Mike Became The Women’s Domestic Slave free porn video

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Martha had experienced a welter of emotions since her
husband had been put in his place. She had been
thrilled to see her huge hunk of a husband fall before
the savage fighting skills of her slender female lover.
Then, as she watched the man she’d married being
reduced from a proud male to a sobbing wreck by the
merciless young girl, she had felt a pang of sympathy
for him.

Now, as he slunk about the house, his house like a
beaten cur, scared of his own shadow, jumping to obey
every command, however outrageous, all she could feel
was contempt for him.

Anne forced him to go naked around the house. She gave
him an impossible list of tasks to complete, then beat
him up if they weren’t done. Her favorite punishment
was to make him stand before her, feet astride, hands
on head. Then she would smile up at the man who towered
over her, tense with terror, then drop him with a knee
to his well-hung balls.

“I can’t understand why he just stands there and takes
it?” asked Martha to her new lover, as the girls lay in
bed together. “Even I would try to fight back! He’s
just a muscle-bound wimp I guess! And you,” she
breathed, snuggling into the girl, “are just a gorgeous
little man-beating bully!”

“True,” said Anne, smugly. “I love having a male slave
and keeping him subjugated. All men should be slaves to
women. That way the world would be a much better place.
For women anyway. And, of course, we could enslave men
if we wanted to. Any woman can beat up a man if she
just takes the trouble to learn how. You’ve been coming
to my classes for six months now. You could beat Mike
up just like I did…if you wanted to!”

“What! Me! Never. He’s twice my size, stronger,

“Slower, more stupid, less skilful, less stamina, less
will power, lower pain threshold, and he has a lovely
big set of delicate balls. Any man, no matter how big,
or how powerful he is,” said Anne, “can always be
brought down by a girl. All she has to do is kick him
in the balls, hard! Fighting isn’t about size and
strength; it’s about skill, determination, speed and
the ability to think coolly under pressure. You could
beat him all right.

“You’re ready! Even a big powerful guy like Mike is no
match for a girl who knows what she’s doing! I think we
ought to go down to the gym tomorrow before class and
get the two of you in the ring. Think what a lovely
feeling it will be when you’ve got him lying at your
feet, crying for mercy, just like he did when I kicked
the shit out him! I’m so sure you’ll win I’m going to
make Mike an offer he can’t refuse so that he’ll do his
best to beat you, but he won’t succeed!”

Having persuaded Martha into combat, Anne summoned Mike
and told him what was going to happen. “And if you win,
I’ll go away,” said Anne, “and you can have your wife
back.” She took hold of him by the balls and looked up
into the man’s face. “But you’re not going to win, are
you Mikey,” she twisted his balls until his face
contorted with pain, “because your wife is a woman, and
a woman who is a better fighter than you!”


The next day, Mike, naked as usual in the presence of
Anne, climbed into the ring with mixed feelings. He
wasn’t sure if he wanted Anne to go. He found her
domination of him sexually arousing. Although assuming
an air of permanent dejection, Mike had never felt so
alive. The thrill of being punished by an attractive
girl outweighed the humiliation he had to endure at her
hands. The tension and fear as she lined him up to kick
his balls, then the erotic ecstasy of looking up from
the ground at the smooth limbs and curvaceous body of
the girl who had floored him, made the blood course
through Mike’s veins in a way it never had before,
until his cock surged in glorious, rampant erection.

Yet, here was a chance to regain his manhood. If he
beat his lovely young wife, then he could call the

Well, it shouldn’t take long, Mike thought. Martha was
a tiny chit of a girl, 5’5″ and 120lbs. A puff of wind
would blow her over, and she’d always been a gentle,
submissive soul.
Now she stood, in the opposite corner, ready to fight
him, wearing the black cotton briefs he liked most and
a white aertex sports shirt which made her look
positively virginal and extremely vulnerable.

Mike felt his cock begin to rise as he took in the
sight of his sexy little wife in the outfit she knew
turned him on more than any other. He forced himself to
think of the contest and resolved to end this farce
quickly and get his life back.

