Chemistry Ch. 03 free porn video

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I’m sorry it took so long to continue this, but there were various family crises to look after. Anyway here it is. I hope you like it. For those of you who are interested, there will be an end…


After the truck was loaded, we all admitted to being more than a little hungry. I had found a spot on the sofa free of bagged clothes and boxes of bedroom knick-knacks, just big enough to hold one person. I sank into the cushions with profound relief. A moment later, plopping into the inch of space left, was Carol. The items on the sofa forced us into a posture that almost left us cuddled up like long time lovers. With her parents standing not more than five feet from us, it left me a little uncomfortable, but they smiled down on us like they couldn’t be more pleased. We all admitted again to being hungry after all the exertion and decided food was in order. A local restaurant chain was selected and the division of everyone up into groups for the trip began.

Carol’s parents surprised everyone by declining the trip for food claiming a prior engagement, but offering to take Carol’s kid along with them. Carol’s jaw almost hit the floor. Even Karen had a look of shock on her face. Carol stuttered and declined their offer for some reason or another, I forget what it was.

We loaded up then off to the restaurant we went. Carol had her van which was big enough to hold her and everyone else, except Dave and I. That was cool because I needed to talk to someone about what had happened upstairs. I was a little scared of myself after that. I had never felt such overwhelming want for a woman as I had for Carol. Never mind how I was still feeling.

After I had laid it all out for him, leaving nothing out, he gave me the strangest look.

‘Dude. Whats up with you? You act like you never had a woman open your nose before.’ He had a grin on his face fit to bust.

‘Huh? What does that mean?’ I asked.

‘You really don’t know?’ He said. The grin was gone replaced by surprise.

I was still buzzing from the scent of Carol’s skin and the feel of her body writhing in my hands and I really didn’t feel like a riddle. The smell of her sweat, perfume and especially her arousal was still moving through my mind like a soft warming breeze. I still felt dizzy.

‘Come on dude, quit fucking with me. What the hell does that mean’ I asked getting irritated.

He laughed and explained.

‘Man, when you are with a woman that REALLY sets your fire going, don’t you notice how it feels like your nose has suddenly gotten larger? Like you’re getting more air? How you can all of a sudden smell her, and you want more? And there never seems to be enough?’ He said.

‘You get lightheaded, and all that seems to matter is trying to inhale her cause she smells so good?’

I knew just what he was talking about. I had just gone through it. Hell, I was STILL going through it. I couldn’t stop smelling, feeling, tasting her.

‘Whoa! Wait,’ he said. ‘You haven’t! You really never have had a woman get to you on that level, have you?’ He was astounded beyond belief.

‘Dude, if I put you in front of a mirror right now you’d look like one of those cartoon drawings of a bull about to charge. All that’s missing is the smoke coming out.’

‘Well no, I never have had a woman get to me like that. Man, I scared myself how bad I wanted her. Right then and there. I didn’t care about her family downstairs, you, the fact we’re both married. Nothing. The only thing that mattered was getting into her. I think the only thing that stopped me was …she deserves… I dunno… better, nicer somehow.’

He laughed at me. ‘Oh! Nicer huh?’ He chuckled the rest of the way to the restaurant, hardly responding to me. He just kept laughing to himself.

The meal was nothing to talk about. Carol, of course, sat next to me. Her kids across from us. Everyone else spread down the table. All through the meal I could feel her thigh pressed up against mine, and every time I would turn to look at her , our eyes would lock until someone said something to break our concentration on each other. If you asked me ten minutes later what I ate, I couldn’t tell you.

Outside, everyone kind of scattered to their own cars, leaving Carol, me and her kids standing in front of the eatery. Her daughter, who I guessed was around eight, was kind of throwing a tantrum about a candy machine.

‘She act like that much?’ I asked, thinking the kid needed a good spanking to settle her down.

‘She just wants attention. If you give it to her she’s good as gold’ Carol replied, looking up at me through those dark glasses she had put on as we had left the table.

‘What about her mother?’ I asked. ‘Does it work on her too?’

‘Yeah. Pretty much, if it’s from the right person,’ she said.

Somehow, even through the dark lenses I could feel her eyes locked on mine. I could feel that lightheaded feeling coming back.

‘Well, look everybody is waiting on us, so we cant stand here all day. How about I give you my cell number, and if you feel like it you can call me. I really want to know more about you.’ My voice came out a whisper. My throat felt tight. I wrote down my number for her. When I gave it to her, she smiled like a kid that had gotten just what they wanted for Christmas. It made me feel ten feet high. I couldn’t remember the last time I had felt that way. I didn’t want it to end. But it had to.

