Castaways Ch. 01 free porn video

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For Juliette, per your request.


Chapter One — Mostly set-up.

The trip was meant to be a vacation for John. He had worked tirelessly on his latest articles for New Yorker magazine and felt he was due a break. He had thrown himself full time into his work since his wife died the year before of breast cancer at the tender age of thirty-nine. Their one son was a freshman at Hofstra University and very independent. He only called his old man when he needed money or advice. John had to track him down on his cell once a week just to say hello. For this reason, John didn’t think Nick would miss him if he left for a week’s R & R in the Caribbean.

Being a last minute deal, he arranged everything through an on-line web-site to get the best prices. He would fly from New York to Miami and then on to Barbados. His final stop was in Saint Lucia but he needed to get there via a short plane hop from Barbados. He was headed for a Sandals Resort on Saint Lucia.

The trip down was uneventful until they landed on Barbados. The medium sized Saab plane from Miami was full of vacationers like John. As they stepped off the plane, down the stairs to the tarmac, the heat of the winter tropics bathed everyone as they were ushered into the small airport to clear customs. It had been February in New York and the heat of the Tropics felt marvelous after the depressing New York winter. John finally got inside the poorly air conditioned building and into one of the two lines for customs. He was twenty people deep because his seat had been in the back of the plane. It took another twenty minutes before he was addressing the customs agent. He handed him his passport and plane ticket.

‘You’re a US citizen, Mister Morrison?’ the agent asked.

‘Yes, sir.’

‘Where do you live in New York?’ the agent questioned.

‘In Queens, sir,’ John replied, wondering why the guy asked looking right at his address.

‘Mets or Yankees?’ the agent queried with a smile.

‘Mets,’ John responded, smiling back.

‘Have a fun vacation, Mr. Morrison.’


Leaving the customs area with his bags, John noticed a young girl holding a sign for Saint Lucia. Several people were already standing with her laded with luggage of their own. John observed a handsome young couple that looked like newlyweds. From all the kissing going on between them, it was pretty obvious. There were two overweight Latino guys that looked like twins. They seemed to be with another guy of roughly the same height but thinner. He was doing most of the talking as the brothers listened. At nearly six-three, John was a good five to six inches taller than the three guys but thinner than the two Latino guys.

Standing nearby but on the other side of the girl with the sign were what looked like a mother and daughter team. They were gabbing away between them and somewhat detached from the immediate group. John eyed up the daughter first. She was a knock out. Blonde, blue eyed, and curves in all the right places. She was holding her winter jacket under her arm and had been prepared for the warmer climate with a tight fitting tank top underneath. Trying not to stare too badly, John let his eyes drift to the mother. She looked to be around forty like him and he could see where the daughter got her looks. She was beautiful, even at forty, and kept herself in excellent shape, something John appreciated. ‘I wouldn’t mind meeting her on this trip,’ John thought as another couple joined the group.

They were maybe in their sixties and probably celebrating a thirtieth anniversary or something. They were not dressed for the warm weather and complaining of the heat in the building. Otherwise they looked like a cute older couple and made John miss Kathy all of a sudden. ‘That could have been us in twenty years,’ John thought.

Apparently they were all there now as the young girl with the sign welcomed them and told them to follow her to the plane. They exited the building not needing to go through security again and back out onto the tarmac from a different side of the building. Standing there was a World War II vintage American made version of a plane like the British de Havilland. It was an old prop plane converted into a passenger airline for this short flight to Saint Lucia. ‘My god,’ John thought, ‘what an old bucket of bolts this is.’ The same sentiments he could hear being voiced by the older couple near him.

They all dropped their luggage as instructed by an attendant, who was loading it into the belly of the old plane. The young girl led them to the back door and up a small staircase into the fuselage of the plane. The two Latinos and the other guy followed the honeymoon couple into the plane first. John let the older couple go first before he ducked low to step inside. Inside the plane, several of the seats had apparently been removed, no doubt due to wear and tear, and only one seat remained on each side. The leather of the once nice seats was cracked and faded with age.