When Anne gave the signal, he walked purposefully
forward with the intention of grabbing his Elfin-sized
wife in a bear hug and squeezing her into him until she
submitted to his masculine strength.

Martha waited, outwardly coy, yet her stomach churning
with apprehension as the massive figure of her husband
bore down on her. She knew the effect her outfit of
black briefs and white shirt had on him and expected
that he would be reluctant to hurt her. But she
couldn’t believe he’d be so stupid as to leave himself
wide open like this!

As Mike reached out his muscle-laden arms to grab her,
Martha reacted to a situation she’d been in a dozen
times in practice. The girl kicked her husband in his
With a howl of distress, Mike folded over; clutching
his balls, and sank moaning to the canvas.

Martha was shocked by what she’d done. She knelt beside
her stricken mate, full of concern, and put her hand on
his heaving shoulder. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Mike. I didn’t
mean to hurt you, it just happened. Are you all right?”

After the initial shock of the kick to his balls, Mike
recovered rapidly. He was used too much worse treatment
from Anne, so didn’t feel too badly hurt. Now, all he
wanted to do was repay the girl who had hurt him, and
here she was, kneeling beside him, asking if he was all

Mike reached out as though pleading for help. Then, as
the concerned woman went to his aid, he pulled her
frail body into him and wrapped his arms round her
slender waist. “Gottcha!” he cried, triumphantly, as
the girl let out a screech of alarm. “Now give in
before I crush your ribs in!”

For a moment Martha was so furious at her treacherous
husband, that she didn’t appreciate the predicament she
was in. “You rat!” she hissed. “I wanted to help you,
and you pull this dirty… Ow!”

Mike applied some pressure, and brought the girl back
to reality. He had rolled onto his back, and held the
her on top of him, his arms round her body, pinning her
to his barrel like chest so that her head rested under
his chin.

He squeezed her. “You’d better give in, my love,” he
said, not unkindly, “before I break your ribs. I don’t
really want to hurt you, so come on, give!” He applied
more pressure.
Martha’s body went limp. With a grunt of satisfaction,
Mike let go and began to roll her aside. Then she was
on him. Before he knew what was happening, the lithe
young woman thrust herself onto his chest, grabbed the
astonished man by the hair and jabbed her delicate
fingers into his eyes.

There was no mercy now in Martha’s heart. Her husband’s
treacherous attack had awakened all her dormant
aggression. All she wanted to do was hammer the man to
defeat. She balled her tiny fists as Mike screeched in
pain and brought his hands up to his smarting eyes.

Mercilessly, she straddled his chest and smashed
punches into his throat and face, loving the sound of
her female fist smacking into male flesh.

Mike’s arms came up to ward off the girl’s attack and
Martha rolled away and sprang lightly to her feet.

Eyes watering, Mike also tried to get to his feet, but
was much slower than his agile young wife. As he rose
on hands on knees, the pumped up virago drove her foot
into his ribs. Mike’s body jolted with the force of the
blow but he kept coming. The girl caught him again as
he got onto one knee, her foot driving into the side of
his jaw, smashing his large head round to one side,
almost causing him to topple over again. But Mike was
strong. He pushed himself upright into a boxer’s crouch
and tried to focus on the tiny female fury who was
causing all his pain.

“I can be tricky, too, lover boy,” taunted Martha. “Now
you’re going to find out what it’s like to be beaten up
by your wife!” Fists whirling, the deadly young woman
tore into her huge male adversary. This wasn’t her
husband any more. This was an enemy, and enemy to be
destroyed. A man to be conquered by a woman. With
deadly efficiency, she began to take him apart.

Unable to see properly, Mike found it impossible to
counter his wife’s attack. His fists shot out with
awesome power, but they didn’t connect with anything as
the nimble woman ducked and weaved, swayed out of
danger, then struck back with fists like rapiers.

Toe to toe, the fighters waded into each other; two
magnificent specimens of their respective genders. A
huge, powerfully built, broad shouldered male against a
gorgeous, lithe, curvaceous, graceful female. Brute
male strength against female agility. And as they
fought, it was the woman who began to win the battle.