‘Hey! Would you two hurry up? Take her number! Call her! whatever!’ Dave yelled across the parking lot.

‘Um…yeah. They’re waiting,’ I said still lost in her eyes. (PARGRAPH)

I could pick out the little irregularities we all have, mouth too large, lips too full, cheekbones not high enough, cheeks too round , forehead too high. Intellectually, I knew I had seen, even dated, more physically attractive women, but somehow she was more beautiful than any of them.

I couldn’t kiss her her goodbye with her kids right there, she was married after all. I could see she wanted to kiss too, but we couldn’t. She hugged me a little too long, squeezed my hands really tight, then whispered in my ear:

‘Talk to you soon,’ she said. Funny. Her voice sounded a little rough, too.

So began, what up to that point, was the longest three days of my life. I worked, slept, ate and was generally an a-hole to everybody. I kept thinking to myself that I’d blown it!

My relationship with Barb underwent fairly sharp change. I told her what the doctors had told me. Mainly that she was a mental case, and there was nothing wrong with her except her head was fucked, however, I didn’t word it quite that way.

She denied it of course. She said the doctors were full of it. But the funny thing is, her health began to improve almost immediately. She cleaned up the apartment did laundry, cooked and started to talk about getting a job. All in all it felt like a slap in the face.

There REALLY was nothing wrong with her, just mental crap. I felt so angry I wanted to just scream until I passed out. It hurt in a way I can’t really put into words. Didn’t she care what she had put me through? Whatever guilt I felt about Carol died a quick death. Things got very frosty around the ole homestead. I just couldn’t talk to her. I had nothing to say that wouldn’t be mean, angry or just plain cruel.

Tuesday afternoon, I was at work brooding over Barb, missing Carol and just in general wondering how I’d let my life get so screwed up when the phone on my desk rang.

‘ Erebus , inventory control. This is Cameron,’ I answered.

‘Well. Don’t you just sound full of joy?’ That smoky voice cut right through whatever I was thinking and suddenly my lungs weren’t big enough to hold all the air I was taking in.

‘Carol?’ I choked out.

‘Mmm hmm,’ she said.

‘What’s the matter? Not happy to hear from me?’ she asked. I could hear the giggle in her voice.

I bowed my head and thanked every god I could think of. I don’t think I had realized until that moment how much I had really missed her.

‘So……I called. Now the ball’s in your court. What are you going to do?’ she asked. God, she sounded good. I could hear how happy she was. There’s something in the pitch or timbre of a voice, you can tell when someone is truly happy to talk to you. I felt it. In spades. She was as glad to hear my voice as I was to hear hers.

My voice dropped, all by itself. It sounded strange in my own ears.

‘I want to see you,’ I said.

Maybe I imagined it, but her voice seemed to deepen as well when she spoke next. It went right through me, straight to my heart, and groin.

‘Abso-fucking-lutely!’ she said.

We made a date for the following Saturday. We’d meet, have lunch, and talk about whatever was between us. I couldn’t wait. It filled my head for the next three days.

Saturday in June. Bright, sunny, warm and beautiful. We decided to meet in a small part of the suburbs that was kind of an open air park walk. About two miles of shops, restaurants and bars. Great for people watching, and completely anonymous. We’d meet at the coffee shop on the corner.

I got there about an hour early. I just couldn’t sit home and let Barb stare at me with her sad eyes.

Carol was already there, sitting in the window reading a paperback book. I stood outside of the window for at least ten minutes. I just stood and watched her, feeling my heart speed up, my breathing get shallow.

I finally went inside and she looked up at the sound of the door closing. Her face lit up in one of those smiles I was beginning to love so. She stood up and hugged me. As soon as we moved apart I filled my hand with her hair and covered her mouth with mine. She melted against me and I felt her hand slide across the back of my head, pulling me hard against her.

Her purse, her book and my keys all hit the floor and the world went away. Once more the only things that existed were her smell, the taste of her mouth, the feel of her in my arms. We only broke apart when the sound of the managers disapproving throat clearing got loud enough to break into our kiss.

We couldn’t find anywhere that could put up with our behavior so we ended up sitting in her van cuddled up in a corner of the front seats. She was sitting with her back to me, her hair in my face and the warmth of her body pressing against me. My hands rested on her stomach and my fingers were entangled with hers.

