Penny\'s Cage. free porn video

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"Penny's Cage


???????? "Penny's Cage."


?In the warm, stuffy darkness of the Shed, Penny stirred on her bed of straw, drowsily feeling its familiar prickly scratchiness against her bare skin. She reluctantly opened her eyes to see the first, faint hints of dawn turn the skylights far above her a dim grey. She had enjoyed another of the occasional long and death-like sleeps which came upon her at regular intervals. Sitting up, she raised a front paw and swept back from her face the curtain of tangled, matted hair which had fallen over her eyes. For a moment she wondered when one of her 'Keepers', as she now mentally referred to them, would notice the length of her hair and cut it short as they had once before; or at least tie it back in a pony-tail for her.


?By now there was enough light for her to make her way on all-fours to the corner where her shallow litter-box lay to squat and empty her bladder, and, after relieving herself, she walked, still on all-fours, the tiny distance over to the curved steel trough in which lay the usual inch of murky water.


?Penny lowered her head and drank neatly and efficiently, remembering as she did so her first days in this place. Then she had quenched her thirst by dipping one of her maimed and shapeless hands into the water and licking it off. Since then she had learnt to lap like a dog, aided by a tongue which seemed somehow to be longer and thinner than it had been before she was Taken. She frowned at the thought; she couldn't remember, but surely she hadn't always been able to lick out her nostrils with her tongue? Raising her head, she shook the water from the long hair which had fallen into the trough as she drank.


?Slaking her thirst had its usual effect of increasing her hunger. She glanced up at the nearest skylight and saw that it would be several hours before she was fed her only meal of the day. But Penny was by now used to the hunger which crept upon her only two hours after she'd eaten and which increased steadily until she was fed again. Anyway, she thought hopefully, the Keepers would be passing in and out of the Shed shortly, and some of them might bring her scraps from their morning meals.


?Penny rose to her feet and stood upright for the first time that morning to walk the few feet to the bars of her cage. Pressing her body against the hard, cool steel, she stared out into the dim interior of the Shed as the light steadily grew, her mind going over yet again the circumstances of her Taking, and their subsequence.


?Her abduction had been simple, swift and unnoticed. Penny had been walking down a familiar deserted suburban street in her native town when the car had pulled up silently and smoothly alongside her. Glancing down, Penny saw the worried, smiling face of a motherly-looking middle-aged woman looking up at her, a street-map in her hand. Penny remembered stooping to examine the proffered map, then she'd heard a faint hiss as if of escaping gas, and then nothing until she'd woken up in the cage where she'd been kept ever since. Absently she wondered how long she had been here. With no way of recording the passage of each day, Penny had no knowledge how much time had passed. But her hair, which had been fashionably short when she was Taken, had once grown so long that one of the Keepers had shorn it, and now it was as long again.


?Penny thought back to her awakening on that first day, of her surprise and outrage at finding herself naked in a cage, then of her horror and despair on seeing her maimed hands. People, both male and female, some in farm-workers' clothing and some in the white coats of scientists and technicians, were walking past her cage on all sides. The cage stood in the centre of the floor of a large building, and Penny had crouched sobbing in the middle of the cage as the men and woman passed by on either side at random, occasionally sparing her an indifferent glance as if she was a caged animal.


?It took only a few days for Penny to realise dully that a caged animal was exactly what the people of this place thought of her as; she even discovered that they'd put a collar around her neck. Exploring it as best she could with her now useless hands, she'd decided that she wore an ordinary leather dog-collar ? it even had a name-disc dangling from its 'D' ring ? and it was fastened by a simple buckle and tongue in the traditional manner; a simple method of securing it that she was no more able to circumvent than could the dog it was meant for. She had never seen her collar, of course, but she'd become so used it that she was able to forget she was wearing for long periods.


?Even the door of her cage ? a door which was usually only opened when her litter-box was emptied and refilled ? was fastened by a simple arrangement of sliding bolts. In the early days Penny had spent long hours fumbling with them, sobbing with frustration at the sheer uselessness of the blunt, thick-skinned, insensitive clubs of flesh that the Keepers had made of her hands.


?In those early days she'd tried to plead with her captors, discovering in the process that the only sounds she could now make were soft and breathy whines and whimpers. But the people outside would either ignore her anguish, or, worse, they would stop and stare at her with indifference. But now Penny no longer tried to open the door of her cage, nor to make hopeless appeals for release. It had become only too apparent that the people outside really did consider her a caged animal. They certainly treated her like an animal in a Zoo, caring for her simple needs with an insultingly casual indifference. There was no need to give her water ? somehow they'd arranged that her trough held a constant and unvarying inch of lukewarm liquid ? but they fed her from a bucket on scraps and leftovers, tipping them into her trough and walking away. And what food! At first she'd had to force herself to eat the mess jumbled together in her trough; the remains of apple pies mixed with baked beans and bacon rinds, gritty potato peelings and carrot scrapings, stale bread crusts and soured milk, so much resembling the pig-swill to which she'd contributed the remains of her own meals at school. But now Penny gobbled it down eagerly to? satisfy the aching void in her stomach.


?And yet they weren't cruel to her, they didn't mock her helplessness or stare at her nakedness; in fact, Penny could find no reason whatever why she been abducted and kept here. She had come to believe that this place was some sort of farm where scientific work of some kind was carried out, but, as far as she knew, no experiments of any kind had been carried out on her, and although sometimes she was aware upon waking that she'd enjoyed a sleep of infinite deepness ?like the one she'd just woken from --? she could have no way of knowing whether or not she'd been removed from her cage, experimented upon, and returned.? She remained healthy, her shapely young body, with its firm little breasts and taut buttocks, retained its tone, and her periods came and went with undiminished regularity; the skin of her face and body, despite being unwashed and unbathed since she'd been caged, was soft and smooth under its eternal coating of dirt and by now she'd become accustomed to the sour, pungent reek of her body, even when she sweated during her endless pacing back and forth behind the bars.


?Penny turned her thoughts to the people who visited the Shed, some to fetch and replace various items of agricultural and scientific purpose, and some to work at the keyboards and monitors scattered about on various work-benches along the walls. She had come to know many of them by sight, and she had her favourites amongst them, those who brought her scraps or stayed for a moment to talk softly to her in their incomprehensible language. One of these people was a young woman of Penny's own age to whom Penny had, for some obscure reason, allotted the name 'Lorna'. She would nearly always bring Penny scraps from her breakfast; toast crusts,? fruit peel and cores, and the like, and she always took a mid-morning snack of a sandwich and an apple and throw the apple core to Penny and feed her the tattered crusts of the sandwich on the palm of her hand.


?At first Penny had been deeply embarrassed, and she had writhed inwardly at the humiliating spectacle she presented vis-a-vis the other young woman, the one upright and clothed, her scented skin gleaming with cleanliness, on one side of the bars, and Penny herself, naked and dirty, with a dog-collar around her neck, eating from the clean outstretched palm on all-fours like a dog. But Penny's hunger could never be denied,and she even went so far, in a mood of defiance, to adopt the stance of a begging dog, balancing on the balls of her feet with her legs folded beneath her and her upper body and head raised with her mutilated hands dangling down from her wrists held at the height of her breasts. In this manner she obtained the attention of the passers-by, although it came to possess the drawback that many of them wouldn't feed her at all unless she begged them first.


?Penny turned around and rested her back on the bars to look around at her familiar surroundings. Her cage was quite large (she was not to know that it was the minimum area for an animal of her size, although it totally lacked any area providing the privacy Zoo-keepers now deem necessary for a higher primate like herself) at seven feet wide and high, and eleven feet long. Its stained concrete floor was covered with an inch of chaff, and the heap of straw which was her bed was piled in one corner. Diagonally opposite was her four feet long, two feet wide litter tray, unfortunately sited on the same side as her trough and only three feet from where she must eat and drink. At the far end of the cage, in the corner not occupied by her bed, a chain about a foot long had been welded to the thick corner post some six inches from the floor. The free end of the chain held a simple spring securing clip, of the type used to attach the leashes of dogs to their collars, and it by this that Penny was tethered, as helpless as any chained dog, before her cage door was opened. And she hated the experience. In training her to come and be tethered, the first and only pain had been inflicted upon her and now she obeyed the curt gesture to come to the person standing outside her cage at that corner instantly, dropping to all-fours and holding up her chin at the bars for the chain to be clipped to her collar. That pain, at her first and only refusal, had been the most agonising and intense that she'd ever known, and Penny no longer dared to entertain the least notion of disobedience. Unfortunately for Penny, once she was safely secured and the door opened for her litter-box to cleaned, she was often forgotten by the person who'd tethered her, and she could spend hours on that cruelly short chain until her frantic whimpers attracted someone's attention. But far worse was that her Keepers took this opportunity to examine her skin, possibly for signs of disease owing to her unwashed condition. Then they would run their hands over her body with such an insulting indifference to her sex and nakedness ? as if she was a 'real' animal ? that would make Penny sob with humiliation and rage.


?Penny's attention was caught by the sound of a tractor engine starting in the yard beyond the shed, then by the sounds of approaching footsteps. Eagerly she turned and hugged the bars, staring at the outline of the enormous sliding doors of the Shed, now about to open.