The honeymooners and the older couple took the seats in the front. The Latinos and their friend took the middle seats, leaving only four in back for John and the mother and daughter team. John was surprised the plane had so few seats and wondered what they did if more people wanted to go to Saint Lucia on a given day. He sat in one of the back seats giving the mother and daughter their choice of seats across from each other or one in front of the other. The young girl had headphones on so it didn’t look like they planned conversation. The mother sat in front of the daughter and the daughter sat across from John.

John heard the door close behind him and the cargo hold too, and then the left engine whined as it tried to kick over. The first attempt at starting it failed and John thought, ‘Oh, boy, here we go.’ But the next try worked and the ancient engine kicked over and eventually drummed to a smoother purr. The right was equally stubborn but soon joined the left at a smooth idle.

The pilots got the all clear and began to taxi down the runway. The plane had no air conditioning and it was getting stiflingly hot inside with the door closed. The pilot said something over the old speaker system that John could barely make out. It sounded like it would be cooler once they got airborne for the short twenty minute flight. John decided to just lay back and close his eyes for a short nap when he heard a voice close by.

‘What did he say?’ the pretty mother of the daughter across the aisle was asking nervously.

‘It was hard to hear,’ John said, yelling over the loud engines, ‘but I think he said it would be twenty minutes to Saint Lucia and would cool off once we get airborne.’

‘Oh, okay,’ the mother responded with a weak smile.

She was beautiful and John welcomed the chance to talk with her, even if for such a brief time. Kathy and he had a loving relationship and he had missed her terribly this past year. They had an active sex life and he missed that too. He tried to think of other things as the pilot gunned the engines.

They had apparently reached the end of the runway and the pilot had been given the all clear for takeoff. He revved the old engines and the whole plane shook. The pretty lady looked over at John for assurance and he just nodded back everything was okay despite some reservations himself. Having been in the army he had been on a few older transport planes before but not for many years now.

The pilot released the brakes when the engines reached the proper RPMs for takeoff. The plane shook even more violently now and the pretty woman once again glanced in his direction. He smiled back which seemed to lessen her fear if only marginally. The old plane roared down the runway gathering speed. It seemed to take a long time but eventually the nose came up and then the back wheels left the ground too. They were airborne and quickly banked out over the water.

The exquisite blues and te
als of the Caribbean waters were fantastic to watch as they banked to align with the direction to Saint Lucia. John couldn’t wait to bask in the sun, drink his first rum punch, and catch up on his reading. Despite the vacation, he already had notes and reading to do for his next article for the New Yorker and another magazine. Happy thoughts of the fishing trip he planned to charter while in Saint Lucia made him smile also. He loved fishing and already had the names of several captains of charters on the island.

The pilot had been right and as they gained altitude the atmosphere inside the plane cooled to a manageable temperature. John could feel sweat running the line of his backbone and on the back of his long sleeve shirt from the warm leather seat. He tried to relax, if for no reason other than to aid the pretty lady across the way. She glanced in his direction a couple times. He hope it was because she found him handsome, like Kathy had always said, but the truth from her expression looked more like fear being abated.

They were about ten minutes out of Barbados and somewhat settled into the flight when John heard an explosion. He glanced out the window but couldn’t see anything. The others in the plane were equally alarmed. The noise and shake had been loud enough to get the beautiful girl beside him to remove her headset. He heard her mother scream and quickly looked over. She was pointing out the window to her daughter and John could now see smoke billowing back from the right wing. The engine had obviously blown.

John tried to rationalize in his own mind if these old planes could fly on one engine like many of the modern jets, but wasn’t sure. The smoke seemed to be get blacker and thicker, and he knew enough to know fire, if unextinquished on a plane could be deadly, especially with fuel in the wings. His nervousness was now boardering on that of the girl’s mother across the way. The older lady in front was screaming to the pilot and the young wife was crying.