It was already a hot day. Even with the side doors of the van open, it was sweltering. Neither of us wanted to move. We talked about everything, from her first time to our respective train wreck marriages. Nothing was off limits. Nothing too personal. I told her things about me no one knew and I found out things she never admitted to anyone. It was wonderful, not having to hold back with someone.

Some time after we had been sitting there, I noticed her throat inches from my mouth. I began to watch the muscles move as she talked. So smooth and soft looking. I leaned over a little and kissed her right behind her ear.

Looking down over her shoulder, I saw her nipples pop up like the timers on a turkey. I swear. One minute smooth cotton blouse, the next it looked like she was smuggling bullets. They drew my hands like magnets. I cupped both of her breasts in my palms and closed my fingers over her nipples. When I twisted them like winding the stem on a watch, she almost came off the seat.

‘OOOOHHHH!’ she moaned in a long drawn out breath.

I closed my mouth back on her neck and she twisted in the seat so she was almost on my lap. I twisted her nipples again and she ground her ass into my lap, where all of a sudden there was an eight inch pipe sticking up. She felt it and pushed back on it for a minute until she spoke.

‘We can’t. We’re in public,’ she said between gasps. I tortured her nipples and licked her neck from her collarbone to the back of one ear.

Her legs were opening and closing like she was fighting to keep them closed. She raised her hips up in an attempt to get off my lap. I reached down with one hand and cupped her mound and pulled her back onto my lap. I could feel the heat coming through her panties and pants.

That ‘other’ me had taken over again. I reached back, got a handful of her hair and turned her to face me. I still had a handful of her pussy and her legs had just stayed open.

‘I can feel how hot you are,’ I said. ‘Are you wet too?’

‘Wet and pulsating,’ she answered.

I could feel her entire crotch under my hand as I rubbed up and down gently. Her eyes fluttered and her mouth dropped open when I passed over her clit. I stopped rubbing for a moment and her eyes opened.

‘We…we’ll get caught…someone will see.’ She gasped as my hand started moving again.

‘So what?’ I replied. ‘Let ’em take notes.’ I kissed her again then gently squeezed her clit between my fingers.

She quivered, her tongue stopped moving in my mouth as her body went rigid and she came, sitting there on my lap. Her moans went into my mouth right down my throat and straight to my dick. I can’t remember ever being that hard.

Her eyes opened and looked into mine. The part of me she had awakened spoke.

‘Why did you let me do that’? My voice said. ‘Why did you let me make you cum out here in front of anyone who cared to look?’

‘ I don’t know. It just….’ she trailed off as she looked into my eyes.

‘Because you belong to me Carol. Look into your heart.,’ I said pulling her to me as slow as my arm would move, giving her plenty of time to pull back if she wanted to. She didn’t.

‘You. Are. Mine,’ I said punctuating each word with a kiss on her lips, her face, her neck. She went limp in my arms, just her mouth working on mine.

‘Who do you belong to?’ I asked.

‘You,’ she said and kissed me. ‘But also…’

She looked at me and got a funny little grin on her face then reached under her and grabbed my dick. Not hard, but it was a firm grip.

‘You belong to me too,’ she said, and I realized she was right. Her hand moved up and down my dick through my jeans and it felt better than any sex I’d ever had.

The next thing I felt was my zipper going down. She scooted back to her seat and I felt a warm hand close over the shaft and pull it out through my zipper. My dick felt like it would explode if she kept touching it for even another second.

The world went white and I saw stars as her wet lips slid over the head. It was my turn to rise off the seat, flexing my hips. My entire dick slipped down her throat. It only took her about three strong sucks and I came. Lord I came. It felt like the end of my dick blew off. She grabbed the sides of my jeans and pulled me hard into her mouth, whimpering as I shot wad after wad down her throat. It felt like it would never end. She sucked and swallowed, then sucked some more.

When I was drained, I lay back like a wounded bear. She put my dick back in my pants, zipped me up, then patted it lovingly. She stopped.

‘Why are you still hard?’ she asked in amazement.

‘Because I want you,’ I said.

