large parcel that she presented to her son. "Yes dear, these are all for you. Pick a pair." Michael tore the paper open and gazed rapturously at the delightful contents within. "These are beautiful!" He gasped as he selected a pale blue matching bra and panty set then held them up to his curvaceous body. "Well don't just stand there, put them on," encouraged Sissy. As Michael fiddled with the fastenings, Wendy savoured a moment special to all mothers as she showed her 'son- daughter' the different techniques for putting on a bra. Soon Michael stood as proud as any film star as he tugged and pushed the excess flesh into the bra cups and admired the tiny cleavage. "Look! I've got real tits!" He giggled. "Well so you have darling," observed Sissy, "but you'll soon have more. Would you like that?" "Well yes - but not as big as- you know, as big as yours," replied Michael. "Oh don't worry darling" chuckled Sarah as she rummaged through the parcel to reveal some frocks, tights and dresses. "You'll never get as big as Sissy. Here try some of these on." Michael eyed the clothes with nervous but eager anticipation then took the plunge. Within a few minutes, a perfect young teenaged girl, a veritable siren, stood preening herself before the three women. "Oh! I'm so happy. This is wonderful!" Squealed Michael as he hugged each woman in turn. He twirled in front of the mirror and gasped with delight as the hem of the frock caressed his knees. The image excited him so he span faster until the hem spun upwards to give a flash of panties under his tights. In the mirror he spotted the three women smiling knowingly then he felt embarrassed and stopped quickly. "I need shoes." "As if by magic, Wendy produced a large box with several different pairs and Michael eagerly tried them on. Like any teenaged girl with her first heels he squealed and giggled as he teetered around getting used to the sense of sexiness and vulnerability. Just at that moment, his younger brothers returned and pranced upstairs. They stopped at the door when they discovered their brother and huge grins of pleasure spread across their faces. "Michael's a girl!" squealed William. "No I'm not!" protested Michael defensively. "Well why are you wearing that frock?" demanded James, "and those tights, - and those high heels!" "You wouldn't understand!" sneered Michael; already recognising his greater carnal awareness. "Huh! Try me!" riposted James. Michael hesitated as he searched for an example then he threw caution to the wind. He knew now that his younger brothers' bodies would inevitably follow the same development as his so they might as well be forewarned. "You'll soon have to sit to pee like a girl as well!" James fell silent. Michael had unwittingly struck a sensitive note. James's penis was already shrinking to the same extent as Michael's and he was already having difficulty peeing. For some days James had been wetting his leg occasionally and only that morning he had been forced to sit to pee. Sissy' milk was affecting the boys at the same rate, irrespective of their ages. James and William were changing into she-males just as quickly as their older brother. Both younger brothers were thunderstruck at Michael's revelation for they had been keeping their own problems private. Eventually William broke the strained silence. "How did you know?" he wailed. Michael felt a wave of relief. He had dreaded having to go like a girl when the three of them were playing in the woods behind the new home. His brothers would have been able to lord it over him by standing as he squatted. Now all three brothers were equal. Sarah broke the silence again as she addressed the two younger boys. "Are you having the same problems when you pee then? Don't your pee-pees come out any more?" Both boys nodded silently and stared at the floor in defeat. "So you have to sit down do you?" The boys confirmed again by shameful nods and Sarah extended her arms invitingly. The boys hesitated nervously so Michael gently wrapped his arms around his younger brothers' shoulders and shepherded them towards the adult women. "Don't be frightened," he encouraged. "You already wear girls jeans now. The only difference is that you won't have to wear pants any more. You can't use the fly hole so you can wear pretty knickers like me, see." He raised the hem of his skirt and the two younger boys eyes widened enviously as they saw the hint of Michaels beautiful frilly panties under his glossy tights. Wendy and Sarah recognised the younger boys envious expressions and stood up to assist Sissy to her feet. "Well ladies," observed Wendy, "I think a shopping trip is called for. We hadn't expected you younger ones to develop so early. Come on, let's go to the mall." All three boys collected their younger twin sisters and scampered eagerly to the R.V. Sarah and Wendy accompanied Sissy to her special seat. That afternoon was one of the best the family had ever enjoyed. That evening the three 'boys' were enthusiastically wearing frocks and skirts. All forms of trousers had become anathema to all three boys. The design being deemed too 'constricting around the legs. As bedtime arrived the boys shrieked with fun as they demonstrated their new anatomies. What they didn't know was that the direction of their urine was not like a normal girl. Such was the alignment of their urethras inside their sheaths that the urine stream pointed slightly upwards, just as if peeing from an erection. To keep the stream within the pan they had to lean forwards and down in a most submissive squat to point their urine down. When out playing in the woods, they had to remove their knickers and tights completely then squat and bend right down with their naked butts stuck