The pilot came over the loudspeaker but the damn thing was so ancient they couldn’t hear much over the roar of the burning engine and the strain of the other. The plane was listing to the right and it was obvious the pilots were struggling to fight off the affects of the blown engine. They seemed to be able to get it to level out somewhat and the smoke was thinning due to the onboard automatic fire extinguishers, but then a huge shudder gripped the plane.

Everyone gasped or screamed again at that and John knew enough about planes to immediately fear something going wrong with the hydraulics. An old bucket like this one didn’t have the built-in back-up systems upon back-up systems of the modern planes. If the hydraulics went on this plane, they were probably going down. John looked out his window for any sign of trouble but couldn’t detect any. He yelled down the aisle as best he could over the din.

‘Pull your seat belts tight,’ John screamed.

The women were all in states of shock and fear. Most were crying or praying or both. John thought about praying too when another strong shudder rocked the plane. He immediately glanced out the window and saw the left engine sputter to a halt. ‘Oh, fuck,’ he thought.

The plane began to nose down and slide to the right. The cloth curtain that separated the pilots from the passengers had somehow moved to the right enough to allow the passengers to see the pilots frantically working to control the plane. The pilot was pulling back hard on the wheel while the co-pilot frantically flipped switches, looking like he was trying to get anything to work. John could not see any lights on the dashboard but wasn’t sure this old plane had anything more than gauges in the first place.

John looked out the window and the blue sea was coming up fast. The pilots seemed to be gaining somehow in leveling the angle of descent but they were obviously straining to hold the plane from going into a complete nosedive. John tried hard to recall his geography. He reasoned they were half way to Saint Lucia and tried to think of any island nearby that might have a runway. He could not. He thought Grenada was somewhere nearby but not closer than Saint Lucia.

The plane continued to lose altitude and John knew they were in big trouble. He could hear the pilot again over the loudspeaker but the words were strained, frantic, and mostly drowned out by the noise. He imagined he heard them say something about looking for a place to land. He looked out the window again and the water was coming up fast. He tried to recall the brief safety talk before takeoff about what to do in a water landing. Life jackets were in the overhead compartments he remembered.

The mother and daughter were crying beside him and looking occasionally at him for any sign of hope. He knew his face was probably telling them all they needed to know. He decided to try to help.

‘Remember the life jackets are in the overhead bins,’ he yelled out for all to hear. ‘Before we hit lean down into a crouch position.’

He glanced back down and the water was maybe 150 feet below them now. There was little doubt they were going down in the sea. He looked ahead to try to see what the pilots might be aiming at. He thought he saw the signs of a beach off the right side of the plane. Suddenly the plane lurched right and dove hard. The pilots had lost whatever minimal control they had. It only took seconds for them to hit.

The right wing hit the water first. It knifed into the waves and thrust the plane violently to the right before it sheared off. It ripped a huge gaping hole in the fuselage and the wife of the older couple was gone. Everyone screamed in horror until the impact to the front of the plane. The nose hit incredible hard and crushed under the force. The pilots were no more and the forward half of the plane broke, and folded back under the rest. In that split second, that seemed to last an eternity, John knew the newlyweds and the old man were gone too.

Something crushed the underside of the plane just to his right as the front end of the back part of the plane, the part they were still in, speared into the water. It hit something hard, flipped into a summersault, and then flipped again to land right side up. Water flooded the compartment from the forward section and the plane began to sink. There was no time for life jackets. John’s neck ached bad from the whiplash and his legs hurt too but he managed to get his seat belt off. The water was filling the compartment quickly. He could see two of the guys in front of him trying to move too. John got his seat belt off as the water reached his waist. The daughter was groggy beside him but otherwise looked okay.