?A flood of sunlight and an inrush of pure, clean air accompanied the opening of the doors and the lights of the shed came on, dazzlingly bright to Penny's eyes. Some forty people of varying sex and ages entered to go about their errands, passing on either side of Penny's cage, mostly ignoring her as she clung to the bars. Some of them were still chewing on fruit, and bread rolls with various fillings, and Penny looked at them in supplication. Two elderly men in white coats stopped by the bars and regarded her with detachment. Penny dropped into a begging position and one of the men, after addressing a brief phrase to his companion, tossed the end of his roll to her. As usual, Penny tried to catch it in her mouth like a dog; as usual, she failed dismally and the thrown morsel struck her upon her left shoulder and fell to the floor. Instantly she went down on her elbows and grubbed about in the straw with her mouth to pick up the scrap of bread and swallow it in a single gulp. The core of the apple the other man had been eating followed, and the two men walked away together.


?People were coming and going all the time now, and Penny stood up and hooked her forearms through the bars to help her step up on to the the lower of the two flat horizontal bars which linked the vertical ones of the cage eighteen inches from the floor and the same distance from the roof. There she looked out into what she could see of the wide yard outside in search of Lorna, completely regardless of the spectacle she presented to the mildly curious gazes of the people walking by her cage.


?Lorna came hurrying across the yard. She was a little late this morning, and the fingers of one hand were fumbling with the buttons of the clean white coat she wore over her short, summery dress while she took huge bites out of the thick sandwich she held in her other hand. A man, evidently superior to her in position, spoke to Lorna irritably as they crossed paths in the wide doorway, and she made some sort of conciliatory reply. Then she was striding past Penny's cage while Penny made little mewing noises to attract her attention and kept pace with her to the end of the cage. At the last moment, Lorna turned and threw the remains of her sandwich into the cage. It separated into two pieces, both of which landed on the dirty floor. Penny pounced on them at once, gobbling them down one after the other and spitting out the tiny pieces of chaff which had stuck to them.


?After swallowing the last fragments, Penny sat up on her haunches like a dog, a position she could now keep for hours without discomfort, and looked about her, licking her nose and chin with her long, sinuous tongue. Though people continued to pass her cage on all sides, as they would do all day long, none of them was eating. With no prospect of begging a further snack, Penny came to all-fours and went to her trough to drink, fully aware of the casual glances being cast on her and ignoring them as she'd trained herself to do. Then she walked, still on all-fours, to the middle of the cage and lay down full-length on her stomach on the prickly chaff. Propping her head on her ruined hands, she stared out into the sunlit yard and waited patiently to be fed.


?Penny's mind went back in time to the early days of her imprisonment. Then she'd spent most of her time curled into a defensive ball on the floor of her cage, and when she was forced to move she did so on all-fours, instinctively seeking to protect the most intimate parts of her naked body from the eyes on any onlookers. Whether knowingly or not, her captors had struck a deep and continuing blow against her morale as a woman by not permitting her the least privacy. Isolated in her cage in the centre of the huge Shed, Penny could never be sure that some of the many people present weren't watching her. The function of the litter-tray was obvious, but using it in the full view of the outsiders had been torture. But she had to use it, and she would squat over it wretchedly, her whole body flushed with shame and embarrassment. But now, after so many days in her cage, Penny emptied her bowels and bladder in their view without the slightest hesitation, even with a certain defiance as though she really was the animal they took her for. She was spared embarrassment to some extent by the obvious lack of sexual interest in her displayed by the men who stared at her, and she even found herself harbouring a slight resentment at their indifference to her as a woman. Sometimes she even wondered if her body had been altered in some grotesque way without her knowledge, but a brief examination would always confirm that she still possessed the same trim and attractive figure she'd attained in her late 'teens, some four years ago. And then there was the expression in their eyes when they looked at her. She had seen it before, this expression, and she'd even worn it herself, and she knew where she'd noticed it for the first time. Her thoughts went back to that day at the Zoo when she'd been standing amongst a small crowd of people staring at some animal in its cage. She'd raised her eyes for some reason, and she'd seen in the eyes of the other human beings that same expression with which she was now regarded, a mixture of mild curiosity and the unconscious superiority of human beings towards a caged beast.


?Penny stirred restlessly. Coming to a sudden decision, she stood up and walked to the bars nearest her where she climbed on to the lower transverse bar and began to walk upon it, moving each hooked fore-arm around the bars in turnas she made her way around her cage.


?Exercising her body, either by this method or by pacing back and forth, was now for Penny, just as for any other caged animal, virtually her sole diversion. (Although she did have a soft toy, a stuffed rabbit someone had given her, and which she kept hidden under the straw of her bed. Occasionally she would disinter it and play with it, batting it from one front 'paw' to the other, or taking it in her teeth and throwing it up in the air with a practiced flick of her head and neck.)


?Clambering around her cage in this fashion attracted much more attention to her; people would watch her for minutes at a time, smiling almost tenderly, pleased that their captive animal was enjoying itself, as Penny often thought with a certain bitterness.


?Finally, the muscles of her arms and thighs aching with exhaustion, Penny stepped down onto the floor where she found she had ended her exercise at the same time as the mid-morning break.


?All around her cage, the denizens of the Shed were leaving their keyboards and workbenches and streaming past her to stand in the sunlight outside in the yard where a large tea-urn on wheels had appeared. Penny watched them enviously; she hadn't felt sunlight on her face all the time she'd been kept here, and she was given nothing but water to drink. Lorna came by; she had her little snack with her, and she fetched a mug of tea and pulled up a stool to eat and drink by Penny's cage.


?Two feet away on the other side of the bars, Penny sat like a dog in the straw and watched the other young woman at her meal. First, after a gulp of tea, Lorna took a small pocket-knife and pared her apple neatly, succeeding in detaching the peel in one long spiral. She smiled in self-congratulation, and Penny shifted eagerly. Lorna tossed the apple peel through the bars, and Penny fell on it.


?The core of the apple followed in due course, and Penny took it from the floor in her mouth and crunched it down before taking up her sitting position and watching Lorna eat her sandwich.


?Lorna smiled into the wistfully pleading eyes of the caged woman. Tearing a scrap from her sandwich, she leaned forward and proffered it on the palm of her hand. The caged woman came to all-fours and lowered her head to take the morsel in her mouth neatly and without touching the clean, pink flesh with her lips.


?The process was repeated until the sandwich was eaten. Lorna stood and showed the other woman her empty hands before extending a hand through the bars and patting her on the crown of her head. Taking her stool she walked off to her work-station, followed by the creature on the far side of the bars until she was prevented from going any further.


?Penny sat again and licked her lips, still enjoying the taste of the sandwich filling. Then she sent to squat over her litter-box, ignoring the glances of the people now streaming back into the Shed to resume their work.


?Afterwards she lapped some water, than went to sit in the corner of her cage nearest the door. There she gazed across the yard at the far wall where the big waste food bins stood, willing the appearance of the farm-workers who would take them away and return later to feed her.


?Penny had not long to wait before a tractor and trailer pulled up by the bins, and the two men riding upon the trailer jumped down and wrestled the swill-bins up on to the load bed. They re-mounted the trailer, the young girl driver revved the engine, and the combination rumbled away out of Penny's sight.


?It wouldn't be long before she was fed now, and hunger raged in her stomach. The few scraps she'd begged or been given had done nothing to assuage it; on the contrary, they'd tended to increase it. She found her mouth watering, saliva drooling from her slightly-parted lips.


?Penny waited patiently, picturing in her mind the pig-sties where the tractor now stood, the bins on its trailer being emptied into their troughs. She had no idea if this was indeed the case, or if the pigs really existed. But this place was, after all, a farm, and she fancied she'd heard the sounds of squealing pigs and lowing cattle in the past, even though the only animals she'd yet seen were dogs and the occasional cat.

Her food would be brought to her in a bucket when the imaginary pigs had been fed, and she thought that it would be composed of the scraps remaining the bins, judging by its usual variety. But Penny didn't care about that; she would eat the mixture, whatever it was. She continued to sit, her eyes fixed on the yard, until a figure carrying a bucket came into view.


?Penny came to all-fours in anticipation. The slight figure of the young girl-driver walked briskly around the cage, the bucket dangling from her hand, and Penny followed on the other side of the bars to her trough where she sat and looked down at it, licking the saliva from her lips and chin.


?The bucket clanged against the bars, and the mess inside it slithered between them into the trough. Penny's head was already lowered even as the last scraps fell into the trough, and she gobbled down the food hastily, ignoring the long, heavy curtain of her hair which fell from either side of her head and draped itself over the contents of her trough.


?She ignored, too, the glances of the people around her cage, whose attention had been caught by the clang on the bucket on the bars, and even the stares of the three people ? two men and a woman, for she could see their feet just beyond the bars whenever she lifted her head to choke down another mouthful of food ? who had stopped to watch her eat.


?Penny, once the edge of her appetite had been blunted, ate more slowly. Now she had the time and the inclination to see what she'd been fed, though it would make little difference. The people had eaten a salad last night, she thought, for there was lettuce dressed with vinegar and oil, and cucumber, and sliced tomatoes. There had chocolate cake too, and the rinds of cheese; and then some of the remains of their breakfast, for there were bacon rinds and half-eaten sausage, and sticky baked beans, and segments of fried tomato, soft and greasy. Porridge had been served too, she noted, as it usually was, and there was milk-sodden breakfast cereal mixed in. She ate everything, irrespective of what it was, as she'd learned to do, and when she raised her head for the last time she belched noisily, walked off to her bed and snuggled down into the straw.


?This had become a familiar routine; after eating, she would take a brief nap to help digest her heavy meal. And then, when she woke, she would empty her bowels in her litter-box.