She still had a small spot of my cum on her lower lip. I didn’t care, I pulled her to me and kissed her, tasting my own cum for the first time mixed with the taste of her mouth. That kiss went on until a cop knocked on the side of the van…

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Acting as a Cleaning Lady An Unfinished Story by Susannah Donim Dave, now Maria, begins earning his pay as a cleaning lady. It turns out not to be as bad as he expected. Chapter 3 - Maria's First Job At half-past seven on Monday morning, Sally and I - that is, Sally and Maria - rang Dorothy's doorbell. We'd already apologised for having to be here this early, but Sally had to be at work by eight-thirty. It was a chilly morning so I was wearing dark glasses, my...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Vacation Chapter 21

Chapter XX I   Mike having recovered from his sexual bout with Janice went looking for his wife. Upon entering the master bedroom he was greeted with the sight of Carol, naked on all fours with Ed, who was propped up against the headboard with a pillow behind his head and Terri laying next to him with her eyes closed. Carol was giving Ed one her best blowjobs as she knelt between his strong black legs sucking his cum coated cock attempting to bring life back into the thick black member....

3 years ago
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Junior Year Part IIChapter 18 Thunder

Miranda getting out of bed woke me up. When the shower started, I followed her into the bathroom. She’d just started to wash her hair when I stepped in behind her. “Let me,” I said. She had a shampoo-and-conditioner-in-one that smelled like strawberries. I put that away and got out my supplies. Someone needed to educate this poor girl. Mine smelled of ginger. Adrienne had turned me on to Paul Mitchell’s Awapuhi, or Wild Ginger, shampoo and conditioner. I used it during the winter months to...

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Kafe Klutch with a flavor

Kafe Klutch with a flavor……. It was just before Christmas and had been awhile since my girlfriends and I had gotten the opportunity to get together. You know how everyone is always busy during this season. So, I had asked the girls over for coffee and freshly baked Spritz cookies since they were always a big hit and seemed to disappear into mid-air. Micha was busy that evening which had sorely cut into our time for each other, and I was beginning to feel a little lost, frustrated, and even...

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My College Years Part 1

I applied to five different colleges and got five acceptance letters back. My grades where very good and my SAT scores were as well. I could have gone to a much better school than I did, but my Father’s pocket was my main concern. I decided on a well known state university that will remain anonymous. Needless to say it was a large school that was then well known for partying. Believe it or not I was the only one who did not know this at the time. My parents followed me to the...

4 years ago
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My wife and I often spend the winter in the south where it’s sunny and warm. We were to return home at the end of March. However, my wife caught a flu and we decided we would stay until the end of April when she‘d be strong enough to travel. Mid-mornings when she is napping, I walk to the coffee shop about a block away. It’s never very busy and I usually get to chat with the Lee’s. They are an attractive young married oriental couple who work there. She waits tables and he is a cook. If you...

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DreamweaverChapter 15 Complications

I was sitting at the desk, Allison standing behind me when Bob and Rebecca walked in. I had already cleaned us up and wiped all outward signs of what had just happened between Allison and me. As usual, they had met in the lobby and come in together. I didn't wait for them to say anything, "So how bad is it?" They stopped in the entryway for just a moment before moving to sit down. "Bad enough," Rebecca said. "An envelope was delivered to my office yesterday. It contained a letter from...

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Logan Ch 05

No more than a day had gone by since that night then the town car pulled into the driveway again. Will saw it first and went downstairs, sighing to himself as Logan slipped out the door to meet Jack half way. Will sat by the window, watching the scene. ‘Jack, get back in your car and leave.’ ‘Logan, stop being unreasonable,’ he said, approaching her as he took her hand in his and kissed it. They were so close then that Will couldn’t make out what they were saying. After exchanging many...

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The Reprimand

When you wake up 30 minutes late, your car won't start, and you show up to work soaked, you know it is going to be a bad day. I am totally irritated with this day! To make matters worse, I have to work with my uptight, boring, by the rules boss, Malcolm. I mean he is so uptight, that if you stuck a lump of coal up his ass, you would have a diamond in about 2 days. I trudge into the office, glaring at any and every body that dared to look sideways at me. Even my best friend, Valerie, stayed...

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A Simple AffairVic and Cheryl

It has been one year since my divorce from Elaine was final. A lot has happened since then, so let me fill you in on all of the changes. First off, Cheryl and I couldn't be happier. We are deeply in love and it shows in everything we do. We talk about everything, we go to movies, galleries and museums and there are always subtle displays of affection flashing like sparks between us. Our sex life has been great since I moved in and now we are beginning to experiment. Cheryl has some things she...

Love Stories
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Rough Trade

Before you start...this is quite a long story, but please have patience. Thanks. Cindy’s ice blue eyes stare deep into mine, a rock solid, unflinching gaze. I get the impression she is not going to deliver good news. “Rob, I won’t hold back, you’re a dear friend and I care about you. I think your accounts are a wreck, and your projected figures for the next year do not inspire confidence at all. If I am brutally honest, your business might not even be around for that long anyway.” Talk about...