up in the air to stop any urine spraying upwards then dribbling down their crotch. The other alternative was to remove all underwear and cock their legs like dogs whilst holding their skirts or frocks tightly around their waists. This method was quicker and more comfortable but it caused the maximum exposure and always left a dribble down their legs as the stream ceased. Inevitably, all three boys adopted the habit of carrying extra tissues in their handbags to wipe any accidents. All other emotional development now paralleled that of any normal girls and that put Michael at the front again. He was naturally attracted to girls except that he had the urgent libido of any teenaged boy. When he got horny, (which was now very often,) his tiny bud would expand many- fold to present a perfectly formed erection that made the most embarrassing bulge in his knickers. This invariably happened when Michael met an attractive girl who excited him. He would then have to find some discreet spot where he could adjust himself to try and hide the telltale bulge. As a consequence Michael tended to wear loose pleated frocks and skirts to hide his uncontrollable condition. This unique condition made Michael into a perfect 'she- male' and a very beautiful one at that. Naturally neither he nor his younger brothers wanted their conditions revealed so the family's new G.P. was a Gaia acolyte. After the 'shrinkage' of their penises, the three boy's ascent into 'womanhood' followed a 'normal' path, though they noticed that their feminised natures had developed in advance of their bodies. Consequently they positively indulged the pleasures of shopping, fashion and make-up. Like any normal girls they eagerly anticipated all the accoutrements that came with the development of their girlish shapes. Each boy couldn't wait for his breasts to grow and wear a bigger bra. Eagerly they squealed with delight as their nipples first became sore, then sensitive, until finally they became erotic trigger buttons that inevitably produced the awkward and embarrassing bulges in their panties. Fortunately, the boys now shared the big bedroom and every exciting new stage was eagerly discussed and experimented with as their bodies grew. This increased sensitivity of their bodies caused them to enjoy the transformations despite the fact they knew they were still real boys. What lay tucked discreetly into their panties was always present and regularly expanded to remind them of their true sex. Wendy was overjoyed with the developments. She now had virtually five 'daughters' all of whom were caring compassionate little gems and ever so helpful with the household chores, especially caring for the twins. Furthermore, there were no more disgusting urine stains on the lavatory floor. Close intimacy with their new bodily functions had made the boys meticulous about their toilet habits. Wet seats were anathema and any little accident with the awkward flow was swiftly cleaned before leaving the toilet for others. The boys had become virtual contortionists in addressing their unusual pluming. Despite all these transformations, the boys still retained their 'heterosexual preferences' and they remained firmly attracted to the girls at their new school. Fortunately the tactile intimate behaviour so natural to girls, disguised any emotional or sexual attraction as simply friendship. Inevitably, as puberty arrived for each boy, they joined the secretive lesbian cliques and indulged their special passions. Naturally of course, they each learned how to hide their little secret and they gained reputations amongst their lesbian friends as very coy but obliging partners. Always willing to help others but reluctant to allow others to pleasure them. They became extremely skilled with their tongues and were always welcome at the secret lesbian get- togethers and sleepovers. Their stunning looks also made them automatic choices for the cheer leading teams. Sissy had eventually learned of the nature of her milk. After noticing the feminisation of her sons she had expressed her suspicions and Sarah had 'come clean'. It worried Sissy a lot at first but she was secretly relieved when she learned that her sons still liked girls. They could never be considered to be men of course; that is 'men's men', or jocks! Sissy knew that her milk had made certain of that. Each evening, Sissy would settle comfortably back in her favourite chair and let down her milk as she listened with rapt pleasure whilst her 'daughters' gathered around and indulged their special evening treat. Between shared times at the breasts, her 'daughters' would chatter and giggle with delight as they related the day's exploits at school and the fun they indulged in as girls. Most of the talk was of course about lesbian girlfriends, clothes, makeup and shopping. Sissy was even able to share their enjoyment by accompanying them on Saturday mornings to the mall and meeting their 'friend's. Needless to add of course, that now the boys had ceased to be 'mindless jocks' they had realised the only future opportunities for them as adults, lay in being ladies with proper educations. Not for them the chance to become a successful sportsman or big dumb policemen like their father. Their soft feminised bodies and large breasts precluded any hope of a sporting or physical career. By this time they had of course feminised their names to Michelle, Jemima and Wilhelmina. Finally, Sissy's oldest daughter Michelle graduated with flying colours from high school and expressed her wish to go to college. She discussed it with the three adult women after her younger sisters were all abed. "Can I go to college?" She pleaded hopefully. Wendy smiled indulgently and nodded her