?All around her the work of the establishment went on; people passed her cage on all sides, many glancing down at Penny where she sprawled in her straw, but she slept on regardless.


?Lunchtime came, and most people left the Shed for the refectory, but a group of Bridge addicts, disdaining mere food, dragged up chairs and a table to the doorway and began a rubber.


?Penny stirred on her bed. She rose to all-fours, took a few paces towards the middle of her cage, then stretched and yawned. She shook her head violently, send her long, tangled, matted hair swirling about her shoulders and feeling her collar sliding around her throat. The increasing pressure in her colon sent her to the litter-box where she squatted and relieved herself noisily. She took a drink from the trough, then walked on all-fours over to the bars to sit and watch the card-players.


?Time passed; the work resumed, and Penny watched absently. She was about to get to her feet and take some exercise when there came a diversion, followed quickly by another.


?Penny didn't notice the arrival of the dog, a large and handsome Red Setter, until it sat down next to the bars and looked at her with mild interest. She had seen it often before, and she came to all-fours and walked over to it, hoping to be able to stretch an arm through the bars and pet it. But it was just out of her reach, and she sat and looked at it, staring into its deep brown eyes with her own blue ones.


?It was at these times that Penny would make depressing comparisons between her own condition and that of the dogs. Like them she wore nothing but a collar around her neck; unlike them she was penned in the few square feet of her cage. She envied them their freedom; limited as it undoubtedly was, to move around the place at will. She wondered where they were kept, imagining the row of kennels to which hey were chained at nights, and she envied that too. The dog grew bored, and walked slowly away, out of the shed and into the yard, followed by Penny's wistful gaze.


?Hearing a sharp, short phrase of command, Penny turned her head to see the girl who had fed her standing by the corner bar to which the short tether chain was attached. Resignedly, Penny trotted over to the corner and lifted her head. The girl stooped, picked up the free end of the chain, and clipped it to her collar before moving away.


?Penny stood patiently in her cramped position, her head almost wedged into the corner making it impossible for her to turn it more than a few inches to either side. Behind her she heard the click of bolts on the cage door being slid back, and then the slither of leather boots through straw. Penny's collar was grasped firmly at the nape of her neck, and she saw the girl's check-shirted fore-arm and the large pair of scissors in her hand. Then her hair was cut short, raggedly and unevenly, the dirty tresses falling to the floor about her hands, Finally she felt the girl stroke her back reassuringly and then heard her departure. But she didn't hear the cage door being closed, and she continued to stand where she was tethered, waiting for whatever came next.


?The brief but thorough examination of her skin began. Although she'd often endured it, she could never bring herself to get used to the impersonal way she was handled, at best like an animal, at worst like some inanimate object. The capable male fingers, sheathed in thin plastic gloves, roamed over her body, concentrating on her back and buttocks, and the backs of her thighs. Penny concealed her anger and revulsion as her thighs were gently parted and the fingers probed the tender flesh just below her vagina, searching for signs of irritation of her skin. This was of the very few remaining occasions in which she was still capable of feeling humiliated, a humiliation made deeper by the insulting lack of sexual interest in her body shown by her young male examiner. Finally the inspection ended, and Penny was left to herself. But the door remained open, and she wondered dully if some new humiliation was about to be inflicted upon her.


?Still she stood there, hopelessly trapped by her short chain, until her attention was diverted by the appearance of a dog, a different dog from the previous one, but a dog she'd seen often before.


?The big black Labrador looked at her for a few moments, then extended its narrow muzzle through the bars and licked her face. Then it trotted out of her sight. And then, to Penny's horrified disbelief, she heard the quick scuffle of its feet crossing her cage towards her.


?The dog, obviously intrigued by the rich smell of her unwashed body, probed her armpit with its cool, damp nose. It licked her right breast, then turned its attention to the cleft of her buttocks. Penny could feel the dog's hot breath on her skin, but she was too afraid of its sharp teeth to lash out with her legs and feet to try to shoo it away. Its nose probed between her thighs, high up where they joined her body, and Penny groaned softly with disgust and humiliation.


?Then, to her immense relief, she heard quick footsteps from behind and a curt command. The dog withdrew; seconds later she saw it run past her and out into the yard. Then the unseen person behind her slapped her painfully hard on the rump, partially disguising the sharp sting of the needle entering her flesh.


?A few moments passed, and Penny became aware of a growing lassitude and euphoria. She hardly felt the coldness of the antiseptic being rubbed on the skin at the rear of her left thigh, nor the prick of the needle inserted into a vein. A few minutes later the needle was withdrawn, the person left the cage, and the door was bolted shut. Penny's chain was detached; too sleepy to move far away, she lay down and fell into a drugged sleep.


?The mid-afternoon tea break was long over when Penny woke. Feeling remarkably alert and full of energy, she took a drink then climbed up on to the transverse bar and began clambering around her cage, ignoring the amused glances from the various people around her.


?Even when her arms and thighs were aching under the strain, Penny was not content. The working day was over, and people were streaming out of the Shed when she began to pace restlessly back and forth in her cage.


?The Shed gradually entered until only Lorna was left. After an interval, the young woman leaned back in her chair and stretched. Then she checked her monitor before saving her work. Putting her computer on 'Stand By', she rose to her feet and walked towards the wide doors of the Shed, eager for a cup of tea and a shower. The woman in the cage stopped her endless pacing and fell to all fours to butt her newly-shorn head softly against the bars in a bid to attract Lorna's attention.


?Lorna stopped by the bars and looked down at the other woman's bare, dirty back, an odd expression of tenderness mixed with pity on her face. Stooping, she began to scratch the other woman behind her ears and at the the hair-line just above her leather collar, wrinkling her nose at the rank smell of her body.


??? ?Poor thing!? she said to the uncomprehending ears. ?Perhaps it was a good idea they insisted we trained ourselves to think of you as an animal. We wouldn't have been able to treat you like this, nor to do what we've done to you, if we hadn't. I wonder when you'll find out we made you pregnant a fortnight ago??


?Lorna continued to pet the other woman, now wriggling like a dog in ecstasy under her fingers. With pity in her voice, she went on speaking.


???? ?You'll have the best of medical care, of course; and the labour and delivery will be quick and easy. The heads of the creatures you are carrying will be smaller and more streamlined than the heads of fully human babies; I wonder what you will make of your offspring, half with your own genes, and half with the genes of the male donor of another species??


?She fell silent again, trying to imagine her own reactions on giving birth to two such creatures as she knew were in the early stages of development in the other woman's womb. Lorna shuddered, then continued her soliloquy.


??? ?Your children will be healthy, for you are a young and healthy animal, and they will grow much more quickly than purely human babies. The Prof. is confident that you will suckle them; he relies upon the deep maternal instinct of mammals. And I expect you will, too. He already speaks of breeding from you every eighteen months or so, and expects to be able to do so for another twenty years or more. You will become a very valuable animal to him, and to Medical Research in general. If all goes well, you shall help to save the lives of thousands of people, all over the world.?


?Lorna gave a final sigh. She patted the woman's back high up between her shoulder blades and withdrew. Her last sight of the caged woman was of her sitting in the corner of her cage, staring up through the bars at her in entreaty. Then Lorna turned off the lights and slid shut the Shed doors, securing them behind her.


?Left alone in her cage in the evening dimness of the great Shed, Penny sat and looked at the closed doors for a long time. She went to urinate, and continued her pacing up and down until it was quite dark.Then she dropped to all-fours and walked to the heap of straw in the corner. She lay down and fell swiftly into a deep sleep.


?And so passed another of the long days for Penny in her cage; the cage which had become her whole world, and which her subconscious mind had already concluded that she would never leave.






???????? "Penny's Cage."


?In the warm, stuffy darkness of the Shed, Penny stirred on her bed of straw, drowsily feeling its familiar prickly scratchiness against her bare skin. She reluctantly opened her eyes to see the first, faint hints of dawn turn the skylights far above her a dim grey. She had enjoyed another of the occasional long and death-like sleeps which came upon her at regular intervals. Sitting up, she raised a front paw and swept back from her face the curtain of tangled, matted hair which had fallen over her eyes. For a moment she wondered when one of her 'Keepers', as she now mentally referred to them, would notice the length of her hair and cut it short as they had once before; or at least tie it back in a pony-tail for her.


?By now there was enough light for her to make her way on all-fours to the corner where her shallow litter-box lay to squat and empty her bladder, and, after relieving herself, she walked, still on all-fours, the tiny distance over to the curved steel trough in which lay the usual inch of murky water.


?Penny lowered her head and drank neatly and efficiently, remembering as she did so her first days in this place. Then she had quenched her thirst by dipping one of her maimed and shapeless hands into the water and licking it off. Since then she had learnt to lap like a dog, aided by a tongue which seemed somehow to be longer and thinner than it had been before she was Taken. She frowned at the thought; she couldn't remember, but surely she hadn't always been able to lick out her nostrils with her tongue? Raising her head, she shook the water from the long hair which had fallen into the trough as she drank.


?Slaking her thirst had its usual effect of increasing her hunger. She glanced up at the nearest skylight and saw that it would be several hours before she was fed her only meal of the day. But Penny was by now used to the hunger which crept upon her only two hours after she'd eaten and which increased steadily until she was fed again. Anyway, she thought hopefully, the Keepers would be passing in and out of the Shed shortly, and some of them might bring her scraps from their morning meals.


?Penny rose to her feet and stood upright for the first time that morning to walk the few feet to the bars of her cage. Pressing her body against the hard, cool steel, she stared out into the dim interior of the Shed as the light steadily grew, her mind going over yet again the circumstances of her Taking, and their subsequence.