Again and again her punches ripped through the man’s
defenses, while his own attacks floundered on empty

Mike’s arms began to feel like lumps of lead as he
started to tire. Every time his eyes cleared a little
to allow him to focus, a female fist smacked into them,
and everything blurred over once more.

The girls of the self-defense class were arriving now,
chattering and squealing excitedly as they saw what was
going on in the ring. They were just in time to see the
massively muscled, naked male fighter being slowly
driven back before the flashing fists of his diminutive
female opponent.

Anne watched proudly as her pupil and lover maneuvered
her male victim into a corner. Mike was taking hits
from all directions now, and, although none of his
wife’s punches were devastatingly heavy, the cumulative
effect of her blows was considerable. Both the man’s
eyes were puffed up, his top lip was split, a trickle
of blood seeped from his nose and his muscle-slabbed
stomach was a red blotch where her fists had wreaked
their destruction.

Mike was desperate to get away from his wife’s
relentless attack. He couldn’t believe that he was
being thrashed like this by the gentle little girl he’d
married. How could a girl half his size do this to him!
He’d fought dozens of men as big and as strong as
himself in the ring, and never had he taken so much
punishment as he was receiving from the slip of a girl
who was hammering him right now. Ignominiously, he
tried to escape by running along the ropes!

Gleefully, Martha leapt after her fleeing husband and
tripped him before he’d gone three yards. The hulking
great male grabbed at the ropes to stop himself
falling, missed, and crashed to the canvas.

Martha was on him in a flash. Dropping onto his broad,
muscular shoulders, the girl smacked her fist into the
back and side of the man’s neck, looking to strike his
carotid artery to finish him off. Somehow she missed,
then she marveled at her husband’s great strength as he
rose to his knees with her still astride his back,
smashing her fist into his neck as she held onto his
hair with her other hand.

Mike determinedly ignored his wife’s attack as he
caught hold of the top ring rope and began to pull
himself upright. The massive muscles in his thighs
bulged with effort as the powerfully muscled male drove
himself erect, determined to crush the tormenting
female on his back by falling backwards on top of her.

But Martha was having none of it. Realizing she didn’t
yet have enough knowledge to crush his carotid, the
girl leapt from her husband’s back before he could do
her any harm. She also realized that she too was
tiring. The pounding she had inflicted on her husband
had sapped much of her strength.

The man’s massive body had absorbed a terrific amount
of punishment from her fists but he was still upright
and still capable of fighting back. Now she needed to
finish him off. She needed to bring her strong,
smoothly tanned, curvaceous legs into action.

As Mike turned to face her, his guard going up to
protect his head and upper body, the girl drove her
foot with devastating force into his stomach. Muscles,
which had stood out in majestic definition at the start
of the fight, had been pulped by her murderous fists.
They could take no more.

For a moment, it looked as if the huge man was impaled
on the girl’s foot as it sank into his gut. His thick
penis jumped up with the shock of the impact and
slapped against her slender ankle before it flopped
down again to shudder between his mighty thighs. Then,
with a woosh of expelled air, Mike doubled up.

Grabbing his head in both hands as it came down, the
nubile young girl smashed her knee into the bewildered
man’s battered face. The force of the blow jerked
Mike’s body upright for a second. Blood flew from a
broken nose as his huge frame shuddered with the
impact, then he began to collapse.

Like a flash, the graceful woman whirled round, so her
back was towards the stricken male, slid one slim arm
round his neck as his mighty body crumbled, dropped to
one knee, and, using the momentum of his body’s
descent, hauled downwards and sent the massive male
flying in a tangle of nerveless limbs and flopping dick
over her slender shoulder to crash in a heap on the

Martha dropped alongside him and, holding her right
wrist with her left hand used her right elbow as a
cudgel to smash down again and again into his jellied
stomach, accompanying each blow with shout of “yes!
yes! yes!” until he stopped moving.

Mike was sprawled on the floor, winded, unconscious,
legs and arms splayed in the shape of a cross as Anne
and her students cheered Martha as she stood over the
helpless male fighter.