head "Of course darling. There's even a special college fund set aside for each of you. College is no problem whatsoever. What would you like to study?" Michelle gasped with surprise. "What! You mean you've been secretly saving all these years?" As Wendy affirmed the existence of the fund, she showed Michelle a cheque for a substantial sum. Michelle's face widened with delight at the revelation about the college fund and the value of the cheque. "Heck! How did you manage to set up this? Where did all the money come from?" Wendy smiled enigmatically and hugged her 'daughter' tightly. "Don't ask too many questions darling. Let's just say, your father's disappearance had a lot to do with it." A slight cloud crossed Michelle's face as she recollected her early years as a 'boy'. "Is he still around?" she asked nervously. "Not so as you should be worried darling. He'll never come back to haunt you." As Wendy spoke she caught a brief twitch of regret settle on Sissy's lips but the 'family cow' recovered her composure and bravely smiled, as she kept silent. Sissy knew that somehow, since the milking thing, 'her intellect never managed to match Sarah's or Wendy's. She always seemed to lose any argument.' She little realised that the lactation hormones naturally caused her to remain slightly dumber and totally submissive. After all, Sissy had to be thankful for small mercies. 'At least she had enjoyed a deep and intimate association with the rearing of her children.' As Michelle's happiness flowed she grasped each of the women in her life and hugged them ecstatically. Sissy's heart beat eagerly and Michelle stared deeply into the 'family dairy-cow's' eyes. "I'm going to miss our times together. Will you be able to send me some milk every week?" "You'll have to ask, Sarah," replied Sissy, "she's the one in charge of organising that side of stuff." Michelle turned to Sarah and repeated her request. "D'you really want to?" checked Sarah cautiously. Michelle nodded eagerly as she laid her fingers optimistically on Sissy's silky bra cups and tentatively inveigled a finger under Sissy's blouse. Sissy gasped slightly and squirmed self-consciously as Sarah watched the little pantomime. "Leave it with me for a few days," said Sarah, "I'll see what can be arranged. We can't have you going without milk altogether. Not yet anyway." Michelle did not know it but she was still not yet fully weaned off Sissy's milk. It would be another year before she had completely left puberty behind and her body was completely locked into the 'she-male' mode. Somehow or other, Michelle would still need fresh milk at least once a week to complete her growth. Michelle chose a college in Florida, near the Gaia organisation's main base. She little knew it, but Sarah had cautiously supplanted the idea of going to Florida into Michelle's mind then gradually let Michelle think that the idea had been her own. The Gaia organisation had a well- organised private sorority house just off campus. There they maintained a couple of resident special 'dairy cows' to provide a regular feed for the sorority house members. Wendy's 'daughters' were not the only children to have enjoyed the Gaia organisation's nurturing benefits. The sorority house was full of girls who had indulged and would continue to do so. Michelle however, was one of only two 'she-males' to arrive that year. The two resident 'cows' at the sorority house had normal arms but their milk contained the same enzymes as Sissy's. This of course did not affect the real girls but it kept the 'she-males' development stable. The Gaia herd now had many different types of 'cows' used for many different purposes. They nearly all looked like normal women except for the magnificent firm breasts that almost leapt out to invite attention. Nervously, Michelle arrived at college and sought out her new home. As she traipsed provocatively up the steps she sensed many sets of eyes settle upon her delightful body. The sensation sent a pulse of anticipation through her loins and she had to pause at the door to 'adjust' herself discreetly. Then she entered the Sorority house for the first time and was greeted by a bevy of beauties who introduced themselves and gave her knowing looks as their eyes invariably fell from her ripe firm breasts to her loose short pleated skirt. After introductions and an afternoon tea, Michelle was introduced to the 'cows' and swiftly inducted into the society. It was with relief that she learned there were others like her who loved the special milk. She grinned hugely as she learned what the sorority's special secret induction ceremony entailed nothing less than a full draining of both 'cows' udders. 'It was going to be home from home,' she reflected. What she did not know was that she was only one of only four 'she-males' in the whole house. One was a senior, one a sophomore and the other was a freshman like herself. After the induction ceremony and introductions Michelle was shown her own room and slumped onto the bed to take a short nap before the campus tour. By early evening, she was woken by the commotion downstairs. She eagerly joined the group and set off on a rather rowdy tour of all the hot spots. It was long gone midnight before the party returned and turned into an all-night session in the common room. During the party, each girl took turns suckling the sorority 'cows' to relieve them of any pain from swollen udders. Michelle learned that there were no milking stalls available in the sorority house and a duty roster of sucklers had to remain in each night to relieve the 'cows'. Michelle gladly fell into the routine and realised as she finally crawled into her bed, that she would spend her college years well nurtured.