?Her abduction had been simple, swift and unnoticed. Penny had been walking down a familiar deserted suburban street in her native town when the car had pulled up silently and smoothly alongside her. Glancing down, Penny saw the worried, smiling face of a motherly-looking middle-aged woman looking up at her, a street-map in her hand. Penny remembered stooping to examine the proffered map, then she'd heard a faint hiss as if of escaping gas, and then nothing until she'd woken up in the cage where she'd been kept ever since. Absently she wondered how long she had been here. With no way of recording the passage of each day, Penny had no knowledge how much time had passed. But her hair, which had been fashionably short when she was Taken, had once grown so long that one of the Keepers had shorn it, and now it was as long again.


?Penny thought back to her awakening on that first day, of her surprise and outrage at finding herself naked in a cage, then of her horror and despair on seeing her maimed hands. People, both male and female, some in farm-workers' clothing and some in the white coats of scientists and technicians, were walking past her cage on all sides. The cage stood in the centre of the floor of a large building, and Penny had crouched sobbing in the middle of the cage as the men and woman passed by on either side at random, occasionally sparing her an indifferent glance as if she was a caged animal.


?It took only a few days for Penny to realise dully that a caged animal was exactly what the people of this place thought of her as; she even discovered that they'd put a collar around her neck. Exploring it as best she could with her now useless hands, she'd decided that she wore an ordinary leather dog-collar ? it even had a name-disc dangling from its 'D' ring ? and it was fastened by a simple buckle and tongue in the traditional manner; a simple method of securing it that she was no more able to circumvent than could the dog it was meant for. She had never seen her collar, of course, but she'd become so used it that she was able to forget she was wearing for long periods.


?Even the door of her cage ? a door which was usually only opened when her litter-box was emptied and refilled ? was fastened by a simple arrangement of sliding bolts. In the early days Penny had spent long hours fumbling with them, sobbing with frustration at the sheer uselessness of the blunt, thick-skinned, insensitive clubs of flesh that the Keepers had made of her hands.


?In those early days she'd tried to plead with her captors, discovering in the process that the only sounds she could now make were soft and breathy whines and whimpers. But the people outside would either ignore her anguish, or, worse, they would stop and stare at her with indifference. But now Penny no longer tried to open the door of her cage, nor to make hopeless appeals for release. It had become only too apparent that the people outside really did consider her a caged animal. They certainly treated her like an animal in a Zoo, caring for her simple needs with an insultingly casual indifference. There was no need to give her water ? somehow they'd arranged that her trough held a constant and unvarying inch of lukewarm liquid ? but they fed her from a bucket on scraps and leftovers, tipping them into her trough and walking away. And what food! At first she'd had to force herself to eat the mess jumbled together in her trough; the remains of apple pies mixed with baked beans and bacon rinds, gritty potato peelings and carrot scrapings, stale bread crusts and soured milk, so much resembling the pig-swill to which she'd contributed the remains of her own meals at school. But now Penny gobbled it down eagerly to? satisfy the aching void in her stomach.


?And yet they weren't cruel to her, they didn't mock her helplessness or stare at her nakedness; in fact, Penny could find no reason whatever why she been abducted and kept here. She had come to believe that this place was some sort of farm where scientific work of some kind was carried out, but, as far as she knew, no experiments of any kind had been carried out on her, and although sometimes she was aware upon waking that she'd enjoyed a sleep of infinite deepness ?like the one she'd just woken from --? she could have no way of knowing whether or not she'd been removed from her cage, experimented upon, and returned.? She remained healthy, her shapely young body, with its firm little breasts and taut buttocks, retained its tone, and her periods came and went with undiminished regularity; the skin of her face and body, despite being unwashed and unbathed since she'd been caged, was soft and smooth under its eternal coating of dirt and by now she'd become accustomed to the sour, pungent reek of her body, even when she sweated during her endless pacing back and forth behind the bars.


?Penny turned her thoughts to the people who visited the Shed, some to fetch and replace various items of agricultural and scientific purpose, and some to work at the keyboards and monitors scattered about on various work-benches along the walls. She had come to know many of them by sight, and she had her favourites amongst them, those who brought her scraps or stayed for a moment to talk softly to her in their incomprehensible language. One of these people was a young woman of Penny's own age to whom Penny had, for some obscure reason, allotted the name 'Lorna'. She would nearly always bring Penny scraps from her breakfast; toast crusts,? fruit peel and cores, and the like, and she always took a mid-morning snack of a sandwich and an apple and throw the apple core to Penny and feed her the tattered crusts of the sandwich on the palm of her hand.


?At first Penny had been deeply embarrassed, and she had writhed inwardly at the humiliating spectacle she presented vis-a-vis the other young woman, the one upright and clothed, her scented skin gleaming with cleanliness, on one side of the bars, and Penny herself, naked and dirty, with a dog-collar around her neck, eating from the clean outstretched palm on all-fours like a dog. But Penny's hunger could never be denied,and she even went so far, in a mood of defiance, to adopt the stance of a begging dog, balancing on the balls of her feet with her legs folded beneath her and her upper body and head raised with her mutilated hands dangling down from her wrists held at the height of her breasts. In this manner she obtained the attention of the passers-by, although it came to possess the drawback that many of them wouldn't feed her at all unless she begged them first.


?Penny turned around and rested her back on the bars to look around at her familiar surroundings. Her cage was quite large (she was not to know that it was the minimum area for an animal of her size, although it totally lacked any area providing the privacy Zoo-keepers now deem necessary for a higher primate like herself) at seven feet wide and high, and eleven feet long. Its stained concrete floor was covered with an inch of chaff, and the heap of straw which was her bed was piled in one corner. Diagonally opposite was her four feet long, two feet wide litter tray, unfortunately sited on the same side as her trough and only three feet from where she must eat and drink. At the far end of the cage, in the corner not occupied by her bed, a chain about a foot long had been welded to the thick corner post some six inches from the floor. The free end of the chain held a simple spring securing clip, of the type used to attach the leashes of dogs to their collars, and it by this that Penny was tethered, as helpless as any chained dog, before her cage door was opened. And she hated the experience. In training her to come and be tethered, the first and only pain had been inflicted upon her and now she obeyed the curt gesture to come to the person standing outside her cage at that corner instantly, dropping to all-fours and holding up her chin at the bars for the chain to be clipped to her collar. That pain, at her first and only refusal, had been the most agonising and intense that she'd ever known, and Penny no longer dared to entertain the least notion of disobedience. Unfortunately for Penny, once she was safely secured and the door opened for her litter-box to cleaned, she was often forgotten by the person who'd tethered her, and she could spend hours on that cruelly short chain until her frantic whimpers attracted someone's attention. But far worse was that her Keepers took this opportunity to examine her skin, possibly for signs of disease owing to her unwashed condition. Then they would run their hands over her body with such an insulting indifference to her sex and nakedness ? as if she was a 'real' animal ? that would make Penny sob with humiliation and rage.


?Penny's attention was caught by the sound of a tractor engine starting in the yard beyond the shed, then by the sounds of approaching footsteps. Eagerly she turned and hugged the bars, staring at the outline of the enormous sliding doors of the Shed, now about to open.


?A flood of sunlight and an inrush of pure, clean air accompanied the opening of the doors and the lights of the shed came on, dazzlingly bright to Penny's eyes. Some forty people of varying sex and ages entered to go about their errands, passing on either side of Penny's cage, mostly ignoring her as she clung to the bars. Some of them were still chewing on fruit, and bread rolls with various fillings, and Penny looked at them in supplication. Two elderly men in white coats stopped by the bars and regarded her with detachment. Penny dropped into a begging position and one of the men, after addressing a brief phrase to his companion, tossed the end of his roll to her. As usual, Penny tried to catch it in her mouth like a dog; as usual, she failed dismally and the thrown morsel struck her upon her left shoulder and fell to the floor. Instantly she went down on her elbows and grubbed about in the straw with her mouth to pick up the scrap of bread and swallow it in a single gulp. The core of the apple the other man had been eating followed, and the two men walked away together.


?People were coming and going all the time now, and Penny stood up and hooked her forearms through the bars to help her step up on to the the lower of the two flat horizontal bars which linked the vertical ones of the cage eighteen inches from the floor and the same distance from the roof. There she looked out into what she could see of the wide yard outside in search of Lorna, completely regardless of the spectacle she presented to the mildly curious gazes of the people walking by her cage.


?Lorna came hurrying across the yard. She was a little late this morning, and the fingers of one hand were fumbling with the buttons of the clean white coat she wore over her short, summery dress while she took huge bites out of the thick sandwich she held in her other hand. A man, evidently superior to her in position, spoke to Lorna irritably as they crossed paths in the wide doorway, and she made some sort of conciliatory reply. Then she was striding past Penny's cage while Penny made little mewing noises to attract her attention and kept pace with her to the end of the cage. At the last moment, Lorna turned and threw the remains of her sandwich into the cage. It separated into two pieces, both of which landed on the dirty floor. Penny pounced on them at once, gobbling them down one after the other and spitting out the tiny pieces of chaff which had stuck to them.