Group Sex
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Debbie does the Avenue

As she slid into the shower her mind was racing as to how she would get some sex that day. The boyfriend was out- he was a year older than she but he was really immature and often would prefer to hang out with his corner boys than to be with her and have sex. That became old real fast! She decided to go for a stroll down The Avenue and try to attract a more mature male, one who would appreciate her more than the dopey boyfriend. To aid in the process she decided to leave the bra out of her...

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Colleen Brother Dan

Oh, God, he's taking it out again! I shifted to get a better look as my older brother Dan began peeling out of his speedo and releasing his big, fat cock. Damn, I sure wish it were my hands in stead of his sliding up and down that cock. But that would be incest and wrong, but I don't see why. I was spying on my brother again. My voyeurism started when I was eight years old and I accidentally got a good look at my ten year old brother's "thing," as I called it then, when he crossed from...

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Holding OnChapter 2

It was a two mile walk from the Los Angeles bus station to Danny's second story efficiency apartment. Danny had only been living there for two months, ever since he'd gotten a new job, delivering parts for an independent auto parts store based in the neighborhood. The owner of the auto parts store was a big fight fan, and had offered Danny a job when he found out that Danny was looking for some part time work. The two had first met in a neighborhood bar, one that Danny had just begun...

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Mein Leben als Dmon

Seit meinem 18 Geburstag fühle ich mich total anders. Im Laufe von nur wenigen Wochen bemerke ich das ich aussergewöhnliche Fähigkeiten bekommen habe. Ich kann mich unsichtbar machen, durch Wände laufen oder die Psyche von anderen Menschen manipulieren. Eine meiner coolsten Fähigkeiten ist es wohl mich in einen 2,15 meter großen Dämon zu verwandeln mit dunklen, aus einer Art Nebel bestehenden Flügeln. Als Dämon bin ich nur mit einem Lendenschurz bekleidet um wenigstens ein wenig Privatsphäre zu...

Mind Control
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Searching for Love Ch 07

‘Caitlin, you can’t do this!’ Jessica exclaimed as she watched her friend frantically throwing clothing into a duffel bag. ‘That psycho whore has my mother and Craig! I have to do this,’ Caitlin said as Danny strode into the room. Jessica had called him the moment Caitlin had left the kitchen to go pack her stuff. ‘Caitlin, you need to stop for a minute,’ Danny said, pulling Caitlin away from the bed. He held her hands tightly as she struggled to free herself, but Danny was stronger and...

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Carl Carla and Hannah Part 3

Hannah released my hair and left me on my knees as I gasped for breath. My throat felt sore from the fucking she’d given it with her dildo, and my legs trembled beneath me. I hoped that I had done enough to satisfy her, but with the rest of the weekend still ahead I knew deep down that there would more ordeals to come. As she got back onto the bed, she told me to go and get her breakfast. As I went to reach for my dressing gown from behind the door, I was told to leave it and put hers on...

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Milking Time B2 Chapter 6 The Inquisition Part 2

Chapter 6: The Inquisition Part 2After her ordeal with Ebony, Jordan staggered to the shower and cleaned herself off, enjoying the cleansing feeling of the water cascading down over her body. Emerging from the stall, she found a note from Tiffany left on her clothes. Jordan: Congratulations on making it through your test with Ebony with flying colors. I can tell that now there'll be no stopping you from reaching your goal. Your next test will be with Clyda. Come and see me in my quarters...

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PetuniaChapter 15

The next day, the fifth of her training, marked a change. The first thing she noticed was that he let her walk. On her feet. And shower and get clean with warm water. He even helped dry her off. She cried. Everything made her cry now, if it didn't make her cum. She stared at the food on her plate. She was sitting at the table with Mr. Smith. She kept her hands in her lap until he said she could take a bite. He allowed her to use the fork. She chewed the savory food slowly, relishing the...

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The Spell

May be posted at any free site. The Spell A dabble by Ellie Dauber Copyright 2001 Three identical women stood in the room, staring at one another. ?It worked,? the first one said. ?That spell works.? ?I?ll say,? the second one said. ?We match down to that thread on the sleeve of our blouses.? ?It?s hard to believe that two of us are really guys,? the third said. ?We know the spells work, now we can use them to get rich.? ?Yeah, but two of us need to change back...