Before Mike’s treacherous attack on her, Martha would
have left the matter there. Now she was determined to
destroy him! Her husband lay helpless at her feet. She,
a slip of a girl, had smashed this big, strong,
powerful, massively built male into ignominious defeat.
She was elated, but she wanted more. She wanted to beat
him so convincingly that he’d never challenge her
again. She wanted to destroy his manhood, destroy his
will to fight, humiliate and humble him before her, a

Sinuously, she sauntered across the ring until she
stood over his naked prostrate body. Her eyes ran over
his magnificent physique, a physique which she’d always
believed to be so superior to her own — that she’d
never considered even to challenge male physical
dominance. Now this magnificent male animal was at her
mercy. She looked down with contempt at his shriveled
penis, knowing how big and bold it had been when she
had played the submissive. Look at it now, she thought
with satisfaction.

The Martha straddled his heaving chest as he began to
recover his senses. Cruelly she picked her spot and
drove her fist into his once handsome, now bloodied
face. She grasped him by the hair, then brought her
clenched fist down like a mallet into her moaning
husband’s mouth. Then she hit him again, and again..

The girls in the audience watched in awe as the sweet
looking little girl, with calm deliberation, smashed
her husband’s face to a battered mess. “You can beg me
to stop, dear husband,” mocked Martha, “and I’ll stop
beating you, otherwise…” Her fist clubbed into an
already broken nose.

“Please stop,” moaned Mike. “I beg you. Don’t hit me
any more.” Tears rolled down his broken face as he
begged his little wife to stop punching him. His brain
was numb with shock. The woman he’d married had smashed
him to defeat in a fight and made him beg her to stop
hitting him.

Now she was standing up. Martha stood over the defeated
body of her husband. She straddled his deep, manly
chest, hands on shapely female hips, her small,
perfectly formed breasts straining against the fabric
of her white halter-top as they swelled with feminine
pride at her momentous victory.

Mike saw her. Through his tears and blood, through
swollen eyes, he looked up at the beautiful vision who
stood in triumph over him and his cock began to swell
in tribute to her beauty and her victory over him.

The young women in the audience laughed and giggled as
they saw Mike’s thick cock swell into a massive
erection as he lay under the feet of his female
conqueror. Someone tittered, “He likes it, hey, Mikey
likes it.” They all laughed at the joke.

Martha realized what was happening and stepped back
from her man’s body.
“Get up!” she ordered.

Slowly, every movement causing him pain, Mike pulled
himself to his feet. “Feet astride, hands on head!”
barked his wife, and Mike knew what was coming.

He wanted to resist, to hurl himself at the little chit
of a girl who was humiliating him in front of all of
these other women, to beat her to the ground with his
mighty fists and re-establish his male supremacy. But
his will had gone. The girl had smashed all the spirit
out of him. A beaten man, he did as the woman

Disgust welled up in Martha as she watched her mighty
husband’s willpower crumble before her own. No one
should just stand there and get beaten without putting
up a fight, she thought, especially a man before a
girl. What a despicable coward lies under all that mass
of male muscle. He’s too scared to try to stand up to
me any more!’

Boldly the girl turned her back on the man who’s will
she had destroyed, knowing that he was totally cowed
and would not even think about attacking her now. She
held her arms up in triumph for the girls to cheer – a
victorious woman who had smashed a mighty man to defeat
and subjugated him to her will.

Then, turning back to her trembling male victim, she
looked up into the battered, tear stained face of her
once respected husband, held him by the bulging muscles
of his biceps and disdainfully smashed her knee into
the terrified man’s dangling balls doubling him over in
pain. She watched as his once magnificent erection
shrunk to a shriveled little noodle as he rolled on the
floor in pain.

Triumphantly, Martha climbed from the ring into her
lesbian lover’s welcoming arms, while her husband
continued writhe in agony, crying into the canvas.

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Mike and Kate Chapter 3 Couples Massage

“Everything ok,” Mike said to Kate. “Not really, the Estate Agent has just said the house has fallen through, the sellers have decided they don’t want to sell anymore," Kate said. “What, really?” Mike said, “Do they not know we sold our house and had to move in with your mom?” “I did tell them but they don’t seem to care,” Kate said. Both Mike and Kate were both shocked, they had not expected this to happen and were looking forward to their new life in a their new house. “We will have...