?After swallowing the last fragments, Penny sat up on her haunches like a dog, a position she could now keep for hours without discomfort, and looked about her, licking her nose and chin with her long, sinuous tongue. Though people continued to pass her cage on all sides, as they would do all day long, none of them was eating. With no prospect of begging a further snack, Penny came to all-fours and went to her trough to drink, fully aware of the casual glances being cast on her and ignoring them as she'd trained herself to do. Then she walked, still on all-fours, to the middle of the cage and lay down full-length on her stomach on the prickly chaff. Propping her head on her ruined hands, she stared out into the sunlit yard and waited patiently to be fed.


?Penny's mind went back in time to the early days of her imprisonment. Then she'd spent most of her time curled into a defensive ball on the floor of her cage, and when she was forced to move she did so on all-fours, instinctively seeking to protect the most intimate parts of her naked body from the eyes on any onlookers. Whether knowingly or not, her captors had struck a deep and continuing blow against her morale as a woman by not permitting her the least privacy. Isolated in her cage in the centre of the huge Shed, Penny could never be sure that some of the many people present weren't watching her. The function of the litter-tray was obvious, but using it in the full view of the outsiders had been torture. But she had to use it, and she would squat over it wretchedly, her whole body flushed with shame and embarrassment. But now, after so many days in her cage, Penny emptied her bowels and bladder in their view without the slightest hesitation, even with a certain defiance as though she really was the animal they took her for. She was spared embarrassment to some extent by the obvious lack of sexual interest in her displayed by the men who stared at her, and she even found herself harbouring a slight resentment at their indifference to her as a woman. Sometimes she even wondered if her body had been altered in some grotesque way without her knowledge, but a brief examination would always confirm that she still possessed the same trim and attractive figure she'd attained in her late 'teens, some four years ago. And then there was the expression in their eyes when they looked at her. She had seen it before, this expression, and she'd even worn it herself, and she knew where she'd noticed it for the first time. Her thoughts went back to that day at the Zoo when she'd been standing amongst a small crowd of people staring at some animal in its cage. She'd raised her eyes for some reason, and she'd seen in the eyes of the other human beings that same expression with which she was now regarded, a mixture of mild curiosity and the unconscious superiority of human beings towards a caged beast.


?Penny stirred restlessly. Coming to a sudden decision, she stood up and walked to the bars nearest her where she climbed on to the lower transverse bar and began to walk upon it, moving each hooked fore-arm around the bars in turnas she made her way around her cage.


?Exercising her body, either by this method or by pacing back and forth, was now for Penny, just as for any other caged animal, virtually her sole diversion. (Although she did have a soft toy, a stuffed rabbit someone had given her, and which she kept hidden under the straw of her bed. Occasionally she would disinter it and play with it, batting it from one front 'paw' to the other, or taking it in her teeth and throwing it up in the air with a practiced flick of her head and neck.)


?Clambering around her cage in this fashion attracted much more attention to her; people would watch her for minutes at a time, smiling almost tenderly, pleased that their captive animal was enjoying itself, as Penny often thought with a certain bitterness.


?Finally, the muscles of her arms and thighs aching with exhaustion, Penny stepped down onto the floor where she found she had ended her exercise at the same time as the mid-morning break.


?All around her cage, the denizens of the Shed were leaving their keyboards and workbenches and streaming past her to stand in the sunlight outside in the yard where a large tea-urn on wheels had appeared. Penny watched them enviously; she hadn't felt sunlight on her face all the time she'd been kept here, and she was given nothing but water to drink. Lorna came by; she had her little snack with her, and she fetched a mug of tea and pulled up a stool to eat and drink by Penny's cage.


?Two feet away on the other side of the bars, Penny sat like a dog in the straw and watched the other young woman at her meal. First, after a gulp of tea, Lorna took a small pocket-knife and pared her apple neatly, succeeding in detaching the peel in one long spiral. She smiled in self-congratulation, and Penny shifted eagerly. Lorna tossed the apple peel through the bars, and Penny fell on it.


?The core of the apple followed in due course, and Penny took it from the floor in her mouth and crunched it down before taking up her sitting position and watching Lorna eat her sandwich.


?Lorna smiled into the wistfully pleading eyes of the caged woman. Tearing a scrap from her sandwich, she leaned forward and proffered it on the palm of her hand. The caged woman came to all-fours and lowered her head to take the morsel in her mouth neatly and without touching the clean, pink flesh with her lips.


?The process was repeated until the sandwich was eaten. Lorna stood and showed the other woman her empty hands before extending a hand through the bars and patting her on the crown of her head. Taking her stool she walked off to her work-station, followed by the creature on the far side of the bars until she was prevented from going any further.


?Penny sat again and licked her lips, still enjoying the taste of the sandwich filling. Then she sent to squat over her litter-box, ignoring the glances of the people now streaming back into the Shed to resume their work.


?Afterwards she lapped some water, than went to sit in the corner of her cage nearest the door. There she gazed across the yard at the far wall where the big waste food bins stood, willing the appearance of the farm-workers who would take them away and return later to feed her.


?Penny had not long to wait before a tractor and trailer pulled up by the bins, and the two men riding upon the trailer jumped down and wrestled the swill-bins up on to the load bed. They re-mounted the trailer, the young girl driver revved the engine, and the combination rumbled away out of Penny's sight.


?It wouldn't be long before she was fed now, and hunger raged in her stomach. The few scraps she'd begged or been given had done nothing to assuage it; on the contrary, they'd tended to increase it. She found her mouth watering, saliva drooling from her slightly-parted lips.


?Penny waited patiently, picturing in her mind the pig-sties where the tractor now stood, the bins on its trailer being emptied into their troughs. She had no idea if this was indeed the case, or if the pigs really existed. But this place was, after all, a farm, and she fancied she'd heard the sounds of squealing pigs and lowing cattle in the past, even though the only animals she'd yet seen were dogs and the occasional cat.

Her food would be brought to her in a bucket when the imaginary pigs had been fed, and she thought that it would be composed of the scraps remaining the bins, judging by its usual variety. But Penny didn't care about that; she would eat the mixture, whatever it was. She continued to sit, her eyes fixed on the yard, until a figure carrying a bucket came into view.


?Penny came to all-fours in anticipation. The slight figure of the young girl-driver walked briskly around the cage, the bucket dangling from her hand, and Penny followed on the other side of the bars to her trough where she sat and looked down at it, licking the saliva from her lips and chin.


?The bucket clanged against the bars, and the mess inside it slithered between them into the trough. Penny's head was already lowered even as the last scraps fell into the trough, and she gobbled down the food hastily, ignoring the long, heavy curtain of her hair which fell from either side of her head and draped itself over the contents of her trough.


?She ignored, too, the glances of the people around her cage, whose attention had been caught by the clang on the bucket on the bars, and even the stares of the three people ? two men and a woman, for she could see their feet just beyond the bars whenever she lifted her head to choke down another mouthful of food ? who had stopped to watch her eat.


?Penny, once the edge of her appetite had been blunted, ate more slowly. Now she had the time and the inclination to see what she'd been fed, though it would make little difference. The people had eaten a salad last night, she thought, for there was lettuce dressed with vinegar and oil, and cucumber, and sliced tomatoes. There had chocolate cake too, and the rinds of cheese; and then some of the remains of their breakfast, for there were bacon rinds and half-eaten sausage, and sticky baked beans, and segments of fried tomato, soft and greasy. Porridge had been served too, she noted, as it usually was, and there was milk-sodden breakfast cereal mixed in. She ate everything, irrespective of what it was, as she'd learned to do, and when she raised her head for the last time she belched noisily, walked off to her bed and snuggled down into the straw.


?This had become a familiar routine; after eating, she would take a brief nap to help digest her heavy meal. And then, when she woke, she would empty her bowels in her litter-box.


?All around her the work of the establishment went on; people passed her cage on all sides, many glancing down at Penny where she sprawled in her straw, but she slept on regardless.


?Lunchtime came, and most people left the Shed for the refectory, but a group of Bridge addicts, disdaining mere food, dragged up chairs and a table to the doorway and began a rubber.


?Penny stirred on her bed. She rose to all-fours, took a few paces towards the middle of her cage, then stretched and yawned. She shook her head violently, send her long, tangled, matted hair swirling about her shoulders and feeling her collar sliding around her throat. The increasing pressure in her colon sent her to the litter-box where she squatted and relieved herself noisily. She took a drink from the trough, then walked on all-fours over to the bars to sit and watch the card-players.


?Time passed; the work resumed, and Penny watched absently. She was about to get to her feet and take some exercise when there came a diversion, followed quickly by another.


?Penny didn't notice the arrival of the dog, a large and handsome Red Setter, until it sat down next to the bars and looked at her with mild interest. She had seen it often before, and she came to all-fours and walked over to it, hoping to be able to stretch an arm through the bars and pet it. But it was just out of her reach, and she sat and looked at it, staring into its deep brown eyes with her own blue ones.


?It was at these times that Penny would make depressing comparisons between her own condition and that of the dogs. Like them she wore nothing but a collar around her neck; unlike them she was penned in the few square feet of her cage. She envied them their freedom; limited as it undoubtedly was, to move around the place at will. She wondered where they were kept, imagining the row of kennels to which hey were chained at nights, and she envied that too. The dog grew bored, and walked slowly away, out of the shed and into the yard, followed by Penny's wistful gaze.


?Hearing a sharp, short phrase of command, Penny turned her head to see the girl who had fed her standing by the corner bar to which the short tether chain was attached. Resignedly, Penny trotted over to the corner and lifted her head. The girl stooped, picked up the free end of the chain, and clipped it to her collar before moving away.