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Fairy Things will be great when were Downtown

Things will be great when we're downtown... When it comes down to it, skid row is a state of mind rather than an actual place. It is where people go to be away from all society, and even there you can't escape it. Where the needle or the smoke or the bottle is your only friend, and everyone else is a blur. Weather is rain falling on you, snow gently covering and freezing you. The sun baking you and night having it's own terrors. During the winter they flock to mental institutions, and...

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Spanking My WifeChapter 2 Wife Spanked at Work Too

“We need to schedule some time together with Robert (the owner of the company Sherri works for) to discuss punishments for your behavior at work as well as discussing a dress standard for you at the office.” I stated it as a matter of fact rather than a question. “That might be interesting, I’ve always thought that he was a bit of a dirty old man.” Sherri didn’t seem to be protesting at all. She logged in to her work email and scheduled an appointment with Robert. Monday morning we met with...

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Niomis TearsChapter 8

Niomi was kept busy upon Arora's return, her only respite during the day as at night she was first compelled to entertain her husband and then, once he was asleep, to steal into her son's room and provide him with carnal amusement until the early morning hours when she would again slip back into their bedroom and lie beside Arora until he awoke. It was obvious that Hyota was enjoying her discomfort and unease as well as her descent into self loathing. She no longer questioned her moniker...

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NubileFilms Scarlet Red Love Making Love

Isiah Maxwell is waiting for Scarlet Red to be finished getting ready to go out, but when his blonde lover struts into the room wearing a matching bra and thong there’s no question about going anywhere. Isiah watches as Scarlet does a lusty dance for his pleasure, and then pulls her close when she approaches the bench where he’s sitting. Soon his hand is firmly planted between Scarlet’s legs as they kiss so that he can pleasure her from top to bottom. Dropping to his knees,...

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Sarah Part Eleven

We sat on the leather chair in the living room a while, me still recovering from a long and intense orgasm, Sarah nestled in my lap, cum still on her face and tits. As I recovered, I played softly with Sarah’s nipples, lightly pinching and pulling on them. I like to run my fingers lightly around her nipples when they are hard, and then roll her nipple between my fingers and thumb. Sarah likes it and I like hearing the little moans of pleasure she makes when I do it. As I continued to recover,...

2 years ago
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Hottest Sex Sex Forever

Hey guys this is Varun regular reader of this site ant me am from Hyderabad living at Vizag for my job. About me am an average built guy with 5.8height and 7inch dick used to dream about the stories which were presented in this site as i used to think them as fake since the day i have experienced mine i started believing them. Let me come to the story the name is Sandhya all the named mentioned here are fake whom i met in Facebook as it was Sunday most boring day of my life, i was surfing on fb...

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Futas Wild Passion 02 Sisters Futa Shower Fun

Chapter Two: Sister's Futa Shower Fun By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! This was such a wild day. I knelt between my little sister's thighs, licking her eighteen-year-old deflowered twat clean of my futa-cum. I shuddered, my new clit-dick throbbing, hard and aching as it swung between my thighs. My pussy cream dribbled down it while I feasted on Allie's fresh cunt. Her light fuzz of fiery pubic hair tickled my lips as she...

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Gallus Nigrum Ch02

It was early afternoon. Diane Lin ran her fingers through her long black hair as the warm water hit her face. She had just swung by her home to take a hot shower before returning to work. Mmm… Diane ran her hands over her small breasts. She could still feel the strong hands of the black man she had just pleased. His big cock had felt so good in her tight pussy. As her fingers reached her pussy, Diane could feel some creaminess flowing out. The black man had emptied his big balls inside of her....

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Becoming Daddys Good GirlChapter 9 Bratty Sister Transformed

Alice trembled before me while Daddy’s commands echoed through the hall: “Get in here and get across my lap. You need discipline, too, young Lady.” Such powerful words. I lifted my face from between Alice’s butt-cheeks, the sour flavor of her ass lingering on my lips. My sister and I had just gotten home from spending the day with my friend Sun at the park. It was my task, given to me by Daddy, to get Alice so horny and excited she would be ready for the next phase in Daddy’s plan to...

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Crissy Adams squirmed in bed and sighed. She opened her eyes and squinted against the morning sun shining in through the curtains of her bedroom window. "Oooooh," she murmured softly, gliding her hands under the sheet. A hot shiver swept over her hot virgin body as her hands settled on her small plump tits. Her nipples hardened and a tremor in her pussy made her hips jerk. Eager and hot, she kicked off the sheet and pulled her pink baby-doll nightie from her lithe virgin...

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