4 years ago
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Mike and Sam Part 1

Mike and Sam Part 1 -Now and forever- Mike sat at the dressing table he was looking closely at his freshly shaven face, and Sam was laying on the bed just watching. Mike was already dressed in a padded panty girdle, waist cincher, panty hose, and a pretty bra with breast forms, all this gave him a nice feminine figure. He had the padding added to the panty girdle, and it gave him a nice rounded rear with feminine looking hips. Sam smiled knowing what they were going to do...

3 years ago
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Mike and Sam Part 2

Mike and Sam Part 2 - Back home - His parents met him at the airport, and knowing how bad airline food was, they took him out to dinner. While there, he filled them in on everything, well almost everything, that had happened in Japan. And, that he and Masumi were planning on sharing an apartment this school year. They told him what they and the Matsushita's had discussed about them, and they agreed that there was something very special between the two of them. And, they stood...

2 years ago
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Mike Trains a SlutbyColdfinger©Mike smiled to himself as he gazed at the bare ass of his Aunt Beth, u*********sly stroking his hard cock straining against the material of his running shorts. Beth was bent over the big oak desk in his grandfather's office, waiting for ten strokes from the switch that lay on the desk next to her. As he stroked at his cock, Mike reflected on the events that had led to this situation.Mike, now a strapping nineteen year old, had been orphaned fours years earlier...

2 years ago
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Mike Laura The Wedding

Mike & Laura (The Wedding)      It’s my wedding day today, I am looking at my reflection in the mirror to make sure that my makeup is flawless and my hair is perfect. My maid of honor comes in to help to stand up and move since I have a corset on under my gown that is so restrictive I can barely draw enough breath. My breasts are being pushed up by the corset and I also have a chastity belt on with a butt plug attached and a vibrator in my pussy. My maid of honor who will also be my...

4 years ago
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Mike and Sam Part 3

Author's note: A number of people, after reading parts 1 and 2 of "Mike and Sam" have asked for more. The original parts took a long time to write, it was a small labor of love, that also took some research into Japanese culture. Here is a third and maybe final part, I just hope that it's as good as the first two. Mike and Sam Part 3 Miyuki One thing that Mike found changed when he got back to school, was a new Dean of the Psychology Department. It was a Dr. Ruth Halloran....

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How I Became A Ukrainian Love Slave

How I Became A Ukrainian Love SlaveIt was a very warm day in Honolulu, Hawaii. But it wasn?t summer time. It was Autumn. As I stood outside my apartment balcony, I saw her swimming and loitering around with her friends. She was so drop dead gorgeous and was attracted to her.As for who I am, my name is Natasha Romanov. I had immigrated from Kiev to America about two years ago. I am 34 years old; with pale complexion, long black hair, blue eyes, a very slender body and 5 foot 9.  I am also single...

4 years ago
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Mike and Kim

Mike and Kim A “Wittol” is a Confident Cuckold who embraces, shares and will assist.Pure Fantasy inspired by one of my contacts! Hot Wife, Flashing, Upskirts, Exhibition, Mature and Young, Cuckold, Wittol Kim sat glancing young Erik her assistant. He had been permanently hired after his excellent temporary help. She enjoyed the feel of his eyes and the constant innocent blush when she caught him viewing her. Eric was lost in his thoughts, eyes locked on her. It was nearing their lunch hour...

1 year ago
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Mike plans an innocent road trip but his cousin wants more

Note : This story is completely fictional! MF Incest, Samantha-18, Mike-18 Mike had picked up Samantha on hot summer day, both had been planning this road trip for months, and were excited to get on the open road and explore. Samantha and Mike were cousins and both had just graduated from high school, they had always been close, but never anymore than just cousins. The last year had been tough on Sam since her dad had passed away and mo was working allot to keep her from going into debt, Mike...