?Penny stood patiently in her cramped position, her head almost wedged into the corner making it impossible for her to turn it more than a few inches to either side. Behind her she heard the click of bolts on the cage door being slid back, and then the slither of leather boots through straw. Penny's collar was grasped firmly at the nape of her neck, and she saw the girl's check-shirted fore-arm and the large pair of scissors in her hand. Then her hair was cut short, raggedly and unevenly, the dirty tresses falling to the floor about her hands, Finally she felt the girl stroke her back reassuringly and then heard her departure. But she didn't hear the cage door being closed, and she continued to stand where she was tethered, waiting for whatever came next.


?The brief but thorough examination of her skin began. Although she'd often endured it, she could never bring herself to get used to the impersonal way she was handled, at best like an animal, at worst like some inanimate object. The capable male fingers, sheathed in thin plastic gloves, roamed over her body, concentrating on her back and buttocks, and the backs of her thighs. Penny concealed her anger and revulsion as her thighs were gently parted and the fingers probed the tender flesh just below her vagina, searching for signs of irritation of her skin. This was of the very few remaining occasions in which she was still capable of feeling humiliated, a humiliation made deeper by the insulting lack of sexual interest in her body shown by her young male examiner. Finally the inspection ended, and Penny was left to herself. But the door remained open, and she wondered dully if some new humiliation was about to be inflicted upon her.


?Still she stood there, hopelessly trapped by her short chain, until her attention was diverted by the appearance of a dog, a different dog from the previous one, but a dog she'd seen often before.


?The big black Labrador looked at her for a few moments, then extended its narrow muzzle through the bars and licked her face. Then it trotted out of her sight. And then, to Penny's horrified disbelief, she heard the quick scuffle of its feet crossing her cage towards her.


?The dog, obviously intrigued by the rich smell of her unwashed body, probed her armpit with its cool, damp nose. It licked her right breast, then turned its attention to the cleft of her buttocks. Penny could feel the dog's hot breath on her skin, but she was too afraid of its sharp teeth to lash out with her legs and feet to try to shoo it away. Its nose probed between her thighs, high up where they joined her body, and Penny groaned softly with disgust and humiliation.


?Then, to her immense relief, she heard quick footsteps from behind and a curt command. The dog withdrew; seconds later she saw it run past her and out into the yard. Then the unseen person behind her slapped her painfully hard on the rump, partially disguising the sharp sting of the needle entering her flesh.


?A few moments passed, and Penny became aware of a growing lassitude and euphoria. She hardly felt the coldness of the antiseptic being rubbed on the skin at the rear of her left thigh, nor the prick of the needle inserted into a vein. A few minutes later the needle was withdrawn, the person left the cage, and the door was bolted shut. Penny's chain was detached; too sleepy to move far away, she lay down and fell into a drugged sleep.


?The mid-afternoon tea break was long over when Penny woke. Feeling remarkably alert and full of energy, she took a drink then climbed up on to the transverse bar and began clambering around her cage, ignoring the amused glances from the various people around her.


?Even when her arms and thighs were aching under the strain, Penny was not content. The working day was over, and people were streaming out of the Shed when she began to pace restlessly back and forth in her cage.


?The Shed gradually entered until only Lorna was left. After an interval, the young woman leaned back in her chair and stretched. Then she checked her monitor before saving her work. Putting her computer on 'Stand By', she rose to her feet and walked towards the wide doors of the Shed, eager for a cup of tea and a shower. The woman in the cage stopped her endless pacing and fell to all fours to butt her newly-shorn head softly against the bars in a bid to attract Lorna's attention.


?Lorna stopped by the bars and looked down at the other woman's bare, dirty back, an odd expression of tenderness mixed with pity on her face. Stooping, she began to scratch the other woman behind her ears and at the the hair-line just above her leather collar, wrinkling her nose at the rank smell of her body.


??? ?Poor thing!? she said to the uncomprehending ears. ?Perhaps it was a good idea they insisted we trained ourselves to think of you as an animal. We wouldn't have been able to treat you like this, nor to do what we've done to you, if we hadn't. I wonder when you'll find out we made you pregnant a fortnight ago??


?Lorna continued to pet the other woman, now wriggling like a dog in ecstasy under her fingers. With pity in her voice, she went on speaking.


???? ?You'll have the best of medical care, of course; and the labour and delivery will be quick and easy. The heads of the creatures you are carrying will be smaller and more streamlined than the heads of fully human babies; I wonder what you will make of your offspring, half with your own genes, and half with the genes of the male donor of another species??


?She fell silent again, trying to imagine her own reactions on giving birth to two such creatures as she knew were in the early stages of development in the other woman's womb. Lorna shuddered, then continued her soliloquy.


??? ?Your children will be healthy, for you are a young and healthy animal, and they will grow much more quickly than purely human babies. The Prof. is confident that you will suckle them; he relies upon the deep maternal instinct of mammals. And I expect you will, too. He already speaks of breeding from you every eighteen months or so, and expects to be able to do so for another twenty years or more. You will become a very valuable animal to him, and to Medical Research in general. If all goes well, you shall help to save the lives of thousands of people, all over the world.?


?Lorna gave a final sigh. She patted the woman's back high up between her shoulder blades and withdrew. Her last sight of the caged woman was of her sitting in the corner of her cage, staring up through the bars at her in entreaty. Then Lorna turned off the lights and slid shut the Shed doors, securing them behind her.


?Left alone in her cage in the evening dimness of the great Shed, Penny sat and looked at the closed doors for a long time. She went to urinate, and continued her pacing up and down until it was quite dark.Then she dropped to all-fours and walked to the heap of straw in the corner. She lay down and fell swiftly into a deep sleep.


?And so passed another of the long days for Penny in her cage; the cage which had become her whole world, and which her subconscious mind had already concluded that she would never leave.






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The Cage

       Following is a transcript of the email conversation between Nathanial and Eve as is customary before any specially planned or lengthy ?play date? scheduled between the too.From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: This weekendHello my Slave,Patience has paid off and our special weekend is upon us.  Needless to say I have a surprise for you that you won’t soon forget.  I’m going to pick you up tomorrow between 6 and 6:30 pm, I’m sure you already have but make...

3 years ago
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The Learning Cage

The Learning Cage Debra Darling Sam was a submissive TV. Mistress Monica was a dominant he had just recently met. They had had two sessions together thus far. Both had involved cross dressing, bondage and some whipping. Both times he had been ordered to relieve himself with a stocking over his cock while he masturbated into a black patent high heel pump with an open toe. When Mistress suggested he might like to attend a bondage party she sponsored...

2 years ago
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First Time In A Cock Cage

Sex has always been high on our list of priorities, this story is a true version of one of our sexy sessions. My wife and I are in our fifties but we see no reason to stop experimenting with sex. Jac asked me out of the blue one evening what I thought about being dominated by her during our sex games; I am willing to try anything I replied.A little while later she called me over to the computer to show me a sex toy site she had found. She had compiled a list of products, she asked me if we...

4 years ago
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wife fucks while husband wears cock cage

I have written some true stories about our adventures, this is an account of a recent event.Jaq had gone to the pub a lunchtime with a work collegue, the two ladies had attracted the attention of two guys and were flirting with them. When it was time to go back to work Jaq slipped her phone number to the guys. Later on in the day Jaq got a text message from one of the guys asking to meet her after work, this was arranged.Jaq rang me from work to let me know that she would be home a little later...

Wife Lovers
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How to Get Your Guy Into a Chastity Cage

1. Tell him why you want to place him into a chastity cage. For example ”I want you to always be your Horniest around me’ or “ I hear all the time from women how this will greatly improve our Sex Life” or “You Know I want total control of your erection my love.2. Start Cheap. I recommend a cheap device from Ebay. Search for Male Polycarbonate Chastity.3. Put it on for him. Be careful and extra gentle, the first time takes a while. If he has groin hair down there, leave it. He will discover he...

3 years ago
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Wolf cage

The time I got on the phone I was asked the normal questions of getting hired for any other job. But though it all went my way and I was accepted. I was told to come in first thing at 8 o'clock to see what needs to be done each day. The night passed and I woke up early to take a shower. Thoughts came through my mind of the sexy female wolfs that live there. I've always had a thing for animals, though I never had the chance with anything. As I stand in the shower I was getting hard the...

2 years ago
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Fireworks and The Gilded Cage

After first noticing my pubic hairs and swelling breasts I began wondering what the "Real Thing" would be like. Even before that, I played with myself whenever I had the chance and experimented with fingers, hairbrush handles, cucumbers, fantasizing about having a real cock in me. But I never--never--thought my fantasy would be fireworks. All us girls were into boys now...sharing stories and giggling over this boy or "hot" he would be...but it was just talk. We were...

3 years ago
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Desires Cage

His tongue rasps on her throat, and finds the soft juncture between her neck and shoulder. She sighs deeply and runs her nails down his back. Wrapping her legs tightly around his waist, she nuzzles his ear; he licks and kisses more on her neck, running his sharp teeth over her vein. She knows what he wants. But she won’t let him have it, not yet. She pulls his mouth back to her, kissing him passionately, sucking his lower lip into her mouth and nibbling on it. He groans, and she swallows it...

4 years ago
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The Click of the cage

“Are you going to get up some time today?” My wife questioned.It was a Saturday morning and I was sleeping in as usual after a hard week before. I started to rouse as she plopped on the bed next to me and softly rubbed my back, attempting to revive me from the long night sleep.“Come on I have a gift for you and I want you to open it,” she spoke with a hint of excitement in her voice.“What is it?” I yawned not yet completely to my senses, but still wondering if I had missed a key date such as an...