John slipped out of his seat into the water and went to the girl. He undid her seat belt and tried to roust her. She was in shock but otherwise unhurt. Her mother looked to be unconscious. John got the girl free and put his arm around her waist. He pulled her to the back door and opened the latch. He kicked at it with his foot despite some pain. On the third kick it gave way and dropped into the sea. He pulled her through the opening and they dropped into the sea just as a waved battered them back against the plane. John struggled to the surface still holding her.

They made their way around the tail of the plane fighting the waves. They were maybe twenty feet from shore. ‘Thank god,’ John thought. He dragged the girl with him to the shore line. They battled the surf up onto the beach. He half carried have dragged her about twenty feet up the beach and then dropped to the sand.

‘My mother?’ gasped the girl. ‘Where’s my mother?’

‘Wait here,’ John said, rising back up.

He headed back towards the plane and noticed it had settled further into the surf. He also saw the two Latinos and the other guy fighting around the tail in the waves. They seemed to be dragging one of the two brothers along. John ran into the waves and made his way back out to the plane. As he passed the
m coming ashore, he asked them where the woman was.

‘Fuck her,’ the thinner, bossier of the three said. ‘She’s probably drowned by now.’

John dove into the waves and swam around the plane. He found the nearly submerged door and dove to go back in. He surfaced inside with only about two feet of breathing space left. He couldn’t see anyone and dove beneath the water to look. The mother was still in her seat unconscious. He fought with her seat belt and got it undone, however, the mother didn’t float freely. The plane was crushed below her feet and partly on the side and her leg was pinned. He had to surface again for air. He tried again, diving beneath the water and pulling hard on her underarms. He struggled and was nearly out of air when he managed to get her free. She was dead weight, yet buoyant in the water.

John pulled her to the doorway. He looked for any sign of life but couldn’t see any. He dove with her out the door only to be smashed against the plane by a wave. He lost his grip on her for a second but got it back and pulled her to the surface. He had been a lifeguard in his high school days and tried to remember the exact technique to use for pulling an unconscious body through the water. He grabbed her across the chest and under the arm and swam towards shore. The waves helped propel them.

He crashed onto the shore with the woman and the daughter ran to help him. Together they pulled the woman onto the beach near where the other three guys just sat and watched.

‘Is she going to be alright?’ the young daughter asked frantically.

‘I don’t know,’ John replied. ‘She was underwater when I got to her and pinned in her seat.’

They placed the woman on the sand and John tried mouth to mouth to clear her lungs. The poor daughter sobbed beside him and pleaded for her mother to wake up. He tried for a good ten minutes to get the woman to breath. He tried pushing on her chest. He tried pinching her nose and blowing air into her lungs but nothing worked. Finally, exhausted, he sat back.

‘No, keep trying,’ the young girl screamed. ‘Mom.’

‘It’s no use,’ John said sadly.

‘Please, keep trying,’ the girl pleaded, crying.

John tried again knowing it was probably useless. It was. Another five minutes and not one indication of life. He felt for a pulse or heartbeat and there was none. He tried pounding on her chest to activate her heart but it was too late, she was dead. He had to sit back again.

‘No,’ screamed the poor daughter. ‘No … Mom … Mom, wake up.’

‘I’m sorry,’ John offered.

‘Oh, no,’ the girl sobbed uncontrollably now with her head down on her mother’s chest.

‘The old broad didn’t make it, huh,’ the bossier of the three guys said, now standing nearby.

‘Try to be a little more compassionate,’ John told him, glaring at the guy as the daughter cried hysterically.

‘Yeah, okay, old man,’ the guy said turning back to his friends.

John sat there for a second but decided to leave the daughter to her grief for a little while. He got up and walked over to the guys. One of them was holding his right arm.

‘You guys all okay?’ John asked.

‘Pacho here has a bum arm,’ the talkative one said. ‘Says it hurts to move it.’

‘I could look at it for him,’ John offered.

‘Sure. Be my guest,’ the wise guy said.