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Mikes fantasies About his best friends

Before he decided to hit the gym, Mike had gone out for a jog, getting in his usual three miles before he jogged up to the doorstep of Justin's house to ask his best friend to join him for an evening workout, and maybe check out some hot babes while they were there.Mike had been a little surprised that Justin's mother, Lauri, had answered the door."Hey, Miz Beckett," he greeted her."Hi, Mike," she said pleasantly, not failing to look him over.He was one of her son's better looking friends; he...

3 years ago
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Mike and Amy A Real Cuckolding

As Mike turned off highway 64 on to West Mercury Blvd he realized it had been four weeks ago tonight that everything changed with him and Amy. The Friday night Robert came to their house for what was to be just another cuckolding experience like they had done several times before e over the last 7 months. Only one two weeks that in his frustration over the coming of Robert that he met Dan and Laurel online. Life living at the Hampton Manor Motel on Pembroke Avenue over the last four weeks...

4 years ago
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Mikes New Life Amy Robert now DAn a

As Mike turned off highway 64 on to West Mercury Blvd he realized it had been four weeks ago tonight that everything changed with him and Amy. The Friday night Robert came to their house for what was to be just another cuckolding experience like they had done several times before e over the last 7 months. Only one two weeks that in his frustration over the coming of Robert that he met Dan and Laurel online. Life living at the Hampton Manor Motel on Pembroke Avenue over the last four weeks...

4 years ago
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Mike and Beth

Mike was 19, living on his own. He was a medium built man, 5' 11" with dark curly that was shaved on both sides. He had a thin mustache, and wore wired frame glasses. He moved out of his mom's apartment when he turned 18. He needed to get away from his crack whore mom. For a short time, he was staying at his girlfriend's parents house, until their relationship fell through. Then, he moved in with one of his buddies who was looking for a roommate to help pay for rent and stuff. Later, his friend...

2 years ago
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Mike and Sam Part 4

Mike and Sam Part 4 Dr. Ruth's Party Dr. Ruth had taken Miyuki by the arm, and walked with her into the den. As soon as Miyuki saw who was there she stopped in her tracks. There was Masumi, and Dr. Ruth's husband, and Dr. Wolfe, and his wife. Also, there was a Japanese couple. But, what sent chills up Miyuki's spine was the other two people in the room. Those other two, were Mr. Warner, and the psychologist that she had spoken with in Washington. Her name was Dr. Price. Miyuki...

2 years ago
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Mike the tutor

The phone rang. “Hello.” “Hi mike this is mom.” “Oh hey mom what’s up?” “I need a big favor form you. You sisters friend Kristin is falling way behind in her math class. Since you are so good at math I was hoping you could help her.” Not wanting to sound too eager. “You can’t find any one but me? What about Mrs. Cross the lady that helped missy” “She moved a few weeks ago and she was the only math tutor in town. The reason I thought of you was so you could make some extra money on...

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Mike Becomes A Scout

Mike Becomes a Scout ? by: Joney Cunningham Mike didn't really want to go on the camping trip with the Boy Scout Troop his father forced him to join, but her like nature and looking at all the pretty flowers he may find there. Mike was not popular in school, had few friends, and the friends he did have were girls. His father was an ex-football player who was now the coach at his high school, where he was now a freshman. He packed his clothes for the one-week trip in to the...

1 year ago
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Mike A Detective Story

Mike A Detective Story by EmileCopyright 2008.  This is a work of fantasy and the writer does not suggest or condone any particular activities.  You should obey the laws of your juristiction, ie consensual sex between adults. ______________It starts with photos.  A handsome buff chestnut haired guy swaggering off the gym mats, tee balled in his fists to expose his lightly dusted beefy body, arms defined and abs rippling as he walked, only the loose red trackpants hugging the curve of his tight...

3 years ago
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Mike and Kates First Time

One night while Kate was at work Mike decided to go out for a drink with his friends. He met up at the bar with his usual fellas but there was this new guy John who happen to be a mutual friend of someone else. Everyone was laughing drinking and having a good time, but as it got later people were leaving until it was just Mike and John left. Mike asked John if he would like to come over for a few more drinks and to keep talking. John was down with the idea but was way too drunk to drive, and so...