Same as Snake, Chapter 13 Videos

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Snake Part 8

Snake 8 ? by: Beverly Taff The next week proved to be hectic for Ellie and Jackie. Ellie had to attend the court hearings in Seattle to recover all her children from Foster care and Jackie was left to run both businesses. Jackie was quite able to do this for she still enjoyed Jack Bentley's former business acumen. However, she would have found the job much easier if it had not been for the sheriff pestering her about her origins. Most women in the town knew about the...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter10

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FAMILY VACATION GONE AWRY(BLACKED)::PART 4Sometime after arriving back at the plantation house all 4 adults each in their own way thinking and contemplating in their minds the events they had just seen and witnessed::Maryellen wanting to go back to Aunt Esters and get her some of that young hot pussy herself:: Irene wanting to go back,and watch,more depraved things,fuck her damn daughter at Esters, and her other daughter being black bull fucked in the massage cabin!! She was afire with lust,...

4 years ago
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Soccer Mom Slave Chapter2

 Brenda watched in the rearview mirror as her Master stepped out of his patrol car. He was an imposing figure in his uniform; six foot two, 210 pounds, wide shoulders and narrow waist and, as always, wearing mirrored sunglasses. He walked up and stood next to her car. Brenda's window was open and he placed both hands on the door. As she looked into his face she could see her reflection in the mirrored sunglasses. She knew why he wore the mirrored shades. He wanted Brenda to see herself as he...

2 years ago
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Rita theSlut Chapter1

Rita was out walking the streets when she just happens to run into a man that makes her a proposition she can't refuse and that was that he wanted her to become his Number 1 slut in his stable of sluts that he owned so she agreed and he took her down town to buy her some new outfits to wear that would show off her very sexy assets!! The first stop was Victoria's secret shop where he picked out several hot and slutty outfits that she liked of which were panty's bra's thigh highs and heels garter...