John walked to Pacho. He didn’t seem to understand English well but got the gist of what he wanted. John examined his arm. He could see a lump in the lower arm indicating a break. Fortunately for the guy it wasn’t a compound fracture. Alone, on an island like this, with no medical help, that could be life threatening.

‘Looks like he has a broken arm,’ John observed.

‘That’s what we thought.’

‘If we can’t get medical help soon we may need to try and set it,’ John said. ‘Otherwise it might heal very poorly.’

‘Where are we anyway?’ the leader asked.

‘Somewhere about mid-way between Barbados and Saint Lucia is all I know. I think we verved north, off course, when the engine blew. How far is anyone’s guess. We were airborne about five minutes after the explosion so we could be miles off course.’

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Mike and MalokChapter 10 Fixing Tola and the Rest

After my conversation with Hogat, I showed everyone their new home. I took everyone upstairs to the seven rooms and assigned one to Hogat and Kala so they would lie together to complete their mating ritual tonight. I then assigned one to Nomat and Irani, before finally approaching Jonab and Kuni, as we stood in the doorway of another room. Kuni was the smallest Neanderthal female I had seen up to this point. She had melted into Jonab's presence, as her world had been torn asunder by the...

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A Kittens TailChapter 13

I looked up from between her luscious thighs as Mandy panted, trying to recover from her latest orgasm. I’d promised Elizabeth that I would play with each of my new sisters that I hadn’t gotten to at Christmas before asking her to play again, and Mandy was the last one. I enjoyed all of them and knew I wanted to get to know all of them better, but I had a special bond with Elizabeth and Amanda. Not that I was complaining about the time I had spent with my other new sisters. The twins were...

3 years ago
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Sex and Stardom

You awake in a luxurious hotel bedroom, the warm sunlight in your eyes. Slowly you look around the room; it's huge, and you're seemingly in a penthouse suite as well. You're laying on a king-sized bed. The mattress is soft, incredibly soft. You don't know why you're here but you aren't one to complain. You feel slightly dizzy, your head aches a bit as you look down at yourself. You're naked ... Do you even sleep naked? You don't quite remember. Your whole mind is a mess. Suddenly, your prick...

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BeatenChapter 3

Karen started the next morning and took to the job well, the customers were usually friendly and sometimes left tips, not a lot but it all helped, the tips all went into a pot and were shared out between the staff each week based on how many hours you had worked that week. She loved her job and enjoyed interacting with the customers, the other staff were all friendly and for just a little while every day she could forget about what waited for her at home. After she had been working at the...

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Always on GuardChapter 5

The conversation in the King's study began with much less formality. The Princess sat down in a high-backed chair and gestured for Jorgarn to take the one opposite to her. "My mother is a Longview woman," she began without preamble and before her father and her uncle had the chance to sit. "She is probably a distant relative of yours," the King intoned. But Sir Torbert shook his head in disagreement. "Longview's Lords are not always hereditary, King Landor," he said. "I believe...

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The Ghost of the Mansion

Be Creative and Have Fun!!! Who are the intruders to the house? Intruders: Group of Stuck-Up Sorority Girls Being Hazed Description - The ghost has about eight sorority girls to play with, luring them down into his basement of horrors little by little. Intruders: Couple Looking For a Place to Fuck Description - The ghost gets to humiliate the large-breasted Maisy, in some paths in front of her boyfriend Mark. Intruders: A Punk Girl With Body Piercings Description - A punk girl with more than a...

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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 21 Ending a Great Year

I got grilled, or maybe it was teased (?), when I got home from the Mall. Bear in mind that my Mom believed I'd never had anything like a "date" in my life. Though technically she was correct – she had no inkling of what I HAD DONE in my life, especially in the past three months. Not wanting to tell an out-n-out LIE, I simply said that I did get to see the foreign exchange student from Brazil there, and that she was a 7th grader and very smart. Good ... a very convenient little half-truth...