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Mike Laura

I hesitate moving and Karen repeats the order with the addition that if I don’t wear everything she will tell her brother and he will just call off the wedding. I move to the rack and start with the cuffs she hooks them up so my arms are over my head and I feel her move under the gown fastening the leg cuffs she works the racket mechanism and I am stretched tight again. I beg her not to tighten the corset any more the leather and steel it is closed with screws instead of laces and is...

1 year ago
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Mike Radford Accidental HeroChapter 2

Mike stepped out of the closet and noticed that all of his weapons were in a pile on the floor of the closet. He glanced over at the clock on the desk and saw that only fifteen minutes had passed. Cat had told him that would be the case, but it was difficult believe considering that an entire week had passed in Crossroads. He bent down and picked up his gun belt, badge, wallet, and coins from the floor. It took him a couple of minutes to get presentable. Once he was sure that everything was...

4 years ago
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Mike Radford Accidental HeroChapter 4

As he accepted the week’s pay from John Rider, Mike said, “It’s been an interesting week. I won’t say that I loved the job, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.” John said, “I’ve got to admit that I’m shocked that you stayed the week.” “I learned a lot this week,” Mike replied dropping the coins into his money purse. Cat had told him to stay the week regardless of what happened. He wasn’t sure why she had been so insistent, but he followed her instructions and made the best of the...

1 year ago
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Mike Radford Accidental HeroChapter 7

Although it was nearly impossible for Mike to believe, Erica was even more responsive in bed than Cat. The young woman came just from being kissed. He had never thought of himself as having much stamina in bed, but she was unconscious before he was even close to coming. At first it worried him a lot, but he got used to her collapsing on the bed unconscious within a minute of two of him entering her. The solution was to include Cat in the bed so that she could warm him up before he turned his...

2 years ago
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Mike Radford Accidental HeroChapter 3

Mike stepped out of the bank and took his first look upon Chaos. The majority of buildings surrounding the bank were made of stone. Further up and down the road were cheaper wooden structures. The wooden buildings were made of rough cut lumber. Most of the buildings weren’t painted leaving them in various states of decay. The wind shifted bringing with it the overwhelming stench of a distant tannery that nearly made him sick to his stomach. The heavy smoke of burning wood hung heavy in the...

3 years ago
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Mike Radford Accidental HeroChapter 6

Following the Mayor’s suggestion, Mike and Erica decided to spend the night in Kevin’s house. According to the law as pronounced by the Mayor, it was their property. There wasn’t much in the house; just a bed, a table, two chairs, a chest, and some cooking equipment. The shed outside had the tools for running a small farm. The real value of the farm was in the livestock. After looking around the little shack, Erica opened the chest and looked at the contents. There was some cloth, a bundle...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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How Jenna became a slave

How Jenna’s journey as a slave beganJenna had always been brought up as a proper girl. She was shielded by her parents in aspects of her life. Now at the age of 19 she had just gotten her first computer with internet access. She could not wait to go upstairs and use her pc with the internet. But she was stuck helping her mom with the cleaning of the house for her moms work guests that where coming over. Jenna’s mother came into the room at 6:30 and said she could do what she wanted for the rest...

4 years ago
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Mike and MeganFriday

I woke up sometime around 5am well rested, but I felt like I was gonna be sick. Mike was still sound asleep, actually snoring a bit. It was real faint, but definitely a snore. It was kinda funny actually. I couldn't laugh to hard though as I had to pee bad. I untangled myself from Mike as gently as possible trying not to disturb him, then went into the rest room did my business. Must have been all that wine last night, cause I sat there for what seemed like forever. Can the human bladder...

2 years ago
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Mikes First Time

Mike was a good looking young man, s*******n and almost done with high school. The girls fawned over him, he could have any girl he wanted. After all he was a football star and made good grades and his parents had money. Mike's grand parents owned this fancy high class rv park, one of those exclusive parks where all the rvs cost big money and Mike helped out there every summer. But Mike had a secret. Mike had a problem with premature ejaculation. He could beat his meat and all was well but get...