4 years ago
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The Rask RebellionChapter 16 Gilded Cage

“Still no contact from the Landslide?” Korbaz asked, leaning over the holographic table as she examined the crawler’s last known location. “No, Admiral,” the Crewmaster replied. He seemed on-edge, his tail whipping back and forth behind him as he shifted his weight from foot to foot. She had to admit that recent events had shaken her own confidence, too, something that she had previously considered to be unwavering. “Vitza,” she continued, the engineer straightening when he heard his name...

3 years ago
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The Adjustment of Nicola JamesChapter 4 The Cage

My other business concluded, I took the time to visit Nicola's cage. I hadn't really noticed before what an excellent job had been done welding the bars to the frame of the cage, how neatly the hinges on the door had been finished, how solidly the steel rods were set in the concrete floor. The grey steel burnished to a dull grey smoothness impressed on those within it, or without, the strength of the construction. The lock on the cage's door, its key plate in polished brass, confirmed that...

4 years ago
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A Gilded Cage

‘He held her, arms captive behind her back, her naked breasts pressed against his chest. Her nipples hard as stone, was that from the cool water or his hot body? It didn’t matter, he would take her here…’ “There is Cayo Lobos, just up ahead.” Brian’s voice squawked in my headset. I closed my tablet where I had been writing and looked ahead. I could see the small island with sandy beaches lined with majestic palms, there were several large buildings surrounded with a wide assortment of...

Love Stories
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Cock Caged

It had been a stressful week at work and now he was stuck in traffic getting more frustrated. At least the working week was over and he had the weekend to look forward to. They had no plans and he was looking forward to spending a quality weekend with his wife.Eventually, he arrived home and pulled his car onto the drive. He got out of the car and picked up his suit jacket off of the back seat. His mouth was beginning to water at the thought of a nice cold beer, which was waiting for him just...

2 years ago
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the cage

The traffic seems to take forever but I finally get home. I go in through the garage. The house is empty, there is nothing in the living room, the dining room, or the kitchen. I make my way back through the house to the bedrooms. I open the door to our room and there it is. He has pulled out his kennel and added the carpet to it. I smiled. He left my collar and some handcuffs out on the bed. I strip, head to the bathroom and buckle my collar into place. Placing the small lock on...

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Doctored Into A Cage

Doctored Into a CageByJackpotHere are all the usual disclaimers.  You must be over 18 to read this!  This story is pure fiction!  You have been warned!  This is for adults only!      ?This woman has been in there for almost twelve years now,? Melody said while sipping some more of her zinfandel wine.      ?It makes little difference to me.?  Timothy Forbes said with a grimace in his face. She is a psychopath and a serial killer.  I don’t want you anywhere near her?you got it??      ?You don’t...

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Caged For Paul, by Sissy "Good morning, Paul." "Good morning." "You're in early." Paul nodded as he signed the register. "I suppose I am." A court order required Punishment Officers--in Paul's case, Malcolm--to keep the keys to chastity devices, signing them in and out to their true key-holders, victims. Like Paul, of adultery, cuckoldry, domestic violence, spousal abuse, voyeurism, rape, or any of a dozen other sexual offenses. After inspecting the columns into which...

4 years ago
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The Angry Whore Book 1Chapter 4 In cages

10 July, 1686 Afternoon Claire's auction was even more rowdy. Now everybody wanted a white slave. Like her sister she was also clothed in a dress principally designed to display her female figure and feminine assets to there fullest and thereby increase bidding, in dark blue with a sexy, tight fitting halter bodice, fully accentuating Claire's curves and then gently flowing into romantic wisps of sculptured uneven chiffon. She was made to walk up and down the plat—form several...

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The Cage

as a prison guard, is my duty keep the "insiders" as i call the-day-caged people, i treat them as they deserve.Who is nice can watch tv and stay two hours under the sun, who is a wicked prisoner and mean, can´t get out from the underground day, the easter holiday, all went out of the building, for the relax time outside, but one was left in.this one, has past days, spit on my face, when i had brought his parent´s mail and his food.on the easter holiday, i was so sick of him, that i´ve...

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Wife Holds the Key Now Caged

I have been married to my wife Angie for nine years and up to about two years ago we have led a pretty normal life. We did what most married couples did. We went to work, enjoyed each other's company, and found pleasure in each other's arms, remaining faithful to one another. We were very happy with the arrangement, until about two years ago when things were set in motion to put us in the lifestyle we live today.I always considered myself lucky to have met and married Angie. She is the most...

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David and Christi were on their way home from an office party. She had come to him after they had been there only a little over an hour with a plea to take her home. When he asked if she was feeling unwell, she simply replied that she wanted to go home. He thanked the host, saying that they had to be up early the next day and left. The ride home had been quiet, but when David put on the signal to turn onto their street, Christi reached over, put her hand on his leg and said, “Keep going.”...

1 year ago
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Ah, vintage porn at Erotic Age! This term adopts a different meaning depending on who is reading it. See, porn or rather depictions of sexual acts has been around since the civilization of mankind. You’ve certainly seen them in sculptures, erotic artwork, and paintings going back hundreds of years. The human race has been perverted since the beginning of time. However, if I may give y’all fucks a bit of history, the first porn novel was published in 1748 and things pretty much went downhill...

Vintage Porn Sites
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Locked in a cage. No key in sight. Nobody to let me free. No chance in hell of escape. Clutching the bars and sobbing silently.All hope is lost. There is nothing but despair.TheFootsteps.My head jerks upwards hopefully. A tall woman in a tight rubber suit is walking toward me. I pant. Her face shows no pity, however. She produces a key from her crotch-pouch and my eyes widen. She inserts the key into the lock and twists it.“Beg” she commands me, holding onto the cage door. My response is to get...

4 years ago
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A Gilded Cage

‘He held her, arms captive behind her back, her naked breasts pressed against his chest. Her nipples hard as stone, was that from the cool water or his hot body? It didn’t matter, he would take her here…’ “There is Cayo Lobos, just up ahead.” Brian’s voice squawked in my headset. I closed my tablet where I had been writing and looked ahead. I could see the small island with sandy beaches lined with majestic palms, there were several large buildings surrounded with a wide assortment of...

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Age Doesnt Matter When Snake Wants to Come Out of Cage

Hi my fellow sexizens, I hope you all are doing well, and enjoying your sex life to the fullest. This is my first story on this platform. And I hope you guys would be kind to me since this is my first time. lol. Actually, I am an immigrant who came to the States to study. I am from the land of Kamasutra (India). Before I start, the U.S. is the greatest country on the earth and you guys should really consider yourself lucky to be part of this wonderful nation. You have freedom to express...

2 years ago
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The Magical Chastity Cage

There you are, sitting in your bedroom on a beautiful spring day. The sun is out, the birds are chirping, and it's a cool and comfortable 62° Fahrenheit (~16° Celsius). You're sitting in your bedroom, enjoying your time off work. You work at a nice department store part time. It was built a couple of years ago and your bosses are pretty nice. You don't hate it there, but of course, the work could be better. You don't complain though, because an image sharing website you built about a year ago...

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Mila Mynx Her Pets Night Out of the Cage

Mila Mynx - her pet’s night out - cuckold Her Pet, also known as Jake, was a successful businessman and dominant in his field. Like many other men, he had fallen for Mila and they had been in an open relationship for a about a year, at least open for Mila. They had met in a bar, he had offered her a drink, a technique he had used often, which she had accepted. What struck Jake from the outset was Mila’s sexual confidence and aggressiveness, something he had not experienced from his other...

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A Bird in the cage

Best regards to my co-author Lady-Jen. ( for the night-long discussions, they were a real inspiration.The song was blaring loudly as Vanessa danced around under the lights. "I want you to dance naked, so I can see you, I’d like to get to know you, you don’t have to act naughty." Her hips moving back and forth, synchronized with the strings of the guitar, a wanton display of simulated sex. "Spin it round and round, spin it round and round and round, I want...

3 years ago
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Age Doesnt Matter When Snake Wants to Come Out of Cage

Hi my fellow sexizens,I hope you all are doing well, and enjoying your sex life to the fullest. This is my first story on this platform. And I hope you guys would be kind to me since this is my first time. lol.Actually, I am an immigrant who came to the States to study. I am from the land of Kamasutra (India). Before I start, the U.S. is the greatest country on the earth and you guys should really consider yourself lucky to be part of this wonderful nation. You have freedom to express yourself...

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Coming out of my cage

I grew up in an overly religious conservative family. I was only allowed to watch certain shows, certain movies only listen to certain weird music. I had to go to church every sunday and never asked questions about any of the weird stuff ffrom my childhood like the restrictions until when the election happened. it was my first real vote and i wanted it to matter. I hated the jerk who was in office but my family and church supported him. so I started asking my family why we supported...that...

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Tim and Abbie 39 Another spanking and caged

The summer moves along. Grace is now cleaning twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday.  Tim and Abbie do not see her except at their Thursday dinners. The extraordinary job Grace is doing keeping their house up for them is obvious.  The three do leave notes for each other, sometimes about something needing to be done, but more often just small, humorous things for the other’s enjoyment.  While Tim enjoys these snippets also, it is really just Abbie and Grace back and forth.Now it’s early July. ...

2 years ago
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By Covid Caged

Dedicated to all the submissive kinky ladies that are suck with out a outlet for their desires.Her home has become a box. A box that hasn't been opened for far too long. Sure there are holes to look out. Brief reprieves. From time to time the lid will lift just long enough to get a glimpse of the outside but the air gets stagnant. She longs for the days that past. The ones when she could find that release. A way to scratch that abominable itch that gnaws at her sanity. She needs that release....