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter11

Drew opened his eyes. He instantly knew it was still quite early as the sun was not shining into the bedroom yet. He looked at the clock, 5.55am it told him. He felt refreshed as he lay on his back. Dave was cuddled into his right hand side and Fiona's hand was cupping his cock and balls. He was not really comfortable with her doing that. He thought for a moment and then gently lifted her hand off himself. He sat up and looked down the other end of the bed. Fiona had turned over during the...

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My Aunt Chapter2

The maid led me up the broad staircase and along an ornate, timber panelled landing until we reached a large oak door with a very heavy looking black iron handle. She opened the door and stood back to allow me inside. "This is your room, Miss Victoria," she said. I stepped inside and stopped dead in my tracks. The room was huge. There were two large windows in the opposite wall, the top panes of which were stained glass. Between them was the biggest bed I had ever seen. At school I was used...

First Time
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A Pokelove story CHAPTER3

A pokelove storyI do not own the Pokemon characters. This whole story is obviously fictional and of course all characters are over 18. It might involves more or less sexual activities between humans and Pokemons.Chapter 3: the runA few days after we caught Caninos, Ashley was looking all joyful. Every night she locked herself in her room with Caninos and Metamorph. No one except me knew what was making her so happy but she really looked gorgeous. From my room I was hearing it all, night after...

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A Pokelove story CHAPTER2

A pokelove storyI do not own the Pokemon characters. This whole story is obviously fictional and of course all characters are over 18. It might involves more or less sexual activities between humans and PokemonsChapter 2: the huntI was a bit uneasy when meeting with Ashley on the next morning for breakfast. A few hours earlier I was spying on her masturbate with our Metamorph, making it levels up with her orgasm. Without winning a single fight, our pokemon reached LV 32 in a few weeks, which...

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A Pokelove story CHAPTER1

A pokelove storyI do not own the Pokemon characters. This whole story is obviously fictional and of course all characters are over 18. It might involves more or less sexual activities between humans and PokemonsChapter 1Hello, my name is Ben. I guess that to start this story I have to introduce my sweet friend Ashley first. We first met in our old orphanage where we both grew up: two simple abandoned k**s from the region of Hoenn. When we were 18, we both got hired in Team Magma. Boss gave us a...

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Chubbys memoirs chapter2

Stella switched on the recording. I felt a bit uncomfortable watching my mother having sex, or was it that I was feeling jealous to see her being fucked? We saw my mother coming out of the bath room. She walked up to dad. Dad took mom into his arms and held her close to him, for a long time, enjoying the bliss of the embrace. “See brother, my dad is in no hurry. He is taking his time to feel her in his arms. Not in hurry like you.” “Shanty, all the time we dated you did not let me fuck you....

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Only Women Bleed Chapter1

Chapter 1 I guess you could say that I've always been a little bit different. When I was little, Mom always told me that I was unique; A different kind of little boy. And that I was destined for great things. I always believed her too. I wanted to live up to her expectations. I wanted to make her proud. But she never got to see me grow up. When I was eleven years old, she was diagnosed with cancer. By the time I turned twelve she was gone. That was when I started to grow my hair...

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How it came about with my son Chapter3

How it came about with my son: Chapter three:After my son and I came to almost getting caught by my wife, I told my son if he was interested in doing more sometime that we would have to start earlier. He agreed and told me that he would like to take it to a different level. I wasn’t sure what he meant at the time but it wasn’t long before I was going to know what he meant.It was a couple of days later and was about six o’clock in the evening when the phone rang and it was my neighbor. I will...

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Youre my cousin CHAPTER1

It was my first day of my senior year and this will be the best year ever! I tried on multiple outfits, My plaid shirts and skinnies, My tube dress with a cardigan, and at last I found it! A perfect low cut v-neck that showed off my 35c cup breasts and jeggings that hugged my butt perfectly, a grey cardigan, and brown boots! I shake my long curled brown hair grab my bag and went on my way downstairs."Goodmorning Chelsea how about a bowl of cereal?""No thanks mom I gotta go to school. Can you...


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