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Mike and Sarah Ch 01

Notes : I am British, the characters are British, set in England in fact the Cotswolds, I use English spelling and terms, none are unusual. The people and places are all fictional but inspired by real life, this is the first part. * Mike Wood had just got back from a disastrous holiday, it was at the coast with friends and there was a major falling out, he returned home after two days away, the rest of his family were away on their holiday, so he had the house to himself. Mike had...

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Mike Ameel and I in the fort

When we were k**s, I was pretty familiar with sucking another guys cock, but never really had a sexual romp with more than one guy. My first time was with Mike and his friend Amil. Mike and I had been sucking each other for several weeks. He was new in our neighborhood. he lived 5 blocks away and we met by accident in the swimming pool showers. I saw him on his knees in front of another teen and i peeked under the stall to see what they were doing. I wasn't shocked but the excitement was unreal...

2 years ago
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Mike and Sarah Ch 02

This is part 2 reading part 1 first is recommended. I have fleshed this out a bit more, but this is quite short compared to part 3. * Sarah was in the bathroom doing her morning routine of toilet then shower. She looked in the mirror, she applied her makeup, she smiled as she noticed a lack of wrinkles, her skin was good. She thought of how much Mike looked like his father Alan. When she was a teenager, Alan was the one man Sarah wanted, but her friend Karen got there first, her friend,...

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Mike was punished by his English teacher

Mrs. Smith saw the amazement of the Mike through his eyes. Without saying any word she gave the pencil back to Mike. Mike was not like the boys of his age. He always gets concentrated with his studies. That was a special new feeling to him. He was not attracted to a woman before. Although it is his teacher he could not be able to resist the feeling on his mind. After the class Mrs. Smith went back to the staff room. She was thinking why his best student looked at her in that way. In the...

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Mike and Lily Naked in SchoolPart 7 Saturday

I was barely awake the next morning when I heard Mom call. "Lily, are you and Mike awake?" "I am," I said as soft as I could. "OK. Your Dad had to go to the office for a couple hours, and I need to hit the grocery store. It's eight o'clock, I won't be back for an hour or so." "OK." I lay back down where I was-with my face all snuggled into Mike's chest-but he had heard the exchange. "Mmmmmmm?" he said. "Hi, sexy," I giggled. His eyes flew open. "Well, hello. What a...

3 years ago
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Mike and Sam Part 5

Mike and Sam Part 5: Back Home, Again The plane landed at about four in the afternoon, and Masumi and Miyuki were met by Miyuki's sister, Ruth. Ruth recognized Masumi right away, but had to look twice at Miyuki. She gave both of them big hugs, and in hugging Miyuki, and said, "Mike, your hair it's so nice, and you are gorgeous." "It's not Mike any more Ruthie. It's Miyuki full time now. And, the hair has some extensions, until mine grows out." "Is mom ever going to be...

2 years ago
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Mike the Gigolo Pt3 Last Stand

Four years into my time as a gigolo with Ron Vincent's business of providing escorts for the mature lady I had acquired quite a reputation. A good number of the clients asked for me on a regular basis.Having said that, I'd had a few occasions which had ensured I kept my feet on the ground. Like the buxom fifty-two-year-old lady, all blue rinse and chins who only wanted cunnilingus but refused to touch me in any way. It made for a very lengthy two hours of dipping my face in wet lard.Then there...

First Time
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How I Became Big Sisters Sex Slave

This all started the summer I turned 18. My older sister, Karen, was home from college for the summer. Karen was 20 and had been away at school for awhile, so at first it seemed weird to be living with her again. Karen and I had always gotten along alright, typical brother and sister stuff, but we were totally different types of people. I'm a tall, skinny k**, kinda quiet and shy. I have a few close friends at school, and I've even had a couple of girlfriends, but definitely no major...

3 years ago
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Mike and MeganWednesday

Evidentially Megan's sister had decided to borrow something to wear to school from her closet and noticed me in her bed with her. That came as a shock to her... a big shock. "Oh my god!" Katie exclaimed at the top of her lungs. This woke me of course... "Ssssh! You don't have to wake the world." I replied. "You're in my sister's bed... I... um..." She said, still shocked. "Yea, so I am." I replied. "WOW, and I thought she was a prude!" Katie replied. All I could do was...

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