2 years ago
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Penny becomes a porn star thanks to her friends

Penny's, English, 18 and exactly 5 feet tall with natural long blonde hair, stunningly beautiful, with blue eyes and the most fantastic slim shapely figure. She had just finished her final year at school gaining three "A" Levels and looking forward to university, when her life was changed forever. Although Penny excelled academically at school her real ambition was to be an Olympic athlete and, although she was good at athletics, her lack of inches gave her an obvious disadvantage over the...

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Pennyrsquos Story

Fat Rob, a mountainous black man, circled a nude Penny, eyeing her up and down, studying her. She was one of several job applicants he “interviewed” that week. She was tall, leggy, curvy, short blonde hair, nice sized tits. He stood behind her, cupping her large breasts, “How old did you say you were?”“Sixteen,” Penny replied.“Mmmm,” Fat Rob said, sliding his hand down her body, rubbing her clit with middle finger. He slid the finger inside her, she was soaking wet. “With a little makeup, we...

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Penny a cuck adventure

You roll over next to your sexy wife. Panting. “Holy fuck Penny. You haven't cum that hard in a long time”. “You love the thought of a hung bull taking that pussy don't you?” You ask your wife who reddens a bit in embarrassment but smiles. “It is just a fantasy, nothing more.” Penny says. The same thing she says every time after role playing the fantasy that you love so much and makes Penny cum like a desperate slut. You reach out stroking Penny's cheek. You lean in and kiss her...

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Penny and her friend

Penny brings a friend homeForm my previous account of our meetings with Russ; you will have gathered that my wife Penny from my first marriage was a really horny lady who was also very sexually adventurous. Penny always wore pretty underwear and several months after our meetings with Russ finished I began to notice that as Penny was getting dressed in the morning after her shower, her underwear stated to get rather more saucy and revealing particularly the panties she was wearing.I mentioned...

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Penny Meets the Neighbors Pt 04

The next few days were torment for Penny. One part of her was filled with a deep-rooted sexual thrill which kept her permanently wet. Unfortunately for Penny, most of the time she was unable to distinguish this sexual tension from the guilt and nerves which kept her lying awake at night, unable to decide whether she’d made the correct decision, and whether she should go through with it. Penny assuaged her conscience by being extra attentive to Mark, and by reminding herself of the assurances...

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Penny Meets the Neighbors Pt 06

Penny didn’t dare tell Mark the real reason she returned from Alyssa’s house in such a disheveled state. Looking back over the evening from the perspective of the following morning, she realized that once again, Alyssa had made no mention of her promise to somehow make Mark aware of, and agreeable to, what was going on. Right now though, Penny was happy to push that particular worry to the back of her mind. The sex at the party had been mind-blowing, and now Penny had been with all of the women...

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Penny Meets the Neighbors Pt 02

It was Penny and Mark’s second day in their new home and Penny luxuriated in bed, enjoying the tranquility of a lazy Sunday morning. There was no traffic on the nearby streets and the neighborhood was blissfully quiet, save for the chatter of Indian mynas squawking in nearby trees. In the distance, Penny could hear the calls of kookaburras and rosellas in the patch of bushland which abutted onto their suburb. Mark was curled up beside her. Penny let him sleep a little longer, confident he’d be...

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Penny Meets the Neighbors Pt 01

Sunlight streamed through a gap in the blinds, sending a beam of warm summer light over Penny’s face. Blinking and screwing up her eyes against the rays, she slowly woke up, looking around the room, admiring the way motes of dust glittered in the morning sun. To one side, Mark, her husband, was still asleep, his head buried in a pillow. Penny’s movements disturbed him slightly, and he tried to snuggle closer to her. It had been a warm night and Penny and Mark were both naked. They had thrown...

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Penny Meets the Neighbors Pt 05

Over the course of the week following her first lesbian experience, Penny found Niamh’s words at the coffee shop surfacing in her thoughts again and again. It was true: somehow, her sexuality had been heightened and emphasized with the knowledge she could be satisfied by a woman as well as a man. She wondered if this meant she was bisexual. It seemed strange to think of herself in those terms, but she couldn’t deny the sensuality of what she had done with Niamh: there had been a real connection...

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Penny Meets the Neighbors Pt 07

On Wednesday night, lying in bed wrapped in a tangle of sheets, with Marina curled up by her side, Penny agonized in despair at the choices she was faced with, completely unable to come to a decision. It didn’t seem like there was any solution which would give her what she craved. She wanted to remain faithful to Mark, but also yearned to explore her newly-discovered bisexuality. The only way this could happen would be if Mark knew, and gave her his blessing, but the idea of telling Mark...

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Penny Meets the Neighbors Pt 03

Penny was happy in her new home. There was still a lot to do around the house, especially the garden, but work commitments kept Mark busy, and after having taken some time off while they moved, Penny returned to her part-time job. What had been a burst of activity, making the house habitable, became the slow process of settling in and turning the house into something uniquely theirs. The rest of the week passed quickly and for a few days Penny forgot all about Alyssa and Jason and got on with...

4 years ago
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Penny An exploration in Submission

Penny is panting, groaning, and grimacing a bit as her asshole stretches wide around your cock. She is on her hands and knees, her massive tits sway below her as you pull back on her hair and shove your cock harder into her tight ass. Penny screeches as she feels the last half of your steel hard cock bury in her depths, your balls smashing into her soaking wet pussy lips. You slowly start stroking into your wife loving the sight of your cock making her ass hole stretch. Her ass cheeks start...

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Pennys Fourth Day

Penny’s Fourth Day At the end of the third day Bridget told Mr Johnson that Penny had such a big day that there would be no homework assignment for day four. She slipped Mr Johnson a DVD which contained a video of the afternoon class on anal discipline. She said perhaps they could watch it and maybe Penny’s cunt would like some gentle tender attention from both Mr and Mrs Johnson that evening. Penny dozed in the car on the way home, she smelt of hard core anal sex. It was all over her, she...

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Penny Meets the Neighbors Pt 08

On Sunday morning Marina returned home, determined to make the best of her situation with Steven, invigorated by a new confidence founded on the relationships and friendships built over the previous days. Both Alyssa and Penny asked Marina to return the following week, although neither of them mentioned that the upcoming party would be somewhat different. Thinking only of the lesbian sex she anticipated would be on the menu, Marina happily agreed to visit Penny again in a week’s time. The two...

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Pennys Second Day

Penny’s Second Day at Finishing SchoolPenny was very satisfied with herself and her first day. She finally got some real cock penetration but only in her arse. She thoroughly loved it, in fact, she was now an addict for anal penetration. She loved everything about it, the way it made her feel like a filthy whore, perhaps even the thought that she had probably gone a lot further than her mother ever would have. Perhaps it was some kind of weird Electra complex playing out but what she couldn’t...

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Penny and Laura Part 2

The next morning when Penny got up she had voice mail about the second bedroom. As she listened to it she jotted down notes about the caller. It was a woman named Laura who said she saw the flyer in the lobby on her way to work and was currently looking for a place closer to the downtown area. When Penny called her back they spoke for a few minutes and agreed to grab lunch together today and get to know each other and discuss the living situation.At lunch time Penny waited down in the lobby for...

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Penny Tweedy

Penny Tweedy Anderson was a military wife faced with long-term separations from her hubby Derek due to deployments to the Middle East and Afghanistan. Master Sergeant Derek Anderson was a much-decorated military non-com serving in the Army Special Forces.Penny was a highly sexed mother of three-year-old identical twin boys, Tommy and Timmy. She was deflowered as a mere sixteen-year-old, and from that point on, could never get enough cock. She got knocked up when she was eighteen and gave birth...

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Pennys Third Day

Penny’s Third Day Penny loved what had been done to her throughout the second day and was quite proud of her accomplishments so far. She was so thankful to her guide, Bridget. She made sure she showed it too! Whenever she had the opportunity she would always do what she could to help Bridget cum during the class activities. Bridget was the kind of slut she looked up to, and craved her approval. So when she was to be picked up this time by Mr Johnson she thought she might share Mr Johnson’s...

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Penny Explores Humiliation

What a beautiful sight TJ says walking up behind Penny. His hand trails over her reddened ass cheek making her quietly moan. We are not done yet slut, TJ tells Penny. That was just the beginning. You did very well being a submissive little cock whore. I think you would enjoy more wouldn't you slave? Penny's legs begin to visibly quiver and she whimpers into the blanket on the bed. TJ viciously swats her already welted ass. Answer me you filthy little fucking slut! Penny turns her...

5 years ago
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Penny For Your Thoughts

I was home on Christmas break after my first semester at college. It was good to see my parents again. I had missed them while I was away. It was my first day back and I was in the den talking to mom about college life. Dad was at work when I got home so I had a warm welcome from my mother. I had only been home an hour when we heard the phone ring and mom went to answer it. From where I was I couldn’t make out what she was saying but she did sound extremely concerned. It was only a couple of...

4 years ago
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Penny King

Penny King In 1957 when I was ten years old we had just gotten a television set. It was quite the entertainment center too. It was a big wooden cabinet with all of the doors closed. It was sort of divided up into four quarters. The upper left corner was a twelve inch television with the record cabinet below that. The upper right corner was a radio and below that was a record player. Mom and dad had some of the older 78s that were thick and only cut on one side but they also had some of...

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