4 years ago
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White mans wife black mans toy Mike

I sat on the arm chair once I was in and just fantasised for hours. I couldn't believe what I had done lately. I had a huge smile on my face as I drifted off to sleep in a world of my own. I was woken up by Mike when he got home, I heard the front door close and snapped back into reality. I didn't know how to handle this, I needed to tell Mike I was Marlons now, i needed to teach him his new place in our relationship. He was going to learn it whether he liked it or not. These last few days had...

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Indian Wife Fucks An Old Man

Hey everyone we’re back with a new story again. Thank you so much for all the emails that we got as your response…It was amazing and heartwarming…..please keep them coming… Well this is a thing we’d like to do and isn’t true but we can’t wait to go outta state again…This story starts when my wife who by the way looks ravishing as usual….with a figure of 40-34-37 is going down the road right next to our house in a richshaw….she sees a man sitting with his head In his hands on the ground….being...

4 years ago
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Fun With Aunty When All Family Members Are Sleeping Around

Hi ISS fans. I have been reading ISS for almost 9 months. I have become a great fan of this site. I am Hyderabad. Raised and bought up in Hyderabad only. I don’t want to waste any time more. The story is all about how I and my aunt (father’s sister) enjoyed whole night while all other family members are sleeping around us. My aunt is a sexy bomb stats are 34 28 32. With round boobs sexy waist and ass. Coming to myself I’m Kamal completed my graduation and am a cool guy always wanted to mingle...

4 years ago
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The Wrong Place to Hunt

The large wooden sailboat was very out of place. First, the monsters in the ocean could probably swallow it. Second, it was never meant to travel on water. Third, it was floating seven hundred meters above the ground and a couple of hundred meters above the trees below. My place was a couple of days east of the northern colony on Addison's World. I brought the boat down close to the colony market area. The landing legs extending and the boat settled before I shut down the hydrogen reactor. I...

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A Shy Guys Notebook Part one Meeting Amy

James had always been extremely awkward in social situations. Being painfully shy, he struggled to keep conversations going with anyone. At the age of eighteen, he was in his final year of sixth form (further education in England) and he knew that in a few months he would be venturing out into the big, scary world of university life. He was quite average in most aspects of his life. He wasn’t too tall or too short and not too overweight, but not exactly the poster boy for physical health. He...

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Blowing my boss

Kay entered the office of her boss upon his request, and when she shut the door she saw him get up and reveal him to be pantsless, his cock slowly being stroked in his hand and a look of pure lust all over his face. She grinned and knew this was what he wanted after their threesome a few days ago, and to be honest she wanted it too. It was only a matter of whether she was getting fucked or sucking him dry. She took off her top and her black lace bra, letting her boss see her erect nipples...

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A New Way To Learn Maths Miss Downeys Story Chapter Ten

Lauren Halliday found herself in detention with her Maths Mistress, Miss O’Driscoll, for the fourth time that school year. It wasn’t because Lauren was particularly badly behaved, it was simply down to the fact that she struggled with the A-Level Maths course at St. Katherine’s Girls’ School and, despite her pleas at the end of year twelve, she had been refused permission to change to another subject. No matter how hard she tried, the eighteen-year-old sixth form student just couldn’t grasp the...

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English Composition Part 1 Of 2

Milo was nineteen years old and just starting his second semester at the university. The first semester had gone pretty well, three A’s and two B’s, so by his standards the freshman was off to a good start. He’d been a very average, bored and unmotivated student in high school, but the college experience had so far been challenging and enlightening, maybe even intimidating, but had evoked from him an ability to study and focus on schoolwork that he’d never known before.It was the first day of...

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Slave to Mistress Part 1

Both of us are 26 and I have been my mistress’ slave for the past 3 years ever since meeting her in my final year of university. Today started like any other day, I wake up before my mistress to prepare her breakfast and coffee, and once done return to the bedroom to wait by her side with her silk robe in one hand and my leash held in the other, "good morning mistress. Breakfast is prepared for you, what do you wish from me?" I ask her as she steps out of bed and I wrap her in the robe,...

4 years ago
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Flying High

The overhead bins on the plane were already getting full, including the one over her row. Errgghhh… fuckin’ frustrating. She opened a bin across from her row and there was space for her suitcase. That’s when she noticed him. He was sitting in the aisle across from her row. He looked up at her as she was re-organizing the overhead to make room to store her roller-board. Their eyes briefly met and she smiled, feeling a flutter in her stomach. He quickly stood up and grabbed her suitcase. She...

Straight Sex
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School Teachers

He’d ridden miles. His horse was tired but he knew he had to find her. Having worked for her father on the ranch, he knew having become an entrusted friend that she had to know just exactly what had become of her father 6 months back. Angus rode into Triply, a midsized town in Northern Texas, and once he could find her he could sit and tell her just what had happened. See, Libby’s father, had become a rancher, and at that time was running a woman’s ranch back in 1846. It was aptly named the Bar...

Group Sex
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I kissed inch by inch

Hello! Guys this is a true story again i am 28 male single from india i used to stay in noida i left nodia just few month back & came to hyderabad on my job but i visited noida as we have office they too. As i had told you that i had sex with my servant shanthi i hope u remember :) now shanthi was working in our neighbor’s home it’s a small family only one single lady as her hubby is in uae. Shanthi is a very nice lady so i use to meet her when ever i had time this happened when i went in dec...

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Nikyms Predicament

Author’s Notes: Thanks to my lady love for turning a simple stroker into one of my usual rambling epics. Also, a heartfelt shout-out to my beta readers Chris P. and Thornfoote for timely and helpful input. Finally, thanks to alphadachs for providing a tight editing job on short notice. All participants in sexual acts are adults. **** Stoneridge was the oldest of the Four Cities, a settlement even before Orran united humanity and formed what is now known as the Old Kingdom. It was the closest...

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Our Married Life Changes Part 2

Our life had changed. I had found Jean, my wife, had been fucking around and I was now a cuckold. The following evening, after the kids had gone to bed, we started having a conversation about our new experience. A bottle of wine was loosening our tongue’s. I wanted to know desperately who else and how many men she’d fucked. She wanted to hear about my “gay side.” “Im not gay,” I said, “I’m bi-sexual.” “Is there a difference?” She asked. “Yes. Gays generally only want men. I like both...

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Engagement Se Leke First Night Tak 8211 Ayushi Rachit 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Ayushi hai. Main aaj aapko apni engagement se suhag-raat tak ki hot kahani sunane jaa rahi hu. Mera figure bahut sexy hai. Meri height 5’6″ hai aur mera figure 38-30-39 hai. Mera rang bahut fair hai, aur main dekhne mein bhi bahut khoobsurat hu. Figure bhi mera well rounded hai, jisko dekh kar har ladka pagal ho jata hai. Main jab se jawaan hui thi, tab se mere peeche bahut se ladke padte the. Jab main thodi badi hui, to meri sabhi friends ke boyfriends the. Aur wo mujhe bhi force...

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The Little Ignorant Slut 30

This is the continuing tale of Jane, the little ignorant slut. It is a silly, whimsical story about a young girl with a very overactive sex drive. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life, also, the author does not condone any sexual activity involving animals in real life. It is OK to...

2 years ago
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My Social Worker and Me Pt 1

It had been a year since I had last seen Josie Fox. She was walking with a basket in the supermarket and I was hiding behind the bread section watching with intense interest. Josie had been my social worker for a year or so after my brush with the legal system and had done much to help me. I used to think of her often at that time and for some months after my period of probation came to an end. She was getting on a little – well into her late thirties – but it always gave me a thrill to see her...

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InvisiteenChapter 22

I sat in a room that I very much thought of as a police interrogation room. If I wasn't in trouble as the police told me then what was I doing in here? "We're going to start with a few basic questions," a female officer said. She was Officer Martin. There was a male officer in the room too. He was Officer Sandoval. "Okay." Martin asked for my name and where I lived and about my family and about school. It was all questions I'm sure they already knew the answers to. I looked at...

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Porn Directors Story Part One

How often,I would direct a movie and think about my sweet lover at home..She was a buxom beauty from Amsterdam.. We met on a film set, she was a writer and set director at the time..She had been with the porn industry since graduating film school.I did not pursue her for a while, I was a bit shy and reluctant... I was afraid that she was not a lesbian and the rejection would have devastated me and I had fallen in love with her, my beautiful, devoted Anna.I was editing a film at home one weekend...

1 year ago
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Lust Relief Dorm Chapter 3

Noah stood with his back against the door. Behind him he could still hear the loud noises of the students fucking in the corridors. For a moment he thought about opening the door and asking Hannah if she wanted to go home, but the moment he thought of that, he heard one of the outside couples banging against their door. Noah swallowed. If he opened the door, he would come face to face with a young woman who was bent over having her ass claimed by the man behind her. If he came face to face...

College Sex
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Neighbours Chapter 1

Emma opened the front door to see her neighbour, Madge, standing there looking quite flustered.Madge asked, "Is you’re Mum in? I need her to do me a huge favour as I'm in a rush to get to the theatre."Emma was twenty-two-years-old and smiled at Madge who she knew was forty-five-years-old. "Sorry but I am afraid that Mum has gone shopping and will then be going to friends. She won’t be back until late tonight. Is there anything I can do?"Madge bit her lip before asking, "Well, I wouldn't...

4 years ago
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Erotic Story Of Spanking And Sex

The idea of Thanksgiving had always sat a little uncomfortably with Alice, as a British woman from a Catholic family living in America. She was embarrassed by it all somehow, as though she was somehow personally responsible. But nothing made her feel worse than spending Thanksgiving with a new boyfriend’s family – the first time she had ever met them.warmth of the city - erotica Her boyfriend, John, was a good person. Good Christian morals, a decent upbringing, respectful, considerate,...

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Wedding PhotosChapter 4

“What are you all worked up about?” asked Ethan’s assistant, Colin. “It’s a wedding for God’s sake. You yelled at fucking Bianca for being late for a shoot last week, and now you’re getting all nervous about a wedding?” Ethan scowled, “I am. Do us both a favor and don’t question it. Focus on your driving, please.” Colin laughed, “You are nervous about this one, aren’t you? We’re here.” Ethan looked around. They were, indeed, at the Vandevoort estate. The car was stopped in the big,...

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Jessicas Tale

Jessica 01 Jessica 01 Jessica was sitting on the couch, watching TV, when the man walked in from the patio.? Her sister Kim lay sprawled out on the floor a few feet away.? Mom and dad looked up in alarm from their recliners as the man burst into their home.? Pop!? Pop!? went two shots from the small gun in the man's hand, and her parents lay dying within seconds.? Tommy came in from the kitchen to see what the noise had been, and the man fired two more rounds. Tommy dropped across Kim,...

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The Humiliation of my WifeChapter 2

In the days that followed that fateful night, I slowly began implementing some new rules and changing some things about my wife to suit my purposes. The first order of business was the way in which my wife attempted to dress herself. I immediately went through her belongings and threw anything out that was even remotely baggy or unrevealing. This didn't leave much for her to wear, so we went shopping for some new clothing. Much to her chagrin, I began choosing clothing that was a size too...

1 year ago
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Antonias Sweet Erotic Dream

“I’ll raise a dime, Patty said. Antonia had bet a dime, Patty raised and I folded. It was our Saturday poker game; we played from noon to five. Dime, quarter poker, no one won much no one lost much but we had fun. There used to be four of us but Cassandra’d moved to Georgia; we’d never replaced her. Antonia Santiago, Patty O’Casey and me, Gil Roister, we played at my house each Saturday. I supplied the premises; the gals brought a snack and their drinks. Today they’d brought pizzas. Patty had...

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